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Author Topic: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 47: Our Final Promise][COMPLETE]  (Read 132595 times)

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 43: Soliloquy: Hitorijime]
« Reply #880 on: April 15, 2007, 05:13:30 PM »
Nah, it's just symbolism of a fallen snake. Erika was visiting her parent's house and was walking around their neighborhood.

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 43: Soliloquy: Hitorijime]
« Reply #881 on: April 15, 2007, 09:16:05 PM »
So if the snake is symbolism for Yui...does that mean that Yui's dead? Rika's psycho, but she's not that psycho right? Why would she kill the one person that stayed by her regardless? And does Rika still have that knife? She's not going to go around stabbing people like Yuko (who was freed), Maki (cause she doesn't like her), Yossie (cause she's been cold), Risa (cause she rebelled), and Reina (cause Rika sees her as a threat now)? And with Maki and her it because she's cursed that her dad died? Like she sprouted wings and flew around and then got in danger and then her father died trying to save her (I'm pulling this out of nowhere)? manipulated everyone the entire time....was if for revenge? On another note...what's gonna happen with Shibata?

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 43: Soliloquy: Hitorijime]
« Reply #882 on: April 17, 2007, 12:40:20 AM »
I feel so bad for Yuko...she got freed's not as amazing as we would think TT_TT She needs to get with Nacchi...yep yep. That should happen. Yep yep.

As for the newest chapter:

WHA?!?!?!?! Did Rika seriously do what I think she did? YUI! no! Wtf...Rika you bitch. She's even eviler (is that a word? O.o) than I thought. I hope she gets what's coming to her. Grrrr.

Though Rika is an evil bitch...that part with Shibata and the necklace really hit me hard. I was almost in tears, no lie. That was so sad...shows that maybe she does have soommee feelings underneath the bitchy evil shell she hides behind.

Gah I know I may not comment that much but this story still has me in stitches. More please? ^~^


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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 43: Soliloquy: Hitorijime]
« Reply #883 on: April 17, 2007, 03:51:53 AM »
Rika's gone crazy!  Rika's gone crazy!  :shifty:

Actually, I don't really think she's gone all that crazy (in the insane sense, that is).  I mean, her best friend betrayed her, her lover betrayed her, and now the curse (which I'm sure she thought of as the most stable thing in her life) is starting to betray her.  She sees Yui as the start of what is possibly the largest betrayal.  However, Yui didn't leave her, and now wants to help her change (maybe to help Rika become more like friends with the orochi instead of their ojou-sama?).  But Rika sees this as if Yui is trying to undo what has already been done.  Which makes Rika even more mad about it, hence the "‘It was a mistake’ won’t help you! Take responsibility!"   Yui should have just left like Nakazawa did.  Rika is understandibly quite mad and depressed.  Okay, okay, so she is a little bit crazy too. And after the last few lines of the chapter, I'd say she seems suicidal (or is at least contemplating it). 

So, is this the true start of Yossui's war?  It's not quite the first blood spilt, but it is the most significant so far.  I'm really looking forward to what's coming up!

And as far as Maki's past is concerned, I really have no idea.  I'd have to go reread it all to hopefully catch the clues you alluded to.  However, time is against me in that endeavor.  I hate to admit it, but by the time the next chapter is up I've all but forgotten what the previous chapter was about (I'm not blaming you by any means, my life has just gotten quite hectic at the moment and it's like that for nearly every fic I'm reading now).  Maybe if I get a nice quiet weekend I can attempt it.   ;)

Okay, I'm shutting up now.  Wow, what a rant, huh?  Don't take this as me being biased towards Rika, because I'm not.  If anything, I'm biased towards Yossui.  Everyone was saying how bad and evil Rika is and I am just in a contradicting mood tonight.  Besides, if anyone is all bad and evil in this fic, it's Yossui dammit! Because evil is hot!  RAWR!

Really shutting up now.   :sweat:

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 43: Soliloquy: Hitorijime]
« Reply #884 on: April 18, 2007, 10:50:02 PM »
Blizzard m'dear, you hit the nail very hard :]

As for everyone else, Rika did say that Yui's kindness has been killing her :< She doesn't want somone who wants to ditch her stay with her just because of pity. On top of that, no, Yui's not dead xD Remember, this is following the real-life time line as well.

