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Author Topic: Warriors - Chapter 29 [WMatsui] (01/07/2020)  (Read 114080 times)

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #80 on: July 08, 2015, 07:11:49 AM »
Finally.. Rena is awake.. Plus she smile to Jurina.. :inlove:
I can imagine Jurina's surprise face... XD
Thnx sophcaro-san for a great update.. Now I can calm my heart knowing Rena has awake.. :w00t:

Offline niineechan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #81 on: July 08, 2015, 11:59:30 AM »
Waa~ u updated.. :)
As usual, u always got me, author-san! ;)
Finally, rena awake!
And the first one she see after her long slumber is jurina! :-o
This must be fate! :D
Or maybe she's been waiting jurina to visit her in her room the whole time.... <3
Thanks to u, now i'm having this contended feeling in my heart...~ \(^o^)/
Keep it up, author-san!
thx alot n Ganbare....

Offline Kiri-el

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #82 on: July 08, 2015, 02:40:35 PM »
Of course, I like WMatsui, especially Rena's character in this fic and their slowly developing, complicated relationship, but still... that background MaYuki... :heart:

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #83 on: July 10, 2015, 12:17:50 AM »
  That smexy time with annin tho.... Kyaaahhh  :inlove:

Yes... Rena wakes up!
Come on Jurina, she came to your mind so it means.... You know what it means XD
Update soon 👍(≧∇≦)/

Offline junchan48

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #84 on: July 10, 2015, 03:43:56 PM »
Woaaaaah~ JuriAnnin smexy moment just so woaaaaah>O<
MaYuki are so cute. That's only 'sleep together', but that was so cute><
And FINALLY! Rena-san is AWAKE! She even smile to Jurina>< Thanks for WMatsui simple yet cute moment, author-san^^

Wait for moaaaaaaarrrr. Thanks for updating^^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #85 on: July 10, 2015, 04:23:04 PM »
Somehow I just feel that.. Jurina here is so manly. And extremely cold. And not sensitive. Especially to her own sister
But that's a good thing, doesn't it? Lol I like her character in this fanfic o' yours
And here two thumbs up for JuriAnnin smexy time :twothumbs

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #86 on: July 10, 2015, 09:01:17 PM »
Yay, Rena's awake! All aboard the WMatsui ship! Even their mare and stallion approve. :P

It seemed their relationship had developed a bit more quickly than she had anticipated.
Does Jurina approve of Mayuki? Or will she be overprotective?  XD

Thank you for the update!

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #87 on: July 12, 2015, 06:01:40 PM »
I can imagine Jurina's surprise face... XD

Yep, her very startled face. The shock woke her up immediately :lol:

Finally, rena awake!
And the first one she see after her long slumber is jurina! :-o
This must be fate! :D
Or maybe she's been waiting jurina to visit her in her room the whole time.... <3

Haha, yes, probably a bit both  ;)

Of course, I like WMatsui, especially Rena's character in this fic and their slowly developing, complicated relationship, but still... that background MaYuki... :heart:

You like MaYuki very much, don't you? You also made a comment about MaYuki on Heartbeat/Partners a while ago. Even if they are indeed the 'background' couple, I should be able to put more MaYuki cute moments in the next chapters ;) I like writing about them in Warriors, they add a bit of necessary lightness to the story.

That smexy time with annin tho.... Kyaaahhh  :inlove:

Woaaaaah~ JuriAnnin smexy moment just so woaaaaah>O<

And here two thumbs up for JuriAnnin smexy time :twothumbs

I see there are a few Jurina/Annin fans out there! Glad you liked it. I'm afraid we won't see much about them now, though. I think :nervous

Yay, Rena's awake! All aboard the WMatsui ship! Even their mare and stallion approve. :P

It seemed their relationship had developed a bit more quickly than she had anticipated.
Does Jurina approve of Mayuki? Or will she be overprotective?  XD

Well, animals are far less complicated to understand than humans, aren't they? :P Thanks for mentionning this small/not so anodyne moment!
About your question, we'll see if Jurina approves of MaYuki very soon. But considering her, indeed, overprotective nature...
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 01:50:23 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 12 [WMatsui] (22/07/15)
« Reply #88 on: July 22, 2015, 03:49:50 AM »

Rena's smile faded at the sound of her own hoarseness, and she looked away in confusion from her protégée's, after taking in her very shocked expression. Her eyes scanned the room, trying to process where she was, and understand why she was feeling so sleepy. The familiar sight of her bedroom eased a bit her slight disoriented state, before concern washed over her as everything came flashing back into her mind. Now, she couldn't help but gaze down at her legs hidden under the cover worriedly, the memory of the effect of the poison very much vivid. As she tried to sit up to assess her condition she discovered how weak she still was - the task proving to be more difficult than she would have expected - but relief filled her chest when her groggy body finally obeyed to her command after the second attempt.

"Don't move, Rena-san."

Rena jolted out of her thoughts and she raised her eyes, watching the young girl who was making her way around the futon and approaching the small table, soon kneeling in front of it. Rena watched her while she lightened up the candle resting on the small piece of furniture, until noticing the reproach in her eyes - enhanced by the waving flame - as she turned to look at her.

"What are you doing here?" Rena inquired, confused by the girl's presence in her room. If someone had told her her protégée would be the first person she would see after her forced convalescence, she would definitely have laughed at the improbability.

"I just came back from the village," Jurina replied, leaning forward and lifting up the right sleeve of Rena's kimono nonchalantly, in search of the mark the poison had left when the shuriken hit her arm.

"I see." Though taken off guard by the girl's sudden action Rena let her proceed with her examination, feeling the surprisingly gentle touch as Jurina's thumb brushed her skin. Reflecting upon her words and slight - but not unnoticed - unease at her question Rena could guess there was something her protégée was hiding from her - not to mention her answer did anything but really reply her question - but she decided to not insist.

