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Author Topic: Calista's OS Corner - Almost (SayaMilky) <Last Story> COMPLETE  (Read 75828 times)

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Re: Calista's OS Corner - Choosing the Right Ring.Part 2. LAST (WMatsui)
« Reply #80 on: January 21, 2016, 09:59:19 AM »
Ahaha :on lol: it's cute~

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Calista's OS Corner - Choosing the Right Ring.Part 2. LAST (WMatsui)
« Reply #81 on: January 24, 2016, 12:07:42 PM »
:mon inluv: :mon inluv: :mon inluv:

Offline calista_castro

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Calista's OS Corner - Surprisingly Strong Saviour (TomoTomo)
« Reply #82 on: January 24, 2016, 05:03:31 PM »
Thanks for everyone reading and commenting on earlier OS!  :whistle:

And this one is for TomoTomo fans...

#30 - Surprisingly Strong Saviour (TomoTomo)

Kasai Tomomi was the most attractive waitress at the diner and had to put up with a lot of comments from guys therefore making her job harder than for most of her fellow workers.

She tried her best not to offend the customers but at times it was hardly possible. She just felt in her bones that today was going to be one of those days that tested her to the limit. Unfortunately, she was right.

“Hey you! Babe!” shouted some man from across the diner. “Come here!” He laughed and winked at her. “We want to see your pretty face that fall from heaven sooner at this table!“, at the same time he pointed at his other guy friends around the table.

Tomomi sighed exasperatedly. Its not like she had a choice and could ignore them. Most of the times she imagined how she would just turn around and walk away ignoring the call… but in this line of work she couldn’t afford it.

“We have been waiting forever. You know what… if you want to make some extra cash…I know a few guys who would love your company back at my place“ he winked while his friend laughed in agreement.

“No thanks, that’s not the way I like to earn my money.” She turned to leave the table but the guy did not like being ignored and reach out and grabbed her arm.

“Oh come on… you could make some good money working extra with us” he commented as he and his friends burst into laughter content with themselves and their rich parents.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Tomomi cried out. “Please let go of my hand…” she said as she began to walk away from this guy. Accidentally she spilled some coffee on him.

“You B….ch!” he screamed as he began wiping at the area where the coffee made contact.

Tomomi sighed as she noticed that he reached out to slap her, his hand was stopped when another hand clasped around it.

“That wouldn’t be a wise thing to do… hitting a girl” unfamiliar voice next to his ear. He turned to confront the mysterious voice only to stop short and look into the piercing eyes of a beauty who just raised an eye brow in question, and gave him her best smile.

Recovering a little, he asked “And just who’s gonna stop me? You?”

“Yep” came the very confident reply. “With one hand tied behind my back if you think that’s necessary” She even made a show of moving one had behind her back while putting more pressure on that same hand she caught in air.

Surprisingly he gave up “Let’s go. They’re not worth it.” As his hand was released, he stared at Tomomi and under his breath said, “Until next time, and we will be back!” 

After the last announcement then they all left diner.

Tomomi stood there looking at this girl in daze. Then she realized that she had been staring for what seemed like an eternity, until the mysterious girl stepped up and asked her in gentle voice if she was okay.

Tomomi soon nodded and simply said “Thank you.” 

Then she smiled still hypnotized by these beautiful eyes that kept gazing right back at her. “Am…to whom should I be thankful for?”

“Itano Tomomi…you can call me Tomochin. Don’t worry about those guys… I know about them and I doubt they will go around these premises for longer… but in case they do…you can call me for back up”, she added while giving Tomomi her card and smiling in both friendly way. On the other hand, the smile wasn’t just friendly, it was also curios, intrigued and seductive. 

Kasai Tomomi smiled back at girl and watched her walking out of the diner. 

Maybe this job wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline calista_castro

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Calista's OS Corner - Unselfish Love. Part 3 (WMatsui)
« Reply #83 on: February 09, 2016, 05:44:13 PM »
I keep promising myself that I'm not going to continue this but...

