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Author Topic: One Shot  (Read 11932 times)

Offline erink

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« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2006, 07:49:28 PM »
Maki continued staring back at him.
"You've seen it all before."
"Yeah but when we were like kids and stuff."
"Are your eyes like, glassy?"
"Damned if I know, but I wouldn't be suprised."
"You know I'm up here right?"
"Yeah, vaguely aware of it." He brought his eyes up to her's. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Beilive me, I know whats up there. Your face is gorgeous. It's just, you've got certain other assests-" He emphasised assets. "and when all is said and done no matter what I am a guy and you are wearing your bra and panties."
"This is true."
"Hey, you know what I never got?"
"Quantum phsyics?"
"Yeah, okay that and like the whole bikini bra underwear thing."
"Like right now, you're in your bra and panties and it is unbelivebly hot and all that fun stuff right? If someone sees your underwear or something, like it is a big deal, you know?"
"But people walk around in bikini's all the time. And it isn't a big deal. Bikini's cover the excact same or even less, but it is more acceptable to walk around in a bikini than it is your underwear."
"It's werid, right?"
"You know it really is. I thought about that once before though. Cause if you do a photoshoot in a bikini it makes it sell but you can't do one in your underwear without being AV."
"Yeah, yeah."
"So from a guys perspective the underwear bra combo is hotter than the bikini, right?"
"That's werid. But at the same time it kinda makes sense, you know?"
"Yeah. Like I think it is only for girls though, cause look."
Kousuke unbottoned his jeans and slid them off.
"I kinda see what your saying."
"It is essentailly like a swimsuit type deal, the boxers."
"Yeah but is covers less."
"Yeah, that's true."
"Lose the shirt."
Kousuke obligied.
"Now see that makes it hotter. But still it is just kinda like-"
"Maybe it is just the boxers?"
"Yeah. I think for the most part guys have the potential to be a lot hotter in like no shirt and like sweatpants or something than just boxers. Unless they are cool boxers."
"Yeah. Plus it's more comfortable."
"It is, isn't it? Especially those grey ones you have."
"Definate comfrotable. Speaking of the grey one's have you like, you know, seen them anywhere?"
"Okay, okay so the grey ones I have are comfortable."
"Knew it."
"Can't blame me."
"I know."
Maki realized that Kouske's expression had changed from the usual to something else. She did realize that this was becuase Kousuke was beating himself up for being in this situation but not being able to do something other than talk about bikinis, underwear, bras, and boxers.. His one shot and he couldn't do it.
"What's that look for?"
"What look?"
"The look you have on your face right now. Did you forget to mail that form?"
The look went away and everything went back to normal again.
"You know, I honestly have no idea! I think I mailed it but I'm not sure."

Just because Kousuke couldn't take it, didn't mean Maki wouldn't.

Offline 00HB

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« Reply #41 on: November 23, 2006, 08:47:02 PM »
Quote from: erink;242032

"You know I'm up here right?"
"Yeah, vaguely aware of it."

This was priceless!:ONxD:

Kousuke can be either the most lucky guy in the world or the most unlucky one, couse in the end, he'll have to choose one of the girls....

And both of them are.... :ONfarofflook:
I needed to put al least four letters... ¬¬'

Offline JFC

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« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2006, 10:22:14 PM »
I love how they're trying not be all nonchalant like it's no big deal even though they're both in thier skivvies and crazy about each other.

Yo erink, in the next chapter are we gonna get a joke about Kosuke being "at attention"? XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline erink

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« Reply #43 on: December 27, 2006, 05:39:05 AM »
In the end I couldn't let it go to the second page.

Kousuke's hand came into Maki's veiw.
She handed the can back to him after she had taken a sip.
Kousuke was slouching in his seat on the couch. The comfortable cusions conforming slightly to the weight of his body.Maki was sitting with her back against the side of his body, her legs over the arm of the couch.
"I don't get why he just didn't shoot him already." Maki stated aloud.
"Yeah. But it's a movie. if he shot him now, it-"
"Yeah, I know. But still. It would just make sense to shoot him now."
"Logic has no place in action movies."
"Uhn. That's true."
The pair had remained half clothed. Something that was a bit of a catch 22, at least for one of the parties involved. A few minutes passed.
"This is comfy. We should do it more often."
Are you on crack!? This is not comfy. This is hard. This is really hard. Do you know how hard it is not to get hard with you leaning- ah no. No. What'da think you are doing? Don't shift like that! If you shift like that your legs! They are-
"Dinner later?"

