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Author Topic: FenxMiki adventures  (Read 36225 times)

Offline Comrade

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2007, 02:48:11 PM »

Actually, I wrote a haiku to describe how we really get along:

I do the thinking
Fennie does all the driving
It's perfect teamwork. :heart:

(roffle, I'm so mean, huh? :P)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 02:51:35 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2007, 03:17:45 PM »
Hello there *Stands up, notepad in hand, pencil ready*
Aramaki Mikan from Headlines I have some questions for Fen..

Fen...I can call you Fen, cant I?
Out of Aya and Miki - which one do you see more yourself in?

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2007, 03:24:13 PM »
Fen is fine. XD

Miki, definitely Miki. XD XD

Offline ebc

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« Reply #63 on: January 09, 2007, 03:59:23 PM »
ahh holy cow! almost 2 pages of stuff since yesterday, I gotta catch up!
Quote from: Comrade;277690
I don't want you all thinking it's like an acorn lettuce tomato sandwich, or something...
XD but wouldn't that sandwich be so cool! I would buy one!
Quote from: Comrade;278718
What, me and Fen? Yeah, sortta. I'm way nicer than her.

It's true though! :P
I liked chapter 6 it's really cute :D
Keep up the writing Comrade, looking forward to more!

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #64 on: January 09, 2007, 04:25:49 PM »
Yes, sorry! Aramaki again!

Im just publishing my Friendship theory!!
The theory goes that if someone identifies strongly with a member of GAM, then that person's close friend/lover will identify with the other half.

Comrade is Aya-ish
Fen is Miki-ish.
= A dynamic duo ^^

The conclusion of this theory is that Aya and Miki are perfect buddies. ^^

Please tell me if Im pathetic

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline ebc

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« Reply #65 on: January 09, 2007, 04:40:17 PM »
Quote from: Mikan;278763
Comrade is Aya-ish
Fen is Miki-ish.
The conclusion of this theory is that Aya and Miki are perfect buddies. ^^
Please tell me if Im pathetic
hehe it's not pathetic, but maybe not a very accurate theory in real life XD
I'm not sure if Comrade is very Aya-ish, I think maybe more Rika-ish but not the girly pink side lol, the friendly positive side.
But Fen is 100% Miki through and through :D

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #66 on: January 10, 2007, 12:30:21 PM »
XD Thank you, ebc. :heart: I'd hafta say that you're like Rika-chan, too.  The girly pink side, that is.

Kidding! :P

Chapter 8 - Future Occupation: Sleep

The drive back to town was much shorter than the walk would have been.

Well, no DUH!

Fen and Commie played the prefecture game to pass the time and to stay awake.

"The number one producers of strawberries."

"Easy.  Tochigi.  The smallest population."

"Uhhh... Kochi?"

"No.  One more chance."


"Pin pon.  Location of Yakushima."

"We're here!"

"Um, Fen, there's no prefecture with that name."

"Not that.  I mean we've arrived at the hotel," Fen clarified.  

The prefecture game forgotten, Commie looked out the window as Fen pulled the car into the parking lot.  They promptly got out and walked into the hotel, seeing the manager in the same place he'd been in earlier in the morning.  He was reading a newspaper, and when he looked up and saw the dynamic duo, his face turned white with fear.  He must have found out about the damage done to their room.

"Excuse me, sir," Fen interrupted him.


"We need to see your GPS satellite whatchamakalit thing.  We have to track a pair of pyjamas."

The man blinked in confusion.

"My what?" he asked.

"Um, your global positioning system.  We need to track a pair of your hotel's pyjamas," Fen repeated carefully.

The man scratched his head.

"We have a GPS?"

Fen turned to and glared at Commie.

"You told me they had one.  What gives?" she demanded.

Commie sweatdropped and scratched the back of her head.

"Maybe he's a bit, um, confused..." she laughed weakly.

"He's not confused," came a solid voice from the back.

"Wha...?" Fen asked.  Commie and Fen looked into the shadows but saw nothing.

"He doesn't know we own a GPS satellite," the voice continued, and a girl appeared before Commie and Fen.  She presented them with a face they knew all too well.

"Ayaka?!" they cried out simultaneously in shock.  Ayaka, the long-lost sister of H!P, known to disappear for months at a time, looked surprised.

"How do you know my real name?"

"Are you kidding me?" Fen asked in disbelief.  "What are you doing here?  Aren't you supposed to be singing or something?"

