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Author Topic: kizumi's OS Collection | WMatsui, FuruYanagi  (Read 29052 times)

Offline kizumi

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kizumi's OS Collection | WMatsui, FuruYanagi
« on: September 04, 2013, 02:50:14 AM »
Hey! I’m back~ so, I’m going to write another WMatsui oneshot (yeay). I don’t know if it’s going to be good or not, though. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this!

Oh, this is my first time posting my fanfiction on jphip. I also posted this oneshot on Tumblr.

Btw, I got inspired by Jason Chen’s song called Best Friend.

Don’t forget to follow My Twitter! (*^^*)


"Rena-saaan!" I jumped from the swing and hug her waist tightly.

"Ah! Jurina-chan, you scared me!" She giggled while trying her best to calm herself down.

She hugged me back, tightly. “Gomen ne, Rena-san. I was waiting for you to come back from school, and I’m so happy that you passed the park!” I pouted and she pinched my cheeks gently. “Oh dear, did you really waited for me? Since what time, Jurina-chan? I’m sorry that I had to make you wait for me, you shouldn’t have to do that though,” she broke the hug and held to my hands. It also made me blush uncontrollably. “No, no! It’s fine, Rena-san. I went to the park half an hour before you came back from school though,” I smiled and gave her another hug.

"Ah, souka. So, shall we walk home together?" She stood up and offering her hand to me. "Un! Let’s go!" I accepted her hand and we walk home together while holding each other’s hands.


11 years later


I went out from the lab and walked lazily to my locker. I opened the locker and putting away all of my school books. I unzipped my school bag and took my phone out, I got one text message and I know who it’s from. I smiled, and clicked the SMS symbol. I happily read the text message,

Ju-chan, how’s school? Oh yeah, maybe you’re still studying right now. Well anyway, if you’re not busy after school, do you want to get some snacks at a café with me? Reply soon, ne?

Miss you! >_<


I giggled. Sometimes, Rena-san really can act like a child. It’s actually her cute side, though. Ah, I should reply her!


SURE! I’d love to go out with you! Ah, gomen! Did I said ‘go out’? I mean, spending some quality time with you σ(^_^;)

By the way, I miss you too! Chuu~

じゅちゃん!( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

After I pressed the send button, I facepalmed myself. Why did I say that? But why did I sent it anyway? Well, I know that Rena-san thinks that I’m only messing around with her.

So yeah, my name is Matsui Jurina. I’m in the last year of high school, and the person that I’ve just texted is Matsui Rena. A 22 years old college student that I have a crush on. Yes, I have a crush on her since I was a child. You can say that she’s my first love. Rena-san started to live in my neighborhood since I was still in kindergarten. We always play with each other, well spending time with each other. At first, I didn’t know what I’m feeling, but then when I grew up, I realized that I’m in love with her. Obviously, she doesn’t know about this. I don’t know if I should tell her or not.


I went out from school and saw Rena-san’s car parked at the parking lot. I guess she’s isn’t in the car. I took my phone out from my pocket shirt and tried to contact her. She didn’t pick up my call. I was confused, but then I felt someone hugging my waist from behind. It was her!

"Ju-chan!" She stroked my head gently.

"Rena-san!" I jumped a little, I was really surprised of course. "Mou… Rena-san, don’t surprise me like that!" I pouted, but she pouted as well. "Why? You don’t like it if I give you a surprise hug?" She’s so cute when she’s pouting. It made me want to pinch her cheeks! "No! It’s not that, I was just surprised," I turned around and gave her a hug.

"Anyway, shall we go now? I’m starving!" I whined, and she just giggled. "Okay! Let’s go then!" We walked to the parking lot and after we got settled in Rena-san’s car, we drove off to Rena-san’s favorite café.

We arrived at the café and thank God that there’s some sits left for us. The café is always full with students from college and students from a nearby school. I sit in front of Rena-san and I saw her texting her… friend? I hope it’s her friend or one of her family.

Argh! Are you feeling jealous, Jurina?

I only stared at her beautiful face. I should order something for her. “Ano… Rena-san, I’m going to order something. What snacks do you want?” She looked at me with a straight expression on her face, “oh yeah, sure! Can you get me a melonpan and a cup of cappuccino?” I smiled a little, “yeah, sure. I’ll be right back!” I left our table and walked to the cashier. I told the coffee-guy what I wanted and payed for it. The coffee-guy said that he’ll bring the coffees and the snacks to our table, so I went back to the table. While I was walking to the table, I saw Rena-san giggling on the phone. I sit in front of her and played with my hands, waiting for her to finish talking with her friend. I’m getting curious about this.


She finished talking with her friend and smiled to me. I smiled back, “who was that?” She looked at me, “oh, it’s my friend,” I nodded. I still feel a bit curious, though. But at the same time, our coffees and snacks came! I tried to forget everything and just relax drinking while eating the foods and drinks on the table.



"Thanks for spending your time with me, Jurina!" She stroked my head gently, and it made me calm a little. "You’re welcome, Rena-san. We should do this more often, ne?" She nodded. "I’ll drive you home, okay?" I smiled, "un!"

We arrived at my house. Well, my house isn’t too big and it’s isn’t too small. Perfect for me, my mom and my dog, Coron. My dad isn’t always at home. He always went out of town to work somewhere. But, it’s really fine. I still have my mom and Coron to accompany me. I also have Rena-san. I looked at Rena-san, she was gazing at me this whole time. I blushed, and I looked away from her.

