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Author Topic: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-3  (Read 91537 times)

Offline mo-chan

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 2(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #160 on: October 10, 2013, 11:47:59 PM »
Omg!!!!!! This is really interesting and hot!!!

Yuki is so cool here. I lové how the char acteurs are! They are really interesting... I want to anthère thing but can not fin dit XD

Continue it :deco:

Chana I think you should proofread your comment it is french mixed to english sorry but I wanted to tell u in case some won't understand somethings

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 2(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #161 on: October 10, 2013, 11:49:17 PM »
well well well. I ll comment next time TD~ XD

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Offline Pheeya_0414

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 2(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #162 on: October 11, 2013, 03:52:09 AM »
this is it! what ive been waiting for :nya: Mayuki awesomeness!  :bow: :bow: :bow:
Mayuki pure evil and seducing each other aaaaaah!  :twisted: :inlove:

MaYuki, JuriMayu, AtsuMina, AtsuYuu, KojiYuu, wMatsui and..................counting.

Offline Chanaline

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 2(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #163 on: October 11, 2013, 07:27:53 AM »
Omg!!!!!! This is really interesting and hot!!!

Yuki is so cool here. I lové how the char acteurs are! They are really interesting... I want to anthère thing but can not fin dit XD

Continue it :deco:

Chana I think you should proofread your comment it is french mixed to english sorry but I wanted to tell u in case some won't understand somethings

Mo-chan I correct it  :D

 :banghead: that IPad!!!!!! I hope the writer didn't saw it... Oh she may saw it....
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 2(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #164 on: October 12, 2013, 06:04:16 AM »
A/N (LOL) I dunno what to do with this pair anymore..they're just too....much  :nervous I'll die in here.

Hi! I just edited this part, I don't do SaeYuki please, that's tantamount to telling me "hey TD! go make SaeYuki and kill yourself" so No.  :) But I dunno, it's so obvious I don't ship them so I dunno what's your real motive(LOL) i still have respect  XD Anyway, have a good day  :deco:

@Chanaline: I'm glad you like it and yeah I saw it as well, but don't worry even though I didn't understand at least I knew you find my story interesting, thank you   XD

@Pheeya_0414: Yeah, they're both evil here, it's more fun nee?  :twisted:

@mo-chan: thanks for the concern  XD and oh where's my comment? (LOL) kiddin'  :)

@AT: (LOL) it was just the beginning  :nervous :bleed eyes: you're gay now too!  :lol:

@Chichay12: you gay! of course I know how your brain works  XD

@mayuki_daisuki:Ki-chan!  XD badass MaYuki it is... oh, Yuki won't win always  :P

@jell_o_jello: I was actually hesitating before, so I didn't put 'TBC~'  XD cause I'm very much aware how will this turn out in the long run.... :bleed eyes:

@Terragen: nope, it's not..the first part is more like a cap of their whole relationship, but actually I didn't intend to continue this as you know...I will have to write 'hot scenes' in every part which is I'm doing now  :bleed eyes: and yeah Yuki did feel disappointed cause somehow both of them actually are attracted to each other as you may notice  :twisted:

@DontMindMe: woi! easy! we don't have to rush, parts like that are worth waiting for especially in this type of relatioship  XD more like 'it's too mainstream'  :twisted:

@-gibson-mayulover: isn't teasing more fun?  :twisted: nah, I won't let you die that easily  XD thank you!  :)

@Kiri-el: I'm glad you like it, i was actually waiting for some writers to have this kind of fic as well but found none, so I'd rather write my fantasies then I'm tired of waiting (LOL)  XD


Love Game- Part 3

The girl slowly opened her eyes, leisurely drifting from her sweet nightmare, shifting her body to her side, she gasped as she noticed she’s on the edge of the single sofa with her slender legs hanging by the hand rest, almost falling on the cold white furry carpet. She was only wearing an oversized loose-fitting white top draping her body up to her thighs….

“…unngh” she grunted as she felt uncomfortable with her unusual position and realized she was alone inside the room. She then suddenly felt discomfort coming from her sore extremities due to her ‘extreme workout’ with certain someone just last night “that…Yuki..tch” she babbled softly. Her arm fell helplessly hanging by her side as she placed the other above her eyes, covering them from the sneaking early morning sunlight through the totally undraped glass wall beside her.

