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Author Topic: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch 13 [06/06/12] MariMii + KojiYuu  (Read 99216 times)

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch9 Replies + poll for next CH!!
« Reply #120 on: February 25, 2013, 03:40:16 PM »
can I vote for all??? XD
please update soon..hehe :bow:
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline mae

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You update miss me I look forward
It's hard when we love fic lol  :mon innocent:
Do your best for the next update I looking forward  :mon firecrack:

Offline BbSis

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #122 on: April 07, 2013, 03:17:06 AM »
Hello there...

Sorry this is not the update.

After I closed the poll I started to work on the update. As I had other things to handle in real life, the writing speed was slow. Then bad things happened at home. But I could overcome all this and keep writing. I was almost finishing the chapter. In fact I would finish it today. BUT I decided to check o tumblr  and what I find there?!!!!!! My diva, my inspiration, my kamioshi, Akimoto Sayaka Announced graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  :panic:  :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry:  :bleed eyes: 

And this my dears, destroyed my heart and my inspiration.... So I'm here sadly announcing that until I get together all the pieces of my broken heart, I wont be updating this fic. I had so many plans for Sayaka which would start in this ch 10, but I can't think of them now  :cry: I don't know about the other fics, thought....

I hope you guys understand me  :cry:  :bow:

And after I get over this sorrow that is consuming me. I'll gladly and happily support her in whatever she do.

Thank you for your consideration  :bow: :bow: :bow:

ps: minna, thank you for voting. I was really really happy!  :bow: The replays will come when I update U.U
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 03:29:49 AM by BbSis »

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #123 on: April 07, 2013, 07:39:01 AM »
Don`t worry take your time.. We gonna wait for you :B ..

Offline mae

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #124 on: April 07, 2013, 11:02:27 AM »
Take your time :) it's not a problem we understand :)

Offline stv_wong

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #125 on: April 07, 2013, 01:08:09 PM »
Don't worry, I really understand it considering I've been through the same thing as well last year. (Tomo~mi.... :cry: :cry: :cry: )

So, take your time. We'll be waiting. And I'm particularly waiting for the TomoTomo part  :twisted:

Offline Archer1992

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #126 on: April 15, 2013, 10:06:48 PM »
Must be atsumina are my favorite couple and I think Acchan must seduce Takamina ¬ ¬

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #127 on: April 17, 2013, 03:28:42 PM »
i vote  for MaYuki
but actually i want Wmatsui
(i can't get enough of them)
but anyway no matter who the pairing is i'll definitely read it

Offline deviantone

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #128 on: April 20, 2013, 07:56:50 AM » I've just read something amazing and it rocks my socks  :mon dance:. I love the dynamic between all the character and how much detail you put into background and all their random interactions. It gives great perspective on why they do the things they do....its awesome~!  :mon inluv:. I can't wait for your next update and great work  :mon XD:

The Two Halves of Tumblr
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Fandoms: Our entire LIVES revolve around loving people who will never love us back
Fandoms: Some of them aren't even REAL PEOPLE

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #129 on: April 20, 2013, 07:57:56 AM »
Oh yeah...forgot to mention. I voted Mayuki hands hows. I'm typically a Saeyuki fan but the pervy Mayu with Yuki wins hands down.

The Two Halves of Tumblr
Hipsters: Do you have any idea how much it hurts to love someone who will never love you back?
Fandoms: Our entire LIVES revolve around loving people who will never love us back
Fandoms: Some of them aren't even REAL PEOPLE

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #130 on: May 10, 2013, 10:59:42 PM »
People vote for Marimii please

Offline Archer1992

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #131 on: May 11, 2013, 02:26:24 PM »
update soon please
sorry for the gradiation of Sayaka but as a
fan i suport she
if her dreams come true after leaving AKB then its ok for me!!!

Offline AoiShiori

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #132 on: May 12, 2013, 08:58:21 PM »
I've just discovered this recently and well, I really love this  :)
I hope you can update this soon, but no worry, take your time
I know it's hard to know that your kami-oshi is graduating.
Sayaka was one of my favorites and I was devastated to learn the she's leaving  :(
Wish her the best of luck  :)
And I hope us fans can recover to this.

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #133 on: May 13, 2013, 06:08:36 AM »
Please update

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline DiVAGal2458

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #134 on: June 25, 2013, 01:21:32 AM »
I know how you feel about Sayaka, she's my 2nd fave member behind Sae  :D
Her Graduation is Devastating  :cry:
She is soo beautiful, funny and underestimated  :?
At least she's still persuing a career in fame, maybe now she will be noticed more   O0
You take as much time as you need to gather your thoughts   :thumbsup
Just try to look at the positive things that can come out of her graduation - her acting career  :cathappy:
I just hope there will be plenty of SaeYaka in Future Chapters  :nervous

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) ANNOUNCEMENT
« Reply #135 on: August 12, 2013, 04:43:47 AM »
still waiting for this fic PLEASE UPDATE PLEASEEE SPECIALLY THE KOJIYUU!!!!! KOJIYUU KOJIYUU KOJIYUU!!! UPDATE PLEASEEE :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Silent reader for now

Offline BbSis

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) UPDATED!!! 19/08/13
« Reply #136 on: August 20, 2013, 05:58:04 AM »
Hello everyone!!!

I know it's been a while but I'm here to show that I hadn't given up! My life has been crazy since my last update. Resuming: college works, my grandma died, Sayaka's graduation announcement, mom got seriously sick and needed a surgery, Mariko's graduation announcement/graduation, and finally but not good, I was robbed two times. BUT I'm still here.

Second, I'm really grateful to everyone who voted on the poll. I actually didn't expect so much votes!!! 130 was way beyond my imagination! Minna arigatou  :cry: :cry: :bow: :bow: :bow:  As you can see, Atsumina won in first, so their part will be the largest; in second came KojiYuu; Mayuki almost got in, so I tried to compensate, but I'm sorry for the length :bow:

Thank you Nori for proofreading this time o/

Replies at the end of the post :3

I hope the chapter worth all the waiting  :oops:

Please, grab a napkin and watch out for the blood loss; here is the chapter:

Chapter 10

Every couple seemed to be in their own world. Yuko managed to turn and sit again beside Haruna, who kept groping the girl under her protests. Atsuko pushed Takamina to the ground and wrapped her with her arms and legs. The shortest girl was feeling dizzy and just hugged the other girl back; they had stopped to call each other's name. Rena pinched Jurina's cheeks with both hands, and was shaking the youngest girl's head sideways saying how cute Jurina is. The girl was pouting, but happy; since it was the first time Rena complimented her in that way. Minami started to flood Mariko with questions about her relationships. The older woman answered the questions with her almost fading sober side wondering why the other one wanted to know about that. Maybe Minami had forgotten that sometimes is better to not know things. The unhappy couple in the living room was still stuck in the boyfriend argument. Mayu looked around to look for her twin, but she was nowhere to be seen and plus dragged Sae with her. It meant that Sayu had given her a chance to spend an entire night alone with Yukirin. The girl smirked with that thought. Yuki was starting to cling onto her. Mayu wanted to take Yuki to a room to spend some quality time together, but she had to distribute the rooms. So, she took her cellular and dialed a number.