Three weeks had passed. In the time that followed, Kousuke and Miki grew, much to Maki's concern, even closer, while Maki continued her erratic pattern of behaivour around him.

 Rain made continuous drumming noises on the roof. In an odd sense it was quite tranquil. Kousuke sat cross-legged on one of the kitchen chairs pouring over his text book. Or at least, putting on a good show of looking engrossed. It wasn't difficult, the assignment would just take a little bit more time than usual to complete. A knock on the door brought him out of the facinating world of molecular biology and back into real time.
He unfloded his long legs and made his way over to the door.
He didn't bother to look to see who it was, he had a feeling he knew.
His feeling however, was wrong. Standing at the door was a girl (okay so half of his feeling was right), dripping wet from the rain, who wore a worried expression.
"We need to talk."

Offline 00HB

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« Reply #44 on: December 27, 2006, 03:24:24 PM »
"Oh yeah!
Now the plot thickens!" *quoting someone but I REALLY don't remember who*
I'm glad you decided to continue this fic, erink. It's one I like the most.:panda_love:
Just 3 (well, 4 now) characters and their talks are awesome. You were inspired when you created this one! ^_____^
Loved this last chapter! ^.^
I needed to put al least four letters... ¬¬'

Offline YoukaiChica

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« Reply #45 on: December 27, 2006, 07:53:44 PM »
Its funny and clever that you didn't take the situtation in the obvious direction. Very clever, in fact. I loved this chapter just because it was so unexpected. And what could Aya want???? Ohhhh. I can't wait.

Offline erink

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« Reply #46 on: December 29, 2006, 06:47:25 PM »
Kousuke and Matsuura knew each other. They weren't exchanging text messages or anything, but they would greet each other as friends if they bumped into one another. Kousuke was around with Maki alot so most of the girls had grown accostomed to seeing him every now and then and took the opportunity to exchange small talk. Matsuura was no exception. This however...

"We need to talk."
It was taking Kousuke sometime to catch up with this. It was pretty low on the list of things he expected and he was acting accordingly.
"Ah, about...what?"
It was a dumb question, but all that managed to make it out of his mouth.
Kousuke realized she was still in the hallway. He moved out of the way allowing her inside and closed the door behind her. Then, he walked over to the kitchen and grabed a towel for her to dry off a bit with.
"Uh." Was all he could managed. He never thought there was anything particularly attractive about her, but seeing her up close was somehthing else entirely.
"Where are you going with this?"
She wasn't hiding her frustration very well. She gave a looked that screamed ' Please try and keep up"
"With Miki. What are you doing?"
"I, I'm still not. We're just-"
"She talks about you, you know. Alot." Matsuura paused and looked up at him before continuing. "Miki never talked before, about guys that is. But you, she doesn't give it a break.This is werid for her. Really werid."
Kousuke tilted his head to the side and leaned back on the wall.
"Listen, I'm worried about her. She obviously cares about you. And Miki doesn't really do relationships all that well. I mean just her talking about you to me is huge. So I wanna know what you are going to do. If you're just messing around, you should just end it right now before-"
"I'm not."
There was a pause.
"She doesn't deserve to be hurt. If you hurt her-"
"I'm not going to."
The awkward pause showed up again.
"She's not just some girl you know. She's something special."
"I know she is."
"Don't hurt her, okay?"
Matsuura lost the look of anger and her tone became softer.
all Kousuke could do was nod, slowly.