"Oh, that!" Ayaka laughed.  "I also work part time here at my father's hotel."  She pointed to the man, who smiled at his daughter.

Commie and Fen's eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"Oh, come on.  You didn't think H!P was my only source of income, did you?" she scoffed.  "I'd be bored to tears and dirt poor."

"Uh, so... can you, like, help us?" Commie asked tentatively.

"Uh huh.  Come on into my office."

With "WTF" looks, Commie and Fen followed the Coconut through the shadows and then through a secret door behind a bunch of hanging coats.  They emerged in a gleaming white laboratory with all sorts of fancy machinery and high tech looking display screens.

"I feel like we've walked into a scene from Star Wars," Commie whispered to Fen.

Ayaka led them to a smaller room with a desk and three chairs.  They sat down.

"Now, what can I do for you two?" Ayaka asked.

"Well, we're searching for someone who has a pair of pyjamas from Hotel de P.C.," Commie started.

"She was kidnapped yesterday and we need to find her as soon as possible," Fen elaborated.

"Oh my," Ayaka gasped.  "Kidnapped?  Shouldn't you call the police?"

"Um, maybe 'kidnapped' is a bit of a strong word..." Fen amended.  "Um... how does 'relocated' sound?"

"I'll need your names.  Legal reasons," Ayaka said professionally, putting on a pair of librarian-type spectacles and pulling out a pen and some fancy-looking forms.

"I'm Fenrir.  She's Comrade."

Ayaka looked at them sceptically.

"Those are your real names?" she asked.

"Yup," Commie said.

"... O... kay..."  She wrote something.  "And who are you looking for?"

"Fujimoto Miki-sama and her captor, Matsuura Aya."

Ayaka's pen came to a halt.  She put it down and peered at Commie and Fen above the rim of her glasses just like a librarian would at a gaggle of noisy girls in the study area of the library.

"And what trouble have my coworkers gotten into this time?"

"Aya kidnapped Miki-sama from us," Fen pouted.

"Came right through the window and plucked her out of bed, too," Commie piped up.

Ayaka looked grim and picked up her phone, pressing one number.

"Hi, Suzanne," she said.  "We've got a Code Red Level One."  

She listened to the reply for about twenty seconds.  

"Got it."

She hung up the phone, leaned back and crossed her arms, inspecting the two girls in front of her.

"That was my secretary Suzanne," she said rather unnecessarily.  That much the duo could have figured out on their own.  "And that was the protocol for the type of case you've become involved in. Thing is, we don't handle these cases anymore.  Not since Codename Ms. Narcissus broke all the windows on the top floor of our sole Tokushima branch."

"And how did she manage to do that?" Fen asked.

"We're not sure," Ayaka replied with a smirk, "but reports have it that she was screaming.  There was a one Ms. Tachibana involved."

"'Ms.'?" Commie asked, mirroring Ayaka's smirk.

"Yes,  'Ms.'" Ayaka echoed, stifling a laugh.  Commie and Fen didn't even bother to keep it in, and they howled with laughter until their stomachs hurt.

"Errmm.... Back to business.  You have a history with Aya?" Fen asked seriously.

"Do we ever!" Ayaka sighed.  "Ever since last year.  She's tormented us non-stop.  Miki's her favourite victim, though.  Poor thing.  I really feel for the girl."

"I like to feel her, too," Commie said obliviously.

Fen and Ayaka shot her strange looks and she coughed.

"Um, I mean her feelings.  I feel them.  Really.  Feel the feelings," she stuttered.

"Anyway," Ayaka continued, "like I said before, we stopped dealing with Aya since the aforementioned incident.  Therefore, we'll give you any materials you need, but we won't help you any further than that."

Commie and Fen excused themselves and went to consult with each other outside.

Would they accept Ayaka's offer or not?

Stay tuned for the next Comfen adventure!

Just kidding.  

Commie and Fen went back into the room.

"Give us what you've got!" Fen said.

Ayaka shrugged and pulled out boxes and folders full of documents - reports, maps, pictures - and electronic gadgets.  She then pulled out a pencil and began to explain everything.

The reports documented all of Aya's known actions, coupled with analyses of her behaviour.  The maps detailed the locations that Aya had been spotted in within the past 6 months.  Red lines and dots crisscrossed the entire map all the way from Hokkaido to Okinawa, with a few overseas dots, too.  The gadgets required more explanation.

"This is the device you can use to connect to our satellite," Ayaka said, handing over a small computer-like metal thing that looked like a chunky electronic dictionary.  "I recommend hooking it up to your car.  Shall I explain all the functions?"