The tranquil atmosphere almost made her drift away from the reality as she started humming a random beat along with her swinging lower extremities. She was completely absorbed with her newly created melody as she didn’t notice the door opening, throwing in a very much familiar figure, the owner of the flat, Kashiwagi Yuki. But she wasn’t alone; standing beside her was a lovely woman around their age. Totally Yuki’s type but way too inferior to even compare to Mayu.

“Having fun?” Yuki smirked at the ‘not-so-surprised’ looking figure, lying on her couch, Mayu. Mayu then aided herself with her weak elbow to lift her aching body up. Can’t be helped but grunt in pain as she slowly shifts her position from lying into sitting position. Her loose-fitting thin clothing emphasized her gifted features; collar line was way too wide as it fell from her shoulder, showing off her well-shaped physique. Her hair was still muddled but presentable enough as it gave her a seductive impression with her puffy eyes.

Mayu’s eyes turned up meeting Yuki’s entertained expression as the woman beside her gasped for air seeing the unexpected untamed seductive animal sitting before her eyes. It was an expected reaction from the stranger, who wouldn’t struggle for air seeing an erotic seemingly perfect figure early in the morning?

“Sou~ this is my cousin Mayu….Ayame” Yuki walked towards Mayu and bent before her. Mayu just played along and let a soft nod and hissed a little as she felt uncomfortable on her seat, not because of the stranger’s presence but because of her physical discomfort. She felt pain even more, few bluish discoloration appearing onto her former spotless milky skin.

“Nice meeting you Mayu-san…” The prim and proper girl bowed her head a little towards Mayu as for Mayu just let a wry smile.

Yuki pulled Mayu for a hug, sliding her arms around Mayu’s hips and resting her chin on Mayu’s shoulder…”Sorry, you’re not feeling well…I’ll take you to your room, nee Mayu-chan?” Yuki uttered with her usual charismatic tone and so she turned her eyes on the figure apparently named, Ayame. The stranger just nodded agreeing as she understood the ill-looking figure and yet so faultless on her eyes.


And so Yuki aided Mayu walk across the spacious room towards her own room actually, after paying a quick glance at her guest she closed the door and locked it. In a snap, Yuki pushed Mayu onto her bed and successively climbed on top of Mayu, cornering the smaller figure on all sides.

“What?” Mayu muttered not flinching a bit by the sudden aggressive actions of the taller figure. Yuki didn’t bother to answer and instead anchored her head and reached for Mayu’s alluring exposed neck and traced the prominent bony area with her lips upward towards her sensitive soft-bony ear “how dare you look so hot in broad daylight as well…?”

Hearing Yuki, Mayu pushed the taller figure a little and gave a frightening stare “I don’t feel like doing it….” Mayu said firmly as her hands kept clutching on Yuki’s top “So….get off me….”

“sou~ why so serious…?” Yuki smirked as she retorted her body up. “It’s your fault….anyway” She continued as she traced Mayu’s exposed prominent collar bone and eventually let the smaller figure go as she shifted her body to Mayu’s side. Mayu then lifted her body up obviously struggling as the bed was actually a bouncy one preventing her to ascend smoothly.

“Are you hurt?” Yuki asked Mayu as she observed the smaller figure’s action keenly.

“Not your business…..”

“I think it is….I caused it…” Yuki let a chuckle.

“Where are my clothes?” Mayu asked as she finally was able to sit on the edge of the bed.

“There…” Yuki mouth-pointed the neatly folded clothes resting over her coffee table a few steps afar from them and so Mayu walked towards her clothes as Yuki watched the figure without any hesitation took off the only article covering her and dressed herself accordingly “Shouldn’t you be entertaining your guest..…instead of staring?” Mayu mumbled, she wasn’t even looking at the lying figure but she was sure of Yuki staring at her from the beginning.

No wonder, they couldn’t deny or hide any towards each other as their brains work the same, totally the same.
“Aren’t you my guest?” Yuki smirked as she gave Mayu a dirty look.

“Not really…..I’m your COUSIN, right?” Mayu responded oozing with sarcasm and so this time she climbed on top of the lying figure and settled herself sitting on Yuki’s stomach “don’t be so full of yourself….Kashiwagi Yuki, we’re just starting” Mayu’s expression turned thrilled and yet frightening.

