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Author Topic: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.15  (Read 32381 times)

Offline cmze

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~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.15
« on: October 23, 2012, 11:35:31 AM »
                              One sided love?
This idea came to my head,i couldn't help it.Hope you like it Enjoy!! (it's AiGaki btw)

I'm Niigaki Risa a former member of the popular idol group "Morning Musume"
I always loved Morning Musume since i was a little girl and i always going to love it. This group made cry of sadness,happiness and also cause one sided love.
Since the first day i met her,i fell for her "her smile,her voice,her dork side,her bad mood" everything about her was so special to me "She was my leader and i was her subleader,always having her back to support her no matter what!"

Through years our friendship became more than that,it was something different!
If i have to say it in other words "She was my first boyfriend!"

Our relationship looked like a friendship "a really deep friendship"
But there was always someone watching us (our fans) so they called us "AiGaki or Takagaki".It was kinda embarrasing but surely felt good that a little part of the world knew that she only mine and i was only hers!

Nothing is perfect,Soon things changed she graduate..
-At first we would graduate together but my boss asked me to stay a little longer!

"she said to me  that she would wait for me till i graduate so we can live together and have our own life without caring what people had to say about it!"

Well her words faded away just like her love,she stopped texting then stopped calling and soon we were forgetting 10 years of friendship..but still she still say happy birthday to me on her blog "i should consider myself luck i guess!"

"I graduated not anymore a Morning Musume girl.. do i miss it? I think i miss her more!"

Niigaki Risa was walking the streets of Shibuta,she bought herself a news paper and entered to a cafe near,she ordered a coffee and started reading the newspaper
Risa got to the middle when she saw a picture of a familiar girl. The topic was "Takahashi Ai Ex Morning Musume having a relantionship with a comedian"
Risa fast closed the newspaper and looked other way  "She's living her life maybe i should start living mine and forget about her!" she thought

~Later in the night~
My friends came to visit me "not my MM friends btw!"
They were amazed by my dept and about the fact that i was living alone

"Wow this place is really cool!" W says excited while walks around the dept with Y

"i Insist we should go partying is Saturday night!" X says smiling sitting on the couch

Risa pouted,she didn't feel like go out but Ai's new on that newspaper hit her so she decided to have a life and go partying with her friends

~At the club~
Risa and her friends were dancing,drinking and having a good time

"This is a really good night!" X says smiling while dances with her friends

Risa got tired of dancing and went to the bar for more vodka "give me more!" she says while the guy on the bar was filling up her little glass
Risa was annoyed then snatched him the bottle and throwed at him all the money that was on her pocket and got back to dance with her friends
*the bar tender was mad*
A guy in the bar calmed the bar tender and payed him more to keep him quiet
The same guy asked Risa for dance but she rejected him and got back to dance with her friends

Y took Risa's shoulder "Are you insane? he's really handsome! why did you reject him?" she asked

Risa pouted " i want somebody else!" she says shouting cause the music was too loud

The guy approached again then sighed,he looked like he wasn't drunk at all

Y pushed Risa to him,he grabbed her on his arms and asked tenderly "Are you okay?"

Risa felt dizzy and run to the bathroom,the guy followed her,he waited for her till she got out of the bathroom

Risa looked to the guy (he was reallyhandsome,brown hair and tall with a charming smile)

Risa walked out of the club leaving the guy behind,she already had enough of living her life and trying not to think about Aichan

"Hey wait up.. it's dangerous for a pretty girl like you being alone at this hours!" He says while walks behind her

"Why you following me? are you a stalker?" Risa asked annoyed while walks on the streets looking for a taxi

"what? no! i're pretty and gets me worried because you're drunk,here's my id i'm not some crazy man stalking you!" The guy says following Risa

Risa kept walking..

"My name is Koji Akimoto!" He says with a smile

Risa's shoe broke "you got to be kidding me?" she asked

Koji kneals "hop i'll take you! I'm trustable" he says still with his charming smile

Risa let him carry her on his back.Many minutes passed and they talked about many things even exchanged numbers till they found a taxi

Risa got in and looked at him through the window

"I'll call you when you get home!" He says

<At home>
Risa answered her phone "Yeah i'm okay..thanks!" she says with a smile then she throwed herself on bed and forgot about the world

~The next morning~
Ai was walking the streets of Shibuya with her sister when something cought her eye,she tried to take the newspaper but  somebody slapped her hand

paying or Not reading? A man says

Aichan pouted and pulled out some coins from her pocket then read the article
*Niigaki Risa Ex Morning Musume has a boyfriend*
There were pictures all over it of him carrying her and helping her to get in the taxi

Ai squeezed the newspaper..

