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Author Topic: Mad House 2 Completed  (Read 67750 times)

Offline m00nchild

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 19
« Reply #220 on: March 04, 2013, 07:40:32 PM »
nice update~

any explain with Rena's blood?
why will happen something like that? is it because Yuria blood??
now that Rena is saved,
waiting for the big war,
hope u update soon~

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 19
« Reply #221 on: March 05, 2013, 07:29:40 AM »
now pale Matsuis  :lol:

strange... Yuria would find another person to reproduce with her

But what Miichan said that they got the girl or something...interesting

Update soon and your new story woohoo  :twothumbs


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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 19
« Reply #222 on: March 07, 2013, 11:00:27 PM »
i cant wait to know what will happen next  :D :twothumbs

please update   soooooooooooooooon  :bow:
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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 19
« Reply #223 on: March 10, 2013, 04:44:11 AM »
Lol i actually thought rena fell under a love spell and fell inlove with yuria xD

Offline miyumi

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #224 on: March 10, 2013, 04:13:03 PM »
Minna gomen!! I forgot to put in the explanation why they did the blood thing. Well remember the scene where Yuria fed Rena her blood? Well when the blood entered her body the crystal cells started to take over Rena's body and made her act like she liked Yuria more than Jurina. The only way to get the cells out was to drain her blood and they had to use Jurina because Jurina's blood was the only type Rena's could accept so they couldn't use anyone else's. I hope that helps and I'm sorry for leaving you guys confused. Now then on to the story! I don't think this is the last chapter but it's coming up soon!

Chapter 20

"We got it."

When Mariko heard that she knew what that meant. They had gotten the kill switch and were now on their way back to the facility. When they arrived everyone gathered for the master plan they were going to pull. They were all going to attack at once and take Yuira down once and for all. They wouldn't use the kill switch yet because they think Yuria could be saved and Takamina had a way so they were going to try to catch her first but if it didn't work then they would put her down. They formed two groups and traveled to where Yuria was hiding. She was hiding back in the old facility and in the same place where the experiments were first performed.

They walked inside and saw Yuria standing right in front of them. They were about to attack but then suddenly there was a bright flash and everything went blank. When Mariko and the others woke up they were surprised to see the place looked like it was brand new. As they walked in they noticed nothing was broken or trashed. Everything was put back into place as it once was.

"I'm gonna go see my old room!"

Kumi ran off and Kanon followed after. Mariko had Yuko and Haruna go with them and make sure everything was going to be ok. Airin went to her room along with Sae and Sayaka while Sawako went with Mayuyu and Yukirin. Now all that was left was Mariko, Churi, Miichan, Takamina, and Acchan. They all went down the stairs to the hall leading to the room. When they opened the door they found it empty and everything was still intact. Mariko walked to the chair where Yuria was held down and tortured. She looked over at Churi and gave her a disgusted look. However Churi didn't care and started to look through the files.

"All my diary entries are gone. This is very strange." Churi said.

"Did we go back in time or something?" Miichan asked.

"I don't know but keep on your guard. I remember something about Yuria being able to create illusions."

"Now you tell us!"

As the two were fighting something suddenly jumped on Acchan and started attacking her. It was a dark figure and no one could tell what it was. It was wearing a mask that looked very strange.


Takamina tried to help her but then suddenly another figure came out and attacked Takamina. The two were struggling to keep them off but more and more started to show up. Two of them attacked Churi and four of them attacked Miichan. One even came out and tried to attack Mariko. It had a knife in its hand and was trying to stab her. Mariko moved out of the way and pushed the figure down. She took the knife away and then tried to pull off the mask. However the figure retreated and two more came after Mariko. One of them was incredibly strong and lifted Mariko up into the air. However before the figure could throw Mariko, she reached down and managed to pull the mask off. The person turned out to be Sayaka!

"Oi Sayaka what are you doing?!"


Sayaka set Mariko down and she looked around.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I don't know you attacked me baka!" Mariko said.

"Sorry but what do we do now?"

"Get the masks off before one of us kills the other!"

Together, Mariko and Sayaka pulled the masks off one by one until everyone was unmasked and back to normal. Then the background changed and they were in some kind of white room. There was nowhere to go and they weren't sure what to do. Then out of nowhere a high pitched scream echoed throughout the room making everyone fall to their knees and cover their ears. The scream was so loud that it was hard to hear anything. During the middle of it Mariko felt a big thud on the ground. She looked over and saw a huge spiked ball rolling right their way. When Mariko tried to get out of the way the scream kept her down making it impossible to move. She tried to look for a way out but didn't see anything. It looked like they were done for but then she saw Kumi standing up staring at the ball.


