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Author Topic: Brave Enough - Sae|Jurina|Rena|Yuki| & Others | Finally... Chapter.13 [16/3/17]  (Read 59781 times)

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.7| [10/3/16]
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2016, 11:55:48 PM »
OH NOOO!! It's not rejection airin!! Churi just surprise..... and confuse, that's it!
Well.. it's juriyuki, eh?
Actually i don't really read another pairing beside wmatsui, if i read jurinax.... or renax.... i feel like cheating on them lol
But you write a good story and i like it :on GJ:
and you should write more, there's a lot of people waiting, including me!! :hee:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.7| [10/3/16]
« Reply #61 on: March 13, 2016, 03:43:05 AM »
But you write a good story and i like it :on GJ:
and you should write more, there's a lot of people waiting, including me!! :hee:

That's right. Don't drop this fic nee, Buciq-san.. Pleaseee
Saerena here is so cute. It's just really hard to find a fanfic that has this pairing together

Offline arawche079

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.7| [10/3/16]
« Reply #62 on: March 13, 2016, 09:41:54 AM »
Update soon!!

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.7| [10/3/16]
« Reply #63 on: March 17, 2016, 09:49:24 PM »
OH NOOO!! It's not rejection airin!! Churi just surprise..... and confuse, that's it!
Well.. it's juriyuki, eh?
Actually i don't really read another pairing beside wmatsui, if i read jurinax.... or renax.... i feel like cheating on them lol
But you write a good story and i like it :on GJ:
and you should write more, there's a lot of people waiting, including me!! :hee:
Yeah Airi did take it as a rejection from Churi... :fainted:
To tell you the truth, even myself didn't know which pairing.
But i love my main cast in this fic :3
 this story already way out of my imagination :3
Sometimes when i write something, i did make a base plan. but the reality is, my imagination killing me  :depressed:
Wow, that's really good comment from you  :bath:
and yes i noticed that this comment for a couple of days ago (tbh i dont plan to write this, since you comment and remind me about this yeah... :kekeke:
Lucky you don't have to wait for next month like i usually did  :wahaha: :wahaha:

But you write a good story and i like it :on GJ:
and you should write more, there's a lot of people waiting, including me!! :hee:

That's right. Don't drop this fic nee, Buciq-san.. Pleaseee
Saerena here is so cute. It's just really hard to find a fanfic that has this pairing together
Deshou??  :shy1: I personally think SaeRena is cute in here
tbh i forgot the flow thats why i need to re-read again as reader, and i find myself doki doki every SaeRena moment :3
I won't drop this, rest assure. I'll try to finish what i've started  :bingo: :bingo:

Update soon!!

Here it goes!!

Thank you for the one who kind enough to left comment!  :hee: :hee:
Maybe you didn't know how i feel, but i feel really glad that someone love this fic and eager to see it more
Tbh your comments are really encouraging for me to keep writing, not forget to mention like you guys remind me that you are still waiting for this  :stuffed: :stuffed:

maybe i'm needed you to stay around and keep remind me, and tell me about your opinion the story so far.
if you could that i'm beyond grateful  :hee: :hee:

this might be short update, but i'll try focus on brave enough and my newest vamp vs wolf fic too

too long for my comment, here it goes. Enjoy~
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Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.8| [18/3/16]
« Reply #64 on: March 17, 2016, 09:49:59 PM »
Chapter 8

“Why did Milky always going home with Oshima-senpai?”

Shin mumbled to himself, he didn’t know the reason why Milky suddenly refused to go home together nowadays. He hid behind tree, looked at the Oshima Yuu and Milky walked together, he saw Milky cling onto his arm. He’s not very happy with that, not an ounces.  Then he remembered, their conversation about this.


“Milky, Wait!” He barely grabbed Milky’s wrist

“What?” Milky said with annoyed tone

“What’s wrong?”


“Then, Why did you refuse to walk home with me?” Shin retorted

“Do we HAVE to walking home together everyday, Shin?” Milky clearly said in sarcasm

“Are you mad at me?” He held Milky’s shoulder

“No, I’m not” She averted her eyes from his

Shin knew Milky was lying, but he couldn’t find the reason the latter became so mad. He tried to remember but the more he think the more he pissed because he has no idea at all. The worst is he knew Milky isn’t going to tell him.

“Come on, Let’s go home” Shin grabbed her wrist

“L-Let GO!” But Shin continued dragged her then, “I SAID LET GO!!” She shouted at Shin

Shin turned his body, and found the girl nearly cry. He found a couple of beads liquid on her orbs. For him, it was totally surprising because that was the first time Milky raised her voice against the latter.  Milky realized that Shin was no longer held her wrist as tight as before.

“What is wrong with you, Miyuki?” He furrowed his eyebrows, tried to understand the whole situation.

“Listen Shin, What is it that you don’t you understand? I just wanted to go home with Yuu-senpai. Is that so hard to understand?” Milky retorted

“But, why suddenly? We are always going home together, aren’t we?”

“Also we don’t have to, right?”

“But, we are..”

“We are what? What are we exactly, Shin? Tell me...”

“Of course friend!”

“That’s it. We just FRIEND, same like Akane, Jun, Airi right? Like me and Jun or Airi, We never walk home together. So, because we are FRIEND, we don’t have to walk home together everyday, right?” Milky emphasized every time she said word friend


Then he saw Milky, disappeared at the end of hallway.

End of Flashback

After that, they never walked home together anymore, but they still going together from home to school. Because they didn’t want to make their parents worried. Since that day, Shin always followed Milky from afar, he just wanted make sure she arrived at home safely. He did give a thought about what Milky said.

“Milky is right, friend doesn’t have to walk home everyday. But why do I have this uneasy feeling in my heart?”

