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Author Topic: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Christmas Special] Under the Mistletoe (29 Dec)  (Read 239741 times)

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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thank you so, so much for the update  :cow: :bow:
i missed this fic so much :cathappy: :deco: :inlove:
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 06:55:13 PM by mayuki_daisuki »
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline kurogumi

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Thank for this sweetest fic ever


Offline Amakuchi

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Why do I have a suspicion that Yuuko is pregnant? XD

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Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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yey finally an update!!!
thak you very much
is yuko really pregnant???
and what 'bout wmatsui relationship?
can't wait to see ur next update

Offline kahem

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Offline Wmatsui22

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Interlude 02: This Flower Lasts Forever  :heart:
Finally! You update Seigus-san!  :yossi:

This is so good to read! :D

MaYuki moments is so sweet
 :inlove: :inlove:

Hmmm, What happened to Yuko? I think she’s pregnant and the father is Mario? OMG! What will happened to Haruna?
 :? :shocked :w00t:

Please update soon... :deco:

~Thank You~

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline gek geki

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  • 松井玲奈 looooooooooooooove~
That's mean there are more episode YEAAA~

Offline Terragen

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why never i read this before?????? it's awesome full of awesome!!

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline Tupi

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  • Okay, first, please call me Tuu! Hmmm well, I'm a silent reader and yeah sorry for my bad English! m(_ _)m
I love your Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi series!!! :wub:
Dr. Mayu was really gentle... :inlove: I want him to be my boyfriend too!  :inlove:
Hahahaa but possessive Yukirin very dangerous!  :nervous

Looking forward for what will happen next to MaYuki, WMatsui, and MariYuko(?)... :thumbsup

Offline Yuseichaaan48

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I love this series!!!  :)

Yuuko is acting like shes pregnant, Uh oh... hehe  :P

I LOVE your one shots too!

Keep updating please!!  :mon thumb:     ;)

Offline Seigus

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It's been a month since Yuki's birthday and I'm back with replies to your comments! I'm sure you know what that means... The next update is just around the corner! XD

rhin: Thanks! Can't believe time flew by so quickly. Actually, Mayu and Ren having an affair behind Yuki's back is a neat idea. Brokeback Hospital, anyone? :twisted: You will find out Mario's reaction soon. I'm glad the medical drama part was intense for you. Wanted to revisit the genre after being away from the hospital for one whole arc. You are letting your inner perv out, rhin! :lol:

olive29: Thank you for reading! Yeah, MaYuki gives me early diabetes :nervous

Chichay12: Wow, it makes me happy that you were thinking about this series. Thank you! This Interlude 2 is a setup for the next arc so please keep a lookout for it :deco:

jell_o_jello: I'm really glad to know the doctor and nurse have been missed. Was kind of afraid readers would have lost interest since I hadn't updated for a long time. Adopting the baby actually crossed my mind briefly but nah, those two need their own kid! :wub: And baby Keiko still has her dad so she doesn't need to be put up for adoption. As for Yuko... :rofl:

LoyalFlutist: I'm happy when my readers are happy so yeah, everyone's happy! (Sorry, a little high on medicine at the moment :sweatdrop:) You are right. It's not easy for Yuki who has to live with the memory of almost losing her boyfriend (or fiance now XD) and be reminded of it constantly at work. Lucky for her, Mayu has a knack for appearing at the right times. Darn, where do I sign up for my own Dr. Watanabe?

Yuki88: Thank you for staying with this story! Looks like everyone is excited about Yuko and Mario :D

Minami-chan: I wonder what kind of parents Mario and Yuko will be. Both of them aren't exactly model parents material :lol: Thank you for liking this story!

mayuki_daisuki: Thank you for keeping up with this story! I like your avatar. Chibi Mayuyu trying to appease Yukirin with watermelons is soooo adorable :wub:

kurogumi, Amakuchi, kahem: You will find out in due (pun not intended) time! :D

Rena-chan Daisuki: Don't worry, Ren and Jurina's relationship hasn't been forgotten ;)

Wmatsui22: Thank you for sticking around! Haruna will get married to her PSP! :rofl:

gek geki: You are right. There is still more to come. The doctor and nurse aren't done inducing diabetes in everyone yet! :P

Terragen: Thank you for picking up this series! I'm glad that you like it and I hope you will enjoy the future updates :)

Tupi: I want Mayu as my boyfriend too! :inlove: If only more guys are like him... :wub: But yeah, I wouldn't want to incur Yuki's wrath. She's scary when it comes to Mayu *shudders*

Yuseichaaan48: Thank you for liking my stories! I hope you will enjoy my future updates too :)

Offline Seigus

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[Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #331 on: August 18, 2013, 02:12:46 PM »
A/N: Hi everyone! As promised, here's the update for my Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi series. The previous interlude was partly a setup to this new arc. Read on to find out if your questions will be answered. Once again, thank you for following this story and I hope you will enjoy this update! :deco:

Note: This is a genderbend story.


