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Author Topic: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission  (Read 20413 times)

Offline Megumi

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2012, 04:10:39 PM »
Aha! That's clarify a lot of my question!
Non is so cute!  :rofl: Kumin want dimple like Non LoL
So it's Kumi&Non and Rena&Yuki I totally approve!  :thumbsup

Can't wait for next's gonna be for Jurina?!
What will Yukirins answer be?!

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:

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Offline turratar

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2012, 11:35:03 AM »
Somewhat confused but really like the story  :twothumbs more please

Offline mo-chan

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2012, 02:12:55 AM »
I am so confused now what is happening first Akane then Rena who prepose to Yuki for marriage and the promise made and Jurina what gonna happen to her

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline lollita90

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2012, 06:27:17 PM »
Hi, everyone! Izzy-chan here!  :wave:

It's been a while, right? I'm so sorry for leaving you guys hanging with my story :mon pray2: (which is not even interesting in the first place)  :fainted:

It's been a hard time for me too. I've been out of town to somewhere with not much of internet access. Then suddenly one day during the summer, my laptop broke down.  :temper: :temper: :temper: 
I had to struggle to find money to buy a new one, and here I am back with a new lappy that I managed to buy recently.  :sweat:  however, I have to try hard again coz all the data I've saved had lost, including the chapters for this story, so I have to start from new again.  :mon cry:  And with classes already started and stuffs, I'm sorry if I'm late with the update. Please, forgive me!  :bow: :kneelbow: :mon pray2:

And so, here's the first update for this time. Again, I'm sorry if it sucks, or too many grammatical error or anything. I'm just not so good with english, and I don't really good at writing anyway. Gomenasai!  :mon pray2:  hope you enjoy! douzo!

Chapter 3


I try to open my eyes slowly, and adjusted to the lights coming from the surrounding. ‘Where exactly am I?’ I thought to myself. All I could see were white ceiling, white bed with blue blanket, and some machines near the bed that I was lying on. Also, my body is covered with blue-colored pajama too.

‘This is not my bed. I know this is not somewhere in Anna’s house too. I know this feeling. Am I in a hospital?’

I lifted up my right hand, and saw a tube was connected to the back of my hand. I just nodded my head, and sighed while my other hand was caressing the tube, taking in the feeling of something was being injected into my body.

I tried to sit up straight, but my head was so heavy, and the spinning in my head made me stumbled onto bed again. I heard the sound of a door being opened following by some foot steps, but I paid no attention to them as I was focusing on my headache.

“Ah, Jurina-chan! You shouldn’t push yourself!” a very familiar voice ringing to my ears, made me frown a bit.

“A-Anna-chan?” I couldn’t see the person very clearly, but I believed I heard Anna’s voice just now. I massaged the temples on my head lightly in attempt to reduce the pain. My efforts seemed to success after a few seconds passed by.

“Jurina-chan, how long have you woke up? The last time I went out, you were still.. you know, unconscious.” Anna hesitated to say the last word. She bit her lower lip while helping me to sit straight up on the bed. She put a pillow behind my back for me to lean on. I flinched a bit whenever I felt pain on my body.

“I was just up for a few before you came. Anyway, why am I here? And, how long have I been here?” Now that I can see clearly, I looked straight to Anna’s face.

“Don’t you remember what happened? You got knocked down pretty badly yesterday. Were you fighting with the trio again?”

Anna has this very serious look on her face. I’m not even sure whether she’s angry with me, or what. However, I vividly remember things that happened yesterday. About the fight, why it happened, and the kissing scene with Churi too. Wait.. Did I say kiss? I still couldn’t believed it happened. The scene was playing in my head again, and Churi’s face was all over my mind. I didn’t realize that I close my eyes and Churi’s face kinda pop up though in a pitch black surrounding. I remembered watching her eyes, nose, cheeks, and her cute pink lips getting closer to me. My face suddenly flustered to the thought.


Ishida Anna had been watching Jurina for quite a while now. She was wondering what’s happening with the girl when Jurina didn’t answer her question. ‘Did I asked too much? I don’t think I asked many questions just know. Has Jurina-chan forgotten what happened yesterday? Did she lost her memories now? Oh my God! Don’t tell me that she has this effect? This, what was it again? Short-term memory lost? Or is it long-term memory lost? Ah, whatever it is, isn’t this dangerous? I should call the nurse!’

