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Author Topic: HM translations!  (Read 14556 times)

Offline Fenrir

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HM translations!
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2005, 06:59:57 AM »
Kansai dialect!! No wonder i didnt get it!! I can't really understand kansai dialect.  :evil:  :lol:

But thx!!!

Offline JaisBane

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« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2005, 07:26:19 AM »
Well, she is from Kyoto, so kansai should be expected  :P

Anyways, if you want to learn more about kansaiben go to and click the grammar link at the top and scroll down the list on the side until you reach the bottom and can see "Kansaiben".  That should be enough to teach you basic kansaiben grammar, the rest is just memorizing the wierd words that they use instead of standard japanese words, but there's not that many of them.

Offline kiterez

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« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2005, 11:00:47 AM »
:lol: She uses standard Japanese and Kansai dialect properly depending on time and a case. Because I'm a Kansaijin, I understand it well. :)
I think the rest of your translations are all accurate. Great! :thumbsup

P.S.Reina often speaks in Kyushu dialect.

Offline Ayumi_85

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« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2005, 05:07:27 PM »
Wow!! Thanks!! :w00t: I'd really want to know the translation for ep. 20-03-05 (the triple date with that funny and feminine guy) That was a great ep!

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2005, 04:30:39 PM »
Hello Morning 5th Anniversary Pt. 2 5/22/05

Maido Arii!!

Yuko: This is a rarity. Please look at this shot. I think this is a first.
Erika: I’m a little nervous.
Yuko: You’re just a little nevous? Why? Perhaps, cuz you’re scared?
Erika: Yes. No, I’m not scared.
Yuko: But you just said… Are you scared?
Yui: I’m sort of scared.
Yuko: Everyone is just saying that…

Erika: What is that?
Yuko: You know, in this house-
Eric: Hello, hello!
Erika: My stomach hurts… [from laughing]
Yuko: You know, in this house, there are a lot of people I don’t know that comes. This is the first time an animal came in.
Eric: Hello, hello! Someday, I will come to your house. I’m Eric Kamezou.
Yuko: What is that? Is that ok?
Eric: Sorry. It’ just that it was just born. *Yuko: It’s freakin’ big!!*
Yuko: It’s freakin’ big!!! It’s strange!! Strange!!
Eric: Today I brought a lot of merchandise!
Yuko: Oh yes! About those!
Eric: The two misses, the two misses. *Yuko: Misses! Misses! (points to herself)* And middle age person. *Yuko: Misses!*

Eric: Berryz Kobou first PB, Berryz Kobou. It has them in a school, in lying down poses, sister sibling livelihood [environment], and concert photographs. Perfect of perfect. If you don’t buy this now, you will regret it!
Yuko: What happened? Wait a minute. I really want to see that great PB, but I’m really bothered by that. *Sign: That* Why did you bring that along? *Sign: Hides* But that’s too much standing out.

Yuko: That’s cute!! Super cute!!!! *Others: So cute!!!* What? What?
Eric: Speaking of beautiful, [I think that what she says] it’s Viyuden here. Viyuden. Seeing this PB, I was wondering if you could show us a beautiful pose you thought of. *Erika: Pose*
*Sign: Opposite of Berryz Kobou, showing the Viyuden’s beautiful pose.*
Eric: With that, let’s start with Miyo-chan
Eri: Ok.
Yuko: Are you ambitious? [I’m not quite sure what Yuko is saying…]
Eri: Is it ok if I do it front of the bunny?
Yuko, Eric: Yes, it’s ok!
Yuko: Well, it’s a little contest.
Eric: It’s like a sexy pose.
Yuko: Trying too much. Go Yui-chan. Ah! So cute!!!!!
Yui: [Says something I can’t make out]
Yuko: We know! We get it!!! Usagi-san wants to do it too, right?
Eric: Go ahead!
Yuko: Is that Usagi-san’s sexy pose???
Eric: That’s not sexy! *Sign: Bunny wins?”

Eric: Releasing on May 25, Viyuden’s new single, Ajisai ai Ai Monogatari
Yuko: Wouldn’t it be good if we get them to do something? [I can’t quite hear what she says] I heard that somebody can do a mimic of Antonio Inoki [is that right? I can’t remember his name] Right now; right now pressure to do Antonio Inoki.
Erika: Right… here I go. Viyuden’s third single, * Yuko: You’re ok. Ok.* Aijisai ai Ai Monogatari. The song is about a girl’s heart being in love. Everyone, please listen to it!
Yuko: She has great persuasive power!! Wonderful!
Eric: This is Viyuden first concert tour, “2005 Spring –Legend of Viyu-“, ticket. [Yuko says something I can’t make out] This is the real thing.
Yuko: Here is the concert name chart where you make sentences out of them. What? Den? *Eric: There’s one person missing* What?
Yuko: By all means I want to *Eric: Do it* I wonder if it can speak? It’s well prepared!
*Sign: Preparation OK*
Eric: I’m really moved.
Yuko: I get it. Well then, the “den” is up to the bunny- Why are you moving freely?! Viyuden’s Vi! [Well, won’t make much sense translated in English but oh well]
Erika: Vi as in it will be very fun!
Yui: Yu as in a concert full of courage!
Yuko: That’s good! What about “den”?!
Eric: Den, den Fight!
*Sign: Bunny – Den, den, Fight!*
Eric: Den, den Fight!
Yuko: The single, the PB, the ticket; we will take it everything!
Eric: Thank you very much!! So, I was thinking if the two of you young misses would like to dance with me together…Of course, the bunny will dance too?
*Sign: I’ll do it!*
Yuko: Well then, I leave it up to you.
Eric: Well, then, music start!
Yuko: Stop being so proud!!!!

Eric: Aren’t you going to do one last thing?
Bunny: Happy!!
Yuko: I don’t know! I don’t know! Take care!
Eric: That’s all!

Yuko: With all these [something I can’t make out], you don’t really need Ishikawa?
Erika: No, that’s not really true.
Yui: No, that’s not really true.
Yuko: What? What?
Rika: It’s so hot!!
Yuko: It’s hot? It’s hot, isn't it?
*Sign: In the bunny*
Yuko: With this leader, Viyuden, Rika, by herself, put out this single; good luck.
Rika: This single…You idiot! I did it already, but…
Yuko: As I thought, Ishikawa is really a leader…
Rika: I can’t go more intensely.
Yuko: You jumped too much. Right now, do you want to change leaders? How about me?
Rika: No, no, no. Viyuden is fresh.
Yuko: Go back.
Rika: Sorry…
Yuko: Going back?
Rika: Don’t want to. I finally got to show my face.

