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Author Topic: I'm Perfect too  (Read 11283 times)

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Ch. 4
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2007, 09:42:28 AM »
Changing Time

 “We’ve explained this too many times, Fujimoto-san. Again, there is nothing we can do to jog her memory. Whatever object fell on her head, the blow was damaging enough to her right side of the temporal lobe. Because of this head injury, Yoshizawa-san has what we call ‘Traumatic Amnesia’. Meaning that the object that fell on her temple was what caused her to loose her memory. The doctors understand that you are pop idols, but we need to keep her here to run more tests. We’re still unaware what branch of traumatic amnesia your friend has. We have decided to keep Yoshizawa-san here until tomorrow; she’s still resting and we need to run some analysis on her -”
Doctor Aoyoma was cut off short                                                                  

"Hmmmm," Miki pondered outside of the kind physicians' explanation again, "So what you're saying is, I can't do it like the movies and just have the same traumatic blow to her head to jog back her memory?" She said with a serious and broad-thinking expression. She didn't understand all the unrecognizable medical terms the doctor was saying anyway.

At this point in the conversation, the doctor was no longer frustrated from having to explain to the idol about Yoshizawa's condition for the fourth time. Now, he was just plain horrified that someone would come up with such an idiotic way of helping what he thought was a friend. In short, he was left dumbfounded.

"Uhh…. I… I'm gonna go. You're helpless. Go home Fujimoto-san, it's been a long night. Come by tomorrow at 5pm to pick up Yoshizawa-san. We assure you, she's in good care." With that, Doctor Aoyoma left Miki.

On the drive back to the Hello! Project building, Miki started to reflect again. Thinking too much made her think of crazy ideas, but this time, what she imagined seemed like it would really happen.

Miki's grip on the steering wheel started to tighten again. Thinking even harder now about what Tsunku is going to think about the situation made her take her right hand and bite the knuckle of her thumb, something she did only when she was in a rut. It was a good thing it was dead at night and the hospital wasn't too distant, if not, the vehicles that would have been in front of her on a normal night would have gone unseen to her. No matter how out-of-this-world her thoughts were, her Producer was going to be pissed.

Day Breaks...

" What do you mean she's in the hospital?! How could you let this happen?  I already booked her to make another speech at Tokyo U!"

Tsunku was P.i.s.s.e.d.

"How could you let this happen? I thought if I let Rika launch her solo career with BiYuDen this would all end. Now it's you two as a couple? Do you understand how much damage you can be doing right now? I was just about to announce a new single too!" Tsunku was just about to reach a deeper shade of red but he stopped himself and took a breath. He was running out of things to say while scolding what he thought was his responsible sub leader.

"Maybe I should have let Takahashi be the leader…"

Miki interrupted with exasperation, "What? But this was an accident! We didn’t plan for this to happen, we were just having fun and that stupid picture frame fell on top of her. This is no reason for you to start questioning my responsibility; I'm a hell of a leader, and I'm damn sure that I make a better one than Takahashi would ever be." Miki immediately began to panic because her position in Morning Musume was on the line, this meant that her power over the little brats would be taken away. That also meant it was going to be a pain to be in a group instead of solo again.

Miki took a second to breathe. "I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. All I'm asking is for your empathy."

Tsunku did nothing but stare into space then look blankly back at the puppy he just put into the dog house. He then nodded and searched for what else needed to be said. "I apologize. It's just that…. it's just that I already had a plan to have a sub-group with just the two of you. You know, showing leader ship and everything. But now… now, it seems it's too late."

"But we don’t even know Yossuis diagnosis, maybe there's still some hope." Miki was surprised herself that she managed to say something. A sub-group? With Yossui all the more? What more can she add to make her regret? One of her biggest dreams just started to fade away.

"Okay, this is the plan. Things are going to change around here, and don't think it's because of what's happened last night. I've been thinking of this for a while now but I didn't think things would escalate. I want the two of you to move into the BiYuDen apartment, they are the only ones with space. Plus, I'm sure they wouldn't mind, you two and Rika were in a group together. Now, before you interrupt me, it’s only because I don't want the other members to be affected by this. I want them to be as focused and ready for performances and such while Hitomi is in this condition. I'm pretty sure I don’t need to explain that. Besides, you two are old enough to live by yourselves, and the buildings are near each other. Also, no offense, and this might be where it gets unclear, but I just don’t think it’s appropriate to teach the other girls what you do with Hitomi. Nothing against it, it's just… well, I don’t need to explain, it's my orders. I'll leave you to tell everything to the others and BiYuDen."

