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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 140996 times)

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #180 on: August 21, 2012, 02:35:15 PM »

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline kahem

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #181 on: August 21, 2012, 10:47:33 PM »
I really like your fic but I also wanted to slap Kai at several moments lol

Offline karupin12

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Re: [UPDATED *08/19* Chapter 17] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #182 on: August 22, 2012, 06:38:59 AM »

Chapter 18: Goodbye First Love

-Somewhere on the road-

"I'll take you home now. I don't want to see you like this" The man drove as fast as he can to the woman's house.
'I thought all this time, you really want to be with me. Ray, even though you did not say it, it really hurts to know that you're just using me to fulfill Kai's shortcomings' he thought.

The man accompany the Diva towards her room and when he's about to leave, Ray suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "Please stay here. I don't want to be alone Kame"
The man can't resist the pleading look of the Diva so he decided to stay and spend the night with her; a night that might become an intense one.

-Maeda's Residence-

"Kai-kun. .... is it really okay for you to be with Anami? I mean. ... does the Diva will not find you for not being in your home?" Mama Maeda asked.
"Don't worry auntie. It's fine and I already mailed her" Kai smiled.
"Okay, if you say so. Then I should leave you now, I want to rest also" Mama Maeda excused herself and leave the midget who is now beside the little girl that is already having a nice sleep.

Kai watched the sleeping little girl while slightly stroking her hair. He smiled when he noticed that Anami is really look like Atsuko with some of his characteristics. 'What if you're our daughter?' Kai thought. 'Oh what am I thinking?! That's impossible! or maybe not? Aaarggh' Kai messed up his hair then he was interrupted when he saw in the corner of his eyes a figure that is standing at the doorway. There he found an angel that is looking and giving him a lovely smile.

"A-A-Acchan. .... Oh don't give me that kind of smile" Kai rolled his eyes then thought, 'It makes me melt'
"I'm sorry It's just I can't help it. You look like a little father" Atsuko giggled.
"Stop teasing me Acchan. ...... By the way, how's the meeting with your manager?"
"It went well. ...... very well" Atsuko smirked then went beside Kai on the bed.

"Kai, can I ask something?"
"Uhnn. ... what is it?" Kai said without looking at her.
"Does the Diva will not get mad because you're here? I mean you're still together right? Then you should stay with her" Atsuko pretended that she didn't know anything as she just wanted to know something about them.
"You're like your mother you know? She also said that to me earlier. Well, like what I said to her, It's fine and I already mailed her that I'm not able to be with her tonight"
'Either her, she's not able to be with you. She has another business' Atsuko thought.

"Can I ask another question?"
"Again? There's an exchange in every answer that you will get" Kai smirked.
"Eh? Nani?" Atsuko confusedly asked.
"A kiss" Kai slowly move his face closer to her. Atsuko can feel the heat up onto her face but she decided to just tease the midget.
"You're being a flirt again midget...... That's so easy to do" Atsuko smirked then move closer even more. Kai just gulped and immediately retort back and hide his shy face.
"You're funny Kai. ..... You tried to tease me then you just quickly retort back. hehe" Atsuko said between her giggles.
"Stop it Acchan. Just tell me your question" Kai said without looking at her.
"Is there any problem between you and her? I just noticed that both of you are so distant with each other and on the day that I came back here, you seem have a problem" She asked in a serious tone.
"Is that really obvious? Well she's different now. ....."

Kai told everything what he experienced on the past months with Ray. Atsuko just gritted her teeth and prevent herself to let out her anger. Then suddenly, an intriguing question popped on her mind.
"I remember something, I can't remember if it's Kuu or Riku who asked you if. ......... There's something happened between you and the Diva. Did you do it or not on the past years?"
"Eh? What's with that question? It's kinda. .......... embarrassing" Kai look on his side then continued "I already answered it before, there's nothing happened to us"
"So you're really still a virgin" Atsuko giggled as she slightly forgot what happened to them before.
"I told you I'm not!"
"Yes you are!" she teased even more then suddenly the midget pushed her down to make her back rested on the bed. The blond's body slightly leaned down on Atsuko and cornered the woman with his arms.
"Do you want me to help you remember that day? To prove to you that I'm not a virgin anymore?" Kai smirked again on her just like he's now in flirting mode.