Offline ohbahsan

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« Reply #25 on: May 25, 2005, 02:28:46 AM »
i don't want to pollute this thread with another "thank u me too" post, but i am really grateful for the translations, thank you :)

anyway, to prove this post isn't just another "me too" post, i have included here a translation i did a few weeks ago for a friend.

warning 1: this is the english translation of a chinese translation, so i could have totally fucked up the original meaning.
warning 2: my english is not that good so grammar nazis please be gentle with me.


date: 2005-02-06
name: kaori graduation special


narrator: with graduation approaching iida suddenly takes a trip..  a building appears within eyesight, it's the temple she "trained" at.  this is the place iida wants to re-visit before her graduation.

iida: i remember now.  so many memories, this is the area i was in charge of cleaning.  11 people, sleeping on the beds we made everyday and attending classes... yuko and them washed their faces here...

*in the hallway*

iida: all the luggage was stored here.  everytime you wanted to get something it was like, "excuse me, excuse me", because everybody had to walk through this hallway.

*chuckling* here's the washroom, and in this corner is where nacchi and asuka practiced.  they were often chided for getting in the way.

*different room*

iida: here is where we had our singing lessons, and we all slept here together.

narrator: like instant-replay, the memories of yesteryear slowly come back.

iida: excuse me, is the head monk here? (ed. note: dunno the proper word for this "boss" person)

iida: hello
monk: you've grown up.
iida: ah, you remember me
monk: of course i remember
iida: i've grown up.
monk: you're more beautiful now
iida: thank you very much
monk: everybody has left.
iida: yes
monk: feeling a little lonely?  i heard you're leaving too.
iida: yes
monk: i see.  it's because you were all hard-working students that you all had successful careers
iida: yes.. sometimes i still think about it.
monk: keep working hard
iida: yes, thank you very much

*caption* what to tell the other 11 members

iida: what i want to say to them... i think i've already said it.  but.. it's only now that i am able to relate to what yuuchan had to go through. the responsibility and difficulty of being the leader and also the oldest.  i'm only able to understand it now, really.  i didn't really think about it that much before.  this is what i'd like to tell everyone.  but the things i've said and the announcements i have made were all for a reason, i hope everyone can understand that.

*caption* things to do for the members before graduating

narrator: this is when she came up with an idea.  meanwhile the members are here gathered in the meeting room.

yaguchi: kaori will be graduating soon.
rest: yes
yaguchi: i think we should all get together and make a present for her, how about it?
rest: oh good, yes, i agree *clapping*
yaguchi: so what should we make?
ishikawa: iida likes to paint, let's make a painting for her.
yoshizawa: sorry, but someone can't draw. *points to miki and eri*
fujimoto: aww, why are you pointing at me?
kamei: it's none of my business.
konno: because there are 12 of us, let's make something related to 12.
ishikawa: 12 members, it's the first time we've had that right?
rest: yeah.
offscreen: i wonder what's related to 12.

*caption* pencil

offscreen: pencil (??)
yoshizawa: a dozen.
ogawa: yeah a dozen pencils.
kamei: calendar.
yaguchi: ah! everybody gather around.
offscreen: what? what?
yaguchi: gather around.. i think this should be pretty good. *whispers*
rest: yeah!
yaguchi: not bad eh?  so let's do this thing then.
rest: yay!

anouncer: in order to give iida, who normally looked after the girls, a nice surprise, the members decided to secretly hand-craft a present for her.

*back to iida*

narrator: the thing that iida wants to do for the members before graduation is...
iida: i'm pretty confident about cooking, because living alone and having to look after your own health. so if a member isn't feeling well i would make something for everyone.  they would all say they want to come to my house to eat, and i'd say "sure, come, come."  but no one really had any time, so it was hard to do.  i really want to cook something for everybody, that is my wish.

narrator: cooking for everyone her specialty hot pot with ?? sauce.  after much thought, she finally decided on what ingredients to use.

*caption* (it's just a big ass list of ingredents)

narrator: she then embarked on an ambitious journey.  and thus began her secret plans.  the place she is going to.. is about a 90 minute drive from downtown, in the beautiful countryside.

narrator: she found a farmer's house, and started up a conversation.  and then for some reason she put on galoshes and started walking toward the farmland...

narrator: yes, because she wanted to personally inspect and pick the ingredents to use for cooking.

iida: i hope to to use the freshest ingredents to cook the tastiest food, so i have to make sure with my own eyes, to find the best tasting ingredents.

narrator: almost all the vegetables here are not sprayed with pesticide.

*show a truck filled with vegetables*

narrator: she hand-picked all these vegetables here.  she then continued looking for other ingredients, going further into the mountain she found... mushrooms.

iida: this one's not bad.

narrator: and also mizuna, which is a must-have for hot pot.  and thus iida continued to harvest many ingredients.

*back to the other members*

narrator: in order to create iida's gift, the members boarded a bus to someplace.  they arrived at a factory-like place, what are they going to do here?

yaguchi: *speaking to fujimoto* it's up to you now
yoshizawa: design is by fujimoto miki, it's all up to you, probably the most unreliable person here.

narrator: and thus fujimoto miki was tasked with coming up with the design

offscreen: cute...
fujimoto: this is not good?
yaguchi: if you turn it upside down it comes a peach.
fujimoto: no it doesn't.

narrator: fujimoto, yaguchi, and yoshizawa used a metal sheet to create the base using the uneasy design.  not being used to manual labor, they plowed on ahead but it seems they're making progress.

fujimoto: the base is finally finished.

narrator: also, the other members seemed to be working on some trinkets.  each person used iida's image to design their own creation.

ishikawa: what am i using this thing for?  you'll just have to wait and see.

ogawa: i can't take this, so tired...done.
konno: this is actually pretty fun.  i haven't done arts & crafts since elementary school.  i'll do my best because it's for iida-san.

