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Author Topic: When Love Hurts  (Read 83929 times)

Offline len.chan

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2006, 07:07:46 AM »
Quote from: freya86

Also, will you reveal the mysterious identity of Gocchin's first lover? I'm curious ^_^

mm... I've already said it.. just read carefully, but yeah.. I have to write about that...

Quote from: Elle_Driver
Yuko certainly spent some time with Kei there, that's why she knows

that's it! XDXD

Offline Sukoshi

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2006, 11:49:27 AM »
Quote from: len.chan

'I don’t need anyone as long as I can be with you.'

Ah i love that line from miki...great job len.chan :D

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2006, 09:26:57 AM »
Hmm...Who to support! hmm...Agh, well because you write Miki and Yossui together so passionately I really like it. :D


After a bad day finding you have updated really lifted my spirits

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline len.chan

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When Love Hurts 11
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2006, 01:00:24 AM »
yeah! I'm winning more YoMiki fans? :yay:
That's an incentive to work more and more in the next chapters ^^



In her way to Tsunku’s office Miki became a little bit nervous. Her first though was that Tsunku knew about her and Yossi and she almost went into panic. But then, her mind told her that if it was that, Tsunku’d wanted to see Yoshizawa too. After a few moments in front of the office’s door, she calmed down, took a deep breath and came in.

What she wasn’t expected was to see Aya there.

“It’s a great idea, isn’t it?” Ayaya was excited and took her friend’s hand while Tsunku was explaining the whole thing to Miki. Every time she looked at her friend, Aya was smiling like a kid with a new toy as if the news made her the happiest girl in the world. Too bad she couldn’t feel the same.

“So.., a duo” said Miki like if she was thinking out loud “Aya and I…”
“Yes. It was something that I had in mind some time ago and with the movie coming up soon it’s a great opportunity. When Matsuura-san came to see me yesterday I though it was time to do it.”

That could be a dream come true for Miki some time ago, but now, with all that was happening, it was more like a nightmare. A duo with Aya meant to be with her at least two months sharing with her every hour of the day and that was going to kill her. Besides, something inside her mind told her that Yossi would be upset with the idea.

“Mikittan? You aren’t happy about it?” Ayaya seemed worried about her friend’s reaction.
“Yes, yes. Of course I am” answered Fujimoto with a fake smile “It’s just, you know, a surprise”

Hearing that, Ayaya smiled again and made Mikitty feel like the worst person in the earth.

Why now…


While walking through the hallway, Maki saw Ishikawa in one of the sofas smiling at her cellphone’s screen and she became curious.

“Why are you so happy? What have you done already?”

Rika-chan raised her head and closed her phone to look at Gocchin who was standing in front of her with her arms crossed.

“I’ve just helped a friend” said with a smirk on her face.
“Really?” asked Maki not sure about the other girl answer “And what do you won in return?”
“To see a friend become happy?”
“Yeah.., and Tsunku is straight. Come on Rika-chan, we know each other too well…” She step closer and asked again “What do you really want?”

Ishikawa gave her a defiant look.

“The same as you, Gottsan. The difference is that I’m fighting to have it” with those words she gave her back to Maki and started to walk away.
“She won’t come back to you”

Rika stopped and just turned her head a little to reply her.

“Wanna bet something?”
“You can’t play with other’s life so easily” said Maki angry taking Ishikawa’s arm to stop her “That’s not a game”
“Yes, it is” answered with the coldest voice ever and made her arm free from Maki’s hand “And I’ll win no matter what”

Gottsan looked as the other girl walk away worried about what she could do to have what she wanted. It wasn’t the first time she saw that look in Rika’s eyes…

Offline Elle_Driver

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2006, 06:31:26 AM »
Yeah.., and Tsunku is straight.


And you are not only winning new YoMiki fans, 'cause your story makes me wanna ship AyaMiki as well.
I still can't decide.

Offline len.chan

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When Love Hurts 12
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2006, 11:07:15 PM »
well.. after a few days, here's the new chapter.
I hope you enjoy it :)


It was evident to everybody in the studio that Fujimoto was trying to avoid Yossi for all morning. They didn’t exchange a word even, and that wasn’t normal knowing how close they were lately.

Miki turned her head briefly where Yoshizawa was and found the girl looking at her already with a worried look in her face. Yossi made a signal with her head asking if they could talk but Fujimoto refused and walked away.

Before she could reach the door, someone stopped her.

