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Author Topic: Kate's OS Box ~ Untitled [SayaMilky] - Update (15/5/16)  (Read 213354 times)

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #280 on: January 14, 2014, 08:02:07 AM »
Time for the commenting of Part Two of this fic~

I have a feeling that I will love this part as well...

~Part Two: Bloom~
See what I mean??? Just look at the title~ I love it already~! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Jurina was caught in an accident with her first family??? Man that's tragic..   :( :(

“H-Hey! Don’t swing around with that knife in your hands!”
I know you're excited and all but calm down, yo~! You don't wanna be butchering your friend with that thing in her house.. It ain't gonna be pretty, girl~
My real mom would have chased us out of the kitchen by now lolol

The young girl closed her eyes recalling the face of the kind gentle dad that adopted her. His smile was utterly gentle to her all the time ever since she’s adopted. He saved her from the car accident back when she was 7 years old. However, he didn’t survive through that fatal injury when he arrived at the hospital. That was when Jurina’s kind mother changed drastically as if a demon possessed her. She blamed for her husband’s death onto Jurina and it had been 2 and a half years of she went through abuse…
I would like to volunteer to perform exorcism on this demon.. I need a wooden stick, a hammer and some garlics..
Oh wait... That's for vampires.. LOLOLOL
Oh, forgive me... I don't need awooden stick, a hammer and some garlics for that.. Just get me a cleaver..
Man, I don't care if you're a female or if you've been an angel before the accident.. Child abuse was never an option, lady..
Oh, you're crazy, woman.. You need to be punished...

She slowly walked to the table and grabbed three pills from the plastic bag. She swallowed it with water and went to lie down on the bed. She had to wait for a little until the throbbing pain inside her head would settle down. She wiped her nose to check whether for any traces of blood. Luckily there was none since she took the med right on time. If she didn’t take the meds to maintain her blood pressure she could have a bad nosebleed and fainted as a result. She hid it well from her friends, especially from Rena.
Now come on, Kate~ Don't you do this to Jurina now~  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I see..... So it was that car accident that made Jurina forget about meeting Rena-chan~ (again like a certain amnesia fic I read)

However, it seemed the topic this morning was about Rena’s dream last night. She had a dream about her childhood, and about her Ju-chan again.

“I dream about her again…I wondered why I’m having such frequent dreams about Ju-chan these days.”

“Hmm, who knows? Maybe it's a good sign we might find her.”

“I hope so too…I’ve been waiting to see her, for 12 years already.”

“I believe she’s looking for you too.”
Rena, girl~ It IS a good sign.. Aren't you like.... looking at Ju-chan right now? Stop flying all over the world looking for Ju-chan lolololol

Jurina realized some gossips going around the classroom regarding her and Rena. A group of girls were gossiping about their class rep.

“Tsk…isn’t Rena clinging onto Jurina? I bet she wants to get close to Mayu-senpai and Miyuki-senpai.”

“I bet she’s using Jurina…such a cunning class rep.”

“Doesn’t Rena admire Mayu-senpai so much?”

“I heard about that before! I bet she’s doing whatever she can to get close to her admirable senpai…”
Man, these lil bitches gotta learn to mind their own business..
You pay school fees to gossip in class? Hmmmm? Yes? Shame on you then~!

She tried to suppress her anger as much as she could for Rena’s sake. She knew that Rena wouldn’t want her to use physical force to solve problems. Jurina took Rena out from the bathroom but before she did, the group of girls stood in their way to stop them.

“Why are you saving her? I don’t understand.”

“She’s using you! We’re trying to save you here.”

“Believe us, we know that witch’s true self--”
Man, I will bitch-slap them back to Mars and let the space monkeys take them away for experiments..

“I…I think I love someone just as much as her.”

Jurina’s eyes grew wide as she was surprised to know that Rena had someone that she liked more than her best friend that she kept talking about. It made her so curious that she actually asked for more details.

“Oh wow…who’s this lucky person?”

“I-I can’t tell you yet!”
Oh, come on, Jurina.... Really? I mean.... REALLY??

Conclusion for Part 2 : From the number of times Rena's face flashed red in this chapter, I'd say she has a serious case of high blood pressure lolol
Try poking her face when she's blushing.. You'll see heart-shaped blood squirting out of her face~

I'm not done commenting the whole story yet~!
2 more parts to read, 2 more comments to go~!!
For now, CHIAOZ~!

Offline olive29

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #281 on: January 14, 2014, 08:10:15 AM »
It's a really long story... but wonderful  :inlove:

It's sweet, but there's also sad part..

I really really love how protective Jurina towards Rena..
She was protective towards her when they were in orphanage and she's also protective towards her even though they've been apart for a long time.
Jurina always protect Rena... and I love it  :inlove:  :wub:
She's like Rena's personal guardian angel...

Poor Jurina's past..  :cry:
But, good for her that the Watanabe family adopted her.
They're a good family for her.
And I see some JuriMayu moment there..  :grin:

I'm happy Jurina could be together with Rena again.
They're like fated to be together..

Thank you for this wonderful story..
Keep up the good work...  :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #282 on: January 14, 2014, 09:05:17 AM »
Time for commenting for Part 3~

~Part Three: Fear~
Okayyyyyyyyyy~ This title is giving me a weird feeling already~

That was when she saw Jurina took one flower out from her father’s bouquet and put it onto the adjacent tombstone.

“That is…”

“…That’s my mom. She died in the car accident when I was 14 and I was in it too. I’d been in recovering in the hospital for 3 years under Watanabe-san’s care and as a result, I was adopted by them and moved to Tokyo.”
Is that the abusive demon? Well, she got punished for child abuse finally..
And make sure Jurina is not in the car if you want to kill yourself, lady..
But still... Jurina's a good child~
Consider yourself lucky, woman.. lolol

It was too late. The thick branch at the head struck her. The boy hit her so hard that the branch broke in one hit. She flinched and then she fell on her knees onto the floor. She felt utterly dizzy and she was bleeding. She seemed to get a huge cut on the right side of her head.

“S-She’s bleeding…! Isn’t this too much??”


The boy’s senses returned and he realized that he overdid things.
Boy, your senses returned after you hit a girl with a stick? Where'd your senses go? To Thailand?
Your senses should have returned even before you raised that stick on a girl, fool!
Never raise your hands against a girl....unless she will kill you if you don't..
Otherwise, you have no reason to hit a girl at all..
You're one messed up kid.. I should send you to Thailand and convert you into a female.. (no offense kate lolol)

“The mother drove through one of the sharpest curve of the streets of the mountain, intentionally…she took her child with her to suicide.”

Rena’s eyes grew wide with shock as the story continued. The whole tragic started right after the father died because he saved his daughter. The mother changed as if she was a complete different person, as if she was possessed by a demon. She physically abused and harmed the poor helpless child that the family adopted. The mother constantly yelled her that she’s a cursed child that brought doom to the family and killed the father.
This bitch... I told you to remove Jurina from the car if you wanna kill yourself.
Why you gotta bring an innocent child with you?
Jurina's the cursed child?
Who's the one being possessed by a demon again?
Oi, demonic woman, if you think Jurina brought doom to the family then you're the one bringing doom to humanity..
What kind of mom blames and abuses a child like this?

“You still that person you love just as much as Ju-chan… I believe both of us can move on in our life and lastly… thank you, Rena.”

She simply watched Jurina turning her back and left her alone under the tree. Rena stretched her hands towards her, but then she retracted with fear in her heart. She wanted to follow her…but at the same time it felt as if something was stopping her…she only watched Jurina disappeared into the rain and that was when she felt warm tears flowing down her cheeks.

“…If that one I love is not you…then things would be so much easier…!”

She couldn't contain her feelings and collapsed onto the ground helplessly. She was left crying alone in the middle of the cold rain. When she learned the whole truth regarding the one she loves, she had too many thoughts that made her lost her words to say anything. It’s too bewildering, sorrowful, and agonizing for her to handle. She thought she able to move on from Ju-chan, but in the end…she ended up fallen in love with the same person…it was as if destiny was making fun of her…
God damn it, just confess already~!! Y U LEAVE RENA IN DA RAIN????

“I see…so she didn’t tell any of you all. Watanabe Jurina already transferred out from our school few days ago. She would no longer be in our class anymore.”
Great.... Just great.... Oh, good job, you...... GOOD JOB *two thumbs high up in the sky*..... You see what happens if you keep stalling, Rena?

