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Author Topic: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #6.2 Busy Student  (Read 41237 times)

Offline yukofan

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« Reply #40 on: August 22, 2012, 05:56:17 AM »
HAHAHAHA...This fic is LOLtastic..

busy teenage :  jo-chan kawaii..and riichan is smarter than her parents..LOL
busy stranger : jo and gekikara can get along cute..

bringing up the cameo from other sister group is a good idea.  can i request yuko and mayu as oshiri sisters? haha..

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Offline hitsuji_14

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Jo wearing tux is a shota for me  XD

And the new chapter is even interesting, I like the cameo!
Poor Yuki but somehow I could imagine it :lol:

I have a request! Maybe you can make Jurina interested on Jo or something; I need their conversation since (maybe) they haven't done it IRL lol

Btw Maachun haven't appeared again? Pair her with Mayuyu for WMayu maybe  XD

Offline masokun

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Thank for the suggestion.. :love:
- Yuko alone or yuko x Mayu as oshiri sister
- Kodama -Matsuoka - Miyawaki (HKT)
- Jurina
- Mayuyu alone..

I'll still focusing on NMB girls, the cameo count as refreshing for this family in a few chapter I guess  :yep:

My next post will be a new chapter and a little bonus for the viewer  :P

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Poor Poor Black ;A;

LOL Geki is off the hook by Jo-chan loool

Update soon~
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline masokun

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#6.2 Busy Student + Bonus

Jo is coming home from school with sparkling eyes and rushing into the kitchen.
Jo: "Maaaaaaaaaaaaa..."
Sayanee: "Your mother is not home, she's going to the supermarket with Baachan"
Jo: "Too bad"
Sayanee: "Is there something you want, Jo-chan?"
Jo: "Umm..nothing..just want to ask Ma to sign a permission letter"
Sayanee: "I can give it to you, what is it Jo-chan?"
Jo: "Ms.Jonishi said I have to get permission from parent"
Sayanee: "Hey! I'm your parent too"
Jo: "Umm, I'll just wait for Ma" *running to her room*
Sayanee: *depressed*

5 minutes later, Jo is going back to the kitchen
Jo: "Paaaaa"
Sayanee: "Yes, Jo-chan? You want me to give that permit?" *happy*
Jo: "No. I want some milk"
Sayanee: "Oh...Ok" *pouring milk into glass with more depressed feeling*

Sayanee: "Why do you have to get permission from mama?"
Jo: "Ms.Jonishi said that"
Sayanee: "I know, but what for?"
Jo: "Ms.Jonishi said never talk to a stranger"
Sayanee: "Hey, I'm not a stranger!!"
Jo: *thinking* "Umm..Ok, My class will take a tour"
Sayanee: What kind of tour? Are you going to somewhere?"
Jo: "Yes, we'll going to Married Tour for Children" *excited*
Sayanee: "WHAT?!"
Jo: "My class all excited about that. But we need parent's permission" *drinking milk*
Sayanee: "Whaa?, ok..just wait for your mama" *sigh*
What kind of school that taken a tour like that? Is Married tour even exist?

Finally Milky and Baachan arrived at home.
Milky: "Hi honey, why look so serious?"
Sayanee: "Wait until you hear what's going on from Jo-chan"
Jo: "Yay, mama home!" *running to her room and bring a piece of paper back with her*
     "This! This! You need to sign it, Ma!"
Sayanee: "Just read it carefully and think about Jo's mental development" *serious*
Milky: "What?!"
Sayanee: "Just read it before you sign it"
Milky: "Ok" *read the paper* *sign it right away*
Sayanee: "Hey, wait..why you sign it?"
Jo: "Can I go, ma? can I??? Airi-chan will be going too"
Milky: "Of course you can, Jo-chan. That will be fun"
Jo: "YAYY!!" *jumping around*
Sayanee: "Are you nuts? did you just give a permission for our kid to attend a Married tour?!"
Milky: "What Married tour?"
Sayanee: "That!" *pointing to the paper"
Milky: "This?" *pointing to the paper*
Sayanee: "Yes, Hey! we're not playing manzai here" *take the paper from Milky and read it*

The mystery revealed..7 years old Jo-chan misread "Magic Tour for Children" with "Married Tour for Children".



