Chapter 5
I was walking through the cafeteria .. And saw Haruna walking with Acchan .. Should I approach them or just leave them? .. Oh well .. I will approach them ..
"Heyy .. Wait !" I said
"Oh .. Yuuchan .. Hi .. "Acchan said while flashing her sweet smile.
"Hi .. Hmm .. Haruna can we talk ?"I said hoping Haruna to agree..
Haruna look at Acchan for a second and turn back at yuko ..
"Why..?" Haruna asked.
"Hmm .. I just wanted to tell you something .."
"Acchan is that okay for you ?"
"Yeah .. It's ok don't worry, I will look for our table .."
"Okay ... Thank you .."Haruna replied at Acchan then glaring at me..
After that we went to a quiet place .. We went to the Rooftop .. None of us two want to break the silence .. Until I decided its time to say to her that her boyfriend is cheating on her! .. I don't want me to be the reason if they break up .. But .. I gotta do this for haruna's sake.
"So .. What do you wanna talk about?"Haruna asked lazily.
"Hmm .. I just wanna let you know that Riki is cheating on you" I said worriedly.
"Again?! .. How many times do I have to tell you that I won't believe to you unless I saw it with my two eyes!"Haruna said angrily.
"But I said it to you already so you won't be surprised when you saw it! , you won't be sad, hurt , and broken! , I was just trying to help you"
"Well, your not helping me .. Why don't you just admit it, that your just doing this to me because you want me and Riki to broke up"
"No .. I won't do that, to be honest I was hurt when they say that you have a boyfriend until now .."
"So that's why your doing this?, you know what ? Your horrible!"
"I know .. I'm horrible .. I'm selfish .. But I want you to know .. I do this for your sake!"
"Well, I don't need your worry, I need to go now"Haruna said while leaving me behind.
#meanwhile at the cafeteria ..
I was waiting for Haruna and our other friends to come here while munching on my omelette rice .. Oh takamina's here ..
"Hi .. Sweetie .."he said while giving me a box of chocolate ..
"Hello .. Hmm .. Thank you for the chocolate .. Hmm .. Where's the SAESAYAKA couple?" I asked while unboxing my chocolate.
"Oh .. Them ? They have to go to the court since sae has a training .."
"Oh .. So .. How are you today?"
"I'm good .. Hmm .. I wanna asked you something .."
"What is it?"
"I was planning to have a dinner at restaurant tomorrow .. I was wondering if you wanna come with me ?"
"Hmm .. I'm not sure if I can come .. But I let you know if I'm going or not.. Okay?"
"Okay .."
I can see Haruna walking towards us .. And she seems pissed.
"Hi .. Haruna .."
"Hi Takahashi-San .."
"So .. How's between you and yuko?"
"I'm pissed! Let just not talk about it"
"Okay .."
#bellringss ..
After that they go to their last period subject ... And finally the school end and all the students go to their own houses.
I was driving when I saw the girl that I bump yesterday .. I stop at the nearest parking area and run towards her ..
"Hmm .. Heyy .. Wait! .. You girl in pink bag!"
Finally she turn back at me .. With a suspicious look in her face ..
"Remember me ?" I asked hoping she still remembers me ..
"And who are you ?"
"I guess you don't remember me at all .."
"Ah! .. Your the boy who gives me the handkerchief .."
"Yeah .. That's me .." I said happily ..
"Hmm .. I'm sure your hungry now .. Wanna go to McDonalds with me? , my treat don't worry .."
"I'm .. Kinda hungry ... So I guess okay .."
After that talk we go to the nearest McDonald .. And talk for a bit.
"So .. Hmm .. What's your name?" I asked nervously.
"Oh .. I'm Yuki Kashiwagi .. And You?"
"Oh yeah .. Me .. I'm .. Mayu Oshima .. Nice to meet you.."
" nice to meet you too .. Hmm .. I was wondering .. Are you related to Oshima Yuko? The basketball player in our school?"
"Yeah .. He is my brother after all .. My brother is popular huh .."
"Really? .. Nice"
"But .. We don't live in the same house .. He lives with our cousins"
"Oh .. And why is that? .. Oppss .. Sorry I shouldn't have asked private question"
"No .. It's okay .. Don't be sorry .. It's because my father hates him .. And we don't know why .. He and my father are the only one who knows why .. Me and my Mom are kinda worried about him .."
"Oh .. Sorry to asked that .."
"No it's okay .. Infact I don't see him for almost a year now .. I miss him .. It's because .. We're close and he's very kind to me .."
"It's okay .. Don't worry .."
"Thank you.."
Àfter our talk I decided to give yuki a ride to their house and their rich just like us .. Hmm .. I'm happy since I talk to her and finally get her name .. So .. Bye guys .. I have to go home now guys..

So .. That's it minna-San ..

Hontouni Arigatou for commenting .. And for reading my Story ..

Hope you still read it until the end ..

Keep giving me comments and reading falling in love .. Hai?

Hope you like this chapter ..