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Author Topic: [O.S. and S. S. Collections] Kissing Galore (Kai x Acchan)  (Read 28367 times)

Offline anonymousstalker

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[O.S. and S. S. Collections] Kissing Galore (Kai x Acchan)
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:30:22 PM »
One Shot and Short Story Collections

Just sharing some random one-shots that I've made so far in our tumblr account... :sweatdrop:

[Birthday Request] Kai x Acchan

Together with You
(KojiYuu ver.)
(SayaMilky ver.)
(MaYuki ver.)

*Weekly Poll Stories*

Week 1
The Black Thieves (MaYuki) || [2] || [3] || [4] || [END]
Only for a Day (KojiYuu)

Week 2
Waiting (MaYuki)
Her Perspective (KojiYuu)

Week 3
The O.U. Couple (YukiRena) || [2] || [3]

Week 4

Kissing Galore (Kai x Acchan)

Posting it here as per request 8)

This fic is dedicated to My Faby :deco: who is celebrating her birthday  :peace:... Happy Happy Birthday Faby  :luvluv2: I hope you'll like it... :on slopkiss: and sorry if it's a bit a late...  :sweatdrop:

[Birthday Request] Kai x Acchan

Glancing out of the window and into the evening sky, I realized that I had been at it much longer than I expected; at least a good couple hours. I never exactly planned to do this. Then again, I also never planned to fell in love with a Hot-Shot- CEO, either.

"Are you done yet?”

Kai’s tone was only a little terse and all it took was one glance up at his face to realize he was more embarrassed than annoyed. He was adorable when he got embarrassed. I laughed aloud, partially because of his words and partially because 'adorable' was never a word I would have used to describe this man a few months ago. My outburst seemed to have surprised him as he raised a fine brow and give me a vicious look. Crap.

“No! wait," I said, stifling my amusement. “I’ll be quiet!”

“Good girl.”

“And anyway…. You should prepare the table, it will be done as soon as you finished setting up.”

I was convinced to live together with him after all were already engaged. And I could still remember the very first time we've met. It was the time when I was supposed to study for my final exams, but in some unfortunate events my best friend Tomomi got ill and is subjecting me to do an interview, that she’d arrange to some mega-industrialist tycoon I’ve never heard of -.- for our school newspaper.

“Acchan, I’m sorry. It took me like forever to get this interview! And as the Editor-in-Chief I can’t blow this off. So, please help me!” Tomomi begs me.

“But I know nothing about him?”

“Don’t worry, here” she hands me a notebook and a recorder.” Just press record and I’ll do the transcribing later.”

Sigh… “Alright…Just make sure you have a good rest okay…” I said. Only for you, Tomochin, would I do this.

“Thanks Acchan-as usual you’re my lifesaver.”

I smile at her wryly as I head out to the door. I can’t believe she talk me into this. But then again Tomochin can talk anyone in to anything. I wish I can be someone like her… she’ll be a great journalist.

My destination was the headquarters of Takahashi Global Enterprise, a huge office building with a well-defined architectural thought all covered with glass and steel located on the east side of Tokyo. The people there were very well groomed and good looking.

I first thought about him as middle age man in his mid-forties. I mean owning a huge company with about forty-eight thousand employees that he needs to get along with is what normally a rich guy can achieved in that stage. So I was really taken back when I saw, a very young attractive man, dressed in a fine gray suit with white shirt and a black tie with unruly blond hair and intense dark eyes looking at me.

The room seems quiet as usual after we finished eating our dinner.  Were in the living room right know doing our own stuff. Actually I suggested that we should eat dinner at home instead of going out, I know Kai doesn't like to take orders if it is from a normal person like me. But he seems pretty soft nowadays. Besides these serve as my apology after the stunt I've made the other night.

Heh ,you could say I had him wrapped around my little finger….

“You’re looking awfully pleased with yourself,” Kai’s smooth voice cut through my reverie. I realized I’d been smirking to myself. “Do I need to punish you again?”

Okay…maybe not so much wrapped as….in the palm of my…

"Listen, next time you start to go out with your friends again make sure those guys should follow the rules, maybe someone should teach them some manners."

"You are quite the disciplinarian," I hiss at him.

"Oh, Atsuko, should we continue your punishment then." His eyes narrows, and grins wickedly.

"N-no, I already learned my lesson" it's disarming, one minute, I'm confused and angry, the next I'm gazing at his gorgeous smile.

For all the sour looks and promise of retribution for annoying him, he was a sweetheart when it mattered.

"I'm going to have a shower. Unless you'd like to shower first?" He cocks his head to one side, still grinning. My heart starts to throb and my breathing became shallow. His grin even widens, then he reaches over and run his thumb down my cheek and across my lower lip.

"Breathe, my love," he whisper then rises as he heads into the bathroom and closes the door.

I let out the breath that I've been holding. God why is he so damned attractive? Right now I want to go and join him in the shower. His the only guy who can make my hormones racing. Yet, he's so antagonizing too; he's difficult, complicated, and confusing.

Oh, that was another thing about Kai.

He was a closet pervert. When he'd actually admitted this to me I had assumed he meant it as a tease, but sometimes I really began to wonder. He was cool and calm most of the time, but it seemed like whenever we were blessed with a moment alone, no matter where or when, he was all over me. If our activities were interrupted, he could easily act like nothing had happened in the first place. Unlike me, who often lay frazzled on the floor with my clothes in disarray, hair a mess, cheeks flushed and lips swollen in the throes of our passion?

It was terribly mortifying.


After he finished his shower, I also made my way to the bathroom to refresh myself. After getting myself dried and putting on my sleeping dress we get back to the living room to continue our work.

“Hey , Atsuko have you submitted your resume that I've told you” Kai said as he approached me .

Oh...not that... I've told him many times that I don't want to work in his company... I can't believe his bringing this up again...

“Um… no.”

“And what’s wrong with my company?”

Your company or your Company?” I smirk.

He smiles slightly.

“Are you smirking at me, Maeda Atsuko?” He cocks his head to one side, and I think he looks amused, but it’s hard to tell. I flush and glance down at my unfinished work. I can’t look him in the eye when he uses that tone of voice.

“I’d like to bite that lip,” he whispers darkly.

Oh my. I am completely unaware that I am chewing my bottom lip. My mouth pops open as I gasp and swallow at the same time. That has to be the sexiest thing anybody has ever said to me. My heart beat spikes, and I think I’m panting. Jeez, I’m a quivering, moist mess, and he hasn’t even touched me. I squirm in my seat and meet his dark glare. “Don’t screw up your face like that. It’s not attractive.”

“You know what else isn’t attractive?” I challenged, crossing my arms and turning away. I did my best to stay angry.

“I can’t possibly think of anything,” he replied. “Not when I look a beauty such as you.” I pressed my furrowed brow into my hand in frustration. This time it was directed at myself for being so easily swayed by his sweet-talk. It wasn’t just what he said, either. It was how he said it. His voice turned from teasing to soft and genuinely sweet, a promise that all he said was true and straight from his heart.
Words and sentiments for me, and me alone; just hairs shy from his bedroom voice.

I turned to look at him, and the hand cupped my cheek. The love in his expression destroyed my resolve. Before I realized my own actions I was kissing him tenderly while his hands rested on my hip. I pushed my hands up over his chest, feeling the definition of his muscles through the thin cotton of his shirt going down to his pants.

