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Author Topic: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III  (Read 4385 times)

Offline AryaMachdi

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Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III
« on: October 24, 2014, 03:28:54 PM »
Animals: Love of a Sin

"You're like a drug that's killing me, I cut you out entirely. But I get so high when I'm inside you."


She admired her from afar.

Her eyes were glued in place, and no matter how hard she tried to avert her attention to something else, her brain refused. Instead, it locked her in a position where she could monitor the girl's movement. Her body language. In this moment, Jurina felt like a complete stalker.

She found it strange, yet appealing, to be staring at someone a few meters away from she's sitting and to observe every little detail of the person's physical appearance. Her clothing, her hand gestures. She monitored the occasional smiles and laughter of the girl, while simultaneously recording it in her brain so she could play it back over and over again.

The weirdest part of all was that she's staring at the body of a girl she never met once in her life.

"Hey. Hey, Earth to Jurina."

A voice demolished her thoughts, causing Jurina to avert her attention, even when she doesn't want to, towards her friend in front of her.

"Sorry. My mind was a bit hazy." She could only do nothing but apologise, though the reason behind her haziness was the girl sitting behind her friend in a distance of a few meters.

"You really gotta stop staring off into space," her friend, Sae, said while shaking her head. Taking a sip of her frappuccino, she set the cup down and looked at the younger girl in front of her again. "I could easily slap you right in the face while you're off in la la land."

Jurina scoffed, glancing at the girl who caught her attention before drinking her drink. "Try slapping me, and you'll get a nice beat down from my lawyer."

"Easy, kid. You're not the only one who has a lawyer," Sae chuckled. "Besides, it'll be a hella waste of my time slapping my favorite model for my own amusement."

"Favorite model my ass. You said that Miranda Kerr was your favorite ever since you had a photoshoot with her a couple of months ago," Jurina said, smirking slightly.

"Ah, right. Miranda Kerr. Yeah, you're probably right, she is my favorite," Sae said, smiling dreamingly. "Man, you should've seen her nice set of boobs-"

"Not here for talking about tits, Sae. Focus," Jurina said, narrowing her eyes a form of threat. She crossed her leg over the other, showing off her white sneakers before asking, "You said that a new model is recruiting tomorrow?"

"Oh, yeah. Heard from the staffs that someone will be joining our management soon. Don't know who, though, they didn't get a chance to see the girl when she was having an interview with Kojima-san," Sae explained.

"Huh. Usually we get new recruits from the beginning of June," Jurina wondered. "Kind of unusual if you ask me."

"Yeah, no kidding. Either way, she'll be coming in tomorrow according to Kojima-san, so we'll see how it goes," Sae took another sip of frappuccino and was about to talk again when she noticed Jurina staring again. "Dude, seriously, what the hell are you staring at?"

"None of your business, Sae," Jurina glared but it backfired when she saw Sae turning her body to the side. "Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?"

Sae turned her head back towards Jurina, a shock expression noticable on her face. "Seriously?" Looking back at the girl, she pointed towards the latter in disbelief while turning back to Jurina. "Are you serious, Jurina?"

"Stop it, you're gonna make a commotion," Jurina panicked, afraid that the girl might see them while Sae was starting to stand up from her seat. "Sae, what are you doing?!"

"Asking the girl if she could join our management," Sae said cluelessly.

"Why?" Jurina whispered frantically.

"Because, take a look at her. Perfect curves, perfect breasts, perfect hair, why not? Come on, you seriously didn't tell me when I caught you staring at the girl a couple of times?" Sae whispered back, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "I'm going up to her and see if she wants to join us or not."

"Wait, Sae- hold on a moment! Gah!" Jurina facepalmed herself when she realised Sae wasn't listening to her at all. The girl was already walking towards the stranger in the distance. Thinking fast, Jurina quickly stood up and started running to Sae who was about to sit down on a chair.

"Excuse me, may I talk with you for a whi- mmph!" Sae didn't have time to finish her sentence when Jurina placed her hand over the latter's mouth in order to shut her up. Sae struggled under the grasp while the other girl smiled nervously towards the confused girl sitting on the chair in front of her.

"I'm really, really sorry about my friend over here. Sometimes she can be a little..." Jurina released Sae out of her grasp, and glared at the girl. "Crazy."

"Um, should I be concern about this?" The confused girl asked, looking oddly at Sae.

"No need, I was about to sign her up to a mental hospital for safety," Jurina joked, earning a slap on the back of her head causing her to groan in pain. "See? She's dangerous."