"It's all gone," Jurina announced as she pulled the sleeve down and leaned back, "Do you want me to warn Kashiwagi-san that you're awake?"

"No, she must be sleeping," Rena shook her head softly. She got a small nod in reply and silence surrounded them anew, until Rena's eyes widened a bit as she realized in which way the young girl had called her friend. Kashiwagi-san? Of course, she was being slightly disrespectful - considering the kyudo instructor's rank in the clan - but it was still different from the way she talked to her. She had, after all, called her by her first name again just a few minutes ago. However, despite failing to understand this difference of treatment, Rena found herself less disturbed by her protégée's familiarity towards her than she would have expected. "Are you alright?"

"Me?" Jurina frowned, disbelief in her voice at her protector's concern. "I'm perfectly fine."

Rena reached out for her forearm and her fingers circled it, giving it a light squeeze. The immediate small wince Jurina's mouth produced gave her the answer she feared. "You're a bad liar, Watanabe-san."

"It will pass," Jurina retorted immediately, refusing to meet Rena's scolding look. Why did her body have to betray her so easily?

"I told you to leave me behind," Rena declared. She was more than glad that the stubborn girl had listened in the end and not fought the samurai - as she wouldn't be speaking to her right now if she had done otherwise - but her next action still confused her. Why did she save her? The whole way back to the clan was just a blur and, because of her weakened state back then, she barely remembered anything about it, but the girl's tenacity as she commanded her to get on her back was very much engraved in her memory.

"Yes, and it was a stupid request," Jurina snapped, her angry eyes back on the older girl, "did you want to die?"

Obviously, it was a rhetorical question, but Rena couldn't help but look away, finding herself incapable of formulating an immediate answer. Her short and latest encounter with Airi flashed through her mind, and sadness filled her eyes at the memory. She could still remember each word uttered and feel each single touch from her as if it only happened just a few seconds ago, and the notion that it felt very real - despite being just a figment of her imagination - caused a deep pain in her heart.

After Airi's death she had, out of rage, done the unconceivable, and that person she had momentarily transformed into still sent shivers down her spine every time that fateful day crossed her mind. Once the frightening monster within her had vanished - thanks to a much unexpected help - rage had been replaced with despair, tears flowing down her cheeks at the view of the girl's lifeless body in her arms. At the time, she had more than wished to join her into afterlife. Fear of being left alone in this cruel world, that had dared to separate her from the girl who brought so much light in her life, was stronger than any rational thought.

Rena still didn't comprehend what caused the vision of her friend to haunt her anew - she had, after all, believed to have put her past behind successively these last two years - but her terrible wish resurfaced immediately at the sound of Airi's soft voice, as if it was lurking all this time, waiting for the right opportunity to taunt her again. Her friend's comforting arms were a place she refused to leave, and a voice inside her head was telling her to succumb to this shameful desire. It appeared fate had decided otherwise, despite how much she fought to stay in the presence of her loving long dark-haired friend.

Rena glanced back at the young girl who was sitting by her side, probably wondering why her question was staying unanswered, considering her deep frown. Airi's enigmatic words about her protégée came to the forefront of her mind, and she wondered why she would come to such a conclusion. We are too different, Rena had wanted to blurt out to her smiling fading image, it can't work!

We still are, Rena mused as she studied Jurina's features through the dim light of the candle. Although they had had very few interactions since both sisters' arrival at the clan, each one of them had been pretty memorable, and it didn't take her long to figure out she didn't have much in common with the younger one. She still didn't fully comprehend this unconditional love Mayu seemed to have for her younger sister but, unexpectedly, she was starting to catch a glimpse of what she had mentioned that day in the dojo. Yes, her protégée was stubborn, rude, and more than difficult to handle, but after what they had just been through and what she had witnessed, she knew there had to be more to it than this tough exterior.

Rena reached out for Jurina's hand that was resting on her thigh and she placed her palm upon it, encircling the fingers underneath gently. The young girl's hand grew stiff at the contact but she didn't try to retract it, instead looking at the kenjutsu instructor in bewilderment. Rena couldn't help a small smile from falling on her lips as she squeezed the recalcitrant hand inside hers a bit, and there was no doubt in her voice when she spoke. "No, I don't. Thank you for saving my life."

Rena didn't how long they stayed simply looking at each other without saying a word, but, after a little while, she felt the hand inside hers slowly relaxing. "Good, because you still need to teach me kenjutsu."

Rena arched an eyebrow, taken aback by her protégée's commanding tone, until her keen hearing managed to discern the subtle playfulness behind it. Rena's features softened progressively, and she realized she would definitely have missed it if she wasn't paying closely attention to her interlocutor. Rena pondered this surprising aspect of her personality that she had just discovered, until her mouth curved up in mild amusement as she finally replied. "I will, and I do expect you to be present in the dojo first thing in the morning as soon as I'm able to resume the lessons."

Rena could tell by her protégée's small wince that she wasn't really happy with the arrangement, but no words left her lips in protest. Rena blinked a few times as she felt her eyes shutting against her consent, and she could tell her weakened body only wished for one thing: to rest.

"Go back to sleep."

This time, Rena didn't get fooled by the sudden order coming from her protégée as she heard the faint concern behind it, and, as she let her body lay down on the futon again, she wondered why she had never been able to notice all this before. Had she been so focused on the girl's rude behavior that she had failed to see what was carefully hidden behind it?

Rena could tell she was soon going to drift off as her eyes were refusing to stay opened, and she had to muster all her willpower to take a last peek at the young girl. She followed her sleepily as she stood up and moved towards the candle, the flame waving a bit as she kneeled in front of it and approached her lips. Jurina's brown orbs glanced back at her in expectation, and Rena didn't resist her body's urge anymore, falling asleep immediately as Jurina blew the candle out.