"Are you okay Aichan?" Her sister asked

Ai took a deep breath then looked other way

« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 01:32:07 AM by cmze »

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.1
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2012, 11:44:48 AM »
NIIGAKI RISA has a boyfriend???????????? :angry: :cry: hohoho poor Aichan! im still here aichan!! i love you !! hehe btw, nice story here !! keep up the good work cmze!!! hope to reveal the whole story soon! :peace: :thumbsup

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.1
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2012, 11:51:05 AM »
Being caught by paparazzi :thumbdown:

nice start to the fic
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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.1
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2012, 05:15:50 PM »
oh much misunderstandings between them have to clear up huh... and it is actually two one-sided love from both sides huh...
i wonder how would they clear that up... and be together  :?

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.1
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2012, 06:27:23 PM »
This is pretty cool! Please post more  :twothumbs

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.2
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2012, 12:28:41 AM »
                            One sided love?

I'm trying to make it realistic but i'm afraid "i kinda suck on it.." 
Note: there was a mistake let's change the name of Risa's admirer to.. Ren because i searched and the comedian that Ai is rumored dating name is "Abe Koji!" hahahaha xD                                          

~The same day after Ai found the new~*Phone ringing*
Risa woke up cause the noisy little thing,she grabbed and read the screen "Aika" she murmured and answered the call 

"Hi!" Risa says not so happy of being wake up so early 

"Wake up already sleepy head or last night got you so tired?come to the cafe around the corner of your dept so we can talk about it!" Aika replied 

Risa sighed the last thing she wanted to do is wake up early but agreed anyways because it was her dear friend Aika..

After a few minutes Risa entered to the cafe where Aika waved at her to show her where she was sitting 

"Who's that?" Risa thought while walks to Aika's table,she couldn't see who was that person sitting in the same table as Aika because she was facing her back 

Risa sitted and she got shocked when saw the person who was sitting also there.They had eye contact but neither of them looked happy

"I thought you guys would be me more happy to see eachother!" Aika murmures looking at the two girls 

"Hi Gaki san!" She says with a warm smile 

"Aichan.." Risa replies not so happy 

Aika's phone started to ring so she excused herself and went to talk outside leaving the two older woman by themselves 

Aichan smirked "How you been Gaki san?" she asked while plays with her coffee

Risa looked at the older girl who was trying to keep a fake smile "Fine.." 

Aichan turned to look at her "just fine..not fantastic or in love?" she asked 

Risa looked other way then scratched the back of her head softly in confusion "yep.." 

Aichan laughed "poor guy! i knew you were cold but ignore him like's really like an iceberg thing!" 

Risa pouted "ehhh" 

Even i thought that i should give you an advice like "take it easy or something like that" but you're really handling on your way! The older woman says still with a smile on her face

Risa looked at the older woman in confusion "why would you give me a an advice?" 

Aichan stopped drinking her coffee and looked at the younger girl "because we're friends pretty much like sisters!" she replied 

Risa pouted "Do you kiss your sister's with your tongue? do you grope her chest or kiss her and tell her that you love her?" she asked annoyed 

Aichan looked other way sad "No.." she murmured 

Risa got up "there..i'm not your friend or sister!" she says and then goes to the ladies room mad 

Aika after a few minutes enetered to the coffee 
"Sorry Aichan tell Gaki san that i had to go,i have an important thing to do!" she says as she grabs her purse and leaves 

"don't worry!" Aichan replies with a smile while gets up 

Once Mitssy was out of sight,she entered to the bathroom and found and Gaki san looking at herself in the mirror 

"Aichan.." Risa murmured looking other way 

Ai heard some voices so she took Gaki san's hand and pulled her inside a cubicle with her,when Risa was about to protest Ai covered her mouth 

*Nobody entered to the bathroom*

"Now let me speak.." The older woman murmured removing her hand slowly with her body pressing on the younger girl

Risa was blushing so she looked other way 

Aichan licked her lips and whispered in her ear "i'm not not your sister or your friend or your girlfriend those are things that we could never be,seriuosly do you think is nornal if two woman grabs their hands like this? she asked grabbing her hand and interwining ther finger 

Risa took a deep breath 

Aichan sighed "it's dangerous isn't it? but its cool when you're young because they think *they're just kids* and now we're not kids anymore Gaki san" she says as she gets a few inches from Risa's lips 

(Risa was speechless)

Ai cupped the younger girl's cheek with her free hand "you don't think i missed you so much through this time..don't you?" 

