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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 139437 times)

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Ray is cheating on Kai!!!!! :angry:
If she doesn't like Kai, then she should've just let Kai be with Acchan and their daughter!!! :banghead:
I hope Kai will find out about her cheating soon and realize his real feelings soon!!!!

Offline Tanchan

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I don't know what Ray's thinking. She used every mean to get Kai, robbed him of the one he truly loves, and now she's cheating on him. It's okay Kai just dump her. Besides, she's not the one you love anyway.

Offline Haruko

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come on ray you can´t say nothing.. ok... OMG!! come on kai. be brave and make acchan happy

Offline Wmatsui22

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It's ok hehehe

please update always

thank you

i love atsumina

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline karupin12

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Sorry for late update  :sweatdrop: :mon sweat:

Chapter 16 Part 2: Unintentional Meeting of the Rivals

Inside the other apartment, two bodies that are now half naked and obviously exhausted are now lying on the bed while hugging each other. The man looked at the woman with a smirk on his face.
“What’s with that smirk Kuu? Don’t tell me you want another round?”
“No no no …… I’ll think of that later but for now, I really need to find out something. If you don’t want to say it to me, I’ll make her to say it directly to me” Kuu smirked even more. He grabbed his phone on the near desk then dialed a number.
“Eh? What are you going to do?” Mariko asked but he was ignored by the Gachapin.

“Moshi Moshi. Any problem Kuu?” The person on the other line answered.
“Acchan! How could you?! Ah~! Why you didn’t tell it to us that …. Oh my god!” Kuu said in a dramatic voice. Mariko looked at him and thought, ‘Oh I know what you’re going to do. Acchan, don’t let this gachapin fool you’.
“Huh? What are you talking about? I can’t understand you”
“Acchan, please .. Don’t deny it. I know about it already. I know that she’s really your ………Oh my, I can’t take this anymore. Why you didn’t tell us?” Kuu continued his dramatization on the phone.

The person on the other line grows silent for awhile and think. Upon realizing something, Atsuko spoke up again, “How? How come you know about it? Did Mariko tell it to you that Anami-chan is my daughter and her father is Kai?!” Atsuko asked continuously without any pause.
Kuu’s lips formed an ‘Ooowhh~’ then smirked. This is more than he expected to know about Anami. The woman beside him just face palmed and thought, ‘Baka Atsuko, you easily fell on this Gachapin’s trap’

“Yattaaaa~! I knew it! Anami is really your daughter and not your niece! You easily fell on my trap Acchan. Bwahahaha! Now, I know that truth!” Kuu laughed victoriously.
“Wha-whaaat?! You mean you really don’t know about it on the first place? Aaargh! You’re a mean Gachapin!”
“I already had that feeling that Anami wasn’t your niece. I asked Marichan about it but she didn’t tell anything to me so I decided to plan this trap on you. Hahaha!”
“Oh stop laughing Kuu! You’re so mean! ………………. Please Kuu, don’t tell it to anyone specially Kai” Atsuko pleaded.
“I just don’t get it. How come that Kai is her father? And why you don’t want to tell it to him? Anami-chan needs a father”
“It’s a long story but it all happen when I got kidnapped by Tego and when we stayed in a hotel ……… Please Kuu, let me be the one to tell about it to him. I just can’t find the right time to say it”.
“Hmmm… So the midget was really saying the truth that he’s not a virgin anymore …….. Okay, Okay. I will not tell it to him. Kai also need time to realize something AGAIN”
“I want to talk a little longer but I need to hung up now. My manager is calling me. Ja!”

When Atsuko hanged up the phone, Kuu grinned at Mariko and said, “You’ll have your punishment for lying to me. You do not know anything huh?”. Mariko gulped then the Gachapin immediately wrap the blanket over them…………. Round two started. XD

-Meanwhile at Kai and Ray’s Residence-

The Diva is still looking directly on Kai’s eyes with a ‘let’s talk inside’ look. Ray moved from her location and walked inside their house towards to their bedroom. Kai followed her while his heart is beating faster because of being nervous; he knows that Ray might know the recent issue about him and Atsuko. The Diva sat down on the bed and looked again at him; her eyebrows rose up like waiting for an explanation. Kai didn’t know what to do so he decided to just act normally and greet her.

