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Author Topic: My Short Fanfictions || LIPS TASTER [WMatsui] Epilogue! 04.24.16  (Read 92228 times)

Offline River1721

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« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2014, 09:56:55 PM »
Thank goodness things ended up in a good way  :D
Jurina's underlings didn't expect Wmatsui to be alive, they sure are wrong about that :lol:. They somehow underestimated Jurina :nervous
Its the end already, but do write the side story :twothumbs

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« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2014, 07:37:52 AM »
Yeah wrote it and please more rena too more lovey dovey rena juri

Offline Koyumichan~

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Re: |5 SHOTS|ROSE AND BULLET CHAPTER 5|Wmatsui (Jurina's side story)
« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2014, 04:04:59 PM »
Hello minna-san I'm back! First of all sorry for the long delay :kneelbow: schoolworks are never stop given to me :fainted:
Okie! Without further ado, here is chapter 5, thanks for Kairi65, River1721, and gek geki for the comment! Without your comments I won't write this hehehe :shy2:
Sorry for typos and grammar errors you'll found~

CHAPTER 5 Jurina's Side Story

When I was 10 years old, my parents were killed by vampire.
Since that time my destiny was set.

   Glorious lights were what my eyes saw, at the same time my foot dragged me to the destination I want to reach. Though the sun was no longer exist in the sky, substituted by the moon and stars, lots of people still doing some things like I did. As if I care about their business, I fastened my walk because the weather getting cold. People's talking or shouting and cars's horns sounds were simply faded when I entered a dark alley. Finally reached my destination.

"Lady, wanna play with me?"

   The lady who was smoking a cigarettes stop her activity as looking at me intensely. Her lips formed a playful smirk while nearing the cigarettes to it. I replied her smirk with a smirk too. "Middle school student? What a naughty girl..."
She signed me to follow her entering a building behind her. The sound of glasses clinking, the sound of people's laughter, and the sound of the beating music throughout the big speaker can be heard. The dim lights, the people wearing glamour and classy branded outfits and the bartender serving alcoholic beverages can be seen. My lips formed a smirk once more as the lady leads me to a soundproof room. She pushed me onto the bed, sandwiched me. The next thing was she started undressed herself, leaving her underwear left.

"Y–you...are..a...vampire hunter.." She fell to the ground with her face showing she was in pain. Slowly that face showed no sign of her still alive. I looked at her with straight face.

I will do everything to vanish vampires.

"Yes, she is the most dangerous among the vampires. Now she is just an ordinary middle school student"

I looked at her photo for a while along with the files about her. "I see. I will approach her and then when the Queen's soul rises later, I'll kill her immediately" I closed my eyes at the end of my words.
"Eh, Matsui Jurina that new transfer student, she is so cool!"

"Kyaaa let's see her!"

I passed them to approach my queen, friendly smile plastered on my face. "Renaaaa-chan, let's go home together! Our house are next to each other!"

   These girls were squealing after hear what I said to Rena, they were blushing and couldn't stop saying how lucky Rena was.
On the other side, Rena glared to me with dark aura circled her. She didn't let out a single word for a few minutes. She turned her back to me was when she answered my offer. "No need to do"
Mocks from these girls were filling the corridor, they offered me to go home with them but my eyes couldn't stop staring at her back which was getting far from my sight. My first impression about her was she is a serious type and hard to approach. Her sex appeal as female vampire was none, weird! She has flat chest...was she literally a vampire??? Instead of that, her expressions looked funny often, makes me couldn't avert my gaze toward her. Forgot to mention she is clumsy too.

   Without I realized, My fingers scratched by a cutter that used to cut a few parts of the statue we made from clay in the art class. Rena who was sitting next to me shocked when it happened. She grabbed my hand and brought me to the infirmary.
"Why were you spacing out?!" She asked me with angry tone as she took first aid kit box.

"I was watching you"

She tensed up after hear that. Her cheeks flushed as she threatening my bleeding finger. "I hate your flirty behavior so much!"
"But I like it the way you blushed" I chuckled.

"Shut up!"

The silence forced me to ask her. "You..don't feel something when facing blood?"