Risa faked a smile "that comedian says the contrary..taking you to work and picking you up later,that's a boyfriend and girlfriend thing!" she says trying to avoid Ai's lips 

Ai smiled weakly "he.. well he's nothing compare to you,his lips taste different they are not sweet as yours ,his skin is less softer and the way he looks at me it's only lust i can tell but i can't do anything about it,he helps me to forget this love!" she says as she leans closer to kiss Risa but she rejected the older girl and got out of the cubicle and walked away 

Ai followed her from a long distance 

Risa was thinking about everything that Ai told her and it was sad to know that everything she said was right "we never be.." she murmured sad looking down trying to avoid her tears 

"hey.." Someone says with a smile and brought Risa back to reality 

Risa couldn't held her tears anymore and started crying in front of the guy 

"I'm sorry,i swear i'm not stalking you.. i just bought books!" He says nervous and showing her the bag with his books inside 

Risa smiled but kept crying 

Ren got sad and hugged the ex morning musume

Risa was shocked first but then just hugged him back

Ai stood there watching the scene "i always wanted to hug you like that.." she murmures and walks away

"If you keep crying i'm not going to buy you a delicious icream.." He murmures 

Risa smiled then broke their their hug "thanks..again!"
she says while wipe her tears 

"now that you stopped crying i can invite you that ice cream!"  Ren says with a smile 

~In the ice cream store~

The two ordered their ice creams and grabbed a table 

"Thanks you're always helping me.." Risa says while licks her chocolate ice cream 

Ren smiles "it's not free,there's something i want!" 

Risa pouted 

Rena laughed once he calmed "my sister is a big fan of yours so if it doesn't bother you.." he says as he takes a napkin and pulls out a pen 

Risa smiled "you want me to sign it?" she asked 

*Ren smiles widely*

Risa signs it and even put a heart on it "hey how your sister knows that you know me?" she asked 

Ren sighed "haven't you seen the newspapers?" he asked with a smile 

"No.." Risa answered crossing her arms 

Ren smile ackwardly "it says that we're dating..they have pictures of me carrying you on my back and they called unknow..psst!" he says acting cute 

Risa laughed "that's funny!" then she remembered why was acting like that and her laugh faded 

They spent the afternoon talking in the ice cream store and,they looked at the time and relized that was late so Ren took Risa home and both said goodbye

Risa throwed herself on bed,she thought about everything that happend today 

"He's nice and charming!" she thought while gets up and goes for a walk 

*She ended up on Ai's door* 

Ai was watching a movie and also when the movie gets boring she plays with her iphone 

*Her doorbell ringed* 

Aichan gets up annoyed "who the hell will come at this hours?" she wondered and opened the door 

"Gaki san.." She murmured shocked and looking at the younger girl who was embarrased looking down

"come in.." The older girl says and pulls her in 

Gaki san was still looking down 

Ai went to the kitchen "don't you want something to drink?" she asked while fills a glass with juice 

Risa sighed while Ai comes with a glass of juice 

"i'm fine Aichan.." The younger girl murmures 

"Then don't you wanna shower?" The older girl asked 

"ehhh why?" Risa asked and smelled herself then notice Ren's perfume on her 

"I think you know already.." Aichan says with a smile while goes to the bathroom and sets the tub 

*Risa looked at the older girl*

"It's ready.." Aichan says with a smile while Gaki san enters to the bathroom,she starts stripping in front of Aichan which was completely staring at her 

Risa blushed and then Ai noticed what she was doing so she got out of the bathroom 

Risa entered to the tub full of bubbles and relaxed

Aichan entered again the bathroom "you look good on my tub!" she says grinning 

The younger girl looked at the older girl and extend her hand to reach her 

Ai grabbed her hand and sitted next to the tub to watch the younger girl 

Risa had a bubble on her cheek which Ai wipped away with her fingers 

the two girls looked at eachothers eyes 

"Risa just one kiss..i promise i won't touch you unless you don't want me to.." The older girl begged as she leans closer to the younger girl's lips

Risa heart breaks but she kissed the older girl 

Their kiss was filled with all the emotions they had for eachother for long time of not kissing or touching 

Soon both got to bed and shared their painful love..

~The next morning~ 

Ai opened her eyes slowly and noticed that Risa wasn't next to her anymore,she sitted on bed and saw that her clothes weren't on her desk 

"She's gone.." she murmured sad and and hugging her knees 

"i wanted to be with you longer.." Ai murmured looking other way


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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.2
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2012, 02:47:12 AM »
cmze... your update is fast huh...
hey, you are torturing me to read such a painful love story of my top favourite in the morning (in my region)...
but i can say it is kinda of interesting to have such a plot for a story  :thumbsup so, please continue....  :grin:

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.2
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2012, 10:18:45 AM »
aww i remember my childhood! nge almost 1 year ago my bestfriend and I was just yeah like girlfriend.. kissing each other,and yeah aww cmze you make me cry !! :'( but now im all alone !!

btw aichan ! do you love risa! nOt as ur bstfrend ? ah ah ! please update soON !