Kumi looked over and saw Mariko. She just smiled and waved. Mariko pointed at the ball and hoped Kumi would understand her and to her surprise she did. Kumi walked over to towards the ball and stood right in front of it. Mariko thought Kumi was going to kill herself but then she stomped hard on the ground and a piece of it came out sending the ball over them and just barely missing Mariko. The scream stopped and the room became dark. Then the sound of running water could be heard. Mariko couldn't see it but could feel water on her feet. Water was coming from somewhere but where?

Mariko and the others started to look around and didn't find anything. The water was rising and was already up to their waist. Mariko reached up and felt something hard. It felt like a ceiling and the water was getting higher. Mariko tried to knocking against the ceiling and tried to find an exit. There wasn't anything until suddenly Mariko felt a handle. She pushed it opened and quickly helped everyone climb out just in time. Now there were in a different room that had a sky background. On the ground everyone could see their own reflection. Then up ahead Mariko saw Yuria's reflection. She looked up and saw her standing there with a smile on her face.

"Everyone be on your guard!"

Everyone saw Yuria and prepared themselves for battle. However suddenly Yuria multiplied into duplicates and now there was more than one. Then all at once they all attacked and everyone started attacking. Everyone spilt into twos and started attacking at once. While the others were attacking Mariko noticed something odd about the Yuria's. None of them were the real one. The real one was hiding somewhere but where? Mariko looked around and tried to seek out the real one. There was no sign of the real one and the others were waisting their energy. Mariko had to stop them and try to figure out where the real one is.

Mariko stood there thinking where the real one could be.  She saw that one of the duplicates didn't have a reflection. All she had to do was look for the one with a reflection. She looked at every duplicate and didn't see the one she was looking for. She looked down at her own reflection and saw something sneaking up behind her. She pulled out a knife and stabbed the thing and turns out it was Yuria and it was the real one. Yuria screamed in pain and fell back. All the duplicates did the same and fell back as well.


The others tried to gather but something held them back. There on the ground were hands holding onto their ankles. The hands came up and revealed the reflections of everyone else. They had to fight themselves and it looked like it was going to be tough. Mariko's reflection didn't come out though and thought it was very strange. However Mairko didn't care because it looked like Yuria was going to fight her one on one. Mariko held onto her knife and prepared herself to battle. Mariko made the first move and charged at Yuria. Yuria moved out of the way and elbowed Mariko right in the stomach. Mariko backed away and tried to catch her breath. However Yuria was merciless and came right after Mariko. She was about claw Mariko but then someone got in the way.

It was Miichan who was holding a staff and holding Yuria off. Looks like she had defeated her double already and now was helping Mariko. She looked at Mariko and said,

"Go help the others!"

Mariko nodded her head and left Miichan to fight Yuria. Mariko first ran to Yuko and saw Yuko's duplicate who was on top of her strangling Yuko. Mariko kicked the duplicate off Yuko and helped her back up. Yuko grabbed onto Mariko and said,

"I never knew I was so tough!"

Before she could get another word out Yuko2 came back and attacked again. The two were rolling on the ground biting each other and punching each other. Mariko had to think of a way to get them apart. She thought about it and then saw Haurna fighting her duplicate. She got an idea and ran over to Haruna.

"Haruna duck!"

Haruna got down and Mariko got behind the duplicate. She held ther arms back and then shouted,

"Oi Yuko!"

The two Yuko's looked up and at that moment Mariko pulled up the duplicate's shirt. Both ther jaws dropped and eyes widened. They got off each other and ran towards the Haruna duplicate. When they were close enough Mariko let go of the duplicate and grabbed Yuko. She watched the other Yuko grab onto Haruna2 and started cuddling in her oppai.

"Oi Mariko let go! I'm trying to get me some oppai!" Yuko said.

"Yuko that's not the real Haruna!" Mariko said.

She pushed Yuko to Haruna then grabbed the spear Haruna was helding. Mariko took the spear and tabbed both of them through and through killing them both. They disappeared in a puff of smoke and gone forever. Even if it's a clone of Yuko there's always one thing they always love and that was Haruna but more specifically her oppai. Mariko looked over at them and saw two cuddling and Yuko kissing Haruna like a puppy.

"Quit the kissing and go help Miichan!"

"On it!"

The two ran off to help Miichan and now Mariko was onto her next people. She found Mayuyu and Yukirin fighitng their clones and it looked like they were having a hard time. Mariko had to think of something to do to get them apart. She got an idea but needed Yukirin to help. Mariko grabbed Yukirin and faced her back towards the two Mayuyu's.


The two looked over and it was then Mariko pulled down Yukirin's skirt and revealed her oshiri. Both Mayuyu's fell for it and ran to Yukirin. However before the real Mayuyu could reach them Mariko pushed Yukirin towards Mayu and took the other Yukirin and pushed her towards the fake Mayu. The two grabbed onto each other and then Mariko shot them both with a gun right the head. Mayuyu and Yukirin ran off to help Miichan and the others while Mariko worked to get the others to help. Getting Kumi was easy because they were both idiots and Kanon's was easy because whatever happened to Kumi Kanon followed and the fake Kanon ended up killing herself.