“How’s the recording? What time you came back here?” Kai smiled then went forward to give a peck on Ray’s cheek but the Diva’s expression remained as it is.
“What do you want? Do you want to eat? I’ll cook your favorite food” Kai said again as he cannot take anymore the glare that the Diva is giving to him. When he was about to walk away from her, finally, Ray said something ….

“Where did you sleep last night?”
Kai stopped and turned to look at her, “Eh? Anou … hmm … in Riku’s house”
“Since when you started lying to me? Is it Riku’s house or Maeda’s? Don’t lie to me Kai!! I know you weren’t here last night! Sayaka and Sae checked the CCTVs already!”
The midget remained silent as the Diva come closer to him then ……


Ray’s hand strike on the blond’s cheek and leave a red mark. Even though Kai can still feel the sting of the slap, he just looked down and remained silent and let the Diva to say something again.
“How dare you to do that to me?! Taking advantage because I’m not around huh?! Don’t you know that you and Maeda are on every news in the whole Japan? Everyone is talking about you and her!! How dare you to betray me?!”
“I didn’t betray you Ray! Is it wrong to accompany her niece huh?!” Kai defend himself.
“Oh I forgot about that! Her niece? The one who’s always with you and Maeda these days? The one that made you look like having a family with her?! Don’t you notice that Maeda is just using her so you can be close to her again!!”

“STOP IT RAY!! She’s not like that! I’m the one who insisted to visit them whenever I have time!”
“Oh so you’re defending her now? Heh, insisted? It looks like you’re happy when you’re with them. You like to be with them instead of being with me!” Ray poked Kai’s chest with her index finger.
“Tell me Ray, Is it wrong to have some fun? Is it wrong to be happy? Don’t say that I don’t want to be with you! How can I be with you and spend some time if you’re always busy and don’t have enough time for me?! Yeah you always go home after work but it feels the same when you’re here or not! You know Ray, you changed a lot! You’re not the Ray before! You’re so cold to me these days! If I’m like the other men out there, I might think that you have another man aside from me!”

Somehow, the last words from Kai totally hit her heart. She felt guilty and it just made her to keep quiet so the midget continued, “Don’t you know that I felt that I’m in a relationship with a piece of note before? Heh, what a lucky note. Ray, tell me …. Are you tired of being with me?”
“Will I react like this if I’m tired being with you? Kai, you know … I missed you so much” Ray said suddenly.
“You missed me? Really? Then if you do, why you didn’t send me AT LEAST ONCE a mail? I’ve sent you tons of mails and I also tried to call you but there’s NOTHING I got from you!”
“It’s because I’m busy Kai! Please understand my situation!” Ray reasoned out.
“It’s the stupid ‘BUSY REASON’ again! Ray, if you really want to do something, you’ll find a way just to do it! If there’s a will there’s a way! ……….. seriously Ray, do you still love me?”

“This conversation is supposed to be about You and Maeda!” Ray ignored the question.
“ANSWER ME RAY!! Do you still love me??!” Kai growled at her.
“Of course! I still love you!” The Diva answered quickly.
“But why you’re making me to feel this way? Love? I can’t feel it frommppph ……..” Kai was interrupted by the sudden kiss from the Diva but he immediately pulled out and said, “That’s not what I mean! Ray, I don’t care if we don’t do passionate things, all I wanted is your time. I don’t want to feel this way but slowly, you’re making me to get used without you by my side ………….. Without you in my life”

Kai walked out from the room and leave the stunned Diva. He drove as fast as he can even though he didn’t know where to go. He just let his car’s wheels to go wherever they want. Inside the room, Ray’s tears fell from her cheeks and thought, ‘Kai, are you falling out of love with me? or. ....... Have you really been in love with me?'. After a few minutes, Ray wipped her tears and flew away from their house to the TV Tohto building. When she arrived, she immediately walked fast to the studio 48. 'This is all your fault Maeda, my Kai got distracted because of you!' Ray thought as she start to wander around to find her target. She stopped for awhile when she heard a familiar voice coming out from the door.

