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Author Topic: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 25 [Update: 07/16/14]  (Read 58293 times)

Offline Chanaline

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I don't know why bit I feel like Yukirin is going to complete the trial LoL!

She will kill this guy yahaha! Aaaaahhrg what was that with Mayu it was tottaly interesting!

Yukirin BE safe PLEAS!!!!!!!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline Terragen

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 22 [Update: 07/21/13]
« Reply #201 on: August 04, 2013, 06:38:27 AM »

yuki yuki

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline ezha

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 22 [Update: 07/21/13]
« Reply #202 on: August 16, 2013, 08:15:41 PM »

Offline gek geki

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 22 [Update: 07/21/13]
« Reply #203 on: August 30, 2013, 01:23:19 PM »
Im sorry to comment your dissapearance s2 ch.4 here
But since you said after that you will update HFAYPTG so maybe it a great if im comment here keke
Gosh! That really tense chapter.crazy kiddnaping.just read that make me stress like yuki keke
Like yuki said,i think i couldn't handle if in the end mayuyu get caught again.but since i loved yuki so much,more than mayu,so please take care yukirin on that crazy kiddaping fic.wonder who's next since that shana jerk on team might be a wrong movement if yuki make mayu stay.she totaly in the enemy zone.yuki should never leave her,even just for investigating the others.

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 22 [Update: 07/21/13]
« Reply #204 on: September 01, 2013, 06:07:14 AM »

@katekyohit: I'm glad you love this fiction! And I'm not sure if Yuki here will receive any sort of help or not, but let's see what this nurse and ex-wife of Mayu (that's I suppose slowly not going to be her ex-wife soon...?) will handle this situation. :sweat:

@kurogumi: Oh my! Then this chapter might give you a heart attack then! And Yukirin is pretty cool driving a motorcycle around~ Reminds me of Gingham Check, LOL. And patience, my friend! :on lol:

@kenjoy12: Wanna join me and the rest of the gang that wants to brutally murder Adrian? Haha, and Mayu did make the right choice. Yet... This puts her at a disadvantage to gaining another clue to Jurina. Hopefully she's smart enough to figure out where her daughter is located... And I'm glad you love this fiction! :kneelbow:

@Shinoki: Ahhh! Don't smash your head! A-Ano, please look forward to this chapter and... er... It'll probably make you smash your head even more instead of getting better...? :stoned:

@Yuki88: I wish so too, Yuki, LOL. I wanna upload what's running in my head already. But yeah, Mayu didn't kill in the end. Just knocked the father unconscious. :on drink:

@Llyloo: Don't worry, haha. I saw your comment on Tumblr. I'm glad this somewhat gave you the same tension as Disappearance series! :on woohoo:

@mayuki_daisuki: Indeed Jurina comes first! Last thing we want is for her to make Mayu feel worse or even herself when she knows for a fact that her 'father' is a murderer. But let's see what happens to Yuki in this chapter! :on ksweat:

@alexsher99: Exactly. Mayu didn't kill the man nor did she follow the rule of the Origami figure. So she's not going to obtain that one clue that'll lead her to Jurina. And I'm glad that chapter excited you! Hope this chapter will excite you even more! :on GJ:

@Terragen: You never know what goes through a person's mind. Here Yuki did indeed divorce with Mayu due to her blaming the death of Ayame on the girl, but she now sees that for a fact Yuki still loves Mayu even through those two painful years. Emotions are quite complicated, LOL. Glad that this fiction made your day! :on asmo:

@Wmatsui22: omg, I'm gonna throw ice cubes at your direction if you apologize about late replies, LOL. And I agree with you there, LOL. Gate of Hell shall the Origami Killer be sent to if that's even possible! :on voodoo:

@kahem: Hopefully this chapter will ease... or not... about her safety. :on shady:

@Chanaline: LOL, probably because Yuki knows what's she after, neh? Let's see what happens in the near future with the four characters and their relation with the Origami Killer. Hope this chapter will either help ease... or maybe make you want to murder me after reading it? :on freeze:

@ezha: Here's the next update! :hee:

@gek geki: I'm completely fine with you posting your comment on any of my stories' thread since Disappearance Season 2 is only Tumblr-exclusive. (maybe I should make a thread solely based on letting others know about the updates and let you all comment a bit easier?) Well, the fiction does revolve around kidnapping idols, so it's understandable to why Yuki is so stressed and overprotective of Mayu haha. I'll try my best to take care of Yukirin, LOL. And it's true that Shana is transferring over to Team A, which will be explained in the next chapter update of that series. Basically it's a lot of complications that only third-perspectives could see through them. Thank you for taking the time to read that fiction and hope you continue to support it! :on gay:

Here's the next update finally! You all could tell that the updates are progressively getting slower thanks to school already kicking in. Second week of school finished and I'm not only bombarded with work but also ton of afterschool activities. A tired writer is not something that one would want to see work from, haha. :sweatdrop: Anyway, hope you enjoy the fiction and I will express that we are in the half-point mark of this series! :shocked: After this update, I will be focused on the other chapter of The Virus, so please look forward to it! Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my fictions, comment and/or stalking it, LOL. :deco:

[Chapter 23]


Those were the first sound that has ever slipped out of her mouth. Yuki’s head was pounding. Pounding as though someone had used a hammer to knock her brain awake. Throbbing headache accompanied the stinging pain that lingered from the back of her head. Not in the mood to be viewing the darkness behind her eyelids, Yuki decided it was time to see her surrounding. The eyelids of hers were gradually reopening to the world around her once again.

Around her it was blurry and somewhat dark as though she was in a basement; lights from the outside sun cracking through every window and two within this area. Eyes were still adjusting to such environment as her head tried to wrap itself around what exactly happened. Yuki was far too dazed, merely rolling her head to the left. From her vision, her eyes took a moment to focus on an unfamiliar object on the far corner of the room.

Or so she thought it was an object.

There in the corner of the room was a Japanese male. The young male was dressed casually in long, blue denim pants as a green sweater covered his logo designed shirt. His short black hair were disheveled as his entire body leaned against the wall from behind. The back of his head rested against the dirty brown bricked wall with face lifted at a slight angle. Mouth parted as knees bent close to his chest. All of the limbs were slumped and lifeless. Eyes were closed; not a single twitch nor movement came from his direction. One could wonder if he was either unconscious or... dead.

‘O-Oh my God!’

Yuki finally snapped back to her senses with reality, noticing that she was still in grave danger. Her hands were just about to position itself in order to push herself up when she felt a restraint. Something tight was wrapped around her wrists, rendering her useless. Quickly she whipped her face towards her right wrist. Eyes widen in horror and heart hastening its pace when she saw the thick rope bind her wrist about three times. Panic filled her entire mental system as she struggled. But the more she struggled, the tighter the ropes bounded on both of her wrists. Lifting up her head, her eyes trailed down to her lower body, she realized that her legs were spread apart and were also tied down. Ankles trapped in a powerful hold as traces of fresh, metallic-smelling blood from another individual were splattered on the edges of the metallic operating table. Hinting that Yuki here wasn't the only person to be restraint on this table. 

“Ahhh… Say hello to Matthew. He claimed he had come for the census…” Yuki stopped her attempts to getting out for a brief second. Her eyes ran over to the source of voice. And it was none other than that cursed ex-doctor Adrian in front of her laying figure. Cloaked in his white uniform attire, he was busy on another table; back facing the older girl. “Another one of those goddamn government spies… Had to deal with him.”