“You’re terrible,” I muttered against his mouth, feeling a shiver run tthrough me at the deep rumble that he made. I could feel it resonate in his chest.

“Need I remind you you’re talking to a CEO, my love…?”

“No,” I smiled. “I think I should remind you, though.” I stepped away from him, waving around the small pouch I’d pilfered from his inner pocket of his pants. Kai blinked and I thrilled in surprising him, watching with glee as he patted both his pockets to discover I had actually managed to retrieve his personal stash of sweets without him noticing.

“Ha,” he chuckled and beckoned me back over. “Not bad…”

I shook my head, smiling sweetly as I tucked my hands with the bag in tow behind my back. Kai’s smile fell into a frown.

“I think you need to learn a lesson,” I said, flaring with a dangerous sense of superiority at my accomplishment. “No sweets until you learn to play nice with me.”

“You’re…punishing me?” he asked, almost incredulous. He laughed. “That’s rich. Bring them here, right now.”

“No.” I said.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I.” He sighed, shoulders rising and falling visibly.

“Fine. Keep it. I’m not about to get into a child’s quarrel with you.” I tilted my head, rocking on my feet and relishing in my own amusement. He was trying so hard to play his role as the cool and uncaring CEO, sophisticated and above silly things like sweets. I know may have fallen for it... but now I knew better.

Humming a tune, I pocketed the pouch and moved to gather my belongings  into my arms before heading towards the steps to our room. I turned away from Kai to stoop and pick up a stray piece of parchment that had drifted out of my grasp.

Bad idea.

Something grabbed my hips so suddenly that I startled and yelped. The sound was partially muffled when his hand clasped itself over my mouth, his skin warm and smelling of his sweet scent. The fingers at my hip began to wander down and inward, ghost-like as they brushed down my thigh. I could never really be sure if he was trying to drive me crazy or if he was really just looking for where I’d stowed his candy, but I suspected it was a bit of both.

“Now, now,” he said in that low voice against my neck as he searched. “No need to be waking our neighbors again….” He made a satisfied hum in his throat when his hand finally brushed over the hidden pocket in my skirt, not hesitating for a second to snake his fingers inside.

Now, you have to understand that I’d been waiting for what seemed like ages to get even on Kai. Although deep-down he was a very sweet and caring person and I would probably never trust anyone more, that arrogance of his was still very much present. I was certain he enjoyed torturing and teasing me like this, knowing how he still made me blush and stutter even though we’d been intimate many times. I’d come to suspect that I would probably never be able to top his confidence. So you might see why I was eager to hold on this wild card I’d just captured. I shook myself from the reverie of Kai’s caresses and pulled away before he had a chance to pull the pouch from my skirt.

Even though I could feel my cheeks burning, I put on the calmest face I could manage and turned to look at the pirate now before me.

“Nice try,” I said, immensely proud at how cool my voice came. “I’m going to bed.” I turned quickly, uncertain how long my resolve would hold, purposely avoiding Kai’s enchanting eyes as I strode towards the bunk.

I half expected him to follow me, an anxious chill running down my spine in anticipation. Only when I get to our room. Sitting down on what was now designated ‘my side’ of the bed it’s with a ridiculous amount of happiness that I acknowledge this; I pulled the pouch of sweets from my pocket. I decided to hide it beneath the mattress and crawled under the covers to call it a night.

Little did I know that this would be the last time I got a quiet night’s sleep – all because I dared to steal it from him.


It was one of those times when we feel like there's something  that we need to prove a point after having these little arguments we have and I'm sure Kai absolutely doesn't want to lose especially to me.

In normal days, I’d be in a sound sleep and slowly awaken to the feeling of his lips on my neck and collarbone, my clothes undone and skin chilled by the night air. In a sleepy-haze, I’d return the kisses now focused on my lips, embracing him with my entire body. Then I’d fall into a warm afterglow, easily finding my dreams again wrapped in his arms. Only Kai’s smile the next morning would remind me that it had not imagined the whole thing.

But that was before I stole his prized pouch.

I was startled awake by a sharp feeling at my shoulder.

“Ow!” I gasped, but was silenced when his mouth crashed on mine. It was not a gentle kiss, but hungry, even for Kai.

I was starting to run out breath when he finally deigned to pull away, gazing at me close and intense. I could see both his eyes now and I got lost in them easily. Only when I felt the stinging ache at my shoulder did I regain my senses.

“Did you just bite me?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes,” he replied with a tone that made me exhilarated and nervous at the same time.

“Why would you do that?!”

“Why wouldn’t I?” he replied coolly, grasping my jaw in his hand. I blinked, a little taken aback at how forceful he was being. Don’t get me wrong, Kai was a passionate man for the most part, but when things got intimate he was actually rather gentle. He wasn’t holding me tight enough to hurt, but it was enough to make my heart jump into my throat. “After all, you stole from me…and I don’t like people stealing from me. Not even you, my love.”

He let the last word roll off his tongue like sugar, brushing his hand down my jaw and over my throat which made me want to swallow thickly. I watched him, clutching the covers in the bed and wondered what was going on in his head as he gazed at me in the dark. After a moment, I let a small, careful chuckle escape my lips as I moved to sit up.

“You’re not really mad about -?”

Kai pushed me back down to the bed and held me there, brushing his lips up over my check and inhaling deeply.

“Where are they…?” His tongue darted out over the ridge of my ear and I shuddered. “I won’t be angry with you if you tell me now….”

What? I felt myself thinking. How I could form a coherent thought with Kai literally breathing down my neck, I didn’t know, but that stubborn part of me reared up again.

“Absolutely not,” I said, turning my face away from him in an attempt to block him out.

“You’re certain?” he practically purred now as his hands found their way under the covers and up my skirt, tickling up outer thigh. I shut my eyes and clenched my jaw, willing myself not to feel the tingles that were beginning to work their way across my skin. He leaned into me, settling between my knees and I realized I needed to regain control, and fast, or I was going to lost it in the next few minutes. With every ounce of strength I could muster I clamped my legs around his waist, gripped his shoulders with my hands, and shoved. Normally, this maneuver wouldn’t have worked. Kai was much stronger than I was physically, but I had the element of surprise on my side.

When I landed I top him with my hair in my face, I brushed it out of the way and tried not to look too shocked at what I’d accomplished. Instead, I crossed my arms over my chest and looked into his, dare I say, puzzled eyes.

“Not that easy, Kai!” I said. “I’m not your little puppy anymore. You can’t just smile at me and charm your way into getting whatever you want.”

“Of course not,” he said as he relaxed into the bedding. I eyed him, wary of his strangely cooperative behavior. “I planned on doing much more than just smile….” He was after my skirts again and when I smacked his hands away defiantly he pouted. He actually pouted! It was almost enough to make me crack seeing that. Gods, his lips were so beautiful. It wouldn’t hurt if I just kissed him a few times…. No! I had to stay strong! Kai already suspected he was winning given the cock of his fine, blonde hair and quirk of his lips into that self-satisfied smile.

How could one man be so frustrating and so alluring all at the same time? I hated it!

“We can make a game of it, if that’s how you want to play,” he said. “Let me guess where you hid them….” He lifted his hands and started to methodically pat me down, first the arms and hips. When his palms started to cascade up my front up to my breasts I crossed my arms over them.

“Oh come on,  you’d know if I was hiding them there!” I said raising a brow. The pouch was not large, but it was plenty bulky and would have made for an interesting appearance if I’d actually had the gall to put them there. It would have been obvious, to say the least.

