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Author Topic: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)  (Read 52529 times)

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2012, 11:57:36 AM »
I am totally hooked on the story.
I want to know what it will happen!
Now I'm wondering if is Yuko who is "sick" or if is Haruna...

Offline BbSis

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2012, 12:44:17 PM »
Omg! This is so good! *.* I really liked your writing style \o/

Smart Sayaka huwhuhue and what a cute Saeyaka moment *.*

Kojiyuu moments are so perfect :inlove:

Is it me, or Haruna is sick and and I don't like to finish this sentence ><

Can't wait to read more KojiYuu sweet moments *.*

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2012, 02:36:53 PM »
Kojiyuu are really the perfect couple!!!! More pleaseee!!!!  :wub: :inlove: need more kojiyuu sweet moments xD

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2012, 09:21:05 PM »
Nice fic :)
I like it... please keep up the good work  :cow:

Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2012, 10:58:48 PM »
i love this fic on kojiyuu ;)

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2012, 08:03:01 AM »

@kahem - thank you for calling this awesome!!! XD

@Minami-chan - hmmm.. you'll know it soon.

@BbSis - wow.. thanks for that.. i'm actually having difficulties on transferring my thoughts so i'm really touched by your comment. thanks so much!!

@Tam_atsu - i so love kojiyuu... more kojiyuu moments coming up!

@KojiYuu44 - thank you so much~~ :nervous :nervous

@mae - thank you for reading!! ^_^)

i promised everyone here that i'll be posting batches of chapters but work keeps on piling up :smhid.. haha..
so i'll just update whenever boss is not around.. :twisted: :twisted: okay? :)) i'm glad you all liked this story! i'm so touched! :cry: :cry:


- Things You’ll Never Know -


"Tadaima~~~" Yuko whispered as she slowly opens the door of the apartment.

As usual, she was too tired to look around or grab for food. She headed directly to the bedroom craving for the comfort of her bed.

"Ah! Acchan's back!" she grinned.

All of the tiredness she's feeling seems to fade away with the sight of the former center back on their bed. Jumping on the bed happily, not minding if the person on it is asleep or not, her fingers poked the person in slumber.

"Okairi~ Yuko." Acchan reacted on the poke from the excited girl.

There was this certain feeling that seems to be familiar seeing Yuko grinning at her like a mad man.

"Hmmm.. I think I get it." She smiled with a sense of relief.

"Get what?" the now vigorous girl jumped off of the bed to change her clothes.

"Don't mind me. It's nothing." Acchan replied and searched for the remote control which is usually placed under the bed. "So, how's it going with Haruna?"

*sigh* "Everyone in the team seems to notice how beautiful NyanNyan is becoming. I'm having a hard time." Yuko sighed.

She received a wide eyed reaction from Acchan, a look which questions her for details.

"Well,. Mariko is always with her. And Jurina is like a pervert that keeps on stealing a kiss with her." She saw Atsuko just smiling on her corner holding the remote control. "And some other keeps on playing with her body..."

"Well, that's Haruna for you! I'm glad she's okay though."

Yuko just gave a look with a cringe on her forehead.

"Well, it may seem like we're not really close but, Haruna and I have been together since AKB started. Though we don't talk that much, I kinda know what's on her mind, just 'kind of' though." Atsuko started.

"So it's something that the first generation members share huh? I guess we also have that in team K." Yuko commented as the memories of the night when Sayaka and her went drinking tingles.

"You can say that but... among the members, she's the most... hmmm.. unexpressive." She finally turns on the TV and lower down the volume. "Among us, she's the one who never really shows what she's feeling towards something. As you can see, she rarely cries when something happen. She never really talks much too, just go giggling and smiling. So, we worry on her more than the others, especially during critical times, like the senbatsu election for example."

Yuko who's totally in awe of what she's hearing remained silent. Something in her feels like she never knew what Haruna feels all along. Her eyes are firmly staring on Atsuko, eager to know more.

"So basically, all the feelings she's keeping inside tends to build up more than us, who generally let it out with other members."

There was a small moment of silence between the two. Only the very low sound from the flashing program on the TV can be heard.

"She didn't know it but, she's like the baby of the group." Atsuko smiled.