She connected the two facts together. The statement that Adrian had uttered and the man that was lying dead in the corner of the room… Just what could possibly had happen to the poor guy? And since he was part of the government spies, this means that the fired doctor here is more dangerous than Yuki could ever imagine. Again, she resumed her struggles; trying so hard to tug on the ropes that kept her down on the table. While she tugged and pulled, the old man started a one-sided conversation.

“So you’re interested in my apartment… I rent it to my friend Paco, if you must know… I’ve no idea what he does there… Maybe that’s where is fornicates with his dancers from the Blue Lagoon…” Yuki’s eyes widen when she heard what he had just stated. This… Paco man… Mayu had stopped by the apartment… And to do such vile things in the apartment. She shook her head to knock off such silly thoughts. She knew for a fact that her ex-husband didn’t just waltz into such place to have… intercourse with another man. It’s just not possible! The poor younger girl came out injured without a pinky, so it’s definitely not that explanation to why she went into the apartment.

“To be honest, I don’t give a damn… Just as long as he pays his rent, he can do whatever he likes…” There was a small pause before Adrian continued. With the next word though, it could give just about anyone a heart attack if they were in Yuki’s position. “But enough with the chit-chat… I miss surgery, you see, so I take every opportunity to practice.”

This raised many red flags over Yuki’s brain when he uttered the one word ‘surgery.’ Considering the fact that he’s a surgeon that has been in illegal affairs, her panic level increased up a notch. For every opportunity to practice… Her eyes shifted over to the deceased body. That must mean this poor spy had been a doll for the disgusting man. And looking at her role right now, Yuki knows for a fact that it was her turn next. Upon gaining this knowledge, she began screaming for help. Screaming for just about anyone to save her. Anyone to save her from this nightmare of being a doctor’s plaything.


There was a faint chuckle heard from the doctor’s direction. A chuckle that soon transformed into a deep, low tone laughter from his throat. Though he was still facing away from Yuki, his head was seen to be tilted to the side at a small angle.

“I don’t have any instruments here, so I use whatever comes to hand. I hope you won’t hold that against me.”

Twisting his entire body around, there was a drill in his dominant right hand. His dirtied hand from the countless blood being shed and sinful actions he had done were loosely gripping the handle. With one pull of his index finger, the machine came to life with the long, thick metal drill turning rapidly in seconds at a clockwise direction. Sound of the metal spinning whirled loudly in the isolated room containing the two of them and a dead shell nearby. Seeing the equipment made all sorts of terror run through Yuki’s vein. Even fainting at this moment would be a better move than staying conscious to witness the agony. Especially when it’s a drill about to probe right into the body of hers.

“Hold tight. This might sting a little…”

Adrian came forth. Slowly he approached the female, who was still shrieking for any sort of help. All struggles cease due to the fact her energy had nearly been wasted from all of the trashing earlier. And even if Yuki did try to shift her position away from the doctor, his left hand reached to still her right leg. The drill then came near her same leg; aiming the tip right below her knee. Yuki could just feel how close it was to piercing through her pants’ layer and into her skin. And she knows very well that it was going to be a nightmare to experience. Squeezing her eyes shut, she prepared herself for the anguish that was soon about to overwhelm.

There was a doorbell ringing from upstairs. And upon hearing it, the medical man halted; drill still running. The two figures were still till they heard another doorbell. This time the ringing was beginning to constantly be pressed upon by the individual by the front door. It looks like the person at the door is impatient. Knowing the situation at hand, Yuki was a bit relieved when Adrian backed away from the female nurse. He switched the electric drill off with a single press of a button. She was panting and felt the sweat run down the side of her face from how close she was to being tortured alive. However, the old man didn’t take this as a positive note. A soft sigh left his figure with a shake of his head.

“Have you ever noticed? As soon as you start to do a little housework, someone always comes calling…” Another faint chuckle was heard. Placing the object that was soon to become a murder weapon between the two feet of Yuki’s, he turned around to walk away from the table. “I’ll get rid of our visitor and be right back. Don’t move… I won’t be long.”

And so he was gone. The cursed doctor that nearly got what he wanted from Yuki. For this to happen at such circumstance… Must God up above be giving her a chance to escape? Gulping, the girl knew better than to linger in her position doing absolutely nothing. She must get out of here. And fast. If she doesn't hurry, then the doctor will surely return and cut off all escape route and options.

Newfound strength trickled back into her body when her body alerted her of the limited time she was granted before Adrian returned. Hastily she struggled with both her arms and legs. Although she tugged and pulled, she began to realize that something felt loose on her right leg. Pausing momentarily with her opposition of the ropes, she saw the binding around her right ankle a bit looser compared to the other three. There were gaps and spaces that if carefully done with her actions, Yuki will be able to free her one leg.

Though she wishes she had more options to release the hold her captor had placed, Yuki had no choice but to rapidly use her brain and instincts to get herself out of the mess. Cautiously but quickly Yuki shifted her right leg back and forth. Moving it back and forth in order for the ropes to loosen even more. It took a good while, but eventually the object wrapped around her ankle was wide enough to slip through her shoe.

Exhaling loudly, Yuki grunted when she pondered on what to do with the next leg and two arms right by her face. They were tougher to deal with. And she comprehends greatly that if she struggled anymore with her other limbs, she could say ‘Sayonara!’ to them for they’ll be tightened to the point it’s near impossible to remove. Calmly laying on her back, she thought about the drill.

‘The drill… The drill!’

Her head wrapped around the fact that she could use the dangerous equipment to remove herself from the ordeal. But she has to be gentle though. Any wrong move and the drill could be knocked off of the table for good. Hands trembling from such tenseness, Yuki gulped once more and dived right into her reckless action. Right foot thankfully free has been lifted up into the air. Slowly she brought it over to the item and placed her entire bottom shoe upon it. Taking in a deep breath, Yuki forced the object to flip its position by giving it a shove with her heel.

Yuki felt it kick yet waited for the responding sound of it clattering on the ground now that she didn’t feel its presence nearby her other foot. But when a second rolled by, Yuki felt the tip just a few inches away from the rope. Now into the position that she wanted it to be in, the nurse smacked upon the button that turned on the system. Since this drill had two different functions that could activate its mechanical function, it was in her favor for the familiar sound filled up the entire room once again.

The next move was going to be a bit risky. Yuki has to cut the rope that binds her to the table with the drill. How is she going to do this? Well, she came up with a plan to lift up her left leg while her right foot pushes the drill into the rope keeping her limb down. A small, minor mistake here could be fatal for her. She can’t afford to have one. So with that thought kept in mind, Yuki inhaled deeply and exhaled the amount of air she had intake.

Again, tension filled the air as she pushed the foreign object close to the binding rope.

‘Careful… Careful… Just a little bit more… Ah!’ Her left leg jerked free when the rope was torn apart from both the use of the drill and strength of the muscles. ‘Two down… Two more to go.’

A stray strand of sweat slipping down the side of her face and dripping down the ends of her bangs from the amount of the substance being formed. Another round of breathing deeply before moving onward to the next move. Now the final move to get at least one of her hand free was either going to be successful or a failure. Yuki grimaced as she arched her body upward so only her feet and upper body rested on the metallic operating table. One push created from the right foot, she had the equipment collide against her forcefully bent left arm. Feeling it running yet at the exact spot she aimed for it to be at, Yuki growled under her breath when she eased her body back on the table’s surface. Without any hesitation, the older girl twisted her lower body’s position in order to bring up her left knee.