Atsuko avoided to look on the midget's eyes and blushed. Now she remembered again that night; the night when they made the little girl beside them. Kai traced every part of the woman's face and said,
"Do you know that you look more beautiful now?"
"I already know about it. You don't need to remind me"
"Wowowow. What a strong confidence you have"
"I'm just kidding. You know, there's nothing change in me, I still look like before" finally, Atsuko look to the midget and their eyes met. They stared at each other and again, slowly, Kai's face move closer to catch the woman's lips then suddenly, Atsuko ruined their situation by asking a question.
"Do you really love her or Do you still love her?"
"I. .. I. .. I really ………………… don’t know"
"Then move away your face now, you're not allowed to kiss me until you know the answer on it" Atsuko smirked.
"You two, can you continue that in the other room? The child might saw you and it's a bad example for her!" Mama Maeda interrupted them and they just retort back on their previous position while having a redden face.

After that incident, both of them just slept beside the little girl. Their hands intertwined like they did not want to let each other go. As the sun starts to shine while the birds are chirping and the roosters nearby also starts to make sound to wake them up, Atsuko quickly stood up and went downstairs to prepare their breakfast while the midget and the other midget are still in the dreamland. After half an hour, Kai went down with a sleepy little girl on his back and exactly, their food is done.

"Ohayou sleepy heads. ..." Atsuko greeted.
"Ohayou mom. .."
"Ohayou Acchan. ... Wow did you prepare all of that?"
"Of course yes. Come on, let's eat"

After they sat down, the two midget took a bite on the food and said,
"Woah! Oishii~!"
"As expected. Mom's food is really delicious" Anami added.
"Before I get addicted into this food, can we switch on the tv? I want to watch some news. These days I really don't know what's happening in our country" Kai laugh a little and scratch the back of his head.

Atsuko quickly grab the remote and switch on the tv. After half a second, they can now hear the newscaster's voice. The blond who’s busy eating, suddenly stopped when he heard something that really caught his attention.

"The Number one and top selling Diva in Japan was caught entering in a hotel with another man! Does the issue between her and Kai of Persona really true? Did they break up? Is it because of the famous actor Kyohei or the another famous in acting, Maeda Atsuko? Soon we'll figure out what's the truth but for now, here are the pictures that were sent by a mysterious sender. Douzo!"

Atsuko widened her eyes; she didn’t expect that the scene that she saw last night will be in the news today. She thought that maybe the paparazzi will not notice it, and then she remembered the pictures that she received last time. ‘Could it be …………. That person?’ she thought. Atsuko looked at the midget who’s eyes are also widened as he shake his head in disbelief. Kai immediately stood up and said,

“No … That’s not true. Maybe the paparazzi misunderstood that girl. Maybe she really looks like Ray but ………………….. No, Ray can’t do such things like that” Kai took his coat at the back of the chair and ready to leave.
“Acchan, I need to go. Thanks for the food” Kai dashed out and hurriedly leave them.
‘I really can’t understand you Kai’ Atsuko thought and frowned but the little girl patted her hand and said,
“Mom, I think Kai-kun will be fine. Don’t worry”
“I hope so Anami-chan ….”

Kai rode in a taxi towards to their house and while he’s inside, he can’t help himself to not panic as his hands were shaking badly. He can still remember the pictures that he saw earlier. He tried not to believe on it but his mind doesn’t agree on what he thinks. When he arrived in front of their house, he wrinkled his forehead and wondered who’s the owner of the luxury car that is parked beside. Kai set aside his wonders and entered inside. The door was not locked so he continued on walking towards to the way where their room is located. Its door was slightly open so he peeped if the Diva is in there. His eyes widened when the moment that he saw two bodies that is obviously half naked as both of them were covered by a blanket. Without any second thoughts, Kai dashed inside with an angry aura. His fists are closed as if it was aiming to punch. The two person was startled by the heavy footsteps. The Diva looked so shocked and didn’t know what to do while when the man beside her was about to stand up, his face was quickly punched by an angry fist that made him to sprawl on the ground.

Kai looked at the man on the ground with his eyebrows meeting each other and yelled, “What the f*** are you doing here?! Don’t you know that this woman already have a partner?! Huh?!! We’re in the same industry, it’s impossible if you didn’t know about it!!”
“That’s the reason why I’m here! I’m here because I know behind her smiles when she’s with you, there’s sadness on it!! I just want to comfort her!!”
“What the hell are you talking about?! Just leave us bastard!” Kai growled and punched him with all his might on the corner of the lips. Kyohei was startled by the unexpected behavior of the midget; he didn’t expect that he can do those things to him. He just took all of his stuffs and leave immediately.