The girl giggled at the interaction between the two strangers in front of them. "Okay, then. Well, if you're here because of wanting to offer me some sort of management, then sorry, I'm already a part of one," The girl smiled politely. "Hope that didn't kill the mood."

"What? Really?" Earning a nod from the girl, Sae pouted. "Oh, man...."

"Oh, cheer up. You'll find someone better," The girl encouraged, her sweet smile to have left Jurina in a trance.

Sae sighed. "And I thought a girl with great boobs will come and save the day..."

Jurina snapped right out of her thoughts, pulling Sae on one arm while waving her hand with her free hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you, miss. Sorry for bothering your precious, precious time but we must go. Duty calls, and whatnot," Jurina said in a hurry, giving the girl a polite smile while waving her goodbye.

The girl was left speechless by the sudden departure, but still had a warm smile plastered on her lips. "Nice to meet you, too."
"You were perfect!" Sae's screaming was heard, earning curious glances from other visitors. "Perfect, I tell you!"

The girl giggled. What an interesting day.


"Okay, that's good for now. Fifteen minute break."

Jurina sighed, getting up from her the red sofa she had been lying on for the past hour of the photoshoot. Stretching her arms and neck, she slowly walked off the white backdrop while thanking a staff who gave her a cold bottle of water and a bathrobe to conceal her body. Black underwear was all she was wearing, and she couldn't wait to wear some clothes after the shoot.

Sitting down on one of the chairs available, she took a swig of cold water and sighed as it quenched her thirst. She wiped some sweag on her forehead and was about to stand up and go to the bathroom before someone called her name.

Turning her head, she noticed that it was Sae who called her. A camera dangling around her neck while wearing casual clothing, she looked like any photographer Jurina had ever worked with.

"You did a good job back there. Got some nice shots of you that may as well be edited soon," Sae smiled.

Jurina returned the kind gesture. "Thanks. Though you need more shots so I suggest that we should start again after the break." Sae nodded, and was about to say something before a staff came up to her and said something unclear in Jurina's ears.

Sae thanked the staff, and turned her attention back to Jurina. "The new recruit's already here. You wanna come and meet her?"

"Is that a hard question?" Jurina smirked.

"Don't test me," Sae glared at the other girl, who only laughed.

"Well, I guess it's time to meet her, then," Jurina said before waiting for Sae to walk first. They both exited to the studio, and greeted the staffs and models who walked pass them.

"So, have you seen the recruit's face yet?" Jurina asked with curiosity.

Sae shook her head. "Sadly, I haven't. Though, I have a feeling that she's gonna be one of those moderately good looking models who I found boring and..." Seeing Sae trailing off of her sentence, Jurina looked at the girl with an arched eyebrow.

"Uh, Sae?" Jurina asked, but was left confused when the other girl started chuckling.

"Well, I'll be damn," Sae grinned. "It's you again."

Jurina turned her head to the front, and was left speechless once her eyes lay upon the familiar looking person standing in front of her with an amused smile.

The girl walked up towards Jurina, and flashed the latter with a dashing smirk.

"Matsui Rena. It's nice to see you again."
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 05:15:08 PM by AryaMachdi »
I'm just a guy who likes writing fanfictions, makes music and has a healthy obsession for melonpan | Matsui Rena is my Oshimen! ^^


Offline kuro808

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter I
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 08:18:54 PM »
Rena becomes the pearl for them as they finally meet each other :thumbsup

Can't wait for the next chapter
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Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter I
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 10:45:08 PM »
oh! i´m reading your fic Animals in AKBblasfemy. ;) ;) I like it!

Offline Haruko

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter I
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2014, 07:41:59 AM »

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter I
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2014, 10:03:01 AM »
Hmm, I read it from akblasphemy too... I was expecting for the next chapter tho...
Anyway, I'm waiting for it arya-san (∩_∩)

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter I
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2014, 01:35:40 PM »

Jurina will work with Rena!!

Such a coincedent meet


Offline Kairi65

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter I
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2014, 06:12:45 PM »
will there be a continuation..? its really good! :thumbsup

Offline AryaMachdi

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter 2
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2014, 06:15:44 PM »
Chapter II


Jurina has her fair share of odd days.

Neither any of them lasted on her a mind for a full day, always having a way to hide in the back of her head and never show itself again. She often shrugged it off as something small, and nothing too important to be noticed and acknowledged. There are some exceptions, though it's often forgotten over the course of a few days. To her, odd days are times where the universe decided to step aside the usual normality it has been for decades, and be a little different for a 24 hour time period. Some were long, some were short. But either way, nothing that sparked her bubble of interest.