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.2
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2012, 10:34:42 AM »
More AiGaki love in this story but in a weird way, the outside world seems blinded by that picture alone
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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.2
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2012, 01:09:04 PM »
 :ptam-hbk: :ptam-hbk: :fainted: :fainted:
is a signature a biography ??
I like butter, Orange and Macros....:D
I like minecraft too.. :D I LOVE MATH <3
i have 2 oshimens in every group
it's rare for me to have an ace oshimen XD
but i have no friends :(

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2012, 10:16:13 AM »
                            One sided love?

After a few days since Risa and Ai last encounter..

Takahashi Ai tried to watch the movie with her so called boyfriend on the couch

He was trying to get closer but everytime he tried to reach for Ai's hand she would totally move her hand away and acted like nothing happened

"Aichan.." He whispered and looked at the younger girl who was completely pretending that she was watching the movie

He tried again but this time he sitted closer to her.Ai noticed that and rathered ignored him.

He kissed Ai's neck..

"what are you doing? i'm watching the movie" The younger girl says annoyed and moving away

Koji pouts "i wanna kiss you know"  he replies and kisses her again but Ai slapped him

"I said no!" She shouts mad then putted her shoes on left the dept

"What? what did i do?" He asked rubbing his cheek

~On the street~
Ai could nothing but run away "This feelings again that only says Risa! Risa! i need you!" she thought while runs non stopping

After a while of running Ai stopped to catch her breath,she looked down trying to avoid her tears "I thought..i really thought once we graduate we would be together..Forever.." She murmured while her tears rolled down her cheeks

Aichan wipped her tears then smirked "i still remember our first kiss.It was the sweetest thing ever,you were blushing hard and were kinda embarrased but it didn't matter, i wanted to kiss you again so i did!"

Aichan looks at the people around then starts walking "Sorry for setting a trap.It was my jealousy working that thing called "GakiKame" really get me mad.You were such a dork not understanding what i was trying to say between lines so i have to set a trap to catch you.."

~Flashback~ A few years ago

All the morning musume girls were laying on the floor in the rehearsal room

"I'm so dead.." Reina says while fans herself

"Finally over!" JunJun says with a smile

Aichan ignored everyone and got up

"what's wrong with her?" Koharu asked looking at Aichan who was drinking water

"She's been acting strange.." Risa murmured

"What are you guys going to do after this?" Eri asked with smile

"I'm going home to sleep!" Reina gets up

LinLin frowned "i wanna get something to eat..i'm hungry!" she says with a smile

Eri also smiled "that's what i'm talking about about,let's go get something to eat!"

Sayumi agreed fast

Risa sighed "i have something else to do" she murmured and stole a glass to Aichan

Soon everyone left

Risa stood there looking for her beloved captain

"There you are!" She says with a smile and clings on Aichan

Aichan pouted "i thought you were going to eat with Eri and be a funny couple like everyone calls u 2!" she says annoyed

What's wrong Aichan? are feeling're my best friend" the younger girl says with a smile and hugs her captain

Aichan hugged Risa "yes,i been feeling kinda lonely!" she says hugging Risa tighly

Risa blushed "then let's go watch that movie that we had planned for today!" she says nervous and breaks their hug to walk ahead

Aichan smirked and followed the tensed younger girl

~At Aichan's home~

Aichan walked to the fridge as it was planned nobody was home

(Aichan payed her sister to stay out and sleep at W's home)

"do you want something to eat Gaki san?" Aichan asked with a smile

"i want pizza!" The younger girl replied

"I think we can order one.." Aichan says while pulls out her phone and calls to Domino's

The two girls went to Aichan's room while Risa sitted on bed,Aichan was changing her clothes

Risa turned on the tv and everything so she only had to press play to watch the movie

The pizza arrived and the two girls took it to the room on the bed with them

Was an horror movie and how it was everything calculated Risa and Ai were hugging eachother and covering eachother's eyes

After 1 hour and 20 min

Niigaki Risa turned off the tv,she traumatized cause the movie but not more than the older girl

"Risa i'm scared!" Ai shouts and hugs Risa's chest

Aichan was rubbing her cheek on Risa's chest "This is so soft,i could do this for ever!" she thought

Risa was red first but then reacted slapping the older girl's cheek and pushing her out of bed

Aichan was got up fast and rubbed her red cheek

"Sorry Aichan,i'm sorry!" Risa says apologizing and gets up to examinate the older girl's cheek

Aichan avoided her help "forgive me to forget the GakiKame thing!"