"Hello, Yuriko!... Oh! Sayu did it? Great! Can you please bring here four room keys?" Then, Mayu told the rooms numbers. She picked every room in a different floor. She hung up with a very satisfied smile plastered in her face.

"Nee, Mayuyu, what did Sayu-san do?" Yuki asked with a sensual voice. It made Mayu want to hold the girl and spread kisses all over her; but she had to send the others to their rooms.

"She went down to the reception, took a room key and dragged Sae along with her." Mayu explained. Yuki let out an understanding moan. They heard the elevator noise and the silhouette of an old woman step out of it. Yuriko walked towards Mayu and handed her the keys, without even bothering about the situations around the room.

"Thank you, Yuriko." Mayu thanked. The woman just bowed and head back to the elevator, to the reception. She took a deep breath and started. "So, TomoTomo pair!" The two Tomomis finally stopped arguing and looked at Mayu with puzzled expressions. "Finally silence. Well, if you want to keep arguing, go to my room, and sleep there after you finish, if you finish it."

"Hey! I'm the one who always uses your room!" Jurina complained, using her hands to release Rena's grip on her cheeks.

"It's not a negotiation, Jurina. Last time you slept in my room, you broke one of my action figures. No way I'm gonna let you in there for more than five minutes." Mayu retorted while Rena gave Jurina a questioning gaze. What in the world Jurina was doing there to be able to break a toy? "So, you can take Matsui-san to Sayu's room and do your WMatsui things in there."

"Mayuyu~" Jurina whined. "Sayu's room is.."

"Stop it, Jurina! Where is the room? Let's go." Rena interrupted standing up and grabbing Jurina by her wrists. She found quite funny the way Mayu called the two. The younger girl pouted and pointed the room's direction. Without thinking twice, Rena dragged Jurina in that direction. The TomoTomo pair watched the scene in silence, then shared a glare and got to a mutual understanding to head to Mayu's room; with Tomo~mi whispering 'tomotomo pair?'.

"So,” Mayu looked at Haruna trying to harass Yuko. “KojiYuu here is kind of messed up. Haruna, stop harassing Yuko!” The couple looked at her; Haruna looked frustrated and Yuko, relieved. “Haruna, I know you drank a lot too, but you are far better than Yuko. So, recompose yourself and take care of her. Here is the key of the room you two are going to use.”

Haruna pondered. What the heck was she doing? This wasn’t her usual self. It needed to stop. “Okay…” She stood up and helped Yuko. The smaller one sensed she was safe for now and accepted the help. Haruna placed a hand on Yuko’s waist, walked slowly to Mayu to pick the key, and headed to the elevator.

Mayu didn’t look at couple leaving. She still had to deal with two of them. Deciding to go with the ones on the floor, Mayu took a deep breath. “Oe! AtsuMina!” Atsuko grunted. “Yeah! It’s with you Takamina and Atsuko. I don’t want you to fall asleep on my floor, so move your butts here and take the keys to your room.” Atsuko grunted again thinking it might be a nice opportunity to be alone with Takamina. She made an effort to stand up and made Takamina stand up too. Upholding each other, the two walked towards Mayu and picking the key she was entrusting them.

“Mou, Mayuyu, let’s go. I’m sleepy here…” Yuki moaned getting even closer. Mayu felt her heart throb faster.

“Just a minute, Yukirin, a stubborn couple is missing.” Yuki clung more onto Mayu. “Miichan, stop pestering Mariko with these annoying questions and Mariko, you use to be more imposing when you are sober…” The two looked at Mayu frowning. “I like better when you’re doing MariMii things. You know, like bickering with each other. It’s fun.” Minami opened her mouth but Mayu cut her. “But it’s late, we better go sleep. Here, take the key to your room.”

“Wait! Why do I have to share the room with this old mummy again?!” Minami continued muttering. Mariko just sighed.

“Look around. You are the only ones left and I don’t have more empty rooms.” Mayu lied about that last part. Minami pondered. She would spend the night in a room by the courtesy of her friends so she couldn’t really complain. This time Mariko wasn’t against it, since she was starting to realize her true feelings and this was the opportunity to clarify things for herself. Minami sighed giving up. She stood up, followed by Mariko, and walked towards Mayu. This one stood up also, taking Yuki with her, so they could all get the elevator together. Mayu handed the key to Minami on their way to the elevator.   


Sae was still struggling when Sayu dragged her out of the elevator at the reception. Not worrying about her tight grip on the older girl, Sayu asked Yuriko a key to a room. Not just a simple room, but a room which would let her do whatever she wanted with the tomboy girl. Sae kept calling for Yuki with a weak groggy voice. Sayu dragged Sae back to the elevator to go to the room she picked.

With a skillful hand, Sayu opened the door. She pushed Sae into the room, and then locked the door. Without giving the tomboy girl a moment to think, Sayu dragged Sae again, this time to the bed. The room looked like a normal one, but if you look closely, you would find a few adult toys around. After she threw the girl on the bed, Sayu got on top of her.

“You crazy copy of Mayu! Get off of me! Let me go! I want Yuki!” Sae cried. Sayu smirked.

“I can’t let that happen. You caught my attention and when something catches my attention I just need to have it.” Sayu said in a sensual way leaning down. Sae gulped widening her eyes, becoming silent for the first time since the game finished.  Sayu closed the distance between their faces with a kiss. When she parted from Sae, the older girl was completely speechless and stunned. There she saw her chance to make things better. Sayu stretched herself to the edge of the bed and took a handcuff out of there. She tied Sae’s arms and turned to tie the legs.

“Oe! What the heck are you doing?! Untie me!” Sae struggled out of her trance.

“I’ll only untie you after I have a bit of fun.” Sayu whispered at Sae’s ear. Still on top, she started to unbutton the older girl’s shirt. She got excited with every button she undone. Her grim grin was freaking Sae, who still struggled. “Woah! That was kind of unexpected.” Sayu surprised herself with the lacy bra that Sae was wearing.  Sae blushed hard.