After seeing Milky dropped by Oshima Yuu in front of her home, Shin saw Milky looked so happy and smile at Oshima Yuu, She just stayed there until Oshima Yuu was no longer in her sight. After that she turned her heels toward her front door, That’s it his cue, another day without Milky on his side.

The next day at class 3-A

Math is the last subject before lunch-break, their Match teacher is Ms. Shinoda Mariko. She’s known to be a killer teacher who always gave assignments every time she teached. On the our boys side only Kai is the honor student in Math, unlike Sae and Yuu. Whilst on the girl’s side the only one who don’t care about study is Acchan. What about Yuki and Haruna? Yuki is smart, although Haruna is the smartest among the girls.

“As usual I’m going to give you assignment!” Ms. Shinoda began to speak up

“BOOOOOO~” All of them said wasn’t pleased with ton of assignments

“Silence!” Ms. Shinoda hit the blackboard and the class went into silent immediately. “This time I’m gonna split you guys into group, one group consist of 2 students”

She began to call their classmate’s name one by one, until..

“Takahashi Kai!”

“Hai” Kai raised his hand

“You are pairing with…..” Her fingers roamed the student’s name list, until she stopped “Maeda Atsuko.”

In a flash Acchan threw her glare to Kai’s side, whilst Kai only smirked

“Next one, Kashiwagi Yuki. You are with…..” She paused for a while

Yuki’s POV

“Please let it be Sae..Sae…Sae..” She clenched her hands, keep muttering Sae’s name”

“Miyazawa Sae!”

I opened my eyes in flash, blinked for a couple of times.

“Did i hear it wrong?”

Then i felt someone nudged behind my back, I turned my back. I saw Acchan with her trademark nose-crinkle’s smile

“You must be happy, Yukirin~”

“EEHHH??!!” Without realized I stood up, interrupted while Ms. Shinoda speak

“Is there something wrong, Kashiwagi-san?” Ms. Shinoda turned down her glasses, I forgot that she really dislike when someone disturbed her while teaching

“N-Nothing is wrong, Ms. Shinoda. I’m sorry” I bowed my head down, and took a seat again.

“You sure lucky that Ms.Shinoda like you, Yuki-chan!” Haruna hissed at me

The whole class looked at me like something’s weird just happened.

“So… I’m pairing with Sae?” I couldn’t hide my joy, without realized a wide grinned drew on my face.

End of Yuki’s POV

“Who haven’t I called yet?” Ms. Shinoda asked

There were only two person who raised their hand in sync. One is the boy who look like squirrel, and the other is the smartest girl in the class.

“Okay, Then you two are pair.”

Yuu let out a deep sighed, didn’t believe what he just hear.  whilst Haruna didn’t care enough about the announcement.

"That’s all for today, don’t forget to submit your assignment two weeks from now.”

“You sure have a good partner, Yuu.” Kai smirked

“I had enough meeting during tutor’s time, i don’t need an extra..”

He leaned his back against his chair, turned his eyes to Sae who since earlier stare at Yuki

“What is her problem?” Did she hate me that much?”

“Good luck dude! That’s really weird partner that you got there!” Yuu teased Sae

“Nee, Yuu. Don’t you think that Kashiwagi hate me?”


“Why did you say that?” Kai joined the conversation

“Just look at her reaction, does she need to stand up in front of the class?” Sae showed displeased expression on his face

“Don’t you think it is other way round?” Yuu said

“What do you mean?” Sae furrowed his brows

“Ummm.. I think she like you, I mean she interested in you, Sae.”

“I was about to say the same.” Kai added

“No-No way, Impossible! She always threw her glare at me”

“Because I’ve met many girls.. It’s just that i trust my gut on this one.” Yuu put his hand below chin, slightly rubbed it as if he was a detective or something.

Because of Yuu said that, Sae couldn’t help but thinking about the Yuki. He was thinking any possibility that Yuki actually like him. He couldn’t denied, Yuki is beautiful, he thought she was the girl that he was looking for. But after he met Rena by chance, He pushed those thought away. But, sometime Yuki’s presence overlapping with the girl.

“Speaking about girls, I saw you with our junior.. Hmm.. She is quite popular among freshman..” Kai helped Sae to change topic, he gave wink to the latter. Sae showed his thumb to thank him.

“Ah, Did you mean Milky?” Yuu said without looking at Kai

“So, her name is Milky? Your new girl?” Sae smirked

“Hmmm… No, She isn’t. She just using me, and so do I..”

“Is your mother at home again?” Sae asked, there was worry tone in his voice

“Yeah…. That’s why i don’t want to go home early...”

There is no one know that the cheerful, popular, casanova of Trio Akiba actually has his own problem. Yeah he was raised as the heir of Oshi Inc, his parents never actually at home. It’s a cliché story, he could cope with their business. But as he grew up, her mother began to brought young men into their home. At first she told Yuu, it was business purposes. But one day he saw with his own eyes, that her mother use those young men to please her. That is the last time he talked to his mother, that triggered something inside him. He like around the girls because he thought eased his loneliness inside. Except he never took any girls with serious, like every time the girls were cling onto he remembered his mother.

“Tell me about this Milky then, you know you can’t play maiden’s heart, Yuu..” Kai said

“I think me and Milky have nothing to lose, since She was also using me for her benefit.”

“What do you mean?”

“She has crush on her neighbor, he isn Jun’s friend. Maybe you know him Sae, if i’m not mistaken his name is Yamamoto Shin..” Yuu furrowed his eyebrows tried to remember something

“Yes, i think i ever heard that name from Jun.”

“Then, what does it have to do with you?”  Kai asked Yuu

“She wanted to give it a test, she wanted to see Shin’s reaction. But I walked her home for two weeks, but nothing happened..” Yuu shrugged his shoulder and turned his eyes to Sae “What about you? Did you already ask her out?”