“I find it remarkable how much you still blush like a virgin when we both know you’re not,” he said, sitting up so we were face to face. He took hold of my arms and gently unwrapped them before taking one of my hands in his and started kissing at my fingers. “Perhaps a reminder….?”

“Kai..,” I huffed, but fell silent when he looked up at me with warmth in his eyes. His tone had changed, too. It was that tender, intimate voice he used only with me when we do that certain thing. With his free hand he cupped my cheek and coaxed me in for a kiss, lingering and slow with the slightest hint of promised passion. When he released my hand I couldn’t help but run my fingers through his blond, smooth hair, curling the ends on the tips.

After a few kisses it became apparent that Kai was becoming quite distracted. I opened my eyes with my lips still pressed against his to see him pulling up our sheets with his free hand. I pulled back and saw that he’d already managed to remove the covers from our pillows and flung them across the room and stripped the bed of its covers. When he saw that he’d been caught he frowned at me.

“Where are they?”

Was he really being this childish? I couldn’t believe it and I really couldn’t stand how easily he was manipulating me. If he wanted to play pirate, then I would play pirate.

“I hid them in the kitchen,” I said. “In one of the cupboards.” Kai eyed me seriously then and frowned. Then, it was like his face lit up with something not unlike pride.

“That was rather crafty of you,” he said with a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips. “You thought I wouldn’t dare venture into it, didn’t you?”

“Yeah,” I quickly agreed, and tried to emphasize my innocence by fiddling with my fingers as I bowed my head.

“Well, that’s where you’re wrong, Atsuko,” he said, sweeping me off his lap and into his arms before turning to lay me back down on the bed. Leaning over me, he hovered a moment with his lips just a breath away from touching mine. “You should realize by now that nothing will stop me from getting what I want.” He didn’t kiss me, just gave my cheek a feather-light brush of his fingertips before pulling away. Then he heads for the door on his way to retrieve his sweets.

I huffed, gnawing on my lower lip in frustration as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I could hear his boots echoing as he moved down the hall and waited until they grew faint before I rushed to the door and closed it, latching it shut.

That done, I returned to the bed and sat down, crossing my legs as I sat, and waited for his imminent return. Though I believed that Kai was a very intimidating man, It took a little longer than I suspected, but I had just finished braiding and unbraiding my hair for the third time when I heard the heavy footfalls return to the door. If they were any indication, Kai was not pleased with me. He tried the door and I heard the latch rattle, practically feeling the atmosphere darken as Kai realized he’d been locked out of his own room.

“Atsuko,” his voice came through the door, trying to sound sweet but obviously straining.

“Yes, Honey?” I called back.

“Open the door, would you?”

“No…,” I said, glancing at the ceiling as if in thought. “I don’t think I will.”

“This is no time for childish games. It’s late.”

“You’re right. I really should retire for the evening.” A pause. I was certain I could hear him grumbling outside the door, trying not to lose that ever-present cool of his.

“If you open the door now I will forgive that you lied to me.”

“What lie?” I asked, continuing to feign ignorance.

“My pouch was not in the kitchen.”

“Are you sure? Maybe you just didn’t look hard enough.”

“Don’t play coy with me, girl. I have very good reason to believe it was not there.”

“Oh, you’re right! Here they are! Silly me. They were here all along!” I dug out the pouch from the mattress and weighed it in my palm. I really was enjoying this far too much, but considering I was probably going to regret it in the long run I figured I may as well have my fun while I could.

Of course, that was when I realized things had gotten far too quiet. I sat and listened as hard as I could, anxious at the length of the silence.

“Kai?” I called, but there was no answer. Had he given up? Had he actually walked away? That was hard to believe, but maybe he really thought I was being too childish for his tastes. If that was the case, he may as well have been the pot calling the kettle black. I got up with the pouch still in my grasp and pressed my ear against the door. I hadn’t even heard him leave. Was he just standing out there? I glanced down at the crack at the bottom of the door and noticed there was no longer a shadow there. It was like he had vanished entirely.

The next few seconds were a blur to me as my senses tried to catch up with all that was going on. The only thing that registered in my mind was a low, sultry voice that could be none other than Kai’s whispering into my ear.




“Nice try.”

I felt him seize my arms and pull them behind me, wresting the pouch from them as he pressed me against the door. I could almost feel the subtle, deep, knee-weakening laugh run through his body as he pressed against me from behind.

“Did I ever tell you that the people in my family are quick….quiet…and quite vengeful if provoked.”

Part 2 is posted on this section
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 01:20:58 PM by anonymousstalker »

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline chichay12

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Re: [O. S. Birthday Request] Kai x Acchan 10/24
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 06:46:39 PM »
*saving the spot
OMGGGGGGG NABY!!!!  :inlove:

best gift ever!!!
omg i cant find a word to say how thankful i am right now XD
and again..thank u for this!
i love u so much XD  :on slopkiss:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 06:42:56 PM by Chichay12 »

Offline blakwhite

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Re: [O. S. Birthday Request] Kai x Acchan 10/24
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 07:10:58 PM »
woooo, so rare kai is aggresive  :shock:

please update soon  :on GJ:

Offline cisda83

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Re: [O. S. Birthday Request] Kai x Acchan 10/24
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2013, 02:20:37 PM »
Yeah... atsumina story...

Like it lots...

Nice of gender bender story

Thank you ...

Can't wait to see the next chapter

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline anonymousstalker

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Together with You. (KojiYuu ver.)

As the sun rise, I didn’t realize that I’d manage to occupy the entire bed in my sleep. I stretched myself out as I ran my fingers over the sheets on her over size bed. Then I wondered…

Does she come by to bed last night?

I sat myself up and rubbed my neck, blowing some strands of hair out from my face. As I look around, I smell a coffee brewing across the room. She’s definitely awake!  I scooted to the edge of the bed, giving one more stretch before I tucked my feet in my slippers and made my way to the kitchen.

What is she up too?

As I walk towards to it, glimpsing a little of her on the corner of my eye, I saw her busy making something over by the stove, Is she making breakfast? I thought, then grab the coffee she made by the counter table as I drink it I turned around to ask her.

“We’re you’ve been up—-!” I suddenly stop myself and was taken by surprised as I nearly choked the coffee that I was drinking.  Looking at her now, my eyes dropped as I can see her wearing Absolutely Nothing!! but an apron covering her small body.

As she noticed my presence she faced me with her dimpled smile with a spatula in one hand and a plate of pancakes on the other, looking proudly of herself.

“Oh No, I came to bed pretty early last night, but you were in such a deep sleep” She said, as her eyes shimmer. “Believe me, I tried to wake you, Nyannyan.”

“What do you think you’re doing??” I asked raising my brow.

She then pouts. “Making breakfast for you of course, Princess. I thought you might enjoy it, since were so busy lately, we didn’t get much to spend more time together.” She said with a bright smile.

I rolled my eyes .“W-Well that’s very nice, but that’s not what I meant and you know it,” I said in a cold tone. “Why are you naked?!”

“I’m not,” Yuko replied acting innocently. She then turned her back from me and starts to place the rest of the meal on our plates. And I was faced with her bare oshiri once again.

Come to think of it she really has a nice—- wait what am I thinking…?!?!  I quickly turned my gaze away as I feel my cheeks suddenly burning.But then when I tried to look back, she was right in front of me, looking intensely to my face as if she were trying to read my thoughts.