Too Close

Mayu shivered involuntarily when a tickle of hot breath invaded the sensitive hollow of his right ear. Slim arms snaked around his chest from behind and he wondered if their owner could feel the hammering of his heart against his ribs. He straightened a little in the black office chair.

“I’ll see you at home later,” a husky voice muttered while a playful finger traced his well-defined jaw, guiding his face to look into a pair of familiar chocolate pools.

“Yuki…” The doctor’s voice came out a tad strained for his liking and he cleared his throat in reflex… only to discover how dry it was. “It’s only eight in the morning. Don’t do this to me.”

The beautiful visage broke into a coquettish grin that seized his already tense breathing. “I’ve been up the whole night though.” Her wispy words vibrated through the tingling skin around his reddened ear.

“I still have a whole day ahead,” Mayu retorted goodnaturedly, pushing up his glasses that had slid down from the beads of sweat forming on his temples.

“I know.”

“So you are doing this on purpose?”

A melodic giggle answered his question before the woman nestled her chin on his shoulder, heavy eyelids fluttering closed as fatigue finally set in. The narrow space was slightly bony as he wasn’t exactly buff but it was a spot that belonged only to her and she took pride in that knowledge. The tension which had been gripping Mayu’s muscles dissipated almost immediately at the sight of the gently resting face. He chuckled, shaking his head. Leaning towards the tired nurse, he planted a doting kiss on her nose.

Click. The door to the office swung open.

“Er… Am I interrupting something?” Ren’s hand froze on the brass doorknob as he took in the intimate scene.

“Nothing except her sleep,” Mayu informed the newcomer with a wry smile before poking Yuki on the cheek. “Hey, Ren-san is here to take you home.” The nurse made a disgruntled sound, the skin between her eyes scrunching. Mayu resisted the urge to pinch her puffed up cheeks.

“Come on, Yuki. I don’t think my shoulder is that comfortable to sleep on while standing up. There’s a nice bed waiting for you at home.”

Finally, she huffed and stood upright, a pout adorning her pink lips. Mayu rose to his feet as well, facing her. From the entrance, Ren watched in contemplative silence as Mayu whispered something to Yuki, causing the corners of her mouth to rise before the couple shared a short kiss.

“Sorry for the wait, Ren-kun.” Yuki jogged up to Ren, seemingly recharged by the little exchange with Mayu.

“No problem,” Ren flashed a soft smile as he reached out a hand to ruffle Yuki’s hair. It was a habit he had since they were children. “Just don’t fall asleep while walking.”

“I won’t. What do you take me for?”

“A pig.”

“Hey!” She whacked his arm with a resounding smack, prompting both men in the room to wince; one from actual pain, the other from imagining the sharp sting from his own experience.

“Seriously,” Ren pulled up the sleeve of his denim shirt, inspecting the throbbing spot on his arm that was beginning to glow like a freshly picked tomato, “I don’t understand how Mayu-san can stand your violent behaviour.”

“Mayu doesn’t complain like you,” Yuki defended.

“Jurina-san mentioned something about you two engaging in S&M acts…”

Mayu banged his knee against the desk.

Yuki’s jaw dropped.

Ren raised an eyebrow at the pair’s reactions. “Don’t worry, I have no interest in what you two do in your private time so your secret’s safe with-”

“Don’t listen to her.” Mayu’s face suddenly loomed before him. Coal-black eyes narrowed behind his glasses and a dangerous gleam flashed across the well-polished lens. A spike of unprecedented fear shot through Ren’s heart.

“And please remind her not to say irresponsible things that will tarnish Yuki’s name.” The shorter man’s voice was steady but cold and hard as the icebergs in Antarctica.

Nodding stiffly, Ren took a step back.

“Good.” Mayu smiled, as if he wasn’t just emitting the vibes of a coldblooded killer a second before. “Thank you for offering to send Yuki home.”

Gosh. He may be small but he’s scarily protective when it comes to Yuki.

“Don’t need to thank me. I want to make sure she reaches home safely too,” Ren said, scratching the scruff of his neck before he turned to Yuki. “Let’s go if not I’d doze off at the wheel later. I’m beat from the pub brawl case last night.”

“Okay.” Yuki tugged Mayu’s hand, earning herself a goodbye kiss from the obliging man. “See you at night, my handsome doctor.”

The hospital corridors were bustling with activity that Thursday morning. Nurses shuffled in and out of the wards while patients milled around the corridors. A doctor could be heard barking orders at a novice nurse outside the operating theater.

“I’m glad the emergency doctors aren’t like that,” mumbled Yuki as her features formed a disapproving scowl at the haughty tone of the doctor they had just passed by.