Now for the chapter! <3

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Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #885 on: April 18, 2007, 10:53:55 PM »

Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin

It’s either being accepted or being rejected…

“It’s pouring harder than I thought…” Maki sighed as she watched the rain pestering the earth heavily under the safety of her navy blue umbrella.

“Perhaps we should go back to the apartment?” Reina suggested as she walked lazily with her dark purple umbrella shielding her from getting soaked.

“That’s a good idea…” Maki smiled at the younger before focusing her head into the direction of the aforementioned location.

There was a rather heavy silence that plagued the two singers as they walked down the empty streets. Both women could not bear the silence which hung over the air, tempting them into saying something to break it. However, with what the two wanted to say, it was like breaking something precious, something that tied each other together. With careless utterance of those words, the silence will be broken, among other unimportant, yet important things. When a silence is broken by confession, fear would crawl up Reina’s skin, afraid of rejection. When a silence is broken by reminiscence, fear would crawl up Maki’s skin, afraid of evasion. When a silence is broken by words, one would feel pained because of what the other would think of this sudden break.

Words are very powerful.

Reina bit her lip at a loss of what to do. She could bring up what she had wanted to say to Maki these past weeks. However, there was always apprehension which would always embrace that sort of thought, a heavy burden she could do without. She could not help but feel that ill darkness approach whenever her mind brought up the idea of confessing.

She was not supposed to feel this way.

She had even tested the older’s reactions to see if Maki would take her pain away if there was a slight flicker of attraction, to see if she would shun her away if there was a slight flicker of resentment. Even when Maki caught her from the taping of the door many weeks ago, there was a flicker of attraction, Reina thought, because if there wasn’t, Maki would immediately push her away instead of holding her for so long. There was also that time where Maki had taken her out for a flight, the seventh head wouldn’t do such a thing if there wasn’t some sort of mutual feeling attached, right? There were so many occasions where Reina’s mind was sent reeling because of those past intimate situations, because she felt that Maki was doing the act of returning her feelings.

But how come Reina felt like her heart didn’t confirm it?

Why was this contemptuous trepidation clouding her optimism? Was it because she didn’t perform enough tests? Was it because what she had received from those tests was physical contact instead of words? Reina did not believe in the ‘actions speak louder than words’ adage at all. Embraces and kisses are meant to be accompanied by three words. If she had heard those three words from her, then she would believe them. If she had been embraced or kissed, she would not believe them—not until she heard those definite words with that warm touch. She would believe it. All of her tests came out without those definite words to back them up.

She did not believe her.

And that shadow sabotaged all of Reina’s thoughts of acceptance.

Her courage. It’s what she needed most at this time.

Amidst her deep thought, she had failed to notice that she was not walking on the same pace the older was. She was slowly being left behind. However, the change of speed did not fail to escape Maki’s grasp.

“Is there something troubling you?” Maki asked, turning around to face the younger.

Reina slowed her walking to a stop, lifting her face to look at the other’s face. Mustering all of her strength, Reina began.

“I…I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something. Feel free to laugh at me if I seem like an idiot…”

Maki felt confused at Reina’s sudden change of behavior, but kept silent.

Reina gathered what was left of her power, and forced that power into a question. A question that had polar consequences.

“Do you love me?”

She was bound to notice it… She has to have noticed it… If she doesn’t, then is our relationship in general just a simple ‘nothing’ to her?

Maki grew slightly pale when she had registered what Reina had asked. With a frown, Maki replied, “Are you foolish?”

Reina felt that same darkness consume her again.

“I did not think you were this foolish…” Maki lowered her head, staring at the ground.

Reina felt the black aura constrict her heart.

“I’m not going back to the apartment. I think I’m going to go elsewhere. You can go alone,” Maki turned around and started walking again.

The darkness binding Reina was like Maki embracing her. Rendering her immobile. Rendering her thoughtless. Rendering her speechless. Rendering her hopeless.

Why did she have to do that?

Why did she have the power to do such things to her?

Why did she have to represent the darkness that has been tearing her apart?

“Maki…” Reina walked after the older, “Please wait…” She reached out to grab her hand, “Please hear me out!”

“You don’t know anything!” Maki ripped her hand away from Reina’s, turning to face her as she did so. “You don’t know what I’ve done!”

