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Author Topic: Hope - chapter 10 (WMatsui) 6/9/2015  (Read 19831 times)

Offline menamarco96

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Hope - chapter 10 (WMatsui) 6/9/2015
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:07:09 AM »
Its been such a longggggggg time since I post a fic. I think it was a year (?) Im not sure if people knew what I ff I wrote before  :lol: By the way, Ive been having like 6 drafts on my folder. And I think its time for me to unleash the kraken a new fic. Put aside all the graduation sadness and please read this fic  :D Please comment and point out my flaws. Ill keep it quite short for chapter 1.

She was never needed. Neither in her so called family, she was looked up as a burden in their eyes. Both of her parents died in a car crash when she was 9. Her aunt’s family was all that is left for her and they despise her from the moment she stepped in their doorsteps. Although both of her maternal parents left her a sum of wealth, somehow, all those things end up under the palms of her aunt. She remembered those fake kindness and sympathy that her aunt enacted while the lawyer told them about her. Eventhough she was young, she knew all those sympathy were just an act, since her mother doesn’t have a good relationship with her aunt.

After years and years past, Jurina wasn’t treated as a daughter, not that she expected to, she was more like a servant. One night, her aunt fought in a huge argument with her uncle and the last thing Jurina saw was her uncle slamming the door and never came back. Jurina was a little happy that her uncle left for good though. On certain days when her aunt worked overtime at night, her uncle would bring in unknown women in the house and Jurina knew he was up to no good.

But the downfall to her uncle’s departure is that her aunt grew more financially broke. The amount of wealth left from Jurina’s maternal parents couldn’t support the payment for their two-storey house and they were force to move out and moved into a small rented apartment. Her aunt refused to pay for her enrolment in high school and told her it’s a waste of money to spend for a good-for-nothing like her. So Jurina was left with no option but to work multiple part time jobs. Luckily, those wages she received could support her school bills and she was more than happier to continue with her part time work rather staying in the mouldy apartment.

In school, she was always the quieter ones and preferred to stay at the back and the corner of the class. She chose to be unsociable rather than mingle with things that don’t pick her interests. Not that she hasn’t had any interests in anything whatsoever. But students in her class don’t deserve to be friends with a total good-for-nothing like her. There were a group of people who tried to be friends and converse with her, but all of them grew tired at the unresponsive her. But later on, someone eventually managed to change this side of her.


Like any other loner, Jurina would always come to the rooftop for lunch alone. Sometimes she would just sit on the cement floor or lay down while staring at the blue sky above, without eating. Since her aunt never gave a single penny to her, she decided to cut back the use of her money and save it for more important things later.

On that particular day, Jurina was a little exhausted since she worked overtime and did midnight delivery. She was a little drowsy during class and she quickly rushed towards the rooftop during lunch for a short 25minutes nap as she set her phone alarm clock.
But that day, Jurina’s short nap was interrupted. She felt someone lingering near her side and Jurina opens her eye to find a black hair girl sitting next to her, reading a book. From Jurina’s perspective, even by her side features, the girl was overwhelmingly beautiful. The girl still remains unnoticed on Jurina’s consciousness, but only make an “Oh” sound when she saw Jurina sat up from her laying position.

   “You’re awake,” said the girl, sounding delighted.

   Jurina wasn’t really that amused by the girl’s presence, but she couldn’t help feeling a little strange on this girl sudden existence by her side.

   “Oh, you must be wondering why I’m here, right?” assumed the girl with a knowing smile, “Well, the cafeteria seems to be packed and I don’t feel like reading in class. So I came here instead. And I found you.” Jurina just scrunched her eyebrows at the information and stood up, ready to leave the place.
   “E-Eh? Where you’re going?” questioned the girl

   “Somewhere else,” replied Jurina in a husky tone, since she didn’t talked with anyone for a while today. Jurina doesn’t really feel like giving the cold shoulders towards the pretty girl, but then, she also doesn’t feel like associating with anyone too.

   As Jurina walked towards the door led towards the staircase, she heard the girl spoke aloud from behind, “I’m Matsui Rena. Nice to meet you.” Jurina paused her steps for a moment at the small introduction and gave a small nod before dashing off the stairs. On her way down, her mind couldn’t help but to think of the girl and their appallingly same surname.