“Yeah,” Ren agreed, sneaking a peek at Yuki’s displeased face, “some people think that they could boss others around just because they are doctors.” Right as Ren voiced out his thoughts, he spied a familiar petite brown-haired doctor slipping into one of the rooms ahead.

“Isn’t that Yuko-san?”

“Where?” Yuki scanned the area animatedly, craning her neck.

“She just went in there.” Ren pointed at a sliding door ahead. As he got closer, he read the dull silver plaque on it, “Gynaecology Department. What is she doing inside?”

“Probably to look for Haruna-san,” replied Yuki offhandedly. “She does that a lot when she’s on breaks.”

“But now isn’t her break time.” Ren stroked his chin as various thoughts whirled in his mind. “She’s a responsible doctor and doesn’t leave her station when she’s on duty. What could be so urgent?”

Yuki hummed in response, digesting her friend’s words. “That’s true…”

“Move it, woman!”

A rough force shoved Yuki aside, making her collide into Ren who wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders instinctively.

“Hey, you!” Ren shouted at the grumpy-faced patient on crutches who was limping down the corridor but the burly man paid him no heed.

“Forget it, Ren-kun.” The off-duty nurse placed two hands on his shoulders, attempting to push herself off. “I was blocking his way.”

“He should have said excuse me,” Ren seethed, still glaring daggers at the man’s back.

“Um… Ren…”

A whiff of light floral fragrance wafted up his nostrils, seducing his senses with images of the gorgeous woman in his arms. He could feel the soft curves of her body molding perfectly against his and their hearts beating together in synchrony. Peering down, he found himself face to face with her innocent expression, looking extremely vulnerable before him. He gulped and released her in a flash.

“S-Sorry about that!” he stuttered. “L-Let’s go.” He hurried ahead of her, tugging at his shirt collar that felt too tight all of a sudden.

Yuki stared at his back quietly, nibbling on her bottom lip. Unconsciously, her hand fisted the fabric of her sleeve where his touch still lingered.


Mario was walking towards the cafeteria when an arm slung around his shoulders out of nowhere, the overenthusiastic fist pressing against his Adam’s apple. Feeling the protruding lump shift painfully under his skin, he did the first thing that came to his mind – jab his elbow into the offender’s ribs.

“Ouch!” A male voice cried out. “Mario bro! That’s a bit overboard!” Miyazawa Sae doubled over, clutching his throbbing ribs.

Mario dusted imaginary grime off his well-pressed light blue shirt and straightened his black tie. “I believe that’s a perfectly reasonable reaction to someone who doesn’t respect another’s personal space.”

Sae hobbled over to the taller neurosurgeon and wrapped his arm around his shoulders again much to Mario’s chagrin. “That’s no way to treat a buddy who’s here to congratulate you.”

Mario’s brows knitted together in a deep frown. “Congratulate me on what?”

“On being a father, of course!”

“Wha- What did you say?” Mario halted his long strides immediately, almost throwing his grinning colleague off balance.

“Quit playing coy.” Sae slapped his back hard as he chortled heartily. “The whole hospital already knows about it!”

Mario raised a hand to massage his temple, feeling a migraine coming on. “Wait a minute. If there’s anyone who is going to be a father, it’s you. You are the one who sleeps around with countless women whose names you don’t even remember.”

“I use protection,” Sae quipped rather smugly. “Come on, you know what I’m talking about. You can’t be so heartless to hide such a joyous piece of news from your good friend, can you?”

“I have not slept with any-” The words died in Mario’s throat when the memories of a night of drunken foolishness in Okinawa tumbled back into his mind in crashing waves. He swallowed a thick lump that had formed in his throat. “It can’t be…”

Normally sharp eyes glazed over. Grabbing Sae’s hand, he chucked it away before trudging ahead with footsteps that weighed a ton each, the wrinkles on his sleeve forgotten.

Sae folded his arms as if he had just done humanity a great deed. “Still trying to deny it, that guy,” he said, shaking his head until a jolt of pain reminded him of the merciless jab he had received earlier. “I should get Yuki-chan to ice it for me,” he thought out loud, glee evident on his tanned face as he imagined the nurse’s skilful hands caressing his body with soothing, tender touches. Seconds later, he slapped his forehead.

“Damn, I forgot she was on night duty!”


“We are here,” Ren announced as he pulled the brake, stopping the black Honda sedan outside Mayu’s two-storey house.

Yuki rubbed her bleary eyes, waking up from the sudden lack of motion. Stifling a yawn, she asked, “Want to come in for a cup of coffee?”

“As long as it doesn’t give me the runs, why not?”

“Hey! I’m not that hopeless, alright?” She swung her handbag at him, effectively wiping the annoying smirk off his face. Upon detecting his pained expression, she smiled in satisfaction. “Anyway, not to worry. I’ll be using the coffee machine.”