Sayaka and Sae were tough to beat but all she had to do was offer Sae candy and make Sayaka really angry and they both destroyed their duplicates. Airin's was very interesting because they both were fighting in a strange mind battle. It was like fireworks were going off and Mariko could see them all. The only way to get Airin out of it was think of things that was disturb the balance and that was very pervy things about some of her friends. The other Airin couldn't handle it and crashed. Sawako was difficult as well because off all the changes but Mariko managed to get her by calling out Yuuki who ran over to Mariko seeing her as a mother but then she stabbed the fake Sawako as she held her.

Takamina's was really easy since Mariko was taller than her and Acchan's was easy as well. To be honest they were the most easy to defeat out of all of the duplicates.

The toughest ones of them all though were Jurina and Rena. Their duplicates were extremely hard and almost impossible to handle. Then Jurina pulled out a melonpan and the fake Rena was defeated and the other Jurina easily fell after. Now everyone was on Yuria and she had nowhere to run. It had all come down to this and now the final battle was in play. Mayu, Yuki, Sayaka, Sae, Sawako, and Jurina all attacked and tried to hold her down. They all missed and Yuria flew high in to the sky. However Rena jumped up with her and knocked her back down to the ground with a hard punch. She slammed in to the ground where the others tied her down with every chain rope and binding they could think of. In the end her body was completely covered and it looked like she wasn't going to move. Now all that was left was the antidote that Takamina had created.

She walked over and and injected the antidote into Yuria. Within a few seconds she as out and now all that was left was to take her home and wait. Sayaka and Sae carried Yuria to the car where everyone got in and headed home for a long much needed rest. Today was a victory for Mariko and the others and now all that was left to do was wait to see what happens next.

Will the cure work or won't? Find out next time in the last chatper!

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #225 on: March 10, 2013, 04:37:11 PM »
Hope the cure will work since yuria herself is a victim of inhumane experiments... :O2

The fighting against duplicates scenes were funny, using oppai, oshiri, melon pan etc as weapons!!!Good job!!!  :fap
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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #226 on: March 10, 2013, 05:25:55 PM »
Lol using Oppais,Oshiris and Melonpan  :on lol:

A stupid Kumi  :luvluv1:

Wait!.........Why Am I so in love? Why Am I even happy?  :mon closeup:

Nice update!!

Update soon! I want to know what's gonna happen? Don't kill Yuria   :mon cry:

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #227 on: March 11, 2013, 01:15:24 AM »

Good chapter! Loved the way you used their weakness against them huehuehue

Thank you for the update!

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #228 on: March 11, 2013, 01:29:30 AM »
I like the duplicate thing, it was cool and funny ^^

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #229 on: March 11, 2013, 07:48:07 AM »
Lol!! I love that duplicate scene!!! How funny that they use oppai, oshiri, and melonpan xD
Please update soon! Oh and dont kill Yuria...
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Kami-oshi: -----
AKB oshi: Okada Nana, Kizaki Yuria, Yamada Nanami,
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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #230 on: March 11, 2013, 11:17:14 AM »
Lol to hentai yuko and mayu xD oppai and oshiri xD
Well i hope the cure worked . Thanks for the update :)

Offline m00nchild

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 20
« Reply #231 on: March 13, 2013, 06:34:33 PM »
nice update,
the fight was a bit short??
u can try to add more fight screen at it,
maybe u not free to write,
I feel quite rush on it.
but it was a nice update too,
hope the cure worked,
if not is quite wasted everyone energy,
and takamina hardwork,
and how did takamina know about the antidote?

looking forward to the next update.

Offline miyumi

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21
« Reply #232 on: March 17, 2013, 03:56:08 AM »

Chapter 21 part 1

They had her locked up in a large incubator. There were several wires and monitors connected to observe her conditions. There were cameras in every corner of the room and one main one above the incubator. The walls were made of titanium steel walls and there were five levels of doors. If Yuria ever did try to escape there was no way she could get out. Not without setting off some kind of bomb. Mariko was watching her through another room watching her and making sure nothing was wrong. The antidote was still unstable and could fail. Takamina discovered the antidote by taking a sample of Rena's blood and using different chemical compounds and molecular structures. She created micro organisms that will enter the body and try to alter the DNA of the subject. When she finally finished she injected it into Yuria and now they have to see if it works Takamina said it would take at least a day or two for the antidote to work. Mariko was sitting there at the monitor watching Yuria. It was 2 in the morning and Mariko offered to take over the night shift and turns out that was a bad idea. She was tired and only the caffeine from her coffee was keeping her awake.