Before Anna tried to run out to call for a nurse, she saw Jurina was closing her eyes. ‘Ah, maybe she’s trying to remember it now.’ After a few seconds, she saw Jurina’s face turning red and redder and she also has a sheepish smile on her face. ‘Wait, why does Jurina-chan’s face red now? Is she feeling hot? Does she has a fever now? But wait, why does she smile like that? That.. is so creepy! Oh my God Jurina-chan, you really look like an old man thinking about lewd stuff. Eew~ gross!’

“Ju.. Jurina-chan?” After much hesitation, Anna finally gather her courage to call Jurina’s name.

“Eh? Aa.. Hai?” Jurina was finally snapped out of her dream land.

“Are you okay? You were making funny faces just now, you know? Do you manage to remember anything?”

“Eh? Really? What did I do?” Jurina’s face turned to a shock expression now. Her eyes bulged out like they were almost going out from its place and her mouth dropped widely that can let flies coming in easily. She grabbed both Anna’s shoulders and shook them gently while asking for the girl to tell her.

“It’s... no... thing...” Anna said, stuttering with her words due to the shakiness. Jurina let go of her hands.

“Ah, hai! I think I remembered some of them. Eheheh” Jurina smiled sheepishly again, and scratched the back of her head while her eyes wondering to other places but Anna’s face. Anna’s pair of eyes smaller upon seeing Jurina’s reaction. Stare~~ She kept staring at her, but decide to just give up. She sighed before she shot Jurina with another question.

“So, do you remember how you got here now?”


Right after Anna finished with her question, they both heard someone knocked the room door. A man in his late-thirties came in. He was holding a bag and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Anna immediately stand up and bow her head to the sight of the familiar figure while Jurina had a shock expression on her face..again.

“Konnichiwa! How are you, Jurina-chan?” Said the man.

“Ko.. Kouchou! Wha.. What are you doing here?” Jurina stuttered with her words. She blinked her eyes few times, still can’t believe that their school principal was standing in front of her.

“To visit you, of course! Why else would I be here?”

“But.. but.. how do you know I’m here?”

“What? Don’t you remember what happened yesterday?” This time it was the principal who asked the question to Jurina. Anna just shook her head and sighed quietly.


Seeing that Jurina just kept being in silence, he shoot her with another question.

“Don’t you remember that you collapsed inside my room yesterday, before I brought you here?”


“Oh ho, so you don’t remember what happened after that?” The principal’s had a smirk on his face, and it made both Jurina and Anna turned their attention fully on him. Both of them had curious and eager looks planted on their faces.

“You were saying to me, that you want to quit from the school.”

Jurina gasped shockly. She remembered it now fully of what ever that happened yesterday.

“Wait! Chotto matte kudasai! What did you say?” Anna’s voice interrupted them. She no longer felt like she had to stay silent after hearing the words that came out from the principal’s mouth.

“Dakara, Matsui-san here told me yesterday morning that she wanted to quit from the school. Which is why I am here now, to ask her again, if she really wants to proceed with that decision?” The principal explained to Anna who was staring intensely at him, then they both turned their heads towards Jurina, waiting for the girl’s response.

Jurina let out a deep breath, like a heavy sigh. She was staring at her fidgeting fingers that were playing with each other. After a few seconds of silence she looked back at her friend, Anna, and then to the principal before she sighed again. Slowly, she nodded her head without hesitation.

“Hai. I have been thinking about this for a while now. It might be better if I just - ”

“No! You can’t! You can not quit the school, Jurina...” Begged Anna. She cried her heart out while holding both Jurina’s shoulders. Jurina silently crying too. She brought Anna in and hugged her tightly. It hurts Jurina seeing Anna was acting this way. It’s too painful, but she had made a decision.
“Anna.. Anna.. syhh.. syhh.. We are in a hospital, remember?” Jurina tried to hush Anna so that the girl could turn down the volume of her cries to make sure they won’t disturb other people or patients in the next rooms. Anna end up sobbing quietly while she still holding onto Jurina’s arm.

“Kouchou, I have made my decision. I don’t think that I can go to that school anymore. I don’t want to. I am so sorry.”

Jurina’s pair of eyes were set looking at the principal. She had a very determine look on her face. She WAS determine with her decision. Both Anna and the principal could see the determination in her eyes. And they knew the girl so well. Anna had grown up with Jurina together. As for the principal, he’s in good terms with Jurina. She is the best student in his school. She’s a super smart girl. Her IQ is very high, and she picks up things very easily. Anna knew that when once Jurina set her mind on something, she will not waiver anymore. Though Anna feel like she had to accept Jurina’s decision, she still wanted to try her luck. Who knows if Jurina might change her mind?

“But Jurina-chan, what are you going to do if you quit from school?”