Sayu started to grope Sae against the girl’s will. Sae wondered if all the girls she treated like that, in a figurative way, felt the same. She didn’t know if it was true but it wasn’t a nice feeling at all. Sae stopped struggling when she realized how good Sayu was with her hands. She might enjoy it if she stop think it was a bad thing and all that tied up thing was kind of exciting her. All the touches were dazing her. An overflow of disappointment flooded Sae’s body when she felt that the fondling stopped and the weight on her body decreased. A sadistic laugh filled the room.

“I loved your frustrated expression! It’s one of the best I’ve ever seen!” Sayu said amused, still laughing. “Too sad you’re not my type. But it’s nice to play with you!”

“What?!” Sayu’s behavior was infuriating Sae.

“I have to help Yuriko now. If you behave well, I might come to play with you later.” Sayu grinned getting out of bed and rearranging her clothes. She winked to Sae, leaving her tied alone in the room completely frustrated.


Rena was about to enter the room when she felt Jurina suddenly stop at the door. She noticed the younger girl was shivering, silently refusing to enter the room. The older wondered what in the world could let the playful girl in that state. Rena felt the walls praying to find the light switch. To her relief, she found it and turned it on. The room was light up with a strange red light. She didn’t even pay attention to the room’s decoration to understand Jurina’s resistance. Rena giggled with that thought. She didn’t expect Jurina to be such a scaredy-cat.

The room sure was scary, if the person scares easily. It was a mirrored version of Mayu's room, but the decoration was different. The walls were filled with posters of horror games, movies and animes. On the shelves rested countless horror figures, each in their own signature scary posture. The red illumination just left a heavy aura in the ambient. Rena slipped her hand to Jurina's and squeazed it gently.

"Come on, Jurina. There is nothing to worry about. I'm here holding you hand." Rena said softly, trying to pull Jurina inside. The young girl shook her head sideways frantically. Rena sighed and tried again. "I promise I won't let go."

"Promise?" Jurina whimpered pouting. Rena was finding it amazing. She was seeing a totally different side of Jurina which she thought was cute.

"Yup. Come on." Then Jurina walked reluctantly into the room with her eyes half closed. Rena guided the younger girl to the bed.

“Nee, Rena-chan, are we going to sleep with our clothes on?” Jurina asked with a perverted grin. Where is that scared girl from a while ago, Rena wondered amused. The young girl was still holding her hand tightly; the truth was she was thinking about naughty things to avert her attention from the frightening room.

“Jurina!” Rena blushed hitting the other girl’s shoulder with her free hand. Jurina giggled.

“But our clothes will get wrinkled.” Jurina kept her smile. Rena just sighed with that lame excuse.

“No, Jurina. We will keep our clothes.” Rena was resolute. She has only just found out things about Jurina, it was just normal to go easy on things, right? Besides, Jurina was underage and she didn’t want to be arrested. It would ruin her medical career.

“Ehe. You won’t scape next time. Sayaka, arigatou!” The last part Jurina said only to herself, hoping that Rena couldn’t hear her.

“What did you say?” Rena asked suspiciously. Jurina only widened her smile. “Whatever. Let’s sleep. I’m tired and we have to wake up early tomorrow.” Rena said softly. With her free hand, she pulled the cover mat of the neatly arranged bed and awaited Jurina to lay down, but the girl didn’t move an inch. “Come on Jurina, lay down, so I can turn off the lights.”

“You will let go of my hand, so no!” Jurina protested. Rena sighed again.

“So come with me to switch off the light. It will last less than five seconds. Or lay on the bed, shut your eyes tightly and when you think you’re afraid, I’ll be back by your side.” Rena was being really patient. Jurina sighed defeated. She lay down, shut her eyes and only then released Rena’s hand.

Rena made her way to the light switch trying to memorize the path. When the room got dark, Jurina shivered, rubbing her own arms trying to feel safe. The older girl wanted to go back to the bed quickly, but when she thought it was still missing a few meters to her destination, she stumbled into something and fell forward. A yelp echoed through the room as Rena landed on something soft, but not exactly the bed.

"Rena-chan?!!" The girl heard the other's voice close to her ears. She thanked heaven it was dark and Jurina couldn't see her red face. The younger one heard a slightly decomposed breathing, which calmed her. Ghosts can't breathe, right? And her arms were now stuck in between her and the body on her.

"I'm sorry, Jurina!" Rena put her hands on the bed and raised her body. Jurina sighed in relief; so it really was Rena-chan. The girl on top tilted to the right side and lay on her side facing Jurina. By this time, their eyes had already got used to the darkness; so they could see the line of their bodies. Jurina was only focusing on Rena; otherwise she would end up looking at the room's scary decoration.

"It's okay, Rena-chan. You're here now. That's what matters." Jurina said in a gallant voice. Rena blushed with that statement. Shifting to her side to face Rena, Jurina stretched her hand to caress Rena's face, but found something interesting halfway. The older girl blushed even more, although she didn't feel the urge to slap the other girl.

"I'm already aware you don't like this room, but squeezing my breasts won't help you relax." Rena said gently grabbing Jurina's hands, taking it off of her bosom. Jurina giggled then Rena did something very unexpected, even to herself. Still holding Jurina's hands, she leaned closer and planted a light kiss on the younger girl's lips. "Let's just sleep, ok?"

"Okay..." Jurina agreed burying her face on Rena's neck to hide her blush from herself. Rena embraced her, gently caressing her back. Jurina forgot completely about the room and relaxed. Soon they both fell asleep.


Tomochin stormed in the room like it was her own. Tomo~mi only followed her with a fake calm. She knew she was being jealous over a thing that no longer happens; though she knew a couple of idols under love ban rule that have secret relationships. What if… She didn’t like that idea. On the other side, Tomochin was still mad that Chiyuu dated with three people at the same time. But what haunted her most was the thought of the girl doing the same with her. But they didn’t have that kind of relationship. They just met that week, how come the feelings are that strong? The younger one turned on the light and headed to the bed.

Realizing she was in an otaku room stunned Tomo~mi a bit, but imagining the idol being friends with an otaku was a bit funny. She closed the door behind her and started to analyze the bookshelves filled with mangas and action figures. The older girl saw the other take a schoolbag from the bed and place it on the computer chair together with a fancy purse she knew it was Mariko’s. Since Tomochin came with her, she wondered whose that bag was. Before she could think about it deeply, Tomo~mi heard Tomochin huff which drove her attention to the girl.

“So…?” Tomochin said in a husky voice.