I could feel the sweat drop escaping from my face and the shame of embarrassment rising inside me. She didn’t say anything; instead she held something frilly up in front of me and grinned mischievously.

I gulped as I look onto it, a matching ‘apron’; she bought it just for the two of us. She really wants to see me wearing it since forever, but I always reject her to the fact that I’m not in fond wearing those kinds of things. I blinked and look over at her round big squirrel eyes while watching her brows rose suggestively.

“No!” I declared with a serious tone.

“Ehh…? Why not ,Nyannyan?” she whined, holding the garment to her chest like it was one of the most precious things in the world. “I wore one for you! See…”

“I didn’t ask you to!” I pointed out.

“But don’t you think it would be so romantic – just the two of us wearing nothing but only matching aprons and having a delicious breakfast or maybe even having breakfast in bed…?”  She said in her sweetest tone. I swear you could see little pink hearts popping up around her head right now.

Of all people, I fell in love to a pervert… I thought making a mental face palm. Then Yuko looks at me with her cute signature squirrel smile. She always does that because she knows my weakness is her charm.

“N-No… No! S-Stop looking at me like that…!” I said, feeling the heat rise inside myself again. I whirled around in an attempt to retreat. As I dash my way out of the kitchen… I need to get out of here!! Yuko suddenly thought what I had in mind and caught me automatically in her arms, pulling me close against her, I can feel her soft chest touching my back. The apron did absolutely nothing to hide the fact what she was already had in mind, but I suspected she already know these would happen the moment she pulled that apron out in the first place.

“Aw, Nyannyan…. Don’t run away, you know I’m just being playful,” she said teasingly “I thought, maybe, if I wore it first, you might as well try it. You know it’s normal because where already lovers.”

“Yuuchan stop, please. I just woke up,” I said, trying to free myself from her tightly grip.

“But Nyannyan I really really REALLY want to see you on it,” she said cutely, as she trace her fingers through my hair. I then turned myself around and faced her, willing myself to make an eye contact despite knowing that was a dangerous move with a woman like Oshima Yuko.

Upon seeing me looking all flustered, she laughed softly and brushed my hair behind my ear. “Alright… alright. How about you go crawl back into our bed and we’ll start this over again, Okay” She smiled.

“Start over? What do you—-”

“Shh…” She cuts me off as she puts her finger to my lip. ”Just trust me..” she said, turning me around and pats me fondly on my rear end as she ushered me back to the bedroom.

I sighed in defeat and followed her orders, wondering what she might do, knowing her it will not gonna be easy. Asshe settles me back to the bed, I can’t help myself not being at ease as my curiosity rises up.

What is she planning now..?


She goes back to the kitchen for a few minutes and when she came back, she entered in her usual big jersey shirt and a pair of socks, with a tray of breakfast and a coffee. Finally she changed her outfit, Thank God!  Her pants, however, were still quite absent. I couldn’t tell if she’d put her underwear already under those loose shirt.

As I make an attempt to check if she’s wearing something or not, Yuko made a wide smirk on her face and slightly raised the corner of her shirt, already figuring out what I had in mind.

“Don’t worry, I have it on me” she said giving me a wink.

I shook my head. “I wasn’t!”  I said in my defend. Then Yuko headed over to the bed and set the tray down, sliding next to me, our shoulders bumped and her face drew close.

“Mou, Nyannyan. I’m starting to think you don’t appreciate me that much,” she pouted again.

“W-What?! Of course not,” I said. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all. I mean… I normally….like…”

“Hmm?” Yuko asked, watching me closely as I began to blushed. “You normally like what?”

“Nothing, forget about it…” I said looking away from her melting gaze. But Yuko seemed all for it.

“Is it my eyes? my adorable smile? or my hot sexy body? Go on, I’m all ears!” she grinned as she rolls herself around, laying her head onto my lap and starts to look at me with her bright squirrel eyes.

“How much coffee do you have this morning?” I asked with a small laugh as I brushed some strands of hair away from her forehead.

“Just one cup. I was too busy making more breakfast” she said, as she reach over the fork, offering me some fried eggs.“ Here…Ahh…”

I opened my mouth and allowed her to feed me, savoring the flavor. Yuko watched me and smiled warmly.


“Mmm,” I nod.

“My turn, my turn!” she said energetically, snuggling down further against me. I reached over and picked up a small piece of a peach she’d cut and dropped it cautiously in to her mouth. But I wasn’t quick enough to evade her tongue as she licks my fingers. Such a naughty squirrel … I sighed and pinched her nose, causing her to giggle.

“So, why all the special attention this morning? Usually, you like to sleep longer, especially in your day off.” I asked.

“Because today’s our anniversary,” she said, folding her hands on her chest and looking up to me with her eyes slightly worried.

Our anniversary? Did I forget something that important? I immediately felt guilty on what she said just now.

No wait, but our anniversary being officially together is still due on the next month, is there something I missed…?

Yuko seemed to notice how confused I looked, as she reached up her hand and stroke my cheek, letting her thumb trace my lower lip.

“It’s the anniversary of when I knew I’d fallen in love with you.” She said softly.

“Oh…?” The sentimentality of her voice makes my heart jump. “You even remember that when exactly?”

“Mhmm,” she hummed with a small nod. “Given the fact that you were already gorgeous the first time I saw you, I really wanted to get to know you better, but at the time I was just crushing you like a love-struck schoolgirl. When I really fell in love with you, though…. Is when I remember the feeling of never wanting to let you go, to always protect and honor you and to have you in my arms in every single moment of my life.”

“Yuuchan…,” I sighed with a small smile. “You’re embarrassing me.”

“Why? It’s true,” she said. “It’s also when I realized that I wanted to see you wear this.” She held up the frilly apron in front of me again, my face suddenly twitch. I grab a pillow at my side and smack her face with it.

“Yuko! You ruined the moment!” I said. She laughed hard and crawled away from me, dodging off my attacks with her own pillow.

“Hahaha..there’s nothing wrong with a romantic comedy!” she replied. “Hey! Careful, you’re going to spill my hard work all over the bedding!”

“Hmmpf…!” I stop and settle down on my knees with the pillow in my hand. Yuko peeked over her pillow at me.


“Are you going to behave?” I asked.

“You know I could never promise such a thing,” she said, tossing away her pillow and starts to dive on me, She pins me down to the bed and then reached for my pillow. I yelped and held it out as I twist my body from side to side beneath her.

She eventually managed to wrest out of my grip and tossed it across the room before propping herself over me.

“You’re impossible,” I breathed.

“And you’re sublime when you look ruffled like this,” she smiled broadly, leaning down and pressing her lips against mine slowly. I felt my body go immediately lax beneath her heart-melting kisses, one right after another. Each one lingered a little longer, and sometimes she would pause to just brush her lips over mine as her breath tickling over my skin.

She then opened her eyes to study my features appreciatively. “Is this what you mean, you ‘normally‘ like….?” She asked teasingly.

“Oh please, just shut up and kissed me.” I said, wrapping my arms around her neck as I pull her close for another kiss.

Yuko simply grinned and said no more.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 10:17:46 AM by anonymousstalker »

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline anonymousstalker

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Together with You. (SayaMilky ver.)