"Wa-" Miki stopped herself short and sank her eyes, realizing this conversation wasn't going anywhere. She knew there was nothing she could do but obey orders. She bowed her head and left Tsunku's office.

I wonder… I wonder what look she'll have on her face?

It was time to face the music. Miki waited patiently for the doctors to finish last minute tests and talks with Yossui.

"Good evening Fujimoto-san. Before I take Yoshizawa-san out, I want to disucuss her condition. We established that it is called Traumatic Amnesia, but this is what the result of her amnesia is. We believe Yoshizawa-san may have a mix of what we call call 'Dissociative amnesia' and 'Source Amnesia'"

Miki noticed that the doctor ceased talking and took it as a sign that she didn't understand.
"Oh yeah, I know all about that doc."
Miki was very talented at making stupid jokes and being sarcastic at serious situations that made her anxious and confused. She even added the affects of nodding her head in agreement.

Realizing the hint that she didn’t understand, the doctor continued. "Dissociative Amnesia is when a person is unable to recall information but they are still able to learn new information and may even help them jog their memory of what they forgot." The doctor paused to make sure Miki understood. At least he was able to read her expressions. "Source Amnesia is when someone can remember certain events or information but they don’t know how they remember it."

Miki stared back blankly and said absolutely nothing for a while. But the words "Shit" and "Shiiiiiitttt" were written clearly across her forehead. She then blinked before starting.

"So…. what you're saying is, she'll be able to remember things, but not everything?"

"Yes. For instance, she will remember everybody, but she won’t remember how she is associated with them before the accident, well at least that’s what we have accumulated. From our test and questions, she doesn’t remember that she was an idol, but she does remember lyrics to music when we asked her to sing. She's a bit rusty on dance steps though, so that may need work. Let's see… she remarkably remembers significant people the most, like friends and family, but she still remembers people she has spent her time with, but why she knows them and how she's related with them needs some work." The doctor finished and called for Yoshizawa who looked like she was about to fall over from exhaustion.

Just what kind of tests do they perform in hospitals anyway?

Just like her old self, Hitomi didn't ask any questions and just followed
Miki to their free Hello! Project company car. It wasn't too shabby; it just wasn’t what a teenager would jump for joy for if they received it.

The pessimistic Miki stared back at the sleeping Hitomi. Again, she bit her knuckle and tightened her grip of the wheel on with the other hand while she wondered why she wasn't speaking. Of course, she was asleep, but she didn’t say a word to her. But still…

"Damn, what a way to start off the New Year." Miki scoffed and thought out loud.

What if she really doesn’t remember what we shared?

Miki wished nothing more than for the doctors to be wrong right now. Shutting her eyes tight (hey, it's rush hour, they caught traffic) and thinking REALLY hard. Maybe if she thought hard enough, her wish would come true. But then again, if doctors were often wrong, then Miki would have known not to bring her to a place full of doctors.


"Hey Miki! Why so glum? Aren't you excited? The New Year is coming and we're just about to start the countdown! Exactly 90 seconds Mikitty! Better find someone to pucker up with, just about everyone is paired up!" Niigaki happily said to Miki who was sitting by herself. She obviously couldn't tell when someone just didn't give a crap.

Just the thought of lovers spending the New Year together made her think of Rika again.

Thinking of Rika made her sad.

Being sad kept her from socializing.

Without even thinking, Miki's body started to lead her up the second floor. Why she was going up there was a mystery to even herself.

Who's so important right now?

To her slight surprise she ended up at the door step of the only person she had left. The only one that cared for her even if she didn't make clear why she was acting differently ever since that day.

Just as she thought, once she came back to her senses, Hitomi was sleeping.

She must have been so tired. Her new position in the Morning Musume affected her so much. She was always either busy or knocked out tired. Hitomi never had time for anything other than meetings, recordings, and advertising. Yet, when Miki and Yoshizawa were together, she still managed to let Miki know she was there for her even through the silence.