And you, Jurina... Why you gotta leave without saying a word? You should leave a note or something when you leave...
Unless you're going to Narnia.. Then NEVER leave a note..

Oh, you're awesome as always, Kate  :twothumbs :twothumbs

As usual, one more comment coming up~
The final one~
And the last part better have a good ending, Kate~

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #283 on: January 14, 2014, 09:43:52 AM »
Finally reached the last part of the story/comment~

Their senses told them that the reason Rena was being so joyless must be related to Jurina’s sudden transfer.
LOLOL Furuyanagi.. You don't say~

“Rena-chan, you seemed really down ever since you got back. Is something a matter?”

“…Not really.”

“Is it about Jurina-chan?”
Once again, Rena's mom... You don't say~

“She dropped out from school to do her full special rehabilitation to treat her TBI at the orphanage she came from since she was adopted. She said… she wanted to remember the past she long forgotten for someone’s sake.”
Oho............ I see now...... Good job, Jurina.. You really didn't go Narnia.. Good job.. *thumbs up*

Her eyes diverted at the clock and realized that it’s about time that Aeri had to return back to her class. She decided to send her off at the front of the classroom, but before Jurina left, Aeri grabbed onto her shirt again.

“Please smile…neechan.”

Jurina’s eyes grew wide and then she nodded softly before she let out a smile of contentment. This young child made her felt so relieved for some reason. It was as if this child reminded her of something that always brought her happiness. She couldn’t remember what it was, but her subconscious did seem to remember it well.
It doesn't matter who this little girl reminds you of...
When a little girl ask you to smile, you smile...
Or you could pinch her face first.. then smile...

She missed all those moments with her, but things would work as both of them wished. Even Rena said she moved on and fallen in love with someone else that wasn’t her Ju-chan…the young Watanabe knew that Rena hadn’t give up on her yet. Rena was still looking for her even until now, despite her Ju-chan that she knew no longer existed anymore. Even though Jurina and Ju-chan were technically the same person…they had complete different heart. When the young Watanabe thought of that, it pained her so much that she could be seen as a substitute. She decided to run away and try to forget about Rena instead. She once thought that she shouldn’t have meet with her at the first place…but at the same time she felt utterly blessed.
Damn it, Jurina... Not a good reason to run away from the love of your life, girl..

“Goddamit, Jurina!!”

Rena grabbed onto Jurina’s arm and pulled it away so she wouldn’t be able to block her ears. At least she wanted her to hear these words clearly and she wished that it would reach Jurina’s heart.

“I LOVE YOU—!!!”

The young puppy girl froze and her eyes grew wide with shock. Her eyes still remained staring on the floor and she could see droplets of water splashed onto the floor. That was when she realized that those were actually tears…from Rena.

“Dammit…! You’re the one that I love…more than anything else…!”
FINALLY~!  :heart: :heart: :heart:
Somebody give Rena a cookie~!

“I don’t want you to disappear again, I know I’m being selfish right now but please…be with me.”
I squealed~  :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

Jurina blushed and gripped tightly onto Rena’s shirt while diverting her eyes onto the floor. She wasn’t as courageous as the class rep, which was able to confess her feelings so boldly like this. Jurina wasn’t able to utter those words just like Rena, and it’s aching right inside her heart.  However, before Jurina was able to gather enough courage, Rena spotted that melon pan key chain that was on Jurina’s finger. Her hand gently touched the keychain and her eyes stared at it directly.

“T-This is…”

“…It’s my…only light, and hope.”
I squealed again~  :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

Rena’s voice cracked since she was still crying. That instance, the gap between the two of them closed up and Jurina’s eyes grew widely with surprise. She felt that warm moist contact against her lips as Rena placed her hand onto her shoulder while another held her hand tightly. It was just so hard to resist despite Jurina wanted to push herself away. The kiss was so soft and tender…before she realized again, she closed her eyes and kissed Rena back. In that silence between them, it was as if they’re in their own world and their hands intertwined with each other, tightly. Both of them wanted the kiss to last forever, but obviously they couldn’t since they hadn’t clear their problems yet at all. However, it seemed this one single silent kiss they shared really broke down the wall between both of them.
And again~  :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

They both giggled softly and finally pressed their lips against each other with utmost desire. Rena’s hand snaked up to the back of Jurina’s nape to pull her in closer, while Jurina’s hand held onto her perfect curved hips. Their feelings for each other were all poured out into the kiss they shared. It wasn’t that long that they tasted each other’s lips and their tongues intertwined with each other passionately. As Rena was about to lose her breath and tried to back off to take some air, Jurina pressed in and pulled Rena in closer to deepen the kiss even more. Obviously, the young Matsui didn’t expected it, and she didn’t dislike it either. There were too many feelings that were expressed through this silent kiss they hand. It seemed that was the only thing they needed after all.
And again~  :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

Rena couldn’t hold back her smile and embraced Jurina tightly in her arms. She was utterly glad that she grabbed hold onto her precious despite all the confusion she had in her heart.

“I miss you…Jurina.”

Now that she was in her arms, she promised to herself that it would never let go of Jurina ever again. They were each other’s light and future. Their past that they used to share wouldn't be as valuable as much as the future they’re going to create together.
Okay.. Lemme just squeal for the last time~  :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

Oh gosh finally I finished all the parts...

I used like 4 hours to read+comment for this fic, yo~!

Once again, Thanks for this supah long fluff for my birthday~  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

You're the MOGOFGONGOL indeed  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Now that you're done with this fic.....


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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #284 on: January 14, 2014, 02:18:41 PM »
Woaaaaahhh, i just want to say one word :

Woww, kate-san you should make your own novel! :twothumbs
I love the tsundere part of Jurina, too. Thanks for the fluuffyy story kate-san :twothumbs  XD

"Once I told Yui a message, 'no matter what happens, I only want Yui to be by my side.' To think of it, it just become a vogue, isn't it?"

-Shimazaki Haruka-

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #285 on: January 14, 2014, 02:27:43 PM »
I think ...  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I think I'm totally in love with this fanfiction ...   :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #286 on: January 15, 2014, 09:04:53 AM »

 :luvluv1: :shy2: :shy2:

It sounds very kira kira at first.....  :mon innocent:
I'm very Love the way of Rena and Jurina become closer from Jurina's come....
I reaLLy Love the way Rena Look at Jurina....... :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

I know it must have a mean with "Watanabe" name of Jurina.... And I'm not think it so sad story behind it name.... :frustrated:
I'm crying when Rena confuse and Jurina go away from her Life..... :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

But finaLLy Rena was realize about her feeLing for Jurina....  :nya: :shy2:

Thank you very much for GREAT FICTION.!!! :hee: :bingo:

I'm your fans from Long time ago..... But PLEASE... Don't make a dead character again........
It's so sad....  :farofflook: :kneelbow:

Arigatou Gozaimaasu....

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #287 on: January 15, 2014, 02:51:49 PM »
Even though Wmatsui in not one of my OTP, I got the motivation to read this super long OS because I know this is going to be another masterpiece from you. :D

They are so cute. :heart: Little Jurina was very protective to Rena even until they grew up. :inlove:

That mother was too cruel to the innocent girl. Hurting poor little Jurina very bad. Jurina has too many scars, which reminded her all the worst times she had, in her body. :cry: But Jurina stayed strong because of Rena.

Mayuyu the onee-san. :luvluv2: I would be glad to be in Jurina's position. Hehehe. XD Mayu and Milky are completely opposite. Mayu became cold to Rena and said words that could wake up Rena but I guess she didn't understood what Mayu meant. :nervous While Milky was making things easier for Rena.

