@gek geki
Actually I first thought about thwt too, but instead of mice, I was thinking about hamsters. Hamters still looks cuter that mice imho,lol
Already up, pleasee joh

About Jurina before she met Rena, it'll be revealed in the next chapter (hopefully)

Sae huuuh, actually I have 2 vacancies seat dor cameos inthe next few chapters, but I haven't dacide who I will choose though

A sigh escaped for the nth time from a young girl's mouth. She raised her head to take a peek to her other half who's been on the phone for awhile. Her partner's voice sounded strained as she apologized over and over.
Because of her cockiness she made a mistake and brought Minami down with her, shouldering the burden of failed mission together. She had to do something to make up for her failure this time.
After what seemingly like an eternity, finally Minami put her phone back to her pocket. She walked to the bench where Atsuko sat flopped down beside her, releasing a long sigh.
"...How was it, Minami?" Atsuko started with small voice, "Was he angry?"
It was a stupid question. Of course he'd be angry. After all, didn't only they failed to retrieve Jurina but they also cause quite a ruckus that'll needed to be calmed down before they're exposed.
"He was. But when I tell him about Yuuko's meddling, he seemed to be interested. He even laughed at the possibilities of us caught Yuuko and the others along with Jurina." Minami gave Atsuko a dry laugh. "Man, is he out of his mind? It's hard enough to fend off Yuuko, let alone to recapture her."
"It's not entirely impossible, Minami. I...I believe I can do something to--"
"No." Minami cut her sentence. "We agreed that you won't push any strain more than necessary to your body in exchange for you to be my partner. Have you forgotten about it, Atsuko?"
Atsuko lowered her eyes and shook her head.
"Good! Those drugs do make you stronger, but you have to pay attention to your health as well, Atsuko. In fact, you should just ask a vacation leave to ease all your stress."
"Why don't you?"
That question made Minami looked at Atsuko and gave her a wry smile. "You know I can't do that. They took us in when we're just a powerless orphan and raise us to be the person we are now."
Minami looked at the starless sky and took a deep breath. "I have to repay them in anyway I can."
Atsuko just smiled at Minami. "If Minami say so, I will be always stay by her side."
That answer made Minami smile, yet she felt a dull ache in her heart's corner. But she'll just ignore it for now.
Minami hopped off from the bench and offer her hand to Atsuko. "Let's go, I'm hungry after all the running."
Atsuko took her hand and let herself be pulled up by her partner. "Sure. What would you like to eat, Minami?"
"Of course, katsudon!"
"Katsudon...again?" Atsuko made a bewildered face on her partner's suggestion. But if it's for Minami, she'll endure a katsudon for a life time. Or so she thought at the moment.
"Owwieeee~!" A high-pitched scream was heard from Kashiwagi's villa, followed by a muffled groan and hiss.
Both Jurina and Rena was sitting in the guest room's bed, the latter tending the puppy's wounds using the first aid kit she borrowed from Yuki.
"Jurina, stop moving around so much! It'll be harder for me to tend your wounds!" Rena hissed as she prodded Jurina's bruise with a cotton smeared by antiseptics.
"Ow ow! But it hurts, Rena-chan!" Jurina whined as she tried to shy away.
"Mou, stop struggling so much!" Rena gave Jurina's shoulder a death grip and forcefully cleaned the wounds on her neck before putting a clean bandage to cover the wounds. Deep inside, Jurina wondered how come such tiny arms have that much power to held her.
"Finally, done. It'll be less painful if you just sat there obediently and let me do my job." Rena sighed as she cleaned her first aid tool kit. It's a good thing she's familiar with the kit due to the fact she's been living alone for quite a while.
Rena took a look on her puppy and gave herself a satisfying nod for her accomplishment. The most severe wounds were on both Jurina's wrists and her neck, which been cleaned and badaged. While the rest is enough to be plastered with a bandaid.
"Mou, Rena-chan can say that because she didn't feel the pain herself." Jurina still sulking, adding a pout for an extra effect.
Rena sighed again and flicked Jurina's forehead, making the adorable puppy had a teary eyes once again.
"Then don't running around and injuring yourself in the process."
"Mouu~ Rena-chaaan~ It huurts..." Jurina whined and pouted even more. Adding her secret weapon puppy eyes, she gave a Rena a pleading looks.
