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Author Topic: The Forbidden Dance Ch.21 (WMatsui) 03/23/2017  (Read 57129 times)

Offline niineechan

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.12 06/11/2015 Update!
« Reply #80 on: June 12, 2015, 05:51:57 AM »
Thank u so much..
At least reading this with the wmatsui moment in it mend my broken heart a bit..
Rena's graduation...
Hwaaa..... :'(
Nande?? I've just rewatch their delightful moment in juju's first ANN some nights ago, n then i heard her graduation announcement, in ANN too...! I'm so sad..
Ah! What am i blabbering about?! Just ignore my randomness..
Once again, thx 4 ur great work ainivel-san..
Please, don't separate the matsuis, at least in this fic.. >o<..

Offline blackcold

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.12 06/11/2015 Update!
« Reply #81 on: June 12, 2015, 02:09:58 PM »
Thanks for your update
I'm getting excited when you say Rena Mom's will appear soon :lol:

That scene!!!! I love that scene , the Wmatsui scene xD
Is Rena onee-san working under her mom or what?
What did they told Rena to do?
Is it something really bad?
Jurina is going to be okay right?
But i want some drama, so i'm quite sure the Wmatsui is not going to be really okay
But i still hope they will always be okay, i'm confused :nervous

Waiting for your next update author-san :twothumbs
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 02:15:09 PM by blackcold »

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.12 06/11/2015 Update!
« Reply #82 on: June 12, 2015, 04:22:14 PM »
:gyaaah: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:
That tearsxcomfort scene
:gyaaah: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

What Rena punishment..what she gonna have to do..
:on cloudeye: :on cloudeye:

How promise are meant to be broken 'crying
Thanks for the update~
:kneelbow: :kneelbow:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline sastio13

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.11 06/04/2015 Update!
« Reply #83 on: June 14, 2015, 05:02:18 AM »
yep, rena is good in acting, she nailed her role as gekikara in majisuka gakuen and gift. I'll also support her!

after wmatsui crying moment and pinky swear, why sakiko and okasama phoned rena suddenly, they ruined it.
what's the punishment? what will they do?
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline Archer1992

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.12 06/11/2015 Update!
« Reply #84 on: July 28, 2015, 11:16:35 PM »

Offline ainivel

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.12 06/11/2015 Update!
« Reply #85 on: July 29, 2015, 10:16:57 AM »
it's been more than a month since my last update.. many things had happened lately that's why :(
hontou ni gomenasai minna-san :bow: but as promised I will keep on going back to finish the story :thumbsup

@Ruka Kikuchi: senpai, it's been a while ne.. hope you're doing good :grin:
@no-chan: august is too soon! rena's graduation is coming so fast.. i'm crying :cry:
@Raizel: there'd be more thorns in the second half.. believe me i do wanted to end this story already.. i even hoped to finish the story before she graduates this august.. but that's impossible for me :panic:
@yuuri14: the thought of having no wmatsui in ske48 anymore.. makes me want to cry a river :bleed eyes:
@niineechan: you're welcome dear reader.. i'm sorry if my update took long.. the other day was rena-chan's bday.. it reminded me that i have an unfinished story here :sweatdrop:
@blackcold: hi, hope you're not mad about my absence.. i'm going to try not to skip a month this time.. since the real drama now arrives.. i'm wishing that i can write it exactly the way how i imagined it :nervous
@kuro_black29: promises are made to be broken you say.. but sometimes that makes bond even stronger.. or perhaps the other way around :?
@sastio13: rena!!! i'm going to see her future movies and dramas!!! i'm still crying here :banghead:
@Archer1992: hi there.. it's funny that i'm already on going with my update when you posted a comment earlier.. thanks for the push! so here's the next chapter :twothumbs

The Forbidden Dance
Chapter 13

Ugh... Where am I...

I tried to look around. This place is somewhat very familiar to me. Ah, I can see from this place that the sun is already setting...


I then realized that I'm standing right infront of our school gate... But how did I get here?

I suddenly heard someone coming.

"...please stop treating me like your younger sister!"

A girl from afar shouted. And she's running after another girl... that looks a lot like...