Jurina fished out the keys from her school blazer pockets and unlocked the door to the shabby apartment. The stale smell of alcohol fills the tiny living room. It seems that her aunt had been drinking again for the up tenth time. The small coffee table was a mess with bills and papers. Jurina heaved a heavy sigh at the jumble and proceed to her small scruffy room. She was completely enraged as she saw the great mess her room was. Someone had searched up her room. Her closets and drawers were open, her pillows were scattered on the floor, her reference books on the study table were flipped open. This work must be none other than her aunt’s.


   Her rage didn’t really cooled down eventhough she was at work that late evening. The staffs there did asked her on why she looked so pissed off but she just shook them off with a “Nothing, I’m fine.” Since Jurina works part time at a Pizza place, she also sent delivery to people’s house either by walk or with their company’s motorbike. Jurina soon received a medium sized Hawaiian chicken pizza delivery to delivered at a not so far house. She placed the helmet on her head and drove the bike to the address that was stated.

   She arrived at a posh looking housing area with rows of 3rd storey houses neatly arranged side by side. Jurina scanned for the house number 27 and find it at the end of the lane. The house has a slightly bigger space than the others since it was at the end. Jurina stopped the bike and proceed to ring the house doorbell. She couldn’t saw anyone behind the polish brown gate of the house, but she heard a sound of a door opened and footsteps walking towards the gate. One of the mini gates sprang open and a girl in white shorts and a pink shirt walked out.

      “E-Eh? You?”

   The girl whom Jurina met at the rooftop earlier appeared infront of her.  Jurina looked back at the address state on the pizza box and stare at the huge house and back to the girl, Rena.

Offline ChrunchyCream

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« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2015, 09:19:41 AM »
Update soon,this is cool Author-san  :grin:

Offline Raizel

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« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2015, 09:33:25 AM »
I love your previous fic Marco-san.. Eh can I call you that? And I think I'm gonna fall for this one too.. :inlove:
And welcome back.. Glad you back on writing.. :w00t:
I like Jurina character, she is a loner.. :w00t:
But I also pity her, just kick your aunt Jurina.. :banghead:
Oh Jurina meeting Rena again.. :inlove:
Can't wait what happen next, hope the next chapter will be longer.. :twothumbs

P.S I know your ff before like Coincidence, Nametag, and the others. You wrote a lot back then and I'm such a silent reader but now not anymore.. :banghead:

Offline The Ray

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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2015, 10:12:22 AM »
jurina life story very sad  :cry:

Please update author-san
« Last Edit: July 24, 2015, 01:32:50 PM by The Ray »
~WMATSUI forever~

Offline Wilnadz

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« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2015, 11:57:38 AM »
Jurinaaaa >_< i love your fic Author-san XD please update soon..thanks :D

Offline Rina_Yuu

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« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2015, 01:12:34 PM »
I found this INTERSTING  :inlove: :inlove:
So please update soon Author-san  :twothumbs :ding: :luvluv1:
Silent Reader with many Oshi. Rina Yuu desu ._.
Indonesian \\(^o^)//

Offline key17

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« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2015, 02:27:20 PM »
aww.. jurina meet rena again! it's destiny haha XD XD

can't wait for next update!! give me more wmstsui XD

update soon please :D


-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline junchan48

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« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2015, 06:49:07 PM »
Well done, author-san! This fic is cool!
Poor Jurina. You should rent an apartment just for yourself, cause your aunt is suck!
Rena-san will start to feel curious with Jurina~

Thanks for the fic, author-san!^^
I'll wait for the next chapter!
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline daichi matsui

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« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2015, 09:47:32 PM »
Relly interesting  :ding:
Definitely notify this fanfic  :on GJ:
Update soon  :hee:
Yoroshiku ne~ author-san

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2015, 10:22:17 PM »
poor jurina !

Offline vickystar

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« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2015, 09:03:32 AM »
Its not miracle its destiny :") I like it. Glad to see your fic^^ and glad to see you too
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline menamarco96

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« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2015, 03:55:09 AM »
Thank you for your comments. And yeah, Jurina is such a loner character hahaha. Its totally the opposite of her actual character lmao  :lol:

The girl whom Jurina met at the rooftop earlier appeared infront of her.  Jurina looked back at the address state on the pizza box and stare at the huge house and back to the girl, Rena.

