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Author Topic: Koei's Writing Farm: The Mr. Moonlight’s Curse? (may-17-2013)  (Read 34098 times)

Offline Koei

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First post ever on  :jphip: ... Well... my introductions aren't the best in the world but... I guess one would begin with one right ???  Well ... My dream is to be a writer that's able to move a reader's heart... even a single reader satisfies this desire...

I may not be the best at grammar nor literature but I think that with hard work and a lot of love... one can achieve even more than they have ever dreamt. So with the moderators' blessings I will begin to scatter seeds of dreams that I hope will become plants of hope.

 :bow: Please forgive any mistakes in these posts and I shall be in your care.  :bow:

Without further ado: I bid you  :welcome to:

 Koei's Writing Farm
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 01:50:36 AM by Koei »

Offline Koei

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 08:32:38 PM »
As the first seed on this farm, please help me care for:

My hidden treasure

These last few months everybody’s been pestering me about it. I can’t say that it’s completely my fault… but I tend to follow you every time you sneak off and recently you’ve been doing that a lot. Being near you and watching you whenever you’re alone are my little hobbies…or as everyone else calls it: my obsession.

And there you go again picking up your belongings… oh wait everyone’s staring again let me take out my mirror and pretend I was thinking of watching my reflection for the hundredth time today because trust me; I don’t intend to let everyone know about this little secret of mine. Glancing besides my mirror I notice they’re still suspicious so I resort to my emergency backup plan. –“You’ve done it again! You’re as cute today as you are every day!” And that does it; they have turned their backs to me uninterested… Thank you high self esteem: you’ve done it again. But what’s this? Where are you?

To find you I do the unimaginable: I run towards your destination. Yes, I know: RUN... because that won’t raise anyone’s suspicions. As I run through the building I follow the mental map that has led me to you countless times before. And here you are, in your own space inside this big complex world that harbors all of HP idols. As I stand in front of the door I laugh at the irony since, coincidentally, it’s marked with an X in front to try and prevent people from entering. But my own little map marks it as the place containing my treasure…my hidden treasure.

Opening the door I silently walk behind the boxes that once filled the center of the room but that the staff has now moved to the sidelines to leave you your own little spot. In here I can sit comfortably and watch you practice your dancing and singing and nothing is hidden thanks to the mirror that covers the whole wall and reflects every part of your body as well as my dreamy smile… wait… I’m not supposed to see myself!!

Somebody moved the boxes!! Letting me see my own reflection in this mirror: dang it!!! …I truly can’t believe I’m saying this because I love my own reflection in any mirror… but since it implies the possibility of being discovered by you whilst I’m spy… well…observing you then I truly hate this mirror!!! Ok, don’t panic just silently move to the side and conceal yourself…there! Now I can calmly see that you are finishing your stretches, movements that prepare you to convey your innermost and raw feelings in song.

As the music you brought begins to play; your body starts swaying back and forth as you move your curves along the melody. As the tune continues, the fruits of my labor begin to come to life. I experience the transformation you never notice.

 Like a phoenix born from the ashes; your doe eyes, usually lost in their own world, begin to glow a passionate and fiery blaze of dedication that sucks one in before being swept away by your flight that brings me into your own world. I find myself captivated by your movement and your eyes as you continue your routine in this small and secluded room envious that your fans get to see you like this every time you perform. But at least I can get this special treatment your talent offers; when the music changes to a tune that belongs to your music player you take flight and take me with you to roam the undiscovered realm that is improvisation led by your passionate determination.

When I find myself at the peak of excitement a sudden noise prompts the mayday in our flight and I begin to plummet out of this world you guided me into and my heart wrenches in pain, the pain of being sucked away from your warm guidance. A pain that compares the separation from the mother’s womb, that’s how I feel when you get interrupted by this dreaded thing called time. As I open my eyes I am back in this real and somewhat empty world, my heart not quite forgetting the ecstasy brought on by you.

Through the mirror I see the same pain in my heart plastered in your eyes and dreadfully you begin to pick up your belongings to leave for the day. Still sitting at the same place waiting to fully regain my senses; a lone tear travels down my cheek and as I silently look towards the mirror I see your reflection looking straight at me with that same tear traveling down your cheek. That sight convinces me that not only are you my secret treasure but that: you are the one I need.   

-The end-

Offline kuro808

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 09:18:32 PM »
I am going to assume Sayu/???? although the pairings in this one I care less for as I like the writing style :thumbsup
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Koei

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 11:59:20 PM »
@Kurosawa87: Thank you for reading Kuro-sama! the pairing is Sayu/ Ai. I hope there's a story that brings foward your favorite pairing. I shall work hard. Thank you for your support. (oh and for the thank you as well)

@rndmnwierd and nighell: Thank you for the thanks... If that even makes sense. Also for your support.


And now I shall bring you a new seed... A little different from the previous one but... that's the meaning of new right??? Please forgive any mistakes.  :bow:

As a second seed I bring you:

I’ll never live this down

Dance practice was finally over after a gruesome 3 hour run and the only energy left in the tired idols was used to sprawl across the dance floor panting and sweating.

“Ok guys. We have an hour to rest before voice lessons begin.” The tiny leader gently addressed her tired group mates.

‘I should listen to the music for our new single and get acquainted with it before voice lessons.’ Those were the thoughts a tired kitten had in mind as she rummaged through her bag for a specific music playing device. ‘Ah, here it is!’ She smiled triumphantly to herself as she took out her CD player. Yes CD player, it was no secret that she wasn’t so technologically talented and this American model took her a long time to master before becoming her personal slave.

