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Author Topic: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom: the beginning of Darkness  (Read 75937 times)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom (Chap: The Forest and the Dream)+Poll
« Reply #80 on: October 28, 2015, 06:55:57 PM »
And Gekikara, remember Jamon?

(Bashes Rena in the head with a Ham Leg)

"Too much heat for ya?"

Geki: *feels no pain, laughs* No... I LOVE it!!! Hahahahahaha!!!

Geki's a dragon, remember? The heat doesn't bother her.
Mashes Rena with a Frozen Jamon.

Bonjour from Paris!

If you don't stop, she's gonna snap and break one of your men's necks.

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Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom (Chap: The Forest and the Dream)+Poll
« Reply #81 on: October 28, 2015, 07:10:21 PM »
And then Churi the falconer sedates her senpai and tranquilises her at the same time.

Offline hackata48

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom (Chap: The Forest and the Dream)+Poll
« Reply #82 on: October 31, 2015, 02:08:55 PM »
A Raven haired runaway slave dashes through the jungle hoping to get away from her abusive masters. They had violated in all degrees in both physically and mental aspects.

She ran until she found an abandoned mausoleum. She got in with her slavers still hot on her heels.

"I need to get away. Never again" she thought to herself.

"Find her! Spread out! She is getting a thousand lashes for this!" A gruff man's voice was heard. The Raven girl's snow white skin was tainted with innumerable amounts of scars and bruises. She then saw that the tomb in the Mausoleum was loose enough to have a weak bodied human like her to push out. Quickly pushing the cover put as quietly as she could. She went in.

When laid down she felt the dust of the tombs occupant move up as she tried to make herself comfortable in her hiding place. She felt on her back a silky robe was separating her from the remains.
The girl then held her breath as she heard footsteps...

"I swore! I heard a sound from here!" Said a man.

As she tried to not make a sound, a strange sticky sensation was felt by her. The Black silk robe began to literally stick on her body. And first covered her back then her arms and then her head was now slowly making her wear the robes.

" YOUR DEATH!!!" The girl now cloaked in Black leaped out of the tomb to the surprise of her pursuers.

"By the Gods! Its a..."  A man stuttered

"Death Seeker! I see your sins.... the death of countless slaves are in your blood....your sentence is.....DEATH!" The girl jumped and conjured a black Dust bow with arrows whose heads were as large as an axe's blade and shot through the neck decapitating those targeted. The Death Seeker girl's hands then unleashed hidden blades as long as swords and stabbed the survivors.

As their blood spilled she tasted them as if she was sipping wine. A satisfied and psychotic grin was dressed from her uncovered mouth as the last of her hunters now hunted had his stomach and guts ripped out by the Raven headed girl's new blades.

She stood up from the grisly art of assassination she had just created and began to laugh maniacally.

"!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, Barbarians and 'Civilised' people.

This a new character in my story....
Guess who got turned into a MOFO Badass.

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Halloween Death Seeker Teaser.
« Reply #83 on: October 31, 2015, 02:22:44 PM »


I'll get to writing now....

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Halloween Death Seeker Teaser.
« Reply #84 on: October 31, 2015, 02:43:22 PM »

YES!!!!!!!! HECK YES!!!!!!!!!! FREAKING YAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :D :D :D

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Halloween Death Seeker Teaser.
« Reply #85 on: November 02, 2015, 08:29:30 PM »
I will be able to comeback home this weekend and Finally finish the next chapter of My story
PS: Mayukiislife keep on writing just a few more paragraphs pls if you can ty.

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Halloween Death Seeker Teaser.
« Reply #86 on: November 02, 2015, 08:48:47 PM »
I will be able to comeback home this weekend and Finally finish the next chapter of My story
PS: Mayukiislife keep on writing just a few more paragraphs pls if you can ty.

I'll get it done by the time I sleep tonight, tomorrow morning 6:00am max, as I'm busy with life and work ^_^

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Halloween Death Seeker Teaser.
« Reply #87 on: November 02, 2015, 09:10:42 PM »
Wilkkomen from Amsterdam.

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Halloween Death Seeker Teaser.
« Reply #88 on: November 05, 2015, 07:04:16 PM »
Good news and bad news and really good news
I'm Back home!
But I have to rest and can't work for awhile stupid Jet Lag
But this weekend Team 8 is coming to Manila and I got a surprise for a Okabe Rin

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Halloween Death Seeker Teaser.
« Reply #89 on: November 06, 2015, 08:14:00 AM »
The ANGELS have landed on my doorstep! What should I do???

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Drabble: Sakura's dream of a Tree and a Bear
« Reply #90 on: November 09, 2015, 11:23:34 AM »
Sakura saw herself lying down alone in an infinity of water. She looked up to see that she was near a Sakura tree that was in full bloom.
She saw a Cat, a falcon and a turtle playing together under the tree giving a light hearted feeling to Sakura.