"Maeda-san, thanks for your hardwork today. I have another meeting with the director later. If you want, you can go with me"
"Hai. Okay. I also want to meet the director and the other sraffs" Atsuko smiled but it immediately fade away when she saw a person that is coming to them.
"Good day Ray-san. How may I help you?" Atsuko's manager greeted.
"If you don't mind, can I borrow Maeda for awhile?"
"Sure go ahead. .... Let's just meet later in the cafe Maeda-san. I'll take my leave now" her manager excused herself and leaves the two women who are having a murderous glare at each other.

"What do you want Ray-san?" Atsuko asked nicely.
"I'll ask this for the second time, Why did you came back here huh?" Ray raised her eyebrows.
"Then let me answer it again for the second time also. ......... I came back for Kai" Atsuko smirked.
"You're taking advantage that I'm not around him huh? Plus you're using your niece just to be with him!" Ray increased her voice a bit.
"Kai wants it! and I'm not taking advantage on it! In fact, I'm kinda worried about him because I noticed that you've been so distant to him lately!" Atsuko defend herself.
"Owh really? ......... You said that you came back for Kai right? So what's your intention now? Taking him away from me?!" Ray blurted out.
"Yes! Anything wrong about it?"
"Yes! I thought we both agreed on our deal before?! Then why you're doing this?! You're breaking our deal!" The Diva gritted her teeth while giving a murderous look to Atsuko who just smirked.

"Yeah I agree on it BUT am I the one the one who broke it first?" Atsuko smirked even more then continued, "That's why I'm doing this now. Taking back what really belongs to me!!" The actress leave the Diva who just widened her eyes with confusion. 'Does she? ......... No, that can't be! It’s impossible for her to know about it!' Ray thought. Atsuko just walked towards the cafe with a victorious smile, 'I never thought that you will easily give Kai to me. I thought I'll be a single parent forever but I'm wrong. ........... Now, I need to take back my daughter's father and my. ................ love".

TBC …  :deco: :cow:

Offline Sydney W

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Wohooo, way to go Atsuko. Fight with Ray to get back your lover. ^^

Offline kiruchi

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Go Acchan!!!!!

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Woah! Acchan's last statement is so kakkoi!!!! XD
Fight on Acchan!!!
Get your Kai back~~~ :D


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Wohooo, way to go Atsuko. Fight with Ray to get back your lover. ^^

^I support that  :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

Offline Haruko

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Wohooo, way to go Atsuko. Fight with Ray to get back your lover. ^^

^I support that  :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

Everyone!! :D come maeda fight for your midget :D

Offline Wmatsui22

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I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline karupin12

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everyone wants Atsuko to fight for Kai ..  :cow:
next chapter will be posted later  :twothumbs *i hope so xD*

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 17: Confirmed

After a long drive, Kai found himself in front of Riku's house. He was about to drive again but his car suddenly stopped as he notice that it run out of gas. He just sighed and walked towards the house's door and knock. Riku opened it and he's surprise to see a problematic look of the midget.

"Hey. What happened to you? You look so. ....... stressed and problematic"
"Can I come in first before we talk about it?"
"Hai! Hai! Sorry" Both of them walked inside and sat down on a sofa.

Kai covered his face with his hands to look like more problematic and said, "Ray is home. ...."
"We had a little fight. .... She knew the issue about me and Acchan then she get mad at me"
"Of course she will get mad! There's no lover that will celebrate if they will know something like that!" Riku said that made the midget to look down and keep his mouth shut. After a few minutes of silence, Riku's phone beap inidicating that he had a message.