"...What?" Rena rolled her eyes, unable to resist the puppy's antics.
"Kiss me until it gets better." Jurina hugged the older girl and made a smooching demonstration, full with her weird sound effects.
Her sudden attack made Rena blushed uncontrollably, Rena swear all her blood must have rushed to her face and made it looked like it'll explode anytime.
Rena smacked the younger girl, but the puppy attack was relentless. She giggled as she observe the older girl's reaction. Her flustered face, her stuttered words, her weak attempt to block Jurina's assault...Jurina wanted to be spoiled more by her princess.
Showing a pity for the flustered girl, Jurina finally stopped her assault. Smiling due to the older Matsui awkwardness, slowly she took Rena's hand and place it above her chest, her heart. The gesture stopped all of Rena's thought, her face looked like a deer caught in a headlights.
She could feel the warmth seeped through the clothes and into Rena's hand. She could felt the puppy's fast yet steady and strong heartbeat...
"Rena-chan, I--"
Then suddenly the door opened, revealing Yuuko, Haruna, Mayu, and Yuki. The sudden entrance made both Rena and Jurina withdraw their hands immediately. Their face flushed and their gaze suddenly found the wall and floor to be very interesting to stare.
"Woops, did we interrupt something?" Yuuko said breaking the awkward silence.
"Yuu-chan, that's why I insisted we should have knocked first. It's more polite and not to mention we don't know what they're doing inside." Kojiharu looked at the shorter girl and pouted.
"Heh. You made it sounds like they were doing something inappropiate." Mayu smirked and let out small giggle, showing her mischievous side.
"Stop it Mayuyu. You made Rena and Jurina felt uncomfortable." Yuki pitied both of Rena and Jurina, their face was looked like it was being boiled.
"Right. So let's get down to the business." Mayu started as she dragged two chairs for her and Yuki to sat. Yuuko and Haruna was sitting on a nearby couch while Jurina and Rena stay still.
"As I promised, I will answer all of your question. But first let me ask you this one question..." Mayu raised her index finger in front of Rena.
"The information you're about to hear is a very classified information. After you hear it, I guarantee your life will not be as simple as before. Hence, you have two options. One, you can back out and live your normal life like before. No hunter, no danger lurking in the dark, you'll live happily as a simple normal Japanese girl." Mayu paused a moment, and raised her middle finger to accompany the index. "Or two, you choose to get involved with us. This'll probably ruin your entire life, since you'll also be considered as a fugitive. Danger will be always your bestfriend and maybe your family and friends can get involved into dangerous situation.
Either you backed out and cut ties with us, or you side with us and cut your link with your friends and family. Your answer will determine how we'll treat you from now on."
Mayu's question made Rena hesitated. What's with the question? It's hardly could be called a question! The way Mayu put her choice was a clear statement that they didn't want Rena involved more with them.
Rena bit her lip as she consider both of the options. She couldn't choose.
Suddenly she felt a trembling hand enveloped hers. She took a look of the owner of said hand, and saw an almost crying Jurina.
"Rena-chan...don't leave me..." Jurina whimpered.
The sight made Rena lost. She felt a tug on her heart as she saw a lone tear streaming down her puppy's face.
"I...I don't think I have to choose, Mayu-san." Rena answered, her eyes showed deviance. "I've been involved for quite a while. Don't you think I at least needed a proper explanation for these situation?"
"Look, what I told you was a possible threat concerning your friends and family if you got involved with us. Trust me, it can get uglier. Please don't make light of our situations. You'll regret it." Mayu pressed further.
Squeezing Jurina's hand, Rena gathered her courage and gave her final answer.
"I'll regret more if I chose to abandon a crying puppy in the middle of a storm."
The answer made Mayu and the others blinked few times before they realized the meaning of Rena's comparison.
Jurina's face contorted as a jumble of emotion ran thtough her face. Hapiness, joy, affectionate, surprise, even a hint of sadness and loneliness. She hugged Rena tightly and nuzzled her face on the older girl's neck. "Don't worry Rena-chan, I will protect you~"
"Said the one who was running away and being cornered by an expired unit." A sarcastic remarks silenced the puppy immediately. All eyes fixed on a tall brunette who's fiddling with her hairs at the moment.
"What? I just stated the truth." Kojiharu blinked and gave them an innocent look.
"Way to kill the mood instantly, Nyan Nyan..." Yuuko groaned beside her.