The climax was great too. Jurina claimed that Rena loved the past her and she totally believed what she thought without hearing out Rena. She ran away :( but Rena found her and KYAAAA! :nya: :nya: :nya:

You never fail in sharing beautiful stories to us. Thank you very much Kate-sama. :kneelbow:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #288 on: January 16, 2014, 06:50:11 PM »
I LOVEEEEEEEEEE THIS :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
MOREEEEEE PLEASE :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Mirai [wMatsui] - Update (14/01/14)
« Reply #289 on: January 18, 2014, 12:53:01 PM »


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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #290 on: February 07, 2014, 06:01:30 PM »
AKB:Kingdom ~ PART II


Yuki was walking around with her brother in the banquet room greeting the guests that came to their castle. There was this huge banquet in the Vitis castle and many royal members were invited from various kingdoms. It was a huge and essential meeting between kingdoms as an opportunity to establish allies with one another. However, Kai excused himself out since he wanted to have a break from the crowd. He’s a man that preferred to be in a quiet opened place so Yuki had to take his job instead. As she was getting tired with this entire fake smile across her face, she sneaked out from the banquet hall but accidently bumped into this young man and made her fell back down onto the floor.


“Are you alright?”

The man extended his hand to her and she held it. He pulled her up and she looked up into his eyes. Those dark orbs were truly beautiful and captivating. He had a short black hair and looked amazingly handsome. However she didn’t realize she was staring at him and completely forgot to apologize to him.

“Be more careful, and look at where you’re walking.”

He scolded her lightly and it made her slightly annoyed. However, before Yuki had the chance to say anything back to him he looked down upon her as if she was like any other royal ladies that tried to impress him. He didn’t say a word and just walked away into the crowd of people within the banquet hall. Obviously, his words made the short-tempered princess annoyed but she would forgive him for once since he’s the guest after all…


“Now then…I want to start the welcoming for Roseus and Crystállum Kingdom for joining us tonight.”

The king of Vitis welcomed the royal family guests. The king and queen of the kingdoms didn’t actually come, but they sent their prince and princess to join instead. Yuki was standing with her brother, Kai, while their father welcomed their important guests onto the stage. Her eyes suddenly grew wide with shock as she saw that same rude man she met earlier. He was standing by another woman’s side and she actually knew her before. She’s eldest daughter of Crystállum kingdom, Watanabe Rena. Apparently she was born on the same year and same month as Yuki too. How surprising their appearances looked similar to each other. They both had the same height and same long raven hair. After the Roseus kingdom was introduced, it was the Crystállum representatives that were next in line.

“Thank you for inviting us to the banquet tonight, King of Vitis.”

“I’m glad you’re both are able to attend, I hereby welcome the prince Mayu and princess Rena from the Crystállum Kingdom.”

Everyone clapped his or her hands to welcome the two royal members from the Crystállum kingdom. As for Yuki…she couldn’t let her eyes away from the man she just met earlier. She didn’t know that he was actually the prince of Crystállum, and as well as Rena’s younger brother too. He looked so mature as if he was the older one. That was when Yuki felt that she should at least apologize to him for bumping into him today. She went up to him while he was standing at the balcony with his older sister. As she approached up to them, she caught the eldest princess’s attention and a smile flashed across Rena’s face.

“Ah! Yuki~ It’s been a while isn’t?”

“It is. How have you been doing Rena?”

“I’m good as usual. I hope you’re doing great too.”

Both Yuki and Rena knew each other for quite a while already. They met each other several times in the meeting and they became good friends since then. However, this was the first time she actually met with the prince of Crystállum. Mayu turned to Yuki and he had to be surprise to see her again.

“You again…”

“I came here to apologize for bumping into you. I didn’t know you’re such a precious guest of ours, prince Mayu.”

Yuki bowed down but Mayu showed no sign of accepting the apologize and gave a mocking glare towards the princess. His sharp and harsh words did not show any slight mercy to the older princess.

“So do you have to know that I’m the prince to apologize? How impudent.”

“Mayu! Stop it!”

Rena hissed back and slapped his shoulder for him to stop, but he didn’t and kept glaring back at Yuki.

“Just trying to befriend with me because prince of another kingdom, what’s your scheme? Trying to tempt me with your beauty and probably also—”


Before Mayu could even finish his words, he felt a huge hit across his face and a sharp burning pain as well. Before he realized it again he was actually slapped by the princess of Vitis as he could see the darkness and anger through those orbs. This was actually the first time someone fought back against him and actually slapped him with full power.

“Now I’m out of patience! Aren’t you being too narcissist, you freak?”

“Y-Yuki…calm down.”

Rena tried to calm down her friend, as she knew that the princess of Vitis sure had less patience to deal with someone as rude and sarcastic as her little brother. However, Mayu didn’t back off either. He smirked and continued to mock the older princess without fear.

“What if I am? You’re not that different from one of the bees swarming around me. Princess Takahashi Yuki…”

“My ASS!!!!”

Yuki raised her hand up to slap him again but he caught it first. He knew that was coming and forcefully pulled her in closer to him. Mayu didn’t stop taunting the angered princess at the slightest.

“Aren’t you the one gawking by my looks when we first met?”

She glared back at him with pure anger. She had reached her limits and couldn’t hold back her temper any longer. She hated to so much when people addressed her by her full name. In normal circumstances she would be mad already, but this was even worse than usual when its coming out from this rude prince.

“Did you FORGET that I have another hand!?”


This time, the DARK-mode princess punched with her left fist right into his face and caused him to flinched backward with sting pain. He was forced to let go of Yuki’s hand and no one would expected the princess to slap and punch the prince on their 2nd encounter. Obviously, Rena was shocked too but half of her mind already expected this coming if someone ticked off Yuki quite badly. She could rather be very barbaric and insane.

“Just because you’re the prince doesn’t make you THAT special! You insolent bastard. Don’t you EVER call me like that…!”

She walked away immediately and didn’t listen what Rena and Mayu would be saying back to her. However as the prince watched the abusive from behind, he only smirked with excitement. He accidently bit his own lips and bled, however he just wiped it away with his fist and licked the blood away. The sting pain on the punched cheek constantly reminded him how barbaric and powerful the princess was. Rena couldn’t understand what was behind Mayu’s smile but all she knew was that the prince seemed to have a little interest on the princess of Vitis, slightly more than the beginning.


Ever since then, Yuki’s hate for Mayu constantly increased as time passed by until now that they were engaged with each other few days ago due to alliance agreement between Vitis and Crystállum. Obviously Yuki was totally against it but she had to surrender to it as it was for the sake of her country’s prosperity. Even she wanted to beat the crap of the prince when her eyes laid on him due to the bitter first impression that he gave to her.

Few days later, the prince came back to visit and the king decided for him to stay around the castle to help with Kai’s work. There were a lot of rumors that prince’s dexterous skills in sustainable development from his kingdom despite his young age. Therefore, he was invited to observe the kingdom and discuss any developments that could be made within Vitis kingdom.

“Yuki, do you want to come into the town with us?”

Kai had invited his younger sister to come with him and Mayu, however she was in a dilemma whether to go or not. She only glared at him and he just put on a sarcastic smile across his face.

“It would be a pleasure for you to come with us, princess Yuki.”

She glared at him silently and couldn’t help but to go along with her brother. It’s her job to go on a short journey at the least developed areas of her kingdom in order to improve it. As she went along with her brother and her fiancé, they entered one of the town’s areas that they planned today and came to see what were the things they could do to improve. They talked to many townspeople and they bowed for the prince and the princess’s arrival. As for prince Mayu, he watched silently and observed what Kai and Yuki would usually do during their trip in Vitis. Without saying a single word, he only followed both of them and it had finally caught Yuki’s attention.

“What’s with the silence? Never been walking in the dirt of the town like this before?”

She mocked him but it only made him smirked in silence. He simply shrugged it off and pissed the princess even more. Then it was then Kai that turned over to him in order for to ask for Mayu’s opinion and thoughts so far that he had seen a part of Vitis Kingdom.

“There are lots of things that needed to be improve, especially as the public road and the lights. I’ve seen several lights that were broken as we walked through this path. I’m quite surprise that none of the citizens mentioned it.”

He bluntly pointed out and it caught Kai’s attention. Despite the prince was being very quiet, he was indeed such an observing person and realized the problem that Kai didn’t realize. It seem the rumor about Mayu’s talent wasn’t just a rumor after he had witnessed it himself. However, Yuki felt that they were insulted by the prince of another kingdom and couldn’t help but to glare at him with anger. But before the princess would have another fight with the prince, Kai stopped her and thanked Mayu for his precious opinion.

As they continued their journey around the town, Kai had learned a lot of things through Mayu’s suggestions and ideas despite the prince of Crystállum was way younger than him. Yuki only could watch and glared at prince Mayu while he was discussing about the improvements that could be done for the citizens of Vitis. They went back to the castle with the carriage and prince Kai couldn’t help but to be flattered and felt honored to work with the talented prince Mayu today.