"What the?! I forgot, Yuuchan is waiting for me! Aargh I'm dead!" Riku immediately stand up and get his keys.
"Hey midget, Let's go. I'm leaving now"
"Anou. ... Can I have a ride? My car ran out of gas" Kai smiled while he scratched the back of his head.
"What?! I'm gonna be late. ....... Oh okay! okay!" Riku sighed in defeat as he cannot take the pleading look of the midget.

While driving towards Kai’s house, Riku can see on the midget’s face the confusion as he wrinkled his forehead while sleeping. ‘I wish you can found out easily what’s bothering you’ He thought. After a long drive, they arrived in front of the house and the midget whose sleeping woke up after having a full stop of the car.
“Eh? Why did you bring me here?” Kai said with a sleepy tone.
“Why? This is your house right? Where you do expect? In Acchan’s house?” Riku smirked.
“Oh shut up Riku. By the way, thanks” Kai stepped out on the car and walk towards the gate when Riku drove away from him. While finding the key, he noticed a figure that is wearing a white dress walking closer to him. He immediately looked to it and found the Diva with her bodyguards. As the gate opened, both of them walked to the mini path towards the door. No one hesitate to talk as they head inside their bedroom to change and rest. After a long time of silence, Kai can’t take it anymore so he decided to go to the near window and watch the people who are walking on the street. He rested his chin on his both hands and let out a deep sigh then suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped over his body as a head rested on his shoulder.

“R-R-Ray ….” Kai tried to look at the Diva.
“I miss you so much Kai” Ray said as she tighten the hug to the midget and smelled his scent. Kai just hold her hand so she decided to ask what’s troubling her earlier.
“Where did you go?”
“Riku’s place” Kai answered and quickly removed his hands from Ray as he remembered their small fight earlier. “It’s okay if you’ll not believe me” he added.
“No. No ….. I believe in you ……… Kai, I’m sorry for what happened earlier. I’m just …. jealous” Ray renounced herself from the midget as a tear fell to her cheeks. Kai turned around to look at her and wiped the tears.
“I’m sorry also Ray. I didn’t mean to do it”
“I love you Kai …” Ray suddenly said.

Kai just let out a smile. He didn’t know what to say or what to react. Does he need to say those words also? But somehow, he can’t say it like there’s something prohibiting him. The midget blinked his eyes but before he open it again, he felt soft and sweet lips pressing on him and hands cupped his cheeks. It’s been a long time since the last time he felt those lips so for no reason; he can’t control his movements as he answered back the kiss from the Diva. Ray felt so much happiness on the reply that she received from the blond despite of having a fast beating of her heart. Without breaking the kiss, she lead the midget towards the corner of the bed while her hands are busy removing the shirt. When the manly body of the blond revealed, they continued on kissing as her hands are now moving down to the main subject. But before she can grab the button of the pants, she felt Kai unzip the zipper on the back of her dress. She decided to help the midget so she quickly removed it. When the dress slid down to the ground, Kai’s eyes traced the half naked body of the Diva. Ray noticed it but she just deepened their kiss as she let out her tongue and ask permission to the midget. Kai gladly accepted it as they are now battling for dominance. While having their tongue battle, Ray continued her unfinished business earlier. Finally, she unbuttoned and unzipped Kai’s pants and just let it slide down to the ground revealing the midget’s boxers. Kai felt something so he turned around to change their position and pushed slowly the Diva down to the bed to make him on top. He kissed again the Diva on the lips down to her neck but before he can reach the two sensitive parts, he stopped when Atsuko and Anami’s face suddenly flashed into his mind.

‘This is not right. Acchan might get mad at me. But she’s not my ….. so there’s no reason that she will get mad ……… and Ray is my partner so maybe this is okay to do but …………….. Aaarrggh!! Why am I feeling like this? I need to stop this, I don’t want Acchan to get hurt’ Kai thought as he received a ‘Why did you stop look’ from the Diva. Kai didn’t know what excuse he will say then luckily, his phone rang. He quickly removed himself on top of the Diva to reach his phone on the table and didn’t notice the unsatisfied look of her.

