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Author Topic: Majisuka Gakuran (Chapter 16/16) [Mayuki, Saeyui] - FINAL - [Complete]  (Read 51929 times)

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #80 on: July 23, 2013, 05:58:52 PM »
bad premonition...sae had change the past once and it seems she'll do it again... :shock:

will she be the one that die instead of nezumi :dunno:

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #81 on: July 23, 2013, 07:56:09 PM »
Don't apologize, LOL! I'm going to throw ice cubes at you if you say sorry again! XD It's not your fault. And you don't have to read my fictions, but that would be nice. :) I'm glad to have read this fiction series since it's so interesting and keeps me on the edge of my seat with plot twists. :cathappy:

Ohhhhh myyyy Lorddddd

Don't tell me the reason why Nezumi/Mayu died in Sae's appropriate timeline before she jumped back and changed history. I admire and do comprehend the reason to why she wanted revenge. Hell I would've been like her too if I were her. Knowing that Yuki was nearly (or already in the previous timeline) raped by the man that is possibly Sae's biological father would send just about any sane individual to cray cray mode with a shotgun at hand. :angry: Let me join you Nezumi and Gakuran!  :angry:

Okay, pushing aside my sudden spark of anger, LOL, so Yuko had already given the torch to Atsuko... And passed away... When Yuko stated that Nyan Nyan is crying, my heart shattered. :cry: My poor Kojiyuu... And both Nezumi and Black are together finally! Mayuki~ :deco:

Looking forward to your next update! (And preparing myself with a shotgun to hunt down that man with Gakuran and Nezumi! :angry:) :deco:

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #82 on: July 24, 2013, 07:07:03 AM »
Oooohhhh. so Mayuki is together now. And they are quite progressing fast haha!  :fap

and as usual SaeYui </3 and Kojiyuu  :bleed eyes: the sacrifice that Yuko have to do for Haruna is heart wrenching  :bleed eyes:

Hope that sae and mayu will change the past for the best. :D Looking forward to your next update   :cow:

♥ YuiParu ♥ KojiYuu ♥ AtsuYuu ♥ SaeYuki ♥ SaeRena ♥ JuriMayu ♥ MomooHarem ♥

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #83 on: July 24, 2013, 07:12:34 AM »
Hmmmmm O/ w \O mayuki moment.. Ughhh *im dying*

saeyuiiiii~ moar moar moar.. Hehehehe XD

I hope their battle will change the future.. So they will be a happy family :heart:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2013, 06:19:55 AM »

Offline Terragen

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2013, 07:51:19 AM »
huwooh so touching

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #86 on: July 26, 2013, 04:41:34 PM »
@olive29: yes!! It's sudden, but not really that sudden since the tension between them had been high! I might add a few extras in the end to show the story from their POVs

@clubhappy: Thanks for reading! It's okay not to comment, I'm thankful to you and all readers!! I hope this chapter surprises you. Please read on!

@jell_o_jello: I love Nezumi and Mayuyu, so I'm scared for her too! Please read on, I hope you find this chapter satisfying.

@bunny_rabbit: the last chapter was heart breaking indeed, so I'm glad that you have enjoyed it. Revenge always smells bad, but maybe something else will pop up too...

@LoyalFlutist: thanks for your comments again! I'm happy that you mentioned Yuko and Nyannyan. Along with Atsumina, they are my top unmovable pairings, but I have never actually written about them in depth, so I tried to put a few moments here. It's very sad that Yuko's story isn't happy ending, but at least, Haruna will be able to live happily instead of having a dark, Torigoya past burdening her. The full backstory of Kojiyu isn't fully developed here, but I might write a short one-shot to explain more. I hope you find the following chapter equally surprising too!

@millca: Sorry for breaking your heart in the last chapter, but this is necessary so that the good parts will be sweeter, lol  :deco: Can the past be changed for good? Are there changes that don't really change the results in the end? Please enjoy the next chapter!

@fuu_kun: hehhee, thanks for reading and commenting again! For you, I have added a brief Saeyui moment here, which wasn't in my first draft. Hope you enjoy this!

@Tupi: yay Tupi-san!! I'm so happy for Mayuki too! You must be worried whether their happiness will be brief, since Mayu is stoked for revenge. Please read on to find out!