“Yeah Sae! Tell us about the freshman who succeed stealing your heart~” Kai teased him

“She has a name you know, it’s Rena.” He threw glare at Kai, then turned his eyes to Yuu “No, I didn’t have time to ask her out.”

“Awww~” They both made fun of Sae, and held out their laughter

“What about you, Kai? Still doing that? Sae asked the shortest guy among Trio Akiba.

“Ssshhh!!” Kai hushed Sae “I told you not to talk about that at school”

“Oops!” Sae covered his mouth, looking around lucky there’s no one paying attention about what he just said and continued  “How come that no one recognised you, Kai?”

“Hahahaha maybe someone didn’t pay attention to much about it” Kai tried to give a neutral opinion.

“Hey, do you guys want to change partner?” Yuu pleaded to his best friends

“Trust me, I’d rather pairing with Acchan. I mean, she looks more tame(?) I guess..” Sae said

“If I had to choose, my first choice is of course Haruna, because I really thought that our assignment will finish fast.” Kai sighed

When they wanted to talk again, Sae noticed Haruna is walking toward their direction. He nudged Yuu who still leaned his body against desk like jelly.

“Yuu, it’s Haruna..”

“I don’t care..”

Yuu didn’t bother to look up, the Sae nudged his body again.

“Arrghh I said I don’t care ab-!” He slightly screamed but his sentenced cut off when Yuu noticed that Haruna stood beside his desk

“Good news, I don’t care about you too Oshima-san. But I don’t want to my assignment score get low score because of you, and since I made promise to Mori-san to teach you..”

“I-I’m sorry..”

“Save your sorry, Let’s meet after school at library. Don’t try to runaway this time” She said as fixed her glasses.

To Be Continue
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 05:35:48 AM by buciq »
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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.8| [18/3/16]
« Reply #65 on: March 19, 2016, 03:03:01 AM »
There are a lot of misunderstanding!!!!!!!! :frustrated: but we need more drama :kekeke:
Just write it author-san, i know you like your main cast and i like them too, that's why i read it :hee:
I like to comment because you always give a reply :on lol:
I'm lucky huh? but i should wait for the next chapter now :(
Take your time author-san! I will wait!!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.8| [18/3/16]
« Reply #66 on: March 21, 2016, 07:40:09 PM »
Nice chap author-san be waiting for kojiyuu and saeyuki!!!

Yaay!!!!!! Yuu is in trouble now....

And thanks for giving me some milkyuu like that pairing too....

Update soon

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.8| [18/3/16]
« Reply #67 on: March 21, 2016, 08:21:17 PM »
There are a lot of misunderstanding!!!!!!!! :frustrated: but we need more drama :kekeke:
Just write it author-san, i know you like your main cast and i like them too, that's why i read it :hee:
I like to comment because you always give a reply :on lol:
I'm lucky huh? but i should wait for the next chapter now :(
Take your time author-san! I will wait!!

Yap, there are lot of misunderstanding here, yeah we need them suffer first :kekeke:
Yeah i love them, fufufufu~ :luvluv2:
of course i'll always reply it, since i love to talk. just dont be shy to left comment. XD
You dont have to wait for long~ i'm updating now
quite a long update, but full of Sae *lol*
after this i'll post about the vamp fic as well :3

Nice chap author-san be waiting for kojiyuu and saeyuki!!!

Yaay!!!!!! Yuu is in trouble now....

And thanks for giving me some milkyuu like that pairing too....

Update soon

Yeah i think milky and Yuu quite good pair, right?
ah maybe after this i'll focus on "study time"~
i dont know about next one progress, since i'll always improvise when i'm writing it :kekeke:

I dont proofread this, I'm sorry for typo, mispelling or bad grammar.
i hope you like it as much as I do , i love writing this chapter :3
I use most of POV in this chapter, is it confusing or should i use general POV?
but when i use POV, you kinda know what inside my chara's head :3

I dont know when will the next update, but keep remind me about this :3
maybe i'll regularly update this story XD
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 08:41:08 PM by buciq »
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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.9| [21/3/16]
« Reply #68 on: March 21, 2016, 08:38:52 PM »
Chapter 9

Sae’s POV

I left Yuu with Haruna alone, because i think it would be awkward if i still sit on my desk. I’m making my way out of class, then I noticed Acchan and Yuki from afar. Suddenly I realized that I haven’t talk to her at all regarding our assignment. I don’t know her personality, but I don’t want to become like Yuu who got scolded by Haruna. I gathered up my courage to talk to her, because the last time we talk she shouted at me. I saw her finally noticed me.

“Hey, Kashiwagi-san” I smile at her, just hoping that she’ll return it.

“.....” She didn’t answer at all, just stare at me blankly.

“Great! lame...” Sae cursed himself.

Yuki’s POV

I walked in hallway, I had lunch with Acchan only, because Haruna has something to do. In the middle on our way to class, I noticed the familiar figure came out from our class. Then I saw him smile at us, or me? There is no way he smile at me. I saw his figure closing our gap, then stopped right in front of me.

“Hey, Kashiwagi-san” 

He said while smile at me, with that smile which succeed making the girls in Akiba High fell head over heels for him. I’m shocked, literally. I never thought he’ll talk to me after I threw pillow on his face at infirmary.  Without realized I stare at him blankly, not saying anything.

“Yuki, I go first..” As Acchan left, she turned around and her mouth saying good-luck-don’t-ruin-this-opportunity, without a sound.

“Do you really hate me that much?” His line brought me back to reality, i noticed that there were no longer smile on his face.

“N-No! I-I d-don’t hate you, I like you!” I don’t know what just I said earlier, until I saw his eyes grew wide.

“You like me?” He’s really taken aback, you should see his funny expression.

Crap! Literally i wanted to dig a hole and hide in there for a long time. I need to came up with a very good excuse, blame my blabbering mouth.

