Scroll 11 - HEY HO LET'S GO!With the sound of Eye of The Tiger music in the background, four people step out on the road with pairs of colorful shoes and socks. Then, the view zooms upwards onto their faces lining up beside each other. All of them have a smirk on their faces with confidence written all over. Today, they are not just some teenage students in a high school. Today, they are different. Today, they would be call as… humankind’s greatest warrior. They begin walking up the lonely, deserted graveled road with trees surrounding them together with a cute fuzzy creature by their side…
NYAAA~“Wait, what?”
“HOLD IT!”The music screeches to a stop as Yuki dramatically jumps in front of everyone while pointing at the cat.
“WHAT IS THE DAMN CREATURE OF A FILTHY RODENT DOING HERE?!!!”“Nyaa-kun? What are you doing here, lil’ guy?” Jurina asks…
NYA…?Rena crouched on one knee as the little cat slithers its way around the ninja’s leg with a purr. After their ordeal a few days before, they have managed to gain trust and came to a decision to live in harmony for the sake of their master’s happiness. And now, it seems like the cat has more fondness towards Rena than her own owner who’s frowning slightly right now with the way her ninja and her cat interacts with each other. But she can’t help to feel the sight of them playing together adorable and cute.
“I think it wants to follow us, Jurina-sama.”
“Eh? Are you sure, Nyaa-kun? It’s dangerous for a small cat like you…”
The cat nods its head in confirmation.
“Well… I suppose one more company of a furball won’t make much different. Right, Yukirin?”
“Yukiriiiiin… Calm down…”
Mayu pats Yuki’s head to calm her down. Feeling a bit better from the gesture, Yuki lets out a sigh before walking ahead of them…
“Just don’t let the rodent get into my bag…”
Feeling relieved with Yuki’s normal way of agreeing, all of them share a smile before running ahead to catch up with the black girl. Jurina reach out a hand to the walking Nyaa-kun. Understanding her owner’s intention, Nyaa-kun jumps on Jurina’s arm as it runs up to land on the girl’s shoulder. Rena pats the cat on its head as it produce a purring sound before paying her attention on the surrounding. It was peaceful and calm with trees all around them. It was almost like there was no one except them in that place… It was too quite, it feels like something is wrong.
“Are you sure this is the right way, Yukirin?”
“I’m not good with directions, remember? With trees even… I hate them.”
Yuki could feel goosebumps crawling out from her skin as she reminisces the horrifying past between her and the trees. Rena too shivers when she felt a pair of eyes shooting glares at her from the dark girl.
“W-what? I’ve told you it wasn’t me you met that day!”
“Tch… just you wait, ninja.”
Jurina gives some eye signal for Rena to ignore the grumbling girl. Sensing the uneasiness of her partner, Mayu quickly holds Yuki’s hand before entwining their fingers together.
“Yukirin… remember what I said before?”
Seeing the warm smile on the shorter girl, Yuki feels as if all her hatred and anger had been lifted from her soul. Looking away to hide her blushing cheeks, Yuki timidly nods her head as she squeezed Mayu’s hand for reassurance while the cyborg girl smirks in an evil way with the way Yuki bows to her words easily.
Rena ordered for them to stop as she scans their surroundings. The place is getting pretty dark with the trees growing taller and taller the further they walk up the path, preventing the sunlight to shine on the pathway. Rena made a gesture for them to halt any movement as she uses her trained ninja hearing to make out any sounds around them. Yuki crouch on her knees as she puts her ear on the ground…
“You hear it, Yukirin…?”
“We’re not alone here. That's for sure…”
“But there’s something else."
“Yeah… it’s getting closer too.”
“It’s like… the sound of rolling…”
“Don’t tell me…”
Both of them look to their right as the ground started shaking like an earthquake about to ensue. They could make out the taller trees falling one by one as the grumbling sound begins to get closer and closer to them…
Both girls hold their respective partners closer before Rena jumps on top of one of the trees while Yuki runs into some wild shrubs to shelter themselves from the huge rolling bolder passing through their spot earlier. The casualties it had caused on the poor trees and any living things on the ground were devastating as it squashed them all without mercy. Mayu and Jurina had their eyes widen with mouths wide agape and shivers running through their bones from the sight...
“What the heck was that?!” Jurina shouts as she holds tightly onto Rena’s neck…
“It’s a trap…”