Putting on her headphones and pressing play a frustrated groan resounded in the studio when she noticed the CD she was intending to listen at the moment wasn’t there. ‘Oh great technology! How you manage to fail me every time!’

“You know Reina, if you stay behind technologically the more it fails you.” Ai’s kind voice startled the girl from her thoughts as she took off her headphones and placed the device in her bag.

“We’re not all like you Ai. For some of us technology is a nightmare on our everyday lives.” Reina playfully replied her tech-savvy leader who only managed to squirm under the girls poking.

“Tell you what; I’ll lend you my iPod the whole hour since I’m not going to use it. Knowing you as I do I’ll put the song you want to hear, which judging from that groan earlier I’m sure it’s the new single, right?” Ai asked Reina who just nodded at hearing the mumble jumble that was technology taught by Ai. “Here you go it’s locked and on repeat so you won’t have trouble with it.” Ai placed the device on Reina’s hand who in turn cradled it like a newborn baby.

Looking like a dear in headlights Reina almost screamed at her friend. “I won’t break it this time Ai! I promise!” Smiling, the leader lovingly patted the kitten’s head. “I hope not… for your sake.” The small threat didn’t go unnoticed by Reina even though it was hidden beneath the giggles emitted by the leader.

Play, repeat, play, repeat. That was the process for about 15 minutes before Reina decided she needed a break.

“Reina-chan~! Wacha… !!!!!!!! Oh my cuteness admired by the whole world what is that?!?” An astonished bunny pointed at the device that was gently cradled in the kitten’s hands. The dozing turtle besides her opened her eyes as well when she saw said device. Reina’s wonky eye twitched while she pondered whether or not to answer the bunny’s rude question. “If I’m not mistaken it’s an iPod, now leave me alone.” As the bunny pouted at her friend’s mocking reply, Eri noticed just whose iPod Reina held cautiously in her hands. “I knew this was too good to be true. That’s Ai-chan’s right?” Reina knew she was caught red handed and just nodded her head as she mentally prepared herself for the incoming jokes.
“Are you crazy!? Where on Earth did you find Ai-chan’s iPod and what are you doing with it?!?” Sayumi all but screamed as Eri giggled at her reaction. “Well just for your information I’m listening to it because Ai-chan lent it to me herself: on-her-own-accord.” Eri and Sayumi looked at each other and began to laugh their heads off which in turn made Reina pout.

“That’s so funny Reina, Ai-chan wouldn’t be crazy enough to do that without proper protection against the technological cavewoman you are!!!” Sayu commented in between giggles as Eri’s tears fell from laughing so hard. “Here, let me see… hehe you’re right Sayu, she locked it! And it’s even password protected!” Eri’s laughing fit exploded once again as she showed the iPod to Sayu. “Poor Ai-chan, she’s resorted to such extreme measures after the incident that emotionally scarred her for life!” Reina’s wonky eye twitched at that last statement as Sayumi and Eri laughed the loudest they have in the whole of this argument.

“You guys will never let me live this down will you?” Reina pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. The action caused the laughing girls to sit besides the kitten and pat her head.
“Oh Reina… but how could we? Destroying Ai’s ‘techy’ devices is your natural talent.”

“Yeah like Eri said. But hey, isn’t this the iPod you bought with her on her birthday?”

“I think so Sayu… she did owe it to her since she broke the other one.”

Reina blushed at the mention of the incident that occurred 5 months ago…


“Whoo!! Shabondama!” Reina sang at the top of her lungs as she bobbed her head to the beat of her first single as a member of the group, no matter how many years go by and how many singles come out; that one held a special place in her heart. Moments later a tech-savvy girl entered the room whilst the kitten was singing and looked at the figure appalled.
Strangers would have deduced that this was the first time she has seen this kitten dance and sing in her own little world, but the people who knew them would conclude that the reason for Ai’s shock wouldn’t be because she was staring at the tiny kitten, but because of the small object in Reina’s hand.

Feeling the burn one gets when being stared at Reina stopped and looked behind her only to find a wide-eyed and mouth hanging open Ai. “Whut?! Can’t a gurl dance and sing aloud?” The kitten’s accent slipped a little but Ai couldn’t care less as she pointed directly at the CD player in Reina’s hand. “Where on…no: WHY are you still using that dinosaur Reina?! I mean, I like all sorts of old and new technology and electronics but this specific one is one of those we should let go of and put to rest to take care of the memories given by it… not use it.”

“Ai don’t you dare try convert me into your tech cult! Because I won’t forgive you if you do!” Reina playfully threatened as she held onto her CD player for dear life. A sigh escaped Ai’s lips as she placed the earbuds on Reina’s ear and pressed play. “Look Reina, you can listen to music, store photos, play videos and games. Just please, just this once let me teach you and invite you to the future.”

Half of Ai’s speech didn’t register on Reina’s mind but she still nodded absentmindedly to Ai’s little request. Sure it wasn’t easy to convince the Tanaka Reina of something, especially if it involves one of: ‘Takahashi Ai’s cults’, as the members called them. But this small leader knew the perfect tool to convince this particular kitten… without using her charms; she used her mind instead and played a particular video of the “Takara Tomy’s Sugar Bunnies Chocolate Fountain” commercial.

And that certainly did the trick because Reina discarded the CD player in her hand and held the little device that, unbeknownst to her, was a hypnotizing mechanism used by her leader. Ai’s giggles became louder when the kitten sat down and began to drool. ‘Ok that video lasts 50 seconds, but since Reina has just found the repeat button then I should have time to leave for a minute and get my bag.’

“Ok Reina, I’ll be right back I’m going to look for my bag.” Reina didn’t really listen to her leader but still nodded her “approval” as Ai innocently left the room to grab her bag.

