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Author Topic: Outcast and the Exiled Announcement 12/25  (Read 87589 times)

Offline Charlotte-Sempai

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 6 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2014, 04:50:28 PM »
Paru is a wolf~ XD
I don't know any NMB girls other than SayaMilky X)
I need to do some research

YuiParu are in AKB.

But Yui was a kenin in NMB for a while.
Yes, I know ^^
I meant I just don't know Akari (only know the SKE one XD) and Kei (they are from NMB, right?). It's likely others NMB48 members will soon show up(?), so that's why I need to get into NMB and learn their names, not to feel lost when all these unknown girls will appear in the fic. X)

Oh! I get you now. I don't really know them either. Sei is more into NMB than I am. :D
Don't mind me.
Just here.
Reading and or Writing.

Offline sei-tan48

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 6 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2014, 08:49:03 PM »
Paru is a wolf~ XD
I don't know any NMB girls other than SayaMilky X)
I need to do some research

YuiParu are in AKB.

But Yui was a kenin in NMB for a while.
Yes, I know ^^
I meant I just don't know Akari (only know the SKE one XD) and Kei (they are from NMB, right?). It's likely others NMB48 members will soon show up(?), so that's why I need to get into NMB and learn their names, not to feel lost when all these unknown girls will appear in the fic. X)

Oh! I get you now. I don't really know them either. Sei is more into NMB than I am. :D

Many characters will be introduced in the upcoming chapters and if you have a member that catches your eye from NMB, it's okay to ask here on JPHIP or on tumblr. Though I like NMB a lot, I'm still familiarizing myself with them.  :D

Offline Baekshim

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 6 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2014, 11:24:38 PM »
If I hadn't been lurking on 48G tumblrs 24/7 these past days, I wouldn't even have known that much about SayaMily XD Now I know that Sayaka can play the guitar and that Milky's fishing techniques are pretty effective X)
I saw there were NMB's shows, I will watch them. ^^ That's how I easily became a AKB and SKE fan.
Beside SayaMilky, Maachun (NMB but she's a keinin now?) in one of the latest AKBINGO! ep caught my attention XD

Offline Charlotte-Sempai

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Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 7 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2014, 05:16:54 PM »
Chapter 7:

Miyuki watched Sayaka pace back and forth, with her head down and a scowl that seemed to get worse with every turn she made. It was a few days since the failed wolf attack and despite their preparation a lot of people still got hurt but it was better than having all of the villagers wiped out.

In a way they were lucky.

The survivors had celebrated their victory but fortunately they didn’t forget to be vigilant. The fear that the wolves might attack again was still there and they had learned a lot, mostly to Yui giving them tactical advice that she did not ‘learn’ from Paru and Sayaka. They had also sent Akari away safely, with the white shewolf returning the cloak to Sayaka and Miyuki giving the offending item a stink eye. Miyuki washed the cloak thoroughly the next day before throwing it at Sayaka’s face.

Things should have returned to normal but Miyuki sensed something was amiss about Sayaka, since the first attack. The shewolf had gotten into the habit into spacing out a lot and talking to Yui more frequently. It had bothered her a lot but she knew that if she asked Sayaka would just brush it off. So, she waited for Sayaka to tell her whenever the shewolf was ready instead.

Now it seems the shewolf was ready to share.

Several scenarios ran through Sayaka’s head as she thought of how Miyuki will react to her plan, all of them ended up with her hide decorating the girl’s floor. She needed to leave, not because she didn’t want to be around Miyuki anymore but she needed to leave to seek help from the only clan that can keep up against Namba. Akari had given her additional information that the Namba’s mysterious new Alpha had her own army, shewolves only loyal to her and only heeding her commands. She feared she might need to hold a siege against her own home to draw out this new Alpha and finally tear them to pieces.

Sayaka stopped pacing, coming to a final decision and kneeled in front of Miyuki. “I need to leave.”

The smile on Miyuki’s face vanished and was replaced a blank one. Sayaka felt a shiver run up her spine, maybe that wasn’t the best way to tell Miyuki of her plan.

“Yamamoto Sayaka…” Miyuki started and the aforementioned wolf was screaming internally, using anyone’s full name in any conversation is bad. “Would you please explain to me why you need to leave?”

Sayaka stood up, was about to wipe her palms nervously against her legs but stopped when she realized that she’d nothing to wipe it on.

“Well…” She gulped. “It’s because I have to.”

Each wolf clan were all proud but most of all they would boast the abilities that was gifted to them by nature. Akiba has the swiftest and most skilled hunters. Sakae has the strategy and ferocity for war. Hakata has the cutest and sly members. Sayaka was proud that Namba has the strongest members and as the Alpha of her clan that made her the strongest by default. So, it was quite amazing that she suddenly found herself on her knees with Miyuki gripping her ear painfully.

“If you think that you can just leave me here while you go off and pretend to be a hero. Then you are wrong.” Miyuki said her tone alarmingly calm and Sayaka whimpered.

“I know what you are planning to do and no, Yui didn’t tell me. The hospice has thin walls and Paru is a really bad liar.” She twisted Sayaka’s ear harder. “I think she was happy to tell me anyway cause you’ve been cutting in on their alone time.”

“But you are not leaving me here and I am coming with you. Whether you like it or not.” She finally let go of Sayaka’s ear but the wolf didn’t make a move too afraid that her might smack her if she did. “Understand?”

Sayaka nodded.

“I can’t hear you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sayaka responded, trying her best not to grab her tail and hug it. It was something she does after getting a scathing reprimand and the last time this happened was when she was still a cub at Hakata.

“Good.” She helped the shewolf up and made a mental note to be extra nice to Sayaka later. “Now be a good wolf and prepare the supplies we need for the trip okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Miyuki sighed deeply after Sayaka left to do as she ordered and she blinked away the tears that had started to form. She sent a longing look at the kitchen where she could hear the shewolf doing her part before making her way to their bedroom. There was no way in hell that she’d let Sayaka out of her sight, she refused to and had a feeling that this would be the time that Sayaka would need her the most.


It took them two days to prepare for the trip, though Miyuki wasn’t exactly sure where they were going and should have asked Sayaka but she packed up whatever type of clothing needed for any weather. Which made her jealous that Sayaka is fine with being practically naked in her wolf form most of the time.

She placed the last of their supplies in a leather bag and gave it to Aki. The boy had fortunately survived the attack but was missing a few fingers and maybe an ear; Miyuki couldn’t tell, his hair was covering it up but the boy seemed to have a hard time hearing her.

He walked over to his horse and and secured the bag on the saddle. When Miyuki had asked him if there was a horse breeder in the village so she could buy one, he gladly jumped in and gave her his mare instead. The horse was still in it’s prime, standing proudly with it’s coat and mane nearly as black as Sayaka’s fur, and he remarked that maybe that his horse would get along well with the grumpy wolf that followed Miyuki around.

“Thank you for this Aki. You didn’t have to.” She smiled at him, not the slightest bit guilty that she had turned the boy down not long ago and was using his still obvious adoration for her. She ignored Sayaka snapping her jaws near her leg.

“It’s no problem, Miyuki-san.” He patted the horse on the neck. “Xena here will need the trip. I used to have her help me carry heavy materials from the market to the smithy’s when I first started but I’m strong now…” He flexed his arm and Miyuki refrained from looking disgusted at the sweaty limb, she likes muscles but she didn’t want them bursting out of person’s skin. “I didn’t know what to do with her and I left her at the stables.”

“Thank you again, Aki. We have another stop to make before we leave.” She took the reins and started to lead Xena away. “Good bye, Aki.”

“Good bye, Miyuki-san!” He was about to say more but Sayaka ran past him, using her size to trip him over and he fell on to his back.

Miyuki had heard his pained yelp and gave the wolf a bemused look. The horse on the other didn’t seem to care about her former master and seemed happy to get a chance to walk around.

“We’re heading to the hospice, Yui and Paru are there.” She stated. Sayaka knew where they were going, so maybe she was doing this for the horse’s benefit. “We have some supplies to pick up from them and they’ll see us off. Is that okay, Xena?”

The horse nickered softly and Sayaka rolled her eyes, her mate had an odd ability to talk with animals or at least make the animals understand. She even caught her arguing with a bird once just for pooping the clothes she hanged out to dry. They reached the hospice and instead of tethering the horse to a fence she gave the reins to Sayaka. The shewolf gave the girl a strange look but held on to the reins anyway, her ear still stung a bit and didn’t feel like getting punished again.

“I’ll be back with Yui and Paru. So you two behave and stay put.” She briskly walked towards the door and entered.

Sayaka sat down and regarded the horse with a curious look. She started sniffing the mare’s leg but Xena didn’t seem to like it and shoved the wolf away with a leg. She growled and the mare snorted at her, contrary to what Aki said; these two will not get along well. They growled and snorted at each other back and forth, only stopping when Miyuki walked out with Yui and Paru with some supplies with them.

Miyuki smiled brightly when she noted that Xena and Sayaka was where she had left them and they seemed to get along well too. She added the medical supplies to an empty leather bag on Xena’s saddle and gave the mare a pat for obediently standing still.

“I think that’ll be all you need.” Yui said, smiling slightly at the girl while Paru seemed to be glaring the horse. “If you run out of supplies there will be another village along the way or you could try the travelling merchants but they’re scoundrels so I don’t recommended them.”

Miyuki nodded and Paru stopped glaring at the mare. “Are you sure you don’t want us to come?”

“We’ll be fine on our own. Though it would be great to have you two around.” Miyuki took the reins from Sayaka. “But the village will need your help for any further attacks and Akari might come by with some news from Namba. Plus, I think Sayaka would be prefer it to be just the two of us.” The horse whinnied. “Or three of us.”

Yui turned to look at Sayaka. “Take care of her Sayaka or I’ll sic Paru on you.”

Paru pinched Yui and to her credit the doctor was able to suppress a wince. Miyuki pulled them both in for a hug and tried to get Sayaka to join in too but the wolf was busy scratching her ear.

“We’ll see you when you get back.” She whispered and pulled back.

She noticed Paru pulling out a small bag and pressed it into her hand. “Some salt, you might need some to use it on your cooking, trail rations can get tiring at some point.”

Hearing Sayaka snort from behind her, Miyuki kicked backwards, before thanking the salty female for “We’d better get going if we’re actually going to get some ground traveled today.” Miyuki said, before looking down at the whimpering shewolf, “Come along Sayaka.”

With her both her pride and side hurting, Sayaka followed after Miyuki.


It was already late afternoon, and the small group of three have covered quite a bit of ground. Like Aki said before, Xena is quite the strong, healthy mare, and wasn't showing any signs of exhaustion whatsoever. The same couldn't be said for the wolf, who was struggling to keep up with the horse, who was purposely going a bit faster.

Looking back at Sayaka, Miyuki patted Xena’s mane, motioning for her to stop. The spot there were at was pretty good, and luckily there was river nearby as well. Jumping down from the mare, she lead it to the water source, which looked like someone used the area as a camp before.

Hearing a sigh, Miyuki turned around to see Sayaka now in her two legged form, looking exhausted. “And you wanted to go alone huh?” Miyuki asked, as she grabbed a waterskin, before giving it to the shewolf. Rolling her eyes, Sayaka drank from it, before motioning for Miyuki to drink too.

“We can’t dally too long here. We can cover a lot more ground.” Sayaka said, as she got comfortable at the edge of the river, letting her feet sink into the cool water.

“Do your feet hurt?”

“You try walking for 4 hours.”

Noticing the certain edge to her voice, Miyuki backed up. Turning away she sat far away from the wolf, leaning against a tree, she closed her eyes to rest. Watching the whole thing go down, Xena huffed, her tail hitting Sayaka’s head.

‘I shouldn’t of snapped at her like that.’ Sayaka thought to herself rubbing her neck. She left the familiar collar she’s been wearing the past few days and yanked it off her neck, before tossing it into the water. ‘Damn thing!’ She huffed, as she removed her feet from the water and shook the excess water off. Padding over to the pouting girl, she crouched down in front of her, and reached her hand out to touch her, but stopped as Miyuki’s head shot up.

“I know you don’t want me here, but you promised not to leave me alone. I know it sounds selfish of me-” The girl stopped when she saw Sayaka’s hand reach out for her face, and wiped the tears she wasn’t aware running down her face.

“I keep making you cry.” Sayaka frowned, her ears pressed to her head. “And seeing you cry makes me hurt here.” She grabbed Miyuki’s hand and placed it on her heart. Reaching out, Miyuki wrapped her arms around the shewolf, and brought her in closer, before pressing her lips to hers. It started off as a peck, turned heavy fast, as Sayaka pressed herself onto Miyuki, using the fact that she was against a tree to her advantage.

Miyuki’s hands moved northward into Sayaka’s hair, and one hand scratched the back of her ear, causing the the shewolf to groan into their kiss. Feeling evil, Sayaka nipped at Miyuki’s bottom lip, before sucking on it. The moan she got in return, caused her tail to thump like crazy behind her, she was enjoying these sounds she was coaxing from Miyuki. Her free hands slipped to Miyuki’s hips, keeping her in place.

The two kept at it, completely forgetting where they were, as hands roamed anywhere they wanted, but never going under clothing, to much of their dismay. ‘We’re supposed to be taking this slow, but she tastes so good.’ Sayaka mentally groaned, as she resisted the urge to take Miyuki. It was getting harder and harder to fight back against her inner wolf. But she knew the time still wasn’t right.

Finally when the need to breathe got too strong the two broke away, both were sporting goofy smiles, as their foreheads touched. Scratching her ear one last time, Miyuki removed her hands from the shewolf’s hair, much to Sayaka’s protest. She actually found it pleasant when Miyuki did that action.

“If we have energy to do that, then we have the energy to keep going.” Sayaka said, as she stood up, and helped Miyuki up a moment later, the girl was still flushed from the kissing, but the smile from before was still there. Calling Xena over, Miyuki prepared to get back up, but was stopped by a certain shewolf.

“Just one more before we head off again.” She whispered, stealing a kiss from Miyuki. Ending it just as fast as it started, she shifted and went on ahead. A noticeable spring in her step.

Shaking her head, the warm faced Miyuki saddled up and followed after the shewolf.


It’s already been a couple of days they left the forest, and now they’ve been traveling on an open field. Miyuki has been doing fine on portioning out her supplies, and they still have yet to use their medical bag.

They were taking a break under a shady tree, as the harsh sun’s rays were proving to be annoying today. Xena was happily grazing nearby, her tail flicking away flies. Meanwhile Miyuki was resting her head on Sayaka’s lap. The shewolf was humming a song, one from her childhood that she, and along with the other pups would beg their caretaker to sing them every night.