@geki geki:  :cow: Yes here it comes, though it's a bit late since I'm busy with other stuff this week and can't update as quickly as I had wanted. Hope you like it!

@Terragen: Thanks for finding it touching and reading so much! It's nearly ending soon, so please enjoy the ride till the end!

Thanks again for reading and commenting!! There are a few twists and turns in this chapter, and a couple of light-hearted and fun moments. I am sure it will surprise most of you, so please enjoy!!!

Chapter 13 - Family

We agreed to meet again soon so we could better plan our ambush.

I'm lying in bed, alone in the apartment that's once Yuko-san's home. So many things are happening, and I can't sleep at all...

Miyazawa Kengo...Miyazawa Kengo...that could he do this? Nezumi is right. How can I call myself Yuki's friend, or even her family, if I just stand by and do nothing? Yet he's...he's supposedly my dad. So what, Sae?! The only reason you should care about him is if you want to be born! But you have decided already, haven't you? You do not technically exist anymore. Since you no longer have reason to believe that you exist, you might as well do what you can to keep Nezumi alive. OK, Sae, you can do it....but if you have never existed, then, you would never have met Yui. Ooooo...kay, that's good, that's well, it's will never get her into any trouble in the first place, and guess what? You wouldn't even have a chance to fall in love, so it's going to be fine. Suddenly, the happy chuckles from Nezumi and Black frolicking with each other comes into my mind. And the marks I saw on Black's collarbone. Then, the sounds of Mayu's kisses got louder and louder, driving me into envy. It's not that I don't like to see them together, it's just that....urgh...I feel so alone and helpless now....stop thinking and go to bed!

Smooch....Smoooch....SMOOOOCH!! URGGGH, f you, Watanabe Mayu!!! I want to sleeeeeeeeep!

/* Sae's DREAMLAND, in Majisuka Gakuen poolside

I look into the blue-ish water, tracing the dark lines that are dotted across the pool. Unknowingly I'm now walking alongside. I seem to be searching for something. The water was still when I first started, but now there are ripples coming from the other side. I look further and saw a figure holding onto one of the handles at the edge of the starting line, paddling her feet lightly. The girl turned around as I approach, but she's looking ahead instead of me.

"Yui..." I call out, but she pushed out of the edge and started swimming, like she couldn't see or hear me.

"Yui" I jumped into the pool and followed behind her, diving deep into the water without taking my eyes off the target ahead. The afternoon sun radiates into the deep waves, illuminating the beautiful figure in front of me, who sashays along in her black bikini, her hips swaying effortlessly like a mermaid.

She emerges to the surface as she reaches the other side, while I'm still several feet behind.

"Yui!" I called again in the water, but she's pushing her body up to leave the pool. No! I thought to myself as I grabbed onto her ankles and pull her back down, myself emerging to the surface. She looks back and finally notices me.

"Who are you?" She asks with a friendly smile.

Shocked that she doesn't recognize me, I hold her hands urgently and demands, "It's me! It's Sae!"

"No," Her face darkens into a serious look. "Miyazawa Sae doesn't exist."

"I do, I do!" I grab hold of Yui's shoulders and started shaking them. "I'm here, right in front of you!"

"Ah are here, with flesh and bones," She pulls me closer to her, cradling my waist with one hand and running her fingers on my cheek with her other hand. I can feel my ears heating up. "So real...and so soft." Her fingers slightly depressed on my lips before brushing off. I looked down in embarrassment, but my eyes landed on her chest, which is half-submerged in the water, showing the tempting line and the shape of those lovely beings in her black bikini obscurely under the ripples. Yabaiiiiiii, Miyazawa, don't!!!

"You are such a pervert." Yui smiles darkly as I gulp and look back at her. She's totally acting weird, like she's on drugs or something. She pulls the stiffened me into her arms, and whispers in my ear.

"Say it," A ticklish sensation passes all the way from my skin to my pounding heart. "Say that you need me." I thought that I'm responding but my mouth only gapes without any sound coming out. That's because she has wrapped her legs around my waist underwater. I can't.....what's going on???!!!!

She starts nibbling on my ear, and continues down on my neck. I'm gasping shamelessly.

A pang of shot suddenly digs into my shoulder, and I shout in pain!

*/DREAM ends


My body shot up in shock, as I find myself sitting on my bed, the vibrating phone on my side. It must have fallen from the counter and hit my shoulder. Good lord, what was I dreaming??