When Kai heard the dashing off sound of the car’s engine, he glance at the Diva who’s still on the bed with a ‘let me explain’ expression. Ray can see on the midget’s eyes the hatred and the same time being hurt. When she was about to touch Kai’s hand when he walked towards her, the midget avoided it and said,

“At first I really don’t want to believe the pictures that I saw earlier on the news because I know that you will never do that to me but now ……….. I realized, I was wrong”
“What? Pictures? News? What do you mean?” Ray confusedly said.
“A paparazzi took a picture of you and that bastard!! And it’s all over the Japan news now!”
“Whaaaaaat??!! My god, what I’ve done ………….. I’ll settle that issue later, for now, I want to settle our situation now. Kai let me explain” Ray pleaded.
“Explain? Do I need your explanation? I already saw what I need to see. There’s no need for explanation”
“Please Kai. Believe me, I didn’t mean to do that. I love you Kai” Ray tried to kiss the midget but she failed when Kai avoided it again.
“Stop it Ray! Believe you? I believe and I trusted you for the past years! And yet you still do that stupid thing on me?! I can’t believe you actually betrayed me! I should have trusted my instincts before, when I saw you with that guy on your house! The day that we had our …….. first date!”

Ray remembered that day; the day when Kyohei visited her but it’s just a friendly visit. She doesn’t have any idea that their relationship will be more than just a friend.
“So you saw that …….. Kai, please believe me. At that time, we’re just friends. I never expected that we’ll end up like this. It’s just ………… I did it because ………….. I need some affection from you. I need you being a man Kai!”
“Does the love that I gave to you ……. Not enough? What else do you need from me?! You said that you want my manliness but what did you do?! Look at yourself! You did it with another man! Do you know how it hurts to see your partner with another man on YOUR OWN BED?! AND HALF NAKED?! If you want my body I can give it to you! You don’t need to ask it in some other guy! Maybe this is the reason why your acting so cold to me! Doing some nasty things with another man!” Kai yelled at her with angriness in his tone but after he said those words to the Diva, Ray gave him a sudden slap.

“You don’t understand me Kai! It’s not only your body that I want! I also want your love! All of your love! The whole love that I never get these years! Even if you didn’t say it, I can see and I can feel that you still love Maeda! I really wonder why you chose me before and I don’t know if …………… you really love me” Somehow, Ray’s words strike directly to his heart. Does he really still love Atsuko? If yes, then why he chose Ray before? Is this what his friends always say to him? That he made a wrong decision before? But he really felt love towards Ray before, how come that he’s wrong on choosing her?

“Ray, you know, on the past years, I felt really in love with you, I felt so much happiness when I’m with you. I thought I gave my whole love to you but I’m wrong. I didn’t notice that all these time, I’m showing to you whom I really love. I didn’t mean it; I didn’t mean to hurt you Ray. Forgive me” Kai said calmly as he looked down on the floor.
“It’s okay Kai, you don’t need to apologize. I’m the one who should ask apology on you. Kai forgive me if I did that. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want you to leave me. Please Kai, let’s start a new relationship again. A better relationship. I really love you Kai” Ray cupped the midget’s cheeks and lifts his face to be able to look at her.
“I’m really thankful for the love that you gave to me but I really don’t get it …….. if you truly love me, then why did you betray me? ………. Maybe there’s a reason why this things happen. It made us to realize something. Ray, I’m really sorry I if I hurt you unintentionally but I don’t think we can start a new relationship again. Like what you said, you can see and you can feel who I really love. It’s also the same thing that my friends always say to me. I don’t want to hurt you again; I do not deserve to accept your love. I know there’s someone that is really meant for you and it’s definitely not me. Ray, thank you for loving me for the past years. I really appreciate it but I think we should stop this” Kai said while removing Ray’s hands on his cheeks.