The daylight was already penetrating the room when Mayu fluttered her eyes open. It didn't take her long to assess it was still very early, considering the yawn escaping her lips and her sleepiness. Just as she was about to fall back to sleep she felt the small weight on her stomach and she gazed down in curiosity, noticing the hand resting on it. Mayu blinked a few times, startled by Jurina's unusual display of affection, until a better observation told her it wasn't her sister's arm. Her eyes widened as she took in her surroundings, discovering indeed that she wasn't sleeping in the room she shared with her younger sister.

Suddenly, everything that happened a few hours ago came to the forefront of her mind - from the incident with her sister to Yuki's invitation - and Mayu tilted her head towards the girl sleeping next to her. Warmth filled her chest at the view of her protector's peaceful sleeping expression, and she couldn't ignore the faint acceleration of the beating of her heart as she gazed at her longingly.

Mayu pretty much remembered falling asleep next to her protector, and she wondered at which point during the night her protector's arm ended up in such a position. However, the question vanished into thin air when she realized she didn't really care. All she could currently think about was the pleasant contact of her protector's hand, as it laid still on her stomach.

"Good morning, Watanabe-chan."

"Kashiwagi-san," Mayu murmured as she felt the older girl stirring up beside her and progressively opening her eyes to look back at her.

A warm smile spread on Yuki's face as she relished their proximity, until she noticed her own hand laying on the young girl's stomach. Confusion washed over her as she didn't remember placing it here in the first place, but as she looked up and studied her protégée's expression carefully and didn't read any sign of unease, she decided to keep it there a little longer. However, the comfortable silent exchange between them didn't last, as Mayu's features suddenly contorted in worry.


Yuki frowned at the girl's sudden outburst, watching her in surprise as she sat up on the futon they shared. "What is it?"

"My sister will soon be back from the village," Mayu explained as she got up on her feet, "she'll get worried if she doesn't see me in our room."

Yuki followed the young girl as she was now making her way towards the door, and she sat up slowly, surprise in her sleepy voice as she spoke. "You really care deeply about your sister."

Mayu stopped in her tracks, seemingly pondering her protector's words as she didn't move an inch, until she glanced back at her, a genuine smile on her lips. "I do. I know it's hard to understand, but she's everything to me."

Yuki didn't try to contradict her. It was true she didn't comprehend this unique bond the two sisters seemed to share, but she more than wished that she would someday, amazed by the sudden light in her protégée's eyes at the mention of her sister.

Mayu locked eyes with her protector for a little while, until her smile faded when she realized she was, in her haste, about to leave without uttering the words she wanted desperately to tell the kyudo instructor. "Thank you for letting me stay."

"You're welcome," Yuki replied, a warm smile forming on her lips as she witnessed her protégée's flustered expression. She truly believed she would never grow tired of seeing it. "Don't hesitate to come back if you feel the need."

Mayu nodded softly at her protector's kindness, already missing the warmth of her embrace. Torn between her desire to stay by her side and the will to not worry her sister she hesitated, before making up her mind and moving towards the door. For now, her priority was to make sure her - already troubled sister - would not find her futon empty upon her return. Shooting a last glance at the kyudo instructor over her shoulder, she knew that her affection for her, growing stronger day by day, would prompt her to take up on her invitation very soon.

Mayu's eyes widened slightly when she entered her room and discovered her sister sleeping. It was still early in the morning, and she truly believed she would manage to make it in time before Jurina's return from the village. Guilt washed over her as she could imagine Jurina wondering worriedly where she was, and she knew her younger sister was going to pepper her with questions when she would wake up in a few hours.

Mayu carefully laid down on her futon, making sure to not make too much noise, and as she slowly pulled the cover over her body, a gasp escaped her lips in surprise when Jurina suddenly turned to look at her. "Jurina, you're awake."

"Yes, I didn't sleep much," Jurina admitted, before quickly continuing when she noticed that Mayu was about to speak. She had repeated her small speech inside her head a few times now, and she wanted to make sure to utter it properly without being interrupted. "About early on, I shouldn't have left like that. I'm sorry."

Despite being uttered in a murmur Mayu didn't miss the apology, and she reached out for Jurina's hand to squeeze it lightly. "I know you are. It's already all forgotten."

"You really like your protector, don't you?"

"Why do you..." Mayu started, taken aback by her sister's - out of the blue - declaration, before sighing softly. "Yes, I do."


"I know what you're going to say," Mayu cut her off, noticing the surprise in Jurina's eyes as she did so. "I promise I'm being very careful."

"I don't know if I should be disturbed or amused that you can read my thoughts so easily," Jurina teased.

"Jurina," Mayu groaned, pushing her arm softly, "I'm being serious."

Jurina smiled at her sister's unexpected playful gesture, until her amusement vanished and her features grew more serious. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't," Mayu murmured. After spending 18 years by her sister's side she could now read her pretty well, and she knew nothing she would say would ever ease her sister's mind completely. Still, she had to try. "I know you still have your doubts about this place, but I believe it to be safe. And Kashiwagi-san... I trust her."

"Alright," Jurina relented, though somewhat reluctantly, until her sister's last words sank into her mind, and she arched an eyebrow in mild amusement. "Kashiwagi-san? No more Kashiwagi-dono?"

Mayu buried her face in her pillow in frustration, a muffled groan escaping her mouth when she heard the soft giggle escaping her sister's lips. "It's still early, let's go back to sleep. I don't want to be late for my kyudo lesson."

Mayu felt the futon next to hers shifting and she tilted her head in curiosity, ending up face to face with Jurina as she inched closer. "Of course you don't."

Mayu's fingers gripped her bedcover tightly and she covered her face with it swiftly, blocking the annoying view of her grinning sister effectively. "Goodnight, Jurina."