I took and deep breath and answered the phone, "Morning, Nezumi."

"What took you so long to answer? Meet me in an hour in front of the field near the hospital, where I saw you last night." The phone clamped shut before I had a chance to say anything.

I rub my chest slowly as I'm still trying to calm down. I can't believe I dreamt about such things. Am I that desperate? Can I really accept that I will never exist, never be a part of Yui's life? I think I still can't let go yet. I look at the phone beside me and sigh. I can only protect them now, that's all I can do...

At eight, I showed up and see the mouse tapping her feet impatiently. She didn't say anything and gave me a photo. "Just in case you forgot his face. I have tracked his schedules and it seems that he comes to the hospital a lot to visit someone..."

I zoned out of her talk as I look at the photo, my brows furrowing together inadvertently.

"Nezumi, that's not the guy..." I said out loud, unsure.

"What?" Nezumi snaps out of her talk and pointed at the photo, which looks like a snapshot of a surveillance camera.

"It's him. I recognize the jacket." She points at the jacket, which is indeed the jacket that the scumbag was wearing. But his face, though slightly unclear from the dimly lit street, is definitely not the same.

"Yes, the jacket is the same one...but"

"There is no buts. This snapshot is from a store's surveillance camera on the sidestreet near the alley you were fighting in. It took me so long to find the guy wearing the same jacket. The time is at 9:45, around 15 minutes before that happened."

"Nezumi," I clasp my hands on her arms. "Please, I know you don't have to believe this, but it's really NOT the guy. I know it. I fought him, and I punched his face, so I am sure of this."

She shrugs me off and narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Who else could it be then? I have the evidence, so stop fooling with me."

"I don't know why they are wearing the same thing, but"

"Stop it! Let me ask you, and answer me honestly, do you know who the jacket belongs to?"

"It...there's a label that says 'Miyazawa'." I answered in defeat.

"There you go." She said and turned around, adding coldly. "He leaves hospital at 9pm tonight. We ambush him on the way to the station, right here, at this field. Come again at 8."

O come on!!! I scream to myself as I see her leave. How do I prove it's not the same guy? And why, if that scum is not Miyazawa Kengo...why did he have his jacket? I scratch my head furiously as I walk back home. Maybe...maybe something happened and the jackets were swapped? I mean, it's just a plain uniform jacket that all Sabado high school kids have. Maybe it is Miyazawa, just not Miyazawa Kengo? I mean, it's a common last name. Should I go through the whole yearbook to find other Miyazawas out? I stopped my feet and rush to my left, the way to Sabado high school.

After briefly explaining some excuse about researching local schools for my senior-project, I was surprised to be let in. Or maybe because it's a yankee school, so they don't really care about security. Anyway in the library, I saw the familiar grey hoodie and dangling backpack again.

Nezumi heard the doors slide open and asks as she turn around, "Is that you, Gakuran?"

I bit my lip and walk towards her. "Found anything?"

"There are four Miyazawa's in this school. Does any of them look like the douchebag that assaulted Yukirin?"

"No..." I speculation is wrong. Although I'm glad that Nezumi believed me and came here to double check on the guy's identity, my answer is just going to strengthen her resolve.

"So it is Kengo then." She snaps the book shut and left.


I am just about to head out of the apartment, as I receive a call from Nezumi.

"We're aborting our plan."


"Miyazawa Kengo is dead." WHAT???

"I was stalking near the hospital and saw an ambulance came in this evening. He's in it, along with another girl, who seemed to be his girlfriend. Appears they were both in a car accident ten minutes away from here. I heard they were speeding. Must be running away from some other shit they did. Good riddance..."

"So..." I really don't know what to say now, as I'm still shocked at the turn of events.

"You don't need to come anymore. I'm going back home too. Good night, Gakuran." She sounds relieved on the other side of the phone, so I said goodbye and hung up.

Wow.....what? I feel sorry for the guy somehow, as I look at the blurry surveillance photo in my hand. I don't know if he's a bad person, but at least I know he's not the one who did it, so I still feel sorry for him. He looks a bit nervous in the photo, which somehow makes me uneasy too. I put the photo down on the table as I sat down in my apartment, but I can't take my eyes off him.


A few days have passed without any news or calls from Nezumi or Black. I resumed my practice with Choukoku to kill time in the slow school holidays. Suddenly, my phone rang, it's Nezumi.