"Huh? I don't get what you mean. Next time you must be more careful"

There were times when I'm thinking, this girl is impossibly a vampire. Also that time, I was sure, I had fallen in love with Rena...
But...I buried that feeling deep inside in the corner of my heart.
I thought I would never have her. Of course because she was a vampire I must kill.

Those times when we went to the festival together, I gave her the necklace with rose pendant, two boys wanted to rape her, the Queen's soul rose, I kidnapped her right after she lost her conscious with the necklace on her hand and bleeding wounds caused by the shot from me, the night when I woke up because of the nightmare about my parents, I shoved her harshly when she touched me, I told her my dark past story, she cried while ordered me to kill her so I will live peacefully after she died. Hatred was inside my body and mind.'s all gone just by the "love" word she said before she pulls the trigger.

2 years passed after I ran away from the organization, we were living together.

Rena sucked my blood through my neck, we both were on the bed, I was shirtless.

"I–I'm sorry..Jurina...I drank your blood too much again..." She lowered her head.

"I said it's fine but..."

"I lifted her chin mashed my lips to hers. I pushed her to lay on the bed between our kiss, after that I pulled back, weighing her, and got a shock stare from her. "I want the payback okay?"

"EH?!" Her face burned. I smirked.

Dad, mom
I'm sorry...
I love a vampire.


Offline River1721

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Re: |5 SHOTS|ROSE AND BULLET CHAPTER 5 END|Wmatsui (Jurina's side story)
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2014, 04:33:22 AM »
Dad, mom
I'm sorry...
I love a vampire.
Hm, I think Jurina's parents wouldn't be angry about their daughter loving a vampire. After all Love is Love, there is no way of stopping it. :mon sweat:
Well, we all know what happened in the end  :whistle:

Offline Kairi65

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Re: |5 SHOTS|ROSE AND BULLET CHAPTER 5 END|Wmatsui (Jurina's side story)
« Reply #44 on: November 16, 2014, 09:31:05 AM »
Dad, mom
I'm sorry...
I love a vampire.
Hm, I think Jurina's parents wouldn't be angry about their daughter loving a vampire. After all Love is Love, there is no way of stopping it. :mon sweat:
Well, we all know what happened in the end  :whistle:

deshou? weren't people in heaven knows who's person is who's soulmate? i bet jurina's parent are happy that she wasnt blinded by revenge :wub:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: |5 SHOTS|ROSE AND BULLET CHAPTER 5 END|Wmatsui (Jurina's side story)
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2014, 02:56:06 PM »
Dad, mom
I'm sorry...
I love a vampire.
Hm, I think Jurina's parents wouldn't be angry about their daughter loving a vampire. After all Love is Love, there is no way of stopping it. :mon sweat:
Well, we all know what happened in the end  :whistle:

deshou? weren't people in heaven knows who's person is who's soulmate? i bet jurina's parent are happy that she wasnt blinded by revenge :wub:

I totally agree who can seperate the mighty Wmatsui couple

Offline Koyumichan~

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AtsuMina OS: The Santa's Gift || Special For Christmas! ||
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2014, 02:46:19 PM »
Heyho minna-san~ merry christmas and happy new year!!! :mon santa2: :mon santa2: :mon santa2: Wish you get lovely day and lovely gift. This is my gift for you, I hope you like it.:gmon heartu: :gmon heartu: :gmon heartu:
Okay without further ado, enjoy~ :mon santa4: :mon santa4: :mon santa4:

The Santa's Gift

   Finally, after struggling to climb the open window while shouldering the biggest gift box I bring, here I am, standing on a table beside the window. I smiled with pleasure. The timing is very fitting, it seems no one in this apartment. It means I can finish my work quickly without barriers, without the need to tiptoe and alert. I put the gift box on the table where I was standing. But before I can go, I have to make sure the gift looks beautiful from any angle. So, I hopped on a single bed in the room. From there it looks okay. Then I climbed to the top of a small closet across from the bed . Passable tired to get to the top but from here it looks beautiful. The last corner I go is the door. I got down of the closet and stood in front of the door. Because my body is very small, almost as big as action figures, I had to look up and tiptoe to see the gift. From here it looks...pretty good.