"Just show us how to find Aya and Miki-sama," Commie said quickly before they got a detailed explanation on how to use the GPS to download and watch videos from YouTube.

So Ayaka explained.  When she was done (and Commie was completely confused), she handed the thing to Fen.

"I've entered all pyjama data into this unit.  You should be able to view pictures and choose the pair that Miki-chan was wearing at the time of her capture."

"Thanks," Commie said as Fen burst out into her solo rendition of "Thanks!"  Commie beat her over the head with a fist, shutting her up quickly.  "Is this all?"

"That's about it.  We have a 24 hour hotline if you need information, and you can stay at any branch of our hotel in this country for half price.  Special mission deal.  But remember that we won't send anybody to help you," Ayaka replied.

Commie smiled.

"That's great.  Thank you very much."

Fen, now back in the land of the conscious and non-singing, starting messing around with the GPS thingy.

"Oh, and one more thing!" Ayaka said, putting a finger up, indicating for Commie and Fen to wait.  She picked up her phone and dialled the magic number.  "Yes, Suzanne.  Can you please bring us two sets of Product A?  Thanks."

She hung up, and before the two could ask what Product A was, a girl walked into the room.  A very familiar girl.

"Kei?!" Fen and Commie cried out in unison.  They were getting really good at the whole synchronized thing.  And the hidden and mysterious H!P girls were getting good at surprising them.

"What?  You didn't think H!P kept me housed, clothed, and fed, did you?  Ayaka and I are in this together," she grinned.

"You're Product A?" Fen asked in wonder.

Ayaka and Kei exchanged looks and burst out giggling.

"Oh no!" Kei chuckled.  "I'm Ayaka's secretary."

"But wait.  That means... you're Suzanne?" Commie asked, her face screwed up in confusion.

"Uh huh.  Codename Suzanne.  Pretty nifty, no?"

Commie and Fen hit their heads on the table.

"This is Product A," Kei said, holding out two bottles.  Commie and Fen reached out and grabbed them.  The label read 'Orange Juice.'

"What is this?  Super duper protective OJ that will make us invincible?  Impervious to bullets?  As strong as ten horses?  Faster than Superman?  Smarter than Stephen Hawking?" Fen asked.

Ayaka blinked.

"No, it's just orange juice.  You looked a bit hungry," she said.

"Oh," Fen said, looking embarrassed and feeling even worse.  She prayed for instant death.

"Um, so... yeah.  Thanks for that," Commie said loudly, trying to divert attention away from the humiliated Fen.  She had been thinking the exact same thing as her, but Fen had beat her at saying it.  She felt sympathy.  "We'll be going now."

Commie and Fen stood up, Ayaka following them.  They bowed.

"Nice doing business with you," Ayaka said with her perfect flight attendant smile.

"Likewise.  We'll probably take you up on the half price hotel offer, so thank you very much," Commie said while Fen mumbled her thanks, her face still bright red and staring at the floor.

"Come on, Fen.  Let's go," Commie said, pushing the girl towards the door.

"Yes, senpai," Fen murmured.

With a nod to Kei and Ayaka, the two found their way back out.  They came across the manager, who they now knew to be Ayaka's father.

"Thanks for everything, Kimura-san," Commie said with a smile.  She looked at Fen, who was still looking down.

"Say thank you!" Commie hissed, jabbing her elbow into Fen's back.

"Eep!  Thank you!"

"Good," muttered Commie as Fen rubbed her back in pain.

"You're welcome, ladies.  Hope your stay was enjoyable.  Feel free to..." he trailed off, remembering who these two girls in front of him were.  "... to never stay here again!"

Fen and Commie's smiled faltered and they backed away, leaving the hotel and going back to their car.

WHICH WAS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #67 on: January 10, 2007, 01:46:45 PM »
100% Miki through and through = *cackles*

"Konya Arigatou Mata Aeru darou"


Ayaka... lol... Kei... lol

and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Our car!! Our cool rice rocket!!! T_T
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 01:48:55 PM by Fenrir »


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« Reply #68 on: January 10, 2007, 07:38:10 PM »
These chapter titles are freakin' nuts. Are they of any relevance to the story?  Am I too dense to find the connection?
Well they're funny anyways.
Oh man your car got jacked! Noooo!

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #69 on: January 11, 2007, 06:03:16 AM »
I had a good laugh. Muhahahahhaha.

The thought of Kei and Ayaka teaming up to survive sounds likely.

