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Author Topic: Friend's Lover | "X" (WMATSUI) COMPLETE  (Read 33187 times)

Offline hikari_043083

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Yay an epilogue!!! At first, I thought it was kind of weird that Jurina fell for their football enemy. But hey, people change, right? It is a good match actually, and they are teammates now, right? There should be no problems.

Jurina finally had closure, didn't she? She finally let go of her one-sided feelings for Yuki when she kissed Mayu, I think. And that's good. She can completely focus her attention on her future life with Mayu.

Thanks for this epilogue. At least now you have made Jurina happy, and in time for her birthday, too.

Wait...I'm above 50%? Really? Sugoi! Well since it's you, I'm sure you will be able to live up to my expectations. Hey, maybe even more! I'm sure you will be able to surprise me. I have complete faith in you!

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[nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #61 on: March 11, 2013, 07:29:41 PM »
kurosawa87: Hehe it was slightly awkward but then again it is their wedding so they can do whatever they want XD

mayuki_daisuki: Well Yuki’s character has chaned a bit since the beginning lol and I’m happy that you want more but that was the epilogue so it’s the last ever chapter of the story… Sorry to disappoint  :cry:

Hikari_043083: You’re right about the pair being initial strange but then again I always felt like they could be a pair, the competitive battle between them on the pitch and the sole love for football meant it wouldn’t be ridiculous an idea, and Jurina deserves closure for making such a bold decision over Yuki.
Plus this update proves you are at least 50% and thank you so much for your flattering words but I am not worthy  :bow:

A/N: Sorry for the late update people, no excuses I was just a little slow and lazy this week ;^^ Anyhow there’s a few big exciting revelations in this chapter, some sad and some nice ones, and also the return of Mayu. Again thank you all for taking the time to read this story. Really appreciate it.

Chapter 6-Hostage


Heavy, Jurina must’ve crawled on top of me. Again. I didn’t bother to try and get up; I just decided to continue to lie beneath her.

“Rena-chan…” Eyes still shut Jurina began to cutely mumble in her sleep. “Rena-chan I’m sorry…” Huh? What could she be apologizing about? Was she maybe dreaming about the ‘thing’ that happened yesterday? My mind was still flummoxed from exactly what happened then. Did I actually enjoy the kiss? That can’t be right. There’s no way that I’m developing feelings for Jurina. I just need her to work for me; she even said herself that she would help me take my revenge. It doesn’t matter about what happens to her after that’s done.

“I’m really sorry Rena-chan… I, no Yuu-chan…” Jurina’s muttering started to become more erratic and confusing. I could feel small beads of sweat dripping from her hair onto my neck. It must be a similar nightmare to last time but just what is it that she’s seeing and why am I in it this time? After taking several hits from her flailing arms I decided enough was enough and lifted her off of me to escape from the sofa. I went into my room and changed in to my usual fighting clothes a sleeveless top, trousers and trench coat; all of them pitch black in colour. When I returned to the room with spare clothes for Jurina she seemed to have calmed down so I decided that it would be safe to leave her here and placed the clean clothes on a table then exited out of my apartment.

Getting out of the lift I dialled Mayu’s number on my mobile. After several rings Mayu finally picked up.

“Hey Rena what are you doing calling me in the morning?” Her yawning told me that she had only just woken up.

“Hey Mayu I need to talk to you right now. I’ll be—”

“Far more polite the next time I wake someone from their sleep.” She was clearly angry and mocked me by imitating my voice.

“Whatever. Just make sure you’re ready. I’ll be at you bar in ten minutes.” I returned my phone back to my pocket and marched on down the streets to the rendezvous point.


“Late.” Mayu had a bemused look on her face as she sat on the counter. She was staring at her hand as she irately rubbed her fingers together.

“Thirty seconds, Mayu that’s it.” I was just as annoyed at her constant complaining about wasting time so I figured I would just wind her up even more. “And you should be thanking me; instead of wasting time sleeping you can do things now that I’ve woken you up.” She just hopped off and turned her back to me grumbling.

“Hmph whatever, just get on with what it is you want to talk about.” She pulled out a seat for herself and kicked up her feet, resting them atop the table. Uninvited I helped myself to a drink and sat at the counter.

“I want to know more about Jurina.” Mayu just mockingly laughed at my request and rocked back on her chair.

“Haha you’re talking about your new sidekick right? You two looked like a really cute couple yesterday at the theme park. Did you kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel?” She shut her eyes, puckered up her lips and leant toward me.

“Hey cut the crap.” I shot a glare across to her. “How do you even know about the date yesterday?” In reply Mayu just let out a dismissive tut and started tapping the side of her head in slow motion.

“You should have realized by now that everything that happens in this city goes through this mind. Then again I just thought you were dragged out by Jurina; I didn’t realize it was a date.”

“N…n-no it wasn’t a date!” She had finished her sentence with a cheeky little wink sending blushes to flare up my cheeks.

“But you just said it yourself.” Her smug face just continued to mock me as I flustered around. Dammit, she’s completely drawn me into her pace. I’m meant to be getting answers from her but instead she’s just toying with me, fooling around in order to fuel her boredom.