“It is an honor to work with you today. Indeed I learned a lot of things from you.”

“Same as for me, prince Kai. I’ve learned a lot of your people as well as from you.”

Mayu smiled and bowed his head to show his honor and pleasure towards the succeeding king of Vitis. However, there was only one person that was not satisfied with Mayu and it was obviously his fiancé. However as they arrived back at the castle, they had a break before they went to have dinner among themselves.


Princess Rena joined in as well as she had been enjoying her day at the castle instead. Obviously, princess Yuki would sit by her friend’s side instead of her fiancé. The princes accompanied each other and discussed softly on their personal matters, since they would be the succeeding kings of their kingdom after all.

“Prince Mayu, my apologize in Yuki’s place…she’s sure hard to manage isn’t she?”

“Well, she’s indeed different from many princesses I met.”

The younger prince took a sip of the water and then Kai said there was something he wanted to tell Mayu as a friend, and as well as Yuki’s fiancé. The prince didn’t know what would Kai wanted to talk to him but he accepted it anyway. After the dinner was over, the princesses wanted to spend their time together since the royal siblings of Crystállum would depart back home tomorrow. Both Kai and Mayu went to the balcony of the castle with a glass of wine while watching the moon and the stars above. Mayu was indeed appreciating such beautiful scenery before his eyes.

“This is such a beautiful place, I like it.”

“I believe Crystállum is the same too.” Kai smiled and Mayu just gave him a shrug.

“So…what is it that you want to tell me?”

The younger one went straight to the point and it was about time that Kai told some interesting fact regarding Yuki’s attitude. There was actually a story behind her blunt and ferocious character and the cause was the Queen’s death 6 years ago. Mayu seemed to recall that very well when he was young that the Queen of Vitis passed away due to her chronic disease. Prince Kai constantly told Mayu that deeply, Yuki was a kind-hearted girl and despite her outgoing character. But it became very aggressive after the queen’s death. Yuki didn’t tell him anything, but Kai believed that it was the cause for her change. Only Kai realized that change within the princess.

“…Why are you telling me this?”

Mayu asked and then Kai only smiled back to him.

“Because she is your fiancé, and I can tell you care for her. I believe only you could deal with her.”

Kai tapped on Mayu’s shoulder and showed so much trust for him. The way that the prince responded back to Kai was a silent smile across his face and a firmly nod. The older one could tell such strong determination in Mayu’s eyes. After he had talked with him…he could tell that prince Mayu indeed was perfect for Yuki.

“Does she know about that she’s going to Crystállum tomorrow?”

Mayu asked up but then Kai just shook his head. It seemed no one had told the princess about it but the maids already packed up her stuffs for tomorrow’s travel. The king planned for Yuki to stay over at Crystállum kingdom in order to strengthened her relationship with prince Mayu as well as having a sightseeing of the kingdom with her own eyes. Rarely, the princess was allowed to step out from the kingdom with other reasons aside from essential meetings. Prince Mayu giggled to himself and couldn’t help but to wonder about Yuki’s reaction tomorrow when she realized she would be going to Mayu’s castle.

“Heh, I look forward to that.”


It was indeed the longest morning ever for Mayu. Obviously, he enjoyed the whole argument that Yuki had with her older brother. She would do anything it takes to not go onto the same carriage back to Crystállum with Mayu and Rena, however Kai seemed to be out of words to fight back with his arrogant sister.

“Oh please Yuki…it’s what the King asked you to do.”

“But why didn’t he tell me ahead of time?!”

Rena wanted to stop the fight but then Mayu prevented her to do so. He stood forward instead and took Yuki’s luggage right in front of her eyes. It made the princess diverted her attention and anger towards Mayu instead.

“What are you doing!? Don’t touch my stuffs!”

“You’re too annoying. Just get yourself in there and behave like a princess of Vitis should be.”

Mayu put the luggage bag along with his and Rena’s before he told his sister to get inside first. He turned his eyes to the stubborn princess and looked at her into her eyes with boredom.

“If you may, princess Yuki. Let us not delay our travel.”

Kai was indeed surprised with how Mayu was able to nail on Yuki very well. Princess Yuki only glared at him and got up onto the carriage so easily. Kai couldn’t believe how it took him forever to convince Yuki to go to Crystállum, but it took only few seconds for Mayu to manage it. He felt he was right to ask the young prince to look after his precious little sister.

“Prince Mayu.”


“I leave my sister in your care.”

“…I won’t make you disappointed.”

He smiled before he got into the carriage right after his fiancé. It was about time they took off in order to not delay their arrival time at Crystállum. It would be quite a long journey back to the kingdom, and as soon as the prince sat on his seat, he fell asleep immediately as if a spell was casted on him. It was the first time Yuki seen Mayu sleeping and it aroused her curiosity.

“He usually falls asleep like this?”

“Yeah, he always sleeps on long road trips because he always stay up late all the time. So he makes use of the long road trip to sleep instead.”

“Work huh?”

“He’s a hardworking boy. He devotes so much for the kingdom…despite at this age when he’s supposed to be enjoying his life. I could help with some workloads but he tend to not tell me at all…Mayu is that kind of person.”

Rena complimented so much regarding about the sarcastic prince, but Yuki still couldn’t believe what Rena told her yet. Maybe by going to Crystállum would make her see who actually was prince Mayu and she might be able to understand him even more than before. It would be hard to eliminate that first impression she had with him on that night. Despite it was their first time exchanging words, she slapped and punched right across his face as he constantly mocked her. Yuki wondered how things would work between her and the rude prince.


As soon as they arrived at the castle, all the maids and guards came to welcome the return of the prince and princess immediately. They helped carrying their stuffs into the castle and Mayu went to the maid to give a personal order.

“Prepare a room next time mine for princess Yuki.”

“Yes, prince Mayu.”


Yuki overheard it and the prince turned over to make a sly eye contact with his fiancé. Obviously he knew that Yuki wouldn’t be so happy with this, but since this was his castle, he could do anything he wanted.

“You are my fiancé. Isn’t it a good time for us to strengthen our relationship a little before we're married?”

“Shut up.”

The blunt princess declared straight but it didn’t make the prince moved the slightest. Other maids and guards were surprised with how princess of Vitis was arguing back against prince Mayu without fear. Before they could do anything else, one of the royal guards came up to them as the king summoned the three of them to the throne hall. It would be a good chance for princess Yuki to meet with the King of Crystállum for the first time. Despite there were so many meetings between kingdoms; the only king that never attended was the current king of Crystállum. A part of her was nervous that she would meet with this king that no one ever met before.

“Are you nervous?”

Mayu grinned and made the princess snapped. She glared at him and put on a calm gallant expression across her face.

“In your dreams. Things like this won’t make me nervous.”

“I see, I’m glad then.”

Mayu only smiled and before she could realize, he dove his face in and kissed lightly on Yuki’s head in a teasingly way. That instance, the princess retracted and it made Rena surprised as well with Mayu’s bold action towards Yuki. He could see Yuki’s reddened face that was filled with embarrassment and anger towards him. But before the princess could say anything with that badmouth of hers, he interrupted her first.

“You’re my fiancé, remember? I can do anything I want and I’m not guilty for it.”

“How impudent—!”

“If you want to say like that, that is fine.” Finally they arrived at the throne hall and the prince leered back at her. “Make sure to behave properly, princess Yuki of Vitis.”

“Look who you are talking to. You might be the succeeding king of Crystállum, but I’m way older than you, boy.”

It seem the princess stepped on the taboo and made Mayu slightly annoyed. Rena felt worried about Mayu immediately but there was no chance for her to say anything as they entered the throne hall where the king and the queen were waiting for their arrival.

“Welcome back, prince Mayu, princess Rena.” The king smiled and then turned his glance towards another princess that looked similar to his daughter. “I welcome you to Crystállum kingdom, Princess Yuki.”

“Thank you for your kind welcome, King of Crystállum.”

