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Author Topic: Meeting You (AtsuMina, TomoTomo, WMatsui, MariMii, KojiYuu) - COMPLETED  (Read 59135 times)

Offline Hii_chan

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  • love all Takamina's pairing made Minami say YES
OK but if you made TakaTomo so please make some moment about them
and Atsuko dont just stand there FIGHT FOR YOUR HUSBAND
thnaks for update :welcome
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline minami_takachan

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TakaTomo, more TakaTomo please!!!! I felt very happy when Takamina said yes to Tomochin <3  at least make them have some quality rabu time together please, please, please, I know it's going to end being Atsumina but Tomochin deserves some Takalove too. *begging*

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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  • Atsumina~! ♥ forever <3
@BbSis: lol had to put some things for them too..hehehe...glad u liked it :3 and Yes..she is...she and maybe it'll say it the future...
~a snow storm is just...well what it is ;p lol xD it's really just snow that are falling rapidly and mostly at least 20 cm or over... @_@ and not that cold really unless it's really windy :S and hahaha, ik what a 40 degrees feels like ;p I'm originally from asia so yeah..... i know the hotness...ahahaha...only came 4 years ago...when i was...'diez'

@Haruko: lol yes....but idk if it goes that much deep for a xD
@stepk: actually at first i was like the answer would be "no" and i started writing the beginning but idk what changed my mind but after that i hit delete then changed the answer...lololol xD
@arrow27: ahahaha just have to put something even at least it won't cause too much..or maybe it would? xD and hmm...hopefully not...or can she even do it? lol
@FNK23: yes they are...and uh...idk maybe...or maybe not @_@
@cisda83: you'll see all the results of those xD and yes...she is xD
@TakaminaBG: happy now? xD lol and well you'll get one of ur question answered well bot directly but maybe?
@Chi: Gomen ne...Chi... DX I, too...had a hard time doing this...ahahaha but it'll end well....or maybe...not....
@LukeMatsuda: thanks! and it'll appear...i hope so... o.o
@fausto: hahaha...I can only ask wait for it...hehehe
@Hii_chan: lol yes...and there'll be maybe... but it may change...ahahaha xD
@minami_takachan: err....I'll see what i can do to that...

thanks for the comments...I really find 'em interesting xD ahahahaha

hmmm....well...i forgot what I was gonna say... -_-" I'll just say this instead, this chapter might be .............. ahahahah xD not much to say... @_@ oh I only went through half of it when I was checking for edit..... I'm kinda tired so...hahaha....felt if there's any grammar mistake then ummm... try to make sense of it!  :thumbsup lol and just noticed it was this short... @_@ geh...ugh....oh well...

                                                                                                      Chapter 8

Tomochin's parents weren't home. So they (Yuko, Miichan and Jurina) just ran around the house like children.
"I wanna check Tomochin's room!" Shouted Yuko and started running upstairs. The others just followed her, knowing that anyone can't stop Yuko, well except for one person. Opening the door Yuko said, "woah! Big room you have!"
"I guess." Said Tomochin.
Yuko went around the room expecting every corner. Miichan and Jurina followed her.
"I'll go make us some tea." Said Tomochin and went down.
Acchan looked around and spotted some pictures of Takamina and Tomochin when they were young. She went closer to the desk and took the frame, for a closer look. Examining the picture, Miichan popped up behind her and said, "whatya looking at."
Acchan who was startled, almost dropped the picture, however she caught it with fast reflex. Turning around to look at her friend she said, "Miichan! Don't sneak up on me."
"Ah, gomen ne...anywayssss what's that?" Said Miichan and snatched the picture quickly from Acchan's hands. Acchan thought of getting back but again she thought, *the heck, it's Miichan." and left it be.