Mayu sighed in relief when her sister's amusement finally stopped a few seconds later, until popping out an eye open from under the bedcover when she felt a palm resting on her hand. She could feel the hesitancy in Jurina's action by its slight stiffness, but a small smile formed on her lips at the unexpected affectionate gesture - relishing every second of it - until her eyes drifted closed progressively and she fell asleep.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:58:54 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 12 [WMatsui] (22/07/15)
« Reply #89 on: July 22, 2015, 04:57:54 AM »
Yes an update..
And guess what.. Sophcaro-san you make this chapter full of moments.. :w00t:
First is wmatsui moment, Rena that finally realized Jurina's hidden meaning when she is speaking and Jurina that open up to her instructor.. :inlove:
Second is mayuki moment, they are so cute together and still shy.. :deco:
And the last is Jurimayu.. I think I want more of their moments author-san..  :bow: :inlove:
Thanks for update.. :twothumbs

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 12 [WMatsui] (22/07/15)
« Reply #90 on: July 22, 2015, 05:20:55 AM »
Once the frightening monster within her had vanished
Gekikara?  :shocked

Yuki used "-chan" this time. And Jurina's always called Rena by her first name (and only "Matsui-dono" sarcastically in her head  :lol:).

I'm very excited and happy about all the feelings this chapter. Thank you for the sweet chapter!  :inlove:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 12 [WMatsui] (22/07/15)
« Reply #91 on: July 22, 2015, 07:53:02 AM »
An update! :grin:
WMatsui moment.. :wub:
Mayuki moment.. :wub:
JuriMayu moment.. :wub:
And Juju being more gentle this time..
Haaa... U spoiled me so much Sophcaro-san.. :lol:
Arigatou.. :bow: :twothumbs

Offline junchan48

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 12 [WMatsui] (22/07/15)
« Reply #92 on: July 22, 2015, 08:02:46 PM »
FINALLY! An update!^0^/
Don't worry Sophcaro-san! I like Jurina x harem, but I LOVE JURIRENA~~~
Someone was more gentle now~
I can feel WMatsui affection will start here. WMatsui feels>///<
Another MaYuki lovely moments. They always cuter than before XD
And JuriMayu just so AAAAAAAWWW~~~>///<
Their bond is sooo unique yet very strong!
I can't wait for the another WMatsui sweet moments><

Thanks for the update, Sophcaro-san^^
Gonna wait for the next one!
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 12 [WMatsui] (22/07/15)
« Reply #93 on: July 28, 2015, 02:55:38 PM »
Continue soon

I'm addicted to you ff


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Re: Warriors - Chapter 13 [WMatsui] (08/08/15)
« Reply #94 on: August 08, 2015, 01:53:58 AM »

Ogawa no kami let her eyes travel the scroll laying on her desk, despite her focus constantly shifting to a certain woman, and what she had dared to do without her consent. The girl clenched her fists as the memory of the news flowed her mind again, before exhaling deeply in frustration. She ran her fingers through her black, shoulder-length hair briefly before leaning back in her chair, shutting her eyes to try and erase her worried thoughts.

At the young age of twenty two year old, Ogawa no kami was known as the youngest head of a clan of the entire country. Her father, well famous for his irrepressible thirst for battle, had left her - at his death - with a vast region to rule. Naturally, she had followed her father’s wishes and continued the expansion of their lands, defeating her neighbors one after another. No one seemed capable of stopping her advance, except for the region in the North East of the country, still out of reach.

It was not that she didn’t wish to conquer Shinoda-dono’s land - quite the contrary - but her father had always warned her against this particular opponent, stating it was better to stay out of her way. Ogawa no kami never really understood what her father feared so much about this woman but she had kept cautious nevertheless, and cleverly avoided any conflict with the older samurai.

That was why she couldn’t believe her ears when she learned what her most trusted advisor had done behind her back. The frontiers of Shinoda-dono’s clan were never to be crossed under any circumstance, and her advisor had just gone against the rule established years ago. 

The door suddenly slid open and she gazed at it in curiosity, her features immediately hardening at the view of the woman who had occupied her mind all morning. She watched her as she silently walked towards her - a smile plastered on her face - the tip of her fingers brushing the surface of her desk before she leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“I missed you, Sayanee.”

Despite being very familiar with the use of her nickname the head of the clan flinched at it, not in the mood today for her usual seductive act. When the twenty six year old woman searched her lips she tilted her head the other way and it made the older girl pause in surprise, not used to being denied.

“You seem awfully tense, did something happen?”

Ogawa no kami noticed the slight reproach in her voice and she turned to stare at her, trying to contain her anger the best she could when she spoke. “Why did you send those two men, Miyuki?”

Miyuki’s mouth tugged into a smirk and she momentarily turned her back to her - seemingly pondering her question - before setting her amused eyes on her again. “I’m impressed. Nothing ever escapes you.”

“I’m asking you again,” Sayaka repeated, irritation washing over her. “Why did you do this?”

“I can sense you’re mad at me,” Miyuki sighed, taking a seat at the corner of the table, “But I don’t see why. I only did so in order to check our enemy’s strength.”

“Shinoda-dono’s clan is powerful,” Sayaka chided, not believing the other girl’s nonchalant behavior. “If she ever discovers we were the ones who sent them…”

“Don’t worry,” Miyuki cut her off gently, a reassuring smile on her lips. “They won’t be able to retrace them back to us. My spies know better.”

Sayaka arched an eyebrow at her declaration - wondering what she meant by that - and half fearing what she might have done. After all, she was more than aware of the despicable methods her advisor sometimes used to obtain the information she needed. Until now, she had always closed her eyes - as they successively helped her to reach her goals - but she was afraid the other girl might have gone too far this time.

“What are you so afraid of?” Miyuki exclaimed, noticing the head of the clan’s troubled expression. “These last three years, you defeated the clans of Oshima-dono and Yokohama-dono. In no time, you’ll be the youngest leader the country has ever known.”

“Don’t make the mistake of underestimating her,” Sayaka retorted. They already had this conversation dozens of times, but it seemed her advisor only listened when it suited her. “Shinoda-dono has many great samurais under her lead.”