#31 - Unselfish Love. Part 3 (WMatsui)

I spend all these years wondering if I made the right decision when I didn’t show up in the park. I kept on questioning what Jurina would have done, what she would think of it. If she actually knew…would she forgive me? or would she hate me for erasing such an important part from our life? After all, it doesn’t matter how I try to reason and justify it, I had destroyed everything we had.

Honestly, I know what would Jurina think. She would be truly angry at me, because I didn’t let her choose whether she wants to spend her life by my side, even if its a short one, or never see me again. Jurina was always selfless when it come to me, she wouldn’t cared even by knowing the exact moment her life will end. I think she would have done everything the same way, without any regrets.

Some days I hated myself for my own selfishness… I wanted Jurina to live. To have a full and happy life but at the same time, I can’t lie… I also wanted to avoid this pain. The pain that kept creeping into my heart, soul. The time when all I could do is blame myself for younger Matsui recklessness… when I kept on asking why it couldn’t have been me. Why do I have to continue my life alone?

I made that girl Airi to promise me one thing… that when the day that Jurina died in the past will come… she’s going to tell me how Jurina spend it. I knew she’s going to survive it… that’s why I at least tried to keep a track on her…once a year… even if I get only one small fact… just knowing that she’s alive made me feel less miserable than I was.

I knew that Jurina spend that day with her friends and family, eating dinner, laughing and as usual Jurina decided that it is going to be even more fun if she will tell some puns. She didn’t have to rush anywhere, because there was no me. I didn’t call her. Actually, Jurina didn’t even learn to drive. I guess that was just one more thing that she wanted to learn for the benefit of me in the past… now she didn’t need to…

Is it selfish that I felt relieve because Jurina didn’t find a person? Another love? It is… As hard as I wanted to describe my love for her as an unselfish one… Still came these moments where nothing made sense. Were I felt joyful, because just like me… she didn’t find someone else to love. She wasn’t unhappy, she was alive too… but love… that wasn’t a part of her life. At least not for now.

I knew that it is not going to continue this way for long and I decided that it was a good time for me to leave the country. To stop keeping track on Jurina and wondering about what ifs…and to move on. She didn’t know I existed… so eventually she will find her happiness too. I’m sure of it… who couldn’t fall for such an adorable creature like she? Sooner or later she will find a person who will see only her. Who will love only her.

Before leaving for the airport I still went to visit my favorite bookstore. I kept coming here at least once a week… I don’t know why but I felt drawn to this place. Whenever I came there — I felt like the world and all my troubles were lifted up, that I can breathe again. It gave me the familiarity that I kept on searching for all these years. While walking out with that book that they gave me as a present, it made me feel like I’m leaving something behind. I kept insisting that I that is probably because I somehow associate Jurina with that bookstore. That it felt the same like walking away from the love of my life.

Ironically, only few hours later I had realized that it was exactly what had happened. While having free time before my flight, I decided not to waste it and instead read the book they gave me.

Of course, I guess I will never finish this book, because all it took me was to look at the very first page. The page with a message from Jurina. Her short love confession that broke my heart to a million of pieces and left me with a millions of questions.

I know I kept on crying with confusion written all over my face, until I felt the presence of someone else next to me. When I looked to my right, I recognized Airi. She never changed, no matter from which side you looked at her or how many years had passed.

“I guess you have a lot of questions now”, she stated simply, while staring ahead of herself, not even looking at me. I think I have even noticed her smirking slightly, like that was exactly what she expected to happen. Before I could answer or ask anything, it is quite a difficult task when you’re crying your eyes out, she spoke up again.

“I could give you the longest explanation possible. An explanation that would last for hours or even days, especially if we start talking about all the tricks of this universe and how higher force likes playing with humans. But we don’t have that much time… I think you will be satisfied if I go straight to the point. Whatever questions you have, I can answer them in few sentences. But you will have to broad your plane in few minutes… are you sure you want to hear me out?”

Without thinking I just nod my head. Who cares about the plane or missing a flight. I didn’t care about anything at all. Without even looking at me, Airi managed to get all my attention. I can’t remember when I listened to someone this attentively at class — and I found it interesting learning new things, so let’s just say I was a good listener. This precise moment though meant way more to me. It was as important as that day in the park.

