cisda, sorry! I just went with the flow and it sorta happened... I can't believe Mayuyu did that Q.Q Oh well, now all that's left is to reclaim their school and BOOM! The harem arc starts! Kiddin. Of course there won't be any harem... Probably... Unless my AtsuYuu heart protests so...
olive, Mayuyu betraying Atsuko kinda... hurts me... And thank you, Jurina-chan~ That's why we all love Jurina-chan~ Even though she betrayed my current SKE oshi~
kenjoy, I'll have to take care of Atsuko's harem before they can make a move on Mirai Gakuen again... Sorry, man... Don't worry! I won't kill Mayuyu YEEEEEEEEEEET YEEEEEEeet YEEEeeet yeeeeeet *echoes*
Terra, I'm sorry to say... AtsuMina won't happen. Probably SaeYaka's the only one I'm planning to pair up.
Akblaire, AtsuMayu shipper GET!

Now we'll have a new force in this forum!!! LoL

Mayuyu... Why... I'm kinda regretting I did that to Acchan... These hands... are stained... CURSE MYSELF!!! *gets PWN'd by Zeus*
[Chapter 12] Oshima started to climb on top of the Ace as she looked at the sleeping beauty in an affectionate way. Her fingers ran along the girl's silky shoulder-length hair. Oshima's breathing became a tad more complex as she eyed the girl while drooling in a perverted way, with her face all red on imagining what type of play she would do to the younger girl.
"I love you, Acchan..."
Oshima confessed as she came closer to steal the girl's lips yet again,
"Let's stay as friends."
Oshima was stopped by the palm of the younger girl once she woke up and finding a squirrel-like molester on top of her.
Maeda quickly got up and pushed the older girl to the side. She made her way to her other friends as she rejected the older girl, leaving her in a state of perverse on the sheet she once laid on. Maeda realized the eyes of all the others were already on them.
"Good morning, thanks for your hard work." Shinoda joked as she hid the digital camera she had.
"Acchan just rejected her flat-out. Poor Yuko." Miyazawa also pitied the squirrel-girl who was smelling the sheet Maeda slept in. "Or not." she continued to eat her breakfast, cooked fish.
"You guys realized what just happened and continued to eat? You could at least help me by hitting Yuko in the head, you know." Maeda sighed at her friend's carefree attitude.
"And what's the fun in that?" Akimoto commented and made the others laugh.
Maeda sat with the others and ate her breakfast.
It has been a week since they came to the cave. Maeda declared that they should wait before attacking the others. They didn't know what the Ace is planning but they have complete trust in her, thus they agreed and continued their everyday lives in the cave and the forest.
"Oh yeah, have anyone seen Takamina and Jurina?" Kojima asked, which the others shook their heads.
In the cave are Maeda, Miyazawa, Akimoto, Shinoda, Kojima, Kashiwagi and Oshima. Jurina and Takahashi was nowhere to be seen.
"This sounds bad..." Shinoda got up which was a signal to the others that something isn't right.
As they all got up and went towards the entrance, they could hear the scream of a girl. Two of them, to be exact. The voice they recognized a lot.
"Takamina-san!" Kashiwagi quickly dashed towards the direction the scream came from, as she heard two voices, Takahashi and Jurina.
As they got into a clearing in the forest, they saw two girls and standing in front of them, was a giant black bear. They were quickly taken aback as the bear let out a frightening roar. The bear was around 200 centimeters in length.
"G- Guys!" Takahashi was hiding behind a rock with Jurina as they spotted their friends in a situation they just escaped from.
The bear looked at the humans in front of it and stopped once it's sight reached Maeda. Maeda smirked as she saw the bear's curious glare.
"Hoo~" Maeda walked towards the bear slowly, careful not to startle it.
The others looked at the Ace in amazement for her bravery and probably even stupidity. Maeda grinned evilly as she hopped on top of the bear, startling it as she grabbed it's fur. The bear didn't know what to do so it got on all fours and ran towards another direction, trying to shake off the human on top of her.
"Acchan!!" they all followed the bear but lost sight of them.
The group searched for the Ace everywhere and finally came to another clearing, the lake. They spotted Maeda but what was surprising was that the bear was lying beat up and defeated as the victor sat on top of it while fooling around with it. Maeda saw her friends and gave them the foolish smile she always had.