Her father’s refusal to attack this particular clan had recently led Sayaka to investigate - curious to discover the reason behind her father’s reluctance - and the information she had gathered had more than even prompted her to keep her distances. Oshima-dono and Yokohama-dono, despite being fierce opponents - had been no match against her powerful army. Shinoda-dono’s army would not been dealt with so easily. Far from it.

“Perhaps,” Miyuki conceded, “but she doesn’t have a cunning advisor like you do.”

Sayaka snapped out of her thoughts at the older girl’s playful tone. Every time they had a serious conversation and it didn’t go the way Miyuki hoped, she used that card on her. Despite being well aware of it, Sayaka couldn’t help but fall in her trap each and single time. Unfortunately, Miyuki’s charms still worked perfectly on her after all these years, and Sayaka knew her voice was much gentle than she would have wished when she spoke up again. “I’m serious. Don’t ever do something like this again.”

“At your orders, Yamamoto-dono.”

Sayaka watched as Miyuki leaned seductively across the table, and she didn’t refuse her advances this time when she captured her lips in a lingering kiss. From their first encounter, Miyuki had managed to put a spell on her, clouding her mind with the passion each touch inspired. Sayaka was more than conscious that her true weakness originated from the woman who had enchanted her but, unfortunately, she was too far gone to do anything about it.

Rena gave the thirteen year old stable boy - Akihira-kun - a thankful smile when he took the leash of her mare and moved towards the stables. A whinny made her pause in her tracks as she was about to pass the front gate and she looked towards the direction of the stables, knowing perfectly well which horse in particular was greeting her calm mare so loudly.

Rena shook her head in light amusement, more than conscious that her protégée’s horse had been trying to woo her mare for months now. However, despite his many attempts, it appeared her mare still refused to relent to his advances. Rena was starting to wonder how long this little game was going to last. Was the proud stallion finally going to understand it was useless to try, and move on to another mare? Apparently no, as he still kept on sticking to her side each time he had the opportunity. Rena had to admit her protégée had gotten herself a horse worthy of her character: like her, he always did as he pleased, and never took no for an answer.

As she finally made her way to the clan Rena’s thoughts focused entirely on the young girl Shinoda-dono had put under her care. A month ago, Rena had resumed the kenjutsu lessons in the dojo and followed the progress of her young protégée with great interest. Rena had witnessed so many bad aspects of her personality since her arrival at the clan, that she couldn’t help but welcome her tenacious behavior during trainings. The girl was present first thing in the morning in the dojo as agreed, and listened to each of her instructions without complaining once.

However, her attitude with the other young samurais was a bit troublesome. She didn’t count the number of times she had to intervene to stop the girl from going too far. Of course, they were only allowed to use bokken at such a stage of their training, but a simple wooden sword transformed into a dangerous weapon when the young girl engaged in a combat, and didn’t control her emotions. Unfortunately, she never did.

That was what had transpired the most during all the times Rena had watched her young protégée in action. Much as she had progressed fast and incredibly well this last month, she was still incapable of following the number one rule of kenjutsu. Worse, this behavior of hers seemed to influence others, as she sometimes saw calm trainees let their frustration take control of them during a fight. Rena knew she needed to have a serious talk with the young Watanabe sister about it, but she feared she would not been inclined to comply to her wishes.

Rena made her way to the dojo, willing to check the place one last time before tomorrow’s training. It was almost sundown, and she always liked to make sure everything was in order before the first morning lesson.

As she approached the door of the dojo her steps slowed down as she perceived a noise coming from inside. She frowned at the strange occurrence, considering the place wasn’t supposed to be occupied at such a time of the day. Her fingers slid the door open in curiosity, and she stared in disbelief at the four young trainees attacking with their bokken her young protégée who was defending herself doggedly.

Rena blinked a few times, not believing what she was witnessing. The young girl was sweating profusely and breathing hard - which meant the fight had probably been going on for a while - but she kept replying to each and single attack directed at her fiercely. Under any other circumstance, Rena would have believed the four men had attacked her out of frustration - probably worn out by her daily provocations on the tatami - but she knew it wasn’t the case by the smile on her protégée’s lips. She was enjoying herself very much, and a small voice inside Rena’s head told her she may even have orchestrated this whole fight.

“What is the meaning of this?” Rena exclaimed, knowing she had to interrupt this improbable scene unfolding in front of her. Not only the dojo was not to be occupied outside of the lessons hours, an unequal combat between samurais was highly forbidden.

At the sound of her voice the bokken halted mid air, and five heads turned towards her in surprise. While the four men lowered their bokken immediately - avoiding her disapproving gaze in shame - the last occupant of the room stared back at her, a growl escaping her lips in annoyance. 

“Four against one?” Rena continued as she walked towards the five occupants of the room. She was trying very hard to keep her calm, but this was an unforeseen situation. “What have I taught you?”

“Please forgive us Matsui-dono,” one of the young men replied, bowing at her with respect, “Watanabe-san asked for a duel and…”

“This is not a duel,” Rena cut him off, her voice rising in anger. “There’s four of you.”

“His friends were watching from afar,” Jurina interrupted, “I thought: the more the merrier.”

Rena’s attention shifted to the young girl who was still trying to catch her breath after her intense fight, and who had a very amused look on her face. Of course she had guessed right, and her protégée had initiated this whole thing.

“I’m disappointed in you,” Rena declared, as she addressed the four men anew. “Watanabe-san is still new to this clan, but you have no excuses. You know the rules of this dojo, and therefore should never have disobeyed them.”

You could almost hear a pin drop as none of them dared to reply or even look at her, the kenjutsu instructor’s reprimand falling hard on them. After watching each of them carefully and seeing how truly remorseful about their actions they were Rena let out a sigh, knowing they had learned the lesson. “You can leave.”

The four men didn’t waste any time and bowed courteously at her before swiftly putting their bokken back on the stand and exiting the room without a word. Jurina was about to follow the same path when Rena’s commanding voice stopped her in her tracks. “Not you, Watanabe-san.”