“J-just stop screwing around and answer my question dammit!” I slammed my glass on the counter trying to regain some sort of authority in the situation. It didn’t make much of a difference. Mayu remained cool smiling at me while twiddling her thumbs, waiting for me to phrase my question in a more polite manner. “Please can you tell me more about Jurina or more specifically exactly what is your relationship with her?”

“My relationship with her?” An eyebrow was raised at these words causing a sense unease to come over me. “What are you jealous about the fact that I’ve known her for longer? If you want me to stop talking to her then I can do that at any time for you.”

“That’s not what I mean!” Why did everything have to be so awkward and difficult? “I’m talking about the past that you share with her. How exactly did you guys meet?”

“So Jurina’s already told you about our partnership, huh?” Mayu rolled her eyes at the thought of her fun being over. “So I’m going to take a guess that you know about her dad’s death.” My head slowly rocked forward to acknowledge her comments. “Well I was also there at that station. I watched her franticly clawing at the rubble, trying to save her dad but she was too late. By the time she found him he had already passed away and she couldn’t move the body so she took his gun from him and then broke down into tears. At this point I was already working along with my father, gathering information and selling it off to whoever paid for it. In fact I had made several dealings with the group that caused the train bombings so when I saw the girl completely devoid of life I decided to give her a reason to live. Though I never thought that she would be able to destroy the entire group in a night, she truly was a demon back then and still would be if it weren’t for that…”

There was a scary glint in her eyes as she reminisced about the past. Seeing her with a serious expression wasn’t anything new but the intensity of her look this time seemed to make the air in the room thinner. It felt like she was harbouring resentment towards Jurina’s change and it was all overflowing drawing in the shadows in the room to surround herself in a pitch black aura.

“So you must know about Yuu-chan then.” Mayu let out a piercing hiss at the mention of that name, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Yeah I know of her, she’s the very last person Jurina killed before she became pitiful and soft.” Everything suddenly became a blur. I couldn’t believe the words that had just come from Mayu. How could it be true? Why would Jurina have done such a thing? My body lost all its functions and I just sat there, in silence, shaking and unable to speak. Suddenly a shrill tune rang out to fill the room and Mayu reached into her pocket for her phone.

“Watanabe speaking… Oh Jurina it’s you!” Mayu noticed my reaction to hearing that name and began to smirk as she continued to chatting. “Yeah Rena’s at my place right now. Huh, you’re at the abandoned train station?”

Without waiting to hear the rest of the phone call I dashed out of the bar and started sprinting down the street. With the wind rushing by I attempted to regain some sort of composure and piece together the information that I just received today. From everything Jurina said I couldn’t believe what Mayu had just said was true, but then again why would Mayu lie about such a thing? Both of the girls were full of secrets and neither of them intended revealing it all any time soon. Every single answer to a question just brought forth more questions and added to my confusion. This had just become another game of cat and mouse for the truth, much like my failing attempt at getting revenge for Yuki. As I continued to run down the streets my fists clenched at the thought of receiving another ambiguous answer, Jurina better be straight with me when I find her.


Upon arrival at the derelict buildings I began to search for Jurina in them. Then out of nowhere a cat landed on top of my head and let out a lazy meow.

“Train where are… Ah, Rena-chan!” Following the sound of the voice I looked up to see a dangling Jurina waving at me from the roof structures. She dropped down revolving multiple times before astonishingly bouncing back up off the ground and gracefully landing on her toes.

“Jurina, why are you wearing your clothes again? I specifically looked out a clean change of clothes for you.” Even though I had left her fresh clothes she had returned to wearing her usual dirty rags which were made to be even filthier from roaming around the rooftops of such a run-down place.

“Well I didn’t want to ruin any more of your clothes so I decided it would be better off to go back to wearing my own.” She began to dust herself down causing dirt to puff up into my face.

“Ugh watch what you’re doing otherwise you’ll still get my clothes dirty.” Coughing and spluttering I waved away the black smoke that was floating towards me.

“Hehe I’m sorry about that.” The playful wink and poking out tongue that followed suggested that she was in no way apologetic about her actions. “I promise not to do it again.” Noticing my slight twitch of annoyance Jurina switched to feign a puppy begging for forgiveness. Desperate to avoid any distraction from her adorable gaze I tightly grab her wrist and spoke in as stern a tone as I could muster given the circumstance.

“Look, stop playing around for now. I need to ask you something. Something important to do with your Yuu-chan…” Jurina tried to draw away from me at the mention of that name and an awkward silence descended between the two of us. “Jurina did you kill—” Suddenly the sound of a barrel falling echoed throughout the hall.

“What the heck?” As I turned I saw a deranged man emerge from the shadows and charging straight towards me with a knife flailing in his hand. “Crap!” Instinctively reacting I reached into my jacket for my gun but I was far too late.

“D-don’t move!” The cold iron edge being pressed up against me was trembling as the owner of the knife stammered over his words. “If you try something funny I’ll slit her throat!” Fearing for my life, cold sweat started to pour down my paling face. Images of the day Yuki was killed started flashing through my head, the serene expression that she had as she was held hostage. What on earth was it that made Yuki so calm?

“I told you not to move!” Jurina had her gun aiming straight at us and was staring into my eyes. However something was different, it wasn’t her usual confident gaze but a rather more timid stare. This was the first time that I had witnessed any sort of doubt and fear in Jurina. Her hand was shaking as much as the blade of my captor, which now had a small bead of my blood on the tip, as it pricked the side of my neck. My breathing became more erratic as the barrel of the gun became more unstable as it remained trained on to me. Jurina mouthed a few words as she shut her eyes and tightened her grip on the trigger.