“Let’s see…” Yuki responded and kept her eyes on Mayu’s. A few moments of just staring, Mayu anchored her head and captured Yuki’s lips as Yuki answered her kisses with the same manner, bold. Wanting to go deeper, Yuki arched her head upward but much to her dismay Mayu retorted and wore a smile on her face…. “Your time is done…sorry honey, ‘til our next mini-game”

Mayu then climbed down off Yuki and headed towards the exit when suddenly “Wait…” Yuki uttered out of the blue and so Mayu turned on Yuki.

“Here!” Yuki muttered as she threw a small metallic object towards Mayu, thankfully Mayu was able to catch it before it even landed on the floor, it was a key.

“Barge in whenever you like….” Yuki smirked.

“Sou…HAVE FUN then Yuki” Mayu answered her smile and finally exited, leaving Yuki alone perhaps losing interest on her other guest, waiting just outside the very door.. “This is boring….now”


The night seemed not cooperating as well, resenting the unwanted coldness, Mayu pulled her comforter up to her neck as she curled up wanting to reserve the warmness left on her body. A time like this couldn’t go even worse as she can’t possibly expect anyone to come for her. She was all alone all her life but no difficulty in life made her setback…and No, she wasn’t looking for love either. Her heart was frozen cold.

The room was dead-silent, the clock was her only friend which seemed wanting to converse with her from the moment she opens her eyes until she dozes off.

A few moments after, her doorbell unexpectedly rang. Mayu was startled as she realized how such ringing could go deafening across her mostly unoccupied pad. She didn’t even want to answer the guest instead she even buried herself fully under her comforter, trapping her ears on the sides but the guest was stubborn enough to even hit the button wilder. Such action that made Mayu heat up and so with her fight and flight response, she flew towards the door and distressingly opened the door.

Her eyes shot open realizing who her guest was; it was Yuki in her usual annoying appearance, perfect.

“What are you doing here?!” Mayu asked as her expression turned out of sorts towards the unexpected figure but instead of answering her query Yuki leaned forward and pressed her forehead against Mayu’s. For the first time, Mayu flinched on her feet as she felt warmth against her, unexpectedly coming from her rival, her nemesis. But grasping the whole idea, she quickly retorted back her body and glared at the overly-confident figure “What are you doing?!”

Yuki smirked “So harsh to her guest….May I come in?” and playfully shook her head. “No” Mayu said coldly as she actually blocked the doorway.

“Eh?” Yuki uttered in dismay but actually getting entertained with Mayu’s stubbornness. They kept staring to each other, attempting to read each other’s minds. No one seemed wanting to surrender as seconds of staring turned minutes but to Mayu’s physical disadvantage she let it go and broke their eye contact and headed inside. “Sou~ FEEL AT HOME then….” Mayu uttered full of sarcasm as she left Yuki at the receiving area and walked towards her room.

“So, I was right…you’re not feeling well…” Yuki uttered as she scanned the contemporary elegant pad. The room was fully painted in white, glass wall, top-class paintings; truly Yuki couldn’t get even more surprised as she confirmed they do have the same preferential. Only thing that wasn’t present in her pad was Mayu’s huge floor-to-ceiling bookshelf standing at her entertainment area. The bookshelf was tightly-filled with books, books about anything under the sun… Seeing the furniture, Yuki couldn’t help but let a chuckle as she realized how Mayu has been feeling bored all her life.

The room turned dead silent once again and so Yuki went after the smaller figure and walked inside her room. There she found Mayu lying under her comforter fully covering her up to her neck. “Seriously…what’s up? Mayu uttered staring at the ceiling.

“I came to check up on my favourite subject….” Yuki smirked as she slowly walked towards Mayu.

“You’re annoying….” Mayu hissed as she shifted her body on her side, facing her back on Yuki. Climbing up on the bed as well, Yuki pressed her body onto Mayu as she placed her arm around the cold figure.

“I can’t let you die like this….I’ll die…… out of boredom….”

“Yeah, I don’t like the idea of dying……beside you either….”

“Well, that’s good to know at least….Watanabe Mayu”

 “Don’t fall for me…You’ll lose Kashiwagi, I don’t like easy games…..”