"Ano… Jurina-chan, thank you for spending your time with me. I had a great time with you!" I tried to say something to her, but I’m still a bit nervous. But then I smiled, "you’re welcome, Rena-san! I had a great time with you too. Well then, it’s late. I should go inside," she smiled. "Yeah, I should go home too. Thank you again, Jurina-chan! Have a good rest. Oyasumi~" she kissed my head and it really made me blush again. "Ha-hai! You too, Rena-san!" I let go of the hug and went inside the house.

"Tadaima~" I put away my shoes and change it to my indoor slippers. I just remembered that my mom is in America right now to finish her work with her clients. So yeah, I’m only with Coron right now.

I went inside my room and laid on my soft futon. Finally, I can get some rest after a long wonderful yet weird day! I’m still curious about the person who called Rena-san this afternoon while we’re hanging out. I don’t think it was only her friend though, I think they’re more than just friends. I think it was Rena-san’s… girlfriend. Oh God, just by thinking of it made my heart ache! Am I really that jealous? Why should I be jealous? Rena-san isn’t my girlfriend either. I do love her, a lot. But, I have to be happy if it’s really her girlfriend.

Well, tomorrow’s Saturday so it’s fine if I sleep late. I’m just going to play some video games and probably text Rena-san. What should I do first? I guess I’m going to text Rena-san first.


Rena-san, what are you doing right now? I miss you already! (つД`)ノ

Can I come to your house tomorrow? But wait, are you busy tomorrow?

じゅちゃん!( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

I clicked the send button. While I’m waiting for her to reply my text message, I turned on my laptop. I’m going to update my blog. Yup, I’m actually a blogger. I wrote everything on my blog. I also wrote about Rena-san.

I felt my phone vibrating. It’s Rena-san!

Aww, you really miss me? I miss you too, Ju-chan! >_<

But, I’m sorry. You can’t come to my house tomorrow. I’m going to the theme park with my friend, Airin. You can come to my house on the next day, though.

Ah, gomen. I’m going to sleep now. Oyasumi! ^ ^


I read Rena-san reply, and I’m a little bit upset with her answer though. I don’t think I should reply her. To be honest, we don’t hangout often anymore. I really miss her, badly. I forgot about updating my blog and just went to bed early. I think I’m going to the theme park tomorrow. I want to know about this Airin girl.

The next day, I woke up early. I unlock my phone to see what time is it. It’s actually 6 am, and I’m really surprised. I usually wake up at 9 or 10, but today I really woke up early. I remembered that Rena-san is going to meet her friend, Airin at the theme park. I think she’ll be going at 10, so I think I’m going to relax for awhile. Waiting for the time to come.

It’s 10 am, and I’m almost ready to go. To investigate. Ugh, I’m such a stalker! Gomen ne, Rena-san.

I drove to the theme park. Thank God that I have my own car. If not, I probably have to use the bus and waste my time sitting in the bus for an hour and a half. The theme park is a little bit far from my and Rena-san’s neighborhood.

I arrived at my destination. Trying to find a parking spot to park my car. The good thing is that I came early, so I got a good parking spot. I went out from my car and locked it. I walked to the entrance and I saw Rena-san holding hands with… a girl. My heart started to ache. Is that… her friend, Airin? Are they really friend or are they’re more than just friends? I walked slowly, I don’t want Rena-san to know that I’m following her and her ‘friend’. I saw them going to ride the ferris wheel. But then, I saw them stop walking. I tried to find a hiding place to hide. I got a right place to hide and it also near them, so maybe I can hear what they’re going to say. I saw Airin holding Rena-san’s hands tightly. Is she going to… confess to her? My eyes started to get teary. No, Rena-san! I want your love, I need your love…

"Rena… Do you ever feel that you only want someone that you love all to yourself? Well, I met this girl. She’s nice, shy, funny, attractive, well she has all the things that I like. Rena… This person is you. I love you, Rena! I want you to be mine. Please, accept my feelings!"

There, she confessed to her. All I want is for Rena-san to reject her. Please God, please! “A-Airin… I don’t know what to say, but…” Before Rena-san can finish her words, I showed myself to them. It made Airin and Rena-san surprised. “Rena-san… please… don’t!”

Rena-san was dumbfounded, she doesn’t understand what I mean. “What… do you mean, Ju-chan?” I walked slowly to her, but then I started to run to her and hug her tightly. “I… don’t want you to accept her! Rena-san… I love you! I love you! I love you! Since I’m in kindergarten, the first time I saw you, I have butterflies in my stomach. At first I don’t know what am I feeling, but then I realized that I’m in love with you. Until now I’m still in love with you! Rena-san, I want you to love me, I want you to be mine. Please, Rena-san!” And I realized that I started crying. It really made Rena-san surprised and she’s trying to comfort me.

Airin, who only stared at me and Rena-san… well, now she also know that I also like Rena-san. “Ju-chan… I…” She let go of the hug and ran. I chased her, but I guess Airin gave up on Rena-san. Thank God! I ran and ran until she stopped at the park that we always hangout when we’re still kids. I saw her sitting at the near bench. She was pretty confused, and I felt guilty that I confessed to her. I’m such a childish person!

