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Author Topic: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (WMatsui) Ch.9 12/09/2017  (Read 81023 times)

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt Ch.5 & 6 (Jurimayu & SayaMilky)
« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2014, 04:09:08 AM »
Ch.9 War

“We need to start placing more attacks on Majijo. We need to lure the queens out.” Miyuki told Mayu. She was leaning against the wall of the Yabakune teppen with her arms crossed. She needed to destroy Majijo and she needed to do it as soon as possible before Nezumi or Sayaka exposed her. Miyuki was in the ideal position as well now that Center made her vice-president. Finally something was going good for her and she needed to take advantage of the opportunity.

Mayu frowned and replied, “I don’t know if we have enough manpower to do that.” Miyuki rolled her eyes in annoyance. How useless, she thought.  ”Oh come on! You guys outnumber them by a large margin. Or get in alliance with some other school. I don’t know just make it happen!” Miyuki hissed not caring that she was in a room surrounded by Mayu’s followers. She doubted Mayu would turn on her. She had the girl eating out of the palm of her hand. Mayu’s frown deepen, but she was quiet.

“Well you’re in an awful hurry,” Sanshoku butted in not caring the least bit if she got in trouble with Mayu. Miyuki was getting on her nerves. Who the hell did she think she was busting into their school and taking control? Miyuki glared at her with icy eyes and answered, “At least I am trying to get stuff done. What do you guys do other the parade around in those flashy outfits?!” Tension began to fill the air as the two girls locked eyes. ”What the hell?! May I remind you your attempts to bring Center down have all ended in failure!” Mayuge yelled stepping in to defend her friend. Miyuki smirked knowing she hit a nerve. The girl’s irritation put her in a better mood.

Mayu got up and hit the wall to get the feuding girls’ attention. “ENOUGH!” Mayu yelled. The room was silent. Mayu relaxed and sat back back in the president’s chair. “I don’t give shit what problems you might have with each other, but you are going to work together you got that! I need you four to organize ambushes for the Majijo students with Miyuki. She’ll tell you the more popular routes. Do one of your usual shoes hunts or whatever,” Mayu ordered massaging her temple.  ”Fine,” Sanshoke spat annoyed of having to work with Miyuki. The girl rubbed her the wrong way. “Oh and Mayu,” Miyuki said in a lighter more innocent sounding tone. Mayu smiled at the tone forgetting all about her annoyance and replied, “Yes?”

“I need another favor.”

Center sighed as she walked home from school alone. The fall sky was gray and it was cold. Why did her days suddenly seem so empty and pointless? It was a dumb question to ask herself. She knew the answer well. Life without Nezumi was senseless. She much preferred it when she was by Nezumi’s side even though she knew Nezumi was using her, but… She didn’t want to be deceived again and she didn’t want to be with Nezumi if she was just taking advantage of her feelings. It would be like living a lie and Center didn’t want to live a lie again. She was sick of all the lies. Even so she wished she could just find it in herself to believe Nezumi again and trust her, but she couldn’t.

She couldn’t trust her. Even so Nezumi’s words from the day Sayaka-san transferred her were fresh in her mind. Could it be possible that Nezumi was truly being honest for once? Center was preoccupied in her thoughts when she suddenly saw a familiar group of girls lying in the ground. They were dressed in their usual yellow jumpsuits and their shoes appeared to be stolen.

Their socks were shredded to pieces and their bodies were bloody and bruised. Center’s eyes widen and she instantly rushed to their side. “What happened? Who did this to you guys?” Center demanded helping one of the girls up. Center knew that for all their talk Team Fondue weren’t the type to start a fight since they were actually pretty weak. They didn’t bother anyone. Why would someone just target them like that?

“Yabakune… Shoe hunt,” Lemon managed to say in a voice only a little bit above a whisper before passing out again. Center clenched her fist and her face darken. Those idiots from Yabakune! If they wanted war they were getting one. Center checked the girls’ injuries and sighed. She couldn’t help all of them. They were top many. Center sighed and pulled out her cell phone. Her first instinct was to call Nezumi, but then she realized that they weren’t in speaking terms.

Not only that, but Nezumi could be behind the attacks. So Center opted to call Gakuran instead. “Hello?” Gakuran said quite surprised to be getting a call from Center. “Where are you?” Center asked. “I am heading home. Did something happened?” Gakuran asked knowing that Center didn’t call unless it was important. “Yeah can you come to 12 street near the park? Team Fondue got beaten up,” Center said and hanged up before Gakuran could ask any questions.

Center attempted to mend some of the girls’ wounds with a first aid kit she carried in her bag in case she got injured, but it wasn’t enough for all of them. It wasn’t really meant to be used for more than one person. Center wondered if she should call an ambulance. The injuries seemed pretty serious, but she didn’t want to get the girls in trouble either. “What the hell happened?!” Gakuran demanded.

Churi was trailing right behind her. “That was fast and you called Churi?” Center asked even though she was relieved they had more help. “Yeah I passed her on my way over here so I figured maybe she could help,” Gakuran explained. Churi bended down to check on Kanburi and looked worried. “Should we call an ambulance or just help them get home?” Churi asked unsure of what to do. “I don’t know. What do you think Gakuran?” Center asked. “We should call. Just to be on the safe side. They are in pretty bad shape,” Gakuran said with a concerned look. Churi pulled out her phone and replied, “I’ll make the call.”

Churi walked a little bit futher away to make the call. “Lemon said “Yabakune shoe hunt” before passing out,” Center told Gakuran. Gakuran frowned. “So it was those bastards again. What are we going to do?” Gakuran asked. “I don’t know, but we can’t stay with our hands crossed. I doubt these were the only ones of our students they got.” Center told her. Gakuran got up and crossed her arms.

“I just I’ll be giving them a visit then,” Gakuran said. Center shook her head. “Yabakune isn’t exactly fair. Fighting them in their school isn’t a good idea,” Center told her. “Guys we should get going unless we want to be questioned by the cops,” Churi said returning from the call she had just made.

The two girls nodded and got up. The mood was somber as the three girls made their way back home. They were silent for a couple of minutes as if debating what to say. Churi was the first to speak up,”So what are we going to do?” “I am going to get those bitches,” Center hissed. “By yourself? Do you seriously think going alone is a good idea? You just told me not to do it,” Gakuran argued.

“Those four idiots and I have unfinished business. I am not going against that many girls. Just those 4. I just need to get them alone,” Center explained. Churi frowned. “Maybe you should get another queen to go with you,” Churi suggested. Center shook her head. She was too stubborn to accept help and was too angry. Beside she doubted those four girls alone were a serious help. But seeing her queen’s worried eyes made her response, “I’ll consider it.”

The ambulance could be heard from faraway making Center relieved. Yabakune was sickening. Most respectable yanakees stopped after their opponents fell down and lost, but Yabakune beat their opponents until they couldn’t even move. Of course it wasn’t as if some girls in Majijo weren’t like that. Gekikara was known to do worst when she snapped, but something about the fact the it was done in a group as oppose to one single person really pissed her off.

Especially when your opponents weren’t even trying to pick a fight with you or are just walking home minding their own business. Nezumi once told her that for someone who was a delinquent she had a big moral code. It was true. Center’s personality was a complete contradiction. She was so tough and hotheaded, but at the same time sensitive and too trusting one could say. It didn’t make any sense, but that was who she was. “I guess we spilt here Center,” Churi said since she and Gakuran lived in the same street. Center nodded and waved good bye.

“Rappapa is after your head. It’s all over the school,” Sayaka told Nezumi as she joined her in an abandon classroom. Nezumi chuckled darkly. “So I hear. Knowing Miyuki I wouldn’t be surprised if Yabakune was after me as well.” Nezumi replied. The two were silent each dwelling on the problems that seemed impossible to solve and that returned to the same source: Miyuki.

One of the two of course harbored more affection towards her than the other, but both knew that brute force wasn’t going to get them anywhere. It was only going to make things worst and yet it seemed like they were tossed in the middle of a battlefield.

They were in the middle of a battlefield without weapons with no other option other then to retreat and hide. And just like any other weak army in a war they could only rely on their cunning. “We have to find a way to expose her. Exposing Miyuki is the only end of this otherwise we’ll be forced to sit here with our arms crossed. If only I had more information about her and her movements…” Nezumi said frustrated with the fact that Miyuki was incredibly good at covering her tracks.

“But not perfect,” Sayaka mused her face thoughtful. She was on to something. “What do you mean?” Nezumi questioned curious to hear the other girl’s reply. “Miyuki is playing both sides. It is impossible for her to cover her tracks. The second the Yabakune leader and Center know that she was using them both its over whether the rest of her story is exposed or not this will be powerful enough to stop her. We just need to get Yabakune and Majijo together for a surprise showdown that isn’t planned. Then there Miyuki will have to pick a side.” Sayaka explained. Nezumi’s eyes widen. Why didn’t she think of it before? Wasn’t she suppose to be the genius?

“That’s it! Now all we need to figure out is how we are going to do it!” Nezumi exclaimed happily. Suddenly a phone rang. Sayaka furrowed her eyebrows and pulled out her phone. She just stared at it. “What’s wrong?” Nezumi asked sensing something was off. “It’s Miyuki,” Sayaka explained unsure whether to answer the call or not. Why in the world was Miyuki calling her? Nezumi scoffed. “Are you kidding me? Why in the world would she be calling you?” Nezumi wondered sounding pretty annoyed.

Miyuki would forever get on her nerves. “I am about to find out,” Sayaka replied and hastily answered the phone. ”Hello?” Sayaka said. “Sayanee! How you been?” replied the voice in the other line cheerfully. Sayaka frowned knowing perfectly well Miyuki was putting up her cutesy act and she did not feel like dealing with it. Not after everything she been putting her through. “Skip the act Miyuki. What the hell do you want?” Sayaka demanded clenching her fist. While she loved the other girl, she also hated her. Well people did say there was a fine line between love and hate and falling for Miyuki completely proved that small theory.

“Why the rush? It not like little Fuuko is going anywhere.” Miyuki replied still with the same cutesy tone, but her words were daggers to Sayaka’s ears. “Fuuko?!” Sayaka exclaimed in shock. How in the world did Miyuki get to Fuuko? Wasn’t Miyuki done with her school anyways? There was nothing left to savage. She was just doing it to screw with Sayaka. “You’re lying,” Sayaka said. Miyuki laughed. “Nope I am not. She’s with me right now. Want to chat with her? I know it’s been a while. Here Fuuko Sayanee wants to talk to you,” Miyuki said. The phone sounded like it was being moved and then another voice came on the line, “Don’t listen to her Sayaka.”

Sayaka’s eyes widen when she heard Fuuko’s weak voice. The phone was moved again and this time Miyuki’s taunting laugh was heard. “See? I told you she was here.” Miyuki said in a smug voice. “Where the hell are you?” Sayaka demanded, her voice almost like a growl. This only seemed to amuse Miyuki more because she replied, “Oh you know somewhere fun.” Sayaka almost crushed the phone she was holding. How dare Miyuki mess with Fuuko? She knew she was the closest thing to a sister she had. How could she be so cold?

“Don’t screw with me Miyuki and tell me where you are!” Sayaka snarled. Fuuko’s screams were heard in the background. Sayaka winced at the sound. Fuuko had nothing to do with Miyuki. She never done anything to her. And now she was getting beat up and it was all Sayaka’s fault for insisting to make the monster love her when the monster could not love. Fuuko begged her to stay. Ever since the beginning Fuuko told her to stay away from Miyuki. And all Sayaka ever replayed her with was hurt and agony.

“I don’t think so. I think I am just going to leave the phone piece next to Fuuko, so you could hear her screams and regret not staying in NMB instead of going to Majijo to ruin my plans. Take this as a warning Sayaka and tell sweet little Nezumi that her beloved Center is next if she is not careful,” Miyuki said. Sayaka could hear the phone being set down. Then Fuuko’s screams were heard. Over and over and over again. Sayaka had tears in her eyes now and felt so utterly useless. Every scream of pain Sayaka heard made her feel as if she was the one being beat up repeatedly. Finally not able to bear it any longer Sayaka dropped the phone and collapsed in the ground.

Nezumi kneed down and hung up the phone. Nezumi had no idea what to do since she wasn’t used to having friends other than Center. Yes she wasn’t in bad terms with the other Rappapa members, but she wasn’t actually close to them either. Now here was Sayaka crying and Nezumi could do nothing, but feel frustration. “You know I wanted to believe she was a good person. I wanted to believe there were certain limits even she wasn’t willingly to cross, but I was wrong. I was so wrong. And I hate her now, but I know as soon as I see her I’ll forget all about it even if she were speaking to me with cold words. Even if she were lying to me right in front of my face I know I will just forgive her. I am screwed up aren’t I? I should hate her. She is hurting my sister for crying out loud!” Sayaka exclaimed. Nezumi patted her head.

“Love is a strange thing.”

Center leaned in a light post as she read her favorite Hermann Hesse book. She was in the forbidden area. Yabakune territory and it wasn’t by accident. No, she was waiting for someone. Yes, she knew it was rather foolish to pick a fight in Yabakune’s turf, but at the same time it felt just as foolish to not retaliate after her own were hurt. Center could almost picture Nezumi scolding at her for being so stupid. Center didn’t know why she thought of that though. It was all a lie. It had no meaning and it was pointless, but she still pictured it in her head.

Perhaps Center should have been smarter and told someone where she was going, but she knew that if she told someone they would just try to stop her. Even Gakuen who was rather rash herself would try to talk her out of it. None of them would understand. They wouldn’t understand how much bottled up anger she was keeping inside that needed to be released. They wouldn’t understand her need to seek revenge for those whom couldn’t seek it themselves. Most importantly they wouldn’t understand how much she was hurting.

 The air was cold and the time was ticking. No one was passing by. Center began to think she missed them, but then she spotted the familiar girls dressed in gray uniforms and carrying bats and bags of shoes. Center smirked. The girls seemed to notice her and stopped.

“I been waiting for you, Yabakune.”

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt Ch.5 & 6 (Jurimayu & SayaMilky)
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2014, 04:21:22 AM »
Ch. 10 Truth

Pure adrenaline was coursing through Center’s veins as she attacked her four opponents. Since the very beginning they didn’t have a chance. Poor things. Center was taking out every single bit of her anger, frustration and emptiness. It wasn’t like the usual way she fought. It was more emotionless and cold like a machine. She became a fighting machine. Her opponents looked terrified as she punched and swiftly avoided hits like a deathly predator. The first girl collapsed in the ground, a huge cut in her forehead and her face bruised. One of the four turned to see her friend in the ground and growled, ” You bitch!” Center smirked as the girl attacked, but missed as Center quickly moved out of the way.

It was going to take way more than those for weaklings to bring Center down. Especially in the current mood she was in where she wanted nothing more than to fight. It was a primitive instinct that was possessing every fiber in her being and Center was enjoying the trill it was bringing her. She hadn’t felt that way in a while. Her attacks got more aggressive and brutal the more her opponents attempted to fight back. Still the other girls didn’t seem to want to back down anytime soon. Center smirked. Watching them attempt to fight back, but ultimately be powerless made it all the more fun. Her sadistic side had taken over and she wanted to see blood. She wanted to see the suffer just how they made her friends suffer. Just how they ruined everything they touched.

 Even though Center knew they weren’t the blame for her problems it was easier to just blame them for everything. It was easier to take it all out on them. Perhaps it wasn’t just about revenge. Another girl fell as Center delivered a fatal kick in her stomach. She fell to the ground next to her companion wrapping her arms around her stomach and wincing in pain holding back tears. Two down and two left to go. The last two were putting up quite a fight and one even managed to hit Center, but it wasn’t enough it wasn’t nearly enough. Finally one of the last two seemed to be on the verge of collapsing.

Center was about to deliver the final deathly hit when one of the injured girls got up and stood between them. “You win. Just stop. You win,” the girl, Comeback, panted before collapsing to the ground again. It was as if Center came to her senses and realized what she was doing. Center was doing the one thing she hated. Center was just attacking senselessly just to hurt and injure. The girl was right. Center had already gotten what she wanted. There was no reason to hurt the girls any more. She had won. And she felt empty. It was then that Gekikara’s words echoed in her head.

A fight without a reason is empty whether you win or lose.

She recoiled, but continued to look down upon the four girls. This fight wasn’t completely senseless though. “Consider this a friendly warning. Stop messing with our students,” Center warned her voice low with a kind of animalistic quality to it. It made the four other girls shivered when they heard it. Center turned and was about to walk away when one of them said, “It’s not us that’s trying to mess with your students. We are under orders.” Center turned around to face the person talking to her. “I don’t think you should be telling her this,” Maguye told her partner. “Screw it. She should know the kind of poison she’s got in her hands,” Comeback replied bitterly.

Center chuckled darky. “No need to warn me. I already know about Nezumi,” Center scoffed quickly losing interest with what the other four girls had to say. She’s heard it all before, but she never listened. She never listened when people told her Nezumi was trouble and now she was broken again. ”I wasn’t talking about Nezumi. Nezumi isn’t working with us.” Comeback informed her. Center’s eyes widen. It took a moment for her to completely digest what she had just heard. Nezumi wasn’t working with them?! But… Didn’t Nezumi betray her to work with Yabakune? She had to be working with them didn’t she? “I don’t understand what you are saying then,” Center replied trying her best not to sound as puzzled as she was. Comeback laughed then winced due to the pain of the injuries Center inflicted.

“I was talking about Miyuki. She is working with Yabakune to bring you down.” Comeback explained. Nezumi was right? Miyuki was really tricking her? But it didn’t make sense. Why did Nezumi kiss Miyuki after knowing that Miyuki was backstabbing them? Was she simply just cheating on her? No that sounded off. It made more sense for Nezumi to be working with Miyuki or using her. ”Nezumi is the one working with you guys. I saw her kissing Miyuki myself when she set the trap for me!” Center insisted denying the information she had just heard.

She wanted to believe that Nezumi was not working with Yabakune, but her own eyes didn’t lie or did they? Doubt began to sweep in as she analyze the situation more. What exactly had Center seen? It occurred to her that Comeback was lying to her, but it made no sense. She had no reason to lie to Center. Center knew for a fact that those four didn’t like Nezumi at all. They had no reason to defend her. “Nezumi was never working with us. That day we set a trap on you Nezumi was seriously kidnapped. I don’t know about the kiss, but I know we captured Nezumi, dragged her to Yabakune and tied up. Nezumi never worked with us afterwards either. I think Miyuki’s been lying to you.” Maguye said. Center resisted the urge to pull her own hair in utter frustration. She felt like such a fool.

 “Stop. Stop talking to me like that. I didn’t do anything. You told me once didn’t you? That I was a weirdo because I didn’t even bother trying to hide my lies. Why would I start doing it now? I was kidnapped by Yabakune and back stabbed by Miyuki. You have to believe me!” Nezumi insisted.

Nezumi never lied to her and she desperately tried to make things right and all Center ever did was ignore her and believe a stranger. Center really did have a history of believing the wrong people. She couldn’t believe she been tricked again when all she was trying to do was avoid just that. ”Thanks.” Center told the four girls before departing. She had a couple of things to sort out.

Miyuki grinned as she walked out of an old abandon warehouse. Fuuko was probably still inside trying to drag her pathetic self out. The sky was dark. Miyuki hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. Finding and capturing Fuuko took longer than she expected. Miyuki should have known that NMB’s vice-president would have put quite a fight against weak Yabakune underlings. She was destined to lose anyways no matter how strong she was though because she was greatly outnumbered. Of course having the Hadashi no Kai would have made things easier, but those four still refused to work with her unless they were forced by Mayu. Miyuki rolled her eyes.

Their attempts to defy her were futile. Miyuki was already in the top of Yabakune and soon it would collapse. Both Majijo and Yabakune would soon fall to ruin. The mere thought made her giddy. “Well will you look who we have here?” A familiar taunting voice said behind her. Miyuki, in spite of everything she done, in spite of the fact that she was stronger, smart, and even prettier shivered in fear. Her pose remained unfazed, but inside she felt everything unraveling. Still Miyuki turned around, her face cold to face Nana Yamada, her ex girlfriend. “Can I help you?” Miyuki asked in an icy tone. She was scared, but at the same time she wasn’t scared.

She knew how to fight now. She knew so much more than she did before, but something about facing the girl who made a fool out of her and seen her in her most pathetic state was frightening. The girl chuckled. “You’re so different. The old Miyuki would have been so happy to see me or would have ran away. Why so cold Miyuki?” the girl asked with a giggle. Her friends were behind her. Miyuki recognized them all. Every single face that tortured her and used her was standing before her. It was like a nightmare except it was real. I can’t fight all of them, Miyuki realized when she saw that the girls were surrounding her. Perhaps she was too hasty. She should have fled when she heard that voice. Now everything was about to repeat itself. Even though Miyuki had changed so much and gotten so stronger.

She made so many yankee schools fall and yet nothing had changed. She was still helpless when it came to them. “I guess we’ll just have to go at it again. For old times sake.” Nana said with a laugh before making a fist. Miyuki shut her eyes really to accept her fate when she heard a familiar voice say, “I wouldn’t try it.” Miyuki’s eyes flew open to find Sayaka standing in front of her facing down Nana. Two of her friends had already been beaten up by her. Nana and her friends may get in to fights, but none of them were real yankees. They weren’t a match for someone like Sayaka who had a more refined fighting style. “Who the hell are you?! Get her!” Nana ordered angrily.

Sayaka smirked probably realizing that the girls had no real fighting experience. They were just a bunch of bullies. “I wouldn’t try that. You’re outnumbered.” Sayaka told the girls as they began to surround her. “Outnumbered? There are four of us and one of you. Learn your math,” one of the four girls sneered. Miyuki didn’t know what came over her, but she got up. “There’s two of us,” Miyuki told the girls getting up. Sayaka turned around to face her. She looked completely shocked. Miyuki smiled. A real smile for once not a lie.

Nana began to laugh. “Give me a break! You fight Miyuki? You don’t even know how to fight,” Nana sneered. Miyuki ignored the jab and turned to look at Sayaka.

“Cover my back will you?”

Their backs touched as the two got ready to fight. Suddenly the four girls that scared Miyuki suddenly didn’t seem as scary. The four girl launched themselves towards them. As Miyuki expected they were no match for Sayaka. They were clumsy and Sayaka was graceful. Miyuki wished she could say she was just as graceful, but she was clumsy like them somehow even though she knew she wasn’t a weak fighter. Maybe it was because she didn’t get into the fight like Sayaka did. It seemed to be an art to her rather than a way to gain power or to be superior to someone. Sayaka made fighting look beautiful. Miyuki bit her lip as the thoughts she been trying to keep bottled in seemed to surface. Choosing to focus on the fight, Milky punched and kicked her opponents till they were down.

The fight was over fast and Miyuki was unsure of what to say to Sayaka. Why did Sayaka have to help her? Especially after what Miyuki just did? What the hell was Miyuki suppose to do? “Let’s go home.” Sayaka told Miyuki breaking her away from her thoughts. Miyuki gave her a cold look. “I can walk home alone.” Miyuki told her. Sayaka smiled and shook her head. “I rather walk you,” Sayaka replied stubbornly. Miyuki wanted to tell her to go away, but something in Sayaka’s eyes stopped her. Instead Miyuki simply answered, “Suit yourself.” The two began to walk home in silence. Miyuki was relieved because she had no clue as to what she was suppose to say.

Miyuki was so puzzled and confused. She just wanted Sayaka to disappear along with all those conflicting emotions she presented. Finally the two reached Miyuki’s house. “Bye,” Miyuki mumbled desperate to get rid of Sayaka, but the girl wasn’t having it and she grabbed her arm to stop her. “You know I love you right?” Sayaka told her causing Miyuki’s heart to beat faster under her chest because no matter what she wanted to believe she was still human and… And she loved Sayaka too.

“Let go,” Miyuki growled feeling irritated with the realization. She didn’t want to know. She didn’t want to know about the feelings in her heart. She didn’t want to be human. She didn’t want to face the truth. Even if Sayaka went all out her way to save her she just didn’t want to know. Sayaka didn’t let go. Instead her grip grew stronger. “Why won’t you accept it? I know you feel the same,” Sayaka exclaimed her voice sad and slightly frustrated. Miyuki avoided Sayaka’s eyes. She feared that if she looked at them she would break down.

“I don’t feel the same so just leave me alone,” Miyuki replied harshly trying to break free from Sayaka’s grip, but it was too strong. “Then why did you get up to fight? If you don’t love me why did you fight by my side? You know I would have won either ways,” Sayaka told her. She was right of course, but Miyuki didn’t even want to think about it. She didn’t want to think about Sayaka’s elegant movements or her impressive strength. “I stepped in because those girls owe me big time. That’s it,” Miyuki said dully not able to muster up any colder words to push the other girl away. Her words half-honest for once. The only lies in her words were the words left unsaid.