   My deer shaped clock rang signing it is time to go home. The time finally came. This apartment is the last place to send gifts. Before I leave, I saw once again to the gift as I put my hands on my waist. Satisfied with my work, I was just about to set foot in the direction of the window, suddenly the door open behind me and causes me thrown. My face hit the floor hard. Hopefully my nose is not cracked. I tried to get up but it turns out I was uplifted by something. A large hand. Oh no this is bad.

"Who put this little doll here? It's dirty well. I'd better throw it..." This person, a girl who was selected from the billions of people who deserve the best gifts, Thought I am a doll walking toward the trash. I did not expect she is here! Feeling insulted, I issued my loudest voice that I could.

"Stop It!!!!" I squirmed to get out of her hands.

   Apparently, she could hear me and stopped. She thrusted her face to see me clearly. "Doll...can talk?"
I'm Inflating my cheek. "I'm not a doll you know!" Damn my luck today. Already caught by a girl, suspected as a doll, and almost discarded too. I sighed. There is no choice but to reveal my true identity. After all she is the child of the year to get the best gift, Maeda Atsuko. Hopefully she can cooperate. "First of all please put me down. "She obeyed my words and put me on the table next to the window. "I'm a prospective santa who is taking the exam to become an actual santa. I should not be noticed by human, but this is already happening. Can you keep a secret? Do not tell anyone that you saw santa okay?"
Her face was expressionless. What's wrong with her? "All right. If I tell people that I see santa, I'm sure they would not believe it. In fact, I think they'll consider me crazy."

She had a point here. I bet she is quiet smart. "Good for you," I glanced at the gift next to me. I took it and I picked it up to her face. "This is a gift from kami-sama. You are the child of the year entitled to get the best gifts in accordance with what you want. Come on open it!"

   She hesitated for a moment to take the gift. Slowly she took off the ribbon and opened the lid of the gift box. My heart beats faster because the curiosity that haunt me. Time slowed noticeably in when she opened the gift. Slowly the lid of the gift box was pulled further up...and finally she put the lid on the table. She began to look into the contents of the gift. I held my breath, what is its content?

"Thank you for the gift." She thanked still without expression on her face. I pushed the gift that rolled over to pour out the contents. But what comes out? Nothing. It is empty. I stared gaping. "Wh-why...empty?! Hey, you don't wish to get something? Whether it's a girlfriend/boyfriend, CDs, money, new clothes, a bag?"

"Nothing. Nothing I wanted for now. It is indeed true if the gift box is empty isn't it?"

It's the last day of the exam. 
Everything was destroyed in the last day? Shit, I'm not going to pass...
But, I should not give up! The contents must have fallen somewhere...
I have to look for it!

I'm going to jump out the window but her hand holds the back of my collar. "Where are you going?"

"I want to search the contents of the gift! It must have dropped somewhere. We'll meet again lat— " My words were interrupted by a bit loud grumbling sound on the stomach of a person. I realized it was from my stomach. Suddenly the atmosphere becomes awkward. Both of our face turned to be like this → (´・_・`)

"You're...hungry huh?" She asked with a face that still without expression. Gosh actually what's wrong with her? She looked at me intensely that makes me so ashamed. It was extremely embarrassing. I nodded slowly afterwards lowered my head. I was certain my face is red now. Without saying anything, she lifted me into the kitchen. She made ​​me a simple meal, rice and fried quarter meat. For me this portion was already a lot for my tiny tummy. I devoured everything quickly while Atsuko got inside the bedroom leaving me alone. But that's okay, because I really need to be alone after an embarrassing incident earlier. No need to take a long time, the small plates according to me is large is clean. No leftovers even a shred of rice.

