I am SO SORRY for the late updated.

was kinda very busy with assignment and chinese new year.

And finally here a update. THANKS FOR READING! ARIGATO!

Zita: em. Okai, maybe in the future.

Kirozoro: haha. yap is too cool to be true.

yuri: you'll see. smirk*
I miss your update. . . PLease comeback. . . I reaLLy Love your fanfic. . .
lahika: GOMEN-NEEEE~~~


Thank you for reading.

Chapter 6 – The reasons
Something is bothering Rena-chan.
I wonder what is it. Just now I heard she say all because of that dream.
Dream? What dream? Did I mishear it?
I ask her again, but she say is nothing.
I stared at her face and notices that her eyes is red and swallowed
Did she cry? Why did she cry?
I'm worry.
“Are you really okay? You can always tell me about it.”
She smiled and looked at me once again, telling me she is alright.
She is lying, my heart tighten up.
She doesn't remember me at all.
Last time she used to tell me everything, we kept no secret from each other.
But now, there is somehow a gap between she and I.
I still can remember the first time we met.
Those smile under rain at Nagoya.
That's was the first time we met.
That smile is like a scar burn into my brain. I can never forget it.
I was shocked when you transferred to akb academy.
Since you introduce yourself, I can't take my eyes of you.
During lunch my friends invited me to hang out, but I said I'm going to martial arts club.
The truth is I want to get close to you.
I never know terrible things will happen to you, those guys laid their hands on you.
I can never forgive them in my life.
My blood boils and my eyes filled with anger, when I saw them tearing your clothes apart.
I punched them until they went into the hospital, it was nothing compared to what they did to you.
You had a trauma for guys after that incident.
You will start trembling and your eyes will fill with fears when guys get close to you, other than me.
we always spend time together, and I always protected you like a princess.
Slowly I found out that I was falling for you.
That feeling start growing in me each day.
But because of my self-pride, I hurt you.
I still can remember clearly that day I said I have to go to New York to study.
You cried, you broke down In front of me.
I never let anyone make you cry, but the one that bring most tears to you is me.
My heart crushed into million pieces when I see you cry as if the world is ending.
Maybe I shouldn't have left you, maybe I should have stay by your side.
But those maybe didn't happen.
The fact is I left you because of my stupid Pride!
Do you still remember, Rena?
That time we made a promise together?
We went to the hill and see the beautiful sunset together?
I promised you that 6 years later, I’d be back.
But I broke that promise?
I’m sorry Rena. I hope you could forgive me.
The truth of leaving you is because of my self-pride, and I wasn’t strong enough to handle everything by myself.
Flash back*
7years ago.
My name is Matsui Jurina. I grow up in a single parent family. My mom, Matsui Maria is the CEO of top Japanese trading Company, Matsubisi. 2 years ago, my mom died in a plane crush when she was coming back to Japan from New York. She left the Company to my father and from that day on, we change our family name to Matsui.
Mom side of relative cut off the ties with us, and some of them were very angry at the decision that my mom made, leaving the company to my father. From that time on, I decided that in the future I will help my father in the company. I started studying day till night and learn every skill possible, and because of it I skipped 2 grades in school.
Every night I will help my father read through all the company’s paper, knowing what’s the company is going through. Yes, I am the only child in my family and I have responsible to carry. In school I have to set an example student, so that I won’t humiliate my family name.
3 months ago, my father and I went to Nagoya for work. After, the work, the sky started to rain but luckily I bought an umbrella with me. So I decided to take a walk under the rain. On the way back home, I saw a girl smiling brightly under the rain as if she never had any problem in her life at all. I remember that’s you Rena-chan. After meeting you, we went back to Tokyo. Suddenly, my father fell sick due to over working, after some time his sickness started to get worst. So during the semester break I was taking care of the company. When the break is over, I started to work at night and I started to be late for class. The working as manager at my parent's company, my father falling sick, and me from a single parent family is all secrets.