“Moshi Moshi” Kai answered the call from Atsuko but instead of Atsuko’s voice, he heard a little cute voice.
“Kai-kun!! I miss you so much!”
“Ehh? Anami-chan?” Kai whispered so that the Diva will not hear it.
“Hai! Can you please come here? Mom is out and I don’t have any playmates”
“But ….. but …….” Kai looked at the Diva.
“Pleaaaaaaaaasseee~ Please. Please. Please!” Anami pleaded.
“Ugh …. Okay, okay. Wait me there” Kai sighed in defeat and hung up the phone then took his clothes on the ground and fix himself.

“Where are you going?” Ray asked in a bit sad tone.
“Hmm. Anou ……. To Shachou’s place, we have a emergency meeting” Kai lied.
“What time you’ll go home?”
“I don’t know …. I have to go now. Bye” Kai kissed Ray’s forehead and leave. Ray wrapped a piece of cloth onto her half naked body and went to the window to look at Kai who just took a cab.

“I can see it on your eyes, I know you’re lying Kai. I know where you actually going …….. Why Kai? Why you’re giving me so much pain? All of these years, I’m always asking to myself, why did you choose me?” Ray go back to the bed and cried. Her crying session was interrupted when she received a mail from someone. She immediately wiped her tears, fix herself, went outside the house and go inside the red sports car which is obviously not hers. The car drove away and didn’t notice a multiple camera shots from the back of a bush.

-Atsuko’s Residence-

Before Kai can knock at the door, it was quickly opened by the little girl and gave him a hug.
“Owh Kai-kun, why you’re here? Don’t you have any works for today?” Atsuko’s mother who’s at the back asked.
“We don’t have any works for today auntie. This cute little girl called me to go here that’s why I’m here” Kai pinched Anami’s cheeks.
“That girl was really longing for you. By the way Anami, you’re mom will surely get mad at you for using her phone” Mama Maeda said.
“She will not be mad grandma. I’m sure instead of getting mad at me, she will be happy because Kai-kun is here”. Both Kai and Atsuko’s mother just smiled after hearing the words from the little girl.

Both of them head towards the room where the little girl’s toys are. They played for almost 15 minutes then suddenly, they heard footsteps coming closer the room then it stopped after a couple of minutes.
“I know you’re there mom! Reveal yourself now. Kai-kun is excited to see you” Anami giggled as the blond make an ‘Eh??’ face.
Atsuko revealed herself when she heard Kai’s name and said, “Eh? What are you doing here?”
“This girl called me to go here” Kai answered.
“Eh? A … na …. miiii~” Atsuko pretended to growl and ran towards the girl to tickle her.
“Mom …… Stop it …….. I ….. know you’re happy to see Kai-kun” Anami said between her giggles.
“Do you really need to reveal about it? now you’ve made reason why I should not stop tickling you” Atsuko continued on tickling her daughter then stopped after Anami said something.

“Kai-kun ……. Do you love her?”
“Eh?” Kai said with confusion.
“Anami-chan! Where did you learn that kind of question?! It’s not for kids!” Atsuko interrupted them.
“I just read it on a magazine mom. I think it’s a magazine from one of your friends. She said that if someone popped on your mind after that question, then you really love that person” Anami reasoned out but before Atsuko will say something again, her mother appeared in front of the door.
“Anami-chan, it’s time for you to sleep. Let’s go now to you room”
“Haaaaiii~! Coming” The little girl ran towards her grandma and leave the two person who just make an ‘Owh’ face.