Sayaka’s eyes soften. “Miyuki, I am not going to hurt you like they did. I truly do love you. Don’t shut me out,” Sayaka pleaded. These were the wrong words to say though because it only seem to anger Miyuki even more. Miyuki quickly ripped her arm out of Sayaka’s grip and snarled, “Just leave me alone and stop acting like you know anything about me!” Miyuki ran inside her house leaving a dumbfounded Sayaka behind. Sayaka sighed.

What is it going to take for you to understand? I can’t leave you alone.

Nezumi sighed as she sat in the steps outside the school. She looked tired. She was tired. Perhaps not physically exhausted, but mentally. All of it went back to the same thing, to the same person: Center. She didn’t know if to be sad or angry at the girl for not believing her. It often switched depending on her mood. The problem with being angry at Center for not believing her was that Center had a perfectly valid reason not to believe her, but at the same time Nezumi had gone out of her way to prove she was worthy of Center’s trust. The sadness overtook her when she realized that it was indeed her own fault not Miyuki’s that Center didn’t believe her.

It was early in the morning. Too early in the morning. Nezumi didn’t even know why she was at school at such a time. She should have slept in. She should have stayed home and waited a little longer before going to school, but she was anxious. Not that being at school soothed her nerves or solved anything. The problem was still there nagging her, robbing her of her every thought and of sleep. Yes, Nezumi hadn’t been sleeping. How could she when everything felt like it was collapsing around her? How did it get that way? Nezumi was used to being alone all the time. When did being alone start making Nezumi anxious? The answer was simple when Center appeared in her life.

After Center appeared, being alone was never the same. What used to be an escape to her and peaceful became scary and nerve wrecking. Nezumi wondered why she thought it could ever work out in the first place. She was meant to be away people. Meant to be alone in isolation She couldn’t be trusted. Even so it wasn’t her fault this time. Center should have believe her. Center should have known that she was telling the truth. Ugh, it was all just so confusing. Nezumi wished it could all just be over. Nezumi wished she could just forget and go back to the time before she knew Center. When things were simple and easy, but it just didn’t work that way.


Nezumi looked up to find Center standing before her. The source of all her problems, but possibly her solution. It depended on how you viewed it. Their eyes locked. Nezumi was surprised to see no anger or hate in the other girl’s eyes. She couldn’t exactly read the emotion behind her eyes, but it was better than hate. Nezumi began to feel her heart race as Center continued to look at her. She wanted nothing more than to get up and kiss her, but she didn’t know why Center was there. Center took a careful step forward as if she was scared of making Nezumi angry. Nezumi raised an eyebrow, but remained silent. ”I am sorry.” Center said softly. There they were. The words Nezumi wanted to hear so badly. The words could save her from her sleepless nights and that could make her feel full again.

Nezumi didn’t know what to say. She wanted to get up and hug Center, but she also wanted to walk away for the sake of her pride. A big part of her angry and eager to show Center exactly how hurt she felt. Pride. People said it was a powerful thing, but people also said love conquered all.

“I begged you to listen to me. I begged you. You’re going to have to do better than just sorry.”

It seemed like her pride won this time.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt Ch.5 & 6 (Jurimayu & SayaMilky)
« Reply #62 on: January 18, 2014, 04:25:30 AM »
Ch. 11 Silent Treatment

The city was crowded as usual and overflowing. Swarms of people were rushing and chattering as they walked to their jobs or some to the nearby shopping center. Some looked stressed while others looked carefree without a worry in the world. Sayaka was one of the worried ones. Sayaka couldn’t say she was completely surprised to hear that Fuuko was in the hospital especially after she received the call from Miyuki, but a part of her still didn’t think Miyuki could go so far. A part of her still hoped Miyuki was lying.

Sayaka felt so foolish. She had headed towards the area Miyuki lived in to demand her to tell her where Fuuko was. She had gone there with the intention to get revenge for her best friend almost sister and instead she ended up saving the person that put her through all that pain and suffering. She felt so guilty. Maybe if Sayaka had done what she had set out to do and gotten the information from Miyuki as to where Fuuko was then maybe Fuuko wouldn’t be in the hospital or at least not in such a dire condition.

From what Sayaka had heard the girl was conscious, but she had broken ribs and a broken leg. And even after knowing all of this what made Sayaka feel worst was that she couldn’t bring herself to hate Miyuki nor did she wish to stop trying to win her over. Especially after what she witness the night before. Instead of hating the girl, Sayaka could only pity her. All she wanted to do was take the girl in her arms and melt away all the walls that had formed in her heart. But it wasn’t that easy. Miyuki was putting up a fight, but last night something had changed. Sayaka could feel it. It was the only thing that was good at the moment though.

Sayaka had no idea how she was going to face Fuuko. How could she face her when Fuuko told her that if she left NMB she considered it betrayal? Not to mention Fuuko got beat up because Sayaka refused to listen to her and stay. It was all Sayaka’s fault. How could she possibly face Fuuko now? Not to mention Sayaka couldn’t even promise her friend she would stop trying to win Miyuki and go back to NMB because Sayaka couldn’t do that. Not when she felt she was so close to breaking the icy girl’s walls. She couldn’t give up.

When she reached the hospital, Sayaka saw Fuuko’s father in the waiting area. It didn’t surprise her. It meant the girls were probably crowding Fuuko’s room. If Sayaka was still in NMB she would have probably headed to the hospital with them. They were a tight group. ”Uncle!” Sayaka called out. Everyone in the NMB teppen knew Fuuko’s father and called him uncle. He was a yankee back in the day and probably the only one of their parents who doesn’t yell at them when he sees them with bruises and cuts after getting into a fight. “Sayaka-chan! Everyone is upstairs. You should join them. I am sure Fuuko would like to see you,” he told her.

Sayaka wondered if he knew how bad her relationship with Fuuko was at the moment. Before the whole incident, Sayaka had been attempting to text and call Fuuko, but Fuuko ignored all her calls still angry she choose to transfer to Majijo. It was the first time the two had a fight and Sayaka was sure what to do about it. And to top it off she had Miyuki to worry about, so instead of trying to win Fuuko back she stopped trying. It made Sayaka sick to know that she had so easily given up on her little sister, but Miyuki was just there taking over her every thought and pushing everything that she once felt was important away. Sayaka’s emotions felt so out of control.

“Thank you! I guess I’ll join them.” Sayaka answered politely. Fuuko’s father smiled. “Second floor room 3,” he called out as she began to head to the stairs. Sayaka replied with a smile. Or at least what was an attempt of a smile. Suddenly she felt gloomy and kept thinking about the fact that she couldn’t make things right. She couldn’t tell Fuuko what she wanted to hear. Sayaka slowly made her way up the stairs.

“Sayanee, I don’t trust her. You need to be careful.” Fuuko told her. The two girls were alone in the roof. It was their first time hanging out alone in ages. It had started off as a carefree conversation, but now was evolving to something more serious. Sayaka looked surprised and then laughed. “What are you saying Fuuko? Miyuki wouldn’t even hurt a fly. You’re reading too much into things,” Sayaka told her. Fuuko didn’t look at her. Instead she choose to look straight ahead to the horizon. Her face looked pained. “I hope you’re right.”

Sayaka should have listened at that time. But even if she knew what she knew now would she have listened? Sayaka knew all the facts of the story now and still wasn’t listening to Fuuko and now Fuuko got hurt. Why were things so complicated? Sayaka stood awkwardly outside the Fuuko’s room. She could hear all her friend’s loud voices in the room. It made her smile. Some things never changed. It made Sayaka a bit sad. She missed the days where she didn’t know about love and just acted silly with her friends. Nowadays she felt a heavy load in her shoulders. The load of not being able to convey her feelings to the one she loved property, the load of not being a good friend… So many loads.

“Sayanee!” Jo Eriko exclaimed when she noticed her standing outside the door. Sayaka gave her a week smile. The rest to the girls turned around when they heard Jo’s words. “Sayanee!” The group exclaimed in a unison. Suddenly Sayaka was worried that they would attack her with a big group hug, but her being there seemed to make the room tense. They probably already knew the whole story or had an idea of what happened. Sayaka stepped into the room to find herself face to face with Fuuko.

The guilt began to weight heavy once more as she took in the sight of the injured girl. Her leg as casted and raised to allow it to heal. Fuuko’s face almost entirely purple with the crazy amount of bruises she had. Sayaka couldn’t see how badly her ribs looked due to the fact a blanket was covering her, but she was pretty sure it was just a bad. Fuuko’s eyes were accusing piercing through Sayaka’s usual calm demeanor. Her friends looked at her sympathetic eyes. Sayaka gulped. She didn’t expect Fuuko to be so angry. Part of her did, but another part of her assumed that Fuuko wouldn’t be so mad because it was something out of her control. In a way. But she was wrong.

“We should leave them alone,” Airi told the rest of the girls sensing the mood. The rest of the girls nodded and hesitantly left the room. Sayaka really wished they hadn’t, but she knew she needed to face Fuuko sooner or later. “I am sorry!” Sayaka apologized with a bow. She didn’t know what else she could do and how else she could make things better. “Get out,” Fuuko said her voice trying to hold back anger that was threating to manifest itself. Sayaka looked at the girl. Her fist was clenched. Sayaka gulped, but didn’t leave. She stood her ground. “Look I know I messed up, but-” Sayaka didn’t get to finish because there was a pillow thrown at her by Fuuko. Then there was screaming.

 ”I said get out! Get the hell out of here Sayaka!”

“I thought we were planning the ambush for tomorrow!” Miyuki exclaimed. Mayu sighed knowing the girl she loved so much was no happy with the outcome. It couldn’t be helped though. “Our strongest fighters were injured by Center yesterday. Fighting them with a scarce amount of fighters would be stupid. Surely a intelligent girl like you could piece that together.” Mayu explained hoping the compliment would calm the cute girl down.

Miyuki’s face went from an angry one to a confused one. “By Center? How? When?” Miyuki demanded. Center hadn’t mentioned anything about it when they met that day. She was actually pretty cold, but that wasn’t too unusual. Center was only hanging around with Miyuki because she wanted revenge against Miyuki and that was fine with her. It was better than having to make her fall in love with her. Even so it made Miyuki feel unstable not knowing what Center’s plans were. She needed to be able to control the girl’s every move if her plan was going to succeed.

She couldn’t have her making surprise ambush like that. “I thought you would have heard of this by know. Center planned an ambush on them and well she’s Rappapa’s president. There was never any doubt that she was strong,” Mayu continued. Miyuki nodded. “I am sorry so being angry. I didn’t know some of our own were beaten up,” Miyuki replied in the sweetest voice she could muster. Since it seemed Center was slipping away from her grasp she needed to secure that Mayu was in her side. Mayu smiled at Miyuki’s words.

“Don’t worry about it. The plan will resume as soon as those four can stand on their feet.”

Center wasn’t too surprised when Nezumi didn’t immediately forgive her, but she couldn’t say she wasn’t disappointed. She hoped that Nezumi would let her big mistake slide and that everything would resolve itself rather quickly, but if that happened then Nezumi wouldn’t be Nezumi would she? Center sighed as she searched for the only person that could help her at the moment. Sayaka. She was the only one who knew what was really going on and the person Nezumi was closest to at the moment. If anyone knew where Nezumi was it was her.

Sayaka was sitting in an empty classroom when Center suddenly approached her. Sayaka was a bit surprised to see the president of Rappapa standing in front of her. Center never paid attention to her. Even when she was jealous because Nezumi was with her she kind of she ignored her. Sayaka couldn’t read the girl’s face though. “Where’s Nezumi?” Center demanded. Sayaka groaned inwardly. “Look if you’re looking to beat her up or something I am not going to stand for it so you better get ready to fight me first.” Sayaka warned. There wasn’t much of an aggressive tone to her voice, but something in it was enough to warn the other girl she was dead serious.

“I know the truth. About Miyuki.” Center explained. Sayaka’s eyes soften. She wasn’t expecting for Center to find out the truth on her own, but she was glad she did. What Miyuki did to Center and Nezumi was beyond cruel, but at least the truth was out already. “Did you confront Miyuki yet?” Sayaka asked. She hoped that Center had stayed quiet. It was better for Miyuki to think she had the advantage that way they could find some way to trick the intelligent girl. Center shook her head. “I considered it, but I realized it wouldn’t be wise.”

Sayaka nodded. “It better that way we can surprise her somehow. Nezumi is in the roof by the way,” Sayaka replied. Center smiled grateful for the information, but then she frowned. Sayaka noticed this and asked, “What’s wrong?” Center wondered if she should tell Sayaka or not, but then realize Sayaka was probably relate more to her situation than anyone else. Miyuki and Nezumi were sort of similar in some ways. It was probably also the reason those two couldn’t stand each other at all. “Nezumi is angry at me. I doubt she wants to see me.” Center replied with a hint of frustration in her voice.

Sayaka gave her a gentle smile. “Has that ever stop you from bothering her before? Look I know she really misses you. You just need to show her you are really sorry and not leave her alone,” Sayaka told her. Center smiled. “Thanks. I guess I am going to go look for her.” Center replied. Center was about to walk out and then stopped as a thought crossed her mind. “You know Nezumi was like Miyuki once and she changed. Miyuki can change just don’t give up,” Center told the short-haired girl. Sayaka smiled. “Thank you.”

Center grinned and walked out of the room heading straight to the roof. Center was determined not to leave Nezumi alone especially after hearing Sayaka’s words. She knew it would probably earn her screams and maybe even punches from the other girl’s side, but she couldn’t help herself. Now that Center knew Nezumi never lied to her she wanted nothing more than to make up for the lost time between them. Even if it just involved Nezumi screaming at her to go away. It was better than nothing. Center smiled as she opened the door and found Nezumi looking out in the horizon. She looked beautiful even from faraway.

Center’s heart began to race as she took in the view of the other girl. Oh how she longed to just put her arms around her waist and feel the warmth of their bodies pressed together. But that was impossible. She knew Nezumi would surely object to such gesture after everything that happened. Center thought Nezumi still hadn’t noticed her, but she had. She simply chose to ignore the fact that the taller girl was there staring at her. Even so she couldn’t stop the blush that appearing in her cheeks. Luckily Center couldn’t see her face.

Center’s staring always embarrassed her. Nezumi cursed inwardly. She was suppose to be angry, no she was angry at the other girl, but she couldn’t deny she missed being the center of Center’s attention. The fact irritated her because she really didn’t want to give in to Center after the humiliation she put her through. Center didn’t deserve her affection at the moment.

Center carefully approached the hooded girl as if afraid to disturb a sleeping child. Nezumi didn’t even look at her nor acknowledge her existence. It made Center feel uneasy. “It’s a nice day,” Center started to say not knowing why in the world she chose to say that out of all the things she could say. Nezumi didn’t reply, but Center could see the disappointment at her choice of words. Center sighed. She probably thought Center was an idiot.

Which she kind of was. She tried to think of something better to say. Something to redeem herself. Something to make the mouse-like girl put down her walls. Center decided to take a risk so she put her hand on top of Nezumi’s. The mere touch sent butterflies through her stomach and Center was reminded once more of just how much she missed Nezumi. Nezumi turned around surprised, but her face still guarded. Center sighed. “I know about Miyuki now and I been pretending I don’t know around her, so if you still want revenge I’ll help.” Center offered sincerely she herself wanting some sort of revenge from the girl. Their eyes locked for a split second and Center could swear she saw Nezumi’s eyes soften, but it could have been her imagination because it was only a spilt second.

Nezumi quickly pulled her hand away. “Talk to Sayaka if you want to be of use.” was all she responded before walking away. Center watched her walk away feeling her heart ache. She didn’t want things to be that way anymore. Nezumi didn’t even seemed affected by her. She felt so helpless. Was she ever going to be able to property convey her feelings to Nezumi, who seemed like she could care less whether she was around or not? What she didn’t know was that Nezumi was leaning against the wall downstairs her cheeks bright red and her heart beating fast.

“Can we talk?” a familiar voice asked from behind. Miyuki groaned not having to turn around to know who was behind her. “I rather not,” Miyuki replied not bothering to turn around. Facing Sayaka would be mortifying. She still couldn’t believe the other girl had to save her and witness her moment of weakness. She heard Sayaka sigh and sit besides her. Miyuki moved away from her slightly not trusting herself around the other girl.

“You can still stop all of this you know. Things can be different,”Sayaka told her. Her voice sounded gentle. It had been a while since Sayaka had used that tone around her. Nowadays Sayaka was usually yelling at her or begging, but her tone at the moment reminded her of when they were a couple. It made her sick. “Don’t you have anything else to waste your time in?” Miyuki retorted.

Sayaka didn’t even flinch at the cold comment. She was already used to it. “No,” she replied. It irritated Miyuki. Someone like Sayaka surely had something better to do than to be chasing after her. She was lying. “You’re lying. You should be in NMB with all your little friends or with Fuuko at the hospital,” Miyuki told her. She felt the onset of a headache. Why couldn’t Sayaka just leave her alone? Sayaka chuckled lightly. “If I didn’t know any better I say you were jealous.” Sayaka answered.

Miyuki scoffed. “Jealous? You choose to leave them behind to chase after me. If I told you to take a bullet for me you would take it in a heartbeat.” Miyuki answered. “That’s sounds extreme,” Sayaka admitted with a nervous laugh. “I am glad you finally realize how foolish you are.” Miyuki replied sounding slightly smug, but disappointed. Miyuki got up to leave, but Sayaka’s voice stopped her.

“I don’t mind.”

Miyuki turned around to face her without thinking her eyes wide. Sayaka flashed her a gentle smile causing her heart to beat faster. Flashes of the night before made their way to her head. Miyuki cursed inwardly. “You don’t mean it.” Miyuki said partly trying to convince herself that Sayaka wasn’t serious. “I am dead serious,” Sayaka insisted. Miyuki began to feel nervous. “You’re as stupid as always,” Miyuki said before waking away. And if it weren’t for her pride she would have ran.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt Ch.5 & 6 (Jurimayu & SayaMilky)
« Reply #63 on: January 18, 2014, 04:33:49 AM »
Ch.12 Before the Storm

Center sat in the president chair waiting for the rest of Rappapa to arrive. She knew the meeting was sudden and unexpected, but it had to be that way in order to keep Miyuki on the blind side of things. It had been about a week since Center discovered Miyuki had tricked her and since then Center had attempted various times to apologize to Nezumi. However the mouse-like girl simply refused to talk to her giving her the cold shoulder. Not that Nezumi’s indifference stopped Center from trying.

Center was always by her side talking to her even though Nezumi responded with a glare instead of words. Sometimes Center would notice a faint pink color in the other girl’s cheeks or a gentle look in her eyes, but it usually didn’t last really long. Nezumi was really set in giving her the silent treatment. Although it bothered Center she was a bit used to it. It wasn’t the first time Nezumi had been cold towards her. It was, however, the first time Center was the one in fault. Center was so absorbed in her thoughts she didn’t notice another presence in the room until a person cleared their throat. Nezumi.

Center had invited Nezumi and Sayaka to the meeting since she knew the two wanted to expose Miyuki as well, but she never dreamed Nezumi would show. “I thought there was a meeting,” Nezumi said breaking the silence between the two for the first time in that week. Her voice was music to Center’s ear. Finally her beloved was talking to her again even if it was just technical. “You’re early.” Center pointed out gesturing to the nearby clock. The meeting was at 3:00 and the clock read 2:55. Nezumi rolled her eyes.

“By five minutes,” Nezumi retorted taking a seat in a nearby broken chair. Center chuckled at Nezumi’s annoyed tone. She kind of thought the other girl was cute when she was annoyed. “Well you know us yankees. We are never in time for anything,” Center joked trying to lighten the mood, but failing miserably as she only received a spooky glare from the other girl.

“Right,” Nezumi mumbled and turned her attention to a strand of hair she was currently playing with. Center suddenly felt envious of the hair for it was getting more attention from Nezumi than she had gotten from her in an entire week. The silence began again and it bothered Center. It wasn’t that the two talked a lot before or anything, but that silence  was comfortable while this one was tense and dreary. Nezumi looked like would she rather be swallowed by the earth alive than to having to sit in an empty room with Center.

Not a good sign. “I am glad you came,” Center tried. Nezumi scoffed. “Naturally I came. I want Miyuki gone,” Nezumi replied her tone indifferent. Center knew that annoying the girl further than she already was wasn’t a good idea, but she decided to throw away all common sense. “If I didn’t know any better I say you showed because you wanted to see me,” Center suggested with a smirk. Nezumi’s frame completely tensed and their was a big frown in her face. Center wondered why she place herself in that dangerous situation.

“As if. I see your stupid face everyday anyways. Where is the logic in that?”

“I did say if I didn’t know any better didn’t I?”

“You’re annoying,” Nezumi growled pulling her hair in frustration. Center laughed earning another glare from Nezumi. If looks could kill Center would have probably been dead by now. “I heard that one before,” Center responded her voice merry. “And yet you still take in as a compliment,” Nezumi hissed irritated with the persistent girl. Center stood up and walked towards Nezumi. The other girl was too angry to foresee what was coming.

Suddenly without a warning Center captured her lips forcefully taking Nezumi by surprise. Her lips… They were so warm and soft. A sensation she missed so much. How long had it been since she felt those lips pressed against hers? Center pulled away and felt a sharp pain in her right cheek. Nezumi had slapped her.

Center’s hand flew towards her redden cheek and she was about to say something when she saw tears in Nezumi’s eyes. “Idiot do you really think that one kiss can fixed all the damage you done?” Nezumi yelled before storming out of the room. Center was too startled to even chase her down. Sayaka walked in the exact moment Nezumi ran out. She was confused by the situation as she stared at the bewildered Center. “What happened?” Sayaka dared to asked. Center blinked breaking away from her trance.

“I kissed her,” Center explained weakly running her fingers through her hair in frustration. She debated whether to chase the other girl down or not, but that would only make things worst plus Center needed to stay for the meeting. The rest of the Rappapa members began to arrive one by one all of them late. Nezumi would have probably be super annoyed if she had stayed.

“We want to plan an ambush at Yabakune. Tommorow. We want to catch them by surprise,” Center explained. The rest of Rappapa looked a bit surprised. “That soon?” Churi asked. Center nodded. “We have a backstabber and I want to make sure she learns her lesson,” Center added. Everyone exchanged a puzzled look all thinking the same thing: Wasn’t Nezumi the backstabber? Sayaka cleared her throat.

“I can explain.”

Nezumi sighed as she stared out at the scenery in front of her. She was at the roof again the place she loved to run away to. Her lips were still tingling from Center’s kiss even though she urge them not to. She didn’t want to feel Center’s kiss that much nor did she want to feel the passion in her words. ”You should have stayed in the meeting,” Sayaka suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Nezumi rolled her eyes. “Just fill me in will you?” Nezumi told her not wanting to explain why she bolted out of the room. “We are attacking tomorrow,” Sayaka replied with crossed arms.

Nezumi spun around her eyes with disbelief all over them. “Tomorrow? That’s too soon! What is Center thinking?” Nezumi exclaimed. “Their strongest fighters are injured. It’s the perfect time. Besides if we hold it on any longer Miyuki will surely suspect,” Sayaka explained. Nezumi understood Sayaka’s words, but somehow she felt uneasy.

“They are planning an ambush tomorrow.” Miyuki told Mayu. Miyuki had gotten lucky. Center had accidently forward the message to her as well. That idiot. Mayu looked surprised, but then smirked.

“We’ll be ready for them.”

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt Ch.5 & 6 (Jurimayu & SayaMilky)
« Reply #64 on: January 18, 2014, 04:40:24 AM »
Ch.13 Reckless Battle

Nezumi stood in the school roof staring out to the horizon. The gentle wind was blowing on her face, but she didn’t mind. It was pleasant. It was at that moment that she realized something else. The blue sky was so captivating. It was endless and could never truly be reached. It was a mystery. It wasn’t a simple thing. It was complicated and somewhat lonely, yet beautiful. Nezumi wondered why she never noticed this quality before. Maybe because you were staring at something more beautiful. A part of her mind that she didn’t want to listen to spoke against her wishes.

With that the peace that she felt was ruined as she remember the tall dark haired girl and the kiss she stolen. The kiss that left her lips lonely longing for more of their warmth. Nezumi began to feel irritated with herself. She should have more self control or self respect whichever best implied to this situation. She should be able to destroy this want and rid her body so it all for the sake of sweet revenge, but she couldn’t making her revenge a bitter thing instead. It was at moments like these that she cursed her ridiculous pride. Things would be easier without it.

 Without it things wouldn’t be a complicated twisted web of loneliness, betrayal, longing and most of all doubt. The doubt was the worst. Doubting Center’s feelings made her feel like was drowning in dark cold water. At some moments she managed to pull her head up to get some air, but then she was pulled back in to it menacing grip that kept her from seeing the truth.

