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Author Topic: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread  (Read 308780 times)

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1640 on: February 04, 2013, 09:11:50 PM »
I have a strange question (shocking, isn't it?): what evidence in our minds convinces us that two H!P girls are a couple?

Both of them being hot?
Both of them being in the same group?
Both of them being in the same generation of a group?
Mentioning each other on their blogs?
Having a radio show together?
Doing a skit together either on TV or at a fan club event?
Being in a shuffle group together?
Being leader and co-leader of a group?
Spamming two-pics of themselves?
Giving themselves combi-names?
Having one be overly girlish and the other a tomboy type character?
Excessive non-scripted contact in concerts?
Suggestive banter during concert MC's?
Mic rips of them talking candidly backstage?
Doing magazine shoots together?
Being from the same hometown?

What in your mind convinces you?

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1641 on: February 04, 2013, 10:15:18 PM »
Pretty much all of the above in my opinion, to me its more of obvious evidence and its a feeling that they r comfortable together

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1642 on: February 04, 2013, 10:20:30 PM »
As a die hard TakaGaki lover, I must say that the strong bond they have developed over the last 10 years triggered some naughty speculations somewhere in my mind, way before I had even discovered the fanfiction material dedicated to them. Sure, they are probably just friends, but the way in which they look at each other, how they talk about each other, how much charisma they ooze when they perform together gave enough reasons for our imaginations to run wild. :D
Some of the evidence listed by you wouldn't normally qualify as legitimate when it comes to making up couples. But indeed some people go over the top from the smallest hints just because their top two favourite members were involved. :D And that makes them happy...

edit : for example, I've seen Miki slap Aichan's butt several times and I can't deny how quickly that drew my attention. ;D

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1643 on: February 05, 2013, 12:49:54 AM »
^ and ^^

So, body language when they are together would be a big "tell"?

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1644 on: February 05, 2013, 01:17:52 AM »
^ Yep. Maybe a simple hug or something wouldn't mean much, but if a certain physical contact happens numerous times , (e.g. AiSayu kisses), well... ;D that's a "big tell" for me alright.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1645 on: February 05, 2013, 07:43:22 AM »
Good question resop! :D

What makes me suspect that they're a couple? A number of things. I shall have to use examples liberally. :lol:

While hotness plays a visual part to the whole shipping process (that much I admit XD), from what I can tell it's usually through their interactions that I decide that yes, so-and-so could be a couple and it'd be awesome. There are several dynamics of course.

The best-friend-turned couple type: Most popular among people around here. See TakaGaki, KameShige etc. In a way, it's easy because bonds of trust and friendship can possibly blur into love and romance depending on how "friendly" the girls are with each other. XD Especially for TakaGaki as mentioned by the above posters, their long years of friendship and the obvious trust in each other can lead to speculation when yuri goggles are engaged. :lol: I do not personally favour this pairing type (not anymore, lol), but I don't deny the potency. XD

The rivalry based type: This one is tricky. Usually works only when there's a mutual respect built up from the rivalry. Hate does not equal love, so yeah, not easy to play with this dynamic. I favour it myself mostly due to my own competitive nature, and that's probably why I favour ReinAi. They are rivals in a sense, but that's a deep respect between the two at the same time, and a very strong bond of trust knowing that your partner won't let you down and is an equal to you. I enjoy that dynamic and so...yeah. I tend to prefer understated bonds rather than public displays of affection (not that those are a bad thing!), because I always inwardly suspect that PDA is fanservice and should be taken with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, this dynamic only really works with a very selected few and it's too easy to throw any "opposites attract" pairing type into this format. FYI, I'm not always into opposites attract either. Very picky person here. :lol:

Ok other than dynamic, there's also how much they talk about each other, how they talk about each other, and lastly, of course, what they say. I find that the how is more important than the what, usually. My new H!P OTP atm is Harunan x Dawa (Wada Ayaka XD) because of how hilariously adorable they are, how Harunan finds it impossible not to blog about Dawa every other day (actually, all her posts in the last week inevitably mention Dawa XD). Their interests match, they enjoy each other's company, when they see something completely unrelated, the first thought is to tell the other person. It's puppy love at this stage, and I find it adorable. :lol: Are they a couple? Not yet. Too soon, too dense, I shall enjoy the bestie dynamic for now. XD