“Arrggghhhh!” A searing pain tore through my leg causing it to give way and become a dead weight. After being discarded by my captor I collapsed to the ground writhing around in agony clutching onto my knee as blood came gushing out from it. Jurina fired several more shots in order to halt the crazed attacker but she failed to hit the target once and he escaped out of the building.

“Rena-chan, I’m so sorry!” Tear drops were overflowing from her face as she uncontrollably sobbed in a fit of anguish. She bit into her jacket and ripped off one of the sleeves, tearing it apart and wrapped it around my wound. “Thi-this is just like with Yuu-chan. I-I tried saving her b-but I…” Giving up on words Jurina just reverted to uncontrolled bawling and incessant howling. Fighting to overcome the pain I put my arms around Jurina and brought her closer to me so that she could have a shoulder to cry on. After we sat there for a while Jurina’s tears were starting to ease off but the pain in my leg was still not allowing me to stand.

“I-I better get you back to your apartment.” With her breathing more controlled she hoisted me onto her started heading out of the station. Learning about the truth behind Yuu-chan’s death just filled me with more confusion and sorrow. It was yet another tragic answer which resulted in more questions. How could anyone have the mental capacity to survive after suffering from so many traumatic events? Any normal person would have given up on life by now, but Jurina continued to fight on even with the guilt of murdering someone important to her. There has to be something that drove her to continue living but just what is it that gives her the strength? Could it be…me? That would explain some things but there was no previous encounter between us until recently and she refused to answer any question regarding her feelings towards me.

Still if I am the one giving her the strength to live then maybe I should help her even more. She deserves to be able to have someone to rely on and not just fight on by herself. Also having her company is something that I’ve begun to truly appreciate; the burning desire in my heart, for Yuki’s revenge, was starting to dwindle and fade away. Not to mean that I had given up, it’s just that Jurina’s existence meant I had other things to think about and it made me question whether Yuki would actually want me to do such a thing. As for supporting Jurina, well it didn’t have to be much, just the occasional gesture of encouragement like a small reward of milk or maybe even…

“Finally we’re back.” Jurina let out a tired sigh as she opened the door to my apartment and walked towards my room. Slowly approaching my bed she gently lowered me down but I couldn’t help but let out a wince at the pain of having to move my leg.

“Ah, I’m really sorry Rena-chan it must still be really painful…” There was a very telling look of guilt on her face and she was dangerously close to bursting into tears again.

“Hey you did save me right? In fact I have something for you.” Reaching out I placed a reassuring hand in her shoulder and brought her closer to me.

“Huh, what is it Rena-chan?” Right as Jurina finished her sentence I leant in to her confused face and softly combined our lips. Though she was initially shocked Jurina soon tried to reply to the kiss.

“Woah, don’t get too ahead of yourself. You did still put a bullet into my leg.” Blushing I pulled myself away before the kiss got too deep and left Jurina frowning, unable to contain the disappointment of being separated.

“Mou, fine then…” As Jurina tuned away pouting, my finger started to unconsciously rest on top of my lower lip. Without really thinking I stretched out, grasped a hold of Jurina and spun her around in one fluid motion. Forcing myself onto her we began to engage in yet another kiss but this time I allowed Jurina to return the favour. I became lost in the intense contact between us, hands frisking around exploring each other’s body. There was no more denying it this girl was no longer just a partner to me, she clearly means a lot more to me now, just as important as Yuki once was.

Simultaneously two sounds rang out from between us and we detached ourselves from each other. At the same time we took out our phones to find a message from Mayu.

“Help. Warehouse 1, the port. Now.”


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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #62 on: March 11, 2013, 08:01:27 PM »
It just gets more interesting with Jurina's past popping up, Mayu and Jurina's relationship, and the bullet to the knee :nervous

Rena seems to be a little over her head in this  :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #63 on: March 12, 2013, 12:43:37 AM »
awww rena so cute, trying not to admit she went on a date with jurina :heart: :yep:
again mayu is so sly screwing with rena :lol:
jurina's past is so sad, yuu-chan!!  :cry:
thanx for the update :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #64 on: March 12, 2013, 01:43:24 AM »
No Mayuyu! Why did you interrupt them?! lol

Offline hikari_043083

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #65 on: March 12, 2013, 09:27:41 AM »
Update! Wee!

Okay...okay...i think I am getting it. Yuki was in a sort of hostage situation back then. Jurina had a gun pointed but she made a wrong shot that did kill Yuki's captor. However, because of the wrong shot, the captor sort of slit/stab/plunge/pierce a knife (if he was holding one) into Yuki that resulted in her death (or if it was a gun, the captor also managed to squeeze the trigger when he got shot, killing Yuki in the process). Jurina blamed herself for it so in her mind and resolution she was the one who killed Yuki. She vowed never to kill after that. If Rena was there when it happened, that means she never got to see Jurina's face because Jurina must be wearing a hood? And she must have seen it from a wrong angle if my new assumption was correct of sorts. Jurina got to see Rena so Jurina got interested in her or something or Yuki talked about Rena at some point or something. Argh! Now I have a headache.