She wondered if Center felt the same thing when she doubted Nezumi’s feeling for her. Perhaps she shouldn’t be so harsh if so, but the situations were still extremely different. Nezumi didn’t believe a stranger over Center. Perhaps this current doubt was blamed more in her insecurities that had always been there before Center refused to believe her and that had only grown from that lack of trust Center demonstrated when she saw her kissing Miyuki. Maybe I really wasn’t meant to be with people.

Nezumi had always thought this, but now it was becoming more and more evident to her that the statement was truly a fact not just a thought. She couldn’t even be trusted by her one true love as some more corny people might say and as Nezumi for a long time secretly believe herself, but would never admit because it was too embarrassing. Nezumi felt herself falling in a void of sorrow when she heard a familiar warm voice behind her.


Nezumi spun around to face the girl who was haunting her mind. She felt her heart stop and took a sharp intake of breath knowing it would be the last she took until the other girl left. She looked as radiant as ever so tall and strong with a serene look in her face. She was simply breathtaking, but Nezumi couldn’t forgive her. In spite of all her longing and loneliness she couldn’t bring herself to throw away her empty pride that seemed to be embedded in every fiber of her being.

“What do you want now Center?” Nezumi snapped surprising even herself. She hadn’t intended to sound so harsh, but perhaps it wasn’t a bad thing. Maybe it would make the stubborn girl go away. Maybe it would make the cloudiness in her mind go away. Center didn’t look the least bit stun perhaps expecting it. It would make sense considering the slap she received from Nezumi the day before. “We’re leaving soon,” Center informed her. Nezumi was relieved for a moment.

She didn’t want to discuss their relationship at the moment specially before a big fight where she needed her head to not be fuzzy and to not be preoccupied on the girl she didn’t have anymore. Still she wished the girl would have texted her or something. Even being around her made her head fuzzy. “Okay then,” Nezumi replied turning her back on the girl facing the sky again. Funny. It didn’t seem so blue or interesting anymore. It seemed dull. “About yesterday…” Center started to say, but was cut off by Nezumi.

“I don’t want to talk about this right now,” Nezumi told her firmly hoping that Center would listen for once instead of being her stubborn self. Center seem to understand because she didn’t push it. ”Fine but we have to talk about this eventually,” Center replied before walking away and leaving Nezumi to her solitude once more. Nezumi let out the breath she was holding.

It as stupid. It was completely utterly stupid. Sayaka knew if the others knew they would punch her from being such an idiot, but that didn’t stop her feet from moving towards Miyuki’s house. Why why why did she think it was a good idea to warn the girl about a plan she help make against her? Why was she still protecting her? She knew this was for Miyuki’s own good anyways, so why was heading towards her house at that very moment?

Cause you’re an idiot, a voice in her head rang. Sayaka sighed. She could still turn back and say nothing to Miyuki and not backstab the others for the sake of Miyuki, who honestly didn’t deserve it, but she kept on going. Every step getting closer to Miyuki’s house and to the point of no return. This wasn’t what Sayaka imagined falling in love would be like. It wasn’t what she imagined at all.She wasn’t really a romantic person per say, but she had a least pictured a more healthy relationship than the one she had with Miyuki which wasn’t a relationship at all.

Some could even say it was just Sayaka being obsessive over the other girl. Perhaps they were right. Following the girl around begging her to just change did seem obsessive even to her. Once more for the billionth time she began to wonder what on earth she was doing. Sayaka reached Miyuki’s door and knocked feeling her stomach knotted.When Miyuki came out she looked a bit surprised to say the least, but quickly returned to her calm, in control facade. “What are you doing here?” Miyuki asked unable to contain the curiously that was just oozing from her voice.

Sayaka debated whether to tell her or not in her head again. She could just make up an excuse and keep the secret. Or she could warn Miyuki and avoid her getting hurt. “Majijo is attacking Yabakune today,” Sayaka blurted out without thinking. Miyuki’s eyes grew as she digested what Sayaka just told her. It wasn’t that she didn’t know about the attack. Being the genius that she was she had already figured it out, but never in a billion years did she imagine Sayaka could come warn her about it.

Even though she had save her before and claimed her everlasting love why would she come warn her of something she helped plan backstabbing her friends in the closet. Miyuki was so surprised she just gawked at Sayaka who was standing proud in front of her. She could tell that even though she felt guilty she didn’t regret telling Miyuki. It was just messing with Miyuki’s head challenging all the things she thought about love and relationships.

It was maddening. “I already knew,” Miyuki responded twirling a loose strand of her. Now it was Sayaka’s turn to look surprised. “How??” Sayaka questioned looking bewildered. Miyuki chuckled lightly at her reaction and replied, “I overheard you guys yesterday.” “Oh…” Sayaka replied feeling slightly awkward. Miyuki wouldn’t blame her. She would bet anything that Sayaka was counting on being her knight of shining armor, but Miyuki just single handedly ruined that for her. It made Miyuki feel smug and more in control. She felt like she beat Sayaka in her own game even though in the back of her head she knew Sayaka wasn’t playing any games.

“You could still stop this,” Sayaka told her sounding like a broken record. As usual Sayaka had to come and give her a lecture on being a better person. Miyuki hated it. Miyuki rolled her eyes. “You already told me that like a hundred times,” Miyuki retorted sounding annoyed. ”Well it’s true! And it’s only because you don’t seem to consider it!” Sayaka exclaimed sounding exasperated. Here they went again having the same old conversation Sayaka as stubborn as Miyuki. None of the two wanting to lose. ”Well maybe I don’t want things to change. Things are to my advantage right now!” Miyuki countered her arms crossed. Sayaka’s eyes looked sad for a moment, but there was something else in them. Miyuki couldn’t really tell what she was thinking at all.

“Are they though? Are they really to your advantage if you are all alone?” Sayaka questioned her voice soft and low with a ring of sadness to it. Miyuki was puzzled by her statement that somehow made her doubt herself feeling bitter oddly enough. But she wasn’t going to give Sayaka the satisfaction. “Of course they are,” Miyuki scoffed hoping Sayaka’s couldn’t somehow hear the doubt in her voice. Sayaka gave her a sad smile vexing her even further.

“For your sake I hope they are.”

Nezumi sighed as she watched Sayaka from a distance.  She is so predictable, Nezumi thought to herself. Yes she already knew Sayaka would come warn Miyuki. She expected it. It was a stupid thing to do, but in Sayaka’s eyes she was going what she could to protect Miyuki. Nezumi could begrudge her for that considering Miyuki was going to get very very hurt when the truth came out.

It wasn’t just about exposing her. There were greater consequences. Nezumi could care less what happened to Miyuki, but Sayaka that loved her with all her heart would be able to bear it. Nezumi knew this very well. It didn’t make much of a different. The warning. Miyuki would probably show up anyways due to her ridiculous pride. Nezumi knew pride very well. Once Sayaka was away from Miyuki house Nezumi revealed herself. Sayaka looked surprised.

“You couldn’t help yourself could you?” Nezumi asked casually no malice in her voice. She wasn’t there to scold at Sayaka. She came to tell her that the fight was going to begin soon. “It didn’t make much of a difference. She already knew,” Sayaka told her. “You mean that Yabakune is already warned of the attack!?” Nezumi exclaimed her face worried. She wasn’t expecting this. Sure she knew Sayaka would probably end up warning Miyuki before the fight so she wouldn’t show, but she never expected Miyuki to find out on her own let alone warn Yabakune.

They were heading straight into a trap and they didn’t even know it. Their plan was already reckless enough without Yabakune knowing about the ambush. Now that they knew it was suicide. Yabakune was in their territory. They would be outnumbered and not even have the element of surprise. If they went over there they were not only going to lose, but the amount of injuries would be severe.

“I have to warn Center!”

Center kicked the doors of the Yabakune gates as her army followed behind her. This was it. The moment she been waiting for. The moment of battle. The moment she proved she was the rightful president of Rappapa and that Majijo was not to be messed with. The moment however felt more empty than she imagined. Maybe it’s because she always thought Nezumi would be by her side. Center mentally shook her head. It wasn’t the time to worry about that. She needed a clear head.

Center watched as Gakuran grabbed an random girl by the collar and snared, “Where is your president?” “Let her go,” snarled Mayu. The rest of her friends were behind her along with other Yabakune students. They were carrying bats and steel poles. For someone who was supposed to be caught by surprise they were pretty prepared. Center’s eyes widen. They were strong, but they weren’t prepared for this. They were outnumbered and in someone else’s territory. Worst of all they couldn’t leave without looking weak. It was a lose lose situation whatever they did. Center could see everyone else was surprised as well not knowing what to make of the situation.

“Miyuki told them,” Nezumi announced behind them. Center turned around shocked. “How did she possibly know?” Center demanded. Nezumi glared at her not pleased with the tone she was using. “Don’t ask me. You’re are the ones who didn’t close the door! Sayaka informed me about this later after she spoke with Miyuki!” Nezumi retorted. The fight began and everyone began fighting, but neither of them moved an inch their gazes locked. “You should have told me that before I lead my girls into a trap! We weren’t prepared for this dammit!” Center yelled before hitting a girl that tried to attacked her. The two began to get surrounded.

The two automatically covered each other’s backs in spite the fact they weren’t in the best of terms at the moment. Old habits were hard to die. ”You were already in here when I got here you idiot!” Nezumi yelled back punching a girl in the eye. Center ducked a punch and kicked a girl who was about to attack Nezumi. “Sorry,” Center replied more calmly. Nezumi sighed. Typical Center. ”Whatever,” she grumbled. More girls began to surround them and it was not looking good for them. It seemed they were the main target. Of course they would be. They were Majijo’s president and vice-president after all.

Sayaka saw this and tried to help when she was blocked by a couple of girls. Great. “I don’t really feel like dealing with your crap!” Sayaka screamed before inflicting fetal hits on her rivals. Sayaka was the most deadly girl in her school and she was not going to deal with underlings when she had more important things to do. She didn’t see Miyuki in sight and hoped the girl would stay away. The fight wasn’t looking good for either side. It was probably what Miyuki wanted, but Sayaka knew that this time the girl wouldn’t be able to escape unharmed. Not this time. Her luck ran out even though the other girl herself didn’t know it.

Much to her misfortune Miyuki had just arrived to the scene at that very moment quite pleased at herself. It was perfect. It was everything she hope to accomplish. So perfect. A complete and utter bloodbath. Miyuki smirked. Her happiness didn’t last long though. Sayaka spotted her. ”Miyuki!” Sayaka called. Miyuki tried to avoid her, but Sayaka grabbed her arm. “See what you did? You did this! I hope you are proud of the blood bath you created! They trusted Miyuki! Both sides trusted you!” Sayaka yelled unable to contain herself when she saw the Majijo girls struggling to fight and Miyuki laughing.

She put up with a lot of the stuff Miyuki did to her, but when she saw her do it to others it just pissed her off. She reached her breaking point. “I am proud. Soon both these stupid schools will fall and I will be able to leave and stop pretending. That stupid president is already getting in my nerves so yeah I am proud,” Miyuki shouted back without thinking. Unfortunately Mayu was right behind her.

“So this was a game to you?!” Mayu demanded grabbing her by the collar. Miyuki’s eye widen realizing the girl mistake she had just done. She wasn’t thinking! It was Sayaka’s fault. She always made her like this. Careless, irrational and stupid. Very stupid. “I can explain…” Miyuki said in a small voice hoping she be able to fool Mayu once more, but failed. Mayu’s angry eyes pierced her own making her shiver in fear slightly. She wasn’t normally scared of others, but Mayu looked pissed. “I am not falling for that crap again,” Mayu snarled and tossed her to the floor as if she was a light piece of paper as oppose to a person.

Miyuki winced in pain as she landed in the floor. Suddenly her eyes turned dark and she began to laugh. Screw the act. She was probably going to get beat up anyways. Why bother pretending? ”You actually thought I would love someone like you? Have you looked in the mirror? You are way below my league. You were useful though. Let’s see how powerful you and Majijo are after this fight with all your best people injured,” Miyuki replied not looking the least bit sorry. She refused to give her and Sayaka the satisfaction. “Go to hell!” Mayu screamed and was about to deliver a fatal kick when Sayaka got between them.

Miyuki’s eyes widen. She couldn’t help, but to get surprised every time Sayaka defended her in spite of all she did. Every time Miyuki thought she finally pushed Sayaka away she did something like that. It made her sick to her stomach. Why couldn’t Sayaka just disappear or get the hint that Miyuki didn’t want her around? “I won’t let you lay a hand on her,” Sayaka threaten her face dead serious. Miyuki wanted to object and tell Sayaka to go away that she didn’t need her help, but then Mayu screamed, “You bitch!” before charging to Sayaka. But Sayaka saw coming and dodged easily. While Mayu was angry and hurt, Sayaka was calm and collected.

It was easy to tell who was going to win that fight. Miyuki hated it. She hated that Sayaka stepped in to save her yet again like she was some stupid damsel in distress. Miyuki decided to leave while she could. There was no point in being there anymore. Meanwhile Nezumi and Center were fighting as hard as they could already covered in blood and  fresh bruises. Center was smiling though. She love the trill of the fight and she loved fighting with Nezumi. The two hadn’t made up yet, but they were fighting together and protecting each other and that was all that mattered.

Still Yabakune was persistent and Center was surprised their president hadn’t come to fight her yet. Was she just going to let underlings do the job? That was kind of insulting to Center. Finally she spotted her fighting with Sayaka who was clearly winning and Miyuki staring at them. Miyuki was probably the cause of their fight. Center couldn’t watch much of their fight though because Yabakune’s stupid underling were so damn persistent. ”They just got an endless supply don’t they?” Center said as she knock out yet another girl.

Nezumi rolled her eyes at Center’s observation. “Of course they do. We are in their school after all. What do you expect?” Nezumi replied while blocking a hit. Center chuckled hearing the annoyance in Nezumi’s voice. Even though she knew Nezumi was thinking she was stupid she sort of found it amusing. The two continued to fight both panting. They were tired. Everyone was. While they were all amazing fighters they were badly outnumbered. Center didn’t know how much they would be able to hold on. Center turned to look at Nezumi. She was barely holding on trying to keep her balance as fatigue caught up to her.

Suddenly a flash of silver in a girl’s hand caught her eye and dread began to sweep in as she saw the thing in slow motion. A dreadful memory began to flash in her mind and her blood turned cold as she saw the girl heading towards her beloved. ”NO!” Center screamed pushing Nezumi out of the way before she could get hurt. She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and her vision turned burry. The world seemed to stop around them as blood came gushing out of Center’s body. Then Center heard screams.


Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt Ch.5 & 6 (Jurimayu & SayaMilky)
« Reply #65 on: January 18, 2014, 04:43:49 AM »
Ch.14 Aftermath (Final)

Time seemed to suddenly go by in slow motion as Center collapsed to the floor her abdomen bloody.  Sayaka and Mayu, who had been in a heated fight, were interrupted by Nezumi’s shrill screams as she watched her beloved fall to the ground. Her arms instantly caught Center and she began to sob clinging on to the bleeding girl. Center caressed her cheek and seem to whisper something to her before shutting her eyes. This seemed to cause more panic to the people who were watching. ”Someone call an ambulance!” someone, probably a fellow Majijo student, shouted frantically. Nezumi knew she needed to call an ambulance, but she couldn’t move.

Nezumi’s entire body was trembling and her arms were frozen in place holding Center tight in her arms as if her life depended on it. The other Rappapa members rushed to her side immediately. “Who the hell did this?!” Gakuran shouted her eyes rabid. Gekikara was biting her nails nervously, but she wasn’t laughing like she usually did when she was blood. The rest of the members were uncharacteristically silent and their faces looked grave.

 Churi, who seemed to be the most calm of the group at the moment, instantly pulled out her cellphone to call an ambulance. The rest of the members look completely sicken and unsure of what to do in the situation. Nezumi was the brains of the group and right in that moment she seemed too upset to think of something that could help. They could only pray that the ambulance got there fast enough.

“Don’t die on me Center! You can’t die on me dammit!” Nezumi cursed even though the injured girl couldn’t hear her. Tears were freely falling from her eyes and never in her life had she felt that afraid that frighten to death. She could lose Center forever and all due to a stupid yanakee fight that some spoiled brat put together for the sake of fun. She could lose Center, the only person who ever loved her and the only person she ever loved. The thought too painful too unimaginable that even considering it made her heart break into pieces. No, Center had to be alright. She had to. Otherwise Nezumi’s heart might as well stop beating that very moment.

The Yabakune students quickly began to disperse as they began to hear the high pitch siren only an ambulance carried fearing they might get in trouble. Sayaka who was watching from the distance was appalled by the scene. Sayaka couldn’t pinpoint who stabbed Center, but that wasn’t the issue. They needed to get the girl to the hospital and fast. Lucky judging by the siren it seemed that help was close. ”We will finish this later,” Mayu snarled shaking her head as she walked away. Sayaka could tell she was upset by the situation in front of her, but didn’t know what else to do. Helping someone whose from a rival school wasn’t exactly viewed well.

Sayaka didn’t blame her. Sayaka wouldn’t know what to do either. Sayaka caught a glimpse at Miyuki who looked like she was having a panic attack. Her breathing was heavy and her face white like snow. Her entire body was shaking. The shaking grew worst when she dared to look to where Nezumi laid with Center’s bloody body. Miyuki expected people to get injured. She did.

Heck she even expected people to go the hospital for broken bones, but not like that. Not bleeding out. Not stabbed. Center could die and it would be her fault. Center could die and that would make her a murder. Without thinking Miyuki dashed out of there without noticing that Sayaka was right behind her. Miyuki just ran senselessly until she reached a nearby small park. Suddenly her legs gave in and she collapsed to the ground. Her entire frame was still shaking from the shock. Her game was over.

Her game was stupid. She never got anything out of it so why did she continue to do it? She always felt slightly empty after she left a place completely destroyed, but this was different. A different guilt laid in her shoulders this time. A greater guilt. The guilt of possibly taking a human life.

When she abducted Fuuko she had control. She had control of how far things would go, but of this she had no control of. She was a monster either ways though. Whether she had control or not she was a monster. What she did was wrong and she knew it. She just didn’t know how to stop. She began to feel afraid of herself rather than prideful because of all she done. “Miyuki…” Sayaka spoke softly once she finally caught up to her.

Miyuki looked so helpless and small unlike her usual confident self. She looked human for once letting her true emotions show. Sayaka kneed down and hugged the girl. “It isn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known someone had a knife. You couldn’t have known,” Sayaka told her running her fingers through her silky hair hoping that would soothe her. Miyuki suddenly turned and began to sob wildly into Sayaka’s shoulder. She just wanted to tell her everything about her fears and worries….

About her feelings, but she couldn’t instead all she managed to say was, ”Why are you being so nice to me? All I ever do is hurt you! Why why why?!” Sayaka smiled and kissed her forehead. “It’s because I love you.” Sayaka replied gently. Miyuki pulled away her eyes filled of belief. “How could you love someone who hurt you so much?! You should hate me! I would feel better if you did dammit!” Miyuki shouted letting all her pended up emotions come to light. The girl looked so distraught and it pained Sayaka to see her that way.

“Love is a funny thing. Sometimes I do hate you, but mostly I love you. I guess that’s why they say there is a thin line between hate and love,” Sayaka answered trying to embrace the other girl again, but being pushed away. She wished Miyuki wouldn’t make things so hard and just accepted her, but it wasn’t that easy. Usually the things worth fighting for aren’t.

 ”That doesn’t make any sense! That doesn’t make any sense at all!” Miyuki exclaimed sounding a bit insane due to her shaking her head and shouting. Sayaka laughed. “Since when does love make any sense?” Sayaka asked as if not only asking Miyuki, but as in asking the world in general. Miyuki was silent at that response tearing still falling from her eyes. Sayaka cupped Miyuki’s cheeks. “Do you love me Miyuki?” Sayaka asked quietly.

Miyuki looked at her with wide eyes. Did she love Sayaka? Miyuki never even allowed herself to think about it. She couldn’t. It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that the way Sayaka was looking at her in the moment made her heart beat faster nor that the skin she was touching felt a bizarre tingling sensation she didn’t feel in the skin she hadn’t touched. It didn’t matter. “That doesn’t matter,” she automatically responded prying Sayaka’s hands off her. Suddenly without any warning Sayaka crashed her lips against hers surprising Miyuki. It been month since they lasted kissed. And Miyuki missed it…

No matter who many times she tried to tell herself that Sayaka’s kisses didn’t feel any different they did. They always had. And she couldn’t deny it any longer. Every time they kissed she felt like she was soaring. Her lips so sweat and tender. Miyuki couldn’t help, but kiss her back with equal intensity giving in to those irresistible lips. Even though her mind was screaming for her to push her away instead she wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled her closer. She couldn’t deny it any longer. Not just the kiss, but her feeling as well.

She loved Sayaka. She loved her. She loved the way Sayaka looked at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. She loved the serious expression Sayaka would get when she was trying to convince her of her love. Her eyes so determined and full of fire yet soft and gentle. Her perfect kissable lips. Her bright radiant smile. Her musical laugh. Her silky voice. She loved everything. Every single thing that was Yamamoto Sayaka she loved. A love that was warm and true filled senseless adoration and excitement all in one.

The kiss was everything. It was everything she ever wanted and everything she ever needed and it frighten her. It was probably the reason why she kept pushing Sayaka as far as possible. She was afraid of the feeling afraid of what such strong love could make her do. She was afraid of getting hurt because she fell too deep like she did with Nana. This was completely different though. It seemed so much strong. She didn’t remember feeling this connected with Nana at all. As they kissed she dizzily wondered if it was because she knew Sayaka felt the same way or because Sayaka was simply different. She decided on the latter of the two.

 The two pulled away as their bodies cried for oxygen both breathless and only inches away from each other. Sayaka’s face looked calm her eyes closed. Miyuki had never seen anything so serene nor so beautiful. She wished she could capture the moment with a camera and keep it forever. “Will you tell me something?” Sayaka asked breaking their peaceful silence. Miyuki responded with a nod to dazed to speak. “Can we try this again? Can we just start again?” Sayaka asked caressing Miyuki’s cheek. Miyuki simply nodded once more, but felt slightly giddy inside at the idea. Maybe a fresh start was all they needed.

Nezumi sat an a stiff hospital been worried out of her mind. The worst was over she supposed. They managed to get Center to the hospital on time thanks to Churi’s quick thinking and things were going to be fine. Center was going to be alright. That was what she kept telling herself. Still she couldn’t help, but to be worried. She almost lost her! She almost lost Center the love of her life! And they weren’t speaking. She could have lost her with their very final moment being filled with bitterness and senseless  disagreements.

The fight was ridiculous and Nezumi knew it. She was just being stubborn. If Center had died and Nezumi had that as their last memory together she wouldn’t have been able to bare it. She just wouldn’t. Lucky Center was alright. She was just unconscious. Hopefully she woke up soon because seeing her in a hospital bed unconscious really made her feel uneasy. Although the sleeping girl looked pretty peaceful. If Center wasn’t connected to all those machines Nezumi would have often the scene pretty cute. It wasn’t often she saw Center’s sleeping face. Meanwhile Center was beginning to slowly regain consciousness as her sleep because lighter.

Beep beep beep. That was all Center could hear around her. Her eyes were still shut, but they were slowly beginning to open as she started to regain consciousness. What in the world happened to her? Where was she and what on earth was that noise that didn’t let her sleep? Nezumi, who had been sitting in a nearby chair, shot up when she noticed Center’s fluttering eyes. She quickly hurried to her side and grabbed her hand waiting patiently for Center to fully awaken.

Center smiled as she felt Nezumi’s warm soft hand happy that Nezumi seemed to have put aside their little fight. Then she felt bewildered when she noticed all the tubes and machines around her. Her first instinct was to jump up, but a gentle squeeze from Nezumi’s hand calmed her down. “W-What in the world happen to me?!” Center asked her voice sounding a bit rough and scratchy.  She had a startle look in her face. It was only reasonable though. It wasn’t often she woke up in a hospital connected to all sorts of machines.

Nezumi resisted the urge to cry right then and there. She had been worried sick especially after Center was unconscious for so long and hearing her voice made her a bit emotional. It was embarrassing because she knew the girl was going to be alright, but she couldn’t help it. ”You were stabbed. You baka! What were you thinking?!” Nezumi exclaimed resisting the urge to shake the other girl.

She was always so irresponsible! Nezumi wish there was a way to get through her thick skull. Center gave her a goofy smile. “You were worried about me!” Center beamed with huge puppy-like eyes. Finally Nezumi was speaking at her and wasn’t angry. It was what she been waiting for days. Nezumi blushed at Center’s almost puppy like expression and turned away to attempt to hide her blush.”OF COURSE I WAS YOU WERE ONLY STABBED!” Nezumi emphasized in a voice slightly lower than a shout to make sure the other reckless girl got her point.