“A trap?”
“Ah…” Yuki nods her head calmly at Mayu’s question. “It’s a trap designed to release any type of dangerous weapons, like that boulder over there, when there is a presence of a small sound or any visible movement on the ground.”
“Usually they used kunais or shurikens…”
“I’ve encountered a giant snake once.”
“Make that one huge slimy slug…”
“Ugh! That’s worse…”
Mayu and Jurina could only watch silently still with the same shocked expression and trembles all over their limbs as the ninja and the skilled fighter exchange their horrendous encounters in a laidback manner as if it was normal for them to come across those bizarre creatures and dread situations.
"I bet they are all over the place..."
“T-Then… h-how are we supposed to reach the place if we can’t walk on the ground?”
Yuki ponders for a while before she looked at her partner. “You remember the path perfectly, don’t you Mayu?”
“Well… I guess so. We just need to follow the walking road.”
“That’s settle it then.” Yuki grab hold of Mayu into her embrace as she looked at Rena up on the tree, “See you at the meeting point later.”
“Very well... Be careful.”
They exchange a firm nod before Yuki steps into one of the shadows and vanished together with Mayu in her arms.
“Whoa! I mean, WOW! No… it was like, OMG! What was that?!”
Rena just chuckled at the amused face of her master with an increase degree of her shocking expression. “Jurina-sama, can you hold me as tight as you can?”
A tinge of pink appeared on Jurina’s face as Rena asked her the question. She thought Rena was about to embrace her into her arm or maybe lift her up like some prince or something… she was about to squeal in delight when Rena crouched on both knees while pointing at her back.
“Climb on, Jurina-sama.”
Well… that was embarrassing. So much for being in a fairy tale…Clearing her throat from the slight embarrassment of her own thoughts, Jurina carefully glue herself on Rena’s back like a monkey.
“Umm… so, are we gonna do the same thing like Yukirin did?”
Rena giggles as she shakes her head no… “It’s better.”
“Really? What?”
With a mischievous glint and a smirk, Rena turns her head to glance at Jurina that is clinging on her back with her head on Rena’s left shoulder.
“Say… you’re not afraid of the height, aren’t you Jurina-sama?”
“What? I don’t know… never been-
UWAAAAAAAAAH RENAAAAAA THIS IS TOOOOO HIIIIIGH!!!”Without warning, Rena leaps up to the top of the tree before jumping from one tree to another with a grin as her master screamed with all her might and squeezed Rena’s body tightly like her life depends on it… well, of course she is. Nyaa-kun gets out from Jurina’s backpack to land on Rena’s shoulder, unbothered with the height to enjoy the fresh wind with a happy face.
In front of a big mansion, a couple of people were gathered doing their own things after having survived the deadly traps set by the organizer. A few of them were lazing around while having some snacks while the others are talking and getting to know the other. Suddenly, something materialized from the shadow… It was Yuki with a pale looking Mayu in her arms as they embraced each other. With a worried face, Yuki releases Mayu as she sways right and left, trying to balance herself from the dizzy ride…
“I swear, Yukirin… I’m not gonna ride in your… whatever shadowy thingy you were doing just now… Ugh! I feel sick…”
“Oh, come on… it’s not that bad! You’ll get used to it…”
Yuki rubs Mayu’s back to ease the whirling feeling her partner is suffering from her shadow teleportation technique. While they were doing their thing, a pair approached them with a smile on each faces.
“Hello there! Seems it was one hell of a ride you’ve been through… seeing the whiteness in your partner’s face.”
A girl with a long hair and all smiles on her face greets them with another girl clad in chic looking leathers with short black hair. The short hair girl reached out a hand to greet the newcomers.
“Hey, I’m Sayanee. This smiling girl here is Milky… Nice to meet you guys.”
“I don’t need introductions right now.”
Yuki coldly respond to the pair with dark glaring eyes, ignoring the hand waiting to be shook before she averts her eyes to the still pale Mayu.
“Oh! Here, give her this… it will help your friend.” The girl called Milky brightly said still with a smile.
“Tch. I don’t trust strangers I just met.”
But without Yuki knowing, the Sayanee girl had already pour the liquid-like substance into Mayu’s mouth without the latter’s permission. Feeling angered with her action, Yuki glares at the chic girl before pulling her roughly by her leather jacket’s collar.
“Why you…”
Then, a hand grabs Yuki’s arm... “Yukirin! Let go of her! Look, I’m fine already!” but the dark girl still glares at Sayanee as the latter gulps.