“And you say that you aren’t hopeless,” Ren grumbled under his breath as he nursed the second aching spot on his arm. “The coffee better be worth the pain.”

It was Ren’s first time entering the house that the lovebirds shared and he couldn’t help but let out an impressed whistle. The place wasn’t extravagantly huge but it was considered spacious for two busy professionals who spent most of their time at the hospital. The modern and minimalist décor reminded Ren of the houses often featured in property advertisements. The walls were mainly white with the occasional block of slate grey to break the monotony.

“I’m envious,” said Ren while he ran a curious hand over the smooth black leather sofa in the living room.

“Of?” Yuki asked, not bothering to look up as she popped a cappuccino capsule into the sleek titanium coffee machine on the kitchen counter.

Ren chose to settle himself down on the three-seater, bouncing a bit to test its springiness before answering, “Of Mayu-san.” Deciding that he was comfortable, he allowed his tired body to sink into the plush sofa and shut his eyes.

“Why would you be envious of Mayu?”

The doctor heard a soft thunk of fine porcelain against solid wood, signaling that his beverage was ready on the coffee table. He inhaled deeply the rich aroma of the fresh brew and breathed out in contentment. He peeked open an eye, curious when he sensed Yuki walking away. “Aren’t you drinking too?”

“Just give me a few minutes.”

He watched as his friend took a small dusting brush from one of the drawers of the TV stand and started dusting the row of Super Sentai figurines next to the flat-screen television. He blinked, mentally noting that he must have been too tired to notice them when he sat down.

“I didn’t know Mayu-san was a Super Sentai fan,” Ren remarked, sitting up. His eyes were drawn to the woman who was kneeling on the marble-tiled floor and cleaning the figurines with meticulous care. Her hair was still secured in a loose bun, exposing the milky skin of her nape that disappeared into the collar of her white blouse.

“There are a lot of things people don’t know about Mayu,” Yuki said. Picking up a black-suited ranger, she ran the soft goat bristles over its surface. “This Mammoth Ranger from the Kyoryu Sentai Zyurangers series is his favourite partly because they share a similar past.”

“A similar past?”

“Yes,” her tone dipped. “Both of them lost their parents when they were young.”

Ren’s eyebrows rose at the new information but he remained quiet, opting to just watch Yuki work in silence. The woman twisted the poseable figure’s arms and legs to make it seem like a smug bodybuilder flexing his biceps before placing it back down. She giggled to herself, imagining Mayu’s reaction when he returned home to see his childhood hero in such a comical pose.

“You look ready to be a housewife even before marriage.”

A touch of pink coloured her cheeks as she paused mid-giggle. “Don’t tease me,” she glanced over her shoulder, pouting.

“I’m not. You’ve grown up so much in the years we’ve been apart,” Ren said in all seriousness. There was a brief pause before he continued, “You’ve become even more beautiful.”

“E-Eh?” Taken aback by the sudden compliment, Yuki stood up.

Ren pushed himself off the couch, moving towards Yuki with measured strides. The intensity of his gaze was unnerving. Her breath caught in her throat when his nose almost brushed against hers. “There’s something that I’ve been wanting to ask you.”

“W-What is it?” Yuki asked, unaware that she had been inching backwards until her back hit the wall.

“I…” Ren rested his hands on the wall, trapping her in between his arms. “I…” His voice trailed off again and his heartbeats drummed loudly in his ears. It was now or never. There wouldn’t be another chance like this.

“If you didn’t meet Mayu-san, would I stand a chance?”

There. He said it. The question that had been plaguing him ever since Yuki got together with the younger doctor.

“If I had come over to Tokyo with you earlier, would I have stood a chance?” he pressed on, feeling his heart race wildly in his chest. He caught the confusion in her eyes before they darted around nervously and he felt bad for putting her in a spot.

But he had to know.

“Ren-kun… things didn’t happen that wa-”

“Answer the question!” he demanded and regretted his tone immediately when she flinched. He swallowed thickly. “P-Please.” His voice was low and trembling. Their faces were close – so close that he could see her lips quivering, her wide eyes brimming with fear, and feel her shaky hot breaths on his skin.

“I… I’m sorry,” she finally uttered, voice cracking. “I don’t know.”

His hands balled into tight fists against the wall as his fingernails dug tiny crescents into his palms.

“Then forgive me for doing this.”

The last thing he saw was a teardrop rolling down her cheek as he crushed his lips against hers.

The dusting brush fell to the ground with a sharp clack.


Mayu tapped his pen against the patient’s file that he was studying. Groaning, he dropped the pen and massaged his temples, resting his elbows on the desk. He peeked through half-closed eyelids at the black photo frame before him.

Why does my heart feel so heavy?

His gaze settled on the smiling face of the woman he loved so dearly as he reached out to touch the smooth glass surface. A sigh escaped his mouth.

