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Author Topic: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ Forever In Your Heart (1/22/14)  (Read 60297 times)

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2013, 08:42:29 AM »
I'll start my comment on the story "Misunderstanding"...

Ouhhhh!! Can't believe that Acchan is a rival of Takamina for 5 years [i don't know,to lazy to read it again...XD]
 :O :O :( :cry: XD XD <---i put the XD cuz' its interesting to see them fighting!!

~Man...Takamina is the best, she did know how to shut girl up!!!~ Love it!!
 :yep: :yep: :heart: :heart: XD :lol:

~Ouhh!!!Kissing in front of the crowd make me Doki-Doki all of the sudden!!XXDD
 :wub: :oops: :drool: :w00t: :D :) XD :heart: :heart:

:wub: :heart: :wub: :heart:

"Birthday Present"....

Darghhhh!!! Why is Takamina being so romanitc!!! Its make my heart beat!!!
 :wub: :drool: :lol: :lol: :lol: :panic:

~Ouh...The best birthday present be by her side...kyaaa!!
 :wub: :lol: XD :bleed eyes:

~Lo-Love it...............(nothing to say)
 :shocked: :heart: :yep: :panic:

"It All Started With A Confession"....


~Sorry..i don't know how to express my feelings on this one...
 :( :( :oops: :oops: :heart:

~It's's just to romantic!!! Can't give a comment at all...
 :wub: :inlove: :inlove: :heart: :yep: :yep:

~Please..more AtsuMina!! Can't wait for the next one (is there any?
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :lol: :wub: :yep:

~Thank you for this fanfic!!! I enjoy it!!!~ and sorry for the long comment!!~TeHe :P2

Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline 7sam14

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2013, 10:12:18 AM »
I Am Speechless......

Your One Shots are so....


The Kissing Scene was just so...

:luvluv1: :luvluv1:

even the People around them is Supporting them... Atsumina!!!

*Birthday Present

Minami Proposed!!!
This so Romantic!!!!!
 :wub: :wub: :wub:

*It All Started With A Confession

I Don't Know What To Say...
this seriously just Made My Cheeks hurt from smiling and grinning too much!!
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

and The Infirmary Scene...
 :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Tumblr -
Fb -


Offline kuro808

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2013, 01:03:46 PM »
First off that was an adventure in time and space :lol:

The overreaction of everyone and the two in denial was just classic as they seemed to just play along their line until they seemed to realize the effectsof that one action

Incredible job!!!!!!!
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Elo

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2013, 01:39:38 PM »
OMG I dont know wht to say this is just .............

as always your OS ar the best

Please write more down your are so amazing
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline nunku

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2013, 06:07:08 PM »
I love AKB !
I love AKB fanfic !
I love the most Atsuminaaa!

Offline Archer1992

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2013, 10:50:16 PM »
omg my favorite was the 3rd oneshot
thanks so much for this
TT.TT im so happy
i love atsumina!!!!!

Offline DeadSouls

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2013, 02:30:53 PM »
I'm just speechless...I don't know what to say  :sweat: but I just have to say the ending was sweet! the whole story is~! :mon inluv: Acchan gave her the key right!? right!? kyaaa!! subarashi!  :mon lovelaff:
 ...and your OS too! I love 'em!  :mon thumb:

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2013, 12:11:43 PM »
Yo here!!! Me again!!!
 :hand: :peace: :yep:

~I'm here to say "C-c-could you make another OS?? I'm lonely without your OS here...wuuwuwu"
 :cry: :( :banghead:

~Sooo...Pls update the next one if possible, i'll be waiting for it for sure!!~
 :w00t: :D XD :bow:

~That's all i wanna say..Thank you again for the great OS fanfic....Sugee~~!!!
 :yep: :heart: :twothumbs
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline kurumi

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2013, 08:32:50 AM »
You write well, and your stories are very lighthearted and fun! Please write more - extra KojiYuu scenes would be nice ;)

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ It all started with a Confession (05/26/13)
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2013, 07:03:58 PM »
Sydney W: hahaha yup...what else could have been a better moment... than that... lol  XD
kahem: Lol, I really get that cute and funny a my OS really?  :D
cisda83: Yup~ I find it very simple when writing about school students but it's innocent so yah  :)
Haruko: hahahaha, change it to whatever you prefer  :P
Dieyg48: first comment: that method always work  :thumbsup second comment: Takamina is just is...  :twisted: and thanks~ third comment: LOL don't worry about it...I feel you...
7sam14: seems like some peeps are?  XD and yay thanks~  :thumbsup
kurosawa87:  It was?  XD hehehe thank you for reading  :)
Elo: lol thank you  :w00t:
nunku:  :twothumbs
Archer1992: well let's see if your mind will change after you read this 4th OS of mine?  8) LOL
DeadSouls: thanks insan~  :)
Dieyg48 (again): lol Yo, Well it took me almost a month writing this one..hehehe..I hope you'll like this  :thumbsup
sharlatan: arigatou~ Hmmm...I think it's  "lighthearted" cuz I'm not tainted yet... LOL  XD and since you asked for a Kojiyuu (and I'm a nice person LOL) I added's a short one but I hope it's ok  XD

THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS~!  thank you for reading this~ :kneelbow:

WELL I'm back! with another OS! :hehehe: lol, been working on this for almost a month now... but  I'm just glad I finally finished with this one *phew*  :sweat:
I thought I would be finish with this, like close to Acchan's b-day but I guess it was earlier than planned...  :on drink: This was supposed to be posted on her b-day but well...I have to share it LOL  :glasses:
like what I did on Takamina's b-day, this fiction can be Acchan's hahahaha not a b-day thing but oh well~  :ding: I don't think I can finish another OS on her b-day but hmm... I need to think...  :err:
Recently idk y but I suddenly got interested in vampires ...yesh..a die hard fan of been reading a lot of vampires books and yes including TWILIGHT  :on lol:
In the middle of writing... I've been searching for fan fictions that had vampires in them (pfft yuri all the way) was awesome...hahahaha made go crazy all over xD  :nya:
Oh yeah...I tried...I tried...writing xxx scene d-demo... I just c-couldn't T_T *sigh*  :on cloudeye: vulnerability...  :err:
As for my title...hah couldn't think of anything to put so I just put that....   :depressed: and it's supposed be The vampire & the vampire hunter but in that thing below it's the opposite cuz the way I placed them...   :sweat:
Oh yeah and just a note...I used some latin words just because... idk there vampires... and vampires lived way long... it'll be a glossary even though they should be at the end but naw...  :whistle:
angelus: angel
angelus meus: my angel
animae damnatae: tortured souls
firmus: strong
fratres: sisters
iudicium: judgemt
ocius: faster
sorores: sisters
vale meus amor: goodbye my love

The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter

The woman ran through the forest, chasing after the vampire. Taking a throwing knife from her pouch, she threw it, hitting the vampire on the back. He turned around and snarled at the woman. The woman grinned and took her dual Heckler & Koch USP gun shooting at the vampire as he instantly lunge towards the woman. She dodged just in time and pressed the magazine catch, the empty magazines dropping on the ground as she put new ones. The woman started firing again and this time on the vampire's chest. The vampire suddenly dropped onto his knees...stunned. She took this opportunity to lit up a match and threw it on the body. The vampire's body rapidly caught on fire and in a few seconds turned into ash. She smiled to herself, satisfied with her performance, "Another job well done."
"I must agree." said an unknown voice.
The startled woman raised her gun up, whipped her head around and looked around to see where the voice was coming. She scanned the area but there were only trees that surrounded her, 'Tsk...the trees are in my way.' The woman gripped her firearms tightly and shouted, "Who are you!? Show yourself!"
The voice giggled, "I might see you soon." and what was said echoed through the whole forest. She shivered as she heard that proclamation.


The woman sighed, it was just another unsuccessful day to attempt to find the vampire. She walked over to the table and observed her weapons: a dual Heckler & Koch USP gun, a silver dagger, five pieces of double edged throwing knife, and a katana. Even though she doesn't use her katana that much, she always carried it since it's a family heirloom. She examined each weapon, checking if something was needed. Picking up the her guns, she grabbed a piece of clothing and started cleaning her weapons.  Being a professional vampire hunter for years, this assignment is the most difficult that she received so far.

She started as a vampire hunter when she was fourteen. The adults laughed at her, telling how she was too young to become a vampire hunter however when she demonstrated her skills...their jaw dropped, couldn't believe that such a young girl could display those amazing skills. The girl had a talent that was way more beyond than those vampire hunters that has been in the business for long but of course, she still isn't that strong like those top vampire hunters  however there was still much more improvement for her to grow even stronger. When she was asked, 'how did you learn to fight. The girl simply answered, 'It was my father who taught me.' and that's it...she wouldn't reveal anything else. As years passed, she learned new skills and became stronger and at the age of eighteen which is now, she was one of the top vampire hunter in the organization.
She was supposed to be one of the top hunters but now she couldn't even handle that single mission that was given to her.

She walked in their boss's office, knocking at the door, she was told to come in.
"Maeda was your mission?" asked their boss but of course he didn't have give her time to answer and kept talking, "I assume it went well, yes?" still didn't give her time to talk, "You're one of our best hunters so yes, your performance was probably...exemplary."
"Yes rather went smoothly." answered Atsuko and she was about to tell him about her encounter but didn't.
"Perfect! Well, I have another mission for you and this will be a top class mission." informed the boss and gave the girl a file. Atsuko took it and flipped through the pages, she looked at him, "Sir, you want me to kill a...pureblood vampire?"
"But aren't we in the agreement that we won't touch the purebloods unless they do something that is dangerous?"
"That's the point, this vampire needs to be eliminated."
Atsuko nodded and didn't want to push more questions since they shouldn't question the higher ups. She walked towards the door and her boss stopped her for a moment, "After this mission you can take break if you want...oh and if you meet this vampire be careful, she's one of the strongest purebloods. The vampire is also good at hiding so it may take a while until you find her. " Atsuko nodded and closed the door behind her.

Atsuko laughed to herself as she remembered what her boss said. She mumbled, "Hard to find huh... but not for long." She got her  weapon ready for tonight, putting them to their right places. Atsuko looked at the clock it was 1:00 pm. "Better take a nap for tonight." All satisfied she flopped on her bed and a few seconds later the girl drifted off to sleep.

She woke up and looked at her clock, it was 5:00 pm. Atsuko yawned as she got out of bed and went straight to take a shower. As the warm water  beat against her skin, she thought about the pureblood. It has been two while  days since she started to look around for her target but she could never find her...yet. Atsuko closed her eyes and thought about the photo that she saw that night, when her boss showed the files. She smiled to herself, "How can I miss such a vampire?" and for another five minutes she washed herself. Feeling refreshed, she turned the faucet off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself with a white towel. The woman walked in her bedroom and as she passed by the table, she noticed that she received a message. She smiled as she saw the content of the message, "Your vampire was last seen around Central City" Atsuko put down her phone and went to put on her clothes.