I was starting to feel like I wasn’t in myself again. Well, I couldn’t help it. No matter how much I tried to concentrate, I was hopelessly distracted. I tried to listen to some songs, even watched some of our past dance routines only to get her out of my head, but it all failed -.- I really don’t get it why every time were together, we always end up stealing glances on each other—   

Even now… to be exact…

For the third time, she visibly flinched and turned her attention back on talking to one of our staffs, not that I’m counting or anything. I grinned on my thoughts before looking the other way. I really like that cute side of her when you can obviously see the flush around her cheeks. My heart skips with warmth every time I caught her looking at me…hihihi..

Ever since she confessed that day, I sometimes wondered if I could ever show her the right amount of love what a real couple should do. When we started to officially go out, I can’t help only to found out that I’m even more drawn to her than before.

Maybe they’re right about me being a pervert…

Anyways, it’s quite amazing actually, how we get to do our job done at all… in some days, considering the fact how often we seemed to be preoccupied with each other. Yet, somehow, we managed, and I dare say Sayaka even excelled more and more each day as our team captain.

Aside from these small moments where she became all shy, knowing that I just caught her glancing my way :”>, She was very professional while at work especially in front of the staffs and with other members. She work really hard and was always confident about it.

I couldn’t have been more proud.

As the day drew to its close, I felt the need to somehow refresh my self after a long day of practice and decided to get up and get some refreshments in the break room. I resisted the urge to tease my fingers through Sayaka’s hair when I passed over her giving instructions to junior members. No one would have seen, but I knew how badly it would have been for her as it was hardly the place or time to do it.

I’d discovered that Sayaka was practically vulnerable to the way I stroked her hair, especially if I touched her ears just the right way.

Oh, my, that was a fun evening once I found that out. >:D

It embarrassed her immensely, but I found it entirely adorable. Still, I behaved myself and simply offered her a smile as I passed by.

I wandered into the break room and absently poured myself a cold glass of juice, my mind was drifting to what awaits me tomorrow. Because it’s my birthday ^o^, Sayaka insisted we do something extra-special for it just the two of us. She wouldn’t tell me exactly what she had planned, of course, but every time I brought it up to ask her, she always started going red.

Hmm…I wonder what it is..?!

I then turned when I heard someone else enters the room and choked a little on my drink when I saw who it was.

“Whoa, hey! !” Sayaka said, immediately rushing to my side with a hand at my back. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, *cough* ” I said, grabbing up a napkin to dab some juice from my mouth. “I just wasn’t expecting you. *cough*”

“Oh,” she said, straightening up and withdrawing her hand as she seemed to remember where she was. “I’m not following you or anything.”

I laughed a little at how serious her expression was.

“It’s fine. It’s my fault for thinking about you in the first place.”

Her face suddenly turns red, she ducked her gaze a moment before peering up at me beneath her hair.

“Oh….you were thinking of me…?”

“Well, it’s about tomorrow,” I admitted, nudging her elbow a little with mine. “You’ve got me curious. Especially when you do that.”

“Do what?”

“That. Your ears are going all red.” I pointed out

“What? No, they aren’t!” she defended, and then turns away from me pretending to be preoccupied with some various things piled up on one of the shelves. I fiddled with my glass, starting to feel a little bit mischievous even though I really knew better. I quietly set the glass down and snuck up behind her, wrapping my arms around her front and cuddling up into her back.

“Why don’t you just tell me, already?” I pouted over her shoulder. I felt her entire posture go stiff, likely taken aback at my actions. “Otherwise it’s going to drive me crazy all day!”

“Mi-Miyuki….!” Sayaka stuttered, pulling away from my hold and whirling to face me. As I expected, she had turned the shade of a vibrant tomato at this point, but what I didn’t expect, was the glint of something less innocent in her eyes.

Unknowingly may whole face flush, since this was the look I only ever received during the time when we go private mode.  Sayaka turned her gaze down and adjust her collar a little, as if to relieve some of the heat crawling up onto her neck and to her cheeks.

“Sorry,” I said, biting my lip and feeling at fault. “I just thought I could persuade you to speak up.”

“Well…,” she grunted, clearing her throat. “You didn’t…. I have much more control than that.”

“Oh, I wasn’t worried,” I said, shaking my head. “I know you’d never do something like that in here…”

I really don’t mean it as a challenge, and I never caught the quirk of her eyebrow as I turned to retrieve my glass.

My hand stopped; however, as my wrist was caught I was then turned back around. The next thing I knew, I was being pressed up against the counter with Sayaka’s lips pressed firmly upon mine. My eyes were wide in surprise, and I stumbled a little, unsure of what to do.

Had she gone crazy?! Doing something in a place like this! Someone could walk in any moment!

Finally, my hand finds its way onto her shirt and clung to it desperately. I’m still not sure if I should push her away or pull her closer –

Perhaps a little of both. :P

All I knew was not only had I been completely unprepared for this, but the amount of passion behind her kiss was enough to almost make me forget myself.

My heart beats crazy and my mind is at lost with thoughts equally embarrassing and thrilling. I parted from her lips just enough to catch my breath and felt her forehead pressing onto mine.

“Sa..ya..ka,” I said still out of breath as my fingers played around with her hair.

“Mhmm?” she hummed, sounding dreamy.

“Have you lost your mind…?” I shook her a little by the shoulders, finding it difficult to be angry especially after what we just did.

“Maybe… I just keep doing the craziest things these past few days…,” she said, sounding amused. “Is it because I’m in love or something.”

My face suddenly blush after what she just said “Lo-love or not, this could get us in serious trouble!”

“You started it,” she said with a grin, pulling back to look at me.

“I-I did not.”

“Oh yes you are?!”

“N-no it’s not”

Why am I stuttering…?! Thus these prove that I’m really at fault…

“Oh forget about it! The point is I can’t help myself around you, and you know it!” Sayaka said gazing through my eyes intensely.

“Shhhh!” I stop her waving my hand.

If she kept shouting at this rate we were going to attract attention for sure!

She looked so frustrated and it seems as though she thought I wasn’t getting the point and had no plans of stopping.

I did all I could think of to shut her up. I kissed her again with such force and it was her turn to lose her footing and we clumsily moved across the room until she eventually hit the wall.

Sayaka grunted, but immediately wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in, returning the kiss heatedly.

“I love you…,” she murmured between kisses as they began to slow and linger. “So much…”

“I love you, too….,” I said, leaning in for another kiss. I was a mere breath away when we both distinctly heard footsteps in the hallway.

Hurriedly, we untangle ourselves from each other and straighten our clothes. We rushed to stand as far away as possible, though it was difficult especially in a place these small, in the end we ended up bumping into each other. I nearly fell and Sayaka caught me then, panicked, and pulled away from me as quickly as possible.

By the time the person entered the room I was stirring my glass of juice furiously and staring into it as though it might tell me my fortune. I didn’t know where Sayaka had ended up, but she wasn’t near me and that was all that mattered.

“Milky,” she spoke and my response was probably just a little bit too enthusiastic.

“Na-Nana, hello! How are things going today?”

Her brow raised at my tone and I began to feel myself sweat.

“That’s exactly what I was going to ask you. I was looking all over for you?! Our dance instructor said that she needs to talk to you in pronto!?… I think it’s about your routine…”

Great, I wasn’t at myself this whole day so my performance at practice was messed up…

“Oh! I’m sorry. I’ll be there right away!” I said, feeling a little foolish. I must have forgotten to check on the time that our break was almost over before I went to get some refreshment….and I had absolutely no idea how long Sayaka and I had been in the break room.

I was just on my way past Nana when I heard our manager’s voice across the hallway...

“Sayaka, what are you doing?” he said.