“Fall?” Yuki burst out in laughter grasping the idea “I don’t even know what that means….we’re just playing”

“That’s good…I’m not planning to keep you either….” Mayu uttered weakly, she was almost falling asleep under Yuki’s embrace when her handheld phone rang wild by her side table. Mayu then reached for her phone and answered. Being in such so close proximity on Mayu, Yuki was able to hear the voice over the line as well. As expected, one of Mayu’s subject who said planning to come over to Mayu’s place…. Yuki in a snap snatched the device from Mayu’s grip and actually threw it on the floor and climbed on top of Mayu “don’t do that honey, I’m getting jealous….” Yuki uttered with  very contrasting expression on her face, Mayu’s appearance turned her on even more, as Mayu let her infamous cold face “You’re crazy….woman”

In a snap, Mayu clutched the dominant figure’s top and gave her a rough kiss. The harshness of Mayu’s lips ignited Yuki even more as she answered every movement of Mayu. Tongues were unconsciously permitted without any hassle at they both explored each other’s hot caverns. Needing air for a moment, Mayu pushed the taller figure a little and savored the free oxygen, struggling for her breathing pattern as Yuki’s weight stresses her.

“How about the doll…..?” Yuki mumbled still feeling light, seemingly enjoying at the cloud nine.

“She can wait…”

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoyed....  :O back to my alpaca world~

trying to proofread ._. so many mistakes :(
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 06:27:51 AM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline AT29

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #165 on: October 12, 2013, 07:07:45 AM »
@AT: (LOL) it was just the beginning  :nervous :bleed eyes: you're gay now too!  :lol:

sorry you turned me into this take responsibility you writer!
I could see they're really attracted to each other here  :w00t:
but they said they're just playing?
but I'm thinking they're lying!
my brain doesn't work now.  :bleed eyes: they're seriously HOT in every way MaYuki  :nervous
can't take it anymore, I shall die now

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #166 on: October 12, 2013, 12:02:06 PM »
Yuki dont laugh it,or you will fall hard for mayu...

Even yuki a player she so cared toward mayu

Offline DontMindMe

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #167 on: October 12, 2013, 12:07:50 PM »
Teedee you're one cruel writer, my heart exploded

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #168 on: October 12, 2013, 12:20:30 PM »
nyhaaaaa i guess mayu's got win sometime  :mon exhaust: but i like dominant yuki the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :lol: XD :P
thanx for the update :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline AnneTonov

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #169 on: October 12, 2013, 01:22:16 PM »
I just read everything now  :dizzy: what the heck did i just read????
feeling dizzy  :dizzy:
this fic is...
super winner!  :tantrum:
i don't know what to say

Offline mo-chan

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #170 on: October 12, 2013, 02:17:14 PM »
I can't come to understand them!!!
I don't feel love between them =__=

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #171 on: October 12, 2013, 04:09:31 PM »
Is it me, or there's really a missing chapter here?  :? ifuknowwhatimean  XD

MaYuki's love game is very entertaining  :lol: Im wondering who is going to give in first  :twisted:

Thanks for the update, imteedee-san!  more MaYuki please!!!  :cow:  :cow:  :cow:

Offline leipyon

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #172 on: October 12, 2013, 05:13:49 PM »
As much as I want to finish reading all the OS I can't do them right now. BUT Love Game totally got my attention just now. XDXD Seriously I want more! can't wait what's going to happen to them.
I'm sorry. I know. I'm a silent reader.  :barf:

---kind of BUSY---

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Offline Chanaline

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #173 on: October 13, 2013, 03:08:17 AM »
Morrreeeeeee! I want more Yuki like that!!!! :inlove: :twisted:

I think about if it were Mayu that fall and not Yuki, it will be funny...Want Mayu to fall!!!!! :twothumbs What am I saying lol

They don't really love each other but that will come!!!!! Ahah! :twisted:

I can't say anything! This is not my story!! Want to know the next ASAP!!!! :bow:

Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #174 on: October 13, 2013, 03:42:28 AM »
Just WOW..
Yuki is really something! Agressive type ne~
Dont lose to her mayu! Prove to her that you're the better player!! Ohohoho~

But guess if mayu had her own style,aww cute~

They really mean about just playing eh?
But,i could sense how yuki cared a lot toward mayu~

Yuki said that mayu is her favorite subject~ somehow it make me felt she start to fall for mayu little by little,favorite mean she special than others...but do yuki really don't know the meaning fall in love?guess it's true,but her movement and her act toward mayu somehow betray her word.