"Why are you...saying this to me... all of a sudden, Acchan?"

"Hmmm.." the sound of a wondering hum as she placed her fingers on her chin. "I just want everyone in the team to be happy." she grinned.


++[Yuko's POV]++

Everyone seems to be worried about us. *sigh* So I did make it troublesome. But I was actually surprised on how the first generation members see each other. What an amazing bond they have. We're only just five months behind them but such understanding on one another is really amazing.

Well yeah, I've never viewed NyanNyan like how Acchan described. Now I felt a little too oblivious for not paying attention to her feelings. Have I really been just looking at her body? But even Sayaka noticed how restrained NyanNyan is. So, I really am a little clueless.

"But Yuko... I'm not saying that you're not paying attention to Haruna." Acchan suddenly blurted out.

It feels like she's read my thoughts. So why? Why is that we have different views on her?

"Just keep doing what you do. It makes... her happy."

Acchan? She went all out in talking about NyanNyan like that, making me worried, and then telling me those words with her eyes stuck on TV. I don't get it. But, it makes her happy huh? "I'm glad..."


"Ya! General Manager!" Yuko called while jumping on Takamina's back. "The dance steps sure are hard this time."

"Hai~ I'm exhausted." Takamina answered.

"This dance routine is too much! But now, I'm thankful that I'm not tall. I can easily rise up from the ground!!" she continued with a laugh.

Looking at Mariko and other taller girls makes Yuko wonder if Takamina is right, or just trying to console herself. Her forehead frowned.

"Eh? Where's NyanNyan?" she asked.

"Oh! She mailed me this morning. She said that she overslept so she can't come today." Takamina suddenly remembered. "We're too many so, it's okay. They won't notice she's not in practice."

"But I did~" Yuko pouted.

"Uh~ you’re a different breed!"

"What the! I don't even feel it's a compliment."

"Haha! Don't worry! It is a compliment. Well, she just overslept. She's been going to a lot of photoshoots lately, benefits of a good body!" Takamina pointed out while nodding in agreement to what she said.

"Yeah~ she might be overworking. She's dozing off a lot!" Yuko citing another point.

"Haha! Isn't her dozing off pretty normal? She's really spacey you know! Well, she's always in deep thoughts."

"Who? Nyaro?" Miichan suddenly butt-in.

She received a nod from the two small girls in conversation.

"I agree! She's always in deep thoughts. She's over thinking of her words, that's why her sentences are never long. Haha!" the girl who just joined the conversation giggled as she stands in between the two. "I laughed, but it's true though. I really think that she's having a hard time voicing out her thoughts."

Mariko who's been approaching the chatting girls heard that last sentence by Miichan. She can't help but comment a little on the conversation about her shopping buddy.

"Nyaro?" She confirmed. "I heard her talk in long sentences one time." she teased with a grin. "Long but... she paused in between words. Yes, she do think of her words a lot."

"Eh? You heard her in long sentences?" Takamina sounds surprised. "Even in No3B radio, her comments are really short. The only lines she's saying long are the plug-ins for commercials." she reminisced. "I wonder what you guys are talking about then."

"'s girl-talk Takamina!" Mariko teasingly replied giggling. "It's... a heart thing~!" she ended while giving a sudden wink on Yuko who's been listening all along.

Yuko on the other hand frowned with a no-idea-what-it-is face as a reply on the sudden wink.

"Ah~! I see... I see... Wow!! I'm curious!" Miichan exclaimed. "Share it! Please!?"

"Daaaame~" Mariko refused giggling.


"Are you sure about this?"
"Hai! Onegai~!"
*sigh* "Okay. Since you already made up your mind, then there's nothing I can do about it. Ganbatte!"
"Arigatou Gozaimasu!!"

She walked out of the office with a relieved face. An aura of a heavy boulder long placed on her chest lifted emits on her as she walked down the hallway. Though her face projects an emotionless look, she's engulfed with satisfaction.

"Ara~ NyanNyan?" Yuko saw her walking on the hallway away from the office she's heading.

"Yuuchan!" Her emotionless face sports a smile.

"Ah! You smiled!" Yuko giggled. "I heard you overslept! Again!" She hugged the girl as they meet halfway the hallway. "You sleepy princess!"