The faint memory brought a smile to her face. Feeling Miyuki shift on her lap, she glanced down, just to see the girl was still very much asleep. Occasionally mumbling something, as her face scrunched up. Using her free hand that wasn't playing in Miyuki’s hair, Sayaka poked her cheek, biting her lip to stifle her laugh, when the sleeping girl swatted the air.

Stopping her small source of amusement, Sayaka’s ears flicked upward, checking her surroundings to see if anyone or anything was approaching. Seeing that nothing was nearby, she leaned back and exhaled, allowing her eyes to close, if only for a brief moment. She hadn’t been getting much sleep the past couple of nights, as her hormones have been getting worse and worse, just having Miyuki so close, was making her on edge.


She woke up with the sound of crackling fire and Xena idly sniffing on her hair. She shoo'd the horse off then stood up to look for Miyuki. She spied the girl sitting next to the fire, her attention on the stew she was preparing.

“Miyuki…” She called out, her voice a little groggy from sleep.

The girl turned to face her and quickly waved her over, while taking a spoonful of the stew she was preparing. She sat next to her mate and Miyuki blew softly on the spoon to cool it before feeding it to Sayaka.

“Ah, rabbit!” The shewolf exclaimed and it was good too. She eagerly opened her mouth to let Miyuki feed her some more and after swallowing another mouthful she asked Miyuki. “But how did you catch one?”

“Xena helped, she actually caught it by grabbing it’s ears.” Miyuki answered after having some of the stew. “Though I had to kill it myself.”

“What?” Sayaka exclaimed, she scowled at the horse tethered by the tree where they took their nap. Xena was grazing on the grass and as if it sensed the shewolf’s gaze, it straightened up and stomped on the ground proudly. “That’s my job!”

“I think it’s nice.” She fed Sayaka another spoonful of the stew, to stop the shewolf from complaining. “You can take turns.”

She faced the fire with a scowl, it was her job to provide Miyuki’s needs. “It’s my job…” She muttered softly.

Miyuki noticed that Sayaka’s darkening mood and she quickly moved the pot aside before taking the shewolf’s arm for her to hug. She saw Sayaka swallow hard when she purposely squeezed Sayaka’s arm between her breasts. She wasn’t sure why Sayaka was resisting her but still Miyuki did her best to weaken Sayaka’s defenses and her own needs to think about.

“Don’t be mad.” She said softly.

“I’m not mad.” Sayaka replied still looking at the fire, doing her best to ignore how soft Miyuki was.

“But you look mad.”

“I don’t look mad.”

“But your chin gets longer when you're mad.” Miyuki’s smile widened and stroked Sayaka’s chin playfully.

Sayaka finally looked at Miyuki.  “Maybe I am mad.” She grabbed Miyuki’s hand and held on to it tightly. “It’s my job to give you what you need and if you were getting tired of the trail rations, you could’ve have just told me.”

Miyuki blinked a few times, finally realizing what was bothering Sayaka. She let go of Sayaka’s and pulled her closer, resting the shewolf’s head against her chest. Her wolf was feeling insecure and in dire need of attention, they had busy travelling that Miyuki had forgotten to pay attention to her wolf. She started scratching the shewolf’s ear and Sayaka made a little contented sigh.

“There’s nothing to worry about.” She started. “I’ll always need you Sayaka, I barely even remember how I survived before I met you. So, there’s nothing for you to worry. I’ll always need you, okay?”

The shewolf nodded and hid her face, feeling a bit ashamed of her own insecurities. This was stupid, she felt stupid. She should be happy that her mate was so accepting but here she was being overly sensitive of little things. Miyuki continued to scratch ears, occasionally stroking the one that she pinched. It no longer hurt but she the memory of the pain was still there.

“You also, looked like you needed a break. Do you feel any ache from your leg?” She was referring to Sayaka’s previously injured leg. Though it had healed completely and left a scar that the shewolf wore proudly, there’s still a possibility that the torn muscles might cause a bit of trouble.

Instead of answering, Sayaka shook her head. She didn’t want to tell Miyuki that she was the cause of Sayaka’s exhaustion. Miyuki pecked the shewolf’s cheek before moving away to put the stew back over the fire. She noticed Sayaka’s disappointed whimper at the loss of contact so the girl immediately returned to her side with another spoonful of the rabbit. They finished off the rabbit stew and Miyuki went about cleaning up while Sayaka shifted to patrol the area.

When Sayaka returned, Miyuki was already laying on the fur bedding by the fire but was still awake. She shifted and slipped right next to Miyuki, opening her arms so the girl could cuddle up against. They laid comfortably, letting the noise around them lull them to sleep.

A moment later Miyuki looked up at Sayaka, a slightly confused look on her face. “By the way where are we going?”

“What?” The question quickly woke Sayaka from her light doze. “Wait, you went with me all this time but you didn’t know where we were going?”

“I know that we’re going to ask help from another pack but you didn’t exactly tell me where we’re going. That’s why I let you lead the way.”

“Oh…” Sayaka kept forgetting Miyuki can be clueless at times, she can be quite cunning but there are times that she wondered if Miyuki was dropped on her head when she was a baby. “We’re heading to the Sakae Clan. They live in the desert and most likely the only pack that match up against Namba’s strength.”

She paused trying to remember what other things she knew about Sakae. “They’re nomads too and the easiest way to find them is to travel with a human caravan. The village we’ll reach tomorrow is closest to the desert and is often a rest stop for those caravans. They’ll resupply there and we’ll do the same before going with them.”

Miyuki didn’t say anything and nodded, once again letting nature’s sounds lull them to sleep. A few moments later Miyuki looked up at the dozing shewolf.

“Hey, you never answered me when we’re going to have some babies.”

Sayaka’s eyes snapped open.


Miyuki convinced Sayaka to ride with her, seeing as the wolf seemed to tire faster than Xena and she also made Sayaka change clothes. Those tiny pieces of loincloth barely covered anything and she wasn’t about to let anyone see Sayaka in that skimpy outfit besides her. Though she had to watch, with great dismay, that Sayaka had to rip the skirt into a shorter length at the excuse for easier mobility. There was also the fact that the villagers might get wary at the sight of a wolf, tagging along with her. The memory of being lynched was still fresh in her mind.

Still it was nice to have Sayaka sit behind her and feel those strong arms around her. She’d also taken a chance of stroking Sayaka’s biceps, something that she might start obsessing on and distracting the shewolf to a point where Sayaka nearly steered them towards a tree.

The sun was at it’s peak when they reached the village and heat was murderous already.
It was bustling with activity and it seemed that a few caravans were present. They quickly moved toward the edge of the village where they assumed that the caravans had set up they own stalls and tents. They’d decided that if there weren’t any caravans stopping they’ll stay at the inn or camp out on the village outskirts but if there were any caravans they decided that they might as well join with them as soon as possible. 

As they neared the tents, Sayaka noted that most of the people they saw were men and started to feel eyes on her and Miyuki. This already put her on edge and resisted the urge to bare her fangs at the men that stared too long at Miyuki. In front of her, the girl pretended not notice the leers being shot their way but she pulled on Sayaka’s cloak, using at as a shield from the stares.

She steered Xena to where the camels were also kept. Sayaka got off Xena first before helping Miyuki down then tethered the horse to a nearby water trough.

“I don’t like this already...” Sayaka stated, eyes scanning for any sign of danger. She held out her hand for Miyuki to take. “It’s better that you stay close to me.”

Miyuki nodded and did her best to lighten the situation a bit. “So where do you think a caravan leader would hide?”

Sayaka gave Miyuki a half-smile before pulling her closer. “Biggest tents have a lot of places to hide. Even the fattest caravan leader can--”

“Well hello there, what’s this I hear about a caravan leader?” A fat bellied man waddled towards them. He steepled his fingers, intentionally showing the girls the rings on his fingers. They sparkled brightly under the sun’s harsh light, the reflecting light nearly blinding Sayaka. The rings and the flashy robes, indicated that he’s a caravan leader and a lecherous one, judging from the disgusting smile he was giving Sayaka and Miyuki.

He eyed Sayaka and Miyuki, as a smile slowly formed on his. “Heh, I see… some ladies looking for some quick money eh? It’s been a while since we’ve had some women and I’m sure my boys will pay you generously.”

“Excuse me?” Miyuki protested and Sayaka quickly moved forward pushing Miyuki protectively behind her. She’d hoped not to run into trouble or cause any but it can’t be helped since these anthropomorphic bag of dicks liked to cause trouble anyway.

“Don’t pretend that you whores--” He leered, moving closer to the two of them.

Sayaka clenched her fists and was about to break the man’s jaw when another person stood between her and the man.

“I'm sorry but these girls are already with me.” The man’s leer suddenly disappeared, there was a brief flash of fear before the man put on a business like smile.

“Ah, I apologize, Nakanishi-san. I didn’t know they were yours and that you…” The man bowed at the person and leaned in conspiratorially. “...hire such services. Maybe you could share me where you found these delectable creatures.”

There was a pause and Sayaka noticed that the stranger’s fist was twitching as if itching to punch the man. She readied herself for a possible fight.

After a moment the stranger’s fist stopped twitching. “They are not what you think they are, sir. They are my caravan’s guests and should be treated with respect. I also suggest that you return to your friends because it seems my own friends doesn’t like having you stand too close to me.”

Sayaka, Miyuki and the fat man looked around, finally noticing a group of women that were eyeing the man quite dangerously. She caught the familiar scent of shewolves being nearby and brought a bit of relief to Sayaka. The man gulped and backed away a few steps while Sayaka seemed bewildered that she didn’t notice these people sneaking up on them and Miyuki was eyeing the weapons curiously.

“Ah, of… of course!” He turned around and practically ran away.

“Spineless coward.” The stranger muttered under their breath, before turning to Sayaka and Miyuki. “You two should be more careful of men like him. They’re quick to assume any and all females that come by here are….promiscuous.” The stranger, Nakanishi said.

Sayaka’s eyes widened as she finally saw the stranger’s face. “I’ve seen you before.” She started, before lowering her voice. “You’ve visited Namba before haven’t you.”

“Namba huh? Yes I have. Clan of brutes and beauties.” Nakanishi grunted, before flashing a teasing smile. “Nice to see you again, Namba Alpha. But enough talking out here, let’s move somewhere more private.” The cloaked stranger motioned towards the caravan tents.

Arriving at the tents, Miyuki collapsed onto a bundle of furs, the heat was draining all of her energy today and was grateful to be out of the sun’s rays, even if it was temporary. Sayaka on the other hand, was still looking at the stranger, trying to remember more of her visit.

“Before I ask any questions, allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m Nakanishi Yuka, from the Southern Sakae pack.” Yuka nodded her head at the superior wolf before her.

“Nakanishi….Yuka-san.” Upon saying the name, Sayaka recognized her immediately. The shewolf was no ordinary wolf whatsoever. She had heard that the shewolf before her led the richest caravan amongst Sakae and is well known among human caravans also. There was also a certain quality that Yuka that somehow compelled her to follow and had also heard that the shewolf had her own loyal followers that would risk their hides for Yuka. In other words, she was someone that could help her with the problem back home. “I require your help.”

“Help with what? I have my own problems as it is, Sayaka-san.” Yuka motioned around. “As you know or maybe not know. The skirmishes from the North and South Sakae packs have been happening a lot more frequently, and I’ve been forced to leave behind quite a few of my clanmates to seek shelter elsewhere. Unless you’re willing to help me here, I cannot assist you anywhere else.”

Miyuki watched the two shewolfs talk, absorbing the new information that Yuka told them, before opening her mouth. “Why is the North and South packs fighting?”

Yuka looked at Miyuki before smiling. “Ah, I didn’t notice that you were human. Sayaka-san’s scent is all over you.” She chuckled before continuing. “It started a long time ago, when both ‘leaders’ were still quite younger. Northern leader Matsui Rena, and Southern leader Matsui Jurina. They both have the idea that they are the 'true' Alpha of Sakae. Which in theory is impossible, since we are nomadic. How can one person be in charge of multiple roaming packs?”

“They can't.” Sayaka replied.

“Exactly. But they’re too stubborn to listen. This is hurting us more and more as each skirmish happens. A lot of them, like me, have left to seek refuge among humans, helping them through the desert.”

Sayaka hummed, her tail flicking behind her, as it did tend to happen when she was in deep thought. Her original plan was to approach a Sakae caravan leader, gain their trust and when timing is right, ask for their assistance but what was presented in front of her was much better. “What if we unite them under one person. Neither of the Matsui. A different leader.” She suggested, a twinkle in her eye.

“Like whom?” Yuka asked, not quite realizing the look was directed towards her. A few moments of silence was all it took for her to register what the shewolf meant. “Me? You want me to unite them? Shouldn't it be someone stronger? ”

“You doubt yourself too much. I can see something in you, a natural born leader is just waiting to burst from inside your chest. You just need a cause to show your inner Alpha.”

Yuka frowned, it was quite bold for Sayaka to suggest a thing and they’ve barely known each other for a minutes. The thought of becoming Sakae’s true crossed her mind a few times in the past but other things took precedent, like the safety of her own caravan and rescuing orphaned Sakae pups to send them to Hakata. She was quite content of living this way and though her advisors might disagree, Yuka believed that waiting out this war is the best option.

"I'll... I'll think about it." The shewolf replied after a moment. The thoughts of being Sakae’s true leader crossing her mind was few and fleeting, and having said it out loud by an outsider made her a bit uncomfortable. “Make yourselves comfortable in the meantime.”

She bid them farewell and turned to walk out of the tent, her desert robes billowing in her wake.

Miyuki shimmied closer to Sayaka, wanting to mess with her. "Sayaka~"


Looking down at the woman, Sayaka tilted her head.

Miyuki started tracing a finger across Sayaka’s collar bone, she leaned against the shewolf—Sayaka’s arms wrapping automatically wrapping around her waist—and looked up at Sayaka through lidded eyes.

“So we’re alone...” Miyuki trailed, she watched as Sayaka lift her head up to look around and she smiled when Sayaka looked back down on her, a slightly nervous look on her face.

“Miyuki, it will—” She found herself being pushed down on the furs Miyuki was laying on before and Miyuki quickly straddling her.

As Miyuki leaned down, three words ran through Sayaka’s head in a mantra. ‘Conceal don’t feel, conceal don’t feel, conceal don’t feel, conceal don’t feel...’

Yuka suppressed a smile as she left the tent, the conversation she just had surprised her but she always find a bit of joy when mates find each other. The unconditional devotion and, sometimes, the drama was fun to watch. Human and wolf relations were rare but were not ostracized. Although, it seemed to happen a lot for the Sakae pack.

She frowned as she thought of her own people, slowly strolling towards her own tent. Sakae has been divided for several years, Kuwabara’s disappearance left them confused and many had stepped up to hopefully become an Alpha but only two emerged.