Atsuko drove to the Central City.  The time was only 7:30 pm. She touched her necklace which is a cross and closed her eyes for a little prayer. All finished, the girl got out of her car and went to find her target. She looked around the area and walked around. Some people started at her because of her weapons that she carried, it was a rare sight for them to see a vampire hunter. Vampires and vampire hunters are well known among the people, so if they see someone carrying weapons it's just natural for them not to react since they know the vampire hunters exist to protect the humanity from the 'devils'. There are three types of vampires, the lowest which is known as, "Class E" but there official name is, "Animae damnatae"Animae damnatae are vampires that are the most dangerous around humans. They could say vampires that failed to be a purebloods. All Class E started off as middle classes. They can choose: just to stay a middle class vampire or try to be a pureblood but most know that the chances of this happening is 30%. Class E are more aggressive,  crave for blood, couldn't care less what they do and can't think straight, it's like their conscience are gone.  Then there's the middle class which are more common. They are called Damphirs. The damphirs are made when a pureblood let a human drink their blood and when a pureblood drink a human blood. Also they can be an offspring of a vampire and a human. Lastly, there are the the top class, the...purebloods. Purebloods are vampire who are of course a real vampire meaning they came from two purebloods vampires who mated. Purebloods are the most superior amongst the vampire race. They have the features of the mundanes, however they are also far more superior than mundanes with their strength, agility and compulsion. Their senses way more improve than the normal. Purebloods also have this charm and attractiveness that every person will stare at them in awe. They also have another advantage, they could go out in the sun but their abilities will have a restriction.

Finally, she saw a woman that fit the description of the vampire. She started walking towards the vampire and quickened her pace as she got closer. However the vampire by coincidence or just by noticing suddenly disappeared. Well, she actually ran but in the human eyes it's like they instantly disappeared...poof. There's also an advantage of being a vampire hunter, of course they can't match equally with the vampires but it's not just about strength, it's also about able to think really quick and use what they can have as an advantage. Trained, Atsuko could see the vampire moving but just faintly since this is a pureblood she's facing. Having an idea where the vampire might be going, she didn't chase after the vampire.

Atsuko made her way to the forest. Then she remembered this is where she encountered someone well she didn't see her but she remembers well... she frowned. The hunter observed her surroundings and walked slowly. On spur of moment her back was now against a tree. She groaned at the forthwith impact of hitting the tree. 'What the hell was that?' she thought, remembering where she was, she snapped her eyes open and saw the vampire in front her. When she saw the vampire, she was surprised. The vampire was so much shorter than her. 'She can't be a vampire, purebloods have always a good physique, she's way too small to be a vampire but she has the attributes of a pureblood vampire. Pureblood resembles a mundane look but they are more pale and their eyes are are less dark red than the others...'
"Why did you follow me?" asked the vampire, both of her hands beside Atsuko's head. She wanted to speak but it felt like if she talks words won't come out. The pureblood let her eyes roam around Atsuko's body, 'She has a great figure, she's also beautiful...ah...what a waste...too bad...I can't let her escape can I?' The vampire chuckled to herself and unsheathed her fangs. Atsuko gulped as she saw the vampire sheathed her fangs, she knew she should move now but her body didn't obey her. She was petrified. The pureblood slowly moved her mouth to Atsuko's neck. 'Move!' commanded Atsuko to her body but it didn't. In truth the purebloods can command their prey however only stronger purebloods can do so. This is called compulsion, by using compulsion you can make any creature obey to your command. The vampire's fangs were now touching touching Atsuko's skin. Atsuko closed her eyes, 'I don't want to die yet!' she screamed in her mind, then the hunter regained her strength . She grabbed one of her guns and fired it, the bullet going in the vampire's body. The pureblood winced and pulled back. Originally normal bullets won't hurt them, they wouldn't feel it but it's different if the bullets were washed with holy water. It wouldn't make a major damage to them but holy water is enough to inflict damage. Atsuko was breathing hard, 'That was close.' Shaking her head, she raised her weapon and pointed it at the vampire. She fired her weapon but the vampire dodged them easily. The vampire closed the distance between them and threw a a powerful punch at the woman. However Atsuko blocked it with her weapon but Atsuko didn't expect that she would get kicked on her left side of the stomach. She flew and landed a few feet away from where they were. Atsuko groaned as she clutched where she was hit with her right hand. She tried to stand up but the pureblood stood over her. The vampire bent over and grabbed Atsuko by her collar, lifting her up on the air. Atsuko struggled but it was no use. She looked for her guns but it was on the ground a few feet away from them. The small vampire slammed the hunter on the ground. The impact was so hard that Atsuko was coughing out blood. She tried to move her body but it felt like her bones were broken, knowing there was no use trying to move, she just laid down and looked up at the dark sky. The girl saw the silhouette of the vampire, she couldn't see the vampire fully since the moon illuminated over the her making it hard to see but along with that silhouette, Atsuko could clearly see the vampire's eyes. She could see that the vampire stood over her, when she gaze at the vampire the only thing that stood out were the vampire's was light red. Then she hear the vampire say something,
"You shouldn't really mess with the purebloods...we all are beyond your leagues. I won't kill you...just because..." She didn't get to hear the vampire's full statement since darkness took over her.

•Four years later•

"Thank you for everything sensei." thanked Atsuko, bowing to her sensei and left the temple. She walked towards the gate, then she heard her name getting called. The woman turned around and saw Erena running towards her. Erana hugged Atsuko's legs since she was so small, she cried, "Atsuko-neechan... *sniff* do you *sniff* have to go? *sniff*" Atsuko smiled sadly and bent down so the little girl can see her eye to eye. The woman patted the kid's head, "I...yes..I have to go...I need to get back and continue my assignment. I have to continue hunting the vampires."
Erena wiped her tears away, "Will you kill the vampire."
"I...don't know." answered Atsuko truthfully.
"You won't be beaten right? You're the strongest vampire hunter that I know! You won't lose right?"
"I'll win." smiled Atsuko.
"When I grow up, I will become a vampire hunter also! I'll try to become as strong as you! So I can help you."
"You will? I'll be looking forward to that then."
She removed her necklace from her neck and gave it to the little girl, "Here, I'll let you keep it for a while and you can give this back to me when you become a great vampire hunter ok?"
 Erena nodded with determination, "I promise!" 
Atsuko smiled and hugged the small kid, "Thank you for helping me."
She stood back up and looked one last time at everything, she smiled.

Four years passed since that day, when she woke up she found herself in a temple. Thankfully she didn't receive any broken bones after that. She asked the monks why she was here and they told her that they found her at the bottom of the stairs. When she heard how she was found she frowned, how could she not be in the forest, she clearly remembers that she passed out there. She also thought that the vampire had possibly carried her but she didn't want to believe it but the proof that the pureblood didn't kill her is a strong possibility. When Atsuko regained all her strength, she was determined to train again and make herself more stronger. Coincidentally the head monk of the temple was a vampire hunter and one of the legendary vampire hunter. Atsuko begged him to teach her but the ex-hunter refused. However Atsuko didn't gave up and continued to keep asking the head monk. Then that's when the head monk changed his mind and decided to teach the girl. He saw determination in the girl's eyes thus changing his mind. Atsuko learned from the legendary vampire hunter and improved her skills. For three and a half years she spent her time training hoping that she will become stronger. Days, weeks, months and years passed and she improved in those time that the ex-hunter was really impressed. Atsuko even changed her weapon of choice. She now used two katanas as her primary weapon and her two guns became her secondary weapon. Her dagger and throwing knives were discarded.

As she entered their headquarters, everyone looked at her. It seemed like they just saw a ghost. Who wouldn't? After disappearing for four years and suddenly showing up, it's natural just to be bewildered. She smirked to herself but just ignored their stares. Making her way to their boss's room, she walked in and found him talking on the phone. When the boss turned around to see who it was, he dropped his phone and just looked at Atsuko in shock.
"W-w-what? H-h-how? I-is that y-you M-maeda?" He stammered. He bent down and picked his phone on the floor and said to the other called, "I'll call you back."
Atsuko didn't answer and went to sit on the seat in front of the boss's desk.
"We searched for you! High and low but we couldn't find you! After we couldn't find you...we thought you were..."
"Dead?" Atsuko laughed, "...that's why they looked like they've seen a ghost!"
"So what happened to you?"
"I got my ass kicked by that pureblood and well when I woke up I was in a temple somewhere,"
"Why didn't you call us?"
"I tried, I asked for phones but they didn't have it and it took a while until I regained all my strength. I decided to stay there and train to make myself stronger. Maybe it was just a coincidence but the one who trained me was one of the legendary vampire hunter. I didn't know what he was until the end of my training. I thought he was just a monk that knew how to fight but I guess I was wrong."
"Monk? I think I know who you're talking about...he's my best friend. I thought he died when he went to a mission but he's alive! I can't believe it! After all these years! That guy is still alive."
Atsuko just nodded.
"Well, I'm glad you're back. If you want you can take more time before doing any missions."
"No, I still want to go after her."
"You can't."
"Huh? Why not?"
"She's gone."
"What do you mean?"
"The vampire is dead."
"Oshima Yuko...your target is dead.
"H-how?" asked Atsuko her mind racing, 'How did she get killed? Who could've killed her? She was so strong, who could've beaten her? Does that mean some vampire hunter killed her?'
"Well...we're not certain if she did get killed but we can't find any trace of them."
"Yeah...after...we uh...couldn't find you. We sent in another hunter to go kill her instead. But this time the hunter should sacrifice herself no matter what, so they can get rid of that pureblood. I'm guessing that the hunter did what she was instructed to do."
"What was it that she was instructed to do?"
"Just say it."
"If the vampire did drink her blood, she would inject herself with these virus that would be unstable for the purebloods. The purebloods wouldn't be able to know what hit them since they can't tell the difference. Once they have it in their system, the virus will slowly take over their bodies and well that's it for them."
"Since when did we have this weapon?"
"Well it was created ten years ago however it was too risky for us so it was stored away."
"So why did you use it?"
"We didn't, the hunter insisted on using it, I don't even know why how she knew about it.
"What was her name?"
"Kojima Haruna."
"Wait sorry...can you repeat that again."
"The hunter name was Kojima Haruna."
Atsuko didn't say anything but she was processing what had happened, 'I heard Haruna before but where?'
"Are you ok?" asked her boss.
"Oh yeah. I was just thinking. So umm...can I get another mission then? It'll clear my mind off."
"Yes sure." said her boss and took out a folder from his desk, giving it to the woman. She took the folder and when she saw the picture of the woman her heart skipped a beat. 'Eh? What was that?'
"She's your next assignment, there's no killing involve here but instead I want you two observe then report. We still don't know if she would become a threat to us that's why I need you to spy on her."
"O-ok." stammered Atsuko only taking a second to look at her boss and returned to reading the vampire's information.
"We have a word that she would be attending a party tonight. I would like you to go to this party."
"How can I go? If it's all purebloods they would notice a human the moment I enter."
"It's not that kind of party, this vampire is going to a human party. This vampire is a huge part of this country's politics, so it's a party amongst government officials."
"A vampire in a politics? That's the first."
"Yes, this is indeed a rare case."
"So, why do I need to investigate this matter?"
"We have an insight that she may be planning on something inside the government that will endanger us. Also, you'll be on the guest list so you don't have to worry."
"Understood." nodded Atsuko and headed towards the door, the folder still in her hands.
"Yeah?" said Atsuko, turning around to look at her boss.
"Glad that you're back."
"Yeah, same." smiled Atsuko and left the room.