Tears began to spill from Nezumi’s cheeks as she remembered the horrible bloody scene. She couldn’t believe Center went through such extreme measures to protect her. She shouldn’t been so surprised though. It wasn’t the first stupid thing Center did to protect her and it probably wouldn’t be the last. Nezumi just wished Center would think more about herself and her own safely before doing such rash things. Center sat up and somehow managed to pull Nezumi towards her leaving only a couple of inches between their faces.

Nezumi drew a breath knowing perfectly well what came next. She slowly closed her eyes and Center chuckled. “I thought you were mad at me,” Center teased unable to resist the opportunity. Nezumi wanted to smack the other girl. Way to ruin the moment. “Just shut up and kiss me,” Nezumi growled and soon Center crashed her lips against her own. And the world felt right again. Everything fell into place in that precise moment when their lips met and they melted into each other.

Nezumi didn’t know how she was able to stand so many days without feeling Center’s warm lips on her own. The sensation warm, sweet, and exciting all at the same time. Her heart was beating erratically and her hands were buried in Center’s silky locks gently pulling her closer if that was possible. If oxygen hadn’t force them to split Nezumi was sure they could remain that way forever.

And she wouldn’t mind. She wouldn’t have mind at all. And by the look on Center’s flushed face something told her the other girl wouldn’t have mind either. “So are we good?” Center said in voice sounding a bit breathless. Nezumi felt pretty breathless herself as well. Nezumi felt a warm smile make its way to her lips. “You ask as if you didn’t know the answer to that,” Nezumi teased ruffling the girl’s raven hair playfully. Center giggled softly a side of her she only show to Nezumi, but then her face turned serious. Nezumi knew there was something still in the other girl’s mind.

“What is it?” Nezumi asked. Center caressed her cheek gently before saying, “It’s just we really need to trust each other more. We can’t keep doubting each other like this or later on we are going to create bigger problems. Do you trust me?” Nezumi smiled at the bedridden girl and nodded, “With my life.” With that said Center grinned and pulled the girl in for round two. They had some catching up to do.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt (Jurimayu & SayaMilky) Completed
« Reply #66 on: January 18, 2014, 12:33:39 PM »
 :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
A perfect end!
sooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Doubt (Jurimayu & SayaMilky) Completed
« Reply #67 on: January 18, 2014, 12:48:59 PM »


Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Confessions under the candle light (Wmatsui)
« Reply #68 on: January 21, 2014, 09:29:44 PM »
Ch.1 Sleepovers and Storms

The city of Nagoya was dimmed and peaceful as the late afternoon fell. There were a few gray clouds in the sky, but they were hardly noticeable. The air was fresh and cool. Two young girls walked home together hand by hand. One of them was chattering excitedly about her day while the other was listening to her every word with a smile. “To think that such things happen. I never saw those kinds of things happen when I was in high school,” Rena commented after she heard Jurina’s intriguing story.

Jurina had been talking about a girl who had just gotten pregnant in her exclusive private school which Rena found shocking to say the least. It was shocking enough for a girl to get pregnant in high school, but to get pregnant while attending a exclusive all girl’s high school? Well that was even more outrageous. “That’s because you are old!” Jurina teased sticking her tongue out playfully. Rena pouted and retorted, “I am not old!” Jurina giggled at the older girl’s reaction and continued with her story, “Well it’s not like it happens often. It quite surprising too considering we go to an all girls school.” Rena nodded in agreement then looked thoughtful.

“Yeah I guess so, but it’s not completely impossible. Maybe she met him in a party or something?” Rena suggested. Jurina was quiet for a moment. “I guess I wouldn’t know about if that was the case. I am hardly even at school to begin with let alone at high school parties,” Jurina pointed out. “Right I suppose you wouldn’t know of such things,” Rena replied and looked a bit troubled. Rena feared she made Jurina feel left out of her school life or something. She knew the younger girl wasn’t really leading the life of a normal teenager which worried her sometimes. Maybe Jurina did want to go to high school parties and hear regular high school gossip like everyone else.

Jurina noticed this and instantly realized what the older girl was thinking. “It’s not like I mind silly. I have plenty of fun with everyone backstage and on stage. Plus we all do go out and hang out like regular girls at times. Like now. I am happy,” Jurina reassured Rena. Rena smiled and replied, “I am glad to hear that.” Jurina grinned and the two continued the way in peaceful silence. Rena looked lost in thought while Jurina was simply taking in the view she called home. She missed Nagoya. It’s been a while since she’s visited. Then Jurina remembered her parents were out of town. A frown replaced her peaceful smile. Jurina hated sleeping alone in the house.

People were always surprised to hear that since she seemed so mature, but it was true. It wasn’t often that her both parents were out of town especially when they knew Jurina was going to be home, but when it happened Jurina hated it. Then an idea occurred to her. “Nee Rena-chan would you stay over my house for the night? My parents are out of town so…” Jurina’s voice trailed off at the end.

She was suddenly worried that Rena would say no. Perhaps it was a silly thing to worry about since they were friends, but Rena wasn’t just any friend to Jurina. “Sure thing. Let me just let my mom know,” Rena replied with a faint smile and pulled out her phone. Jurina let a sigh of relief. Stupid stupid crush. Ever since Jurina discovered she had feelings towards the older girl she couldn’t help, but to worry about the silliest things when it came to Rena.

Jurina bit her lip as she watched Rena make the call. She was just so perfect! So perfect it made Jurina gloomy because she knew there was no way someone like Rena could return her feelings. Rena was like a princess and a princess dated a prince, right? A prince not her younger hyperactive fellow idol group member. Jurina sighed loudly as she watch Rena talk to her mom on the phone. It would probably be better to just forget the whole crush thing and simply enjoy Rena’s friendship. It wasn’t easy though because just being this close to the girl drove her crazy and she didn’t have it in her to put some distance between them because she wanted no distance.

“My mom said I can stay over. I just I’ll just borrow some clothes if it’s fine with you,” Rena told her closing her cell phone shut. Jurina smiled and nodded. “Of course don’t I always lend you some?” Jurina answered happily forgetting her worries. She was not one to stay down for long. Rena giggled. “I guess so huh? Now that I think about it it’s the first sleepover we had in a while, huh?” Rena pointed out. Jurina thought about Rena’s comment for a while and realized it was very true. Lately their job schedules were all over the place and didn’t give them much free time. That week though had been a particularly slow week and Jurina was staying in Nagoya instead of Tokyo.

It was a rare occasion and Jurina was glad she thought of inviting Rena to stay over. Who knew when they would have a chance to hang out again? “I suppose so. We both been very busy and I been going back and front from Tokyo. I glad we can hangout now though,” Jurina said with a smile. Rena returned the smile causing Jurina’s heart to swell. Jurina loved Rena’s smile, but more importantly she loved it when Rena’s smile was directed to Jurina and Jurina only. “So what are we going to do? Are you going to cook anything for me?” Rena asked. Jurina chuckled. “Oh so that’s why you go to my house. For the food,” Jurina giggled. Rena shrugged.

“What can I say? You’re a good cook,” Rena answered. Jurina giggled again. “Fine I’ll see what my parents have in the pantry,” Jurina replied flattered that Rena liked her cooking. When the two girls finally reached Jurina’s house, they settled in front of the T.V. The two were exhausted. They had just had an intense dance practice. Jurina felt sweaty. Normally Jurina would go straight home and shower, but she felt awkward doing so when Rena was over. Then it occurred to her that Rena might feel the same way. “Rena…” Jurina started to say and then felt self-conscious. She didn’t want it to seem like she was telling the other girl she smelled. In reality she didn’t.

It was a shocking realization and Jurina felt a bit embarrassed because she was pretty sure that she reeked after all the sweating she had done in practice. ”Is something wrong Jurina?” Rena asked looking Jurina. Jurina blushed wondering why she felt so nervous. Her mind seemed to suddenly be hyperactive and couldn’t stop. Especially when Rena was looking at her with that cute confused face. “I am going to make popcorn. I was going to ask if you wanted some,” Jurina lied smoothly. Rena blinked in surprise and smiled. “Sure.”

Jurina got up and rushed to the kitchen. Rena felt confused. What was up with Jurina? She was acting very strange. Normally the girl would be very energetic, but she seemed rather quiet and nervous for some reason Rena didn’t understand. It was at times like these that Rena felt like hugging the girl and telling her to just relax and enjoy herself, but doing that was no good. If Rena did that it would encourage Jurina to hug her and kiss her and Rena would die if that happened. No, it wasn’t because she didn’t like the girl. It was because she liked the girl TOO much.

Rena wasn’t sure when her crush began, but she knew that it was no good and that she needed to suppress it. Jurina was like six years younger than her for crying out loud. If Jurina knew she would probably be grossed out! Rena couldn’t have that happen. She would just have to settle for taking care of the younger girl. But sometimes it was just so hard. Jurina came back with a bowl of popcorn and sat next to Rena. “I think they might have burned,” Jurina admitted as she offered some popcorn to Rena.

“No worries,” Rena replied and grabbed a handful. She tried to focus on the T.V instead of Jurina, but it was impossible. Jurina looked cuter than ever. Sure her hair was slight messy due to dance practice and her outfit was not super fashionable, but her cheeks were flushed for some reason and Rena found it adorable. Suddenly a loud dripping sound was heard from outside the house. Rena turned to look at the window and found that it was raining. Hard. “That’s weird. The weather forecast didn’t warn for rain,” Jurina commented staring at the window.

Rena nodded in agreement when suddenly a loud roaring sound was heard. Thunder. “Kyaa!” Jurina exclaimed and jumped on Rena unintentionally. Rena instantly blushed. “J-Jurina…” Rena said as she felt the girl shivering. Rena knew Jurina was a big scary cat, but she didn’t think it was to that extend. “It’s okay. It’s just thunder,” Rena reassured her with a soothing voice. Jurina nodded and then turned red when she realized she had just hoped on Rena.

“I-I am so sorry!” Jurina exclaimed and quickly got off. Rena chuckled. “It’s alright. Seriously. Don’t worry about it,” Rena told her. Thunder filled the room again and Jurina grasped Rena’s arm. Rena squealed inwardly over how cute Jurina looked when she was scared. She had to take her to a haunted house one day or something.

“Shh… I am right here. It’s just thunder,” Rena said trying to calm the girl down. Thunder was heard again and the light went completely out. “Crap,” Jurina mumbled. Jurina hated storms and the dark. Her worst nightmare had just become a reality. “Rena-chan! I hate this,” Jurina whined still holding Rena’s arm. “Do you have candles or something?” Rena asked. Jurina nodded.

“They’re in the kitchen.”

Rena got up to go get them when Jurina grabbed her hand. She felt her heart speed up with that mere touch. Jurina’s grip was strong. “If I don’t get the candles we will be stuck in the dark,” Rena said trying to reason with the frighten girl. Jurina pouted and refused to let go. Rena stared at their hands amazed at how perfect the two seemed to fit together. It was as if her hand was made to hold Jurina’s hand.

Thunder roared again and Jurina jumped a little. “See you know I am right. It be better when we get some light in here.” Rena insisted. Finally Jurina nodded, but didn’t let go of Rena’s hand. “I’ll go with you,” Jurina mumbled. Rena shivered at the low almost sexy tone Jurina’s voice had. How could someone be so cute yet so cool at the same time? The two slowly walked to the kitchen holding hands trying not to bump into anything.

“They should be in the left drawer.” Jurina told her once they got to the kitchen. Rena nodded and opened the drawer as Jurina instructed. Sure enough there were a couple of candles there and a lighter. “My mom likes to be prepared,” Jurina explained. Rena nodded. “We should probably go to your room since we can’t even watch T.V anyways,” Rena suggested. “Yeah sure,” Jurina agreed and the two started heading upstairs towards Jurina’s room. “Do you want to change?” Jurina asked once they entered her room. She seemed to have calm down.

“Sure let me just turn on the candles so we can see,” Rena told her. Rena placed a candle in Jurina’s nightstand then another one in Jurina’s personal restroom. Jurina sat in her bed and watched Rena’s graceful movements. She was beautiful. Something about the candle light made her look more alluring than usual and it made Jurina’s heart beat faster. Jurina wondered if Rena knew how big of an effect she had on her.

“That should be okay,” Rena said and sat next to Jurina in her bed. Their knees accidentally touched making her feel butterflies in her stomach. Rena expected Jurina to move away, but she didn’t. Instead she scoot closer to her. Rena’s brain went haywire due to the simple, yet intimate touch of their knees.

“J-Jurina the change of clothes,” Rena reminded nervously feeling uneasy with the situation. Her heart was beating too fast. “Huh? Oh right. Let me get you something,” Jurina answered slightly dazed. Jurina got up and searched her drawers breaking the contact between them. Rena sighed in relief. It wasn’t that it didn’t feel nice to be so close to the other girl, but Rena could help, but to feel guilty for feeling that way. Surely the other girl didn’t share the sentiment and would be weirded out to learn Rena thought of her in such a way.

Jurina was glad her back was turned on Rena otherwise she would have seen her blushing face. Jurina’s body was still trembling after such simple contact. How was she going to deal with the rest of the night?

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Confessions Under the Candle Light (Wmatsui)
« Reply #69 on: January 21, 2014, 11:15:19 PM »
Ch.2 The revealing game of truth or dare

After Rena changed, the two girls settled in Jurina’s small bed. This time there was a bit of distance between them both afraid to repeat the knee touching incident. Jurina looked up at the ceiling with a bored look. It wasn’t that she didn’t like being with Rena, but the two were oddly quiet and it was driving her nuts. “What should we do?” Jurina wondered wishing the electricity could go back on so they could rely on the easiest solution to their problem which would probably be watching a movie.

Rena turned to look at her with a blank look. “I have no clue.” she admitted. Rena had thought about telling Jurina to take out a board game, but it was much too dark for them to see anyways. Even with the candles. Jurina sighed and threw her head back hitting the pillow behind her. “I am so bored!” Jurina exclaimed in irritation. Rena giggled happy to have the overly energetic Jurina back.

“You’re so impatient! The light will be back on soon. You’ll see!” Rena reassured the girl even though she wasn’t sure if that was true. This seemed to be the worst storm Nagoya has had in ages, but of course she didn’t tell Jurina that. “I guess you are right,” Jurina replied sounding resigned.

Suddenly a devious idea flashed the younger girl’s head and her lips curved upwards in an wicked smile. Rena noticed this and gulped nervously. This couldn’t be good. “Nee Rena-chan let’s play a game,” Jurina suggested with a mischievous glint. “What game?” Rena asked carefully knowing the younger girl was up to something. “Truth or dare!” Jurina said dramatically sounding quite excited.

“Ehh?” Rena managed to reply surprised by the idea. Jurina tugged Rena’s sleeve breaking the distance between the two. “Come on! It will be fun!” Jurina insisted while she tugged on Rena’s shirt. “No way!” Rena replied trying to pry Jurina off her. Finally after much pestering from Jurina and a promise stating Jurina wouldn’t make her do anything too embarrassing, Rena agreed to play.

The two girls sat across from each other. “How will this work? Do you have something we can spin to see who goes or what else can we do to decide?” Rena asked. Jurina paused and looked thoughtful. Then she grin. “We can play janken to decide who goes,” Jurina suggested. Rena shook her head. “No way! You know I am terrible at Janken!” Rena objected. Jurina pouted.”No one is bad at Janken. It simply relies on luck. Maybe you are lucky today. Who knows? Come on. It will be fun!” Jurina insisted once more scared Rena would decide to chicken out on her. “Fine! Have it your way. It’s not like you’re going to take no for an answer anyways,” Rena said. Jurina grinned.

“You know me well.”

The game wasn’t as scary as Rena imagined. Jurina really did keep her promise of not making her do something too embarrassing. At least so far. “No far Rena! You made me promise not to make you do anything embarrassing and yet you are the one dishing out the worst dares!” Jurina complained after Rena made her prank call Yuria to tell her that she won 50 million yen.

Lucky Yuria didn’t seem to recognized Jurina’s voice, but she did sound pretty annoyed with the call. Rena couldn’t help, but to laugh. “You know I actually thought Yuria would fall for it I am not going to lie, but I guess I was wrong,” Rena giggled. “Yuria would totally kill you if she found out!” Jurina exclaimed shocked by Rena’s words. Rena was always so polite so hearing her admit that was shocking.

“It’s not like she is ever going to find out anyways, so I am safe,” Rena replied with a somewhat smug voice. Jurina smirked an evil idea forming in her head. “I will tell her if you don’t start taking it easy on me,” Jurina threaten playfully. Rena gasped. “You can’t blackmail! That’s unfair!” Rena objected. Jurina giggled. Rena was really cute sometimes. “Relax I won’t tell her, but seriously take it a bit more easy with the dares,” Jurina said and Rena nodded. The awkward air from before completely dissolved and now the two girls were just enjoying themselves. The two played another two rounds before disaster hit.

The two proceeded to play janken like the past rounds. This time the advantage was in Jurina’s side. ”Paper! I won!” Jurina exclaimed after seeing that Rena had chosen rock in that round. Rena would be disappointed, but Jurina’s reaction was too cute. Maybe I should keep losing, Rena thought to herself. She had managed to go the whole game without dealing with her dilemma, but now it presented itself again. I shouldn’t be thinking of her in that way, Rena reminded herself. Not that it helped much, but it was something.

“Truth or dare?”

Rena was tempted to pick dare, but feared any dare Jurina might throw her way after what she just made her do so she went with the first of the two options.


Jurina smirked. She expected Rena to say that. The older girl was overly cautious as usual. Jurina paused and searched her mind for a question.  Jurina had originally intended to ask if Rena had ever burped in public since she couldn’t imagine the elegant girl doing such things, but then another more tempting question popped into her head. Should she ask it? Did she want to know the answer? Would Rena even be honest?

“Have you ever been in love and do you love someone right now?”

“Jurina!” Rena exclaimed in shock. She didn’t think the younger girl would ask such a question. Her face began to flush and her hands suddenly felt sweaty. What was she supposed to answer? If she answered yes Jurina would want to know who. Rena knew Jurina well enough to know how curious she was. If she said no she doubted she would believe her due to her reaction plus Rena sucked at lying. Jurina would get the truth out of her sooner or later. “Rena I am waiting.” Jurina said her voice slightly serious. There was no playfulness underneath and it frighten Rena. Jurina seriously wanted an honest answer. As to the reason why Rena had no clue whatsoever.

“You asked two questions. You need to pick one.”

“Do you love someone right now?”


“You’re lying!” Jurina blurted out. Rena had to be lying. Otherwise she wouldn’t have turned so red with the question. Jurina knew the older girl got embarrassed easily, but Rena was a horrible liar. Her voice was shaking for crying out loud. Still Jurina didn’t know what to do with this new information. Jurina asked the question, but she didn’t think too far ahead as to what she would do with the answer. Right now all she was dying to know who was the person that had captured and stolen her princess’s heart from her.

“I am not lying!” Rena denied crossing her arms. She tried to keep her face from turning redder, but she couldn’t stop it much to her dismay. Jurina giggled and touched Rena’s cheek. “You’re completely red! Come on Rena tell me the truth!” Jurina begged. Rena was quiet. She knew Jurina wasn’t going to give up. She knew it since the question was asked. Rena might as well prepare herself for her inevitable doom. “Fine I love someone okay! There are you happy?” Rena blurted out sounding more harsh than she wanted to.

“Yes,” Jurina replied, but she didn’t seem very happy. She seemed disappointed. Her upbeat mood seemed to have gone away and now the girl was quiet. This surprised Rena because Jurina didn’t have any reason to be upset. Wasn’t she the one who wanted to know? Then how come she seemed so disappointed? “Who?” Jurina asked breaking their silence again.

Rena shook her head. “That’s not fair. I already answered the question.” Rena told her not wanting to fess up more than she already had. Jurina frowned. “Don’t you trust me? I mean don’t best friends tell each other these things?” Jurina asked sounding a bit hurt. Rena began to feel guilty and hated herself for being so affected by the other girl. If she kept looking so sad Rena was not going to be able to keep her secret much longer.

“It’s just very complicated,” Rena tried hoping her answer would satisfy the younger girl, but instead the other girl looked even more vexed. “Are you dating someone right now, Rena-chan?” Jurina asked her voice sad. Rena shook her head. “Of course not. If I was I wouldn’t mind telling you.” Rena replied. Jurina wondered if Rena was simply embarrassed or if she didn’t trust her.

“You can tell me you know. I wouldn’t tell anyone or that person if I knew them.” Jurina promised. Rena couldn’t help, but to laugh. It was impossible for Jurina not to tell that person since that person was her. Jurina glared at her not happy that Rena seemed to be laughing at her.

“I am sorry, but I don’t recall saying something funny,” Jurina snapped. “No no. I am sorry. It’s just… Never mind. You wouldn’t understand. Let’s just go back to playing the game. Please.” Rena pleaded even though she doubted Jurina would let it go. Once she got something in her head she didn’t stop until she got what she wanted.

Rena knew that perfectly well. “Of course I wouldn’t understand because I am an idiot that’s never been in love or even had a real high school experience is that right, Rena?” Jurina retorted bitterly. She hadn’t intended to sound so bitter, but Rena’s words seemed to have set her off somehow. Rena sighed and braced herself for what she was about to say next.


Jurina’s eyes widen then she realize she couldn’t have possibly heard correctly or she probably misunderstood what Rena was saying.


“I-I love you dammit! So stop asking questions you don’t want to know the answer to!”

With that said Rena ran out of the room leaving a shell shock Jurina behind.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Confessions Under the Candle Light (Wmatsui)
« Reply #70 on: January 21, 2014, 11:18:53 PM »
Ch.3 Never confess when you are storm-bounded in the same house

Rena’s back was pressed against Jurina’s front door and her body slowly fell to the ground as an ugly realization hit her. Rena couldn’t leave the house. The thunder storm was still raging on outside. The thunder storm was the reason such a confession took place in the first place and now it was just making things worse. There was no way out. Not only would her parents kill her if she came home all wet, but walking outside in a thunder storm sounded scary enough to stop her.

Maybe not as scary as this situation, Rena thought bitterly. Why did she have to say it? Why didn’t she just lie or let Jurina get angry? Surely she would have gotten over it eventually. Now Rena didn’t know if they were going to get over this. And she felt like such a fool for agreeing to play the stupid game in the first place. She knew it was a bad idea since the very beginning. She just knew.

Meanwhile Jurina was frozen in her spot trying to digest what Rena just told her. R-Rena liked her?! It seemed too good to be true. Jurina pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming and sure enough she felt pain. Jurina felt a goofy smile creep up as she recalled Rena’s embarrassed reaction. Rena was blushing because she liked Jurina. It all just seemed too unbelievable.

Dammit! Why the hell didn’t I stop her from running out of the room?  Jurina cursed herself for being an idiot. Rena had probably gone home already. Thunder was heard in the background and Jurina flinched. Stupid thunder. Why did there have to be a storm!  Jurina hissed then her eyes grew wide as it dawned to her. Rena couldn’t have gone home! There was a storm outside! She was probably still downstairs! Jurina smiled and began to dash downstairs. It wasn’t like the other girl could go anywhere, but Jurina didn’t want to keep her waiting.

Rena was burying herself in a mountain of self-hate and regret when she saw Jurina running towards her. Rena yelped as the younger girl captured her in a tight hug that knocked the air out of her. Her head was screaming not sure how to process the whole thing. Why was Jurina hugging her? Did she not realize what Rena just told her a couple of minutes ago? Had she misunderstood her somehow?

Rena hoped not because that would be too utterly painful. Her heart was jumping with joy at the thought that Jurina was hugging her because she shared her feelings. The thought of Jurina loving her sounded so wonderful and yet bizarre because why would someone as wonderful and beautiful as Jurina love Rena? It was irrational, yet why else would Jurina be hugging her? Rena’s head began to spin as she tried to comprehend Jurina’s clear and yet obscure actions that could mean so many things. Good and bad.

“J-Jurina I can’t breathe,” Rena managed to say as her lungs alerted her of lack of oxygen. Jurina blushed slightly embarrassed and let go of the older girl. She was just too excited. “I so sorry!” Jurina exclaimed with a small bow. Her cheeks were flaming red. Jurina began to wonder if she really understood Rena correctly. Suddenly she felt like an idiot for just hugging Rena without asking her to clarify or anything. Jurina was no match for Rena. Rena was a princess and Jurina was just Jurina. Even though Rena said she loved her, Jurina couldn’t help, but to doubt herself. “Jurina?” Rena asked softly when she noticed that Jurina did not lift her slightly bowed head. Jurina straighten her pose, but she still didn’t meet Rena’s eyes.

“I am sorry about that. I-I just think I might have misunderstood you. I mean I might have gotten too excited and not listened to your words correctly… I just don’t understand anymore…” Jurina mumbled nervously. Rena took a step closer to Jurina surprised that Jurina looked so small and embarrassed. Shouldn’t Rena be the one who looked that way since she was the one who suddenly confessed? All Jurina had to do was listen. Then again Jurina was an interesting contradicting person. That was what Rena loved the most about her.