I walked slowly to her direction and I also sat on the bench next to her. Full of silent and it’s getting really awkward. I wanted to say something, but I just can’t.

Put yourself together, Jurina! Come on!

"Rena-san… I’m—" I felt someone hugging me really tight. It’s Rena-san. She’s also crying. "Ssshh… It’s okay, Rena-san. I’m… really sorry. I shouldn’t say that, if you want to accept Airin… well, it’s your choice though. I just want you to be happy. If you’re happy with her, then I will accept your choice. But, Rena-san, I do—" I felt something soft clashing to my lips. It’s not only soft, but it’s also warm. It’s Rena-san’s lips. She… kissed me! I kissed her back. She broke the kiss and when she looked straightly to my eyes, I can see she was really serious. Serious about what, actually?

"Ju-chan… I also love you! No, I wasn’t going to accept Airin’s feelings. But then, you showed up and I was surprised. The thing that made me really surprised was… you confessed to me. At first, I didn’t believe anything what you said. But from your voice, I can hear that you really being serious. I actually have this feelings for you when I just moved to your neighborhood," she explained everything to me and it made me shocked. I was speechless, I can’t even say anything! But then, she continued, "Ju-chan… I don’t care about our age difference. I just want you to always stay beside—" She stopped. Well, actually I’m the one who stopped her. I kissed her and she kissed me back. The kiss was slow, but it escalate. She pulled my neck to deepened the kiss. Too bad we have to broke the kiss. I blushed and I can see that she’s also blushing.

"So… now what?" I asked shyly. Well, I actually want us to be together. She thinks before she gave me an answer, "well… we’re going to be together," I thought I missed heard, but I didn’t. I was so happy that she accepted my feelings! I hugged her tightly, "let’s go home, shall we?" I let go of the hug and smiled to her. "Okay. Um… can I come to your house?" She asked shyly but I accepted. "Oh, and… please stop using the honorific. You can just call me Rena, you know. Every time you use the honorific… well, am I that old?" She pouts, it made me giggled. She’s really cute when she’s like this. "Hai, hai! Okay, now let’s go home. Shall we, Rena-chan?" I smiled and stood up from the bench. I offered her a hand and she happily accepted.

We walked home while holding hands and a smiled on my face.

I can’t believe I’m in love with my best friend, and I also can’t believe that she has the same feelings as mine.


How was it? Bad, right? Argh! lol. Okay, I just realized that I write J and R ran to the park they used to play at, but then I remembered that they were at the theme park. I mean, I made them ran all the way to the park ._.

Okay, no-one cares about it right? Gomen! XD

Anyway, thanks for reading! (*^^*)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:24:52 PM by sophcaro »
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


Offline abcari

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Re: Best Friend (WMatsui OneShot)
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 06:58:01 AM »
I read this in Tumblr :'D good to see you here too :D

and... they are okay xD Rena and Jurina can run and run all the day (?

the fic was so cute <3 I really love this class of cute fanfics, more because is Wmatsui 8D

Offline Zita

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Re: Best Friend (WMatsui OneShot)
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 07:42:25 PM »
When Rena became so athletic  :lol:
Good for her.

Offline cisda83

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Re: Best Friend (WMatsui OneShot)
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2013, 08:23:55 PM »
So cute and sweet...

Yeah... Happy ending between Wmatsui

Thank you for the lovely OS

Can't wait to see more OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Best Friend (WMatsui OneShot)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2013, 05:02:08 PM »
i Like the happy endings so

thanks so much for dont make me sad ^^

such a cute fic


Offline kizumi

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Private Time (FuruYanagi OS) - COMPLETED
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2013, 06:39:52 PM »
Pairing: FuruYanagi

Rated: T

A/N: Yoyoyo~~ this is my first time writing a FuruYanagi fanfic. The person who suggested want fluff. But me and AryaMachdi couldn’t think of fluff, so this might be bad .____.

Well, I also posted this in Tumblr~

Anyways enjoy!

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter!



"Rena, have you seen Airin?"

"Sorry Churi, but I haven’t. But I did saw her running towards the dressing room with her laptop in her hands."

"Ah, okay. Thanks, Rena!"

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I quickly ran out of the training room as soon as the sensei called it a break. If I haven’t got out sooner, Churi would had immediately found me. As much as I love Churi and her presence near me, I must do my tradition.

I clutched the laptop in my hands and smiled in a perverted way. Finally, it was time.

I hurried out of the corner of the training room, and stealthily walked towards the exit. Before I could opened the door and went out, I took one more glance back at Churi. She was still asking other members where I am, and it was Yukiko’s turn to be asked.

I grinned. And quickly went out.

Without thinking, I scurried through the half empty corridor and made my way to the dressing room. I clutched the laptop in my hands tightly so it won’t slip out of my hands. I don’t want to buy a new laptop. I have very… important files in it. It was so important that I kept it hidden from everyone, including my beloved Churi.

I found the door that leads to the dressing room. Normally, most of the members rarely go to the room during break. And with that, I could watch the ‘important’ files in my laptop.

Before I got into the room, I checked my left and right to see if there was anyone walking pass by. When I think the coast was clear, I opened the door and went in the room.