The two were equals in combat and their refusal to yield to the other had led them to never ending battles. It left many pups orphaned and sent to Hakata, they are in no condition to raise any young.

“Yuka?” She started, she didn’t notice that she’d reached her tent already and had been standing in front of the entrance for a while. The one that pulled her out of her thoughts was holding the tent flap open with a puzzled look on her face.

“Hello, Mieko.” She smiled at the woman and walked inside.

She was immediately welcomed by a group of enthusiastic girls, greeting her with much gusto and she returned each one with a smile. Mieko, on the other hand, watched her friend go about checking on each girl. They Yuka’s fangirls and body guards. Some of these these ‘fangirls’ adore Yuka with more than hero worship and she found it amusing at how much each girl tried their best to impress Yuka. She pitied them a bit because their hero insists that these girls were just being really friendly and only see them as her charges.

Nakanishi Yuka would have been a great Alpha if she just stopped blaming herself of what happened in the past and found a much better reason. When the girls had stopped fussing over Yuka, Meiko shooed the girls out of the tent. They trudged out slowly, some grumbling under their breaths that the adults tend to monopolize their hero’s time. Mieko made sure that all the fangirls had left before turning around to talk to their caravan leader.

“Who were they?” She had seen Yuka talk to two strangers earlier and brought them to the tents reserved for guests.

“Namba’s Alpha and her human mate.” Yuka answered, sinking down to a much larger bundle of furs. “They will be treated as guests, until they decide to be on their way.”

Mieko nodded, she made a mental note to tell some of the girls to prepare a much better tent for the visitors. That shabby little tent that Yuka led them to was not fit for an Alpha from another clan and she brought her mate along too.

Yuka sighed, laying back on the furs. Sayaka’s words weighed heavily on her mind. There were two perfect candidates and one them had been under her tutelage since she was pup. She felt Mieko settle down next to her and Yuka found herself thanking the gods that Mieko still stood by her when she decided that leaving is better than choosing between the Southern Clan and the Northern Clan. If her friend wasn’t around, she might have broken down from the stress or tucked her tail between her legs and chose sides.

“Mieko…” She called out, turning to gaze at her friend.

“Wow… you sound troubled.” Mieko stated. “Is this about our guests?”

“Yes… and maybe more.” Yuka responded. She sat up, releasing a deep sigh as she did so. Mieko made her sit up and quickly moved to sit behind her; the older shewolf dug her hands in Yuka’s shoulders, kneading on the knots away. The caravan leader groaned at pressure on her shoulder, Meiko was an astounding healer but her hands were godly. “Sayaka-san needs our help.”

She grimaced when Mieko found a particularly hard knot but a moment later the grimace was replaced by a content look on her face. “But we can’t because we can’t even help ourselves. We are at war, we don’t have a leader-ow that one hurts, and if we don’t have a leader soon we might end up destroying what’s left of our people.”

Mieko scowled, she had pressed down hard when Yuka mentioned the part about not having a leader. ‘I have perfectly capable Alpha in front of me but is too afraid to become one.’

“Mieko, what do I do?”

Mieko pressed down with all her strength, earning her a pained yelp from Yuka. “We’ll help them of course.”

“But Sakae—”

“Is in need of a leader.” She interrupted. “I know. Have you heard of any news from Namba?”

Yuka was a bit surprised at the sudden change in topic. However, she still tried to recall any news from the forest based clan but she couldn’t remember any. They lived a nomadic life but they were not recluses like Akiba. Whenever they’d stop at a human settlement, news about other clans would always reach them. Especially when an emissary group would visit a settlement to purchase some supplies.

“No, none. We haven’t received any for a few months.” She paused. “But their Alpha is here…”

Mieko stopped massaging Yuka’s shoulders and instead rested her hands on them. “That is strange, no word from Namba and suddenly their Alpha is here. We’ve heard about wolf packs attacking human settlements and at the same time we stopped hearing anything about Namba. Maybe... Sayaka-san knows about this?”

Yuka was quiet for a long time as she pondered Mieko’s words. “You mean…”

“We don’t know anything, unless you ask her. It’s worth thinking about, right?” Mieko stood up. “Anyway, I need to go make sure our guests are comfortable. I have a feeling they’ll be staying a for a long time.”

Yuka nodded slowly and the older shewolf turned around to leave the tent. This kind of moment truly made her feel her age, the younger members would tease her as being the oldest and would often call her ‘grandma’ but she’d ride along and play around with them.

Her ears twitched as she neared the guest’s tent, looks like their guests will be livening up their caravan too.
Don't mind me.
Just here.
Reading and or Writing.

Offline Baekshim

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 7 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2014, 03:56:16 AM »
Xena? Hahaha XD
And yes SKE! \o/ Ju vs Rena, hot Wmatsui~ X) yay!

But they said themselves it was impossible to reunite all the Sakae packs and have only one leader. But they want Nakanishi to unite them and be the leader? 
They both have the idea that they are the 'true' Alpha of Sakae. Which in theory is impossible, since we are nomadic. How can one person be in charge of multiple roaming packs?” 

“They can't.” Sayaka replied. 

Exactly. But they’re too stubborn to listen. This is hurting us more and more as each skirmish happens. A lot of them, like me, have left to seek refuge among humans, helping them through the desert.”
“What if we unite them under one person.

Kuwabara was their leader?? XD It must have been fun around :D
It seems like all the puppies are raised in Hakata (because HKT are all lolis? XD). Sayaka was also a cub in Hakata.
Thanks for the update!

Offline Rinca

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 7 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #45 on: July 06, 2014, 04:13:45 AM »
The Alpha being scolded by a cute human,

Sayaka is so. . . How do we say this? XDDDD   :heart: :heart: :nervous

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

Offline deguchi

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 7 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #46 on: July 06, 2014, 04:32:27 AM »
So nishishi there! And wmatsui!!
Miyuki~ a cute human that having so so much power over an alpha XDDD
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline Charlotte-Sempai

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Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 8 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #47 on: July 07, 2014, 06:15:33 PM »
Chapter 8:

That night Sayaka and Miyuki had been invited to a feast, she had accepted of course. She didn’t want to be rude to their host and she was honestly curious about Sakae’s culture. In Namba when they would hold their feasts, it would usually start with a group of selected girls dancing around a bonfire, swaying and gyrating along the beat of the drums before the current Alpha steps up to make her speech. What happens after the speech was a bit blurry, Sayaka tried to remember what else happened but the best thing she could recall was several barrels of mead and more dancing.

Sakae, however, seemed to be opposite of how Namba holds their own feast. There were several low tables spread around a large fire and a young shewolf was regaling them with a humorous story. Wine was of abundance as well as the food. They were a lot tamer than Namba and frankly, the Namba native found this a bit boring.

She lifted a cup of wine so she could look at Yuka without being noticed. They shared the same table and the caravan leader was oddly silent, not like the shy but charming person she’d encountered the last time Yuka was in Namba. She was still waiting for her response and Sayaka will not leave until she got Yuka’s cooperation.

“Sayaka! Look! Look at her!” Miyuki pointed to a shewolf not too far off from them and was contorting herself in an odd angle.

Sayaka blinked, trying to literally make heads or tails of the shewolf currently performing. So, maybe Namba’s festivities were more wild compared to this but Sakae might just be full of strange people.

“Dasu, really likes to scare us all by contorting herself but somehow we still find it fascinating.” Mieko stated, sitting next to Miyuki.

“Dasu?” Miyuki titled her to the side. “That’s her name?”

Sayaka didn’t say anything and instead bowed her head, still feeling mortified at being walked in on by the older shewolf. Mieko was well known, not for her age, but for being a miraculous healer. Her name was well respected to all four clans and many healers often use her techniques to help fellow shewolves. So, it was quite embarrassing for her be seen in a compromising position by a well respected wolf.

“Actually it’s Suda Akari but she likes to be called Dasu.” She looked at across Miyuki to see Sayaka nearly curling into herself from embarrassment. “Sayaka-san, it’s alright. I’ve seen more interesting things.”

“Ah, yeah.” Sayaka replied, she started to stuff her mouth with the red stuffed dumplings just to avoid conversation with the older shewolf.

Mieko turned her attention to Miyuki and to ask questions about human customs. Sayaka was listening half-heartedly and was too busy eating dumplings to notice the tense silence that blanketed the area. She only looked up when Miyuki gave her a nudge.

A group of men standing nearby with the fat man that they’d seen earlier standing in front of the group. She and Yuka stood up at the same time, sparing each other a glance before Yuka moved to approach the unexpected visitors.

“This is a surprise, we didn’t invite you to this—”

“I would like to apologize about my behavior earlier.” The man said as he bowed but they could sense that something suspicious about them.

Yuka moved to stand directly in front of the man, blocking his view of her pack. They took it as a sign that something was up and a few members started ushering the younger ones to safety, including Miyuki and Meiko. Yuka’s bodyguards were preparing themselves also, placing themselves in strategic positions to make it easy for them to reach their leader.

“I did not know that those…” He tried to look over Yuka’s shoulder but it was difficult with Yuka in front of him. “...girls were your guest.”

He steepled his fingers, smiling widely at Yuka. He’d encountered her caravan a few times when travelling to other settlements and it disturbed him that they were all women. They’ve also been a nuisance to his own illegal trades and had hurt his profits. He had been patient hoping that these women were just passing through but he could no longer wait. His encounter earlier with Yuka was the final straw, telling him off right in front of fellow caravan members had hit quite a large fat nerve.

“There’s no need to apologize, Futuotta-san.” Yuka insisted, her hearing was picking up the sound of a blade being drawn and she readied herself.

‘She’s won’t know what hit her.’ He thought. “Please I insist!”

He stood aside and a man behind lunged forward with a blade. Yuka pushed the man’s hand upwards, making it cut the air instead of the shewolf’s throat, before grabbing the man’s arm to twist it to a painful angle.

She glared at Futuotta. “How dare you! You son of a—”

Before Yuka could finish her words, several men started to converge on her. Sayaka jumped to her side as well as her bodyguards. Yuka release the man’s arm and sent him towards Sayaka, who quickly knocked him out with a punch. Futuotta took fifteen men with and would have been easy pickings if they hadn’t brought weapons.

Another man, holding on to a sword charged towards Yuka but Sayaka stopped him by a direct front kick to his chest, dropping him on to his back. She picked up his sword and was about to toss it to Yuka when she noticed the shewolf had already drawn her own. Another thing she learned about Sakae today, they prefer to use weapons over fighting with their bare hands or in their wolf forms.

“Keep it.” Yuka nodded at the weapon in Sayaka’s hand. “It might come in handy.”

Sayaka scoffed and threw it away. “I’m not that weak that I need weapons to fight.”

She ran forward with Yuka close behind. She grabbed two men by their throats, using her momentum to slam them on to the ground. The grunts of pain that followed assured her that Yuka was doing her part. Even though they’ve only known each other for a short time they were still an amazing combination and practically didn’t need any help from anyone. They practically trampled their enemies without breaking a sweat. Sayaka would take down men with her considerable strength and, Yuka would use her speed and smarts for the fastest way to take out her opponents, often using her opponent’s size to her own advantage.

With the two of them working together they were able to defeat most of Futuotta’s men and the pack members that had helped them were rounding up the rest.

“Futuotta!” Yuka screamed, charging towards the man. Instead of fighting along his comrades he had snuck away, he should have brought more men with him. She was furious, the man had tried to kill her, disrespected her guests but most importantly he threatened the safety of her pack; she will not be merciful for this offense. She grabbed him by the collar, pushing him forward before kicking the back of his legs.

The fat sorry excuse for a man fell forward, his face hitting the ground. Looking up, his blood froze, as Yuka stood before him. Grabbing his hair, Yuka forced him to look her in the eyes.

“Mercy.” Futuotta coughed.

Raising an eyebrow at his statement, Yuka forced his head back into an uncomfortable position. “Let me think about that. You just tried to stab me, am I wrong?”

“It was a..misunderstanding!” He croaked, as he was struggling to breathe properly at the angle he was currently stuck in.

“Really?” Yuka turned to her pack. “Everyone! He said it was a misunderstanding. Funny right?” She laughed sadistically.

Turning her attention back to the fat pig on the ground, she smiled, before bring her free hand back and punching him right in the jaw. A sickening crack could be heard throughout the camp, as Futuotta’s eye rolled back and he passed out.

Releasing the blob in her grasp, Yuka looked down in disgust, as she shook her hand free of the oils in the sweaty man’s hair. “Disgusting.”

“I didn’t know you could do that.” Sayaka commented, a bit wary at Yuka’s sudden change of character. She looked around, Yuka’s pack members didn’t seemed to be fazed at the sudden change in her attitude, instead they were quietly listening to their leader. This could just be another normal occurance in Yuka’s caravan.

Yuka watched the man being taken away before turning to face Sayaka. “He deserved it and no one hurts my pack… or my guests.”

She sheathed her sword and walked away but Sayaka stopped her. “If you are so protective of your people then why can’t you become their Alpha?”

“Sayaka-san, now is not the time to discuss that.” She paused. “ I also need to assess any damage caused by these men and I’m sure you’d like to check on your mate, yes?”

Sayaka stepped back and turned away but not before saying a few words. “You claim that you can’t be Sakae’s Alpha but here you are…”

Yuka’s fist tightened as those words hit home.


Following Miyuki’s scent, Sayaka found herself before another tent, one of a higher quality than the one they were previously in. Opening the flap, and slipping inside, her eyes adjusted quickly to the bright surrounding.

“Miyuki?” She called softly, to the figure facing away from her. Approaching from behind, she sat beside her. “Miyu-” Sayaka was cut off, as the one she was calling out too tackled her. “What’re you doing?”

Miyuki didn’t respond, as she began looking up and down Sayaka’s body. Lifting the shewolf’s arms, and checked her legs anything different. Satisfied with herself, Miyuki allowed her full weight to fall onto Sayaka, who was still confused.

“What was that about?” Sayaka asked, her arms naturally wrapping around her mate’s frame.

“Just checking if you got hurt. I know you, and you’re more likely to hide if you’re hurt than tell me.” Miyuki hummed, burying her face into shewolf’s neck, inhaling her earth-like scent.

“I’m alright.” She squeezed Miyuki tightly against her body, feeling happy that she was concerned of her well-being and that her mate was safe. “No one got hurt, except for the men that tried to kill Yuka-san.”

“What?” Miyuki pulled back. “Is she okay? I still have our medical supplie—”

“Miyuki, she’s okay.” Sayaka interrupted. “Are you alright and why are you alone in this tent? Weren’t you with Mieko-san?”

“I’m unharmed, some of the girls with Mieko are able fighters too and stopped any stragglers that tried to come at us. After a while, when everyone have calmed down, Mieko-san asked one of the girls to lead me here.” She nodded towards their surroundings. “She said this will be the tent we’ll be staying until we decide to leave.”