Yuki bowed elegantly in front of the king while Mayu constantly observed the blunt mad dog princess. As the conversation continued, the prince explained about how the King of Vitis accepted their proposal and everything should proceed on smoothly. As the princess stared at the king, he looked utterly young comparing to her father. It seemed Mayu did inherited the king’s naturally looking young genes. There were several characteristics that the prince resembled the current king. Lastly, the king told Yuki to relax and enjoy her time in Crystállum, furthermore she could stay as long as she wanted. That was one benefit she received for being engaged to prince Mayu, the succeeding king of Crystállum. As they exited out from the throne hall, they met with another woman on their way and she bowed towards them.

“Welcome back home, prince Mayu, princess Rena.”

Yuki saw this woman in a maid outfit bowed right in front of them with a smile and Rena greeted her immediately. However, unlike how the prince would normally act he remained in silence before he actually bowed his head down to her obediently.

“…We’re back.”

Then they walked passed that woman without a word further. Yuki felt rather confused and wondered who that woman was. She felt as if this person was no ordinary maid that she encountered at the front of the castle.


Mayu and the maid went to Yuki’s room to drop her stuffs before the prince ordered his maid to leave. Only the two were in the room and the prince crossed his arms in front of his chest. In that silent atmosphere, the princess only glared at him and watched every slight movement he would make.

“I’m not going to eat you or anything, stop glaring will you?”

“Then get OUT from my room.”

“Technically this is mine, not yours.”

“Shut up and go out.”

“Well then, there’s nothing much to do here, if you have anywhere you want to go, feel free to tell the maids or Rena-neechan. Do what ever you want.”

The prince left the room immediately after he finished his sentence. It seem he was here only to tell her that. He could’ve ordered the maid to tell her instead but he didn’t. Maybe this was the kindness in the prince that Rena told her before… However, she’s still not convinced by it yet.


A maid came to Yuki’s room and brought her sweets and tea for her. The woman had already prepared many things for the princess in order to provide best comfort for her. Princess of Vitis couldn’t help but to thank her and as she observed the maid…she looked apparently similar to someone.

“If there’s anything missing, please do inform me.”

“A-Ah, thank you so much…uh…”

“It’s Ayame.”

“I see, thank you Ayame-san.”

“Not at all, princess. You’re indeed our precious guest as well as prince’s fiancé.”

The maid bowed and Yuki was not in the position to argue that back. Everyone in the Crystállum kingdom would already known her as Mayu’s fiancé and its not something she could choose.

“Huhu, I bid my leave princess…prince Mayu is still young, and childish in a way. Please do take care of him.”


The maid smiled and left Yuki’s room. However, the princess was slightly surprised with the words uttered from the maid as if she was someone that knew Mayu very well. She somewhat gave a vibe of a sweet gentle mother but that’s probably because she might had a family and a child. Yuki assumed that the maid had a lot of respect and love for the prince, well, it’s something as expected though.


At the dining table, everyone was there except the prince. It made Yuki slightly wondered and then she tapped on Rena’s shoulder. She wondered about Mayu’s whereabouts and her princess friend told her that this was usual at this castle that the prince wouldn’t join the dinner if its not some special occasion. Yuki asked why but Rena only told her that she didn’t have the right to say it and its better that Yuki heard it directly from Mayu.

After the dinner was over, the maid escorted Yuki back to her room and before she entered her room…she saw the light coming out from Mayu’s door. That was when she realized that the prince was in his room. She felt like wanted to ask about his reasons not attending the dinner tonight.


“I’m busy, I’m not attending the dinner.”

The prince replied immediately as he thought its one of the maids that came to get him. However, Yuki remained in silence for a short while before she spoke up towards him in her usual way.

“It’s me. Open the door.”

There was no reply from Mayu and the next thing the door opened. His eyes met with Yuki and obviously the prince was caught off guard. He wouldn’t be expecting the princess that hated him so much to be knocking on his door like this.

“…What is it? How surprising you’re the one knocking.”

“Shut up. Why aren’t you at the dining hall?”

“Because I’m busy with my work. Now that I’ve answered your question, go back to your room.”

The prince shut the door right in front of Yuki’s face and it made her pissed off even more. She literally kicked his door with full power before she marched back into her room. Mayu didn’t respond anything back and only giggled to himself with how his fiancé was acting so barbaric. He went back to his desk to continue doing his work or else he wouldn’t be sleeping tonight.


The next day, Yuki stayed with Rena for half of the day and realized that she didn’t see the prince today yet. As she was glancing around, Rena realized that Yuki was somehow looking for the young prince.

“Mayu is in town today, as usual.”

“In town?”

“Most of the times, he will be talking to townspeople and find any flaws that could improve. He works really hard to improve Crystállum every single day.”

Yuki remained in silence with slight surprise. Now she had recalled that the prince was known for his talent in this field and was able to talk in the same level as her brother despite a huge gap between their ages. As Rena stared at silence Yuki, she came up with an idea so that the princess of Vitis would understand her younger brother even more.

“Why don’t we go see him?”


“But we’ll need to do some disguise~”


Rena escorted Yuki into the town as both changed into cheap casual clothing and put on a cloak so no one would recognize them. The princess of Vitis didn’t understand why they needed to disguise like this when Rena was the princess of this kingdom. As they entered this area that was known to be the poorest zone of Crystállum, Yuki started questioning Rena. It looked rather like a slum, and Yuki never been to such a place like this before, even in her own kingdom. It made her doubt in continuing her trip.

“Uh…what are we doing here?”

“Don’t you want to see Mayu? And what he’s doing here?”


She sighed and followed Rena closely. As they entered into this slum area, they heard a laugh of children and this teenage playing with them. He was teaching them how to read and write by using a wooden branch and wrote it on the sand. These kids were from a poor family that couldn’t support their education. Yuki simply watched this young boy in old dirty clothing while wearing an old cap and glasses. As she watched him…she felt the kindness in those eyes that he had for the kids and it made her smile unintentionally.

“That's him.”


“That’s Mayu.”

Rena smiled before she turned to Yuki. She expected a shocking expression and she couldn’t help but to laugh at it. The princess walked towards her younger brother with Yuki following from behind.



The dirty-looking boy in glasses turned to Rena and his eyes grew wide with slight surprise. The kids jumped in the air and ran up towards Rena with surprise and happiness. They called her name loudly and hugged her tightly.

“Rena-neechan is here!! Yay~”

“Everyone grew up so much~ Are you all doing well?” The princess asked all the kids around her.

“Yup! Mayu-nii is teaching us to read and write!”

“What are you doing here Rena-neechan?”

Mayu got up as he brushed the dusk on his pants. However when he turned his direction to her, he saw another figure following from behind and his eyes grew wide with shock to realize that its his fiancé. He remained in silence and diverted his attention to Rena instead.

“…Why did you bring her here?”

“She’s curious of your work. So I brought her here.”

Rena replied simply with her gentle smile. The two couple made an eye contact with each other in silence and decided to have a private talk while princess Rena played with the slum kids.



Mayu got a clean chair for the princess to sit, but he sat on the floor beside her instead. Yuki didn’t know what to ask and the person she mistaken to be a slum boy didn’t turn to her while talking.

“Why am I doing here, is it?”

He knew what’s the question that Yuki had in mind and the princess nodded. Mayu only sighed before he turned his eyes to the kids that were smiling around Rena. Since they were engaged and would be married to each other, he felt that Yuki had the right to know everything about him. Literally, everything that’s a part of him.

“I used to grow up here in the slum. My real mother is a commoner, a maid in the castle.”

Yuki froze as too many thoughts ran inside her mind wildly. She turned her whole attention to Mayu while the prince continued the story of his life. He’s born between the king’s affairs with one of the maids, not with the queen. However, she moved out to live in the slum instead in order to protect the king’s fame. Mayu was born in this zone of the kingdom, and grew up as a slum kid until he was 10…that were when the king himself came into this slum to take him and his mother back to the castle. He’s the son of the Crystállum’s king and they had no male heir so far… Mayu was the only hope the king had for the kingdom. The king loved his mother just as much as for the queen. Thank fully the queen accept Mayu’s mother as she used to serve her ever since the queen was little. She did not blame the maid that she had an affair with the king. So technically, Rena and Mayu were half-siblings. They shared the same father, but different mother.

“You met her before.”


Yuki was shocked and couldn’t hide her exaggerating reaction at all. She couldn’t recall meeting anyone that could possibly be Mayu’s mother—wait, she felt that she recalled this maid she met at the hallway on the first day after she exited the throne hall with Mayu. Also, she’s the same maid that came to serve her. She somehow spoke with a motherly tone to her and now that she thought about it…Mayu had the same eyes as her.