Nice update. Giving us bits and pieces. Keeps my imagination active. This is better than just giving it all away. People need brain exercise. I, for one, need brain exercise.

I will never retract my comment of having complete faith in you. All hail nori!!!

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #66 on: March 13, 2013, 06:05:55 AM »

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #67 on: March 14, 2013, 10:33:12 AM »
Hi Nori-san....

This chapter is bit anguish and sad...

I hope the next chapter will be a little ligthen up..

But in my point of view, this is a nice done chapter! :)

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I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #68 on: March 14, 2013, 04:18:53 PM »
Whatever would happen in future,please dont hurt rena-sama



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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 6 [Updated 11.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #69 on: March 15, 2013, 04:14:50 PM »
I know they are enjoying the kisses but ... Will the bullet in rena's leg be removed soon? hahaha!  :lol:
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[nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 7 [Updated 17.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #70 on: March 18, 2013, 12:56:11 AM »
@kurosawa87: The bullet to the knee was a purely accidental reference, promise I didn't mean it  :nervous As for Rena well she truly finds out her place in things now and that is pretty deep in trouble.

@mayuki_daisuki: haha I wasn't expecting anyone to think of Rena as being cute in this fic but I'll take it XD Well Mayu has already screwed with everyone a lot and well Jurina hasn't had the nicest of pasts to be honest :(

@kahem: lol don't blame Mayu she's just been captured XD

@hikari_043083: You're comments they're just so  :cry: Got to quickly correct you on one thing though XD Jurina's missed shot was the thing that killed Yuki, or at least for now, and yes Rena was at the place where Jurina killed Yuki (that would be the scene at the start of chapter 3) which is why Jurina knows about Rena. I keep saying this but I'm so happy that you've put thought into this fic and I really pray that you'll enjoy these last few updates  :nervous

@geki geki: Yep Yuu-chan=Yuki ;) and soon you'll be able to witness Rena's reaction to Jurina being the killer, it's going to be quite a mess :panic: Oh and you've seen Black Cat, that's awesome! Though this fic isn't really based on it since you're right Rena is her original character completely. Jurina has certain features of Train, her feline qualities and love milk mostly XD Yuki is based on Saya since she's the one that stopped Jurina from killing and Mayu is based on... Well I won't say since it would spoil things XD Still thanks for the comment :)

@Wmatsui22: Sorry about it being sad but unfortunately things aren't going to get any happier but I'm glad you thought it was a good chapter  :)

@kurogumi: I feel like I'm being threatened here :nervous Well I guess she won't die but other than that, no guarantees :lol: Jokes aside thank you for taking the time to comment.

@DC2805:  :lol: They've completely forgotten about that (so did I almost) since they were having so much fun XD On a random note sometimes they say it's better to not remove the bullet :nervous

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter but it’s kind of more like the first part to the final chapter. So yeah next update will be the final one and I hope you guys enjoy this update and thank you guys for reading.

Chapter 7- X


“Jurina did you just get a message from—”

“Mayu. Yeah we’ve got to go save her.” Finishing off my sentence Jurina looked at my injured leg. “Or rather I should get going; you stay here and rest Rena.” Jurina leapt up headed toward the exit.

“Wait I’ll go with you.” Before I could make an attempt follow her Jurina was pushing me back down onto the bed.

“Don’t worry Rena I won’t die, not yet.” She gave me wink and rushed off out of my apartment and shouting. “See you in a bit!”

Lying in my bed I couldn’t help but worry about Jurina’s rescue mission. Only a couple of minutes had passed, since Jurina’s departure, but I felt like I had to chase after her. The wink she left me with was less than her confident self, and I could swear that was the first time she had called me just Rena. She’d been through a lot today having practically relived the moment she killed someone important to her; in fact I should be thankful that I’m alive, if it was me that had to make that shot then I would have easily made the same mistake again…

There was also something else that was worrying me. Was it right to think that Mayu is telling the truth? I don’t know about Jurina but I still have my doubts over her; she could be planning absolutely anything in that scheming head of hers and the fact that I didn’t have a single lead on what her motives were scared me. Still it would probably be worse if she really did get captured. The slippery character has a tendency to worm herself out of this sort of situation so if that hasn’t worked then it must mean the people who caught her are serious and thorough about whatever I was they wanted. Whether this was Mayu’s plan or not Jurina was definitely walking straight into a trap.

“I have to go save her…” Groaning I tried to pick myself up from the bed but my leg just kept giving way, refusing to hold up any sort of weight by sending an excruciatingly sharp pain to my head. Being trapped in my bed I got more and more agitated; finally I just decided to bear the pain and haul myself up. Rolling off the edge of the bed I fell onto the hard wooden floor. Cursing I managed to lift myself up using the bed as support and attempted to walk away, only to come crashing back down to the floor with an almighty thud.

With my throbbing red cheek pressed against the chilly ground I glanced across to see a long wooden box stretching beneath my bed. Grimacing in anguish I reached out to grab the box and yank it towards me. Taking the lid off of the box I drew out a slender curved sword, the light lustrously gleaming off of the gracefully smooth blade. Also from the box I took out a magnificent sheath with several ornate snowflakes embellished onto the case, all of them sparkling as I returned the sword to its sheath.