Jurina turned on her heels, gripping tightly the bokken in her hand as she gazed at her in annoyance, “Why did you stop us? We were practicing!”

“This was not practicing,” Rena retorted. “It was a disloyal fight.”

“That I willingly asked for!” Jurina shouted. “I’ve had enough of training. I want to have a real fight.”

“You’re too impatient,” Rena replied, slightly taken aback by her rude tone. She had believed they had passed that attitude of hers - considering the young girl had never addressed her that way again after their first heated confrontations - but it seemed her frustration coupled with her impatience were bringing out the worse out of her.

Rena noticed Jurina’s grip on her wooden sword progressively relaxing, until the young girl approached her with a look of defiance, and paused when they were mere feet away, “Fight me.”

Words stayed stuck in Rena’s mouth as she heard her protégée’s incredible demand. Was she truly asking her that? A part of her wanted to laugh at the audacity - no trainee before her had ever dared to make such a request - but the young girl’s steady gaze told her she had to grant her with a proper and honest answer. “You’re not ready, Watanabe-san.”

“I knew you would say that,” Jurina chuckled bitterly as she looked briefly away, before setting her eyes on the older girl, this time more calm. “You said you would be training me, but I can feel I’m not progressing anymore.”

“You have progressed a lot lately,” Rena retorted gently, not missing the slight despair in her protégée’s voice. “But you are right. These lessons are useless if you can’t control your emotions on the tatami.”

“What do you mean?” Jurina asked, letting her instructor take the bokken out of her hand softly, and following her in confusion as she placed it back on the stand.

“Do you remember what I told you the first time you asked me to teach you kenjutsu?” Rena replied as she turned around to face her.

“That I was rude?” Jurina offered with a smirk.

“Not that,” Rena shook her head softly, a small smile falling inadvertently on her lips. “I said kenjutsu requires both calm and discipline.”

“Oh that,” Jurina muttered, avoiding her eyes.

“Yes, that,” Rena replied on a light tone, amused by her protégée’s unusual sudden discomfort. “Your discipline is not perfect, but it’s better than I would have expected. However, you really have to work on your temper. On a battlefield, you wouldn’t last one minute against a samurai who knows how to control his emotions.”

“I know,” Jurina admitted. “But I can’t change.”

“I’m not asking you to,” Rena shook her head, resting her hand on her shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. “But I can help you control your emotions better.”

Rena’s kind words finally prompted Jurina to look back at her, and she pondered her suggestion carefully. A part of her was a bit suspicious of what her instructor had in mind, but another got swayed by her desire to progress, and to a certain extent by the genuine smile on the older girl’s lips. “Alright.”

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 04:05:28 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 13 [WMatsui] (08/08/15)
« Reply #95 on: August 08, 2015, 03:31:19 AM »
Thank you for this chapter
He he he~
Wmatsui moment~
Love it
Please update soon

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 13 [WMatsui] (08/08/15)
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2015, 06:41:15 AM »
SayaMilky appeared.. :luvluv1:
Jurina's horse wooing Rena's mare? Tehee... :shy1:
Can't wait for the owner's part in wooing another owner.. :shy2:
Awesome. :mon thumb:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #97 on: August 09, 2015, 01:12:42 PM »

Churi slid her bedroom door open and moved aside to let her client pass - giving him a few seductive words as he leaned in for one last kiss - before watching him leave as he descended the stairs, a satisfied expression all over his face. Once he was out of sight Churi tilted her head to Nobunaga who was waiting on the side with obvious impatience, considering the arms crossed over her chest and her loud sigh.

“I didn’t know I had a new client,” Churi teased.

“I would treat you better than all those men,” Jurina countered on the same light tone, before entering the room and not wasting a moment to collapse on the futon.

Churi shook her head at her friend’s usual flirty attitude, before sliding the door closed behind her. While preparing herself to go to bed - having thankfully just finished with her last client for the day - she observed the young girl’s curious behavior - as she was inhaling and exhaling deeply and repeating the process over and over, eyes tightly shut.

“What are you doing?” Churi arched an eyebrow in confusion.

“My protector says I need to meditate to control my temper,” Jurina explained between two breathings.

“What?” Churi giggled, her reaction owing her a displeased growl. “And how is that working for you?”

“What do you think?” Jurina huffed, stopping her little exercise in defeat.

“I never noticed you had a temper,” Churi joked, taking a seat by her side and watching her with great amusement. “I wonder how she came to such a conclusion.”

“Don’t make me laugh,” Jurina chuckled tiredly, “I had a very long week, between my kenjutsu lessons and this useless boring exercise. I’m exhausted.”

Churi laid down beside her and propped herself up on one elbow, running her fingers affectionately through Jurina’s dark, shoulder-length hair. It was a gesture she had noticed seemed to appease her young friend, and she wasn’t in the least surprised when she saw her body relaxing.

Her thoughts shifted to the woman who had stormed in the house more than a month ago, in search for her protégée. Their confrontation had been so awfully tense that day, that Churi truly believed their relationship was doomed to fail. However, considering the bits of information Nobunaga had shared with her these last weeks, it seemed her young friend had unexpectedly warmed up a bit to her protector. Of course, they still had a few points of contention: their most recent one being apparently on the most efficient way to help the young girl control her emotions.

“She is quite good looking,” Churi affirmed nonchalantly.

“Who?” Jurina mumbled sleepily.

“Your protector,” Churi clarified.

At those words Jurina briefly popped an eye open - assuming the older girl was joking - before noting her serious expression and genuine smile. “You think? I didn’t notice.”

“Really?” Churi exclaimed, amused by her friend’s feigned disinterest. “I believe she would have quite some success here with a few clients.”

“Don’t even tell her that,” Jurina snorted.