Kojiharu who wasn't doing anything, noticed that Takamina was quiet. Ever since they left Tomo's house, she has been quiet.  Takamina laid on the bed, not moving. Kojiharu decided to approach her friend and laid there, beside her.
"Hey." Said Kojiharu.
"You've been quiet." Said Kojiharu, getting right straight to the point.
"It was that noticeable?"
"Hahaha, what do you think, so why were you so quiet...?... Did it something to do with...whatever Tomo said earlier?"
"You know Kojiharu, being the airhead in the group...your are so sharp sometimes." Sighed Takamina who was thinking, *right on.*
"Was that a compliment?"
"Hahaha, yes..."
"Ok thanks...but stop stalling >_< lemme hear it."
"It only has a little thing to do with what Tomo said. "
"Ok and."
" might as well know, Tomochin and I are going out."
"Yeah, we know ever since you started."
"Eh? It was that noticeable? Why didn't you mention anything?"
"Hmmm...well we were waiting for you to say it."
"I see...well, we've been going out for a few days't know...what my feelings are anymore...when I accepted her c-confession, I thought that I really really love her, as in love soul-mates? You know...but...what Tomo said to me, it kind of had an effect with...what I'm feeling."
"Ohk, how far have you gone?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know...on kissing and stuff xD"
"Ehh!? O-of course  n-not that far!" Said Takamina blushing, "Concerning those stuff, Tomochin and her didn't go beyond kissing."
"Hahaha, ok...ok...don't freak out." Chuckled Kojiharu.
"H-have you and Yuko...."
"Heh, that's a secret." Grinned Kojiharu.
" did!"
"Enough about Yuko and're saying that you don't know what you really feel about Tomochin now?"
"Say...what do you think about Acchan."
"Huh? Why are we talking about Acchan now?"
"Just asking. So are you gonna answer my question or not?"
Takamina had a lot to say, but deciding not to go through it she said, "nope."
"Ok...I guess I'll take that answer for NOW."
"...what about, take Tomochin in a romantic dinner? And it might not be so easy after but  you might now...your answer. Money isn't a problem for you right?"
"A romantic dinner...not bad...not bad."
"So is that a yes or a no?"
"It's your call." Said Kojiharu, sitting up, when Tomochin came up with the drinks. She stood up and grabbed Yuko with her to take a cup. Takamina still didn't move from where she was. 

Acchan, Tomochin,  Miichan, Jurina, and Rena  each took their drink. Tomochin who noticed her girlfriend not getting up; she approached her.
She poked the smaller's feet that dangled at the edge of the bed, with her own.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Asked Tomochin worried.
Takamina didn't answer, instead she raised her right arm. Tomochin raised her eyebrows, but took her hand. Takamina who has now the grip of the other girl's hand; she pulled her down with her strength easily. Tomochin who was surprised by the sudden action, yelped and fell down beside her girlfriend.

Tomochin turned slightly to look at the figure beside her and poked the side of her ribs.
"Tomochin~ are you busy tomorrow night?"
"Why, are you asking me on a date or something?" Said Tomochin with teasing tone, but was truly wishing that the other girl was.
"Hmmm...maybe~ do you want a date?" Said Takamina who now turned her head to look and meet her girlfriend's eyes.

The group didn't even bother interrupting those two. They sat in a circle on the carpet. They talked and joked  with each other happily.  Acchan shifted in her position, trying to get a glimpse on what was happening with those two. She was filled with curiosity,and thus tried to see what was happening, even though she felt bad herself for spying.

"A special one, that is." Murmured Tomochin averting her gaze  away and sat up. She stood up and walk towards the group. Takamina followed with her eyes, still laying on the bed as Tomochin walked away.

Deciding to join the crowd, she got up. As she did, she caught a glimpse of Acchan that was looking at her. Wasn't sure if she saw it right or not, Takamina looked at her direction but found her looking down. Thinking about the girl, *ah,I haven't really talk with Acchan. I sure do miss her.* thought Takamina showing a sad smile.

"Oi! Takamina! Stop being a loner and join us!" Said Yuko, gesturing her to come over.
"I'm planning on coming, so you don't have to be so bossy." Teased Takamina, walking over.
"Was I being bossy?" Yuko asked the group who gave a "I don't know what you're talking about"  reply. She just sighed in defeat.

For a while they chatted about random subjects, before deciding to go down to the living room for a movie.

They settled down on the sofa and some of them preferred to sit on the floor. Yuko, Miichan and Jurina put the food that they bought earlier on the coffee table. Tomochin got up to get some drinks on the kitchen and Acchan volunteered to help her. Acchan followed Tomochin to the kitchen. Tomochin got some soda out of the refrigerator and set them down on the counter. Neither of the girls spoke as they could feel a heavy atmosphere  building around them. It wasn't that both weren't friends nor both never talked to each other. It was just both didn't know what to say to each other. Tomochin picked up two cans for each hand and looked at Acchan saying, "ummm...can you help me carry this?"
"Oh, yeah right! Of course!" Said Acchan moving away from her spot to help the other girl.