“W-Wait don’t tell me…”

“She volunteered to serve you no matter what I said, with the reason that you’re my fiancé.”

Yuki recalled that smile that the maid had towards her and how she told her to take care of Mayu. It all made sense as that maid was actually the prince’s biological mother. Now that the princess had thought about how Mayu wasn’t the queen’s actual son…what kind of pressure did he went through?

“Everyone in the kingdom knows me as the son of the queen…but only the higher ups and among royalties will know that I’m born from the king’s affair.”

Yuki only stayed in silence while watching Mayu finishing his line, he got up and looked towards the slum kids smiling and running around his older sister. It reminded him of times when he was a slum child, before he knew nothing that he’s a son of the king. No one would expect such a life like him.

“Crystállum is known to be the main source of gems and diamonds. Many kingdoms try to become alliances with us…many princesses and royal people attempted to flirt with me, the succeeding king.”

Mayu sighed and told Yuki about his life being swarmed by high-class ladies that wanted to be his wife. Obviously he hated all of them to the guts. They looked down so badly on the slum people and they’re honoring him because he’s the prince of such a prosperous kingdom. It made Yuki realize how Mayu was quite rude to ladies in the banquet hall on that night they firstly met. She started to understand a little bit more about the position that the prince was standing. Then he suddenly laughed out softly and caught Yuki’s full attention.

“…Thinking about it, that’s the first time someone yelled and insulted back at me, as well as a punch in my face.”

 The princess recalled that night she punched right into his face and she started to get a sense of guilt for doing such a thing like that to him. However, before she could apologize to him, prince Mayu continued where he left off.

“But that makes me like you.”

He smiled before he looked up into the sky and had those memories replayed in his mind. The scenes that Yuki argued back at him every single word he uttered like a mad dog, or even the scene that he teased her so much that it made her hate him.

“You hate me, for who I am. I like that…I rather have people see and think of me that way than loving me for my heritage. Despite you hate me, I feels really relaxed to be around you…you’re so honest and very straight forward without anything hiding behind that eyes of yours.”

He turned to her and finally revealed a kind-hearted smile for his fiancé. That instant, Yuki blushed madly and her heart began beating rapidly. It was the first time that the prince spoke honestly and calmly to her. She could feel the gallant aura radiated from him, it’s something as expected from the succeeding king.

“…Allow me to ask, why did you hate being called by your full name?”


“I could tell that you dislike it when people called you ‘Takahashi Yuki’…what made you felt that way?”

“W-Wait…how did you know?”

Yuki swore that she never told anyone about it but the prince knew it as if she told him. He simply played around with his hat without turning his glance to his fiancé.

“From the first time we met. I can tell from your voice…you hate it.”

The first time that they both met each other was actually 2 years ago at Roseus castle when many the kingdoms were invited for this big banquet. That was when Yuki met with the prince of Crystállum. However, she couldn’t believe that the prince would remember such a thing that was years ago…part of her heart felt utterly flattered with that attention Mayu gave to her.

“Do you mind I know it?”

“…It’s because I hate when people compared me to Kai-niisama and my mother.”

Yuki finally spoke up and told the whole story to Mayu regarding the Queen of Vitis’s death and how Yuki was under the pressure of her brother’s existence. Even though she was the younger sibling, there were many gossips going around how she was being too spoiled by the king and queen and wasn’t able to do her duty as a royal member of the kingdom like Kai. She tried to be strong so other people would stop gossiping about her despite her brother said don’t bother with it. However, Yuki hated to be dependent and a burden with her family. That’s why she tried to be tough and strong after her mother’s death.

“…I see. I think I know how it feels. Many did not acknowledge me when I first stepped into the castle. It’s quite harsh back in those days when many of the royal ladies constantly bullied my mother.”

It wasn’t such a happy truth that Yuki was hearing. It seemed the prince went through a lot of disdain towards him and his mother. However he turned to her and stared back into Yuki’s eyes with full attention.

“…I didn't like you because you’re the princess. Also, thank you for seeing me as Mayu, not as the prince of Crystállum…. hmmm.”

He stared at Yuki for long enough for her to felt awkward. She couldn’t calm her mind down as she was completely mesmerized by Mayu’s good-looking features. He was 3 years younger than her, yet he looked very mature and handsome.

“W-What? Stop staring.”

“…You’re cuter than what I think.”

He got up and walked towards his sister. However, the turned back again to his fiancé and left his last words that would remain carved onto her heart. Those sweet words uttered from that sarcastic lips were so genuine and pure enough to pierce right through Yuki’s heart.

“…Even you hate me. I like you, Yuki.”

After she had witnessed Mayu’s true self today, she started to believe what Rena told her about him. He’s sarcastic and rude in order to prevent ladies from approaching him. However, he went through so many things and lived as a slum boy before. A part of heart didn’t realize that she’s starting to open herself a little more to her fiancé…


Yuki called him back and caused him to stop before turning around to her. She sighed out softly before she continued where she left off. She had this curiosity that demanded for an answer.

“…Since when and why did you like me?”

Mayu only smiled and pointed to her. He showed no slight of hesitation to answer his fiance’s question. “Ever since you punched me across the face, you always had my attention every single day until now. That was the first time someone yelled back against me ever since I became the prince.”

“Are you a masochist??”

“Maybe? I felt that if any royalties whom I have to fall in love or marry to…it must be her, the princess of Vitis, Takahashi Yuki.”

Yuki froze with surprise before the prince turned back and went to join with Rena’s little group. The princess couldn’t breath properly as the young prince walked away to join with Rena. All the kids seemed to be really fond to him and Yuki could see the kindness in those dark orbs. He left the princess blushing to herself and it was the first time she felt her heart skipped a beat when her full name was uttered. She despised it so much…but its felt so flattering somehow when it came out from him.


They head back to the castle together and then Mayu held Yuki’s hand and caused the older princess to retracted her hand with surprise. She turned to her fiancé and blushed madly with that touch. This never happened to her before and her voice was quivering. 

“W-What was that for…?”

“It’s quite dangerous here. So to be safe it’s better we hold hands.”

“I-I’m fine!”

“…You sure?”


“Okay then? Just stay close to me.”

Yuki nodded softly then the three of them walked by each other’s side as they were heading back to the castle at this late afternoon of the day. The princess really did learn a lot of things regarding her fiancé, so much that it changed her view towards him. However, as they were about to exit out from the slum, Mayu felt cautious and stood still immediately.

“Mayu, is something a matter?”

Rena spoke up but the prince didn’t utter a single word but only stared onto the floor. Yuki got confused as well and tried to take a glimpse of the prince’s face. However before she could do so, the prince turned towards her and executed a punch towards her.




Yuki didn’t felt any contact but she heard a cry of a man from behind. As she turned around, there was this man that looked like a thug squirming on the floor behind her. As if he was trying to sneak behind in order to ambush princess Yuki.

“Get lost while you still have the chance.”

Mayu glared at him and it made more thugs came out from their hiding spot to surround the three of them. They believed that they could get some cash from the vulnerable girls that were with Mayu. The prince only grinned and tightened his fist.

“Very well then…an eye for an eye it shall be.”

He ran in and gave a fast thrust kick right into the man’s diaphragm. They could hear a loud crack sound and then he squirmed on the floor with huge pain. All of the were caught off guard with Mayu’s preemptive struck and charged towards him immediately.

“Oi, how dare you fight back against us you shorty!!”

A taboo word was uttered and Rena immediately realized that they would end up in a very bad shape. The prince hated the most when people pointed out his height in a direct way. All of them couldn’t catch up with his speed and one by one were knocked down with one single blow from him. But the end, all of them were squirming on the floor in agony from the deadly strike. Rena stayed closely to Yuki’s side while the princess couldn’t help but to stare at her fiancé cautiously. She didn’t know that the prince would know how to fight like this. The prince finally eliminated all his enemies but that was the chance for another thug to ambush Yuki from behind. He grabbed the princess and pulled her away from Rena in order to make her as the hostage against the young boy.

“L-Let me go!!”