Reina’s eyes widened. Maki hated this. She does not like this at all. She saw the other’s eyes cloud itself in a storm of emotion. She did not like that expression. She saw the other’s eyes grow moist and eventually gave form to tears. She hated that she was the one who caused Reina to cry.

“My father…” Maki averted her gaze to the ground again, “He should not have died…His death… It’s all my fault…”

How could a monster be loved?

“Dad… Are you sure this is the right way? We’re really close to the cliff…” Maki drawled with each step taken higher up the steep and rocky path.

“I’m sure it is,” her father turned to smile at her, “And you should hurry up, you wouldn’t want to be left behind!” he laughed melodically as he continued walking and climbing over rocks.

“Maki is right; maybe we are straying off path…” Maki’s mother called out to her husband.

“Dad! Wait for me! I want to walk next to you!” Maki herself called out again, now running to keep up with her athletic father. Running and jumping from rock to rock wasn’t that hard, she was sure she wouldn’t fall off the cliff with the direction she went in. However, she lingered ever closer to the high cliff with the frantic steps over whatever rock was the closest to her. Eventually, she stepped on a rock which should not be stepped on, for it was teetering dangerously on the border of the cliff and the air.

She fell over, plunging.

Overcoming the horror, the man ran after and jumped after the falling girl without regard of what might happen after he had jumped.

Maki wasn’t falling for long. She called upon her seven wings to keep her aloft in the air. However, realizing that that her father was now taking the plunge for a reason wasted, Maki flew after the man, trying to get to him before the ground did.

She beat her wings furiously with the gravity, gaining speed at an alarming rate. She reached out her hand to her falling father and he also tried reaching out for her.

He was a strong man, a kind man, and a calm man, Maki had always thought. She never saw him angry. She never saw him sad. She never saw him scared. It had frightened her. It had frightened her how his frightened face was desperately reaching out for her as gravity lulled them closer to the ground. It had frightened her how closer to the ground they were getting, and how she thought she wasn’t going to get to him in time.

She really tried. She beat her wings as fast as she could. She felt the muscle fatigue burdening her with haste. She couldn’t allow that to happen, she exerted her strength further. She tried to extend her arm further. She can’t let this happen to her father! She had to reach him in time! She felt her limits being reached again, but she pushed harder for the sake of her Father. She went above her limits.

It was too late.

As he landed on the ground, Maki heard a noise she never wanted to hear again. She saw a sight that would always haunt her. There her father was, sprawled out on the bloody ground like a thrown away marionette. This was too much. She couldn’t bear to look at him anymore. This was too horrific for a seven year old to bear witness to.

Maki landed on the ground with a gentle zephyr, walking slowly to the body near her. “Dad… I’m so sorry…” she felt tears come to her eyes. “Dad… Please… Please say something to me… Don’t die on me!” Maki collapsed to her knees despite the excessive amount of blood.

Blank eyes stared back at her, furthering Maki’s regretful tears.

Gathering his energy, he uttered.

“I won’t forgive you…” he breathed. And then, he breathed no more.

A scar too painful to be forgotten…

“It was also a secret from him… The fact that I was an Orochi. Only Mother knew about me. I didn’t want him to find out I was this thing…” Maki held a hand to her face, trying to hold her tears back. “If I told him before that hiking trip… He would not have jumped in for me. He would have waited, and saw his daughter soar back onto the path unscathed. If I had at least told him… Or if I had at least grabbed his hand in time…I would have saved him. Instead, because of my ignorance and weakness, I couldn’t save him like I wanted to. I killed him.”

Reina gripped her umbrella tightly despite her slightly trembling body.

“Surely, you can’t forgive me for such a thing. I never forgave myself.”

“To forgive you or not to forgive you… Are those my only choices?” Reina looked up at the older. Her eyes gave off a rather venomous aura despite the cold tears coming from them. “Do I have to say one or the other?!”

Maki removed her hand from her face, watching the younger in front of her with eyes of stone.

“Can’t you understand? I love you. I love you regardless of what you have done in the past. It is not my place to pass on judgment of forgiveness. Maki, have you not noticed how much I’ve come to love you?”