 The others scanned trough the movies that Tomochin have, agreeing and disagreeing with some of the movies. It took some time, debating and persuasion  before all of them finally agreed on a  single movie to watch. Takamina operated the dvd player since she knew her way around Tomochin's house.

A few seconds later Acchan and Tomochin came out with the drinks and set them on the table. Yuko and Jurina made the first move to get a drink followed by the others. They also opened each snacks that were brought by the three.

As the movie started they made themselves comfortable. Acchan, Miichan, Jurina and Rena were on the creamy colored sectional sofa, while Takamina and Tomochin sat on the floor with Yuko and Kojiharu. Yuko laid her head  on Kojiharu's lap.
Takamina and Tomochin sat side by side holding hands.

Jurina kept glancing at her left side; taking a peak at Rena. Rena tried not to notice that the other girl was looking at her but curiosity took over her and said, "what?"
"Oh...uhh...n-nothing!" answered Jurina looking away. For weeks she tried and tried to say it, but she just  couldn't get the courage that she needed. She always withdrew at the last moment. She cursed herself for not being able to talk to the girl properly.

Acchan tried not to look and not be really bothered by the couple that was holding hands with each other. It has been a few days. Yes, a few days, yet she still is trying to get used with all the touching and affectionate stuff. Not spending time with the other girl, she really realize her feelings more and more for the other girl. As she always say to herself, 'it's too late.'

~2 hours later~
When the movie finished everyone stood up and stretched themselves. It was getting late and they decided to go, but before doing so they all helped clean and tossed out unwanted drinks.
"Thanks for the help!" Said Tomochin who was happy to get help.
"We created it too, so we gotta help, it's no problem." Said Yuko. The others agreed with her giving Tomochin a, "mhmm~" reply.

All going to the door: Kojiharu,  Yuko and Miichan excused themselves first since they live quite far from Tomochin's house. Before leaving, Kojiharu ran over to Takamina and whispered to her ear, "so, did you ask her?"
"Err...well, kind of?" Answered Takamina who wasn't really sure.
Kojiharu just sighed and said, "better ask her."
Kojiharu nodded and ran back to where Yuko was waiting.
"Nyan-Nyan~ what were you two whispering about?" Asked Yuko who was a little bit  jealous since she doesn't know what they talked about.
"Don't have anything to do with you." Said Kojiharu bluntly.
"Nooo! tell me!" Insisted Yuko.
Kojiharu just ignored her, bid her goodbye to the group and walked out with Yuko following her, who was still insisting what was that all about. Miichan followed the couple, just smirking, happy that there would be something interesting that is going on, while walking back home.

After the couple and Miichan left, they were followed by Rena and Jurina.
"Thanks for tonight, today was fun." Said Rena who really enjoyed her time and  Jurina said the same thing along those lines. After they said their goodbyes, they took their leave.
Leaving Takamina, Acchan and Tomochin.
"I'll go too." Said Acchan and moved to put her shoes.
"Takamina you leaving also?" Asked Tomochin.
"I'm planning on staying until your parents come back home." Answered Takamina.
"No, it's ok. They'll be here in a few minutes or so." Said Tomochin looking at the clock, "you should go with Acchan, you can't leave a girl walking alone in the dark you know."
"If Takamina wants to stay then she don't need to come home with me, I can take care of myself." Said Acchan, her voice not cold but not also heart warming.
"I still need to finish things here so I can't keep Takamina company." Said Acchan and tired towards her girlfriend, "You should go with Acchan."
"It's fine I'll help you."
"It's ok, I noticed that you're a bit tired so you should go with Acchan so that you have company."
"Ok, I'll tag along with Acchan~" said Takamina obeying her girlfriend  and also went to put her shoes on.
Ready to leave, Takamina called over Tomochin closer and kissed her quickly. Takamina feels shy with people watching if they kiss or so but again she REALLY felt shy with Acchan around and watching. Moving back she told Tomochin goodnight and kissed her cheek this time.