I turned and glanced over Nana’ shoulder and saw that Sayaka was standing in the corner staring at absolutely nothing but wall. She looked like a little girl who had gotten in trouble and had been put in a time out.

“Just…uh…collecting my thoughts, Sir.”

“Staring at the wall…?”

“It’s…um… less distracting to look at nothing.”

Geez…this what I’ve been trying to tell her… I hope she doesn’t get into trouble…unlike me…

“Well, that’s enough reflecting for today.  I need you to be on the meeting room to talk about your next performance in Music Station this week, Okay?!” Our manager-san said in his deep voice.

“Yes, Sir!”

Seeing that they were turning my way, I hurried out of the break room and ducked around the corner, holding my breath until our Manager-san passed by. I waited a moment, and then caught hold of Sayaka’s sleeve as she walked my way. She jumped a little and I felt a little bad, but couldn’t help but smile.

Once she saw it was me, her body immediately relaxed.

“See. I told you” I whispered quietly. It was more of a tease than anything. Sayaka lifted a finger and pointed at me a little accusingly before dropping it altogether with a sigh.

“I just can’t be mad at you,” she said, looking a little distraught at first, but smiling in the end.

“Can I still say I’m sorry?” I asked, hopefully.

“Only if you swear to stop asking me about tomorrow,” she said pointedly.

“Tomorrow? What’s tomorrow?” I asked innocently and smiled at her with bright eyes.

Her face started to blush furiously again.

“Please…. Not that face.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said, grinning ear to ear as I past her.

“Yes, you do!” she declared, incredulous.

I simply ignored her and smiled warmly to myself as we returned to the practice hall. By the time practice was resumed I still catch her glancing through me, except now there were times she’d hold my gaze awhile rather than look away. There was something conspiratorial in her eyes, reminding me we actually managed to get away with that break room incident.

Could it be….she was actually proud of that?

Well, it was rather daring for her. I was actually still getting shivers thinking about it; about what might have happened if we hadn’t been interrupted.

Would Sayaka-chan have gone any further…? No, that’s impossible.

This is Yamamoto Sayaka we’re talking about, the girl whose very compose and always goes Tsundere mode especially if were in public.

I tilted my head to peek at her once more. She looked at me at the same time, as if trying to get my attention. Oh, I don’t even….

D-Did she just wink at me..?! 0.O

My jaw dropped and I began to feel incredibly shy, I quickly turned away as the heat rose up intensely to face.

It’s going to be a long night~~

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline anonymousstalker

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A/N: I don't know if I posted this on the right section  :nervous well... anywho this fic is dedicated to the person named shall not be told :peace: and to all MaYuki shippers :deco:

*edit bcoz I was scolded :sweatdrop: and for the  sake of KojiYuu :banghead:

Together with You. ( MaYuki ver.)

There was always something magical about snow. The way it blanketed the landscape in a beautiful, fresh, sparkling scenery made it seem like we were in a completely different world.

I had been a little skeptical about celebrating our anniversary in someplace so cold since Mayu was so sensitive to it, but she had always expressed a desire to see Mount Fuji capped with snow, so here we are. We had only been at the hotel a day, but I already knew we’d made a good choice. It was so quiet, secluded and breathtaking it felt like a dream - like there was no one here but us.

I was just consulting the guidebook trying to get a better feel for the area when I heard the door slide open. Mayu must have awoken from her nap. Our trip had been long and we had been doing a great deal of sight-seeing already as soon as we arrived; taking advantage of what daylight we had left. We had taken our lunch in our room and found ourselves both quite drowsy after filling ourselves up with a warm meal and pleasantly conked out together in the bedroom.

I had risen first, taking the time to admire the décor of our room. I couldn’t believe we managed to get a reservation at such an amazing, very in-demand place. And every now and then she’d get that look in her eye – a look that said she’d grant me any wish and that I only needed to ask. Simply being the focus of her affections made me feel like I’d already been spoiled plenty for my lifetime.

I turned to greet Mayu as she came into the room and was struck between two reactions entirely at the image before me. On the one hand, she looked positively adorable and childish rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, but on the other, she’d opted to change into her yukata, a garment that I had decided sent her attractiveness straight off the charts. It had become one of my favorite looks on her, and I remember feeling extra warm that particular summer when I’d seen her in it for the first time.

She wandered over to me and lazily draped her form against my back, wrapping her arms around me and resting her head on my shoulder. I chuckled a little bit as she seemed to continue dozing right there against me.

“Mayu… Mayuyu.”


“You don’t have to get up yet if you’re still tired. Go crawl back in bed.”

“..Em…Yu…kirin…not…..there,” she murmured and I felt my heart leap a little at her words. I reached up and stroked her arm, supporting her weight on the best I could. My fingers traced the fabric of the yukata when I suddenly thought of something.

“Mayu…? Aren’t you chilled? It’s kind of cold for a yukata here.”

She shook her head, or at least I think she did. There was some vague movement by my head that I interpreted as such. I shifted in her hold, working to turn to face her, blowing my hair out of my face when the length of it got a little tangled between my arms and hers.

By the time I finally managed to turn all the way around, Mayu stumbled forward against me a little and as I fought to keep us both upright, her lips brushed against my face. Whether she meant to do this or not, she took advantage of the closeness and kissed the corner of my lips before smiling contentedly.

“Hey…,” I said. “Now you’re just being sneaky.” Mayu’s eyes finally blinked open slowly at this and focused in on me.

“Not at all.” She leaned in and kissed my lips directly this time, letting her arms slide down my back until she was grasping me gently at the waist. “It just happened.”

“Right. Got it. Just happened,” I said with amusement between the kisses that followed. Though she was a little more coherent now, she was obviously still coming out of the remaining haze of her sleep. I reached up and stroked my fingers through the fine strands of black hair at her cheek and she leaned into my touch appreciatively. “But really, as beautiful as you are in this, you’re going to catch cold.”

Mayu’s cheeks took on a pink tint at my compliment, but she looked at me with an unwavering gaze as though my concern was not necessary.

“I won’t. I wanted to go to the hot springs.”

Oh, right. On top of seeing Mount Fuji in the winter, Mayu also expressed that she wanted to see it from the comfort of a hot spring so the cold would not be an issue for her. I admit, the idea had sounded amazing at the time, but I had never quite prepared myself for it to come to full fruition. 

Me and Mayu…..naked…in a hot spring…in the middle of winter. (。・//ε//・。)

I felt Mayu’s fingertip prod my cheek.

“Are you too warm?” she asked, smiling, as though she already knew that,  that was not my problem at all.

“Maybe a little,” I said, batting her hand away. “I guess some cool air would be good for me, too.”

“Good. I was hoping you’d join me.”

“Let me go change into a yukata then. Where are the hot springs, anyhow? Are they very far?” I inwardly hoped not. Walking around the hotel in such cold weather with nothing but a thin cotton fabric protecting me from the chill didn’t sound too appealing.

Mayu shook her head a little and walked past me to the door to the outer deck and slid it open. I shivered a little as a small wintery breeze tickled my skin and immediately felt my heart jump into my throat. Was she kidding? I knew that getting a room here in the first place was a feat, but did she seriously go through the effort to get one of only two rooms that actually had the springs right outside?

It certainly seemed that way, though I still wasn’t sure I could believe my eyes.

“I..wha…,” I stuttered.










Hot springs






All my mind could do was sputter words as my heart thudded in time with the thoughts.