"I have this nawing in the pit of my stomach."
Miki smiled deviously.
"Don't worry, it'll go away. Or you'll get used to it after awhile."
"Miki," Aya turned to lok at her. "normally I stay out of all your evil plotting, I even tend to ingore that it happens, because I like you. I really like you, you know that? But this time, I really. I mean-"
"It's no big deal. I forced you into it so you really shouldn't feel that bad. In the long run-"
"Miki, I'm serious. I've got a bad feeling about this."
"You get a bad feeling about everything becuase you're just so pure and innocent. It's nothing. I've got it under control."
"I really don't think you do."
"Hmph. Anyway, how'd it go?"
"He looked how I feel."
Miki smiled again.
"What'd you say to him?"
"That I wanted to know where the relationship was going, and how you talked about him and all that stuff. I really don't want to have to relive it, it certainly wasn't one of my finer moments-"
"What did he say?"
"That he's not screwing around with you and he won't hurt you. Miki I-"
"Good. Good. Did he say anything thing about Maki?"
"Huh? Maki? No."
"Ahhhh" Miki let out a sigh. "Aya, you're such a good friend." Miki leaned over and threw her arms around Aya.
"I think I'm going to be sick."

Offline 00HB

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« Reply #47 on: December 29, 2006, 10:36:24 PM »
Yah............ poor Aya. Draged into this mess by a mean Miki...
She's a good girl and care (a lot) about her friend.....
Nice chapter, erink! ^^
I needed to put al least four letters... ¬¬'

Offline erink

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« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2007, 10:33:55 PM »
Miki rested her head on Kousuke's chest, exhausted. He gently ran his left hand through her hair as he looked at the ceiling. The two were just mumbling back and forth about nothing in particular.
"Soccer tomorrow?" She asked, slowly rolling her shoulders before resting back on his chest.
"Yeah. What are you doing?" Kousuke asked, his eyelids were moving slower and slower before finally closing completely at the end of the sentence.
"Aya's probably coming over. Jealous that I'm spending so much time with the boyfriend."
Kousuke's eyes shot back open and he could feel Miki's body tense.
She made a barely audible noise as Kousuke shifted away from her. He brought up his right arm and rested his wieght on it as he turned his upper body slightly to the left, looking Miki straight in the eye. He stayed there and they looked at one another for a few seconds.
He turned completely to the left and brought Miki's body in as close as he could in an embrace.
He kissed her neck and upper jaw, stopping after he kissed part of her earlobe.
"Boyfriend?" He whispered. She could feel his breath on the side of her face.
Miki could barely stop a soft moan as she managed an "Uhh"
"Hey, girlfriend," He nuzzled the side of her neck slowly. "how does that song go?"
As he felt her body relax, a broad smile came to his face. He kissed her neck again.
He would keep his promise. He wouldn't hurt her.

But she made no promises. She would hurt him.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 11:03:26 PM by erink »

Offline 00HB

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« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2007, 02:58:26 AM »
ow.... ow..... OW!!!
I'll die here waiting for the next chapter!!!!! >_<
Niaaaaa..... Pleeeeeease hurry, erink! XD XD XD
I needed to put al least four letters... ¬¬'

Offline YoukaiChica

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« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2007, 03:39:58 AM »
Oh SUSPENSE!!! I really don't know what to say. So, I'll just rant about Miki being evil. *rant rant rant* Ok. Better now. Hurry back and write some more!

Offline erink

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« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2007, 10:57:45 PM »
The sound system in Maki's living room continued blasting as she readjusted herself. She leaned back more and put her legs up and over the arm of the couch. She was about to return her attention to the screen when she noticed something. Her slender fingers wrapped around the Kousuke's hand that was laying gently on her side. She pulled it over to the right, bringing his arm across her body before intertwining her fingers and turning to the side.
"Huh?" She managed as she watched the vampire's head explode.
"You need to stop."
"I know, I know I need to stop renting bad movies. But honestly vampires and robots, it was such a good premise."
She heard him sigh loudly.
"Although that is very true, it's not what I mean."
"Ohh! Did you see that? His neck is it three pieces!"
It was something he had done since childhood. Whenever she was being difficult he would stop dead, scrunch up his face, and call out her name, breaking it in two and draging out the 'ki'.
"Well it was either this or some sappy drama. And we all know that we just don't do sappy dramas. We spend the entire move making fun of the charecters and talking about how ridiculous the whole plot is. At least there are explosions in this."
"I can't."
She rolled her eyes back trying to look at him without having to get up.
"Just stop this." He pulled up his hand, taking hers with him, and brought it into her view.
"I can't anymore." He said. "I'm Miki's..." He pulled his arm away from her and placed the other on her shoulder, forcing her to turn and face him. "Miki, I'm her boyfriend."
"Didn't she have a song-"
The seriousness of the situation vanished during that exchange, but returned shortly after.
He smiled sadly.
"I just, it isn't really fair to her to..."
Maki licked her lips.
"No, yeah, I... Yeah."
"It's just lately you have been kinda-"
"I was going to opt for confusing, but yeah that one fits."
After a few seconds of silence, they started giggling.