Churi let her fingers brush Jurina’s left cheek lightly, before moving upwards to her scars. When she had had asked her about them a long time ago, the young girl’s reply had more than surprised her, not believing she would have gotten them during trivial fights. Many times in the past she had observed them longingly - a tinge of sadness filling her chest that they had damaged such a beautiful juvenile face - until realizing she had got it all wrong from the start. Nobunaga’s marks were nothing to be ashamed of, and mostly concealed a beauty within her, one carefully hidden from inattentive eyes. 

Churi took advantage of Nobunaga’s closed eyes to depose a chaste kiss on her lips. As expected, she noticed her friend’s confusion when she stared back at her, and a smile fell on her lips when she leaned back. “A small gesture of gratitude for everything you’ve done for me.”

She could tell Nobunaga was slightly taken aback by her declaration as she didn’t utter a single word for a while - seemingly pondering over what to reply - until she finally spoke up again.

“I wish I could do more,” Jurina murmured, before a frown crossed her features in annoyance when explicit noises started emanating from the room next door. “You shouldn’t be working here.”

Churi watched Jurina’s troubled expression and lightly caressed her arm to try and ease her mind, before mentally thanking her lucky star for crossing path with such a unique human being. That day of their first encounter, when she had held on tight and not relented to Nobunaga’s rejection, she had made the best decision of her entire life.

A sigh left her lips in content as she laid her head softly on Nobunaga’s chest, ignoring all the noises surrounding her to concentrate on the slow and regular beating of the heart beneath her. Her friend’s unfailing loyalty was a driving force that, thankfully, helped her go through long and sometimes very difficult days.

“Hold me in your arms, Nobunaga,” Churi whispered.

Churi wasn’t sure if her request would be granted. Nobunaga was definitely not big on demonstrations of affection, and tender gestures mostly came from her. Indeed, there had been a few light kisses on the cheek and on the forehead from her young friend, but they were very rare occurrences.

Churi waited patiently - almost believing she would have to settle for Nobunaga’s much appreciated proximity - until feeling two arms encircling her gently. It was a bit hesitant at first - almost awkward even - but she could tell Nobunaga was getting progressively accustomed to the embrace as the minutes went by. Indeed, fingers caressed her long hair shortly after that, and Churi let her eyelids close, now absolutely convinced she had truly found the sole light in her miserable life.

Rena couldn’t help but feel relieved when she left the courtyard where the young trainees were currently training at kyudo, and the old Watanabe sister’s words sank in her mind. When she had stepped in the dojo this morning she had been surprised by the sole missing face, preventing her from completely focusing on the lesson all morning. As soon as her last trainee left the dojo she found herself moving towards the courtyard - willing to investigate her protégée’s unusual absence during her lesson - only to have her older sister inform her that she was still sleeping when she left their room this morning. Now, Rena was standing in front of the room in question, more than decided to have a word with the young girl.

“Watanabe-san, are you here?” Rena inquired.

“Yes,” the answer came a little while after, switflty followed by a “come in.”

Rena slid the door open at the invitation and what she found behind it made her freeze instantly. Her protégée was well present in her room as her sister indicated, but the sight presented to her was not the one she expected. Indeed, before her was laying on the futon and on her stomach her apparently still half asleep protégée, entirely naked.

Rena found herself momentarily at a loss for words, and she couldn’t help but observe the nude form offered to her, her gaze falling at first on the tip of her dark hair spread over her shoulders, before moving downwards to her naked slender back, and finishing on the curves a bit lower.

Rena would probably have kept on staring at the unexpected sight in front of her if she had not been interrupted in her observation by the small grunt escaping the young girl’s lips, and her startled eyes fell into her protégée’s sleepy ones as she tilted her head towards her.

Rena cursed at herself for all the stupid questions adding themselves in her head, wondering why on earth the view was making her feel so abnormally agitated. There was probably a very simple and logical explanation for her protégée’s current undressed state, one that should never have unleashed this peculiar behavior of hers. When the young girl began to slowly sit up on the futon to face her Rena tilted her head to the side, definitely not wishing to repeat the shameful staring she had been doing just a few seconds ago.

“What is it, Rena-san?” Jurina grumbled as she rubbed her eyes sleepily, and very much unaware of the turmoil currently going on inside her protector’s head.

When her question was met with silence she finally noticed the older girl’s strange attitude and she frowned - wondering what could have provoked it - before remembering her current nakedness as she gazed downwards at herself. Despite realizing it was the obvious reason for her protector’s discomfort she choose not to do anything about it for now, leaving the bedcover tossed aside near the futon where it was.

Jurina found herself watching with great amusement the woman who was avoiding her eyes and purposely anything else; relishing seeing her so out of her comfort zone. Never once during their conversations the kenjutsu instructor had kept so silent like she currently was, and the unforeseen sight was simply too incredible to not take advantage of it.

After a little while, when she had decided her protector’s unease had lasted long enough, Jurina stood on her feet and her eyes searched the room for her clothes, quietly putting them on, before shifting her attention to her protector when she was finally done.

“I think I’m going to sleep naked from now on,” Jurina declared nonchalantly, guessing her protector was kind of expecting an explanation for her previous undressed state, “Summer is way too hot in this region. It’s impossible to sleep with clothes on.”

Rena didn’t reply, trying to brush aside the image the young girl’s words had just put in her head again. And she was finally starting to erase the memory of what she had seen… Rena mentally cursed herself for her behavior, too focused on her own thoughts and her desperate wish to erase the inappropriate image, to notice the amused smile on her protégée’s lips.

“It’s not that I mind your presence in my room,” Jurina said, enjoying herself way too much, and taking another seat on her futon, “but is there a reason for you to be here?”

Those words jolted Rena out of her thoughts, and she finally looked at her. “You missed the lesson. I was wondering where you were,” Rena replied, now more composed, and choosing to leave purposely aside the worry her absence had caused.

“I did?” Jurina replied in surprise, suddenly feeling a bit guilty when she realized the light inundating indeed her room, confirming her protector’s affirmation. “I came back from the village quite late yesterday,” Jurina explained, this time being the one averting the older girl’s eyes.