The tent was larger than the one Yuka had led them too and the furniture look more opulent. She wondered how the Sakae caravans were able to haul these things around.

Miyuki asked a moment later. “How long will we be staying with them?”

“I don’t know.” Sayaka stroked her mate’s cheek, looking at her apologetically. “I’m sorry that I had to drag you through all this.”

Miyuki shook her head, she wrapped her hands around Sayaka’s neck then pulled the shewolf forward for a kiss. “I want to be here.”

Sayaka captured Miyuki’s lips again for a kiss. It started out as just a simple brush against each other’s lips, Sayaka just wanted to reassure herself, that her mate is fine, unharmed and safe.

Miyuki was the one that deepened the kiss, the mating bond that connected her to Sayaka made her constantly want to be near the shewolf all the time. It fueled her feelings for Sayaka and there are times that she felt an overpowering need for the shewolf that she’d forget everything else but Sayaka. She ran her hands down from the shewolf’s neck and down to her arms. She paused, enjoying the feeling of Sayaka’s muscles under touch. Moving further, she found the shewolf’s hands splayed out at the small of her back. She forced Sayaka’s hands downwards and she gasped into Sayaka’s mouth when the shewolf’s squeezed her eagerly.

Sayaka pulled back, her ears were picking up that someone was approaching but Miyuki wouldn’t have any of it, she pulled tugged on Sayaka’s hair and pulled her down for another kiss. The girl was once again lost in the lust haze charged up by the bond.

“Sayaka-san, Yuka wante—oh don’t mind me…” It was Mieko again and Sayaka did her best to pull away. She managed to face Mieko but Miyuki was still clinging to her, opting to plant kisses all over her neck and jaw when she couldn’t reach Sayaka’s lips. “It’s okay just continue, Yuka just wanted you to be informed that we’ll be heading out tomorrow. So please, sleep early and try to keep it down.”

“Y-yes!” Sayaka stammered, blushing profusely.

Mieko nodded, smiling widely at Sayaka. “Have fun and see you in the morning.”

Sayaka let out a shuddering breath whether if it was from embarrassment or from Miyuki paying special attention to her jaw, she wasn’t sure. But Meiko’s interruption put a damper on her libido and now she’ll have to calm Miyuki down.

“Sayaka… I want more.” Miyuki whispered and Sayaka whimpered.

She cursed herself for being so proper.


The next morning came and the sound of movement could be heard everywhere, as the village came to life.

Sayaka's ears flicked at all the sound, but ignored it as she focused only of the breathing of her mate. She was still stuck under Miyuki after last night's events.

"Miyuki, wake up." Sayaka softly coaxed. But only got a soft snore in response.

"Miyu-" She tried again, but this time her mate shifted, grinding on top of her. "Please wake up." Sayaka whimpered softly, not wanting a replay of last night.

"Hnn Sayaka?" Miyuki mumbled sitting up and stretching on top of the shewolf. "Why were you whimpering? Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?"

"N-no." Sayaka breathed, her eye closed.” Not exactly a painful experience, but would you mind rolling off of me?” The shewolf asked.

Doing as requested, Miyuki got off of the wolf, and stretched again, a groan leaving her mouth as her shoulder popped. Sayaka watched, while licking her lips, and the groan that left Miyuki’s mouth sent a tingle down her own spine.

‘Does she have to do everything so erotically?’ She mentally sighed, before opening her mouth. “We should see if we can help out with Yuka’s caravan.” Standing up, Sayaka held her hand out to help her mate up, which was accepted gratefully from Miyuki, before escorting her outside.

The sun was harsh today, as the sudden light change was blinding. Being ever the kind shewolf, Sayaka shielded Miyuki’s eyes for her, and took the brute force of the sun’s rays this early morning. Taking an uneasy step forward, she nearly collapsed from not knowing where she was going, but that feeling went away as her eyes adjusted, but she could still see flashing lights as she looked around.

“Oh, you two are finally up. I thought I would have to send someone to wake you.” Yuka’s voice came from beside them. The two turned and saw that the shewolf seemed calmer today than she was last night.

“No need for that. With everyone moving about, it’s hard to stay asleep.” Sayaka nodded, wondering what caused the sudden change in the shewolf, but chose not voice her thoughts just yet. Feeling a weight on her shoulder, she looked over at Miyuki who was still sleepy. “Let’s get some food for you, Miyuki. It’ll wake you up.”

They entered a food tent where a girl directed them to. Miyuki sighed happily as soon as the food’s scent hit her nose. She grabbed a plate, filling it with food then handing it to Sayaka who was surprised that her mate had given her the ones that she preferred.

“What?” Miyuki asked, seeing Sayaka’s surprised look. “I know what you like, I would be an inconsiderate mate if I didn’t.”

The shewolf blushed lightly, touched by Miyuki’s caring side. She waited for Miyuki to fill up her own plate before leading them to a secluded area in the food tent. As soon as they got comfortable Sayaka dug into her happily food, her tail tapping the ground lightly because Miyuki had given her the food she likes while the other girl decided to eat her own slowly, watching the other shewolves in the food tent curiously.

“Sayaka, eat me like you do with your food…”

Sayaka choked on her food and after taking several gulps from her cup she looked at Miyuki strangely. “Did you say something?”

“Eh?” Miyuki blinked. “No, are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” The shewolf went back to her food. The lack of sleep or maybe the heat must be getting to her. Or maybe Miyuki was getting to her.

“Sayaka, did something happen between you and Yuka-san?” Miyuki asked, having noticed the strange atmosphere between them earlier.

The shewolf paused, she looked around them to make sure no one was listening in. “I may have… said some words after the scuffle last night. I’m not sure if what I said will help me though.”

She berated herself for being so impulsive that was her weakness as an Alpha and usually her Beta would be there to stop her. Kei always made sure that her decisions were well thought and rational, her best friend was the one that kept her sane as she ruled Namba and she missed having that damn pervert around.  Sayaka felt a hand, rubbing the back of her neck and she looked at Miyuki who suddenly sitting next to her.

“I’m sure things will be fine.” She kissed the shewolf’s cheek. “Now, get back to your food before I steal it.”

Sayaka looked horrified, shielding her food from Miyuki. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, I would.”


They had left around noon, leaving nary a trace except for the firepit that they’d used during their stay. Many had shifted forms, including Sayaka, as soon as they were far enough from the human village. Those that didn’t shift were riding on camels and Xena stood out like a sore thumb but still trotted ahead proudly with her new mistress on her back. They were flanked by those who have shifted, forming an effective shield from any type of attack with Yuka, still in her human form, leading the caravan at the front.

Since they’ll be travelling out in the sun for a prolonged period, Miyuki was given a  different set of robes by Meiko. The material was lighter and cool, making her think she wasn’t wearing anything at all or it could be just Sayaka making her feel that way.

She rode next to Mieko, who chose not to shift like Yuka.

“Mieko-san!” She called out and the older shewolf nodded at her.

“You can call me Mieko.” She smiled at Miyuki. “There’s no need to be so formal with me. Now, what did you need?”

“I was wondering…” Miyuki started. “Where are we going?”

“Another settlement but a non-human one.” She stated and at Miyuki’s questioning look she continued. “There are a oases dotting the desert, most of them protected by Sakae and can’t be found by humans unless a pack member leads them to it. It’s the same for the other clans too.”

Miyuki thought about this, she used to get lost in the woods all the time and that could probably explain why she felt like she was walking in circles. She wondered how many times had she gone near a shewolf village.

“Why do we need to go there?” Miyuki inquired but Mieko shrugged.

“I’m not sure. Yuka didn’t tell me much.” She glanced at Sayaka in her wolf form and gave the girl a knowing smile. Things might go in Sayaka’s favor from now on. “Hm, I should check on rear, some might be lagging behind.”

Mieko’s camel slowly turned, leaving Miyuki with her thoughts.

Miyuki sighed to herself, as she watched what to her, was never changing terrane. With the sun beating down on her, and the simple sounds of movement on top of sand, not a thing was different. Tying Xena’s reins to her abdomen, she positioned herself on the mare, and close her eyes. Though not the softest of bodies, the black horse was as good as she was going to get on this trip.

Sayaka noticed her mate’s movement out the corner of her eye, and sent a warning growl to Xena to watch her step. Threatening to eat her if she dared drop Miyuki. Xena simply rolled her eyes, as if expressing disinterest in the shewolf’s warning.

After making sure the mare was...somewhat compliant, Sayaka sighed to herself. Though the group has covered quite a bit of ground, her paws were on fire. She wasn’t used to this level of intense heat, but she didnt dare show a face of weakness before a group of people she didn’t know. Wolves or not, Sayaka had pride, and being a whimpering mess of black fur wouldn't leave too good of an impression.

“Why don’t you take a break, Sayaka-san?” Mieko suggested, as she steered her mount closer to the black shewolf. Sakae was gifted with the ability to stand the worst heat and this day was just another normal for them.

The look she received made her smile, as she watched the younger shewolf try to fight past the heat. But the determined look on Sayaka’s face morphed, as she stepped on a flat slab of rock that had been facing the sun all day.

A loud whimper echoed through the semi-quite caravan, alerting everyone, including the drowsy Miyuki. Turning her head, she saw Sayaka in her human form, blowing on her foot. Guiding Xena over, she got a better look at Sayaka’s situation, and quickly figured out what happened.

“Are you okay?” Miyuki asked, as she jumped down from the mare, the soft sand cushioning her jump to her mate’s side. Sayaka wasn’t able to mutter a word, as she looked from her burnt foot up to Miyuki, she was biting her lip to stifle another whimper. Miyuki might of been seeing things, but it looked like there was unshed tears in Sayaka’s eyes.

“That looks bad. Let’s get you onto a moving caravan. Miyuki, can you treat her or do you want me too? You look tired.” Meiko asked gently, as she made a motion to get off of her mount.

“I’ve got this, but thank you for the offer.” The herbalist rejected kindly, as she took Sayaka’s arm and put it around her shoulder, and helped her up. Lucky for Miyuki, Mieko already stopped a caravan for them to hop onto. Once safely aboard, it started moving once more. Xena travelling safely behind the caravan as well.

“What happened? I closed my eyes for a few minutes and you burn yourself?” Miyuki asked, in a scolding, yet worried tone. She began digging through her medical supplies, hoping to find some ointment to put on the blistering wound.

“I was simply careless. Meiko-san suggested I take a break, but I was stubborn and wanted to push ahead, and I didn’t see the slab ahead of me.” Sayaka explained, her ears folded downward. She look like a puppy that was in trouble, even her tail was tucked in between her legs. ‘I’m always getting hurt for being like this.’ She scolded herself,  before wincing in pain, as the cool ointment fought against her fresh burn.

“It’s going to sting for a while.” Miyuki whispered, as she began wrapping Sayaka’s foot. Once she was sure of her job was finished, Miyuki kissed the bandaged foot. Causing the shewolf to sputter backwards onto the wooden floors. Outside Xena could be heard snorting.

“W-why’d you do that for?” Sayaka asked, regaining her senses.

“A kiss for a speedy recovery.” Miyuki replied, before moving up to the shewolf's face and kissing her breathless. Sayaka placed a hand on her face, keeping her there a moment longer.

"Thank you. I feel better already." The shewolf blushed, as Miyuki's hands started trailing up and down her arms. A familiar glint in her eyes, one Sayaka knew was dangerous. "Miyuki.... No."

"But were alone and no one will hear anything." Miyuki whispered, as she started kissing the shewolf's neck, effectually coaxing a moan from the stubborn wolf.

Before Sayaka managed to form another sentence, a squeak was heard in the back of the caravan. The couple froze, before turning around.

Carefully Sayaka crawled over to the source of the sound, she could hear it breathing, as if panicking at being caught. Hovering over a box, the shewolf opened it, and hiding inside was a black haired human girl, covered in dirt and bruises.

Miyuki gasped as she saw the girl, and went to Sayaka's side.

"Please don't hurt me." The girl begged, as she tried to hide from the pair who found her.

"We won't hurt you. But why are you hiding in here?" Miyuki asked.

The girl looked up, a noticeable bruise on her face, it was fresh and the dirt on her face wasn't helping the healing process. "I was hiding from bad people. I think they are called slave traders? Either way I managed to get away after last night's fight. "

The last piece of information caused Sayaka's blood to boil. "That fat piece of shit is a slave trader? If I had known, I should have pummeled his face into the ground. " The shewolf growled.

"Here let me treat you." Miyuki said softly, holding her hand out for the girl to take. A bit hesitant, the unknown girl grabbed her hand, marveled at how warm and soft it was.

Miyuki looked at the girls thin frame as she tumbled out of the box. Her clothes were of poor quality, barely hanging onto her skeletal frame. She wanted to cry for the poor girl. Leading her to the edge of the moving caravan, Miyuki was able to see more of the girls state. Lucky none of her wounds were infected... Yet.

"What's your name?" Sayaka asked, curious about the little stowaway. She had no reason to hide her extra features before the girl, she must of known what she signed up for hiding out in the caravan.

Clearing her throat, the girl opened her mouth. "Kumi. Yagami Kumi." Kumi muttered before wincing in pain at the cream put onto her flesh wounds. "The pain means it's working right?"

"Yes. Please bare with it for now, Kumi-san. Sayaka?" Miyuki called to the shewolf.

The fuming wolf turned her attention to get mate and simply raised her eyebrow.

"Can you tell someone get Yuka-san?"

“No, please!” Kumi pleaded, taking Miyuki’s hands in her own. Her eyes were filled with fear and Miyuki could feel her hands shaking as she grabbed Miyuki’s robes. “I don’t want to go back there, anymore. Please don’t take me back… please, please don’t take me back!”

They silently watched the girl turn into a weeping mess of tears, it did nothing but fuel Sayaka’s anger and she wished she’d known what Yuka did to those bastards. Miyuki tried her best to calm the girl, she hugged Kumi close and rubbed the girl’s back in a comforting manner. She looked at Sayaka and gestured for the shewolf to leave the caravan. The shewolf did so quietly so as not to alert Kumi.

“Kumi-san, you’re safe here. Don’t worry, no one will hurt you.” She cooed softly into the girl’s ear. “It’s okay, you’re safe here. You’re safe here.”

She continued comforting the girl and was somehow able to calm her down enough so she could speak.

“Please don’t take me back…” Kumi repeated, hiding her face in Miyuki’s embrace.

“We won’t, Yuka-san—”

The entrance to the caravan opened, surprising the two occupants and Yuka entered first, her eyes searching around the caravan. The sudden entry caused Kumi to curl further into Miyuki but she risked taking a glance at the newcomer. The light pouring from the entrance made it difficult to see Yuka’s face and was only able to see her silhouette. She felt her heart race at the imposing figure.