Mayu is not different,she said to yuki to not fall for her,but i see that she enjoying yuki's company than her other subject,mayu never get bored when she with yuki..but the problem is mayu is to smart to hide her feeling,even in the future she's the one who fall first,she will perfectly hide her feeling well,until maybe yuki force her to crack her mask hehe

Ok im too much make speculation

Teedee san i luv your fic

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Offline chiqinna

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #175 on: October 13, 2013, 09:59:00 AM »
I think Yuki already have a BIT feeling for Mayu....but she doesn't want to lose in this LOVE GAME~  :D
and for Mayu..cold as always...
update soon!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #176 on: October 14, 2013, 04:10:02 AM »

continue please


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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #177 on: October 14, 2013, 04:53:11 AM »

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #178 on: October 14, 2013, 09:55:37 AM »
A/N can anyone please explain to me THE MEANING OF SHORT STORY?! cause it seems to me I don't exactly know what it means cause I'm failing at making every SS I have it in here 'SHORT'  :banghead:

LOVE GAME Part 1 [MaYuki SS]  Part 1.5  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4

@gek geki: uh-oh here you go again... (LOL)
but quite true, she might not have realized it so far, she's falling  :w00t: but no easy games  :P

@Archer1992: Thanks! yep  :)

@chiqinna: you're correct, just a bit or she just doesn't realize it yet  XD who knows for Mayu? :lol:

@Terragen: and WOW back at you (LOL) She's aggressive in here, yeah but that doesn't mean Mayu can't  XD yes you're correct once again, they do really treat each other special above others, it's like they're engaging into a 'not-so-official' relationship, no love though, just for fun  XD We could say Mayu is just not used to having a person like Yuki who apparently can caught up with her, she's challenged.  XD

Having no one POV is fun nee?  :lol: We're all guessing  :nervous

@Chanaline: Oh you want Mayu to fall first? I'm guessing everything would turn fluffy then  :lol: Love is last to come(LOL) let's play a little more  :twisted:

@leipyon: Oh thank you very much for sparing your time reading my OSs,  :) Hope you enjoy them, need not to say more, Here's an update  :nervous

@rhin: no more stupid Yuki  :lol: we're all guessing who will  :nervous and yeah I think my thread is slowly turning into a MaYUki thread  :bleed eyes: and yeah, the UNCUT version of this would be posted after I finished this fic all at once. ItotallyknowwhatyoumeanMiss   :nervous

@mo-chan: eh? I'll take that as a compliment! (LOL) I don't imply love on that chapters  XD :lol: just wait til the end  :)

@AnneTonov: eh? thank you! so...I guess you've just read a one crazy fic, gomen nee~  :nervous

@mayuki-daisuki: MD-chan, seems you like the dominant Yuki?  :nervous mou~ you always torture Mayuyu  :bleed eyes:

@DontMindMe: now, I'm the one cruel writer  :bleed eyes:

@AT29: (LOL) don't stress yourself, have fun and watch their game  :twisted: who knows? I intend not putting any POV here  :P :twisted:

here's a short update, WANNA PLAY?

Love Game-Part 4

Sun hasn’t risen yet, moon still visible under the early morning sky. The room is dead silent with only the deafening ticking of the clock and rough flicking of pages could be heard. Two figures resting on the bed; the smaller one sitting, with her back pressing against the bed board with a book at hand as the other is lying on her back with a book on her face…

“You’re seriously annoying….” The sitting figure mumbled as she turned the page of her booklet, Mayu. As the lying figure just took an evident deep breath and eventually threw the book on her face and turned on Mayu “is this seriously what you do every day? You nerd!” the figure scowled at the expressionless Mayu, Yuki.

“I don’t even remember offering you my bed….anyway” Mayu uttered without having an inch of concern at the glaring figure beside her.

“Unbelievable….” Yuki babbled as she shifted from lying to sitting position and let a sigh. She then climbed off the bed. She was wearing one of Mayu’s one piece pink pyjamas which is actually not fitting on her, particularly ‘too short’ for her and so couldn’t be helped but her well-shaped thighs be exposed. Walking towards the door, Yuki halted and paid a quick glance at Mayu “breakfast…?”

Mayu snapped her book tightly and turned up, meeting Yuki’s eyes not even showing any sign of gratification instead she even made a face hearing such awkward proposal from Yuki “seriously….just go…please?”