“O-Of course, we are friend , right? Of course I like you.”

“Please..Please believe it.”  I keep saying that inside my heart

He didn’t say anything, but laughed hard. He raised his hand to sweep off a bead of tears at the end of his dark-orbs. It looked like he believed the lame excuse of mine, but i’m slightly annoyed by his laughter.

“What’s so funny?” My lips protrude

“I’m glad you know, Actually I really thought that you hate me”

It’s my turn to laughed, how can I hate him? So is he saying that he did think of me? Now I’m a bit happy because of it.

“Now, what are you laughing at?” He crossed his arms

“It’s funny, how could you think that I’m actually hate you?” I snorted

“Forget it then” He puffed his cheeks, many things changed. But that habit sure brought back memories. He still the Sae that I used to know, but just one he forget about me.

“Speaking of which, I thought you wanted to say something to me earlier..”

“Ah! Yes, about Ms. Shinoda’s assignment. We are a pair, did you forget?”

Of course I’m not, Acchan already tired of me because when we were having lunch, i talked about it over and over. Lucky thing is Match actually my favorite subject, and I don’t want to be cocky but I never failed Math exam not even once. Then the boy in front of my eyes is my opposite, he’s very good at sport but really bad at Math or subject that need formula.

“No, I didn’t. Do you want us to start as soon as possible?” I asked

“Yes, too bad we can’t start today. Could we arrange our schedule after school over? Because the deadline is two weeks from now, and since….”

“Since?” I didn’t understand where this conversation heading to

“Since I’m bad in Math subject, I don’t want to become your burden, because this is group’s assignments.”

That is one of the reasons why i adore him. He didn’t want to bother someone, he prefer put someone’s feeling first to himself . I’m glad, he really thought about me.

“So, we are going to do the assignment after school over? Where?”


“Is it okay if my house?” I suggest something since he couldn’t find any place in his head.

“Y-Your house?”

“Yeah, I bet our classmate will be choose library as their first. I couldn’t work if it too noisy” I’m not lying, working in environment full with noisy is really annoying for me.

“Okay.. So, I guess I’ll be in your care, Kashiwagi-san” He bowed to me, and ready to leave

“W-wait!” He turned to meet my eyes,  “Just call me Yuki, Miyazawa-san. We are friend right?” I managed to say it

“If you think we are friend, you should drop honorific first, Yuki. Byeee” He said and wave at me then rushed toward the Class 1 building.

Sae left Yuki alone in the hallway. He actually relieved that Yuki doesn’t hate him. Not because he bothered by it, still it’s unpleasant feeling if someone hate you, right? Then he noticed familiar figure which caught his eyes. It looked like the other girl was on her way toward library, so typical of her.

Then sudden voice of Yuu echoed in his mind

“Did you already ask her out?”

It’s not that he dragged out his confession, but he thought that because he’s always spent his time with Rena. Sometimes he forgot that he and Rena actually aren’t dating, yet. Then it hit his hard.

“Did Rena always wonder about us?”

Only thought of Rena wonder about them, made the ikemen young man feel bad. Then an idea came up, he looked at a bunch of  girls that who held their sketchbooks and pen in their arms. He walked closer towards crowd

“Hey, Can you give me your pen and one of that sketchbook?” Sae smiled

“Wow It’s Sae-senpai!!!” One of them freaked out

“O-Of Course, Senpai..” The girls handed over her note and pen

“Thank you!” He yelled as he left

He heard that a bunch of girls behind him squealed in delight. But He didn’t turned to see their reaction, because inside of his head already occupied by a certain girl.

Rena’s POV

“I hope library has new book”

I walked out of class, I was about to asked Airi to come along but he nowhere to be found. I noticed that he was act strange since yesterday, i bet it was related to Akane. Because it’s so obvious that they weren’t talk at all, the funny thing is when Airi was going toward particular direction, if Akane was on opposite, Airi abruptly changed his direction. I guessed that maybe Airi already talked about the truth to Akane. But apparently Akane didn’t receive it well, or worst. Then i feel someone poked at my shoulder, it was my classmate, if i’m not mistaken her name is Oya Masana.

“Matsui-san, There is something for you” She handed a piece of paper, and walked away.

Don’t you miss me? Because I’m missing you right now (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Meet me on library, at the section which you love so much
From : M.S

“I miss you too, Silly.” 

I folded the note again to it’s original form. I giggled, smiled ear to ear when I read that cute note. I looked around if he was around, then he nowhere to be found. It’s unusual for him to send a note, sometimes he always find a way to made me smile.

“I wonder how did he find me? Did he see me? But what is with this note? Why didn’t he show himself like usual? Arrghhhhh There are many things i wanted to ask. Maybe I should go to library..” I talked to myself,

My feet were light as feather, I don’t know I have this fluttering feeling inside my chest. I know that we aren’t dating, but can I just hoping that Senpai actually love me? Is it too much to ask? I know that Senpai is caring person, maybe he did that to every girl on our school.

My feet brought me to library, my eyes were roamed all over the place but i can’t find the particular person that i’ve been searching for. Then i remember about his sentence

“Meet me on library, at the section which you love so much”

“Section that i love so much…” My eyebrows met in the middle, “Ah! Flowers!”


“What is your favorite flowers, Rena?”

“Hmm… I gotta say, it’s baby’s breath..”

“Why? I thought rose is the beautiful one.” He said to me

“It’s a secret” I sticked my tongue out

“Hahahaha change the topic then, why do you love flowers so much?” Sae said that on our way back from school, like usual he held my hand on his.

“Hmm.. Because they are never hide something.” I smiled at him

“Hide something?” He tilted his head

“Un, Flowers never lie Senpai. They aren’t like people, who like to keep their secret. They just love being them.”