Done with all the goodbyes the two walked out the door. As they walk, both didn't say anything yet. Bothered with the silence Takamina tried to engage a conversation.
"So Acchan how have you been? Anything new?"
"I'm fine thanks and nothing new...same ol' same ol' what about you?" Said Acchan but in reality a lot of things are new that happened mostly including Takamina.
"Hahaha, is that so, and same with me."
"Yeah..." Said Acchan,  having the silence return once again. Both of them had a lot to say and ask but it wouldn't just come out. Was it because they were nervous? Because they haven't have anytime with each other? What is it? They keep questioning themselves but no answers will come.

More than a  half hour later, they finally arrived in front of Acchan's apartment.
"So...ummm...I guess see you Monday , have a good weekend." Said Takamina.
"Yeah, thanks same to you." Said Acchan and went to the door.
"Goodnight!" Yelled Takamina after her. Acchan turned around, said the same thing to the smaller girl with  a smile and stepped in the big lobby.
Takamina smiled to herself, glad that at least the parting wasn't that awkward. She stayed there, watching the taller girl disappear out of her sight, before she starts moving.

Acchan opened the door to her apartment. Taking the jacket off she suddenly remembered that it wasn't hers but Takamina's.When they were walking Takamina noticed that Acchan was shivering a bit. Feeling not too cold, she removed her jacket and put it on Acchan's shoulder, offering it. At first Acchan tried to return it back however Takamina didn't take it and told her it was ok, that she wasn't cold. Acchan who knew that she wouldn't win against the smaller girl's stubbornness just gave up and thanked her.

Wanting to return the jacket back, she put her shoes back on, closed the door and ran to the elevator. Waiting for the elevator, she tap her foot. A few seconds later, it arrived and she went in.

Outside, she looked around to see if the girl was still around but she saw no one. Deciding that Takamima wasn't probably that far, she went after her.

Takamina sensed that something wasn't right. Her gut feeling was right as she saw at least 15 guys show up, out of the darkness.
"Oh, shit." Swore Takamina under her breath, looking around noticing that she was surrounded. She couldn't see the faces of her ambushers since if was dark, but she knew that they were carrying at least a weapon, also the street light was flickering on & off.
"Yeah, boss that's the stupid runt, that..." Said a guy.
"Hah, her? She's the one who kicked your asses?!" Said the 'boss' sneering. He was about 6 feet tall, all of his body is muscle and bulky.

Takamina who heard what words were exchanged said, "huh, dare?"
"Months ago!" Said the guy (second in command) who was hesitating and ashamed to say it.
"Huh? Months ago? I don't even remember tugs like you." Scoffed Takamina.
Ignoring the comment, the second in command guy ordered his men to attack her.

Takamina closed her eyes, took a deep breath, relaxed and took her fighting stance.  Her father trained her more beyond than this. The last time she could remember, when they were practicing in the dojo, her father made her fight 20 students at the same time. It was tiring for her and she had a but of a hard time but over all she did it.

They came one by one advancing towards her but she flicked them right off. Seeing that she won't be defeated by only one person they formed a group and attacked her head on. She dodged them easily then went to offense, punching and kicking them. A few minutes later all of them were down except for the boss.

"You're strong, considering you beat all of my men easily." Grinned the boss.
"You give me too much credit but just to say  that's nothing." Smirked Takamina.
"I see. I don't have any grudge against you but you beat my men before AND now which is well- ...I'm the boss so I should take care of you to show an example."
"I don't really get what you're saying but I only understood that you'll fight me."
"It doesn't matter if you get it or not. Prepare yourself kid."
"I'm always ready."
"Hah, good to know." Said the boss and brought out a knuck chuck swinging it around like a pro.
"Nice weapon, you got there."
"Oh, thanks."
"You're welcome."

The boss swung his weapon around, almost hitting Takamina but dodged it, *phew, that was close...if I get hit by that I'll be bruised*

"You're pretty good with that toy of yours." Mused Takamina.
"Next time it won't miss."
"Looking forward to it."

He charged again and this time Takamina got hit pretty hard on the back with the weapon. She winced at the pain but that didn't make her stop the fight. She thought, *he's pretty good." They circled around each other, observing each other's movement carefully. The boss attacked again but this time she dodged it, went behind him and made a kick, resulting him to stumble forward.

The two fought continuously. Takamina got hit a few times and also  paid  the boss twice the pain that she received. It went for a few minutes before one of them fell down.