Until she stumbled upon Matsui Rena two hours ago.

Never in her life, or at least in her short time living in this world, would she meet the same person the day after the accidental meeting. Whether it was pure coincidence, or fate playing its regular game, it still surprised Jurina to see the warm-smiling girl sitting beside her in a cafe down at the lobby of the management building. Right now, she really didn't know what to do.

She lost the ability to start up a conversation the moment she sat down on the comfy sofa. She cursed at herself. She hated awkward silence.

It was a miracle that Sae tag along as well, and when the short-haired girl noticed the lack of interaction between the three of them, she cleared her throat.

"Well," Sae started. "One hell of a day, huh?"

Jurina held back a scoff, and nodded slowly. She had the urge to take out her phone, but Rena was there, and table manners meant almost everything for her.

"To be honest, Rena, I never expected you to be the new recruit joining in our managemet," Sae stated, a small smile plastered on her lips. "Thought it was gonna be another flat-chested, generic-looking teenage girl who needs money for paying her school fees."

Rena seemed confused at the statement. "Should I be offended, because it sounds like you were mocking me."

Sae's eyes widened, realizing what she had said. "Shit. Um, sorry. I, uh, didn't mean it like that, I swear..."

The stuttering response made Rena giggle, sounding sweet in Jurina's ears. "I was just kidding, Sae."

Sae sighed in relief. "You really like to mess with people, huh?"

Rena smiled dorkily. "It's fun to do."

Sae shook her head, chuckling at the girl's answer. She then turned her head to look at Jurina, who was too busy staring off into space. Sighing, she had no choice but to call her friend out again.

"This girl, seriously..." Sae muttered before nudging Jurina's shoulder. "Hey, Jurina."

Jurina shook her head, throwing out any thoughts left running in her mind and snapped back into reality. "Huh?" Realizing that she had been quiet throughout the conversation. "Oh. Sorry, I was a bit um, distracted."

"Are you always like that? Staring into oblivion when everyone else is talking? Rena inquired, her full attention focused on Jurina.

"You could say that. It's kind of a habit I carried since I was little," Jurina said. "But normally, I'm the one who starts up a conversation, not Sae."

"Oh, really?" Rena rested her chin on her palm, raising an eyebrow with thorough interest. "I thought you were the quiet type, since you seem to have no interest to either me or Sae a few moments ago."

Jurina chuckled. "Believe me, I'm the complete opposite of quiet. I can go on and on about one thing, and never stop until I feel like it's necessary."

Rena hummed in response, a grin making its way on her face. "How loud can you get?"

Jurina smirked. "Is that supposed to be a sexualised question?"

Rena shrugged, maintaning her sly grin on her lips. "Maybe yes, maybe no. Depends on how you put it."

Jurina thought for an answer, and smiled. "You can say I'm fairly loud."

Rena looked at the latter with clear amusement, liking how the girl keep up the tone a little frisky, and a little risky for two strangers to talk in such a way. The corner of her lips tilted sideways. "I'm beginning to like you a lot faster than I expected."

"Well, keep on admiring me," Jurina crossed both of her arms, showing off her charming smile. "There's a whole lot you need to learn about."

The two girls had a mini stare off with one another, which cause them to forget the third party who was busy looking back and forth at both Rena and Jurina as if a tennis tournament was going on. Feeling the silence was too long, she again cleared her throat.

"So, Rena-" A ping interrupted her sentence, capturing the attention of the two girls as Sae read the message she received. Nodding her head, she showed her screen for a moment before setting it back down. "It's Yuko. She sent me a picture of Rena's schedule, which reminds me, your first photo session will be held tomorrow on Monday the same as Jurina. Think you can handle the lights and camera?"

Rena blinked. "I'm guessing that was intended to be a trick question."

"Nope, just a simple question," Sae said, adding emphasis on the 'p'. Rena nodded understandingly.

"Well, I'm up for it," Rena looked at Jurina, and couldn't help but giggled. "It's Jurina that I'm worried about."

"You're talking to a girl who has been a model for more than five years, being worried about the flashes and shots is something a newbie would do," Jurina teased the other girl, who scoffed at the response.

"Since when am I a newbie?" Rena smiled smugly. "I never said that this is my first time modelling."