“No Kai! I know we can still make it! I don’t want to lose you! I want you to stay with me! Please Kai, don’t say those words!” Ray’s tears started to flow continuously on her cheeks.
“If we will continue this, we’ll just end up hurting each other and that kind of relationship won’t work. Ray, I know someday you’ll meet your special person. The person who will love you and you will love truly” Kai smiled at her while wiping her tears but by hearing those words from him, it just made the Diva to cry even more then hugged him.
“No one will take place on you in my heart. I love you so much Kai”

The midget can feel something that is not right to feel when the Diva hugged him so after a couple of minutes, he quickly remove himself and stood up to leave. “You should rest now and prepare yourself for the press that will surely interview you about those pictures” Kai said and was about to go but he was stopped when the Diva grabbed his hand.
“Before you leave me and go to Maeda’s place. Can I request something?”
“Eh? What is it?”
“Can I feel your manliness for the first and last time?” Ray said seductively as she stand up and move forward while holding the blanket which is the only thing that covers her body.
“EEEHHHHH????!!!” Kai felt stunned as he can’t move his feet from the ground. He can feel the heat rose up on his face and it made him to look as red as a tomato.
Ray continued on walking closer to him and said seductively, “I want you Kai …..”
“I .. I .. I told you to have a r-r-rest n-n-now ……………. D-d-don’t come closer to me, I .. I .. I can’t do your request” Kai closed his eyes but after it, he just heard a sad giggle from the Diva.
“I’m just teasing you ……….. Ugh, you show me again that you really love Maeda. Go ahead now” Ray turned back and was about to go to bed again when Kai called her.
“Ray ……..” She turned to look then suddenly she felt soft lips pressed on her. Her tears flow again when she answered the midget’s kiss. She tried to deepen their kiss but Kai broke it and said,
“I … I …. Need to go now before something else happen. Take care”

Ray can feel her heart gradually tearing apart while the midget’s figure was slowly fading out of her sight. It’s the last time that she felt those lips and also the last time that she can feel the presence of her first love. The Diva cried again when she saw some of their pictures together on the wall and on the table. She will surely miss those moments. She flipped her phone and looked at her wallpaper and thought, ‘First love never dies. I need to accept that you’re really not for me. Thank you for being with me in the past four years. Now it’s time for you to be with someone you really love’. Ray’s thoughts were interrupted when she received a message from someone. After she read it, she smiled and said, “I’ll try to be happy for you. Be a good Papa, Kai”.

I don't know if it's right to put that 'trying to seduce' scene after a serious conversation. :lol: :sweatdrop:
Gomen, I just want to add it  :mon sweat:

Thanks for reading  :kneelbow:

Offline Haruko

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #183 on: August 22, 2012, 07:34:25 AM »
yeah! i love that seduce scene part because kai is so.. tsundere.. :D i dont hate so much ray.. she can find a right man... BUT not with oue kay he have his princess :D.. awww love it!!

Offline chichay12

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #184 on: August 22, 2012, 07:44:05 AM »

To much drama!

I  really love it!



Good job!!

Thank you for the update!

Offline sasumiofjp

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #185 on: August 22, 2012, 07:46:56 AM »
So much angst! Finally my atsumina/KaiAcchan can be together, I thought it was kinda nice of Ray to let him go, but she still cheated on him...Good chapter! See you next update!

Offline Sydney W

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #186 on: August 22, 2012, 02:47:00 PM »
Now it’s time for you to be with someone you really love’. Ray’s thoughts were interrupted when she received a message from someone. After she read it, she smiled and said, “I’ll try to be happy for you. Be a good Papa, Kai”.

What happening here??!! I somewhat guess Ray knew Anami chan is Kai's daughter. But how??!! Did Ray hire an investigator to dig Atsuko's secret or Ray get a help from Mayu to expose those pictures just for the sake of Kai's ??

 :lol: too much guessing from me.. Anyway, i want to know what happened next, update soon !!  :peace:

Offline Cessy10

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #187 on: August 23, 2012, 07:05:49 PM »
This story makes me super excited!! Haha  :lol:

PLEASE UPDATE SOON!! :heart: :otomerika:
--CessyMe :)

Current Fanfic:
This Guy's In Love With You... - Trying my best to update :)

This Guy's In Love With You... (trailer)
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Because...I Love You - on Haitus  :cry:

Maple Love - KojiYuu

Our Movie project:
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OTP Slideshow:
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- Please watch it, thank you.