“The thing is… sometimes we’re destined for that one person. I know that humans are quite sensitive with the topic of destiny and soul mates, I find it funny how they idealize these sort of ideas but at the same time, I can’t say that they are incorrect. When we’re strongly believe in something… it can become true to us… I can give a simple example while using YOU. You, Rena, believe that Jurina is the love of your life. Not even once you had a thought of searching for someone else that might replace her, not even while hoping that at some point she will find her happiness.

Many times, you had thought of searching for Matsui, I know of that. You see… its easy reading human’s mind. Especially when it is clearly sending signals how much you miss someone or how you would just want to see the person of your affection at least one more time. You blamed yourself and thought that you’re selfish… why? Because you felt relief and happiness knowing that Jurina is single.

On the other hand, if Jurina had cried every day how lonely she is… you would have wished for her to find someone. For someone to love the girl the same way that you did. You had rationalized that someone else might even love her more… but that’s not true. You couldn’t find another person on this earth that would love her as much as you do.

That’s the irony of how human’s are so keen on sacrifices but in most cases, they hope for acknowledgment and gratefulness. You never did. I know that you’re blaming yourself once again, because for some unknown reason Jurina saw you… but is that really unknown? She was drawn to you… just like the first time…and I hate being his cheesy… but that’s because you’re her destiny. The only difference this time though… because of your decision earlier… there was force holding her back.

You were the only one who could come and greet her. Jurina felt as if she needs to hide whenever she saw you. Younger girl believed that its because she’s nervous… but that’s just another game of the universe. She still somehow managed to cheat it as you can see… she couldn’t come and greet you, but she found a way to write you a love letter. That is once again…because the strongest force on this earth…is love”.

Airi got quiet for a moment and I finally managed to speak up “I think I’m understanding what are you telling me but…”

“You’re free to make your own decisions. That time had passed…I can’t tell you what’s going to happen in the future… a car might hit Jurina tomorrow… the plane you had missed…might had crashed… we can’t control these sort of things… I mean… you can’t. But you don’t need to waste another day feeling empty… you don’t need to run away. No one is stopping you and no one is keeping you apart. If you really want it…”

“Will she be alright?”, I couldn’t help but ask, feeling both nervous and excited, because of the opportunity.

Airi shrugged her shoulders and I just lost it “WILL SHE BE ALRIGHT?”

Unexpectedly, she laughed at my reaction “Finally. You’re showing your true worry”, she looks up and squinted her eyes slightly “I might get in trouble for this but… yes… I don’t see the repetition. You have avoided that period in time. The important question though… is Jurina going to forgive you…?”

I stood up, though wait… I probably have been standing from the moment I shouted at her. Some people looked at me like I’m insane. Probably it looked that way, I don’t even know if other people can see Airi. I felt panic rising up inside of me but at the same time… hope… maybe all of this wasn’t for nothing? I looked up at the book in my hand and squeezed it “She wouldn’t believe me, even if I tell her…”

I saw a blink in Airi’s eyes and she smirked one more time “You don’t need to tell her anything. She already knows”, without giving me a chance to question her again, she disappeared, leaving me all alone.

At first I felt paralyzed, I couldn’t move, couldn’t think. But in a minute or so, I get all my senses back. I kept thinking only about one thing — I need to get to Jurina — NOW, and after that, I ran.

I just kept on running.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: Calista's OS Corner - Unselfish Love. Part 3 (WMatsui)
« Reply #84 on: February 09, 2016, 06:17:57 PM »
EHHHHHHHH...CAL SAN FREAKIN UPDATE UNSELFISH LOVE PART 3...EHHHHH *SHOCKED..*HAPPILY JUMPING AROUND..THO AS USUAL IT SAD..XD..but okay..ur update..that whats matter..thankss for the update..and go rena..find ur jurina ~~~

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Re: Calista's OS Corner - Unselfish Love. Part 3 (WMatsui)
« Reply #85 on: February 09, 2016, 06:31:43 PM »
Awww that one surely .....
 :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

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Re: Calista's OS Corner - Unselfish Love. Part 3 (WMatsui)
« Reply #86 on: February 10, 2016, 06:48:30 AM »
So... you'll write chapter 4, right?
I will wait!!!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline calista_castro

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Calista's OS Corner - So What Did You Learn About Love? (MaYuki)
« Reply #87 on: February 25, 2016, 12:37:35 PM »
(this is not it but yes, since I concentrated on it, I will write Unselfish Love Part 4, that will be the last one)  :roll: ;)

#32 - So What Did You Learn About Love? (MaYuki)

It was just a regular day at work and as usual Mayu got distracted with everything that Internet could offer her. This time she typed Youtube thinking of videos she could watch.