It was difficult in a forced position her body was in. Only able to freely move the lower portion of her body is something that most anyone would groan in frustration. Yuki brought her knee up higher and higher, pushing against the black handle so it would be angled at rope. In a fast motion did she bring her left arm so the dangling rope would come into contact with the drill’s tip. However, Yuki nearly knocked away the only object that could get her out of this place alive. Her heart nearly ceased working the moment the drill scooted away from her body.

‘So close! I have to be careful and slow down!’

Once her body had straightened itself to make sure the drill wasn’t going to be further pushed away, Yuki tried another attempt into freeing herself. Again, she brought her knee up in the same procedure as earlier. Only this time she did it a bit slower than previously. Yuki managed to strain her muscles on her left leg just enough to angle the drill at the rope of her arm. Not wasting any precious time, she rubbed the robe against the drill. Within seconds did the girl finally free her left arm from its captor.

And just in time did she see the cursed doctor hastily walking right at her direction. There was amusement yet anger written all over his old face. Oh if Yuki had failed that one last attempt, it would’ve been the end of her life. Her heart nearly leapt up to her throat at such surprising, yet not so surprising, appearance of Adrian. She used her left hand to grip onto the other rope that kept its hold on the last part of her limb. Tearing it off without thinking twice, Yuki swung her body so her back was facing the doctor. The nurse bounced off of the edge and saw the bloodied rolling medical table before her. Her eyes have caught ahold of the biggest item on the surface. Reaching out to grab it, her fingers wrapped around the sticky, wooden handle of the hammer.

Spinning around so she would face Adrian, her heart beat quickened when she was just about to swing the weapon at his direction. However, Yuki had to play it safe and barely managed to avoid an incoming drill targeted right at her chest. The ex-surgeon was wildly swinging it left and right at her direction; across from the table. Knowing for sure that Yuki wasn’t going to get far in this battle, she retreated back to the table that she had grabbed the hammer from.

Still keeping the hammer with her right hand, her other hand blindly reached out for the clamp. And just when she twisted her upper body to the left, she threw with all of her might at the man’s face. It came into contact, but barely dazed him. Actually it only made him even more vicious. Playing along with her game, Adrian threw the running drill right at her head. Yuki was lucky to have fast reflexes for she ducked just in time to hear the object pass overhead. Sound of air cutting right above only made Yuki become even more nervous with the situation at hand.

When Yuki straightened her body, there was a short pause between the two figures. Then without a single thought, the two individuals ran towards opposite direction. Yuki to her left in order to escape from the horrifying situation and Adrian to his left in order to obtain a small saw. Just when the girl ran around the table did he came directly up to her face and attempted to slash across her neck. She yelped and barely caught herself from falling backward instinctively. Arms wildly swinging on both sides of her body, Yuki managed to gain her composure before being forced to dodge another attack from the assaulter.

They waited for who will strike or make their move first. It looks like though Adrian made his move. Swinging his right arm at the older girl, Yuki avoided the fatal blow. But with one more slashing motion from him, the raven haired girl back betrayed her. Tripping back and landing herself on top of the operating table again, she saw how rapid the doctor was advancing towards her. Frantically Yuki raised the hammer she held onto with her right hand and swung it hard at the targeted arm that held the saw. A loud clunk was heard, making the old man curse loudly from such brutality. He retreated back while Yuki herself scrambled to get off of the table.

Alas, just when she rolled herself out and stood on the opposite end of table, the doctor swiftly brought the saw horizontally across the table. Yuki hands managed to escape the fate of being chopped off. However, she ended up crashing at a nearby cemented pole from behind. Wincing, Yuki didn’t let the pain register into her brain for the doctor rushed right at her. The girl brought down the hammer only to halt midair. Adrian’s left hand had caught ahold of it as his other hand brought down the saw. Mirroring the man, she reached out to grab his wrist; trying to push in both arms.

The saw was coming closer and closer to her head as the hammer came closer to Adrian’s direction. However, taking into account of the situation, the running saw would most likely win the fight no matter if the hammer did come into contact or not. This thought flashing across her head, she tore herself away from the vile creature and ran towards the bloody table once more.

Running straight into it, she messily threw her left hand out to grab ahold of the scapel. Lashing out at the man, it was proven ineffective for Yuki completely missed her target. Cursing mentally, she ran the opposite direction from Adrian. That didn’t turn out well in her favor for the table was slowly tilting towards his favor. He gave one hell of a kick towards the rolling table; crashing it straight into Yuki from behind.

She fell forward but luckily caught herself from smashing her face against the edge of the table. Right hand still with the hammer that now rested on top of the wooden table, she tried to catch her breath. And instantly she wielded the hammer and slammed it backward going upward and over her shoulder. Yuki heard the man from behind her howl in agony when the heavy object crashed squarely at his bare forehead. He tumbled backward, trying to shake off the waves that screamed at him of the injury; blood and bruises forming directly at the spot that was affected.

Completely ignoring the throbbing ache from the lower portion of her back, Yuki made a last ditch attempt to just getting the hell out of this place. She didn’t care about Adrian being left behind. She’ll obviously do something about it with the police, but right now her safety is her main concern. The last thing she ever wants is to be dead. Dying is not an option at all. Leaving her family and friends behind is going to kill her even in the afterlife. Especially when it pertains to her ex-husband, Mayu.

The girl sadly tripped and slammed hard on the dirty ground forward. Landing roughly, there was a yelp escaping out of her mouth. All of the weapons at hand were lost from her grip the moment she came into contact with the ground below. Yuki had then frantically crawled by reaching out her right and left arm. Extending them and pulling on her body that refused to get up, she saw her destination of the stairs leading upward a good foot away from her figure.

However, the nurse felt a tug on one of her legs. Adrian was pulling her back and dragged her back into the room. The nurse panicked, hands flying everywhere away from her body just to touch an object that could stop the mad man from doing anything rash. Her right hand managed to grab ahold the wooden handle of a shovel. Flipping her body around so they were facing upward, she bent the knee that her leg were being taken from and thrust it out; smacking right at the nose of Adrian.

While he was covering his nose from the exploding pain, Yuki found her left leg right between his two legs. Just the right position to aim at the most sensitive part of the male’s anatomical body. The raven haired girl flashed her leg right directly at that one area. He went down on his knees due to the impact and dropped the dangerous saw. This did not pose as an advantage to Yuki though. Instead, he recovered from the damages and reached both hands out to wrap them around the girl’s neck; choking her to death.

Yuki slammed the head of the shovel and upper portion of the stick at the man’s back at first. He still did not release his grip nor loosen it. So the girl then proceeded to swing it once more at Adrian. And this time, it came into contact with the left side of his head. The third time getting smacked on the head violently, he barked out incomprehensible words that gargled out of his mouth; hands immediately reaching up to touch his head. This now gave Yuki a chance to get the man off of her body. Using the shovel and gripping it with both hands, she shoved him off of her laying figure on the ground. Adrian rolled to her right once and faced upward.

The girl wanted to make sure he stayed down and boy did Yuki give him a beating. Throwing the shovel to her right hand, she slammed it over and over at the man’s body. Then with one final swing, she used all of her power with both of her arms. Thinking that he’s down for good, Yuki once more scrambled to get up on her two feet.