Just then, she came out wearing a plain hoodie, jeans, and a pair of dingy boots carrying her satchel. She slung her bag and walked to the exit, turned her head to me. "I'm going to a part-time job. Are you with me? Well, who knows you may find the content of the gifts on the way"

   I certainly would not refuse this offer. I nodded vigorously and down from the table. She lifted me and put me in her hoodie so I can hold on while sitting. But the fact is the hoodie was very smooth so that made ​​me almost fall if I do not grip tightly. I asked him to replace it with a substance hoodie so I would not fall. Atsuko apparently is a docile person. Without commented she replacing it with a hoodie that I ask. We immediately went to work using the bike after that. During the trip I could not stop panicking because Atsuko pedaling fast. Many times I almost fly because of it.

   Arriving at her workplace, she headed to the locker room and changed clothes...wearing santa costume?! She opened the top two buttons of her coat and put her neck and buttoned his coat again. I touched her skin...there is a strange feeling churned in my chest. What is this feeling? Does not imply any good or bad. Somehow I feel the heat in my cheeks dramatically. Why am I weird today?! I looked at her silently, observing that impassive face. I wonder how her face looks like when she smiles...
Feel stared, Atsuko looked at me. "Is it okay you are here when I'm working? If you are not comfortable then I move you into my bag"

I tried to cover my flushed face. "Why are you wearing a santa costume? Are you also a santa?"

  ,Initially for a few seconds there was no answer out of her lips, but unexpectedly not answer be heard but melodious laughter. I widened my eyes, do not believe what I saw and heard. Looks like kami-sama heard what I thought a few minutes ago. Atsuko looks beautiful when laughing. There are wrinkles on her nose while the melodious laughter escaped from her mouth. My face became red more like a boiled crab.

"Of course not," she wiped a tear from her eye. " I am the santa who distributed leaflets about the discounts to be held by the store this Christmas day."

   Hm...Atsuko work on Christmas day, then I should not be wasting time. I have to find the contents of the gifts before Christmas is over! I got off of...Atsuko's neck. At first she was confused as to what I did but after I told what I should do, he nodded and waved a good bye. She said be careful before I get out of the store. Fortunately, the street is not too crowded this afternoon so I could openly stand in front of the store and whistled, calling my cat Nyan-tan. She will help me look for the dropped contains.

   Not long later Nyan-tan come. I climbed onto her back and we began looking for. We are looking at the nearest place where is around the store. Unfortunately we found nothing. After that we are looking to places that we went through when traveling to Atsuko's apartement. There was just bad luck that befell us during our search. Whether it's being chased by a fierce big dog, I fell into a ditch because I did not grip Nyan-tan's fur tight, and many more. The last, we arrived at the forest that has many thorny bushes. We are searching inside though we found nothing. Our tired bodies and wounds make us give up. Atsuko probably true, the gift box was empty because she did not want anything. Nyan-tan and I returned to Atsuko's apartement, I must ask once again to her.

   Sluggishly, we slowly walked to Atsuko's apartment. The sky has turned into orange, the sun had begun to sink into the western horizon. We walk feeling so long but ultimately we did not fight in vain. Atsuko's apartment can be seen a few meters away. I saw a girl and a guy standing at the front door of Atsuko's apartment. They knocked on the door with a worried face. I hid in the wall between Atsuko's apartment and the next apartment. From here I could hear what they talked about.

"Is Atsuko was not at home...?" The girl asked the guy who answered by a shake of his head.

"Maybe she still works part time?" This time the guy's voice out.

"Hm...maybe. I feel pity for Atsuko, she had to do part-time job on Christmas Day. She must have income for tomorrow and beyond. Well, for children who are thrown by his parents since childhood, she belongs to a hardworking and independent. She was smart and has a beautiful face but unfortunately her expressionless face makes people unwilling to approach her..."

"Yes, you're right. If she had a bit more friendly attitude, I want to be her boyfriend hahahaha"

   So...Atsuko disposed of since childhood? Not surprising her apartment is quiet and narrow. Since the beginning she was living alone, do everything by herself. Her expressionless face was a mask to cover up the reality that she got lonely. She tried rigid in front of everyone and prove that she is a strong girl to face her destiny...

"You...what are you two doing here?" Atsuko suddenly appear out of nowhere, making them surprised. They become clumsy and stammer when answering Atsuko's question and they give a file to Atsuko. They went with haste, it seems they feel guilty right now after talked about Atsuko at the same time she suddenly appeared. I stared at Atsuko in hiding, she sighed and saw that file. " The tasks during the holiday huh...if I did not skip class that day I would not get extra task"
I went to her before she can hold the door knobs. "Tell me..."