“Just how many times have I been saved by this sword?” Gazing at the weapon in my hand I thought about the countless number of times that Yuki bailed me out over the past. To think that she’d be helping me again from beyond the grave; a wry smile emerged as I hoisted myself up to lean on the sword and limp toward the exit of my apartment.

Doors leading to the stairs remained agape from Jurina rushing through. Hobbling into the elevator I pressed the button for the ground floor and slumped down to the ground. From just walking that short distance an intense amount of fatigue had set in and without realising it I had passed out, to end up leant against the sliding doors. The ping of arriving at the ground floor was followed with the rude awakening of tipping backwards out of the lift. With my entire body aching I somehow mustered the strength to drag myself back up onto my feet and began my slow arduous journey towards the port.


Upon arrival at the port I could hear the sound of gun fire ringing out from one of the huge rusting warehouses. By this point all the energy in my body was completely spent up, only sheer will power and Yuki’s sword was the things that prevented me collapsing flat on my face. Approaching the warehouse I crept round the door to see the room littered with countless bodies and blood splattered across the walls. Yet even with all those bodies on the ground there were still many people engaging in a massive brawl with Jurina.

Peering through the crowd I noticed a bloody Jurina dodging and weaving between her enemies desperately avoiding the various weapons being swung at her head. Too busy with the task of trying to stay alive Jurina remained unable to fire her gun and simply continued to elude the relentless attacks. Amazed by the insane speed at which things were taking place I soon realized that there was very little that I could actually do. Even if I was healthy I’d struggle to keep up with that sort of pace, the fact that I can only stand on one leg means any attempt to help Jurina is guaranteed to hamper her.

So instead of joining the fight I chose to try and search for Mayu and help Jurina from the shadows. Using the cover of various barrels and boxes I crawled around the edge of the building making sure to keep an eye on Jurina as I also looked for Mayu. My eyes frantically flickered around, struggling to find any sign of Mayu amongst all the destruction scattered across the room. Then all of a sudden I saw Jurina shoot up into the air and arch her back spraying bullets down onto the clump of bodies beneath her. However she ran out of bullets in the middle of the air and the impact of hitting the ground caused her gun to go sliding away, leaving her at the mercy of the few men that still remained.

Instinctively reacting, my hand released the sword to take out my pistol and aim at the men approaching the helpless Jurina. About to take a shot I realized the foolish mistake I just made. Having lost the only thing keeping me upright I knocked down all of the drum cans in front of me, alerting everyone of my presence before I could even fire off a single shot.

“Rena-chan, what are you doing here!” Jurina shouted in shock as everyone’s eyes flashed across to lay them upon me. Having seen a new weaker prey emerge, the pack that was once surrounding Jurina turned and charged straight towards me with their arms flailing around like crazed maniacs. Quickly counting the number of men in the oncoming wave I placed my left hand beneath the base of the gun to steady myself.

“One clip, sixteen bullets so looks like I’m going to have to make every single shot count.” Muttering under my breath I started channeling all my strength and concentration to my hands the world around began to lag behind and move in slow motion. Gritting my teeth I focused in on my targets one by one and pulled the trigger causing them crumble to the ground and halting them in their tracks.

With each shot fired my mind felt numbed, breaths became shallower and the gun in my hand felt heavier and heavier. Yet I still continued to hit my mark every time until it came to the final target. By this point my entire body was completely frozen from the excruciating pain flowing through my veins. With my hands trembling in spasms I struggled to steady myself for a clear shot. Panicking from the sight of the approaching brute I forced my twitching fingers to pull the trigger to fire the final bullet but having to focus all my strength in my right hand caused my left hand to give way and the gun to drop down and shake uncontrollably as I fired my shot.

The bullet should have missed by a mile yet the brute just stood still with a look of confusion on his face. Did I actually manage to hit him? My hopes faded when he began to move forward again with a dumb grin plastered across his face, but then he keeled towards me immediately after taking his first step towards me. Letting out a huge sigh of relief I turned to Yuki’s sword and picked myself back up again. It was then that I noticed the limp body on the ground had many holes formed across his back, blood overflowing from each of them. Shocked by seeing Jurina kill someone I slowly muttered to her.

“Jurina did you just kill him to save me…” There was a huge notion of fear wrenching at my stomach as Jurina stood there with another, older looking, pistol in her hand still pointing towards me where the brute once stood. Beyond a thin wisp of wavering smoke I could make out a solitary tear dripping down her solemn face.

“I’m really sorry Rena but it’s too late now.” With every monotonous word uttered from Jurina’s emotionless lips another wave of unease washed over me drowning out any sort of reply that I wanted to make. I stood there facing Jurina unsure of exactly what she meant or how I should react to her words. Eventually she dropped her arm to her side and stared back at me with her dark blank eyes.

“Sorry…” Jurina tossed her gun towards me and time suddenly slowed to a halt. My mind filled up with countless thoughts of dread and anxiety as the gun took an eternity to drag through the air. Why was Jurina doing this? Did she really feel that strongly about not killing people? I was woken from my thoughts as the gun rattled as it landed at my feet. Scared as to what I would find I looked down to see my quivering fears turn into incessant rage in an instant.

“I’m the one that you’re looking for.”