The others were looking at her, jaw dropped, as they realized what was going on.
"A- Acchan beat it?" Kojima asked, as her mouth was trying to form an awkward smile.
"L- Looks like it..." Miyazawa was also baffled as to what she just saw.
"And she isn't even hurt that much..." Takahashi commented as she saw Maeda with only a few scars on her arm.
To their surprise, the bear woke up from slumber and got up, making the girl tumble backwards and onto the ground. Maeda rubbed her head that hit the ground, softly.
"Ouch! That hurts!" Maeda made an obvious comment as she looked at the bear standing in front of her as mighty as it gets.
Maeda smirked as she saw the bear still alive and well. The bear raised it's paws which made the others quickly dashed towards her.
'We won't make it!' they thought to themselves as they desperately made their way towards the Ace in danger.
"Kuma~" Maeda cutely opened her arms and she was hugged by the bear in a tight hug, which surprisingly doesn't make the girl hurt at all.
The others stopped their tracks and looked at the two hugging in an affectionate and playful way.
"I missed you too, Kuma~" Maeda rolled around with the bear and the bear appeared to be smiling in a way.
"Eh??!!" finally, they lost it.
[Shimazaki Haruka's POV]"It's been a week already..." I said, dissatisfied with how the search was going.
A week has passed since the fight with AKB Gakuen and their top's disappearance, but we couldn't find them anywhere we searched. Their school students didn't know either. It seemed like they didn't know what Maeda Atsuko, their top looks like. I didn't know if I could believe them but if that really was the case, then I've got to hand it to her. She's one hell of a mastermind. The first one to ever escape from any of Mayu's traps.
"Paruru..." the one that stood next to me spoke worriedly as she looked at me.
I looked at Yui who has been with me ever since I found her.
[FLASHBACK]"Get away from meh..." the girl glared at me in the rain as she laid her back on the wall.
I looked at her with sympathy. Her clothes were torn and her eyes were red, probably from crying. She looked like she was older than me. I sat down with her as we covered ourselves under the umbrella. She looked surprised by my actions so I smiled at her, reassuring her that I mean no harm.
"Why...?" she asked, as raindrops started to fall from her hair, or was it her tears? I don't know. It was hard to tell...
"Don't know. Instincts, maybe..." I answered and gave her a wry smile as I myself, don't know what I'm doing.
She looked down again with her cheeks turned red. Did she have a fever?
"You okay?" I asked her, worried, as I checked her temperature with my palm, placing it on her forehead.
She was taken aback by my action as she flinched. "I- I'm fine!" she slapped my hand away as she covered her face while hugging her legs.
I was kinda worried but there's no way you wouldn't get suspicious is some stranger suddenly came to you and offered you her umbrella, so I decided to shrug it off and sat there with her for a while.
"You sound weird. You're not from here, are you?" I asked her as I remembered that her dialect was a bit different.
"Y- Yeah. I'm from Kyoto." she answered, still not looking at me in the eyes.
"Kyoto? What are you doing here?" I asked her back but didn't get an answer.
She kept silent after I asked her. The silence wasn't comfortable at all. I thought I probably have stepped on a landmine or something, or that question was a little too personal. So, I apologized.
"S- Sorry..." I apologized to her as I made a wry smile. She shook her head as she still didn't look at me back. "My name's Shimazaki Haruka. What about you?" I introduced myself.
After a few seconds of silence, I thought of giving up but then she answered. "Yokoyama... Yui..."
"Yokoyama?" I asked her with her last name.
She shook her head and tried to explain. "Y- You can call me Yui..." she lifted her head up and finally look at me in the eyes, with her cheeks redder than before.
I gave her a warm smile as I called out her name. "Sure, Yui." which she flinched and quickly went back to covering her face with her legs. Gah, that didn't work at all. "So do you have a place to stay?" I asked her in which she shook her head. She's kinda cute... I decided as I patted her head. "Want to stay with me?"
"I'm fine." I patted her head as I smiled at her warmly. She blushed yet again as she looked down.
"H- Hai..." she answered, with a blushed face which made her look cute~
"The happy couple happily making out like that in front of their friends over there, you done yet?" I heard the sound of Saya-nee teasing us as Miyuki was making 'woot woot' sounds, joining in the tease. Sasshi was trying her best not to laugh as Mayu and Rena looked at us weirdly, giving us the glare.