Things were never predictable with Jurina. Rena always thought that if Jurina shared her feeling she would just take her in her arms and kiss her, but she had only done half of that and now she was hesitating. Jurina who always seemed so sure and confident was hesitating. Of course there was still the slight chance Jurina didn’t actually love Rena and that she actually just realized the grave mistake she did by hugging Rena. God Rena had never felt so confused in her life. “I love you. You asked me if I loved anyone and I gave you my answer. I love you,” Rena repeated wanting to get it across to Jurina so they could rid themselves of all the confusion in the room.

“But when you say love what kind of love do you mean? I mean there is so many kinds of love. There’s friendship love and sisterly love and so many other types! I mean I just don’t understand how someone like you could love someone as immature as me,” Jurina said looking at Rena for the first time since they began talking. Rena blushed when she saw Jurina’s expression. It was so unsure, yet so absolutely breathtaking that Rena was lost for words for a minute or so. “A person like me?” Rena repeated slightly dazed.

The evidence was beginning to be too overwhelming and her heart seemed to be picking up pace as the conversation continued. “Surely you must know what I mean. You’re dazzling and elegant. Every time you walk into a room heads turn to look at you. Not only that, but you are so kind and gentle. You have helped me and the other members so much through the years. Not to mention you are so beautiful. Your eyes and your lips and your body are just perfect,” Jurina stammered. It seemed impossible for her to get any redder, but now even her neck was red.

Her counterpart was just as bad especially after hearing the last part. Rena didn’t think Jurina was aware of what she was even saying at that point. “I-I didn’t mean to sound like a pervert.” Jurina added cursing herself inwardly for saying such a idiotic thing to Rena. Rena couldn’t help, but to find it cute all the same since Jurina was really just saying what she honestly thought of her deep in her heart without even bothering to censor the embarrassing parts. Rena took a deep breath and prepared herself to give the younger girl the answer she was waiting for.

“When I say I love you I mean I want you to always be with me. When I say love I mean I want you to kiss me and to hug me like there is no tomorrow. When I say I love you Matsui Jurina I mean I love you the way a princess loves a prince in a fairy-tale.” Rena told the younger girl. Jurina showed Rena her beautiful smile before leaning in closer to Rena closing the space between them. Jurina’s heart was pounding under her chest and she had butterflies in her stomach and at that moment all the metaphors and similes relating to love finally made perfect sense. “I love you too. I love you so much,” Jurina whispered before pressing her lips against Rena’s.

When Jurina kissed her Rena felt it all the way to her toes. Jurina’s arms found a place around her waist and held her firmly pulling her closer just like a prince would to a princess. Jurina’s lips were warm and tasted like sweet vanilla. It was the sort of taste you could get addicted to. Kissing Jurina was like standing in cool mid-summer rain in a hot summer day. It was like finding out you won the grand prize in a lottery when you have only purchased one ticket in your entire life. The feeling unimaginable and irrational. Something Rena’s dreams could never live up to. Something Rena didn’t even know existed until that very moment.

The two pulled away for air for a few seconds and then their lips found themselves glued together again like two magnets. Jurina began to gently nibble on Rena’s lips causing Rena to moan softly and open her mouth allowing Jurina to deepen the kiss. Jurina’s tongue gently made it’s way in and began to intensify the incredible feeling the two were feeling.

Rena felt herself melting in Jurina’s arms and realized that from that moment on she was enslaved to the younger girl. Enslaved to everything she did to her, completely at her mercy. The thought scary, yet exhilarating. Rena wanted so much more. More feeling, more kisses, more Jurina. More everything. Her brain began to alert her of lack of oxygen and Rena for once hated the very air she depended on for life.

The two pulled away lips still only inches away. Both their faces were flushed and they were both panting. “Wow,” Jurina whispered in a voice Rena couldn’t define as anything other than sexy. Rena buried her head in Jurina’s shoulder. “I know,” Rena agreed with a silly grin in her face. The two stood there in each other’s arms for a while and then Jurina finally said, “I am so glad the weather forecast was wrong.”

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Prologue
« Reply #71 on: January 22, 2014, 12:00:34 AM »
Prologue: Unhappiness

Where does unhappiness come from? Why is it that even though we have everything in the world we are unsatisfied? I asked myself that question everyday. I have everything. A successful career, a big house, hundreds of designer brand clothes all custom made, and even a loving girlfriend, but somehow it isn’t enough to fill the void in my heart.

“You’re not into this are you?” My girlfriend, Watanabe Mayu, questioned sounding slightly annoyed. We were In a dressing room and Mayu was trying on a dress. She asked me something, but I was too distracted to understand her question. Mayu looked upset. ”No of course I am. I just got distracted that’s all. What were you saying again?” I asked her sweetly trying to get out of trouble. Truth be told I would rather be anywhere in the world except shopping with Mayu. She was so indecisive when it came to shopping and not to mention I hated shopping.

”Do you like the dress in this color?” Mayu repeated tapping her foot impatiently. Mayu was wearing a pretty wine colored dress with matching tan sandals. It was a perfect combination in my opinion. “It looks amazing. If I were you I would take it and the shoes too,” I told her. “I don’t know. Maybe it be better in dark blue?” Mayu inquired and lift up the same exact dress just in a different shade. “Both look lovely,” I reassured her once more. She didn’t look convinced. “I think I’ll look around for something else,” Mayu announced.

How does one get rid of the emptiness inside? How does one find value within themselves? I don’t have anything to hold on to. I don’t find anything within myself that is special either. I want a bigger reason to live. I don’t want to just live an unhappy life. I want hope.

“Look at this display! Fix it again! Geez do you know how to do anything right?” my manager barked. “I am sorry! I’ll fix with straight away!” I replied with a bow. He scoffed and stomped away. I sighed and began to fix the messy shoe display again. I was tired. Working while going to college was exhausting. Not to mention my boss wasn’t the friendliest of people.

“You got screamed at again?” my best friend, Fukumura Airi, asked. “Yeah, he’s a pain in the butt that guy!” I said softly trying to avoid be overheard. Last time a fellow coworker was overheard making fun of our boss it wasn’t pretty. “Don’t let it get to you, Rena. Hang in there,” Airi replied and patted my shoulder. I gave her a grateful smile and went back to work.

I know material things can not fill ones heart with happiness, but then what does? How does one become truly happy? How does one archive true happiness that fills up the heart? How does one learn to love one’s self? How do you accept your flaws? Not only that, but how does one find true love? What is true love? How do you know you are really in love?

“Honestly you look beautiful in anything you wear,” My girlfriend, Matsui Jurina, reassured me once more. I didn’t believe her. Her compliments sounded empty in my ears. It sounded dull and overused. Besides how could I possibly look beautiful next to someone like her? A top model who graced all the most prestigious runaways and appeared in various magazines?

How could I, Watanabe Mayu, possibly compare? All I ever had was a rich father. Other than that I  had nothing going on for me. “Let’s just go home,” I told Jurina bitterly. Jurina looked like she wanted to say more, but stayed silent. Some people say that when people know each well enough the silence ceases to be awkward. It’s funny because even though Jurina and I are dating the silence is simply awkward and lonely.

How long will it take for love to be corresponded to? Even though I watched over her. Even though I was always by her side she never actually saw me. How to you win over another heart? Was it really true that love could surpass everything? Even social classes?

“Do you wish me to put away your new clothes, Mayu-sama?” I asked. My lovely angel looked up to look at me finally becoming aware of my presence in the room. “Ah, Yuki! I didn’t see you there yes please! And for the last time I must insist just call me Mayu,” Mayu told me. ” Yes… Mayu,” I replied and grabbed her shopping bag. Mayu’s phone began to vibrate.

Mayu saw the caller id and quickly answered her incoming call. “Jurina? Hey!” Mayu answered. I felt a sad pang in my heart. This love… There was no way it could ever be right? After all I was simply a poor college student trying to pay for my education and Mayu was from a family of successful business men. There was no way anything could ever exist right?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 12:07:34 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.1
« Reply #72 on: January 22, 2014, 12:04:28 AM »
Ch.1 Rash Decision

“Jurina-san!!!! I am so happy to see you again! You look stunning as usual!” my photographer of the day, Ohori Megumi, gushed. Today I was doing a shot for LOREAL hair products. I was dress up in a simple, yet elegant and edgy outfit that I really loved. It consisted of a warm wool sweater, black shorts, and a black graphic tee shirt. This outfit was paired off with a long silver necklace. In spite the beautiful and comfy outfit, I couldn’t bring to actually enjoy the photo shoot. Usually, I love photo shoots. Modeling is my passion.

It really is or at least was. Somehow lately modeling has cease to matter to me. Photo shoots have become meaningless. I don’t see the point in aiming to be a top model anymore. My former passion is gone and now my heart is filled with emptiness. I am not usually a pessimist or the moody type, but lately something has been lacking from my life and it’s really bothering me. I mean I have everything I’ve ever wanted. Shouldn’t I be pleased? My life is one some people would kill for and yet why am I so unsatisfied? I felt guilty for being such a selfish person. I mean shouldn’t I be grateful for everything I had? Some people are starving and here I am complaining about my luxurious life.

“Cut!” Megumi-san declared. I smiled a little relieved to get the photo shoot over with. “Thank you! It was nice working with you!” I told all the staff politely. “Jurina-san, Mizuno-san wishes to meet with you. Do you have time?” a staff member asked me as I grabbed my bag. I looked up in surprise. What in the world did the CEO of LOREAL what to discuss with me? “Mmm, sure this is all I have planned today,” I replied sort of hesitant. “That’s perfect! Come this way!” the overly eager staff member told me. I gave him a weak smile and began to follow him up to the highest office of the building. I began to wonder if I should have told my manager to come with me. He would probably be interested in hearing what the CEO of LOREAL had to say. Ah, whatever. I didn’t feel like going back to get him.

He was kind of annoying. Always telling me what to do, what to eat, and how to live. It’s like he put me in a cage. Tied me down. I knew he was the reason behind my success as a model, but more and more I was coming to resent him for taking away all my freedom. I used to be okay it with too. I thought it was the price I had to give up to be a top model, but lately I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue living this way. Maybe the price was too high and the award wasn’t enough to make up for it. I wasn’t sure about anything anymore.

Should I be modeling while I felt that way? Is it really alright to be this unsure? I knew I change had to be done. A big one because I simply wasn’t happy. “Matsui-san! How nice to see you!” the CEO of LOREAL greeted with a huge smile. A smile I didn’t trust. The smile of a business man. I used to be really trusting and open, but my career changed everything. I learned that in this industry people are only nice to you because they want something from you and when you are no longer needed you are tossed aside like garbage. The CEO’s office had a huge window that overlooked the city. It was a lonely view that was full of life yet at the same time was dead.

I couldn’t quite put it into words. Something about the skyscrapers lacked life.  “Nice to see you too, sir. How can I help you?” I asked politely with a faked smile. The CEO pull out a seat that was in front of his desk and replied, “Oh, please by all means sit down.” I obeyed with a polite smile. He took a seat in his big executive desk.  The look in his face was one of a hungry business man and it scared me. Because I was the prey. “You see, Matsui-san LOREAL is a company that has to evolve to stay at the top. We are innovators you see,” the CEO began. I nodded politely as if I was in agreement even though I could care less.

“Anyways, we are going to be launching a completely new set of products. A new line so to speak.” the CEO explained his voice dull and boring. “Really, that sounds pretty impressive,” I complimented. If there was anything the modeling industry taught me it was to always build people’s egos. It makes things a lot easier on you. “Why, thank you! I agree it is quite a remarkable project and for it we need a face to sell it. A face that is just as remarkable. Someone like you, Matsui-san,” the CEO said. I was taken quite aback. I didn’t quite expect such a big offer. “You want me to lead your campaign is that what you are asking of me?” I asked.

“Yes, that is exactly what I am asking of you. You are the freshest face in the modeling industry right now and without a doubt you are popular. What better person to lead our campaign? What do you say?” the CEO questioned. “I am sorry, but I am going to have to reject your offer,” I replied without thinking. The CEO looked simply shocked. Reject was probably not possible in his mind. He probably thought I sell my soul to model for such a prestigious company. He, as well as I, knew what this could do to my modeling career.  It would take it to a completely different level. It could make me a legend, but… I wasn’t willing to sell my soul to a contact to become a legend.

I decided right then and there that I refused to give up anymore of myself to be a model. It was over for me. “I am sorry, Matsui-san. I don’t think you have considered this offer thoroughly. This is a tremulous opportunity not to mention we will pay you a very generous amount for this campaign!” the CEO exclaimed sounding surprised. “I am so sorry, but that is my answer. Have a good day, sir,” I replied politely, but in a sure voice before exiting the room leaving a very stunned CEO behind me. Suddenly, I felt free and light. Maybe if I let go of the ropes that bound me I could become happy again. Suddenly, my phone began to ring. The caller ID read Mayu. I quickly picked it up.

“Hello? Mayu?” I said to the phone. “Jurina? Hi! What are you doing?” Mayu asked in the other line. ” I just got out of work. Listen I have to tell you something pretty big. Can we meet up?” I asked. “Of course! I was thinking the same thing! Want to come over?”  Mayu suggested. “Sure, listen I just need to talk to manager-san first.” I told Mayu. “Okay, see you soon,” Mayu replied. “Okay, bye!” I said and hanged up. I was going to do it. I was going to tell manager-san I quit. I realized how much I was about to change my lifestyle. Oh, boy did I ever. But, I also realized that there was something I could get from this and that something was worth a lot more to me than a rich lifestyle.

As I predicted, manager-san was waiting outside in the car for me. “Why did you take so long, Jurina?” he demanded in his annoying voice.  “I quit.” I blurt out. Manager-san eyes widen. “I am sorry?” he said. “I said I quit. I quit modeling.” I repeated firmly. “Don’t joke around like that Jurina. It isn’t funny,” manager-san laughed nervously. “I was not kidding. I quit. Cancel any job you had planned for me. I am not going to model anymore. I’ll be going to the company tomorrow to sign whatever paper I need to sign,” I told him in a grave tone. “You can’t just quit like that Jurina!” Manager-san exclaimed angrily. I didn’t want to deal with him at the moment. I didn’t feel like myself. “Watch me!” I replied and got on my car. I didn’t know if I was making the right choice or not, but it was already made.

I reached Mayu’s giant house and sighed. Somehow I was scared to tell my rich girlfriend I quit my job. I didn’t know how Mayu would react to the news. To be quite honest things have been quite weird between me and Mayu lately. I love her. I really do, but something was making us both act distant. That might be one of the reasons why I have been feeling so unhappy lately. I knocked on Mayu’s huge entrance and Mayu came out. She was dressed up. She always did when I came over. I told her time and time again that she could just wear whatever she was wearing that she didn’t need to change clothes, but she didn’t seem to listen anyways.

“Jurina!” Mayu squealed and hugged me. I hugged her back with a huge smile in my face. In the background, I caught Mayu’s personal maid looking at us. Mainly glaring at me. I’ve always gotten the vide she doesn’t like me very much sometimes, but then other times she was really nice to me. She was pretty strange. Mayu talks about her sometimes. Her name is Yuki if I can recall correctly. “Hi, Mayu!” I told her kissing her cheek. “Let’s go up to my room, nee?” Mayu told me. She grabbed my hand and began to lead me to her room even though we both knew I could find her room even if I was blindfolded. Mayu sat in her bed and gestured for me to sit next to her.

“So, what is that big thing you need to tell me?” Mayu questioned her voice laced with curiosity. I didn’t know how to explained it to Mayu. Why I quit modeling. I didn’t think she would understand, but I had to tell her. She was a big part of my life after all. “I quit modeling.” I told her quietly. “I am sorry. Did you just say I quit modeling?” Mayu asked. I nodded. Mayu’s eyes widen. “Have you gone mad?” Mayu demanded. “No, I just wanted some freedom that is all! I didn’t want to sign a contact to LOREAL that would bind me to them for who knows how long!” I exclaimed trying to get her to understand. Maybe that would be impossible though.

“You reject a contact from LOREAL! Have you gone crazy, Jurina?” Mayu demanded. “Geez, thanks for the support, Mayu,” I grumbled. “You expect me to support you after you made possibly the stupidest decision in your life?” Mayu replied harshly. I began to feel irritated. “You know what I am leaving. Clearly you do not support me!” I yelled and began running down Mayu’s stairs.

Mayu ran after me. “Mayu-sama!” I heard her maid call her. “Jurina! Don’t go!” Mayu exclaimed. I turned around. My face soften a bit. “I’ll call you later, Mayu. Right now I don’t want to talk to you,” I told her and took off. I felt bad for walking away like that, but I had more things than just simply Mayu in my head. I had to make plans. First off, I had to move to a smaller house and I had to change my entire lifestyle. It would be easy, right? I looked down at my trendy designer clothes. I needed a new wardrobe  for sure.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.2
« Reply #73 on: January 22, 2014, 12:06:05 AM »
Ch.2 Two Lonely souls meet

As usual the shop was beyond crowded. It was a weekend so that was no surprise. To be quite honest I rather be anywhere, but working. There is a lot of people that enjoy their job. My friend, Yuki, is a maid and even she enjoys her job more than I do. Well the real problem is my boss. “MATSUI RENA!” a familiar angry voice bellowed behind me. Speaking of the devil. “Yes, sir?” I responded mustering my most innocent voice. “Have you seen the clothing racks?” my manager asked impatiently tapping his right foot.

I wondered what to respond. I didn’t want to make him any more angry at me than he already was. I stayed silent. It was probably my best bet. “The sizes are arranged completely wrong!” my manger exclaimed continuing with his little tantrum. “I am sorry sir. It’s just there was a lot of people today. That’s probably why they got mixed up. I’ll fix them up straight away!” I told him. “Of course you will. Geez you are like the laziest employee here. Be happy I haven’t fired you!” my manger hissed and made his way to the cashier.

“Jerk,” I muttered under my breath after my manager walked away. He was so unreasonable and so annoying! I was too busy grumbling to notice a another figure coming my way. Before I realized it I was falling to the ground along with a companion. I watched in shock as my companion’s trendy hat and sunglasses fall off her face revealing her truth identity. Her jet black long trendy hair, her impressive eyes, and her high cheekbones. This could not be happening. “Matsui Jurina!” I blurted out in shock. The girl’s eyes widen and she covered my mouth. I squirmed as she somehow managed to drag me to an empty area my mouth covered and all.

Finally, she took her hand off and exclaimed, “Geez, you! What would we have done if someone heard you!” Jurina adjusted her glasses and hat again. “Why does that matter anyways?” was all I was able to reply. I was too shock to think of anything else. Here in front of me was the nation’s rising top model, Matsui Jurina. It felt too unreal. Almost like something out of a movie. Whether it was good or bad I could not determine it yet. “I am trying to keep a low profile!” Jurina answered sounding a little exasperated. “Well, you are not doing a good job wearing Louis Vuttion sunglasses and a Gucchi hat! Not to mention the entire outfit!” I retorted a little annoyed with her tone.

“That’s why I am here! Cause this is everything that it in my closet!” Jurina whined like a child. I couldn’t help, but to laugh. The pout in her face was actually really cute. Jurina as a whole was proving to be very different than I expected a top model to be. “Why are you laughing?” Jurina demanded in a sulky voice. “Sorry, it’s just you are kind of funny,” I answered. Jurina laughed as well. “I guess I am getting a little paranoid. You couldn’t sell me out will you?” Jurina asked with huge hopeful eyes. I smirked. “Of course I will! 5 dollars to meet Matsui Jurina!” I replied cheerfully. Jurina’s smile changed to a frighten look.

“Ehh! Why? I am not even worth 5 dollars that’s too little!” Jurina exclaimed with a worried tone. I laughed and Jurina pouted again. “I am sorry. I couldn’t help myself. Of course I won’t tell anyone who you are,” I reassured her. I was being honest too. I knew I could get a lot of money for telling someone this information, but I knew I wouldn’t bring myself to do it. Something about Jurina’s smile made me want to keep her secret. Jurina sighed in relief and smacked me lightly in the arm. “You are mean!” Jurina said. I smiled and said, “Hi nice to meet you too. I am Matsui Rena.” Jurina grinned and replied, “As you know Matsui Jurina. Nice to meet you.”

Suddenly, I remembered I was at work. “Crap! I got to get back to work!” I blurted out as I remembered where I was. “Wait, Rena-chan… Is it okay I call you that?” Jurina asked. Of course it is if you keep looking at me like that, I thought to myself. “Sure, what’s up?” I asked once again forgetting my urgency to get back to work. “Can we meet up again? I am going to need help…” Jurina told me. I furrowed my eyebrows. “What do you mean?” I asked her. “Well, don’t laugh, but I don’t know how to pick my clothes,” Jurina revealed. I blinked trying to process what the supermodel just told me. “Huh?” was all that came out of my mouth.

“It’s just people had always measured me and had my clothes picked out and ready to go for me, so I don’t really know my clothes size and I don’t know anyone else so…” Jurina explained her face turning red with embarrassment. I giggled. “That is so unexpected. My swift ends at 5:00. Meet me outside of the store okay? I got to go now,” I told her and rushed back to work. My heart was pounding under my chest something I hadn’t felt in a while. All I knew it I wanted it to be 5:00 already. Jurina was going to change my life. Not because she was famous. No, there was something about the bright girl that gave me hope again and made me feel warm inside.

I had lost both my parents in a tragic car clash when I was just eight years old. My parents had gone out on a date and I was being babysat. After that I never felt complete again. My grandparents took me in, but it was hard. We never had enough money. That’s why I was working a lot. To pay for my college education and stop burdening my grandparents. I even got my own small apartment. They insisted on me staying, but I knew I couldn’t cause them anymore trouble. Being with Jurina, I felt like a child again.

Light, happy.” You look really happy all of a sudden.” Airi commented behind me. I turned and smiled. “I am a little bit happy. I had the weirdest encounter with this girl and she was pretty cool. Maybe we become good friends,” I explained not wanting to reveal’s Jurina’s secret. “Ehh, but you are usually so reserved. Change of heart?” Airi suggested while helping me fix clothes. “I don’t know,” I replied while thinking of Jurina’s smile. I was curious about her. Why in the world would a top model be buying clothes from a cheap clothing store like this? I wanted to know. “Ehh, but you won’t ditch me now right?” Airi stated with a cute pout. I smiled and pat her head.

“Oh course not! No one can replace my hentai-chan!” I replied using my teasing nickname for her. “RENA! Don’t call me that!” Airi exclaimed loudly. I grew pale and said, “Shh! Be more quiet Airin!” Airi turned scarlet and lowered her voice. “Sorry,” Airi mumbled. I instantly felt bad. I didn’t want to make her feel embarrassed or anything, but the thought of our manager catching us chitchatting scared me. “So are we still up for coffee tomorrow?” Airi asked forgetting all about the taunting nickname. I gave her a huge grin.

“Of course! Having coffee with you is the funniest thing ever!” I replied brightly. It really was the funniest thing ever. I could talk to Airin about anything and we had so much in common. Both of us were studying art. Well, artsy stuff. I wanted to be a photographer and Airin wanted to be a manga artist. I, being a Okatu, had found Airi’s company pleasant. Airi was the cute little sister I never had. “Yay!” Airi chirped and hugged my arm. I giggled softly. Airi was really adorable. Time went by fast while talking to Airi.

Before I knew it, it was already five and our swifts were over. Freedom at last. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Airin!” I waved with goodbye with grin. “Bye!” Airi responded. I darted out of the store as quick as possible to look for Jurina. Oh, how I regretted not asking her for her number. I looked for her outside while humming to myself. Gosh, I was acting really unlike myself. I saw her sitting in a bench reading a book. I recognized her Gucci hat. She had ditched the sunglasses. I guess she figured the hat was enough. The way the warm rays of the sunset hit her face made her look absolutely lovely. Almost as if she noticed my presence she looked up and smiled.

“Rena-chan!” Jurina waved wildly like an overexcited puppy. “Hey!” I repled calmly even though I had butterflies in my stomach for some reason. Jurina closed her book and put it in her bag. I wondered what was it about the girl that drew me in so much. I wasn’t even a fan of her as a model. I thought she was pretty, but not heavenly like I was finding her at the moment. God! What is happening to me? I just met the girl! “You ready to go?” Jurina asked her face inches away from mine. I didn’t noticed her get so close to me. “Y…Yeah!” I stammered turning bright red. Jurina flashed me a catlike smile and grabbed my hand. “What should we do first? What do you think will help look a little less recognizable?” Jurina questioned.