   “You worked part time jobs huh?” asked Rena, as if finding this new info interesting. Jurina just nodded and held the pizza box towards Rena, “800 Yen”. Rena wasn’t really in a hurry to pay and she starts to question a lot of stuff towards Jurina.

      “How long have you been working on this job?” asked Rena gleefully with a slight curiosity in her tone.

      “Can’t remember..”

      “How many hours do you work in a day? Don’t you get tired with all the school work and your jo—“

      “Can you just give me the damn money? I have other deliveries to do,” replied Jurina angrily. But she soon felt a twinge of guilt when she saw a quite offended look on Rena’s face. Rena sighed and fish out some coins and gave it to Jurina.

      “Thanks,” Jurina managed to mutter the word before starting the motor engine. She could feel her back being watched by Rena as soon as she starts to zoom off from the place. Half of her wanted to apologize for her rude actions, while the other half says just go away.


   Jurina wasn’t feeling that well in school today. Because she got hit by the rain while she was heading back home after her job ended. But somehow, she forced herself to go to school since her aunt isn’t working today for some reason. And she’d knew her aunt will ask her for some money and shits if she stayed.

   Jurina usually focus in class despite shutting herself from her classmates, but this time her mind just couldn’t. The dizziness starts to grab hold of her and her teacher’s voice sounded like echoes. The recess bell rang and Jurina quickly rushed out from the class, ignoring the eyes trailing after her.

   She went to the same place where she could find peace and calmness, the rooftop. She was almost on her knees as she pushed the door, finally reaching the rooftop. Her mind starts to swirl everywhere and her eyes getting hazy and blurry. The last thing she saw was a girl quickly rushing towards her.


   An unknown soft tune being hummed by someone near Jurina woke her up. She slowly fluttered her eyes open and saw Rena reading a book beside her. By the looks of the surrounding, Jurina was in the nurse office.  She tried to lift her head but it felt slightly heavy and she landed back at the pillow with a thump.

      “Eh! You’re awake!” Rena shut her book and put it aside at a small table. “How are you feeling? I think your fever is cooling down now.”

      “Why are you here?” asked Jurina, ignoring the girl’s question.

      “Well…you fainted as soon as you reached the rooftop. So I brought you here,” explained Rena, “The nurse said you had a fever and I’ve been accompanying you since an hour and a half.”

   Jurina didn’t get why Rena bothered to skip class just to accompany her. But somehow Jurina felt a small feel of gratitude towards the girl but then she just couldn’t spill out the 6 letters. Rena looked at her intently, perhaps, waiting for a certain response.

      “I’m going back to class. You should do the same,” state Jurina. She force herself to sit up and get down from the bed.
                “B-But your fever—“

                “I’m already fine,” lied Jurina, while still feeling the slight throbbing on her temples. Jurina open the door and leave the room. Jurina heard a small sigh before she left the room.


   The next couple of days, unintentionally Jurina had been hanging out with Rena. Well, when Jurina was listening to the songs on her earphone at the rooftop, spacing out and stuff, Rena would always come and sat beside her, reading a book and humming to herself. Jurina could see the latter always bringing the sweet melonpan with her and munched it while reading.

   Jurina found herself getting used to the girl’s presence somehow as days passed. Even though they didn’t exchange conversations, the presence of the girl seems to give her a sense of calmness. But a particular day came, as usual, Jurina went up to the rooftop. On certain days, Rena would be there first and sometimes, Jurina would. But on that day, Jurina just sat alone at the huge nothingness in front of her. The sky suddenly doesn’t seem to be too interesting to look at. She started to ponder on the whereabouts of Rena. Damn it, she started to get curious and worried for no reason right now about the girl.

   When school ends, she purposely walked past by Rena’s class. Yeah, she did know what class Rena was in since Rena told her without Jurina asking. Rena’s class was not far from Jurina’s since they were in the same grade but different classes. Jurina also heard that Rena was a student figure. Jurina saw the students from Rena’s class walking out, some look attentively at her, wondering why the hell is this kid doing here, some just ignore and walk by. Jurina peeked in the class but to no avail. She turned around and there she was, leaning on the wall with a book in her hand. A smile formed on her lips as she saw Jurina’s taken aback look.