As Mariko looked at the monitor she noticed there was something wrong with one of the monitors. It looked liked one of them was malfunctioning. Mariko got out of her chair and walked into the room. She walked over to the machine and saw the plug was falling out. Mariko plugged it back in and the machine started to work correctly again. Mariko was about to walk out of the room but she suddenly heard a whisper. She turned around thinking it was Yuria but Yuria was knocked out cold. There was no way she would be able to wake up with all the sedatives they put here. There was enough in her to make her sleep for months. She walked over to the incubaotr and stared at Yuria. Seeing her sleep made her almost look kind of normal. She actually looked peaceful in a way and not as dangerous. Mariko felt something twist in her heart when she realized that she once was a normal girl. She used to be normal but then she was pulled into a world of dark and turned into a monster.

Remembering what had happened to Yuria made her think of Churi. Churi was with Miichan under watch making sure she doesn't do anything else that could hurt anyone. They were debating if they shold send Churi off to a prison or not. She was sick and twisted so of course the answer would be yes. However they didn't want to send her off yet because she knows the most about Yuria and they were going to need her. Thinking about Churi made Mariko sick and wanted to leave. However as she was about to leave there was another whisper. Mariko looked around and saw no one there. She was about to turn around but then heard it again. She looked down and saw Yuria but nothing happened. She touched the glass and felt something grab her and pull her down. Everything grew dark and quiet like it would normally feel when one passes out. However it suddenly got brighter and the next thing she knew she was sitting at a table. There was single cup of tea placed in front of her and sitting across from her was Yuria only she looked normal.

"Hello Mariko." she said.

"Hello Yuria." Mariko said.

"I'm gald you heard my calls. I wanted to tell you something very badly."

"And what was that?"

"Before we get started please drink some tea."

Mariko stared the cup and observed the tea. She looked at Yuria who was sipping it quietly. After a while Mariko piked up the cup and took a sip. It was sweet like honey and candy and warm. Mariko sipped the tea until it was gone and set the cup down. When Yuria finished she also set her cup down and stared at Mariko. Then she said,   

"First I wanted to say thank you for helping me. I can already feel myself starting to turn back to normal. However there is a problem."

"And what is that?"

"There are others coming..."


"When Churi did the experiments on me, she worked with a team acorss seas. They helped her by supplying her with the tools and machines she needed. I remember they said that they would come and get me if the experiment ever failed. They would come and kill me."

"How do they know where to go?"

"Churi was suppose to send out a signal."

"What kind?"

"A radio signal. I remember it looked like a watch. When the signal was sent it would glow red."

"Where could I find it?"

"Churi carries it somewhere with her but I don't know where. You need to find it please before Churi sets it off. I know she will because I was a failure and she knows I can't be let out. Even if you cure me the virus is still there inside me and I don't know how long this cure will hold it back but it will break and I'll go back to being that monster. I don't want that..."

Tears started to form from Yuria's eyes and tehy fell onto the table. Mariko stood up and walked over to her. She hugged her and said,

"I won't let her do that."

After she said that something pulled her out and she found herself on the floor of the room. Sayaka was looking down on her and calling her name out.

"Oi Mariko are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Where's Churi I need to find her."

"She's in the basement being watched by Miichan."

Mariko got up and ran down to the basement where she found Miichan and Churi. She told Miichan about the watch and Miichan got it from Churi. They looked at it and saw no sign of a button. Mariko took it decided to take it to Mayuyu to have her look at it. When she showed it to Mayu she said it was voice activated. If Churi said a certain word then the signal would be sent. Now the problem was what was the word? Mariko went back to Churi and handed her a crayon and a piece of paper.

"Write down the word that sends out the signal."

Churi took the crayon and wrote down a word but it was scrambled. Mariko looked at Churi with an irritated look. She had no time for games and she didn't want anyone hurting Yuria. She looked at Churi and almost slapped her if Miichan hadn't walked in. She didn't know why Churi was being this way and there must have been something going on but what. Miichan led Mariko out and sent her to the other room to cool off. Mariko took a couple deep breaths before walking back in with a new approach. She walked into the room where Yuria was being held and told Sayaka she would take over. Sayaka left and Mariko locked the door shut.


Mariko called out Yuria's name and soon enough she was taken back into the strange limbo world. She saw Yuria sitting at the table reading a book. She walked over and Yuria greeted her. Mariko explained that she had found the watch and now they were trying to get the word out of Churi so they know that they shouldn't say it. According to Mayu if they destroyed it then the signal would be sent out regardless. Yuria smiled and thanked Mariko for helping her. Now the only thing left to do was trying to make Churi crack which wasn't going to be easy since she's a tough one and the most stable out of everyone here. However there had to be something that would make her snap. Mariko couldn't think of anything but Churi mentioned something about her old work place. The people she worked with to create her. There was something hidden in the company that made Churi work for them and that thing was the thing Mariko had to find out. Mariko thanked Yuria and left heading straight for the old facility.