I wondered what to tell her. I was surprised she hadn’t already figured it out herself. “First of all you need to ditch the designer clothes. People may not see your face under that hat, but the price sure stands out.” I pointed out. “To the store it is!” Jurina declared. I gave her a smile and walked with her to the store. I expected Jurina to go for girly fashionable outfits, but instead she grabbed the most boyish things imaginable. I watched her run up and down the store looking at all sorts of things. Jurina sure had energy. “Nee, Rena! How do I know what size I am?” Jurina asked. I stepped back and looked at her frame. Jurina was thin, but she was muscular as well. “Try 2 and 3.” I told her.

“Okay!” Jurina replied and dashed to pick out her clothes. I giggled softly to myself. I was lucky I hadn’t bumped into my manager. Knowing the jerk he would probably nag me in my hours off. He would probably complain about my loud friend. “Nee nee, Rena I finished trying on everything!” Jurina announced after a few minutes. The amount of clothes in her arms was unbelievable. “You are taking all of that?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, I am going to pay.” Jurina replied with no further explanation.

I looked at her in disbelief as I watched her pay in the cashier. I didn’t understand. Why would Jurina need so much clothes? What was she planning? I looked out at the window at the people passing by. Why would Jurina even be there, at the cheap clothing store I work at? Jurina had everything didn’t she? A amazing career, money, and she was beautiful. So then why was she hiding? “Hey, I finished. Thanks for your help! I think I am going to go cut my hair,” Jurina told me. Jurina began to head towards the hair salon in front of the store, but I grasped her arm. “Rena-chan?” Jurina questioned her face slightly puzzled. It made her look beyond adorable.

“If you go to a hair salon you will get recognized for sure,” I explained loosing my grip. “But not cutting it will make my identity obvious!” Jurina argued clearly frustrated with her situation. ”I’ll cut it for you,” I said without thinking. Jurina looked at me with a surprised expression. “You know how to cut hair?” Jurina asked with slight disbelief. “Well, I cut my own hair. I am not amazing, but you don’t want to be found out do you?” I told her. Jurina sighed. “Alright.” “I live in an apartment close by. We can take a cab,” I told her. Jurina nodded happily. The way to my apartment was silent. Jurina looked sort of tense. I wondered if it was because she was afraid of the cab driver recognizing her identity.

“We are here!” I announced once we reached my apartment building. As we made our way upstairs I noticed how trusting Jurina was being of me. I could easily be tricking her or setting her up. Was Jurina really that native or did she really just trust me? “Your apartment is the cutest thing!” Jurina exclaimed as we walked into my apartment. I smiled. “Make yourself at home. Let me look for my hair cutting scissors.” I told her before going into my restroom. I searched my cabinet for scissors. I was usually very neat, but work and school was stressing me out way too much and I had no time to clean my room. I walked out of the restroom to find Jurina looking at some of my photographs that were hanged at the wall. Jurina noticed presence and asked, “Did you take these?” “Yeah, I am studying photography at college. I want to photograph landscapes,” I replied inching closer to her. “They are beautiful.” Jurina said softly.

“They are just everyday scenes, but even the most ordinary thing can be beautiful.” I pointed out. I honestly believed that. Beauty comes in all forms, but we just don’t know how to see it at times because we are too caught up with human ideals. “That is beautiful you know.” Jurina told me. I felt my heart beat erratically under my chest. It had been doing that a lot today. “We should cut your hair. It’s getting late.” I said changing the subject. Jurina looked like I broke her from a trace and nodded. I guided her to my restroom and sat her in a stood. Jurina’s long black hair was so beautiful. I almost felt bad for what I was about to do.

“Are you sure?” I asked her running my fingers through her silky hair. Jurina shut her eyes and replied, “Yes, hair is just hair after all.” I began cutting it. “Jurina, can I just ask you one question?” I asked. “Sure,” Jurina replied. “Why are you doing this? What is your motive behind this?” I questioned. Jurina was silent for a moment and I wondered if I had crossed the line. Finally she answered, “Not being yourself. Losing yourself. It’s a pretty high price to pay.” I stayed silent considering her words. They held a certain about of sadness to them, yet they were wise. “I guess that is true. So, you quit completely?” I asked. I was almost done with her hair. “Yes, I am starting anew.” Jurina responded. I clipped the last strand of hair off. “Turn around,” I ordered. I gasped when I looked at her. “Do I look bad?” she asked.

“No, you look beautiful.”

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.3
« Reply #74 on: January 22, 2014, 12:08:53 AM »
Ch.3  Not good enough

I looked out the large kitchen glass door while drinking a glass of water. The garden in the Watanabe manor looked beautiful as usual. The plants were exotic and one of a kind. My dad had gotten them delivered from various places of the world. Once when I was a child, I decided play there and cut off flowers to put them on my hair. My face and hands were full of dirt, but I had never had so much fun and the crown of flowers I made was beautiful. It was made up of vibrant flowers of all kinds lilies, sunflowers, orchids. All sorts of beautiful flowers. I remember walking into the very kitchen eager to show my masterpiece to my mother who was sipping her afternoon tea.

 I remember the outraged look in her face when she caught a glimpse of the dirt in my face. “Mayu, come here.” my mother had called me with a displeased tone. I quickly obey sensing something was wrong. She paused for a moment as if searching for the right words to say. “Mayu, I do not want to see you playing with dirt again. Only poor children play with dirt. You have many lovely dolls and space in your playroom. I expect you to behave according to your status,” my mother told me her voice grave. I nodded even though I wanted to tell her I wasn’t playing with the dirt. I was playing with the flowers. Only later did I realize that I mother wouldn’t understand anyways even if I had told her. I grabbed my iPhone from my rose print sweater’s pocket and checked to see if I had any missed calls.

None. Jurina haven’t called me since that argument we had after she told me she was quitting modeling. Perhaps I went too far. It was Jurina’s life after all. My whole attitude reminded me very much of my mother. It kind of made me even more upset at myself. I didn’t hate my mother. No, I don’t really think that is possible within families, but I dislike her pretentious attitude. I never wanted to be like her even though slowly I felt like I was becoming her clone. Even in old photographs we look exactly alike.  I wanted to see Jurina and talk to her. I didn’t want us to break up or stop talking. Even though we didn’t have the best relationship, her presence alone made me feel at ease.  I made me feel better, more content. Without her… I couldn’t imagine how things would be without her.

Not to mention I hated it when people were angry at me. Jurina hadn’t implied we broke up or that she was holding a grudge against me, but it had been days since we last talked. Since I last saw her… “Mayu-sama, do you want we to fetch you more water?” my personal maid, Yuki asked. I smiled. Yuki was always so inventive to my needs and I never did much for her in return. I always wanted to talk to her though. The beautiful girl with the raven black hair and lonely eyes, but my mother would be absolutely horrified if she saw me socializing with the help. Then again my mother wasn’t around. Mother was a Spain with some of her friends and Father was at a business trip. “Yuki! I told you many times to just call me Mayu. Leave the Mayu-sama for when my mother is around.” I told the quiet girl.

Mayu-sama… Somehow the words made me lonely. Being above others was lonely. “H…hai… Do you want more water?” the poor girl asked turning red with embarrassment. I immediately felt guilty. I didn’t mean to make her feel bad or anything of that sort. “No, I’ll get it myself. Don’t worry about it, Yuki. Say I didn’t mean to embarrass you in any way. I just get embarrass with you calling me Mayu-sama all the time,” I explained while getting up to refill my glass with water. Yuki was silent. I clicked the button for our water dispenser. The faint noise of pouring water was the only thing that could be heard in the room. “I mean aren’t we like around the same age or the same age? It’s so weird for someone around my age to call me that.” I continued rambling. Something about Yuki’s silence unsettled me.

Had I offended her in any way? “I am 21,” Yuki said softly. I smiled and replied, “Me too! We are the same age, huh?” Yuki only responded with a nod. I wondered if the girl was very shy or if she just felt funny talking to her boss’s daughter. “Am I boring you? Is this a little weird?” I asked feeling self conscious. Yuki quickly shook her head. “Not at all! It’s just we don’t talk very often..” Yuki’s voice trailed off at the end. Perhaps she was shy, but it made me a little curious. Who was the girl who always rapidly attended my needs as soon as I called her?

A thought occurred to head. Did she maybe hate me? After all, I was always asking her to do so many things and sometimes I been rude to her. Not to mention what she must think of all the things I waste. Don’t get me wrong. I know it’s wrong what I do sometimes, but I can’t stop myself from doing it. I can hear my mother’s voice in my head now, “Why are you worried about what the help thinks? They are just poor people with low social statuses.” Maybe I wasn’t suppose to care, but for some odd reason I did care. “Do you hate me?” I blurted out without thinking. Yuki looked surprised, her eyes wide.  She immediately tried to recover from her shock and replied, “Of course not!” I laughed. “You could be honest you know. I wouldn’t fire you.” I reassured. Yuki gave me a quiet smile.

It was the first smile I saw from her. It made my chest feel warm. “Why do you ask then?” Yuki questioned. Her tone sounded guarded. “I am simply curious that is all. Pure curiously.” I told her while moving closer to her. “In that case, I guess I am rather fond of you,” Yuki answered her voice faint and soft. “REALLY?” I exclaimed in pure surprise and delight. I made me happy that she liked me and didn’t resent me for some reason. I hugged her causing her body to tense up. “I am fond of you too, Yukirin!” I told her. “M-Mayu!” Yuki stammered and I pulled away from the hug. “Sorry, I am being strange today aren’t I?” I asked feeling a bit embarrassed of myself.

Yuki giggled softly and replied, “At least you are smiling today.” “I am sorry? What do you mean?” I inquired. Yuki looked out the glass door as if lost in thought and finally replied, “You haven’t been smiling these days… Since Jurina-sama and you got in a fight…” I was silent for my moment. I didn’t think Yuki had noticed our argument, but then again I was hardly ever aware of Yuki’s presence until today. I never really notice her. Perhaps a regrettable oversight. It seemed she notice me a lot more than I gave her credit for. It made me feel awful. “So you noticed, huh?” I asked her in a casual tone trying to avoid a more serious conversion.

“Yeah, I was trying to calm you down.” Yuki mumbled. “I guess I am used to ignoring your presence,” I replied without thinking. Yuki’s glance turned cold and I realized I said something wrong. “I guess you would be.” Yuki said her voice indifferent. Why was I so stupid? Why couldn’t I do anything right? Yuki began to walk away. “Yuki! Wait I didn’t mean it like that!” I called out, but I don’t think she heard me. Either that or she didn’t care. I guess she shouldn’t care anyways. I was not someone who deserved her company or Jurina’s.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.4
« Reply #75 on: January 22, 2014, 12:11:17 AM »
Ch.4 A new friendship

My room in the Watanabe house was nor too big nor too small. It was a good size and to be quite honest I was never a fan of big rooms. The room was simple with light brown wood furniture and all white accents. The only color that stood out was a hot pink candle I bought from the convenience store the other day. I saw it and instantly thought I could brighten up the room. Although Ms. Watanabe was a women with good taste, my room looked more like a 40 year olds room than a 25 year olds. Not that I had the guts to actually change the room drastically. Ms. Watanabe was a scary women. I collapsed in my fluffy white bed and kicked my black comfy leather shoes off.

 My feet were aching. I was beyond exhausted. I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling. I didn’t usually get this tired from cleaning the big house, but perhaps my problem was not physical exhaustion, but mental. My mind kept going back to that conversation with Mayu earlier and refused to let it be. I regretted snapping and walking away from Mayu so much. It was the first time the other girl had reached out to me and actually attempted to make a conversation and I ruined it. I was so nervous! I couldn’t even speak property. Mayu must have thought I was a complete and utter idiot. A sigh escaped my lips once more. Then I had to get all self righteous when Mayu told me she didn’t really notice my presence. I don’t know what came over me or why I snapped.

Maybe I just got frustrated at the situation. I really want Mayu to see me as more than just the help. More than her maid. Even more than just her friend. Of course Mayu had no idea I felt this way, so I had no right whatsoever to get all angry at her. I wished I had realized that before snapping at her though. I groaned as I recalled the memory. There was a faint knock in my door. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who would it possibly be? “Yuki, it’s me. Mayu.” Mayu called out her voice soft. I quickly hopped off my bed and ran to the door. I was panting from my fast movements when I opened the door. I cursed myself from acting too eager.

I didn’t want Mayu to think I was strange. Too late. Mayu probably already thought that. Mayu looked flawless as always dressed in a white dress with sandals. Her face didn’t looked too happy though. It worried me. Maybe she still sad because Matsui-san didn’t call. ”Mayu-sama…” I finally said breaking the awkward silence the had enveloped us. Mayu looked at me then looked away. “Don’t call me that,” Mayu reminded me softly. Mayu’s voice sounded sad. I was beginning to worry. Mayu was usually an upbeat person. “Sorry. Mayu, are you okay?” I questioned observing her gloomy face. “I… I am sorry!” Mayu suddenly blurted out surprising both of us. Mayu took a step back nervously and I just stared at her my mouth agape. Was I what was bothering her? God, I am such a retard.

“I… You don’t have to apologize,” I reassured her. I didn’t know what else to say. I was so sure Mayu was going to just ignore me after the bizarre encounter. I never intended to make her sad. A smile crept up to Mayu’s face. A smile I simply loved. I was glad to see in on her face again. “I wanted to though. What I said was careless and insensitive!” Mayu insisted clasping my hands. I held my breath as  I felt her warm soft hands on mine. My eyes were wide looking into hers as if expecting some sort of explanation for her sudden act of kindness. Mayu gave none though. She simply gave a warm smile causing my heart to flutter.

“Thank you. Sorry for walking away from you,” I replied happily basking in her warmth. I suddenly felt the need to hug her, but refrained myself. Mayu smiled and let go of my hands. I tried to hide the disappointment from my face. Mayu averted her glance to her manicured hands. “I actually also came to ask you if you would like to hang out with me this evening,” Mayu inquired shyly. I flashed her a wide smile and hopeful eyes. “Really?!” I asked. I couldn’t help, but ask because the whole thing seemed unbelievable for me. I never thought I would even have a chance to become at least friends with Mayu. Mayu giggled.

A lovely musical laugh. It warmed my heart. Oh god… I was really too head over heeds with this girl. “Of course really! Otherwise I wouldn’t be asking! I am beyond bored!” Mayu whined for once sounding like the spoiled rich girls you saw in movies. “Okay okay! Let me change!” I replied with a heartily laugh. With that cue, Mayu left me alone to change. I shut the door behind me slowly releasing a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I fought the urge to squeal and hug my pillow like an overexcited love-struck teenager. At least I had to dress up first. I groaned as I took a look at my tiny closet. I didn’t own anything decent compared to the fancy expensive clothes Mayu wore. I sighed as I looked at a simple white dress I owned. Well, I guess that would have to suffice.  I had nothing better and Mayu was wearing a white dress as well right? I couldn’t be too underdressed right? I wonder if it be weird for our outfits to match. Maybe Mayu wouldn’t mind.

I walked out of my room and was surprised to find Mayu waiting for me. I was kind of relieved Mayu didn’t go change. I didn’t want to be completely underdressed. Mayu smiled when she saw me making my heart speed up. “Is going to have coffee fine?” Mayu asked. I tried not to show my displeasure. While I wanted to go out with Mayu, I simply hated coffee. I thought we would do something else. Mayu must have sensed this because she said, “Coffee is no good?” “No, no it’s just that I… Okay, I hate coffee!” I admitted with a shy smile hoping Mayu wouldn’t get angry. Mayu began giggling much to my relief. “Seriously? That’s weird! So then what do you do when you hang out with your friends?” Mayu question in curiosity in her voice. “We go get ice cream,” I answered. Mayu’s eyes widen.

“Ice cream? Isn’t that like fattening? Ehh, but you are so skinny too!” Mayu exclaimed in surprise. It was my turn to laugh. “That’s the fun of it! Coffee is for old ladies!” I replied in a teasing tone. Mayu’s pout at my comment was hilarious. I think she couldn’t believe I just compared her favorite pastime to an old ladies. I honestly couldn’t believe it myself either. “I am no old lady. Fine! I’ll go have ice cream with you, but if I gain even half a pound you are joining me in my daily workout!” Mayu threatened. I giggled. “Okay!” I replied and headed with her to the car. I wasn’t acting like myself at all. I wasn’t usually this loud and playful, but Mayu seemed to be bringing this out of me. It was funny what love did to you. I felt like I was flying in the clouds when I was with her.

The driver was a little bewildered to see I was Mayu’s companion for the day, but didn’t say a word. Mayu ordered for him to take us to the nearest ice cream shop shocking the driver even more. Mayu had never made a request like that before. It seems like I wasn’t the only one acting out of character today. The ice cream shop was cute and pink everywhere. It was adorable. Mayu was looking around the shop with the look of a child that had entered Disney land for the first time. “This is so cute!” Mayu squealed grabbing my arm. I smiled at her and gestured towards the cashier. “Should I order?” I asked her. Mayu nodded dropping my arm.

“I’ll have two of your chocolate deluxe sundaes,” I ordered pulling out my wallet and paying quickly before Mayu could protest. “Yukirin. You should have let me pay,” Mayu whined. Yukirin. That was the nickname she had for me. She was the only one that call me that. I smiled and replied, “Of course not. I forced you to come get ice cream so I am paying.” “BUT I INVITED YOU!” Mayu argued. I simply ignored her argument and replied, “Let’s sit down.” We sat down in a nearby table. It was so strange hanging out with Mayu outside her home. I could tell she  felt the same way because she was quiet for a moment as if wondering what to say.

Then, our huge chocolate sundaes came and Mayu’s mouth went agape. “Ehh? I can’t eat all of that. Isn’t that like all the calories we need in a day?” Mayu exclaimed. I grinned. “Exactly. You don’t eat enough. Besides that the whole fun of it!” I replied cheerfully grabbing my spoon. Mayu was hesitant, but she grabbed hers as well. Mayu looked at the ice cream almost like if the ice cream was scary. I giggled softly. She began to eat it and her displeasure changed into a huge smile. “This is so good! Now I know why you hate coffee. Suddenly I hate coffee too!” Mayu announced. I giggled once more at her silly words. “Nee, Maya-sama I mean Mayu. This is fun. Can we hang out more often?” I asked. My words were casual, but their intent were serious. I wanted to spend more time with Mayu.

Mayu grinned and replied, “Of course silly. We are friends now. In fact, I am naming us best friends Yukirin!” Mayu declared licking her chocolate filled lips. The gesture was adorable and made me blush slightly. ”You are just saying that because of the ice cream,” I teased. “Of course! It’s like the best thing I ever tasted!” Mayu replied with no shame. I laughed. “Mou, you are the absolute worst!” I replied pointing an accusing finger. Mayu shrugged and flashed me an innocent smile. “Yukirin,” Mayu suddenly said in a serious tone. “Y… Yes!” I answered back as if I was expecting some sort of order. “We are really friends now. And from now on we will become best friends,” Mayu declared once more with intense eyes. I smiled and hoped deep in my heart she was right.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.5
« Reply #76 on: January 22, 2014, 12:19:12 AM »
Ch.5 Hiding

“Further sources claim that the young model even turned down a huge cosmetics deal before quitting…” the reporter in the news program droned on. I sighed as I watched the news in Rena’s small television. I never expected for the news about my resignation to hit the news media so quickly. Cutting my hair was truly a smart move and I got lucky that I was in Rena’s place when the story hit instead of in my house. “Thank you so much for letting me stay here. You truly don’t know how thankful I am.” I told Rena who was sitting in her kitchen table doing her college assignments from the small white sofa that was facing the television.

 College… That sounded like something I could try. It be nice to study and to do all the normal things that normal 21 year olds do. I could already picture myself walking in a college campus with my textbooks in hand dressed in sweatpants because I was too lazy to wear anything else and it was college anyways. “Don’t worry about it. I could tell you were in a sticky situation although that hair did do a major difference. You might have more trouble getting recognized now.” Rena said her eyes still in her assignment. I smiled at her kindness. Rena was a total stranger, yet she been nothing, but nice to me from the moment we met. I felt as if we were old friends and somehow I knew I could trust her.

I got up and grabbed a glass to pour myself a glass of water. It was funny how I had only been there one night and yet I was already really familiar with Rena’s tiny apartment. It may be small, but it was the neatest cutest thing ever. Rena had amazing taste. Then again Rena was a photographer and her amazing pictures were all over the walls. Being someone that was or used to be around photographers all the time, I could instantly tell the girl had loads of talent. “So are we still going to go look for apartments before your class?” I asked Rena while leaning into the counter. Rena looked up and smirked.

“Of course. I want you to have your own place so you can get out of my apartment as soon as possible.” Rena answered in a teasing tone. I pouted. “You are mean!” I whined like a spoiled child and sipped on my glass of water. Rena sighed and shut her textbook. “Who are you calling mean? After I allowed you to spend the night? You being a stranger and all?” Rena pointed out in a fake outraged tone. I put the small glass of water down in the counter. I giggled and replied, “No one. You must be hearing things.”

Suddenly my phone rang causing us both to jump and ruining the light teasing mood. The ringtone was familiar and was only used for one single person. I didn’t even need to see the caller id to know who it was. I looked at the caller id and confirmed my suspicions. It was Mayu. I instantly felt guilty. I had forgotten to call her or to even texted her to tell her that I was alright. Mayu must have been worried sick. “I am going to go outside to get that, okay?” I told Rena before grabbing an oversized red hoodie Rena lend me to hide myself and went outside. I quickly answered the phone while leaning on the apartment’s green door.

“Hello?” I spoke into the phone piece bracing myself for Mayu’s wrath. “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? I BEEN WORRIED SICK, JURINA! IS SENDING AT LEAST A TEXT REALLY THAT HARD?!” Mayu bellowed into the poor phone piece. I winced as my girlfriend released her pent up anger. It was to be expected though. I really should have called. I don’t even know why I didn’t. I wasn’t busy or anything, but…  ”I am so so sorry, Mayuyu. I really am! Honestly I am such a idiot for not calling sooner. I am okay. I am somewhere…. safe… That’s all I can say for now,” I told Mayu using my sweetest voice possible. I heard Mayu sigh and finally she said, “Well I am glad you are okay.”

I smiled in relief knowing she was no longer angry at me. “I promise I will call more often. I swear!” I reassured her. “Okay, but when are you coming back here?” Mayu asked. I bit my lip nervously. “I don’t know. I am trying to see if I can rent temporary apartment I really don’t want to deal with the media and they are probably circling my house.” I explained in a annoyed tone. “Well that is to be expected. Why don’t you just release a statement to the media? Maybe they will get bored faster that way,” Mayu suggested.

I shook my head even though we were on the phone and replied, “I don’t want anything to do with the media. Whatsoever. I am trying to get out of the Hollywood lifestyle. ”There was a long awkward pause on the line and finally Mayu spoke up, “Well if you feel that way then I guess, but it really would be a lot better for you to speak to them” I was starting to feel a bit annoyed. I don’t get why Mayu doesn’t support the fact that I want nothing to do with the entertainment industry anymore. “Listen I got to go, Mayu. I’ll text you later. I love you,” I said trying my hardest to sound sincere even though I was annoyed with Mayu at the moment. “I love you too, Jurina,” Mayu replied and with that I hanged up the line.

I entered the apartment once more. “Are you ready to go? I have class in two hours, so we need to get going if we want to have enough time to even look at one apartment ,” Rena told me as I walked in. I nodded and grabbed my bag. ”Let’s go!” I said with a huge grin. Rena smiled and grabbed her bag as well. Guarding my face with the red hoodie I opted not to wear sunglasses since it would look strange in a cloudy day. Rena suddenly stop as if realizing something. “How is this going to work though? I mean the people you buy the apartment from will notice who you are when you pay for the apartment and stuff,” Rena pointed out. I sighed. She was right of course.

They would notice who I was if I gave them my name. I couldn’t do that. Suddenly it hit me. “You give your name,” I said. “What?!” Rena exclaimed with wide eyes. I chuckled at her reaction. “Yes. Its not so complicated. I give you the money to pay and you get the apartment with your name, but in reality I’ll be the person living there and paying for the expenses. You wouldn’t have to worry about a thing,” I explained. Rena paused and seem to give it some thought. “For how long would this last? I mean the people who rent it out to me will eventually notice that I don’t live there. Not to mention I don’t want to sound mean or anything, but you can’t hide forever,” Rena pointed out with crossed arms. I sighed. Rena was right of course, but what else can I do?

The media wants me and will do anything to get me. I have to figure out a way to hide for the longest time possible, so that the media completely forgets about me. “Just until the media gets bored of me. Give me till then. How about? Just a month or two and I’ll be out of your hair. Look I’ll even pay you. You need help to pay for college right? I can help you out. $500 dollars a month. What do you say?” I offered. Rena had to take my deal. She just had to because without her I would be lost. “Fine I accept, but if you don’t get me those $500 I won’t have mercy for you,” Rena grumbled, but had a smile in her eyes. I hugged her. I couldn’t resist. I was so happy. She was like an angel sent from heaven to protect me and I knew deep down she would have helped me without me offering the money. “Thank you so much!” I squealed in excited.