ishikawa: i think she likes flowers, so it has a flowery feel to it.  and i feel she likes leather, and also i think she likes antiques, so i made this.  flashy!  i hope she likes it.

narrator: 2 hours of work have passed and the base is starting to take shape.

yaguchi: it's cute, and the colour's not bad.

offscreen: hi everybody.

narrator: everyone is taking a break from their busy schedule to come, not wanting any rest they kept on working.

tanaka: you need to polish this so it shines. looks more luxurious... and it's all for iida-san.

fujimoto: i've never did this for anyone.
yaguchi: but this job is pretty hard work.
fujimoto: i've never even did this for myself.
yaguchi: as long as it makes her happy.

yaguchi: mikitty look.. look here!  a butterfly knot.
offscreen: wow, amazing!

yaguchi: butterfly knots come to mind when talking about kaori.
offscreen: really...
yaguchi: when's she's being weird she likes to tie butterfly knots.

narrator: and then the members took turns taking each other's pictures, what are they thinking of doing?  working from the morning, and just like that 10 hours had passed by.  for their leader, who always took care of them, the present that all helped to create...

all: finished!

yaguchi: hope she'll be happy.
yoshizawa: she'll probably be surprised, kaori.
yaguchi: yeah she'll be very surprised, she doesn't know what we're doing today.
offscreen: can't wait.

narrator: so what did the members make for iida?


narrator: after harvesting vegetables, the next place iida is going to...  taking a break from her schedule she went to hiroshima. her goal is...

iida: i want to find the freshest oysters for the hot pot... so i came here to hiroshima.

narrator: so she went to japan's premier oyster harvesting area.  while there she enlisted the help of local fisherman to catch oysters.  she disappeared for 10 minutes to prepare for the journey out to sea...

iida: i finished changing.  this is cool right?  very professional feel.

narrator: and with the right clothes the serious iida boarded the fishing boat for the trip out to sea, for the challenge of doing the last thing for the members.  and then the fishing boat arrived at the oyster farm.  the water below the unstable deck is tens of meters deep.

iida: so heavy, so heavy... wow..

narrator: this is the first time she watched machines lifting up this large amount of oysters.  because the oysters will fall from up high, lots of them falling, so if not careful it can become dangerous.  still iida decided to personally use the scissors for cutting.  finally the oysters were harvested safely.

offscreen: can you cook a tasty hot pot?
iida: i think so, yes.

narrator: after returning to the harbour, iida also helped with the cleaning, her expression was one of concentration.  she even performed the difficult task of oyster shucking.

woman: getting better at this..

narrator: and in a short time she learned this too.  she used the oysters she's personally harvested.  next up is cleaning the oyster.

woman: this is good enough.
iida: last one.

iida: thank you very much.
woman: hope you can make a delicious gourmet.
iida: so many, i can't wait.

narrator: after all the work has finished it's time to taste the oysters they just harvested.

iida: it's very hot.
offscreen: eat it in one bite.
iida: unreal.  this is my dream, harvesting by myself and then eating it by the sea.
offscreen: careful it's hot.
woman: i also cooked some rice.
iida: really?
woman: here help yourself.
iida: i want to try it.

narrator: and here she met a different type of dish...

*caption* rice with oysters

iida: it looks really good.
iida: delicious, delicious.  if i can make this i want to make it for everyone too.  i'll think i'll try it, i should be able to.

narrator: and thus a new dish is added.  more good news is waiting for iida.  some fisherman, hearing the news, caught some fresh fish for her.

*fisherman unloading fish*

offscreen: putting this kind of fish together with oysters into the hot pot is the best...
iida: really? it must have the best flavour.

iida: i will definitely cook the best food for the members to eat, i really want to thank everyone.
woman: you're welcome.
man: when you're back in tokyo be sure to cook the best hot pot.
iida: yes, yes.  thank you very much.

narrator: and with everyone's help her ingredient-gathering trip comes to an end.


narrator: the day of the shoot has come.  the members are filming the skit.  at the same time iida is in the kitchen preparing.  it has all the ingredients she hand-picked, plus the recipe she picked up in hiroshima.  first she prepares for the rice with oysters.  because she's good with cooking, the preparation gets done quickly.

iida: ok, now for the hot pot.

narrator: next up is the hot pot, preparing every ingredient.  last come the oysters which were the most difficult to harvest.   carefully putting them into the hot pot, it's finally finished.

narrator: then, she entered the stage with nakazawa, and then she did a little "something"...

narrator: meanwhile, the other 11 members were in another room making the final preparations for their surprise. and then finally they headed for the soundstage where iida is.  what will become of their surprise plan?  let's first see what iida's little "something" was.

*other members walking down the hallway and sees a sign*

ishikawa: eh?  what's this.
offscreen: wait?  what's this. why?  "waiting for everyone, please come in".
offscreen: wait, what is this?

narrator: inside, iida's planned interview was supposed to be taking place, which was staged to lure her to the surprise plan.  so after seeing the welcome board the girls had a confused look on their face.

*the girls enter the soundstage*

girls: what's this?  what?
offscreen: welcome!
girls: what's this?
iida: sit, sit in the front.

narrator: the already-prepared dining table (er?)

nakazawa: everyone's asking what's going on.  so let's ask kaorin for an explanation.
iida: i've always wanted to cook something for everybody, you've all said you wanted to eat it right? so, i hope to do it at a place where everyone can be together.  my house can't accomodate everybody...
offscreen: that's true
iida: so today i hoped to borrow the haromoni soundstage to make something for everyone to eat.
rest: great!
nakazawa: before that though, let's watch a short video clip.

narrator: hoping to let the members understand the surprise meal, she showed them a short video clip. only then the members were made aware of iida's hand-picking ingredient trip.

nakazawa: this is great you guys... you really have to thank iida for this.  here comes the food...
rest: wow!
nakazawa: turn it around the right way, the right way, kaori's insistent about this.
kaori: there's rice with oysters too!  *picks up a jar of sauce* and this, this is my hand-made dipping sauce.  i made this at home.  *picks up another jar of sauce* and this, this is for everybody, ooooh suddenly this feels very heavy.  this is all done.

offscreen: it smells wonderful
nakazawa: and this, is kaori's special, i'm going to open it, want to see it?
rest: yes!