Acchan just watched behind a big pole. When she got to the girl she saw her fighting those people. She also saw how they got defeated and now she watched the fight between Takamina and 'the boss'. When Takamina got hit, she wanted to run to her to see if she was ok but her feet wouldn't obey her. It did not move. She could only watch from afar. Finally she saw the guy fall down to ground when Takamina made the final blow against his stomach making him spit blood.

Takamina could barely stand, she took many hits and also was tired. She was glad that the big guy finally sunk to his knees. Leaning against a brick wall, she felt her knees go weak, her eyes fluttering and lastly the last thing she saw was darkness before she passed out.

Acchan ran towards the collapsed girl. Looking around for help she saw no one except for the other passed out guys. Thinking of what to do, she finally thought of an idea. She carried the smaller girl on her back.
"Hmm...being small,she really is light." Chuckled Acchan. She didn't have a hard time carry the girl since she was light and her apartment was near.

Finally reaching her apartment, she went to her bedroom and laid the smaller girl down on the bed. The small girl was a mess, Acchan wasn't sure what to do, but she just fixed her position. Deciding to tend her wounds, she went to get a wet towel and washed her wounds. After that, she went to take the first aid kit and put a gauze  and band aids all over her cuts. Not knowing what else to do, she just watched over the sleeping girl's face. Gazing at Takamina, she found herself leaning down towards the other girl's face. Her heart was racing, her mind blank and nervous. She was getting closer and closer. Inches...An inch...Centimeters...then finally only a centimeter  apart.

:mon evillaff: :mon taichi: :mon misch: :mon sweat:

To be continued...

ahahahaha idk what I'm writing suddenly went there to xD idk if it did made sense OR probably didn't ..but I wrote this in a tired state since  I wanted to update...ahahaha... oh btw how'd you like the way I ended it? eh? hehehe ;p
~thanks for keeping up with me and reading this~ hehehe....

Offline Sydney W

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Atsumina ending please !

Offline Haruko

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what?!!? no way!! i want the atsumina´s kiss!! please!! yeah badass takaboy :B

Offline arrow27

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Thanks for the update :D Great chapter as always, really enjoyed the read :)
Aw Tomochin and Minami are cute but still cheering for Atsumina :P
& lol at Kojiharu and her moment of not being an airhead. She's def smart :D
The fight seemed intense. Minami is strong! But tough to take on so many. Good thing Atsuko followed behind.
Cliffhanger! Looking forward to next chapter!
Thanks again!

Offline Hii_chan

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  • love all Takamina's pairing
Not enough TakaTomo momennt I want more
and Atsuko GO GO KISS HER ...and do anything you want :yep: :yep:
thank for update :thumbsup
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline cisda83

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Wah... Takamina is so strong.... able to defeat 20 or more people.... without any injury...

Only got injured while fighting the boss... She would be able to defeat the boss easily if the boss don't have any weapon...

Ah... Takamina is starting to doubt her feeling for Tomochin...

Eh... Atsuko is going to kiss Takamina while she's unconscious...

I can't wait to see what's happening next...

Thank you for the update

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

PS: please make TakaTomo coupling stay a bit longer.... Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline hitomi hagiwara

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Acchan being naughty here. hahaha. cannot holad the temptation.

Offline fausto

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Aaaaah  :banghead: you can't leave me like this!! :drool: Yeah atsumina kiss on the way!! :panic:

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Ohk...haven't updated in two weeks? *sigh* I could've updated last week stupid iPod was acting all crazy and (excuse mah language)  sh*t. At first I finished typing it all then when I went back half of it  got deleted! Then I retyped it all again then when I pressed "done" in the notes then backed out it was still there and when I went back 10 minutes got deleted...I raged and threw my iPod xD (it cracked) and so yeah...I stopped. :P after a few days I restored my iPod then I rewrote it over...then idk if I accidentally hit the delete button or what since it wasn't there -.-" so it got deleted (apparently it didn't got backed up by iTunes) and here I am now my 4th attempt! (Seems like I'm missing some things from before but I can't remember T_T) (I was also writing another stuff...ahahaha) (holy crap long A/N lol)
Uh...anyways yeah so here it is... 