"Nobody has ever.." Risa blushing whispers looking down then reacted to what she heard "ehhhh!"

"Don't pretend you like Kamei!" Aichan says mad

"what?ehhhh!  i don't like Eri!" Risa replies pouting
"show me!" Aichan says

"how?" The younger girl asked

So sudden Aichan's lips were on hers,Risa still has her eyes open cause the shock

After a few seconds Risa's brain processed the information and replied the kiss by holding the older girl's waist

Soon the two girls separate for the lack of air but they were still with their forheads connected

Risa was really red and nervous while Aichan was grinning like she had won the lottery

 "Gaki san I love you!" the older girl says

Risa was speechless still trembling and feeling how her heartbeat is racing

Aichan kissed her again

"I love you too Aichan.." The younger girl says smiling between kisses

~End of the flashback~

Aichan got back to reality thanks to a drop of water that hit her forhead

"Rain.." The ex morning musume murmured sad then kept walking to wherever her feet would lead her

Her clothes were already all soaked but she kept walking to the place she wanted to be in a cold weather like this

In front of the door thinking "if she should or she shouldn't"

The door opened revealing the person she wanted to see

"Aichan!" The girl says all worried

"I'm cold..Risa" The older girl says sad

The younger one lead her inside her dept

Aichan looked around "it's pretty!" she thought

Risa started taking off the older girl's clothes "you might catch a cold!" she murmures trying to avoid the older girl gaze

Aichan cupped the Risa's cheeks and kissed her deeply

Risa hesitate but Aichan kissed her again and so like dynamite and a match they went to bed

~After that on bed~

Risa was face down looking other way while Aichan was looking the back of her lover

Aichan strokes Risa's hair "do you regret?"

Risa turned to look at her ex leader

Aichan was looking to the ceiling "i always thought after graduating.."

Risa interrupt her "don't.." she says while gets up then picks up her phone and talk outside

Aichan heard her

<Risa talking>
"Sorry i had an! no! you don't need to come over i'm fine,dont worry see you tomorrow!"

Aichan looked other way sad "maybe i'm loosing her!" she thought

sorry Yellow is just this one is easier but don't worry i'll update "Don't judge by the covers tomorrow" we cool? xD
Maikeatoot: Realy sorry wasn't my intention to make u sad! :(
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 10:24:24 AM by cmze »

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2012, 10:18:58 AM »
I find a perverted Ai-chan really funny XD
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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2012, 11:01:03 AM »
as you like... i have no particular preference. in fact i like both of them... :thumbsup

back to the fic:
after reading this, i feel they should not have graduated in your fics... so to be together forever... but who knows... maybe you might surprise me with some good ending, right  :lol:

and for the "after that on bed" part, can you add in more details  for that "that" in the "you know what i mean" section? XD because i think it will add in more spice and fun to the story.... anyway, just kidding, no offence :P... just write it as the way you like to ;)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 11:17:48 AM by yellow »

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2012, 11:41:07 AM »

 well .. something's happened right????? hehe no no Aichan!! you're not losing gaki ! and like what yellow said, ahem! perv section?  :ding: :hehehe: oops!

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2012, 11:46:24 AM »

 well .. something's happened right????? hehe no no Aichan!! you're not losing gaki ! and like what yellow said, ahem! perv section?  :ding: :hehehe: oops!
:lol: :lol: :lol: you are so funny  :lol: :lol: :lol:

in fact, i more looking forward for this fun and spicy part in "Don't judge by the covers" on them :hip drool2: those wet dreams of the model  :hip drool:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 12:03:59 PM by yellow »

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2012, 12:03:30 PM »
 hahha me too  :love: :heart: so cmze ?? kindly give us the next chapter errrrr perv chapter !!  :shakeit:

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2012, 12:05:24 PM »
hahha me too  :love: :heart: so cmze ?? kindly give us the next chapter errrrr perv chapter !!  :shakeit:
:lol: yups  :jphip: :jphip:
wait for your update tomorrow, cmze ;) XD

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2012, 01:48:08 PM »
Guys i don't think i'm kinda good on those things  :catglare:

it takes a lot work because english is not my first language :nervous

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2012, 02:06:28 PM »

Pervs section!hoho :cow:

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: ~One sided love~ AiGaki CH.3
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2012, 02:14:30 PM »
english is nOt my first language also .. and about the perv things .. hm i asked someone who has a experience :))))) mygosh !

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