They stayed in the room while sitting on the floor with toys around them. Silence is now occupying the whole room as both of them didn’t know what to say. After a few seconds, Atsuko hesitate to ask something to break the silence.
“Anou …. So who do you thought after Anami-chan asked that question?”
“Eh?” Kai was confused why Atsuko asked about it then he tried to hide his slight blush when he remembered who’s that ‘someone’.
“Oh, I’m sorry for that stupid question. Don’t mind it” Atsuko waved her hands to revoke what she said but still, Kai answered her question.
“I don’t know why I thought after that question is YOU … hmmmm” Kai pretended to have a deep thinking as he stared at the ceiling.
“Eh? Why it seem that you don’t like it? That you’re surprised because it was me?” Atsuko pouted after she beaten the midget’s arm.
“Itai! It’s just I really don’t know why it’s you. You don’t need to hurt me!”
“Sou … you’re right. You’re thinking why it’s me instead of Ray” Atsuko sighed and look down.
“Acchan ………..” Kai grabbed the woman’s hand to make her look at him then he continued, “Even though I didn’t know why it’s you, I don’t have any regrets about it”
“Kai …….” Somehow, Atsuko’s heart is now thumping badly while both of them having a staring contest. She can see in the blond’s eyes that he’s sincere on what he said earlier.

Their staring contest only lasted a few minutes as both of their faces are now moving closer to each other. Slowly, they closed their eyes when they’re only centimeters away as they can also feel each other’s breath. When their lips were about to cohere, Atsuko’s phone suddenly rang …..

♫ Sanbyou Mitsumeru dake de, Otoshite miseyou ka …..♫

“Moshi moshi” Atsuko answered the phone.
“Hai! Okay, okay. I’ll be there. Arigatou. Bye bye” Atsuko hanged up her phone and look at Kai who is obviously avoiding to look at her because of embarrassment. She noticed that the guy is still holding her hand even if he’s not looking.

“Anou .. Kai …….. I need to go for awhile. My manager called me and I need to be with her”
“Okay …. Take care and go back as soon as possible ……. Anami-chan might need you” Kai said but still, not looking at the woman.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine if you’re here” Atsuko smiled and tried to prevent her laugh to burst out because of the midget’s behavior.
“If it’s okay, I’ll stay here …… with her”
“Of course it’s okay …. So see you later, bye” Atsuko removed her hands from Kai’s grasp and walked towards the door but she quickly go back and said,

“Kai ….. I forgot something …. I need to show you something, look over here”
The midget immediately turn around to look at her and by surprise, Atsuko’s lips suddenly touch on him. It only lasted for a second as Atsuko break it and left the midget who’s still surprised on what happened to him.
‘I wish all surprises are like that’ Kai thought.

Atsuko went inside her car and she’s now tracing the road towards her manager’s place. She’s now in hurry so she decided to take the shortcut. While driving on the silent, slightly dark and not enough lights road with so many hotels on the side, she noticed two familiar individuals who went inside a hotel. She stopped and called her manager that she will not come because she needs to do something important. Her eyes are still glued on the two person who are now on the hotel’s lobby. Before going outside her car, she thought of a way so that she can go inside that hotel without noticing that she’s the great actress Maeda Atsuko. When one of the maids came out, she noticed that their uniform is look like the one that she used before in a variety show. She quickly search for that uniform in one of the bags at the back and wear it with an eyeglasses.

Finally, she went inside the hotel but the persons that she’s looking for are not in the lobby anymore so she asked the woman who’s in charge at the front desk.
“hmm. Ma’am …. Can I ask something?”
“Can I know where is the room of the man and the woman who’s wearing a white dress with black sunglasses?” The woman looked at her closely and trying to figure out who she really is. She felt nervous so she continued, “They left their bag here. I just need to return this to them” Atsuko smiled awkwardly then sighed in relief as the woman seem to give up.
“Their room is at J301”

Atsuko immediately bowed and go to the said room. When she reached the 3rd floor of the building, the room where the two person is located is now in front of her. She inhaled and exhaled to ready herself on whatever she will witness inside. She knocked at the door then opened it when the man let her to go inside.
“Are you the one who will fix the bathtub?” The man asked.
“H-h-hai!” Atsuko answered with a disbelief tone. She can’t believe that the man who’s lying on the bed now without his shirt is no other than the famous actor and singer and well known as the perfectly trimmed eyebrow man, Kyohei Kamenashi. Atsuko wander her eyes around the room but she can’t find the most important person that she needs to see in this room. Then suddenly she heard a woman’s voice which is coming inside the bathroom. The woman slowly reveals herself with only a bathrobe then the famous Kyohei walked towards her and kissed her. Atsuko’s eyes widened and thought, ‘I’m right. I knew you’re betraying him. When I saw you first at the restaurant on the day that I came back here, I knew that you really have a relationship with him plus the pictures that I received online from the mysterious photographer’.