Looks like although it was New Year, it must have slipped from Hitomi's mind. Poor thing, all she wanted to do was sleep. Miki was sure she didn’t have to apologize for her intrusion.

Miki hovered over the body in slumber. She observed her position. She must've been staring stupidly out the window wondering why it looked like there was some sort of celebration because her head was slightly turned towards the balcony window.

 Without hesitation, Miki acted on impulse as any desperate person seeking something new would do.

She kissed Hitomi.

Hell it was the New Year, fireworks were shooting off in the sky and the colors illuminated the midnight sky. Miki could hear the cheers of the rest of Morning Musume and their staff. It added to the mood.

All the more, her lips were still softly placed on Yoshizawa's lips, sweetly planted for the sprouting of the new comings.

Miki slowly let go of Hitomi's lips as Sleeping Beuaty began to wake. When she first saw Miki's face, her eyebrows started to furrow in confusion.

The longest three seconds passed. "Happy New Year." Miki plainly said as her and Yossui's face were merely three inches away from each other.

"Wah….?", the half awaken Yoshizawa said.

Miki stared back into Yoshizawa's eyes waiting for the next subject. Obviously,  she wasn’t making a big deal out of this. And like a child waiting patiently for a surprise, she waited for the next move.

"What was that for?", Yoshizawa continued, clearly reading Miki's face.

As if trying to act cute because she was being slightly scolded, she simply said, "I had no one else to kiss…"

That's how it began. And as quickly as it started, it seemed like it was ending even quicker.

That night still lingers in Miki's mind from time to time. Especially the moments that seems to test their relationship. Their night was spent in each others arms for the first time as a couple.

Ever since then, the pain that Miki had been pierced with slowly lingered away each day she spent with Yossui. Now a new one could be forming.

Miki quickly wiped the tear that was falling from her eye as she realized Yossui might have been awake for a while now. She loooked very awake and just stared back at Miki.

Traffic was progressing and they managed to be just one block away from their apartments.

Ugh, the apartments. Miki thought, remembering that they had to move. She hoped Yossui didn’t mind or maybe it didn’t matter seeing as their was a possibility she might not ever remember. Miki was almost finished packing anyway.

"Sooo…. you wanna tell me who you are exactly? Um, not that I mind being in a car with a hot girl, but I'm not sure if I know you. I mean, I think I know, you… you seem familiar… I know that I know you, but again, why am I here?"

These questions made Miki's chest ache as she was pulled up to the Hello! Project parking lot. But she had to take this professionally, she couldn’t let Yossui see that she was feeling upset about questions that deserved to be answered.

"I'm Fujimoto Miki; we're sort of dating… Both of us are a part of Morning Musume, a famous group of girls who sing, dance, do interviews, have their own morning show, and have photobooks. I'll explain everything that happened so please be patient and cooperate. Now, the doctors said that you are able to remember certain things, but I guess that’s only because they come naturally. Everything that you don't remember, I'll be there for your."

Miki took Hitomi's hand even if Yossui seemed to be reluctant of the situation.

Please, just trust me. Give me strength to help you remember as much as possible.

Wouldn't you like to Know 4

AH! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope every one was safe and didn't drink too much, hehe.
Sorry for the delay. I didn’t make a Christmas special, so I thought at the last minute to add in this New Year special.I really tried to finish this up in time, but certain forces *which are called… brothers… X_X* kept me from doing so. :T

New Year changes so far…. err… My xanga background is now BoA. Whee~ BoA <3333 *haha, I'm listening to her right now XD*

I couldn’t decide if to hint the New Year scene with some steamy s e x or have it with a light air and just keep things oblivious *because every one knows Yossui is slooooowwww* but silly and romantic. Oh well, you can describe it yourself :P

Changes: My original plan, that was supposed to be a sorta big reason why this was made was to make it seem like my Forever 21 subgroup idea had come to life, haha. But I decided to change that and let Tsunku hint at it instead.  Why? I have no clue either, haha *sweatdrop* I also was gonna end the chapter with the New Year scene, but I decided to see how long I could drag keep the chapter going.