On the other hand, Yuka had a clear view of their stowaway. Even with Miyuki blocking her view, she was still able to see the girl’s fearful eyes and was taken aback by getting such a look from someone she had not wronged. She felt something change in her but it made her feel a sudden urge to take the girl in her arms and protect her.

She knelt down next to Miyuki and spoke to the girl in the most gentle tone she could muster at the moment. “Are you alright?”

When she didn’t get a response, Yuka tried to touch the girl’s shoulder but stopped herself when Kumi shied away out of instinct. She let her hand fall to her side, silently lamenting that the girl didn’t seem to like her.

“She’s fine but will need some nourishment and need some of her wounds treated.” Miyuki answered for Kumi. "And new clothes."

“I see.” Yuka said and after a moment stood up. She was reluctant in leaving the girl in someone else’s care because she wanted to be the one to provide all the girl’s needs but she still has her people to take care of first. Still, that didn’t mean she couldn’t do anything to help the girl. “Feel free to use anything you need. We’ll reach the oasis before sundown, hopefully. That will give you plenty of time.”

She stood up and left the caravan with Miyuki muttering a thank you at the caravan leader.

Sayaka who had been standing near the entrance closed it and perched herself on where Yuka knelt. She watched Miyuki take care of the girl, occasionally moving around or exiting the caravan to look for any items Miyuki requested. Kumi had fallen asleep by the time Miyuki was done doting on her. She’d curled herself by Miyuki’s side, resting her head on the girl’s lap.

Sayaka looked at the two of them, the image of Miyuki taking care of their own children briefly crossed her mind but she banished that thought. There will be more time to think about that later and she has other pressing matters to attend to.

Like Kumi taking her place in Miyuki’s lap.


The sun was nearly down when the traveling group reached the oasis, and Miyuki had yet to leave Kumi alone, as she feared the girl would have a panic attack with all the unknown people around her, especially since they’re not exactly human. With Sayaka’s help, she managed to transfer Kumi to their temporary place of residence in the village.

The young girl awoke hours later, to find herself no longer on the caravan that she was found on, but on a bed of furs. Wiping the sleep out of her eyes, she looked around for Miyuki and spotted her as she walked by the tent.

Peeking in, Miyuki stopped back backtracked into the room. “Ah, you’re awake, Kumi-san. Are you feeling a bit better?”

Kumi nodded shyly, her head low, not used to being spoken to as an equal. Shifting on the bed, she looked up, and right as she was going to open her mouth and speak, her stomach beat her to the cut. A large blush bloomed on the girls face.

Miyuki simply giggled at how cute the younger girl was. “Come on, let’s find you some food.” She said, holding her hand out to Kumi for the second time today, and Kumi accepted it happily. As she followed Miyuki outside.

Outside waiting for Miyuki and Kumi, was Sayaka and Yuka, who seemed to be talking about something animatedly, that was until the two showed up. Yuka immediately turned her attention to Kumi, but the girl hid herself behind Miyuki. “Now now, no need to be shy. This is Yuka-san, she’s the leader of this caravan group.” Miyuki said, patting Kumi on the head.

Kumi looked from Miyuki to Yuka and nodded at her. Even though the gesture was small, it made Yuka smile. “I hope you got some good rest, Kumi-san. You looked exhausted.”

Kumi nodded again, before tugging on Miyuki’s clothing, her stomach growling again.

Sayaka watched as her mate doted on the young human girl, but didn’t voice her jealousy. She felt pity on the girl, and for that she was willing to give up being around her mate...for now. Sayaka could only hope this doesn’t become a habit, and that Kumi will open up a bit more.

“Is dinner finished?” Miyuki asked, glancing past the two shewolfs at the large cauldron that was going to feed them tonight.

“Ah...I don’t really know. I don’t usually cook.” Yuka replied, feeling a bit embarrassed at the small piece of info she leaked out. She heard faint giggling, and found Kumi looking at her, but when they locked eyes, she looked away, hiding behind Miyuki once again.

Sayaka simply shrugged, not caring too if the meal was cooked or not. She would eat it either way, but to avoid being scolded by her mate, she’s been eating her meals cooked. Something about the taste of raw meat being a turn off. Sayaka simply snorted at the statement, but when the threat of being ignored was thrown out, she gave in.

My, how the mighty have fallen.

“You two are useless.” Miyuki sighed, shaking her head. “Kumi-san, why don’t you sit down while  I check on dinner. Can you do that for me?” She asked gently.

Kumi looked up at her before nodding, and pulling away. She looked so skittish, like a rabbit leaving it’s home in the middle of the night. Finding a seat at the low tables set up near the cauldron, she glanced around, looking at all the wandering shewolf, a look of awe on her dirt smeared face.

Noticing that Yuka was still staring at her, Kumi ducked her head into her legs, hiding from the gentle shewolf. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Sayaka, who was still standing beside her. ‘Ooh?’

“You have a thing for her don’t you?” She asked bluntly, keeping her voice just low enough for the two of them to hear.

At the mention of the question, Yuka nearly choked on her next breath, finally looking away from the shy girl, and at Sayaka. Her wide eyed expression was not helping her case one but.

“W-what makes you think that?” She asked, clearing her throat.

Sayaka chuckled, before putting a hand on her fellow shewolf’s back and patting it quite roughly. “You’re acting like I was when I first realized what Miyuki was to me. But our situation is quite different. She’s scared of everyone, but Miyuki. But don’t worry, friend. I’ll help you.”

“R-Really? You’ll do that for me? How can I ever repay you?” Yuka asked excitedly, her tail was moving enthusiastically behind her.

“Just become Alpha of your clan.” Sayaka deadpanned.

Yuka’s tail stopped and she growled out. “That’s a pretty tall order.”

“You know that’s the only way to save Sakae from wiping itself out.” She leaned forward making Yuka cross her arms defensively. “Your clan is running out of time and so is mine. Make up your mind soon or there won’t anything left for you to save. Become Sakae’s Alpha.”

“It’s not that easy.” Yuka replied, walking past Sayaka. She marched away with Sayaka hot on her heels. She was about to grab the shewolf’s arm when Yuka continued. “I can’t just declare myself as Alpha because I want to. We’ll need a plan.”

Sayaka blinked several times, it took her a while to comprehend that Yuka finally agreed on becoming Sakae’s Alpha.

“Wait…” She called out, running after Yuka. “So you’re becoming Alpha?”

‘Did I stutter?’ Yuka thought, frowning at Sayaka. “Like I said, we’ll need a plan.”


Yuka sighed, she wondered what kind of Alpha Sayaka was and how she became an Alpha from… acting like this. “Were you expecting me to do this alone?”

“I… no!” Sayaka shook her head. “I didn’t expect you to agree that easily.”

The caravan leader lead them to another low table, not too far from where Kumi sat. She made sure that the girl never left her sight. As soon as they sat down a serving girl was immediately handing the both of them each a full mug of mead.

She took a large gulp of her drink before saying. “I’ve thought about it. It’s almost been five years since this war started, our clan had, deteriorated. We were not as used to be, not the proud wolves that ran through this desert. I want to bring that back and the days of peace and prosperity that we had. So, I’ve decided to be Sakae’s Alpha, it won’t be easy and a lone Alpha running such a vast land is nearly impossible that’s one of the reasons why Kuwabara had left and Meiko… well she um, can be quite persuasive.”

“Ah…” Sayaka searched for Mieko but found the shewolf nowhere in sight then looked at Yuka. She’d seen how Meiko and Yuka interact during their trip, and noted how close they were. If they were a couple, it might cause a bit of trouble for her helping Yuka get close to Kumi. “Are you and Mieko…”

“What?” Yuka asked and Sayaka made a weird gesture with her hand. “I don’t understand.”

“You and Mieko…? You know… sleeping together?”

“No!” Yuka yelled, the other shewolves around them, especially Yuka’s guards, stopped whatever they were doing and looked worriedly at their leader. “I’m fine! Don’t mind me!”

With her reassurance the everyone went back to whatever they were doing but a few were shooting the two Alphas some curious glances, especially their rescued stowaway. She’d been trying to get a clear look on the caravan leader but every time she tried something seemed to be blocking her view. Right now, there was a blessedly busty woman leaning down to serve some fruits for dinner.

“What made you think of that?” Yuka whispered vehemently, feeling conscious that the others might be listening in.

“Well… you two are awfully close. What was I supposed to think?”

Yuka made a disgusted sound, rubbing her hands over her face. “She’s like a sister to me! That’s disgusting! I can’t do that to Mieko!”

“What’s this talk about my sister?” Seira asked as she plopped herself next to Yuka, eyeing their leader suspiciously.

“Your sister?”

“She thought Meiko and I were sleeping together!”

Sayaka and Yuka blurted out at the same time, and Seira was slack jawed for a moment before she started pulling on Yuka’s ear. Whoever touched her sister will think that hell is paradise.

“Seira, please no! I swear I am not doing anything to Meiko!” Yuka cried out and Seira gave their leader’s ear another pull before letting it go. Quite happy that Yuka had no such intentions to her sister.

She didn’t let Yuka recover though, she took the caravan leader’s arm and hugged it closely, placing it right between her blessedly busty breasts. “I thought you liked me better?”

Yuka made a slight choking sound.

Sayaka watched with wide eyes as the blessedly busty woman was trying her best to make Yuka flustered and was quite successful with it. Promiscuity is a common occurrence for the wolf clans, with the exception of Hakata. She even heard one shewolf would take on several partners at a time, her Beta had done that once… or maybe several times but there were a select few that would stay loyal to one partner only.

She hadn’t pegged on Yuka being the promiscuous type but somehow she understood. The caravan leader was charming without her realizing it. So, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise that many girls have tried to catch Yuka’s attention and Yuka might have had more than one girl warm her bed at night. If her assumptions are true then she might not want someone like Yuka with Kumi.

Humans have a thing for sticking to one partner.

On the next table, Kumi was still waiting for Miyuki to come back. She was quite thankful that none of the strangers around her tried to approach her or talk to her. She also took this as an opportunity to finally get a good look at the caravan leader, now that the blessedly busty woman was gone.

Kumi felt a bit of awe when she finally saw Yuka, the light from the fire was not enough to aid her in seeing but she noted the messy short hair and was curious to know what it feels like. She watched as the leader whispered something to Sayaka and wondered what they were saying. Yuka somehow still made it look quite… dashing.

“Kumi-san.” She heard Miyuki call out to her and she quickly turned to see Miyuki walking towards her with two plates full of food.

Her eyes widened at the sight of food and she quickly got up to help Miyuki. She grabbed the plate that was handed to her and returned to the table but was unsure if she should start eating or wait for Miyuki.

“Eat up.” Miyuki gave her a reassuring pat. “I’ll be back with something to drink.”

She nodded and was about to tuck in her food when she noticed something happening on the caravan leader’s table. She noticed the same blessedly busty woman early was now hanging off Yuka’s arm. She frowned, feeling her heart aching strangely at the scene. She wondered why she was feeling this way but Miyuki interrupted her by placing two cups next to their plate.

She settled herself next to Kumi and noticed that the girl haven’t started eating. “Why aren’t you eating yet?”

“Uh… I was waiting for you.” Kumi lied and started eating, her hunger making her forget about her strangely aching heart.

"There's no need for that, Sweetie. I know you're hungry, so please eat." Miyuki coaxed.

Nodding, Kumi lifted her spoon of food and put it in her mouth. Her taste buds lite up at the warm food. She didn't realize that she was crying until she found herself in another embrace from Miyuki.

"Don't cry. You're safe here. I promise." She cooed the crying girl, willing away her tears. Taking the eating utensil from Kumi, she does it back into the bowl and began feeding the girl.

"Thank you." Kumi said between bites, cling cutely to the older woman, her cheeks full, making her look very cute. Swallowing the last of her food, she began feeling drowsy. "You've been so kind, but I don't even know-" a yawn slipped through her mouth. "-your name. "

"Ah, Watanabe Miyuki.  You can call me Miyuki."

"Then call me Kumi." Another yawn slipped from her mouth,  as she cuddled closer to Miyuki.

Two pairs of eyes watched the two from travels away, both filled with jealousy. The two looked at each other, a silent agreement was formed between the two.

'She's mine.' They both growled internally.

"Where are you two looking at?" Seira asked, her playful gaze looking to where the two shewolfs were looking. Seeing who was over there, she smiled. "Why don't you two go eat with them? " She suggested, while releasing Yuka's arm. She was done teasing her leader, anyway and wanted to bother her sister for some cuddling.

"I am pretty hungry." Yuka nodded.

"Same." Sayaka chorused, standing up from her spot, a bit on the dizzy side, as she lost track on the mugs of ale she had in the past half hour. She could still see normally, so she deemed herself fine.

As the two made their way to the humans, they grabbed a plate of food for themselves. The portions were a few times bigger than what the other two had.

"Is she asleep?" Yuka asked sitting across from Kumi, who was still cuddled up against Miyuki.

"Mhm." Miyuki hummed, stroking the younger girl's cheek. She had a motherly aura hovering over her, one that worried Yuka a bit.

Sayaka on the other hand was worried a lot more. Usually by this time of night, she would be struggling half heartedly with Miyuki and her wonderful wandering hands.

Now she was sitting on the other side of Kumi, as Miyuki choose to sit at the edge of the table. So she was just watching her mate tend to the other girl.

Sayaka could only hope and pray that this doesn't become a habit.

Kumi stirred a few moments later, her eyes opening and blinking as she saw it has a lot darker than when she was eating. The first thing she saw was Yuka, who was right across from her, she was talking to Miyuki, but when she noticed the girl was awake, she smiled her way. Kumi on the other hand blushed, and hide her face into Miyuki’s side.

“Quite the shy one she is.” Miyuki giggled, ruffling the younger girl’s hair, before forcing her to sit up, so that she could move her arm, it fell asleep a long time ago, and she didn’t have the heart to move the slumbering girl, she just looked way too cute to move.

Yuka smiled adoringly at Kumi, she wanted to talk to the girl badly but until she’s able to wean herself from Miyuki’s side Yuka knew she won’t get a single word from the girl. She focused on Sayaka and found Namba’s Alpha pouting while slowly eating her food. She was well aware that Sayaka is extremely jealous of Kumi with how Miyuki was doting on her and felt the same way towards Miyuki too. She decided to distract the other Alpha and maybe it’ll distract her from the green eyed monster stirring within her.
Don't mind me.
Just here.
Reading and or Writing.

