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Author Topic: [Scribbles] 3/1/14 Homecoming (MaYuki)  (Read 104533 times)

Offline WotaOtaku~

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Mayuki! Yeeey! I still want a Juricchan drabble xD

Update soon~!

Offline -gibson-mayulover

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Thank you so much for this cute and fluffy Mayuki fic
I really need this
Since it been awhile since I read a cute mayuki fic
At least it lighten the mood

Thank you so much....

I really love cute mayuki fic since I don't know how to  write a cute and fluffy one
I love this os soo much

Now I'm in the mood for writing
Thank you so much

Offline cisda83

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very cute... Mayuki OS

I like the simple drama OS

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see other OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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this is so funny and sweet :yep: XD
haha miho chan is so funny, the clock will melt and yuki in just a towel making mayuyu stutter was so cute :lol: :cathappy:
i love the ending! :love:
mayuki is awsome!! :yep:
thanx for this :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline kuro808

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Hehe Myao

MaYuki <3
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline cisda83

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very sweet school romance...

Mayuki were so cute...

Mayu was such a shy person here...

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see ,ore OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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sorry but i wrote this during physics because i wasnt listening haha i know it's lame so yeah. dont worry!! im working on other requests but i just need time :)

A Noisy Takahashi

"Nanananaananananananananana Batmaaaaan!!!!!"



Atsuko rolled her eyes.

"When will you ever grow up, Takahashi Minami?"

"Hmm, never. I wanna be Peter Pan."

"So childish."

Minami continues to sing loudly.




Atsuko stands up. Kisses Minami on her lips.

Minami shuts up.

"Well that worked."


"Be quiet, will ya?"

Minami nods.

Atsuko smiles.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 02:35:06 PM by p-o-p-e-y-oppa »

I fucking love nail art.

Offline WotaOtaku~

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"Nanananaananananananananana Batmaaaaan!!!!!"

No one is old for that xD I still do it xD

Offline kuro808

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Simple and effective
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline cisda83

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A Noisy Takahashi

Takamina was so childish...

Kept singing all kind of different childish songs...

Well at least Atsuko able to shut her out... by kissing her...

So cute...

Thank you for the cute OS

Can't wait to see more

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Dieyg48

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  • Nothing to say...I just luv Takamina, that's all~
Bwahahaha!~!~! that batman things!! Ouh my gawd Taka!! Love you!~!~
 :hiakhiakhiak: :luvluv2: :nya:
~Haahhh...Takamina is sooouuu childish in here!~!~ Auuu!~!~
 :shy2: :luvluv1: :on lol:
~Hmmm~~~I've take a liking on drabble fics cuz' of this!~!~! Want more!~!~
 :hee: :on GJ: :on comhere:
~Well, even though it is short, but make me laugh and smile cuz' there's a little AtsuMina!~!~
 :luvluv2: :kekeke: :on gay:
~Anyway, I'll look forward for the next one!~!~ Nice drabble by da' way!~!~
 :kneelbow: :whistle: :on GJ:
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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I want a jurimayu or mii-chan/mayu pwease :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline sakura_drop_

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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
*patiently waiting for YukoRena*

"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline edogawa4869

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SaeYuki pleeeeeaseeee....  :bow:

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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IM SO SORRY!!! i cannot accept requests anymore. :( when i do not ship the couple, the passion is not there. so im so sorry :(

Maybe a Furuyanagi shot can make it better? :)

Online Romance

Takayanagi Akane has never been in love.

For the past few years of being in high school and college, no one has seemed to conquer her lonely heart. No butterflies in the stomach, no uncontrollable heartbeat, no nervous stuttering, just, nothing.

You see, Akane, or as everyone calls her, Churi, is actually a nice girl. She's smart, pretty and has a sense of humor. And because of this, she has attracted a lot of guys.  Although a lot of guys have craved for her and asked for her hand, Churi wants to be sure that her first relationship will be with a person she's truly in love with.

Then one day, her best friend, Oya Masana, suggested something.

"Hey Churi, why don't you try online dating?"

They were in a coffee shop at Akihibara when Masanya suddenly opened this topic.

"Eh?! I told you before, I won't go in a relationship with someone I'm not in love with!" As usual, a bitter Churi comes in handy.

"How can you be so sure? It's online anyway, you won't see him personally." Oya here wants her best friend to be happy. Oya's happy with her girlfriend..(boyfriend..I don't know) Nakanishi Yuka.

Akane sighs. "Fine. But it's just a test. Okay?"

Oya claps her hand. "Yes yes. I'll tell Yuka to sign you up."

The two girls went home and met Yuka at the train station.

"So Churi...Masana told me." Nishishi was grinning once again.