"Just...come over to Black's place, now! And...and buy some napkins!" She snapped her phone shut after the command, leaving me confused as hell.

When I reached their home with a bag of napkins, I knocked on the door, only to be greeted with a sharp wail.

"Sorry," Black opened the door, showing me the source of the wail. A baby is crying in her hands. "You have awoken her."


Mayu dragged me inside and closed the door. Both girls looked like they haven't slept for days.

Black has moved back to the bed, caressing the baby in her hands, and looking at her lovingly through her dark-circled eyes. Mayu has been making milk, pouring boiled water over an obviously wrong amount of milk powder in the bottle.

"Wait! Let me do it!" I took over, read the formula can once again and scooped some power out. "Gosh, are you trying to choke the baby to death with that much powder?"

"It's all your fault!" Mayu threw a soft punch on my shoulder, pouting.


"She said she found the baby crying in the field near the hospital, the night when you're supposed to meet up for some evil plan that she's not willing to tell me." Black shoots a death glare at her girlfriend as she speaks.

"Why didn't you bring her to the police?" I asked.

"There's no identity on her. She's crying so badly and I don't want to leave her alone. So...I brought her back... It's all your fault, Gakuran!"

"Well, what do you want me to do now?" I look at the two poor girls, shaking the milk in the bottle to get it ready.

"Change her diapers."

I blurted into a bitter laugh. "Why do you think I know how to do this shit!" I walked towards the baby and take her into my hands.

"Aw...look at her, ain't she so sweet..." Black comments encouragingly. I nodded in agreement even though I had wanted to say something along the lines of getting her proper help at the social center.

"Gakuran," Black said. "We've thought about it. I want to adopt her."

"Are you crazy?" I look at Mayu for help, but she shook her head.

"I want to be her mama too."

"Mama-rin and" Black gazes at Nezumi lovingly.

The child is now chuckling, holding my pinky in her small hand. My eyebrows raise when I saw a small dot between her eyes, and the thick eyebrows above them. She looks so familiar...somehow...

"She likes you a lot, Sae-kun!" Mayu exclaims in joy.

My mouth gapes in shock.

"What's her name?" I asked hesitantly, very much afraid of hearing the truth.

"Em....we haven't really decided yet. We're just calling her aka-chan (A/N: little baby)."

"I see," With the most careful way I could think of, I helped changed her diapers and fed her milk, while the two new mummies take a rest.

I sit at the table to observe the baby, who's now asleep in my arms, in order to consider all probabilities. The birthmark on my left heel is found at the same spot on the baby. The age matches, though I should've been born a few months later, according to my birth certificate. The potato nose, check. The messy, dense hair, check. I can't believe I'm holding myself in my arms! Not only that, several things dawned upon me. First, I'm not Kashiwagi Yuki's kid. Second, if Mayu's there that night too, chances are that Black would not get raped anyway. Third, my birth is still an unknown mystery. And lastly, Watanabe Mayu had been my mum at some point, explaining why there's a special affinity between me and her.

"Looks like you're very much in love with her?" Black has woken up now. Leaning down to give a kiss on Mayu's forehead, she climbed over the fast-asleep girl and got out of bed.

"Em..." I nodded, not knowing what to say. Of course I love myself, duh...those two...they better take good care of me. I thought back at that bottle of milk that could've almost choked little Sae to death and shudder.

"Here..." Black wrapped a blanket around me, thinking that I'm actually cold.

"You must think that we're crazy, right?" She sits down beside me and pours herself a glass of water.

"You've just graduated and Mayu is still at school...I'm just thinking, if that's the wisest thing to do..." Though I'm thanking kami-sama in my mind at the same time as I said this.

"I think it's a bit crazy too, but somehow, the baby reminds me of someone I can't quite put my finger on....the first time I lay my eyes on her, I already swear to myself that I will never let her go. The strange thing is, even Mayuyu have a special feeling for her too, and till this day, she couldn't explain why she started crying when she handed her into my hands. If anything, the baby strengthens the bond between us. She's like, a gift from God to Mayuyu and me."

"You guys have just been back together for two months. Taking care of the baby is going to eat up a lot of your time."