Haruna blushed hearing those words from Yuko as she felt the girls' head pressed on her chest. She wrapped her other arm around the short girl's back in return.

"Have you slept well?" She asked lifting her head to look at Haruna who’s looking down to meet her eyes.

"Un!" the girl answered with her brightest smile.

"I missed you already! Have you had breakfast?" Yuko asked as she released her embrace from the tall girls' slender body leaving her chin suspended on its chest.

"Ummm..." *giggles* "Not yet." she answered.

"Yatta! Then let's eat together! I'm starving~!!"

"Un!" Haruna replied.

Yuko grabbed the tall girl's hand and walked together. She loosened her grip and slowly let their fingers slide to intertwine.

"Our fingers... it fits... perfectly." Yuko thought smiling.


"Oishii~~" she giggles.

"Ah, NyanNyan, why are you in Aki-P's office?" Yuko suddenly asked.

"E!" the girl in question initially reacted. She wears her bright smile and stated "Umm, I'll be in a photoshoot, next month."

"But, do you really need to personally ask him for that?" she casually questioned with just the pasta on her mind.

"Un! It'll be... overseas... for long." the girl answered in batches.

"Ehnn?" Yuko glanced at Haruna. "For how long?" she asked as she struggles with the pasta twirled on her fork.

"I don't know..." Haruna answered back with a slight tone of fear.

Yuko who's been casually taking things in noticed the change of tone in Haruna's voice. She let go of the fork, bit her lower lip and stare at the girl across her. "That's not... right." She frowned and continued battling with her pasta.

"I'm really happy that Aki-P gave a yes though. I'll do my best!"

"Hnnn? I'll miss you but, I'll be cheering on you from here then!" she lift her hands and clench her fist as she look at Haruna with a smile.

The tall girl can't help herself but giggle. "How about you? Where are you going back then?"

"Ermf loo- kirng ff yu!" the girl who's successfully won against the pasta answered with her mouth full.

"Eh?" Haruna reacted with a huge smile. "You shouldn't speak when your mouth is full, Yuuchan!"


The usually energetic girl is peacefully sleeping beside her princess as they travel back to the studio. The long haired girl can feel her knight breathing slowly and gently. The practice earlier might be really too tiring.

"This small body of hers leaning on mine, radiating warmth that heats my heart, it's satisfying. I want to stay like this forever." she whispered.

She gave a poke on its sleeping face, checking out how deep in slumber the girl was. A gentle smile was seen on her face seeing no reaction from the other. She placed her hand above Yuko's which was carefully placed on the sides of her thighs. Her body leaned a little closer until her lips are almost a centimeter away from the tired girl's ears.

"Yuuchan... daisuki..." she whispered.

That moment seemed to stop time for her. Her eyes are firmly glued on Yuko's lips for seconds. Inside her head, words of confession wants to come out. The feeling of doing something she's been keeping for long seems to push her onto placing her lips opposite Yuko's. Her eyes closed as she pressed her lips gently onto the other, and snuggled their foreheads carefully as they part.

Noticing how uncomfortable the other is sleeping, her hands gently assisted Yuko's head to lean on her shoulders, placing it with care. "See, my shoulders height, it's exactly built for you... Yuuchan.."

---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2012, 11:05:02 AM »
Awww. Nyan nyan will go to other country  :cry: surely yuko will miss her  :cry: :cry:
Update soon  :D

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Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2012, 09:55:00 PM »
your update is really fast it's cool thank you ;)
I looking forward to the continuation please update soon

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2012, 01:21:56 AM »
Why do I sense that Kojiharu is sick or something like that? lol
Anyway, confess Kojiharu! go!

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL)
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2012, 02:10:41 AM »
@Tam_atsu - here's the next chapter for you! :)

@mae - yeah.. because it's actually finished. i'm just having a hard time transferring it all here due to busy sched. so please bear with it. ^_^)

@kahem - you'll find out soon enough. ^_^)

thank you all for reading~~


- Fan Service and Screen Time -


“Yuuchan~~” a sweet familiar call radiates throughout the almost empty studio.

Practice has just ended and everybody is ready to go on their separate ways. Some have another work commitment, and some would just enjoy this free time. Yuko who’s been looking so busy gathering her things failed to hear the call from the girl on the door.