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #188 on: August 24, 2012, 11:13:17 AM »




I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline karupin12

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #189 on: August 24, 2012, 02:38:13 PM »
I planned to update this today but since I was tuning in AKB's concert at Tokyo Dome, I haven't finish the Chapter 19 >.<  :panic: :banghead:
I also can't get over on the team shuffle thing  :banghead:

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #190 on: August 24, 2012, 05:34:34 PM »
Yea! I was really shocked about the team shuffle too!!!! :panic:
Sae going to SNH...
Mariko sama becoming TeamA's captain
ANd what exactly is Takamina's new position??!!!

Offline kahem

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #191 on: August 25, 2012, 02:27:45 AM »
Ah! Finally Ray give up!

Offline karupin12

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Re: [UPDATED *08/22* Chapter 18] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #192 on: August 25, 2012, 02:30:27 PM »
The 2nd day of TD Concert ended and I really like the announcement for today  :farofflook:
Ganbatte TakaPapa :farofflook:

Now, here's the Chapter 19  :hee:
sorry for repetitive words and wrong grammars  :mon sweat:

Chapter 19: Now You Know  :deco:


“Since I can’t contact my dear cousin, I want the both of you to make an investigation”
“Hai! What is it Ray-san?” the two person answered in chorus.
“I’m really troubled about that little girl. So I want you to know every detail about her. Who are her parents, where and when did she born etc. I want to know everything. Okay? I’ll lend you some money tomorrow”
“Okay Ray-san. We’ll do our best”
“I’m counting on you, Sayaka and Sae”. Ray’s bodyguards leave the Diva who’s having a deep thought while looking at the picture on her hand.
“She really looks like Kai. What if she’s really ………… if it’s true, I need to do something about it” Ray said to herself.

-End of Flashback-

The other two members of Persona and their friends known about the recent scandal of the Diva, Ray. They immediately called the midget to know if it’s true and what’s their recent status now but unfortunately, they can’t contact him. They even called Atsuko but she just said that Kai leave and went to their house. All of them immediately go to the location and set aside their works. When they’re on their way, they saw the midget walking on the street and obviously out of his mind.

“Kai!” Kuu called.
“Where are you going? Hop in now. We need to talk to you” Riku added and the others drag him inside.

Each of them asked a question to Kai just like they’re in an interrogation mode. Kai answered all of it and tell all what happened to them earlier. Everyone can’t believe that the head-over-heels Diva to Kai did something like that.

“I .. I never thought she will betray you. She’s really in love with you before” Tomochin said.
“So what are you going to do now? You and Ray broke up right? Are you going to make the ‘RIGHT DECISION’ now?” Riku said while grinning at Kai.
“I know what you’re talking about Riku” Kai rolled his eyes then continued, “about that, I .. I .. know what to do about it. Actually I’m going to her now if only you did not drag me here”
“Owh so it’s our fault now? We’re just worried, you know. Don’t worry, we’ll deliver you there. Mr. driver, take us to Atsuko’s house” Mariko ordered.

The Driver drove as fast as he can to the said location. When they arrived, Atsuko was just sitting on a bench outside. Everyone pushed Kai towards the woman and gave him a smirk.
“D-d-don’t give me a smirk. It makes me to feel chill over my body”
“Gomen. Gomen. We’ll take our leave now. Ganbatte midget” All of them said in chorus and leave the two person with an ‘Eh?’ expression.

"What's going on with them?" Atsuko confusedly asked.
"I. . I don't know. ..... By the way, Where's Anami-chan?"
"She's sleeping in her room. Let's go inside?" Atsuko offered. As they entered inside, both of them sat on a couch while silence is surrounding them. After a moment, finally one of them started a conversation.

"So what happened? Did you talk to her about it?"
"Uhnn" Kai nodded.
"So. ...... Is it true or not?" Atsuko tried to look on the eyes of the midget who is just looking down.
"Uhnn. ...... I saw it with my own eyes" Kai smiled sadly.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I saw them in our own house. ..... lying on our own bed". After hearing this, Atsuko grits her teeth and prevent her anger to came out. 'This is too much Ray' she thought.
"She said her reason why she did that. I guess both of us are wrong. All those time, she really doubted my love for her because. for all the times that we're together, I'm always showing her what I really feel. Whom I really love. So earlier, when we talked, I. ........ broke up with her" Kai added.