“Can we talk?”
“Eh.., sure”
“Not here” said Maki looking at where Ishikawa was standing. “Go outside”

Without asking why, Mikitty followed her wondering why she was so mysterious. Then, she looked at Rika too and saw her smiling victorious.

Someday I’ll punch that ‘perfect’ face of yours and we’ll see if you can still smile this way…


I wonder where they’re going…

Yossi watched the two girls leaving the set. She tried to talk with Miki for hours but it seemed like the girl was avoiding her in a deliberate way.

Besides, now she was paranoic too, thinking that everyone was looking at her because they knew about her and Miki. Yossi knew there was a possibility that her secret wasn’t a secret anymore. First, it was Nakazawa-san, but she didn’t worry Yossi. Even Hitomi herself had caught Yuko a few times doing the same so, she was sure about her keeping the secret. The real problem was Nono. Even with the promised she made to Hitomi, it was against her nature to keep something like this.

“What are you thinking about?” asked a sweet voice behind her while arms surrounded her waist.
“What are you doing? We’re not alone”
“You’d let me do it if we were alone?”
“No” answered Yossi angrily “Let me go, Ishikawa. Everybody is looking at us” Hitomi could see the rokkies watching the scene with her eyes wide open and Makoto talking suspiciously with Gaki-san and Takahashi.
“You are too tense, Yocchan” whispered Rika letting her breath caress Yossi’s neck “I can help you to relax…”
“Let me go!” shouted Yoshizawa pushing Ishikawa away.

The people in the set stopped what they were doing and put their attention toward the girls. Ishikawa just smiled to the staff and explained that Yossi was a little nervous lately, but Hitomi seized her by the arm and took her out of the set, not without turning before to the rest of the girls and shouting to them with rage.

“What are you looking at?!”

The door slammed behind her. Everybody was too confused to say nothing.

Offline bluekinoko

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« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2006, 02:08:04 AM »
Yay! you're writers block is cured. Nice to see new chapters. :D

☆ひとみちゃんのためなら バイト バイト バイト!☆

Offline len.chan

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« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2006, 05:20:48 PM »
yeah! finally something's working in my head again XD

Offline len.chan

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When Love Hurts 13
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2006, 11:44:31 PM »
and another one..


Gottsan didn’t say a word while they were walking. Once the girls arrive to the room, she closed the door and looked at Miki who was standing in front of her waiting for what she had to say.

“I know that what I’m going to ask you it’s none of my business but it’s important, ok?”
“Ok. Ask” said Fujimoto.
“Are you serious about Yossi?”

What?! So I was right… now eeeverybody knows…

“She didn’t tell me anything” Goto hurried to explain seeing Miki’s surprised face “It’s something I can feel when I look at you, and I need to know if you want to be with her for real or you’re just playing”
“I’m not playing” answered Miki with her cold voice, obviously hurt by the question.
“That’s good, ‘cause Yossi needs someone strong to fight for her.”
“What are you talking about, Gocchin?”
“I’m talking about Rika-chan. You have to be aware of her.”

Miki took some steps thinking about what Maki told her and then she turned towards the other girl to make her some questions.

“There’s something I want to know or… I need to know”
“Why Ishikawa’s so possessive with Yocchan? It’s almost sickly…”

Gocchin seated near the window and scratched her head. It was going to be difficult to explain the whole situation in a few minutes.

“The relationship of those two it’s complicated”
“No, really? “ said Miki sarcastically.
“Yeah” Maki laugh at Fujimoto’s expression “But it wasn’t this way at first. I’d never let Yocchan go if Rika didn’t love her.”


“I’d like to know why you’re doing this”
“I’ve told you, ‘cause I still love you” Ishikawa hugged her from behind “Even with the lies, the betrayals, the pain… You’re still the one in my heart”

Yossi didn’t know what to think. What Rika was talking? The sweet girl that she met six years ago, the Rika-chan with who she fell in love or the liar, the one she used her feelings to treat her like a dirty cloth.

“Even if you’re saying the truth, I can’t go back and start over again. It was too painful, Rika-chan” Yoshizawa took Rika’s hands that were resting in her waist “Not just because of what you did, but what I did too”
“You know I’ve never blamed you for that…”

Ishikawa rested her head in Yossi’s back and she could feel something humid through the fabric of her shirt.

She’s crying?

“Miki’s with you just because she can’t be with Aya…”
“I know that” said Yossi with sadness in her voice.
“And you still wanna be with her?” Rika’s voice began to crack and Hitomi didn’t know if it was because of pain or rage.
“Yes” answered her “I think I’m…”
“Don’t say it” Ishikawa went back to the cold herself while cleaning the remains of the tears with her hands “Don’t say it ‘cause I’m not gonna let that happen.”