1000+ views celebration from Namba Residential

Sayanee: "Thank you for reading our family story" *smile*
Milky: "Thank you for your time, and we hope we didn't bored you" *smile*
Riichan: "Umm, thank you, b-but it d-didn't mean that I like there's so many reader in our story" *blushing*
Maachun: "Y-yes, not that we like to be read. B-but thanks anyway" *blushing*

Jo : *poking Sayanee*
Sayanee: "Say thank you, Jo-chan"
Jo: "Why?"
Sayanee: "Because there's so many good person reading our story"
Jo: "Why?"
Sayanee: "W-why? I don't know, maybe they thought our story is interesting?"
Jo: "I don't get it"
Sayanee: *impatient* "That's ok, just say thanks"
Jo: *dissapeared*
Sayanee: "Eeeh? where is she going now??"
Nana Baachan: "Let her alone" *show up wearing a party gown with full make up*
Milky: "Where are you going Baachan?"
Nana Baachan: "Nowhere, I just wanna say thank you, because there's still so many people laugh with us in our story. And that really sweet, dear readers" *wink*
Sayanee: "With all the make up?!"
Nana Baachan: "Shut up!"
Sayanee: "Yes mam!" *looked down*

Ainyan: "Can I talk too?
Milky: "Sure, Ainyan"
Ainyan: "Thank you, readers. And please take care of us in the future" *bow*
Akarin: "Let met add it too, I'm really sorry I can't show up in every chapter. It's because I'm busy with my work. Please understand" *smile*

Mariko: "I don't get it. Why there's so much reader for  this lousy writer"
Sayanee, Milky, Nana Baachan, Ainyan &Akarin: "WHO ARE YOU????"
Mariko: "Shinoda Mariko desu."
Sayanee: "What are you doing here?"
Mariko: "I'm here to complain to this lousy writer, Masokun!"
Masokun: W-Welcome, Sado-SAMA!
Mariko: "SHUT UP! Just keep writing, and don't forget to invite me in some chapter! Or I'll KILL you!"
Masokun: "G-Gomen ne~" *fainted*

Jo is showing up, holding hand with Airi-chan
Jo & Airi: "Readers-san..ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!"  *bow*

« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 06:49:38 PM by masokun »

Offline hitsuji_14

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #6.2 Busy Student
« Reply #45 on: August 22, 2012, 06:52:00 PM »
I like this chapter very much. I like how Jo could misread the Magic Tour and Saya-nee's serious head lololol

And special reward for the bonus! I really like it :thumbsup

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #6.2 Busy Student
« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2012, 09:11:54 PM »
Poor Yuki.. And I expected Rena to get along with Jo  XD

Maritroll appeared  :rofl:

And I agree, Oshiri sisters should appear *is fangirling over Yuko-sama* or KojiYuu *is still fangirling about Yuko-sama*
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline yukofan

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #6.2 Busy Student
« Reply #47 on: August 23, 2012, 10:01:03 AM »
congrats for 1000+ views!! misread the word..

and LOL at maritroll's sudden appearance..

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Offline kahem

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #6.2 Busy Student
« Reply #48 on: August 26, 2012, 12:01:41 AM »
Oh Black/Geki are so cute~
Poor Sayanee no rest for the warriors lol

Offline masokun

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #6.2 Busy Student
« Reply #49 on: September 06, 2012, 06:33:04 PM »
Thank you readers commentators, and hitters.. :kneelbow:

My mind still not fully recovered after that freaking shuffle in TDC, and then Jo announced her graduation   :( :( :(

So I'll just put a poll in here while I'm typing another update... :on crazygran:


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