Little did Ai know that Reina would forget where the repeat button was as the video wound up to its end. She also didn’t expect that a certain manager would keep her away from her iPo…Reina…for ten more minutes. When she finally managed to get back to the room:
Takahashi Ai would never be the same ever again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Haha! Remember how pale and broken Ai-chan looked as she trudged towards the dance studio with her iPod in her hands?”

“Oh my gosh yes! Gakihan had to hold her up afraid that she would faint right there!”

The girls began to laugh so loudly that everyone in the room began to stare at them. Reina’s cheeks were tainted a deep red from embarrassment both at the memory and the current stares from her group mates.

“I mean who would have thought she wanted to see a chocolate fountain commercial again and again but couldn’t find the playback button!”

“Haha! I can just picture her drooling face and crazy fingers tapping randomly at the screen yelling ‘Ooga-ooga! Chocoretto-ooga!’

“I know! Poor little iPod she put it in such a state that it couldn’t be even saved by the repair guys!”
“You guys realize I’m still here right?” Reina growled at her fellow Rokkies. “Besides I got her one for her birthday, and a new model to! So I think she’s forgiven me.”

Both girls looked at Reina and began giggling. “That’s not the point. I remember Ai-chan wouldn’t talk to you for days and would look worried even if you held the T.V remote!”

Reina finally broke and her giggles began to fill the room as she recalled the funny memories of that time. “You know guys. I’ve learned the most important lessons of my life:

     1)Always be careful around Ai’s things.
     2)Never even touch Ai’s electronics without permission and precise instruction from Ai herself.

As the three Rokkie members’ laughter began to fade; all their gazes locked on the device in Reina’s hand when suddenly the screen went completely green making them all go wide eyed.

“Oh no! Not again!”

-The End- ... Of the story... not Reina's... I hope  :nervous

PS. The video Reina watched on Ai's iPod truly exists. Be sure to check it out!

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 12:03:05 AM »
I like this one-shot too as for favorite pairings.... it may be a challenge, if you do figure it out :nervous (I rarely write about it, but one story should give you the key)  Good Job!
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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 03:51:52 AM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol: Reina~!

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 07:32:14 PM »
@kurosawa87: I shall find your favorite pairing !!! BURNING DETERMINATION MODE: ON !!! Also. thanks for reading! greatly appreciated!
@rndmnwierd: Your gleeful expression brings me joy. Arigato for commenting!
@kawaii beam: thank you for reading! when there's a story you really like feel free to comment!

Mood: I'm getting new readers everyday !!!  :cow:


3 days and a new seed... Am I posting too quickly ?? Well doesn't matter I'm still gonna do it.  :grin:

I bring to you the 3rd...umm  well not really... its mostly a short summary of one I may post here with a couple of parts... Hope you like it and comments are greatly appreciated ! Take care and enjoy your reading! (even if this is after all: just a short summary):

Love is anything but “NORMAL”

Growing up, one would call “normal” a girl’s dream of being the beautiful princess that gets rescued at the end of every fairytale and lives happily ever after alongside her dashing prince in a magnificent castle.

But, what about those girls that, instead of dreaming to be the princess, live everyday trying to find out how to be the dashing prince? 

How “normal” are those girls who share the dream of being the dashing prince? Or better yet, how “normal” are the girls who grow up to fall in love with their not so “normal” prince?

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 08:48:15 PM »
thank you for writing! im sorry i havent been quick enough to reallu comment ;3; so i'll do it now XD i liove both of your previous storys and now this little one here! dont stop! XD unless you get tierd and need a break lol
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2012, 09:55:21 PM » fact, I'm more a reader than a writer...
"My hidden treasure"
Yes, it definitely has something. I have not yet decided for myself. sorry  :nervous

"I’ll never live this down"
lol, poor Reina. Well, it's cute and funny. Actually, I love similar light a Drabble.
let's see what will happen next ;)
Sorry for my bad English

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 05:35:30 AM »
well I hope your determination wins out because it will be a challenge ;)
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Koei

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2012, 12:10:04 AM »
@Kawaii beam: thanks for reading and commenting as well as the thanks and the well wishes!!! I hope to bring different shorts that make you happy!
@nighell: shall I feel proud to have gotten you out of your lurking mode??? well rather than proud its good that you like the stories. Thank you for reading!
@Kurosawa87: Well kuro-sama maybe theres a story in here that will appeal to your favorite coupling. I shall try. Thank you for reading.
@rndmnwierd and Beecubed: as well thank you for the thanks. I hope you enjoy reading.

Now I bring you the 4th seed. It is the first part in the 'Love is anything but “NORMAL”' short series. It may be a little crazy but... well... my mind is crazy. Enjoy! And please forgive any errors or is it mistakes?? Well it's the same...I think. Happy Reading: 
(PS. Compared to the previous ones... this is a little long, gomene~)

A Lovely prince or princess?

-Beep! Beep! Beep!-

Slamming her hand against her alarm clock a sleepy head poked through the covers to gaze at the rain that kept pouring down her bedroom window. ‘Rain again. I swear it follows me.’   She slowly stretched and took a last look at her alarm clock which read 9:14 am, then headed towards the bathroom to wash and get ready for the day.

Once out of the bathroom she picked out her “My Coordinate” for the day which consisted of: LF: jacket, H: pants, AA: t-shirt and JS: sneakers. ‘Wow…It’s already November and I still haven’t decided what to wear… just ten more days to decide… I have time still.’

Suddenly her phone blinked and vibrated with a new message: ‘Don’t think you’ll bail out on me today!!! We are going shopping for our dresses together Takahashi Ai so you better get ready!!!  ~Love the cutest bunny in the world <3’. Checking her clock again she sighed and went on towards her destination on the date she mentally named as: “Mission: death by dress.”