Mariko went searching through Churi's desk for some kind of clue as to what her old life used to be like. The only thing she was able to find was a bunch of old papers and some pens but nothing else. Mariko checked everywhere and then suddenly found something hidden behind a filing cabinet. Mariko picked it up and opened it blowing a layer of dust into the air. The file was old and a little hard to read but Mariko could read most of it. The first paper was a picture of a young girl who didn't look too happy. Under the name though Mariko was surprised to see that the girl was Churi. It was a profile of some sort and there was also something else. There was a small photo of a group of people all in military outfits. In the middle of all of them was Yuria wearing some kind of collar on similar to the one Yuria had. Her eyes looked empty and dark as she stood there in the photo.

The other documents talked about an experiment that was performed on her that was the exact same one that was done on Yuria. However it looked like Churi's was a success which could be a problem for Mariko if she had the same strength as Yuria. There was another picture of Churi that looked like the one she knew now and she was receiving a degree. It looked like she was graduating from something and now worked for the people. She must have become the doctor free to work on her own experiments and Mariko guessed that her first one was on Yuria. Mariko finished looking through the file and then as she set it down something slid out of it and fell to the ground.

There on the ground was a small vile of red substance. Mariko looked at it for a while and then decided to keep it in her pocket for something later. She then took the file and went back to the facility. She walked into the room where Churi was and slammed the file onto the table. When Churi saw it her eyes widened and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was about to grab the file but Mariko grabbed it and pulled it back. She started at Churi and said,


Churi took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"The company I worked for is called HEG which means Human Experimental Group. When I was young they performed an experiment on me that I later on performed on Yuria. As you can see I was a success while Yuria was not. My childhood was a miserable series of tests and chemicals being injected into me. I worked hard and became one of the leading scientists there. They sent me away to find another test subject and create another one like me. That's where I came across Yuria and somehow I failed so Yuria ended up like that. They said I had to bring back something or else they would kill me."

There was silence before Mariko finally reached out and grabbed Churi's shirt collar. She pulled her in close and said,

"Tell me the word."

Churi sat there silently until she finally said,



Suddenly there was a faint beeping noise coming from Churi's pocket. Mariko reached in and grabbed what was inside. She pulled it out and saw it was the watch Mariko thought she had left with Mayu. The watch was beeping and Mariko knew what it meant. Mariko looked Churi right in the eyes and said,

"How long will it take them to get here?"

"Two hours."

Mariko sat Churi back down onto the chair and asked,

"What will they do?"

"They'll take Yuria and kill her."

Mariko stood there trying to think of a way to spare Yuria. Then an idea came to mind and she began to form a plan. She turned to Churi and asked,

"Do they know Yuria was your test subject?"

"No why?"

"I have an idea...."

Just then Takamina came in and said,

"She's awake."

Mariko ran into the room and helped Yuria out of the incubator. She was back to normal and cured. Mariko was happy for Yuria and was glad to finally have her back. Then she explained what had happened to Churi and that the people were on their way to get her. Yuria began to cry but then Mariko calmed her and said she had a plan.

Like Churi said two hours later a group of armed men raided the facility. They didn't hurt anyone but instead walked over to Churi. She knew what they wanted and led them to the room where Yuria was being held. They found the incubator and wheeled it out while taking Churi with her. Churi explained how the experiment was actually a success and the men believed it as they loaded the experiment into a truck. They drove away leaving the facility for good. As they left Yuria came out of a closet that she was put in and watched the truck drive away.


There in the incubator wasn't Yuria but Mariko who had taken her place and was going to put a stop the group and everything once and for all. She just hoped that her plan will work.

Oh no what's going to happen to Mariko!? Find out in part 2!

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21
« Reply #233 on: March 17, 2013, 09:45:31 AM »
What will happen to Mariko?! :scared:

Well at least you didn't kill Yuria.....  :mon XD:

What did those idiots do on MY Churi?!!??  :scolding:

Let's go and kill them!  :shifty:

Takamina thank you for helping Yuria  :kneelbow:

Update soon I can't wait! :)

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21 part 2 END
« Reply #234 on: March 23, 2013, 08:52:49 PM »
Well this is the final end! Let's see what happens to Mariko and see if they make it out ok. After I end this I don't know if I'll be writing or not for a while. Seeing how there are a lot of new writers I think I might take a break for a while. Don't know yet. But in the meantime I hope you enjoy the final ending of Mad House!