“Miss Yuki-chan already?” a teasing voice probed from across him. Yuko had been observing the young man ever since he returned from the washroom five minutes ago and his actions had been rather peculiar to say the least. “She has only been gone for an hour. Oh, oh!” She slammed her hands on her desk and leant forward with a huge grin as an idea popped into her head. “Did you perhaps go to the toilet to relieve some of that lovesickness?”

He shot her a dirty look…

“Your little buddy down there longs for her tou-”

… and chucked the patient’s file in her face.

“Hey, there’s no need to get so violent just because I said your buddy is little!” Yuko retorted, rubbing her reddening nose.

“It’s not that-”

“So you admit that it’s small!”

“N-No!” sputtered Mayu. “I don’t mean that!”

“So it’s a jumbo?”

“What? N-No, it’s-”

“Maybe I should ask Yuki-chan. I’m sure she knows.” Yuko gave him no chance to talk, thoroughly enjoying the way his face was turning into different shades of red.

“She doesn’t! She…”

Yuko gaped with raised eyebrows as the flustered man’s voice suddenly faded off. “Eh? What’s this?” Her eyes glinted with excitement as though she had just discovered a treasure trove of hot lesbian porn. “Are you telling me that you two have finally made some progress?” She sprang up from her seat and rounded over to his. Slapping his back, she beamed like a proud mother. “My boy! You have finally grown up!”

Mayu grunted as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “Let me finish!” he yelled.

“You mean you didn’t finish in the toilet just now?” As innocent as her tone sounded, her expression was anything but.

Oh, how he wished to wipe that shit eating grin off her face.

Yuko realised that she might have taken her jokes too far when he stopped rebutting and refused to look at her.

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” She patted his head as if he was a kid who just got denied a double-scoop ice cream. “You are still my pure, virginal, stuck-in-the-ancient-times Mayu boy, okay?”

He spared her an unconvinced scowl. Ignoring the fuming look directed her way, Yuko planted her rear on his desk, facing him.

“So what’s up? You’ve been acting rather strangely,” she asked, genuine concern lacing her voice.

He half-glared at her for a few seconds before deciding that she was serious this time. “I’ve been feeling uneasy and I can’t stop thinking about Yuki,” he admitted, clutching his chest. “And no, I’m not lovesick,” he added quickly before Yuko could suggest that again.

The senior doctor swung her legs as she considered what he had just said. “Why don’t you give Yuki-chan a call?”

“I don’t want to disturb her rest. She should be sleeping now.”

“But don’t you want to make sure she’s alright? I’m sure she can go back to sleep fast enough if she’s really tired. A quick check wouldn’t hurt,” reasoned Yuko.

“I guess you are right.” Mayu exhaled a deep breath and reached for his phone in his pocket. However, before he could even unlock the screen, a familiar voice spoke through the intercom.

A lady in her sixties fell down the stairs outside Tsukiji Subway Station. According to eyewitnesses, she hit her head and is currently unconscious. Requesting for urgent medical assistance.

Mayu sighed and stuffed the phone back in his pants.

“Watanabe and Oshima responding to the call. We’ll head out in the ambulance.”

The duo grabbed their medical kits and raced out of the room. Lightning-quick footsteps thudded through the corridors as they avoided all living and non-living obstacles with practised ease.

Mario happened to step out of his office when the two emergency doctors whizzed past him. He nearly did a flip at their – no, Yuko’s reckless behaviour. “What the… Stop running!”

“Huh?” Yuko glanced back, still running. As a result, she didn’t notice the two nurses who were wheeling an empty bed round the corner ahead. Mario’s eyes bulged at the impending disaster.

“Watch out!”

It was too late. Yuko crashed straight into the side of the bed and rebounded from the impact, landing on her bum with a sharp yelp.

“Yuko!” Mario skidded to her side, his forehead creased with worry. “Are you alright?” He helped her into a sitting position as gently as he could. Turning to the two nurses, he snapped, “You idiots! I’m going to file a complaint to your head!”

“Whoa, chill, man. It’s not their fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” Yuko said in between grimaces. With a wave of her hand, she shooed the two shaken nurses away before Mario could make good on his word. “And wait a minute,” she turned to him with an accusing glower, “you were the one who distracted me. What the hell were you thinking? Can’t you see that we are in the middle of serious business here? And get your filthy paws off me!” She thwacked his large hands that were wrapped around her arms and stood up abruptly.

“Watch it!” His hands shot out again to grab her shoulders when she wobbled unsteadily. “You should be more careful now. Does anywhere hurt?”

Both Yuko and Mayu blinked at the haughty neurosurgeon’s 180-degree change in demeanor.