      “Were you looking for me?” Rena walked towards her, a grin plastered on her face.

      “Tch. Yeah right,” Jurina rolls her eyes and simply walk past the eager looking Rena. What the hell is going on with you, for heaven sake! Jurina scolded herself in her mind. Rena simply walked beside her, still with a smile on her face.

      “Why are you following me?” Jurina asked without looking at Rena.

      “Well, I’m heading back home of course. And weren’t you the one searching for me today?” teased Rena. She laughed a little as she saw the reddening shades forming on Jurina’s cheek.

      “I was not,” Jurina retort back. Rena just shrugged her shoulder and both of them head outside the school compound. This was Jurina’s first time walking with someone in a comfortable kind of way. And the weird part is, Jurina doesn’t even know why she felt so comfortable with this girl. Although she was annoyed at that grin Rena was having, but at the same time, she find it…….cute?

   As they reached the school gate, a black mercedez car parked outside. Jurina knew it was Rena’s since she saw her rode the car quite a fair few times. And no! She wasn’t stalking or anything. She just accidentally saw it.

   Rena was about to grab the door handle but she halted and took out a torn paper and placed it on Jurina’s palm. “Here, take this.” And with that, she open her door handle and went inside without a glance. The car left and Jurina was still in the same position, dumbstruck, while holding the torn paper. Jurina noticed that there was 9 digit numbers scribbled on the paper. Why the heck did she left her phone number to me, thought Jurina. Little did both of the girls knew that someone was watching the whole scene.


   Jurina worked night shift again that day and she became the cashier girl. After her shift ended, she walked out of the restaurant. The air starts to get a little chilly but soothing at the same time. She took out her phone and saw that it was half past 12. Her flat wasn’t that close and wasn’t that far, but she leisurely walk in no rush. Well you know, since the flat is like a hell to her. Jurina suddenly remembered at the already installed number of Rena in her phone. Debating with herself whether to send a text or not. But she wasn’t really in her right mind at that time, and that’s why she typed.


      To : Rena Rooftop                                                                                                                                                                                                   
      From : Jurina
Are you asleep?


   Jurina face palmed as soon as she sent the text. Of course a student figure like her be sleeping right now, thought Jurina to herself. But then her phone vibrated.


      To : Jurina
      From : Rena Rooftop
 I was about too. I’ve been waiting for you to text me all day !!


   Wait, she’s waiting for me? This girl really is something. They continued to text while Jurina walk back to her flat. Rena seems to tease her a lot and they started to talk about general things and stuff. A smile plastered to Jurina’s face all the time while she walk back. 

   Jurina as usual fish her keys on her jeans pocket and unlock the door to her flat. Things become worse when she saw the lights in her room is open. Jurina barged into her room to find her aunt, again, rummaging things in her drawer.

      “What the hell do you think you’re doing right now?” scolded Jurina. Her aunt was a little taken aback, but she quickly formed a small smile, which was kind of weird to Jurina, since her aunt rarely smiled at her.

      “Ah…no sweetie, I was just….just cleaning all your stuff. Your room was a mess, so I decide to—“

      “Cut the crap will you? I know you’ve been searching for money. You think I’m stupid? Now get out of my room!” yelled Jurina as she push her drawer shut.

      Her aunt smirked, “We’ll see if it is still your room tomorrow…”

Offline ChrunchyCream

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« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2015, 04:16:15 AM »
Thanks for the update author-san  :bow:
But what will Jurina's Aunt do ??????  :angry:

Offline Raizel

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« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2015, 05:25:39 AM »
Yeah.. an update.. :cow:
Wow.. Rena really care about Jurina, I'm also curious why would she do that to a stranger? :w00t:
And who is the one that saw them when they go home?  :? Argh.. I can't figure that out, :banghead: Is that Rena's secret fan? :panic:
Oh No.. Why Jurina's aunt suddenly said that? Really she make me angry.. :angry:
Thanks for update Marco-san.. :twothumbs