                                                                                                                Chapter 9
She felt something warm against her lips. She opened her eyes and saw Acchan kissing her. Her heart was pounding fast that she can clearly hear/feel her heartbeat.  Acchan pulled back and Takamina  immediately shut her eyes; pretending that she was still asleep. It was a good thing Acchan didn't know she was awake since it'll be awkward for sure. She tried to think what happened, where she was, why was she here, what was that all about and lastly why was her heart beating fast.

Acchan pulled back as soon as she realized what was going on. She looked at Takamina once again, mumbling, "why did I do that" and silently ran out of the room. Reaching the door to the veranda, she opened it and stepped outside. Taking a deep breath she leaned against the glass door.

As Acchan disappeared. Takamina opened her eyes, looking around to see where she was and tried to process what happened. Lifting her arms, she saw that there were band aids on her cuts. Seeing this, she finally remembered about the fight.
"Huh, so how did I end up here?" She said to herself.
"I carried you." Said Acchan who showed up.
"A-Atsuko!" She said in surprise as she remembered what happened earlier.
"It seems you're awake now. How are you feeling?" Asked Acchan who seems that she got all of her act all together. 
"Y-yeah, thanks and'd you find me?"
"I forgot to return your jacket, so I followed you then the moment I saw you. You were fighting a lot of people. I wanted to help but...I can't I could only watch from afar." Said Acchan sadly.
"It's ok...and besides you took care of me in the end." Smiled Takamina.
Acchan nodded and asked, "do you want anything?"
"No, I'm ok thanks."
"Oh ok. I'll be just in the living room." Said Acchan and closed the door behind her thinking, *oh god, was she awake when I kissed her?* hoping that she was not, she went to the kitchen and made  tea.

It took her a few minutes before realizing that she was laying on Acchan's bed. She put the blanket over her face and noticing the scent she mumbled, "It smells like Atsuko."
Opening the door, Acchan entered the room with two cups of tea in hand.
"I knew you said you didn't want anything but I brought tea anyways." Said Acchan putting one cup on top of the drawer near the bed.
Takamina sat up and took the drink saying thanks.

They sat in silence, the only thing that they could here was the television. After a couple of minutes Takamina looked around the room and said, "Nice  room."
"Hahaha, thanks."
"You're welcome~ oh what time is it? I'm wondering if maybe my parents are worried or something."
Looking at her wrist watch she was surprised that it has gotten this late, informing the smaller girl she said,
"It's almost midnight."
"Wai- what, eto... is it ok if I sleep here for the night?"
"S-sure, and I already called your parents when you passed out...I didn't know when you were gonna wake up so I called them saying you're here."
"Oh, thanks Atsuko!~" grinned Takamina.
Acchan just smiled in response. Feeling tired she rubbed her eyes and yawned.
"I'll go sleep on the sofa." Said Acchan sleepily, heading out to the door.
"Wait Atsuko, wouldn't it be uncomfortable sleeping on the sofa? You should just sleep with me." Said Takamina who realized her mistake at the end on how she worded it and blushed, "I-I m-mean l-like you know, since it's your bed why not sleep's good enough for two people."
Acchan laughed at the other girl who was embarrassed and thought, *kawaii :3*
"Yeah, I guess...I could do that, I'll just go brush my teeth and stuff."

After Acchan did everything that she needed, she laid beside Takamina who was facing the other way around. Acchan felt awkward and did the same, faced the other direction. The tiny girl could feel the awkwardness, even though it was in the middle of the night, she still wanted to make it as not as awkward. She shifted and took a peak at the other girl, deciding to do it, she closed her eyes and started snoring really loudly. The girl beside her didn't expect that and she  started giggling. This made the atmosphere better.
"D-do you snore like that normally?" Asked Acchan who was now laughing.
"I dunno...I didn't... know....I snore." Answered Takamina lazily but was smiling, "...Atsuko thank you...oyasumi."
"You're welcome, oyasumi Minami." Said Acchan and whispered, "I'll always be here for you."

Takamina opened her eyes and was confused with the unfamiliar room but after a few seconds of thinking, she finally knew where she is. Getting up, the small girl went to the bathroom and washed her face. Deciding that she should leave, she went out of the bedroom.