He giggled hearing my answers, he loved to tease me. Like everythings that i said he laughed it off, but myself didn’t find it funny at all.

“Mou, it’s not funny” I puffed my cheeks, displeased about his behavior

“Yes, you are, hehehe” He squeezed my hand

“I’m not a clown, you know” I pinched his cheek hard

“Ouch! It’s hurt, Rena” He rubbed his cheek furiously, I saw there was a red mark on it.

I felt guilty, maybe I did pinch his cheek too hard “Senpai, come here” I motion him to lowered his head a bit, immediately he complied to my sudden request.

“What? Are you hurt?” He showed his worriness in his dark-brown orbs

I smiled, and pulled on of his side shoulders even lower and closing our gaps

“feel better?” I lowered my eyes, bit my lower lips, not dare to look on his orbs, “I-I’m sorry, Sae” 

He didn’t move, just turned into stone but red color gradually appeared from his cheeks, the previous red from my pinched no longer  noticeable. His hand slowly raised covered the cheek that i had just kissed, and still has the expression couldn’t believe what just happened.



“I’m willing to take any pinch from you, if in the end i’ll get a kiss” He gave a wink to me, smiling like an idiot.

“S-Silly!” I pinched him harder than before, walked away leaving him behind

“W-Wait! I’m missing something here”

I turned my heels, found him showed me his hand, indicating something.

I reached my hand toward him “Come on and get me!” I motioned him to get closer. “it looks like…... mine missing yours too”

I whispered the last part but lucky, since he always knew what is on my mind without I spoke it louder. He walked slowly toward me, wrapped my hand to his.

End of FlashBack

General POV

Rena walked toward flower’s books section. Finally she saw the familiar figure standing leaned against one of the bookshelves. Their eyes met each other, Rena tried to walk toward him. When she was about to reached where he stand, Sae halted  her by raising his right hand, He held something on his hand, the sketchbook. He held the sketchbook covered half of his face, Rena can only see his dark-brown eyes. He began to opened the first page, showed it to Rena, there was a message written on it.

“From now on, please listen to what I want to tell you”

“What are you doing?” Rena chuckled

Sae kept pointing at the sketchbook. Rena gave up, and nodded. Sae flip over the first page, to next page.

“I thought every girls in this school will know me, but I was wrong when I met you”

Rena remembered how they met for the first time, she didn’t know him at all despite him being so popular at school. Rena gave another nod, implying that she’s done read that, therefore Sae flip next page.

“Everyone will thought that I’m the coolest guy in the school, but you know that I am more like moron when i’m with you.”

Rena giggled, yeah not many knew that Sae always had silly side of him. Not forget, sometimes he’s being shy around Rena. The taller boy, flip another page again.

“When florist always use baby’s breath as a complement to their bouquet..”

Rena nodded again, he continued flip the page again.

“To me, you’re not  just side character, you are the heroine in every chapter of  my story”

Rena speechless, couldn’t help but embarrassed. Sae continued flip another page

“Many people said that I could be hook up with any girls”

Rena agreed with those statement, she snorted and crossed her arms together.

“The truth is, if I could be with anyone. It’d still You...”

Rena could see from his handwriting, he emphasized the “You” part.

“Honestly, I’m not good at words”

Rena smiled, and raised her eyebrows.


Rena tilted her head. Sae finally moved the sketchbook which covered half of his face to in front of his broad chest. He flip the last page of sketchbook,

“Can I call you mine already, Rena?” He beamed with his signature smile.

Sae’s POV

“Why didn’t she say anything?”

I used this sketchbook to covered my face on purpose, because I knew how red my face right now.  I could heard my heart hammering inside my chest, I swore this is more nerve-racking than the Basketball Championship. I mean it’s hard to stand in front of your crush, after did the love confession.


Rena’s POV

His words finally snapped out of me from this trance.


“What is your answer?” I could notice his nervousness and fidgety at the same time.

Instead answering his question, I walked slowly until our gaps just a foot away. His eyes were roaming around the library but my orbs. I took the sketchbook from his hands, threw  it down.

“W-What are you doing, Rena?” Shock was plastered on his face.

“Just doing, what I need to do.” I simply answered.

He pouted and said “You don’t have to throw that, if you’re going to reject-”

Before he could finish his sentence, I jumped into his arms, snake my arms through his armpits to wrapped his shoulder from behind.

“Who said that I’m going to reject you?” I buried my face to his broad chest.

“So.. it’s a yes?” I could sensed his eyes were searching for mine.

Sae’s POV


 returned the embrace, more tighter than hers, my hand climbed up to her hair, stroke it in loving way.  We didn’t say anything else, just enjoy the moment. I don’t know how long we were in each other’s arms, but one thing for sure I wish time would stop now. But too bad, the bell rang, we need to go to our class.

“Rena, I’d like to stay like this for loooong time. But I think you need to go to your class too”

I was the first one to broke the embrace, she still didn’t look at me. But my mind already occupied by next class, since after lunch break is PE class. I was appointed as captain, it’s not good example if I’m late.

“Let’s go.” I was about to leave by dragged her wrist, but tug from tip of my shirt stopped me.

“S-senpai, w-wait…”

“Hm? Are you hurt?” I bent down to her head level,

“Mm-mm” She shook her head furiously

“Then? What is wrong?” I cupped one of her cheeks, stares into her almond-shape orbs.

“Ano…don’t you forget something?”

Rena’s POV

“He said the next time I need to prepare my lips, Senpai Baka” I puckered my lips

“Hmmm..” He tried very hard to remember, but I knew he forget about that.

“About the thing you said last time…” I said with annoyance tone, and continued “You said I should prepare my-”

There was a warm flesh pressed against my lips, he wrapped me closer to him.