Just a quick quote then Im off to work ^^

I like to feel her, too," Commie said obliviously.

Fen and Ayaka shot her strange looks and she coughed.

"Um, I mean her feelings. I feel them. Really. Feel the feelings," she stuttered.

tehehehhee. Good work Commie. Are you really that hopeless with technology? (I hope your not as bad as Aya. Thats just...embarrassing. Yes, righto love! Smach the remote control hard as you can...that will definately get it working *sigh*. I imagine the poor owner of the DVD player cringing at its destruction)

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline JFC

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« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2007, 06:43:16 AM »
Okay, time for another gigantor post...I'm gonna have to start shrinking the quotes to save some space. :P

Chapter 5 - Just Four Collisions

Miki: Hey, Aya.  Your car is so gross.  I meant to tell you that five months ago.

Aya: [smiles] Why thank you, Miki-chan.  I worked hard to... [smile drops from her face] Wait a minute.  Did you say "gross?
A Smiley monomane of Aya at this moment: :D --> :o

Aya: Don't deny it!  I'm too magnificent for you not to fall hopelessly in love with me!

Miki: [blinks] Whoa.  You got it all wrong.  I mean, sure I love to hang out with you.

Aya: *ahem*

Miki: Oh, and talking with you is fun.

Aya: *ahem*

Miki: Okay, and I think you're really really really hot.

Aya: *ahem*

Miki: Er, and I like to grope you sometimes.

Aya: *ahem*

Miki: All right.  All the time.

Aya: Better.
Definitely better. :lol:

Miki: [sticks her nose against the window and looks out, speaking in a tiny, high voice] Help!
That's so cute! :baa60776: I can picture her doing just that as Aya drives off to kami-san-knows-where.

(this chapter is dedicated to our biggest fan.  For his name, check out the initials of this chapter title :P)
Words cannot express what I want to say right now. So I'll let the gifs say it for me.

:ONwahaha: :panda_love:  :tfr9a7wg: :yay:  :ONhee::MKgroovin: :w00t: :ONcool1: :hammerself: :pen_clap: :pepper: :kgreat:
:khello:  :pen_whirl:  :ONwriggly: :ONluvluv2: :ONluvluv1: :panda_argh: :MKkekeke: :ONhiakhiakhiak:  :haihao: :ONomamori:

Thanks Commie :inlove:

Chapter 6 - Excuse me.  Do you have a blue crayon?

Fen: [glares at Commie]



Commie: [fed up] What?!

Fen: You trashed breakfast.

[they both clutch their growling stomachs]
As I said before, waste of a perfectly good onigiri.

Commie: Say, Fen?

Fen: Yeah, Com?

Commie: When did we get this car?

Fen: No clue.

Commie: Oh, okay.

[Silence for 1.6 minutes.]

Fen: It handles well.

Commie: I like the colour
Who cares how you got it? It handles well and the colour's nice! :ONwahaha:

Chapter 7 - "i hate u yahoo >_<"

After leaving the bank's parking lot, Fen and Commie stumbled upon a great treasure.  

A car.

And not just any car!  It was a souped up, gas guzzling, bright white rice rocket (made by cool, hip Asians for cool, hip Asians).
Ahhhhhhhhhhh...the ever-needed rice rocket. Actually, it'd be a real trip if they actually called them rice rockets over there. :lol:

There was an asterisk beside Commie's name.

"Honourary Asian," she read the note at the bottom out loud and laughed.  "How sweet."
Why do I feel like I've personally said that before? :scratch  :P

"And remember how when Aya burst in through the window and took Miki-sama away, Miki-sama was still wearing her borrowed fuzzy pyjamas?"

Fen grinned.

"They were super cute and she looked-" her face cleared up and she put on her blank expression. "I mean yeah."
Daaaaaaaaamn, Fen really is like Miki. Got the perv streak going and everything. :pimp:

"Umm... What, we look for a pile of fuzzy pyjamas in the back of every car in Japan?  We'd have better luck finding Nakazawa-san a husband."
Oooooooooooooh SNAP! :shocked: :ONwahaha:

"Let me explain.  Hotel de P.C. embeds little chips in its property in order to trace it."

"All the chips are linked to a GPS satellite.  Each chip emits a different, um, wave pattern thingy..." Commie trailed off, tongue tied over the technical gibberish.  "Erm, and that means we can trace Miki's pyjamas with this system!"
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...I luv a girl who can speak techno-geek. :inlove:

They high fived and then got thrown back into their seats as Fen swerved to avoid a badger.
Bet ya'll didn't see THIS coming. :twisted:

"What do we know about Miki?" Commie asked with a smile.