•That night•
Atsuko got out of her Lamborghini Aventador  and gave her keys to valet. The woman entered the big building. She surveyed the area, ' there must be at least fifty people here!' She looked around but the vampire wasn't there yet. The woman leaned against the pillar of the building, a wine of glass in her hand and watched people that came in. It wasn't long until the vampire came in. Atsuko wasn't looking when the vampire came in but when she lifted her head, she found herself face to face with the vampire. Atsuko blushed and dropped her wine glass however the vampire caught it.
"We can't make a mess here can we?" smiled the vampire, handing the glass back to Atsuko. Atsuko took it and when there hand touched Atsuko's heart fluttered, "T-t-thank you." Then something clicked in her mind, but she couldn't pin point what is it.
"Your welcome." grinned the vampire and extended her hand, "Takahashi Minami."
Atsuko took it and shook the vampire's hand. Vampires are always cold but distracted as she is Atsuko didn't notice. She smiled shyly, "Maeda Atsuko."
"Nice to meet you Maeda-san, sorry to be blunt but I don't think I've seen you here before."
"Umm...yes, I was invited here, name's in guest list."
"Oh yes, the guest list...silly me I forgot." laughed Minami, "Well, you must excuse me, I need to go say 'hi' to some people. They're probably expecting me. Nice meeting you Maeda-san." Minami smiled at her and kissed the back of Atsuko's hand. The woman's face turned red. Minami smirked to herself as she left the woman. Atsuko leaned against the pillar, put her hands on her heart and heaved a sigh, she mumbled, "Why was I nervous?" She drank her wine, making her nerves calm down a bit. As she drank her wine, she watched the pureblood. After an hour she was still in the same location, just observing Minami. Getting the feel to go sit, she made her way to a couch and sat. She leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes for a few seconds. When she opened it, the vampire is in front of her, startling her a bit.
"Sorry, if I scared you." apologized Minami.
"Ah,'s ok."
"Here." said Minami offering her wine of glass.
"Eh? Umm...I can't possibly take yours, I'll just go get mine."
"No, it's ok...I insist."
"If you say so." Then Atsuko took the glass of Minami. She put the glass on her lips and drank the red wine. On a spree, Atsuko asked for more and more forgetting that she was on a mission. The vampire was amused as she handed the wine to the woman, she has never seen anyone drink that much. Then after after Atsuko's sixth drink, she could feel the effect coming. The woman stood up and in the effort to walk she just wobbled.
"I think I need to go home now." giggled Atsuko making her way to the front door.
"Wait, you can't drive like that...I'll drive you home." said Minami and helped the woman on her feet. The vampire helped the hunter and made their way outside, Minami looked at the valet, "Where's her car?"
"Just a moment miss." answered the valet and went to fetch Atsuko's car. Minami whistled as she saw the woman's car, 'nice car.' The valet got out of the car and opened the passenger door. The vampire put the drunk woman in the passenger seat and closed the door. Minami thanked the valet and gave him a tip. The valet thanked Minami and went back to his position. The vampire went in the driver's seat and stepping on the gas, knowing where she was headed. Arriving at Atsuko's house she went out and took Atsuko out of the car. The woman was sleeping so she just carried the woman in a bridal position and walked towards the door. Atsuko stirred, feeling the coldness of Minami's arms on her skin. The vampire tried to see if the door was open and surprisingly it was.
"You should lock your door." said Minami to no one in particular. She went in the house and roam around the house checking to see where the bedroom is. Finding where it is, the vampire laid the sleeping woman on the bed. The vampire was about to leave but Atsuko grab a hold of the vampire's hand and pulled the vampire towards her. Minami fell beside Atsuko, Atsuko had her eyes open and she was smiling. She leaned in and kissed the vampire. The vampire's eyes were wide open, if her heart was beating, her heart would've probably been pounding. Minami also surprised herself when she kissed back. The vampire was now on top of the woman and could taste the red wine that Atsuko drank earlier. She could smell the woman's perfume,well when they met she could smell it pretty good since of her vampire sense but now huh at they're close to each other the scent of the woman is intoxicating. 
They pulled away, Atsuko gazed into the vampire's eyes. She whispered, "You're holding back." 'How'd she know?' thought Minamo to herself.
"I also know that you're wearing a contact lens to hide your eye color  and lastly...I know you're a...vampire."
Minami was surprise but she didn't show it and instead she chuckled, " just kissed me knowing what I am?"
"And I will do it again." grinned the hunter and pulled the vampire in for another kiss. The vampire could feel herself smiling. Between their kisses Atsuko said, "I've heard that when a vampire bites a human it feels-" She couldn't finish since Minami just put her index finger against Atsuko's lips, "Shhh..." Minami unsheathed her fangs and slowly sank her fangs on the woman's neck. Her hands roaming around the woman's body. Minami's fangs bit into her neck hard and she winced at the brief flare of pain. After a few seconds, the pain faded and got replaced by a pleasant pleasure that  spread through her body. They always said it was better than drugs or sex even but hell how can know? She had nver done those before. She moaned. 'So it is true.' she thought. The vampire pulled back licking the blood that escaped from her lips. Minami undressed Atsuko...well more of like 'her dress got ripped'. The vampire kissed her bite mark and moved over to the woman's collar bone to her shoulder, her hands snaking it's way between Atsuko's thigh. Atsuko could feel the touch of the vampire, it was cool that it made her shiver but she didn't mind. She looked at the pureblood and gave a seductive smile. Minami stop to look at the woman in front of her, she grinned to herself, she didn't know what took over her or what compelled her towards this human...they just met today...but that didn't matter, right now she wanted the woman...she wanted her so bad. Purebloods were forbidden to do as close as what they are soon supposed to do because it's a hunter that she'll be doing it with. Minami knew that the human is a hunter, they always had this instinct on who to avoid...but just for tonight all of that would change.


Atsuko felt something cool against her skin, she slowly opened her eyes and first thing she saw is well...someone. She quickly shut her eyes as soon as she saw a figure beside her. Thoughts quickly raced in her mind, 'Wait...what!? Someone is here beside me. What the hell!? I can't remember anything...last thing I can clearly remember is at the party talking with the...vampire. Oh shit! No fucking way...It can't be. Well, it can't be right...I can't possibly have slept with a vampire. It's totally breaking the rules.'m just imagining things...but I can seriously feel something cool against me...well holding me. It might be possible...since that vampire is attractive. I remember vivid images but I thought that was only a...dream.' Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone say, "I know your awake." Atsuko froze in place (like she can move), she doesn't know what to do. The vampire chuckled, running her finger against Atsuko's body. Atsuko shuddered and finally opened her eyes. Her eyes were met with the light red colored  eyes of the vampire. The hunter closed her eyes for a brief moment, 'Yeah...that totally wasn't a dream then.' then she opened her eyes again. Atsuko blushed when she saw the vampire, images of last night played in her head like a movie. They gazed at each other, not knowing what tent should do. After a few seconds which seemed like a eternity to them, Atsuko broke the contact and abruptly got out from her bed.
"This was a mistake." said Atsuko and picked up her dress from the floor then ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind her even though she knew the vampire could probably break it. The woman leaned against the door, hands in front of her face, 'Why did I have to that?' She sighed and looked at her dress, she couldn't get any clothes that quick so she only had a chance to get dress from last night. However when she saw it, the dress was...ripped.
"Of course." mumbled Atsuko and dropped the dress on the floor, " move locked yourself in without any clothes. A vampire just outside."
A knock on the door made Atsuko jump, 'That scared me.' She didn't didn't say anything and just waited for the vampire to say something.
"For wasn't a mistake. I didn't regret last night. I know we just met and all but for it seemed liked I knew you for a long time. Last night was the best night that I had in ages...literally...You could say it's forbidden for a vampire and hunter but screw that. Just let me tell you one thing...I did NOT regret last night."
Atsuko listened to every word that the vampire said and yes...she agreed. Last night was actually her first. For her the night was like a dream, it was ecstatic...a night she couldn't have imagined. She still stayed in the bathroom, she wasn't ready to face the vampire yet and it seemed Minami knew that. After Minami's small speech, the vampire put back her clothes and made her way out. Minami looked one last time at the house and smiled, "We are two different races so I know we will cross paths last time." Then she left.

Atsuko finally  opened the door and she was right, the vampire wasn't there anymore. She sighed, then closer the door again to take a shower. The woman was still troubled though, "That was a stupid move of me! If the association finds out about'll be a penalty...argh! Dammit! ...I just returned after four years and I'm screwing up already...ugh... I  really have to take this assignment properly..."

As soon as Minami entered the mansion, she was greeted by her best friend.
"Yo! Minami where have you been?" asked her friend then she grinned, "Oh wait...never mind."
"Hey Yuko."
"I have to say, this is the first time you came home and you have a human smell all over you..." smirked Yuko, "...Did you have fun?"
"That'a boy!" grinned Yuko, patting her best friend on the back.
"I'm not a 'boy' ...sheesh, be glad that I'm not kicking you out of my house."
"Yuuchan~! Don't tease Minami that thankful that she allowed us to stay here." said Haruna as she walked down the stairs.
"She won't kick us out~"
Haruna rolled her eyes, "Still don't tease her too much."
"Fine...just because it's an order by you~" smiled Yuko, striding to Haruna when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Yuko put her right hand around Haruna's hips, pulled the tall woman towards her and kissed her fully on the lips. Their mouth moved as one, tongues slipped inside each other. Minami groaned, "Get a room." and threw a pillow to Yuko who caught it with her right hand and threw it back without looking since Yuko and Haruna were still engaged in a kiss. Haruna blushed when the two pulled away, she's still shy when someone is there and Yuko and her are 'make out' however she's getting used to it bit by bit.
Yuko looked at Minami and stuck her tongue out, "Maybe we'll just do that then." Yuko sweeped Haruna off her feet and was about to go up but Haruna stopped her, "Nuh-uh.'
"Eh? Why not?" pouted the vampire.
"Just 'cause." smiled Haruna and kissed Yuko quickly on the lips making Yuko not pout anymore.
"Now put me down." Yuko nodded happily and set her girlfriend down. The vampire then turned her attention to her friend and wiggled her eyebrows, "So..."
"So? What?" said Minami, kind of having an idea what Yuko will ask.
"Who were you with? I know it's a human since I can smell it and it seemed you two had a smexy night together. So who's she? Oh wait maybe it was just a one night stand? Is that it?"
"I'm not telling YOU anything but maybe I'll tell Kojiharu if she asks me since I know that she won't comment in it inappropriately."
"Stingy Takamina! Tell meeeeee!"
"Fine, I'll just say that this woman is a vampire hunter."
" too huh." smiled Yuko and held her girlfriend hands, their fingers entwining.
"Who's she? Maybe I know her." asked Haruna.
"Maeda Atsuko."
"Eh!? Did you just say 'Maeda Atsuko'?"
"Ummm yeah...why?"
"Well, I haven't met her personally but I know that she's one of the best hunters around. I heard she got the assignment to go after Yuuchan but after that she disappeared...that was four years ago."
"Oh...yeah...I remember her...When we fought well...I won of course and I don't know why but I didn't kill her. Instead I carried her to the temple in the mountains and left her there." explained Yuko, "...So she's alive huh...well it seemed she had a purpose to be alive."
"Wait, wait, wait, So your telling me she's the one who was after you? The one who put a bullet in you?" laughed Mnami.
"Why are you laughing? And yes and yes." answered Yuko.
"S-sorry but I just find it funny."
"What's so funny about that?"
"It's just is ok."
"You're weird."

Atsuko stared at the bite mark on her neck, her thoughts drifted at the moment when the vampire bit her. The bite was like a drug but better. She touched it, "She actually bit it at a good spot, so it wouldn't actually be noticeable." The woman fixed her collar and left the mirror to go get her weapons before going to their headquarters. Arriving at her destination, she immediately went to their boss's office.
"There you are, so how did last night go? Any unusual activities?"
"Last night...went umm...good. There weren't any unusual activities that I uh...saw." answered Atsuko nervously.
"I see...well keep working on it."
"Yes sir." said Atsuko and left the room.