Offline Rinca

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 8 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2014, 06:26:56 AM »
someboy just activated Yagami Kumi's magic card  :cool1: :luvluv1:

and the smexy scene with SayaMilky,

I want to slap myself from imagining Sayanee's face on that. It makes me feel that I'm a total perv XD *facepalm
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 01:11:56 PM by Rinca »

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 8 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2014, 08:42:04 AM »
Ships that make me weabo

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 8 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #50 on: July 09, 2014, 12:11:48 PM »
Ooohh.. So cuuutee~ i can't help to squeal here  :sweatdrop:  please update it soon~ :kneelbow:

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 8 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2014, 03:59:40 PM »
waiting for the next chapter! :hip smile:

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 8 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #52 on: July 10, 2014, 06:37:41 PM »
Awww cute chappy~
kuumi just too cute! :3
next please..
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline Charlotte-Sempai

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Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 9 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2014, 06:55:35 PM »
A/N: New chapter, now with more Kumi.

Chapter 9:

‘No one should be up this late.’ Sayaka thought as she slowly walked towards the tent she shared with Miyuki… and the new addition, Kumi. ‘But somehow I am.’

She ran a hand through her hair, making it messier than it already was before. After the feast, Yuka had talked her into discussing their plan of action. They’d thrown out several ideas, one of them involving poisoning one of the Matsui just to get it over and done with but Yuka had protested sharply over it. It was a cowardly thing to suggest but she was a bit tipsy from the mead, and didn’t really have the patience to talk and talk some more.

In the end they had agreed to a passive-aggressive tactic. They’ll send out runners to other caravans with news of Yuka’s intentions of becoming Sakae’s Alpha. With this they’ll be able to add more people to theirs and though Yuka’s caravan is an impressive group of skilled shewolves, she doubted that they are enough to go against the army that each of the Matsui have.

Sayaka stifled a yawned as she entered the tent, not wanting to disturb her mate, and stood there for a bit as her eyesight adjusted to the darkness. She was exhausted, both from the trip and the events of the day, all she wants to do now is curl up next to Miyuki, half-heartedly fight off the girl’s advances—a little more, and she might just bend Miyuki over to do pleasurable things to the human’s body—and sleep.

She spotted two lumps, nestled comfortably in the furs and was about to slip in next to them when she paused. Her sleep addled mind starting to understand that something was different. ‘Wait, I have only one Miyuki.’ Moving the blanket down a bit, she saw who the extra lump was.

‘Kumi.’ Sayaka mentally sighed. Even when in her own tent, she couldn't get any alone time with her mate. Looking upward, she mouthed a few curses, before covering the girl back up. Moving to the other side of Miyuki, she slipped in. She wasn’t about to lose any sleep just because there was someone extra in her bed.

She felt Miyuki shift around and turn to face her. “Where were you?”

“With Yuka, she’s agreed to become Alpha.” She whispered. “How is Kumi?”

Miyuki tucked her head in Sayaka’s shoulder. She felt a bit guilty of not informing Sayaka that Kumi would be sleeping with them for a while. The young girl was perfectly fine sleeping on her own but then she started shifting in her sleep. She had sounded like she was in pain, Miyuki had roused the girl from her sleep and invited her to bed. She had her own share of nightmares and knew that having a warm body to sleep next to was enough to stave them off.

“Sleeping soundly.” She reached around Sayaka and grabbed the shewolf’s tail then wrapped it around her waist. “Do you think things will get easier at this point?”

“I don’t know.” Sayaka couldn’t stop a yawn escaping this time, the past few days have been exhausting for and most likely for Miyuki too. She held her mate closer, careful not to disturb Kumi, and closed her eyes. “We’ll find out in a few days. I’ll tell you more about our plan in the morning, alright?”

Miyuki acquiesced and closed her eyes. A few moments later Miyuki poked Sayaka’s chin while groggily asking a question. “Sayaka… can we adopt Kumi?”

There was a sudden deep intake of breath from Sayaka.

The next morning came faster than Sayaka wanted. The sun creep poured into the tent, landing directly in her face. Groaning, she turned over but wasn't able to get away from the evil sun's light.

'All I want is to sleep for a little longer i'm not asking for much.'

But fate seemed to be against the sleeping shewolf. A few moments later a loud growl echoed in the quiet tent.

"nnn food." Kumi mumbled, as she sat up, rubbing her face of any traces of her sleepiness.

Feeling something hit her, Kumi looked at the source, just to see Sayaka tail. Looking over she saw the sleepy shewolf. "Too early for food. Go back to sleep."

Kumi’s stomach protested and between them Miyuki started to stir from her sleep. They both froze not wanting to disturb the girl from a much needed rest. When Miyuki stopped shifting then Kumi and Sayaka were able to let out a relieved sigh.

Sayaka carefully disentangled herself from Miyuki’s grip and sighed as she slowly got up. “Since I’m awake…” She held her hand out for Kumi to take. “Want to get breakfast with me?”

Kumi shyly took the proffered hand and the shy look on Kumi’s tugged on Sayaka’s heartstrings. ‘I want to adopt her too.’

She shook her head, mentally berating Miyuki for planting that idea in her head. She her licked thumb and used it to wipe the dirt off Kumi’s cheek but only ended up making look dirtier. “Er… there’s a pond nearby. We should take a bath there later… with Miyuki.”

Kumi nodded and followed Sayaka out the tent, doing her best to stick as close to the shewolf as possible without tripping. She found the sight of the shewolf’s back a bit comforting, since she didn’t know anyone else here besides Miyuki and Sayaka. There’s Yuka of course but every time Kumi saw her, she felt like her face might burn up from too much blushing—in her eyes Yuka was unbearably dashing—or slapping herself silly from gawking which she’d done several times with her head ducked down and gazing at Yuka through the curtain that her hair had formed.

She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn’t notice Sayaka had stopped walking and was talking to another person. She collided on someone and nearly fell back when a pair of strong hands grabbed her arms.

“Careful, Kumi-san.” A familiar husky voice drifted into Kumi’s ear, effectively causing her body to warm up. Kumi looked up at the owner of the voice and was met with Yuka’s smile. She immediately, felt her legs weaken. “Oh and good morning.”

She squeaked and was about to fall down again when Sayaka tapped Yuka’s shoulder.

“Hold on, now.” She extricated Kumi from Yuka’s hold. “She hasn’t had her breakfast yet.”

Yuka watched as the cute girl was removed from her grasp by her soon-to-be ally. Even though she heard Sayaka talking, she was still looking towards Kumi. The blush on her face made this morning greater than it was when she first woke up.

“I haven’t eaten either.”

Kumi perked up at the bit of information. “You could eat with us….if you’re not busy.” She offered softly, a bit worried of being turned down.

Yuka bit the inside of her lip to keep from exclaiming happily, and she felt a punch on her arm, she turned to the Namba shewolf, who was mouthing for her to reply.

“I-if you don’t mind. I’d love to join you.”

The smile Kumi flashed was so dazzling, it blinded both Sayaka and Yuka for a moment.

“Let’s go then. I think I remember someone’s belly protesting at the lack of food earlier.” Sayaka turned around and started to led Yuka and Kumi towards the food tent, missing Kumi’s reddening face and Yuka slightly embarrassed laugh.

Sayaka reached the food tent first while Kumi and Yuka had lagged behind. She’d look back a few times to the shy duo. She noted how Kumi would send shy glances at Yuka while Yuka was staring unabashedly at Kumi, often walking into things and accidently stepping on an unsuspecting shewolf’s tail.

They both looked dumb—for not making any attempts at conversation, she even made sure she walked ahead of them to give them some room—and cute because of her observations.

It was still early so the food tent didn’t have that many people yet, behind her she heard Yuka telling Kumi to go in first at least Yuka didn’t forget her manners, and she chose a table that was closest to where the food was being prepared.

"While the main course is being made, we have a lot of sides to snack on." Yuka explained, said she motioned to the wide spread of fruits, bread, cheese and nuts.

Kumi looked at the wide variety, her mouth watering, unsure of what to try first. Sayaka found herself amused at the young girls obsession with food.

Looking away, she reached for an apple, shining it on her shoulder, she bit into it with a loud crunch, a bit of the fruits juice trickled for to her chin.

"Is it sweet?" Kumi asked, as she watched the whole scene in awe.

Glancing down, the Namba shewolf simply nodded, before offering the apple to her. 'She'd probably enjoy it more.'

Kumi took the fruit with a tinge of pink on her face, before muttering a quiet thanks. She copied Sayaka and bit into the fresh fruit, and her eyes lit up.

Yuka watched the whole scene, a bit jealous she didn't get to do that, but her jealousy faded when the same apple was in front of her face. She looked over at Kumi, who was blushing a bit harder than before.

"Do you wanna try it too?"

Not to thrilled at the fact that Sayaka's mouth was on the apple first, Yuka ignored the fact, and smiled at the younger girl before biting into the fruit, that Kumi was still shyly holding onto. It was indeed sweet, she noted.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Here you can have your apple back." Kumi said, trying to hand the fruit back to Sayaka, but she declined.

"It's too sweet. Keep it." She lied, slightly put off with sharing her food with Yuka. It felt too much like an indirect kiss. “Don’t forget to leave some room for breakfast.”

Kumi hummed happily as she continued eating, her focus now on the snacks laid out in front of her instead of the two shewolves. They were quietly and contentedly watching Kumi try each type of food on the table and by the time breakfast was ready Kumi had separated the food that she liked from the one’s she didn’t.

Both shewolves found this adorable.

One of the shewolf's on dining duty passed by, placing down bowls for the three of them, before continuing on with her tasks.

The bowls contained rice porridge, with chunks of sausage in it.  Though not physically appealing, it smelt amazing. One could tell it was fresh from the fast rising steam from the bowl, warning the consumer of it’s heat.


Well, most consumers.

Quickly grabbing a mug of water, Kumi stuck her tongue into it. A sigh of relief following a moment after.

“You knew it was hot, why did you rush yourself?” Sayaka asked, sounding almost like a parent scolding a child.

“Id smelt gowd.” The young woman replied, though a bit muffled by her tongue dipped into water.

The Namba shewolf shook her head. Hearing footsteps, followed by a familiar scent, she turned around, as arms wrapped around her neck from behind. “Morning Miyuki.” she greeted her mate, her tail wagging between the other woman’s legs. Mumbling something into her shoulder, Miyuki moved and plopped herself onto the shewolf’s lap.

Kumi still cooling her burnt tongue looked up at Miyuki who just joined them, a wide smile bloomed on her face, well as wide as she could. “Mewki, mowning.” She said, before retracting her tongue, deeming it cool enough for now.

Peering to her side, Miyuki saw Kumi and smiled back. Reaching her hand out, she ruffled the girls already messy hair. “Morning Kumi. Enjoying breakfast?”

“No. I burnt myself.”

“That’s no good. Let your food cool down next time.” Miyuki chided, a flicking Kumi’s forehead, before retreating her hand.

“Is your tongue alright?” Yuka asked, tired of being left out of the conversation. She was genuinely worried, but at the same time, hearing Kumi talk like that was adorable. ‘How is she real? Can someone this cute even exist?’ She wondered, watching Kumi nodded at her. The dust of pink on her cheek made her look even more cute.

Feeling another gaze on her, she looked up and saw Sayaka giving her a knowing look. ‘Impress her, you goof.’

Clearing her throat, she opened her mouth again. “You know Kumi-san, there’s a way to eat the meal how without burning yourself. Want me to show you?”

Kumi nodded again.

Grabbing her spoon, she dipped it into the porridge. “You take you spoon like so-” Yuka then spooned a bit of the meal, and made a backwards motion of bringing it up to her face. “and dip it the opposite direction. Instead of bringing the scorching spoonful straight to your face, doing it this way gives it time to cool.” She then put the spoon into her mouth. “See?”

The young girl was amazed, and immediately tried it, and to her own amazement it worked. It was still a little hot but it didn’t burn her tongue this time. “Wow! Where did you learn that?” She asked, as she continued eating.

“Many years of practice.” Yuka said. “And a bit of politics. A lot of caravan leaders try to embarrass other leaders, easiest way to do that is during feasts. You make a small mistake and that’s enough fuel for them to make fun of you and drag you down the hierarchy.”

Kumi was staring at Yuka with wide eyes. “I didn’t know being in this trade is difficult.”

Yuka nodded. “It can be but I’m fortunate to have good advisors.”

Sayaka scoffed at the last word and Yuka gave her a deadly look. It seemed Namba’s shewolf got the wrong idea of her relationship with the Sato sisters, despite her protests. She looked back at Kumi and found that the girl had returned to eating her food. Feeling a bit disappointed that the girl seemed to prefer food over her, she went back to staring unabashedly at Kumi.

Kumi however, wasn’t fully paying attention to the food. She was eating just fine but she could feel Yuka’s gaze on her and she felt her body warm up. It was very distracting but not something she would want to stop. She snuck a glance at Yuka before quickly going back to her food. Making eye contact with Yuka was proving quite difficult for Kumi.

Sayaka watched them and once again thought that they looked dumb. But she decided to leave them to their own devices, she had something way more important to deal with at the moment. Miyuki was hindering her own consumption of food. She wanted to eat, but she didn't have the heart to tell her mate to move.

“You’re frowning.” Miyuki said, stroking the shewolf’s face. “Why are you frowning?” She asked.

“I kinda wanna eat…” Sayaka trailed off, looking down at her cooled meal in front of her, then back to Miyuki. Taking the hint, Miyuki moved to the seat beside her, but still leaned her head against the shewolf’s arm. ‘Better than nothing I guess.’

Miyuki picked at the spread of snacks in front of her, not wanting anything heavy this morning. She was content with the small bits of of food, what she really wanted was Sayaka, but she had to control herself now that Kumi was with them. ‘Maybe I can get her alone...’ She plotted, while biting into some unknown fruit. ‘Oh...this is really sweet.’

“Yuka-san, what is this?” She called out to the caravan leader.

Shifting her attention from Kumi, Yuka looked over at the other human female, before looking at the fruit. Her eyes widened, before she began stuttering out a reply. “U-um that’s a blend honey dipped berries…”

Sayaka raised a brow at the answer, confused on why Yuka was panicking. Looking over at Miyuki, her eyes widened in fear, as she saw a familiar gleam in her mates eyes.

“Is that so? They taste really good.” Miyuki hummed in content.

“G-glad you enjoyed them then.” The caravan leader nodded, mentally cursing at who ever put them out this morning. The berries for that snack was a common potent aphrodisiac in Sakae and were usually put out around dinner time for couples to enjoy. She could only hope Sayaka lives the rest of the day.

“Are we still going to the pond after we finish?” Kumi asked randomly, turning to face Sayaka, a few pieces of rice sat on her cheek.

Reaching a hand out, Sayaka brushed the excess food off of her face like a doting parent, before replying. “Mhm. We can still go.”