~Currently Listening to : BoA - Moon and Sunrise *Korean artist playlist <3*
~Thanks to my friend *I'll call her Mae mae* for giving me a small idea, haha.

Oh God, it's so effffiiin' late. X___X
EDIT : I should REALLY start re-reading as much as possible to catch these mistakes. Either that or stop writing really early in the morning... I wonder how Mikan does it...
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 12:43:04 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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I'm Perfect too
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2007, 09:50:53 AM »
rndmnwierd thanks for sticking to this XP. A sexual threesome? No... Don't worry, I'm dissapointed too. But thinking about it, it makes me want to make a series of "What if's..." and this might just be included, haha.

glcorps2002 I'd be thinking the same. Shii, I would even follow them to the bathroom so I didn't have to leave their side XD *just kidding*. Don't worry, the whole explination is coming soon =D

Blizzard Thanks! Freaking love this sig. It's very rare for me to use the same sig/ava in another forum, but it's too cool... so I'm using it for H-O as well XD

hamz well all that matters is that you are still reading it! <3 That's what I say. But of course, this is why this is just a "fictional" story, hehe.

Pepto thanks for the critique. So as long as I know what my readers think so I can sharpen up on my writing. That's the only reason why I'm writing this anyway XD


EDIT: Next chapter -
A new person is debuting! Yay! I didn't wanna make it all about the '85 girls. Well actually, I did, haha. buuutttt, I realized the story might not be that long if I did that. The more practice in narrative writing, the better!
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline rndmnwierd

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I'm Perfect too
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2007, 07:18:08 PM »
No sex? Then why was Miki so sad?

Aww, I like how they got together, though

Offline len.chan

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I'm Perfect too
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2007, 08:56:10 PM »
Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe
She kissed Hitomi.
"What was that for?", Yoshizawa continued.

"I had no one else to kiss…"

what a great way to start a new year :heart:

aaah~I love 85er's fics XDXD

Offline black velvet

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« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2007, 02:21:49 AM »
Ah! D: Slave!

Sorry I hadn't commented earlier. I read the first chapter, but never got around to replying for some reason. My apologies. Anyway . . .

Miki is supreme. Pushing people off stage, bringing mace and cuffs (is chloroform next? :o), wanting to pee on stage, making moves in the bathroom, saying Maki's hot and that she wants a piece of her Korean lover, etc. etc.

Besides Miki, it's a really good story and very well-written. It does bring up some really good questions, like why Rika graduated and stuff. It keeps me interested, and the threesome is pretty hot. (But don't think I'm joining your side. :P) Good job and keep it up! :D

Offline ferrar1

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« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2007, 02:53:24 AM »
Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;272713
Miki immediately began to panic because her position in Morning Musume was on the line, this meant that her power over the little brats would be taken away. That also meant it was going to be a pain to be in a group instead of solo again.


This is just one of those quote of the day

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

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« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2007, 10:02:00 AM »
How do you think up stuff like this? Becoming such a cute couple with an awesome starter: "I had noone else to kiss." *swoons*

Some might think "what, so I'm the back-up?" but hey Yossi's cool and this couple's even cooler. Damn I need to read more :MKwhine:

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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It's still alive, as well as I
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2007, 12:56:29 AM »
WOW, I just noticed the typos and some grammatical errors I had in the last chapter. I'm very late... sheesh, well its not like you guys are gonna re-read it, but it's fixed.
Now, Im not saying EVERYTHING is fixed, I'm sure my mildy dyslexic ass left some fixing out. But I hope you were able to understand it with these minorities...

And I've been doing a lot more of short story essays for English ( I guess our teacher realized she was totally forgetting about narratives... FINALLY) and I added in some more and changed some words to better some metaphors.