“Yuuchan~~ Yuuchan~~” she called again, this time with a much endearing tone, but still no reaction from Yuko.

Without second thoughts, she decided to approach her slowly. As their distance shortens, the image of an earphone can be seen plugged on the short girl’s ears, giving the sneaky one a broad smile. Shower of ideas are gushing out of her mind. Her arms wrapped around Yuko’s waist gently, and pulled it closer to hers. She bends a little and lean her chin on Yuko’s shoulders. Her lips neared the stoned lad’s earphone-plugged ear and whispered,

“Daisuki~” with her breath teasingly warming up Yuko’s earlobe. “Yuuchaan~”

“Eh!” Yuko stuttered and carefully removed her earphones. “What did you say?” she said in a tone of confirmation.

“You’re loss Yuuchan.. Ask the earphones! I told them…” she giggles.

Much to Yuko’s surprise, Haruna seems to be enjoying wrapping her with her arms. They were still intimately glued as the tall girl tightened her arms embrace, snuggling comfortably. What surprises her more is that they are still at the studio where at any moment, people may pass by and see them. It’s not really a big deal for her but she knows for a fact that for Haruna, sweet stuffs should be private.

“You’re in a hurry again?” Haruna mumbled.

“Un. There are lots of photoshoot for us lately, isn’t it? I have another one today and running late again.”

The tall girl sighed and released Yuko from her embrace. The one released turned around to see her friend putting up a pout.

“Ara~” a somehow speechless Yuko reacted. It’s the pout that melts her every time. She wanted to know why but she can’t seem to find the words to ask it.

“It must be tiring being a center. I’d love to experience that for once, but I think my body can’t handle the work. I’m happy for you. I really am.” Sudden words from the tall girl delivered with a smile.

“I know. You’re always happy for me!” replied Yuko with a poke on the tall girl’s cheeks.

“Un! A wife must always be happy with her wife!”

Because Haruna is giggling, Yuko can’t help but giggle as well. “So, we’re wife and wife huh?”

“Un! We’re married after all!! Do you want to be the husband?” she chuckled.

“Iie! Wife and wife~ Much better~” Yuko sat on the table enjoying the conversation. “Why bring that up suddenly?”

“Eh! And why are you sitting there! You’ll be late!” she grabbed Yuko’s hand and dragged her out of the studio. You can see her holding her laugh. “Fan service~ Fan service~”

“Ehe? Don’t ‘fan service’ me!” Yuko replied controlling her laugh as she was constantly dragged out by Haruna.

*Chuckles* “We should hang out more again! I’ll go a little flirty over you this time!” *Chuckles*

“What’s wrong with you?” the short girl asked giggling. She loves the idea but she can’t help but laugh over it. “You should just then allow me to kiss you!” she joked.

“Haha! Dame~ No kissing~” the tall girl answered in a teasing tone.

Haruna smiled as they reached the last door of the building. Outside the door will they soon part ways again.

“I’ll call you a taxi!” she offered.

“Fan Service as well?” Yuko asked giggling.


As the taxi arrives, they hugged as farewell. Yuko got in the taxi and waved Haruna goodbye. The one who’s left just followed the leaving taxi with her eyes.

As the wind invites her hair to dance, she remembered the time they were in the bus way back to the studio. The time where it seems to just froze and let her take advantage of the other girl’s lips who’s in deep sleep. Thinking about the kiss unconsciously makes her bite her lower lip.

“Did I just say no kissing?” there was this little smile on her face. “No kissing huh?” Haruna thought and giggled.


She was sitting quietly at the corner near the window of the room. Her eyes are staring on another window from the other building far away from where she was. The stare sure is blank, like a portal to another dimension which you can just jump in and travel instantly to a distant place.


“What’s with that lost look? You almost have Nyaro’s spacey image well projected!” that’s Mariko disturbing Miichan’s thoughts.

“Hmm… Nothing much.” The girl answered with a forceful smile.

“Eehh? Miichan was never that spacey! C’mon, tell me!” the bobbed haired girl said as she sat beside Minegishi.
“We’ve been together for almost 7 years! This isn’t the time to be that secretive~ I know you.”