“It’s okay if you don’t take a shower. You still smell good Ray” the man kissed the woman’s neck.
“Stop it Kame. The maid is still here” The woman pushed a little the man then looked at the ‘pretending to be a maid’ who is staring directly at them. Without any second thoughts, the little push that she made earlier became a hard push that really made the man to lie down on the bed. She widened her eyes and shake her head like ‘this is not real, it’s not what you think’.
“M-M-Maeda …. What are you doing here?” Ray said nervously.
“I should be the one to ask that question” Atsuko smirked.
“I said, what are you doing here?!!” Ray seemed impatient but nervously waiting for an answer.

“I’m here to confirm if you’re really betraying Kai. And you prove it to me that my suspicions are right. Don’t worry I’m not mad at you, in fact I’m happy because you’re the one who broke our deal. Now, I’m really taking him away from you! Kai doesn’t deserve someone like you!” After Atsuko pointed out Ray, she quickly walked out of the room and left the speechless Ray and the confused Kyohei. The Diva tried to chase Atsuko and went to the doorway but it’s too late; the woman already entered inside the elevator. Kyohei immediately wrapped his arms around the Diva to comfort her when he suddenly realized what happened earlier; it only shows that the Diva still care and really in love at the Persona’s midget member.

Both of them didn’t notice the continuous camera shots as they head back inside their room. The person who’s holding the camera just smirked and said, “After all, maybe I can be a great paparazzo. I’m glad that you already found out the truth Acchan, you can now finally be with your love and your daughter’s father. This is the only thing that I can do for you after all the bad things that I did before. If I betrayed you through pictures before, I will use it again but this time …… to help you”

The photographer took out a phone and dialed a number.
“Moshi moshi. I have something important to show to you. This is a big scoop for you guys”.
“Don’t worry, this is real. I’ll send it to your email-ad later”
“Me? Who am I? Just call me ………. ‘The Cyborg’” the photographer hanged up the phone and leaves the place with a smirked on her face.

TBC…..  :cow: :deco:

Will Kai and Atsuko be finally together now? :mon inluv:
What will happen to their family now?

Will Ray have another plan again or just give up? :kekeke:
Stay tuned  :mon geek:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #175 on: August 19, 2012, 04:08:05 PM »
Yes, Mayu (the Cyborg) is here to save the day (Kai x Acchan relationship). Send the pics to Kai, make him realize his feeling for Acchan sooner and leave Ray. Anami chan need a father afterall the years living without her father (Kai). Give back Kai to Acchan and Anami chan. Kai belongs to them instead of Ray !

Offline chichay12

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #176 on: August 19, 2012, 04:28:27 PM »
 :on GJ: :on GJ:
atlast!!! :on gay:
kaixacchan all the way!!!
i really love ur story!!!SO MUCH!!
thank you for the update!!

Offline kiruchi

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #177 on: August 20, 2012, 02:28:38 AM »
And I assume that our little cyborg is Mayu.
 :on yellcard: Chotto Matte!!!
Mayu's the one who released the photos of Maeda!!!  :mon scare:
At least she helping Kai and Acchan in return.
Update soon.

Offline Haruko

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #178 on: August 20, 2012, 04:23:59 AM »
well done cyborg... well done

Offline Cessy10

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #179 on: August 20, 2012, 04:00:37 PM »
Nice Mayu! :)

Way to go Acchan!  :twothumbs

--CessyMe :)

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