There it was again, that smile of hers. That smile that said, ‘anything for you' but didn't bother with an explanation.

“You should go put on your yukata,” she said casually and I nodded, glad at least one of us had the mental facilities to know what to do at that point.

I mechanically wandered into the bedroom and changed a little clumsily into the simple garment, wrapping it tightly about my form as I returned to join her again.

Mayu was standing out on the deck waiting for me and I hurried over on bare feet, concerned about her catching a chill waiting for me. She heard my approach and turned with a smile, reaching out a hand to me that I placed my own into. As she drew me close it became evident that I hadn’t needed to worry. The steam that rose from the springs spread out across the deck and the cold was not nearly as harsh as it normally was.

Whether I was already feeling the effects of the steam, or if I was affected by how Mayu’s striking dark eyes regarded me then, I could already feel myself flushing all over. She carefully let me down the steps onto the natural ground and smooth stones.

“Should we get in together or would you like to go first?” she tilted her head in question and I envied her seemingly casual approach to all this. My heart would simply not quit racing. I hoped that, that coupled with the heat, would not cause me to faint.

What was wrong with me, anyway? Seeing Mayu naked, or her seeing me naked, was nothing new. We were married, after all. Of course, that never stopped her from making me feel like we were still new lovers. She still always made me sigh and swoon and feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

“You go ahead,” I said. “I’ll follow.”

I had to buy myself some time to calm down so I didn’t slip and fall and make a fool of myself because I was too damn anxious. I fiddled with my robe, tugging at the fabric and feeling a little bit peculiar about the idea of being naked out in the open, but we were far and away from anyone who might see so….


Oh, my…

What was I thinking about again?

I stood numbly as I watched Mayu discard her yukata and fold it neatly to set it aside as she stepped into the heat of the pool before us. Yes, this is a picture I could never see myself getting tired of. When she turned and looked at me, I heard myself make a small, strangled noise in my throat that I hoped she missed. The water licked up against her legs, just barely reaching the top of her hip as she stood and I couldn’t help but admire her form. She looked so gorgeous and matured standing there, like some painting or photo for one of those magazines and calendars that we have.

I swear I would never ever change my calendar if this is what I always saw. I began to feel giddy and Mayu raised her brow at me as if to ask if I was going to just stand there or actually come in. I carefully padded down to the edge and Mayu waded over to where I was. I looked down at her a little shyly as I let the yukata slip down around my feet.

Oh, why did she have to watch me like this. The smile that crossed her face was warm and sweet as she watched me a moment before lifting her arms. I reached out, leaning into her pressing against her form as she helped me down into the water. She was already starting to sweat, and I buried my face against her neck a little as we took a moment to just embrace in the heat.

She reached up and stroked my hair, letting her fingertips trail through the long strands to the tips and over again.

“You’re so beautiful, Yuki,” She said softly. I lifted my head to look at her and she kissed me sweetly once more, lingering a little before she finally took my hand and led me to sit with her to our shoulders in the depths. It felt amazing and I could feel all my concerns, aches and pains start to melt away. I pulled my knees up to my chest and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.

“This is so nice. I’m glad we came.”

“Mmm,” Mayu said, agreeably. I glanced over at her and saw she was sitting with her eyes closed. Would she fall asleep here, too? I suppose I couldn’t blame her.  It was very fresh and relaxing. I let my eyes wander over her form again, feeling a much deeper heat continues to rise in me. Then I looked around and see that we were practically surrounded by trees and rocks. Not a soul in sight.

In the end, I couldn’t help myself, and I straightened out my legs, turning and pressing a kiss to Mayu’s jaw lightly. She stirred, opening her eyes and looked sideways at me.

“Were you asleep?” I asked with a small smile.

“No. Just thinking,” she replied softly.

“About what?” I asked. She then turned towards me, taking my hand gently and coaxing me up and in front of her. She was watching my eyes again, causing me to blush furiously, even more so when her hands touched my hips and thighs, bringing me down into her lap.

“Mayu…,” I gasped a little bit, feeling the proof that I was not the only one who had been appreciating more than the local scenery.

“Yuki….” she whispered against my lips and kissed me soundly, wrapping her arms around my form and quelling the cold that had claimed my skin with her body. I was a little taken aback at her boldness, but then again, we were alone. It was no different than if we had been alone at home, except that this new place held a whole new thrill all its own.

Mayu moved as she typically did, in no hurry and intent on enjoying every second of things. Her fingers traced my form beneath the water, and then they would move up feather-light over my spine and shoulder blades. Then they would descend again, tickling places farther forward, and travel up over my stomach and ever so slightly touch the curve of my breasts before moving downward again. My lover was a master of teasing like that. In the stark contrast of cold and hot, however, it was even more equally pleasant and maddening than ever.

We exchanged kisses whenever our lips found each other, otherwise caressing each other’s necks or shoulders, and sometimes the sensitive parts of our ears.

In my disbelief that we were actually doing this was easily clouded over by the sensations I was experiencing, both from Mayu’s nimble fingers and the feel of her deep inside me.

It was not long before I found myself crying out, lifting a hand to try to muffle myself for fear someone hear. Mayu coaxed my hand away, pressing her face to my neck as her breath huffed heated and frantic against my skin.

“Let me hear you….,” she said, and the aroused rasp in her voice was enough to send me over. I didn’t hide it this time, but whimpered and moaned against her shoulder. She cradled me in her arms, squeezing and gasping as she found her own release.

I collapsed against her, sweaty and spent and feeling much too warm at this point. Mayu seemed to sense my exhaustion, or perhaps she felt the same, as she shifted, holding me still, and helped us both rise to our feet. My legs wobbled a little, but she kept me steady as we reclaimed our yukata and headed back inside for the night.


The cool air was a blessing to my flushed red skin and I followed Mayu gratefully into the bedroom as she headed in that direction. I don’t think I could have stayed awake much longer, floating in my afterglow.

She didn’t even wait for me to crawl fully under the covers before she pulled me into her arms the rest of the way. I nestled against her and she kissed me one more time, half awake, before settling down into her pillow.

“Love….you….” she mumbled and I smiled quietly to myself as my eyelids grew heavy.

“I love you, too, Mayu…. and always will.”

I yawned and kissed her lightly on the forehead before I joined her in a sweet and thoroughly contented slumber.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 10:24:43 AM by anonymousstalker »

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline shiruba_rein

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I am so loving this!!!! . . . .  XD  :wub:  :wub:

Offline ZorxCemoon

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Great story Stalkie-chan, (I like to make nickname for people)[Lame hobby]

I really love the how it's really really really detailed and descriptive.

Anyways have you seen her in this cosplay:)

Some of the only people, whom actually looked good in blue hair.

I want more Mayuki!!!!!!, just think it as a command:P,

Love you  :heart:
Once upon a time, There lived two beautiful girls.
One named Watanabe Mayu.
Another named Kashiwagi Yuki.
They fell in love with each other and married.
The end.

Yukirin :heart: Mayuyu
Mayuyu :heart: Yukirin

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I read "Together with You (MaYuki ver.) on tumblr first and found myself smiling at the way you portrayed the characters' thoughts and interactions. Really sweet and most importantly, tastefully done. You managed to paint a very beautiful and serene picture. The use of the first-person POV increases the level of intimacy that I feel for the story; it's like I am in the same room as the two lovers. Oh, and Yukirin's thoughts are hilarious! Can't blame her though. Mayuyu's an angel (so is Yukirin, of course).