“Bath? Where? It’s been so long.” Miyuki piped up, excited for the chance to wash off all the dirt she has in built up in places, from all the sweat from the past couple of days.

“We have a place for bathing. You still need new clothes don’t you, Kumi-san. I have something that should fit you.” Yuka hummed, standing up from her spot and stretching her body. “I’ll meet you guys there.” and with that she ran off.


Playful squeals could be heard from the pond, followed by splashing, as Sayaka and Yuka stood with their backs to the pond. Thier ears were alert to the sounds going on behind them, both of them were sporting frowns, as they were left out, holding the clothes of the girls in the water.

“I should be in there too.” Sayaka whined, thoroughly upset with her current situation. “I understand you not being allowed, but me! This sucks.”

“Stop whining!” Yuka growled, trying to steal a glance back, but a hard hit to her arm stopped her.

“If I can’t look, neither can you. Besides I don’t want you seeing Miyuki’s body.” Sayaka whispered loudly.

“Who says I wanna see your mate? I wanna see Kumi-chan’s!” Hissed back.

“-chan! You’re in over your head. Either way if you peek and they catch you, it’ll be both of our hides!”

“You can’t tell me you don’t wanna peek?” Yuka inquired, surprised at how defiant the Namba shewolf was being.

“....It’s taking all my willpower not to shift and jump in with them. Damn it, I had it way easier when Miyuki didn’t know my secret…” Sayaka trailed off, remembering the good old days, leaving Yuka confused.

The two idiots kept talking, well whisper shouting at each other, unaware of the pair approaching them from behind.

“We’re finished.” Miyuki’s voice interrupted their whispering, causing them to freeze up.

“Thats good! I was getting tired of waiting.” Sayaka replied, wanting so badly to turn around, she could smell her mate. She could practically hear the water dripping off of her body.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Kumi’s voice could be heard, a bit softer, but sincere.

“Close your eyes you two. We still have to get dressed.” Miyuki instructed, glancing over to make sure the two shewolf’s weren’t gonna peek on them, before grabbing hers and Kumi’s clothes from their arms.

The two got dressed quickly, while the two continued standing there, occasionally shifting from foot to foot, as all they could hear was the sound of clothing. Finally the rustle of clothing stopped, and they both opened their eyes and sighed.

“Am I wearing this right?”

Both shewolves turned around at the question, but only Yuka’s mouth dropped. The clothing she had given to Kumi fit her perfectly, the material was similar to Miyuki’s, as it was made to keep the wearer cool, but unlike Miyuki’s the young girl’s midriff was exposed, giving Yuka a view of Kumi’s cute belly button.

“Yes, yes!” Yuka stuttered out, she felt her mouth water at the exposed skin and she felt Sayaka slap the back of her legs with her tail. Taking back some of self-control, she added. “You look great, I knew they’d be perfect on you!”

Kumi blushed, she started playing with her fingers and whispered a ‘thank you’ at Yuka. Yuka would have stared longer if she didn’t Sayaka’s hand on her shoulder.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you…” Sayaka started with Miyuki already clinging on to her arm. Yuka was still a bit worried about the fruit Miyuki ate and Sayaka’s mental health but she noticed the serious look on her face. “Have the messengers you mentioned been sent out yet?”

She glanced at Kumi and Miyuki, wondering if it was alright for them to be discussing this. Sayaka whispered something to Miyuki and the girl let go of her reluctantly before she approached Kumi. It would have been fine if it was only Miyuki but Sayaka didn’t think it would be right to discuss their plans in front of Kumi, she guessed that the young girl had gone through a lot, judging from the scars she’d seen when Miyuki was tending to her. She didn’t want to stress the girl out and simply wanted her to relax.

“Kumi, have you met Mieko yet?” When Kumi shook her head, Miyuki took the girl’s hand and started to drag her off to find Mieko. “You’ll like her, she’s really talkative and old… but don’t call her that because she won’t like it but she’s still old… There’s also Xena, she’s my horse and grumpy like Sayaka...”

When the two human girls were out of earshot, Yuka gestured for Sayaka to follow her. She was all business now and gawking at Kumi can be done later. “They’ve left this morning. I reckon the first one will reach a caravan in the afternoon. The rest of them will reach the other caravans by the end of the day or by tomorrow.”

They entered Yuka’s tent and Sayaka noticed a map had been laid out on the table. It was filled mostly with red and black markings but an orange mark in the map that was near the center caught her attention.

“Is that... us?” Sayaka pointed to the orange mark.


“That doesn’t look safe.” It was true, on either of their mark was the red and black marks. There was a bit of distance between them but still their spot can still be attacked on all sides, making them very vulnerable..

“I know but to Sakae that area is the most important trading center. Neither of the Matsui’s have taken it from my control because it’s a neutral zone.” She paused, thinking of what to say next. “It’s also a good bait.”

“Bait?” She didn’t like the sound of that and what Yuka was saying was not part of their plan. “We never discussed anything about a bait.”

“We didn’t.” When she noticed the growing anger in Sayaka, she quickly held her hands up to placate the other shewolf. They were both Alphas and she could handle a scuffle against Sayaka but didn’t want her people to see it. It’s not good for morale to see a leader fight over someting trivial. “Seira actually, sort of… pointed it out to me.”

“Oh… your adviser told you.” Sayaka snapped.

This was not what they had discussed the night before and though Sayaka preferred to punch her problem away but she tried to think of Miyuki’s safety. Jumping in without looking is no longer an option for her. There was also the fact that Yuka seemed interested in Kumi but the caravan leader also had her line of mistresses, she didn’t want her little girl to be just another notch to Yuka’s bed.

“Did she even let you get dressed before she suggested this idea?”

“What?” Yuka looked completely confused at what Sayaka was talking about. “I don’t understand.”

“You and Seira, of course!” She lunged forward and grabbed Yuka’s wrist, her grip painfully tight. “This plan will endanger not just my mate but Kumi also.”

“Let go, Yamamoto-san.” Yuka growled out. This was escalating far too quickly, her emotions were still slightly frayed from seeing Kumi and the usually level headed leader felt her anger rising rather rapidly along with Sayaka’s.

Sayaka didn’t seem to notice and continued. “I thought the safety of your people comes first and here you are using your own people as bait!”

“Yamamoto, I am warning you. Let go!” Yuka repeated, their hands were shaking between them, they weren’t sure if it was from the force of Sayaka’s grip or from Yuka holding back.

“Or what?” Sayaka leaned in dangerously close, flashing her fangs threateningly. “You’ll sic your whores on me?”

Sayaka vision darkened for a second before she felt a sharp sting on her cheek. She found herself standing a few feet from Yuka and an furious Seira, cradling her hand against her chest.

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t call me and sister as whores.” She straightened up, exuding all the grace and haughtiness of what a matriarch should be. “Your conduct is unbecoming for Namba’s Alpha.”

“Seira…” Yuka called but Seira held her hand up, stopping the shewolf from intervening.

“Yamamoto-san, whatever it is you think of me and Yuka have is none of your business. You should know by now that we do not poke our muzzles in other people’s business and you also threatened our leader. If any of her guards were around you would have been dead by now. So act appropriately and not like a pup that was denied her bone.” She was standing directly in front of Sayaka now, she’d been walking slowly towards the shewolf as she spoke. “And we do not have that kind of relationship. So I suggest that you tuck your tail between your legs and be a good dog so you can listen to our plan.”

When she didn’t hear any reply or protest from Sayaka she grabbed and pulled Yuka by the collar, making her stand in front of Sayaka.

“The bait is not the whole camp but Yuka.” Seira stated.

Sayaka frowned, hesitating a bit to straighten herself up. This was the second time she’d been scolded, the first one was by Miyuki—she was fine with it—this time by someone else and it was extremely embarrassing. It felt like she was back at Hakata after being punished by the den mother for staying out too late. Her cheek still stung also.

“Care to explain then?” She asked slowly.

Seira turned sharply to face Sayaka and, both Sayaka and Yuka instinctively flinched. She smiled inwardly at making both Alphas be afraid of her.

“I’m guessing Yuka hasn’t told you of her special connection to one of the Matsui’s?” At Sayaka’s curious glance at Yuka, she sauntered towards the map and placed a finger over where most of the black marks accumulated. “She used to be Jurina’s mentor and we can use that to our advantage.”

“You didn’t tell me this.” Sayaka crossed her arms. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

“My connection to Jurina is not known to many.” Yuka shrugged. “Didn’t think think it was important to tell you at that time.”

“Why you—”

“Do not interrupt me!” She glared at Yuka and Sayaka. These two were like pups fighting over a morsel of meat. She pushed Sayaka to stand on the other side of the table, thinking that it may better for the two Alphas to have a bit of distance between them. “It wasn’t right for Yuka to keep this vital information and it wouldn’t be right for Yuka to tell because this is a very… delicate subject for her.”

“I practically raised Jurina since her parents weren’t around. So, I know her best and I’ve taught her everything she knows.” Yuka explained, finally getting a bit of her wits about her. A verbal scolding from Seira can make even the toughest shewolf bend to her will and Yuka was not exempt from the fierce shewolf’s verbal lashing.  “Once she hears the story of me taking the Alpha spot she’ll be curious.”

“So, she’ll have to come for you.” Sayaka concluded but still not liking the plan. “That still puts this camp at risk. Especially if she sends an army.”

Yuka sighed, Namba shewolves were incredibly stubborn, especially this one. How was Miyuki able to cope with their Alpha? “She won’t send an army, I know that. She’ll try to sneak me out instead, I’ve taught her that an full frontal assault is just a waste of time and resources.”

“When she captures you… what do you do next?” Sayaka asked, she watched Yuka nervously run a hand through her hair and idly noted that their hair was a bit of the same length. When Yuka took too long to answer, she repeated her question.

“I’ll have to challenge her, of course. We take Jurina down and we control her army. I’ll have enough numbers to properly challenge Rena and not get slaughtered by her army when the time comes.” She explained, looking at Sayaka straight in the eye to convey her seriousness.

Jurina was an Alpha in her faction and to challenge her would usually lead to a deathmatch, unless one of them voluntarily submits themselves. She hoped that her former student would yield instead of fighting to the death.

Sayaka placed her hands heavily on the table, her gaze moving about the map while deep in thought. The plan was a clever one and, it showed that Sakae are masters of war and amazing tacticians also. Namba was just full of brute force, they don’t care much for tactics. They’d rather wipe their enemies up in one fell swoop rather than waste time on tactics, talking and strategies. It was messier that way but they didn’t care.

Sayaka straightened up. She still has a few questions though. “What if Jurina doesn’t take the bait and Rena takes it instead?”

“That will be problematic.” Yuka muttered, crossing an arm over her chest while the other was tapping her chin in thought.

“Yuka will do the same; she’ll challenge Rena.” Seira said reassuringly. “The drawback is that Yuka doesn’t know anything about Rena.”

She smiled at the wolves a bit sadly but on the inside she was enjoying torturing these Alphas. “That means we’ll have to make a plan on gathering information on her.”

Sayaka and Yuka cursed inwardly, it turns out they might not be able to spend the rest of the morning with their respective humans.


Stifling a yawn, the Namba shewolf stood up straight and stretched her stiff body. She had been hunched over for who knows how long, strategizing with Yuka and Seira, about possible scenarios happening. After being in tent for hours, the two decided to call it a end, with Seira’s permission of course.

Yuka decided to stay behind to talk to Seira a bit more and check on the rest of the caravan. Exiting the tent, Sayaka was baffled at the fact the sun was in the middle of the sky. ‘I spent the first half of the day in there.’ Frowning to herself, she began sniffing around, hoping to catch Miyuki’s scent. She was craving the other woman’s presence, once she caught it, her nose began leading her.

Miyuki’s scent seemed to be everywhere, so it was a bit hard to track her down, at one point Sayaka was sure she was walking in circles. But finally she stopped before the tent she slept in the night before. ‘....Why didn’t I check here first?’ She wondered, before shrugging and opening the flap and entering.

The first thing she noticed was Kumi sleeping. All she ever seems to do it sleep and eat, but she didn’t blame her. She was in terrible shape and health when the found her, so it would take a while for the young girl to build up some strength to be moving around a bit longer.

In the corner of her eye, Sayaka saw some movement, before a pair of arms wrapped around her. Miyuki’s scent seemed stronger than before, more alluring and welcoming. Turning in the embrace, Sayaka opened her mouth to say something, but found herself unable to, as Miyuki’s lips covered her own.

At first Sayaka was going to give in, but she remembered that Kumi was only a few feet away, and tried to pull back. Miyuki wasn’t having any of that, she tightened her grip with one arm, as she brought her free hand up to the shewolf’s messy hair, tangling them together.

“” Sayaka whispered between their liplock. On one hand she wanted to pin the human to the ground, rip of her clothes, and do pleasurable things to her until she couldn’t move. But the fact that Kumi could wake up any moment, was killing her libido.

Still seeing the wolf struggle internally, Miyuki went up a notch on trying to convince her to give in. The hand she had in Sayaka’s hair, she brought it up to her left ear—the most sensitive one— and raked her nails down it. She smirked at the muffled whimper that left her mate’s mouth, she could feel her melt onto her.

Sayaka’s eyes were half-lidded at this point, she no longer cared what happened. Miyuki’s dirty— yet pleasurable— trick made her defences crumble, and if anything made her more eager to give and please her. The bond was going into overdrive at this point, as Sayaka finally managed to break their kiss, but her lips went straight to Miyuki’s jaw, and then to her reddened ear. “You’re so bad. Pushing me this far.” She hissed, before nipping the ear.

Miyuki shuddered, and she could feel the shewolf’s smirk into her neck. She’s been craving this for so long, and she was finally going to get what she wanted.


The mumble caused the sexually frustrated couple to freeze, both of them holding their breaths. Both of them turned their gazes to the slumbering girl, checking to see if she was still in dreamland or not. The lack of response from her confirmed that she was still asleep.

As if being dunked in a cold river, the shewolf snapped to her senses. Sayaka used this opportunity to separate herself from her mate. She really doesn't want to get too intimate with her, and Kumi wake up. It would be really awkward and embarrassing, an Alpha to be seen making love to her mate. Now being heard is another story….

“Miyuki. We can’t do this with her in the tent. You should know this by now.” The shewolf gently scolded her lover for being so rash. She was used to Miyuki occasionally being a bit forceful, but never to this level.

Miyuki pouted, clearly upset with not getting what she wanted. The look made Sayaka’s heartstrings pull, but she couldn't give in. Deciding to change the subject, she asked about Miyuki’s day.

“We didn’t really do much. Wandered around this village, which is huge by the way, then we got to hot and retreated back here. Kumi passed out upon getting in here, but I made sure she drank something.” Miyuki hummed, fully aware that Sayaka wanted to change the subject, she went with the flow this time. There will always be next time.