Firstly watching funny videos with cats and dogs in them until she decided to try something different and typed in “Kashiwagi Yuki”.

That was one of their client’s that Mayu sometimes admired from afar but never dared to say ‘hello’. Also, Yukirin was quite popular because of her photographer career and only recently came back to Tokyo after travelling the world.

Mayu frowned and looked through the first page curious choosing the first and most recent video and pressing play while at the same time putting her head on her hand and getting more comfortable in her sitting position.

Mayu only regret was the fact that she didn’t take some chair so she could stretch her legs. Without waiting any longer this girl pressed play:

“So you will stop traveling the world?” we heard some young guy’s voice without showing him meanwhile Yukirin smiled and nodded shortly “In a way yes…for some time at least.I’m going home. I’m planning do to some work there peacefully and quietly.Everyone needs holidays”

”So where is your home?”.

Yukirin thought for a moment before answering “its not an actual place I guess. Its people that lives there…also I spent most of my childhood there. So I want to revisit it.I was still a child and don’t remember everything but I’m going to take this time. I’m planning to do some work there as can find models everywhere. Also I remember the scenery…its quite fascinating”

”Yeah…but you don’t show nature in your art galleries,right?”

”Well no, that’s more like a hobby. Something I keep for myself…I don’t show all the pictures I take in my art galleries”, she added with a smirk looking directly at camera instead of guy who was talking with her “some of them would be too much for some people”.

“You’re already showing naked women…what else there can be? Men?”.

Yukirin frowned almost bursting into laughter “no no… that’s more than nudity. Naked people are more vulnerable, you can see a lot in their expression, their eyes… I can see more and as a photographer I want to see everything”.

“Then you probably like putting yourself into complicated situations, where you can watch people? Is this city good enough place for that?”

“I believe anywhere you can look around and see fascinating things. The sky is the limit”, she ended her thought with short simple smile looking back at the guy that was questioning her.

After this video Mayu saw more suggestions from Youtube still with Kashiwagi Yuki name mentioned in them and randomly chose another one.

Yukirin laughed in an interview actually surprised of the question she was given “I thought we’re gonna talk about my art…not about love”

”Isn’t there some associations? I have heard some of your muses were also your lovers”

Yukirin looked down for a moment then back up raising one of her eyebrows with curiosity though probably doing this unconsciously “there are s a lot of rumors.You shouldn’t believe everything you hear. But talking about love… well, the process of ‘falling in love’ in my opinion is remarkable. It involves all of our senses, and it starts from the very first time you see someone. Smallest details send a signal to our brain and some signals are… more pleasant than others. So the… sweaty hands, the sleepless nights… that can all be attributed falling in love. At the same time…I think I heard somewhere that the brain of someone in love is very similar to that of an addict.”

“It seems like you know a lot about love?”.

Yukirin laughed but once again very shortly and without really making a sound also smiling this time without showing her teeth “my friends would say I fall in love too easily.”

“Since when Watanabe Mayu is watching videos about love?” Jurina asked and laughed out loud while she couldn’t help herself. Rena just smiled probably stuck in between wondering is it actually funny or is that just Jurina’s and Mayu’s common thing.

Mayu closed her computer immediately almost throwing it on the ground, surprised and even scared, probably believing that she was all alone here and sudden change of scenery wasn’t pleasant “what?I’m not…that was an accident”.

Jurina still didn’t stop laughing “you keep telling yourself that”

Mayu squinted her eyes annoyed all of the sudden while standing up from her place and putting computer in there “and why are you there?”

”We agreed on going home together today and it’s time, no one is paying you for extra hours, right? Also, we can eat some Chinese food on our way back… I have been trying to get you and Rena together for two weeks because of your busy schedules but I need my best friend and girlfriend to know each other”.