"Shut up. I'm just gonna try it anyway. There's no harm in trying."

"Pshhhhh if there was really no harm in trying then you should have at least gave your suitors chances. You know, what if maybe one of them was really "THE ONE?"" Yuka said while hugging Oya sideways.

Churi rolled her eyes away and shook her head.

"Let's just head home to get started okay?!"

Yuka and Masana laughed and nodded.


As the trio got to the couple's apartment, Yuka immediately went to her computer and got busy.

"Has Yuka..always been like this?" Churi was an internet user but she always make sure she eats first and feeds her birds before she gets down with her business.

"Oh Churi, sometimes, I find good competion with our computer. She plays hard and stays there for the whole day." Oya chuckled and handed Churi a glass of lemonade.

Churi and Masana kept themselves busy by talking and chatting about anything when Yuka shouted from their bedroom,

"Honey!!! I already got Churi registered!"

Churi lackadaisicaly stood up and headed towards the bedroom. Oya who was half excited for Churi, pulled Akane's arm to make her walk faster. As they got inside the bedroom, Yuka stood up and asked Churi to sit down.

"Okay Ms. Takayanagi, I already registered you. This website is for young Japanese individuals who fail to find true love in their community or their surroundings." Yuka clicked on something and Churi's profile popped out. "Now, you choose what your username will be and your display picture. Hand over your phone so we can choose among your pictures." Churi gave Yuka her phone and she plugged it in. "And don't worry Akane, your real name will be withheld. So no worries, okay?" Yuka patted her back and focused on her pictures.

The trio agreed that Churi's display photo will be the one which Masana took when they visited Kyoto last year. Akane posed with a victory hand sign and smiled genuinely. While for the username, Churi and Yuka argued which was better, _kawaiichuri or akane_churi. Eventually, the _kawaiichuri won, which Churi suggested herself. After 3 hours of arguing and prepping up, with Oya's occational sighing and head shaking, Churi finally went home. All thanks to her friends Nishishi and Oya, she's now on online dating.


The next morning, a punctual Takayanagi woke up early as usual and went to work. Churi works at a business firm in Tokyo. She's the assistant to the chief director of the Marketing section. We can say that she's basically a successful person. But not successful when it comes to love. She secretly hopes that this online dating she got herself into will somehow give her a chance to love someone.

As she arrives at work, she sees Miyamoto Hiromitsu waiting for her at the lobby with a bouquet of flowers. Hiromitsu is Churi's last suitor standing. Hiro-chan's good looking and has a kind heart and the guy has been courting her since college and never stopped since. Churi always asks him why he doesn't give up, simply stating her rejection, but instead, the guy answers her enthusiastically, "Akane-chan will learn to love me someday."

Churi bit her lip in annoyance. She already had enough of this. No matter how she rejects him harshly, he's still there. Wherever she goes, he's there. She's starting to think that Hiromitsu's stalking her already, or is already obssessed with her. With just having that thought, Churi already shivered in fear. As she approaches Hiromitsu, Churi plastered a pissed off emotion, hoping it would drive Hiromisu away and will stop him from bothering her. But instead, Hiromitsu looked at her worriedly and asked her,

"Nee, Akane-chan..are you okay? Are you stressed? Do you wanna go out? Can I get you a coffee?"

The speedy questions made Churi's eyes roll.

"Hiro, just visit some other day, alright? I'm not feeling good right now. And I don't want to start my day wrong." The stingy answer made Hiro back away.

"Uhm, okay. Here's some flowers, maybe they can cheer you up." After he handed the flowers to her, he took his leave and left Churi.

Churi was surprised that Hiro was not pushy today, unlike before. She thinks that the guy's giving up already. She hopes for the best for the guy. Even though she cannot reciprocate his feelings for her, she still cares for him as a friend. Churi sighed and went on with the day.


As soon as Churi got home, her friend Yuka already called her.

"Moshi moshi?"
"Oh Yuka, why are you shouting?"
"Have you checked your profile?"

Churi has forgotten her account due to stress at work. If Yuka didn't remind her, she won't remember.

"I knew it. So, why don't you go check? There might be someone who's already interested in you and you both have the same interests."
"I will. Later, I guess."
"Oh boohoo, check it now! Okay, bye-bye." Yuka hangs up.

Churi groaned as she went to her computer. She opened it and went to the website to check her account.

"Hmm...2 messages. 35 profile views. Wow, I've made an awesome achievement."

She opened her inbox and saw two users who left messages for her. One was snk_gundam and the other one was loliconaddict. She excitedly opened the messages.

*loliconaddict left you a message*
    Heya buddy! I'm not looking for any love interests but since I saw ur also interested in cute stuffs, I thought maybe we can be friends. Cute photo btw!