“Oh yeah~ so what am I thinking?” Miichan dared with a smile.

“Haha~ You’re challenging me?! Me?!” Mariko replied with a laugh. “Oh c’mon! just spill it out.”

“I can’t. Just… Ok… Just make a guess!”

“Ara~~ this first guess will definitely get you straight to the point!” Mariko continued teasing.

“Wow! Now that’s scary!! Haha”

“You should be~ Now, should I start?” giving Miichan a wide eye. The girl just nodded in return.

Mariko stood up and distance a little away from Minegeshi. She lifts her hands and covers her eyes with her fingers. Taking in a deep breath, she started singing,

“Uza~ Uza~ Uza~Ikinari~~ Uza~ Uza~ Uza~ Exciting~” Mariko sings their new single while dancing with it infront of Miichan. She laughed hard afterwards as she saw Miichan looking at her with evil eyes. She knows she does not like it.

“See… I told you to just spill it out!” She said as she sat back beside Miichan.

“Screen time..” Miichan replied with a very low voice. “No screen time for me in that PV! Why??!!” She finally started grunting. “Why?! I’m also in there!”

“Are~!” Mariko started giggling. “Yeah. I heard you’re fans raging too.”

“See! No screen time for me… even in Gingham Check, I’ve got no screen time… I hate director Khan!!!” she blurted out.

“Wow…you sure love screen time!” Mariko teased.

“Everyone loves screen time!!!!” the taunted girl finally raged.


The night is deep and cold and she’s alone again on her room. The moonlight creeping in through the same curtain each night lights her like a spotlight. Away she crawls from it and curled with the pillows holding her phone. Weeping sounds of pain and grunts of fighting with it seep in the cushions but still manage to escape to be heard.

*bleep bleep* her phone rang.

Slowly, with her trembling hands, she answered the phone with a sniffs and voice of pain.

“Ma~”she said. It was her mother.

Each night and early morning, this call somehow relieves her from the constant pain she’s feeling. Her mother who’s worried sick over her daughter calls her every day since the doctor broke out the news. But as per her child’s request not to come over to cover up the bad news, she painfully accepts it as respect to her wishes.

“Are you okay? Should I come over?”

“… daijoubu…” she gasps heavily. “… stay on the line a little more…” the gasping continues as she battles in pain.

“Have you had your meds?” a reply with a very worried voice was heard over.

“…Hai…” then there was long silence and feint heaving sounds.

On the other side of the line, her mother is brimming in tears holding her breath so her daughter won’t hear her cry. For a mother, it’s too painful to hear your child in much pain and all you can do is support them over. At first, she was really against the wish to keep it a secret, and to continue being an idol. But seeing how dedicated her child is to live with her dreams until the end, she finally gives in and leaves the decision to her daughter.

“Should I call her for you?” her mom finally broke the silence.

“No… Please no, mom… Never do… that.” She answered in between gasps and sniffs as the feeling of pain started to ease out. “I’m okay…”


#################################### AUTHOR’S NOTE ###########################################
I hope you enjoyed this one as well!!
Thank You for the continuous support! If there are questions and violent reactions, feel free to let it out
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline BbSis

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 9/27)
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2012, 04:12:26 AM »
Update *.*

Nhya I really hate when I can't make my coment before the next update>< well, it's life xD

I really liked both chapters o/

First thing: I knew Haruna was sick!!! >< Nooooo! She can't left Yuko alone in this world;.;

I love how Haruna is being acting loveydovey  :inlove:

I know it's hard to put thoughts in word, especially when you do it in a motion scene xD but you're doing a great job o/

Please more  :wub: I'm getting addicted  :roll:

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline chichay12

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 9/27)
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2012, 06:13:10 AM »
First thing: I knew Haruna was sick!!! >< Nooooo! She can't left Yuko alone in this world;.;

I second with this!
I dont want a sad story..
I want kojiyuu couple to be happy!XD

Pls.update soon!
And have a nice day!
Thank you for the update.

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 9/27)
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2012, 10:48:23 AM »
oh!! thanks for update!!

^ I think this too!!
poor haruna!!