The lights in the room were on and I saw dozens of bags and random clothing around the floor that belonged to other members. I also saw one pink bra dangling onto one of the chairs, and I resist the urge to smell it. I knew that it was Rena’s and I knew that it smelled like blueberry. I smelled them during the making of the Utsukushii Inazuma PV, her room was slightly opened and I was really curious. Luckily I finished just in time for Rena to come to her hotel room and told me all of the members were having dinner. So I followed her down to the restaurant with a proud smirk on my face.

But it was no time for flashbacks. I quickly went to an empty chair and set my laptop down onto the table I suddenly remembered and I hurried myself to turn off the lights in the room. I had already turned on the mirrors lights, so it was not completely dark.

I set down onto the chair and flipped open the laptop. I pressed the power button and the screen turned on with the Apple logo in the center. I smiled excitedly. After 2 weeks, I can now finally do my tradition.

When the desktop screen appeared, I immediately clicked on the folder that was titled ‘Airin’s Secret Stash’.

I clicked on the latest video of my hentai series. And yes, I did said ‘hentai’.

Just to be cautious, I lowered the volume so no one will hear. The last time I made that mistake, my mom asked me if I was auditioning for an adult movie.

I smirked when the video started. Finally some private time!

3 minutes later

I kept focusing on the screen. I’m really glad that no one disturbed me, until…

"Hello? Is anybody here? Airin?"

I heard someone opened the door and the voice… I know the voice… it’s Churi’s voice!

"Oh shit!"

I thought to myself, I’m in so much trouble now. I’m trying to find a way to talk to her and to protect my laptop from her. But because I was in the state of panicking, I don’t really know what to do.

I heard Churi walking into the dressing room. And her foot steps are getting louder and louder.

"Airin? Is that you?"

"I am so busted!"

I sat up straight, my hands are sweating, my heart beats faster and faster when Churi walked to my direction. I really don’t know how to respond her. Just a simple ‘hi’ will be fine, right?

"Oh… hi, C-Churi!"

My voice were shaky, but I can still handle it. I looked and smiled at her nervously. I don’t really want her to know that I watch some… well, you know. I played with my fingers and she walked to my direction quickly.

"Airin, what are you doing? I’ve been looking for you."

Churi asked, and I can hear that she was really worried.

"I… I’m just…"

She looked at my laptop and gasp. Then she looked back at me. She walked away, tried to find the switch light and turned it on. After the lights are on, she walks back to my direction and sighed, massaging her forehead.

"Airin… how many times should I tell you to stop watching this kind of anime? You can watch your beloved anime shows, but seriously… don’t watch this one!"

She started to nag at me and all I can do is bend my head. I don’t know if I felt guilty or not, but every time Churi nags at me, I do felt guilty. I love Churi, and I don’t want her to be angry with me.

I lifted my head and bowed in front of her.

"I’m sorry! Churi, I’m really sorry!"

She sighed once again. Now I really felt guilty, and maybe this time Churi won’t forgive me. I saw she started to leave, but before she open the door, I ran to her and closed it. She was about to complain, but I pulled her into a deep kiss.

I pinned her against the door. At first she didn’t kissed me back, but she accepted the kiss and she kissed me back.

The kiss didn’t last that long, though. I broke the kiss and smiled to her.

"Churi, I’m really sorry for watching those kind of videos. Please don’t be mad at me. I love you, Churi!"

I apologize to her and she forgave me.

"Ne, how about we watch something together? I have some new videos that we can watch."

She smiled. I’m glad that she wants to forgive me.

"Sure! But please… I don’t want to watch those kind of videos!"

She pouts and I just giggled which made her pouts even more.

"Hai, hai. Let’s get started, shall we?"

I offered her my hand, and she accepted it. We walked back to the table and I sat on the chair while Churi sat on my lap. I closed the other video and scroll through my other folder. I found the video that I wanted to watch and played the video.

I hugged Churi’s waist from behind while she leaning on my chest.

"Ne, Airin… please promise me that you won’t watch some hentai anime videos again, okay?"

I blushed but I will do whatever she tells me.

"Yes, I promised!"

I kissed her right cheek and it really made her blush.

"You know, we should do this more often. I mean, we should do this private time more often, ne?"

I grinned widely and it made Churi blush even more.

"But yeah, we should do something more ‘interesting’ than this, right?"

I kept teasing her and it really made me laughed. I really love to tease her, because it always make her blush.

"Mou… Airin! You’re such a hentai!"

Churi keeps whining and whining, but all I can do is laugh at her actions. But yeah, I really should have to do more of this private time with her. I just want to spend my time with her with nobody else to bother us.



Tadaaa~  how was it? I hope it’s okay, though. This is my first time writing on a FuruYanagi fanfic as well, so… meh!

I hope you guys like it!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:25:23 PM by sophcaro »
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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Re: Private Time (FuruYanagi OneShot)
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2013, 04:33:10 AM »
D'aaawwwwwwww :wub: :wub:  that's so cute~!!

Offline AryaMachdi

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Re: Private Time (FuruYanagi OneShot)
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 AM »
I will just make it clear...

IT WAS CUTE AND FLUFFY!  :otomerika:  :twothumbs  :cow:

So yeah... Thanks for posting it here! :)
I'm just a guy who likes writing fanfictions, makes music and has a healthy obsession for melonpan | Matsui Rena is my Oshimen! ^^


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Re: Private Time (FuruYanagi OneShot)
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2013, 12:42:08 PM »
It's good!!!!! REALLY GOOD. Hope I can read more from you!