"That's she's a cold-hearted, molesting bitch?"

"Okay... What else?"

"That she's so totally frickin hot?"


"Ah!  Okay, but what else?"

"Hrmm... She's secretly a sentimental softie at heart and couldn't bear to part with such cute pyjamas?"

And that's why we wub her. :D :yep:

Chapter 8 - Future Occupation: Sleep

"My what?" he asked.

"Um, your global positioning system.  We need to track a pair of your hotel's pyjamas," Fen repeated carefully.

The man scratched his head.

"We have a GPS?"
Geez, ain't THAT the truth? Half the time the guests know more than the employees when it comes to what their employers offer.

"He doesn't know we own a GPS satellite," the voice continued, and a girl appeared before Commie and Fen.  She presented them with a face they knew all too well.

"Ayaka?!" they cried out simultaneously in shock.
WTF?!!?!???! :ON@_@: :ONdunno:

"Oh, that!" Ayaka laughed.  "I also work part time here at my father's hotel."  She pointed to the man, who smiled at his daughter.

Commie and Fen's eyes bulged out of their sockets.
Commie: :shocked:
Fen: :shocked:

"Oh, come on.  You didn't think H!P was my only source of income, did you?" she scoffed.  "I'd be bored to tears and dirt poor."
It's funny cuz it makes sense! :damnfunny


"I'll need your names.  Legal reasons," Ayaka said professionally, putting on a pair of librarian-type spectacles and pulling out a pen and some fancy-looking forms.

"I'm Fenrir.  She's Comrade."

Ayaka looked at them sceptically.

"Those are your real names?" she asked.

"Yup," Commie said.

"... O... kay..."  
Ayaka with librarian spectacles = :jerk
The names...:lmao:

"And who are you looking for?"

"Fujimoto Miki-sama and her captor, Matsuura Aya."

Ayaka's pen came to a halt.  


"And what trouble have my coworkers gotten into this time?"

"Aya kidnapped Miki-sama from us," Fen pouted.

"Came right through the window and plucked her out of bed, too," Commie piped up.

Ayaka looked grim and picked up her phone, pressing one number.

"Hi, Suzanne," she said.  "We've got a Code Red Level One."
Ooooooooooooooh how I love a girl who can take command! :pen_clap:

"Thing is, we don't handle these cases anymore.  Not since Codename Ms. Narcissus broke all the windows on the top floor of our sole Tokushima branch."
Holy shit Aya's got a codename (she'd probably like it too). :lol:

"There was a one Ms. Tachibana involved."

"'Ms.'?" Commie asked, mirroring Ayaka's smirk.

"Yes,  'Ms.'" Ayaka echoed, stifling a laugh.  Commie and Fen didn't even bother to keep it in, and they howled with laughter until their stomachs hurt.
I always said Tachibana looked really effeminate. :ONwahaha: :panda_love: :ONwahaha: :panda_love: :ONwahaha:

Miki's her favourite victim, though.  Poor thing.  I really feel for the girl."

"I like to feel her, too," Commie said obliviously.
That second part...that's like, what every guy DREAMS of being able to say. :yep:

Would they accept Ayaka's offer or not?

Stay tuned for the next Comfen adventure!


Just kidding.  
ZING! :yay:

Ayaka shrugged and pulled out boxes and folders full of documents - reports, maps, pictures - and electronic gadgets.  She then pulled out a pencil and began to explain everything.
Holy fuck, an entire kit prepared for just such an occassion? :o

Commie said quickly before they got a detailed explanation on how to use the GPS to download and watch videos from YouTube.
But of course, can't learn one without the other. :P

"Thanks," Commie said as Fen burst out into her solo rendition of "Thanks!"  Commie beat her over the head with a fist, shutting her up quickly.
I :lol:'ed, but I also wanted to see Fen dance. :D

"Yes, Suzanne.  Can you please bring us two sets of Product A?  Thanks."

She hung up, and before the two could ask what Product A was, a girl walked into the room.  A very familiar girl.

"Kei?!" Fen and Commie cried out in unison.  

"What?  You didn't think H!P kept me housed, clothed, and fed, did you?  Ayaka and I are in this together," she grinned.

"You're Product A?" Fen asked in wonder.
Commie: :shocked:
Fen: :shocked:


"This is Product A," Kei said, holding out two bottles.  Commie and Fen reached out and grabbed them.  The label read 'Orange Juice.'