After what happen to you I thought the bully that I beat will never appear again and I thought life will be better.
But I was wrong. The bully found out my secrets. I don’t know how but they did.
They black mailed me.
A letter was given to me.
To. Jun
I know your secrets. I know you are from a single parent family and you are working as manager at Matsubisi company.
Meet me at gym after school ends.
Damn it. Someone found out. But how? I crush the Paper and throw it into the bin. Agh! What am I going to do now!
After school, I told you to go home without me because I have something to take care of. You pouted and looked at me and ask me what is the thing I have to take care of. I lied and I said the teacher wants me to stay back for some work.
I went to the gym and saw no one there.
“Who the hell is that guy that call me here but not even a shadow appear.” I said.
“Is ME! The guy that you sent to hospital” someone shouted with anger in his voice.
“ You?”
“ Haha. You never think it was me did you?”
“I should have guessed” “Tell me how did you know my secrets?”
“AH! Because I followed you back home. I saw you drop YOUR LITTLE PRINCESS BACK HOME, and went to a company call…. MATSUBISI RIGHT?” He smirked.
“……” I stared at him with anger in my eyes
“W-w-hat? You want to beat me up? Heeh! If you beat me up I will tell the school about your secrets and see what will happen to you”
“ Don’t you dare!” I hold my fist tightly. I walked towards him, he back off each step until end of the wall. He raises his voice and said. “TRY ME! I’ll spread your secrets around the school! Don’t forget your little Princess that you have been protecting will get hurt too.” “Y-OU!” I hold on my fist. For a second, Rena smiling face flashed in my mind. I rises my fist and punched the wall next to his head with my fist. I cannot let Rena get hurt, I can’t imagine her looking at me with those eyes, saying those words, pitiful.
I surrendered. I release my punch on the wall.
“Okay. Tell me what I should do so that you will not tell the secret out.” I said.
“Heh! In the end Jun is not that tough is HE!” he punched me in my stomach. “ I WANT YOU TO GET LOST!” He punched me for second time. I started to cough, is painful. He wanted to punch me another time but I stopped him by holding his fist. “LET’s make a deal!” I said with anger in my eyes. I can see that he flinched. “If I get lost, you don’t ever lay your finger on RENA. Or not I can’t guarantee your finger with still be with your filthy hand.” I said it with anger in my voice. “ OKAY. IF you LEAVE THE SCHOOL!” He shouted at me.
“GIVE ME TWO WEEKS TIME” I shouted angrily back to him.
“DEAL” He said and I walked off.
I didn’t mean to leave you. But now I have no choice, I have responsible to carry, my father falling sick and I can’t take the judgmental from others.
I can’t afford to lose you, Rena-chan.
You are my everything.
I’m tired. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Last night, I got a call from USA saying the stock holders over there is not satisfy with my father decision passing the responsible to a child to manage the company. They want to have a meeting to make decision, I have to show them I have the power to carry the responsible that my parents gave.
I thought maybe leaving is the best.
I bought the plane ticket planning to leave in two week but something still holding me back that is you Rena.
I told my childhood friend Mayu to secretly take care of you, she is a good friend.
Mayu is watanabe’s company only child, our parents are good friends so we known each other ever since we are in our diaper. I’ll leave you in her hand, because I have no power to take care and watch over you now.
But I promise I’ll be back for you.
“Rena-chan are you free tomorrow?” I asked
“Yeah, I am. What’s up?”
“Let’s go see sunset together!” I smiled brightly.
“okay….” She blushed red as tomato and nodded.
One week before I go, I asked you to go see sunset together at the hill near our house.
It was Friday after school, I was prepared to tell you that I’m leaving.
“Come on, Rena-chan, Hurry up!” I shouted happily
seeing her trying her best to catch up to me makes me so happy. She is just too adorable.