Anyway, the new chapter should be up this weekend. I'm working on it now (err... well... sorta... I wish I could make it first priority, but I'm a student) so HOPEFULLY, with all damn hope, it's up this weekend. Plus, a lot of the senior writers get me to read their stories before I write MINE! I tend to write most of my chapter the day I post it, hence why there are so many damn typos because it's finished early in the morning XD

THANKS EVERYONE! And if you're a lurker reading this, please drop something by :heart:

rndmnwierdHmmm, no one said that... but seeing as there is more leeway on the whole "love" scenes lately, I hope to make something (or atleast try)... but it's soon, not necessarily in the next chapter or two. But since you're awesome enough, I will tell you it's about this night.

len.chanWow, nice to know another great writer is reading (Im in the process of reading your fic as well as another old one, recommended by someone). I hope you stick around ^_^

black velvet.... hmm, it's you ¬__¬ I'm not sure it you're allowed here... I'M KIDDING (of course!)!!! Hey, nice to see you on here more (and on the fic side, none the less). As well, I hope you stick around :)

ferrar1 thanks! haha, nice to know I made somewhat of an achievement!

hamz :heart: To answer your question, a lot of what I write has happened to me or is happening to me. Not necessarily EVERYthing, but a lot of it (and I'm not gonna say what unless I want to =D so you guys will just have to figure that out). I also get a lot of my inspiration from music, how that is, is a mystery to me too...
And hell yeah, Yossui "pimpin' all over the world" (ok, well the original song goes "...Hyori pimpin' all...").


« Last Edit: January 25, 2007, 07:03:32 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2007, 04:40:00 AM »
Meanwhile 1:
???? : Annyunghaseyo

It’s been one month since December. One month since you’ve left me alone. Do you still remember our friendship?

I cant’ sleep.

I think there's something wrong with me.


“Hey, guess what number I’m thinking of right now”, Hitomi greeted Gotou with a friendly smile like a child inviting something new.

Oh, god, no. Please, no! Not this again! Not my goodies…

“Ummm… why?” Maki didn’t even bother to notice the lie behind Hitomi’s friendly eyes, she was just plainly curious. This was enough for Yossui to realize that she was half way there for her mischievous scheme.

“Because! Just do it, com’on, guess.” Instantly, Maki heard a snicker come from her right, where Rika was standing smiling. Of course, Maki didn’t notice this either, just like the other unnoticed  clue.

“But what do I get? You’re not even holding anything? Let Rika go first. She’s smiling, she looks eager.”

“No, I want you to do it; it’s not a surprise when she knows it already.” Yossui replied almost in a begging tone. ‘Anything just to have some fun’ was her motto.

“Ok, fine. I’m gonna say… three.” Thinking she had the correct number, Maki looked nothing more than stupid with a big smile that made her eyes close almost entirely.

Almost instantly, well more like in dramatic slow motion, Yossui’s right hand flew from her side and onto the only thing that would be grabbed with a semi-claw like grasp.

“WRONG! It was Seven.”

“AH!” Gotou shot up from her bed as soon as soon as she was able. “Damn those dreams. I keep yelling at myself to get up whenever dreams associating with Yossui happen. But of course, it has to haunt me till the end.”

Once more, she let out her last shiver trying to forget how it felt like when her former kohai first touched her lovely and still growing breasts. “It’s not fair. It’s not like you can have a number guessing game without a prize! And grabbing my breast is SO not a prize. And when did she start to become so friendly anyway?!” she said while hitting the bed mattress around her and yelling to herself, eventually shaking her head furiously. It was a good thing she was alone in Korea because she looked like she belonged in an asylum right about now.

“Stop. Just stop it right now. You’re free from their grasp. Free from crazy girl love and some serious molestation. Take a deep breathe and get ready for your recording.” Gotou tried to calm herself and stopped yelling. She lowered it to talking to herself. Oh well, anything to calm a mad girl, right?

As of late, Gotou Maki’s life has gone from awful to progressively good. She now resides in Seoul, Korea where she is recording her singles in Korean.

The first opportunity she had to get out of Japan, she jumped for it.

Although Maki is a pretty much a homebody, she couldn’t help but leave and clear her mind. Clear her mind of the sinful doings of the Hello! Project girls, that is. Sinful things such as, oh, stealing people’s pants, looking at each other naked, groping, vandalism, and the worse of the worse; love. But not any kind of normal love.

“How stupid are they? I mean really, men were created for one reason, for us! Are they that desperate for love that they would go after each other? Feh! I’ll wait for my prince charming any day, no matter how long. I’m in Korea for goodness sake! And I’m alone, no one will know. It’s perfect, what happens in Korea, stays in Korea.” Yes, Maki is still talking to herself out loud, and she just happened to miss her driver raise his eyebrow at her on his rearview mirror. He happened to tune in when Maki was shaking her head repeatedly in agreement to herself while scheming of a way to find an eligible man.