Mayu sighed probably enjoying her alone time here while no one was around but soon nodded actually remembering the agreement “oh…right…” and went around the counter to collect her things while Jurina kept on making fun of her “so what DID you learn about love?” getting Mayu’s annoyed glare in return.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 12:42:50 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline yumii07

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Re: Calista's OS Corner - So What Did You Learn About Love? (MaYuki)
« Reply #88 on: February 25, 2016, 03:12:25 PM »
I think you will make MaYuki lovey dovey scene
Since i see tne tittle about MaYuki

Offline calista_castro

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Calista's OS Corner - Helping a Friend (JuriMayu)
« Reply #89 on: March 01, 2016, 12:34:31 PM »
@yumii07, so titles might be misleading, though they did talk about love and Jurina even teased Mayu  :)

#33 - Helping a Friend (JuriMayu)

If this was a movie scene… we the public would have seen a girl on a motorcycle driving really fast and witness as she pushed breaks only the last second also leaving so called ‘sun‘ after herself and stopping in front of black car just in time.

This scene would be shown for some time until all the dust disappears and then the car doors would open when Mayu steps out of it looking more stylish than her younger days obviously more mature now.

Letting the imagination run wild and pretending that it was a movie, we witness Jurina, the girl on the motorcycle, also taking her helmet letting her short black hair flew in the wind while she smirked looking Mayu up and down sheepishly “you look horrible”

The unexpected twist of her words made Mayu laugh shortly and bristle her hair a little bit “that’s all for the act.You know.For family’s sake, and don’t be mean, I look adorable”

Jurina laughed almost hysterically “yeah sure…just like I will have to pretend to be this pretty doll happily dating their perfect daughter”.

“I had my wilder days. Even in front of their eyes. Now I just need to keep the facade and let them imagine that I’m perfect in every way. They only have me to show off… so they’re very proud about their successful daughter”.

Jurina finally stopped with the teasing and nod her head “so…let’s go pretend for a little while? Just not too long…Rena is making dinner tonight…”.

Mayu opened her mouth slightly surprised “you think it is a good idea to eat two dinners? You will literally have to eat back at my home…well shortly but still…”

At that younger girl just shrugged her shoulders “well, as you mentioned it won’t take too long and I need to eat a little bit more. People complain about my small appetite sometimes. I won’t be surprised if your parents will mention that as well… by the way… maybe it is time to find a perfect girlfriend for yourself? Like a real person… not me pretending and helping out when you need it?”

Mayu sighed a bit disappointed. “I will try…” and added after a short pause “next time… but considering that it not happened yet… how about this whole act? What do you think about kissing?”

Younger girl knew that Mayu is just joking around so she just rolled her eyes as an answer “I’m doing you a favor as a friend. Can you please stop mocking me? I will try to behave in front of your parents and then you will help me some other time..that’s how favors work.Also… I suggested you taking Yuko though… I can understand your decision… considering that she’s even wilder than me… I’m all you have left”.

Mayu raised her eyebrows jokingly and seductively “my perfect girlfriend”.

”Yeah right.” Jurina sat down on her motorcycle and added “let‘s stop shortly at my place, I will change so I would be presentable as you asked… you can chat with Rena for a little while… and after that let‘s rock and roll.“

Mayu nodded shortly and turned around walking back to her car.

After all, that is what friends are for. Helping out with all your crazy ideas.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Calista's OS Corner - So What Did You Learn About Love? (MaYuki)
« Reply #90 on: March 03, 2016, 04:11:58 PM »
(this is not it but yes, since I concentrated on it, I will write Unselfish Love Part 4, that will be the last one)  :roll: ;)

 :tama-laff: :tama-laff: :tama-laff:

Offline calista_castro

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Calista's OS Corner - Excitement and Innocence (NonMei)
« Reply #91 on: March 04, 2016, 09:20:54 AM »
#34 - Excitement and Innocence (NonMei)

A/N: eh…just wanted to write something else involving SKE48 members and ended up with this choice (have no idea why (maybe after reading emprezz48 OS? that might just be it. All in all, I do find Kimoto Kanon and Sakai Mei cute together… but once again this is very random), more like a short side story to (WMatsui Choosing the Right Ring drabbles). Hope you enjoy!