A few moments after of actually ‘wanted’ silence, Mayu couldn’t help but feel curious on how’s Yuki doing as well inside her pad. She can’t deny her conflicting feeling of awkwardness yet easiness having such presence inside her house. She was used to being alone at most; she was contented with that but suddenly….Yuki appeared in her life. She was not alone…at all. She slowly placed her feet on the cold floor, still feeling light from the sudden change of position as well as her actual ill-state since last night.  True enough, Yuki wasn’t helpful at all instead she even stressed Mayu up. A few minutes after, she then lifted her body up and headed towards the door, wearing her loose-fitting sweatshirt and her pyjamas.

“You seriously hate me, don’t you?” Mayu smirked as she found Yuki struggling inside the kitchen area along with her cooking equipments, which seemed breaking from Yuki’s hands. Yuki just mentally face-palmed as she couldn’t deny the disaster she created “errm….”

Mayu then suited herself on the nearest high-chair by the bar just a few steps away from the open kitchen and just watched to her contentment Yuki’s kitchen adventure. Her palm resting on her cheek slowly ran across her face and eventually turned into a ‘face-palm’ itself “seriously….you’re going to destroy….my house….Miss”

Hearing Mayu’s  resentment, Yuki turned on Mayu instead of feeling sorry her expression turned mischievous as ever and even winked at Mayu “I hope you don’t mind….honey?” and let a soft chuckle. “Yeah, I don’t mind…just let me know when to vacate…” Mayu uttered though seemingly enjoying the scenery as well.
“Well you could just go out and eat th-….”

“You’re still not getting better….” Yuki muttered interrupting Mayu as she turned her eyes on the pan. Mayu was caught off-guard; she cringed on her seat hearing such unexpected concern from Yuki. Their supposed to be tacky relationship has turned even more complex just because of Yuki’s thoughtless statement.

Mayu’s reaction has gotten into Yuki and so she turned her eyes on the bewildered figure “What? You’re falling now?” she smirked. “No…I think it’s the other way around…” Mayu answered Yuki, maintaining the eye contact seemingly the once fluffy interaction once again turned heavy as they reveal their true colours.

A few moments of more kitchen catastrophe, Yuki turned off the electric stove “UGH I’ve had enough! This is crazy!” she growled as if taking the pan as her nemesis. Mayu just watched in contentment Yuki’s stupidity in the kitchen not failing to answer a silent laugh in each of them.

“Come…” Mayu murmured with her hands together below her chin with her piercing eyes towards Yuki. Reading such atmosphere, Yuki walked towards the sitting figure, with the slide bar separating them, she leaned forward. Having Yuki so close in front of her, Mayu inclined further and planted a quick soft kiss on Yuki’s lips. A sudden variation that turned Yuki on, can’t get enough of it, she cupped Mayu’s cheeks and gave her a passionate kiss instead. Mayu getting more impatient clutched on Yuki’s shirt pulling her even closer struggling with her balance on the high-chair. Nothing can hinder them even the sturdy long marble table separating them, nothing.

A kiss intended for lovers without them noticing.

“This is better than breakfast I guess….”Yuki chuckled as early as their lips parted, struggling for air, mirroring Mayu’s breathing pattern. “Yes….I know better than you” Mayu murmured as she gave a quick peck on Yuki’s lips once again and smirked.

“Okay s-…” Yuki was interrupted with a sudden noise coming from the doorbell, an unexpected visitor early in the morning. Though Mayu didn’t flinch a bit as if it’s so usual for her as she walked towards the door to attend her guest.

As soon as she opened the door, a lovely woman appeared in her elegant school uniform, must be coming from a prestigious university around the area. “Haruka….” Mayu muttered seeing the woman. Apparently the visitor was the girl just last night who phoned and said wanting to come over for a visit but actually got ignored. The girl’s face turned tomato red just merely having Mayu in front of her, a sight not any new for Yuki as she observed the two from the bar.

“I got worried…last night…” the girl apparently named Haruka, uttered and glanced at Yuki. Yuki on the other hand just kept her composure and as always her overwhelming presence was too much for the girl to even feel jealousy over her instead the girl must be secretly admiring her as well seeing her with her ‘short-pyjamas’.

“Ah…cousin….Yuki” Mayu uttered as she walked towards Yuki and stood beside her. The poor girl could be helped but feel amazed and intimidated all at once as she eyed the two figures standing side-by-side. “No wonder…Mayu-san.” The girl chuckled.