It was not that she felt ashamed about her weekly visits to a certain house - after all, her protector was well aware of them - but she remembered the promise she had implicitly made to her a little more than a month ago. She was supposed to be present in the dojo each and single day first thing in the morning, and she had unintentionally failed to keep her word this time.

Jurina took a peek at the older girl still standing in front of her, expecting to see disappointment and maybe even anger in her eyes. What she saw instead surprised her immensely. It was none of both. Had she been worried about her? It was not like Jurina to apologize to anyone - in fact, she had only done so a very few rare times to her sister, and only when she judged the situation absolutely required it - but she couldn’t help the words from escaping her lips when she spoke up. “I’m sorry.”

Warmth filled Rena’s chest at the young girl’s sincere apology - one she would never have expected to hear from her -  and she sent her a small smile in reply, her features now more relaxed. “It’s alright.”

Jurina briefly nodded at her at that - relieved her simple words seemed to have a positive impact on the older girl - until her latest conversation with Churi came to the forefront of her mind. There was something she had meant to tell her for days now, but she had until now refused to broach the subject, convinced the little method they had put in place would manage to work in the end. Unfortunately, after trying again and again it still proved as fruitless as the first time, and she knew she couldn’t stay quiet any longer.

“Your meditation thing, it’s not working,” Jurina admitted, a small defeated sigh leaving her lips.

“It’s not?” Rena exclaimed, only half surprised.

When she had suggested her that exercise two weeks ago, she knew by the look on her protégée’s face that she wasn’t in the least happy with it but she had insisted nonetheless, knowing the positive effect it could have on her if she truly decided to follow it. Of course, it was a long shot - considering the young girl’s difficult personality - but she was pleased when she had finally accepted to try, not without a certain reluctance. Unfortunately, it seemed she had reached her limits, and was failing to succeed on her own.

“No, so I hope you have a plan B for my little temper issue,” Jurina continued half jokingly.

Rena pondered over her words carefully, searching her mind for any other method that could help her solve her problem. Obviously, it was out of the question to give up. Her young protégée was truly gifted when it came to kenjutsu, and she couldn’t stop admiring how quickly she had learned the techniques she had taught her during her lessons. However, as necessary they obviously were for her to progress, her temper problem was a big issue she had to solve quickly, if she wished to progress any more.

“Alright,” Rena nodded, taking a seat in front of her. Meditation was a technique that had been passed to her by her own kenjutsu instructor years ago, and she knew the positive impact it could have on the human brain if properly taught. After all, she had been herself pretty devastated after Airi’s death, and she believed she would never have been able to move forward - and become the experienced kenjutsu instructor she now was - if not for the benefits meditation offered.

“Are you focusing on positive thoughts?” Rena inquired, more than decided to help the lost girl in front of her.

“What’s that?” Jurina snorted. The only thing that crossed her mind when she closed her eyes was a face that still haunted her ten years later. Positive thoughts? A complete and unknown notion.

“You need to brush aside any worried thought and think about things that give you pleasure,” Rena explained, trying to catch the young girl’s attention. Indeed, Jurina wasn’t looking at her anymore, and the kenjutsu instructor could guess her question had somewhat triggered something negative within her. Maybe memories she wished to forget.

“Anything in particular? Because I’m running out of ideas,” Jurina exhaled deeply in frustration.

Rena thought thoroughly about it, the exercise proving to be more difficult than she would have expected. Her protégée’s question made her realize how little she knew about her, despite the gap that had immensely been reduced between them since the attack. Of course, they spoke on a daily basis, but it was always about kenjutsu matters. Not once she had questioned her about a private matter - never too keen on prying - and the secretive young girl had not been inclined on sharing much about her, anyway.

“Your sister. You love her deeply, don’t you?” Rena suggested, receiving a confused nod in reply, “then focus on her.”

Rena waited patiently for the young girl to comply, and she watched her carefully when she finally closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Rena wondered what could be crossing her mind as she saw her tensing up at first, until her features finally relaxed a little while later. 

A small smile inadvertently fell on her lips as she watched her protégée’s peaceful expression. During her kenjutsu lessons, the young girl was an exemplary trainee, always listening with the utmost care to every advice given that could help her progress. Of course, she could tell she enjoyed very much the practice of sword fighting - judging by the smile she could sometimes witness on her lips during training - but never once had she seen her features so relaxed as right now. It was a fascinating view.

“Rena-san,” Jurina whispered, “I think it’s working.”

A pleased expression crossed Rena’s features and she extended her hand, resting it carefully on the young girl’s one when she finally looked back at her a while later.

“See,” Rena smiled, squeezing the hand beneath her lightly. “You just need to find the right focus.”

Jurina nodded at her silently, indeed realizing this little exercise wasn’t as stupid as she would have thought. Miyuki’s face had stubbornly refused to leave her at first, until her sister’s one had finally replaced it, enabling her to thankfully ease her mind. Jurina didn’t know exactly why and when it happened during the process but, at some point, the bright smile of her sister vanished, the image of her instructor filling her mind. Jurina had tried to brush it aside at first - a bit disturbed by the unexpected intrusion - until relenting when it refused to leave her after a few fruitless attempts.

Maybe the older girl’s current presence by her side had caused the sudden vision; Jurina had stopped trying to figure out the strange occurrence when no other explanation came to mind. Mayu’s image had managed to bring her so much necessary peace that she had been a bit frustrated by the unwilling change, until progressively realizing that the effects on her body were not as negative as she would have believed. Quite the contrary.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 04:06:35 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #98 on: August 09, 2015, 03:13:23 PM »
*closing eyes*
Inhale.. Exhale..
I can feel it.. The image of Rena filling my mind..
:shy1: :shy1: :shy1: :shy1:
:on GJ:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #99 on: August 10, 2015, 12:12:43 AM »
wooow! two chapter!!
thanks a lot autor san!

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