I fucking love nail art.

Offline kizumi

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Re: Private Time (FuruYanagi OneShot)
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2013, 12:51:47 PM »
I will just make it clear...

IT WAS CUTE AND FLUFFY!  :otomerika:  :twothumbs  :cow:

So yeah... Thanks for posting it here! :)
Mou... you helped me, so thanks bro!  :cathappy:
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


Offline kizumi

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Happy Birthday (FuruYanagi) [OS] - COMPLETED
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2013, 04:58:33 PM »
Pairing: FuruYanagi

Rated: T

A/N: Yo~ I'm back with another FuruYanagi oneshot! My first FuruYanagi oneshot was a success. Thanks a lot! This will be my second FuruYanagi oneshot. Well, I was going to write a WMatsui oneshot, but because some of you guys told me to write another FuruYanagi, well here it is!

I hope you enjoy!

Don't forget to follow my Twitter! (*^^*)



It's almost December 13th, and most of you guys know what's on that day. It's a special day for her and also for me. Well, most of it is for her. I want to do something romantic for her. Oh yeah, it's Airin's birthday!

I really want her to have a special and romantic day. Well, forget about the romantic day. Let's just say, I want her to have a special day. What should I do?

Giving her a present is so last year and it's actually pretty mainstream. Well, actually I can bake. I should probably bake her a birthday cake. It sounds pretty good.

I grinned widely as I got the perfect idea for my beloved Furukawa Airi.

Airin is older than me and so it means that I'm younger than her. But we fell in love 2 years ago, and I can still remember when she confessed her feelings to me. She bought me a bird, a beautiful yellow bird. Obviously, Airin really knows my likes and dislikes.

Airin is a maniac of Anime and Manga. So, I also sometimes buy her comic books that she hasn't buy yet. She really loves to sketch, and all of it are amazing. I also know her likes and dislikes.

I looked at the picture of me and her, and I just smiled like a maniac.

*Knock knock*

Suddenly I heard someone knocking on my door.

I gently put my phone on the table, and walked quickly to the door. I opened the door and I was really surprised. It's her, the girl that I've been thinking of.

I smiled widely,

"Airin! I miss you so much, where have you been?"

I gave her a tight embrace. Too tight I guess.

"Wow! Hey, Churi. I miss you too, but we actually see each other at the theater."

She smiled. I released the tight embrace and pouted.


Airin just giggled. The sound of her giggling is like music to my ears. I gave her my cutest smile ever. Well, she said it's cute, I don't know about other people's opinions.

"Ne, Churi... since my birthday is coming, would you like to... you know, have dinner with me? Just the two of us?"

Airin blushed a little. Well, this is my chance to give her a surprise. I want to give her a surprise party, I guess. I'm not going to forget about baking her a birthday cake.

"That sounds great, cupcake!"

I cling to her arm while our fingers entwined. I can see that she keeps blushing. Well, that's her cute side. Not only that though, she has many cute sides.

"Do you want to go out now? I'm really bored just sketching, watching anime or reading manga at home. I can't concentrate on all of them cause I kept thinking about you."

Suddenly Airin avoid our eye contact, she's probably blushing.

"Yeah, sure. I'm also bored staying at home doing nothing. I only got my phone and my laptop to play. Where do you want to go?"

Airin put her index finger on her chin and trying to think where she wants to go.

"How about we go to the beach? We're not going to swim or anything. But, there's a small bar there and I think we should try to go there. We can also watch the sunset."

She grinned widely and I smiled.

"Yeah, that would be great. Shall we go now?"

She nodded.

We arrived at the beach. There's not much people came here, well it's because it's weekdays now. Probably most of them are still working.

Airin leaded the way. We arrived at the bar and the bar looks okay, fits for the both of us. Airin ordered us some beverages to drink. While we're waiting, Airin told me about her today's activities. There are some that made me laugh and teary.

For me to have Airin in my life, is such a great thing. Airin is always there when I needed her, I always do the same as well. I don't care what other people say about us. We love each other, and that's all it matters.

There's many thing that I love about her. But of course, I can't say it all. I'm just glad that Airin came to my life.

"Ne, Churi... what are you thinking about?"

She made me jumped a little.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just thinking about you."

I grinned, it also made Airin blushed.

"Eh? Why are you thinking about me?"
I giggled, sometimes she is so cute when she's curious like this. I grabbed her right hand and held it tight.

"Airin... have I ever tell you that I really love you? Well, I really love you, Airin. And, I will always love you. I promise, I will never leave you."

Airin looked awestruck by my words. She was going to say something, but I continued.

"Airin, I'm so glad that you came to my life. I used to have a bad life, problems with parents, with my friends, with everyone. But you came, and it changed everything."

I gave a peck on her right hand. Her hand smells good. Its sweet, just like her.

"Churi... I don't know what to say. I'm... so happy to hear that. I promise, I will never leave you as well. I love you, I love you so much!"

She hugged me tightly and I stroked her head gently.

"Thank you, Airin. Thank you for always being here for me."

I released the hug and we smiled to each other. Our beverages came just in time. We're pretty thirsty!

While we're drinking our beverages, we chat some more. I told so many stories about me to Airin.

It's almost sunset. Airin and I are lying down on the sand while staring at the sky. I looked down and stared at Airin. Stared at her beautiful face. All I wanted to do now is embrace her tightly and kiss her. But I think I'm going to save it until her birthday.