Then again, every couple (or potential couple XD) is inevitably different. There's no real one size fits all rule that lets me conclude that a pair can be a couple. I can see the same interactions between a different pair and not conclude that they're a couple. See Maachan and Ayumi from 10th gen XD Maachan literally runs first thing to Ayumi to tell her anything and everything, and only makes phone calls to her about random stuff. I don't see them as a couple....more like mother/daughter. :lol: I guess chemistry also plays a part, and also the character of the person in question. Everyone expresses affection differently, so it has different meaning that way.

Also, regarding the body language thing, I think that's a big tell too, though I usually ignore hugging (that's normal...unless shown that under stress they always run to the same person, then yes, that's something XD). Kissing ala Ai/Sayu is amusing, though I don't usually attach much deeper meaning behind it. They're obviously playing, although the fact that they're close enough to play like that says a bit about them. XD Thinking "why" a person chooses to do something and "who" they do it to is like a science for me. XD But then again I'm pretty big on the whole character study thing nowadays so I don't tend to throw people into pairings as wildly as I used to (unless crack. crack is ok.)

But yup. XD Some day I shall analyze pairings when I have the time and motivation to do so. :lol:


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1646 on: February 18, 2013, 12:06:51 PM »
Lol, random writer thought of the day:

When I have a problem, I throw Eripon (or Sayu) at it. I find that they solve writer's blocks very effectively for any of my current stories. :lol: For overkill, I throw both of them at it (see: Neighbours :lol:). I suspect that if I want to update MSF I simply have to throw Sayu at the problem. What can I say, she is amazing and she is convenient as a plot device. As for Eripon...well, Eripon Happens! Ever since that one fateful chapter in HSD, she has basically cemented herself as my next-gen plot device. :lol: I might be an Ai and Riho wota primarily, but when it comes to writing stories Sayu and Eripon are my favourites. :lol: I guess it's because I always write them being completely outrageous so I can get away with a lot of crap the moment they crash into a story. XD In a sense, they are catalysts? XD

So what do you guys think? Do you have any preferred people when it comes to breaking the block? Who spices things up the most for you? Who do you like reading/writing about most, and are these people your actual oshi/favourites?

If I must rank who I enjoy writing most, they can go like this:

1) Sayu
2) Reina
3) Eripon


Which contrasts with my actual oshi list:

1) Riho (yes, she dethroned Ai lmao)
2) Ai
3) Sayu

Easiest pairings to write (friendly or romantic):

1) Tanashige (I love Tanashige banter in any and all forms XD)
2) Kameshige (I must say, I prefer the best friend dynamic here XD)
3) Eripon/anyone (for lulz)

While romantically I love certain pairings, it doesn't mean it's actually easy to write them. :lol: I love writing RihoKanon best friends, but don't make me pair them romantically. XD Actually I just enjoy the friends dynamic because the 9/10/11kis are just so much entertainment for me in that sense.

Ok, enough rambling. I have this widdle idea...several widdle ideas actually..

*sneaks away*


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1647 on: February 26, 2013, 05:37:45 AM »
I feel a little creepy today.

I found out that Gotou Maki is a gamer geek who plays Monster Hunter up to 30 hours a day.  (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

But, in my fan fic "Club Idol", which was written many years ago, the Maki character is able to better bond with her fans by inviting them to play "World of Idoldom" with her online rather than her just playing the home version.

Should I feel creeped out?

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1648 on: March 23, 2013, 05:24:50 AM »
^Speaking of her playing Monster Hunter...because I saw those videos of her playing, I went back to my own (unfinished) game. XD And I realize that I suck LOL. Need to practice again!

Ok back to the point that brought me here. Just a random thought really: How long does it take for the fandom to transition to a new era?