Maki stared at her. She stared at Reina with distant eyes. Rika had always reminded her many times of her incompatibility with love. At first, Maki had doubted her words, at least a part of her separate from the spirit had doubted her. As time went on, she slowly began to believe those heartless words. Those words which consumed her like an ocean. Eventually, she was completely submerged into that ocean devoid of light.

Then she had to pull her out of the water. Reina’s hand had dived into the cursed sea to grab Maki’s hand.

Maki had felt irritated.

She felt afraid.

She was going to tell Reina to not get involved with the curse. Then that revolting Miki had to appear and prevent her from doing so. Then the first head told her to apologize to Reina… So she bought that necklace for her to make Reina forgive her…

She didn’t mean to do it.

She wasn’t supposed to get so involved with Reina.

She wasn’t supposed to fall in love.

And it pained her to say her reply to Reina’s confession.

“Your love is an illusion.”

She could not see. She could not hear. She could not speak. She could not think.

She watched as Maki turned and walked away, the rain washing her trail away. Attempting to erase all existence of her as she slowly disappeared into darkness.

Why didn’t time stop when she said that?

Why didn’t the rain stop when she said that?

Why didn’t the world stop when she said that?

Why didn’t Reina die when she said that?

She released her grip on the umbrella, unable to think—no, refusing to think about what had just happened. The rain continuously pestered her already numb body, taking her tears with them.

She wanted to run blindly in the darkness.

She wanted to find her again.

She wanted to embrace her.

But to what effect? Simply be brushed off like some inanimate object?

Those words that pierce my heart…

Reina heard running from behind her. She heard exhausted breathing from when the running stopped. She turned around slowly, for the numbness rendered her almost immobile.

It was the last person she had wanted to see.

“You… Are you happy that you won? Are you happy that everyone is coming to you instead of coming to me?” the woman panted.

Reina noticed a glint in the woman’s hand.

“Are you happy that you destroyed my world?” Rika glared, the knife in her hand gleaming.

You have killed me.

I'm going to get slaughtered >> -wears hardhat-

15 half-assed comments or 7 nice lovely detailed comments!

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #886 on: April 18, 2007, 11:37:30 PM »
“I won’t forgive you…” he breathed. And then, he breathed no more.
Damn that's harsh. :(

Maki must feel like she doesn't deserve to love or be loved, due to what happened with her father and how she can't forgive herself for not being able to save him.  Reina, saying what she said, must be the scariest thing for Maki to hear. It could be that Maki feels that the curse not only is a curse for herself, but that it also dooms anyone whom she gets close to/vice versa.

It was the last person she had wanted to see.

“You… Are you happy that you won? Are you happy that everyone is coming to you instead of coming to me?” the woman panted.

Reina noticed a glint in the woman’s hand.

“Are you happy that you destroyed my world?” Rika glared, the knife in her hand gleaming.
Oh shit. MAKI!!! SAVE REINA FROM PSYCHO OUJO-SAMA!!!    :scared:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #887 on: April 19, 2007, 03:00:10 AM »
Ah gawd, Maki, you blubbering fool! -smacks Maki upside the head-

But it's not that I can't sympathise. I had similar feelings of unworthiness for being loved. It's quite a natural, if somewhat irrational, line of thought. She needs someone to reach out to her and ease that injury before she can trust herself to love again. And whoever does that has to be extremely stubborn about it, without fear of Maki pushing her away (yes Reina, I'm looking at you).

Psycho oujo-sama indeed. Confrontation time! -puts on hardhat as well- Careful there, Yuu! :P


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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #888 on: April 19, 2007, 06:36:46 AM »
If I wasn't so fricking numb right now, I know I would be bawling my eyes out. Why couldn't I have waited until I felt better to read this emotional roller coaster? Maki's rejection of Reina, it smacked me right in the chest. Just when it had stopped hurting.

I bet Reina doesn't even feel like putting up a fight against Rika and Maki will either come back and save her (or she won't) or completely opposite, Reina will find the strength of knowing that the world doesn't revolve around her and fight Rika off.

The only thing I really hope you touch on in the next chapter is Yui of course.

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #889 on: April 19, 2007, 03:07:54 PM »
Maki must feel devastated about this. But wouldn't a father notice 7 wing tattoos on a baby's back?

Reina better run! Rika is pretty unstable and armed. But maybe this will end up with Rika trying to kill herself and Reina trying to stop her.

