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Author Topic: The Juice=Juice Thread  (Read 185161 times)

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #660 on: May 20, 2024, 05:14:14 AM »

Eba, impersonating a 2-star Admiral is a serious offence, you know?[/size]
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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #661 on: May 20, 2024, 05:11:29 PM »

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #662 on: June 04, 2024, 06:59:38 AM »
Team J=J, all 11 of them, having fun in their R&R near Naval Station Okinawa:

Commander Inoue performing her duties diligently as the new incoming Executive Officer, looking after her younger charges:

While the Osaka combi, Riai and Ichika went around town with their mischievous antics:

Warrant Officer Sakurachi stayed behind at their base tent grilling food in the BBQ for hungry Kisaki, Ringo and Mifu

After the Okinawa night mission concluded, Sergeant Kawashima said that she was having too much fun, and she don't wanna return to their home base in Tokyo. Outgoing Commanding Officer Uemura responded in her typical motherly nature:

Kawashima: Its too much fun here!! I don't wanna go home!
Uemura: OK, I'll leave you here then

Lieutenant Matsunaga: Mifu is necessary for Juice's future, so we're DEFINITELY taking her home with us:

When the time comes for her to get promoted to Commander, Riai is definitely suited to be a Top Gun instructor:

What a good group!

« Last Edit: June 04, 2024, 08:32:01 AM by bluewind78 »
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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #663 on: June 08, 2024, 05:16:59 PM »
The Admiralty has made a formal announcement that Captain Ruru Danbara has been officially appointed the new Commanding Officer of Team JUICE. She will be assisted by Commander Rei Inoue, who will serve as the new Executive Officer of the elite group. The duo will officially begin their tenure after the official handing over ceremony by Rear-Admiral Akari Uemura who will be departing the team for higher office.


Congratulations to Captain Danbara and Commander Inoue. May Juice continue to reach further heights from here on:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #664 on: July 15, 2024, 08:35:59 PM »

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #665 on: July 18, 2024, 06:57:26 AM »
Team JUICE performed their first mission under the command of Captain Danbara Ruru:

Every member wore the Special Warfare tags they received from their former Commanding Officer, Rear-Admiral Uemura Akari:

Overseeing the mission, in attendance among the crowd are Admiral Miyazaki Yuka and Rear-Admiral Uemura Akari:

Admiral Uemura imparting some words of wisdom to Tako (Lieutenant-Commander Kudo Yume)

Yume also took the opportunity to interact with the Fifth Fleet's Admiral after completing the mission:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #666 on: August 09, 2024, 06:46:32 PM »
After the conclusion of The summer "ALL OF US" Campaign, Special Warfare Division received orders to be assigned to the Fifth Fleet.

Fifth Fleet's Commanding Admiral, Miyazaki Yuka convened a special meeting at the Flag Officer's Club Cafe to discuss their clandestine operation. In attendance at this high level Tea session are Admiral Miyazaki's own former team-mates and close friends, Special Warfare's Rear Admiral Uemura Akari and Naval Research and Development's Rear Admiral Miyamoto Karin

YUKA: We should never discuss mission details on an empty stomach, Uemu.

AKARI: I wholeheartedly agree, Admiral. As long as you're the one paying...  :P


KARIN [groaning and complaining]: Oh, C'mon Yuka-chan...its not everyday that the 3 of us can meet here like this!!

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #667 on: August 17, 2024, 03:21:27 AM »

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #668 on: October 12, 2024, 06:42:47 PM »
OG Members of the Admiralty, ADM Miyazaki, RADM Uemura and RADM Miyamoto joined the current active duty members of Juice when they celebrated J=J Day this year on 10th October. It was also revealed by Yuka that retired Ensign Yanagawa Nanami joined in the celebration after the mission:

Connecting the past and present, JUICE will always be a FAMILIA:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #669 on: October 16, 2024, 03:02:38 PM »
[REI INOUE was checking through the instrument panels of the F-20 jet when she heard the sound of someone climbing on the cat ladder leading to her cockpit]

REI: Rio-chan? How come you're here?

FLT KITAGAWA RIO: Morning, Ma'am. It's my turn to do deck officer pre-launch duties, Commander.

REI: I thought hotshot pilots get special treatment on board this ship.

RIO: Considering we have JUICE on board, I'm more inclined to believe it's your unit that deserves special treatment on board Morning Musume, Commander.