We stood up and watched the sunset. I held to her waist from behind. Airin looked at me and she started to smiled. Airin, without thinking, kissed me passionately. I guess I don't need to wait until her birthday, huh?

Airin broke the kiss. She smiled again and I smiled back to her.

I can't wait until her birthday.


1 day before Airin's birthday

"Churi, what should I do tomorrow?"

Akarin is going to help me for tomorrow's party. Many members are helping me to give Airin a surprise party. Even though Airin said it will only be the two of us, but I really want to give her a surprise party.

"Just stand there with the others, when I signal for you girls to come out, then you all will jump and scream 'happy birthday, Airin!', got it?"

I explained to her and she nodded.

I rubbed my forehead and headed to Rena. Well, Rena, is obviously going to get a special mission. Rena and Airin is very close, so I want Rena to make Airin really surprise. Rena's now living in America, and I know that Airin really misses her.

I waved at Rena and she smiled.

"Hey Rena, so you know what to do tomorrow right?"

I smiled and she nodded firmly.

"Yes, I know. Don't worry, Churi. Airin will be very surprise."

She giggled and gave me a thumbs up.

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then. Jya~"

I headed home. I had a long day, preparing and telling everyone to do this and that just for my beloved Airin.

I finally arrived home. I just remember that I have to bake Airin a birthday cake. I straight away prepare all the ingredients and started baking it. It took me awhile to bake it, but I will always do anything for my baby girl.

The cake is done and all I need to do is sign the cake with the icing. I'm really sure that she'll love this. I put the cake in the fridge, hoping it won't melt.

It has been a long day, so I'm heading to my bed to get some rest, regaining my energy for tomorrow.


It's December 13th, my beloved Airin's special day. I'm really excited for today and I really want to call Airin straight away. I picked up my phone from my table lamp, and dialing her number. I'm really surprised that at this time she has woke up from her sleep.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Happy birthday!"

I lifted my hand while jumping up and down on the bed. Man, it felt good!

"Ah, Churi~ thank you so much! I can't wait to have lunch with you today."

I can hear from her voice that she's really satisfied.

"You're welcome. I can't wait as well. I'll pick you up, ne?"


That's all I needed to do. For now.

I took a shower quickly and dressed neatly. Hey, I don't want to look bad on my girlfriend's special day. I went out from my bedroom and went to the kitchen to take out the cake. The cake still looks good. I put the cake in a special cake box that I bought.

I went out my apartment and went to the basement to get my car. I put the cake on the back of the sit, so Airin won't notice it. She'll be sitting on the passenger sit beside me, so she will be focusing on the road as well.

I arrived at Airin's house and I saw Airin standing in front of her house. I went out from my car and greeted her.

"Hey, hey~ how's my birthday girl?"

I hugged her and gave her a peck on her lips.

"It's been good. Shall we go now? I'm starting to get hungry."

She pouted and I giggled. Her age had changed but her personality is still the same.

"Hai, hai~ let's go then!"

I opened the front car door for her. After we settled, we drove off to the restaurant.

We arrived at the restaurant. We went in to the restaurant and I saw Rena standing at the back of the door. Thank goodness that Airin didn't see her. I signaled Rena to take Airin's birthday cake in my car.

We went to our table. We ordered some foods and drinks. I excused myself to go to the restroom, but I actually want to tell the others to start the surprise party.

I came back. I walked in front of Airin, while the others walked behind her. I smiled to Airin widely, and it made Airin a bit confused. I signaled the girls.

"Happy birthday, Airin!"

All of them jumped and sing her a birthday song.

Rena came with the birthday cake and smiled widely after I saw Airin really surprised after the other members and Rena surprised her. Rena stand in front of Airin while holding the birthday cake.

"Happy birthday, Airin! I miss you so much~"

I can see that Airin is going to cry because all of this. I'm so happy that this went well.


Rena gave the cake to me and Airin gave Rena a hug. She cried on Rena's shoulder and it really made me teary.

"OMG! How did you came here? Okay, okay. Who made this surprise party?"

Rena broke the hug and smiled. She looked at me and Airin was really shocked when Rena told Airin that I planned everything for her.

"Churi? You planned this just for me?"

Airin held to hands and I nodded.

"Yes, my dear."

I giggled and she gave me a tight embrace. I can hear that she whispered to me saying 'thank you'. She broke the embrace and gave me a kiss. A passionate kiss. I blushed because we're in public and she was really brave to do this in public.

"Airin, happy birthday! May your wishes come true. I love you always!"



How was it? Well, Airin's birthday is still long. But I got the idea this afternoon. So, I've been busy working on this since the afternoon lol.

I hope you guys like it! And I hope I can write more FuruYanagi fanfictions for all my friends and followers who ship FuruYanagi.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:25:56 PM by sophcaro »
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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Re: Happy Birthday (FuruYanagi) [OS]
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2013, 06:26:28 PM »
It's sooo fluffy~!! and I imagined a hyperactive churi for some reason XD

Offline kizumi

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Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS] - COMPLETED
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2013, 05:06:48 PM »
Pairing: WMatsui

Rated: T

A/N: Hey you, WMatsui shippers! I’m back with another oneshot of WMatsui~ it’s been awhile, huh? Okay, so I don’t know if it’s going to be a long oneshot or a short one.