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 9/27)
« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2012, 11:09:14 AM »
Fan service fan service~ HAHA! Thank you for the update!!
I really love this! Especially haruna being sweet to yuko! Oh gosh! They're so perfect with each other  :inlove: :inlove:
Haruna is sick!??? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I dont want sad ending...

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Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 9/27)
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2012, 11:34:10 AM »
boss is not around so i sneaked to post another chapter! :panic: :panic: i will be very busy tomorrow so I can't promise to post another chapter until monday. Please look forward to it. :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:

@Tam_atsu - yeah! fan service it is!

@Minami-chan - this is how much I love Nyannyan!

@Chichay12 - they said that this is a very sweet story. :nervous :nervous

@BbSis - i'm sorry.  :sweatdrop: i want to finish uploading this story as much as possible so I can post the other one that is currently on progress. I hope you will continue to give comments~ :bow: :bow:

i'm really flattered by all you comments :yep: :yep::nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous
according to those who have read this already, this fic is a happy fic!  :lol: :lol: Right? Right? :smhid :smhid


- Please Go Out With Me -


Today marks the first day of the month, which makes the day after the next two weeks her flight away from Japan. Haruna who’s been busy going around for photo shoots, filming, and commercials finally had time to go rest while on the other hand; Yuko is still as busy as a bee. With the idea that the person she wants to spend the vacation with is nowhere near available, the spacey one preferred to enjoy the company of her pets little longer.

“Usa-chan, where do you think I should go this time?” she asked playing her little dog with her cute nasal voice. “Yuu-chan is busy today too, so we can’t go out together. Should I ask Mari-chan instead?”

Her thoughts suddenly wandered elsewhere making her stare blankly in space. It seems to have sunk in deep because her eyes are slowly drooping sadly. Lips that were happily talking with Usa-chan just a while ago seems to now have followed her curved down eyes. With her consciousness travelling on the other side of nowhere, her hands seem to have left the real world as it constantly play with the little one.

“Ara~” brought back to reality by Usa-chan licking on her fingers. “Hai! Hai!” She brought back her smile nodding. “This is not the time to be sad! We’ll make every day count before flying! Ne, Usa-chan?”

She grabbed the little dog and stood up taking the path towards her phone placed atop the table with a serious look on her face. Her eyes express a lot of sternness as she started making a message. She lifts the phone up for signal and uttered “…and send!” with her eyes closed as if she’s avoiding to see that it was sent successfully. The little dog was then removed from cuddle as those long legs of her dragged her to kitchen for a glass of water then went on to the sofa. She laid her back on the cushion and put the phone on the ground. Slowly, the lids of her eyes started to weigh in again, giving her a sleepy feeling.

“Da~me!!!” She shouted and lifts her body from its position. “No sleeping!” the tall girl grunts as she storm her way to the bedroom. She reached for her towel hanging beside the bed and went straight to bath. Hums and a few lines of songs can be heard from the shower accompanied by the sounds of the flowing water.

It was almost after an hour when the she got out of the shower. With her wet body just wrapped with the towel and her long hair still drooping water over it, she makes her way back into the sofa where she left her phone lying on the ground.

“Oh~ Mimi-chan! You’re awake!” She exclaimed as she saw Mimi and Usa lying beside her phone. “Has Yuuchan replied yet?” her never flexible body bended to reach it.

As her face was brightened with the light from her mobile, a pout appeared. “Nothing huh? My dear center sure is busy.” She frowned but not a second later a wild grin appeared on her face. “I should send that!” and started texting again. “My… dear… center… sure… is… busy… ..There!” and just like earlier, she raise up her phone and pressed send. This time, she’s fully looking at it to be aware that the message was sent.


*beep beep*

It was already past lunch time when her phone alerted her that a message was received. Though she’s been anxiously waiting for hours now for a reply, she calmly picked her phone hidden on her bag to see the message.

[“I’m sorry NyanNyan! Photoshoots’ just finished. Have you eaten lunch?”] – Yuko

Haruna who’s currently having her lunch alone on a restaurant eagerly replied with a bright smile. [“Nope~ still looking for a place to eat. (>.6)/Wanna eat with me?”]