A/N: I don't know if I posted this on the right section

Don't worry. You are vague on the details so it passes (refer to Law #3 of The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction) :)

I've read the KojiYuu ver. of "Together with You" too and I enjoyed it as well. It is playful, fun and sweet all around. Once again, your characters are endearing and I like how you have just the right amount of details, allowing readers to focus on the characters' interactions which are, in my opinion, the main draw of your story. I shall certainly read the SayaMilky ver. next.

Thank you for sharing these lovely one-shots and I truly look forward to more stories from you (especially MaYuki :P). Keep up the great work! :thumbsup

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OMG HAHAHAHA sobrang UGH. TUBIIIIIIIIIIIIG!!!  XD ohgosh di ko namalayan nagtagalog ako  :nervous gonna edit later! mygahd!
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Konoe

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OMG HAHAHAHA sobrang UGH. TUBIIIIIIIIIIIIG!!!  XD ohgosh di ko namalayan nagtagalog ako  :nervous gonna edit later! mygahd!

I didn't know you were a filipino too. :lol:

Anyway, anonymousstalker your OS are too awesome! :on GJ:

MORE!!! :on hypto:

Offline Minami-chan

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wooow !!
I really like Mayuki and Sayamilky story!!
Plis! write more OS like this are so good.

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yeah it's total sweet

i can't describe well but it's so intens i love it

hope more mayuki in the future

Offline Kiri-el

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About the MaYuki fic: That's the good word, "intimacy". Because are many good fics, but few have which is pulls the reader into the story. That you write it's given a so intense image about this gentle love.

But Seigus-san already written that which I thought too. :)

(And sorry if my english a little confused, but I was really sleepy, just really wanted to write a comment on this beautiful OS.)

Offline kurogumi

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i loved this writing style...

i felt warm too,i felt their loved and how closes this couple....
and they already married! LOL


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Replies...  :rock:

@shiruba_rein: thanks glad that you like it 8) ... btw your sig. is just ughhh... XDKojiYuu :heart:

@ZorxCemoon: Stalkie-chan!?!? ahahaha yeah I think that's fine :sweatdrop: and Mayu dressed as cherii looks great :inlove: maybe I should try dyeing my hair blue as well... but that would be really weird :sweatdrop: as for more MaYuki er... I'm sill not sure... let's see.. :thumbsup

Love you too  :heart:

@Seigus: First of all thanks for reading 8) I think I'm being pressured since I know you'll be reading my fics from now on hehehe :sweatdrop:   
I read "Together with You (MaYuki ver.) on tumblr first and found myself smiling at the way you portrayed the characters' thoughts and interactions. Really sweet and most importantly, tastefully done. You managed to paint a very beautiful and serene picture. The use of the first-person POV increases the level of intimacy that I feel for the story; it's like I am in the same room as the two lovers.

Yeah I agreed that using the first-person POV increases the readers imagination on how the said scenario should be like. As what you have quote It's like watching them doing the said scene right in-front of you. Because as for me this is what I believe the best style in writing this kind of stories and I want the readers to feel what the first-person is also feeling (Like putting them in their own shoes). It's really funny though when I'm writing this I can't help but to squel and get a massive blood loss (especially after that B-day request :bleed eyes: ) anywho... Seigus-san for the MaYuki story your not the only one who's looking forward to have more, that's what I'm sure of... :doh: though you can ask my colleague imteedee (she's an expert :thumbsup) also the lurker creamcracker for an update wahehehehe... :banana: :pepper: :leek:

@imteedee: Speaking of the...  >:D sterile or tap water ang gu2 mo?  :peace:

OMG HAHAHAHA sobrang UGH. TUBIIIIIIIIIIIIG!!!  XD ohgosh di ko namalayan nagtagalog ako  :nervous gonna edit later! mygahd!

I didn't know you were a filipino too. :lol:
Oh well guess is not the two of you 8) then  ...thanks again for reading  :cow:

@Minami-chan: Don't worry there's more to come...  :thumbsup

@gek geki: thanks... er.. MaYuki again!! :nervous LOL

@Kiri-el: It's fine english is not my mother language as well :banghead: and I also agreed with you hope you can still stick for more... :P

@kurogumi: Awww...  :wub: glad that you like it  :grin:

A/N: Starting today I'll be having a poll each week on whose OTP should be written next for the whole month of November ... Only the best 2 couples with the highest votes will be having their own story it might be a One-shot or more depending on my mood... voting will last for 24 hours... enjoy  :hip smile:

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline Seigus

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Please don't feel pressured and please just treat me as another reader :nervous I really like your writing style; it's somehow nostalgic and brings back fond memories of the AKB48 fanfics I followed in the past.

First-person POV is something that I'm still not comfortable with; I have only attempted it once. It just doesn't come to me as naturally as third-person POV. I guess that it's because I tend to write from the audience's perspective. I write what they will see, what I want them to see. It's a habit that I developed during film school days and you can say it has its pros and cons when I write fanfics now :sweatdrop:

It's really funny though when I'm writing this I can't help but to squel and get a massive blood loss

You aren't alone. That happens to me when I write too :lol:

I've already voted in your poll. (Just one vote and I think you can guess which it is.)

Offline imteedee

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seryoso sa buhay nga naman nung nasa taas ko  :lol:

I actually read your reply last night but to tell you while I was typing my reply on my tab I actually hit my head on my bedroom's doorframe OH DEAR! the impact was too strong! It still hurts right now  XD

(sino ka nga pala? akala ko ikaw si pikachu, seems not...PM me NOW! or wherever :) I'm on)

and anyway, HUMANS DON'T DRINK STERILE WATER for God's sake XD TAP maybe....but I still don't drink that either! got MINERAL?!  :lol:

and what the heck is this poll? CLOSE IT! it's useless I only want MaYuki! win or lose  :nervous anyhow, I'm looking forward to your future works  :cathappy:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [O.S. and S. S. Collections] -Wk. 1 Poll- 11/3
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2013, 07:49:27 AM »
Replies... :rock:

Please don't feel pressured and please just treat me as another reader :nervous
Yeah I'll try working on that one... :banghead: and thank you for voting :bow: I'm sure everyone here already guessed your bet :thumbup

(sino ka nga pala? akala ko ikaw si pikachu, seems not...PM me NOW! or wherever :) I'm on)
Emergehd... seriously tawa ako ng tawa nung nabasa ko yung comment mo :rofl: anywho I'm not pickachu but rather charmander :yep:

HUMANS DON'T DRINK STERILE WATER for God's sake XD TAP maybe....but I still don't drink that either! got MINERAL?!  :lol: and what the heck is this poll? CLOSE IT! it's useless I only want MaYuki! win or lose  :nervous
Well to tell you the truth according to Doc Watanabe  8) STERILE WATER or STERILIZED WATER can be also given to humans but I think it's the time when were still an infant (probably up to 12 months)... correct me if I'm wrong but if you could remember some mothers used to sterilized their infants bottle for formula feeding and somehow even used it as a form of mixture because as we all know infants are more suscepitble in infection especially in waterborne disease... it just so happens we only known the use of it for medicine dilution in giving I.V.... but all in all it's still safe (oh tama na ba yan pra sa clue mo :nervous)  and I know you want more MaYuki :thumbup ... I only did the poll thing for survey purposes hehehehe... and to be fair to other readers...  I guess, so let's all have fun :P

« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 07:57:44 AM by anonymousstalker »

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

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