Mei walked with her friend Kanon, simply because this girl took her hand dragging Mei after herself. Honestly, Mei was too curious to hear some gossip that’s why she let being dragged around this way “is that some big secret? I don’t get it”, she commented while staring at Kanon really curious and trying to take her hand back but only because that was also a sign of being impatient.

Kanon finally stopped in her tracks, looked around and then turned her head at one of her favorite person at the moment “that’s still a secret! Well for now! So don’t tell anyone!”.

Mei nodded her head few times “fine. But there’s nothing to tell…since you still haven’t told me anything, just kept hinting at something”.

Kanon put her hands together as if that made situation more serious than it was “sorry…I just really wanted to tell someone and I can’t tell this to everyone until it’s not official… but I’m soo happy for them, so I can’t control myself”

Mei squinted her eyes slightly “I’m still not hearing the news”.

“You won’t tell everyone right?”.

Mei looked more surprised now, even shocked “wait… you’re not…pregnant or something…right? You haven’t slept with someone else? I mean… have you found someone else and… or wait…you mentioned other members… did someone get in trouble? The more you carry on like that the more time you leave for wonder and I seriously have no idea what to think right now”.

Kanon sighed and squinted her eyes at the same time shaking her head “oh gosh, no…none of the above.That actually don’t have a lot to do with me…well it does…but not so much…and there is no scandal of that sort”.

Mei looked around sighing, close to giving up, because it took way too long time to get an actual answer from the girl “I think our break will soon be over”

”Right..right..”, Kanon corrected herself nodding her head between repeating same words and once again grabbed Mei’s hands “Rena told me… that she is going to propose to Jurina today! She went out to search for ring with Airi like an hour ago!”

Mei raised her eyebrows surprised “Really?That’s serious!”

”I know that’s serious!That’s why it’s a secret but I wanted to tell someone, because that’s so awesome!”

“Eh…well…I accidentally overheard… that Jurina is doing the same thing”.

“You mean?”

“Yes, she’s planning to propose too!” Mei stated and started jumping in air.

It didn’t take long for Kanon to join in and they looked kind of silly, like too little girls getting permission to go to Disneyland for the very first time. But believing that no one see them they didn’t care much about that.

They haven’t even noticed some members walking passed them and sometimes looking at that direction but knowing better than to interfere between these two. The two excited girls weren’t aware of the fact how adorable they looked this way. Excited and innocent, isn’t that the best combination sometimes?

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline calista_castro

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[SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #1
« Reply #92 on: March 06, 2016, 05:51:13 PM »
I guess short explanation is expected, right? So I'm trying new thing that my friend suggested... writing drabbles takes way less time (especially in cases where you really like writing but have no time for it), so in this case I'll tell story by writing drabbles. Yes, it means that the parts are going to be sort, most likely around 300-400 words... but since I'm writing it while taking a bus, or right before sleep (on my phone), that's the most convenient form for me. This is the first time I'm trying something like that so please... be patient. Oh...and yeah, I'm close to finishing up one of my fanfics, after that, I will decide which one to give more attention for the time being. Yeah... once again... sorry for the long explanation.

My Roommate From Hell, Literally

#1 [Introduction]

She stormed inside pretending that she already owns the place. I didn’t stop her, didn’t even comment on the matter. After all, there are two of us who are paying the price and we signed the lease for three months after our very first conversation. People look normal at first, don’t they? Especially in situations like that. If I have considered everything and asked around, maybe friends and relatives would have suggested meeting up with the person I’m planning to live with more than once. They would have been right and I could thank them. Most likely, I’m thinking about all of this only now, when I have already noticed how everything is, when I got to see the real face of this creature.

She’s beauty, there is no denying it. Imagine if someone stopped you in the street and forced you to answer straight ahead how the women of your dreams look like. Kojima Haruna... without a doubt she would be a preference for a lot of folks. That’s why they say that looks can be deceiving and we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.  Isn’t that the case in most situations? You can’t just expect someone to be this, excuse my language, smoking-fucking hot, and be NORMAL too.