Then suddenly the bright feeling of the dreamy world darkened. The air felt no longer warm but now it whispers of death.  It reminded her of Gimael's harsh tundra enviorment from the rare sunshine to the intense snowstorms. She knew that the delicate tree would not even withstand a whiff of winter air. Yet, the Tree stood firm as the winds blew with all of its might. Not even the petals themselves were shaken by its strength. The animals were taking cover by the tree

Sakura covered her head from the gelid winds as she made a run for the tree that stood firm amidst the blizzard's assault. Sitting behind barely covering her entire body. Sakura sighed in relief. The animals huddled close to her for her warmth that she would give to them. To Sakura, she felt like she was singing again back in Earth in her homeland of Japan. But that comforting relief was broken when she heard a great loud roar in the distance.

A great brown bear who looked like it was scarred from many of conflicts approached the tree. Its eyes were like a hungry predator searching for its quarry.
Sakura now thinks she is in a nightmare as the Bear was now just directly facing her and the tree. Sakura hugged close as she could to the tree and tried to remain still ass the bear slowly approached her face.

"Be brave Sakuratan, thats what Takamina said. Be brave." She whispered to herself.

The bear roared in her face and lifted its mighty claws. Sakura braced for the grizzly end to her nightmare but the bear instead of striking her was slashing the tree bark of the Sakura tree. Sakura closed her eyes praying to whatever entity could hear her for the beast to go away. The bear swiftly released its arm and struck the bark of the Sakura tree. Sakura cringed as she heard every scratch.

Then just as this nightmare could get any worse, she heard 3 more animal sounds. From her knowledge of biology she could distinguished she heard a Wolf's howl, another and larger Bear's roar and the cry of Stag. She could feel their footsteps as they approached the tree. The additional animals began to start clawing the tree with their teeth, claws and antlers (respectively). The Sakura tree's once beautiful exterior is now slowly becoming a dead like husk of its former self.  The branches began to shake off the flower petals and sometimes coming off completely. The birch brown bark of the tree began to show ugly marks of scratches and gnaws. Sakura began to cry as her new found animal acquaintances cried with her.

"Do not cower in defeat. Open your eyes!" A masculine voice was heard.

Sakura barely opened her eyes as she still sees the bear still going berserk on the tree with his fur covered in cherry blossom petals. Disturbingly the petals has dips of blood covering a  part of the petal.


"You cant be brave if you had only wonderful things happen to you. (Quote!) See in its eyes! Feel the bears pain and understand." The voice continued

Sakura then looked into the eyes of the feral beast and an explosion of inceptional visions fille her eyes.

A dark figure grabbing a man by his throat and raising him up. The man who was raised up looked as if he was terrified judging by the tone of the scene.

"Please don't eat me! Please don't! No! NO! NO!!!!" A loud and magical sound was heard until the man being held up fell down to the floor dead.

"I have eaten my first human." The other dark figure still standing said.

"But, he only just stole a loaf of bread. You appear to lack compassion for your own subjects" another figure appeared only this time he is of Golden color.

"He stole from me Eslek! I was going to give it to Ulrich. He knew the risk when he steals from ME!" The dark figure shouted, its darkness filled the vision with itself.

The dream then went white again as this time the same Dark figure was now holding a dark stick shaped like a sword. He was sparring with 5 figures colored in red. He brutally and efficiently slashed the 1st four down then turned to the last one standing who know was cowering in fear.

"Mercy! Mercy! I yield!" The Red figure said.

"You..... DON'T..... CALL......ME......WEAK!!!!" The Dark figure

The Dark figure dropped his sword on the ground and approached the red figure. Instead of accepting his surrender the Dark figure began to mercilessly punch the red figure repeatedly. The dream went black again as Sakura saw another vision.

The Dark figure was sitting behind a pillar as 2 figures one colored green another colored purple were arguing.

"Your son is too violent to become King! Last thing Galerian wants from your bastard of a Son is going around Auriga butchering everyone he see's! Sophia is no less than a Night Walker that she chose to marry you!" The Purple figure said.

"What did you say about her!" The Green figure grabbed the Purple figure by its robes.

Then the Dark Figure emerged from behind the pillar and punched the Purple figure.

"You dont call my mother a W***** you Ghothic swine!" the Dark figure said

The dream went black again as the next scene of Sakura's vision played.

The Dark Figure was sitting down on a throne.... above corpses of people, but these corpses werent unclear and minimalistic figures they were real people.

Sakura's people.... She could see so many of dead lying in a pile below a throne. She saw the bodies of her friends, her family, Aki-P, soldiers, world leaders and even children.

"WHY WONT ANYONE OBEY ME!!!" The Dark Figure said.... blurry and unclear image soon became coherent to the untrained eye as Sakura was shocked to see who the Scarred Bear/ Dark figure was.

It was Rainoric Eadwulf.... He killed them.... He destroyed her world.....her home.....everyone she knows and love....... Yet Rainoric instead of laughing hysterically over his mess. He began to cry. A Broken Lord, a 'heartless' entity of dust binded by armor, was crying.

Sakura climbed up the corpse hill to reach Rainoric. As she climbed she was grabbed in the limbs.