She noticed my presence and distract her from the door to me . "Hey, where have you been today? Why are has wounds and dirty body? Who is this cat?"

"Tell me what you want Maeda Atsuko!" Unknowingly tears began to tear from my eyes. It is true that she is the most deserving person for the best gifts. I cried while Atsuko looked at me in silence. There's nothing I can do but cry now. Even the questions had been ignored.

After a few minutes, my tears would not stop. Suddenly I felt something attached on my head. I looked up and stared at Atsuko I fingered the thing on my head and it turned out it was a ribbon. "I want you, Minami. I need you here because I had fallen in love with you"

I stared in disbelief. " you know my name?"

"You seem to drop this from your pocket" she handed me a slip of paper with my name and my dream to be able to give the most beautiful gift for someone. My cheeks reddening caused by her words.

   Do you know what happens next? Kami-sama turning me into a human-sized. I came to Atsuko's apartment tomorrow and find out she was surprised by my presence. Well although I've become big, my height is still lower than Atsuko. She smiled widely and hugged me tightly. For the umpteen time, Atsuko make me become as red as a boiled crab. In the middle of our hug, I whispered three letters by my smallest voice. Although it was quiet fast to say that three letters, I don't care. I want my feeling to be known by her. Well now I'm still shy and not brave enough to say it out loud but let me tell my feelings toward you Atsuko. I love you.

The end.
Thank you for reading~ :)

Offline black_maa

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Re: AtsuMina OS: The Santa's Gift || For Christmas Day! ||
« Reply #47 on: December 25, 2014, 07:41:14 PM »
Ah.. this is good OS..  :nya: 
Minami always will be good gift for Atsuko. :hee:

                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline phoenix0i

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Re: AtsuMina OS: The Santa's Gift || For Christmas Day! ||
« Reply #48 on: December 26, 2014, 05:48:14 AM »
Minami as a gift. I want that to. Haha.  :rock:
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline cisda83

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Re: AtsuMina OS: The Santa's Gift || For Christmas Day! ||
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2014, 11:15:34 PM »
Ah,.. Minami became Atsuko's gift....

Very nice and cute Christmas OS

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see more atsumina OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 11:22:59 PM by cisda83 »

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Re: AtsuMina OS: The Santa's Gift || For Christmas Day! ||
« Reply #50 on: December 28, 2014, 07:06:49 AM »
It's so many :? :shocked : :thumbsup

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: AtsuMina OS: The Santa's Gift || For Christmas Day! ||
« Reply #51 on: December 28, 2014, 07:36:13 PM »
It so fluffy and warm

Offline Koyumichan~

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WMatsui || Lips Taster [Short Fics]
« Reply #52 on: April 30, 2015, 11:27:03 AM »
Hellooooo minna-san I'm back with a short fics and the pairing is my otp~ Wmatsui!!! :cow: :cow: :cow: Actually I should have attend a meeting right now but my brain suddenly made this story, unconsciously I type this XD XD XD  okay without further ado, enjoy~ :wub: :wub: sorry for grammatical errors and typos.


For the first time in her career as an actress and model, Matsui Rena got an amateur player as opponent player for a drama. That man just starting his modeling career last year and rapidly achieving popularity. Because this year a lot of fans who wanted him to play in a movie or a drama, then a director recruited him into a major player. Of course, to raise the rating drama. The director believes that this drama will cause a lot of reaction from the viewers, especially fans of the new player.

Rena tonight will meet with the opponent player. She herself had never seen his face. She only knew his name because she never had the time to look, glancing at banners and magazines, or search the internet how his face. Do not give a damn, that is Rena doing now. Most importantly this meeting over fast so she can go home and rest. Her manager opened the door of a room after they arrived at the meeting place. Rena breathe before set foot into.