“Hmm.. Maybe I’ll try to find another job, or work with uncle for full time? After all, I have been working with him since forever now, right? Jurina flashed a sweet smile to her bestfriend, knowing well how the girl will be worried about her life.

“OR...” The principal interrupted, making both girls turned their heads towards him.

“Or??” Shot the girls, questioningly.

“Or.. you could transfer to another school! That is if you still want to continue with your studies.”

“What? But.. But kouchou, how can I transfer to another school? I don’t even have the money for it. It is not like I can easily ask for a scholarship from any random school, not like yours.” Jurina sighed. She actually wanted to study. She loves to study. But due to her crisis, there’s no way she could afford to pay for school, not even a single yen. All this while, she went to school because she got scholarships due to her good results in every subjects.

“Don’t worry about that. I have settled it for you.”

Principal Togasaki said while opening his bag. He took out a file and then closed the bag again. He stood up and put the bag on the chair he was sitting before and slowly approached the girl on the sick bed. Jurina and Anna both watching his actions and waited patiently for what ever their principal was trying to do. They saw he took out some papers from the file and passed them to Jurina.

“48 Girls High School. Here is where I would suggest you to go.”

Silence once again filled the room. Both girls were looking at each other, then on the papers, and back to each other again. They had questioning look on their faces, although Jurina had a little bit of excitement shown on her face, before they turned back towards the principal.

“But sir, isn’t this school for the rich girls? All the daughters of rich and famous people go to this school, right?” Asked Anna, and Jurina nodded her head anxiously. The principal just nodded his head, agreeing with what Anna said.

“Didn’t I just tell you? I have settle it for you. I have taken care of everything for you. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

“What do you mean ‘you have taken care of everything’?” They both asked synchronously.

“I know the founder of the school. Yes, the school mainly consists of daughters of rich and famous people, just like you said. But there are also students who got into the school with scholarships. And I have spoken with Akimoto-san, the founder, and he said that he agreed to give you scholarships.”

“But it is a high school. And I still haven’t reach the suitable age to go there. I haven’t even turn 14 yet, remember?”

The question shot by Jurina herself made the principal stare at her whole body. From her head, then to her body, pair of legs, and back to her face. His actions made Jurina blushed so she covered her chest with her arms. Upon realizing his fault for staring at a girl’s body like that, he apologized for his actions.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to scare you or anything like that. However, I just want to say that even though you will be turning to 14 soon, you don’t look like your age. And I know you as a very smart girl, I believe you can manage with the gap. Plus, you have been into the 3rd year of middle school now. I know you can do better than every student in the batch. Right, Ishida-san?”

The principal said before looking at Anna, asking her to agree with his words. To no one surprise, she nodded agree. The principal just smiled when seeing Anna’s nods.

“I have told Akimoto-san everything about you, and he said that you could transfer into the first-year of high school despite your age. Just that you will be tested once you arrive to the school. And to make your life easier, you will live in a dorm there.”

“Dorm? Do you mean that Jurina will be living there? Then, we won’t be able to see each other again. What if people start to bully her there?” Anna finished her sentence with a very sad tone. Jurina could see Anna’s eyes started to tear up again. Jurina grasped both Anna’s hands, trying to reassure the girl that she’s going to be okay, both of them are going to be okay.

“Daijoubu. I will be strong, okay? Don’t worry. I will try to come home every weekend, or at least mail to you frequently, okay, Anna-chan? Please don’t cry.” Jurina gave Anna her very best cute cat smile, making the other girl smile too.


“I’ll try.”

“So, does that mean that you accept this offer?” Asked the principal.

“What else do I get? Hehehe..” Jurina smiled sheepishly, awkwardly trying to joke around with the principal. However, her smile disappeared after hearing the principal’s answers to her joking question. He didn’t take the question as a joke, and answer it seriously.

“Well, I would say that you get everything you want. Free education, free cloths, free place to stay, free meals, everything is absolutely free. And on top of that, you will get extra allowance for your personal use too. Isn’t that awesome?”

“Wow! Maji?” Jurina smelled something fishy with the offer, but she decided to just shake off that feeling.

“Okay, I’ll gladly accept the offer. Arigato gozaimasu, kouchou!” Jurina jumped excitedly, only to stop due to the pain in her body.

“Mou, Jurina-chan. It’s dangerous, you know? You are still not in a good shape.”

“Ehehe.. Sorry..”


A figure was standing outside a building while holding a phone to his ear.

“Yes, I have persuaded her and she has accepted the offer.” said the figure.

“Good. When will she be able to come? I will be preparing for her arrival myself.” said the person on another line.

“How about this weekend? If I’m not mistaken she will be able to get out by Friday, which is the day after tomorrow.”