narrator: iida served the rice to the clearly touched members, while nakazawa took care of the sauce.

yaguchi: it's boiling.
nakazawa: then let's enjoy the food kaori has prepared for us. everyone put their hands together.  ready, set..
all: i'm starting

*they start eating*

yaguchi: i'm gonna start, kaori.
iida: i prepared all of this while you were filming the skit.
offscreen: really, everything?  
iida: even the soup stock.
offscreen: really.
nakazawa: i can eat too right?
iida: please go ahead.
yoshizawa: this is so good.
yaguchi: must eat the oysters, you don't often get a chance.
nakazawa: kei-chan, kago and nono should be here to try this too.
offscreen: yeah, for sure.
offscreen: this sauce is great!
nakazawa: this is good, so good.
iida: it's because everytime we're filming we eat cold lunch boxes, so i wanted you all to eat something hot.
nakazawa: tanaka, is it good?
tanaka: it's delicious.  i think everything's good, this is my 3rd helping.  mushrooms!
nakazawa: mushrooms, mushrooms are the best.

*konno crosses over the table*

konno: it's because i can't reach, sorry!
kanazawa: it's because you're hungry for more.
kanazawa: this hand-made sauce, is it easy to make?
iida: it's really easy to make.  you just have to marinate it for awhile.
kanazawa: marinate?  marinate what?
iida: it's an industrial secret.
kanazawa: industrial secret?  ok then whisper it to me after we're done.
iida: ok i'll whisper it.
kanazawa: if i can make this kind of food i'll be married right away!  this is awesome.  *speaking to other members* you must learn this well, men are powerless against this. like this..
yaguchi: we don't have a problem, no hurries.
kanazawa: saying i made this, and then bring it out.. waah it must be amazing... they'll be hooked, and never leave again.
yaguchi: yuko hasn't started drinking yet?
kanazawa: *collapses in laughter* no...
yaguchi: it's ok?

narrator: and this happy dinner time seemed to pass very quickly...

*they finish eating*

nakazawa: everyone's full?
rest: yes
nakazawa: i'm too, i'm about to burst.  i was supposed to be the MC today but now i don't even know what i'm supposed to do.
rest: it was delicious.
nakazawa: really delicious.
rest: thank you for your hospitality!
nakazawa: and so today you were all invited to eat kaori's own cooking.  in reality this hot pot carries a little message for everyone.  did you know that?
yaguchi: in the hot pot?
nakazawa: because kaori would be embarrassed to say this in front of everybody, so we recorded a short video clip, let's watch it together.

*start clip*

narrator: the meaning of the hot pot is this..

iida: 12 people is like the 12 ingredients, each has a different flavour.  when making the hot pot, take fish for instance, and vegetables, mushrooms.  they all taste good, but it's also kind of lonely eating them individually.  that is feeling of morning musume.  with all 12 kinds it becames a delicious hot pot.  with all 12 together it becomes a very strong group.  it's this kind of thinking that i thought that the hot pot was approppriate for this.

narrator: 12 personalities together as one...

*clip ends*

yaguchi: i hate this, really *wipes tear away*
nakazawa: so it's because of this, the hot pot everyone says is delicious, that's kaori's reason for making this.  now that everyone has eaten leader kaori's delicious hot pot and rice with oysters, it'll be strange if there is nothing in return.
rest: right.
yaguchi: we made a present too.
rest: yes!
iida: really?
yaguchi: please bring it in!

*they bring the present in under cover*

iida: what is it? what is it?
yaguchi: kaori, please lift this.
iida: it's hidden under here?  i can't wait.
yaguchi: ok, let's go, 1, 2
iida: cute!  it's a clock?

narrator: yes.  the thing that all the members worked hard to make was a hand-made clock.  surrounding the sides are the decorations the 11 members made for iida.  then each member wrote down their best wishes and put a picture of themselves where the numbers are before it was done.

*the members line up to put their trinket on the clock*

tanaka: iida-san, the hot pot and the rice with oyesters was really delicious.  this is the necklace-watch i made for you, i hope you will wear it as a lucky charm.
iida: ok.
tanaka: thank you very much.

sayumi: iida-san always calls me sayu, really cares for me, and says i'm cute.  it makes me feel very happy.  i hope we can act together wearing pon-pon.  thank you! (ed. note: everything she said i'm not sure of)

kamei: when i first joined my voice was really quiet.  iida-san personally taught me that this wasn't right, and i still remember it now.  i'm always grateful for iida-san, thank you very much and hope you will do your best.
iida: you too.

fujimoto: iida-san thank you for your cooking.  when miki first joined she didn't know anything, so frequently talked back.  how should i say this, i guess i must have been a hard-case.  i guess i was like this.  even then you still talked to me alot like a sister, it made me really like you a lot.  i'm about to turn 20, hope we can still have fun together.
iida: for sure

niigaki: iida-san thank you for your cooking.  when the 5th gen first joined, it was you who first started teaching us.  i didn't really know anything.  there was this time when there were only two of us singing together, and you praised my singing, it made me really happy.  after you graduate i hope you'll still give me suggestions, thank you very much.
iida: you too.

ogawa: when i first joined i didn't know anything, and had many failures.  iida-san taught me a lot, and got me used to these things.  and you were the first to call me mako-chan and to care for me, it made me really happy.  in the future, after iida-san has graduated i will continue to do my best.  hope you will continue to care for us, thank you very much.

konno: iida-san thank you for your cooking.  i've learned a lot of things from iida-san, at first i was scared, i thought iida-san looked mean.  but, you've really taught us many things.  at the concert when iida-san performed for the last time as a member of morning musume, i felt lonely so i sent a text message to iida-san, and received a reply right away.  that message made me feel warm and fuzzy.  from now on no matter what i'll never forget iida-san's intentions.  please keep up the good work, and i'll keep doing my best too.

takahashi: iida-san thank you for your cooking.  iida-san has taught me a lot, and scolded me and also praised me. but.. there was this time after a concert you said takahashi's dancing was pretty good, i never forgot that.  it's because of this kind of encouragement that i continue to work hard to this day.  i hope from now on i can also say to other people: "go and be a true senpai".  even though i'm far from there yet, i will continue working hard teaching others.  next time please come visit fukui.
iida: fukui?  sure.
takahashi: let's go eat fukui cuisine.
iida: ok, let's go eat together.