"What is this?  Super duper protective OJ that will make us invincible?  Impervious to bullets?  As strong as ten horses?  Faster than Superman?  Smarter than Stephen Hawking?" Fen asked.

Ayaka blinked.

"No, it's just orange juice.  You looked a bit hungry," she said.
Awwwwwwwwww...Ayaka's so nice.

Oh, and Fen got BURNED! :lol:

Fen and Commie's smiled faltered and they backed away, leaving the hotel and going back to their car.

WHICH WAS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*cues the dramatic music*


Hmmmmm...somehow shrinking the quotes didn't save as much space as I thought it would. Oh well. c'est la vie. :)

*ACK* More Haikus! And I'm running out of usable pics! :cry:

Oh well, I'll definitely have to redo a few this weekend. :thumbsup
« Last Edit: January 11, 2007, 06:45:23 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #71 on: January 11, 2007, 11:15:28 AM »
LOL, Mikan, I think everyone in the world is better at technology than Aya. :lol:  I'm not *that* hopeless.  But I am sometimes dumb.  I'm like "where's the frickin volume?!?! ARG?!" and my dad takes the remote control and goes "right here, dumb daughter." (ok, that's totally made up).

JFC... XD I love your GIF reaction (GIFaction? :lol:) to the dedication. :heart:  BTW, that won't be the last time we hear the name JFC...!

Oh, and 39568793586798475925092450286 extra Comrade points for reacting totally appropriately to the mention of a badger. XD :heart:
Quote from: JFC;280037
That second part...that's like, what every guy DREAMS of being able to say. :yep:
Muwahahaha!!  Score one for Commie. :P
Quote from: JFC;280037

Holy fuck, an entire kit prepared for just such an occassion? :o
Conclusion: Do NOT fuck with Aya.

I :lol:'ed, but I also wanted to see Fen dance. :D
It's cute. :roll: :lol:

Can't wait to see your new sigs. :D :P
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #72 on: January 12, 2007, 09:38:27 AM »
Quote from: Jabronisaur;279642
These chapter titles are freakin' nuts. Are they of any relevance to the story?  Am I too dense to find the connection?
Well they're funny anyways.

ROFL! XD They dont have any relevance to the story at all. XD Unless Commie has a secret agenda that I don't know about. But anyways, the titles come from what we are doing at the moment or how we are feeling at the moment. For example, the Future Occupation: Sleep. Commie asks for a title and I was working on the next lesson for class which happened to be on occupations. Plus, I was sleepy so hence Future Occupation: Sleep. XD

Anyways, here's a haiku to make up for the random babble. :D

Underneath it all,
She is a big soft pillow.
Ah, Fujimoto.


I thank the description of Miki in the last last chapter for the inspiration. :D :heart:
« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 09:40:49 AM by Fenrir »

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« Reply #73 on: January 12, 2007, 09:46:15 AM »
A big soft pillow?
That word is more suitable
For Ayaya's... um...


(just as I wrote this haiku, an Ayaya song started playing on my winamp. heh.  She's protesting.)

Yeah, random titles rock.  They're SO much more interesting than prepared ones. :D
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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« Reply #74 on: January 12, 2007, 09:49:30 AM »
She doesn't like you. XD

I should rephrase that... she doesn't like us. XD XD

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« Reply #75 on: January 13, 2007, 03:15:32 AM »

Miki-chan likes you.
She wants to grope you right now.
Happy birthday, Fen.
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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« Reply #76 on: January 13, 2007, 09:12:20 AM »
Omgass....more Haikus! :o

And dammit my sig rotator is being a bitch! :cry:

EDIT: Wait a sec....:scratch

It's Fen's birthday? For real? :confused:
« Last Edit: January 13, 2007, 09:29:06 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #77 on: January 13, 2007, 04:31:50 PM »
It is for real for real!
Or rather it was.  We're half an hour into the next day now.

Here's a haiku I wrote on the train home after I was exchanging mail with Fen and my phone ran out of juice. T_T

My battery died.
Sorry for not replying.
... Ah, Fujimoto.
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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« Reply #78 on: January 13, 2007, 04:51:19 PM »
I was wondering what happened...

There was no response.
So I thought you fell asleep.
Ah, Fujimoto.

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« Reply #79 on: January 13, 2007, 04:59:53 PM »
I did fall asleep
After my battery died.
Grope me, Miki-chan

(I love how the third lines in our haiku are so... random and hot. heh)
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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