“And…Haruka is it?” Yuki uttered keeping her eyes on Haruka. The girl nodded softly “hai…”

“Anyway…wait here then, I’ll just prepare…” Mayu uttered as she took her steps towards her room. “Prepare?” Yuki asked still leaning on the bar table.

“A-Ano…school?” The girl uttered in hesitation towards Yuki.

“I see….” Yuki responded grasping the whole idea, seems Mayu’s still attending school however only at times she feels like it.

And so Yuki followed Mayu inside her room leaving the guest all alone. Leaning on the closed door, no Mayu was at sight instead she heard the sound of pouring water echoing from the bathroom. Yuki walked towards the left open bathroom door and found Mayu taking a shower behind the hazy shower glass panel. And yet such sight, Yuki found entertaining so early in the morning… “Ah…I feel like living here now…” Yuki smirked as she leaned on the tiled wall enjoying the steamy atmosphere inside the bathroom,

“What? You’re a peeper now?” Mayu chuckled.

“No…I’m not, they can’t touch….but I can”

Sitting on the queen size pink bed with her legs crossed, Yuki just observed Mayu dress up in front of her. It felt refreshing how she saw Mayu wore her school uniform for the very first time; in fact she didn’t even have a hunch of Mayu still going to school at all…

 “I think I should go now as well….”Yuki uttered as she let her body fall on the bouncy bed. Hearing Yuki, Mayu finishing up her red ribbon, walked towards the lying figure and leaned forward on top of Yuki “here…” she murmured with her expressionless face and eventually showed off a sinister smile, she was holding a key hanging just above Yuki’s face. Moving further, Mayu lifted her thigh and settled in between Yuki’s, supporting her weight with her arms on Yuki’s sides, reached for Yuki’s ear, nibbling, and whispered “You may stay…just don’t burn it…honey”.

And soon Mayu climbed off of Yuki, fixing up her slightly wrinkled uniform, she headed for the door… “By the way…that PJ looks good on you…” she uttered along with a soft chuckle.

“Nothing on is way better…” Yuki smirked and moved further in the middle of the bed seemingly wanting to sleep once again as she buried herself under Mayu’s comforter.

“Have fun fantasizing….Miss” Mayu uttered as she took a quick peek and soon vanished.

“I will….don’t worry”

The day seemed usual for both of them keeping their scripted lines along with their convincing expressions all throughout the day towards other people, pleasing…teasing….all for fun, nothing more nothing less. Once finished with all her commitments, Mayu headed home. As soon as she entered her now lone room, aiming for her bed, she couldn’t help but pass by at her kitchen appearing  a little chaotic with all the mess Yuki didn’t even bother cleaning up “seriously….that crazy woman”

And so, with no other choice left, Mayu might as well clean up everything. She doesn’t have anything to do as much in the first place. Being absorbed, well in fact she didn’t even realize she’s enjoying the moment actually, her phone suddenly rang. She reached for the device vibrating wildly resting at the bar, it was Yuki. But as soon as she answered she heard a different voice…

“A-Ano…is this Mayu-san?” A slight familiar voice to Mayu, uttered with a hesitant tone.


“A-Ano…this…this is Ayame, do you remember me?” The woman uttered. Though unexpectedly as Mayu actually could easily forget every other name of the girls she interacts with, she remembered the name. It was the girl whom Yuki brought up when she stayed overnight at Yuki’s pad “I do…what’s up?”

“uhm…could you help me here? Your cousin…is uhmm….quite drunk”

“Oh I see….my cousin is drunk…Don’t worry Ayame, Mayu will help you…” Mayu said showing off her sinister smile yet again and hung up.

“another mini-game…honey”

hope you enjoyed, back to my alpaca world~ I tried to proofread a bit. failed again (LOL)  :lol:

« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 10:02:30 AM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME-Part 3(MaYuki SS)
« Reply #179 on: October 14, 2013, 10:37:33 AM »
I see..

why yuki drunk anyway??

cousin mayu ...will help you yuki~ aaa yuki yuki

yeah too much guessing~ i don't want guessing at this point..

they still played with each other...  still having fun without realized their feeling

wait for the change...

i'm sure when that time comes..(when one of them finally realized the special feeling) The Firework will decorate the black sky with colourful light...hahahaha

still hope it's yuki first,if it's yuki we could say she dare to show her loved than mayu (i dunno she really cool and have strong image )

thank thank thank

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

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