ishikawa: kaotan, we've been together for a long time.  there's something i always wanted to thank you about, i used to be very stubborn, but you always encouraged me to think more, making me consider things from different angles like i never used to before.  my thinking has also changed a great deal.  back then i was still a kid, now... a little more mature.  i hope i can be like kaori and receive a wonderful graduation. i will make the best use of my remaining time in morning musume.
iida: do your best

*ishikawa tries to push in the trinket*

iida: careful
ishikawa: it's because i can't lift my head to look at you

yoshizawa: thank you for your cooking.  when we first joined kaori looked after many things for us.  at that time i wasn't able to express my feelings openly.  but because of kaori's concern for us, always thinking of us, only while kaori's still with us was i able to learn the things that contribute to morning musume today.  next year i'll be the sub-leader... it's this year i'll be the sub-leader, leading the younger members.  so even if kaori graduates we will still try our best, to continue the future morning musume.  pleased be assured that.  thank you very much.

iida: do your best, sub-leader.

yaguchi: this day has finally come.  right now i have very mixed feelings.  i really, had many shared memories with kaori, and had many fights too.  but because of this a deep bound has been created.  whether i can lead the morning musume that kaori cares so much about, is something that i am uncomfortable about.  please give me lots advice when the time comes, and i will personally try my best to do a good job as a leader.  please kaori feel free to walk your own path, just like before, boldly go on.  you always took care of us pesky members, we are really grateful for that.  thank you very much.
iida: do your best, from now on i leave it up to you.

*hands her the last trinket*

yaguchi: please finish it with this
iida: use this?

*iida puts it on*

*caption* complete

iida: thank you

nakazawa: wow, it started ticking!
iida: it's ticking, must have been some hard work.
nakazawa: it's really wonderful.  and so morning musume's time and kaori's time have both started together, it's a really great present.
yaguchi: this clock has another meaning, and that is when kaori's feeling down, you can look at this clock and can think back to the bond we twelve people had together.  and use it as an inspiration.  we used this as the inspiration for our work.
iida: the clock also has 12 parts too.

nakazawa: kaori, perhaps it's the last time talking to everyone about your feelings, now if you think of anything else please tell it to them.
iida: i always wanted to maintain my original feelings, but being the oldest member as well as the leader.  everybody joined while still very young.  there are times when i had no choice but to reprimand people. but the loneliness of being separated from family, and also not being about to go out with schoolmates.  taking this into account, if i nagged more people would be even more depressed.  so i don't really like to admonish people, but there are times i had to reprimand people, reminding them to be more mindful of things.  but because people have stepped up and followed, therefore we have the result we have today.  but if it weren't for overcoming these difficult obstacles, we wouldn't have the morning musume of today.  if there are new members joining, you have to seriously caution them, seriously turn each member into a morning musume.  there are only two days left, please support me.
rest: yes

-- eric kamezou segment --

nakazawa: how are things lately
yoshizawa: lately?  it's february... february's setsubun...
nakazawa: that already passed no?
yoshizawa: then.. february 9th
nakazawa: ??? (another homophone joke that the japanese love and the rest of us go :?)
nakazawa: setsubun's past, and feb 9th is not here yet, but..

*kamei appears*

kamei: excuse me!  i know you're busy discussing things so please let me interrupt for a sec.
nakazawa: who?  who?
kamei: excuse me! *starts to take off shoes*
nakazawa: wait, wait, wait.. don't put it there.  who are you?
kamei: me?  i'm morning musume's specially contracted salesman for related products.  the most eloquent stud.
nakazawa: the most eloquent stud...
kamei: my name's eric kamezou, pleased to meet you. *hands nakazawa a business card*
nakazawa: stud?  where is it written?
kamei: it's written there.
nakazawa: where?
kamei: there...
nakazawa: it's too fake. *drops card on ground*
kamei: *horrified* what are you doing?
yoshizawa: but i'm interested in his white rose tie.
offscreen:  yeah it's not bad
yoshizawa: we can let him in right?

*kamei comes in and sits down*

kamei: today i prepared specially for a classy woman like you, a CD that will restore your youth just by listening to it!
nakazawa: a CD that can restore youth... sounds like fun.
yoshizawa: restore youth?
kamei: especially you *points to nakazawa*
nakazawa: mind your own business.
kamei: being released on feb 9th is the new single by W called "koi no fuga".
nakazawa: the cover is very cute.
kamei: this single is a cover of a very popular song in 1968.
nakazawa: what is this?  you looked very suspicious.
kamei: i'm not suspicious at all.. also, also.. an autograph by the two W members are being given away just for today. *holds up a cardboard with two scribbled words*
offscreen: tsuji and kago.
nakazawa: you signed this yourself didn't you?
kamei: no.
yoshizawa: it's written using the left hand, the words are so ugly.
kamei: you want to buy it or not?
nakazawa: it's not often that you hear about something that can restore youth..
kamei: yeah yeah.
nakazawa: it can make the skin younger and softer right?  not buying it is probably not a good idea.
kamei: thank you for your business! *stands up*
nakazawa: what?
yoshizawa: what is this?

*kamezou starts dancing*

offscreen: what's happening to you?
rest: what just happened?
kamei: you can tell by my name that i'm of mixed heritage.  whenever i'm happy my latin blood just start boiling.

*clip of w single*

kamei: the next product we have is this... being released on feb 9th, melon kenebi's 13th.. 14th new single, "ikutai wa shoujiki na E... RO... S..."
offscreen: gross!
nakazawa: what does EROS mean?
kamei: this, i hope today everyone can learn this together.
nakazawa: you probably don't know what it means either.
kamei: the lyrics are like this, let's please have the soon to be 20 miss yoshizawa recite it.
yoshizawa: i can read this kind of lyrics?
kamei: sure you can.
yoshizawa: i'd really like to transform to Ganko Ittetsu to read this.
nakazawa: that would be a lot of fun.
kamei: recite it please.