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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 7 [Updated 17.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #71 on: March 18, 2013, 01:32:29 AM »
Rena still tried to help but was no help with her injury

Jurina still has the effort to win over

Posted by the mento Hawaiian

Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 7 [Updated 17.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #72 on: March 18, 2013, 08:06:25 PM »
Thanks for the update!

Ah, Jurina confessed to Rena that she was the one who killed Yuki? O.o
And she knew all along about Rena... o.o
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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 7 [Updated 17.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #73 on: March 19, 2013, 11:14:25 AM »
Its a big mess!

What woukd rena do in this mess? She know now that she have to kill the person that she love now for the person that she love in the past,and why jurina give her gun to rena? She want rena to kill her?
And mayu err where is she?

Thank for the update,the next will interesting,what rena decision?kill jurina or keep her life?


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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 7 [Updated 17.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #74 on: March 19, 2013, 09:05:15 PM »
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

*school rebel for being on jphip at school lol

I knew it! I knew Jurina would be associated with Rena in some way or another! Both their situations were too similar to be true.
Yuu-chan? Yuki? Ne, ne? ;3
*I would use emoticons but... you know... school... I can't afford that. Lol.


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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 7 [Updated 17.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #75 on: March 20, 2013, 10:11:50 AM »
An update!!!!

You know, you just addressed something here that I forgot to comment about during the last comment I made. Jurina's gun with the X mark. I forgot to ask about it. When I remembered, it was already a day later when I made the comment so I did not edit anymore. Now I know that Jurina has been carrying the gun that killed Yuki all along, amd it's loaded!

We're just missing a few bits here, aren't we? Jurina only needs to explain herself properly now. I really want to know her side in this. I'm not going to tell you my guess in why Jurina chose to go after Rena. I'll just compare when you post the succeeding chapters hehehe!!!

On a side note, I like the design you thought up for Yuki's sword. Snowflake design. Snow = yuki. Kawaii!!!

Also on another side note, it would be nice if Rena can actualluy weild Yuki's sword a bit (reminiscent of SKE maruhige and that show in youtube where Rena beat the crap out of the male MC in kendo). Hehehe! Suddenly, I thought of Rena using Yuki's sword to fulfill her revenge. But that would mean killing Jurina with Yuki's sword. Would she?

Ack! I now have another headache.

See you in the next update!

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 7 [Updated 17.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #76 on: March 21, 2013, 10:51:12 AM »
Hi Nori-san...

I just finished reading the chapter 07 of X

Oh my gosh! it's a revelation!  :shocked

What will Rena will do at Jurina????

I am very excited to the next chapter!

Thanks ;)

This is a very god chapter of yours nori-san! :D


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[nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 8 [FINAL] [Updated 24.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #77 on: March 24, 2013, 11:43:22 PM »
@kurosawa87: Hey, that’s not true Rena did sort of help. Only thing is she now knows Jurina’s secret

@Yuki88: Yep, Jurina knew all about Rena’s past since she’s one of the most significant figure in it, being Yuki’s killer and all.

@kurogumi: You totally said it it’s a huge mess. Well it’s a tough decision for Rena between her current love and former love, if only Jurina being the killer isn’t true… and don’t worry the illusive Mayu shall make her appearance in this update and I hope you enjoy.

@Crossing Crossroads: It’s awesome that you’d do that just to comment and yeah I guess it was all a bit too real to be a coincidence, also doesn’t Yuki look like she could be called Yuu-chan or is that just me?

@hikari_043083: Well I guess such a small thing like a gun can easily be forgotten about can’t it and well Jurina’s reason isn’t actually that interesting I don’t think, though I am interested to hear you thought it would be ;) Well the snowflake was just a little thing I wanted to put in to briefly brighten things up, though I do think it’s a little bit too corny/cliché XD Also now that you mentioned Rena’s sword skills I should say that I did plan from the very beginning that Rena would end up fighting Jurina with Yuki’s sword, though some of the things I’ve written sound a little impossible to do, it’s just a case of does she kill Jurina or for whatever reason choose not to? On the bright side you won’t have any more headaches over this fic XD

@Wmatsui22: Glad you thought it was good, and prepare yourself since there’s going to be another revelation, and the small matter of Rena’s revenge as well.

A/N: The final instalment of X is here and with this it marks the end of my 2nd story. Hopefully this chapter should answer all your questions, and a shocking surprise, but more importantly I hope you guys have enjoyed the entire story and thanks for taking the time to read this and leaving comments or “thanks” Really means a lot.

Chapter 8 – Truth


“I’m the one that you’ve looking for. Yuu-chan’s real name was Yuki…” At my feet lay a pistol with a white cross etched into its side. Any pain that had once resided in my knee had completely vanished from the overwhelming sense of anger in my blood. The flames of revenge that had been slowly burning for the past year finally unleashed itself in a huge burst of rage and destruction. I leapt straight at the murderer and drew out the sword, swinging it at frantic speeds not caring for where I slash as long as I get to see the blood from her veins spill all over her own body. Avoiding my onslaught she jumped away and back flipped off a box to set some distance between us.