She moved away from Yossi and left the room where the other girl was still standing confused.



“So.., they never…”
“Never. At least it was what Yossi told me.”
“And that’s why they broke up?”
“Maybe. But the problems began when Biyuden was formed. Rika-chan was too busy and they hadn’t enough time to see each other. Then, she became jealous thinking that Yossi would search in other girls what she wasn’t ready to give her.”
“And then it was when she became a…”
“Bitch?” cut Maki.
“I was thinking in ‘a maniac-obsessive’ but yeah, bitch fits well too”

Both girls burst in laugh. They’ve spent almost an hour talking already and now Miki knew everything that Maki knew and most of her worries had disappeared.

“How it ended finally?”
“I don’t know. A few months ago I found Yossi crying in my doorway but she didn’t tell me what happened and I didn’t ask either. All that I know is that since that day, Ishikawa’s aware of every girl that come near to Yocchan and make all that she can to keep they away.”
“And now I’m in the game”

Miki remembered how Rika had threatened her in the shower room after their practice. It was a face of Ishikawa that she didn’t want to see again.

“Watch every step you take ‘cause if you make a mistake, she’ll use it”
“I’ll be aware, I promise”
“And Miki…” continue Maki “Don’t let her put the things you love against you”
« Last Edit: August 08, 2006, 05:59:31 PM by len.chan »

Offline Elle_Driver

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2006, 12:34:19 AM »
Wanna say it here as well:

Hooray for updating so fast.  :thumbsup
First time Rika shows feelings, but who knows what she's gonna do next...

I wanna see Rika threatening Miki a bit more. XD :P  
I'm curious who will be the one that beats the crap out of Rika in the end.
:hits with chair:
I can imagine Aya laying her hands on Rika after finding out what kinda games Charmy's playing. *ugly cat fight* :drool:

Offline bluekinoko

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2006, 04:48:43 AM »
Im so happy this next piece is up. Wonderful. Superb. I like it.

especially the -

“And then it was when she became a…”
“Bitch?” cut Maki.
“I was thinking in ‘a maniac-obsessive’ but yeah, bitch fits well too”

I laughed out loud. Welcome back from your block. Its good to have you home!

☆ひとみちゃんのためなら バイト バイト バイト!☆

Offline len.chan

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2006, 07:24:47 AM »
thank you bluekinoko! it's good to be back ^_^

Offline rndmnwierd

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2006, 07:49:04 PM »
I like the story and where it's going, :x even if you did villify sweet, not-so-innocent Rika-chan.:x  I wanna see her get a :fire: smack down:hammer:  now though. Good work. :thumbsup

Offline len.chan

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When Love Hurts 14
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2006, 10:40:02 PM »
ah~ it's so nice to can write a new chapter everyday...
but don't get used to that 'cause i don't know how long it's going to last


“It’s a great opportunity”
“But I’ll have to be with her all the time…”
“You’ll have to deal with that soon or later”
“I don’t think I’m ready for this.”
“Of course you are” Yossi took Miki’s hand with her own “Just think ‘I’m the badass Miki Fujimoto, no one can hurt me’”

Mikitty smiled and rest her head on Hitomi’s chest.

“Besides, we couldn’t see each other like now…”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll be near every time you need me”

Stupid Yossi! Stupid, stupid stupid!
Why does she have to be so understanding? Why she can’t be just like a normal girlfriend being jealous of the time that I’m going to spend with Aya and not with her? Oh.., that’s right. We’re not girlfriends, we’re not even dating…But…, but, she could show some jealousy, couldn’t she? Just a little…

And why the hell it’s all pink?! I’m gonna kill Tsunku  for that…


If he likes pink so much she should be here wearing that stupid dress, taking that stupid photos and singing that stupid song…


 That’s it… I’m gonna kick his ass out of the office and…

“Earth to Miki. Can you hear me?” said Aya while she was shaking her hand up and down in front of her friend.
“You were absent again”
“Oh, sorry” replied Miki coming back from her own world.
“Don’t worry. We’ve finished for today” Aya smiled at her “Let’s go to change”

Ayaya took her hand as they left the set and went to the changing room. Miki felt uncomfortable again. Holding hands it was something normal between them since they met each other years ago, but this time it was different. Matsuura grabbed her hand every chance she could, even during the photo shoot. And every time she did it the most beautiful smile grow in her lips.

What’s going on with her?

Once they changed their clothes Miki was ready to leave, but Aya’s hand stopped her again.