“So what? Do you really want to keep arguing about old stuff? I’ve already tried to tell you that I don’t do that anymore!” Tomo~mi sighed passing a hand through her hair. Tomochin found it really sexy and forgot to reply. Finding a chance to keep talking, Tomo~mi continued. “I never doubted you following the love ban rule, but know you were a player at such young age made me feel uncomfortable. It scares me a lot, the thought of liking you in a romantic way.” While Tomo~mi was talking, her cheeks turned into a deep shade of red. Tomochin felt her heart accelerate in a way it never did before.

 “W… What do you think that passed through my mind when I discovered your bad habits?” Tomochin stuttered looking to the side with a light pink blush while walking towards Tomo~mi. The older girl just sighed.

“How can I know if you don’t say it? I already noticed that your expression not always tells what you really think.” Her tone was neutral, but she tried to not break the eye contact. The idol knew that was a true accusation. She never let the others know what she truly thinks.

“I’m just trying to say that I didn’t like it…” Tomochin said softly hitting Tomo~mi’s chest with both hands spread. But something caught her attention. She voiced out a loud ‘oh!’, making Tomo~mi furrow her eyebrows in curiosity. A second later, Chiyuu felt her boobs being squeezed and blushed furiously. It was totally unexpected.

“Tomochin! What are you doing?!” Tomo~mi asked with widened eyes without moving an inch. 

“Chiyuu! You have such big boobs!! How come I didn’t notice that before?” Tomochin leaned her head down to look closely at the object of her interest. More importantly, she was feeling Chiyuu’s strong heart beat and it made her melt inside. She kept playing and squeezing the older girl’s bosom just to make the heart beat increase.

“Damn it, Tomochin!” Tomo~mi couldn’t handle it anymore. A wave of desire flooded her. Without a second thought, she placed both hands on the nape of the other girl’s head and pulled her for a hungry kiss. At first, Tomochin was surprised by the sudden act, since she was the one who always started their kisses.

Tomochin returned the kiss passionately. Her hands started to fondle Chiyuu’s chest with a bit of strength, which made the girl moan in a low tone. They made their way slowly to the bed. Chiyuu’s hand began to travel across Tomochin’s body, making her moan as well. Soon their hands made their way to under the clothing. Once beside the bed, the idol pushed the other girl only to make her fall on the neatly arranged bed cover sheet. After getting on top of Chiyuu, Tomochin rushed to take her shirt off. Tomo~mi made the gesture to do the same, but remembered a very demotivating thing.

“Tomochin, we can’t!” Tomo~mi shouted half way. The younger was with her arms up in the air, with the blouse hiding her head.

“What?! No! Why?!” Tomochin inquired frustrated with the voice muffled by the fabric. Then she leaned down her arm in order to finish taking off her piece of clothing. Her eyes showed the same intensity of her voice.

“You’re underage and…” Chiyuu started hesitantly.

“I don’t mind!” The idol intervened.

“And we are in somebody else’s room AND it is your first time…” Tomo~mi said the last part in a very low tone. 

“I don’t care where we are as long it is with you!” Tomochin said without thinking. A pink blush appeared on her cheeks when she realized what she had said.

“Are you saying I’m worth to be your first?” That information was running around Tomo~mi’s mind since it was said at the game. The pink turned into red with a slight nod from Tomochin. “Oh dear, aren’t we going too fast? And what if this is not what you really want?” Tomo~mi’s tone was a concerned one.

“Chiyuu, I’m really aware that there won’t be an official ‘us’ because I can’t date. But I’m so happy with you. I couldn’t let you out of my head since the morning you received me and the staff for the photoshoot. If you think it’s not the time for us yet, then I just have to agree with your decision.” Tomochin was with a serious mature expression. But in a second, her lips curved into a malicious smile. “But, can we at least sleep in underwear? I want to know how it feels like sleep hugging someone important with much skin contact…” Her blushing character contrasted with her tricky request.

“I guess it can’t be helped then.” Tomo~mi said with a shy smile pulling Tomochin closer again. They restarted their kissing session, trying hard to not cross the line of intimacy. Soon they got rid of their lower clothing and got under the cover sheets. The two felt the sensations of two touching bodies; of two soft bodies brushing sensually into each other. Soon they agreed to just sleep; otherwise they could end up doing inappropriate things. Within each other embrace, the two girls fell asleep.


Still holding Yuko by her waist, Haruna opened the door of the room that was given to them. The taller girl thanked the heavens that the amount of alcohol she had didn’t take too much of her sense of balance. Yuko was mumbling something about Haruna’s thigh hold and warning her to watch out where she places her hand.

 The door opened with certain difficulty and an aroma of fresh plants filled the hallway. Haruna wondered what that could be. Her answer came when she managed to enter into the room with Yuko. She felt the walls looking for the light switch ate the same time she felt something light rubbing her face. As the light filled the room, it was circled with trees, vines were falling down from both tress and ceiling. There was a huge fallen trunk in one side of the room, which happened to be the bed. On the other side of the room, there were rocks forming a path. Yuko freed herself from Haruna’s grip and took a step forward. Haruna was still stunned with what she found behind the door.

“Sugoi! Jungle themed room!” Yuko shouted with a dumb face, opening her arms. She lost her balance, but the vines caught her. As she had no control over her body, she stoped there facing the ceiling.

“I think you need a shower.” Haruna said closing the door behind her. She didn’t want to admit she was impressed with the room. Yuko started to babble about how beautiful the stars were. The other woman sighed, rolling eyes, and decided to look for the bathroom. That rock portal might be something.

As she passed through the portal, and then a different view hit her eyes. The place looked like a dried waterfall. She barely recognized the sink and the toilet. The last one looked like a rock with the cover down. She wondered if every love hotel room was like that. She was amazed by how far Haruna’s disillusions could go. Haruna looked for the water register and opened it. As the water started to fall, her waterfall feelings were resumed. Now she had to put Yuko under it.

Returning to the room, Haruna found Yuko in the same position. She approached the girl who had a stupid grin on her face.

"Come on, Yuko. You need a shower." Haruna said softly. Yuko groaned.

"Yada!" Yuko's voice was groggy.

"It will make you feel better." Haruna insisted with the kind tone.

"I'm fina thank ya."

"No, you're not. Look, if you don't go for good, you go for bad!" Haruna was losing her temper. She grabbed Yuko by her clothes, pulled the girl off of the vines and dragged her to the bathroom.

"Hey! Watya doin'!? Take ya hands off of me, ya pervert!" Yuko shouted, struggling without success.

“Stop struggling! I’m not a pervert! I’m trying to help you!” Haruna shouted back arriving at the restroom. “Now, take off your clothes!”