REI: Still, I guess I can consider myself privileged to have one of Morning's ace aviators strapping me in for this mission.

RIO: And it's been my honour to be of service to Special Warfare's elite officer, Commander Inoue [salutes REI]. Good luck, Ma'am.

[Elsewhere on board the MUSUME...]

LCDR KUDO YUME: Why is it so hot in here on your ship, Mei?

FLT YAMAZAKI MEI: It can't be helped, Yume. But perhaps we could cool down in the freezing cockpit of Rio-chan's F-18.

YUME: Are you sure that's ok?

MEI: Trust me, comrade...when have I ever let you down?

YUME: You're on! Lead the way!

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #670 on: November 17, 2024, 09:00:40 AM »

[Team JUICE members wearily disembarked from the C2 Greyhound Aircraft after an exhausting mission, glad to be finally within the safety of the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Angerme]

FLT Matsunaga Riai: Captain! Look! [pointing towards the ship's flagpole]

CAPT Danbara Ruru: 2 silver stars on a melon green naval ensign flag. That could only mean one thing.

CMDR Inoue Rei: Admiral Uemura's here? Did you know about this Ruru?

Ruru: Nope. But whatever it is, it must be something important, for our flag officer to travel all the way here.

Rei: OK girls, get some rest and sleep if you can. We have a feeling we're gonna need it.

[As Ruru and Rei continued their journey to the Tactical Operations Center, they bumped into Ocha's leading duo, LTC Saito and Major Hiromoto Ruri]

LTC Saito Madoka: Danbara-san, Inoue-san. So you got the message too?

Ruru: What have you heard, Madopi?

Madoka: Here's the transcript. All Commanders of Special Warfare units to report to TOC for a classified briefing. COs and XOs only.

[Ruru and Rei exchanged puzzled glances at each other, as they turned the corner to the briefing room, they knocked on the door]


[Ruru, Rei, Madoka and Ruri stood at attention, greeting in unison]: Evening, Admiral!

RADM Uemura Akari: At ease. Sit down, guys. [smiling] Its so good to see you all again.

Ruru: This is a surprise, Admiral. You could've wired your orders from Yokosuka, Ma'am

Akari: I guess I could, Captain. But unfortunately the nature and scope of this particular mission is highly sensitive in nature. I could not risk any messages being intercepted by hostile forces. As such, I can only rely on and deploy the units that I can personally trust, which at the moment, are Juice and Ocha.

Ruri: Is this a HVT extraction or rescue mission, Ma'am?

Akari: You're right, Ruri. On both counts. Our high value asset is Professor Takeuchi Mariya-san.

Ruru and Rei: THE TAKEUCHI MARIYA-san?! Architect of the Plastic Love combat maneuvers?

Akari: That's right. Mariya-san personally taught me, Captain Danbara and Commander Inoue these tactics back in our younger days at the Naval Academy. Plastic Love combat doctrine has brought Juice a lot of success, as you may know.

Madoka: But why her, Admiral?

Akari: She's been working on AI that could generate combat solutions on the fly based on Plastic Love's algorithm. An AI that gathers battlefield inputs from pilots in the air, special forces on ground and sea units to generate many combat solutions to achieve any mission objectives. As you can imagine, this made Prof Takeuchi a prime target for abduction, because only she could unlock the full potential of the AI system. I can't deploy any of your units until I talked to you guys about this. So? Are you in?

Ruru and Rei: You know you don't have to ask, Admiral. Count us in.

Madoka: Ocha's at your service too, Admiral.

Akari: Good, let's continue then...

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #671 on: November 21, 2024, 07:24:49 AM »

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #672 on: November 22, 2024, 10:27:55 AM »
GUARD: Welcome to the Budokan, Admirals! [salutes]. Here are your Security Passes. Your seats will be at the VIP OG Section at the North Wing.

After the conclusion of the Live Mission, with the exception of Rear-Admiral Miyamoto who had work elsewhere, the rest of the OGs retained their custom of taking a commemorative group photo with the active duty JUICE members:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #673 on: December 15, 2024, 05:43:38 PM »

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #674 on: December 28, 2024, 10:12:00 AM »

Adjutant: Admiral, Captain Sato is here to see you.

RADM Akari Uemura: Ehh...whenever did she arrived, Ito?

Adjutant Ito: I don't know, Ma'am..but she requested to see you. She says its a Code CZ2.