“Rena-chan I’m sorry I never meant to…”

“Don’t you dare call me by that name! You lied to me this entire time you bitch!” Her guilt laden expression just infuriated me even more. Why did she look like she was going to cry any minute? This was the person that murdered Yuki and ruined my life; she has absolutely no right to remain alive in this world, let alone feel sorry for herself now that she’s been caught as the culprit. Dropping the sword for a second I pulled out my second pistol and fired multiple shots at her only to see her flick up a drum can to block all the bullets. In a rush I holstered my gun and grabbed the sword again, charging in to take advantage of her view being blocked by the rusted barrel. Taking me by surprise the object was unexpectedly kicked towards me, forcing me to slice it open with a vertical swing upwards from my arm and knock it away with the sheath.

“Die!” Howling in anger I brought down the sword with all my might, only to swing through thin air again. This time round my target was floating over the top of my head casting a dark shadow over me before landing on top of a pile boxes just behind me. Cursing I slammed my entire body into the pile causing it to crumble and tumble down around me. The shade just bounced away leaving me to fend off all the debris that was falling on top of me with the combination of sword and sheath. Beyond the dust I could hear a voice call out to me.

“Rena-chan, why are you doing this? Yuki wouldn’t want you to do this and killing me won’t bring her back!” Ignoring the plea for forgiveness I emerged from the rubble and threw the sword like a spear straight at her head. The sword was dodged by a dive to the side but I caught her by surprise by immediately following it with another shot from my pistol. Twisting her body in such an unnatural way my target dodged the bullet but due to her movement being so forced she stumbled as she landed back on her feet. Taking this chance I gripped the sheath tightly in my left hand and buried it into her stomach, sending us crashing through the corrugated panel weakened by the sword.

Rolling around on the deserted tarmac, we exchanged scrappy fists between each other until I got sent flying by a kick to my stomach. Landing next to the sword I grasped it in my right hand and picked myself up again to match the stare from down the parking lot. Amidst the silent stand-off the unbearable pain in my leg continued to put me under heavy duress just trying to stand up. Drawing in a huge breath, I returned the sword back into its sheath and pulled it round to my hip. Turning my body to point my shoulder forwards I set my feet a shoulder length apart from each other and began to store energy in my crouching legs, preparing to pounce at any moment. This has to end now.

Twisting my foot into the ground I took off with a huge explosion and stormed forwards, the legs beneath me becoming a blur as they sped across the ground. About a meter away I threw the sword in front of me, the hilt heading straight towards her stomach until I intervened and kicked it up, causing it to spin around, lighting the space between us by reflecting the moonlight with its ornate snowflakes. Catching it in the air I took it back out of the sheath and slashed across my body using my momentum to spin round and put all my might into this one movement. The tip of the narrowly missed, chopping off a short slither of hair but by continuing my revolution I had my left hand swinging round the blind side. I smashed the sheath into the side of the midriff, my entire weight powering this strike. With the wind knocked out of her, the limp body collapsed forward onto her hands and knees. The opponent helpless and struggling for air, I knocked her over to lie on her back so that I could pin her by straddling her stomach and holding her neck and arms with the sheath. 

“You knew everything from the very beginning! Why did you have to associate yourself with me? If you don’t want me to kill you, you should have just left me alone!” I screamed at the motionless statue beneath me. “Why did you do this to me!”

“Getting revenge doesn’t solve anything! I can understand that you can’t forgive me for what I’ve done but what are you going to do after you kill me? You’ll still be consumed by the evil, nothing will change; I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I did. Let me fulfil my promise to Yuki and save you!” 

“Stop it! Just stop with your excuses!” With both hands I lifted the blade directly above Jurina’s body and brought it back down with a tremendous howl…

Sobbing I rolled off the motionless body to lie on the chilly tarmac beside it. Gazing up at the sky through the tears I could see the stars being gradually enveloped by the ominous clouds drifting in from the sea. Continually weeping, I turned my head to stare at a thin reflection of my teary eyes in the sharp mirror beside me. Leaning across with my left arm I wrapped my fingers round the hilt and yanked the blade out, tossing it away to the side.

“W-why Jurina… Why won’t you let me get my revenge?” My tearful words were matched by a forgiving stare and a warm hand caressing my wet cheek. Jurina moved her arm around me to gently guide me up along with her as she sat up. She then brought her other arm around and held me in a tight embrace.

“I’m sorry, Rena-chan... This wouldn’t be a problem if I hadn’t been so reckless then but we both know that Yuu-chan wouldn’t want us to kill anyone, especially not each other. The fact that I killed her doesn’t change and I thought about joining her so many times but then she also told me to help you so I decided to try even though I’m the one that you were searching for…” I could feel tiny droplets soaking my back as Jurina began to cry. I put my own arms around her and wailed into her shoulder, the two of us sitting there with relentless tears flowing out from our eyes. “At first I was scared about seeing you but after being with you I realize why Yuu-chan asked me to save you. I know that I’ll never be able to replace her but please accept my feelings and let me keep my final promise to Yuki and protect you for her.”

“Tch, you two really are useless aren’t you.” Surprised at hearing this familiar voice I turned to see Mayu emerge from the dark alley between two of the warehouses. Considering she had been a hostage this entire time she looked alarmingly clean, completely unharmed in fact, but more worryingly she had Jurina’s crossed pistol in her hand pointing directly at us. “You’ve both killed hundreds of people between so why is it that you both struggle so much to kill at least one more? Looks like I’m going to have to get my hands dirty again.”