“You’re not gonna wait for me?”
“I’m in a hurry”
“But we need to talk…”
“About this?” said Miki pointing with her head at their hands linked.
“This” replied Fujimoto raising the hands and shaking it in front of Aya’s eyes “Why you’ve been doing this all day?”
“I’m just…, I’m happy to have you back, working together, and I feel that I can’t let your hand go ‘cause if I let it go, you’ll leave me again” Aya said that almost without breathing between words.

Ayaya wait for her friend to say something like ‘I’m not going anywhere’ or ‘I’m not gonna leave you’ but Miki just looked at the ground without saying a word so, she spoke again.

“I know why you were so upset that night” she said while raising her free hand to caress Miki’s cheek slightly “And now I feel like a fool ‘cause I haven’t realized before and I almost lose you because of that”

For the first time since Ayaya started to speak, Fujimoto raised her head to look at her. Surprise wasn’t enough to describe how she felt and before she could react and process Ayaya’s words something shocked her again.

Without warning, Miki felt Aya’s lips against hers. It was short and shy, just a caress, but enough to shake Mikitty’s world.

“I love you too” said Aya staying just a few inches away from Miki and leaning to kiss her again.

But before their lips touched again, Miki moved away from Aya, grabbed her bag and without even looking at her, she ran out off the room leaving the other girl speechless.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2006, 11:04:51 PM by len.chan »

Offline JFC

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2006, 10:45:20 PM »
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh SHIT this is getting good! :pimp:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2006, 11:15:27 PM »
Oh snap! I'm at a lost for words. Aya is a little too late ain't she?

Offline Mikan

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2006, 06:52:54 AM »
Run Miki Run!!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2006, 02:27:23 PM »
ooooh the drama.....

Offline rndmnwierd

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When Love Hurts
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2006, 08:30:46 PM »
I agree with Mikan. Run girl! Run back to Yossui!

Offline len.chan

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When Love Hurts 15
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2006, 01:21:39 AM »
nothing to say.. i'm too sleepy right now :pen_sleep:


“What happened?”
“She kissed Miki and that silly ran away” answered Rika while hanging up the phone.
“Who’s the silly? Aya or Miki?”
“Miki. She’s so childish… Why can she just accept Aya and let Yossi alone?”

A hand took the cell-phone from Rika and put it on the table near the bed.

“You’re still doing this ‘cause you wanna hurt Yoshizawa, don’t you? Not because you’re jealous…”

Ishikawa didn’t answer directly. She just nodded and extended her arm to switch off the lights.

“You haven’t forgotten what she did to you, right?” asked the person next to her while a hand began to travel inside Rika’s thigh.
“No…” said within a moan “But…”
“Then don’t let your feelings dominate you. She don’t deserve to live happily ever after”

Rika-chan couldn’t say anything more. She began to breathe heavily as she felt the fingers moving inside her. As the first time, her body was completely helpless in front of the touch of those hands that made her skin bristle. But in her mind there was always the same though.



Yossi took the video’s remote control and turned on the movie.  Maki seated in the sofa next to her with a popcorn bowl in her hands but wasn’t interested in the screen.

“Why aren’t you with Miki tonight?”
“She wasn’t in the mood or something” said Hitomi getting some popcorn with her free hand “Besides.., we don’t have to be together all the time.”
“Of course~…, the ‘we’re not girlfriends’ thing” said Maki with a mocking tone in her voice “Come on. When are you going to tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re maaadly in love with her”
“I’m not!”

Hitomi’s cheeks turned deep red and she tried to hide it looking at the TV again while Gottsan smiled at herself triumphant.

“Well…, maybe not madly, but you’ve already fell for her, don’t you?”
“And what if it’s true?” Yossi looked at her with sadness in her eyes and the mood change completely “She’s not meant to be mine and I don’t wanna be hurt again”

Maki made an angry face and punched Yossi’s shoulder.

“I don’t want to hear that again, ok?!” said Gottsan standing if front of her with her arms crossed “You’re gonna fight to be happy or you’ll discover a side of Maki Goto that you’ve never seen before”
“Ok, ok” answered Yossi touching her hurt shoulder “But, what can I do? I don’t know how to handle those things…” said shyly.

A smile appeared on Maki’s face again. That’s her Yossi…

“Do something special. Something to show her how much she means to you”

Yossi looked at her friend and remembered how much she loved her before. Maki was the one who could read her mind, the one who understands her better than herself, the only person who had been loyal to her within the years. That’s called friendship. That’s the true love.

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