“O-Of course it hurts, dumb stick,” admonished Yuko, feeling shivers running down her spine at his gentle tone. “Try running into a bed yourself. Now release me before I report you for sexual harassment.” She shot him another death glare only to realize how her body was resting against his sturdy and slightly heaving chest. Shrugging off his hands fiercely, she bounded towards the nearest dustbin before a familiar wave in her stomach churned all its bitter burning contents up her throat. “Fuck, not again,” she spat, gripping her tummy. The putrid taste swirling in her mouth caused her to retch a second time, making witnesses cringe at the coarse hacking sounds. “Don’t you dare come a step closer!” she stopped the concerned Mario before he could reach her. “I don’t want to have anything to do with you, fucking three-legs.”

Mario watched in stunned silence as Yuko yanked Mayu along and half-ran and half-limped down the corridor.

Isn’t Watanabe a “fucking three-legs” too?

He ran a hand through his neatly combed brown hair, sighing loudly.

That stupid reckless woman is going to kill our child one day.

“Are you okay?” Mayu asked the moment they boarded the ambulance. It was worrying when his senior still appeared a little green in the face. Leaning back as she wiped off some sweat on her brow, Yuko merely waved him off. “You’ve been throwing up quite a lot recently,” he continued.

“And like what I’ve been telling you, it’s nothing.”

“It has something to do with Mario-san, right?”

Yuko snorted and cast a long look at him. “When did you become so nosy?” The younger doctor simply shrugged, meeting her questioning gaze with one of his own. She caught the look in his knowing eyes and realized that he already had an answer to his question. Suddenly laughing, she broke off their tense stare-off which prompted Mayu to frown at her odd behaviour. She punched his shoulder, noting how he hardly flinched.

“Yuki-chan has trained you well.”


With a dimpled grin, she shook her head and muttered, “Nothing. Just lend me your shoulder for a bit.” Shifting her body, she rested her head against the top of his left arm. She wondered silently after a few bumps on the road what Yuki loved about his hard and bony frame.

“It’s weird how you don’t have an adverse reaction towards me,” Mayu mused, eyes tracking the scenery outside the vehicle. They were about to reach their destination. He felt a low chuckle.

“Maybe you are secretly a woman.”

“Shut up.”


It was already nine at night when Mayu slammed his locker shut with a bang, having just changed out of his work attire. The entire day had been hectic, leaving him with no chance to check on Yuki other than sending a brief text message which had been ignored since seven hours ago. He hadn’t had lunch and dinner but the worry building in his gut squashed all traces of hunger in his stomach. Getting into his convertible, he raced back to his home, just short of breaking the speed limit.

The lights in the house were off, shrouding it in total darkness. Mayu fumbled with the house keys as panic rendered his hands a trembling mess.

She should be home at this time.

“Yuki!” he called out, his voice reverberating in the deathly still interior. Only his own heavy breathing answered him. He marched up the stairs to the master bedroom and slammed on the light switch, flooding the room with sudden brightness that hurt his eyes. The bed was untouched; the pillows were fluffy and the sheets were crisp and unrumpled. Jaw clenched, he bolted to every room in the house but there was no sign of life in any one of them. When his legs brought him to the living room, he whipped out his phone, ready to give Yuki a call when he spied a head of hair peeking out from the sofa’s armrest. He approached the sofa with movements as quiet as a prowling cat’s and exhaled a sigh of relief when he spotted Yuki’s snoozing figure curled up on the soft leather seat.

“You gave me such a scare,” he chided the sleeping woman gently as he crouched down to meet her at face level. Gingerly, he tucked a few strands of stray hair behind her ear but the action stirred her awake.

“Mayu?” her sleep-laden voice came out like a purr, bringing an amused smile to his face.

“Why are you sleeping here?”

He was unprepared for her next action. She gripped the front of his shirt and drew him towards her. As he was squatting on tiptoe, he fell forward easily, trapping her under his upper body. His wide eyes stared at her in shock. With the moonlight illuminating her face, he noticed the dried tear streaks on her cheeks.

“Yuki… what happened?” His heart ached with a painful squeeze as he took in her troubled features.

“I… ” Her eyes darted around before settling on him again. “I kissed Ren-kun.”

Mayu’s mind went blank and he blinked. Once. Twice. He waited with bated breath for her to tell him it was a joke and to assure him with her tinkling laughter. However, all he saw were fresh tears brimming in her puffy eyes.

“Yuki, it’s not funny.”

“I’m not joking.”

“… Why?” His question was a raspy whisper as he fought hard to suppress the wild thoughts whirring in his mind.

“He wanted to know if it was possible between him and me if I didn’t meet you.”

“And then?”

“I didn’t know what to tell him… then he kissed me.”


The dusting brush fell to the ground with a sharp clack.

Ren slammed his lips against Yuki’s, feeling her body stiffen at the close contact. Slowly, he moved his lips, capturing every bit of her strawberry-flavoured essence. It was just as he imagined – she tasted as sweet as she was alluring. He opened his mouth and slid his tongue across her trembling and tightly pressed lips.