Rena’s face turn bright red as she returned my hug. I forgot how reserved of a person she was. I pulled away and smiled. ”So where to?” Rena asked. I looked at my hands nervously. Rena raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t plan this out did you?” Rena said making it sound more like a statement than a question. “I thought you might have an idea of how to do this sort of thing. I never rented an apartment so…” my voice trailed off at the end as I felt her piercing stare. “Mou, Jurina! I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised, but I mean everybody knows you have to look at listings whether it be online or on newspapers before you go apartment hunting!” Rena marveled.

I chuckled nervously. “Is that like some cosmic rule or something?” I joked in a small voice. Rena didn’t smile. I actually manage to run her patience thin. “Geez what am I going to with you? You are so lucky we didn’t roam too far without any direction or I would have been truly annoyed,” Rena told me and we started to make our way make to her apartment. Even though Rena was supposedly annoyed and not smiling I could sense she founded the whole situation rather amusing. Something in her eyes. I grinned to myself. I could get used to being with this girl for a few months. We walked back to the apartment in a comfortable silence. Suddenly Rena spoke up, “Who were you talking to earlier? It sounded important. You mom?”

I paused and shook my head. “Mmm… No my mom passed away a couple of years ago and I never really had a father…” I said softly. ”I am sorry! I didn’t mean to… I mean… I… Sorry,” Rena stammered nervously unsure of what to say. “It’s quite aright, Rena. You had no way of knowing,” I reassured her. Rena calmed down a bit. “I see. I lost my parents too. A car accident. I suppose one never truly recovers,” Rena mused looking up at the sky. Silence enveloped us again, but this time it was unsettling. We walked in silence the remaining way. It wasn’t until we were in the apartment that Rena asked again, “So who were you talking to?” I am not sure why I responded this, but out of my lips escaped, “Just a friend.”

A lie. A simple lie. Why did I lie? I don’t know what compelled me to say a friend. Nothing bad would happened if I told Rena I was talking my girlfriend, but for some odd reason my mouth automatically lied. And I couldn’t take it back now without it sounding weird. “I see. You spoke for a while. She must have been worried,” Rena said while clearing her stuff from the small table and putting them inside her backpack. “Yes, you can say we are very close. Almost like sisters,” I replied with a warm smile. Lies. More lies. Why was I lying so much? And since when were me and Mayu close like sisters? I sighed. This whole hiding thing was making me weird. “I am going to be heading out now since we didn’t go anywhere and I study better at school. Will you be okay?” Rena asked.

“Yeah I think so,” I replied. Rena smiled. “Okay, I’ll see you later.” Rena said and began to walk out the door. “Rena! Wait!” I called out before she walked out the door. “What’s up?” Rena asked. “Where do you find those things you call newspapers?” I joked as she walked out. Rena chuckled. “I’ll bring some when I get back from class,” Rena replied before walking out. I smiled to myself. Things were sure getting interesting.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.6
« Reply #77 on: January 22, 2014, 12:21:36 AM »
Ch.6 Roommate

Peaceful that’s what my apartment was. Peaceful and quiet. An escape from all the noise from the outside world. An escape from all the chaos from the world… “Nee nee Rena-chan do you have the next volume of this?” Jurina asked holding up a manga I lend her to keep her entertained while I worked on my college homework. At least my apartment used to be quiet and peaceful. That was until Jurina moved in. I looked up from my homework and glanced at the energetic girl that was lazing in my white sofa and sighed. While having Jurina around was mostly pleasant, a bored Jurina wasn’t much help when I needed peace and quiet to focus on my homework. She was the complete opposite of that! I had never gotten easily distracted while doing my homework till now.

Perhaps it was my fault for spoiling Jurina too much. I simply can’t refuse her or ignore her when she asks for something. No matter how crazy it is. Which kind of explains how she convinced me to let her move in with me. A lot of times I feel like I picked up a stray puppy rather than a ex top model. I looked at Jurina once more. She even looks like a puppy with those cute brown puppy-like eyes and that overexcited way of hers. I could almost picture wagging her tail behind her. “That is the latest volume,” I told her then returned my textbook again. Who knew photography required long reading assignments as well? I sighed. I was never going to finish at this rate! “That’s absurd!!! They totally leave you hanging! They can’t do that!” Jurina whined like a total two-year old. I laughed.

“Sure they can. That’s what makes you want to buy the next volume plus it makes the story more exciting, don’t you think?” I pointed out with a small smile. Jurina crossed her arms and pouted clearly not satisfied with my response. I had learned she was quite impatient so I wasn’t surprised by her reaction.”I still don’t like it. It’s stupid. When does the next volume get released?” Jurina asked sounding completely resigned even though she didn’t like the idea of waiting for the next volume. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to remember the exact date. Lately my head been so jumbled up it’s hard to keep up with manga and anime the way I used to when I was younger. “A month from now I believe. I don’t remember the exact date though,” I answered truthfully. Jurina’s face looked sullen. Clearly she was not pleased with the situation. I resisted the urge to giggle at her funny antics and adorable pout.

The girl was seriously cute when she was frustrated. “That’s way too long! What is the author thinking?! This is going to bother me for the rest of the day!” Jurina complained setting the manga down in the coffee table. I laughed and replied, “You’ll get over it.” Jurina only grumbled in response. I resisted the urge to giggle again. “I guess. Got anything else to read?” Jurina asked. She was probably bored out of her mind. “Yeah, in my room” I answered.

I looked at the time and closed my textbook. I didn’t get to finish the reading assignment today as well. It couldn’t be helped though. I promised Airi I would see her for coffee today. And I couldn’t leave her hanging again. I had already declined three of her offers and even had to cancel one last minute. Juggling school, work, and now Jurina was getting more and more difficult. Still I felt like a horrible best friend. I ought make more time for Airin. I had no excuse for being a terrible unreliable friend.

“You’re done studying?” Jurina asked with hopeful eyes. There was a sparkle in her eyes that almost made me blush. Gosh she really was cute… Well I guess it shouldn’t be so surprising. She was a model for a reason right? Jurina was probably hoping I sit down with her and give her some attention. It kind of made me want to cancel my plans. Remembering her question, I shook my head. No, Rena you can’t cancel again, I told myself.

“Not really, but I promised I friend I would go have coffee with her today,” I explained while grabbing my purse. Jurina’s smile seemed to fade a bit. ”Ah, I see. Is it the girl from work?” Jurina questioned remembering the moment we met where she had seen me working with Airi. “Yeah. Airin. She’s wonderful! It be nice if you could meet her one day!” I commented with a smile as I recalled my gentle, goofy and a little perverted best friend. Jurina returned my smile and replied, “That be nice. Maybe some day…”

Even though Jurina was smiling, her smile looked pained. She was probably thinking her present situation. It must be hard to spend all your time stuck in a tiny apartment that isn’t even yours. Jurina didn’t seem to be unhappy, but I wasn’t home a lot so I couldn’t say that I was sure that Jurina was happy being confined in the apartment all the time. It had actually been bothering me for a while. Well that and another thing. The modeling thing.

I mean we had talked a bit about why Jurina quit modeling and got herself into this mess, but it was very brief. I needed more now. Especially since Jurina was going to be living with me for an indefinite amount of time since we couldn’t find her an apartment. We had searched and searched, but had no luck finding one. I guess a lot of people were moving to the city around this time or something. I had to ask her again about the modeling even if it made her uncomfortable. Soon. Tonight.

“Hello? Earth to Rena? You are going to be late,” Jurina said waving her hand in my face. Her face wasn’t so far from mine and I could see her breathtaking eyes staring into my own plain ones. Her lips were in perfect reach too. They were a really cute shape and a light faint pink shade. I took a breath to try and clear my head of these thoughts and was overwhelmed by her intoxicating scent. Did she use another shampoo other than the one I was buying or something or did it just smell better on her if that was even possible?

“Rena-chan?” Jurina repeated sounding a bit confused. I backed away from her in utter surprise when I regained my full senses. I felt my face heat up. When did Jurina get up and get so close to me? “Rena? Are you okay? Did I frighten you?” Jurina asked in a worried voice. I put my hand in my chest in an attempt to try and steady my rapid heart rate. “I was just really surprised that’s all. I really went off into my own little world, so I didn’t see you get up,” I explained in a shaky voice.

Jurina grinned. “Mou! You are helpless! You mustn’t do that so much Rena-chan! It’s dangerous!” Jurina scolded in a playful tone already used to me going off in daydreams. “Anyways I am late! I got to go!” I said and rushed out of the apartment with red colored cheeks desperate to get out of that nerve wrecking situation. My heart still hadn’t returned to normal. I bit my lip as I remembered the closeness of her face. I don’t even think she was that close to me and yet she managed to get that sort of reaction out of me. Oh no…. Am I… Am I beginning to have feelings for Jurina? I began to make my way to the cafe with that heavy rooted question. Normally I would discuss this sort of thing with Airin, but I couldn’t tell Airin about Jurina. I promised Jurina that I wouldn’t tell a soul about her.

But I was on my way to see Airin now. Surely Airin would notice my strange behavior. Maybe I could ask for advice, but not give her all the details. Or maybe I could just tell her the truth and not tell Jurina I told her. No. I couldn’t betray Jurina’s trust like that. But what was I going to do about my flushed face that was giving my emotions away? Finally much to my dismay, I reached the cafe and Airin was already seated waiting for me. I instantly felt bad. I was really late. “Airin!” I waved and made my way to the table she was sitting in. ‘

Airin smiled. “Well hello there! Someone is running late!” Airin said in a teasing tone. Even though I knew she was teasing I felt guilty. “I am so sorry! I was doing my homework and lost track of time… I am sorry…” I said feeling slightly more guilty for lying to her. Airin patted my head. “It’s alright, Rena. Don’t worry about it. True be told I just got here too. I was just teasing you,” Airin reassured. I smiled. “Did you order already?” I asked looking at the stacked up menus besides her. Airin passed me one. “No I was waiting for you. It seemed rude to order without you,” Airin replied as she opened the menu. “Don’t be silly! You know I wouldn’t have mind one bit. Especially since I was late,” I told her.

Airin grinned and responded by simply looking at the menu. Airin was really just too considerate with me. I stared at the menu and Jurina came to my mind again. I really ought to take her something as well. I wonder what kind of sweets she would like? Maybe I can get her a carry-out drink as well, but wouldn’t Airin think that be odd? I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. “Is something bothering you, Rena?” Airin asked looking up from her menu. I froze unsure of what to say. Lying didn’t come easily to me. “No it’s just. Well you are going to laugh, but I just want to get everything on the menu!” I answered with a half honest response. I did want to take everything in the menu, but not for myself. Airi burst out laughing.

“Seriously, Rena? Mou you are too cute sometimes! Are you really that hungry?” Airin asked with a bit of disbelief in her voice. Unless it came to melon pan, I wasn’t that big of an eater so I could tell she was surprised by my answer. “A bit,” I answered shyly with a nervous laugh. The waiter came and took our orders and I didn’t get the guts to order anything for Jurina. Maybe I could just take her something else on my way home. I really didn’t want Airin to suspect anything. I managed to act normally as we chatted which was surprising since I was usually really bad at hiding my feelings. Maybe I am just getting better at lying.

The waiter brought our food and drinks rather quickly. I felt myself smile as I was presented with my favorite. Melon pan. It been a while since I ate some. We were silent for a bit as we ate our food. I just wanted to savor the sweet mouthwatering taste of melon pan. ”Rena, I wanted to talk to you about something important,” Airin broke the silence with an unusual serious look in her eyes. I grew worried as my previous concern of being a bad friend returned. Had something happened that I did not notice? Was Airin perhaps angry with the lack of attention I been giving her? “I am sorry!” I blurted out without thinking.

“Sorry?” Airin repeated sounding a bit puzzled by my words. I took a deep breath to gather my worries into words. “If anything happened or if you are mad because I haven’t been around lately I am so sorry!” I exclaimed with a small bow. Airin’s eyes widen in surprise. “Rena… No it wasn’t that at all and don’t worry about it. I know how busy you have been lately. I been busy too. But like I said it’s about something else…” Airin said her voice trailing off at the end. Her last words got my attention. What in the world did Airin want to talk about? I knew it was serious by that look in her eyes. “Then what is it you want to talk to me about?” I inquired with a confused look.

“Truth be told for a very long time I…” Airin was cut off by the sound of my phone. The ringtone… It was one that Jurina had assigned to herself in my phone while I was making lunch the other day. I thought about ignoring it, but Jurina didn’t usually call unless it was really important. “I am so sorry about that. I’ll be quick,” I told Airin as I got up. Airin simply nodded with a strange look in her face. I rushed to the restroom and quickly answered the call.

“Jurina?” I said as I answered the call. I could hear sniffing coming from the other side of the phone piece. I quickly grew worried. “Jurina? Are you okay?” I asked in a worried voice. Finally Jurina spoke, “When are you getting home? I… I am scared….” Her voice was small something rare for Jurina. My eyes widen at her words. Did something happen? “I’ll be there straight away, okay… Just calm down okay?” I told her and hanged up. I rushed back to the table to get my purse. “Is everything okay?” Airin asked noticing my worried face.

“Yeah… But I really need to take off… How about we talk about this some other time? And you can keep my food,” I told her and gave her some money to pay for my food. “But… Rena! What’s going on? I thought you were really hungry. Are you sure you don’t want to wait?” Airin asked with a confused look in her face. “I am so sorry, but I got to go! I’ll explain later!” I said and took off as fast as possible. I felt awful for leaving Airi behind like that with no explanation, but what was I supposed to say? Hey my new roommate which also happens to be that popular model all over the tabiod magazines is scared of something I didn’t even bother to ask what it was?

I groaned in frustration. When did things get so complicated? I knew the answer, but it’s not like I could change things. If I were to go back in time I would help Jurina out in a heartbeat as well. My situation was inevitable. My only solution would be to not help Jurina and I didn’t have the heart to do that. I reached my apartment door and feared what I might find inside. I really should have asked Jurina why she was scared before hanging up. What in the world could have scared her like that? I opened the door to find Jurina on top of my white sofa completely frightened staring at a creature at the end of the room. My blood went completely cold.

“Is that… A RAT?!?!” I shrieked in utter horror. I quickly jumped on top of the sofa at well and hugged Jurina in utter panic. “Rena-chan! Do something!” Jurina begged tugging on the sleeve of my shirt. I stared at the rat with wide eyes. I buried my head in Jurina’s shoulder and shook my head. “I don’t wanna. I hate rats! You do something!” I cried. I knew Jurina had called me for help, but… I just couldn’t… Rats terrify me more than anything. “So then we are stuck here?!” Jurina exclaimed looking at my hidden face. I nodded and dared to look at the rat again. It was still there being it’s disgusting self. I just couldn’t… Ugh so gross.

“I think I am going to be sick,” I told her. Jurina was no longer crying, but I could tell she had been since eyes were red. Jurina wasn’t going to move. She was too scared. How long were we going to be stuck on top of my sofa? We need to do something. I could hear Jurina sniffing again. She must have been dead scared here all a alone. I would have been too. “We need a plan,” I told her. Jurina looked around as if analyzing the surroundings. “We need to get the door open. Then scare it to go outside,” Jurina concluded. I looked at the door. It seemed so far away. “You make it sound so easy yet who is going to get down to open the door?” I asked.

Jurina looked at me with those damn puppy eyes. I instantly knew what she was thinking. “No! I know what you are thinking. I am not getting down of here!” I said shaking my head in disagreement. “Please? It’s just a little bit. I… I can’t. Please…” Jurina begged tugging on my shirt again. I sighed and was about to shake my head, but I met her eyes again. I gulped. “Are you really going to make me do this?” I asked her with fearful eyes. “Please? I’ll use the broom to scare it and it be fine,” Jurina reassured pointing at the nearby broom behind the sofa. I sighed and got off the sofa with caution. Easy for her to say it be fine since she wasn’t getting off the sofa! I sighed and laid my feet on the ground. The intruder didn’t move from its spot. I looked at the faraway door. Come on Rena. You can do this!

I dared to take the first step. Taking a breath, I took another and another. The rat remained in it’s place. “You are doing well, Rena-chan!” Jurina cheered from the sofa. I gave her a icy glare. It was her fault I was stuck in this mess. “Aww, come on Rena! You are far more calm and collected than I am!” Jurina argued. I wanted to reply, but I was so close to my objective I shook it off. So close… Finally I placed my hand on the doorknob. Sweet victory was mine. Slowly I turned the knob and opened the door. Resisting the urge to jump out of joy, I hurried back to the sofa.

Now phrase two. “Your turn.” I told Jurina. Jurina nodded and grabbed the broom. She stood there for a while staring at the broom as if she didn’t know what to do with it. “Come on, Jurina! You said you would scare it!” I reminded her sensing that she wanted to chicken out on me. “But…” Jurina argued in a small voice. “Do it!” I insisted my impatience and fear getting the best of me. Jurina slowly leaned forward and angled the broom towards the rat, but missed. The broom was too short. “You’re going to have to get down,” I told her. Jurina quickly shook her head and looked at me with those puppy eyes again.

I groaned. “You are going to make me go down there again aren’t you?” I asked in a tired voice. Jurina simply nodded and gave me the puppy eyes again. Lately she been using those a lot. I sighed. I had already been down there once. How bad could the second time possibly be? “You seriously owe me after this!” I told her as I took the first step off the sofa. There it was again facing me: the rat with in menacing look. I shuddered, but slowly moved my legs. Just a little more and I would be in the perfect spot.

There! I began to angle the broom, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. What if instead of running towards the door the rat ran towards me? “You can do it Rena!” Jurina cheered from the sofa again. Comes from the person who couldn’t do it herself, I grumbled to myself. I took a deep breath. This was it. I swatted the rat with the broom as quickly as possible and jumped back to the sofa. Much to our luck the rat indeed ran out of the apartment. I ran and closed the door. I felt my legs grow weak. It was finally over! “You did it!” Jurina exclaimed excitedly wrapping her arms around me. I felt myself blush at the sudden hug.

And just when I thought I was recovering from the sudden embrace, Jurina kissed my cheek. Her lips felt soft and warm against my cheek.. My head suddenly went blank and my heart began pounding under my chest. I couldn’t breathe. Did she just… Kiss me?! “J-Jurina!” I stammered nervously a bit confused by her sudden kiss. “Thank you Rena-chan!” Jurina said with a dimpled grin that made me turn even redder if possible. “Y-You’re welcome,” I answered in a weak voice. “Are you okay, Rena-chan?” Jurina asked looking slightly worried due to redden face and small voice. “Yes I am just a bit shaken up that’s all. I am going to shower okay? Then I’ll make us dinner,” I answered and began to walk towards the bathroom in a zombie-like pace. “Okay!” responded a cheerful Jurina. I sighed once more. Would I be okay?


“I am going to class! I left you some snacks in the fringe in case you get hungry,” Rena told me as I walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth. I simply nodded. It was a Thursday. Rena always had class in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rena gave me a bright smile. “Okay, I am off. Bye!” Rena waved and hurried out the door. I resisted the urge to giggle. Rena was probably late again. It was so Rena. As I walked back to the restroom to finish washing my teeth, I sighed. Well now Rena was gone and it was back to the usual boredom.

Maybe I just play some games with my phone, I thought to myself and grabbed my white smartphone the coffee table. I began to play a game when I suddenly remembered Mayu. It been more or less two weeks since I last called her. I began to feel guilty and suddenly realized how much I actually missed Mayu. We weren’t usually apart for so long. True be told I had actually been wanting to call Mayu for a while now, but I couldn’t bring myself to. It just felt so awkward. Today however for some reason my brain kept bugging me something was just telling me that I needed to call Mayu. Just do it, Jurina, I told myself. I dialed Mayu’s phone and waited.

“Hello I am sorry, but Mayu-sama can’t come to the phone,” a familiar meek voice answered. “Yuki-san, it’s me Jurina! I need to talk to Mayu!” I said my urgency growing by the minute. It wasn’t very often Mayu’s personal maid answered Mayu’s cell phone. There was a silence in the line then Yuki spoke once more, “Oh hello Matsui-sama. I guess since you haven’t bother to keep in contact you wouldn’t know that Mayu-sama has been ill for the past couple of days.” Yuki said in a monotone voice. I wondered if perhaps it was my imagination, but it sounded like the maid was angry at me. Then again the young maid was only pointing out the facts. I should have kept more in contact with Mayu. “Is it that bad? What’s wrong it her?” Jurina demanded in a worried tone.

“It was supposed to be a cold, but Mayu-sama isn’t getting any better so they decided to bring a doctor today…” Yuki explained in a worried tone. “Alright! Thanks!” I said hanging up the phone. I can’t just stay here! I need to see her!  I concluded. I quickly changed clothes and grabbed a hat. Looking at the mirror, I realized I looked completely different now with shorter hair and no make-up. This could work, I thought to myself.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.7
« Reply #78 on: January 22, 2014, 12:27:18 AM »
Ch.7  Icy Distance

I hadn’t gotten very far when I froze. I just stood there outside of Rena’s apartment building with a blank look. How in the world was I going to get to Mayu’s house? I really didn’t think things through when I dashed out of the apartment. It wasn’t in a walking distance. I could hitchhike, but that  was probably a very bad idea. What was I going to do? I didn’t know how else I could get to Mayu’s house unless I waited for Rena to get home which was until 7:00. I was about to give up and go back inside when I spotted a bright yellow color that proved to be my savior.

Of course. I could get a taxi. ”Taxi!” I called out and I quickly waved my hands to attract the attention of the taxi driver. It worked. The small car came to a halt in front of me. I got on without thinking twice. “1203 Dove Street please,” I told him in a rush. It occurred to me that the driver might not have understood me, but he began to drive so he must have somehow made up what I said. The ride was moderately long and dreadful. I told myself I needed to calm down. Mayu got sick often and it usually wasn’t something serious.

Even so I knew she didn’t like to be alone when she was sick and her parents are out of town. I felt even worst. I was a horrible girlfriend. Why did I have to be such a selfish person? Why did I let my stupid pride stop me from calling her? Mayu had done nothing wrong, but to state her opinion. We were bounded to have different opinions as a couple right? Why did I have to make such a big deal out of it? “Which house?” the cab driver asked as we enter Mayu’s fancy neighborhood. “The white big house at the end of the street,” I promptly answered.

The cab driver’s eyes grew wide, but he didn’t say a word. It wasn’t that most houses in that neighbor were small or anything. In fact they were quite large, but Mayu’s house was by far the largest. It stood out like a neon orange among pastels. It was the kind of house most people only dreamed of living in, but that was common in our world. Well the world I used to be a part of, but no longer was. I wondered what I should say to Mayu and how should I apologize. What reason could I possibly give for not calling her other than pure neglect?

The cab made a stop and driver extended his hand, “That will be $20.” I quickly opened my bag and looked through it looking for my credit card. Finally, I pulled it out and handed it to him. “Madam I do not take credit cards. There’s a sign outside the cab,” the taxi driver said with an annoyed look. “You’re kidding!” I replied realizing I had no cash on me.The man looked irritated and asked, “Madam do you have any other form of payment?” I quickly dug through my bag hoping to find a bill, but no luck. I began panicking until a hint of gold caught me eye. It was my gold watch. My very expensive gold watch. Worth way more than $20 dollars. But I guess that didn’t matter at the moment. ”Here. This is worth way more than a twenty. Trust me!” I said making a dash for Mayu’s house before the cab driver could object.

I think I heard him shout, but he must have been satisfied when he saw the watch up close because he drove away. I sighed in relief and proceeded to ring the bell outside the gate. I stood back so the camera could see me and then realized that I probably looked like a complete stranger. There were no indicators of the old me. I was wearing cheap boyish outlet clothes instead of my usually trendy clothes and my long hair was chopped to a short cut no bangs. My face was no longer covered with trendy make-up instead it was all natural. “It’s Jurina.” I tried saying to the guard behind the camera that monitor who went in and out of the big house. The gates remained closed for a moment, but then they opened. I walked to the house slightly nostalgic. Nothing had changed since the last time I been there.

The house was just a crisp and neat as I remembered it. The same elegant priceless artworks decorated the grand entrance. In spite of me living in an equally impressive house, Mayu’s house never failed to awe me especially now that I was living in Rena’s small apartment. It wasn’t that I missed living in a big house or anything. In reality, I hardly got impressed by big hotels and houses, but Mayu’s house had an air of unique superiority that I couldn’t exactly pinpoint. It was a strange feeling. “You came.” Mayu’s maid, Yuki, commented behind me. If I didn’t know any better I say her voice sounded rather disappointed. I shrugged it off and I turned around to face her. ”Yuki-san! Where is she? Is she okay?” I demanded my previous anxiety returning.