Sensing the danger Jurina and I made an attempt to break away from each other, only that I found that I no longer had any energy to get up and my right leg was completely numb with pain. Right as Mayu fired a shot at me Jurina dove straight towards me to knock me out of harm’s way. Tumbling along the gravel I saw Jurina on the writhing on the ground, clutching onto her shoulder in considerable agony.

“Why did you have to become weak Jurina? Why couldn’t you just have continued on your path of destruction, murdering every single one of these pieces of garbage that dare to taint the earth with their existence. It’s people like this that killed our fathers that day!” Mayu’s black eyes were unusually filled crazed emotions of hate and frustration; she continued to stroll towards us with a twisted smirk stretched across her face firing more bullets into the helpless Jurina.

“Information alone isn’t enough to kill people, I needed someone with power to help me and you were the perfect tool Jurina. Back then you were the only person more desperate to eradicate the criminals for what they had done. The hatred that constantly burned in your eyes back then was so magnificent; I truly believed that we could destroy everything. Then you met that blabbering witch and chose to listen to the nonsense she spouted about not killing those who deserved death. That beautiful killing intent you once had soon become lost under the ridiculous wishes of sparing people, and you remained that way even after I got rid of that naïve girl.” Did I hear that right? I thought it was Jurina that killed Yuki. How could it have been Mayu that killed her? Seeing our stunned faces Mayu began whirling the gun around her finger and started snickering away in amusement.

“Truth be told, I never intended to frame you for her death, I just wanted her out of my way, so when I saw the sniper kill her just as you fired it gave me a handy back up plan.” Twirling on the ball of her foot Mayu came to point the gun at me. “That’s when I thought that if Jurina became too soft then you can kill her for your own supposed revenge. But even with all my help you still managed to fail, still you can have another go if you like.” With her left hand imitating a gun she pretended to shoot herself in the head with it and sounded a small bang as she swung her head to the side. “Firstly let me just deal with the helpless kitty over there.”

Jurina was sprawled across the ground in a truly bloody sight, crimson liquid seeping out from the countless cuts and wounds all over her body. Giggling in a deranged manner Mayu turned again to face Jurina and fired yet another shot at the suffering girl. Hearing Jurina’s shrieks I gripped my pistol and yanked at the trigger several times only to hear it click several times to no effect.

“I have to save her.” Gritting my teeth I forced my body to overcome the fatigue and stand up again. Holding the gun by the barrel in my hand I scrambled forwards and sprint straight towards the hooded figure that was laughing as she continued to fire her gun. Roaring in sheer outrage I swung my arm at Mayu’s back to knock her and Jurina’s gun onto the ground. Sliding past Mayu I swapped the two pistols then turned back to grasp a hold of her collar and point the gun at her head. “Yuki had nothing to do with you yet you killed her!” My entire body was trembling in hatred as the despicable face in front of me still had a confident smirk on her face. The finger around the trigger slowly tightened its grip as I pressed the barrel up against the temple of her head.

“R…Rena-chan… Don’t do it… You’re better than…” Before Jurina could finish her words, her head collapsed as her entire body became totally limp.

“Jurina!” Without wasting any time I took the butt of the gun and slammed it into the very spot that the barrel was not long pressed up against. After knocking Mayu out I released her body so that she just slumped down onto the ground and rushed across to Jurina’s motionless body. “Jurina, open your eyes! Please wake up; I don’t want to lose you like Yuki.” My grip on her shoulders grew increasingly tighter as I frantically shook her, desperate for any sort of small sign of life. As a small tear drop fell from my eye on to her cheek the clouds above us stirred and the floodgates opened, drenching us both in heaven’s tears.

“R-Rena-chan?” Jurina stirred up as the rain bounced off her cheeks and washed away the blood from her. Gazing up at my upset face a gentle yet faint smile formed across Jurina’s face as she pointed up at the sky. “Do you think I’ll be able to meet Yuu-chan up there?”

“No you won’t. You’re going to stay with me here and we’re going to visit Yuki together.” I immediately squeezed her hand and brought into my chest crying at the thought of losing Jurina. “I love you Jurina and I refuse to lose you in the same way that I lost Yuki.” By now my words were barely audible from my incessant sobbing and relentless rain. In reply Jurina slowly lifted her weakened hand and wiped away my tears.

“I love you too Rena-chan but I’m sorry, I might not make it…” Just like that her eyes shut again and her hand slid down my cheek to rest on my shoulder leaving me to cry into the eternal night with the cold body cradled in my arms.


A/N: Hopefully that crazy ending hasn’t ruined the rest of this story, I honestly don’t know what suddenly possessed me to write that and I can only apologise for my madness. I will be writing an epilogue for this but I think I might set up a poll regarding this as well. Again I’m going to say thank you to everyone who read this and I hope you enjoyed it. Next will be my first attempt at the Mayuki pair! Of course there will also be the side pair of Wmatsui included.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 11:53:01 PM by nori »

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 8 [FINAL] [Updated 24.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #78 on: March 25, 2013, 01:39:34 AM »
T_T Jurina!!!!

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Re: [nori's fanfics] X | Chapter 8 [FINAL] [Updated 24.03.13] [Wmatsui]
« Reply #79 on: March 25, 2013, 02:35:44 AM »


Nò dont die jurina,dont leave rena in this current state...

Mayu~ mayu~

Thank for the update

And yes i want mayuki fic LOL


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