“I don’t forget about it, you know~ hehe” He gave a wink, and pinched my nose, bent down again to give a quick peck once again on my lips.

“Mouu~” I smacked his chest,

“Ouch! But you’re cute, Rena” He hissed in pain, still smiled like an idiot.

“I know, I am cute” I sticked out my tongue, pinched one of his cheeks.

“Hai Hai~ Shall we go now, Rena?”  He asked for my hand, like a prince asked for the princess.  He bowed his head slightly, whilst his eyes still fixed on mine.

“Silly, Let’s go” I let out soft chuckled, and intertwined our hands together.

To Be Continue
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 05:35:28 AM by buciq »
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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.9| [21/3/16]
« Reply #69 on: March 22, 2016, 12:36:23 AM »
Finally sae , omedeteoouu rena is you're girlfriend now ! ! !
I think what about jun? I pity for his

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.9| [21/3/16]
« Reply #70 on: March 22, 2016, 11:03:28 AM »
:OMG: :frustrated: :on cloudeye: CONGRATULATION SAE! :fainted:
I'm dead :imdead:

Thanks for updating! :)

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.9| [21/3/16]
« Reply #71 on: March 31, 2016, 02:11:35 PM »
Update please!!!!
More seyuki!!!
Saerena and Wmatsuii!!!

More kojiyuu and atsumina!!!

Offline Rufy SaeYuki

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.9| [21/3/16]
« Reply #72 on: April 11, 2016, 07:40:13 AM »
 its very pleased can read sae|Yuki|jurina|rena. new fict about saeyuki the title is 'Paying to have you', but before finish thats fict already deleted. its pissed me off. so, thank you to continue this fict..

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.9| [21/3/16]
« Reply #73 on: April 12, 2016, 06:20:28 AM »
 :on cloudeye: :fainted: :err: :on blackhole:
my WMATSUI heart  :cry:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.9| [21/3/16]
« Reply #74 on: April 16, 2016, 06:58:40 PM »
Finally sae , omedeteoouu rena is you're girlfriend now ! ! !
I think what about jun? I pity for his
Jun? I think this chapter is turnpoint for each main character in this fic.
I'm gonna spoil Jun for the next chapter :3

:OMG: :frustrated: :on cloudeye: CONGRATULATION SAE! :fainted:
I'm dead :imdead:

Thanks for updating! :)
EHH?? I think you like SaeRena :p

Update please!!!!
More seyuki!!!
Saerena and Wmatsuii!!!

More kojiyuu and atsumina!!!
This time I put hmmm KojiYuu, Atsumina, SaeRena and JuriYuki.

but expect more the next update, since I'll shuffle the pairing XD

its very pleased can read sae|Yuki|jurina|rena. new fict about saeyuki the title is 'Paying to have you', but before finish thats fict already deleted. its pissed me off. so, thank you to continue this fict..
Hmm.. I haven't thinking about the ending, yet
But I think i'm okay with all of the possibilities.
I'll try to finish what I start. just chill out, okay?
thank you :)

:on cloudeye: :fainted: :err: :on blackhole:
my WMATSUI heart  :cry:
Hmm... I'm not fanatic of Wmatsui OTP.
But i love Jurina and Rena

I'm sorry if I broke your heart, next one there will be WMatsui moment. Promise, but not sure it'll be fluffy or not.
Since i never plan when I write something :on gay:

Hello Minna-san~
I did it again with long update from the last time  :on cloudeye:

Because I've been busy lately, but i managed to update all of the fic at the same time.  :onionwhip: :onionwhip:
Chapter 10 will another hmm i guess turnpoint for main character.
for KojiYuu and Atsumina, I haven't made my mind yet same as my main chara.
i dunno should i go for the mainstream pairing or NyanMina/AtsuYuu :kekeke:
Tell me what do you think?

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.10| [16/4/16]
« Reply #75 on: April 16, 2016, 07:08:45 PM »
Chapter 10

Somewhere at the corner inside the library, there were 4 people who sat at the same table. Yuu who was in the middle of Haruna and Kai, whilst Acchan on the right side of Kai.

“Huaaaahh….” The boy who has dimple yawned.

“Chotto.. Oi Oshima! You got this wrong!” Haruna pointed at some equation on Yuu’s note with pencil.

“Geez… Could you gimme a break, Haruna?”

He leaned his chin against the table as he felt his body completely like jelly, not forget his brain too. Actually Yuu was more than okay for studying, but 2 hours studying nonstop was just too much for him to handle.

“I don’t remember allow you to call me just by given name” Haruna threw death glare to Yuu.

“Whooa kowa!” Yuu moved his chair slightly to Kai’s side.

“Nee, Haruna. Why didn’t Yuki join us as well?” This time Acchan who sat at the outermost side asked the tallest girl.

“As if you didn’t know Yuki, Acchan. She never like the idea of group studying.”

That’s when Acchan remembered the last time they did studying together. Chaos. Because of she kept asking about the same question which is already answered by Yuki. That was the first time Yuki got angry and perhaps the last time Yuki joined the group studying. So, instead answering Haruna, Acchan just nodded slightly.

“What about Sae? Did he told you something Kai?” Yuu asked

“Since we know that Sae paired with Yuki. Perhaps He’s with Yuki now.” Kai answered not averted his eyes from the notes. “Have you done?”

“Huh?” Yuu frowned

“Not you squirrel.” He hissed at Yuu and turned his eyes to the girl who sat on the right side. “Have you done, Maeda-san?”

“Umm..” Acchan abruptly closed her note. “M..Maybe..” threw her eyes somewhere else.

Kai who saw this, immediately stole the note from Acchan’s hands. He was in rush as he flipped the page, next page, next page, and next again. Nothing. Yes he found nothing. He clenched Acchan’s note as he let out a deep sighed after that. He knew that Acchan bad with study, but who knows that the highest selling model in Japan is somewhat lack with her brain.