She never responded.

Opening his eyes, he found hers squeezed shut with wobbly droplets glistening at the corners. Wordlessly, he pulled back. When she finally dared to look at him, his face was one that spelled defeat. Eyes downcast, shoulders sagging. A bitter smile stretched across his lips.

“I’ve got my answer. Sorry for putting you through this, Yuki-chan.”

“Where are you going?” she blurted when he turned away and trudged towards the door.

With his back facing her, he said, “I don’t know. But don’t worry. The next time we meet, I can treat you like the little sister you should be.” He opened the door, paused and added as an afterthought, “I’m willing to bear the consequences of what I did so… don’t hide it from Mayu-san.”

The door closed with a soft click and Yuki stood frozen to the spot as hot tears spilled forth and blurred her vision.


“… That was what happened.”

Mayu’s expression was unreadable as he bit his inner cheek. Silence prevailed between them.

“I’m angry.”

His icy words cut into her soul like a flaming knife and Yuki visibly winced under his emotionless gaze. “I’m sorry, Mayu…”

“I’m angry,” he repeated a little more softly. “But not at you. Technically speaking, you didn’t kiss him. He kissed you.”

Mayu sighed and repositioned himself to sit on the couch, running a rigid hand through his hair. Guilt brewed in her stomach as a host of different emotions played across his face. He was at a loss of what to do, what to say. She sat up and grasped his hand but his eyes were looking at everywhere except her.

“Mayu… I’m so sorry. I should’ve pushed him away. I shouldn’t have let him kiss me. I have no excuse.”

Something wet splattered onto his knuckles.

“S-Say something… or scold me. Don’t ignore me, Mayu…” she pleaded, tightening her grip on his hand. “P-Please…”

She barely had time to gasp when the pensive man suddenly shoved her back down and loomed over her. The dark shadows flitting over his features made him seem like an entirely different person.

“I’m sorry. I don’t quite know how to react to all this but,” he bent down and planted a butterfly kiss on a stray teardrop, “I’m not angry with you. That’s what I want you to know.”

He trailed the tear to her jaw, then her frail and slender neck where he sucked gently on the throbbing pulse. She hissed from the searing contact which lit her senses on fire. One moment it was hot, the next it was cold when he slipped away, allowing the cool night air to seep in and flirt with the moist tingling spot. She wanted to call his name but he moved up to claim her fully on the lips before she could utter a single sound. Instinctively, she wound her hands behind his head, tangling her fingers with his short strands of black hair as she pulled him closer so that she could kiss him deeply. A raw, guttural groan rumbled in his throat when he tugged at her lower lip with his teeth, biting and chewing and not letting go. Her lips parted automatically as a sharp gasp escaped, and he gladly accepted her invitation, meeting her tongue with his. The room was filled with her short, shallow pants and his deep moans as they explored each other with a hunger never experienced before. Her stomach coiled with a dangerous sensation. Her thighs rubbed against each other. She clawed at the back of his shirt while he wrenched her hair tie, freeing her wavy hair as it splayed out messily on the black leather surface.

“Ma-Mayu…” She writhed underneath him, toes curling and hands settling on his arms and feeling his modest but hard biceps through the thin fabric of his sleeves.

“Yuki…” His voice was gruff as he tore himself away from her tempting lips which he noticed were swollen from their sloppy kiss. Their eyes met and a lump immediately formed in her throat from the look of reverence he was giving her. He brushed aside her fringe that was matted on her forehead and kissed the damp skin gently. His breathing was heavy as his sight settled on her flushed face.

This is a kiss between lovers. What you had with Ren-san doesn’t count.” His hand glided down to caress her supple cheek, running his thumb in slow circles on the lightly freckled surface. “You don’t have to feel bad. You helped him find his closure, didn’t you?” The corners of his mouth curled to form a small loving smile. “With that, he could finally move on without regrets.”

She bit her lip, trying hard not to cry. “Why are you so nice? How can you be so forgiving?”

“Because I trust you.” His onyx gaze pierced into the deepest depths of her soul, making her shudder from the grave intensity. “But,” he paused for good measure, “I’m not that generous. He still needs to pay for taking advantage of you.”

Yuki’s eyes went wide, mild panic filling her. “What do you plan to do?”

He hummed. “I don’t know yet.”

Her brow furrowed at his reply. “Don’t do anything that will get yourself into trouble.”

“I won’t,” he promised and proceeded to let his exhausted body collapse upon her.

“Mayu, you are heavy!” she protested and squirmed under his weight only to hear a familiar chuckle. Pouting, she smacked his shoulder but he refused to budge.

“Let me rest. I’m tired,” he drawled into her ear.

“Mayu, I’m going to let the both of us fall off the couch if you don’t get up,” warned Yuki.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Hmph, but I dare to do this…” She closed the gap and bit his neck, nibbling the sensitive spot while lightly sucking on tender skin. She cheered mentally when she heard a sharp intake of breath as he shot up. His hand slapped over the stinging spot.