Yuki raised in eyebrow as she took in my appearance. I could tell she was slightly surprised by the way I looked. Even I was surprised every time I looked in the mirror. I looked so different than I did a couple of weeks ago. However if she was in any way shocked by the way I looked she didn’t voice it instead she simply replied, “Follow me.” I wanted to ask more questions, but I wasn’t getting a very good aura from the maid. She wasn’t being rude or anything like that, but for some reason I sensed she wasn’t too happy to see me. Again it might just be my imagination. I usually got along well with the girl the few times we spoken.

As I walked with Yuki-san, I realized the girl reminded me of Rena an awful lot. Their aura were very similar carrying an odd princess-like aura in spite the fact that the two girls were from poor families. The two carried an air of elegance and refinement that simpy came naturally. Which was pretty ironic in Yuki’s case since she was a maid. Both girls were also extremely gentle and kind at least from what I have gathered from Yuki when I visited Mayu.

She seemed to do things for Mayu because she genuinely cared about her just like the way Rena did things for me because she cared not because I was a famous person or anything. When we reached the Mayu’s room, Yuki softly knocked on the door. “Mayu-sama, Jurina-sama is here.” Yuki announced. There was a short silence and then finally Mayu answered, “Come in.” Yuki opened the door and let me in. In the middle of the big bed with white bed sheets sat a very healthy Mayu who was currently braiding her hair.

My eyes widen as I looked at my girlfriend’s extreme make-over. I couldn’t believe how much she changed in only a few weeks. Her long black locks were cut off and her clothes were nothing like the clothes I was used to seeing on her. She usually wore trendy dresses or cute girly outfits and now she was baggy pants with a hoodie. Her face was no longer covered in make-up and had a more natural look. It gave her a more rough boyish look, but it wasn’t any less attractive. If anything I was finding her more attractive at the moment than before which I founded odd. She looked confused for a moment then angry. “I thought you were sick,” Jurina said her voice cold. I winced at her tone not expecting her to get that upset with my lie. I could tell she was trying to stay calm because she was clenching her fists.

Maybe telling Yukirin to lie to her and tell her I was very sick was a bad idea. Truth be told I didn’t expect her to rush over here. I thought that telling her would make her call more often, but I never dreamed she would show up here. I only wanted more of her attention, but the plan seemed to have completely backfired judging by the scowl in her face.

“I can explain,” I told her. Jurina looked at me disbelief all over face. “Do you realize this is the first time I left the place I am staying for weeks and I took a huge risk to come over here because I was worried sick about you! I even gave a 10,000 gold watch to a taxi driver to pay for the fare because I didn’t have any money on me! How dare you lie to me like that Mayu? This may be a game to you, but if I get found out I will never be able to lead a normal life!” Jurina yelled. Jurina had never had never yelled at me to I just sat there for a moment looking at her in shock. I expected her to be angry, but not this furious. Yukirin looked uncomfortable at the corner of the room as if wondering if she should get out of the room or stay. I hoped she didn’t leave otherwise I feel like I break down crying. The funny thing is I know I didn’t do anything wrong.

I mean sure I lied to Jurina and all, but I wasn’t the one who stopped calling or visiting. Well I knew she couldn’t visit, but she could at least answered my calls or called. I even thought she was cheating on me, but after that outburst I seriously doubt it. Putting that aside, did Jurina seriously think she could stay uncover forever? Was that really a normal life as she called it? It was completely insane, but I wasn’t going to point that out. “Look I am sorry. I just missed you and wanted to talk to you.” I explained hoping she calm down. Even so why did I have to apologize? I didn’t do anything wrong, I mean I lied, but she left me no choice.

“You could I taken my phone call! I was going to apologize for not calling and explain! You didn’t have to lie and worry me sick!” Jurina exclaimed a little calmer, but still upset. I bit my lip and sighed. “Yuki, can you leave us alone?” I ordered calling Yuki by her first name instead of Yukirin like I been doing lately. For some reason, it seemed strange to call her that in front of Jurina. It kind of took the feeling out of it. “Yes madam,” Yuki replied professionally and walked out the room. I heard a odd icy tone in her voice, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. I already had an upset Jurina to worry about. “Sit down,” I told Jurina gesturing to the spot besides me in my bed. Jurina seemed hesitant, but complied and sat besides me. It felt like I hadn’t seen her in forever. I wished she would just hug me like she always would, but instead she was acting rather stoic and cold towards me.

“I am sorry,” I said in a small voice looking at my hands. I wasn’t normally the sort of person who got emotional or who easily apologized, but Jurina’s sudden icy distance terrified me because I didn’t want to lose her. I don’t want to be alone. She can’t leave me all alone. She just can’t. We both just sat there for a while not saying a word. I played with my hands nervously. Usually the silent between us was comfortable, but now it was tense and dreadful. Finally Jurina spoke up,” I am sorry too.” I hugged her. I wasn’t much of a hugger and Jurina was usually the one hugging me, but I couldn’t stop myself from acting out of impulse. I expected Jurina to be happy and hug me back, but instead her arms hung loosely in her sides not responding to my hug. It felt like a slap in the face and it strung like hell. I held back tears as I pulled back awkwardly from the embrace.

I had at least hoped Jurina would be smiling when I pulled away, but her face looked bored and uninterested. And I knew it wasn’t just our recent fight. Even before Jurina quit modeling, I could the terrible distance growing between us. Now that Jurina was living in another world the growing distance undeniable and inevitable. I knew that I was going to lose her. It was only a matter of time. I know that I am being clingy and that I should let go, but I can’t. I need her. Without her I have no one.

“Do you want me to bring some food up or something?” I asked trying to lighten the situation. Jurina shook her head. “I need to go already,” Jurina told me. I frowned. “But you just got here.” I reminded her. “I know. I am sorry. But I have something I have to do. By the way, can I borrow money for the cab? I don’t have any other watches,” she said with laugh. It was the first time she smiled since she arrived and it made me sad that it had to be over a stupid watch. How much had I reduced myself that now I was jealous of a silly gold watch? How long was I willing to keep this lie going? Because our relationship was a lie. I knew she wasn’t in love with me anymore. Not like before and yet here I was almost begging her to stay. Jurina got up and turned around starting to leave when I grabbed her hand. She turned around to face me startled. “Don’t leave.” I whispered softly feeling weak. It was pathetic, but I couldn’t stop myself from doing it. I wanted no I needed her to stay by my side.

“Mayu…” She uttered surprised by the desperate sound in my voice. She sat down again and I sighed in relief. I leaned in to hugged her again and this time she hugged back. Not the tight warm embrace I wanted, but it was better then her previous indifference. I parted from her a bit only to find her lips. I kissed her softly, but desperately. Her eyes widen and I knew she was surprised. It was rare for me to hug her let alone kiss her. She usually did those things. I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer. Jurina gently pushed me down to the bed and parted our lips. “I love you,” she said, but it didn’t sound convincing. It sounded forced as if she didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I knew she cared about me, but it wasn’t enough. The more I held her back the more I felt myself falling in an abyss of depression and self hate. “I love you too,” I replied cupping her beautiful face.

Oh how she changed. The old Jurina would be ravaging me by now planting sweet kisses in my neck and her hands would be wandering my body sending me to another world, but now this Jurina was just so cold and far away. The old Jurina was gone. I turned my face away and said, ” You should go do whatever you need to go do.” Jurina looked surprised again. I had just requested for her to stay a little longer a few minutes after all. “Are you sure?” Jurina asked sounding almost relieved. I nodded and kiss her cheek. “Just promise you’ll call me tonight,” I told her facing her again.

She was smiling. “Of course. I’ll call you at 7:30. I promise.” Jurina said and planted a chaste kiss in my lips. It was the first loving gesture she given me in a long time, so I could help, but feel my heart beat faster with the tender gesture. Jurina got off the bed and said, ” I just I’ll be leaving. Bye!” I forced a smiled and replied, “Bye.” My voice sounded hallow. She didn’t seem to notice and flashed me a smile before exiting the room. As soon as she walked out the room, I collapsed in my bed and stared at the ceiling. The tears I been holding began to spill wetting cheeks. I hugged a nearby pillow and attempted to silence the loud sobs that were threatening to escape fearing that someone might hear me and ask what was wrong. There was a soft knock on the door which was a habit of Yukirin. “Mayu, can I come in?” Yuki asked softly sensing something was amiss. “I want to be alone.” I answered honestly not wanting my friend to see me in such state. There was a silence behind the door and then I heard Yuki say, ” I understand.”

“I am home!” I announced as I walked into my apartment. Jurina was sitting in my sofa reading a magazine that I had never seen before. “Where did you get that from?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I bought it in the convenience store across the street. Did you know that the tabloids are saying that I underwent major cosmetic surgery to hide from the press? That’s unbelievable!” Jurina said with a laugh. My eyes widen at the sudden realization that hit me with her words. “Wait you went out!” I exclaimed setting my bag in the table and rushing to her side in the sofa. “Yeah I mean I look totally different and it was just across the street. Nothing drastic or anything. I wanted some magazine and snacks. You don’t really stock up your fringe much you know,” Jurina told me in a casual tone.

“I know. I just don’t have time to go grocery shopping all the time you know since I am busy with school and all.” I apologized realizing that I probably been leaving Jurina without food since I usually ate at school and never notice when the food was running low. Jurina shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Rena-chan. I’ll take care of the grocery shopping from know on!” Jurina announced. I looked at her with a surprised look.

 “Wait so you are going to start getting out of the house now?” I asked. Jurina nodded. “Well I mean I have to do it eventually and no one seemed to notice me so I think I should be good. I’ll just be super careful. I get boring being her you know, so I want to get out,” Jurina explained. The idea of her being stuck indoors all day always worried me so I was relieved that Jurina finally felt comfortable enough to leave the apartment. I got up and walked to the kitchen. My stomach was growling. I had skipped lunch.

“So what did you buy?” I asked. “Just some junk food,” Jurina said casually going back to read her magazine. When I opened my small fringe my eyes grew wide. It was more packed than I have ever seen it before. Jurina had really gone all out. There were like a zillion chocolate bars and all candy you can imagine. All the drinks were sodas and colored punches. The only normal non-cavity inducing thing left in my fringe was milk. I proceeded to check the pantry and was greeted by a huge assortment of potato chips and cookies. It was like was walking into the junk food aide in the grocery store. I didn’t bother to check my freezer, but I was pretty sure would be full of ice cream and such things if my pantry and fringe were any indicator of what was in store for me. “Jurina…” I started unsure of how to say what I wanted to say without sounding mean. “Yes Rena-chan,” Jurina answered sweetly. “You went overboard,” I told.

Jurina looked up at me and pouted. “I just wanted to be of some use to Rena-chan,” Jurina said sadly. I walked towards the sofa and patted her head. She was really puppy-like when she wanted to be. “I know, but if we live on chips and candy both of us are going to get really really fat. Next time I’ll make a list for you.” I replied. I settled for eating chips for dinner and sat next to Jurina in the sofa. “I never really got to eat junk food so I guess I got to excited.” Jurina explained in a more serious voice. I looked at her and noticed the pained look in her face. She done so many sacrifices. I could tell by her expression. I wonder why she would give up the dream she worked so hard for. After everything she worked so hard for why would she throw it away. Even though she said it was because she wanted to be herself again I wonder if someone could really be themselves when they were hiding from the world. It seemed like a paradox to me.

“Jurina you said you quit modeling because you didn’t want to lose yourself, but how could you be yourself if you are hiding from the world?’ I asked. Jurina flashed me a gentle smile. “I am not really hiding because I don’t want them to know who I am. I am hiding because I don’t want to deal with the media. I wouldn’t really care what they had to say to the world about me, but I don’t want to be stalked by them every second of the day. I may want the world to see me as who I am, but I want the privacy I never had in the past four years of my life you know. That’s why I am hiding. I know it sounds weird and stupid, but…” Jurina voice trailed off at the end. “No, its not. I get it,” I reassured. It must be horrible being followed everywhere you go and not having peace. Jurina has dealt with it for years.

I shouldn’t be so surprise that she wants a break now. It was only natural after all. Fame was a two-edged sword. It could make someone’s dream come true, but it could also destroy them. Maybe Jurina walked away just in time to save herself. Jurina suddenly scoot closer to me on the sofa. Our knees touched causing my heart to start beating faster at the simple contact. I looked up and saw that her face was only inches away from mine. Jurina had that habit of invading my personal space, but the look her face scared me this time. “J-Jurina?” I stammered nervously as her intoxicating scent filled my nose. Jurina smiled and lean closer our lips almost touching. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I just sat there not taking my eyes off her my palms sweating out of pure anticipation.

“Rena-chan…” her voice came out soft and husky slightly turning me on. I wondered if she realized the effect she was having on me. I was simply mesmerized. Her hand caressed my cheek gently sending jolts of electricity through my body. “I feel like myself around you.” she whispered and before I could even answer she captured my lips. Her lips were amazing. She was amazing. I was stunned for a couple of seconds, but then eagerly returned her kissed wrapping my arms around her slender waist. She bit my lower lip softly as if asking for entrance and I complied parting my lips slightly allowing her curious tongue to explore my mouth. I held back a moan as hands proceeded to explore my body as well just feeling every single part of me giving me an intense feeling I never felt before.

Finally I couldn’t hold it any longer and released a soft moan into her mouth causing her to pull away surprised. “Rena…” Jurina whispered just calling me by my first name for the first time. I turned bright red and covered my face not wanting her to see my expression. I felt like a pervert. Jurina giggled and tried to pry my hands off my face. “Don’t laugh,” I pleaded with a pout. Jurina smiled and hugged me. Her body felt warm against mine and the moment was just sweet and perfect. I never thought someone like Jurina could notice me and now her she was kissing me and hugging me and touching me in ways I never even dreamed of before.

“I love you,” I blurted out before I could stop the words from leaving my mouth. It was true. I wasn’t sure when I realized this now obvious undeniable fact, but I loved her. I loved her more than I loved anything else before. I wanted to be with her forever and I never wanted her to leave my side. I never thought I would come to think this intensely about her and it seemed so unlike my nature, but that was how I felt. “I love you too,” Jurina replied resting her head in my shoulder. Somewhere around the apartment the clock read 7:30, but none of us was preoccupied with the time. No, because Jurina had just pulled away from hug and started planting soft hot kisses in my neck. I fell back in the sofa and gave Jurina more access to my skin. Yes time was irreverent.

7:30. She promised to call at 7:30 and yet the phone was not hang. I sat in my bed motionlessly feeling the world shallow me whole. It was over. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew we were done even though there were no words exchanged between us. I think that made it worst though. The fact that there were no words said between us. It made it seem less real, but it didn’t make it feel less real or painful. If those three words “we are done” were exchanged perhaps it be easier to move on and not cling to useless hope. But I can’t blame Jurina from not saying them because it is me who is begging her so desperately not to go. I begin to wonder why am I doing this to myself. Why am I torturing myself like this? I used to think it was because it was better than being alone, but I am just not sure anymore. I don’t think loneness is worst than this painful make believe relationship. There was a knock on the door. Yuki.

“Mayu, dinner is ready!” Yuki announced. “I thought I told you I didn’t want dinner,” I yelled back taking out my frustration on my friend. I felt guilty, but I really didn’t want to do anything right know. The door swung open. It was the first time Yukirin walked into my room without my permission even after we were friends, so I was shocked. “Yu-Yukirin!” I exclaimed in uttered shock. Yuki sat down next to me and hugged me. My eyes widen in surprise. “Just stop this Mayu! Don’t you understand how helpless I feel watching you suffer and not being able to do anything about it? Even though we are friends now? I can’t just leave you here locked up in your room. What kind of person would I be if I did?” Yuki blurted out as she squeezed me tight. Meanwhile I was bright red surprised by her sudden actions.

Her hug felt quite nice. Nicer than I would have imagine. I had no idea I was making Yuki sad, but I didn’t want to do it anymore. “Okay I get it. I’ll go have dinner only if we have ice cream for desert.” I told her pulling away from her tight hug. Yuki smiled making me feel warm inside. “If your mom heard you she would kill you.” Yukirin said with a giggled. I laughed too forgetting completely about my earlier problems. “She would huh? But guess what? My mom is not here!” I exclaimed dramatically and a hysteria of giggled erupted. We couldn’t stop giggling for a couple of minutes until Yukirin finally got up and helped me up. “Come on silly. Go eat.” Yukirin said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Wait you are not eating with me?” I asked sounding slightly puzzled. Yukirin looked at me as if I just mentioned the craziness thing in the world. “Eating with you? What in the world are you saying Mayu? Of course I am not eating with you. The help cannot eat in the main dinner table!” Yuki said with disbelief as if she couldn’t believe I even expected that of her. I pouted. “Well if Yukirin doesn’t eat with me I’ll just stay in my room and cry myself to sleep.” I declared with a spoiled child.

“Ehh? But Mayu do you have any idea how much trouble I would get in if your mother caught me eating with you? I could lose my job!” Yukirin said. I smirked and replied, “Did we not just establish that my mother was not here?” Yukirin giggled, but still looked tense. “If you say so.” Yuki answered. I grabbed her hand. “Come on let’s go!” I told her. Maybe I wasn’t as alone as I thought. Maybe no one was. Maybe we just needed someone to remind us that they cared.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.8
« Reply #79 on: January 23, 2014, 11:32:47 PM »
Ch.8 Unexpected Return

I groaned as the annoying sunlight hit my eyes. I tried to keep my eyes shut not wanting to leave the dream world, but the sun was just so damn persistent. It was so warm and nice here in bed. I didn’t want to leave. Finally I opened my eyes with a yawn and tried to get up only to find a light pressure pulling me down. I blinked trying to wake up and then took in my surrounding.

The room was definitely bigger than my room. It was Mayu’s room. I turned to my side to find that the cute girl was hugging me as she slept which was the reason I couldn’t get up. I felt a silly smile crept up to my face. She was just so cute! I wondered at what point of the night did she start hugging me. I wasn’t even suppose to sleep her to begin with, but…

“Yukirin! You can’t leave me here alone! There is a thunderstorm.” Mayu whined as the thunder made a roaring appearance in the background. I tried to not laugh, but I couldn’t help it. I found the scared look in her face simply adorable. I knew I couldn’t give in to her command though. I would be in so much trouble. The other staff in the house were beginning to notice our close relationship and I feared someone would tell her mother. If that happened it was the end of my job and bye bye Mayu. While Mayu and I might be able to hang out outside her house, I couldn’t lose this job.

I needed the money. “You know I can’t do that Mayu. We already broken enough rules today.” I told the cyborg-like girl and she pouted. I felt a sweat drop in forehead. I wasn’t going to be able to resist her if she pouted and she knew that perfect well. I sighed. “I said no Mayu,” I warned in a stern voice as if walking to a child as oppose to my boss’s daughter. “Please! I’ll even share the bed,” Mayu offered. I wanted to point out that that was way worst, but decided against it. I was about to tell her no again when I was a sad look in her eyes.

“I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

And that was how I ended up sleeping in Mayu’s bed even though I did insist I could sleep in the floor. Mayu wasn’t having it though. Not that I was complaining at the moment. Mayu’s sleeping face was the cutest thing in the world and her lips were so close. I wondered if she would wake up if I stole a tiny kiss. I shook my head ashamed of myself.

Bad Yuki. Don’t take advantage just cause she is asleep, I scolded at myself. We were so close though and once I got over my gushing my heart started beating quite loudly. I hoped it wasn’t loud enough to wake her up. I wanted to stay like this a little longer. But fate was cruel and soon my sweet angel was waking up. Mayu looked peaceful first then panic when she saw me. “W-What? I so sorry Yuki!” Mayu exclaimed when she noticed her arms were around my waist. I grinned at the startled look in her face.

“I don’t mind. Don’t worry about it.” I replied. She must have seen I was being sincere because she smiled. I got up from the bed and grabbed my uniform from the drawer. I had borrowed a nightgown from Mayu, so I didn’t have to go to my room. The girl was so scared last night she didn’t even want me to be gone for a couple of minutes. “I am going to change.”

I announced and began to walk to her private restroom. Mayu nodded and added, “You could shower if you like. I know it be awkward for you to walk out of here like you were attending me and then go shower as if you just woke up.” I hadn’t really thought of that, but she was right. It would be rather awkward. “Thanks.” I said and walked into the restroom. I had always loved Mayu’s restroom.

It was so big and reminded me of the ones you saw in princess Disney movies in castles. It had a huge bathtub and a shower in the opposite end. There was a walk-in closet as well in the right. The colors were light browns and whites. It was soothing. I stripped and turned the shower on. I couldn’t say I wasn’t enjoying the opportunity to finally use Mayu’s shower. God, I sound like such a child. I was busy humming when suddenly my peace was broken.

“Mayu! Darling! I am home!”

My eyes grew widen as my mom pulled me for a tight hug. I craned my back to see the door behind me knowing perfectly well that if my mother found Yukirin in there it would be bad. Very very bad. I suddenly understood why Yukirin was so hesitant to sleepover. “M-Mother! What are you doing here? Your trip wasn’t over until two weeks from now.” I managed to say with a straight face. Oh I hope she couldn’t decipher the look of panic behind my eyes. Why was this happening now out of all times?

“I know, but the Paris part of the tour got cancelled so I am stuck here now! What such a shame. I was going to bring you back all sorts of clothes from the stores in Paris.” my mother said with a disappointed look. I pretended to look sympathetic. “Don’t worry about it. Surely you are making plans to go again right?” I encouraged even though I really didn’t give a damn if she went to Paris or not. I just needed her out. Now.

“I know right? Anyways have you seen Yuki-san? I been looking for that girl everywhere. I hope she is not goofing off! I need her to unpack my bags,” my mother told me. My eyes widen. I knew perfectly well where Yukirin was and it was not a place my mother would want to find her. I searched my head for a lie.

“I-I sent her to do my dry cleaning!” I replied hoping she couldn’t hear my voice tremble. My mom gave me a puzzled look. “This early in the morning?” my mother questioned with a raised eyebrows. “Yeah I am going out today,” I replied. My mother seemed to buy my lie because she nodded and replied, “Okay tell me when she gets back.” “I will I will.” I told her wishing she just leave already. My mother was about to leave, but something seemed to have caught her attention.

“Why is the shower on?” my mother asked with furrowed eyebrows. I gasped. I had forgotten about that. I needed to think of something and fast. “Oh I was about to go into the shower, but I heard my phone ring so I ran back to get it,” I lied. “Oh okay.” she replied. I stood there unsure of what to do. “Well go shower. Don’t mind me. I am on my way out.” my mother said.

I nodded and began to make my way to my restroom. My feet felt heavy. She wasn’t leaving yet. I took a deep breath and walked in. I quickly closed the door behind me and locked it. I was glad Yuki didn’t lock the door otherwise I be doomed.  I took a deep breath and collapsed in the floor. That was so close. Suddenly my eyes saw a familiar nightgown in the floor causing me to blush heavily.

I attempted to stop my eyes from looking up, but I couldn’t help it. In my shower stood Yuki nude and if it wasn’t for the blurry, yet clear glass I would have perfect view of her. I didn’t know if to be grateful or annoyed. I could however see the outline of her body and it was not disappointing. I shook my head. What the hell was wrong with me? I shouldn’t be staring at my friend when she was taking a shower. Still I couldn’t tear my eyes away mesmerized by her beauty. She seemed to notice this because she redden and softly said, “Mayuyu don’t do that. It’s embarrassing.”

I responded with a nod and averted my gaze down. “Sorry.” I mumbled. Yuki continued to shower and I could only force my eyes to look anywhere, but at her. I felt like such a pervert. Was this normal? I mean Yuki had a way better body than me so it was natural to be curious right? But why was my heart beating so fast? I shook my head. I loved Jurina. Not Yuki. I hadn’t even thought of Yuki that way until now.

It was only natural I be nervous. She was only just naked in front of me. The shower stopped. “M-Mayu do you mind turning around so I can change? God this is so embarrassing,” Yuki said nervously. I nodded and quickly turned around although I am not going to lie. I was tempted to take a peak. “Agreed.” I replied with my body now turned away from her.

A couple of minutes passed when she said, “You can look now.” I turned around and Yuki was now dressed in her regular uniform. She was holding my night gown in her hand. “Here.” She said trying to give it back to me, but I shook my head. “You keep it. It looks better on you anyways.” I told her. It was true. That night gown never looked as lovely on me as it did on her. Ah these thoughts again.

What was wrong with me all of a sudden? “Are you sure?” Yuki asked. She was smiling. I made me really happy for some reason. “Yeah I am sure. You better get going or my mother will have a fit.” I told her. She nodded. “Bye Mayuyu. I guess this might be the last time I call you that in a while huh?” Yuki said suddenly sounding sad. I understood why. Our friendship couldn’t be the same with my mom around.

“I guess so.” I simply replied feeling lonely. Yuki walked out of my bathroom leaving me alone. Our friendship… It wasn’t wrong was it?

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