[“Aw~ I wish! I already had mine earlier, but please have a hearty meal <3”] – Yuko

That smile she’s exhibiting a while ago has just converted into a sigh. Since the day she told Yuko that she wants to spend more time together, work keeps on piling up and getting in the way. There were instances that they are together on a shoot but she can’t seem to find time to reach Yuko. The latter is either running late on another appointment, or bonding and spending time with the juniors. As much as she wanted to steal her away, seeing her doing her best with the other members makes Haruna just smile and let Yuko mingle.

“Going to the seaside alone is not a bad idea…” she mumbled.


The next day was also a busy day for both of them. There are shoots and interviews here and there. It was almost ten in the evening when Haruna made it to her apartment. She dragged her body heavy from exhaustion and slump into the sofa. Her hands reached for her bag lying on the ground and searched for her phone. It took her a while, but decided to type in a new message.

[“I wasn’t able to flirt you today. (T.T)”] – Haruna

She closed her phone and closed her eyes. Traces of a smile can be seen on her resting face.

*beep beep*

[“You’re really serious about flirting with me huh? v(*’-^*)-☆I missed you~”] – Yuko

The tall girl’s face just blushed from what she read. This is the Yuko that she yearns, the Yuko who is not afraid to declare what she feels for her. She can feel her heart beating faster as she typed down her reply.

[“Un! Wanna meet? :。(*´∇`)´∇`*)”] – Haruna

[“NyanNyan? Seriously? At this time?”] – Yuko

[“Un! I… wanna see you…:。(*´∇`)´∇`*)”] – Haruna

[“But we’ll meet tomorrow too.. I know you’re tired. You should go rest.. (^¬^@)I’ll give you a kiss tomorrow!!”] – Yuko

[“Dame! Let’s meet now! And I’ll give you a kiss! Chuuu~~”] – Haruna

[“You’re really high today NyanNyan!! Go to sleep! Daisuki(○^ω^)~ Oyasumi…”] – Yuko

With a sign of defeat on her resting face, she beamed and whispered. “Yuuchan no baka~”


“NyanNyaaaaaann~~~” a squeaky voice echoed through the room.

Haruna who’s steadily sitting down on a couch received a hug from behind. It’s the same hug that she’s so used to but no matter how comfortable she is with that, she can’t seem get over its gentleness making her blush each and every time. Whenever she felt that Yuko’s resting her head on her back, there’s always this tingling feeling that makes her so happy.

“Can I have my kiss now?” Yuko uttered giggling as her arms tightened around the tall girl’s waist.

“Iie~ the kiss expires last night!” Haruna chuckles in reply.

“Ehhh??? Ja~” and there goes Yuko again forcing her puckering lips on Haruna’s.

Just like any other time, the small girl receives a resistance from her princess which she finds really cute. She can’t help but giggle at this tsundere side of the tall girl.

“Yadaa Yuuchan~~” that’s Haruna on her cute voice of resistance while turning her face away from the attacking lips.

“Fan Service! Fan Service!” Yuko defended.

“Yada~~ Ah! Let’s take a picture!” the resistive girl commented with a gleam as she took out her phone from her pocket.

The two posed with puckering lips. *click*

“Yey~~” Haruna uttered in a very low cute voice.

As she was busy putting up texts on the picture, the arms of the short girl wrapped around her body and rests its head on her chest quietly. Haruna cheeks turned red. In return, her head rests on Yuko’s crown.

“Yuuchan~~” Haruna mumbled as she wrapped her arms around the small frame of Yuko’s body. She got a hum in reply. “Do you think… we can go out… today?” She whispered in a very loving voice.

Yuko blushed in surprise. Hearing Haruna speak to her this way is rare. But as much as she wanted to say yes, she just buried her face deeper into the tall girl’s chest.

“Believe me... I want to… It’s just, I have appointments today as well… I’m…”

She felt a further push on her crown and a gentle stroke on her back before she finished her sentence.

“It’s okay Yuuchan~ Just do your best!” the tall girl muttered. “We’ll go out on your free time.”

Yuko released her embrace and raised her chin to meet Haruna’s eyes. Her hands instinctively stroked the tall girl’s hair that’s resting on its shoulders. “I wonder when that will be!” she said.


*beep* *beep*
[“How about going out this time?”] – Haruna

Dimples can be seen chiseled on the young girl’s cheeks. Deep inside she’s in a wonder on what comes into her partners’ mind trying to get a date with her every night. All these unusual ask sends her heart out to outer space not because she likes Haruna, but because it is Haruna.