“Ya nat a pervert, yet ya ask me to get naked!” Yuko countered blushing. Haruna also blushed when she realized what she had just said.

“Do… Do you want your clothes to get wet?” She managed to say to a Yuko still in her arms.

“No…” Yuko pouted. Haruna leaned Yuko on to the wall, supporting her while the girl tried to unbutton her own shirt. “Do ya intend to keep looking? Imma shy girl, ya know!”

“So… Sorry.” Haruna blushed again, but Yuko was having problems with her shirt. “Geez, what am I going to do with you?” She sighed, starting to undress Yuko. The smaller one looked to her right side blushing. After Haruna managed to strip Yuko, she placed the girl on the rock shaped toilet’s cover, and started to undress herself. Yuko widened her eyes with the gorgeous sight.

“O… Oe! Watya doin’?!” This time her tone was shy.

“I… I don’t want my clothes to get wet too, since I’ll have to hold you under that thing.” Haruna tried to not look at Yuko. That was when Yuko noticed the waterfall shaped shower. Yuko’ mouth went agape with the view.

“Just… don’t take any longer. This thing is scratching my butt.” Yuko mumbled, still looking at the shower. Haruna snorted. Once she finished, she grabbed Yuko again and helped her in the waterfall shower.

With a tight grip on the smaller girl’s arms, Haruna gently pushed the other girl underneath the falling water. She smiled widely when she felt Yuko shivering and yelling it was cold. Once she was used to the water temperature, Yuko relaxed, closed her eyes, just to feel the water on her body.

Haruna let herself observe Yuko for the first time that night. Her pretty face was getting blurred by the melting make up, but Haruna still found it charming. She could feel her heart throbbing fast while she checked the other girl’s body. She also found sexy the couple of dapples Yuko had over her body. It was turning her on. Haruna was approaching slowly.

Yuko’s mind was slowly returning. Her senses were getting sharp again and she regained a bit of her balance. Despite the cold water, the place where she could feel Haruna’s touch was burning. She remembered the view of Haruna’s body and smiled. But what if when she opens her eyes, it won’t be Nyannyan there, holding her? What if it was all a hallucination due to her drunken state? That was when she felt a warm touch on her hands.

“Soft and perfect.” Yuko sighed happily, opening her eyes. She saw Haruna looking down and finding Yuko’s hand on her chest. But instead of parting and running, she glared fiercely at Yuko, a glare full of desire. It made Yuko’s inside burn. Then, Haruna gently pushed the other into the rock wall and kissed her ferociously.

A second later, the taller one pressed her body against Yuko’s. That contact made Yuko’s fire spread and Haruna’s desire increase. Parting their kiss, Haruna started to make a way down Yuko’s neck with kisses, and gentle sucking sometimes. Yuko moaned with that very known pleasure. Haruna’s hand started to explore that body she secretly desired.  Yuko knew deep inside her that the pleasure she was feeling was so different from the others. Yuko’s hands made their way to Haruna’s back and started to sensually caress it. Then, it explored the taller girl’s side body, gently groping from time to time. Haruna even let Yuko play with the smaller favorite spot. 

The couple was so hot into themselves that they couldn’t even feel the cold water anymore. Between kisses and gropes, the two made their way back to the room, spattering water on every direction. As soon as they crossed the rock portal, they got caught by the vines. Yuko was on top trying hard to keep her balance while touching gently yet hungrily her lover.

Haruna was enjoying all the caring she was receiving, but she wanted more. She wanted Yuko to feel how satisfied she was with that moment. The taller managed to switch places and stood up, letting the smaller still entangled. She started to caress and spread kisses all over Yuko’s body.

When Yuko decided she had enough, she tried to stoop up and both ended up falling on the floor. Still into each other, Haruna and Yuko dragged themselves to the trunk bed. There, Yuko kept on loving her Nyannyan, and Haruna kept showing the affection she didn’t want to, that she wouldn’t in a sober state. Still in each other embrace, they fell asleep without sharing a single word.


Supporting each other, more like Takamina supporting Atsuko, they walked lazily to their room door. The smaller of the two took the key from her pocket and struggled a bit to insert it on the hole. She was totally ignoring Atsuko mumbling something about her height and wondering about what kind of room Mayuyu gave them. She was smart enough to know that her friend would give her and Acchan a thematic room.

As soon as she wide opened the door, Takamina looked for the light switch. Atsuko parted from her and entered the dark room. Seconds later, Takamina heard a loud noise followed by a pained moan. She hurriedly found the switch and turned it on. She didn't know what surprised her more, the room's theme or Atsuko on a table.

The room theme was a school. In one side of the room was a blackboard, a teacher table and few student tables, which was where Atsuko was on. Instead of a wardrobe there were lockers. On the other side of the room as an ambient that resembled a school infirmary. The bed was a big version of an infirmary bed. The bathroom door also looked like a school’s.

Takamina closed the door behind her in one movement and ran to Atsuko.

"Acchan! Are you ok?' Takamina was really worried. Atsuko smiled lazily and sat up on the table.

"I'm fine, Takahashi-sensei." Her voice was a bit groggy. Takamina widened her eyes and mumbled 'sensei?'.

"A... Ano... Acchan, maybe you need to wash your face or shower..." Takamina stuttered blushing. She was used to kids calling her sensei but not a fully grown woman. A very sexy grown woman, by the way.

"Come on, Takahashi-sensei, let’s play along, please?" Atsuko asked with puppy eyes. She noticed how flustered the smaller one was and decided to tease her. "Please? I promise I'll sit straight and pay attention." She was now pouting. Takamina sighed deeply.

"After that you promise you will at least wash your face?" Takamina asked crossing her arms. Atsuko nodded, then sat on the chair and placed her arms on the table. "Fine." Takamina walked to the black board, sighed, took the chalk and wrote her name. "Takahashi Minami desu. I'm the art teacher." Atsuko giggled in her seat.

Takamina started a lecture about paintings and ended up getting carried away. Her passion for the subject was so deep that she even forgot she was in a love hotel room. She traveled across various styles, her favorite artists, the colors, the techniques. Atsuko was fascinated by how the small girl loved her work. It was a side of that girl she hadn't seen yet, and she was liking it. This made her a bit jealous of Yuko, who lived with Takamina and could see this side of the girl very often.

However, despite trying hard to pay attention, Atsuko was feeling her head spin a little and the room temperature heat up. The warmth was strangely coming from the floor, or at least she thought it was. When she couldn't handle it anymore, she took off her blouse. Takamina was happily distracted talking about the things she love the most when she saw Acchan taking off the top part of her clothing. She widened her eyes and choked on her own saliva. But she couldn't avert her eyes from Atsuko's fancy lacy bra. Atsuko, seeing the small girl coughing nonstop, stood up as fast as she could and ran to her. Takamina seeing the beautiful bra approaching coughed even more.