M-Mayu-chan?? Why is she still wearing our highschool uniform? And who is she running from?

"Mayu-chan, I suffered enough when you left me. So, please... I beg you... don't ever leave me behind again!!!" The girl said.

Eh??! Wait... is that... ME??? What's going on here...

"Baka... I'm one year ahead of you. Ofcourse, I'd still graduate first!"

"How about you flunk your subjects and repeat another year?"

Mayu-chan pinches both my cheeks hard.

"I-IIITAI!!!! I'm just joking!!!! Stop it... my face hurts..."

I remember now. This scenario actually happened two years ago when I was a freshman.

"If I leave you behind once more... will you come and follow me again?" Mayu-chan asked staring at me. "Because... I'm willing to pause my time and wait for you to catch up."

"I'll grow up fast! Just wait! I'll soon catch up and we'll be together!" I confidently answered.

"What if you stopped and get tired of coming after me?" She paused. "Then maybe... I'll turn around and come back for you. I wonder if you'll be able to wait for me."

"Mayu-chan... why do you always think of complicated things? You just have to trust in me. It's just as simple as that. I will wait for you no matter what..."

I smile looking back at our old selves. Then I realized that the past will now just remain as a mere happy memory.

"If you won't come back, then I'll hunt you down! I swear to find you wherever you are!" I warned her.

"I don't know if that sounds romantic or creepy..." Mayu-chan giggled.

"Ofcourse, it's romantic!" Then we both laughed while walking side by side.

As they're slowly approaching my direction, my old self then disappeared. The present me and Mayu-chan were only the ones left. She's now standing right infront of me and we're looking deeply at each other's eyes.

I already knew that this is only a dream and everything here is unreal. Except for the pain that still remains real inside of me. The truth is... I wanted to take my chance to feel her once more.

"Mayu-chan..." Tears started to flow down my cheeks again as I called her name. "Even for the last time..."

She then gently touches my face and wiped off my tears. The warmth and softness of her touch unbelievably seemed so real, too. And with that, I'm about to lose myself. I reached for her and held her, slowly closing the gaps between our lips.

I tried to open my eyes. I feel like I'm really holding someone next to me. And then...


Kyaaa~ Our faces were too close!!! I immediately jump out of my bed. She seems also startled. Her usual pale face looks bright red upto the tip of her ears.

Ah, right. I remember she stayed on my bed last night because she was comforting me. And yet now, I almost kissed her! This is so embarassing.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean... uhm... to..." I sincerely apologized.

"No worries." She calmly answered. "You we're talking in your sleep."

I was probably calling Mayu-chan's name again. Now, I'm even more embarassed.

Rena-chan quietly gets up, took her personal things and went ahead to the bathroom.

I faced palm. This is so awkward. I hope she doesn't think that I'm doing weird things in my dream. I then noticed that my eyes are wet. Maybe I was also crying earlier while sleeping. But why are my cheeks dry?

Oh! What time is it already by the way?

I immediately checked the time. Today's our championship! I better hurry and prepare myself, too.


After Rena-chan and I were done fixing ourselves, we are now ready to go. I opened our hotel room's door and saw Churi and Airin already outside also about to leave.

"Churi!" I called. "Ano... about yesterday..."

"We'll talk later after the championship is done." She immediately told me. "I might not forgive you if we lose this, so make sure you do your best today."

She sounded a bit cold, but her words gave me a relief. I knew she already calmed down.

"Ofcourse!" I smiled answering her.

The four of us later then arrived at the final venue. So many people came to watch the final event. Unfortunately, Sakippe-sensei didn't come back. But she didn't actually neglect her responsibility as our club adviser, because she already set ahead everything for us here. Maybe she was called back to school, or something urgent happened.

While waiting for our group's turn to perform onstage, I noticed that Rena-chan is still quiet. Does she feel nervous? Or maybe she's still thinking about what happened this morning...

"Nani?" She caught me staring at her.

"N-Nothing... It's just that... you've been quiet since earlier... I was thinking maybe you're nervous or something..."

She didn't answer but instead she stared back at me with those eyes that I cannot read.

"Jurina-san." She said my name. "I wanted us to win, that's why I promise to do my best. I wanted to be remembered that I did something that made you happy. Even at least in this way."