For the next few days, Atsuko tailed Minami, however nothing was out of the ordinary. Minami knew she was being followed and who it is. Atsuko reported to the headquarters everyday but it is always the same report, "Nothing ordinary." The boss was becoming impatient. Atsuko frowned, she was never given a reason why she should even go after the vampire, having the nerves to do it. She finally asked why it was necessary, "Why am I given this task? and what did the vampire do?"
"I...was waiting for the right time to say this to you...and that's why I gave you this mission. Takahashi Minami is the one who killed your...parents." Atsuko became speechless, 'No, no, can't be possible right? That small vampire killing the two best vampire hunters? Not possible right?' Thoughts circulated in her heads. She knew that her parents were killed by vampires when they were on the job but other than that she didn't know who killed them. However now, her telling her that...Takahashi Minami the one who she slept with, the one that she can't get her thoughts of out of her head, the one she's following, the one who she had sex with and the vampire that she may have fallen in love with is the vampire that killed her parents.
"Excuse me." said Atsuko and left the room. She doesn't know anymore but there is one she is sure of and that is to ask the vampire herself.

Minami sat on her chair, hands behind her head as she leaned back, her foot on the desk while thinking about the meeting three days ago.

Minami entered the dimmed lit room, cloak hooded figured sat on each chairs in a circle. It seemed Minami was the only one that they were waiting got since eleven seats were already occupied while only one seat remained. Minami slowly approached her seat and sat down.
"Now that we're all here." said a man with a deep voice, he was the leader of the circle but of course he takes orders from the higher ups. He continued to speak, "Fratres and Sorores, the time has come to put an end with those foolish hunters. Fourteen years ago we have failed but now...the sign is proclaiming that we will take them down with success! Those hunters thinks that they are stronger than us but what are we?"
"Vampires!" shouted the other hooded vampires, except for Minami who's still shocked on what she just heard.
"Yes! fratres and sorores we are vampires! We are far more superior than those humans. Firmus and ocius than humans, all our senses are in another level than them! We are what they could call a...superior race! The vampires!"

Minami sighed and put back her feet on the ground. Then her assistant came in carrying a letter.
"Ma'am you have a letter." said the assistant and handed the letter to the vampire. Minami thanked the woman and dismissed her. She knew right away from who it is because she could smell the perfume. The only one that she met that wears a perfume that has an evocative of nature in the spring...a bewitching fragrance of lilac, lily of the valley, violet, iris and rosebuds scent is none other than...Atsuko. She opened the letter and was puzzled on what the hunter wanted. The letter only said, "The East Woods. Tonight." Minami walked towards the trash can and lit the letter on fire and threw it. She watched as the piece of paper burned.

Evening came and Minami went to the designated place. She looked around the area but didn't sense anyone her. However after a few seconds, she sensed something quick coming right at her. She turned her body to dodge just in time and looked to where it was coming from. Atsuko stood there, guns on her hand. She fired her gun one after another. Minami was confused why Atsuko was firing her guns at her. The hunter put her gun back in the holster and unsheathed her two katanas that she carried on her back. She closed in and started swinging her weapon at the vampire. The small vampire could only dodge.
"Wait! Wait! Wait! Why are you attacking me?"
"You killed my parents!" shouted Atsuko, a tear showing at the corner of her eyes. Minami abruptly froze in place and didn't move when Atsuko charged towards her; Minami got stabbed right in the stomach. The hunter was stunned, she expected her to dodge but it didn't happen. The vampire only winced as the blade entered her body, blood oozed from the wound. All vampire hunter's weapons are made with a special material that will inflict damage to vampires if the weapons successfully get inside their body somehow. It wouldn't fully kill the vampires but it is enough to weaken them if they get the weapon in their body a few more times. To kill a vampire, they must behead them. Minami grab Atsuko and pulled her into a hug, the katana stabbed deeper.
"W-wh-what are you doing?" said Atsuko, trying to peel herself off from the vampire.
"It's ok, that won't kill me...yet." smiled Minami, still not letting Atsuko go. The hunter just gave up struggling and dropped her other sword, tears started to flow down her cheeks.
"Why? Why? Why? Why did you kill them." chocked Atsuko between her sobs.
"It wasn't like that." answered Minami softly.
"W-what do you mean?"
"First I must remove this katana in my stomach then I'll tell you." grinned Minami in a joking manner. Atsuko nodded and stepped aside. The vampire slowly removed the blade in her stomach, she flinched, the pain bearable. She look at her wound, "It'll heal but slowly than average since your because of your weapon." Minami held out the weapon to Atsuko but Atsuko didn't move to get it so she just stabbed it on the ground, the katana standing up. The vampire looked around for somewhere to sit but found nothing, having an idea she went beside a tree and gave a hard kick; the tree fell down easily with a loud thud, the sound echoed through the big dark woods. Atsuko gawked at what Minami did.
"What? I don't want to talk standing up." grinned Minani innocently, "...please sit." The vampire and the hunter sat on the fallen wood. Minami looked up at the night sky, "It was a full moon..."

"That's outrageous!" half-shouted Minami at their leader, "...We can't possibly kill all the hunters. They help us in a way too."
"Those hunters, have killed a more than a hundred purebloods over the past year, that's what you should call outrageous! Killing purebloods is like killing god. No one kills a purebloods and lives to tell the glory of it.  As for those lowly vampires, we can take care of them ourselves."
"No buts, Takahashi! And what is this, are you defending those humans?"
"Then go! Our fratres and sorores are already fighting!"
Minami could only nod as she gritted her teeth. She knew she has to follow orders but killing all the hunters is just egregious. The vampire ran towards the battlefield but she noticed that their leader went off to a different direction. She stopped and decided to follow their leader. After a few minutes, she saw the leader attack a woman who had a child with her. Minami wanted to shout 'watch out!' but she couldn't. The woman noticed the vampire and pushed her daughter away. The woman unsheathed her katana and faced the vampire. The two fighters circled around each other, both watching anxiously what the other one will do. The vampire went first, his nails became long, it is like a weapon for them, stronger than steel. He charged towards the hunter, hands stretch out aiming for the woman's body but the hunter blocked it with her right hand which carried the katana and her left hand reached over to her gun. The woman took out her gun and shot the vampire but he dodged just in time. Minami just stood on a branch in a tree and watched was happening. She looked over to the kid, "The kid must be seven or eight." The kid sat on the ground, hugging herself. She looked scared yet she she didn't cry since her mom always said 'be strong'. The hunter managed to get a hit on the vampire but it was healing. The vampire laughed evilly, "You stupid hunters are weak! You're all pathetic!"
"We. Are. Not. Weak." said the woman as she pulled out a long chain from the hilt of her katana. She swung the chain in a circle and threw it at the vampire but he dodged left however the chain followed him and got a hold of his hand. The hunter closed in and slashed the vampire's left hand. He howled in pain as his left hand got sliced easily. The vampire growled at the hunter as he jump backed a few steps away and held his left arm with his right.
"How's that for a weak hunter huh?" grinned the woman as she continued it swing it around.
The vampire ignored it and the two clashed a few more minutes, the hunter had an advantage but she could only land a few hits at him. The vampire also landed a few scratches at her. They jumped back a few feet away from each other, the hunter was panting, she could feel the tiredness taking all over her body. The vampire looked around and thought of an idea. He ran towards the kid, right arm stretches out with his pointy nails. "No!" shouted Minami who was watching and leaped out from the tree and on the air. Minami knew she wouldn't make it in time. The hunter didn't anticipate the attack but she threw herself in front of her daughter and the vampire got her instead. She coughed up blood and looked at the vampire, he was grinning. "You dirty bastard." hissed the woman, blood washing over her lips. She fell on the ground, breathing hard. The kid finally started crying and threw her arms around her mother. He was about to land the final blow but Minami grab him at the back and slammed him on the ground. She went on top of him and started punching his face. Minami stood up, lifted the leader by his collar, threw him on the air and kicked him on the chest; he flew hitting a tree, resulting it to break and hit a few trees more. The leader got up groaning, it happened too fast that he didn't even know who it was. He made his way back and was surprised when he saw Minami.
"What's the meaning of this!?" growled the leader.
Minami looked back at him and hissed, "I don't take orders from you."
"This is your biggest mistake Takahashi."
"Oh yeah? Come get me."
He did and rushed towards Minami, however she was stronger than him and easily evaded his attacks. The fight was intense and fast that, a normal human wouldn't be able to follow it with their eyes.
"In the end you will die." laughed the boss while they're still fighting.
"Shut your mouth and go to hell." grinned Minami, appearing behind him and ripped his head off with such great force. His body turned into dust instantly and flew as the wind picked up. Minami appeared immediately beside the mother and daughter. The woman turned her head and looked at the vampire, "A vampire killing another vampire to save a human? That's the first."
"Mom, don't talk!" cried the little girl holding her mother's hand tightly.
"Vampire, w-what's your n-name?"
"Takahashi Minami."
"I-I...s-see...Takahashi-san t-this may be a s-s-selfish request b-but can you watch my l-little angel for me? It seems...I...can...entrust my daughter to don't have to be by...h-her side...but p-p-please watch over her." rasped the woman, more blood washed over her lips as each word were spoken. Minami could only nod at the final wish of the hunter. The woman smiled and looked at her daughter, "Be strong my little strong. I'll always be here over you...your father and I love you and don't ever forget that..." those were her last words before closing her eyes, her hands fell from her grip. The little girl wailed, Minami felt a rush of sadness go through her and hugged the girl as she cried loudly. Soon they were discovered by other vampire hunters and saw the scene. The way they saw it was there's one of them on the ground, full of blood and a vampire had a girl in her arms. They mistook the situation and started shooting at the vampire. Minami sensed the bullets towards her but she didn't move because if she did, the bullets would hit the girl. The bullets pierced through her back. Several bullets hit her before they stopped. The girl was still crying. She felt the pain, but didn't show the pain for the sake of the girl. The vampire looked back and saw at least a dozen of vampire hunters showing up. 'Shit, I can't take them all...I better go.' Minami took one last glance at the girl and smiled at her, "I'll be in the shadows." then left. Minami hid herself up a tree and watched as the hunters quickly ran over to the crying girl and took her away while they checked to see if the hunter was still alive. One hunter checked her pulse but he could feel nothing, the guy that checked her pulse looked at the others and shook his head in sadness.

"That's how it happened." said Minami and heaved a sigh.
"I...I...really don't remember that's always a blur if I try to remember always followed me!?"
"From all of that you're main questions is that..." smiled Minami, "...and to answer your question...yes...I wasn't always there though but most of the time."
"I see..." 'I didn't even notice you at all.'
"Listen...about that night..." Minami couldn't finish since Atsuko stood up, grab all her weapons, she looked at the vampire, "This doesn't change a're a vampire and I'm a vampire hunter." then left running.
Minami sighed and looked to the direction of someone, "I know you're there Yuko,  you don't need to hide."  Yuko stepped out from where she was hiding and grinned at her friend, "How'd you know I was here? I'm sure I concealed my self pretty good."
"My friend you didn't do a good job, I could sense you a few feet away from here."
"You didn't tell her the whole story."
"I didn't lie, I just told her the part that she wanted to hear."
"I bet you did." said Yuko sarcastically.
"If she ask me about that, then I have to tell her ok."
"So what are you doing here anyways?"
"I wanted fresh air."
"And you came here?"
"It's a coincidence."
"Right, now that you're here why don't we go hunt?"
"Sure, good thing you mention it...I'm getting thirsty."

Atsuko sat on chair, thinking about what the vampire told her. She tried to remember that moment but nothing came up. It just made her head hurt more. She cursed in frustration, 'So what now? She said she didn't kill my parents but she only talked about my what about my father? Do I still continue to tail her? What I do? Argh! Dammit...the boss will have a say to this.'