Yuki resisted and pulled her arm away from the man as she stomped onto his foot. He flinched in pain and that’s the chance for the princess to escape from him. However, he grabbed onto her arm once again…but that was the worse decision he could’ve done. The prince rushed over to his princess and punched straight right into the man’s face with anger. He literally broke his nose and he’s whining in pain from the fracture.

“Don’t you dare TOUCH Yuki!!”


It was again that the prince called her name without any honorifics and with that anger tone too. She never saw the sarcastic prince mad and she never thought Mayu could be this scary when he’s angry…


Rena rushed to her side and supported the princess while Mayu was still mad with the thug that touched his fiancé, even just on her wrist but it was enough to make the prince turned into a merciless person. The prince turned to them and held Yuki’s hand tightly.

“Let’s get out of here, quick.”


Rena nodded firmly and they rushed out from this zone before any danger would approach them further. At least those thugs would learn their lessons to not judge on the appearance. The princess could feel her fiance’s grip tightly on her hands. This was the first time they were holding each other’s hand and it was unexpectedly warm…this was the gentle hand that protected her.


They finally arrived back at the castle and Rena headed back to her room, which was in another direction to change back into her usual clothes. They wouldn’t want the king or the queen to suspect about Mayu and Rena’s commoner clothing. Since Mayu and Yuki’s room were right beside each other, the two of them walked back silently. By the time they reached their room, they both forgot that they were still holding each other’s hand and it made them blushed instantly. It was the prince that retracted his hand back and covered his reddened cheek at the same time.

“S-Sorry…I didn’t realize that we’re still…y-yeah.”

“I-It’s okay.”

Yuki looked away and hoped that he wouldn’t see her burning cheeks. As both of them were standing awkwardly in front of their room, Mayu spoke up in order to break the tension of the atmosphere.

“There’s still time before the dinner…if you’re bored…w-we can walk around in the garden?”

The princess turned to Mayu and could see him avoiding eye contact with her as well as he looked very frustrated. That made her remember the confession he told her and those words repeated in her mind.

“…Even you hate me. I like you, Yuki.”

Her heart began racing wildly and she told him again about her decision after she’s done with showering. He nodded silently and went back into his room first to change his dirty clothes back into his usual prince outfit. As Yuki used her time to wash herself from the dust outside, she recalled the conversation she had with him in the slum regarding his real background, as well as the moment he saved her from the thug. When she thought about Mayu’s smile, she wanted to see more from him. She finally changed into her usual princess outfit and stepped out from her room. She promised to tell Mayu her decision regarding his invitation to the garden. She took a deep breath before she knocked on the door softly. It didn’t take that long until Mayu came to open the door. However, both of them didn’t utter a single word for quite a while…Mayu saw Yuki looking down on the floor constantly and sighed softly.

“Do you want to come in? I think its better than standing out here.”


Yuki walked in and Mayu closed the door behind her. He guided her to one of the available chairs in his room for her to sit while he went to this table that had teas and hot water ready.

“I have only teas.”

“Ah, it’s alright.”

“Okay then. Make yourself relax here. Tell me your answer when you’re ready.”

Mayu returned back to his harsh style once again. He spoke roughly and slightly aggressive towards Yuki. He was a complete opposite from the prince she talked to at the slum. She bid her lips slightly before she got up from her seat. She immediately caught Mayu’s attention and then she walked up towards to him.

“What now—”


The prince got slapped across his face once again. This time it was much more painful than the first time since Yuki really did put all her energy into this hit. Both physically and mentally…her feelings were passed through this hit and it made the prince remained in silence. He slowly turned to her but she did not make an eye contact with him.

“You sarcastic dishonest bastard! If you do like someone…do show it out! Stop hitting around the bushes and do what your heart says!”

She yelled back at him and kept her head facing down onto the floor. She didn’t want Mayu to see her face right now and she couldn’t tell what would be his reply at all.

“…I’m sorry. I’m really sucked at this…aren’t I?”

He nervously held Yuki’s hand tightly and hoped his thoughts and feelings were passed through this touch of his. Also, the princess didn’t resist that touch, but she didn’t reply a word back.

“I’m really weak aren’t I? I’m actually…scared of rejection. Sometimes I felt that I rather be hated than to be loved…I wonder why.”

“…I don’t hate you.”

“Eh?” Mayu’s eyes grew wide and she accidently blurted out clearly.

“I-I said…I don’t hate you…not anymore.”

The prince froze and felt his face burning hotter when he realized that his fiancé no longer hated him anymore after she declared her detest towards him countless times.

“…Can I call you, just by your name?”

Yuki didn’t reply anything back only but a nod. It made Mayu’s heart flattered with happiness and before he realized it, the princess suddenly shoved him away and caught him off guard. He stared back at his princess and could saw her face blushing slightly while avoiding eye contact with him.

“Oi! How long are you going to make me wait!? Are we going to the garden??”

Yuki yelled back at him like how she usually do, but Mayu felt utterly comforted by those words. Now it made him wondered whether he’s a masochist with his fiancé or not but he approached her with a smile across his face. It was a smile coming from the bottom of his heart.

“…I’m sorry, Yuki. I guess I don’t mine being betrayed, if its you.”

“Idiot, you IDIOT!”

Yuki punched right into his diaphragm and caused him to suffocate a little. He wouldn’t expect her to punch right in his weakness like this and it made him confused even more with what the princess was thinking.


“That is never going to happen…. I swear, it will NEVER happen.”


“Damn it! So are we going…??”

Yuki grumbled again and Mayu held her hands tightly. He brought it up and kissed her white beautiful fingers tenderly. As the blunt princess never saw Mayu acting sweet and gentle before, she couldn’t help to blush and felt nervous to see him giving such a special treatment to her.

“I’ll do my best to express myself a little more…and I changed my mind.”


Mayu pulled her in closer and kissed her forehead with love and embraced Yuki into his arms despite the princess was the same height as him. As the prince couldn’t see her reaction, the princess was flushing madly as if she dipped her face into red paint. Her body tensed up within Mayu’s embrace. 

“I want to be with you alone…just the two of us right now. Can we?”


“Phew. I’m glad~”

He was chuckling with relief as he let go of his princess. Yuki could see him smiling with relief and couldn’t help but to realize that her heart was opening to this younger prince of hers. They sat down on the king size bed as Yuki had her eyes caught with this photo album right beside Mayu’s bed.  The princess flipped through each page and found photos when the prince was young and it should be around the age he was brought into the castle from the slum. There were loads of pictures taken when he’s with Rena and the king. However, he had a very sad and lonely expression. But then she found this one old picture on the very last page. It was the picture back when he’s a boy in the slum with his fellow friends and his mother. He was smiling, innocently like the young boys she met today in the slum.

“This picture…”

“Back when I’m still in the slum, it’s the only photo that will remind me of my true home.”

“…I see. You looked happy.”

Mayu blinked for a second before he revealed a smile back at her. As Yuki kept looking through his pictures, he simply watched the beautiful princess’s face without diverting his attention away from her. He kept staring at her even though Yuki started realizing that Mayu was watching her.


“…You’re the only one that can stir my feelings this crazily. I guess I’m seriously falling in love with you.”

He chuckled softly like a kid and Yuki remained dumbfounded for a short while. She failed to process his words at first time and it began replaying inside his head. Mayu’s confession echoed inside her head and the next thing that happened was that Mayu scooted towards her. He held her hand and brought it up to kiss her hand. 

“Yuki…you used to hate it so much when I touch you. What changed your mind?”

The princess didn’t know how should she answer back to him. She would usually say the truth but she wondered why it was so hard to say it now. She felt that if she said it, her heart would burst out through her ribs. Yuki remained in silence and only made Mayu waited for her.

“…Please, tell me honestly. I beg you.”

He pleaded her and she’s at the verge of giving up with him. She sighed and finally brought her eyes up to his eye level. She stared into those dark orbs and could resist herself anymore.

“You’re different from everyone else I met. If its you…maybe…m-maybe I…I could loosen my heart up…a little at least.”

It sounded like a confession and Mayu couldn’t hide his smile anymore. He moved in and threw his arms around his princess tightly. Obviously, Yuki was surprised with his preemptive move but she was eventually comforted with the warmth and love she felt via this hug.


“I love you.”

Mayu interrupted her with his blunt confession as he hugged her tighter. He was embarrassed to speak honestly to her but after he did, he felt amazingly relieved. He had no regrets for what he was going to say and what he already said.