As soon as she walked out the door, Takamina sniffed the air as the aroma of the bacon was filling the room. The small girl went to the kitchen slowly.
"You're awake." said Acchan who was cooking breakfast.
"Uh, y-yeah." stuttered Takamina, *is it just me...seems like she's shining more than usual...but got to say she's cute with the apron.*
"Eto...thanks again for everything...and...ummm...I should probably go now. I don't want to take much of your time."
"Why don't you stay for breakfast, I cooked your share and besides I don't think you're wasting my time." 
"If you say so...thanks Atsuko!"
"No probs, I'll be done in a few minutes."
Takamina nodded and skipped out of the kitchen happily.
Acchan saw her skipping and tried not to laugh.
"W-what the heck was that?" She asked no one in particular and finally laughed when she thought about what just happened. 

One hour later~

"Tadaima!" shouted Takamina opening the door to their house aggressively.
"Okaeri"her mom replied, sweeping the floor.
The tiny girl stormed in the living room, slouching on the couch still tired and sore from yesterday's event. Also, there was one thing that kept popping out in her mind. Grabbing the remote for the television, she flipped through the channels hoping to find something to distract herself with. Suddenly sitting up she cursed herself for forgetting something. Taking out her cell phone, she dialled her girlfriend's cell. On the first ring, the phone got picked up by the saver tooth girl.
"Hey~" greeted Takamina nervously.
"About time you called." pouted Tomochin.
"Ah, sorry I didn't have a chance to call you." apologized Takamina.
"Hmmm..." said Tomochin, still in her 'I'm still not forgiving you yet mode."
"Ah, I can feel that you're still pouting." chuckled Takamina and proposed, " about a date tonight."
 "Really? A date night?" squeaked Tomochin, changing her mood.
Takamina nodded, remembering that she was talking on the phone, said, "yep! ....I'll pick you up at six."

Few hours later~

The tiny girl walk on the street, hands around her jacket as she could feel the chillness. She stopped on her tracks and looked up at the dark evening sky whispering, "I hope weather will be on the good side tonight." and continued walking. After few minutes of walking she was finally in front of of Tomochin's house. Approaching the door slowly, she rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Her hands in her pocket and looked around the neighbourhood. Opening the door stood Tomochin, Takamina backed up to give her space for outside.
"You're looking cute~" complimented the taller girl and moved in for a quick kiss on the lips. Takamina was surprised with the kiss, even though they have  been going- she still gets surprise by all the kisses.She  blushed at the comment, thanking her, and added, "you look beautiful as always."
Now it was Tomochin's turn to blush saying, "t-thanks." and added amusingly, "I always try my best~"
Takamina didn't know what to say for the last part and so instead, "shall we go?"
Tomochin nodded, linking arms with Takamina and started walking.

For their first stop, they went to a restaurant. Not an expensive place nor a cheap place but just decent. Greeting them on their entry, the waitress led them to a table. Taking their seats, the waitress asked for drinks. Giving her their answers, the waitress left them to choose their meals.
"What are you getting?" asked Tomochin.
"Hmmm...not sure yet...what about you?" answered Takamina still flipping through the menu.
"I think I'm taking Sukiyaki Beef Udon Noodle."
"Oh then I'll take Sukiyaki Bibimbap."
Ready for the two to order, the waitress just arrived at the right time with the beverage in hand. Taking their orders, the waitress excused herself.

The two talked casually, then Takamina attempted to tell a joke but deeply failed. Tomochin was confused at the joke and asked her what what the funny part. Takamina tried her best to explain the point of it but Tomochin still didn't get what the joke was supposed to be.
Before they know it, their food arrived.
"Itadakimasu!" said Takamina quickly then started eating. Tomochin lightly laugh at the smaller girl's hunger.
"Ah, sorry...I'm just hungry." grinned Takamina.  Tomochin was amused and just started eating her food too.

While they were eating they continued to talk. Then suddenly the conversation went to, "why couldn't you call me last night?" asked Tomochin curious.
Takamina suddenly stopped eating, unsure how to answer the question. A few seconds passed. Nothing. Tomochin waited, raising her eyebrow and looked directly at the tiny girl. Takamina wanted to say that she spent the night with Acchan to get this over with but she asked herself, *is it ok if I tell her that I was with Atsuko? ...probably not? Would that be suspicious? Gaaah! I don't know!*
"I...umm..." said Takamina looking around and tried to think of an excuse. Before Tomochin could ask again, the waitress suddenly appeared before them asking if they needed anything. Takamina sighed in relief, thankful for the waitress's rightful timing. Saying that they were fine, the waitress left. Tomochin seemed to not care anymore for the question and didn't pursue the subject any further instead she asked, "where to next?~"
"Hah, I actually haven't decided yet. I wasn't sure what you wanted to do so...yeah."
"Hahaha, that's ok... But ummm...I actually just want to go for a walk on the park...If that's ok with you." said Tomochin who wanted to go on a 'romantic walk'.
"It's fine, we don't have anything to do anyways." said Takamina with the last sentence as a whisper.  Tomochin nodded happily.