Offline key17

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« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2015, 06:17:18 AM »
thanks for update!! :D

jurina looking for rena?! it's a good sign haha XD XD

rena give her number and waiting for jurina to text her?! it's really awesome haha XD XD

eh?! what will that evil do to jurina? >:(

update soon!!!!!!!!! :D

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Rina_Yuu

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« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2015, 12:23:15 PM »
I wonder who is the stranger  :?
I hope Rena and Jurina become a couple soon..  :hee:

Thankyou for update  :sashiko:
Silent Reader with many Oshi. Rina Yuu desu ._.
Indonesian \\(^o^)//

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« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2015, 01:07:51 AM »
Jurina cool
I really like jurina character author-san
Please update. Thanks
 :bow: :twothumbs

Offline menamarco96

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« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2015, 04:11:21 AM »
Thank you for your comments on chapter 2. I dislike Jurina's aunt too. Maybe some of you will hate her more on this chapt hahaha  :yep:

         She woke up to the alarm clock on her phone ringing, showing a sign that it was already 6.30am. As usual she went and washed her face and faced the cold shower, but weird thing is, she saw the lights were open underneath the crack of her aunt’s room. Weird, her aunt is usually still sleeping at this time.

   Jurina will always grab a chocolate bun from a nearby store before heading off to school. She plugged her earphones and continued to munch her way on the bun while entering the school compound. Just as Jurina step in through the gates, a Mercedez black car pull over followed by a Porsche car from behind. Jurina saw Rena coming out from the car and another boy coming out from the Porsche car. Both of them seem to know each other and they exchange conversation for a while, and the boy patted Rena’s head before both of them depart separate ways.

   Jurina doesn’t realize she was still staring at Rena while standing on the same spot until Rena spot her and call out her name.

      “Jurina !” Rena called out from a distance, as she grin happily, spotting the girl who was holding a half eaten bun, with her mouth slightly open.

      “H-Hey…” Jurina muttered under her breath, too quiet for Rena to hear, before she turned around and continue to walk to her class. She heard hurried footsteps from behind, trying to catch up with her.

      “Why are you in a rush? Didn’t you hear me calling you?” asked Rena while she catch her breath. “By the way, why did you leave me hanging yesterday night? You fell asleep, didn’t you? Didn’t you?”

   Jurina unplugged her earphones and turn towards the happily skipping girl beside her, “No. My battery phone died. Bye.”  Jurina walk inside her class, leaving Rena alone. Jurina doesn’t even know why she was being a little cold towards Rena. But hasn’t she always been like this? Her mind suddenly flashed back to the guy patting Rena’s head? Who was he? Ugh why am I giving a damn about this sort of thing, thought Jurina as she pulled her chair to sit.

   As usual, Jurina would go up to the rooftop during recess. Rena was already there, sitting at the ground, reading a new book. Yes, Jurina didn’t know since when, but she started to notice some things Rena kept reading or have or like…the point is Jurina keep giving a damn about things that she uses to not give a damn.

   Rena saw her and she patted the ground excitingly next to her, “C’mhere.”  Jurina somehow briefly walk passed the girl and went to the overview and cupped a hand on her cheek, while feeling the small breeze of the wind. She heard the latter behind her move and stood beside her, looking slightly puzzled.

   “You know…you seem a little off today. Did something happen?” Rena received silence as a reply, but the girl won’t give up just yet, “Ah let me guess…you’re tired since you had a nightshift last night? Or haven’t had enough sleep? But you always look like you haven’t had enou—“
   “Cut it.”

   “O-Okay…” judging by Rena’s tone, she might have felt slightly hurt by Jurina’s extra sudden coldness. Rena shuffled away from Jurina and slumped back at the ground, picking up her book. They stayed that way for the entire recess time and when the bell rang, Rena started to get a move off, when the guilty-feeling Jurina said while her back still turning from the latter, “Hey… see you after school’s over.”

   Rena came back to her side and gave away a melonpan to Jurina, “Take this and eat.” She smiled before walking away.


   Some people nudged and pointed when they saw the student model waiting for the loner girl in front of the class. Like mice they squeak, squeaking sceptical gossip. Jurina hung her bag on one side, push her chair and head out.

   “Why do you come here?”

   “Weren’t you the one who wanted to see me after school?” highlighted Rena, as they walk through the packed corridors.