“Oh really? That’s good then. Thank you, Saki-kun!”

“Iiye. I’m the one who should be thanking you. Arigatou, Aki-sensei. Please take good care of her. She is like a daughter to me.”

“Don’t worry. I will. Haha.”
I love FTM. Nuff said.

Offline Juribait

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2012, 04:58:42 AM »
YOU COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!  :farofflook: :mon lovelaff:
I was thinking that you abandoned this fanfic but I'm happy to see that you come back. :mon yeah:
Thanks for the update and please don't leave this fanfic   :mon cute:

Offline Megumi

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2012, 11:02:54 PM »
Ahhhhhhhh! Welcome back!
I'm super glad that you've updated! I tough that you just gave up on this fic  XD

Thank you for your update!
Even tough I'm saying that I can't wait for next update but remember school is more important (now I sound like a mom  :lol:)

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Offline kahem

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2012, 06:17:50 PM »
I'm glad Jurina leaving that school!

Offline xxx220

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2012, 06:36:11 PM »
So it was you who  updating this awesome fanfics

I LoVe It....

please continued a interesting story
WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline lollita90

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2012, 08:50:02 PM »

Juribait : yeay i came back!!   :on lol:  i'm so sorry. it's kind of rude for to leave you hanging. thanks for still hanging on to this story.

Megumi : Thank you, Megumi-san! Haha yeah, you kinda sound like a mom there. What else with the gif of Meetan on your dp. Know what, I recently started to like Meetan. I love seeing your dp, it feels like she's kinda pulling my heartstring.  :mon crazyinlove: :on lol: Thanks for reading this fic! I'll try to update soon.

Kahem : ahh, i'm glad too. i hope there'll be more interesting things coming up soon. thank you for commenting!  :kneelbow:

xxx220 : ah, you're here! you made me feel shy. :pig red: :pig red: i'm not so good at writing this, but I hope it's fun for you. Thanks for reading and commenting. I'll try to update soon.  :sweat:

Minna! Thanks for reading the previous chapters! Thanks for the 'thank you's, and thanks for those who leave a comment! I can't thank you enough for your effort to at least read this crappy fic. I'm currently working on the next chapters, so I'll update soon. But I'll be having a test and midterm this weekend, so it might be late a bit. Please bear with me. I'm sorry and thank you so so much!  :kneelbow:
I love FTM. Nuff said.

Offline lollita90

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2012, 10:05:53 PM »
Hey guys, Izzy-chan here!  :wave:

Here's another update!!  XD  I'm sorry if this is short. And I'm so sorry if I'm progressing very slowly with the story. As you can see, I'm not good with writing.  :mon pray2: gomen2. I'll try to do my best!  :mon study:  And so, here's chapter 4. Douzo!

Chapter 4

Jurina woke up from the deep sleep she had. Few days had passed by already, and she had managed to get out from the boring hospital. In fact, this day was the day where she was supposed to go to her new school.

Jurina woke up very early, since she went to bed earlier than usual. She was feeling very anxious, very nervous waiting for this day to come. Though at times she felt a bit uneasy, like there’s something fishy going on, or some mystery waiting to be discovered, she decided to go to bed earlier in hoping that she could feeling better in the next morning.

Jurina took a quick glance at a clock right beside her. 6:00 a.m. It’s still too early. She didn’t know what to do. It’s still too early for her to take a bath and get ready. And she already finished packing with her things last night. After a few seconds of thinking, she came to a conclusion that she would be better with taking a walk to kill time. There’s still time for sunrise.

Jurina stood up and changed her clothes into something suitable and comfy. She slowly made her way out of the small house. Jurina just wandering around until her feet reached in front of Anna’s house. She could see Anna’s room dimmed of light, maybe from her study lamp.

‘Weird.. Anna-chan usually sleeps in dark. She can’t sleep even if there’s any light. Has she woke up already?’

Jurina decided to try her luck, so she searched for a small rock. After she found severals, she threw one to Anna’s room window slowly, trying not to get it broken. One, no respond. She tried another one, still no respond. When she almost throwing the third rock, the window suddenly slid open, revealing the familiar figure of one Ishida Anna. Anna seemed to be shocked upon seeing Jurina standing outside of her house. Jurina waved to Anna, and asked her to come meet her. Anna nodded, and not long after, she was standing in front of her bestfriend.

“Jurina-chan! What are you doing here?”

“Nothing. I woke up early today, so I was thinking of taking a walk for a while. And I ended up in front of your house. I saw your room lit up, so I thought you might already wake up. Why do you wake up so early, Anna-chan? Did you get enough sleep?”