Hearing the plea from the cyborg girl, Yuki let go of Sayanee but not before giving a warning to the girl.
“If I ever see you touch her again like that, I swear you’ll only see darkness for the rest of your life…”
Yuki spats the word venomously before bumping their shoulders together on purpose. Sayanee steps back a little resulted from the force of the bump but she still wears a smile as Milky approach her side.
“I’m really sorry and thank you for the medicine!”
Mayu bows to the pair before running to catch up with her furious partner. They pair watch the duo walk away from them as the shorter one reprimanded the tall girl for her unnecessary action.
“Are you okay, Sayanee?”
Milky asked worriedly while rubbing the poor girl’s shoulder but a smirk forms on Sayanee’s face…
“Nee, Milky… I think I’ve found my rival.”
Meanwhile, another pair appeared from the sky as they leap down from the tall trees to the ground. They landed perfectly in front of Mayu and Yuki who are still quarreling with each other. Mayu was the first to turn her head to the duo. Knowing Jurina’s weakness with height, she thought she would find a pale looking Jurina and perhaps make fun of her. But what she found was something out of the ordinary… The middle parted hair girl has a red face similar of a tomato. There wasn’t a hint of nervousness, being frightened or even air sick. She is normal as she is… well, except for the obvious blush present on her face.
“We’ve arrived, Jurina-sama.”
Rena pats her master’s arms to signal that it is safe to let go now. But Jurina wasn’t budging. She is still hanging on her ninja’s back albeit the nudge from Rena. But from Mayu’s observation, it seems like the girl is hiding herself behind the ninja…
“C-can I stay like this for a w-while…?”
Shrugging her shoulders, Rena let her master lingers on her back for a few more minutes... with a creepy smile and sparkling eyes as a tinge of pink appears on her cheeks.
“Heh… You’re late, ninja. I bet you can’t defeat me in terms of speed.”
Yuki tries to brag but Rena just look at her nonchalantly.
“I am? Oh, sorry… we were taking a detour just now. Something happened on our way here.”
“Grrr… you’re not making excuses, do you Matsui?”
Before Yuki could say anything, she received a glare from the cyborg girl. Knowing what it means, the black girl rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“What happened? Are you injured or something?”
“Not really… there's this-“
“AH! I KNEW IT! IT REALLY IS YOU GUYS!!!”A loud voice interrupted Rena as the owner runs at their spot. Being familiar with the owner of the voice, Mayu and Jurina widen their eyes with a finger pointed on the girl and the latter doing the same thing.
All eyes land on Mayu and Paruru as they shout at each other with those weird lines. Trying to escape from the interrogating looks she received from others, Mayu quickly directed a question to the girl.
“What are you doing here, Paruru?”
“Beats me... I just followed my close friend here.”
Paruru signal to her another… ummm… girl? Guy? Well, a person with a gakuran outfit and white spiky hair and a head band around the forehead. The person smirk at them while raising a hand to greet them in a cool way…
“Yo! ‘Sup?”
“KYAAAAAAH! He’s so cooooool!!!”Mayu squealed in delight as she jumps like a high school girl seeing her crush while everyone stare at her with judging eyes.
“Ummm actually… Yuihan is a she.”
“Oh…” Mayu stops her jumping while her eyes scrutinize the ikemen looking girl up and down, “Still…
“Ugh… why are girls so complicated…” Yuki grumbles from seeing her partner annoying act.
“Umm… sorry to disappoint you, but I’m already taken.”
A blush appears on their faces as Paruru averts her eyes from meeting the one who shamelessly declared her as Yuihan’s lover. She slapped the ikemen girl on her arm, annoyed for embarrassing her like that but the latter only took it as a form of affectionate gesture.
“I never agreed to that!”
“I never said it was you.”
“But you looked at me as you said that!”
“Well… glad you caught the signal of my love for you, Paruru.”
“Hmph! I did not!”
“Deny all you want, Paruru…”
Yuihan sent a wink towards her partner while teasingly nudging her back which just increase the shades on her cheeks. Meanwhile, Mayu and Jurina whistled and clapped their hands for the loving scene unfolding right before their eyes. On the other hand, the other two just watch the scene silently with a longing stare and a bit of envy shown on their faces...
“See, Jurina? Not everyone who enters the competition knows how to fight. I mean look at Paruru here… she doesn’t have any special skills or experience with fight…”