“Ah… Guess that’s going to leave a mark.”

“It’s only fair since you’ve already marked me,” she reminded with a tantalizing blush.

His eyes fell upon the cherry red love bite glowing on her pale neck. A wave of possessiveness surged through him and he cracked into a smirk. “Well, you are mine and…” He leant down to let Yuki continue where she left off, shivering when her warm and slick tongue lapped at his perspiring skin. Biting back a hiss, he reveled in the prickling sensation as her teeth made intimate contact with his pulsing jugular vein.

“I’m yours,” he completed his sentence before capturing her lips once again.


To be continued...

Thank you very much for reading! As always, reviews are greatly appreciated :deco:
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 04:52:44 PM by seigus »

Offline katekyohit

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #332 on: August 18, 2013, 02:29:23 PM »
YAY! An update! XD I waited for it for so long!!! XD (finally~ :cow:)
I love every MaYuki moments in this series! It's just soo awesome and makes me feel doki doki whenever I read~  :deco:
I wondered how would things go between Mario and Yuko later on...  :panic:
Ren would always have Jurina-chan~ (Well if the story is going to lead to that point?)
Thank you for your update seigus-san!  :deco: :cathappy:

Offline chichay12

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #333 on: August 18, 2013, 02:39:18 PM »
 :on woohoo: :on woohoo: :on woohoo:

i just love this fic that i cant find the right word to describe it XD
ren just stick to juju, yuki is for mayu only   :onionwhip:
if yuko is preggy,congrats mario  :hiakhiakhiak:
seigus thank u for the update :on gay:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 06:34:00 PM by Chichay12 »

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #334 on: August 18, 2013, 03:25:58 PM »
Finally an update  :nervous I'm curious about what mayu would do to Ren..    :wth at first when Mayu kissed Yuki passionately I thought they will having sex  :cow: hahaha but thanks for your update! I'm waiting your next chapter

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #335 on: August 18, 2013, 03:28:52 PM »
I have no words, just AWESOME!  :shocked
I totally LOLed at that teasing part between Mayu and Yuko! Yuko you rock!  :rockon:
Congrats Mario!  XD
I felt bad for Mayu when Ren was kissing Yuki, but Mayu!! you redeemed yourself very well  :w00t:
I'll be waiting for an update  :banghead:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #336 on: August 18, 2013, 03:34:19 PM »
finally an update~
can't wait to see the next one :thumbsup

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #337 on: August 18, 2013, 03:57:51 PM »
Finally !!! An update...

Mayu is really understanding boyfriend...  :inlove:  :inlove:

What will Mayu do to Ren??

Is Yuko really pregnant with Mario's baby??

Can't wait for the next chapter..

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #338 on: August 18, 2013, 06:12:17 PM »
God this update made my day so far~

Nya~~~ Mayu-kun, why so osam?!!!!

Ren.... I hope Mayu wun hurt him too much...

I want Yuko-sama to be really pregnant with Mario's baby... I wonder why... You made me ship them, Tatsu-chan~!!!  :wub:

And I felt there was too little of them appearing in this chapter...

Ah, Yuko-sama's convo with Mayu  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tatsu-chan, SASUGA, the perfect chapter!!! I'll be waiting for more!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 5.1] Too Close (18 Aug)
« Reply #339 on: August 18, 2013, 06:47:28 PM »
Horra!! An update!! Thank seigus-san!

At first I wondered what kind of arc this time...since the interlude is not so clear for me, but i'm thinking this arc maybe have focused on many pair,not just our beloved dr.watanabe and nurse kashiwagi...(i was thinking about yuko and that mario stick LOL) and maybe some matsui's.


So i start read this new update.....

And wow!! This chapter so shocking!!

Especially what's ren doing toward yuki! .Mayu's right,he must paid for what he doing toward his future wife~
(Wonder what kind of revenge)

If it not mayu,who trust yuki in highly level...,maybe it could became worst,you know it will affect their married plan.

What ren's do is so reckless! Indeed! He make yuki relationship in danger~

Where's ren after that scene? I though about he going to jurina place LOL


About yuko,i start to doubt that she's pregnant,she to hyper and reckless LOL

Mario became so gentle toward yuko LOL

It not clear enough to say that yuko pregnant LOL maybe next update will be more explanation about this thing~

Oh almost forgot! Hey you adding a little mayu's side and past here...

That make me know mayu's don't have parent since young age,and he loved sentai! LOL that not surprising,but adding that detail make the story more life...

I start want to know more about mayu past,and how he meet yuki at that scene when yuki got accident,that fate accident LOL


Thank for the update seigus -san...i'm always enjoy your dr.watanabe x nurse kashiwagi series


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