"Okaaay...So, where would you like me to start?" Mayu addressed the older Matsui.
"From the very beginning. What are you, where are you from...I-is that okay?"
"Sure, so...We're used to be a normal children, but we're recruited and raised under heavy training and monitoring in Tokyo for the last several years...We're taught about everything from basic general knowledge to 101 military tactics and martial arts and weaponry knowledge."
"Didn't your family went against it?" Rena asked out of curiosity.
Yuuko chuckled, "We're orphans taken from various orphanages around Japan. No one cared about us but ourselves."
"No need to apologize. So apparently there are some wealthy people who took an interest in a genetics recombination research and fund an entire experiment to achieve a higher grade of humanity, which to be honest, is just a money-wasting project creating monsters like us." Mayu spat her words viciously.
"What, aren't you freaked out to see a human capable to transform themselves into a dog?" Mayu raised an eyebrow, challenging Rena.
At first Rena furrowed her face, then the reality hit her. "You're the papillon at the convenience store."
Mayu smirked as she heard Rena's statement. Of course, why didn't she see it before? Jurina's able to transform from a puppy to a human. No one said that Jurina's the only one who's capable of the feat.
"You're quite bright. Kay, let's continue. After years of training and solitude under the names of researches, finally some of us got the guts to revolt. Whilst some's unable to tear the confinement, the others are able to taste the sweetness of freedom." Mayuyu ended with a fake smile. Rena had a feeling it's not the entire story, and Mayu still hasn't trust her enough to spill the beans. Thus, she has to resort to other method to extract the information.
Rena looked to Yuuko, she seemed more friendly than Mayu. "What about the drugs mentioned in the basement? What's that? And what did you mean by an expired unit?"
"The drugs are like a catalyst. We've undergo some genetics recombination experiments to enhance our sense and physical ability, but to utilize the maximum effect, most of us still needs the drugs as a catalyst. The drug is too strong for normal people, even us. We need to built our body resistance by ingesting the drug regularly and increase the amount little by little. Until we're strong enough to take it in a huge amount at once, we called it 'awakening'." Yuuko's eyes started to glow dimly. "After we awakened, we don't need the drug anymore and can control the power on our will. Furthermore, we receive a special gift. Mine is an enhanced sense of smell. Pretty convenience, eh?"
"You made it sounds so trivial." Mayu sighed.
"It is." Yuuko answered in a sing song voice, her eyes already back on its normal color. "About the expired unit...Nyan Nyan refers to Acchan, one of our former colleague, actually maybe you already met her. She's one of the very first generations, which means she started her training and experiments earlier than us. After an awakening, the drugs compatibility started to wear off in various period depending on the person. Some people lasted years, some only lasted few weeks. When the drug finally wears off, our body capability will be regressed back similar to that a human. A constant use of drug to regain our prime time is prohibited, since it'll mangle with our health and sanity. A higher dosage even said is capable to destroy our body instantly."
"The awakened who's lost their power, we jokingly called them expired. It's rude, but eventually we'll ended up like them." Haruna chuckled darkly.
"While most of the expired were released as they have no more benefit for the experiments, some are allowed to stay within the perimeter, even hired as the staff for the institue. Like Acchan." Mayu added.
After few times mentioning Acchan's name, Rena felt the grip on her hands tightened. She took a peek on Jurina and frowned when she saw the grim face of the younger girl.
"Don't worry J. It's just a hypothesis, but apparently the younger the age when we were experimented, the more we compatible with the drugs. That way, no one will be able to rival your power once you awakened." Mayu chuckled, gaining Rena's attention.
"Huh? What did you mean by that?" Rena felt a dread started to pool up in her stomach,
"Jurina's been experimented even since she's still in her mother's womb. No one will be able to surpass her compatibility." Haruna answered monotonely.
The revelations made Yuki gasped and Rena stare bewilderedly on the puppy beside her.
"What...what is the purpose of this research?!" Rena gritted her teeth, suddenly she felt very displeased with everything she heard.
Mayu shrugged. "Saa...I heard it was something like 'for the better humanity' or something."
Project J - chapter 6. Question and answer: Part 2. END
Answering question with more questions!
What will happen next?? Next chapter is a start for new arc, stay in tune!
Hope you enjoy the story so far, see you in next chapter!! (≧∇≦)