Akari: Well, in that case...send her in!

Masaki: My friend...the Rear-Admiral...I never thought I'd see the day I will be meeting the head of Naval Special Warfare.

Akari [acting tsundere]: What is it? What do you want, Masaki-chan? And how did you know I'm here?

Masaki: Well, simple, Ma'am. I just saw the melon green flag flying with 2 silver stars on it..kinda hard to miss on this ship

Akari: OK, OK...Its good to see you here too Masaki...and since you're here..can you help me run an errand?

Masaki: Anything for my old friend... You don't even need to order me...just say the word.

[TWO HOURS LATER...Onboard a C2 Greyhound]

Masaki: Captain Danbara..we are 6 minutes ETA to Sapporo. Please prep your personnel.

[Ruru nodded and went back to the cargo hold]

Ruru: Yume! Ringo! You're up on our first stop! Hokkaido's in 6 minutes.

[Yume and Akari Endo gave the thumbs up as acknowledgement, giggling in excitement]

Yume: I can't believe we're going back to our hometowns in style!

Endo: Me too, Kudo-san. Seems like we saved some money we normally spend for the shinkansen this holidays.

[As the rear ramp opened, Yume and Ringo waited for the green light, before jumping off the plane]

Ruru: Next stop, Tokyo!

[Ruru's XO, Commander Inoue, grinned and took Ishiyama Sakura's hand as they checked each other's chutes]

Ruru: Watch yourselves, ok? I don't want you guys to land near the urban jungle area, and create a scene.

Sakura: If I had it my way, I would navigate my chute and land right smack in the middle of Akibahara.

[Rei elbows Sakura on her left side]

Ruru: Stop showing off, Sakurachi.

[Another half hour elapsed before the next destination]

Ruru: stop is Kyoto Prefecture... Eba and Mifu, get ready!

Eba/Mifu: We're good to go, Capt!

[As Ebata and Mifu approached the ramp, LT Arisawa and FLT Matsunaga Riai suddenly surged ahead, parachute pack ready and harnessed to their bodies]

Ruru: Hey, wait a minute! Osaka's in like 5 minutes away.

Riai: Ichika and me will be joining these 2, skipper. We already made plans to swim at Lake Biwa.

Ruru: It's your day off after an exhausting combat swim, and you guys still want more? I still don't understand Kansai people. Such workaholics.

[As the ramp opens for the 3rd time, Riai and Ichika gave a casual salute to their CO before casually jumping off]

Riai: See ya next year, Capt!!

Ruru: Danbara to Cockpit. Captain Sato, Request we head straight to Hiroshima. There's only just me left.

Masaki: Roger that, Ruru. Hiroshima ETA, 10 minutes.

[Ruru fastened her chute pack tightly on her body. She looked around the empty cargo hold, where her members were in just an hour ago. Giving a small smile, Ruru headed towards the ramp]

Ruru: Danbara ready for drop. Maybe next year we'll add Chiba to the list, Captain.

Masaki: We sure will...Have a nice break, Ruru-chan...and Happy New Year, from me and Admiral Uemura!

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #675 on: December 30, 2024, 01:35:54 AM »

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #676 on: January 23, 2025, 02:53:54 PM »
The Top 3 Senior Officers of Juice: Commanding Officer Danbara, Executive Officer Inoue and Operations Officer Kudo showed us why they are deserving of their positions in their unit. They are here specially to commemorate Commander Inoue's former unit, Kobushi

« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 03:05:57 PM by bluewind78 »
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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #677 on: January 24, 2025, 12:36:09 PM »
During the holiday break in Hiroshima, J=J's Commanding Officer Captain Danbara Ruru reported that she attended the wedding of her sister, Major-General Danbara Riri.

They look so much alike, but that goes without saying since they obviously share familial ties:

Meanwhile, speaking of lookalikes, here is a pair who also look so much alike, also share the same surname, natives of the same home prefecture, but are NOT RELATED whatsoever!

Hasumi was like: Err...are you calling me, or the Admiral?

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #678 on: February 01, 2025, 03:25:35 PM »

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #679 on: February 13, 2025, 06:02:28 PM »
Team JUICE members, how well do you REALLY know your new Commanding Officer?

During their off-mission Omake Channel, Captain Danbara finds out in this Quiz Corner Series which features LCDR Kudo, LT Arisawa and Ebata and Warrant Officer Ishiyama.

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