Both friends have been browsing for a couple of hours with Sayu’s hands filled with different clothing bags and Ai just absentmindedly looking and agreeing with whatever Sayumi says.

-“Hey, Ai-chan I’m kind of hungry… how about we get some lunch?”

-“Sure Sayu, here let me hold that for you I bet your hands are pretty tired because you keep insisting on carrying all that weight.”

As Ai took all the bags from her friend her mood visibly lightened and she became more interested in the conversation as both trudged towards a diner to grab some lunch. Ai, even though she’s quite smaller than Sayumi, carried all the bags with a graceful strength not quite a woman’s but either a man’s.

Placing all the bags in one hand Ai went forward towards the door and held it open for the visibly drooling bunny who bashfully thanked her for the gesture. As they settled and ordered their lunch Sayu’s thoughts began to wander off.

‘How can you be so sad while we try on dresses for this event but so happy when you begin to pamper me with your gentlemanliness?’

-“Sayu… Sayu! Hey Sayu!! Are you there???” Jolting out of her thoughts Sayu blushed and asked Ai to repeat once more what she was saying. Surprisingly Ai was talking about some of the apparel she discovered whilst rummaging through her pile of, as their friends called it, “Ai’s million unopened graduation presents” .

After eating; the check came by and just as Sayu began to get her purse out to pay; Ai put her credit card on it and paid for both their meals.

–“But Ai-chan! I can pay my meal, don’t waste money on me!” Ai just flatly stared at her friend and chuckled at the bunny’s blushing out of frustration.

–“Sayu its ok, don’t worry. I’m pretty capable of paying. How about next time I let you pay, ok? Don’t be mad.”

After a bout of pouting they began to browse again for dresses to wear at their important event which prompted Ai’s mood to fall once again and her mind to wander off as she gazed at all the different stores in the busy shopping district they were at. Whilst Sayumi kept blabbing on and on Ai’s focus settled on a certain store full of suits. Mad because she was left talking alone; Sayu stomped towards Ai and right before she began to protest she looked in the direction Ai was fixed on making her notice the reason her friend was so focused on the store.

–“Shall we go in Ai-chan?”

Ai’s surprised looked made Sayu forget all about her previous anger of being left alone talking and she took the other’s hand and pulled her towards the store.

–“Wow Sayu… look at this!” At Ai’s excitement inside the store Sayu urged her to look for the best thing she found there. About 10 minutes later Ai came back having already purchased something.

–“Done.” Sayu’s eyes became big like saucers at hearing the announcement. –“What did you get?” Ai proudly showed her friend the contents of her bag.

–“It’s a Valentino light blue tie and handkerchief with golden accentuates!!! I even admit it was a rare find. Those colors are really hard to combine.”
Time flew by after that and night fell, walking under the stars Sayu suddenly broke their comfortable silence.

-“I hope you finally decide whether or not to go to the party Ai.” At the comment Ai’s steps slowed down and looking at her feet she thoroughly searched her brain for an appropriately ambiguous reply. –“I know she wants to see you there too.”

Going silent once again both women stopped short when an unexpected thunder crashed and rain began to fall just like it did that morning. –“Darn it!! This rain’s always following me! Run Sayu!!”  Sayumi looked appalled at her running friend for dragging her under the falling rain. ‘Surely she’s stressed out. I can’t believe Ai forgot I always bring my umbrella with me.’  They kept running the couple of blocks left until they reached Ai’s place.

-“Sayu, it’s raining pretty hard out there. I think it’s best for you to stay here.” Sayu agreed and went to take a bath. Ai was putting away her newly bought tie and handkerchief when she came across an envelope on top of her drawer. ‘What should I do…’ Picking up said envelop Ai began to read the contents of the invitation that lied within.

'The Tanaka family requests the pleasure of your presence at the birthday celebration of our daughter Reina. This princess born to us 22 years ago whom we treasure, love and respect deserves a celebration alongside all of her friends. The event will be held on Friday, November 11, 2011 where the grand ball will begin at 11:11pm.'

As Ai finished reading the invitation a tear fell on top of the back of her hand. –“There is no reason to cry Ai-chan.”

–“Sayu…” Getting closer to the older woman Sayu put the invitation aside and took her hands.

–“Ai-chan you need to stop worrying over what people will think about your feelings.”

–“But Sayu…I don’t want to put her in this world of uncertainty and pain.”

As Ai began to cry harder, Sayu just held her tightly and tried to reassure her that everything was going to be all right. In that same position they sat at a memory sparked in Ai’s mind.


-“Come on Ai!! These guys are hot!!!” Reina called Ai over so that they could both spy on the guys at the photo shoot taking place outside the diner they were at.

‘Even after Sayu made me come meet you like this… you still look at them and not at me. Reina…’

“Hey Ai-chan your phone is ringing.” Ai’s faraway thoughts came back as she picked up her phone. “~Ai-chan!!! What are you doing?? Captivate her!~”

Sayu’s voice over the phone made Ai a little nervous as she gazed at the peering Reina who was captivated herself by the men at the shoot. “Wait a second! Sayu? Where are you? How can you see us?”

As giggling came over the line; Sayu explained to Ai that she could never leave her friend alone much less when she was trying to do something so important.

“I understand Sayu, but let’s just give up…I’ll never win her heart… she deserves a nice man.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-“Hey…Ai? I strongly believe that true love can surpass even the strongest barrier known to humans: gender. So, why are you hesitating so much in attending Reina’s birthday party?” Ai looked up at Sayu brokenhearted, and in a small whimper she told her that it was because she would never be worthy of her heart.