Heh, she thought. This person sounded creepy. She opened the other one.

*snk_gundam left you a message*
  You look like a bird..or a chicken.

"What the hell?" She found the message rude. Very rude. This is the first time someone has called her a chicken. How dare him/her call her a bird?! She answered the user.

*_kawaiichuri replied to the conversation*
    How dare you call me a chicken huh?! Who are you to mock me? Show yourself then!

Our dear Churi's somewhat pissed off but intrigued about this user snk_gundam.

The username was like for a guy so she assumes he's a guy.

She clicked on the user's profile and saw his interests. His profile picture was a chibi drawing of what she thinks is a character in an anime.

"So he's interested with anime huh?"

She reads his other interests which included, biking, playing tennis and drawing. The only interest they share is biking. He also posted pictures of chibi drawings of different characters whom she don't know.

But because she was pissed off about this guy, she thinks he's just showing off his skills. She already forgot about the other user who messaged her too, and she didn't even mind checking his/her profile. She kept surfing the net until she felt sleepy.


The next morning, Churi woke up late. It was Saturday and she has no work. Nishishi and Oya are out of town because of Yuka's work. Her hometown's too far for her to go and she has no car to go there anyway. So, she has no choice but to surf the net.

Churi groaned as she opened the computer. Then she remembered her online account.

"Ah yatta, I wonder if that rude user has replied..." Churi went into full detective face. She was sure this user will reply to her. She went online and saw her notifications. The user snk_gundam didn't answer her message. Churi snorted, thinking the other was a coward.

*User snk_gundam has added you into her list*

"EH?! HER?!" Churi was sure flabbergasted about the user who's apparently female. She surely didn't expect this. All this time, she thought she was a male. Then,

*snk_gundam is online*

*snk_gundam messaged you*
   Hey, uhm. I'm sorry.

Deep inside Churi's heart, she felt something tug it. The sorry sounded sincere. But she didn't let her guard down.

*_kawaiichuri replied*
  Hmf, you go and insult me then you're asking for forgiveness? How pathetic.

*snk_gundam replied*
 Uhm, it's just that..I find you attractive. Seriously! No joke. And the only way I know that can take your attention is to insult you.

Churi was surprised. This girl..likes her? She has never thought to herself that she was gay. But there's something inside her that wants to know more about this girl. She felt different. Way back in high school, she has received a lot of confessions from guys, but never felt like this. How odd, she thought. While she was in deep thought, another messaged popped out of the screen.

*snk_gundam sent you a message*
 Are you mad? I'm so sorry. How can I make it up to you? :( Please don't be mad. I swear! Yeah you look like a bird..but a beautiful one! Like a parrot or something attractive. Please don't be mad. :(

Our dear Takayanagi is now blushing.

Churi bit her lip, forcing herself to calm down from this. The feeling was something new. It's like she felt connected this woman. It's like they knew each other before... Thinking deeply, Churi thought of something.

*_kawaiichuri replied*
  Okay. How about this? Do you live around Tokyo? Treat me for a dinner instead.

Yes. She knows it's dangerous but her curiosity about this girl kept going.

*snk_gundam replied*
  Uhm. Yes. Sure. Next week, can we?
I'll be on Tokyo next week. I'm on Nagoya right now

Churi snickered at the thought of meeting this girl. Oh boy, she would be playing around with this. But, Churi can't wait. It's a week away. The two kept chatting and acquainted with each other.

But it didn't last long as the girl bid her goodbye.

*snk_gundam replied*
  I'm so sorry but I have to go run some errands. Maybe we'll talk tomorrow or tonight? Anyway, thank you for making my day! Bye-bye tweet tweet hahaha

Churi frowned. With just 2 hours of talking, she was already attached to the other girl. But..



Akane can't sleep.

She was waiting for her to go online and ask her name. Although it could wait until  tomorrow, she just can't sleep. She can't manage to get the thought out of her mind. She has to know her name.

She looked at the clock. It's already 11pm. Giving up, she was going to close the window when something flashed.

*snk_gundam is now online*

*snk_gundam sent you a message*
  It's already late. Why are you still up?

Churi's drowziness all went away. She quickly answered,

*_kawaiichuri replied*
   Hey! I forgot to ask your name.

*snk_gundam replied*
   You stayed up late for that? Haha. I'm Airi. Furukawa Airi.


It's Monday again.

Sunday wasn't quite interesting for Churi. She just slept the whole day.

Monday morning blues. She has it.

Churi groaned as she locked her car while carrying a bunch of files. Her boss called her early in the morning to follow up the report that she was supposed to present this Friday. But her boss told her that she's going to present today. Akane wasn't ready. She had already done the whole report but she hadn't studied the whole thing. Good thing Hiromitsu's not here today to bug our poor Churi.