The two midget vampires stood in front of the veranda looking at the horizon and waiting for the sun to come up.
"Hey Yuko, I have a question for you."
"If there's a war between the hunters and the vampire, will you continue your place and do what your told to do...fight the one you love or don't do it and instead go to where she is."
"In my case, Nyan-Nyan is well a past hunter so if there is a war, I would ignore their damn orders and go to her. I'll take her and escape from them even."
"Didn't you already do that?"
"Yeah, but it's different...she was sent to kill me and well we were lucky...if you know what I mean. So about your're talking about Maeda aren't you?" grinned Yuko and poke her friend on the side of the ribs.
"S-so what if I am?"
"Nothing~" smiled Yuko then turned to her friend, "So what is this going to war thing huh?"
Minami just shrugged.
"C'mon Takamina, what is it? Is it because of that group again? You know I don't know why you're even in that group."
"Yes...and you know why...our family has always been always royal to the's a given that I'm with that group."
"You can leave if you want to cant you."
"Hah yes, but death is the only way to leave the group."
"So what will you do?" Before Minami could answer, Haruna joined them, hugging Yuko from behind, "What are you two talking about?" Yuko placed her hands on her girlfriend's hands, "We were talking about how sexy you are."
"Lies." whispered  Haruna to Yuko's ear. Then she turned to Minami, Haruna's chin rested on Yuko's shoulder, "So what were you talking about?"
"We were talking...about 'ifs'." grinned Minami and covered her eyes as the ray's sun hit her face.
"You two don't really share things with me." pouted the tall vampire.
"Ok, ok." said Yuko and looked at Minami for confirmation. Minami just shook her head mouthing, 'no, not yet.' Yuko nodded and turned around to face her girlfriend, "We'll tell you later."
"We promise."
"Ok fine." sighed Haruna, knowing that they will surely keep their promise. The couple was about to go in when Minami said to Yuko, "I'll tell her." Yuko was confused about it then she remembered her question. The vampire nodded and the couple went in the house.

"So what do I do?" asked Atsuko, looking her boss straight in the eyes.
"You do whatever you think is right. Killing her or not totally depends to you. But right now I want to send you to a different mission so it'll take things out of your mind for a while."
"Ok, so what do you want me to do?"
"Recently a lot of animae damnatae have showed up, a couple of people have already been killed. I want you to eliminate them, for this mission you'll be partnering up with Minegeshi Minami."
"I work alone though."
"I know but more than a dozen of
animae damnatae has shown up, you can't possibly take them all down...I'm aware with your strength but it's just a precaution."
"Minegeshi, come in." called the boss, and the woman entered. He looked at her and introduced their to Atsuko, "Minegeshi this is Maeda, the one you'll be working with for today's mission." The woman turned to Atsuko and introduced herself, "Minegeshi Minami desu, yoroshiku onegai shimasu!"
Atsuko smiled at her, "Maeda Atsuko...nice to meet you."
"Now that the introductions are done. You two will go tonight since that's when they will strike other than that you can do whatever you please." informed their boss and dismissed the two.
Atsuko looked at her partner, "Can I call you Miichan instead of your name?"
"Sure, no one ever gave a nickname so sure." grinned Miichan and nodded.
"I'll see you there then at six, don't be late."
"Yes ma'am."


Atsuko looked at her watch, it was already 6:15 pm.
"Sorry I'm late." apologized Miichan.
"It's ok, c'mon lets go."
The two made their way to the streets, walking around. The sun had already set, the sky is turning dark. Atsuko looked around as she heard a noise, "Did you hear that?" Miichan also looked around the area, nodding at Atsuko's question. Seconds later fifteen Class E vampires showed up, surrounding the two hunters in a circle.
"Holy shit..." cursed Miichan, "...This is the very first time I've seen them in packs."
The two hunters were back to back. Atsuko smiled, "Are you ready?"
"Of course, I wasn't late for nothing." grinned Miichan, showing her choices of weapons. She wore a black vest concealing weapons, guns, grenades, a tomahawk and two wooden stakes. A chakram hanging on her belt. She had four Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum guns, two on the holster while two already drawn out.
"Are you serious?" asked Atsuko.
"What? I like to carry a lot of weapons." said Miichan in an innocent voice.
"It's your choice- here they come!"  One vampire leaped to Atsuko and  the hunter unsheathed her two swords and jumped as well. The hunter jumped and the two met on air. Atsuko made a swift motion and when she landed back on her feet, the vampire was headless. His head rolled over to Miichan. Miichan looked at what touch her feet and screamed when she saw the head. She was about to kick it but the vampire turned into dust.
"One down fourteen to go. Hey Miichan let's split it up, you take care of seven and I'll do the same."
"Ok." grinned Miichan, turning around to look at Atsuko, just then a vampire advanced towards her.
"Behind y..." shouted Atsuko at her partner but Miichan already  fired her gun without looking and got the vampire right in the heart. The vampire suddenly fell on the ground and turned into dust. Atsuko stared at the woman in disbelief, "Wha-? How did you do that?"
"I just knew."
The vampire hissed at the hunters then two vampire charged towards Atsuko, Miichan also had the other two coming right at her. Atsuko held her katanas tightly, waiting for them to close in. The two male vampires spilt up going on either side of Atsuko. The hunter stood still, neither facing the two, her hands slightly extended with her katana pointing at the vampires. She flicked her gazes back and forth between the two. The woman watched as the tall vampire on her left took a step and in a second the vampire were now in front of her and threw a punch. Atsuko raised her left katana to block the punch but she was still thrown off and hit the wall. The two male vampires didn't let her recover, as soon as she hit the wall, the short vampire lifted her up, threw her about thirty feet high up on the air and the two guys jumped. Atsuko felt herself going up, she opened her eyes and saw the two vampires above her. She put back her katanas in the saya on her back and drew her two guns before landing back on the ground. She landed earlier than the two vampires, she looked upwards and pointed her guns at them, pulling the trigger. The bullets hit them directly at their heart. Atsuko spins both of her guns around her fingers by the trigger and trigger guard then put them back in the holsters, she looked at her five remaining targets. She smirked, "Next."

Miichan fired at the two vampires as they ran towards her but they easily dodged the bullets. She frowned then put her right gun back in the holster and took out her chakram. The hunter threw the chakram at them but they duck. "You missed." grinned both vampires, showing their fangs. Miichan just smirked, "I didn't miss." One vampire turned around and saw the chakram coming right at him, it was too late to dodge since the weapon already slicked his throat off. Once the chakram is thrown it has the ability to ricochet off objects and return to the thrower. While the other one was distracted, Miichan took this opportunity and fired three bullets at the vampire. The two vampires fell and she caught her chakram. She turned to see Atsuko but she wasn't there, then she looked up and saw her partner up on air. "How the heck is she up there?" She got interrupted since another vampire launched at her, she got punch right on the stomach and flew a few feet away hitting a tree. "Ok, that hurt like a bitch." cursed Miichan getting up and wiped the blood from the corner of her lips. The five remaining vampires came at her all at once. "Oh crap." She didn't have any match for their speed so she just got a grenade and threw it at the approaching vampires then ran away well more like of going to where Atsuko is. The grenade exploded but the vampires got away quick however they were thrown off.
"You ok?" asked Atsuko as she saw Miichan draw near. The younger woman nodded, "You?"
"This is nothing." smirked Atsuko.
All ten vampires all attacked at once, Atsuko drew her two katana then made a lashing gust of wind towards her enemy. Four were only caught and they fell back. The fifth one made his way behind Atsuko, ready to attack however someone showed up, put her hands on the vampire's neck and slammed him on the ground making a big crack on the cement.  Atsuko turned around to see Minami. The pureblood grinned at her, "I wasn't late was I."
"What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you."
"Can't you see I'm busy." said Atsuko as she slashed one vampire on the neck. Minami sighed and used compulsion on the three remaining vampires and the ones that Miichan were also fighting. The seven Class E started fighting among themselves. The short vampire turned towards Atsuko, "Not anymore."

Miichan continually kept firing at her opponents. She grunted  as only one vampire turned into ash. 'Ok them dodging is annoying. Tsk...if only they would fight among themselves.' Then it happened, her eyes grew wide as she saw the vampire fighting among themselves, 'No way!' Miichan got excited and turned to tell Atsuko, "Hey Atsuko! The vampires are fighting among themselves..." Her excitement died when she saw one small woman facing Atsuko. 'Huh? How'd she get here? I didn't notice her.'
"Ummm who's she?"
Minami turned around and Miichan quickly pointed her gun at the vampire.
"Atsuko can you tell your friend here to put her gun away."
"Miichan like what she said here... can you please put down your gun."
"But she's a vampire."
"I know."
Miichan was hesitating, but she finally put it down.
"Thanks." smiled the small vampire.
"So I guess that's your work?" asked Miichan pointing at the vampires who were still fighting with each other. Minami nodded.
"It's seriously cool being a vampire." sighed Miichan.
"Want to be one?" grinned the small vampire. Atsuko punched her on the arm. Minami slightly raised her arms up, "I was only kidding."
"So what do you want to talk about then?" said Atsuko coldly.
"Why are you so cold to me now? Did I do something wrong, if yes then can you tell me what it was?"
"Nothing." said Atsuko avoiding to meet the vampire's eyes. She told herself to not act around Minami so casual since it would be dangerous for both of them.
"We even slept together." mumbled Minami, Atsuko didn't hear it but Miichan did. Miichan's draw drop and looked at Atsuko then Minami back and forth.
"Umm...what?" asked Atsuko, unsure why Miichan is looking at her.
"Y-y-you two s-slept t-t-together!?" half-shouted Miichan, still bewildered about the information. Both women blushed, even though it was night. It was easy to tell that they were blushing especially for Minami since she has a pale skin.
"OH...MY...GOD...!" squealed Miichan, "...this is the first time...a vampire and a hunter..." Then she whistled.
"No we didn't." denied Atsuko but she was still blushing. Minami felt a pang of sadness when Atsuko denied it but what can she really do?
"I heard your VAMPIRE lover mumble it." smirked the younger hunter. Atsuko shot a look at the vampire.
"What? I was only taking myself...I didn't know your friend here would hear it." said Minami in defence.
"I have a good hearing." grinned Miichan proudly.

Minami turned to Atsuko and looked at her seriously.
"I came here to tell you something. Atsuko...I 'think' I love you...No... I don't 'think' that I love you...I do love you. Like I told you before...I've always watched far...somewhere in the distance and I guess I slowly fell in love with you without me noticing it. That night...that night was when I knew about's when I discovered my feelings for you. I am not lying about what I said to you back then. That felt it too didn't you? I know I wasn't the only one."
Miichan stood there, watching the confession. She was just on the verge of tears, 'awww...this is so sweet!' Then when she heard Atsuko's answer, she started sniffling.
"I...I'm sorry...I just don't feel the same and will never will. I just don't love you." said Atsuko, her words spreading like poison in Minami's heart. Atsuko clenched her fist and forced herself to say those words to Minami. She was happy the vampire felt something towards her but she had to decline to protect the two of them. The tall woman felt it was the best thing to do.
"I see...I wasn't expecting much...I just wanted to say that since I've been thinking about it for a few days now. I understand...this is goodbye then." smiled Minami sadly. If the hunter didn't feel anything towards her, she told herself she would leave her alone.
"I better go..." Minami started to walk away but she stopped and turned around once more, "Oh yeah...I forgot I just wanted to say be a few days there will be a war. The next time we see each other...we will be in the different side." Then she mumbled before disappearing from their sight, "Vale meus amor..."