"Takahashi-sensei, are you ok?" Atsuko touched Takamina's shoulder. Despite feeling the touch and hearing the question, all she could do was stare at Atsuko's bra. Her mouth started to dry and butterflies flew all over her body. What could that be? "Are you looking at my breasts again, Takamina?” Acchan asked in a sexy way. This time Takamina didn’t have the energy to protest. She just blushed and kept staring. With this reaction, Atsuko smiled in a perverted way. Then, she held Takamina's hands and led them to her breasts. The smaller girl’s eyes went wide and she could finally say something.

"Oh! So soft! What a warm feeling! I understand now why Yuko likes to do this!" Takamina was amazed. Atsuko didn't like the last sentence. In fact, it pissed her off. Why the girl had to put that perverted squirrel between everything she talks?

"Ta. Ka. Mi. Na. Maybe it's about time you learn what Yuko likes to do besides groping girls." Atsuko was seeing her chance to act. She knew she was a bit drunk, but she still had control over her body. Also, Takamina seemed to be a bit drunk too, and she may not offer resistance. So Atsuko leaned down and kissed Takamina. Not the light brief kiss from the other day; it was a deep and meaningful one. At first, the small girl widened her eyes in surprise, and then she just relaxed and accepted it.

Atsuko started to gently push Takamina to the teacher's table. When the smaller's back touched the edge of the table, Atsuko gently lifted her and placed her on the furniture. Takamina moaned with the gesture, but let the other guide her. They were slowly leaning down, with Atsuko on top. She held the side of the table to sustain her climb on it, but felt a sharp pain halfway.

"Ouch!" Acchan cried. She looked at Takamina with teary eyes.

"What's wrong, Acchan?" Takamina was really worried, since the taller had tears sprouting on the corner of her eyes.
"This..." Atsuko said pouting and showing her pained hand. There it was a wooden barb, a big one. Her finger was red and swelling fast. Takamina looked at it with worried eyes and gently grabbed Acchan's wrist.

"Acchan, let's wash it and look for a first aid kit." Since they were still in the previous position, Takamina tapped Atsuko's shoulder to make her understand she wanted to get off of the table. Understanding, Atsuko stepped backwards a bit; so the smaller girl softly jumped off of the furniture. She was still badmouthing the table mentally for ruining her opportunity. Maybe she could get another one soon.

Takamina led Acchan to the bathroom door. It had that male/female symbol plaque on it, with a large puller. Atsuko ended up surprised by how detailed the bathroom was. If she didn't know she was in a love hotel room, she would totally believe she was in a school bathroom. There was a generic sink, a huge mirror and two cubicles with different sizes. Assuming the larger one was the shower, the smaller could only be the toilet. For the ones who always wanted the fantasy of having sex in a school bathroom, this was a finding! Atsuko bet the entire room had a sound system that imitates school noises.

Takamina was so worried about Acchan’s finger that she didn’t noticed how the room was. Once she localized the sink, she went there, still holding Acchan, opened the tap and let the water flow while she skillfully removed the wooden barb of Acchan's finger with her delicate fingers. Atsuko moaned in pain when Takamina put her hand under the water flow. Blood was dripping from her finger and being washed away by the water. When the blood flow stopped, Takamina led Acchan to the 'infirmary' bed and looked for the first aid kit on the drawers. Luckily, or not since that was an infirmary after all, she found what she was looking for.

Observing without telling a word, Atsuko was finding the concerned Takamina as sexy as the others she saw that day. Her look when she was bandaging her finger was so serious and so intense. She loved it too. Without realizing, Atsuko touched Takamina's face with her free hand and they exchange looks. Acchan approached and kissed her passionately. The kiss was corresponded with the same intensity, but Takamina abruptly pushed Atsuko away.

"I need to use the toilet!" Takamina lied rushing to the bathroom. She did what she used to in high school when something upset or confused her: run to the bathroom, lock herself in a cubicle and sit on the toilet's cover to think desperately about something else.

Atsuko knew Takamina was lying, so she waited a while to go after her.  She found it a bit funny to see the girl's trebling legs through the door gap. Acchan approached the cubicle and forced the door to open and it opened. Takamina had forgotten to lock it. The girl looked startled at the taller one in front of her.

"It's ok. You don't need to overthink about it. Better, you don't need to think at all. Let's just enjoy the moment." Atsuko said serious and full of desire. She couldn't handle it anymore. She leaned down and kissed Takamina again. This time the short girl followed the advice, she wasn't thinking, but enjoying the moment.

The shorter girl pushed the taller out of the cubicle and trapped her on the wall. Takamina didn't quite understand what was happening; the only thing she knew was that she was feeling good. Atsuko's hand started to travel around her body making her dizzy. It was like she knew what she was doing. Takamina was kind of lost on what to do with her hands, so she started to mirror Acchan's movements.

Despite being on the wall, it was Acchan that was leading the action. She started to sneak her hands under Takamina's clothes. Upon feeling warm hands caressing her back gently the short girl shivered making something turn on inside her. This thing was making her want Acchan more and more. Was it what they called being aroused? If it so, she was liking it.

Soon, Atsuko started to pull Takamina's blouse off. The girl just raised her arms in an involuntary movement. Then she noticed that Atsuko was already without her top clothing, she was just with that beautiful lacy bra that amazed her a while ago. Was it really the bra that amazed her or the thing behind it? Takamina shook her head mentally; she was starting to think again. While she was lost in the beginning of a thought, Atsuko had unclipped her bra and tossed it on the floor together with the blouse.

Takamina considered touching the breasts something intimate, but in the end she always let Yuko or Miichan or Sayu or Mayu touch hers. However, what Atsuko was doing was completely different. It made her feel a formication in the lower part of her body and soon it was consuming all her body. It got worse when Acchan started to spread kisses all over her face and going downwards.

Her heart was skipping fast, overflowing with joy. That was what Atsuko was feeling. She noticed that Takamina was in a half anesthetic state, just letting out a moan from time to time, so with another passionate kiss she led her lover to the 'infirmary' bed. Yes, lover. Atsuko wanted them to be lovers. Since when, she didn't know. Maybe since the first time she saw her. When they arrived at the bed, she pulled Takamina wildly at it. The girl looked confused, but Atsuko soon got on top and restarted the kissing session.