I dedicated this oneshot to my best WMatsui shipper in Tumblr. I don't know if the person has a jphip account. If you do, I hope you enjoy reading in here as well! lol

Well, I’m going to have an exam starting from Sept 16th until… don’t know~ lol

I hope you enjoy! :v



What should I do? What should I do? This feeling is killing me, this feeling is like a drug to me, I got obsessed by it. I don’t know how to control, to stop, to just… confess to her. Is that really hard to confess to a person that you really love? People say that it is, but some also say that it is not. For me? It is.

My name is Matsui Jurina, I’m a 16 years old 2nd year of high school student. People say, fans say that I’m a hyperactive girl or idol. Well, I think I am, though. I don’t know, I’m always like this.

My rival, Matsui Rena. Well, I have a crush on her since our group debuted. She’s a shy, cute, beautiful girl. I really like her. No, I love her. I want to confess to her, but I still don’t know how. Confessing isn’t that easy, I’m just scared that I will lose my friendship with her.

Every time I see her performing, she always gave her best for our fans. She’s really energetic. But, is it wrong to be like this? To feel this? I do love her a lot, but our age. Our age is different, 6 years difference. I’m still scared what will other people think and say about us (if we’re really dating).

Rena and I are really different. I don’t know if Rena will accept and have the same feelings like mine.

Oh God, help me!


I entered the theater. We’re going to have a theater performance starting next week, so we have to start practicing this week.

I looked around and saw the other members are occupied with their businesses. I sighed. I looked around again and saw Rena sitting on one of the theater chair. I smiled, and waved at her.


I approached her. I can see that she’s smiling widely after she saw me approaching her. Her smile, is really beautiful. That’s her charm point.

"Jurina-chan, ohayou gozaimasu!"

I reached her and gave her my super duper tight embrace that some members love. Every time I gave Rena a hug, she always pouted afterwards then she blushed.

Well, she did it again. It always made me giggled. I always wanted to pinch her chubby cheeks and give her a peck on her cheeks.

"Good morning to you too, Rena-chan. So, has sensei arrived yet?"

I asked.

"No, she hasn’t. I think she’s going to be the one who is going to be late, ne?"

Rena giggled. Her giggle is like music to my ears.


I giggled as well and both of us lost in our own world.

Few minutes later, our sensei came and it’s time to practice.

Today’s practice wasn’t that long, though. But it is tiring and all my body hurts. I really need someone to massage me. Oh well, I’ll be fine. I’m a strong girl, so it’ll be okay if I’m like this. I’m used to all of this.

It’s time for us to go to our home. I’m packing up all my stuffs in the changing room and also changing my clothes. I saw Rena packing as well, but I also saw her changing her clothes. I felt my cheeks are burning cause of blushing. We always change our clothes together, but right now is really… awkward, different. There’s only me and Rena in the changing room.

I didn’t realize that I’ve been staring at Rena’s milky skin. Then Rena suddenly giggled.

"Ne, Jurina… why are you staring at me?"

I blushed again. I hope she didn’t saw me blushing.

"Etto… no-nothing! I-it’s really nothing!"

I continued packing my stuffs. Maybe Rena will think that I acted really weird just then, but it doesn’t matter. But, oh God… her milky skin is also like a drug to me. I felt like a pervert person, I’m actually not but I felt like one.

I finished packing, while Rena still packing her stuffs. I waited at the front door. Few minutes later she came and smiled to me after she saw me waiting for her.

"Jurina? Why are you still here?"

I smiled and giggled.

"I’m waiting for you, Rena-chan!"

Rena was shocked. I do acted really off today, but I’m acting like a person who is in love. I am, I’m in love with Matsui Rena. My rival in the senbatsu.

"Eh? You really should go home now. Do you want to walk together with me?"

I grinned widely and gave her a thumbs up. Outside I looked normal, but inside I was like in heaven. It’s normal for people who doesn’t have feelings for her, but for people who has, it’s really the opposite.

Rena took my hand and we started to head home. And yes, my hand is sweating. Rena still felt comfortable even though my hand does felt like it’s sweating. Is it really sweating or is it only my feeling?

We always went to the same direction every time we head home. But our neighborhood are different. Sometimes I take her home first, but sometimes she take me home first. Our neighbors always think that we’re ‘together’ or sisters. The word ‘together’ sounds good, but I don’t know if it’s going to happen one day or not.

Today, Rena is the one who took me home. We arrived at my front gate, I thanked her for today.

"Rena-chan, thanks a lot for today. Take some rest, ne?"

Rena smiled.

"Hai! Thanks for today too, Jurina. Good night!"

Rena lowered her head for awhile, after a few seconds, she lifted her head again and gave me surprise kiss on my right cheek. After that she lowered her head again and smiled shyly without making any eye contact with me. She left afterwards.

I held to my right cheek and my mind was blank. What the hell just happened? She gave me a kiss on my right cheek? Am I dreaming?

Put yourself together, Jurina!

After I rubbed my right cheek, I smiled like an idiot and went inside my house. I was really happy, today was my best day ever! But what does it mean? Does she has the same feelings as mine? I mean, there’s no way she gave me a kiss without any feelings like that, right?

I’m just going to stop thinking about this first. I still got works to do, and it’s already 8 PM.