I find this incredibly ironic in many respects. Once upon a time the fandom (and the ficdom!) of MM was dominated by the classic pair of Ishiyoshi and any number of ships involving 1st-4th gen -- aka the Golden Era. You rarely saw 5th-6th gen fic except in context with the older members. Then we move on and the older members graduate, leaving the group balance tilted heavily towards 5th and 6th gen -- the Gorokkies. XD That's when ficdom started catching up (eventually) and started producing more fic on them (interestingly, Tanakame and Kameshige came first, and classic 5th gen pairings didn't include Takagaki until AFTER Konkon and Makochan graduated....because Ai usually gets paired with them). But even then Golden Era couples still ruled the roost even all the way until 2007, when Yossi graduated and basically left MM in the hands of Gorokkies and younger. Still, we see Ishiyoshi pop up every so often because, well, it's Ishiyoshi! :lol:

I realized that 2008 onwards was basically the Gorokkies Era in our fanficdom. XD It is now 2013, the Gorokkies are down to just two Rokkies (soon to be last one standing!), and the English fandom is still producing Gorokkies stories because just as we declaimed Golden Era fans for clinging on to that generation, we're clinging on to the Platinum Era. :lol:

Just an aside: Japanese fandom appears to have accepted the 9/10kies since 2012 and have been slowly churning out fic. I have never been so grateful for my ability to read Japanese if only it opens more fic avenues for me to read. XD

So now the question follows: how long would it take for the English fanficdom to "catch up" and start writing the young uns? XD I don't count, obviously, because I jumped on to the 9ki bandwagon when I first saw them in 2011, though it did take me the better part of a year to get used to 10ki. XD Plus I actually have been writing fic with the children involved, and I even throw in Gorokkies because let's face it, we need some adults somewhere (plus, it's a hook for the Platinum Era readers! /shamelesstactics) :lol:

I suspect it won't be until late 2014 or even 2015 before the kids start building their own fanfic base (at least in English! there's really quite a respectable number in Japanese :D). If we get lucky it might even be this year..! I'm kind of lonely being the only one who writes 9/10kies (is there anyone in H!O who does? I don't venture into the fic section there so I wouldn't know)...and rokun kind of does write them but he rarely even updates so it doesn't really matter XD; Then again, it's nice getting an early start...because I basically define fanon characterization by being the first to write them. XD Eripon happens, anyone? :lol:

So, what do you guys think about the new generation and the fics that will no doubt spring from them some day? What stops you from writing about them -- other than obviously, you don't care about them/don't know much about them. Hey, that might be the whole reason why people aren't writing them! Hm...I just answered my own question...


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1649 on: March 23, 2013, 08:54:04 AM »
H!O fanfic section is dead. That thing died about two years ago. XD

It is quite hard for me to let go of the Platinum Era pairings, especially since that was one of the longest eras and the one that I'm most familiar with. But I love the 9kies and am getting to know the 10kies more lately, thanks mostly in part to you. Once I have time to start writing again, I was thinking that I need to spam some ZukkiEripon fics. If only because it's so much crack. :lol:

As for everyone else, I think it won't take long. I mean, it's becoming harder to keep up with the Platinum Era girls, although they are far from disappearing. And even I'M getting burned out on Takagaki.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1650 on: March 23, 2013, 09:15:28 AM »
^Haha! I didn't know that. Well, from what little I know about the H!O fanfic section, it was heavily centered around Gorokkies ships, so with them mostly gone...yeah, I can see why the section is more or less dead. :lol:

I still love me my Platinum Era pairings. The fun thing about MM and H!P in general is that you have such a wide range of ages and character types that you can use almost anyone in your story. Sure, I write more about the kids now, but I still throw in the Gorokkies and other random OGs because they serve a purpose! I don't have to restrict myself to only writing one era. XD It gives me a lot more options and keeps my ideas fresh.