“Ahh.. Ha - hai! I wa-was sleeping be-before you came. I just woke up when I he-heard the noise.” Anna stuttered with her words. She was lying to Jurina. To be honest, she didn’t sleep at all last night. She was thinking about Jurina all the time. She could not help herself but feeling worried about her one and only bestfriend.

Jurina just watching Anna silently. She knew that the girl was lying cause she could see eyebags right underneath the girl’s eyes. She knew her well enough. Well, since they have been together for many years already, and Jurina really thought of Anna as her own sister. A sister that she could always depend on when she’s in trouble. She cursed herself for not being able to help Anna everytime the girl has a problem or worried over something, just like right now. Jurina sighed heavily.

“Nee Anna-chan. Want to go for a walk with me?”

“Okay. One second.” Anna walked back into the house to grab a light jacket. Fall season has already started, and the weather’s quite cold in during night to early morning.

“Let’s go.” They both walked from the house in silence. No one was saying anything. One could only hear the sound of wind breezed through them. Everyone is in their own thoughts.

“It’s a bit chilly, right?” Jurina said, breaking the quietness that’s surrounding them.


Jurina could see Anna shivered a bit under her jacket. Anna has always been a girl who doesn’t really stand cold. Knowing this, Jurina grab her left hand, intertwined their fingers, and tucked them inside her Jurina’s own pocket of sweatshirt. She gave Anna a smile to which Anna replied with a light smile. Anna leaned in closer to Jurina. To make it easier for them to walk with hands liked that, Anna grasped Jurina’s arm that’s holding her hand, and leaned her head on Jurina’s shoulder.

They continued to walk like that. If one sees them without knowing them, one could say that they are like a couple, walking hand in hand like that. Very sweet and lovely. They walked until their feet arrived at a certain destination. A hill, not too high, but higher than a few stories of house. The place where they always hang out together. From the top of the hill, they could see the town they lived in.

Letting go of the intertwined hands, they both sit down on the ground. Jurina sat very close to Anna, and wrapped her arm around the girl. She rubbed the girl’s shoulder to keep her warm.

“I’m going to miss this warmth.” Anna muttered. Her eyes almost starting to tear up. She closed both eyes, trying not to let herself cry. ‘No, I’m not going to cry today. I’d promised to myself. I have to be strong.’

Not wanting to keep the silence between themselves, Jurina spoke her thoughts. She looked straight into Anna’s eyes, wanting the girl to know her feeling.

“Nee Anna-chan. I’ll be going today. I’m sorry that I’m not able to see you everyday like we used to. Please take good care of Uncle and Auntie. You guys are the only family I have. I love you guys so, so much. And I love Anna-chan so much. Anna-chan is like my own sister. A sister I never had. I will do my best in the new school. I promise that I’ll come home or mail you as often as I could. Please do not worry about me too much, okay?”

‘I have to keep myself strong. I have to be strong.’ Anna closed her eyes for a few seconds. She clasped Jurina’s hand, wanting the other girl to know that she could do this. She gave Jurina the best smile so that Jurina know that she’s not weak.

“Okay, but if you don’t keep your promise, I’ll forget about you!” Anna replied, playfully threatening her friend.

“Mou, Anna-chan. How could you forget about me..” Jurina pouted, knowing the girl’s kidding. There’s no way that Anna will forget about her.. Right?

They hugged each other and stared at the beautiful scenery of sunrise in front of them.

“I’ll be missing you, Jurina-chan.”

“I’ll miss you too, Anna-chan.”

“Best friend forever?” Anna shoved her pinky finger to Jurina.

“Forever and ever!” Jurina intertwined her pinky finger to Anna, making a pinky swear to their relationship. They both shared a warm smile.


Kuumin was standing outside of his mistress room. He knocked on the door few times. Receiving no sound from inside, he slowly opened the door and made his way to the king-sized bed located in the middle of the room. Seeing that his mistress was still sleeping, and how dark the room was, Kuumin walked to the large glass windows. Kuumin smirked before he pulled the big curtains all the way to the side, allowing more lights from the sun shining into the room. He saw the mistress flinched upon the bright light that disturbed her dream before she finally opened her eyes.

Adjusting to the lights, Rena rubbed her pair of eyes. She saw Kuumin made his way to lit up the room more, with smile on his face.

“Ohayou, Kuumin. Mou~ Why do you always have to disturb my dream?” Rena pouted. She woke up from her bed and stretched her body.

“Ohayou, Rena-chan. What was it that you dream?” Kuumin asked while starting to tidy up his mistress’ bed. He watched Rena scratched her head, trying to remember her dream maybe.