“So what did you and Yuka-san do all morning?” She questioned, a bit wary of what the shewolf was doing with the Caravan Leader.

‘She sounds jealous...I should tease her a bit.’ Sayaka mentally chuckled, as she went to a set of cushions away from the opening flap and Kumi, and sat down. Glancing up, she nearly started laughing at Miyuki’s face.

“Nee, tell me~ You were gone the whole morning.” She huffed, following the shewolf to the furs, latching onto her arm as soon as she sat down, shooting doe eyes at Sayaka.

“We did some planning. Which was extremely boring.” Sayaka waved her off, but her hand was caught a moment later, followed by Miyuki’s face up to hers. The shewolf flinched thinking she was going to be attacked again, but she noticed that her mate was staring at her cheek.

The cheek that was smacked hours before.

“What happened?”

Sayaka took a deep breath, she was hoping that she wouldn't have to explain what happened before.


“I stepped over the line and offended Yuka’s advisors.” She cringed while remembering how her cheek had stung. “Seira slapped slapped me.”

“Seira?” Miyuki asked. “Who is she?”

“Ah, right. I was going to tell you this morning but we got sidetracked.” She licked her dry lips, readying herself for another possibly long winded explanation. “Seira is Mieko’s sister and both of them are Yuka’s advisors. The one with the um…” Her free hand gestured to her own chest. “...big ones, I’m sure you saw her.”

“Oh.” Miyuki recalled briefly seeing a blessedly busty woman practically clinging to Meiko last night and when she introduced Kumi to Meiko. She had thought that that woman was Mieko’s lover. “What did you say that made you deserve that?”

Sayaka looked away in embarrassment, looking back at her outburst this morning it seemed a little stupid and childish. “I uh… implied that she and Yuka-san are sleeping together.”

‘And that she’s sleeping with sisters.’ She added mentally, not wanting to embarrass herself further.

“What?” Miyuki stared up at Sayaka with wide eyes. “Why would you think that? I didn't even get the vibe that they were a couple!”

“Well Seira was acting all lovey dovey with Yuka last night during dinner. Of course, I would assume that they were a couple.” She shook her head. They sounded like gossiping housewives. “Anyway, I assumed wrong and I also called them whores.”

She flinched when Miyuki slapped her arm. “You did not!”

“I was angry and it just ca—” Sayaka stopped when she heard Kumi moving around in her sleep.

They both turned to watch the girl pull a blanket over herself and scratch her nose. Miyuki sighed wistfully at the sight, her hand started drawing lazy patterns on her leg. Sayaka swallowed thickly; the girl was at it again, teasing her and testing her will power. She took Miyuki’s hand and twined their fingers together.

The shewolf cleared her throat, any part of her that Miyuki touched always left a pleasant tingle.

“It… it just came out then she slapped me and reprimanded me.” She hung her head from embarrassment. “It felt like a pup getting scolded. It was embarrassing.”

“Aww, you poor puppy.” Miyuki said softly. Reaching out to stroke the shewolf's cheek, she ignored Sayaka’s protest at being called a puppy. There was a bit of swelling, and there was a barely visible hand print, but other than that, the she was fine. "I can't say you didn't earn the slap though. You're too hotheaded."

“Well, I… I couldn’t let a predator touch, Kumi!” Sayaka sputtered out. No, she was not hot headed just impulsive.

Miyuki sighed, her shewolf can be such an idiot. “I don’t think Yuka is that type of person. I think she’s more like you, except not hotheaded.”

“I am not hot headed and how would you know what type of person Yuka is.”

“The same way that I knew you were a nice wolf when I first met you.” Miyuki smiled brightly at Sayaka and the shewolf felt her face warm up from a blush.

Grumbling something, the shewolf turned away, but she could still feel Miyuki’s gaze on her. Smacking her with her tail, she said “Stop...staring at me.” But a moment later a gasp left her lips.

Miyuki grasped the furry appendage and began stroking it. “You’re so cute, Sayaka.” Continuing with her ministrations, she giggled as the shewolf was becoming putty in her hands. Running her hand all the way to the base of her tail, Miyuki found that she got a stronger reaction from there. ‘I need to remember this later.’

“Miyuki...stop it.” Sayaka growled through her tight lipped mouth.

“What are you two doing?” Kumi asked, her voice still gave off evidence of her previous sleep. She watched as Sayaka jumped, and turned to face her, a large blush was on her face.

“I’m playing with this big bad wolf.” Miyuki said, a playful gleam in her eyes. The playful look on Miyuki’s face morphed a moment later. “You smell terrible.”

“I didn’t exactly get a chance to bathe myself while you two got to play around in the water.” Sayaka defended, using the opportunity to snatch her tail back and stroke it. The fur was sticking up in places and it was bothering her. ‘I don’t smell that I?’ She wondered lifting her armpit and sniffing herself.

“If you have to do that to check yourself. You smell bad.” Miyuki’s voice drifted into her ears.

“Fine. I’ll go wash myself.” The shewolf announced, standing up and leaving the tent. Just missing the amused look on her mate’s face.

Winking towards Kumi, Miyuki quickly followed, mentioning something about making sure she does a good job. Thus leaving the young girl by herself.

‘What should I do now?’ Kumi wondered, her two sources of security just left her alone. ‘I don’t really want to wait in here by myself. It’s boring.’ She pouted, before sitting up and stretching. A second later, her stomach growled, and Kumi felt as if her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth.

“You’ve been demanding more recently.” Kumi poked her own stomach, before standing up from the furs she been sleeping on. It had a mixture of all three of their scents on it, Miyuki’s mother like scent, and Sayaka’s protective scent. It was like sleeping surrounded by family members.

‘Family….does that make me the daughter?’ She wondered to herself, as she exited the tent. The sun was halfway down the sky, meaning that dinner prep would be starting soon. Trying to remember the way to the dining area, but as she was about to give up, she ran into a familiar figure.

“Ah, Kumi-san. We meet again.” Yuka smiled at the young girl. Quickly noticing that she was alone. “And you’re alone. Where is Sayaka-san and Miyuki-san?” She inquired.

“They went to the pond again. I was heading over to the food tent again. But I got lost.” Kumi mumbled the last part, a bit embarrassed. Feeling a hand on her head, she looked up.

“Don’t worry. I’ll lead you there. I was going to get something to drink anyway.” The caravan leader said, patting Kumi’s raven locks. She was cheering on the inside, as Kumi’s face turned a shade of pink. Pulling her hand back, she then offered it to the young girl.

Kumi looked at the hand, it wasn’t like Miyuki or Sayaka’s. It was like she could sense another emotion emitting from it. It wasn't a dangerous one, just one she wasn’t sure of. Accepting the gesture, she was momentarily surprised at how their hands fit perfectly together.

Yuka felt extremely nervous, and was worried that her hand was sweaty, but as she looked back, she only saw Kumi’s smiling face, which in turn caused one to bloom on her face.

“Yuka-san.” Kumi called out.

“Hmm?” Yuka hummed.

“I think we’re already there.”

Realizing that they were indeed already at the tent, Yuka stopped before she walked past it. Using her free hand, she coughed into it. “Sorry. I wasn’t really paying any mind to my surroundings. I have a lot on my mind.” She apologized.

“There’s no real problem...but can I have my hand back?”

“O-of course you can!” The shewolf said, letting go of the girl’s hand. ‘I can’t keep spacing out like this.’ Hearing giggles, Yuka looked over at the girl, who was struggling to hide her amusement. “Am I funny?”

“Quite. You don’t have to be nervous around me. I like you just the way you are.” And with that Kumi entered the tent, leaving the shewolf in a daze.

‘She likes me? SHE LIKES ME!’ She might have stood there for more than a minute because Kumi came back out and pushed the still catatonic shewolf into the tent.


Sayaka decided to shift forms on the way to the pond, she thought it would be a better way to Miyuki’s advances but it somehow backfired. The girl was idly brushing her across her back, her kind were much bigger than the mutts the humans take care of and some of them can reach an average human male’s torso just by standing on all fours. With her head hung low, her back could reach Miyuki’s waist and Miyuki could reach her back. She cursed her heritage, her kind and her people for this.

Miyuki scratch the base of the shewolf’s tail briefly and Sayaka practically crashed her butt to the ground just to avoid it. It tickled a little bit but it sent pleasant tingles up her spine that made her legs weak and made her want to weep for how good Miyuki is at finding her weak spots. They reached the pond longer than they were supposed because Sayaka kept rolling on the ground to banish the pleasant tingles and, was covered from head to tail in sand and dust.

She quickly dashed towards the water, not bothering to shift because she needed to feel the cold to calm her down. After a moment of splashing about, she shifted, quickly tossing away her leathers towards the bank and submerged herself leaving only half of her head peeking out of the water with her gaze trained on Miyuki.

On the other hand, Miyuki was taking her time, and was completely aware of Sayaka watching her every move. She walked towards the edge of the pond, bending down a bit to test the water temperature with her hand.

Sayaka tried to say something but it came out as bubbles under the water.

Miyuki looked up to where Sayaka was. “What is it?”

“The water is fine.” The shewolf said, letting the rest of her head exit the water long enough to say that before going back to it’s original position and watching Miyuki.

She frowned, wondering why she said that. She nearly left Miyuki in the dust to avoid her and here she was inviting the girl into the water by telling her the water is fine. Maybe she should’ve have said it’s cold or scalding.

Miyuki straightened up and started to undo the ties to her clothes. She had bathed with Kumi earlier but she wanted to join Sayaka and it had been a while since she’d taken a bath with the shewolf. The last one they had together was the day before she discovered Sayaka’s secret, she missed those days when she got to play with the shewolf despite the fact that she always felt like she was being peeped on.

Sayaka fidgeted under the water, Miyuki was taking her time getting in the water and every inch of skin that she sees was making her feel things. Things that made her want to tackle Miyuki to the ground and spread Miyuki’s legs open so she could finally get a taste, she gripped her tail tightly as she tried to hold back.

Miyuki neatly folded her clothes as well as Sayaka’s, setting them aside neatly. She heard a bit of bubbling from Sayaka and she smiled slyly to herself. She was completely aware that she’s playing an incredibly dangerous game her with Sayaka’s libido, the shewolf could easily dominate her and take her right then and there. She might come out with more than a few bruises and bites.

She held back a moan at the thought of those sharp fangs leaving marks on her body. She loved teasing her tongue on them whenever she and Sayaka would make out, and whenever the shewolf would nip at her lips it made her knees weak and push Sayaka down so she could feel them in other places.

She turned towards the pond and found Sayaka still staring intently at her, if it was possible she felt even more naked than she already is at this very moment. Miyuki stepped into the water slowly, feeling a bit relieved that the cool water was somewhat calming her down a bit.

She slowly waded towards Sayaka, the shewolf hadn’t moved from her spot since she shifted and Sayaka’s gaze moved from her eyes to the top of her breasts where the water had barely reached her.

“Sayaka…” She called out, smiling a bit at the shewolf. “Shouldn’t you be taking a bath?”

Indeed, she should be bathing, but with such an alluring sight before her, it was hard to remember other things. Opening her mouth to reply, a large amount of water began flooding into the shewolf’s mouth, causing her to choke. Standing up sharply, she spat it out.

“It’s a good thing I came with you then, you can’t even function by yourself.” Miyuki giggled, moving closer to the recovering wolf. Noticing the movement, Sayaka also took a step back. It was a continues game between the two. One would move closer, as the other kept backing up. Neither were worried about someone coming, it was nearly dinner time, and no one was focused on being clean at the moment.

Miyuki just continued grinning, as she took another step. Sayaka took another step back, but she found herself unable to go anywhere else, as her back met something hard. She looked back to see she had her back against a large stone. Looking up, she muttered a long string of curses at her luck.

“You don’t want my help?”

“Urh… I’m fine.” She croaked, still facing up.

“You look like you really need it.” Miyuki replied, cupping her hands under the water and poured it on the shewolf’s shoulder. “Look at how dirty you are.” She hummed, before rubbing the dirt off on the shoulder, before repeating the process with Sayaka’s arm.

Keeping her gaze upward, the shewolf released a deep sigh, as she accepted her fate. She was trapped with no one coming to help her. She just wanted a quick dip, but only the gods know how long this trip would really take.
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Offline Baekshim

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 9 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #54 on: July 11, 2014, 12:29:38 AM »
New chapter!
As my kami-oshis are WMatsui, I'm either Team J or Team Rena, so I don't think I like where it's going, with the Yuka's takeover X) but well :err:
Let's see how Ju reacts to her own mentor wanting to annihilate her and taking the spot she has been yearning for since cub days :farofflook:  *imagine the sad and defeated puppy face*
I call that betrayal! XD

So obvious, Yuka confess now! XD
Kumi is ADORBS, I miss her so much T_T come back...
Yes! SayaMilky should adopt her, then Yuka would be their daughter-in-law though XD (but it's a good way for Sayaka to got help from Sakae since Yuka will have to obey her dear parents-in-law :D hehe :kekeke:)

Sayaka calling people she barely know "wh*res" X) not something really nice indeed~ :bigdeal:
And Sayanee doesn't seem to enjoy her "sexy" bath time XD
Really liking SayaMilky's cuteness!

Offline Rinca

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 9 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #55 on: July 11, 2014, 06:27:59 AM »
New chapter!
As my kami-oshis are WMatsui, I'm either Team J or Team Rena, so I don't think I like where it's going, with the Yuka's takeover X) but well :err:
Let's see how Ju reacts to her own mentor wanting to annihilate her and taking the spot she has been yearning for since cub days :farofflook:  *imagine the sad and defeated puppy face*
I call that betrayal! XD

we're on the same boat (though Mayuyu is my Kami-Oshi), but Yuka taking over Sakae is. . .   :farofflook:

 As long as author-san won't kill wMatsyu then I'll be fine :shifty:  :mon wtfmm:

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

Offline Charlotte-Sempai

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 9 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #56 on: July 11, 2014, 06:46:31 AM »

Why do I always get threatened in my stories?

No one's gonna die.


Don't mind me.
Just here.
Reading and or Writing.

Offline abcari

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 9 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #57 on: July 11, 2014, 09:30:37 AM »
this can end easily, just make wmatsui have babies and everyone happy (?...

but well...

this will not be a wmatsui paring right? xD

Offline Baekshim

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 9 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #58 on: July 11, 2014, 12:18:04 PM »

Why do I always get threatened in my stories?

No one's gonna die.


!!!!!  :stoned:

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Outcast and the Exiled Chapter 9 (SayaMilky and others)
« Reply #59 on: July 11, 2014, 02:53:08 PM »

Why do I always get threatened in my stories?

No one's gonna die.



uh-oh. i smell trouble :on blackhole:

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