“Tch… don’t decide everything on your own, Mayu. FYI, I am a healer. That was why I worked with the medical team…”
“Oh…” Mayu gives Jurina a forced smile as the latter squint her eyes at the cyborg girl.
Suddenly, a clapping sound reverberates in front of the mansion. Everyone looked around in a wary way, trying to find the source of the sound. Out of thin air, a cloaked figure appeared as the person levitates itself above the ground.
“Is this a magic show?”
“Why would there be a magic show in the middle of nowhere?”
Jurina glares at Mayu with her all-time ridiculous question while Yuki lets out a loud exasperated sigh. Then, the cloaked person lands on the ground with a loud laugh.
“That is one fine question, young miss. Indeed, this is not a magic show…”
Mayu gulps as the floating figure turns his direction towards her although she couldn’t see any eyes or face under the hood. But she swore the person was leering at her with a menacing grin and dark red eyes with a sadistic face behind the cloak…
“Welcome everyone to my mansion! This is a competition held especially for young, trained and skilled fighters like you. To manage to go through the first obstacle, I am deeply honored to have seen your skills of coming here without any scratches!”
“Hold on! You mean… the competition had begun already?” Sayanee asks with a serious face as everyone too was curious with the revelation.
“Well, yes it has! If I might enlighten you, there were actually hundreds of participants for this competition. But we don’t want to waste any time to exclude the worthless bunch. So, we decided to put the first obstacle to pick up the best out of those hundreds. And the result is… well, the one standing before all of you!”
The person claps again as the participant wore many different expression on their faces.
“What happen to the others?”
“Well, let’s just say… they’re not gonna see the sun light anymore! Pretty sad, isn’t it?”
“You mean… they’re d-dead?”
“I don’t know. Care to join them to experience what truly happen for the losers… Miss Yamamoto?”
Sayanee glares at the intimidating person. By now, everyone is wearing a bothered and disturbed face. They were lucky enough that they had survived the first challenge, but they never know what’s going to happen after this.
“I knew this was gonna happen. No way they would let the participants win the prize as easy as eating a cake…”
“But going as far as killing?”
“That’s how these selfish people entertain themselves, Mayuyu…”
“This is why we must retrieve the scroll before it falls into the wrong hand.”
Rena said with a serious face as everyone nods their head.
“Oh, before that… You may call me S-sama. I will be the one supervising and managing the competition so if you have any questions or doubting anything, you may ask directly from me. Don’t be shy now… I don’t bite!”
Again, the eerie laughing sound echoes all over the forest. Everyone has started to become anxious, worry with the outcome of the competition.
“Now that the first challenge had ended, we will begin the next challenge shortly after lunch. Well, a fighter got to fill his stomach for some energy. There will be tents provided for your stay here and if you are lucky enough, there will be rooms prepared… considering some of you might be gone after the next challenge, if you know what I mean. HAHAHAHA! You may all be-“
“CHOTTO CHOTTO MATTE!!!”Every eyes turn to the disruption as another pair appears from the forest with a motorbike.
“No way…”
“She’s here too?!”
“Damn… This is one hell of a competition.”
“That’s one good looking motorbike…”
The passenger steps down from the motorbike before she opens her helmet. With a point of her famous huge paper fan, the girl declared in a loud voice.
“I demand a repeat of your instructions, floating guy!”Shortly after she finished, a short midget crouched beside her in a dramatic appearance before shooting a bazooka to the air.
BOOM!“W-well… now that’s a real magic show. Ahahaha!” the cloaked figure joked with the appearance of AtsuMina pair.
“Good job, Takamina.”
“Glad to hear that from you, President.”
“I think the latecomers need to meet me privately in my mansion to hear the instructions beforehand. As for the others, I suppose there is nothing else to say for now... You may be dismissed! Have a nice lunch, folks! Eat while you still can… BWAHAHAHAHA!!!”
The crowd dispersed to their own tent after the figure disappeared the way he appeared. Everyone wears a troubled and worried face after the announcement. They never knew the competition could get as serious as involving death. After this, they might be killing friends or partners just for the sake of the prize. But our main characters here are not backing away after being threatened like that. They’ve come to a decision to win the scroll no matter what… even if a sacrifice is needed.