“Wait for me” She said while trying to catch her breath. I waited for her and I reached out for her hand.
She took my hand and both of us walk to the top of the hill.
“Finally, we reached the top of the hill.” I said with a small smile.
“Ya, is beautiful….” I can see her face appear with a gentle smile and eyes didn’t take off the beautiful sunset.
Both of us just enjoy looking at the breath-taking sunset.
I broke the silent between us.
“Rena-chan.” I said with a small voice.
“Yeah, Jun?” she turn her attention to me.
“Rena-chan, can I hug you?” I said it with a small voice as if is a whisper.
“s-sure.” She heard me, she open her arms and let me hug her.
I hugged her, tears start rolling down my cheek. I cry silently in her arm. She realize I was crying in her arm, she softly pats on my head.
“Are you okay? What happen?” She ask with a soft and gentle voice.
“I’m leaving” I said it. My heartache as I says those words.
She immediately pull me out from her arm and gave me a intense stare. She didn’t believe what I have just said.
“I’m leaving to new york and study" Bitter smile form on my face but I continue saying “But I’ll be back, I promise.” After she heard those words, she cried. She didn’t want to believe what I have just said.
“Rena, shh-h Please don’t cry. Is hard for me too but I have no choice. I’m sorry.” She clingy on my clothes and cry even harder.
“I can’t imagine a day without you, Jun.”
It was very heartbroken to see the one you love breakdown in front of you and the reason Is because of you too.
I simply allowing her to cry with her heart content on my shoulder and whisper “I’m sorry” this goes on for an hour.
We sat under the tree and after Rena stop crying.
Rena’s eyes are puffy and red.
She lay her head on my shoulder and I held her hand tightly. She broke the silent between us.
“when are you leaving?” she asked while her head still on my shoulder.
“In One week time.” I said with a bitter smile.
“…One week….” She murmured.
“Is okay Rena-chan. I’ll be back for you.” I ran my fingers through her hair and reassured her.
“When?” her voice shrunk back as she said.
"...." I don't know. I can't tell her when because it going to take a few years, until the company is stable again.
"I'll be back in 6 years." I said.
"....6 years... Is a very long time." Tears roll down her cheek.
I held her hand.
I took out a necklace with a ring with it from my pocket and put it in her hand.
“what is this?” she asked.
“Is a ring, this is a gift from me.”
“Really? Is beautiful.” She was amazed
“There is an initial ‘R’ carve on the inner side of the ring. I have one too, but with an initial ‘J’ though.
“…. Is pretty.” “Jun, can we exchange our ring? So that we have each others ring?” She ask shyly
“…. Sure why not.” She is just too cute I cannot refuse her.
I took off my ring from my neck and exchange with her.
“Thanks. This will become the sign of our promise.” She looked at the ring.
“Let me help you to wear it.”
The ring went through the necklace and I place it over her neck.
“Thanks Jun, I love it.” She said it while finger playing with the ring around her neck.
“You welcome.” She placed her head on my shoulder.
“em, Jun can I ask a favor from you?”
“en, Sure! Anything for you my princess.”
“can I ask for…. A kiss from you?”
“K-kiissu?” My eyes went wide after hearing Rena said.
“….. Is okay if you don’t want to…..” she said it with a low voice and continue played with the ring on her neck.
Once again she captivated me, my desires were overflowing. I hold her hand and slowly held her chin up and captured her lips on mine. That’s where we share our fist kiss together, a soft and gentle first kiss. We kiss and parted. It was a short kiss, a kiss that I will not forget. We put our head together and nose touched, and she whispered.
“Please come back for me.” She said with a sad voice.
“I will, I will. And I promise once I’m back I’ll tell you something.”
“what is it?” she asked.
“Is a S-E-C-R-E-T” I giggled
“Mou, then I have no choice but wait for you to come back for me.” She hit me softly.
She rested her head on my shoulder.
We never wanted this moment to end.
But time passes with a blink of an eye, the day I’m leaving has come.
One week has pass, since that day I have told Rena about my leaving, she hasn’t show any bright smile.
All I could see is a bitter smile form on her face.
I was heart broken but I keep it to myself, not letting her know that and I left her.
(To be continue)
Thanks for reading again.