After leaving Yuki and Sae alone at the hallway, Acchan walked to their class again. Look what she found, a friend of Sae and Yuu was sitting on her chair. Who? None other than, Takahashi Kai. Little that Acchan knew, Kai already waited for her the entire lunch break, he skipped the lunch for Acchan.

“Tsk.. What is he doing there?” Acchan grumbled

Too bad, because of the last time they met left bad impression on Acchan’s brain. She couldn’t help but hate everything about Takahashi Kai. Like how dare he to said something rude right to her face. No one ever did, he was the first. It’s not like Acchan care about that, but whoever hurt they’ll regret about it. Soon.

“Ehem!” Acchan made a slight cough to clear her throat

“Ah, Finally you’re here.” Kai raised from Acchan’s seat.

Hearing what Kai said made Acchan arch an eyebrow “Were you waiting for me?”

“Un, In case you forgot we are one group for Ms. Shinoda class. Remember?”

“How could I forget?” Acchan talked inside her head. “What about that?”

“Well.. I already asked Haruna. Since she and Yuu will do their assignment in library.”

"Haruna? Did he close enough to call Haruna by name? Acchan said to herself." “So?” Acchan crossed her arms over her chest.

“What if we join them? You know the more, the merrier.”

Actually Kai said that because he can’t stand the idea studying with Acchan alone. Because he knew that Acchan always on the same level like Yuu’s brain. Lucky that Haruna was the first one who brought the topic “group study”. On the other hand, Acchan who thought the same way like Kai did. Kai is the last person whom she wanted to pairing with. The last time their encounter still burned in her eyes. Kai didn’t know that Acchan wasn’t going to let that away easily, she is Maeda Atsuko afterall.


End of Flashback

“You did NOTHING for 2 hours?” Kai put stress on each words especially on the ‘nothing’ part.

Soon, the atmosphere became heavy. None of them willing to talk. Although Kai is the shortest among the trio Akiba. But he has charisma that not even Yuu or Sae could compared with. Kai always a punctual person, he despised Acchan for wasting time. Thanks God, Acchan is girl. Because Yuu are totally  sure if Acchan is a guy, Kai will throw a punch at her right here, right now. Yuu could see Kai was trying his best maintained his calm composure.

“Wow Wow. Calm down, Kai.” Yuu held Kai’s shoulder, gave him a little massage there. The squirrel was trying his best to alleviate the air.

“But, Yuu. This girl-” His line was interrupted by someone.

“Oshima-kun right, Kai.” The tallest girl finally spoke up. “Perhaps, Acchan is tired. Because she said she did the photoshoot until late last nite, right Acchan?”

Haruna’s sentence took Acchan by surprise. Because she never had any schedule last night. By the time she’s in deep thinking, Kai already look at her, waiting for her answer.

“Is that true, Maeda-san?”

Behind Yuu, Acchan could see Haruna gave her a sign to play along. That’s her cue, Haruna was trying to help her.

“Yes..” Acchan was in an act. Though she is a top-model, but high-class director ever compliment her for her good acting. She didn’t call as a good actress for nothing.

“let her off the hook this time, okay?” She pleaded with Kai to let Acchan go.

Actually Kai was still angry at Acchan, but Haruna always have soft spot in Kai’s heart. He released a deep sigh before said “If you said so, Haruna.”

This outcome was totally unexpected. This situation was caught both Yuu and Acchan by surprised. The funny thing they thought the same thing at the same time, the difference is they talk inside each head separately.

“Kai?Haruna?” Yuu talked inside his head. “So she called Kai by his name only, so did Kai to her.” Yuu wasn’t happy with this.

“Tsk. He called me Maeda and use rude intonation. While talk to Haruna, he use the polite tone. What is he? Bipolar?” Acchan grumbled

“Thank you, Kai” Haruna smiled.

That was when Kai saw the clock, it’s near 4 pm. He jumped out of his chair.

“Crap! I have to go.” He hurriedly put his book into his bag.

“As usual, Kai?” Yuu asked.

Kai just nodded and turned his eyes to Acchan “I’m sorry, Maeda-san. I have to go first. That’s okay if you’re tired today. You could take a rest, we’ll continue tomorrow.”

“O-Okay, Thank you. Takahashi-san.” Acchan couldn’t help but feeling guilty about lying.

“Yosh, I’m going then. See you tomorrow guys, Take care Haruna. Be careful on your way” As Kai dashed to exit door.

Meanwhile on Music Room

From the hallway you could hear piano playing, but instead beautiful melody like usual. This time much of out-of-tune anywhere. It turned out to be Jun who was playing the piano. After the last time she met Yuki, suddenly he got interested in piano. He was trying to learn how to play piano by himself. Then he heard someone screaming his name.


Jun startled by sudden voice, because of that his playing was crumbled. Soon enough, the door sliding, as he found his love-interest still trying catch her breath at the doorway. There must be something happened, because Yuki was smiling ear to ear with her infamous overreacting face. After she found where Jun was, she dashed and gave him tackle hug.


Jun was taken aback with Yuki’s hug. His body was frozen. Literally like his eyes met the medusa and turned him into stone. His heart beating faster, as he could smell the shampoo fragrance from Yuki’s raven hair.

“Nee Nee, Guess what happened today?” Yuki broke the hug

Jun could feel tingle in corner of his heart, considering the reasons they met in this music room in the first place. Because of his brother, Miyazawa Sae.

“Umm.. Sae-nii?” Jun tilted his head.

“SOU SOU!!” Yuki raised her voice in excitement.

“What happened?”

“You know what? He talked to me! He said we are friend” Now Yuki completely jumped in excitement, totally lost in her fangirling.