"Mou.. why do you sound like this will be your last dance?" I asked. "Win or lose, what's important to me is that we're all in this together. You already made me happy right since you started to dance with me, and I'd be happier if we'll share a lot of more dances together."

I saw Rena-chan blushed. She faced away from me and looked down the ground.

"Juritan, don't forget that we're about to graduate soon. Maybe what Rena-san means is that she wanted to make good memories." Airin joined the conversation.

Memories. Good or bad, they always makes me sad. It feels like they only exist in the past and will never happen again.

"What's with those sad faces? We're next!" Churi tried to refresh the group's mood. "It's our turn now! Let's go and have fun out there!"

One by one we step on stage and positioned ourselves. The lights turned on and our music started to play. We move exactly the way how we practiced it. But there's something more to it. If there's one thing different in our group from the others, it's that we're all friends to begin with. That's why we always enjoy dancing together. No pressure at all.

Well yes, I once had a particular reason why we have to win this competition, but now that's irrelevant anymore. Because I knew that my friends always have been a big part of my reason. I wanted to win for them, to repay everyone's hardwork, and to see them all happy.

Oh, here comes the part where we go into pairs and where my partner is Rena-chan.


What was that?


Rena-chan... Her moves... Sugoi~

When did her dance becomes this so breath taking? Why does my heart reacts to her like this?

Her eyes are locked on mine. Then I remember how she looked at me last night. I saw in her eyes how she truly worried for me. She was only there, silently listening to me and I didn't hear her utter a single word. But when she held me tightly in her arms, I felt how she wanted to tell me that she cares for me. She was like a different person last night.

Maybe that explains why this dance between us seems so different from the previous ones we've had. Because after last night, I feel like our closeness have grown much deeper.

But I think there's something more to her dance now. Rena-chan has transformed into like the loveliest butterfly I have ever seen. She already amazed me the first time I saw her dance. I witnessed how she worked hard to catch up with the group. And now she's glowing... even more radiating.

Is this what she meant when she said she will do her best? She's putting everything to her dance like there's no tomorrow. She dances like it's her last dance with me.

But I don't want to think that this might be our last dance. I wanted to dance with her more. This is the first time I felt this way with my dance partner. When I dance with her, I feel like our souls are being connected together.

Is it even possible that sisters can also be soulmates? Ah, it doesn't matter. All I know is that I don't want our dance to end.

And then Rena-san stopped moving. W-Why did she stop??

Then a loud applause from the audience filled the whole place. It only means that our number has ended even before I knew it. It's weird that I felt a little disappointed because the time was not enough. My body is still craving to dance with her more.

After all the finalists' performance, it's now time to wait for the announcement of the winner. Everyone, ofcourse, was excited to know which dance group is the champion. Rena-chan suddenly held my hand. Woah, her hand is as cold as ice. I guess she's a lot more nervous now than earlier before we performed. I clasped my hand with her, entwining our fingers.

And then the judges finally called the name of the champion.

"T-They called our school!" Churi shouted.

"We won..." Airin said almost in tears of joy.

Me... I only stood still. Things are not yet sinking. I can't still believe it's happening. Then Rena-chan hugged me out of her excitement.

"We made it... Jurina-san..." She said near my ear, tightening her arms around me.

The four of us climbed up the stage together to receive the award. It's the fruit of our hardwork. The happiness on my friends' faces are priceless. Their smile is way much valuable than any gold medal or trophy that we can get. And then I thought, this is only the very first competition that we tried to join. If this is how good the feeling is everytime we can win together, then maybe, this is only the start for more to come.


Later after the event, we received a reservation invite from a fine-dining restaurant near the hotel. So, we decided to spend our dinner there to celebrate our victory.

"Too bad, Sakippe-sensei's not here to celebrate with us." Churi said.

"I admire her over-preparedness, though." Airin added. "She even expected the we'll going to be champions that she already reserved this restaurant in advance for our celebration."

We finished our dinner and went back to the hotel. As we reached the hotel's lobby, Rena-chan suddenly paused right before we enter the elevator.