The table was turned on her again. The familiar grip returned to her left ankle, making Yuki drop on all four again. On the negative aspect, she wasn’t able to find a way to stop the doctor from dragging her away. He easily pulled on her, laughing that only psychotics would ever recreate from. Adrian was trying to reach out with his right hand towards another saw. And the saw was exceptionally bigger than the one wielded before. Quickly Yuki got herself out of his grip and crawled backward as fast as possible. Along the way while she frantically scrambled away from Adrian, her right hand instinctively grabbed ahold of a nearby brick. Just when she stood up on her two feet did she nearly get her entire body split into two.

Running towards the right at the moment Adrian swung it at a vertical direction made him miss the target. But that didn’t stop the psychotic doctor from gaining on her. He gave one push with his left hand, shoving the nurse against the nearest fuel tank with a loud crash. Right when Adrian was seen to be preparing for another one of his move, Yuki was the fastest. Rapidly did she smash the brick right at his wielding hand. It didn’t faze him much though. Rather he lashed out right at her head. Another duck from Yuki’s side and another close encounter with death. She counterattacked with the brick once more and successfully smacked his side.

It went on for a bit between the two. Swinging and lashing out at each other with their own attack. That is until Adrian gave her a shove that made her land right back where she started: the operating table. The poor girl was unable to get up for the doctor pinned the girl down with his left arm. She struggled as the running saw came closer and closer to her ribcage. Yuki didn’t allow it though. Within her trashing limbs, she manage to give him another kick to the nose; making it his second time for the day.

As he backed away with hands over his nose, Yuki took the very saw he had just dropped by her side and ran for her life. The older girl tried to sprint towards the stairs but noticed that Adrian hasn’t given up on her. At the exact moment when he touched her shoulder was he forced to leap backward from the girl’s vicious countering. He was a tad bit too late for the edges of the serated blade came into contact with his right shoulder. Blood instantly formed from the new wound, soaking right through his white clothing.

This angered him though. Angered him even more than Yuki had expected. With a loud cry of wanting to brutally kill the girl before him, he charged directly at her. Taken by surprise at his sudden tackle, Yuki groaned when her back crashed into the cemented pole. Adrian didn’t stop there though. Instead he forcefully grabbed a chunk of Yuki’s black hair including her bangs and shoved her head backward. This made the girl slam the back of her head hard against the wall behind; earning her a dizzying spell that could possibly make her faint. The mad man repeated the action one more time before throwing her right at the operating table forward.

Yuki laid limp at the table. Arms and legs were dangling on both ends of the surface’s edges; unable to respond at her will. Barely able to breathe, she knew that her time was coming. Darkness was greeting her through her vision. Staying awake was getting difficult for her. As she struggled to keep herself conscious, there was the evil presence from behind.

More laughter that now represented one of those cliché bad guys in any cartoon, the old male figure brought his hands to the place where most anyone would slap silly if it happened. Hands caressing Yuki’s behind, Adrian’s hands slid down till he reached the back part of her knee. Then without hesitation, he pulled and flipped over the now-unconscious girl. Yuki’s face was bruised and had slight scrapes from earlier actions. Roaring at this point that could scar just about anyone that would hear it, he examined the girl below him. His hands were residing on the Japanese’s girl sides before advancing it to the next level. Lifting her head from behind with his right hand, he had gotten close to her face. So close that one could smell the exhaling breath escaping out of his mouth.

The figure below him suddenly jerked and brought her left hand behind his head. Then there comes a loud drilling sound followed by the screeches of his agony. Yuki’s right hand was handling the drill; digging it deeper by pressuring it against his chest. His body did not hesitate to spurt out blood from the dangerous equipment, soaking the affected area and Yuki’s fingers. Adrian wanted to escape yet he was unable due to the nurse’s crushing strength at keeping him in her grasp. The male figure began to lean backward a bit thanks to the amount of pressure Yuki is pressing the running machine into him. His entire body shook violently from the drill’s tip spinning inside of him; screwing his entire muscles.

In a matter of long seconds, he dropped dead right on top of the girl’s body; the machine now ripped out of his body and turned off. Both relieved finally and still shaken, Yuki threw the man off of her. He rolled to the right side and slumped till his upper body rested against the table. Scrambling off of the one area, Yuki decided to give one final punishment to the wicked man. A final move to show him how much she despised him. Her left foot flung out a terrifying kick that made the entire now-deceased figure completely slump down.

Looking backward and out of breath, Yuki returned her gaze to where she wanted it to be. Her eyes came into contact with the stairs that would lead upstairs. Upstairs and a chance to leave this house for good. She faced forward and trended ahead; limping and bearing the aches and pains she unintentionally gained throughout the battle. A small doubt lingered behind the back of her brain about Mayu's suspicion of her injuries. But Yuki didn't worry much as of right now due to the shaken aftermath of the ordeal.

Agent Takahashi Minami will take on the lead in the next chapter! :thumbsup

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #205 on: September 01, 2013, 06:41:25 AM »
I missed lots of your updates I guess...

Great updates...

Oh... Yuki... so great she can survive the fight...

What's going to happen next to Mayuki?

What would Takamina do next?

What would Mayuki do with the guys body?

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #206 on: September 01, 2013, 12:44:10 PM »
I think mayuki moment need more chapter than i though
Still had takamina and yuki need to investigated more
I missed mayuki but fine thank i will wait

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #207 on: September 01, 2013, 02:31:45 PM »
Oh wow, Yuki just made through the tiny thread between life and death o.o

Yay TakaDeka back in action 8D
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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #208 on: September 01, 2013, 02:33:26 PM »
EHHHH?! :shocked :panic: Y-yukirin!! :cry:
how dare they try to practice surgery on her :angry:
go yuki! drill them to they die :twisted:
im glad yuki's alive and well :deco: :yep: but poor thing :(
thanx for the update :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #209 on: September 01, 2013, 03:20:00 PM »
wowowowowowowow yuki????? you you wow that man died??? yes he is

omogod! what will happen next??? where yuki going after this?? she still don't get more evidence to proven that her ex-husband is not the origami killer

the next is takamina but i wonder what happen to mayu?

 imissed mayuki so much and your update


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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #210 on: September 01, 2013, 04:05:23 PM »
indeed... head smashing... but i feel like the situation got slightly better? no?

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #211 on: September 02, 2013, 04:54:40 AM »
Wow, that man was really crazy... Yuki and Mayu don't have easy life... It's seem that crazy author love to make them suffer :P

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #212 on: September 02, 2013, 10:51:38 AM »
I felt if it's yuki the one on mayu place,she definitely killed the man in 4th trial.i'm pretty sure about that LOL

Yuki is cool,no wonder mayu fall in loved with her,at first i though yuki image is just a girly type mother.but seeing her vs adrian...,i know the others already said it but i want to say again that yuki+motorcycle = awesome cool!!!

But mayu is cool too,smart and fearless wow.she take all the trial with all her might.

maybe yuki look strong,but mayu is more strong,she's do by herself and trying hard to life after ayame's a person who take all the blame,she really strong...

wonder when jurina grown up how much cool she is~ she has the gene

So you wanna make yuki = wife to ex-wife to wife again? LOL if that happen i hope yuki the one who proposed LOL

Thank for the update


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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #213 on: September 02, 2013, 11:34:43 PM »
Why I even read it O_O!

It was really intense!! Violence and all!! With a lot of descriptions  :bleed eyes:

Well, I like it anyway! She was so cool! My Yukirin!!! And now I'm scared for her! She just has kill someone so I don't think she will be good or maybe because she is a nurse she will don't care about it (I don't think nurse kill people though XD)

What a life they have our MAyuki in your fic!!