"W- We're not like that!" Yui blushed madly then took out a paper fan and hit Saya-nee right in the head, though she dodged it.
"Haha~ TsunTsun Yuihan is SO cute~" Saya-nee teased as she ran away outside with Miyuki, dragging her with her. Yui also followed to 'punish' them.
Now all the ones left in the room are me, Mayu, Sasshi and Rena.
"So any luck on Assan?" Sasshi asked me about AKB Gakuen's top, Maeda Atsuko.
"No luck. Can't find her anywhere." I answered as I got up.
"So she's nowhere to be found, huh..." Mayu looked down, worriedly.
"Mayuyu, you've been acting awfully worried for the enemy, don't you think?" Rena asked, doubting the shorter girl.
Mayu glared at her "You have no right to say that to me. Whoever I like, it's the same with you." she criticized Rena about her love towards a certain person who shares the same last name as her.
Rena smirked and answered back "I guess you're right about that..."
Sasshi clapped her hands and gathered our attention towards her.
"Okay okay, you two can be lovey-dovey some other time." Sasshi said and received the glares of both Mayu and Rena. I chuckled a bit at her joke. Sasshi can be funny when she needs to. "Right now, all we need to focus on is to grab Assan's attention to launch her counter-attack."
Sasshi made a point there but I just smirked and sat back on the seat.
"Sasshi, I agree with you, but I think we only have to wait. If Maeda is really like me, she might have certain problems going around her. She might be trying to solve that problem right now. When she's finished, I'm sure she'll come for the attack." I commented and grinned evilly, thinking of the fun I might be having once Maeda makes her move.
"Heh." Sasshi smirked as well. "I guess you're right."
Mayu and Rena also smiled as they were more close to Maeda. I'm pretty sure they can't wait either.
"But..." Rena opened her mouth. "I wonder what Maeda-senpai is thinking..."
Even though Rena has cut all ties with Maeda, she and even Mayu still calls Maeda with the '-senpai' honorific. It just shows how much she still respect her. I don't think it's a bad thing. What they think of Maeda isn't any of my business. I'm starting to get curious of how Maeda got their respects.
"Who knows..." I answered and looked out of the window. "Maybe she's having a hard time between a rock and a hard place"
[End of Shimazaki Haruka's POV]======
"Hahahahaha~" Maeda rolled around, still, hugging the bear as the others sat down, bored of being ignored by the Ace.
"Ehem ehem!" Takahashi faked coughed and got the attention of Maeda.
Maeda finally realized that the others were still with her and stood with the bear, making it stood up also.
"This is Kuma~ He's like a father to me~" She introduced them to the bear and the bear looked at them.
"H- Hello Kuma..." Kojima greeted the bear....
"Wait, what do you mean it's like a father to you?" Jurina asked Maeda, surprised.
"Ah, that..." Maeda explained. "I was actually an orphan and was left here in the forest. Kuma and Tora raised me since I was a kid. Tora passed away when I was 13, though... He taught me to hunt and live, while Kuma protected me against everything around me."
"Wait..." Takahashi halted Maeda's story. "Was 'Tora' a taiga?" she asked.
"Huh? Yeah, Tora's a tiger." Maeda answered.
"Oooh!" Oshima raised her hand. "Did you go around naked while you were a child?!"
Everyone facepalmed.
"Errr... No... I was wearing the clothes I stole from other people. Wait, I'm not as stupid when I'm a kid. I'm not some jungle girl, you know." Maeda defended, though the other girls doubted it.
The bored Kuma climbed up and leaned itself onto Meada's back, though the girl didn't feel anything from the almost 200 kilo bear.
"... Maeda-senpai, don't you feel kinda heavy?" Kashiwagi asked the question most of them wanted to ask.
"Hm? No? Why?" Maeda and Kuma were both clueless as to why Kashiwagi would ask that. Yes, Kuma knows human language thanks to all the years it's been spending with Maeda.
"No reason..."
After separating from Kuma and Maeda crying, wanting to hug the bear more, and the others dragging her away, they finally came back to the cave, and it was already around 4 p.m.