"Airi-san, do you have a minute?" Rena-chan asked Airin and she only nodded.

"Jurina-san, please go ahead." She turned to me. "I'll go up later shortly."

"S-Sure... Take your time." I answered her.

Churi and I took the elevator alone. Rena-chan and Airin? I wonder what they will talk about.

"When did those two became close? They seem like they'll about to talk something serious." Churi curiously said.

Churi's right, they both sure look serious.

"I have no idea. But I think that's a good thing though, that Rena-chan's starting to open up herself to others." I answered.

"Rena-chan's a bit quiet earlier at the dinner, wasn't she?" Churi added. "I know she's the quiet type, but I just thought that maybe something's bothering her."

Bothering her? I suddenly remembered what happened this morning. I really hope it's not about that.

"Something happened, isn't it? It's written all over your face." Churi asked staring at me. "Come on, spill it."

"I-I'm not sure of this but... it might be possible that it's because of what happened earlier this morning." I started to explain. "Last night I had a dream about Mayu-chan... and when I was about to kiss her... I woke up and saw Rena-chan's face close to mine..."

"Hahaha!" Churi laughed at me. "That's funny! So, you almost kissed your own sister!"

"Hey... keep it down..." I said in an embarassed voice.

"Jurina-chan's a pervert! You probably creeped her out!" She kept on laughing.

The elevator opened and we both got off as we reached our floor.

"Then... dreaming of her only means you're still not over with Watanabe-san." Churi concluded. "Arghh!! I swear I'm going to break the neck of whoever will dare to hurt you again."

I gave her a smile. I knew Churi only worries for me.

"So, what do you plan to do next? Now that she's out of the picture?" She asked as we walk to our rooms.

"I... honestly still don't know yet..." I answered.

"I see. But I'm surprised that you look better now. I was expecting that you'll mourn for few more weeks!" She giggled.

"Thanks to Rena-chan, she helped me get better."

"Well, she should. You're sisters after all." She said reaching our doors. "Do you want me to keep you company tonight? You're free to take advantages if you want..."

"Nah... I'll just wait for Rena-chan to come back."

"Haha! I'm just kidding though. Oyasumi!" She bids goodnight.

"Oyasumi." We entered our own rooms and closed the doors behind us.

I laid on my bed straight. Geez, I'm so tired that I can't move anymore. I guess, I'll just fix my baggages first thing tomorrow before we come home.

I stared at the ceiling. Now that the competition is done, what will I do next? I'll probably go back to school, take final exams, graduate highschool... and then what?

How about I accept Grandfather's proposal? It will surely make Rena-chan happy. Then we can be together and will never be separated from each other. That's right! I'm decided! I'm going to tell her as soon as she comes back!

Ah, but I'm so sleepy. What's keeping her so long? I think I should go ahead and take a short nap.


I opened my eyes. It's a bit brighter now. Eh? It's morning already?

I searched for Rena-chan's bed. Her pillows and sheet are neatly placed. I can't see her personal things inside the room either.

"Rena-chan?" I called her but no one's answering.

I ran to the next room and knocked continuously.

"Airin, have you seen Rena-chan?" I immediately asked as she opened the door.

"She already left. Her family's private car came to pick her up earlier this morning." She answered.

"Oh... We didn't even had a chance to say goodbye. I dozed off too early last night. I guess, we'll just meet again on school." I said in a sad voice.


We're all now about to go home and leave Sapporo. Too many things had happened in this city. I know that a part of me will forever stay here, but I'll take my heart with me as I go.

"Goodbye, Mayu-chan." I softly whispered.

The moment I leave this place, I knew that a new beginning awaits for me.

We took a train for hours, going back to our hometown. Churi reached her station first and then mine is next. I get off the train as we arrived my station.

"See you at school!" I waved goodbye at Airin as she was left inside the train.


"Tadaima!" I excitedly greeted as I arrived home. "Okaasan, I'm back!"

I entered our house and continued to look for her inside.


No one's home? I wonder where my mother went...

*Phone ringing*

An unknown number is suddenly calling my mobile phone. I picked it up.

"Matsui Jurina." A deep voice spoke my name.

"Who's this?" I answered.