There were three people in the room. On the right there is the director, in the middle there was a man aged 20 years, was not much different from the one on the left is handsome. Two people are focused on the director but when Rena and her manager came, their outlook towards them. Rena and her manager politely bowed and saluted, replied with a smile and a nod by the director. They sat in a chair that is still empty. The Director provide 4 pieces of file each to Rena,  Rena's manager, and two people were none other than the opponent player and his manager. The meeting went well. Rena was not really listening because she was sleepy. Herself back into the real world when a voice calling her name.

"Matsui Rena-san, it would be good if you know your opponent player well. You can talk in the room next door while we are discussing." The director pointed to the door with a friendly manner.

Rena look at the opponent rushed up and out first. Rena could not see his expression because his back facing first. Arriving at the room, Rena shut the door and saw her opponent sitting on the only available sofa in the room. Somehow the atmosphere uncomfortable. Her opponent took a cell phone from his pocket and began to have fun with it. Let Rena sat beside him awkwardly. Who should start the conversation first? If Rena who started first....okay Rena is an actress who has the image like a princess, courteous, and kind. Her aura shows elegance. It looks like the actress will not do it because she does not want to impress as an...aggressive woman? She sounds too much but so was the world now. One simple thing to make people have a mind that sometimes not all true.

A clearing throat sound makes her somewhat startled and her eyes met with a pair of beautiful eyes. The person in front of her took his hand out. His expression was ordinary. According to Rena this person is mysterious. She acknowledged his face was handsome with a pointed nose and that lips...hurriedly she dismissed that no-no thought. Rena wanted to held his hand but she was stopped again because of a voice. "You already know my name, aren't you?"

Rena nodded. "Matsui..Jurina-san right?"

Her opponent namely Matsui Jurina nodded with his eyes closed. Unexpectedly he was the one who initiated the shake. Their hands met and Rena feel the warmth of the big hands. "I do not think there was someone in the entertainment industry who have the same family name with me. At first people thought we are siblings but we are not." He opened his eyes slowly, sending a strange sensation in Rena's tummy. His eyes were too charming, Rena admit it.

"So...people will not feel weird if we are together."

Rena did not understand what was being said by him. Tonight her brain seems to process things slowly. Was it because she was sleepy? In fact, what happens next does not seem real. Jurina pulled her hand, made her interested in closer to his body. Rena thought she would land on his chest but what happen is something sustain her on the face. More precisely on her lips. Something soft contact with her lips. The incident occurred just a few seconds but it causes Rena lost her body. She still does not know what had happened.

"Like the director said, know your opponent player well," Jurina revealing a mischievous smile. " I love your lips, Rena-san."
Everything was silent, only the sound of clock ticking which can be heard. It takes time for Rena to repeat and find out what had happened. After a while she finally knew. With wide eyes she uttered a word. "....what?"

What do you think? Should I continue or not? :)

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Re: WMatsui || LIPS TASTER [Short Fics] 043015
« Reply #53 on: April 30, 2015, 12:47:23 PM »
Oh oh Jurina kissed Rena  :panic:

Haha Jurina ultimate move  :lol:

Please continue it  :)

Update soon~  XD
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

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Re: WMatsui || LIPS TASTER [Short Fics] 043015
« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2015, 02:33:42 PM »
Pleasee continuee ..

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Re: WMatsui || LIPS TASTER [Short Fics] 043015
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2015, 04:13:44 PM »
please continue       :wub: :deco: :twothumbs

Offline DC2805

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Re: WMatsui || LIPS TASTER [Short Fics] 043015
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2015, 05:15:32 PM »
Continue with the story please? At least let rena give jurina a tight slap lol
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: WMatsui || LIPS TASTER [Short Fics] 043015
« Reply #57 on: April 30, 2015, 07:10:26 PM »
Continue with the story please? At least let rena give jurina a tight slap lol

AGREE!! But so.. Jurina is a man? I prefered a Jurina like a boyish girl... for sound more interesting ~

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Re: WMatsui || LIPS TASTER [Short Fics] 043015
« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2015, 06:53:41 AM »
please continue author san  :yossi:

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Re: WMatsui || LIPS TASTER [Short Fics] 043015
« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2015, 06:20:08 PM »
You should continue nee  :hip smile:

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