Chapter 21 part 2

Mariko arrived into some sort of building and there she was taken into a room. She felt herself being set down and then there was a beep. The incubator door opened and a bright light hit Mariko's eyes. Once her vision cleared, she walked out and found herself in a white room. There a head of her was a black hole in the wall. Mariko didn't know what it was but suddenly she heard a beep and soon after something shot out of the hole. It was some kind of ball and it was heading for Mariko. Mariko ducked and watched it hit the wall then bounce off somewhere else. It came back at Mariko and when Mariko moved the ball hit her arm and Mariko felt her arm nearly shatter as she fell to the ground. She was in extreme pain but Mariko didn't have time to rest as the ball came back. Mariko moved out of the way just as the ball hit the wall and bounced off. Everytime the ball came by Mariko dodged it and thought she was going to be ok.

However suddenly two more came out of the hole and were now heading towards Mariko. It was becoming harder to dodge them because with every hit they became faster and faster. More and more balls shot out and Mariko noticed the walls were starting to get closer making the balls bounce off even faster. Mariko had to find a way to stop them or else she would get killed. Mariko looked around for anything that could help but saw nothing. The only thing she saw was the hole where the balls were coming from. It was then Mariko got the idea and ran for the hole. She stood in front of it and waited for the balls to start coming for her. Then right when they were going to hit her, Mariko moved out of the way and the balls went back into the hole.

Mariko moved out of the way as the hole suddenly exploded and smoke came from it. Mariko stood up and saw a door had opened. She walked into it and the door closed. There in the middle of the room was a button. If Mariko hadn't learned anything from movies it's to never press the big button. However suddenly the floor started to move into the wall and if Mariko didn't jump soon she'd fall. Mariko quickly ran towards the button until she jumped on it and pressed it. A tube came down and sucked her up into a room where she couldn't touch the ground.

There were air pumps keeping her up and then these robots came out with sharp blades. They all locked targets on Mariko and started charing towards her. Mariko tried to run but she stayed in the same place because her feet weren't moving. All Mariko could do  is float there are the robots lashed out and started to cut Mariko. Mariko did her best to protect herself as they cut her arms and legs. It wasn't until after Mariko had figured out a way to get around them. She grabbed one of the robots and pulled herself onto it. Then she used it as a target and watched as the other robots came at her but when they attacked they attacked the robot she was on.

Mariko jumped from robot to robot taking them all out and then when she reached the last one she used her all the strength and pulled the head off it. The robot fell to the ground and the air pumps stopped. Mariko fell to the ground and could barely get back up. The door opened and suddenly a very large man with an even bigger hammer stepped in. When he saw Mariko he smiled and lifted and his hammer ready to bring it down on her. Mariko rolled out of the way just in time as the man hit the spot where Mariko's head would be. She tried to move but she was too weak and fell to the ground. Mariko was doomed if she didn't move as she saw the man walk over to her and ready for another attack. Right as he was about kill her, Mariko remembered the red vile she had taken. She pulled it out and took the lid off. Then she drank the substance and swallowed every last drop. Once it was gone everything turned red and after that Mariko didn't know what happened.

(Meanwhile back at the facility...)

"We have to go save her!" Yuria said.

"I agree." Sayaka said.

"How are we going to save her?" Takamina said.

"We'll have to think of something. I fear something bad has happened." Churi said.

"What do you mean?"


Churi pulled out a device and showed two red dots. Churi explained how one dot was her and the other dot was someone who had the virus like Yuria did. Yuria was cured which mean there was someone else out there with the virus.

"So that means that Mariko could be..."

"We gotta go get her now."

With Yuria as the leader everyone headed to the building Mariko was being held. They walked in disguised as several different people posted at different stations. Churi said Mariko was somewhere downstairs and they were going to have to get down there. The plan was to get Mariko and then blow up the place like last time. Mayuyu was already at the computer room downloading all the documents and telling Yuria where to go. Sae, Atsuko, and Haruna were sneaking around and placing the explosives while Yukirin, Takamina and Yuko were clearing the other floors. Kanon and Kumi were distracting the guys in the front with a puppet show and surprisingly they were buying it. Sawako and Airin were with Yuria, Churi while Miichan was getting the escape ride. Everything was set now all that was left was to find Mariko.

Mayuyu had cleared all the doors while Sayaka took out all the guards. All the other rooms were empty and the only one left was the huge one down stairs in the last floor. As they walked down there they were welcomed with the sight of dead bodies and blood everywhere. Jurina and Rena had gone ahead of them and were already inside with Mariko. However as they got closer it didn't sound like they were having an easy time. Just as Yuria was about to open the door Jurina came flying out and slammed into the wall hard. They rushed to her and tried to help her up.

"What's going on?" Churi asked.

"It's Mariko. She's acting like Yuria when she was crazy." Jurina said.


Just then someone else shot passed and turns out it was Rena. She was beaten  pretty badly and was knocked out cold.

"Churi Sawako treat their wounds." Churi said.

The two nodded their heads and then Churi and Yuria walked inside. There in the middle of the dark room was Mariko with glowing red eyes covered in blood. Yuria was about to walk over to her but Churi stopped her. She took off her doctor's coat and said,

"You stay back. I'll handle this."