   “Yeah, but I come to you. Not the other way around,” Jurina clench her jaw as she answered, “The students will think you’re nuts for hanging out with me…”

   “Like I care…” Rena said in a carefree way, “What’s with them if I walk with you? It’s not like you’re some alien or somethi—Oh, Hi!” Some students passing by them, greeting Rena, but averted eyes with Jurina.


   “See what?”

   Jurina sighed and they continue to walk out from the school compound, nearing the gates. The same black Mercedez car could be seen just a few metres away from the school gate. And not further behind, the red Porsche always parked nearby.

   “Say about earlier…can you tell me what’s bothering you?”Rena stop in her steps and turn to face Jurina, with a quizzical look.

   “What do you mean?”

   “Well…you usually always eat for 5 minutes and take 20 minutes nap, but today you’re like thinking of something…?”

   “I think a lot I suppose,” shrugged of Jurina. “By the way, I—“

   “Hey Rena-chan! Ready to go back home?”  The guy came and put his arms on Rena’s shoulder. The same guy Jurina saw earlier this morning. He was not too tall, but not short and has those kind of smiles where girls would turn to mere liquid when they see it. But not to Jurina. He also has this arrogant rich kid vibe though.

   “Eh…Takkun…”Rena looks slightly uncomfortable and she heaved off the arm from her shoulders, “Yeah…I’m about to go back. Was talking with my friend here for a while.”

   “Friend?,” Takkun raises one of his eyebrow, before introducing himself, “Oh…I’m sorry for not introducing myself…I didn’t know Rena was friends with people like…I mean, you must know my name already I suppose?” Jurina who obviously doesn’t know who the guy is, shook her head. “You don’t?”

   “Jurina, this is Takuya. Takuya, this is Jurina.” Rena simply said it, hencing the awkward air around the three of them.

   Jurina nodded and added, “Uh…I guess…I should go—“ 

   “Yeah, Rena, we should go now. Your father are waiting for us for the lunch meeting, remember?” Takuya bring the subject, making Rena flinched upon realization but soon, Jurina notice a slight unsettled face was to be seen on Rena’s face. “Ah yes….the lunch…”

   “Bye…”Jurina awkwardly wave and spun around leaving the two of them. After a few minutes walk, Jurina feel her phone vibrating in her hands and received a message from Rena, telling Jurina that she will text her right after her ‘stupid’ lunch. Wait… doesn’t said ‘stupid’ in the text. Somehow Jurina added it…Ah forget it.

   Jurina came back to the scruffy flat to find that the door was unlocked. She twisted the doorknob and found the owner of the house Mr Maki and some two unknown bulky guys kicking, and clearing stuff around.

   “Oh it’s you. I suppose your mother left you as an exchange for the months of rent bills she needs to pay…” Mr Maki said in a twisted smile, while he nudges the two guys.

   Sensing the danger, Jurina ran for it before the guys sprawled after her. She did not had a full of idea on where she is heading but she just let her legs lead. Lucky, she was quite a fast runner, she manage to leave the two guys behind. She only stopped running when she reached a deserted park, which was quite a distance from the flat. Jurina slumped under the tree, breathing heavily.

   That old hag, Jurina thought, no wonder she was awake early this morning. Jurina searched the insides of her bag for an envelope which contains the money she had been saving all this time from the part time jobs she did. Jurina was glad she always kept the money safe with her. But then it hit her. She’s homeless now. Where is she suppose to go? She has no other relatives besides her aunt. Even if Jurina dies and gotten revived, finding her aunt would still be the last thing she do.

   And Jurina only has a sweater and one extra pants in her bag which she always bring along in case she doesn’t go back home right after school. Oh shit, thought Jurina, the 200 000Yen she has right now was actually her saving up for educational expenses purpose. But she did foresee this sort of thing to happen, but not now. Jurina stared blankly at the Pizza place she work. She still had an hour till her shift starts. But then something ticks in her mind.

Offline Haruko

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« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2015, 08:53:05 AM »
wait what?! poor juribait T_T

Offline Raizel

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« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2015, 01:22:40 PM »
Really I hate Jurina's aunt.. :angry:
How will Jurina live from now on?  :banghead:
Can't wait for next update.. :w00t:

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