I have this crack theory that Tsunku's song and lyric writing have been inspired of late because of the influx of new blood. New girls = new ideas! :lol: Same goes for fic too... I've got so many ideas I need to clone myself. :lol:


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1651 on: March 23, 2013, 11:06:35 AM »
If you cloned yourself, could we get one of you to just update Tokyo Runner? XD

You know, I actually started a ZukkiPon, but I'm not sure if I'm going to finish it, since I already kind of hate it. I was really kind of surprised when I read Kanon's blog post a while back with her gushing about Eripon. It was really cute, actually.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1652 on: March 23, 2013, 11:31:39 AM »
Speaking of ZukkiPon... you should see vol.49 of MM dvd mag.- Zukki praising Eripon in one of the MC segments leaving her in tears(well Eripon always cries), it was really cute.
I'm more of a PonPon shipper , but i can see Zukkipon makes sense in some way. I hope to see it here someday *cough*  :roll: 

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1653 on: March 23, 2013, 11:42:38 AM »
If you cloned yourself, could we get one of you to just update Tokyo Runner? XD

You know, I keep writing a few paragraphs every day, but the next chapter is still unfinished....WHY. :lol:

You know, I actually started a ZukkiPon, but I'm not sure if I'm going to finish it, since I already kind of hate it. I was really kind of surprised when I read Kanon's blog post a while back with her gushing about Eripon. It was really cute, actually.

I like the idea of ZukkiPon. I remember that blog post! Plus there was a hilarious story on radio where Zukki told Eripon that she refused to go to karaoke with her because "Eripon was so bad at singing it might negatively affect me" :lol: But apparently, they went to karaoke together again recently and Eripon was like "Zukki told me that my singing has improved to tolerable levels, so she can karaoke with me again!!!!" :lol: I think Riho, who was with her on the show (MajiPyoko #62, I think) rofled so hard. XD Because Eripon was all YAY about it. XD Oh Eripon...don't change. XD


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1654 on: March 23, 2013, 06:50:39 PM »
IMO I think that shipping may be biased more towards age than eras.  I think people are more comfortable writing fics about people who are 16+ than younger.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1655 on: March 23, 2013, 07:55:34 PM »
^That's possible. Then again, it really depends on what kind of story you want to write. If you want to write them into "adult" situations, then yes, older members would be a plus. I personally find that this is the right range of members (for the current gen) for high school fic. After all, they really all are in school at the moment. :lol:

Personally I never feel restricted by anything, since I can more or less write in most genres (someday, a horror fic. I even have an idea for it!). If we go with the fanfic-as-wish-fulfilment theory, then yes, most fic is written to let your preferred members kiss. /sarcasm XD I guess I work by different standards, since I realized I stopped shipping newgen like the way I used to ship Gorokkies. I mean, I do pair them up occasionally, but I don't hardcore ship them any more. XD I think my fanfic has two modes now generally: 1) stick them into crack situations and laugh myself silly, and 2) stick them into emotional torture and see how far I can go before I break something. Or someone. :P Fortunately I don't do option 2 very often now because, trying to reform after all the damage I did to Ai for all those years. :lol: But I think I have horrible premonitions of a Nanchatte Renai remake with different characters...! Someone, stop me!



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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1656 on: April 06, 2013, 04:39:46 AM »
for me i feel like for the 9,10 and even 11 gen's i dont fully know them well enough. like i feel like out of all of them i can say eripon's the easiest for me to try and write with just cus it's eripon lol and she has some traits that are simmilar to myself. but the other girls, its kinda hard. expessially since my japanese sucks lots to kinda understand their convos and dont even get me started on their blogs ( i've neglected them since january @~@ even ai's and im slowly catching up with risa's lol)

i agree with essy tho that it depends what you're putting them in. i mean it would be kinda hard to put all of them except maybe haruna in an "adult" situation cus they're still young and growing up. i also think my shipping has been reduced to like friendship shipping as of right now cus again, they're young XD

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1657 on: April 08, 2013, 06:04:58 AM »
so... now that my senior exhibit is over i'm gonna have more free time and i really miss writing but i haven't quite figured out how to continue fics that i havent touched since october... lol tips?  :cathappy:

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1658 on: April 08, 2013, 06:23:39 AM »
reread them???? XD glad to know you'll be able to write soon~~ :deco:
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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1659 on: April 08, 2013, 08:02:55 AM »
Rereading them definitely helps. Trust me, I have way too many half finished stories and the only way I can pick them up is to reread them haha. You have notes right? Sometimes it helps to take a look through those too.


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