"Okay, enough with the looks and flirty sentences," Sae stepped in the conversation, already exhausted at the both of them as she gave a piece of paper to Rena. "Give me or Jurina a call, whenever and whatever you want. If you need some help, feel free to come to us. Even if it's related to sex, I'm more than happy to guide you through tough sexual experiences."

"That's too much details, Sae, I think she gets it by now," Jurina glared at the taller girl, who playfully stuck her tongue out. "You already settled into your new apartment, right?"

Receiving a nod from Rena, Jurina checked on her watch which showed the current time. 3:30 pm. "Well, guess we better head back, Sae. Photo shoot's about to start."

"Right," Sae nodded. "It was really nice chatting with you, Rena-chan. I hope we could do this more often." Rena giggled when she Sae bowing down like a gentleman.

"Me, too. I had fun talking to the two of you," Rena smiled warmly. "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah. See you," Jurina said, waving at Rena who already sat up and walked out of the cafe with her ass catching the latter's attention. She gulped. That was a nice ass.

"Jurina." She looked up to see Sae already paying the bill through cash, and grabbing her iPhone in her hand. Knowing what the girl meant, she tidied up her belongings a sat up as well. They went out of the cafe, thanking the waitress on the way.

"Sae?" Jurina whispered, walking beside Sae as they walked towards the elevator.


"Did you see her ass?"

Sae smirked. "Hell yeah."

They both shared a good laugh, entering the elevator door as they continued to talk about Rena's striking behind.
I'm just a guy who likes writing fanfictions, makes music and has a healthy obsession for melonpan | Matsui Rena is my Oshimen! ^^


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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter II
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2014, 06:19:47 PM »
They get to know about each other although Jurina being awestruck by a chance meeting could evolve to something more :thumbsup
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Offline mikaellitsa

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter II
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2014, 07:18:29 AM »
jurina u perv dont look at her ass -.^ hahaha i like the way rena jurina  start t know each other  especially that little chat theyve shared hahahahaha :lol: cant wait for the next chat i have the feeling that sae jurina will fight soon for rena  :roll:

Offline Haruko

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter II
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2014, 07:34:15 AM »
wow... sexual tension...

Offline AryaMachdi

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2014, 05:16:22 PM »
Chapter III


Sae checked her watch. "You know, it's late. You should probably go home, get some rest."

Jurina only hummed in response. Too busy to reply her friend in a much suitable way, her eyes looked at the clock digits on her iPhone and silently agreed that she should head home. Her bed seemed to be calling her from afar, telling her to get going.

Both of the girls had finished their schedule for today, gathering enough photos for the weekly magazine and took more time to pick the ones that are exceptionally good to be published. After calling it a day, they decided to head to the cafe again and bought each other's drink; Sae's treat.

"Call it as a 'thank you for being the sexiest model I have ever worked with' kind of drink. That means you, Jurina," Sae said after they got their drinks and were walking towards the front lobby to wait for a taxi. The younger girl did nothing but laugh at the girl's effort to be flirtatious, in which she thought was hilarious.

An hour passed, and not a single taxi came to pick them up. They have told the security guard in front of the building to help them search for one, who the man replied saying that he would help, though the evening was growing nearer into a couple of hours before midnight and both of the girls needed their sleep.

Sae looked at the girl beside her, confused at her response and went to take a closer look at Jurina's phone. She smirked almost immediately. "Someone's been stalking."

Jurina nearly jumped from a total heart attack, and groaned in annoyance once she heard what the girl said. "I wasn't stalking."

Sae held back her laughter and continued teasing her. "Following her on Instagram and looking through her pictures like a pedophillic old man is called stalking, dear. If you fancy her, then take her home with you."

"Sae, for God's sake!" Jurina snapped, causing the other girl to burst into a series of uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh gosh. Oh my God, that was too much..." Sae's laughter died down when she felt a hard punch on her arm and instantly wince in pain. "Shit, ow! Jurina!"

"I'm sorry, dear. My fist seems to have a mind of its own," Jurina said, faking an accent as she stuck her tongue playfully. Sae only responded with a low grumble while rubbing the area where she was hit.

Jurina ears perked up at the sound of car wheels grinding on pavement, and looked up to see a taxi driving towards them. She looked at her friend, who was still rubbing her arm, and giggled softly.

"Taxi's here. You wanna go first?" Jurina asked Sae, which the latter shook her head. "Come on, it's no problem. You can go now if you want."

"No, I'll just stay back for a bit," Sae said, showing off her smile. "Gotta check some of the photos earlier in the studio, so I might be here for a little while."