"Wait a sec," Jurina halted her movements as they were going to wash their clothes in a nearby river, near a lake and the others trying to fit themselves in Maeda's clothes. "Do you know how to make a baby?" Jurina asked Maeda.
Maeda's face quickly became red as she hits the younger girl in the noggin. "Of course I know!"
"But didn't senpai say that you've been with the animals since childhood?" Jurina asked again to confirm.
"Yeah, why?" Maeda answered, still not catching on.
"Then where did you learn that...?" Jurina finally asked and the others realized the meaning.
"Oh, that... Tomo taught me."
"So... why the hell are you three clinging to me... And Minami, get off." Maeda voiced out her dissatisfaction to the three girls.
Oshima was clinging on Maeda's left while Jurina was clinging on Maeda's right. Takahashi was clinging on top of the girl. They rarely does that but thanks to Maeda's spur of the moment honesty, saying Itano taught her... improper... things, they felt a surge of jealousy which led to them being overly too clingy towards their crush.
"Who cares~ It's cold~" Oshima fake shivered and clung to the girl tighter.
"Yup~ Maeda-senpai's warm~" Jurina agreed and also tightened her hug.
"Acchan... Chest... Warm..." Takahashi, whose face is in between the girl's... watermelons... was in heaven. Though she was struck back to reality by the smacks of all three of them.
Maeda wasn't uncomfortable of the situation since she knew that the three were clinging to her far more than usual. She knew of their feelings but she doesn't know what to do with them. She still didn't give up on Watanabe, but she also doesn't want to hurt the three of them.
"We'll strike tomorrow. Make sure you all get enough sleep." Maeda decided and told not only the three, but also the others, all of them, who were listening in and Shinoda who was taking pictures.
[Watanabe Mayu's POV] I looked at the foolish fights the yakuza was having with each other, shooting at absolutely nothing as they mocked each other and insults were thrown. The yakuza and yankees weren't much different than each other. They get into stupid fights, they hurt each other, they beat people up... And... They protect.
The fight they were having couldn't even be compared to the beautiful movements I saw when I first met Maeda-senpai. She was moving gracefully, without even putting her mind into it. She was really beautiful. I was awestruck when I saw her. I couldn't even move back then. It became worse when I saw her full-strength fight with Yuko. She was really full of vigor, while still immovable from her spot.
When you compare the Maeda-senpai and these useless yakuza, it's like night and day. But there's one thing that they have that senpai doesn't...
A loss...
Maeda-senpai has never lost in any fight. She was the strongest. Even though Yuko was her rival, Yuko's strength couldn't even be compared to senpai's. Senpai needs someone to show her defeat. Someone to show her the true light within the darkness. Someone, or some people.
That's how I met Paruru. Her aura was similar to that of senpai's. That's when I thought... I could use her...
'I'm sure you're planning something, but if I can get to fight someone as strong as me, then I don't mind it one bit' She already found out the moment I made my move. Paruru may look airheaded like NyanNyan, but she's like Maeda-senpai. She's very perceptive of her surroundings, though she doesn't show it.
That's why I'm... teaming up... with Paruru and Mirai Gakuen. So I could help Maeda-senpai find that 'light'. A rival. To show her she's not alone in this world... And to show her just how much the others want her to find that rival as well.
I even had to stab her in the stomach. I didn't worry, though. Because I know of senpai's strength. I believed that something as simple as that won't kill her. Thankfully, my guess was right. If senpai was in critical condition, Yuko and Jurina would've stormed into Mirai Gakuen by now. Even Takamina would lose her mind and start to kill.
I feel really sorry, but I don't have a choice. To defeat her, I have to play dirty.
"Hey, Nezumi. The gang's all up for it. We'll follow you to the depths of hell." A woman came to me and told me the preparations are done.
She's with the yakuza I saw just now. It seems they made a truce. So that means everything's going according to plan.
"Yankees and the Yakuza... Ganging up to defeat one girl... Pitiful, I'd say." I commented and walked away. "Though...
If that's how I'm gonna make senpai happy...
So be it."
[To be continued] Kinda expected, huh? Well, cliche storyline's cliche

I don't wanna make Mayu into a bad girl... But I hope Acchan would set Mayuyu's mind back to her usual self. I miss cutesy Mayuyu Q.Q