Once the vampire was out of sight, Atsuko dropped on the ground and started crying. Her tears dropped on the ground like raindrops. Miichan wiped her tears away and move to comfort her partner. She actually don't know what to do but she knelt down and patted the crying woman on the back.  Minami could hear Atsuko crying even though she was a few miles away. She shut her eyes tightly to prevent herself from breaking down too. The short woman stopped for a few seconds and punched a huge pine tree in front of her, the tree fell loudly on the ground. A lot of crows flew squawking as it fell, just then three  lower class vampires showed up and surrounded her. She looked up and saw the hungry low class vampires, their eyes were dark red. The small vampire smirked, "So hungry little vampires are out hunting huh." Before the three could react, the pureblood made her move quickly and in an instant the three lower vampires were beheaded then they disintegrate to ashes. Another two  pureblood vampires showed up and were surprised to see that the three lower class that they were pursuing were gone in an instant.
"Hmph, never face your superiors if they're mood is affecting them." sighed Minami then she turned her attention to the other two vampires, "Were you after those three?"
The two nodded in unison unable to speak.
"I see...I kind of took care of them...sorry for that...I just need to let out some steam."
The two just nodded in response again.
Minami chuckled, "You two loosen seems that you two are newborn. Why would a two newborn pursuing those aggressive vampires hmmm?"
The two looked at each and nodded.
"We were after them to prove to our parents that we can take care of ourselves." They both said in unison.
"But you could have have been killed...this animae damnatae are quite aggressive, they don't think before attacking."
"But you quickly took care of them! That was awesome!" said the short haired girl.
"That's because I was quick, it takes time to become strong you know."
"Eh? You're older than us?"
"Hey, what do you mean by that!"
"But you're shorter than us." said the girl bluntly. Her sister hit her softly and whispered, "That's rude."
Minami smiled but inside she was kind of pissed off. Everyone knows she's sensitive about her height.
"You're funny you know that...well tell me what's your name?"
"I'm Matsui Jurina."
"Matsui Rena."
"I see, so you're from the Matsui family huh...nice to meet you...I'm Takahashi Minami yoroshiku."
"T-Takahashi Minami!?" shouted the two in awe.
"Umm yeah?"
"You're Takahashi Minami! I didn't expect her to" said Jurina and once again Rena elbowed her on the ribs.
The older vampire frowned, "Ok stop talking about me now."
Minami sighed but it was replaced by a smile. Somehow talking to these two made her a little bit calmer. "You two should go home now, your parents must be worried about you two."
"You sound like an old hag."
"Oh shut it, or else I'll drag you home."
"I was only joking."
"Right, you two go home now and don't even think of going anywhere else, I can tell."
"Thanks for the help Takhashi-san." said Rena and bowed then drag her sister with her. Minami watched them as they disappeared and waited until they stepped in a good place before leaving also. She smiled, "Young vampires nowadays."

Miichan accompanied Atsuko home and left after. The hunter removed her weapons and placed it on the table. She slowly made her way to the bathroom. She turned the shower on and let it run for a while before going in. The woman stared at her reflection on the mirror or more particularly, she looked at the was almost was faint. She touched the mark and smiled bitterly, "I'm really stupid to think that I can forget about her."


"Yuuchan why does Takamina keeps sighing." asked Kojiharu while her girlfriend sat on her lap.
Yuko shrugged, "I don't know...ever since she got home a few nights ago..she's been like that."
"What do you think happened?"
" has something to do with you know who."
"Do you want to go ask?"
"You don't want to do that Nyan-Nyan, she's just going to ignore you." said Yuko. She was speaking from experience.
"You never know...I'll go talk to her."
Kojiharu made her way to the veranda where Minami is sitting while she was just staring at the night sky. The tall vampire blocked the moonlight from Minami's view. The small vampire raised her eyebrows, "Ummm...can you please move? You're blocking my view."
"I'm not moving until you tell me what happened."
Minami sighed and closed her eyes, "Suit yourself, you'll be just there the whole time." Stubbornly Kojiharu did stay there even though thirty minutes passed, she didn't move an inch. Minami looked at her friend, "Seriously?"
"Yup!" grinned the tall woman, "Like I told you earlier, I'm not moving until you tell me what happened."
"There's nothing to tell."
Kojiharu crossed her arms, "Yes there is now spill."
"Argh...fine...I got rejected ok." said Minami in a painful tone and looked away. Kojiharu's face softened and hugged the small vampire. Minami just let herself get hugged and they stayed that way for a while. Finally all her emotions came out and tears slowly fell down. "It hurts..."
At that moment Minami looked like a broken child crying. Kojiharu patted her friend's back, "It's ok to cry."
"Naze? Naze? why did I I have to fall for her? Dammit!"
Kojiharu didn't answer, she knew the feeling of falling in love with someone that it might be possible to be with. She closed her eyes, trying to be strong for her friend and not cry.
"You shouldn't give up. I may not have seen her so I can't tell for sure but I'm sure she loves you like you love her. C'mon don't give up now, the Takamina that I know doesn't give up that easily."
"But there's no use of pursuing her more."
"Do you really believe that?"
"No." answered Minami with determination and wiped her tears.
"See, now go to her."
"Eh...what now?"
"Yeah, why not."
"But in a few hours, the war will break out."
"Huh, what war?"
"I thought Yuko told you already."
"No...she didn't."
"Yuuchan..." called Kojiharu and turned to where her girlfriend is. Yuko gulped, "Ooops...I forgot."
"What war?"
"Well you know that Takamina is in the Iudicium group right?"
"No, I don't."
"Err...well anyways that group wants to eliminate all the hunters."
"What!? Takamina Is this true?"
Minami nodded.
"So you're fighting her?"
"Are you planning on it?"
Minami just looked away.
"You're not serious. What happened to 'go to her'?"
"There's another catch." said Yuko.
"And what is that?"
"If Takamina betrays the group it'll be death for her and her family."
"What have you gotten yourself to?"
Minami just shrugged, "I didn't have a's a family thing to be in that group."
"What will you do then?"
Minami didn't answer Kojiharu's question instead she asked a question, "Do you two want to go somewhere, you know out of the country?"
"Paris!" grinned Yuko, "always wanted to go there."
"Your lucky my friend we're going there later. I have a plan...but it's really simple. You could say similar to how you two disappeared."
"Ah...I see."
"Yes, we're going to meet at the airport. I'll get the tickets so you don't have to worry about it. Don't forget your passports though."
"I'll go prepare things...I'll see you two later."
"Wait...what about the government? Don't you "work" with them?"
"No...not anymore..I quit."
"Eh? when?"
"Just now." grinned Minami.
"You're a piece of work." laughed Yuko.
"I know."
"Well...Takamina...good luck."
Minami nodded and went in the house to make some calls.
"C'mon Nyan-Nyan we should go too."
"But don't she need any help."
"No, it's ok she can take care of things herself."
"Will she really be ok?"
"Yes, that's Takamina we're talking...she's strong, just believe in her."
"Ikimashou." said Yuko and took her girlfriend's hand.

The night will be different, it wouldn't be the same old nights, this night is when the vampires would make their attack. The moon hung high in the sky, this particular night it glowed more than usual. The wind that whirled was colder than usual. The air was filled with bloodlust. Far from the distance wolves howled, their loud ear piercing sound would send a shiver down anyone's spine who heard it. It was a perfect night to start ...a battle.

Minami went to where they were supposed to meet. When she arrived everyone's already there.
"I'm glad that everyone could make it. We have brought a few Class E with us...they can be a good help. fratres and sorores it is time." said the leader and started walking. Minami sighed but walked along with the group. 'Atsuko...I'm coming for I thought I can't give up on you."
The vampires arrived at the hunter's HQ quickly however the hunters were all ready for them.
"Let's go!" grinned their leader and both races clashed. Minami took this opportunity to find Atsuko but it wasn't that easy since vampire and hunters were fighting all over. One young male hunter charged towards her but Minami avoided him and hit him on the back of his neck. "Sorry about that...but better than dying, right?" In those few seconds, some hunters already lay lifeless on the ground as the lower vampires drank their blood and a few lower vampires had disappeared. The small vampire avoided the attacks of the hunters that they tried to land on her and just knocked them all out. Finally, after a few minutes of searching she found Atsuko fighting a lower class vampire which she quickly dispatched. Another two lower class vampires attacked her following the defeat of the first one. The two vampires attacked her continuously, not giving her the time to strike or do anything. She could only dodge their attacks as she kept stepping back. Not long after her back was against the tree, the vampires grinned and swung his claws but Atsuko ducked. Ducking, she stabbed the vampire's stomach making him yelp back. The other one was about to attack her but Minami showed up and used compulsion on the two vampires making them go away. Atsuko was surprised to see the small vampire standing in front of her. She actually didn't know what to do or say, worst she didn't know how to act around her. Her heart ached seeing Minami right in front of her, the vampire was near yet so far away. Atsuko wanted run to Minami and say that she loved her, that all she said before was a lie...but she couldn't. She made her choice and it was the best for both of them. The hunter shut her eyes and tightly gripped her katanas, hoping that her love one wouldn't be there when she opens her eyes. She didn't want to fight her, it would just bring such a heart ache. "Please don't be there once I open my eyes." She mumbled then once she did, the vampire wasn't there anymore. The hunter sighed but was startled when she heard someone behind her, "You can't get rid of me easily, angelus meus...I came here to get you. Come make it look like we're fighting so it wouldn't look suspicious."
"No, I'm not fighting you." said Atsuko stubbornly.
"Either that or I'll use compulsion, choose angelus." grinned the small vampire.
"Fine." grumbled the hunter and started attacking the vampire.
"First off, like I said earlier I came here to get you."
"Why?" asked the hunter and almost slashed the vampire's arms if Minami didn't dodge but she got a scratch.
"You almost took my arm off. Anyways I'm not giving up on you. I want you to come with me, we'll get out of the country." informed Minami as she caught the katanas barehanded, her hands started to bleed but she didn't mind since it would heal soon enough. She released her grip and backed away from the hunter.
"What? You wanted it to look like a fight." grinned Atsuko then her tone changed, a hint of sadness in her voice, "That can never happen." 
"Yes, it can..."
"It's impossible."
"It's not trust me on this, we can leave everything behind." said Minami and gave a kick which Atsuko just blocked with her two katanas.
"How? If we disappear they want bodies...well not you since you know but you get the point." sighed Atsuko and threw a punch directly at the vampire's cheek. Minami could've avoided it easily but she took the blow. She looked at Atsuko, "Even though I told my friend I have a plan...I don't. My intention was just to come here and get you... it may or may not work, regarding it it doesn't work we have a few hours to get started ahead and flee. If it doesn't work, we may have to run but I don't mind as long as I am with long as you're here with me." Then the vampire  said, "Ok, now punch me again, so I'll fall on the ground..." Atsuko did what Minami requested and the vampire is now on the ground with Atsuko on top of her.
Minami placed her right hand on the Atsuko's cheeks, "Don't you love me?"
" do love you."
"Then why are you hesitating?"
"I'm not sure if I can leave everything behind...I...I grew up hoping to be the best hunter that they could have and I..." Atsuko looked away from Minami's gaze. Minami gently took Atsuko's hand and placed it against her heart, "You know...if I have a heart would beat for you, angelus meus." She chuckled at what she said.
"What more proof do you want that I need you and love you? Tell me."
"K-kiss me." instructed Atsuko and blushed. The vampire smiled, "Is that all,angelus?" Minami reciprocated their position and leaned in, their nose touched, both eyes were locked at each other. Minami closed her eyes and gently placed an innocent sweet kiss.