Yuria stepped back and Churi suddenly started to change. Claws and fangs grew from her and her eyes glowed blue. Two horns came from her head and her body grew a little. She charged at Mariko with amazing speed and tried to strike her. However Mariko saw it and dodged it. She tried to attack again but Mariko dodged it and this time attacked Churi. She missed and this time Churi managed to hit Mariko right in the stomach. Mariko flew back and hit the wall hard but that didn't seem to stop her as she sprang back up and slammed Churi right into the ground. She had her pinned down and was about to make the final strike but then someone came out and tackled Mariko to the ground.

Turns out that person was Yukirin followed by Haruna, Yuko and Mayuyu. They were all there ready to battle and take Mariko down.

"Mayuyu stun gun!" Yukirin shouted.

Mayuyu pulled out a gun and tossed it to Yukirin who took it and fired. Mariko moved before the round could hit and started running towards her. However Mayuyu got in the way and aimed her arm at Mariko. Mayuyu's arm turned into a cannon and shot a round right at Mariko. The round shot Mairko flying back and that's when Haruna and Yuko jumped up and tried to pin her down. Then Yukirin came over with the stun gun and was going to shoot again. To their surprise though Mariko sprung free and punched Haruna right in the face. This got Yuko mad and made her bite Mariko right on the arm. This had no effect on Mariko though and easily punched her off knocking the two out. Mayuyu and Yukirin however were a little tougher to beat as Yukirin pulled out a black sythe and Mayuyu had her cannon loaded and ready to fire.

"Let's go Mayu!'"

Yukirin charged at Mariko and tried to cut Mariko's leg but missed and Mariko tried to strike Yukirin's neck. However Mayuyu shot a blast from behind and knocked Mariko back. Mariko came back tough and this time was aiming at Mayuyu as she ran over and quickly took out Mayuyu's cannon. Metal fragments shattered across as Mariko was about to finish Mayu off. Then suddenly Yukirin's sythe got in the way and Yukirin protected Mayu as Mariko slashed down and left a huge gash on Yukirin's back. The two fell to the ground both of them seriously hurt. Mariko wanted them dead though and was about to finish them but then there was a loud buzzing. Mariko looked up and saw something flying towards her. As they grew closer Mariko saw it was Kanon, Kumi, and Sae on some kind of jet packs.

They flew over Mariko dropping heavy rocks down trying to hit her. Kumi and Sae were laughing like crazy as they looked like they were having way too much fun with the jet packs. The swooped down and struck low at Mariko's legs. Mariko moved out of the way everytime they stuck and at one point Sae was too slow and as she was flying away Mariko grabbed her by the back and tore the jet pack off. Then she threw Sae all the way across the room and started to aim at the other two. Mariko picked up a huge boulder and threw it at Kumi who didn't move out of the way in time. The boulder hit and Kumi started to fall but then Kanon swooped in and flew her out of harms way. However her jet back was damaged and they were forced to eject before it blew up and they both landed hard.

Mariko thought she had gotten all of them but suddenly the wall collapsed and there standing there was Takamina, Acchan, and Sayaka all in these mecha fighers. (the ones from Ultraman Saga) Mariko roared and started to run straight at them. Takamina and Acchan jumped up while Sayaka headed straight for Mariko. Mariko moved out of the way as Sayaka attempted to grab her. Then Mariko slashed Sayaka's legs and her mecha fell to the ground. Sayaka got out in time before the mecha blew up but then quickly got taken down by Mariko with a blow to the head. Acchan and Takamina combined mechas to form a huge mecha and tried to grab Mariko. They managed to grab her but then Mariko wiggled out and hit the center of hte mecha causing the whole thing to explode. Luckily the two got out in time but were both burned badly.

As the smoke cleared Mariko stood there proud and strong. Then suddenly a sharp blow to the head was taken as she looked up and realized Churi was back in action. The two jumped high into the air and battled as Yuria was on the ground watching in amazment. The two were both equal in power and she wasn't sure who was going to win. Mariko punched Churi sending her back but Churi bounced back and hit Mariko the same way. Mariko grabbed Churi's leg and threw her down to the ground but Churi came back up and threw Mariko down. Then Churi went down and landed several blows on Mariko's chest. Then she made one final punch to the head and Mariko laid there still. Churi thought she had won but then Mariko punched her sending her through the roof. Mariko stood up and smiling as she cracked her neck.


Mariko looked over and saw Yuria standing there with tears in her eyes. Seeing Yuria made Mariko angry and started running towards her. She knocked her down onto the ground and placed her claws right on her neck. She looked down at Yuria and smiled as she watched her struggle for life.

"Mariko.. please..."