“I can love you…right?”

“Are you actually a stupid idiot? I’m your frigging fiancé…”

“Heh, so…will you hate it if you’re called Watanabe Yuki?”

He pushed off first and stared passionately into his fiance’s eyes. A moment of silence between both of them and Mayu brushed his finger against her cheek. Slowly, he traced his fingers along her jaw line and cupped her cheek to face towards him. Yuki didn’t resist nor moved away from the prince. She repeated that name inside her head countless times and she hated to admit that she actually preferred it…the voice of her subconscious answered ‘no’ back to him. Yuki allowed her heart to completely be captivated by Mayu’s eyes. Despite he’s younger…much younger than her…but she couldn’t resist not fall for him as well.

“…I love you, Yuki.”

He spoke up but Yuki didn’t respond anything aside from staring back at him with tinge of embarrassment hinted in her eyes. Mayu smiled softly before he moved in closer to press his lips against hers. However, he was slightly hesitating to kiss Yuki but he still went with all his guts and rested his lips on hers softly. It tasted so sweet for him to resist any further. Both of them tightened their grip and intertwined their fingers. The mood was escalating that Yuki started to part her lips and allowed the prince to deepen up the kiss. She twitched when she felt Mayu’s tongue contacting with hers. It was such a funny feeling yet utterly addicting. She didn’t know that a kiss could make her mind go crazy as well as butterflies in her stomach. Another hand of hers clutched tightly on Mayu’s shirt and the next thing that happened was that they both fell onto the bed while their lips were intact. Yuki tightened her grip on Mayu’s hand while the kiss was escalating further than she expected it. However, she didn’t want it to stop either.


She moaned against Mayu’s lips and made the prince flushed instantly. His fiance’s voice was just so seducing and turned him on even more. He panted softly against her lips before he resumed a more aggressive kiss. He sucked her lower lip softly and dove his tongue in to explore inside Yuki’s mouth. Her fingers got tensed up and she started to dig onto his back unintentionally. Her legs twitched but her movements were restricted as the prince was on top her. However…Mayu’s door wasn’t locked and someone accidently entered the room at the wrong timing. 

“Mayu, are you—Oh my...”

Mayu and Yuki’s eyes shot wide open and turned towards the door. They saw Rena blushing slightly and giggling at the same time. It was an awkward situation right now as both of them were kissing as well as they were lying on the bed.

“Sorry to interrupt~”

“W-Wait nee-chan—!!!”

Rena closed the door and left both of them alone again. Both of them sat up on the bed awkwardly and blushing crazily like an idiot. The kissing scene replayed in their heads and they couldn’t forget it that easily. It was technically Mayu’s first kiss and it felt amazing, especially when he was sharing with the woman he loved.

“A-Ah…Yuki, I—”

Suddenly, Yuki’s hand was on his cheek and was pinching him without mercy. He was caught off guard and then uttered with pain. It’s getting more painful as she remained pinching.


“Idiot!! You idiot! You didn’t lock the door!?”

“H-How should I know that this would happen??”

“You STUPID idiot!!”

Yuki shoved him away and caused Mayu to fell back on his back onto the bed. The princess got out from the bed immediately and headed towards the door without waiting for her fiancé. However, she stopped right in front of the door and made Mayu curious.

“…That’s my first time. So you BETTER take responsibility for that!!!”

She glared back at him, but it's a different kind of glare that she always gave to him. He could tell it was no longer the same angry glare she had for him. He could tell she was blushing and embarrassment. She looked amazingly adorable and cute in his eyes…little by little, Yuki started to open her heart towards him.

“That’s my first time too…and I’m glad that it’s you.”

He could tell that the princess was blushing harder again. It seem this was becoming a new hobby for him. Instead of him being sarcastic and making her angry…he enjoyed teasing Yuki with sweet honest words and feelings for her. When she blushed, the princess looked so adorable enough that he wanted to run in to kiss her again.

“You DAMN opportunist! I hate you!!”


Mayu couldn’t help but to laugh at his own princess. Despite she told him to be honest to her, she was the one that wasn’t being honest with him. He got up from his bed and adjusted his clothing properly.

“But I love you, my dear princess.”

“Shut up, you idiot!”

“Hehe, yes ma’am.”

She closed the door with full power and left the prince alone in his room. However, he felt much relieved that it was Yuki that he fell in love with. As he stated to her, he wouldn’t mind being betrayed if it was princess Yuki…for some reason, he fully trusted the princess. She’s being so dishonest like that made her looked utterly cute and adorable.

As Yuki went to Rena’s room, she couldn’t stop thinking about those lips that touched hers. She could feel his affection towards her and couldn’t help to admit that she was addicted to it. Now that she thought about this arranged marriage with prince Mayu…it might not be such an unfortunate after all. Part of her felt relieved that she’s engaged to this rude sarcastic yet caring prince. Eventually as time passed by…she had a feeling she might fell in love with him.

“D-Damn it…ugh…”

She touched her lips and blushed even harder. No matter what, she couldn’t seem to avoid this feeling growing inside her chest.


~THE END: Part II: MaYuki ~ The Unfortunate Love~

« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 05:44:58 PM by katekyohit »

Offline msst28

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #291 on: February 07, 2014, 07:30:15 PM »
aww kawai!!! mayuki so kawaii!!
both of them so cute...
just one question.. at introduction you wrote rena and mayu are twin. now they diff age?
whatever it is.. thanks for update

Offline Koneki

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #292 on: February 07, 2014, 07:34:30 PM »
I don't like genderbender but since we are talking about YOUR story I decided to read it and OMG OMG I LOVED IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT  :heart: :heart:

I can't wait for the wmatsui one!!!!!!!!  :cathappy:

I'm done :inlove:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #293 on: February 07, 2014, 08:04:00 PM »
Wow! Lots of trouble built up in the beginning.

But then, the two make up and everything turn out alright. Well, Yuki is still kind of a tsundere.  :sweatdrop: :doh:

Now, you better start working on updating your other stories cuz I'm always checking up.

I'm still waiting for a few things *wink* *wink*

YOROSHIKU~ :heart:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #294 on: February 07, 2014, 08:18:53 PM »
You are back ~  :twothumbs

Ahh, I expected a longer one  :P

But, as always, good story, Kate-san..  :)

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #295 on: February 07, 2014, 08:42:05 PM »
Thanks for update. :grin:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #296 on: February 08, 2014, 09:30:33 AM »
IT'S HERE!!FINALLY!!!!  :on gay:

This is too much, really. I love the plot and Mayuki's attitude. I have always loved stories with love-hate and it's a plus when it's you writing it.

I totally laughed at their meetings especially when Yuki punched Mayu. XD That was awesome. Not only Mayu's face was struck but also his heart. :wub:

Mayu being honest with his feelings is the best. Who wouldn't fall for a guy like him? He is very rude but when you see his real side that's when you will know what a great person he is. And Yuki is too hot-headed which makes things more interesting. LOL I totally love their interactions especially when they are getting closer. Kya!!! :nya:

Unfortunate Love is too cute for me to handle. I really love it. :luvluv2: Looking forward for your next update, whichever fanfic it is.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #297 on: February 08, 2014, 12:08:55 PM »
It was really really captivating lol! I like to read it!

That kind of story is funn to see!

Mayuki!!! LOVE them

Thank you for this update :twothumbs
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline FNK23

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #298 on: February 08, 2014, 04:32:21 PM »
Ok boss, now it's time for me to write a comment~   :on cigar:
you know, i had reread this fic for twice (last night and this afternoon) and i would say that it's good as always~~  :onioncheer: :onioncheer:
i dont really get into kingdom-theme fic, but if it's your work i would totally read it no matter what~~  :lol:
and also, that barbaric princess yuki and the masochist prince mayu~~  :heart: :heart:
i like the moment when yuki punched him (i was like mayu, i didnt see it will come. totally forgot that she has a pair of hand) :on lol:
oh ohh, and the kisss~~~~~~ i was giggled when Rena opened the door without knocking (because i was wondering how that part will be ended)  :shy2:
Good job Renaa   :farofflook:
part two, maybe?  :hee:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom ~ [Part II] MaYuki - Update (07/02/14)
« Reply #299 on: February 08, 2014, 04:53:56 PM »
Prince Mayu and Princess Yuki are so cute

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