*yoshizawa recites the lyrics in a sexy voice*

nakazawa:i'm sorry but that sounded more like Hosoke Kazuko.
offscreen: yeah, it's so similar.
yoshizawa: no way...
nakazawa: it sounded just like hosoke with no preparation at all.
yoshizawa: no that's not true, the corners of hosoke's mouth have to point downward like this. *curves her mouth downward*


kamei: and then we have this, that miss Y.N.
nakazawa: Y.N.??
kamei: yes.  Miss Y.N.  this is her debut single.
nakazawa: the other day, this has nothing to do with what we're talking about, but i went out for a drink with kei-chan. the worker at the store there, i'm not sure where they're from, looked kinda like forigners to me, they brought this poster over and asked me to sign it.  it's this one: *shows a poster of herself*
offscreen: foreigner?
nakazawa: i think he lives in japan. "please sign this for me."
nakazawa: i was a little embarrassed... so.. all the stuff you brought here today, please let me buy all of them.
offscreen: why? why?
kamei: and this
nakazawa: this i'll take too.
kamei: thank you for your business! *music starts* *starts dancing*  *music stops* ok.
offscreen: it's finished?
kamei: yep.

*clip about melon kinebi's concert*

kamei: i'll come again.
nakazawa: not necessary.. you don't have to come again.
kamei: goodbye!
nakazawa: i wanna ask something, isn't your suit a little too big?
kamei: it's because i'm still a new member.

*kaori concert*

offscreen: are you ok kaori?
iida: let's go.
iida: let's perform our best ok?

*on the stage*

iida: this day has finally arrived.  in my heart this will be the best day of my life.  thank you very much everybody.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2005, 01:42:08 PM »
HM 5th new host!


Ai: Eh? I’m sure it was around this area.
Yuko: Well, patrol, patrol. Time to go on patrol.
Ai: Excuse me!
Yuko: Yes?!
Ai: I’m the new officer to be stationed in the police box in front of the train station, Takahashi!
Yuko: I heard about you. I’m Nakazawa. Nice to meet you.
Ai: Yeah.
Yuko: What? Umm… I’m the senior officer, senior officer. What you replied with earlier is a little weird…
Ai: I’m sorry.
Yuko: Nice to meet you.
Ai: I’m counting on you.
Yuko: Yes! That’s wrong.
Ai: I’m sorry!
Yuko: Look! Nice to meet you.
Ai: Nice to meet you.
Yuko: Yes, that’s good. Go to the station and be a clerk. [bascially just station there and give out info to people who need it]
Ai: Alright! *Yuko: Alright!* Let’s go!
Yuko: Yes! You go it wrong!!! Hey! Wait one minute!

Konno: Ah! Guardwoman!
Yuko: Yes? What?
Konno: I’m chasing after an idol…
Yuko: What? Ah, you must be the housewife chasing Kiyoshi Inochi, right?
Konno: I stopped chasing him.
Yuko: Ah, is that so? You must have changed to Yon then?
Konno: I stopped chasing him too.
Yuko: Ah? Well, who are you chasing after right now?
Konno: Well, right now… *Yuko: Yes?* I’m chasing after Hiromi! Hiromi, my love!
Yuko: What? Who is Hiromi?
Konno: I’m sure he’s around here... It’s Hiromi!
Yuko: What?

Ogawa: I’m Gyou! I’m Gyou! Gyou! Gyou! Gyou Hiromi!
Konno: Hiromi!
Ogawa: *Singing* Kimitachi onnako no ko *Konno: Gyou! Gyou!* Bokutachi otoko no ko! *Konno: Gyou! Gyou!* Hey, hey, hey! *Konno: Hey, hey, hey!* Hey, hey, hey! *Konno: Hey, hey, hey!* Oide, sahoho~… Well, then, come here!
Yuko: The chosen song is too old and she can’t sing it! But, really, no more!! I can’t handle another weird person!!! Ah, that’s right! I have to get to Takahashi!
Aibon: Whatcha looking at?
Tsuji: What do you want, idiot?
Aibon, Tsuji: Daimayuge, we love you!!!
Aibon: Futasuji, do you like her too?
Tsuji: I love her! Bro, do you like her too?
Aibon: I love her!!
Tsuji: I love you!!
Aibon: I love you!!
Risa: Wait! Wait a minute! Didn’t you guys always tease me and make me cry?
Aibon: Well…umm… that’s rugged love [I think]
Tsuji: Well… umm… that’s a sadistic expression of love.
Risa: Well, then, you guys really love me.
Tsuji, Aibon: We love you!!!
Risa: I’m happy! But this is Mameko’s serious chance, so I can’t love you both.
Tsuji: Bro, let’s decide now!
Aibon: Well, then, whoever wins, gets to go out with her. It’s decided.

Nacchi: Stop right now!
Risa: Teacher!
Nacchi: You two, what in the world do you like about grainy eyebrows like these?
Risa: Teacher, that’s mean!!
Nacchi: Ah! I’m so sorry. But even with that… you have a face like a goblin, where are the good points in a girl like this?
Risa: That’s also mean!
Nacchi: Anyways, stop!
Aibon, Tsuji: No way!! [literally, they are saying we’re going to be bad]

Yossi: Hitosuji! Futasuji!
Aibon, Tsuji: It’s dad!
Yossi: What are you guys doing to the teacher??!
Aibon: Teacher, we’re sorry.
Aibon, Tsuji: Are you ok?
Nacchi: I’m ok. I’m ok.
Yossi: Too late! I mustn’t waste this inactivity [???] Tomeko, prepare it!!
Rika: But, dear! In this place…
Yossi: Prepare the table!
Rika: Yes.

Rika: Dear, here!
Yossi: Alright! *Singing* Hajimete no chuu! Tomeko to chuu! [Ahh, the Ishiyoshi!! :D ] This is wrong!!!! Tomeko, prepare it!!
Rika: I’m sorry.
Yossi: How was I supposed to use it?! What? What?! Don’t pat dad’s head!!!
Rika: Dear, here!
Aibon, Tsuji: Go for it!
Yossi: You idiots!!! Why in hell were you hitting the teacher??!!! You’re suppose to respect the teacher!!! Shut up!!! What the hell are those eyebrows??!!!
Rika: Dear, please stop already!!
Yossi: Shut up!! The looks of this bad blood is cuz of you!!! [I can’t quite make out all of what she’s saying, so I’m kinda improvising on what I think I’m hearing]
Ai: Hey, hey, hey!! Violence isn’t allowed!
Yossi: Shut up!!
Ai: What are you doing!??!!
Yuko: It’s not ME!!!!!
Ai: I’m sorry!!