"If you want to see your mother safe. Come alone to the address that I will send you." The voice instructed.

"W-What did you do to Okaasan!!? WAIT!!!"

But the caller immediately hung up after speaking. Then I received a text message containing an address.


My body is shaking. I don't know what's going on. I've never been scared like this before, but I have to do what they wanted. I will go alone and save my mother... even if it costs my own life.


start of the second half finally :nervous
please bear with me :bow:
thanks for reading! :)

Offline Raizel

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #86 on: July 29, 2015, 12:15:05 PM »
OH MY GOD.. So ainivel-san the second half will full of trouble.. :banghead: But I love trouble.. :twisted:
And the start is Jurina's Mother got kidnapped..Argh..Nooo.. :shocked
Poor Jurina, she just come back from Sapporo.. :banghead:
But Jurina slowly develop a feelings toward Rena.. Wohoo.. :inlove:
Can't wait to see next chapter.. And don't worry, Take your time cz I will waiting.. :twothumbs

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #87 on: July 29, 2015, 12:16:54 PM »
You finally come, I miss you so much,  I thought that you leave the fic then I remember that you are out for some work lol, my stupid brain you  know that I miss you so much,

OMG I'm sure Rena got hurt when jurina tries to kiss her, ahhh why so many hurtful things appearing and who the he'll kidnap jurina mom is it Rena mother or grandfather? 

Author-San you know that I really want to murder you *evil smile * Nyahahahahaha don't I'm just joking beside love your fic please update soon and don't leave your fic I beg you

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #88 on: July 29, 2015, 12:23:15 PM »
OH MY GOD.. So ainivel-san the second half will full of trouble.. :banghead: But I love trouble.. :twisted:
And the start is Jurina's Mother got kidnapped..Argh..Nooo.. :shocked
Poor Jurina, she just come back from Sapporo.. :banghead:
But Jurina slowly develop a feelings toward Rena.. Wohoo.. :inlove:
Can't wait to see next chapter.. And don't worry, Take your time cz I will waiting.. :twothumbs

Grrrrrrrrrrr as I was commenting you appear and kick me and comment before me I will murder you   :angry:

Offline Raizel

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #89 on: July 29, 2015, 12:33:35 PM »
OH MY GOD.. So ainivel-san the second half will full of trouble.. :banghead: But I love trouble.. :twisted:
And the start is Jurina's Mother got kidnapped..Argh..Nooo.. :shocked
Poor Jurina, she just come back from Sapporo.. :banghead:
But Jurina slowly develop a feelings toward Rena.. Wohoo.. :inlove:
Can't wait to see next chapter.. And don't worry, Take your time cz I will waiting.. :twothumbs

Grrrrrrrrrrr as I was commenting you appear and kick me and comment before me I will murder you   :angry:
LOL Sorry.. I'm the first..  :P

Offline niineechan

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #90 on: July 29, 2015, 12:38:58 PM »
Uh-oh! :shocked:
Who kidnapped Okaa-san? Save her, Juritan! :panic:

Thx 4 the update, author-san.. :bow:
Don't worry, i'll bear with u 4Ever.. :grin:

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #91 on: July 29, 2015, 12:51:38 PM »
Quote from: Raizel link=topic=38631.msg1342123 #msg1342123 date=1438164905
OH MY GOD.. So ainivel-san the second half will full of trouble.. :banghead: But I love trouble.. :twisted:
And the start is Jurina's Mother got kidnapped..Argh..Nooo.. :shocked
Poor Jurina, she just come back from Sapporo.. :banghead:
But Jurina slowly develop a feelings toward Rena.. Wohoo.. :inlove:
Can't wait to see next chapter.. And don't worry, Take your time cz I will waiting.. :twothumbs

Grrrrrrrrrrr as I was commenting you appear and kick me and comment before me I will murder you   :angry:
LOL Sorry.. I'm the first..  :P

 :bleed eyes: but......but I was commenting first just because of my bad network my comment go second it's unfair I will make you my dinner today never miss with wolf GRRRRRR))