“What do you mean by ‘not worthy’ Takahashi Ai?? Come here this instant!” Sayumi took Ai and put her in front of her own roof to floor bedroom mirror to point out the reason why Ai was truly worthy of love. “You see Ai-chan?? It’s not about being male or female but the person you are on the inside. Besides, I’ve got the thing to make you even more beautiful. Here; it’s for you.”

Sayu brought forward a box that seemed different from those she had whilst shopping. When Ai opened it she was marveled at the breathtakingly beautiful Alexander McQueen Angel silk-jacquard dress that lay there peacefully. –“We went together to get some clothes today but for the party I actually got this over the internet. I think you will look gorgeous in it.

Ai was speechless since it truly was a beautiful dress and it put her spirits up when she realized that her friends cared enough to get clothing that suited her personality. But still in her heart Ai knew that there was something she preferred over that beautiful dress. After that long shopping day full of different emotions they both fell asleep with a small smile on their faces.
As Ai woke up the following morning she noticed Sayu had gone home leaving behind a box with a note on top of it right besides the dress that Ai opened the night before.

‘I knew you still hadn’t seen this present yet since it was buried in the pile of “Ai’s million unopened graduation presents”. I’ll leave it here for you in the hopes that you decide to go to Reina’s party. Choose wisely my lovely, that party may be a last chance for you to finally show Reina you love her. I’ll see you on the 11th. ~Love, Sayumi’.

After reading the note Ai wondered what could possibly be inside the box and when she opened it a Gino Valentino suit made in Australian 150S wool / silk in dark navy greeted her with a note placed on its front pocket which showed some familiar writing:

‘I know you’re kind of picky with your clothing but I’m sure you’ll love this! I know you’re a Gino Valentino type of girl so I went along and chose it right away to give it to you for your graduation. –Reina’

Ai just looked at the note then the suit that took her breath away. ‘She sure does know me. I wonder how long she browsed for it…’

Looking besides her; the Alexander McQueen dress faced her directly and her heart tore apart. ‘Sayumi... Choose wisely when 2 great pieces of clothing completely opposite in style face me?? Which should I choose?’

-Part 1: Finished-

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2012, 03:16:58 AM »
long is good! lol both long and short are good and i cant wait to see what ai will do. :panic:
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2012, 04:28:38 AM »
I'm not much of a fan of RenAi, but I'm pretty interested to see where this is going.

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2012, 05:10:10 AM »
well when you do write it, I will tell you but as for now, I like the story :thumbsup
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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2012, 09:34:58 PM »
@Kawaii beam: a hard choice lays in Ai-chan's hands ne~? you'll see! Thanks for reading!
@rndmnwierd: gome~ But don't worry. If Im not mistaken your favorite pairing is TakaGaki right? I think there's something that have those characteristics in the farm.
@Kurosawa87: Arigato for reading Kuro-sama. Have fun!
@Beecubed and reikoshi: Hope you had fun reading!

Now get ready for seed numberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 5 !!! Second part of the 'Love is anything but “NORMAL”' shorts. Sorry for any grammar and/written mistakes and enjoy your reading! (also don't hesitate to comment!!)

Oh and as a side note: I noticed right now that I put Reina's note in purple... which I actually meant to put in light blue... or something closer to her color. But I don't know why everytime she coems to mind it's purple that pops up! Maybe it was the comment of her purple filled closet or something. Well... Just so there are no confussions for this story her messages will remain purple ... sorry for the inconviniece~!

The Queen dreams of her… prince-ss?

-Beep! Beep! Beep! -

A hand slams hard against the alarm clock as a growl resonates in the room. 5 minutes later the alarm begins again and quick footsteps stop its blaring before running back out of the room again.

–“Hey mom, sis forgot to turn off her alarm again and she’s growling.” Giggles came from the woman who was now cooking lunch for her family.

–“Leave your sister to sleep some more remember that kittens need their sleep, I’ll wake her a bit later for lunch.” Little did she know that the girl in question was already awake reading the new message that popped on her phone.

‘How are you feeling Tanakacchi? I’ll be there in the afternoon so don’t worry.’

Looking away from the phone she gazed through the mess that was once her room but now seems a battlefield after yesterday’s mad rampage. Seeing that her clock now read 11:11 in the morning she decided to go and take a quick shower before getting something to eat.

Time seemed to pass by in a flash as Reina just went through the day doing absolutely nothing other than watching television. When she finally stood to go to her room and rest a bit her front door’s bell rang.

–“Good afternoon ma’am. Is Reina here?” Acknowledging her friend Reina led the way towards her room where she just jumped in her friend’s arms and cried her eyes out. –“It’s ok Reina, I’m here, don’t worry.” After almost an hour of crying Reina calmed down and just looked at her friend.

–“He dumped me Gaki-san, he dumped me after telling me that he never felt anything for me.” After those words Reina began to tear up again and Risa just held her tight against her chest and rocked her back and forth to try and calm her down.

–“It’s ok Tanakacchi. Everything’s going to get better; if he doesn’t love you then he’s a fool. What’s there not to love?? You have friends and family who do, so please don’t be sad.”

At the words Reina began to truly think about her friends and family and noticed that there was somebody, besides her now ex-boyfriend, that left her behind not so long ago.


-“Hey look at this one, what do you think?” Reina excitedly pointed out to the item on the screen and expected her friend’s reply. –“It’s… different. Not really my style but I like the colors… the size of the thing is what’s truly bothering me.”

Reina pouted at her friend but shrug it off and kept on browsing online with the thought that if she was going to get the item for her friend then it was best to get one that her friend would like best.