Ogawa: I’m Gyou Hiromi! Hello! I’m Gyou Hiromi!
Yossi: Don’t mimic something that you don’t even look alike!!
Ogawa: I’m Gyou Hiromi!
Yossi: Didn’t I say you don’t even look like him!!! Hitosuji, Futasuji, let’s leapfrog away! [Can’t make it out what Yossi says at the end with Ogawa right next to the mic. And watch Rika laugh her head off in the background!! Laughing so hard she hides behind Aibon and Tsuji and falls to the ground!!!  Hilarious!! :lol:  :lol: Rika <3 :P ] *Ogawa: I’m Gyou Hiromi!* Let’s go!!!!
Aibon, Tsuji: Yes!! Yes!!!
Rika: Dear, be careful!!

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2005, 01:49:46 PM »
Quote from: Ayumi_85
Wow!! Thanks!! :w00t: I'd really want to know the translation for ep. 20-03-05 (the triple date with that funny and feminine guy) That was a great ep!

I found out i still had that episode on my laptop!  :shock: Now that i found it, was there a specific part that you wanted? Cuz doing the whole episodes is a little............... :( Sorry... but i can probably get up a part of it, so just pm or write here or something!  :)

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« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2005, 07:18:33 PM »
Quote from: Fenrir13
Yossi: Alright! *Singing* Hajimete no chuu! Tomeko to chuu!

We need a flashback!!!

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« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2005, 04:21:58 PM »
Hello Morning Mari, Miki, Aibon Date

In the Ferris Wheel

Mari: Continuing, the next place we went to is Odaiba!
Yamazaki: In Odaiba, our theme is this! The ferris wheel! This might be redundant, but what are we studying?
Miki: About dates, right?
Yamazaki: That’s right. About being cute girls. Well, then, in the ferris wheel, we can enjoy the scenery and talk [learn] lots about being cute. So, let’s go!
Others: Alright! Let’s go!
Mari: With that we promptly rode the ferris wheel, but the teacher appears again!

Yamazaki: Well, then what does a ferris wheel mean?
Aibon, Mari, Miki: Eh?
Mari: Well, it has to be about “couples.”
Yamazaki: That’s right! A place for a big chance in confessions. Big lesson in confessions. Ok? In order to have a good confession and such, I prepared a scenario where I leave it up to you to adlib back to my comments.
Mari: I understand.

Narrator: Today is a heart pounding, exciting date. The girls have to adlib back to the best they can to Tohru-san’s confession.
Mari: A love’s confession. First, Kago-chan.
*Sign: A ferris wheel love skit: Kago Aibon*
Yamazaki: It’s pretty isn’t it, Ai?
Aibon: Look! The scenery is pretty.
Yamazaki: No, it’s not the scenery that’s pretty, but you.
Aibon: Terechauzo <3 [Sound for being embarrassed, I think]
Yamazaki: I’ll also join you in being embarrassed! <3
Mari: Next up, the one who has her shine hidden, Miki! [Hard to translate to English, sorry]
Yamazaki: It’s pretty isn’t it, Miki?
Miki: Yeah, the scenery is really pretty.
Yamazaki: No, it’s not the scenery that’s pretty, but you.
Miki Well, then… will you go out with me?
Yamazaki: Ok! Ok!
Miki, Yamasaki: Ok!
Yamazaki: Ke-ke-ke-ke!
Miki: Straight forward huh? [Straight to the point]
Mari: Just like you.
Yamazaki: Like Miki isn’t it?
Mari: Just like you.
Mari: Lastly, I’ll try the challenge.
Yamazaki: It’s pretty isn’t it, Mari?
Mari: Eh? You can’t really see anything with it raining.
Yamazaki: No, it’s not the scenery that’s pretty, but you.
Mari: I’m glad I came. <3
Yamazaki: I’m also glad that I came. <3

Aibon: That was weird.
Yamazaki: Aren’t we like 4 person team of idiots?

Yamazaki: The confession situation is over!
Others: Yay!
Yamazaki: Now I’ll decide the champion. With each of you doing the confession, I shall choose one winner. Is that ok?
Others: Yes.
Yamazaki: The number one [should be] winner is Yaguchi Mari.
Mari: Really?
Yamazaki: Yes.
Miki: The “I’m glad I came” line?
Mari: The situation was really going on inside my head.
Yamazaki: With that meaning [reasoning], the rest of us all did something like a punishment [penalty] game then! But I had a prize for you.
Mari: A prize?
Yamazaki: Shall we go?
Others: Yeah!
Miki: Let’s go!!! [in English]

Offline kiterez

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« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2005, 08:50:32 PM »
+ a mini translation
At the restaurant scene in this ep, you can see two liars.

Aibon:oooihiiii [Tasty]
Tooru: I guess you guys do not have a dating experience. You are all busy girls now. (date suru keiken tte ma nai to omou kedo. ima isogashikutte)
Fujimoto: un [means no]
Yaguchi: ....[nods] :twisted:

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2005, 10:57:47 AM »
Hello Morning 100 yen episode

Maido Arii Segement

Yuko: What is it?
Nono: It’s just cool like this.
Yuko: It’s fine. Somehow, I’m not nervous with you two here.
Kei: But you are never nervous.
Yuko: Excuse me…
Nono: But I’m quite scared…
Yuko: Why?
Nono: It’s cuz…yeah…
Yuko: I’m nice right now, right?
Nono: Right now…un.
Yuko: Look at me! Look at me!
Nono: Un!
Yuko: Un.
Nono: Un.

Eric: Heelllooo! Talking about year after year, is it ok if I talk about-
Yuko: No, you may not talk about it here.
Eric: Hello to all others! I’m Eric Kamezo!
Yuko: We really didn’t call you.
Eric: You did call me. Today, again, I’ve brought a lot of good merchandise. This week, on Wednesday, June 8th , Berryz Koubou releases their new single, Nanchuu Koi wo Yatteruu You Know. They sing a very cute song about a dreaming girl’s feelings being in love with a boy.
Yuko: I was like that at that time…
Eric: About when? When? About what age?
Yuko: Shut up.
Yuko: No! NO! It’s not that! When I was in Morning Musume ???
Kei: Is that what it was? But, Yuuko’s beloved… like, like, like not being able to embrace one’s love.
Yuko: I HAVE!