[“NyanNyan. It’s 1:10am! Why are you still awake?”] – Yuko

[“Eh! I’m waiting for your free time!”] – Haruna

[“It’s sleeping time, NyanNyan~ (-_-) Go to sleep!”] – Yuko

As much as Yuko wants to say yes again, going out at this time of the day is not really a good idea. Besides the fact that she worries about the other girl’s appointment for tomorrow, their safety comes first. Thinking that if they meet a situation that they will be forced to run, she can take care of herself but would definitely lose the other one.

[“But I haven’t flirted with you yet!!!”] – Haruna

[“Haven’t we flirted enough this morning?”] – Yuko

[“Yuuchan~~”] – Haruna

[“NyanNyan~~ chu♪゚~( * ̄)(~*)~゚chu♪ Chuuu~~”] – Yuko

[“(´-`).。oO(I miss you~~…)”] – Haruna

Surprised of the last message from the other side, Yuko struggles to hold her giggle. The happy fluttery feeling she’s having leaves her speechless. As of the moment, she loves every bit of her princess’ actions.


Two days has passed. Kojiharu’s attempt to go out with Yuko has failed yet again. Carrying a feeling of discontentment, the stare she’s giving on herself on the mirror sure is blank. The hairbrush on her hand slowly grazes her long hair as she slowly brings herself back to earth. Those downward curves on her eyes seem to have resided in it lately and she wonders if she’s doing well cheering up.

“If only there’s any other way…” she murmured.

A deep sigh was released from the murmuring girl. Her beautiful hair flows with the wind as she suddenly turned around dashing to her closet. The intent look on her eyes towards the closet indicates she’s serious. Chilly as how she was known, she gets serious when she knows she has to. Taking every dress in the closet out, her room is starting to look like a mess.

“I don’t care what time it is! I don’t care if I’m too tired. I don’t care if this time, she’ll find me annoying. I just… wanna spend some time. This time, she’ll say yes. She has to say yes.”


*beep beep* it was nine in the evening.

[“Are you home?”] – Haruna

“Eh? NyanNyan?” Yuko uttered upon reading the mail that has just arrived.

[“Hai~ Just finished dinner! Have you had yours?”] – Yuko

*ding ding*

“Eh? Acchan forgot her keys again huh?” the short girl mumbled as she leaves the kitchen to open the door. She turned the knob and excitedly opens the door.

“Ach—Eeehhh??!!!!” Yuko exclaimed in surprise. “NyanNyan??!!!! Why are-”

Haruna interrupted with her body bent down bowing. “Please!! Please go out with me!”


################################## AUTHOR’S NOTE ##################################
Thank you so much for the continuous support~
As the story progresses, I can’t hide the fact that I’m such a big KojiHaru fangirl… (o3o) sorry about that~~ teehee

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well.

m(_ _)m
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline BbSis

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 10/27)
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2012, 12:41:42 PM »
Omg! Don't leave me dying out of curiosity here >< I want to know what Yuko will do >< Nyanyan being so insistent in having a date was so cute  :inlove:

Hmmm when Haruna asked "go out with me?" It was like 'please have a date with me?" Or was like 'please be my girlfriend?'  8D

Nice update o/ and don't apologyze for upadting^^ I love updates *.*

Don't worry^^ I'll keep leaving comments because I like to, and because I know how a comment is important^^

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 10/27)
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2012, 01:03:18 PM »
YAY! Kojiharu gg!!!
Please don't kill her author, please

Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 10/27)
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2012, 06:18:30 PM »
please update soon :)

Offline miayaka

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 10/27)
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2012, 09:47:09 PM »
Haruna interrupted with her body bent down bowing. “Please!! Please go out with me!”

and i can imagine yuko's reaction
nyan nyan begging for this  :heart:

Looking forward for the update onegai  :bow:

Offline vPANDAv

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 10/27)
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2012, 06:51:21 AM »
 decided to just drop by and tell you that I love your stories  :heart:

,even though I've read them on winling but you can't comment on there  :catglare:

(btw can't wait till you update merciless loop too  :peace: )

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