While I’m working on my school works, I just realized that tomorrow’s Saturday and I have plans to do with Rena. I’m going to have shopping with Rena! It’s been awhile, so I’m really looking forward to it.

We also have a day off tomorrow, so we will rule the day.

I had a long day today, so I’m heading to bed to get some plenty of rest.


I woke up at 8 AM. I stood up from my bed and straightly went to the bathroom to take a shower. A few minutes later, I finished taking a shower and dressing up. I wore a short shorts and a t-shirt.

I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I saw my mom still preparing the breakfast. She saw me walking to the kitchen and she smiled.

"Good morning, Jurina!"

I smiled back.

"Good morning, mom. Oh yeah, I’m going shopping later on with Rena-chan. Is it okay?"

She puts the plate of omelet and a glass of orange juice on the table while nodding.

"Yeah, sure!"

I sat on the dining table and eat my breakfast. After I had my breakfast, I went back to my room to text Rena. After she said she’s still going to come, I waited for the time to come.

While I’m waiting, I got an idea. I’m going to confess to Rena today! I ran downstairs and asking for my mom permission to go early to the mall. After she said ‘yes’, I straightly went to the mall.

My plan is, I’m going to buy Rena a bracelet. A gold bracelet. I’m going to give it to her after I confess to her. I hope this works!

I arrived at the mall and I went to the accessories shop to buy the bracelet. I’m really happy that they got the bracelet that I wanted. There’s two same bracelets, so I bought it. One for me and one for Rena.

I got the bracelets, now time to wait for Rena at the cinema. Oh no, we’re not going to watch a movie. She said that she wants to meet me at the cinema, so I agreed with her.

I arrived at the cinema and I saw Rena standing in front of a cafe. I called Rena and waved at her.

"Hey, Rena-chan!"

I smiled.

"Hey, Jurina. Have you had your lunch? If you already had it, do you want to shop now?"

I held tight to the paper bag that got the bracelets in it.

"Mmm, do you want to go to the park?"

I asked her nervously and Rena just nodded.

We walked to the park in silence, none of us talk. I’m really nervous, my hands are sweating, my mind kept thinking what words should I say to her. Sometimes confessing is so complicated.

We arrived at the park and I told Rena to sit down on a bench while I buy some beverages for us to drink. After I got the beverages, I went back to the bench where Rena is sitting.

I saw her playing with her phone. I sat next to her and gave her the drink. It was awkward though, we still haven’t say anything.

Okay Jurina, be brave!

"Ano… Rena, I got something to say."

I broke the silence between us, and it kinda made Rena relief. I think she was waiting for me to break the silence.

"Well Rena, we became friends on the day we join the 1st generation audition of SKE48. Since that day, I have this feelings. At first I didn’t know what it was, cause I never felt like this before. I really want to stop thinking about this feelings, but I just can’t,"

Rena was confused, maybe she doesn’t understand what I’m going to say to her. But then I continued,

"I’m just going to make it simple. Rena, I love you!"

Rena’s eyes grew wide after I confessed to her. But then I felt someone pulled me to a tight embrace. It was her.

"Jurina… thank you! Thank you for having the same feelings as mine. I love you too, you kissing monster!"

She giggled and she broke the tight embrace.

I smiled to her and I remembered that I got something for her. The bracelets. I took out the two bracelets out from the paper bag and took one of it and I put on the bracelet on her left wrist. She looked at me with a surprise expression on her face.

"Eh? What’s this?"

I giggled and put the other bracelet on my lap.

"A gift. Rena will you be my girlfriend?"

I asked bravely. Well, I don’t need to be nervous again, right? I already confessed to her and it already made me really relief. Rena was going to cry but I giggled.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend. Is that the same bracelet as mine? Do you want me to put it on your wrist?"

Rena saw the other bracelet on my lap and I took the bracelet and gave it to her.

"Yes, that will be great."

Rena put on the bracelet on my wrist and I smiled widely. We’re officially couple!

"Thank you, Rena-chan!"

I pulled her to a passionate kiss. I don’t care if people see, I’m just glad that Rena accepted my feelings and she also has the same feelings as mine. I promise that I will never leave her.

"You’re welcome, Jurina. Thanks for this precious gift!"


How was it? I hope you guys enjoyed this!

See you on my next fanfictions!  :D

« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:26:20 PM by sophcaro »
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


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Re: Happy Birthday (FuruYanagi) [OS]
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2013, 06:31:28 PM »
FURUYANAGI~~~~~~  :heart:

So damn cute and fluffy! I was needing it badly! Thank you o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2013, 07:57:11 PM »
nice story ....
thanks for update author~san

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2013, 08:08:46 PM »
WMatsui always cute ^_^



Offline abcari

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Re: Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2013, 08:55:53 PM »
The bracelets!!!! <3 so cute!!!

Offline Koneki

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Re: Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2013, 07:06:38 AM »
I'm that person 8) *A*  XDDDDD yo! xD

I loved it >////< :cathappy: :cathappy:

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Re: Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2013, 09:18:25 PM »
Ah this is nice.
I like when they are together. :grin:
Next please. :thumbsup

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Re: Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2013, 01:26:53 PM »
Thank you author-san :peace:
Please update moree :love:

"Once I told Yui a message, 'no matter what happens, I only want Yui to be by my side.' To think of it, it just become a vogue, isn't it?"

-Shimazaki Haruka-

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