I’m going ahead of myself, aren’t I? The thing is... for those who will read my story... you might not believe me just yet. You’re probably wondering – what is wrong with this girl? Why is she complaining when she gets to spend so much time with such legitimate beauty? I know, my friends, if I were you – I would ask just the same thing.

But looks...oh I’m constantly repeating myself but looks can be so deceiving... she does look like and angel but indeed is a devil, making my life miserable one day at a time.

She’s... a roommate from hell, literally. If you think that I’m overreacting... let me just tell you the reasons why...

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline genkingblack

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Re: [SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #1
« Reply #93 on: March 06, 2016, 05:59:56 PM »
Yooo Cat!  :onionwhip:

I see thats okay i read the drabble, so its kojiyuu this time :D

From Hell but didnt bother to move out :3

like we always said that, just post it if you think its enough

*i think i should use the same line for me as well* Lol
Miss talking with you on LINE
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline calista_castro

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[SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #2
« Reply #94 on: March 07, 2016, 02:15:44 PM »
My Roommate From Hell, Literally

#2 [First Meeting]

Haruna came late on our very first meeting, not that it would surprise me now. Actually, nothing surprises me anymore. Back then, I was slightly naive so believed her poor excuse of being interrupting on her way on a restaurant.

It’s just a small mistake – I thought. Well, it is, the first time. When your roommate is late everywhere for at least 30 minutes (e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e. d.a.y. there is a totally different issue).

But as you might have probably guessed: I didn’t mind it back then. Especially when she flash me that smile of hers, instantly leaving me in a daze and wondering if this person standing in front of me is real. I do believe that her smile is still my biggest weakness. Even now... when I know what kind of person Kojima Haruna is.
We had a pretty normal conversation, just remembering the things we already discussed via email or phone. Of course, I still kept on asking question that roused my curiosity.

“Where did you live before? Why not staying at some friends home? You have just recently moved in the country, right?”

I have to say that every time I asked something Haruna seemed slightly surprised and stared right back at me for at least a couple of seconds as if trying to comprehend the meaning behind my curiosity. It didn’t look that she had similar conversations before, actually, I was quite worried that maybe she didn’t even have a job as her blank face was unreadable. Despite those long pauses, she spoke up flashing that smile, maybe knowing the impact of it and how it makes the person she’s talking to slightly dazed.

“None of my friends live here. “

Needing to know everything, few times I even went for the personal questions, letting Haruna know that it’s not necessary to answer them if she feels uncomfortable, but still hopefully waiting for an answer.

Once again, despite long pauses, she answered every single one of them. For example, to question if she’s single, Haruna answered “Yes”, but when I couldn’t help myself and asked why, she left me speechless.

“Eh...probably because people are afraid of my ninja abilities”.

I’m not going to lie; I got sucked in because of her witty comment. Who doesn’t like someone with charming enough personality, while answering the most uncomfortable questions? case you forgot it... soon enough I changed my mind.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline genkingblack

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Re: [SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #2
« Reply #95 on: March 07, 2016, 02:22:03 PM »
Yoooo Cat  :onionwhip:
i guess this is fast comment (again)

The first thing pop-up into my mind is

"Thats soo much Haruna..." *Lol

of course i would be taken aback if she said something with ninja, i mean who's not?  :hiakhiakhiak:

Ah did you read my PM? I've sent you something
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: [SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #2
« Reply #96 on: March 07, 2016, 04:10:42 PM »
“Eh...probably because people are afraid of my ninja abilities”.

Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline calista_castro

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[SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #3
« Reply #97 on: March 08, 2016, 06:05:23 PM »
@buciq, ninja business is serious business  :lol: but yeah, I'm glad that we solved everything and we can continue the conversations on LINE! Yey!  :thumbup
@kuro_black29, don't laugh at ninjas, they are dangerous  :lol:

My Roommate From Hell, Literally

#3 [Moving In]

I help her out with the moving in. Driving around the city, collecting the necessary things, and even carrying some stuff after I found out how weak Haruna can actually be. It surprised me be a bit, considering that she’s way higher than I am, I guess we — shorties — are more determined when it comes to showing our strength (and overcompensating the fact how short we actually are…)

Glances now and then and sometimes hearing Haruna thanking me for the help, kind of gave me a second breathing. That afternoon it felt like I’m on top of the world: strong enough, fast enough, useful enough.