"That's what I've been telling myself, logically too. After all, I've spent all these years separated from much that I...even thought I fell in love with somebody else..." She's talking about me, as her glance still shifted away from mine momentarily when she said it. "But with the baby, I see a different side of Mayu. She no longer cares about controlling everything, or revenge, or destroying herself due to her hate for her father. All her energy is now put into us. The baby completes our family."

"As long as she makes you happy..." I glanced at little Sae and smile bitterly. To say the truth, I still don't know if this is the right thing to do. The image of Mayu's gravestone, and the agony on mama's face when I said those hurtful things, began to resurface on my mind.

"Sometimes," I continued. "I wonder what the purpose of my existence is."

Black is startled at this sudden turn in the topic of discussion.

"Sorry, ignore what I just said..."

"Sae..." She looks at me with concerned eyes. "You're the most important person to me, like Mayu. I'm sure she loves you a lot too, for what you've done for her. There are so many people who owed their happiness to you. You just don't realize it."


"Also, the baby needs you. I'm counting on you to become her uncle."

I chuckled at the thought of being my own uncle, and said, "You just want a babysitter, right? Well, no worries, at least I have nothing to do between now and next school year. You and Mayu, better get things settled before then..okay?" I winked and gave her back little Sae.


For the next few weeks, the secret of having a child has been kept exclusively between the three of us. The scheming Nezumi has found a way to secure a source of fund from her dad without raising any suspicion. Black found a job in the supermarket, leaving her with me and Mayu during the day. Usually, the task of cleaning the house, getting groceries and cooking...etc. lay in my hands, while Mayu takes exclusive care of little Sae. They are still finding a way to register the baby under Black's name legitimately, and so, they're still fighting over the name of the baby.

"Mayu, the baby is suffocating if you continue to wrap that many layers around her. It's midday!" Sometimes, I worry about my chances of survival in those clumsy hands.

"O crap!" Mayu shouted and began to take off some layers, feeling the baby's forehead to make sure she's not in a fever or anything.

What she lacks in experience, she overcomes it with love, like all parents.

"Have a drink," I hand Mayu a glass of juice, while the baby sleeps in the cot we built with scrap wood.

"The money I got from dad...I think I'll just keep in a safe place unless we absolutely need it one day. I don't want her to grow up with dirty money, like I did."

"Mayu..." I sat down beside her and let her lean on me. "Otsukaresama..." I stroke her hair gently. Over these few months, she's become like a little sister to me, and I'm very thankful of her genuine love towards little Sae.

"You must be really tired." A question that's been on my mind for days finally escaped my mouth. "Mayu, do you ever regret picking her up that night?"

She looks at me straight in my eyes. The look on her face has a resoluteness not found in any girl her age. Gone is the fake smile and evil eyes.

"If it's for Yuki, I'll never regret."

The opening of the door distracted us. It seems that Black has come back, with a box in her hands. As discussed and agreed with Black, I stood up and took my little self out of the cot.

"I want to take aka-chan out and visit Choukoku, so she can meet her other uncle." I winked and smirked at them before leaving with the kid. Passing by Black, I whispered, "Don't go all out...I can't go to work on behalf of you...okay?" The red-faced Black kicked my butt as I dodged deftly and closed the door. Ever since little Sae came into their world, they've been busy taking care of her, barely having any time to themselves. I guess it's time I do my baby-sitter's job, especially when Black expressed the desire to surprise Nezumi with a belated birthday celebration.


I took little Sae to Choukoku, then we both visited Yuko-san's grave.

"Yuko-san...look at her....maybe we'll name her Yuko, after you." I said.

"Gakuran, she's not ours to name." Smacking on my head gently, she looks back at the baby, who's laughing at me and flinging her tiny hands happily on Choukoku's back. I gave myself a finger for laughing at me, then look at Yuko-san's portrait and smile.

Yuko-san, I think I've found a purpose in life, and I've found out how much I'm loved. No matter what is coming ahead, I've been able to witness happiness in my parents' eyes. To know that they are thankful about my existence is more than enough.

Yuko-san's smile seems to have turn into a beam, and even a laugh.

"It's time to go back..." I heard her voice calling at me from above.

"It's time to go back," Choukoku patted on my back again, concerned at my stunned look. I shrugged and answered, "Yeah...let's go."

It's past midnight before I left Choukoku's place. Baby Sae is now sleeping happily on my back as I nearly reach their home. A newspaper is blown to my feet, which I picked up to have a look.