The leader quickly got rid of his opponent by snapping the hunter's neck. Toshiro looked around and grinned to himself as he saw what was happening. Fighting and killing surrounded him. His grinned disappeared though when he saw Minami kissing someone. "What the..?" He made his way to where the couple is and said coldly, "Takahashi...what is the meaning of this?"
The couple stood up and Minami smirked, "What does it look like?"
"I knew sooner or later you're a traitor to the group and here I am seeing you with a hunter, our enemies and to add to that I see you kissing our enemies. You disgust me."
Minami could feel Atsuko shaking in anger since they were holding hands. She whispered to her lover, "Don't mind him."
"Now I find a reason to kill you Takahashi." grinned the leader.
"Oh me too Toshiro, I've been itching to see who's stronger. Do you remember your brother who died fourteen years ago? The time where we attacked the hunters? Well let me tell you something. I'm the one who killed your pathetic little brother. You know what I did to him? I ripped his head off...and I'll just do that to you too."
"You bastard!" snarled the leader and instantly appeared in front of Minami throwing a punch but the small vampire caught his punch. She grip his hand tightly, "Is this all you got?" then she twisted his arm, the leader spun around and fell on the ground. He stood up and glared at the small vampire. The fight went on for a while, both of them went at it, both vampires landed their attacks on  each other and dodged. After ten minutes, the leader took a glance at Atsuko and he grinned. Using compulsion he ordered two lower vampires to capture however by using compulsion he had an opening. Minami got him by the collar and threw him up a few feet away on the air. She appeared on top of him, kicked the leader on the stomach and sent him right down on the ground. The impact was so strong that the ground cracked when he landed. Minami was on top of him and was ready to give the final blow but she stopped when she sensed something was wrong. She looked back and saw lower class vampires holding Atsuko.
"Atsuko!" she shouted and turned around to face the laughing vampire.
"Kill me and your precious girlfriend dies." grinned the leader then he stood up and made his way to Atsuko. He touched her face and licked his lips, "Your girlfriend seems tasty."
Minami gritted her teeth, "You dirty bastard! Get your filthy hands off her!"
Toshiro laughed and circled around Atsuko, "How about this Takahashi, your life instead of hers?"
"Fine! Kill me! but don't you dare touch her!" said Minami.
"No!" shouted Atsuko and tried to fight her captor but it was useless.
"I admire you're bravery Takahashi." Toshiro made his way to Minami, "Kneel." The short vampire didn't do it, he got frustrated and made her kneel. Them when she was kneeling, he slapped her right across the face. Toshiro  bent down so he was face to face with the small vampire, "I win in the end eh?" Minami just spat on his face. Angry, he stood up and kneed her under the chin, the small vampire fell on the ground. Atsuko looked away but one of her captors grab her hair and made her look at what was happening. Minami coughed up some blood as she stood back up. Toshiro thew a punch right on her stomach and Minami fell on her knees. The leader stood over her and is ready to kill the small vampire. Minami looked at Atsuko and mouthed, "Aishiteru." before closing her eyes.
"Minami!" shouted Atsuko and tried again to get out of her captor's grip, this time she was successful. She rolled over to where her gun is, grabbed them and fired at the two lower class vampires. The hunter looked to where Minami is and was confused when she saw Toshiro down on the ground. She looked around and saw Miichan with a gun in hand. The hunter heaved a sigh and smiled at the other hunter, "Nice timing." Miichan gave her a thumbs up and a wide smile.  Atsuko smiled and looked back to Minami who looked confused like she was but her expression changed to horror.
"Behind you!" shouted Minami. Atsuko turned around and saw Toshiro smiling with his fangs unsheathed, she didn't have enough time to do anything as he sank his fangs in her skin. Toshiro was aiming for the hunter's neck but Atsuko raised her arm by sheer luck and her arms got bitten instead. In seconds Minami appeared behind Toshiro's back and grabbed him slamming the male vampire on the ground. She went on top of him and started throwing punches at him. His mouth was covered with blood, his own blood and Atsuko's blood. He just laughed madly.
"Kisama!" growled the small vampire and threw one last punch.  Minami wasn't done yet as she made him kneel.
"Looks like we switched placed but this time you'll die for sure!" shouted Minami and snapped his head back. Seconds later he disintegrated into ash. Atsuko screamed in pain and clutched her bitten arms. Minami turned her full attention to her lover and held Atsuko in her arms. Miichan was behind them, "What's wrong?"
"She got bitten...the venom is probably spreading out now."
"Can't you do something?" asked Miichan who stared to freak out.
"I can't."
"Well can't you turn her into a vampire or sake thing!?"
"Yes but...I don't know if I can do it. I might not be able to stop once I taste her blood."
"D-do it..." said Atsuko hoarsely, she was getting the pale and started sweating, "M-minami...p-p-please make the p-pain stop."
"I...I trust you..."
Minami nodded and pressed her lips against Atsuko's forehead. She then looked at Miichan.
"This will take only a minute...if I don't stop in a minute and continue to drink her blood then do something, ok?"
"Eh? Like what?"
"Anything to make me stop."
Minami nodded and she unsheathed her fangs sinking her fangs into Atsuko's neck. Atsuko's blood was warm, savory and sweet, it was exquisite...she had never tasted such blood as hers.

Atsuko felt like every bones in her body was breaking. She groaned and screamed in anguish. Her whole body writhed at the horrible feeling. Her eyes were watery with the sheer pain and her breathing came out in sharp, shallow rasps. Sweat dripped down the side of her face and covered her forehead in a thin sheen. She opened her eyes and saw her lover, her sight was blurry but she knew who it was, they were talking about something but she couldn't really comprehend what it is.
"D-do it." her voice came out hoarsely, she was confused why she said it but she had an idea what they were talking about.
She heard Minami protest but she cut her off, "I...I trust you." Even with those words spoken, it took her all her might to say those. Atsuko's eyes closed again preparing for the worst to come. Somehow when she felt Minami kiss her on the forehead, it made her a little bit calm. Once Mimani's fangs sank in her skin, the pain doubled in her body. Every second that passed, she felt her life being drained slowly. With her breathing becoming shallower it made her want to cry out for oxygen.

The small vampire pulled away in time, she was amazed that she was in control. Getting the katana of Atsuko that laid on the floor, she cut herself on the arm and sucked some blood. With the blood on her mouth, she kissed Atsuko transferring her blood into her. She repeated this process until it was enough.

Atsuko tasted something bitter, salty and metallic. She wanted to spit it out but she didn't have the energy to do anything.

Minami looked at Miichan, "We have to move since I don't know how she'll react with all the blood around. Do you think you can convince your higher ups that something 'bad' happened Atsuko?"
"Sure, leave it to me...even though it might be a little bit of a challenge but I'll do what I can."
"It's no problem, I'm glad for you two...I hope you find happiness. What am I talking about? Of course you will. See you two."
"I'm really thankful, thank you. Perhaps we will meet again sometime."
"C'mon you two go! With this goodbye I'm going to start shoo! Shoo!" smiled Miichan and wiped her tears away.
Minami smiled at their friend and carried Atsuko out of the battlefield.

"Ok, this is probably safe now." said Minami to herself as she looked around the open wide field. The vampire searched for a good place, where they could be away from civilization. She set Atsuko down on the grass and watched the sleeping woman in awe. Minami chuckled to herself, "Angelus meus, you look like sleeping beauty."

Outside, Atsuko looked so peaceful but inside was different. She felt pain, a pain worst than earlier. The pain was bewildering, bewildered that she couldn't really comprehend what was happening. It felt like she was on fire, close to the sun that any moment she would burn. Her body ached, that she wanted to raise her arms and claw her chest rip everything that ached inside her. She was in agony. Everything was changing inside her and she could feel it every second. She wanted to scream, yell, shriek and cry but no sound came out. The endless burn...raged on. Atsuko could have sworn it would last for days, weeks, months or maybe even years. It was a never ending feeling. Then in a second everything everything seemed to become clearer but slowly. The pain slowly subsided and this time it was bearable, she waited a few more minutes for the pain to go away before opening her eyes. She let her other senses know what was going on. Her thoughts started to form again, her senses started to return one by one; her hearing got clearer and she could hear the crickets chirping, the owls...everything that was making a sound in the next few miles. Especially the other vampire that watched over her, she could hear the low, even breaths that came from her lover.
Her sense of smell became stronger, the fragrance of Minami hit her first...carnations drench in sunlight...punctuated there with roses, jasmine, violet and lily of the valley. Finally, she slowly opened her eyes. Everything was clear and detailed even though it was dark. She  could see the leaves falling like she was in front even though she was far away from it. Suddenly she heard something rustle in the bushes, she quickly looked at the direction and saw it was only a rabbit. She was astonished, she definitely felt that she changed...somehow. All her senses are sharpened. Atsuko then turned to her lover. Minami smiled and whistled when she saw the transformed woman, "Wow, when you were human you were really gorgeous but looking at you surpassed your beauty." The newborn smiled and quickly made her way close to the small vampire. She touched Minami's face and was shocked because she felt warm. The small vampire could tell the shock on the newborn's face, she touched the hand that Atsuko touched her face with and pressed it against her cheek, "We're the same temperature now...that's why." The small vampire chuckled and brought Atsuko's hand to her lips and kissed the back of her hand, "I'm glad everything went alright, angelus. Being turned into a vampire is a 50/50 chance you know."
"It was because you were the one who changed me." smiled Atsuko. That was her first words as a vampire and it shocked her again. It was her voice, it came out directly from her mouth but it sounded like it wasn't her. Minami grinned and tip toed so she could reach Atsuko's lips with hers. That was Atsuko's very first kiss as a vampire and she gladly let herself get carried away with the kissing until the small vampire pulled away. Atsuko frowned at her, she didn't understand why Minami pulled away, it's not like they needed any air. The small vampire could see the frown from the newborn. She smiled to herself, "I have a good reason. First off, you probably need to drink, my blood isn't enough for you since well you need more but it should satisfy you for a few more minutes." When Minami mentioned blood, Atsuko's throat felt dry and it ached.
"Hmmm...ok...that didn't last long...we probably should go now then." Minami took a hold of Atsuko's hand and both vampires started running. In a few minutes, they were in the city, in an alley. It was dangerous for a newborn vampire to be around a lot of humans but Minami trusted her and she was there.
"Are you sure about bring me here?" asked Atsuko, her throat burned more as she smelled the blood all around her.
"Yes, you probably need three humans and before you can you're not draining their blood, just take small amounts of each and that should satisfy your hunger for about a day. Also we need a clean blood. Ok, wait here, I'll be back."
Atsuko just nodded and waited. A few seconds later Minami appeared with two passed out women in her arms.
"Just a few...ok?" instructed Minami and gave the body to her.
"But what if-"
"No buts, I'll be here with you." said the small vampire smiled giving her a reassuring look. Atsuko nodded and sank her teeth into the woman's neck. She would have never thought that she will be drinking blood and would enjoy it! It was so strange for her, drinking blood but it seemed natural. A few seconds later Minami said, "Angelus, that's good."
She could still her throat burning but it wasn't as bad as earlier. Grabbing the second woman, she moved to her and drank what was necessary. When she was done, Minami licked the bite marks on them so it would heal, after that she went out and 'returned' them. She went back and carried the last person. "This should do."
Atsuko did her thing and when she finished, the burning sensation in her throat disappeared. Minami put back the last person.
"Where to now?" asked Atsuko.
"We head out of the country." smiled Minami and clasped Atsuko's hand.

The End?