"Eh? Are you. ...... okay with your decision? I mean you're with her for years. I'm sure it's. ....." Atsuko didn't continue when Kai interrupted her.
"I admit it, I was hurt when I knew and when I saw it but somehow I felt glad about it because if it didn't happen, I will not realize something or should I say someone important" Kai looked directly on Atsuko's eyes and lean his face forward. The woman slowly moves back to avoid the midget but she just end up resting her back on the couch. She can feel her heart which is like racing towards to the finish line as the breath of the blond comes closer on her. When they're lips were just centimeters apart, Atsuko said something to stop Kai.

"Have you forgotten what I said last night? You're now allowed to kisssmmmmmpphhh~!!" Again, she didn't continue her words. This time she was interrupted by the soft lips which is now giving her a perfect and lovely kiss. She can't believe that she's experiencing again the full of love kiss that she felt before during their school days. Atsuko answered back the midget's kiss but when she was going to deepen it, Kai suddenly broke it.
"Trying to deepen huh. ..." Kai smirked at her and let out a slight laugh when he saw the uncontented pout of the woman.
"Mou~ Kai! You know how to tease now huh..... I told you not to kiss me until yoummmpphh!" Kai pushed his lips again onto her.
"Do you want another one to notice that I knew my answer now?" Kai grinned.

Atsuko pouted then said, "Then, let me ask you a question again. ....."
"Go for it. .."
"I don't know if this is right to ask but. ......... since you did those stuffs to me again then. .......... is it possible that. ........."
"That? What?"
"That. ............ nevermind. Don't mindnmmpphh" Atsuko was interrupted again for the third time by the midget's lips. Kai kissed her passionately when she answered it. In only lasted for a moment when Kai broke it and said,

"I. ... I love you Maeda Atsuko. I didn’t realize that all this time, I'm really in love with you and it doesn't change even though I'm with someone. I guess I'm just carried away at the situation before and also with the anger that I felt" Kai looked directly on Atsuko's eyes with sincerity. The woman on the other hand remained silent and didn't know what to say but deep inside, she really felt so much happiness as if she's having butterflies in her stomach.

"I love you too Takahashi Kai" Atsuko managed to say while having a teary eyes. Kai smiled at her and when he's about to kiss the woman again, a not so old voice interrupted them.
"Anami-chan! Don’t look at elder’s business!” Mama Maeda immediately covered the little girl’s eyes and added, “Both of you! The room upstairs is always open. Can you go there and continue what you’re going to do?! Tsk. My little Anami saw your lovey dovey scene!”
“Grandma! Let me see it! I want to see how in love they are!” the little girl insisted but she failed when her grandma carried her and take away from them. The midget and the actress quickly stood up from their lying position and look down. Both of them were having an embarrassed face.

As the time passes by, the two were getting closer and closer just like bringing back what they were before. And speaking of what they were before, they’re really like that now, they look like together but it’s not. Even though they confessed on each other, there’s no formal announcement that they’re in a special relationship now. Kai currently lives in Atsuko’s house with Mama Maeda and Anami. The little girl seems having fun that the midget is now living with them; the midget that she really wants to be her father. Still, Atsuko is not saying the truth to them even though Mariko and Kuu was forcing her. She still insists that she needs more time to prepare as she doesn’t know how to begin that kind of topic. The issue between Kai and Ray’s broke up spread quickly all over the newspapers, magazines and news. Ray wanted to tell the truth about the reason of their break up but her manager said that she will just ruin her career if she will say it so Ray stated in every interview that she had that, “There’s no one to blame on our break up. It’s just I want him to do the things that will make him happy. I’ve been a selfish for years and now it’s time for him to let go. Sometimes, you thought that things are really meant for you but actually, it’s not. If you’ll insist on it, you’ll just end up hurting yourself”

Kai avoided every interview that he will have if it is only about the Diva, but the issues seem really wanted to attach to him. The midget is always in every news because of it and it really makes him sick even his friends. All of them were complaining on hearing Kai and Ray’s name every morning until in the evening. When the break up issue subside a little, A not so new issue about him popped out again when a television program opened or tackled it up again. It's about the resemblance of Kai with Atsuko on the little girl's appearance. It's been a week now when it became the talk of the town and it all started when the three of them was caught hanging out in a mall. A lot of pictures and even videos spread all over the internet and their fans were also spreading the rumors that she is really their daughter while the Diva's fans were contradicting it, saying that if it's true then the midget really betrayed their idol that's why they broke up.