"Politician Watanabe Tomozuo apologizes for Land-use Scandal, Attributing Blame to Daughter"


I tiptoed into the apartment, placing the baby in a cot without stirring up any noises.

There are finished dishes on the table, and clothes lying on the floor, beside the bed. My cheeks heated as my eyes moved up to the clothes' owners, who are fast asleep around each other's arms under the sheets, showing only their bare shoulders and arms. I'm relieved that I didn't see anything I shouldn't.

A picture perfect family right in front of my eyes -- complete and safe in each other's love. I crumpled the newspaper in my fist. I will do everything to protect them.



- the mystery about the scumbag who assaulted Black is not solved yet
- the mystery about Sae's birth will also be answered later in the story

Question for readers: do you want me to write a one-shot about BlackXNezumi's night together? As I can't do it in Sae's POV. And, do you want a clean version or not? Though obviously, if it's the latter, I will follow the rules and post it in the special access forum. Thanks a lot!

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #87 on: July 26, 2013, 04:50:40 PM »
NOOOO, so Mayuyu's dad put an accusation on her that he did all the corruption for her? That's just... evil. Now I really wonder how she will die. :/
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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #88 on: July 26, 2013, 05:38:11 PM »
Yes i want it mayuki night time,not clean way LOL
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 10:45:17 PM by kurogumi »


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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #89 on: July 26, 2013, 05:46:02 PM »
Mayu's dad  :angry: Hope everything will be alright to Mayuki and Sae too.
Nice chapter, and baby Sae appears  XD It's interesting to see Sae is taking care of her younger self.
Thanks for this update. :P

And I want BlackxNezumi oneshot. But I'm still underage in order not to "revive" my pervert mind, I prefer the clean version :P.

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #90 on: July 26, 2013, 05:47:11 PM »
thanks for the update...

i want mayuki time, clean version...  :grin:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #91 on: July 26, 2013, 06:18:44 PM »
Saee you pervertt! XD nyahahahahaha :lol:

the "i wonder what the purpose of my existance" part is hit me.. :cry: sometime i feel like that too..

Black nezumi smut???? Nnnnnnn-ah.. Let the other choose..

Thankss for the update! Sorry if im always bothering you :bow:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #92 on: July 26, 2013, 06:28:16 PM »
Lovely family Sae lucky but Mayu died :(
Mayuki were so sweet and Sae-chan what a pervert XD
I don't know why when I was reading this chapter my heart hurts  :cry: even that still nothing happened  :(
I'm really scared  :cry:
If Mayu died because she was protecting aka-chan (Sae) then maybe it's it's her Dad is the cause of all of this  :?
yeah maybe  :huhuh
I wonder what Sea will do I want real Yui not flashbacks :'(
I want a smut of BlackxNezumi oneshot too XD
« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 01:21:51 AM by mo-chan »

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #93 on: July 26, 2013, 09:14:33 PM »
Oh, fuck, no, Mayuuuu. Why does your life get screwed over again and again?

And yes to MaYuki smexy taimu :inlove: :cow:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #94 on: July 27, 2013, 12:08:46 AM »
Damn Watanabe Tomozuo i will kill him with my own hands! grr :c
So Mayu found Sae :o that's really sweet ^^ she pick her and she will never regret it :3
Though things are getting more dark now, right? i hope Sae and Yuki can protect Mayu, i want her alive :c

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #95 on: July 27, 2013, 12:13:07 AM »
Noo!! And they were starting to be a good family... (TT_TT)
grr... the damn dad... he's worse than he is in the actual drama...

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #96 on: July 27, 2013, 03:06:51 AM »

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #97 on: July 27, 2013, 04:12:56 AM »
Mayu's dad should be killed haha!

and SaeYui's pool scene. mehehehe  :wub: :inlove:

can't wait for the next update :D  :bow:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #98 on: July 27, 2013, 06:34:36 AM »
the dream :on bleed: I would love to switch place with sae there :on bleed:

so sae was wonder she didn't fade away when she save yuki before :on lol:

sae babysitting herself and let the parents having their smexy time was :on lol: and :on bleed: at the sametime

wait,the culprit behind mayu's death was her own father :dunno: damn politician :grr:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 13/16)
« Reply #99 on: July 27, 2013, 06:55:25 AM »
yes me too~

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