OK, this one is a short "backstory" kind of... of Yuko and Haruna...made this since well "Sharlatan-san" SAID SO...... xD  Yo! hope ur satisfied with this~  :mon whimper:

For months, Yuko and Haruna have been in a relationship. But it wasn't just a relationship, she's in a relationship with a hunter and that was forbidden for them. The very first time they met it was a coincidence. Yuko stumbled across the hunter fighting some other vampires. She watched in the shadows as the fight went on. The moment she laid eyes on the hunter, she was in a trance. For the centuries that she has been alive, no one has ever captured her but that night, someone did. After the fight, Yuko revealed herself to the hunter, she knew she shouldn't have done that since maybe the hunter will go after her but surprisingly the hunter didn't. Instead the hunter asked the vampire, "Are you my enemy?"
"I see."
Yuko's first impression was that the hunter was well...easy going?
The hunter kept walking and didn't ask any question even though Yuko followed her.
'I'm following her and yet...she's not asking any question? Wow.' thought Yuko then suddenly she bumped into something since she wasn't paying attention. She looked and saw it was the hunter.
"Hey why did you stop?" asked Yuko then she stepped beside her so she could see what was going on. She was confuse since the only one ahead of them were a couple. Then she got it, she looked at the tall girl beside of her and she was crying. Yuko felt a pang of sadness, seeing the girl cry in front of her.
"Hey...are you ok?" she asked the girl gently. She didn't know what took over her but somehow her hands found its way to the girl's face and wiped the tears away. The hunter turned away and started walking back. Yuko didn't know what to do but she still followed the hunter. Eventually, the hunter went to the park and sat on the bench. The little vampire then sat beside the hunter.
"Say...why are you following me?" asked the hunter.
"I don't know."
"You don't know that you're following me? You're weird." laughed the hunter. Yuko smiled, happy to see the hunter laughing.
"I'm Kojima Haruna."
"Oh...umm...Oshima Yuko."
"Nice to meet you Oshima-san."
"If you don't mind me asking...about earlier?"
"Earlier...Well he's my boyfriend, wait no was my boyfriend. I kind of new he was cheating on me but I didn't want to believe it...but I guess seeing it with my own yes...I really believe it now."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault, *sigh* but when I see him...I'll give him a piece of my mind."
Yuko laughed, "You can handle him."
"You think? I fought stronger opponents. His nothing." smiled Haruna then she look at her watch and stood up, "I guess I better go."
Yuko nodded, "I'll see you again."

Days passed and Yuko tagged along with Haruna. Sometimes she would even help the hunter with her mission. She really didn't mind killing the lower vampires. Yuko was happy every time she spent her time with Haruna. She felt a warm, fuzzy feeling, she didn't know what it meant but she liked what she was feeling. It took her a few more days to know what she was feeling just because she asked a friend about it. A few more weeks passed and she definitely knew what she felt but she couldn't act on it. The vampire didn't want to risk their friendship, she was afraid that Haruna will reject her. Just thinking about not able to see the hunter scared her. She just couldn't risk it.

When the hunter met the vampire, she felt that there was something different about her. She was puzzled with herself on why she hang around the vampire, well the vampire was the one who always followed her but she didn't mind. Haruna felt more safe, as a hunter everyone has to work alone. It was a rare thing to be partnered up with someone, so having someone by her side she felt more safe. She didn't mind one bit that it's a vampire who keeps her company. Each day they became closer and closer that both gave nicknames to each other.

 Haruna and Yuko walked back home, after a mission. Yuko had always walked her home after every mission that she got. This night though she noticed something different about the little vampire. When she would ask her question, Yuko would just nod or reply with a "yeah." Once they reached Haruna's apartment, she took this opportunity to ask the vampire questions. The hunter pushed the vampire against the wall, so she wouldn't be able to escape. Both of her hands beside the small vampires's head. 
"Yuuchan, you're acting strange today? What's wrong?"
"Nothing." muttered the vampire and looked away, not able to meet the hunter's eye. It feels that if she did, she will loose all of her control and will do something unforgettable.
"You won't even look me in the eye. Please...tell me what's wrong." pleaded Haruna and rested her forehead against Yuko's. Yuko was surprised with the hunter's movement but she still didn't move. She could feel Haruna's warm touch though and it sent a thousand butterflies in her stomach. Yuko hated to see Haruna worried about her but she can't really do anything about what she felt.
After no answer, "Fine...goodnight then." said Haruna opening the door to her apartment and shut the door behind her. She leaned against the cold steel door, hurt that Yuko couldn't even tell her what was wrong.

Yuko clenched her fist then unclenched it again, ''re stupid.' She still leaned against the wall then after a few seconds went to face the closed door. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled and left.

Upon arriving home, Yuko noticed someone in her house. She frowned and look who it is and it's only her best friend. Minami looked up and sensed something wasn't right.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Life." grumbled Yuko.
" to be more specific? Wait...let me guess this about that human you've been hanging around with?"
"Wha- how'd you know? And she's not just that 'human', she has a name."
"Woah calm down...sorry and you ask me how I know, duh...her scent. So what's her name then?"
"Kojima Haruna."
"So what's the problem then?"
"I think...I'm in love with her."
"Woah! Did you just say that."
"Yeah...don't you dare comment on that."
"I'm not." grinned Minami, shrugging her shoulders, "Why not confess then?"
"That's the thing...I can't because I don't want her to reject me. I don't want to lose her."
"Well...have you ever considered her feelings also? What about if she feels the same? You're scared to confess because you're thinking of yourself, you should also think about her feelings...consider it."
"What about if, she doesn't like me back?"
"Then face it, something might change between you two but I'm sure she won't avoid you."
Yuko nodded and considered everything that Minami said. She finally knew what to do, she laughed at herself for being negative. The vampire then turned to her best friend, "I can't believe...I'm getting your advise on this matter."
Minami just grinned.


"After this...can I talk to you?" asked Yuko as she killed one of the vampires that they were fighting.
"Now you want to talk to me."
"Yesterday...I'm sorry...I wasn't myself yesterday, that's why I need to tell you something today."
"Fine." sighed Haruna and kick the Class E on the chest.

After that small mission, Yuko and Haruna went to the park where they first talked to each other. They sat on the same bench like last time.
"So...tell me what's wrong now?"
"Yesterday...I'm really sorry. I didn't know what to do or act around you."
"Umm...why?" asked Haruna, not sure where the conversation is going.
"This." said Yuko appearing in front of the hunter and cupped her face. She leaned in and pressed her lips against Haruna's. Yuko was ready to be pushed away but it was just the opposite. Haruna put her hands on the vampire's neck and pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. After a few seconds, they both pulled away.
"Wow." said Yuko in bewilderment, "I thought you were going to push me away."
Haruna blushed, "Baka...I would never do that."


"Yuuchan, what are you thinking about?" asked Haruna, noticing that her girlfriend was somehow 'out' of this world. Yuko laid on Haruna's lap.
"I was just thinking about the time we met." grinned the squirrel.
"I see." smiled the ex-hunter, "...Four years since I became a vampire...huh."
"Yup, why you don't like it?"
"No, I actually prefer being a vampire..I don't even know if I should be glad I said that." laughed the vampire. Yuko smiled and clasped her girlfriend's hands, "I love you."
"I love you too." whispered Haruna and leaned in to give a quick kiss on Yuko's lips.
"I want more~" said Yuko.
"We're in the airport. Be glad that I even gave you a kiss."
"Fine~" sighed Yuko, then look at her watch, "Ok, we've been waiting for like forever here...where the hell is Takamina."
"They're here."
"Where?" asked Yuko and sat up. She looked around and finally saw Minami with Atsuko enter the building, "Wait...something is different about Maeda."
"She has the presence of a vampire."
"Eh!? Majide. Takamina changed her that quick." smirked the short vampire.
"I didn't have a choice." replied Minami hearing what her friend said, "I'll explain later."
Atsuko was taken back when she saw the couple.
"Yo, seems we meet again eh?" grinned Yuko.
Atsuko looked at Minami and her girlfriend just smiled, "My best friend...Oshima Yuko and her girlfriend Kojima Haruna."
"Maeda Atsuko, Takamina's girlfriend...we know." said the couple in unison.
"C'mon we should go, less talking more walking...we can do the talking later, right now we have a plane to catch." grinned Minami and walked hand in hand with Atsuko. Yuko and Haruna nodded and also walked beside them.

The End~

AAAAANNNNDDD....that's it!  :mon yeah: comments~ I need comments~ feel free to comment LOL I really want to know on what u think of this... (desperate) LOL  :mon innocent:
holy shizzle...MAN...that was long...I hope u didn't fell asleep in the middle... :cool2:
I Just noticed that this one is a "little" (hah riiiiiight) longer than the rest...  :whistle: and I kind of even rushed the ending...ahahaha  :sweat:
but I think this will be the longest OS that I will write...  :mon exhaust: hahahaha I got carried away writing this...  :mon evillaff:
Thank you for reading! Till next time~! (hoping I can get an idea and write another before Acchan's b-day)  :mon bye: :mon bye: :mon bye:

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2013, 07:35:12 PM »
Damn this OS was long.  Seemed like a short fic to me.

Yuko and Haruna were alive and pretty much mated.  Acchan and Takamina ran away from their factions.

I like it a lot :D
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2013, 08:03:54 PM »
Awesome one shot :D Very entertaining and fun to read! Really like the story between Atsuko, Minami, Haruna and Yuko :D
Miichan was great too! Glad she sidded with Atsumina!
Really nice OS, great job ^^

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2013, 09:16:04 PM »
you fic is as good as always ^^

it is so sad and beautiful I love it

they say love wins over everything ^^

I want more atsumina and kojiyuu please ^^
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2013, 10:11:27 PM »
All of your one-shots are like epic!!!!!!!!
whew, the vamp one was long, but good
personally, I'm pickier on atsumina than I am on other pairings
thumbs up!
I was silently [kyaa!<3]ing when i read your one shots

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2013, 01:07:12 AM »
Good long one shot <3 *claps* *claps*

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #35 on: June 21, 2013, 01:30:04 AM »
wow! that was awesome! and I like miichan!!!!

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2013, 06:50:02 AM »
This is not a one shot it's a short story. OMG can I get a sequel, I want to know Atsumina's life after eloping.

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2013, 08:36:16 AM »
Great...A long fic, and it took me like...3o minutes to read it? Ahahah~~
 :farofflook: :hee: :bigdeal:
~Ahh....At last, it has been a long time since i read an AtsuMina OS~~Ahh...
 :cool2: :luvluv2: :whistle:
~Wow...Damn it~~Hunter and vampire!~!~ I was looking for this!~!~ LOL
 :wriggly: :on woohoo: :on gay:
~Bwaa...Oh man, the way the story flow...Muahh...perfect~~ Takamina!~!~!~!
 :on GJ: :luvluv1: :shy1:
~Great OS...I'll be looking forward for the next one...if there is...well i hope there is!! Tnx for da' nice OS!~!
 :whistle: :on woohoo: :kneelbow:

Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2013, 09:01:05 AM »
Love your fic
The vampire,hunter the blood the action and most of all
My atsumina kyaaaaa!
and theres a bonus kojiyuu moment!
I love it~
Ps.atleast bumawi ka sa atsumina!di pa din ako maka getover dun sa takayuki! XD

Offline cisda83

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Re: ONE SHOTS ~ Atsumina~ The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter (06/20/13)
« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2013, 12:42:57 PM »
The Vampire & The Vampire Hunter OS

Yeah... Atsumina OS...

Very long but interesting story...

Very well written... great action, nice drama twist...

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see more

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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