Offline Raizel

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #92 on: July 29, 2015, 01:18:33 PM »
Quote from: Raizel link=topic=38631.msg1342123 #msg1342123 date=1438164905
OH MY GOD.. So ainivel-san the second half will full of trouble.. :banghead: But I love trouble.. :twisted:
And the start is Jurina's Mother got kidnapped..Argh..Nooo.. :shocked
Poor Jurina, she just come back from Sapporo.. :banghead:
But Jurina slowly develop a feelings toward Rena.. Wohoo.. :inlove:
Can't wait to see next chapter.. And don't worry, Take your time cz I will waiting.. :twothumbs

Grrrrrrrrrrr as I was commenting you appear and kick me and comment before me I will murder you   :angry:
LOL Sorry.. I'm the first..  :P

 :bleed eyes: but......but I was commenting first just because of my bad network my comment go second it's unfair I will make you my dinner today never miss with wolf GRRRRRR))
Gomen.. Gomen.. You know I'm not tasty enough.. :sweatdrop: I think you will have a stomachache.. 
Then I will hide under bed..  :panic:

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #93 on: July 29, 2015, 04:26:36 PM »
Finally~ An update!

I smell more trouble hereM I wonder if Jurina will meet Rena at school>w<
Now Jurina start to feel 'DOKI DOKI' to Rena^0^/
And who the one that kidnapped Jurina's okaasan?><

Thanks for the update, ainivel-san^^
I'll surely wait for the next chapter!
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #94 on: July 30, 2015, 01:31:38 AM »
Woahhhhh, trouble will come XD XD
Anyway, what happen to Rena?
And Jurina is slowly having feeling toward Rena

Thx for your update
And take your time

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #95 on: July 31, 2015, 02:10:42 PM »
I wonder what will happen to Jurina's mom
I felt like she likes her more than a sister haha
and because she is not really her sister..

thank you for the update
I missed you so much ≧﹏≦

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
[YuiParu Pair]
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Offline ainivel

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.13 07/29/2015 Update!
« Reply #96 on: August 12, 2015, 08:01:45 AM »
konbanwa! welcome to the second half of my wmatsui fanfic, where the main plot continues :sweatdrop:
we took a long detour, chapter 14's like the real succeeding part of chapter 1 :shocked
and if two roses is the opening song that i imagined for this story, then kegareteiru shinjitsu is the 2nd opening haha! i've been listening to this song while i'm writing this chapter and besides, i think they somehow sound alike :grin:

@Raizel,wmatsui fanfic.: i was laughing at your little catfight haha! you really made my day, guys.. but don't fight again, okay?  :wub:
@niineechan: 4ever doesn't exist... lol just kidding! you will know who this chapter :thumbsup
@junchan48: they'll meet again... just not sure if at school though :?
@blackcold: i wonder why many readers like trouble in stories... writing such is kinda stressful sometimes y'know? :lol:
@yuuri14: aww i missed my readers too.. so here's the next chapter! :twothumbs

The Forbidden Dance
Chapter 14

Without thinking twice, I went out the house and immediately took my bicycle. I didn't bring anything else with me, except for my mobile phone that contains the address.

The sky is getting dark and the sun is almost down. Each time I hit my pedals, the sharp coldness of the wind strikes directly my skin like needles, ignoring my thick coat that covers me.

The location of the address is not near our house, it's outside the town's vicinity. But I know I can reach the place by just bicycle. And I'm right, I arrived my destination in more than two hours ride.

The sun is now gone. It's so quiet and I can't see any people around. By describing the place, it looks like an old abandoned warehouse similar to those of in movies where hostage-taking and kidnapping takes place. But this is no movie at all, and I can't believe this can happen to me in real life.

I might get killed tonight in this creepy place. That's what I'm thinking right now.

I get off my bicycle and gathered all the courage I can get to enter the place. It's spacious inside but totally empty. I further went in and saw a single chair in the middle. Someone's sitting on it. When I went closer to check, I immediately recognized the woman on the chair.

"Okaasan!" I rushed to her.

She's tied up and her eyes are close. I tried to wake her up.

"Okaasan, please wake up!"

I checked her pulse and heart beat. Thank God, she's still breathing. But why is she not waking up?

"You're such an obedient girl." A voice coming from inside the place spoke to me.