 It was true. Miki obviously had the upper hand when it came to seduction.
It left Maki at a lost. She could pull it off easily enough, the looks, the smiles, the lack of clothing.
It was just that once.
But her follow up was lacking. After she got him into the palm of her hand, she had no idea what to do next. This made for rather sporadic bursts of flirting, kisses, and attempts at subtle contact.

Another childhood habit. She didn't remember when she started calling him that, but the name stuck. In an odd way it felt like it was validation of the relationship she had with him. A special thing between them. It was just a nickname, but it felt as though it was some great big secret that connected the two of them. Throughout their entire life, no one else had ever called him that. Just her. For a split second she imagined Miki saying it and cringed.

Maki was looking down at her(his) grey sweatpants. She fiddled with slightly frayed edge of the fabric.
"You're too good for her."
He breathed deeply. Moving himself closer to her, before looking down at his own legs.
"I think that's just a matter of perspective."
"Well, if I'm the one that knows you best, shouldn't mine be the perspective you take?"
She looked up at him.
"No. Just please, listen to me on this. She's, she..." Maki looked back down at the couch feeling a few tears forming in her eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt." She finnished lamely.
Suddenly she felt his arms wrapped around her. He pulled her in close and kissed the top of her head.
"Things don't always end badly." He said, in an attempt to ease her worries.
No, sometimes they just end in betrayal
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 11:57:06 PM by erink »

Offline erink

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« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2007, 11:21:23 PM »
It was the little things he did for her that made this worthwhile. That and the sex. And the fact that she not only got to have fun, she got to be victorious over Maki. Okay, so it was a combination of things that made Miki enjoy this emensly.

 Morning's tour had made it difficult to meet recently, but he called faithfully. Miki was just about to get in the shower when there was a knock on the hotel door. She wrapped a towel around herself and made her way out of the bathroom, through the kitchen and over to the door.
"Comin', comin'. Ai if that's you, no for the last time I have not seen your shoes."
Miki opened the door.
And dropped her jaw.
Which was good, it added to the realism of her performance.
Standing outside was Kousuke, he was holding a bouquet of sunflowers and smiling.
"Good work tonight."
"Are you serious?"
"Well, you were kinda half assing the dance moves but-"
She smiled.
"You said you were really busy at school and stuff."
"I lied."
Miki smiled.
Haven't we all...
"You came all the way down here?"
"Yeah. It's been awhile. I wanted to see you."
He moved inside and she closed the door.
"Is that all you wanted to do?"
Kousuke set the flowers on the table next to the phone.
"Okay... So I wanted to kiss you."  At the end of his sentence, he leaned down and did just that.
"I really missed you." Miki said, putting her hand on his neck and kissing him again.
"I did too."
"I can't belive you came all the way down here. That's like three hours."
"Why didn't you come see me before the concert? Where did you-"
"Right in the pit."
Miki's mind played a little snippet of what the average floor level of the concert looks like.
"You're brave."
"I like to think so."
He smiled.
"It was better this way.Although showing up backstage before the concert, in front of all the girls, I suppose I definately would have won brownie points."
"Nah, I like to have you all to myself. Wouldn't want them getting even more jealous."
Miki smiled looking him up and down.
"So you wanted to see me and kiss me, which you did."
"Any chance you wanted to get in the shower with me too?"
"You don't even have to ask."
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 11:56:29 PM by erink »

Offline erink

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« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2007, 11:56:10 PM »
Weeks had passed since Kousuke stopped by the hotel that night. Miki was back in her apartment. She was on the floor, leaning up against one of the walls in the hallway. She rested her arms on her knees, staring off into space.