“Hmm.. I saw a cute girl in a dead-end road. Not really a girl, she looks like my age though. Her outfit is a bit boyish, but she still looks so cute to me. I think she got lost. I tried to help her, so I offered my hand to her. She reached my hand, but suddenly she slapped my cheek. Aww~ It hurts like real.”

Rena described her almost-real-dream. She even rubbed her own cheek where she could feel the pain. Kuumin just chuckled at her actions. ‘Rena-sama is so cute’. Rena walked to the sink located outside of the bathroom that’s still located inside the bedroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face to freshen up.

“That might be a bad dream, Rena-chan. Anyway, Uncle is here. He insisted to have breakfast with us.” Kuumin carried a small towel and passed it to Rena to which Rena used it to wiped her face.

“Uncle? Okay, you bring him to the dining room first. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Hai, Rena-sama! Kashikomarimashita.” Kuumin bowed his head before leaving the room.

“Time to be Ren again.” Rena walked to her closet and started changing.


Dressing in a black shirt and dark blue jeans with a pair of black leather shoes, Matsui Ren made his way to the dining room. While on the way, he met a few of his maids. He wished them a morning greeting with a smile which managed to melt them. Every single one of them blushed till their cheeks flushing red. He finally arrived to the dining room, and saw Kuumin was serving his uncle.

“Ohayou gozaimasu Uncle! How are you?” Ren gave his uncle a hug.

“I’m fine, thank you. And how are you, my son?” Akimoto replied the greeting with a big smile while he returned the hug.

“So far so good.” Ren went to his seat next to his uncle. He gestured to Kuumin, asking him to take a seat too. Kuumin just shook her head. Ren rolled his eyes, almost popped out. He made a mad face, but Kuumin was too stubborn. He just kept shaking his head insisting that he didn’t want to seat or eat together. Without them knowing, Akimoto has been watching them for a while now. With a sigh, he spoke to them.

“Stop playing, you two! Now Kuumin, take a seat before I pull your ears!”

Kuumin’s eyes widen upon hearing the threat. He quickly took a seat in front of Ren. Ren pulled out his tongue, mocking his personal butler who is also his bestfriend. Kuumin just pursed his lips, not wanting to say anything. He’s afraid that Uncle will really pull his ears if he’s not behaving properly.

Two beautiful girls dressed up in maid uniforms showed themselves up in the dining room. The taller one went straight to the prince’s side, while the shorter one with a dimple on her cheek went to the young master’s butler to serve them.

“Ohayou, Yukirin, Kanon-chan!” Ren greeted them happily with a wide smile on his face.

“Ohayou, Ren-Oujisama.” Replied both of them but each with a different expression on their face. Kanon smiled sweetly like she always had. While on the other hand, Yuki was having no expression at all. She didn’t even look at him in the face.

‘Yukirin...’ Ren’s heart started to overwhelmed with sadness. He just watched Yukirin’s movement until she was out of sight.

“Ittadakimasu!” Both guys started eating their breakfast.

“So Ren, how is it going with your investigation? Have you found the girl?” Akimoto asked while wiping his face. Seemed like he already finished breakfast.

“Who? My cousin?”

“No, your future wife.” Akimoto’s spontaneous answer made Ren’s choked on his food. He took the drink on the side and drank till he felt better. Hearing the word ‘future wife’ really made he felt tingles all over his body. He looked at his uncle with wide eyes.

“I’m just kidding. I was actually asking about your cousin. So, how is it going?” Akimoto chuckled. He realy love to tease his nephew. Well, Kuumin too, sometime. But Kuumin was always so serious, sometime his jokes didn’t get any good response from the boy.

“I don’t know. I don’t have even a single clue where she might be. And plus, this country is also quite big. There are many prefectures, and a LOT  of small towns. How the heck should I know where she is? All my connections are still searching for her.” Ren sighed. He continued eating but in a slower rate than before.

“Actually, I might have a clue for you.” Akimoto said calmly while sipping his drink. Ren looked at his uncle, unbelievable with his words.

“Really?? What is it, uncle? I want to know! Tell me, uncle! Please~!” Ren begged with a pleading look on his face. He tried to gave the best puppy look but it just made his uncle laughed his heart out loud.

“You know, if you do that in a dress, I might find you cute. But now, you just look so weird!” Akimoto continued laughing while making fun of his nephew, making Ren pouted. Surprisingly, Kuumin was also laughing at the comment that came from Akimoto.

“Mou, not you too, Kuumin!” Ren protested.