Jurina could see the exhaustion in her friend's eyes, and sighed in defeat because she knew an argument wouldn't be a good idea at thia time. So, she nodded and smiled lightly. "Alright. Don't be up too late. You need rest, too."

"I think I'm capable of taking care of myself, Jurina," Sae said, the smile never leaving her face. "Bye now." Jurina smiled, and waved at her friend before running towards the taxi and went inside the vehicle. Sae watched intently as it drove away, becoming smaller and smaller as the distance grew farther.

Sae sighed, and lowered her head while her hand started rubbing her temple. The urge was there again. In a fast motion, she stood up and walked hurriedly inside the building.


The elevator signaled its arrival, cutting off Jurina's slight daze and getting her feet to work in order to get inside the elevator. Pressing the number '14', she waited for the elevator door to close until she heard a voice from the other side.

"Wait, hold the elevator!" Jurina drew her hand towards the 'open' button on the wall and waited for the person to walk in. A smile appeared on her face when she saw who it was.

"Working late again, Mayu?" Jurina asked the shorter girl who was heaving pants due to the running before. The latter nodded, and leaned her back against the wall tiredly.

"Yeah. It was really hectic today. I had to work my ass off five times harder because of the amount of people coming in," Mayu explained her day as Jurina nodded understandingly. Being a waitress at one of the most popular cafe in Tokyo was indeed hard work, but the monthly payment helps the girl to pay her university fees plus her rental at the same apartment complex as Jurina.

"You know, I could offer you a job in my management. Yuki's there, too, maybe she could help you as well." Jurina thought it would be also a good idea for Mayu to spend more time with her girlfriend, since their planned dates are often cancelled due to their different schedules.

"I'll think about it, Jurina, but thanks for the offer," Mayu smiled at the girl's kindness. "Right now, I just need to focus on school and rent bills."

"Didn't Yuki offered you to live with her a couple of months back?" Jurina inquired, which Mayu nodded.

"She did. But I told her I wouldn't want to burden her since I might take up some space in her house," Mayu shrugged.

"But you're her girlfriend, Mayu," Jurina said. "You living with her would mean a lot for both Yuki and you. More time together keeps a relationship stable, and who knows, your dream of having sex with her might come true."

Mayu chuckled. "At least I'm not the only one who's a proud pervert."

Jurina glared at what she heard. "Why you smart-talking little-" The elevator rang signaling the two of them that they reached Mayu's floor.

"Oh, and I heard the new roommate you'll be having is already here. Can't say who though, but rumors that she's a fine dime," Mayu smriked as she walked out the elevator.

"Mayu!" Jurina exclaimed. "You have a girlfriend!" She groaned in annoyance when the girl only gave her a wave before the door closed again. It didn't take long for her to get to her floor, and she immediately went out of the elevator just as the door opened. Finding her apartment number, she pulled out the keys in her pocket and unlocked the door.

She sighed in relief when she went inside and took off her shoes as she tiredly said, "Tadaima..."

"Oh good, you're home."

Jurina felt her heart jumped out of her chest as she let out a surprise shriek, turning around instantly to see the owner of the voice. Her heartbeat was still going erratic, but she took a moment to calm down and was met by another surprise when her eyes met the intruder. "Rena?" The girl grinned.

"Hello again, roommate."

Again, Jurina had a fair share of odd days. Today was one of them.
I'm just a guy who likes writing fanfictions, makes music and has a healthy obsession for melonpan | Matsui Rena is my Oshimen! ^^


Offline Haruko

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2014, 06:08:23 PM »
Sexual tension at home!! like it!

Offline River1721

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2014, 06:42:29 PM »
Its like wherever Jurina is Rena will bound to appear XD
The coincidence of them being co-workers and them becoming roommates :lol:
Update soon :D

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2014, 08:41:48 PM »
Its like wherever Jurina is Rena will bound to appear XD
The coincidence of them being co-workers and them becoming roommates :lol:
Update soon :D

deshou? update please~! :thumbsup

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2014, 02:09:06 PM »
Rena is Jurina roomate nice!!!

Mayu you should stay with Yuki or else she will be taken by someone

Update soo

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Re: Animals: Love of a Sin (WMatsui) - Chapter III
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2014, 07:20:54 PM »
Yes that's right! This is fateeeee!
Rena & Jurina are roommates now so more wMatsui moments ayeee? This is getting interesting ^^
Update sooooon~~

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