Both of Atsuko's hands stood on the top of Takamina's body playing with every piece of skin while her head was leaning down making a way of kisses. This was letting Takamina stunned which made her didn't care when Atsuko's hands skillfully went down and pulled off all her bottom clothing in a fast movement. Atsuko looked at the beautiful view in front of her and smiled. That beautiful bright smile that Takamina loved so much.

Takamina started to think again. She wasn't feeling ashamed, a little embarrassed yes, but not shame. Was it because of that genuine beautiful sincere smile that caught her attention? That smile that make her forget everything? Was it what people call lo-? Her thoughts were interrupted by an immeasurable wave of pleasant feelings. All those feelings were unknown to her, though she loved it. How could she have lived without it for all this time?

Atsuko loved Takamina until it maddened the smaller. However there was one thing missing. She wanted to feel the other's body against hers, feel the skin touch, gently caressing each other. Takamina watched in awe Atsuko uncover her body, and her eyes stopped in that spot that was in her mind ever since that afternoon at the cave. When Atsuko finished her strip, she leaned on Takamina's body and kissed her passionately.

The friction of their bodies made Takamina want to try things out. She started to imitate what Atsuko had done to her and when she heard the moans; it made her feel was all worth it. She never imagined herself doing these kinds of things, but somehow she liked it. And the two kept loving each other, although the concept of love for Takamina was still a bit unknown, until they ran out of energy and fell asleep in each other's embrace.


Parting ways with Mayu and Yuki at the elevator, Minami and Mariko were wondering why they always ended up sharing a room. Minami's pout was the biggest she ever made. Mariko was trying to walk straight since the floor insisted to trick her by changing position every time. Or maybe it was her head that was spinning. They stopped when they reached the room door. The door looked like a simple plain one, but Minami asked herself what was the theme of the room.

Mariko anchored herself at the door threshold and waited the other girl open it. Minami sighed, put the key she was holding in the hole and turn it. She opened the door with a lazy push. It wasn’t a surprise to her the room that appeared in front of their eyes. Mariko instead was kind of surprised. It’s not that she wasn’t familiar with these kinds of things, it’s that she wasn’t expecting that at all. Mayu gave them none other than the BDSM room.

Ignoring the weird chair, that she knew was for torture means, Mariko tottered towards the bed and released her body onto it. Minami just sighed and walked in the room, closing the door behind her. Then dragged herself to a table filled with ropes, whips, chains and weird objects she wasn’t in the mood to imagine a way to use, and leaned on the furniture facing the bed.

“Yo, old mummy! Don’t fall asleep in the middle of the bed! Don’t forget we have to share it.” Minami said in a lazy voice.

“Whatever… I wouldn’t be able to sleep with my clothes on anyways…” Mariko mumbled in a drunk voice. The younger unconsciously blushed at that statement; in part because she remembered she also needed to strip to be able to sleep.

Without being able to think of a reply, Minami stood straight and started to undress and place her clothes folded at the table. Meanwhile, Mariko struggled to sit up. She managed to take off her jacket and open her pants. Minami was already taking off her blouse, which was the last piece of clothing for her to be in underwear, when Mariko looked at her. While analyzing the younger girl, she felt her heart skip differently. Mariko thought she could look at the other girl for an endless amount of time. But she knew that Minami would notice her gaze at her soon or later.

"Yo, Gachapin! Help me undress please." Mariko asked groggily. Minami looked at her a bit puzzled, but nodded. She approached the older one counting the clothes she had to take off of the woman.

"Old mummy, hold on my shoulder and lift a bit so I can pull your pants." Minami said in an almost emotionless tone. But when Mariko touched her bare shoulder, she felt a flow of electricity enter her body. The older closed her eyes fearing what she could do if she sees that desired body so close. Upon feeling her pants being pulled, Mariko automatically sat back. Minami then folded the clothes and placed it beside her pile at the table.

"Don't need to be so neat." Mariko said a bit soft, which surprised Minami.

"I thought you liked neat things." Minami replied almost defiantly.

"I do, but not now." Her gaze was so sharp that made Minami shiver. But she approached back anyways.

"Right... Now lift your arms so I can take off your blouse." Minami made it possible to ignore the intensity of Mariko's gaze. This one obeyed promptly and the shorter girl proceeded to pull the blouse. The movement made Mariko lose her balance and when the clothing was completely off of her body she instinctively held Minami's shoulders. This made their faces get dangerously close.

Their eyes finally met. Their breath blowing into each other faces made them realize how close they were. The room disappeared from their peripheral sight. Nothing would interrupt them now. The next thing they remembered was the warmth of their lips meeting. Never in her life had Minami kissed someone like that; with tongues fighting for dominance. Mariko's hand moved to Minami's nape and pulled her closer, making them fall on the bed with Minami on top. Differently from other times, when their bodies touched each other they only felt the electric chain of desire.

Soon, they started to roll on the bed, arguing with their bodies to decide who would lead  the action. By this time, Mariko was skillfully exploring Minami's curves with her hands. And Minami wasn't being left behind. For a skinny person Mariko had a lot of soft spots. When the taller one got to be on top again, she parted the kiss and made her way down onto the smaller body, only to stop halfway. Minami groaned in frustration, but blushed furiously when she realized what was about to happen. Looking down, she found Mariko sleeping using her chest as pillow.

"Thank lord you fell asleep!" She whispered relieved. Then slowly slipped Mariko off of her and stood up. Her heart was still racing while she tried to convince herself she was in love with Yuuhi, she was in love with him and would be forever. Right? Minami looked at the woman sleeping on the bed and her heart beat didn't decrease. She gave up on understanding, grabbed a cover sheet, turned off the lights and laid on the bed beside Mariko, throwing the cover sheet over them. The last thing she felt was the other shifting and passing an arm over her waist.


As soon as the elevator door closed, Yuki looked fiercely at Mayu and kissed her passionately on the lips, pushing her on the wall. The younger didn't even struggle. Due to the intensity of the action and the drunken state of the older one the air went missing and the two had to part before expected.

"Yukirin!!! We can't do this here! It's against the rules!" Mayu snapped remembering something important.

"Who cares about the rules, Mayuyu?" Yuki was already caressing Mayu's body sensually. Mayu shivered. She wanted to say 'to the hell with the rules!' but she was the owner and the owner should set an example.

"Yukirin, please. Hang on just a few minutes." Mayu said in a pleading voice. Yuki was about to kiss the other girl again when the elevator door opened and a couple walked in. Yuki blushed hard and instantly hid her face on Mayu's neck. Mayu was already used to this kind of situation and just ignored. The couple tried to ignore, but two beautiful young girls in a love hotel elevator can't just be ignored. The guy involuntarily imagined what the two girls would possibly do in the room. His partner seemed to know what was on his head, because she hit him on his ribs. Mayu giggled a bit; these kinds of things were so entertaining.