“Anyway, here is what I know. I once heard from my late sister and brother-in-law, which were your parents, that big sister was actually from Town AA. Why don’t you try to search there? Who knows you might find anything from there.” Akimoto said after he relaxed from the laughter.

“Town AA? Gochisousama!” Ren quickly ran out of the dining room to the office room which was located on the upper level of the mansion. Both Akimoto and Kuumin were left dombfounded by his actions. They shared the same look on their faces, confused. Kuumin just shrugged his shoulders while Akimoto sighed and shook his head.



After making a few phone calls, Ren managed to find some information regarding his cousin’s family. He sat on the big comfy chair, thinking of what he should do next. He was in a deep thought that he didn’t even realize Kuumin was making his way towards the big desk in front of his seat.

“Ren-sama, are you okay?” Kuumin politely asked. Ren was now staring blankly at Kuumin’s face. Kuumin felt very weird with the stare.

“Ren-sama?” Kuumin waved his hand in front of the young master’s face. Ren was finally out of trance. He blinked a few times before suddenly stood up from the seat, making Kuumin startled with his sudden action.

“Kuumin, go and change into a lady's cloth. Now!” Ordered Ren.

“Hah?? What for??”

“We are going out as ladies today! This is my order.” Ren said before he left the room, leaving Kuumin dumbfounded again.



Thans for reading! Feel free to leave comments!  :kneelbow:
I love FTM. Nuff said.

Offline kahem

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2012, 12:41:50 AM »
Jurina and Anna are so cute~
Hum I wonder what aki-p is thinking

Offline Dreamstalker

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2012, 01:19:35 AM »
your fic is interesting, gender bender and specially wmatsui is involve in it, exciting...! Though i've read from the 1st chap to this last update just now. . .aah..i don't know when i read the title i'm just hoping that it was a wmatsui fic..heheh. .and it really did! Nice fic.just waiting for next...*stalker mode* hahah...
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 08:37:16 PM by Dreamstalker »
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2012, 05:21:39 AM »


PLEASE UPDATE MORE (take your time )


WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2012, 05:52:00 AM »
Rena found Jurina??!!
OMG, I'm so happy that you update fast, I can't wait for the next chapters  :twisted:

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2012, 07:22:49 PM »
I've just started reading this and I'm really enjoying it, especially the moment with Jurina and Anna it was so sweet :)
Looking forward to see how Rena and Jurina interact in future updates :D

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #55 on: September 28, 2012, 11:25:21 PM »

kahem : yeah, I always wonder what he's thinking.  :?  thanks for commenting!

Dreamstalker : Hello Dreamstalker-san! thanks for taking your time to read my story. I appreciate it so much! I know this story is quite confusing, and will be even more confusing soon,  :panic:  I hope you can bear with me  :sweatdrop:  Thanks for commenting, and please, continue with your stalking mode!  XD

xxx220 : yeay, here's the next update!  8)  have fun reading!

Juribait : here's the next update! thanks for commenting!  :bow:

nori : Thanks for reading this story, nori-san! I truly appreciate it!  :love:

Hey guys! Izzy-chan here!  :wave:

here's the next update! I'm sorry if this is super short. I'm kind of stuck at the current moment. I'll think of more ideas after my exams finish soon. I hope you will have fun with this update. I'm sorry again, and thank you for reading, leaving thank you and comments. I truly appreciate!  :ptam-kiss:   Douzo!

Chapter 5 part 1

“Attention to all passengers. We will be reaching the next station very soon. Next station, Akihabara City.”

The repeated announcement made me awake from my sleep. I yawned and stretched my body, finally relaxed from the tiring two hours journey by train. I fetched my luggage and made my way out when the train finally stopped at the station that was mentioned just now. I glanced at the time on my wristwatch, 10.30 a.m. ‘Hmm.. I still have some time.’

While pulling a luggage on the side, I walked out from the train station. My eyes were wondering to all places, trying to find a certain person. I was in my own business that I wasn’t even realized there was someone running out from a corner until we accidentally bumped into each other.

“Ouch! Ittai..”

I murmured while rubbing the back of my head. I could feel a weight on top of my body so I opened my eyes, wondering what could the weight be. I found a girl, no, a lady, a very beautiful lady was lying on top of me. She finally opened her eyes and realized that one of her hands was actually on my breast. For a while, she looked at me and to where her hand was, repeatedly until she finally out of her trance. She quickly stood up and backed away couple steps. I also stood up and straightened myself while listening to the lady apologizing.

“Ah, I’m sorry! I-It’s not what you think! I-I don’t mean to do weird things to you. It’s not that I don’t want to, i-it’s just.. Ah, what the heck am I saying?” The girl stuttered and smacked her own forehead. The sudden action from the girl made my eyes wide opened. I rushed to her and grabbed her hand.