"This is bigger than me now. I'm not in control of this anymore." She was taking shallow breahtes, and  everynow and then her body would tremble slightly, just for a moment."Little by little I was losing my grasp on it. But I didn't notice. What should I do?" She turned. "Help me."
"Tan" The girl said affectionately. " You've seen enough movies to know that this isn't going to turn out good. You're hurting him no matter what and you can't stop it."
"Aya, what should I do? Do I just tell him?"
"What you should have done was never started this in the first place."
"When it started, I didn't care. I didn't feel this. But then little by little, I stopped having to put on a smile. It was just there. And yeah I kept sleeping with him, but after awhile even that was different. I like being close to him. The way he holds me and talks to me. At first it didn't matter, but now... Now if I lose that..."
Aya sighed. She had never seen Miki like this. To be honest she was at a loss.
"Maybe I just shouldn't tell him. What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?"
"Yeah, but what Maki knows sure will."
"If I talk to her..."
"You have a better chance of getting your solo career back."
"I'm scared. I know I did it to myself. I know I'll deserve it when he leaves me. Seeing him in pain... It's going to hurt me. I actually care about him. So seeing him like that, even just thinking about it hurts. And I know that when it happens, that pain, all I will be able to think about is how much I deserve it. What is this? This wasn't supposed to be like this."
"Miki, I have to say it."
"I know you do."
"I told you so."
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 12:02:44 AM by erink »

Offline iacus

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« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2007, 11:15:34 AM »
I just read this fic through in one sitting. And I must say that I enjoyed every single word. I like how much you change up your style between here and "Another day at H!P" and "Complete". All three are quite excellent but quite different as well. And thanks also for not giving up on this story, it's got some   real potential in it.(especially with the kind of twists you keep putting in there.)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 11:18:39 AM by iacus »

Offline JFC

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« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2007, 04:15:46 AM »
Looks like Kosuke's getting to Miki. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline 00HB

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« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2007, 10:55:44 PM »
Yaaaaaaaaa! A GIANT One shot update.....
I already said it, like... a dozen times before... but erink, you are just great!
I saw it comming. Kousuke is just much of a good boy to Miki ignore him!
And the confrontation Miki VS Maki is drawing nearer....
I cant help myself. I have to say it again. erink you really great! :panda_love:
I needed to put al least four letters... ¬¬'

Offline erink

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« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2007, 05:48:36 AM »
Kousuke clicked his tounge.
"Mann, do you do anything else?" He whispered to himself as he turned to close the door.
"For your information, I'm not." The lump on the bed spoke. "I'm just thinking."
Kousuke stepped into the room and moved over to the bed.
Goto rolled over to look at him.
"What are you doning here?"
"Your mom called. She said you were acting funny and wanted to know if you were okay."
Maki rolled her eyes.
"Why couldn't she just ask?"
"Because she knows she wouldn't have gotten anywhere. If you were really okay you would have gotten huffy and insisted that you were okay, wondering why she thought something was wrong in the first place. And"
He pushed her legs aside so he could lay down next to her. " if you really weren't okay, which you're not, you would have lied and said that you were."
"I'm okay."
Maki clicked her tounge.
"It is our special friendship powers." Kousuke said interlocking his fingers with hers. " I can not only tell when you are not okay, I can tell when you are lying. And guess what? You're both right now."
Maki sat up, and Kousuke did the same.
She stared at him for a few seconds, apathetically.
"It's a big problem."
"They always are."
"Koukuu..." She tilted her hed to the side, looking down at the sheets.
"I just."
The words stopped in her throat, choking her.
"I just want to know for sure."
She bit her lower lip.
"In my heart, I think I know the answer. But somedays I just wake up and it is different. I've been thinking about it. That's all I've been thinking about."
Maki started trembling slightly.
"I just want to know for sure."
She continued looking off to the side for a moment before bringing her eyes up to his.
Kousuke leaned forward, putting his left hand on the back of her head.
He kissed her, and Maki let him.
She let her body fall back onto the bed as he brought his right hand to her hip.
It only lasted ten seconds. At most. His body up against hers. Unconsciously she had moved her hand onto his chest.
He pulled away from her.
"Do you know for sure?"
Maki tilted her head back.