"Stop his madness." A bloodied Mayu Watanabe said

"Why did you leave us? You could have stopped him! I thought you were a kind hearted person." A burnt Sakura WOTA said

"He is not even a living thing! He is a monster! A demon! And so his people! The Gimaelics are so diabolical that even Satan would deny them access into hell! They cant be killed for that reason. Its worthless to think they can change!" A headless priest said.

"They hurt him, he doesn't want to hear them. Thats why he is angry." A little boy who had strangle marks on his neck said.

Sakura continue to climb the corpse pile, passing by friend and family alike as she reached the top where Rainoric was sitting. As she looked to the young Warlord Prince she saw that among all of the dead, she was also one of them. By Rainoric's feet was her body. Her body was holding a gun that looked like it went off. As she examined her head she saw that their was a self inflicted gunshot wound at her head. Rainoric looked towards Sakura not as an Authoritative master, but a 'Broken' Broken Lord.

"Help me.....please.....I want to be sorry." He said

Sakura was then taken back to the Sakura tree that she was hiding at. The Scarred Bear was staring at her eyes, tears dropping from it. The Cherry Blossom grabbed the bear's face let it's nose caressed her shoulder. She whispered to its ear:

"I will help you. I will help you find your humanity."

Sakura woke up back to reality. She was still in the tent she shares with Rainoric, Osgar, Ulrich, Takamina and Paruru. She could see that Rainoric was kneeling down in a meditative position surrounded by White Dust clouds. He must have used some of the ultra rare color of the Dust to interact with Sakura in her dreams.

Sakura walked to him and hugged him from behind. Rainoric didn't reacted.

"You still have so much to learn master." Sakura whispered.

"Please...... Make them stop hurting me......" Rainoric said breaking away from his meditation of the White Dust. The Dust dissipated before them.

"Well then.... I can explain to you why many of us Earthlings fear death unlike you Gimaelics...... Death you see can be very unpred----" Sakura then began to teach Rainoric of finding his sense of compassion.

(WOW!!!! My first Drabble and im practicing Dark Symbolism, Reason why is that I went to a museum in Madrid while I was in Europe callled Museo del Prado and a lot of its art focus on symbolism. I like the section of the museum called 'Black Paintings' since it really shows how dark and serious symbolism can be, I took some inspiration from the painting 'Saturn eating his children' which is masterpiece of a work on Dark Symbolism.)

Please give me feedback on this drabble and Im working as hard as I can on the next chapter of the main story.

Ruka Kikuchi


PS Watched AKB48 Team 8 concert, I think im in love again!

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Drabble: Sakura's dream of a Tree and a Bear
« Reply #91 on: November 09, 2015, 01:06:18 PM »
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS SO EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >w<

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Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Drabble: Sakura's dream of a Tree and a Bear
« Reply #92 on: November 09, 2015, 01:43:16 PM »
Sakura saw herself lying down alone in an infinity of water. She looked up to see that she was near a Sakura tree that was in full bloom.
She saw a Cat, a falcon and a turtle playing together under the tree giving a light hearted feeling to Sakura.

This whole drabble is about things that could've happened..... Sakura being near a Sakura Tree, her seeing a cat (Takamina), falcon (Churi) and a turtle (Paruru(?)) I wonder if this links in with the rest of the story

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Drabble: Sakura's dream of a Tree and a Bear
« Reply #93 on: November 09, 2015, 01:44:49 PM »
Takamina is a wise old turtle
Hayato means Falcon
Paruru is a cat cuz Oh nya oh nya nya!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom Drabble: Sakura's dream of a Tree and a Bear
« Reply #94 on: November 09, 2015, 06:11:42 PM »
Takamina is a wise old turtle
Hayato means Falcon
Paruru is a cat cuz Oh nya oh nya nya!

U~nya nya u~nya nya Unya unya yo~~~~~~~~~ >w<

She was so cute! Shio-nya~~~  :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom : Vanoran
« Reply #95 on: November 12, 2015, 03:31:08 PM »
After a crazy time in Europe while also absorbing some cultural inspiration I have used to add some spice in the chapter I can finally say without any further ado's.....

(Obviously the Japanese hates the Gimaelics)

And we have an Assassin coming up!


Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom : Vanoran
« Reply #96 on: November 12, 2015, 06:24:05 PM »
I'm sorry I couldn't finish it, injury, illness and general busy-ness.....  But I'm happy it got out nonetheless.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom : Vanoran
« Reply #97 on: November 12, 2015, 06:32:34 PM »

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >w<

This is so incredible!!! Too good!!!!

There's so much going on, too! I was afraid I couldn't keep up, but it's all actually very interesting!!! X3

Keep up the good work!!!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom : Vanoran (QNA time)
« Reply #98 on: November 15, 2015, 11:56:43 AM »
Question time with Rainier:

Ask me anything about my story my friends and I shall answer... Ty

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: The Barbarian's Cherry Blossom : Vanoran
« Reply #99 on: November 15, 2015, 12:01:37 PM »
Dude, do you enjoy writing this?

I mean, with the little part that I wrote, I enjoyed it.

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