"Who are you!? Show yourself!!" I shouted out, my eyes searching around.

Then a shadow of a lady slowly came out. She walks closer to my direction and shows herself.

"Jurina-chan, omedetou~" A familiar person greeted me. "I heard your group won. Sensei's very proud, y'know?"

"S-Sakippe-sensei....? W-Why are you here?" I asked confused.

"You're asking me that? I was the one you called you." She smiled at
me. "Oh, I see. Perhaps, this little thingy over here made you not recognize my voice earlier."

She's holding a strange microphone-like device connected to her phone.

"Y-You...?? W-What did you do to my mother!!"

"Relax, Jurina-chan~ I just gave her something to calm her down. See? She's peacefully sleeping."

"W-Why are you doing this... W-What do you want from us!!!"

"Hmm, I wonder..." She answered in a playful voice. "Actually, it's my mother who really wanted to see you."

"Your mother?"

"Yes and I believe you've already met before." She said after. "Isn't that right, Okaasama?"

From her back, another shadow then appeared.

"Y-You?" I was surprised to see the woman behind her. "B-But you're Rena-chan's mother!"

"I'm glad that you still recognize me, Jurina-san." She answered in a polite way.

I looked at both of them. What's going on? Things started to confuse me more...

"I-If she's your mother..." I turned to Sakippe-sensei. "Then Rena-chan..."

"Is my most precious little sister." She finished off my sentence.

"That means we're sisters, too?" I asked to confirm.

"Technically maybe?" Her answer was uncertain. "Remember, I told you that I was only adopted by a Matsui family. We're not related by blood."

"I don't get it... why didn't you tell me this from the start? And even Rena-chan kept silent about it..."

"Let Okaasama explain to you everything. I have to leave now, so that you can talk in private. Please excuse me." And then she left us.

What the hell is happening here...

"What is it that you want to know, Ojousama?" Rena's mother asked me. "It will be my pleasure to be able to serve you before you disappear."

"D-Disappear??" I answered. "I-I don't remember that we've done something against you. Why are you doing this to us!"

"Let's just say that... you're in the way." She calmly answered. "Thanks to my beloved daughter, I can finally erase your existence."

"I didn't know Sakippe-sensei hate me that much..." I said.

"Oh dear, I'm not pertaining to Sakiko..."

"W-What do you mean?"

Before she answers me, another shadow showed up. And then... I felt like my world suddenly stopped turning... when a very familiar person appeared before me.


I'm lost for words when I saw her right infront of me. Things get even harder to comprehend.

"W-What are you doing here..." I asked  her out of my shock.

"It was Rena I'm talking about." Her mother said giving me smile. "She's full of surprises, isn't she?"

"N-No... T-This is not happening!!! T-They only forced you... R-Right?? R-Rena-chan??"

"Oh my... no one forced her. In fact, she's the one who planned everything from the start. And she did it on her own will." Her mother answered for her.

"Rena-chan... tell me what she's saying is not true..." I looked at her. "I know you couldn't do such a thing... We're sisters... aren't we?"

But she couldn't look straight back at me. I'm waiting for her to deny the things her mother is saying about her. But she only kept silent about it.


I'm starting to lose my patience. I'm trying so hard not to think that she's guilty.

"Rena, sweetheart... Please don't be rude to our Ojousama... Go on and answer her..." Her mother told her in a gentle like voice.

I waited for Rena-chan to answer. I stared at her and felt her hesitation. The temperature in the place is very low, but I can see her sweating. She looks like almost as pale as ice.

"I'm..... not your sister..." She finally speaks up.

"N-Not your sister...?" I repeated in a question.

"Rena is my daughter from another man. Which makes you the only grandchild of the chairman. The real Matsui. The sole heiress." Her mother finally revealed the root of everything.

I thought I was about to lose my mind in that moment. I felt like my head is splitting into two. My body is rejecting the truth infront of me.

"So, it's true... isn't it?" I asked Rena-chan once more. "All because of wealth and power... you pretended to be my sister... Everything between us was a lie!!!"

"The truth about my daughter's identity will be kept hidden. And once we get rid of you, she remains on the throne, no one else can ever take it away from her." Her mother added.