“Are you hurt? Why did you smack your head?” I examined her head where it might be hurt. Spontaneously, I gave a peck on it.

“There you go. Is it better now?” I asked her. I looked at her face and saw it turned into dark red. Feeling like something hit me, I realized what I just did. I quickly let go of her hand.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t re-realized what I ju-just did. Please forgive me!” I bowed my head down, hoping for forgiveness, and hoping that the lady will not think that I am weird. I kept bowing while cursing myself for a while until I heard a sound of footsteps. I saw her coming and stopping right in front of me. She lifted my head up high, and looked into my eyes. I can still see blush on her cheeks, but her smile, was just too breathtaking.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to keep apologize. We’re square now, remember? I’m sorry for what happened just now. I didn’t mean to bump into you, or to ta-ta-ta-touch you.” I can see her shyness while she’s speaking, and I think she looks so cute, despite that she’s looking extremely beautiful now.

“Okay. Fair and square!” I gave her the sweetest smile I could, and I felt relieved when I saw her smile back.

“Thank you. I’m Rena, by the way. Matsui Rena.” She offered me her hand which I gladly took it.

“We have the same surname! My name is Ju-” Just as I was about to tell her my name, a shout interrupted us.

“Rena-sama! There you are!”

I saw a girl not too far from where we stood. She was panting heavily, like a person who was being chased by a wild dog. I saw her looking at the lady in front of me and walking towards our direction. She took a few deep breaths, trying to relax herself.

“Kumi-chan! Where were you? I was waiting for you!” Rena let go of her hand and hugged the girl who just came. I just silently watched them.

“Why did you run so fast, Rena-sama? You know I’m bad at running, right? Who’s fault is that?” The girl pouted.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But I won’t promise to not doing it again~” I saw Rena pulled out her tongue while they were still hugging each other. Somehow, seeing the scene gave me a heartache. What is this feeling?

“Rena.. SAMA?” I mumbled softly and tilted my head to the side. Somehow, I thought that Rena heard my mumble because she finally turned back towards me. She still had the breathtaking smile on her face, and seeing it relieved me from whatever pain that I was feeling just now.

“Ah, sorry, sorry. This is my best friend, Kumi-chan. Anyway, please excuse me for one second.”

I saw Rena backed away and went somewhere else. The girl named Kumi, turned her head towards me. She looked me from head to toe and back to the head, and suddenly offered her hand to me.

“Yagami Kumi desu!” She smiled, which I thought was cute.

“Jurina. Matsui Jurina.” I smiled back to her while shaking her head, but stopped when I heard her gasped.

Her eyes widened and both her hands covered her wide open mouth. She looked so shocked and her face became pale white, like she saw a ghost standing right in front of her. I just looked at her confusingly until I heard Rena’s voice again.

“Hey Kumi-chan. We need to go now. The train will be here soon.” Kumi startled for a bit. She looked at me for the last time before she went to Rena’s side.

“I’m sorry for just now, Matsui-san. Nice to meet you by the way. Hope to see you again!” She waved to me which I replied the same. We exchanged smile before I saw them disappeared. I still remembered the girl name Kumi’s face right after she heard my name.

“That was just.. plain weird.”


Sorry for the short update :bow:   Feel free to leave comments!
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2012, 12:03:17 AM »
Such a fast update :shocked
Don't worry about how long the updates are though I just appreciate the fact that your continuing this story, its really enjoyable to read.  :)

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #57 on: September 29, 2012, 04:42:37 AM »
Hey nice fic o/

The title cought my attention^^ so I started to read o/

They met by destiny in the tain station... Kumi-chan's reaction was great huahuahua Is she gonna tell Rena?

Hey, short upadete is better than none update :D

Till next update o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
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The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2012, 08:03:51 AM »
oh! I finally got it!

so Rena is in love with Yukirin.......then we need Mayu......

And they finally met! in a strange way~
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

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You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: A Royal’s ‘Secret’ Mission
« Reply #59 on: September 29, 2012, 01:31:50 PM »
OH ho ho ho they finally met...
What an awkward meeting... I somehow sense that Rena is a true pervert in this fic.
First with the creepy smile thinking if her lost cousin was cute or not ( in 2nd chapter I think)
And then now squeezing Jurinas *cough *cough  :rofl:
So Yukirin said no to Rena/Ren  :cry: so it's WMatsui then  :twothumbs:

Hrrm you must be a lolicon if my Meetan gif seduced you in some way  :lol: only Meetan have to power to do that  :rofl:

Thank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:

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