The elevator stopped again and it was time for Mayu and Yuki to leave, to Yuki's relief. The fact she was in a love hotel was embarrassing enough! Let alone meeting a couple in the elevator. The corridor was pretty normal with normal doors with their numbers on it. Mayu got the keys on her pocket and stopped in front of a door. Yuki's heart started to race; what if it was another weird thematic room? She knew it wasn't the BDSM from the other day because that room was on another floor.

Mayu opened the door and let Yuki walk in. What the older girl saw dumbfounded her. She was expecting anything but that. She saw herself in a normal room. It had a king-size bed with normal sheet, a plain table, a plain door that probably led to a normal bathroom. No whips, no chains, no ropes, no weird chairs. Maybe a few adult toys, but those seemed to be well hidden and out of sight.

"What? You didn't think we didn't have a normal room, did you?" Mayu asked walking in and locking the door. Yuki blushed at the question. It was obvious that she thought that.

"N... No! More importantly, now that we're alone let's go back to where we stopped." Yuki said with a perverted smile. Mayu smiled back. She had to think of ways to let Yukirin get drunk again.

"Yes, ma'am!" She agreed approaching with a perverted grin. So they attacked each other with hunger and desire. Their kiss had the same urgency of their act.

The two tottered to the bed between kisses, hands, and moans. Before pulling Yuki to the bed, Mayu unbuttoned her blouse showing off a beautiful embroidered bra. Yuki, now half laid half sat, watched Mayu take off her own shirt and did the same thing, allowing their make out session to resume.

Mayu really wanted to see what beautiful vision waited for her behind that cute bra, however Yuki was faster. In a blink of an eye the smaller one saw herself wearing nothing but panties. Yuki smiled to a flustered Mayu. Without delay, the younger placed both hands on the older girl's bosom and took it off, feeling Yuki's hand on her own. They looked at each other with complicity.

Their kiss restarted, with hands exploring bodies and pieces of clothes being pulled off wildly. But when Mayu was playing with two soft spots, she noticed that Yuki's breath was steady. Looking up, she saw the girl peacefully sleeping. Sighing, the younger girl turned to an almost hidden panel full of switches beside the bed and turned off the lights. The next thing she did was cuddle in Yuki and fall asleep. She had fun that night, but not enough. She did understand the other was tired and with alcohol running in her veins, but she wanted more. Maybe she should try again soon. A perverted grin curved on her lips while she dreamt about the things she wanted to do.


How was it?

Here is a curiosity: For the ones who wanted to know how much each girl drank, I counted; Haruna 6, yuko 11, Acchan 5, takamina 3, miichan 3, mariko 6, sae 8, yuki 7, mayu 6, sayu 6, rena 6, jurina 1, tomo 6, tomochin 3.

Now the replies, for the ones I could think of one  :nervous

Jell_o_jello: Sayu is kinky indeed! I hope I can explore it on next chapters :) Thank you for reading and voting =>

Mo-chan: haha don't be so dramatic~ It can't be happening here in jphip, but in others places it can happen ^~ I wouldn't say dangerus, but revealing =p Thank you for reading and voting o/

vPANDAv: Nhyaa I like that Haruna hahah I hope it didn't disappoint you >< I promise she wont blame the drunkness o/ I couldn't change the voting options, but it worked somehow =] Thank you for reading and voting!!

Chanaline: Thank you for voting~ Mayuki didn't won, but I hope you liked their moment o/ Though kojiyuu was in second =p You will understand Mariko's feelings soon, please have a little patient with me >< Thank you for reading o/

kahem: I hope your hoping had come true =] Thank you hehe

Pwety: Thank you~ I'm having a hard time to think about Mayuki because of Sayu xD Thanks, I love when someone say they liked the MariMii *.* I was writing and Haruna just end up like that xD I'm glad you liked =] Atsumina pretty interesting here, right? xp Thank you for voting and CHANALINE thank you ;)

qweakb and mae: Thank you o/ thanks for voting too~~

stv_wong: I hope I didn't disappoint on TomoTomo part ;.;

Archer1992: Are you happy with the Astumina? Did Acchan seduced Takamina well? =p I'm okay now with her graduation! I'll for sure support her in everything she do! After all I love her and her work, no matter where it is^^

Rena-chan Daisuki: hauhau thank you for reading o/ and voting~

deviantone: Thank you for the compliment =] I really thought about as much details as I could before start writing and I really make an effort for everything looks natural and fluent. Thank you for reading, really =] and for voting too o/

 AoiShiori: Hey! Thank for giving my fic a chance^^ I hope you like the update =] It was hard in the beginning, but I'm okay now. I only hope she don't vansih from the midia ;.; I hope that too!

DiVAGal2458: Well said, my dear! I think that myself too! Thank you for giving me force o/ I promise SaeYaka next chapter for sure o/

Tam_atsu: It was not when I said it would be released, but I update at least o/ thank you =] I really hope you liked the kojiyuu^^

To everyone: Thank you for reading and voting! And commenting; and the thank yous! Thank you to the silent readers too~ I love you all ;.;

BTW, Happy b-day, Kuu-pyon~~  :onioncheer:

In a couple of days I'll make a new voting (maybe tomorrow, because I have to think about the options). It's about Sayu, stay tuned ;)

I hope it was good>< ja nee~~
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 06:04:01 AM by BbSis »

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline chichay12

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) CH10 UPDATE!!! 20/08/13
« Reply #137 on: August 20, 2013, 07:24:58 AM »
 :farofflook: :nya: :on woohoo:
FINALLY~~ ur back!!!
u dont know how i miss this fic  :cool1:
and thank god ur back with a awesome update!!
i love all the pairing specially my ATSUMINA *cough* bias much XD
thank for the update :on gay:

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) CH10 UPDATE!!! 20/08/13
« Reply #138 on: August 20, 2013, 07:55:07 AM »
I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! finally you're back  :heart: :lol: i love your update haha and i really enjoyed the kojiyuu scene!! so much love  :heart: thank you so much! and yuuchan was really lol. the way she speaks when she's drank if so funny!  :lol: will wait for your next update ganbatte!  :inlove: :lol:

Silent reader for now

Offline cisda83

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) CH10 UPDATE!!! 20/08/13
« Reply #139 on: August 20, 2013, 12:14:52 PM »
Yeah you are here at last...

 Interesting... Atsumina, Tomotomo and Mayuki pairings did the deed...

How about sae & sayu?

Can't wait to see how their relationship develop into?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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