-“Anyways, Rei I hear your parents are again going overboard with your birthday party. Have you already chosen your dress?” Reina looked at her friend surprised to see that the invitations were already sent out.

 –“Dang it. I told my parents that I wanted a simple get together with my friends and family. I bet that there will be hundred of guests there.” A little bothered with the thought, Reina frowned at the screen and turned towards her friend to tell her something before her cell phone buzzed indicating a new message.

‘I’m close to your house, how ‘bout we go on a date tonight? I’ll pick you up in an hour. –Yutaka’

After reading the message Reina looked at her friend and made up an excuse to leave the house early and meet with her date.

A few weeks later:

-“I need to tell you something.”Reina suddenly said to her friend who was focusing on her meal right before having her attention right on Reina. –“Sure Rei, what’s up?”

-“I have a boyfriend.” Her companion didn’t know how to react and just sat there quiet for a while before congratulating her friend. –“You don’t sound so happy Ai.” Ai’s eyes began to glaze over with tears that she demanded never to fall from her eyes. –“I am happy Reina. Why would you think I wouldn’t be? So tell me, what’s his name?”

-“Yutaka, Narimiya Yutaka. He is a Certified Public Accountant in the Tokyo Star Bank. He’s economically well off and he’s only 27!!!” At Reina’s description Ai recalled in her memory the man that was now courting the girl she had deep feelings for. ‘Not him Reina. He’s a heartbreaker. He only cares to flaunt his money around and you’ll be a trophy for him just like I was when I was trying out this “dating men” thing to try and forget about you.’

A flash of hurt came to Ai’s heart when Reina just held out her cell phone showing her a picture of the happy couple; Reina noticed her friend’s expression but decided to ignore it.

 –“Ai-chan, I’m in love. I’ve asked Yutaka to be my date for my party. I’ll introduce him formally there.” This was the turning point in Ai who just began to truly question Reina’s decision in both dating him and introducing him at her party.

–“Reina are you’re really sure you’re in love? Remember what happened last time.” Reina got annoyed at Ai’s remark and began to tell her off. –“I can’t believe that every time I find somebody you bring up the men in my past!! It’s not fair Ai.”

-“So basically you prefer to keep getting somebody new until your heart can’t take any more heartbreak.” After those words Ai stood up to leave but not before telling her friend about this decision she had just made.

–“I won’t be there to witness another replay of your last relationships Reina. If we’re to see each other again you have to leave him for your own good.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-“Tanakacchi…Reina…Reina! Are you listening???” Reina jolted out of her thoughts with some fresh tears lingering on her cheeks. Going to her closet she brought out a box and put it on the bed to show Risa its contents. –“Remember the last day I spoke to Ai-chan, Risa?” Risa nodded in reply and watched Reina open the box on her bed and take out a dress.

-“Oh my goodness Tanakacchi!!! It’s gorgeous!!! Where did you get that?” At Risa’s expression Reina just giggled and gave her a note that was on top of the dress in the box.

‘I know that you probably didn’t expect your birthday to be an all out bash, so since you probably still don’t have a dress I got you a little present in the name of your favorite designer: Versace. I hope you enjoy it Rei. ~Love, Ai’

–“It’s no wonder the dress is both gorgeous and my style. Ai knows me the best after all.” Risa just kept on staring in amazement at both the dress and the note completely ignoring Reina’s comment. –“Ummm… Tanakacchi… What exactly is it?”
-“Well it’s a light blue strapless gown from the Atelier Versace spring 2011 collection. Ai knows I love Versace and that light blue is my favorite color…”

Risa just looked at her now saddened friend who began to sob after explaining how well Ai knew her. –“ Reina is that the dress you’re going to wear at the party?” At that comment Reina just began to cry even harder which made her drop to her knees on her bedroom floor with Risa hugging her tightly worried about her.

–“I can’t wear it Gaki-san…If she’s not going to see it then what’s the point in doing so? I’ve made a big mistake! I tried to escape my true feelings by going out with whoever was willing to do so and all this time I’ve only loved one person… I’ve only loved her… Risa!! I’ve only ever loved Ai!! What do I do?”

-Part 2:Finished!-

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2012, 01:11:43 AM »
I love the tanagaki here! Love!

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2012, 05:34:21 AM »
ditto rndy's comment but I really hope for something interesting in the next seed :thumbsup

And keep going with the great work
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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2012, 11:35:25 PM »
@rndmnwierd: I'm very glad you like... umm... loved it! It's delightful to see the satisfied reactions of the readers. Thank you for your time!
@Kurosawa87: I shall try my hardest to bring you an interesting seed that you will fall in love with. As always thank you for the comments. They're greatly appreciated.
@kawaii beam: Thank you for the thanks!

Seed number 6 is up next! The third installment of the 'Love is anything but “NORMAL' short series! After this only the ending is left! As always I'm sorry for any mistakes, be sure to comment oh and I think I haven't told you this but. The clothing they wear are real so feel free to look them up!

The King's…Queen??? ...and Queen’s ‘bishops’

November 10th:

-“Ai-chan… are you going tomorrow?” Sayu asked her friend with a worried expression. She was at Ai’s apartment trying to convince her that she should just focus on making her friend happy on her birthday by going here and accompanying her.

–“Sayu, I’ve decided I’m not going… She probably doesn’t want me there anyways.” A single tear fell from Ai’s eyes as she just put inside her closet both the dress and suit, which she probably knew that Sayu had seen before.

Sayu just looked at her and decided that it was hopeless trying to convince someone to do something when their heart has already decided otherwise, so as she was leaving she stopped and took one last look at her friend who was now sitting on her bed. –“I won’t pressure you. But if you change your mind you know where to go. I’ll see you later.”