Early Sunday in the morning, Kai woke up without Atsuko on his side. He went downstairs and found the woman who's wearing an over-sized white shirt that covers her mini short to look like she’s not wearing any undies and with an apron while cooking for their breakfast. The midget walk closer to her while looking from head to toe.
“What an early pervert. I might melt with your pervy gaze, you know” Atsuko suddenly said without looking back at him.
“I’m not a pervert!” Kai defended himself as he wrapped his arms around Atsuko’s waist.
“Yes you are! I can see you through this glass you know” Atsuko pointed at the glass and giggled.
“Mou~ Okay fine” Kai pouted then walk towards the television to turn it on. “I wonder what’s the news today. Except the news’ about me”

Kai continuously change the channel when all that he can see is his and Ray’s face. Then suddenly he stopped on a certain program which really caught his attention.
“Does this little girl is really Maeda and Kai of Persona’s child? We’ll make some comparison on it! Here are their pictures. Douzo!” the female host said. One by one they pointed out the similarities of their characteristics. Starting from the eyes and the smile of the girl which really looks like from Atsuko and also the dimples and the shape of her face that looks like from Kai.
“The girl is really cute right? But what is her real relationship with the two famous personalities now? We hope that someday, Kai of Persona and the famous Actress Maeda Atsuko will grant our favor of having them here for interview. Until next time. Bye bye!” The host ended the show. As the commercials are now appearing, Kai keep on thinking about it. It’s really intriguing why Anami looks like them. Atsuko who is at the doorway can see the troubled look of the midget when he saw that program so she decided that maybe this is the right time to say it.

‘I really don’t know why she really looks like us. Maybe her mother was always looking at our pictures before? Aarrgh!’ Kai’s thought were interrupted when Atsuko sat down beside him and asked,
“What’s troubling you?”
“Oh, nothing it’s just the new issue about us and ……….. Anami-chan”
After a few minutes of silence, Atsuko let out a deep sigh to relax herself and prepare for her next words.
“Kai, I want to tell you something important ……………. About Anami-chan”
“Eh? What is it?” Kai confusedly said.
“The truth is .............. Anami-chan is …………… She is …………….. my daughter. That’s the reason why she really looks like me. It’s not true that she’s my sister’s child. I hope you’ll forgive me” Atsuko looked down and play with her fingers.
“EEEEHHHH????!!! But? How?! Why?! I mean, why it is okay for her to introduce her as your niece? And why you did not say it to us on the first place?” The midget who is really shocked at the sudden confession managed to say.
“She’s really kind, Kai. She understands my situation that’s why she agreed on it but there’s only one condition, she still want to call me ‘mom’………….. The reason why I didn’t say it before is just, I’m afraid and I think it’s not the right time to say it”
“You really made her a kind child Acchan, I’m so proud of you. You’re a great mother…………. Now I know but there’s something wrong…………….. if you’re her mother then……….who is her father?”
Kai looked at Atsuko who just remained looking at the ground and didn’t answer. Atsuko can feel every thump of her heart. She wants to answer but her mouth doesn’t want to open and say some words. After a moment, Kai’s eyes widened when he realized something and thought,

‘If Anami-chan is her daughter then it’s either Tego or ……… Me is Anami’s father. It’s impossible that she is Tego’s daughter because Acchan said that nothing happened between them and I trust her so therefore …………… it could be ……. Me. Does Anami-chan is the result of what we did before? Damn it! Why I realize this so late?! But I need to make sure if it’s really me’

Kai decided to ask another question again to confirm if his thoughts were right. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. But can I ask another question? How old again is Anami-chan now?”
Atsuko knew what the midget is thinking right now so she answered, “F-f-four …… years old”.
Kai gulped when he heard Atsuko’s answer. His heart is also out of control on thumping so hard. They did that thing on the mid-year five years ago and the little girl is now four years old so therefore, his thoughts were right. Anami is his daughter.

Kai hold Atsuko’s hand tightly and turn a bit her head by his another hand to be able to look at him and said, “I want you to answer me, Am I ……….. her father?” Atsuko remained silent while having teary eyes.
“Or maybe not? I’m sorry if I made an assumption like that. Hehe” Kai added jokingly while scratching the back of his head and laugh awkwardly. Then suddenly, the woman slightly beat his head and said,
“Baka!! Am I that kind of woman that will do that sacred thing with someone that I don’t love? Is that what you think of me?! Huh?!” Atsuko pouted.
“No! No! It’s just …. Anou ….. ugh, how am I going to say this”
“Nevermind! I’m going to the kitchen again. Don’t follow me!” Atsuko rolled her eyes and leave the midget. Kai sighed and stay for awhile in the living room. “Such a Tsundere. Ugh. ……” He immediately stood up and followed his woman in the kitchen. He wrapped again his arms on Atsuko’s waist and turned her to look at him.