Jun who saw this Yuki’s behavior couldn’t help but smile. Although the girl in front of his eyes now not smiling because of him. When you’re in love, even poison taste sweet like candy. Jun was in torn as well because he didn’t tell Yuki yet about there is a possibility that Sae actually like Rena. Speak of the devil, he lied about the one that he like about he’s the one who like Rena.

“Jun-kun?” Yuki waved her hand in front of Jun’s face.

Jun snorted with laughter “Isn’t that obvious? You two are classmate afterall.”

“Yeah, I know. But I thought he hate me. Because you know, we never talked before.” Yuki puffed her cheeks.

“Relax, Senpai. Sae-nii isn’t type who easily hate someone.”

“I know…. He still the same person as I remember.” Yuki murmured at the last part.

“Did you say something, Senpai?”

“Mm-mm” Yuki shook her head. Then she remembered something “Ano Jun-kun, maybe I couldn’t meet you for a week.”

“Eh? Why?” Jun couldn’t hide his disappointment tone in his voice.

“Because Ms. Shinoda gave me homework and I don’t like studying in library.”

For some reason, Yuki didn’t tell about Sae became her partner. Because she thought Sae’ll told Jun in any way.

“I see..”

“Aww, Don’t be sad. You could use this time to approach that glasses-girl.”


“Ah her name is Rena?”

“Her name is Matsui Rena, a flower geek.” Without realized Jun smiled. Remember the moment when he saw Rena talked to flowers like it’s her baby.

“Yeah, what about you and her?You never told me about your progress.” Yuki crossed her arms over chest.

“Ummm.. We managed to talk. She befriended with my friends as well.”

“Not that, are you close to her now?”

“We are friends, I guess?” Jun shrugged his shoulder.

“You should make a move on her. Before it’s too late!”

“I could say the same for you, Yuki-senpai~” Jun sticked out his tongue.

“I will, but not now! You should do the same.” Yuki retorted

“Hai hai~”

“I have to go now, See you again, Jun-kun” Yuki gave him a last hug before parted ways.

Jun returned the hug “See you again, Senpai.” How he wish that the hug will last forever.

As usual Sae walked Rena home, though they usually holding hands. But this time feel different, they are officially dating right now. Smile plastered on Sae’s face, but not with Rena’s. She looked somewhat trouble. This odd behavior didn’t escape from Sae’s eyes.

“Rena?What’s wrong”

“Nee, Senpai. Do you mind if we are hiding our relationship for the meantime?”

“Why? Is there something wrong?” Sae stopped completely, tried to look at his girlfriend face.

“It just…” Before she could finished her sentence, Sae cut her off

“Don't tell me you regret about it?” Sae couldn’t hide his disappointment

Rena sad looking at her boyfriend gloomy face. She let go of his hand, and reach out to cupped one of his cheeks.


“So why?”

“I don’t want our relationship became one of rumors at school.”

Sae was in torn, one side he want to announced to whole world that Rena is his girlfriend while the other hand, he knew that Rena always avoid the spotlight. He hate the idea of Rena being suddenly disturbed  because of him.

“Are you sure?”

Rena nodded, conviction showed in her brown-orbs.

“Okay, but remember you are mine.” Sae pulled Rena into an embrace.

“Un.” Rena tighten the embrace.

Sae was the first one who broke the hug, just because he remembered something

“Nee, Rena. I think I couldn’t walk you home for the time being. Because I need to do group assignment.”

“It’s okay. Actually I don’t want to force you to walk me home everyday. Because our home is in opposite direction.”

“Because it’s dangerous to walk by yourself. Don’t you know I’m worried?”

“Silly!” Rena pinched Sae’s tummy.

“Ouch! But seriously Rena, I’ll talk to Jun so he will walk you home for the time being.”

“No need!”

“I insist.”

When Rena was about to say anything else, Sae cut her off “I won’t take no for an answer.”

To Be Continue
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 05:35:09 AM by buciq »
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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.10| [16/4/16]
« Reply #76 on: April 16, 2016, 11:48:21 PM »
thanks for this new chapter!
i want to know more about Haruna and Kai.

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.10| [16/4/16]
« Reply #77 on: April 17, 2016, 05:41:31 AM »
Thanks for the update Author-san. :D
Still waiting for WMATSUI moments.  :cry:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.10| [16/4/16]
« Reply #78 on: April 17, 2016, 02:22:06 PM »
I like saerena... but... LONG LIVE WMATSUI!! :wahaha:
Haruna? Kai? Hmm~ what is this?
Ohh.. poor Yuki :err:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Brave Enough - Sae|Jun|Rena|Yuki| & Others |Chapter.10| [16/4/16]
« Reply #79 on: May 07, 2016, 06:04:40 PM »
thanks for this new chapter!
i want to know more about Haruna and Kai.
Your welcome~  :hee:
About Haruna x Kai, i think i'm gonna reveal in the next chapt. along with Yuu and Acchan also  :on cigar:
Well I made my timeline, but when I wrote something it'll change  :fainted:
But I'm trying to put their scene as much as my main chara
i wont regard them as cameo only  :bingo:

Thanks for the update Author-san. :D
Still waiting for WMATSUI moments.  :cry:
I'm writing a lot Wmatsui on this, but i dont know it suit your taste or not  :wahaha:
In the next I'll write SaeYuki more since I notice Yuki hasn't taste her spotlight  :err:

I like saerena... but... LONG LIVE WMATSUI!! :wahaha:
Haruna? Kai? Hmm~ what is this?
Ohh.. poor Yuki :err:

Just wait and see  :kekeke:

Okay, First of all I'm sorry for late update *sigh  :on freeze:
About this fic, did the story line go slowly? or you guys rather to wooossh get in the bottom line?
I'll try to keep writing and updating, be patient~

Thanks again for you my reader or silentreader

Enjoy~ :on gay:
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