Thank you for thhis chapter!!! :twothumbs
Mayuki = Cutest couple

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #214 on: September 03, 2013, 08:50:04 PM »
no comment.... O_O

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #215 on: October 01, 2013, 03:27:45 PM »
when you updating dissapearance...i guess this HFAPTG will to be soon update nyahahahahaha

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 23 [Update: 09/01/13]
« Reply #216 on: October 25, 2013, 04:21:56 AM »

@cisda83: We'll find out more about what Takamina is doing within this chapter! :thumbsup

@gek geki: Yeah, there isn't a whole lot of Mayuki, but there should be some soon in the near future updates! And yes, both Takamina and Yuki needs to investigate in order to find more out of the Origami Killer. For the sake of Mayu! For the sake of poor Juju! :doh:

@Yuki88: Yep! This just reminds us that Yukirin isn't as weak as we may think she is, haha! And yeah, Takamina's action is up in this chapter! :thumbsup

@mayuki_daisuki: LOL, drill him until he dies indeed! He deserved it! And definitely glad she is alive too. I don't think any of us can take it if she died from this monstrous ex-doctor. :bleed eyes:

@Terragen: Yep, LOL. I'm going on a schedule with updates, so after Disappearance series, it'll come down to this series up in line. :grin: And definitely Yuki needs to continue searching for more evidence in order to prove that her ex-husband-er... wife... whatever, isn't the Origami Killer.

@Shinoki: The situation for Yukirin at least has gotten better I can say, LOL. :sweatdrop:

@Llyloo: LOL, coming from me? None of my characters are ever going to have an easy life. :panic:

@kurogumi: I bet Juju will grow up to become as cool as both of her two mamas~ And LOL, I wonder? That's one assumption to make there. :P

@Chanaline: Violence is apparently my forte haha! Of course we all know that nurses don't kill (we don't know secretly, fufufu), but here if her life's on the line... I think anyone sane enough to murder the person that's going to kill them just for their personal pleasure. :shocked

@mo-chan: Don't worry, LOL. I sense that the previous update didn't really need much commenting... :rofl:

Hello everyone! Long time no see, yes? :grin: Okay, I don't know if it's really that long, but I'm back! Let's just say school likes to delay my time even more than before...

Not much of an author's note here to drop off, but do look forward to this chapter! Thank you to my readers whether you comment/give thanks or not and even to those that at least managed to read the title before scrambling off to another world. :bow: I couldn't have made it far without you all! Many loves and hugs to everyone. :deco:

[Chapter 24]

Thursday, 2:18 PM. Agent Takahashi Minami knew that she had limited time to save Watanabe Jurina.

Her hands on the wheel of her black car, the shorter girl’s eyes stared straight ahead as she drove on the wet road. Wheels were heard rolling through the damp street. The headlights were turned on for safety purposes; lighting up the path for the agent. Slowly the street became dirt. Thanks to the rain up above, the dirt transformed into mud; leaving trails from behind. Continuing to occasionally press her left foot upon the gas pedal, she soon came upon an area where her target resides in. Fences stretched from both directions other than the main entrance. A rusty, green sign read: ‘Access prohibited’. Although every sane person knew better than to head right into the place, Minami didn’t really have much of a choice.

Quickly driving her car into a position where it’s off the main road and a decent spot within the dirt setting, Minami used her right hand to move the stick shift into its desired position. She pulled it upward and let it lock into the ‘P’ setting for parking. Letting the car sit for a couple seconds, the young agent glanced around to examine the area.

The place was specifically meant for destroying cars. Cars that weren’t needed were to be sent out here and either melted or crushed. A dangerous job for those wanting to take the offer and a less suitable pay check flying straight into their account. Unless there are those that loved the sound of metal being compressed into unimaginable forms and shapes, then many would be highly advised to stay far away from such occupation. Rain continued to splatter down upon the land. Now that the car was parked and fully turned off, the wipers cease further action of swiping away the rain droplets on the glass view in front of Minami. Faint sounds of a single running yellow mechanical truck drove around in the background to reach to its destination.

Minami glanced over to the right and pulled upon the glove compartment. Snapping out and fully showing the agent the materials and items within the container, her eyes looked over the only two objects that sparked her interest. A handheld revolver and her ARI glasses. Of course, Minami immediately reached out to grab the glasses. She decided to leave the gun behind however. Despite feeling her gut instinct scream at her to grab it and at least put it in the back pocket, the agent shrugged the bad feeling off. She knew that carrying it around would only alarm the possible-dangerous witness into attacking her. Right now her job was to collect the information, not arrest the man called Rein Akuma.

The girl’s right fingers wrapped around the black object as she retracted her arm back to her body. Stuffing it into her pocket of her jacket, she leaned to the left. She used her other hand to unlock the door and shove her body into the outside world of her car.

Instantly the short girl was smacked upon with the wet weather once more. Wet droplets fell down upon her body; quickly soaking up her clothing and jacket without hesitation. Instinctively Minami squinted her eyes as she scanned the area once more.

Here she was able to gain a better, clearer view of her environment. Smokes and huge piles were seen from the distance. It hinted to Minami that the workers were still hard at work on their job. It doesn’t look like it’s going to be finished anytime soon. So tugging on the end of her dark coat’s collars, she shuddered slightly at the sudden chill brought upon from the wet clothing. To her right, the agent saw the workshop that would keep all of the cars and equipment for the workers. Whether it was to destroy the cars or keep them, it was kept safe from the weather outside.

It didn’t take a second for the girl to walk towards the area.

Finally out of the rain, the girl tried to squeeze out the remaining extra water from within her soaked ponytail. Both of her hands wringing it, Minami could only mentally sigh. Today was truly a long day for her. Feeling as if it could extend at a ridiculous length. However, time actually was running short. Running short for her on her case to hunt for the Origami Killer. Running short to saving Watanabe Jurina before being murdered from earth’s Mother Nature themselves.

“Hey, cracka! What you doin’ in there?”

Minami swore that if she wasn’t wringing and trying to get rid of the water from her hair, her short figure would’ve leapt up in the air a couple good inches. Literally. Thankfully the girl kept the sole of her shoes rooted from the startling booming voice heard behind. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw the Japanese male known as ‘Mad Jack’ rapidly approaching up to her direction. Barely noticeable brown hair was seen to be wet from working outside. Minami couldn’t help but direct her eyes upon the deep, dark scar that ran across his nose. Dressed in a white muscle shirt and army jeans that accompanied with the brown, heavy boots, Akuma here looks as dangerous as his profile picture from the ARI. She gulped and cursed to herself silently when the older, more taller and muscular male stepped forth. Upon closer inspection, she saw the faint splatters of permanent black marks from the mechanical work he had done not too long ago. The girl felt a shudder when she dragged her eyes over to the arms; littered with cruel tattoos imprinting the image of a black dragon.

Releasing her fingers’ hold on the brown hair, Minami swung it behind her figure as she turned around to get a better look at the man. Seeing his full figure now in her sight, the younger girl began her introduction.

“Takahashi Minami, FBI. Can we talk for a minute?”

He came to a stop when they were a good distance away from each other. Not too far yet too close. Cocking his chin up with an arrogant attitude, the man scrunched his nose with disgust.

“Yeah?” he scoffed.