“I told you not to follow me” Atsuko looked on her side to avoid the midget.
“Why you didn’t tell me about it before? Before you leave …….. Anami-chan needs a father. She needs me”. Kai said in a serious tone.
“She’s not your daughter” Atsuko pouted.
“Oh really? If you’ll not stop being like this, I’ll do to you the things that we did before………. Before Anami-chan came out” Kai smirked.
“Okay Okay. She’s your daughter! Then? I did not inform you about it because you already had your Diva! I don’t want to ruin your sweet moments with her!” She pouted again but her lips were caught by the blond. Both of them slightly slant their head as their lips began to move to deepen their kiss. Atsuko wrapped her arms around the midget’s neck while playing the tip of the hair on his nape. When Kai began to touch her thigh and upwards, Atsuko broke the kiss and smirked.
“It’s too early to make Kai junior, Hentai”
“Mou~ remove that smirk on your face………………. By the way Acchan ……” Kai began a serious conversation again.
“I don’t want to talk about the past again. The most important now is you, me and our daughter. Do you know that it really makes me happy that I’m her father?” Kai smiled sweetly at her.
“I’m glad you accept her as your daughter ………….. I love you Kai”
“I love you too, Acchan” When Kai was about to kiss her again, a voice interrupted them again.
“You two! Go upstairs and continue that! I’ll continue cooking our breakfast! Ugh. Your always doing lovey dovey scene” Mama Maeda sighed.
“Why does your mother always interrupting us?” Kai whispered on Atsuko.
“Ssshh …… Let’s just follow what she said, let’s continue this upstairs”. Atsuko smirked like planning something evil. Kai just smiled and thought, ‘Oh no!’.

The end is near ......  :cool2: :on blackhole:
what else do you want to happen next? :mon huh:

Offline chichay12

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Re: [UPDATED *08/25* Chapter 19] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #193 on: August 25, 2012, 03:12:45 PM »

kai + acchan = anami-chan!!!
 :farofflook: :farofflook:

im sad that the end is near!!
but i am happy that ur story is so cool  :thumbsup :thumbsup

i hope u will have a happy ending :hehehe:

 :luvluv1: :on lol: :luvluv1:
thank you for the update!!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 08:46:47 AM by Chichay12 »

Offline kahem

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Re: [UPDATED *08/25* Chapter 19] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #194 on: August 25, 2012, 03:33:08 PM »
Finally the truth is said!!!

Offline Sydney W

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Re: [UPDATED *08/25* Chapter 19] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #195 on: August 25, 2012, 06:56:37 PM »
what else do you want to happen next?
Hehehe, you know what we all (readers) want !

“It’s too early to make Kai junior”

Does this give you an idea on your next update? Hehehe

Offline Cessy10

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Re: [UPDATED *08/25* Chapter 19] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #196 on: August 25, 2012, 07:32:45 PM »
This makes me so excited!! The Diva is making me sick all the time.  :yawn:
--CessyMe :)

Current Fanfic:
This Guy's In Love With You... - Trying my best to update :)

This Guy's In Love With You... (trailer)
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Because...I Love You - on Haitus  :cry:

Maple Love - KojiYuu

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Re: [UPDATED *08/25* Chapter 19] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #197 on: August 26, 2012, 03:53:31 AM »
what else do you want to happen next?
Hehehe, you know what we all (readers) want !

“It’s too early to make Kai junior”

Does this give you an idea on your next update? Hehehe

I need to add a hint "perv section"...a special chapter

and of course how they gonna tell her about kai.

Awww a love kai-atsuko smexy moments and atsuko be jelousy

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: [UPDATED *08/25* Chapter 19] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #198 on: August 26, 2012, 03:56:43 AM »




I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline karupin12

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Re: [UPDATED *08/25* Chapter 19] The Betrayal towards a New Love *KaixAcchan*
« Reply #199 on: August 26, 2012, 08:56:00 AM »
I need to get ready for adding that smexy time of Kai & Acchan  :banghead:
btw, thanks for reading and giving some comments  :cow: :twothumbs

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