As they continued eating, Takamina started thinking about...Acchan. Ever since what happened that night, she thought about that kiss. It still haven't been 24 hours yet and was really thinking about it every time she  doesn't do anything.  Takamina spaced out and didn't even have a single clue what the other girl was talking about.
"Ta-ka-mi-na~" said Tomochin, waving her hands in front of the smaller girl's face. Snapping out from her thoughts, Takamina said, "oh...umm...what?"
"What's wrong?"
"Oh...ummm, nothing, sorry. I was just thinking of something." 
"Hmmm, ok." said Tomochin doubtfully.
"Hahaha, ignore me... c'mon we should finish our food so we can go sooner~" grinned Takamina.

After they finished eating, Takamina excused herself to the bathroom. But before she could do that, she gave Tomochin the money  and asked the girl to meet her at the front door. Tomohin nodded and followed what Takamina instructed.

 Takamina  stared at her reflection. Not accomplishing anything by that, she turned the faucet on and splashed water to  her face. Feeling refreshed she mumbled, "c'mon, wake're supposed to be on a date...stop thinking about- Acchan." Drying herself with her handkerchief, she left and went to meet Tomochin at the front door.

"Shall we go?" asked Takamina extending her hands.
"Un." nodded Tomochin, grabbing a hold of the other girl's hand.

After their little date, Takamina walked home Tomochin. Arriving in front of their house,
"I had fun tonight." smiled Tomochin.
"Tomochin I...I." stuttered Takamina.
"Hmmm....what is it?"
"Oh, uh...nothing...I had fun too."
Tomochin smiled and leaned down for a goodnight kiss and whispered, "I love you."  Takamina just nodded and smiled, couldn't say the same thing to the other girl. Tomochin noticed this but didn't say anything.
"Sleep well...oyasumi." said Takamina and planted a kiss on Tomochin's lips before running away. The taller girl, touched her lips, surprised since Takamina rarely makes the move first. She smiled to herself and went in.

To be continued... yeah..that was it... sorry I couldn't explain that much of their time together..... I kinda uhh..idk... just use ur imaginations ;p lololol anyways for the Atsumina it's just around the corner...I'm planning on doing something....  :kekeke: :kekeke: :kekeke:
Thanks for reading~  :byebye:

Offline DeadSouls

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This is awesome!!!! thanks!!!   :thumbsup when will the Atsumina happen? xD hehehe

Offline Elo

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yeyyy takamina begins to think about atsko  :D :P :twothumbs

I hope tomochin would think about tomo~mi  :wub:

please make next chapter a littl bit tomotomo  :deco: :wub: :inlove:

like you made a little atsumina in chapter 9 hehe  :bow: :wub:
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline DC2805

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Takamina entangling in the triangle love ... more obstacles ahead..
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline arrow27

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thanks for the update :D sweet chapter as always :3 Atsumina and Takatomo were both adorable! But starting to feel bad for all 3 of them at the moment lol :P

Thanks again! As awlays can't wait to read what happens next! :D

Offline Haruko

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OMG I love atsumina so much, and the kiss!! BUT takatomo is cute :B too.. jajaj you confused me jaja

Offline stepk

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is a cute episode
takamina is confused
I like takatomo
but i want Atsumina
Great update

Offline fausto

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Thank you very much for the update!!! Well, i want more astumina kiss and more... Kisses and stuff!!! Please update soon!!

Offline cisda83

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Ah... Takamina is so scared to be comforted about 'Atsuko kissed her' incident... so she pretended to still asleep

And Atsuko also preferred for Takamina not to know she kissed her.

The situation between Atsumina is so awkward

Takamina is unable to stop thinking about Atsuko while on date with Tomochin..

Poor Tomochin being ignored

Ah... Takamina unable to say 'I love you' to Tomochin

Thank you for the lovely update

Can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs 

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