Walking down the street Sayu picked her cell phone and dialed a familiar number. Grunting to the phone the name of a dining place and the very loud: NOW, she began to brisk towards her destination. Already inside the café she just drank her juice when somebody sat down across from her.

Both sweat and fatigue showed the person came running to the dinning place. After sitting down to catch some air; Sayu suddenly broke the silence with her worried remark. –“She’s decided she’s not going.”

The other person dejectedly sighed at the sudden news. –“Sayumi the party is tomorrow… are you sure you can’t convince her to go???”

Sayu just frowned and explained that there wasn’t more she could do. –“Her heart is set and I can’t change that. I think we’ll just have to go there alone.”
As they settled in a worried silence Sayu’s phone beeped showing a new message:

‘Sayu please, take care of Reina. –Ai.’

Looking up from the phone Sayumi let out a frustrated grunt. –“You know what? I’m going to make her go. I don’t care what she says anymore.” Standing up and kissing her companion on the lips, Sayumi just stood and ran towards a taxi that had stopped to drop somebody off at the diner.

‘Sayu, please convince her to go.’

When Sayu got to Ai’s apartment she noticed Ai was nowhere to be found and didn’t answer her phone. Using her very own key she went inside and walked straight to the closet to find out if Ai took some clothes with her. There she noticed that the packages containing the dress and suit were missing.

‘Oh Ai-chan, where have you gone?’ Sayu left the apartment and dialed the number of the person who met her at the café.

–“She’s gone, and she took some clothes with her… I have no idea what she’s going to do.”

November 11th:
-“Are you’re going to wear that Reina?” Risa asked Reina as they were both getting their hair and makeup done for the party. Opening her eyes ready to answer her friend’s question, Reina came face to face with the dress she would wear for her party; her now ex-boyfriend “surprised” her with it propped up on a mannequin inside his house and told her that he would only go to the party if she wore that.

Coincidentally the dress, a long draped silk mousseline evening dress with “Lagoon” print, held at the bust by a jeweled brassiere entirely embroidered in crystals, was from her favorite designer, in her favorite color combination, but it was completely opposite form her style. She has wondered ever since he got it for her how did he guess her favorite designer and color to get a, in her own mind, hideous dress.

–“Yeah… I am Gaki-san. I don’t have any other dresses…I can’t wear the one Ai-chan gave me… it’s just too painful. The worst thing about it it’s that Yutaka will see me wearing it and his ego will annoyingly grow.” Gaki just looked at her friend appalled when suddenly a revelation hit her.

–“Wait… is he going to the party???” Reina looked at her friend through the mirror.

– “That’s what he told me yesterday…”

-“Wait a second Tanaka Reina!!! What do you mean yesterday??? Why didn’t you tell me you saw him again???”

-“Well it wasn’t like I meant to find him just standing outside Ai’s apartment…”

-“What?!?!?! You saw Ai too???”

-“What? Risa where are you getting all this?? Maybe its best if you stop asking questions and let me tell you everything.”


‘I hope Ai-chan will forgive me… I want to tell her I love her and that I want to be with her…Huh? Yutaka? What’s he doing here?’

Stopping in front of Ai’s apartment door said man noticed Reina’s presence and asked her about the reason for her to be there. –“Don’t get too cocky I’m not here for you. But then again what are you doing here?”

He began to fidget at her stare and just told her rudely that it was none of her business the relationship he had with the woman who lived there. –“Well Yutaka I’m sorry to inform you but everything that concerns that woman is my business so you better start explaining.”

Angry at Reina’s cockiness he just blurted out that he and the resident of the apartment were an item back in college and that he took her first time. Maddened at the disgusting expression on his face when he told Reina of the previous relationship he held with Ai, she just stared daggers at him which prompted him to laugh at her face.

“You know… since you’re here, and her life is your business; that means that she’ll probably go to your birthday party. Isn’t that so? You know what? Since I’ll probably see her there, I think I’ll go as well, see you there darling.” And he began to leave the building.

‘Were you mad because I was fooling my heart once again with someone or because I was fooling my heart with someone as disgusting as him Ai??’

Ringing the doorbell to Ai’s apartment Reina stood there for about 5 minutes before deducing that no one was home. Leaving a small package on the floor in front of the door Reina decided to go back home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-“So you went to Ai-chan’s apartment yesterday… and you left her something?”

-“Yes… I know what I did was completely wrong and I went there to say I was sorry. I also went to give her a wrist watch since the last time we spoke she had broken hers. But she wasn’t home so… I guess it was worthless, and to top it off I have to see Yutaka at the party.”

Risa just stared at her friend in amazement and gave a silent prayer in her heart.

‘Please, even if it’s just this once; please let all of this work out for the better.’

-Part 3: Finished!-

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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2012, 07:27:43 AM »
I hope Ai does come back for the party and at least see Reina

You are writing interesting seeds, it doesn't mean I haven't liked it but its just my favorite pairing is unique to people :nervous
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Re: Koei's Writing Farm
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2012, 08:08:35 PM »
@Kurosawa87: I think I just found out your pairing.  :P I am not sure if it is that one but I hope that I can write a good seed that will acomodate both the pairing and a great story.
@kawaii beam and rndmnwierd: As always thank you for reading!

Well then its been only a week since my  :jphip: debut and today I found out that the umm... Is it topic? ... Well that it has been read 350 times. Now I may not understand a lot of what that means but. To all the people that have come here to read. I hope you've had a great time and thank you! To all the readers (registered and unregistered!) honto ni ARIGATO GOZAIMASU~!