The FBI agent wasn’t pleased to hear his reaction. Regardless though, she continued to explain her intention to the man.

“I’m looking for the owner of a blue Chevrolet Malibu 83.” Then she frowned when she made the next statement. Although an agent isn’t supposed to say this, Minami was becoming desperate to find an answer. The one and only clue that she got was here with this guy. And she’s going to be sucking out as much information as possible with all of her might. “I don’t give a damn how the car got here or whether you stole it or not. I just want to know who bought it from you.”

A brief pause. Then an answer from Rein.

“Sorry, man. Don’t ring a bell,” he shook his head slightly while keeping his eyes trained upon Minami. To prove his point, he smirked and pointed at his own head, poking it a few times from the side. “I got a real bad memory for names…”

Minami knew he was lying. The car came from this place and she knew it with evidence gathered. This just frustrates her to know that Rein here isn’t contemplated into spilling out whatever knowledge this man has inside of his skill. Feeling ticked, the shorter girl maintained her fierce stare.

“Perhaps I can help you remember,” she offered. “If we find out that you sold the car to the man we’re looking for, you’re looking at some pretty solid time inside, Akuma my boy.”

Informal. Sarcastic. Humorous. The three tones and characteristics that would perfectly describe the girl’s tone and attitude. Crossing her arms across her chest, she watched with a bit of amusement as the grown man growled.

“You try to scare me with your big talk?” The Japanese male came right up to Minami’s figure. Staring right down at her, the height difference was obvious to anyone on the sideline. The two individuals glaring and holding the most intense staring battle while Rein continue to speak. “I never saw your damn car. Now go take a walk.”

With that said, Minami now saw the man’s back. Walking away and back to his work, she merely blinked a few times before loosening her arms across her chest. Dropped them back down to her sides, the brown haired female exhaled quietly. ‘Man… This is going to be a pain in the ass.’

She knew what to do. Not wasting any time, she placed on her glasses and tugged on her black ARI glove to her left hand. Her eyes were met with the familiar view of a recording and slightly dimmed down version of her vision. In this huge space, there was the huge glassed windows covering nearly eighty percent of the wall on the back. High up above and around, metal steels and structures were kept in place to hold the opened building up. Before her eyes, she saw a few tables scattered with equipment and items pertaining to fixing or destroying the vehicles. At the very back and most of the right side of the shelter, there were lines of cars parked neatly. Many looked worthless to take a testing drive in due to the terrible state it was in. Then to the left, the many oilcans were seen sitting on the side. Rust and wears shown on the exterior surface of the object.

‘Let’s get over with this.’

It didn’t take long for her to start scanning the area. Raising her left hand slightly and having the palm point downward, a single small motion scanned the area around her figure’s spot. Instantly a blotch of green trail along with shoe prints were seen on the left side. Agent Minami hurried over to the area and kneeled down on her knees to further examine the now-gone evidence.

Fingers touching upon the trail of liquid, she noticed that it was blood from both the description of the molecular data gathered from the ARI hovering above the glowing green marks and the pattern of the substances.

‘Blood… Now why is there blood here?’

Quickly she performed another scan to see more data points hovering up in the air for her to see. There was a huge pool of blood near the first table just a couple inches away. When she glanced over her shoulder, she saw the trail continue all the way… to the acid bath. Yes, the acid bath. It was meant to melt and destroy certain mechanical parts of a car that can’t be destroyed by force alone, resulting in a resort to chemicals. Eyes squinting behind the dark glasses, she didn’t have much words. Assumptions ran through her mind, but she couldn’t jump to conclusion quickly about what the cause was. Besides, Minami truly didn’t want to know why there was blood here. Her focus was on Jurina, not finding out about another murder case from possibly the suspect she just talked to minutes ago.

Now up on her two feet, the agent glanced over at the table to see that the data gathered are merely fingerprints from Akuma. Nothing interesting nor worth mentioning in this case.

However, her eyes had caught sight of something she wanted to see. More footprints… Yet they were different from the green tracks earlier. They were bolded yellow to signify from the ARI’s observant database that this was another person’s shoeprints. Kneeling down once more, Minami made note that it was at a much smaller size.

‘Size 10. Most likely a visitor.’ Right next to the shoe prints a little distant away was another pair of shoeprints. However, when the agent stared at it a bit, she noticed that this must mean that ‘Mad Jack’ and the visitor were not only heading towards the same direction but having the same purpose of some sort. This could help Minami pull Akuma in as a prime suspect into helping the Origami Killer from kidnapping the young children. Scrunching her eyebrows, Minami got back up on her two feet and glanced over at the tire tracks seen directly in front of Akuma’s.

When she glanced over at the data gathered, she shook her head. ‘Definitely not the car I’m looking for…’ It wasn’t the same as what she had analyzed earlier in the office. Thanks to the tire tracks that certain car models have, this showed a much rougher, bumpier trail behind. So that means the one car that left this area was someone different. But then across from it, there was a single streak of tire tracks. Just a foot away, it was coming from a new direction that wasn’t the same as the one she just examined.

Minami touched and observed the track. Her eyes behind the glasses widen when a new knowledge was gained.

‘Same brand of tire as the car I’m looking for…’ A burning question that she desired to have answered popped into mind. ‘Has the killer’s car been in here?’

Has it been here? If it has, then does that mean Akuma had sold it to an individual that was willing to take it away and use its purpose to kidnap the little kids without being traced easily? Since the car was obviously not here anymore, it will be difficult to track down where exactly it was. It’s a stolen vehicle and most likely Akuma here doesn’t have any record of who bought it. Just who bought it and is the car really here? Or is it merely a different, yet same model of car parked here a while ago?

Straightening her back, the Agent Takahashi scanned the atmosphere to see that there were pollens in the air. Pollens… in the air. It reminded her about the killer’s traces of pollen due to the flower being placed on the children’s chest. A symbolism that she has yet to place her finger on. Immediately she extended her hand out to read the comments the ARI had in store for her.

‘ARI Comment: traces of orchid pollen in the air inside the garage… Does this mean… That the killer has truly been here after all?’

Though her mind has been set on Akuma here actually selling the car and the Origami Killer stopping by this location, she wanted to make sure she got all of the evidence at hand to back her up. You’ll never know when there’s that one moment of uncertainty and mistake that leads to the wrong conclusion. Maybe the killer truly didn’t come here. Rather it might just be the usual thief or some sort of buyer trying to get the cars at a cheaper, more illegal price. And Akuma here is just doing his business of selling them.

‘Ugh… I hate this so much.’

Squeezing her eyes shut, Minami brought her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. It really is a tiring… stressful day. All she wanted was to have this entire ordeal sorted out. But of course, considering that she’s part of the FBI, it wasn’t like every single case was given to her likes cakes from a cake shop.

Her mind unconsciously wandered back into the world of the past. The little world where she had freed Mayu.

Getting Watanabe Mayu out of the interrogation room along with Maeda Atsuko made her feel like she did the right thing. Her guts and heart was screaming at her that the killer is someone else. And she followed it.

Sadly of course, Minami and Atsuko had the horror to face both Captain Sayaka and Blake’s wrath minutes later. Though Sayaka was much calmer, Blake was raging endlessly about the prime suspect being freed and gone from their grasp. She remembered vividly how he grabbed and put the FBI agent at a dangerous position by lifting her short figure up into the air. Hands around her collars, he barked and threatened that it was the agent. Atsuko nearby pleaded that he stop his action and to let go of Minami. Though it took a couple long seconds, Blake removed his hold and dropped the girl down to the ground.