Eric: I want to bring to attention, is the little “u.” Recently, among young people, it’s very fashionable to use little letters in mail and such.
Kei: I know. I know!
Nono: I know!! *Yuko: I know. I know.*
Eric: Nono seems to know, you use it?
Nono: Yup, I use it.
Yuko: I know…
Eric: An easy girl writing quiz time. The person who gets it right will get this CD. I’ll hand out these cards…
Yuko: Hey! You’re covering me, you know!
Kei: You can’t see Nakazawa’s face!
Yuko: You’re covering me!
Eric: Please decipher this writing. *Nono: Wait a minute!* This part-
*Lots of panic and screaming goes on*
Eric: Hurry up! Hurry up!! *Nono, Yuko: Wait! Wait! Wait!*
Yuko: How about looking at it from far away…
Nono?: You can see it better…
Eric: Really?
Kei: Really?
Eric: It maybe like Nakazawa.

Eric: Ready, go! Yasuda-san, watch out for Ogawa. Nakazawa-san, *Yuko: Me?* watch out for ultra-violet rays. What’s on the other side?
Yuko: Watch out for hurdles. And watch out for Haniwa (ancient Japanese earthenware objects). You said it was like me… how about Nono?
Eric: Right. Nono wrote, watch out for age 30. *Others: “Wa?”* Watch out for age 30.
Watch out for stains and wrinkles. A big hint! I gave you a big hint! Why didn’t you get it?  I thought for sure you would get it.
Yuko: That wasn’t good at all.
Eric: Please use it!
Yuko: How am I supposed to use it?! On me?
Eric: You can become like a young person.
Yuko: Annoying. You are annoying!
Eric: I am annoying aren’t I?

Eric: The next merchandise is this! Within one week, on June 12th, occurring at Shibuya O-East, Viyuden’s handshaking event. Release last month, Ajisai Ai ai Monogatari, the ticket comes with the CD.
Yuko: But I bought the CD last week.
Eric: Yes, I think you bought it last week.
Yuko: Yes, I did.
Eric: But, I pulled the ticket out.
Yuko: What the hell?
Eric: I’ll give you guys a chance. When it comes to handshake events, you need grip power. *Kei: What? Do you really need it?* When you shake hands, it’s like this: “gyuu~”
Yuko: But that hurts like that.
Eric: So, the game will be grip power measurement with a smile. So, I want everybody to participate in this. If you guys can go above my grip power, I’ll give you the CD’s.

Yuko: I wonder if I can do this?......... and go!
Eric: Smile, smile, smile! Please smile!
Yuko: 23.
Eric: 23.
Kei: That’s pretty good.
Yuko: Do an idol (pose).
Kei: I’m an idol!
Yuko: Geh…
Kei: Ahh, wait, this hurts!
Yuko: Smile, smile, smile!... Blahhh… (Ueeehhh, Gehhh, etc) Smile some more!
Kei: 18.
Eric: 18?? (as in years old)
Yuko: Not 18 years old…she said it so seriously…18?! That’s too much.
Eric: That’s quite a “guu.” It’s going up. Woah, that’s good!
Nono: Ahh, no! No!
Eric: 38.
Nono: Yay!
Eric: Ready, go! “Kyahaa!” Ok! Wait a minute, Eri! Wait, no… Eric is 29. With that, I give you 3.
Nono: I sang Viyuden songs last time at karaoke.
Eric: Really?
Nono: Yup, but only that.

Eric: And now, music start!
Kei: What do I do?
Eric: Anything, anything, anything!
Kei: This is really embarrassing!
Eric: Well then, one more time.
Kei: In that case, since you’re just sitting there, you do it too.
Nono: Well, Nakazawa too.
Kei: Have you dance this before?
Yuko: ????
Eric: Music start!

Kei: ??? (something about nono)
Yuko: I did this about 6 times, but still embarrassing.
Kei: It really is embarrassing.
Yuko: When we were dancing, suddenly I felt a little giddy.
Eric: ???

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« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2005, 11:05:44 AM »
Quote from: Fenrir13

Kei: ??? (something about nono)
Yuko: I did this about 6 times, but still embarrassing.
Kei: It really is embarrassing.
Yuko: When we were dancing, suddenly I felt a little giddy.
Eric: ???

Kei asked what she did just now. As for Yuko's line (2nd to last), she said that since they did it suddenly, she was a bit dizzy from standing up (so quickly).

I couldn't hear Eric's last line too.   :?

Thanks for always translating!  :)

Offline kiterez

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« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2005, 05:09:39 AM »
Quote from: Fenrir13

Eric: Well then, one more time.
Kei: In that case, since you’re just sitting there, you do it too.
Nono: Well, Nakazawa too.
Kei: Have you dance this before?
Yuko: ????
Eric: Music start!

Kei: ??? (something about nono)
Yuko: I did this about 6 times, but still embarrassing.
Kei: It really is embarrassing.
Yuko: When we were dancing, suddenly I felt a little giddy.
Eric: ???

エ: あ~あ、じゃあもう一回ということでいきますか?
保: 余計なこと言うなよ。そうゆうことやるとお前踊らすぞ。[If you do such a thing I will make you dance.]
エ: のんちゃんも踊ります?じゃ中澤さんも踊りますか?
保: ちょっと裕ちゃんコレ踊ったことあんの?
中: あたしは何かしらやらされてるけどね・・・[They always make me  do various things.(means I'm used to it now.)]

保: のんちゃん何したの今?
エ: 盛り上がった×2
中: ほんと此処までやんないと恥ずかしいのよコレ。[You feel embarrassing unless you dance intensely like me.]
保: ほんと恥ずかしいわね。
中: 急にやったから立ちくらみがしてるわ私・・・
エ: 老化現象ファっと・・・[Here it comes, a symptoms of senility.]
I'm not sure whether my English sentences are grammatically correct or not... Posting in English is difficult. :oops:

Offline Kurokaze

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« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2005, 12:26:01 AM »
老化現象ファっと・・・[Here it comes, a symptoms of senility.]

that's hilarious.

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