“Aaaaah! I’m hungry hungry hungry! After travelling through the shadows, I think I’ve lost a lot of energy…”
“Pfft… It should be me who’s complaining about losing energy after using the shadow technique while carrying a heavy load here and there.”
“Excuse me, are you saying I’m heavy…Yukirin?”
“What if I am?”
They start a staring match for a few minutes before Mayu pulls a tight face from the smirking girl.
“That’s it! No lunch for you, Black!”
“What? Awww, come on...”
Rena and Jurina just watch the duo bicker with each other while they unpack the bento they brought from home in courtesy of Jurina-mama great cooking…
“Everything is a wonder with instant food!”Jurina sits at the side as she strokes Nyaa-kun who’s scarfing down his lunch without a care of the world. Sometimes, Jurina wonders what it feels like to be an animal like Nyaa-kun. Being oblivious to the danger and worry… it must be harsh for them. Another hand joining her hand patting Nyaa-kun broke Jurina from her reveries.
“How are you feeling, Jurina-sama?”
“I don’t know… Everything, I guess?”
Rena lets out a giggle from her master’s answer. Jurina can’t help to feel a little light, like a little burden had been lift off of her shoulders after hearing the soft giggle from Rena.
“I bet that’s what everyone is feeling right now…”
They sit in comfortable silence as they watch Nyaa-kun tried to lick its paw as he rolls around with a full stomach. However, Jurina can’t help the unsettling feeling she felt since the first step she took on the forest entrance. She looked at the pair who’s still bickering while eating their lunch before she poke Rena on her arm.
“Nee, Rena…”
“About earlier… do you think we should tell Mayu and Yukirin? I mean… the person did warn us about the competition…”
“I don’t know… everything is a mystery right now. They do have to right to know… but for now, let’s keep it between us only.”
Jurina nods her head before she reached for the rice prepared earlier by Rena as the ninja too joins her eating lunch. Although she doesn’t feel hungry, she must replenish her energy for the upcoming challenge. Besides, she can’t refuse her mom’s cooking. It’s the best food she had ever had and Jurina will finish them all no matter what. After all, she might be having the last lunch of her life…
“Don’t worry… I’ll protect you no matter what happens.”
“Pedo alert! Pedo alert!”
“Hush, Paruru! Don’t spoil the scene!”
“I don’t get it how these two could get closer... Don’t you think so, spiky?”
“DISH ISH A GREAT LUNCH! I WANT SHECONDS, YUKI-SAN!!!”"Urggh... Why do I have these three weirdos around me! Just kill me already!
Somewhere in the trees…
GROWLS…“Awww I’m hungry too…”
Ring Ring! Ring Ring!“Hello mellow! Gakuran speaking~”
“MEEEWWHEWHEWHEWW~”“What the? Hey, Korisu… I know you miss me and all. But get your dirty furry butt off the damn phone! I’m working here!”
“What did you say, Gakuran?”“A-ah! M’lady! Ahahaha I was talking to the bird… yeah, there’re lots of birds here in this tree…”
“I don’t want to hear about your bird watching. Have you done what I ordered you?”
“I did. But… there’s a problem.”
“What?”“I don’t think they know the scroll’s whereabouts at the moment.”
“Care to explain?”“I have to stalk some more but I think I know where to start…”
“Report to me soon.”“Sure, m’lady. Oh yeah! What’s for lunch? Is there any delivery service around here? Cause I’m starving and the trees-“
“CLICK! Tuuut… tuuut… tuuut…”“Tch… grumpy old lady… looks like I have to steal some of their lunches. Off me go!”
A/N: Just some intros of the fighters our main casts will duel with later. There are lots of mysteries and hints going on here~

Do you guys have the keen senses of a ninja to find them? Muahahaha let's see~
THANK YOU GUYS! I don't think anyone wants to read this weird fic...

REPLIES:@River1721: Jurina is still one naive kid that's why

Ahaha sorry to disappoint u with the kiss~

There's still many mysteries here I don't think your brain could handle it MUAHAHAA!! Thanks~
@kazutoryu: NEW READER!!! I guess... lol THANK YOU FOR READING~

Glad u like MaYuki moments~
@NewFans_48: Wow u notice the shurikens!!! Yeah Rena didn't put it there but then who???

Hmmm~ guess you'll have to wait for more chapters then

@yabamoe: Hahaha i'm happy you like it~ I will try my best for the FLUFF!!!

@Zita: Hahaha but Nyaa-kun is cute!!! Let me give you a hint! Korisu also has a pair which is also an animal... MUAHAHA!!!
@Kirozoro: Finally! Someone is suspicious with Nyaa-kun~!!!

Let's just say... the cat is not as it seems~