Minami may now be safe and having Atsuko wrapping her arms around her small body to protect it from further danger, the both watched him kick a nearby chair violently. His loud yells and hollers were echoing inside of Minami’s skull, bouncing off the walls and around as if it was a bouncy ball.

Shaking her head, the agent reopened her eyes and removed her fingers. There’s always a time and place for everything, but not now. Now was not the time to dwell upon her actions and the consequences of it. She’ll worry about that after this investigation. What matters now is Jurina and saving her life. Then after the mission, she might as well give Atsuko her thanks for the support. Maybe treat her to dinner also?

A small smile formed across her face unconsciously as she thought of the receptionist girl. She was supposed to be focusing on the mission but couldn’t help and think about Atsuko. The young lady that is a rarity to find upon the police station. Minami must be lucky to know her even if it was only for a few days. Her heart even picked up its pace from remembering Atsuko comforting her and leading her back into the office room. It’s a shame that she can’t remain long on her side or Atsuko will surely be dragged out physically to her appropriate work area.

Eyes and brain refocused themselves onto the situation at hand. The smile that stretched soon disappeared in matter of seconds. When she followed the direction that could locate the main starting point of the track, Minami realized that there was an obvious, blue paint markings that outlined the car’s shape. Down on her knees to touch the substance, her ARI gloved fingers brushed upon the dried paint that even without the glasses, could be seen.

‘A few traces of blue paint… The same tire tracks… No doubt about it. The killer’s car was here.’

Her conclusion was finally made. The Origami Killer’s car that he used was here. One proof to create if she ever had to argue against another opposing idea or theory.

Now there wasn’t much else to analyze nor gather. When she looked around and scanned the area, only fingerprint results of Akuma were shown. Sighing, she scratched the back of her head as she adjusted the glasses with her hand.

‘I believe it’s time we confront the man here…’ she cracked her knuckles. Though forces might be resorted to having him answer her questions, Minami was left with no other option than to face the man. As much as the agent wants to find a much safer choice, there was none to be seen. She should prepare herself for the violent personality of Akuma.

Walking a couple good steps towards the outside world, she merely came to the very edge of the shelter when her heart froze in spot. A booming voice came up from behind at such short notice.

“Damn! You got me officer…” That voice. Heh. It was almost no surprise who it was coming from. Not to mention the cold, metal blunt objection pressing against the back of her head. Pushing and pressing it upon the spot that if the wielder decides to pull the bullet, she would end up dead in no time. Glancing over her shoulder slightly, she retracted and returned her position to facing forward when she identified that it was indeed Akuma.

There was a scoff followed by the sudden shove of the weapon against her head. “I’ll come clean… Now that car, she buffed up real good. I painted her ‘dangerous blue’ in honor of that dangerous motherfucker that was driving her.”

As he spoke, his left hand flew over her shoulder to touch her jacket’s upper pockets. Hands now up in the air to surrender and admit that she was powerless, Minami could only snarl as her hidden pistol she always kept by her side aside from the one in the car is taken away from her possession. Weaponless, she knew that she is in grave danger if one wrong move was made. Minami didn’t even have to look over to hear her gun being thrown aside.

“Hands on your head, pig,” the threatening man commended as the point of the gun raised up higher and at the upper half of her head. He once again harshly pressed the dangerous object against Minami, making her lean her head forward from such force. “I ain’t got time to be playing around with you.”

Biting the bottom of her lips, she was spun around and lurched forward when the rough man shoved her forward with one last push. Stumbling forward a few steps with hands still up in the air, the man then grumbled, “Let’s get you outta sight and finish you off…”

Minami was forced to walk forward. Forced to move onward and back into the shelter. She knew that this guy wanted to severe her life in a private area where her body could easily be hidden. Just the mere thought of it disgust her. Most anyone at this situation knew it was hopeless. A gun pointed right at her direction with hands now behind her head and weaponless, the agent might as well admit defeat.

Yet she wasn’t ready to give up just yet.

Eyes glancing around rapidly, the pair fell upon a small, flat rolling platform with wheels underneath. It merely took her a few more steps till she allowed her right foot to step on top of the metal’s surface. Resting her foot on top of it, in one swift motion, Minami slid it backward where it smacked the assaulter’s lower leg. Contact was seen to be made and Akuma tumbled forward with surprise from such actions. Seeing that the gun was now lowered and both arms down in front of his body, Minami used this chance to strike the man. Hands scrambling around the table wildly, in a split second, she threw out her arm and swung it from up above to smack the man with a wrench.

Sadly Akuma had enough control to pull back his body. Quickly Minami threw out another attack only to see that her hand cease to move any farther in the air; halted in midair. Shocked, the agent gasped painfully when a punch from the other hand was thrown into her stomach.


Almost losing her breath, the shorter girl found herself being carried in a wrestler fashion from the muscular attacker. And in the process of being lifted in the air securely with the help of the man’s arms, her ARI glasses fell off from her face and down towards the ground. Her vision was immediately returned back to normal, causing a slight confusion to her psychology state. Squinting her eyes, she snapped them shut when her back came crashing forcefully upon a nearby car’s exterior. Head slammed against the roof of the engine’s lid, Minami was in dazed till she watched in horror of Akuma’s next action.

There was a long metal pipe that Akuma’s burly hand snagged ahold of. Fingers wrapped around it tightly, he didn’t hesitate to bring the foul object upon Minami’s body. Acting instantly on instinct, the girl rolled to the right in order to avoid a fatal blow to her skull that might as well shatter it from the blunt force. Again, another roll she had to perform on another direction in order to dodge the pipe. And boy was she deadly close to receiving the fatality. It was just a mere centimeter away from touching upon the back of her head.

Akuma seem to have gotten the message that wildly smacking it down on the agent wouldn’t get him anywhere. So instead, he was going to shove the blunt tip of the pipe right at the very top of Minami’s head. Terrified of the predicted outcome, the younger girl twisted her position. Just in time, the end came crashing right in between her spread out legs and into the front glassed window of the car. Cracks spread out instantly upon contact. The girl didn’t waste any spare moment to grab ahold of the pipe. Trying to balance herself so she wouldn’t fall unexpectedly on her side, the object was rapidly removed from the area and nearly lost her balance again.

The agent knew for sure what’s going to happen next if she didn’t act quickly on her feet. Scrambling and flipping her body’s position so she was now on all four, the girl pounced forward like a tiger on the roof of the vehicle. A loud crash and vibration sent out from the impact was felt as she landed roughly on top of the car. Trying to get herself out of her dizzying state, from the corner of her eyes, she spotted Akuma standing on top of the engine’s lid. Holding it like a baseball bat, the cruel figure swung it towards Minami’s direction.

She shoved her entire figure backward in attempt to dodge it. And dodging she has successfully achieved. However, when she finally managed to stand back up, she barely got the chance to avoid a startling blow from the man now inches away from where she was. Arms flailing on her sides, the agent tried to catch her balance when the muscular male was going to swing it downward once more. Another dodge towards another direction to avoid it.

Now as much as she knew that dodging was the safest choice, Minami had to stop this man from attempting to knock her out. Dropping low the moment the metal pipe swung horizontally, it didn’t take long for her to tackle straight into the man’s front body.