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #890 on: April 19, 2007, 06:07:39 PM »
"WHHHHHHHHAAAATTTTTTTT THHEEE FUCK?! Who says that to their daughter* when he willingly  tried saving her, and she did the same for him?! what the feezy man?!"
Then. Then I read on. "Oh..... OH damn." *hugs Gotou*

......O_O. Wh... why did she say that?! *releases Gotou and slaps*.

My favorite quote "Run Beetch, run!" >.> It's too bad Rika happens to play soccer and Reina happens to suck at running. Oh the misfortunes.
*ponders for a few minutes*  :kekeke: Actually, I think it would be kinda funny to see a psycho (Rika) chase after someone.

It was DEFINITELY not a good time to be listening to BoA's ballads.
I can't breathe and the tears I've been biting back are falling....
...In the end I didn't get to tell you that I has happy and how thankful I was.
Thinking you might hurt and might have a hard time because of me
I pushed away my heart to send you way more coldly.

*whoops, I made it sound like I was mad at Gotou at first XD
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 03:14:23 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #891 on: April 19, 2007, 10:47:50 PM »
Well, they say hindsight bias is 20/20, right?  I do remember Rika saying something to Maki about holding onto someone while Maki was flying (I think?), but at the time I thought it was one of the other girls or something.  Quite a traumatizing event for someone so young.  I know Reina's not going to give up on her; I just hope she can get through to Maki. 

As for Rika, she now has a person in front of her to focus all her anger and pain upon.  I think she actually may attack Reina.  Afterall, it's not like Reina is an innocent person in Rika's eyes.  She knows about what's going on, and is even taking an active part in some of it.  Rika has some powerful emotions swirling around in her right now, and when given a focus, the effects could be devastating.  Hopefully someone, be it Maki, another orochi, or even the bodyguard that Yui wanted to follow Rika, will save Reina if it comes to that. 

On the other hand, going with glcorps2002 idea, maybe Rika will try to kill herself infront of Reina.  If that's the case, I hope Reina will stop her.  A little bit of compassion on Reina's part could go a long way in this situation. 

I sooooo can't wait for the next chapter!  I'm even gonna put on my own hardhat just because I can.   :P

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #892 on: April 20, 2007, 12:22:40 AM »
GAH! I'll write a decent comment for you, I swear!

Reina pondering so much is just making me think -so cute-, thinking of that wonky eye searching XD
Maki, now just WOW. First you used the mountain climbing accident, and then wrote what happened with such suspense.  With the surprise of making Maki fall, I didn't even remember she could fly XD Though when the "I wontforgive you" came up, you had me, I never expected something so heartbreaking for Maki ;  ;

amazing chapter, as always! I can't wait to see what Rika does D:

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #893 on: April 22, 2007, 01:20:56 AM »
Ahhh Maki you idiot >.<" Reina loves you...she doesn'y care. Grrr she frustrates me but at the same time I suppose its understandable and all that fun stuff. She doesn't feel worthy of love cause of it soo...yeah understandable. STILL...oi vei.

Though...I don't think Maki's father's death is her fault at all but I guess if I was in Maki's shoes I would just cause of what he said before he died. What an ass...ahh still sad though. Poor Maki.

The Reina/Rika situation scares me. Reina just got off an emotional rollercoaster...and actually so did Rika but Rika's was more angry then sad. So if you put two and two together...Reina doesn't stand a freakin chance against her. I'm quite scared right now...we need Super Hero Maki to save her.

Ooo how romantic would it be if Maki saved Reina and killed Rika then they found out they do love eachother like woah...then they go and get married in Canada. That'd be neat marriage is legal in Canada...well some parts. (this paragraph of my comment was completely pointless...oh well)


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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #894 on: April 22, 2007, 02:21:50 AM »
wow... thats just... ouch! Getting rejected after confessing her love to Maki, thats harsh like her heart just got ripped out. But then its actually quite understandable as to why Maki rejected Reina, she probably feels that anyone who get close to her or even love her would have something bad happen to them. Maybe she feels she's protecting them by not admiting that she loves them.