Offline erink

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« Reply #58 on: February 03, 2007, 07:02:32 AM »
Kousuke opened the door to his apartment.
"Hey" Miki yelled in her 'cute' voice.
She smiled playfully and got off the couch, heading towards him.
Miki wrapped her arms around him and stood on tip toe for a kiss.
Kousuke smiled uncomfortably and leaned his head back.
"Just wait a minute, okay? We need to talk."
Miki's expression changed. She losened her grip on him slightly, pulling away a little so she could see his face.
"Come 'ere." Kousuke said, taking her hand in his and moving over to the couch.
Miki sat down.
"Hey..." She licked her lips. "What is it? You're making me nervous."
Kousuke sat down next to her.
He kept looking at her.
I can't...
"I kissed Maki."
He looked off to the side, and then back to her.
"I can't explain it. I knew what I was doing. I was the one who kissed her, not the other way around. I chose to do it. I knew it would hurt you, but I thought... I thought that even though I was hurting you, I would be saving you from the hurt that would come if things continued this way. I just wanted to know... To be sure."
Kousuke moved forward on the couch until he was off of it, on his knees infront of Miki.
"Miki..." He reached out his hand to put it on her knee, but pulled it back. "I was your boyfriend. I was supposed to love you like no one else could. You don't have to belive me. I have no right to ask you to. So all I can do is just say that I'm sorry that I hurt you. It's twisted, but I did it with good intentions. I did it to try and help us."
Tears ran down Miki's face. She remained motionless.
Kousuke put his hand out and looked at her, silently asking for permission.
She agreed by looking at him and moving her head slightly.
He placed his hand on the side of her face, wiping away her tears with his thumb.
She closed her eyes, his touch making her willing to forgive anything and everything he did.
Suddenly Miki snapped out of it. She brought her hands up to her face and wipped away her own tears.
He pulled his hand back. Still kneeling infront of her.
"When did this happen?"
"Like five minutes ago."
"Five minutes ago?"
"And the first thing you did was to come and tell me?" Miki asked, slightly shocked.
"you wouldn't let me kiss you..." Miki said, seemingly to herself.
"It would be wrong. If I kissed you after doing that. Beacuase after I told you, I mean you would have just kissed me and it probably would have made it worse. Realizing that you were all over me a second ago and I had done that to you. I wanted to tell you everything before you did anything. Even you touching me made me feel...dirty."
"You told me." She repeated.
"If I lied about it, it would just hurt you more in the end, wouldn't it? I don't want to hurt you more than I already did."
"You said, was. You made it past tense. 'I was your boyfriend."
Kousuke couldn't hide his "why do you keep saying dumb things" expression.
"I was your boyfriend. Cheating is unforgivable. It's the lowest. I know that. I get that. You couldn't forgive something like that."
"But I do."
"I forgive you."
Miki shook her head side to side.
"It's okay. Well, it's not okay, but... I still want you. I still want you in the worst way. And I still want you to be my boyfriend."
Kousuke looked to the side. He leaned back, resting his thighs on his heels. In a few seconds he sat completely on the floor, staring off into space.
...How? How could she ever forgive me?
"How?" He asked, turning to look at her.
"Hey, Kousuke."
He furrowed his brow.
"Kiss me. Hold me like you always do."
Kousuke was still confused, but he certainly wasn't going to deny her. He would give her anything and everything she wanted.
He kept kissing her. And when he was finally done, he pulled her in close, stroking her hair.
Miki's eyes were closed, her lips parted slightly.
Like an angel. She's so beautiful. I don't deserve her.
Miki opened her eyes and looked at him. She leaned in, kissing him one last time.
"Now it is my turn to tell you something."

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« Reply #59 on: February 03, 2007, 08:21:08 PM »
Quote from: erink;300032
Miki opened her eyes and looked at him. She leaned in, kissing him one last time.
"Now it is my turn to tell you something."

Ooooooooooooooooooooh shit here it comes! :baa60776:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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