It didn’t turn out as well as she had expected. Akuma was knocked aside, but Minami ended up flying right past him. Back of her head smacking hard against the window, she rolled a few times on the floor before stopping with her back laying on the ground. Panting, Minami took about two seconds to force her bruised body into scrambling towards the gun that was knocked out earlier from her first move here in the shelter. Seeing as how it was a couple feet away, she ran for her dear life against the only weapon that could save her from the man’s punishing blow of the pipe.

Her hand snagged it just in time. Yet right when her fingers tightened around the handle, Minami felt the side of her body being rammed with another human body. Yelping loudly, her body rolled once on her side and onto her back. At the same exact time, Akuma’s huge body flew into the nearby empty oilcans and scattered them from his hasty, blunt action.

Now on his side and only weapon thrown out of his hand upon crashing, Akuma instantly raised his hands up in defeat as Minami aimed the point at his direction. Finger curled right at the trigger, she was panting and trying to catch her breath as the battle was now over. Scrunching her eyebrows till creases formed on her forehead, she snarled out her response to his violent behaviors.

“Enough fucking around!” the agent warned loudly. Breathing heavily in and out, she kept aim as her deadly glares penetrated right into his. “Now you’re going to tell me about the man with the blue car!”

“Go fuck yourself in the ass…”

It didn’t look like Akuma was willing to give her the answer that she wanted. Even though he admitted that he sold the car, he wouldn’t tell the identity of the guilty individual. The guilty individual that is so-called the Origami Killer. Her patience was being tested as she took half a step forward.

“Last chance, Akuma. Make it easy on yourself.”

There was a smirk on his face. “What you gonna do? You ain’t got them killer eyes, so what? You gonna CUFF me!?” He even exaggerated the ‘cuff’ term by extending out both of his arms and held them at a close distance; as if he was surrendering. But alas, he retracted his arms back. Keeping that same, stubborn and arrogant personality written all over his face.

Though it was true that this girl wasn’t the type to kill, the mocking tone that the man carried just irritated her onto a whole new level. And Minami had enough of him. So she decided to go for brute force. In one swift motion, she smacked the side of the gun against his nose. And the hit was so strong that any bystander would hear the solid weapon come into contact with one of the many features of the face. There was blood instantly dripping down from the area as he yelled at the agent in agony.

“Broke my fucking nose, pig!” he cried out as his left hand reached over to touch the damaged nose.

Hoping she got his point across, she even extended the threat by adding, “Next I’m gonna blow a hole in your face. Spill. ALL OF IT.”

“You don’t scare me, mister CSI… You ain’t got it in ya…”

‘Still acting bluff even with a broken nose, hm?’

A gunshot rang in the air followed by the bullets smacking right near Akuma’s head. He jerked to the side to avoid the fatal blow that would end his life in seconds if he weren’t careful. It looked like Minami surprised him with her aim for that was enough to shaken him up. “Damn! You outta your motherfuckin’ mind, man!?”

“Oh shit, Akuma. Ain’t nothing to it… Just a little bit of self-defense.” She scrunched her nose to express her disgust of his actions. “Page one of the police manual. Kill, or be killed.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop! Enough! I’m startin’ to remember some things… You be cool and I’ll tell you the tale…”

Keeping her aim still focused on the man straightening himself back up and leaning against the oilcan, at least Minami knocked some sense into this guy. Her eyes squinted slightly as she trained her attention narrowly and only to Akuma as he started talking.

“Now I don’t know nothing’ about the guy… He wanted me to get rid of his dirty car and get him a new one with false plates. He paid cash and I ain’t the questionin’ kind.” As he spoke, he got up on his two feet with the assistance of the remaining standing oilcans from behind. “He said I was supposed to drop the word to a guy named Paco down at the Blue Lagoon when the car was done. Now, that’s all I know…”

Looks like she got the answer she needed. But considering his violent actions earlier, it was time that he be interrogated for further information and discussion. Not just from the case alone but also attacking an authority of higher status and performing illegal businesses.

“We’ll continue this discussion down at the station. You’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything…”

The words faded from her sentence. Vision was beginning to blur for her as Minami felt a warm liquid drip down from her nose. Unconsciously her right hand came up to touch the area in order to check if she was bleeding. And sure enough, she was. The familiar dizzying effect that she really hoped to avoid, especially at this time and place.

‘Shit… not now…’

The Triptocaine side effect was kicking in. Not taking enough of it was causing her to tremble once more. But shaking her head, her eyes were having difficulty training upon Akuma. His hands up in the air, he even had a confused expression as she continue to speak in a strong voice that soon trailed off again.

“…anything you say can and will be…”

It looks like this wasn’t working for her. Even the opposing attacker noticed the strange change in her actions. “Hey, you look like you got a problem, man.” There was a chuckle from Akuma when he realized that the agent was unstable.

Vision getting even worse, Minami could only use one hand to operate the gun as another was digging into her pocket of the drug. Bad enough for her, she can’t multitask. Only the drug was what crossed through her mind. Take it. Take it. Just take the damn drug. It was all that echoed in her brain back and forth. As though they were sound waves, they continued to drag her attention away from Akuma. When her other hand fumbled to get the drug, she felt a jerk and saw the vile fly out of her grasp. It flew right next to the man. And as if a person desperate to getting high, she dropped the gun and got down on all four in order to retrieve it. Her brain blocked out everything other than the goal to reach the vile. The mocking words of Akuma were barely heard entering into her eardrums accompanied by even more chuckles.

“What? They letting you dope heads in the FBI now?”

Minami was getting weak. She couldn’t even reach out to it without trouble. All of the strength disappeared from her as her mind wrapped around getting the drug. The vile merely inches away if she stretched her right hand far enough. Then there was Akuma’s foot in the picture, kicking it away and off from her train of sight.

Noticing that she was in a dire situation that would end badly thanks to the lack of drugs in her body, she tried to push herself up. Instantly there was a crushing blow made to her stomach from a single kick. Gasping, Minami fell onto her side as she cowered into a ball, trying to protect herself from any more danger. The dizziness, blurriness, shakiness, and aching pain from her body only made it difficult for the girl to stay conscious. Eyelids struggling to keep open, she barely parted her lips to intake in the oxygen from the atmosphere weakly.

Her eyes gazed over slowly to the hovering Akuma. Standing high and tall, the dangerous male grinned sadistically as he cocked his head arrogantly to the side. Lifting up his foot in the air, he made sure that it was a good foot away from her face.

“Now I’m gonna give you a little help with your drug problem, Miss Five-0… Permanently.”

Then the foot came down upon her face; blackening her vision and remaining in the black realm.

Takamina will be up next! Will she be... okay? :panic:

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 24 [Update: 10/24/13]
« Reply #217 on: October 25, 2013, 04:00:44 PM »
yay! update!!  :cathappy:
poor takamina she has so much pressure in her :nervous
grrr!! stupid akuma!! leave takamina alone!! :angry:
as atsuko would say... MINAMI!! :cry:  great theres another person on my list who i want to kill now :twisted:
thanx for the update LF-chan :cow: :bow:
from auntie MD :lol:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 24 [Update: 10/24/13]
« Reply #218 on: October 26, 2013, 11:40:02 AM »
ehh!? minami!!!

wonder what happen next

 i missed mayuki

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

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Re: How Far Are You Prepared To Go? [Mayuki] - Chapter 24 [Update: 10/24/13]
« Reply #219 on: October 26, 2013, 01:49:43 PM »
Thanks for the update and... Takamina finally managed to track Mayu's first trail, but.... dammit. What will happen to her?
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