"Rena-chan clearly knew that I don't care about those things! You can have it all! Spare me and my mother!" I answered back.

"It's too late now, Ojousama. The chairman already prepared his plans for you. It's hard to stop to him once he made up his mind. And we don't agree with his idea. My daughter doesn't have to share with anyone."

"Rena-chan... I believed in you... I trusted you... How could you do this to me!!!" Tears started to pile up my eyes.

"Rena, please help our Ojousama to calm herself down."

Her mother then pulls out something and hands it over her. It looks like a syringe.

"Don't you dare come near me!!!" I yelled at her.

She froze when our eyes met again. I glared at her. I despise her.

"Rena, do it now!" Her mother ordered her.

Suddenly, a number of men in black suits surrounded the place.

"Don't move!" One of them commanded.

I recognized that person. It's the same guy who went to our house before. He saw my mother and immediately ran to her.

"Keiko, are you alright? Wake up!"

He called my mother's name like they've already known each other. He checked her and I can feel in his voice that he's truly concern about her.

"Ojousama." He turned to me. "I'm Endou Kenichi. Matsui family's butler and the chairman's secretary. I'm here to keep you both safe."

I felt relieved and secured in his words. I think it is okay to trust him.

"Don't let them get away!" He commanded his men.

The men tried to capture Rena-chan and her mother.

"Don't touch me! Don't you even know me? I'm Matsui Naoko! The chairman's daughter-in-law!" Rena-chan's mother protested.

Then a fast car suddenly arrived and took Rena-chan.

"Rena! Get in! Hurry!" Sakippe-sensei opened the car's door.

"B-But...! How about Okaasama..." Rena-chan hesitated.

"There's no time! Just get in now!" She shouted at her.

Before Rena-chan get inside the car, she took a last glimpse of me. I only watch her escape, until she's out of my sight.

"Juritan! Are you alright?" Airin suddenly showed up and ran to me.

"Airin...? How did you..."

"No time for explanations. What important now is that you're safe!" She answered. "We need to get out of here."

"Rena..... Rena is getting away..." I said grabbing her arms.

Airin didn't speak. She only looked back at me with so much concern.

"Ojousama!" Endou-san called. "Your mother needs to be rushed to the hospital. I believe she was overdosed."

I turned back to my mother again and tried to wake her up.

"O-Okaasan? Okaasan!!! I beg you... please open your eyes..." I cried out holding her. "I'm so sorry... I should have listened to you..."

"Juritan... please get a hold of yourself." Airin was at my back, trying to calm me down.

But I can't calm down in this state. I'm so scared that my mother might not wake up again. She's the only family I have. And then anger slowly follows next, it's starting to swallow me up whole.

"It's her fault... I will never forgive her..." I angrily said. "That criminal will pay for this..."


"I swear I'd find you..." I clasped my fist and yelled out hard.



rena-chaaaan!!! i want to shout her name too :panic:
i will miss her in ske48 :cry:
anyways, it's a bit short.. i'll try to update sooner :nervous

thanks for reading! :)

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.14 08/12/2015 Update!
« Reply #97 on: August 12, 2015, 09:21:52 AM »
I wish this is January, not August, so that we'll have her a bit longer..  :gyaaah:

Airin... Is she a secret guardian or something?? :?
And now, Juritan and Rena will be enemies... hhh... :on cloudeye:

Nice update as usual... Keep it up! :on woohoo:
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 03:39:43 PM by niineechan »

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.14 08/12/2015 Update!
« Reply #98 on: August 12, 2015, 10:05:54 AM »
I hope this is january too  :cry:
I love her so much. And till now i can stand to know rena's graduation
And nice update there author san. Waiting for your new update  :twothumbs

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Re: [WMatsui] The Forbidden Dance Ch.14 08/12/2015 Update!
« Reply #99 on: August 12, 2015, 10:43:53 AM »
This chapter is intense ainivel-san..  :shocked
Jurina was blinded with rage.. Then how about Rena?, I just want to cry.. :cry:
I just wish that Jurina didn't do anything bad to Rena.. :banghead:

P.S I and Taro-san aka wmatsui fanfic have made up, dont worry.. XD

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