Please, don’t misunderstand it. I do feel alright in my own shoes. If I wouldn’t… well you wouldn’t see me running around my apartment naked, despite the curios and perverted neighbors from across the street that sometimes come to their window to check me out. I don’t even feel shame because of it — it is my home and my right. During the very first meeting, I informed Haruna that something like that might and probably will occur time after time and she shouldn’t be surprised. Instead of freaking out, Haruna looked intrigued. “What a fascinating person”, I thought to myself. Naive, foolish and stupid me. Oh…how silly, indeed.

That same evening after this stressful day, we decided to rest for a little bit and of course — choosing to drink wine was her idea. When I look back at it, wasn’t I the only one who actually deserved a rest? Haruna didn’t lift a finger all day. Instead, this girl instructed me where to go, which thing to carry first, what is more important, where should I put it in her room. I was treated like a slave. Helping out your roommate come in different forms — but not in a way where you become responsible for every single detail of their life.

Even the ‘small’ detail when you got to carry VERY drunk and not that light roommate to her room. More ironically, carrying out with a detail where her body falls on top of you and unable to get out you have to spend the rest of your precious night with someone (comfortably, I might add), sleeping on your tired body.

Luckily I didn’t suffocate, but considering it… it would have probably been more pleasant than spending all night listening to Haruna snoring and despite all of my attempts I couldn’t make her stop. Who is she? The devil… certainly the devil sent from hell to make my life miserable.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline genkingblack

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Re: [SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #3
« Reply #98 on: March 08, 2016, 09:39:03 PM »
yooo Cat~  :onionwhip:

I can't help but laughing my ass off while imagine this scene
I mean that is totally a torture

yet at the same time.. we know like a masochist? *lol  :wahaha: :wahaha:

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline calista_castro

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[SIDE] Drabble Stories - My Roommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) #4
« Reply #99 on: March 14, 2016, 09:18:37 PM »
@buciq, haha, I'm glad to make you laugh, since... let's just say that is the intention  :lol: oh sweet torture... la la la...

My Roommate From Hell, Literally

#4 [Present Time: 10 Reasons Why... Part 1]

It has been almost three months and let me just tell you... life is not getting easier. Some days I don’t mind it at all, but other times, I get truly annoyed. I’m not even sure what I’m mostly annoyed at: myself or Haruna. Truth to be told... it was foolish of me to rush and move in with someone I barely. Two weeks later one of my best friend’s Takamina got kicked out of her old apartment and if either of us knew it back then – she could have just moved into my place.

Life is full of surprises... it is impossible to know these kinds of things. That’s why I decided to make a list of reasons why Kojima Haruna is actually the devil. Well you know... I have probably mentioned a million times before that she did come from hell. Where else? Especially when there are so many reasons... but concentrating on the main ones is my goal. People often say that when you write something down in paper, especially something that annoys you; it instantly makes you feel better. I don’t know if it will help me out... but I’m willing to try.

First reason – Kojima Haruna is without a doubt the messiest person alive. I wonder if she actually lifted a thing in her life, or through anything out. Maybe she came to this country after leaving a pile of rubbish somewhere else? Maybe she actually made that country unlivable?

Second reason – Kojima Haruna takes the longest while preparing to go out. It doesn’t matter if it’s just walking down the stairs or greeting our neighbors. For her, such an easy task, takes forever. (One time I asked her to go and grab a newspaper, while I was taking a shower. Guess if she went outside in time to take it? No...who am I kidding... don’t even bother guessing... of course the answer is NO.

Third reason – After Haruna... I’m always left with cold shower. For such a lazy and slow person, she’s pretty quick to occupy our one and only bathroom. I wouldn’t even mind sharing it but NO... she locks the door, takes forever, walks out as if it was nothing and doesn’t apology when I have to take the coldest shower you can possible imagine. This girl... is a monster.

You think I run out of reasons? Oh dear... I have just started.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

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