While she was struggling with the files, a girl went to her and said,

"Need help?"

Churi nodded. She was out of focus.

"Where should I bring this?"

"Uhm, follow me."

The girl carried half of the files she was carrying. She looked at the woman who helped her. She has never seen girl before. "Maybe she's a newcomer" she thought. They took the elevator and they were both quiet until Akane asks the girl.

"I haven't seen you here before.."

"Oh. I'm a new employee here. I'm from the branch in Nagoya."

Churi suddenly remembered the girl she met online. She was from Nagoya too, or as she thought because she said that she was in Nagoya at that time.

"Why did you transfer here?" Churi asked.

"Oh. I didn't. I was just assigned here." The girl answered enthusiastically.


Elevator doors opened and the two went out.

"Hey, follow me." Churi called the girl out.

"Oh. Goodie. I was going here too." The girl giggled.

"You work for the marketing?"

"Oh no. I work for the designing." The girl smiled.

"So, what's your name?"

"I'm ---"

Churi's boss saw her and grabbed everything from the girl who helped her.

"Double time Akane! They're already here!"


"The bosses from Nagoya!"

Her boss was frantic. He was pacing back and forth after dropping Churi's things in her office. Akane looked for the girl but she didn't see her. She didn't say her thanks.

"Akane! Come here!" Her boss snapped her out of her thoughts and dragged her outside.

"Eh, this is Takayanagi Akane. My assistant. She will be reporting the branch's marketing improvements and demands." They bowed at the men in suit.

"Oh. Good. My designing expert can help her in the market demands. Besides, she will be staying here too." The man looked glanced at his surroundings. "I guess she's not here yet. Anyways, let's proceed to the meeting room."

They all proceeded in the meeting room and Churi presented everything. She looked calm and composed and tried her best to answer all the questions. Fortunately, it ended successfully. Then someone barged in.

"Eh! I'm so sorry I'm late!" The girl was the one who helped her earlier. Churi lightened up, because she can thank her finally.

"I forgot something in my car that's why I had to go back. But I realised that I left my car keys in my backpack which was in the employee's locker in the basement that's why I went to get it and ----"

"Enough. You're already here anyway. Introduce yourself Airi."

Airi? Churi thought. Wait, don't tell me..

"Hi! I'm Furukawa Airi. I'm the Nagoya branch's design expert. I'll be working here from now on. Please take care of me." Then Airi bowed and waved at Churi.

Akane felt her heart stopped. This was..snk_gundam. The girl who insulted her, made her wait just to ask her name and the girl who was going to treat her dinner. Also, the first person who made her frantic, nervous and left her a blushing mess. She can believe that she'll be working with her "online crush".

"This is Takayanagi Akane, the assistant to the Marketing Head." Airi's boss introduced Churi and turned to Airi.

"Akane, you'll be working with Airi from now on." Airi approched her to shake her hand. But Churi didn't bulged.

"Eh...Takayanagi-san? Is everything alright?" Churi didn't think twice and dragged Airi on the corner. Airi didn't stuggle and just went with her.

"You're Furukawa Airi?!" Airi got scared because of Churi's glaring.

"Ye-yes..I am..." Airi shivered in fear.

" don't recognize me??" Churi kept glaring and it gave Airi a good scare.

" remember helping you earlier..yes...that's it.."

Churi sighed and took out her phone to show Airi her display picture in the website.
As soon as Airi realized what Churi was trying to imply, her eyes went big.

"You're Bird-san!! The kawaiichuri!" Churi blushed and looked away, trying to hide it.

"Wow, you look more beautiful in person! It must be fate." Airi smiled at her.

"Stupid.." Churi was now a blushing mess.

"I guess, I'm fated to love you, huh?" Airi chuckled and held Churi's hand.

"Let's continue our Online Romance."


i'll comeback next week(?) with an ATSUMINA one shot!! gotta go! exams are up! :panic:
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 02:35:49 PM by p-o-p-e-y-oppa »

I fucking love nail art.

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Bird!!! Bird!!! <3

[Sorry for going a bit crazy, but I've read all the furuyanagi that I could find here, so it's great to see a new one]

Offline Crossing Crossroads

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Offline WotaOtaku~

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FURUYANAGIIIIHHHH!!! Kill me nawh, this is so cute I can't, no.Nope.
I'm glad this was another awesome fic of yours :DD can't wait for your next update :)

*screams and fades* FURUYANAGI!!

Offline kuro808

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Lol fate for both of them meeting
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Offline Yuki88

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and furuyanagi hehehhehehe 8D
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