But now with unstable Rika with a sharp weapon... Reina might ACTUALLY have her hear really ripped out!! noooo!!! That'll become yet another scare for Maki to go though if it really does happen, but then your following the time line as well so I guess it won't happen (I hope). Maki had better come to Reina's rescue, on the other hand I'd like to think Reina can protect herself from unstable Rika. I don't like the idea of Rika trying to kill herself in front of Reina with Reina having to save her tho.. that'll just make Rika feel like she owes Reina. Look what happened to Yui after all that she has done for Rika.

I don't understand why a father would say such a thing to his very own daughter... Ok maybe she kept this really huge secret from him but she tried her best to save him. And if he really loved her so much why would he say such a hurtful thing to her?

jeez... this is probably my longest comment ever, so you better be happy about it Miss Yuuyami-san

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #895 on: April 22, 2007, 09:55:54 PM »
hum..... what can I say......
I skiped this fic for a lot of time now.... maybe too much time....
but suddenly yesterdsay I decided to read it and how can I say that....

I'm speechless...

This fic has so many twists and turn that makes my head spin....

At first I thought... hum... Fruits Basket.... No big deal....
Then I continued reading....

And the characters began to grow, little by little, on their own way...
And story starts to evolve, from a simple comic fic to very deep and touching tale...
And questions start to be made, just to be answered some time after...
And you question your self why are these people being so hard on themselves and onto their lovers....
And you start to realise that your are hooked by Yuuyami's world.

I must say I love your writing stile...
you don't just jump into conclusions and make them kiss and hug each other meaninless...
You make us understand what they are passing through....

Love your Rika. She is so broken and fragile that can't even see what's really important to her to not be alone.
Love your Miki. She tranformed Aya just as much as Aya transformed her.
Love your Reina. She is just as she is. And this is enough to bring people from the shadows....
Love your Maki. Even if she is cursed she's doing her best to be perfect for her loved.
And I absolutely love this Yossie of yours. She is cool, but not too much. She is lovelly, but not all the time. She is good, but she is not perfect. In my opinoin, your best character. We know a lot of her and yet she still holds so many possibilities.

Your unexpected turn about Maki's answer in last chapter was fantastic.
So does Rika's ultimate mental break down. I never predicted her stabing Yui.
All this and we have absolutely no idea on what the hell will happen next.

Anyway, all the a-little-too-long-speech just to say....

Yuyami, your story is trully AWESOME!

You - have - NO - idea - on - how - much - I - WANT - this - next - chapter!!!!!!!

[ But.... you know... ther is still a silly doubt to me... on Melodies PV.... they DO kiss! how is that? did she really used a little bit of plastic film? O.o ]
I needed to put al least four letters... ¬¬'

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #896 on: April 23, 2007, 03:07:54 PM »
Oh my gah!! I never even thought that Maki would be the one rejecting Reina. Didn't see that coming. It makes sense though. Maki probably thinks she's protecting Reina but really she's killing her! And Rika!!! Could Reina take her? Maybe. But, Rika has nothing to lose now. Oh dear. I'll miss you Reina!!

And Maki and her father. To me, Maki's not in the wrong at all. She tried to save him, she did but she just couldn't. And for her father to say what he I wonder how her mom feels abuot the whole thing. And for Rika to take that accident and blame Maki! Jeez. What a brat.

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #897 on: April 24, 2007, 02:15:48 AM »
JFC: Yup, that's basically her train of thought xD

Estrea: Hmm, we'll see what happens xD

Rndmnwierd: Mm, lovely analysis. Yui has a brief mention in this chapter.

Glcorps: Remember, following real life timeline xD

Slave: Yes, the emotional rollarcoaster of doom :]

Blizzard: We'll see what happens with this chapter.

Brat-san: Indeed, heart-wrenching from Maki ;_;

Krazy: We'll see what happens xD

Stefy: We'll see what happens :]

00HB: I was wondering when you'd come around to read it xD But anywho, thank you for the many compliments. I worked hard on this story <3 The next chapter is here! <3

Youkaichica: Yes, it's true. I'm a tricky bitch like that xD

I wonder how many wedges I'll get xD

Nonetheless, this next chapter, it might feel a little anti-climatic because it's not the strongest emotional piece of this story I have in the OCG arsenal, so sorry if I failed expectations.

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #898 on: April 24, 2007, 02:16:29 AM »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 44: Inerasable Sin]
« Reply #899 on: April 24, 2007, 02:17:44 AM »
-wedges even though she's not caught up yet-
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

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