And now for theeeee seed number: 7!!! Since tonight is Koei's party night  :cow: I shall bring you the 4th and final part of 'Love is anything but “NORMAL' where tonight:


The royal ball begins

-“Ladies and gentlemen, my wife and I are thankful for your presence as we both celebrate our daughter’s 22nd birthday ball.” The man and his wife both raised a champagne glass as they welcomed their guests.

The dinner had begun right after that small speech made by the Tanaka family and all guests were eating. On a lone table to the side away from the repertoire of guests Sayumi sat with a worried expression as she kept on checking her cell phone.

–“If you keep worrying about her and frowning like that you’ll get wrinkles.” Surprised over the sudden voice, Sayumi gazed into the eyes of the person who was now seated across from her and sadly smiled.

–“I just keep hoping that Ai-chan will send me a message indicating that she will come… I think I’m too naïve.” As her eyes began to glaze over with tears her companion took her face and wiped them away before kissing her tenderly on the lips.

–“Hoping that she will come isn’t naïve Sayu; it’s a sign of friendship and love.”

As they kissed once again a bell rang and the lights dimmed showing a spotlight at the top of the stairs which showed Reina besides her father with a smile plastered on her face that only the people who knew her best would notice it was completely forced.

As they both climbed down the stairs a tall young man stood from his table and awaited the pair at the bottom. As the father-daughter duo got close to him; he pushed the old man towards the stairs making him fall down and aggressively took hold of Reina’s arm pulling her to the center of the establishment.

–“Do you all see this woman? Such a disgrace! She dumped me after I gave her riches you couldn’t imagine. I even gave her that dress as a thank you for being my girlfriend and look how she pays me. A gold-digger!! Lower than dirt itself!!”

As he pushed her towards the ground several party guests were moving towards him with killer faces.

–“I hope you rot in hell you bit..!!!” He never got to finish the sentence because of a fist that came in contact with his jaw sending him flying towards the ground.
-“Who is lower than dirt?? A woman betrayed by your stupidity or a man that hits a woman to gain attention???”

The person’s knuckles cracked again as Yutaka was picked up from the floor by the collar of his shirt coming closer to the aggressor’s face.

–“You disgust me both as a man and as a human being. Now leave this place at once.” Letting him drop; Yutaka stared hard at the person’s face that now shone under the spotlight.

–“How dare you threaten me?!? You … a WOMAN!!!” After the words he lunged towards her but she swiftly moved to the side and put out her foot making him fall down. Instantly security guards picked him up and took hold of him. Slowly walking towards Yutaka the woman was fully under the spotlight when she came face to face with him.

–“I am not just any woman Yutaka. I am Takahashi Ai: and don’t you ever forget it.” After those words she retreated to go look for Reina. Turning around she found Sayumi looking at her with a few tears brimming in her eyes.

–“I didn’t think you would come.” Ai just smiled at her and slightly rolled up her sleeve showing her a turquoise and golden Donatella Versace watch.

–“After I got this on my front door yesterday I took it as a sign that I should come.” As they both stood in a comfortable silence Ai told her the words that were lingering in her heart since the previous day.

–“Sayu… thank you for trying so hard to give me the courage needed to fight for this love.”

Sayu just smiled at her friend and held her hands. –“It’s ok Ai-chan; there’s no need to thank me. I know how important love is and how hard it is to attain, but in the end it’s all worth it.”

As they hugged, everyone’s attention was once again directed towards the top of the stairs where Reina stood once again but this time in a different dress that gently accentuated her beauty which made everyone gasp and stare. Ai looked at Sayu and thanked her once again before going up a couple of steps to take the hand of the woman she loved and escort her towards the dance floor.

-“Reina, you look beautiful. May I have this dance?”

-“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

-“Reina there’s something else… I…” Reina put her lips on top of Ai’s beginning a soft and passionate kiss.

-“Ai: all this time I thought that escaping the feelings I’ve had for you ever since we met was the best thing. But I was fooling myself; I love you and there’s nothing in the world that can change that. I love you.”

Ai began to tear up and holding Reina close to her she finally whispered the words that she had waited years to say.

-“Reina, I love you.”

As they waltzed the first song of the night Ai and Reina looked directly into each other’s eyes and got lost in their own little world where everyone stared at the couple in delight and awe. But off to the side, Sayumi drank some champagne as she smiled at the events that led to this night.

-“Love is anything but normal don’t you think? My beautiful Sayumi.”

Looking at her side, her blush hidden under the dimmed lights from the dance floor, a kiss graced her lips.

–“I couldn’t have said it better and this gift you got me tops it all off.”

-“Well my love, it was a hard find. It’s not every day you get a Katie Ermilio double pintuck dress… and its pink! I’m thankful you like it.” Sayu’s giggles surrounded the couple as they shared another kiss.
–“I see you also have the piece I gave you on your birthday, Risa.”

Risa smiled as she gave the love of her life a small posing session showing off her green Odylyne gallinulle drape dress.

They both laughed and held each other tightly as they looked at their friends under the best spell in the world: love. The true normality of LOVE.

Love is anything but “NORMAL” if officially: FINISHED!!!!

Now, what to say of this piece?? other than it has over 785 minutes spent on it?
Well I can say that it was a new experience to write this. I'm a rookie at writing fanfiction and to have all the readers' support is amazing. I can truly say that I had fun, specially at the final twist where Sayu is with *le gasp* Risa!  XD
As always thank you for everything. For this abundant space in the H!P Fanfics at the Crack-to-Go section I am thankfull.  :bow: And to the readers as well.
Now I'm going to finish because I sound like someone who just got their first Academy award and keeps on extending their speech!  :nervous Arigato!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 02:26:17 AM by Koei »

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