The Mariko she was trying to get to was gone and no one was going to bring her back. However something inside Mariko screamed out and she suddenly backed away. Mariko screamed in pain as her inner self fought for control. There was a battle going on between herself and the beast she had created. It looked like the real Mariko was about to come out but the other one wouldn't let her. The other one grabbed a sharp rock and was about to stab herself but suddenly something hit Mariko and she fell to the ground out cold. There standing behind her was Miichan.


"We gotta go now!"

With the help of Miichan, Yuria managed to get everyone into the van and drive away. Not before Miichan let Yuria blow up the whole place. She watched the whole buliding collapse in a firey explosion as they drove away.

"Churi help me!" Miichan shouted as she carried Mariko into the operating room.

Her and Churi rushed in as they tried to cure Mariko however her case was a lot tougher. Hers was like Churi's where the effects were permanant and couldn't be cured. The only thing they could do was inject her with a neutralizer that would neutralize the virus in her. Then they went to treating the others injuries. It was long night for Churi and Miichan but they managed to treat everyone. Now all that was left to so was to wait for Mariko.

2 days later.....
Mariko woke up to the sight of a birght light. Mariko thought she was in the building but when she moved she felt something on her hand. She looked over and saw Yuria sitting next to her passed out but holding her hand. Mariko smiled and patted her head. Looks like she made it out alright. Yuria woke up and when she saw Mariko tears filled her eyes and she smilied wildly. Then she called out the others who all rushed to Mariko's side.

"Hey you're ok!" Takamina said.

"Yeah I think so." Mariko said.

"Are you feeling any kind of strange feelings?" Churi asked.

"No I don't think so."

"That's good. Looks like the neutralizer worked."


"We couldn't get rid of the virus so we had to use a neutralizer to subside the effects of the virus. It's still in you though." Sayaka said.

"So I'll be like this for the rest of my life?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I'm just glad that everyone is ok."

"No we're not!"

Mariko looked over and saw Yuko, Haruna, Mayuyu and Yukirin standing there with pouts on their faces. Haruna had a bandage on her face and Mayuyu wore and arm cast. Yukirin had bandages on her back and Yuko had a bandage on her head. They explained what she did and Mariko couldn't believe it. She apologized and soon after more and more complaints of the damages she did were spoken. Mairko felt awful for what she did so she said,

"How about I treat you all for dinner then! My treat."

"YEAH!" everyone chimed.

"Then go get ready!"

Everyone ran off except Yuria who stood there staring at Mariko.

"Are you sure you're ok with this? You have the virus and there is nothing that can get rid of it." she said.

"It's ok Yuria. As long as I have you and the others I'll be fine.'

Yuria ran over and hugged Mariko.

"I hope so..."

"I'll be fine. Now go get ready. We have a big night tonight."


Yuria ran off and Mariko smiled. She looked at the mirror and saw herself. Same old Mariko and she will always be that same Mariko. Nothing is ever going to change it and she was just going to live her life as it was. She was put on this earth to take care of people and those people she cares for ended up turning out to be her best friends. She has nothing to regret and is happy the way things are. Even if her life is an insane dangerous adventure everyday she couldn't have it any better.

"Well time to get to work."

Mariko stood up and walked out of the room but this time with a small red glow in her eyes. Life was never going to be the same but then again it never was. Everyday is different when you live in a Mad House.


Well there is the final end to Mad House 2! I hope everyone enjoyed it and look forward to more crazy stories by yours truly. I may be gone for a while but I'll be back with even more stories! Look forward to it but for now I hope you had a fun time reading the Mad House series. Jaa nee!

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21 part 2 END
« Reply #235 on: March 23, 2013, 09:02:37 PM »
WHATT ?! ENDING ALREADY ?! :fainted: I still haven't get enough of it !  :stoned: But , still thanks for the update . :onioncheer:
ll The Idol MatchMake ll ;

ll One-shot collection ll"

One does not simply update without inspiration .

♥ Sink as member started announcing their graduation.


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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21 part 2 END
« Reply #236 on: March 24, 2013, 01:18:24 AM »
Greay fight and good end ^^

Offline 48XSCANDAL

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21 part 2 END
« Reply #237 on: March 24, 2013, 01:48:24 AM »
Yeah me tooo, I still haven't get enough of it
Make a Season 3
But anyway thanks for the update
i already read all of your story, all of them are great

Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21 part 2 END
« Reply #238 on: March 24, 2013, 04:52:09 AM »
THAT WAS EPIC!!! the ending looked cool~!! now I hope you have season 2 of genki deka and season 3 of mad house~~

Offline ashiya

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 21 part 2 END
« Reply #239 on: March 24, 2013, 07:31:10 AM »
The ending and final fight were so EPIC!!!  :twothumbs
I know you cant make ss3 *sob*

Yay, cant wait for your new fanfic...hope it would be WMatsui  :D

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