“You’re here ma’am.” Maki’s driver waited for a response or for her leave. Upon not hearing anything, he looked up again and watched Maki still conversing with herself. “ Uhh, miss, I said you’re here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Thank you for the read.” Maki took one last look of the driver just in case he was worth the spot for the new man in her life. Not surprising enough, he was no where near cutting it.

Maki walked into the studio wearing her favorite color for the winter season, white, across it, it had the words written ‘KA.WA.II.’ in English. Because of course, she is hot.


“I wonder what she’s doing now… you think she knows Korean now?  I should ask Gotou-san for some notes.” Risa followed a melancholy Reina to the dance studio. The two young girls were still not sure of what they were doing today. Probably just some practice to make sure they haven’t forgotten anything. But Risa was sure of one thing, something was on Reina’s mind.

“Yeah, if she does come back.” Reina said this to herself low, or so she though.

“What do you mean? It’s not like she’s left Hello! Project, she’s just trying something new. Don’t you admire her for that? Wait, do you still admire her at all?” There was confusion inside Risa’s voice, she was trying to indirectly dig out whatever had been eating Reina lately.

“Of course! It’s just, she’s not here, you know? How am I supposed to admire her if I don’t know what she’s doing?” Reina hoped that her half assed answer was convincing enough rather than giving away more than what she intended. She of course didn’t want to admit she missed Gotou for other than missing admiration.

“Reina! Please, pay attention, this isn’t new. This is the fourth time today, go get some water. I’d yell at you, but I don’t want another scar.” Natsu-san* mumbled the last sentence because she was fearing the second coming of Reina’s shoe to her forehead.

Reina excused herself and quickly searched for her bag outside for a  water bottle. She noticed while walking out that Yossui wasn’t there today. “Hmm, must’ve been at a meeting today. That selfish dummy, she excused herself from dance practice and made us do it ourselves. Could’ve at least excused it for all of us.”

Coming back from her small break, she noticed someone else missing… It’s way too empty. This is in no way Morning Musume, the girl group famous for dropping half their members and still having more than any boy.

“Hey, have you guys seen Yossui and Miki? Where are they?” The girls looked around noticing the same. How they never noticed it before also went unnoticed to the girls.

“Is that what’s really keeping you from doing better in today’s practice? Don’t worry about those two and just get back in place. Let’s take it from the top…” Natsu was informed earlier about the events that occurred two nights before, so she was called in to keep the girls from noticing.

“Phew! I’m beat, tired and hungry. Some of the girls are going to eat some Sukiyaki for early dinner, you want to join us?”

“No thanks Ai-chan, I’m going to head home and lie down. Risa’s been bugging me about being different lately. I guess it might be just because I haven’t had much sleep. Bye!”

At least her white lie had more truth in it this time. Reina really wasn’t receiving enough sleep. But that was only because she wasn’t able to stop thinking of her.

Is this continually going to eat me until I see you again?

Reina flopped down on her bed, with her feet dangling off the edge. Whenever she was in a daze, she always found it helpful to lie down in odd ways. This way in particular, she was lying down on the width of the bed, on her stomach, and her head dangling like her feet.

Is it okay if I call you?

“No, that would be completely suicide and uncalled for. What would I say? I might as well tell her that I’m completely dysfunctional then…” She stated in reply to her thought, as if talking to someone else other than her self.

But I guess it won’t be so bad… I can just drop a line, right?

“No, it’s still complete suicide. I should just wait until all the blood rushes to my head and I pass out in slumber.”

But of course, Reina doesn’t listen to herself, but to the voice she replies to. Instinctively, she reached for her hand bag that she dropped at the end of the bed. After a few seconds she dialed Maki’s number, there was no use in putting it on speed dial, she liked the fact that she memorized it.




“Hi, you’ve reached my voice mail, sorry I couldn’t pick up. Drop a line and I’ll phone you later.”

Knew it… I figured as much…

“What the… who is calling me at this time?” Maki came fresh from the shower, fresh enough to make trails of water from the bathroom with her hair and wet enough from not being able to dry her self thoroughly. Once she heard her phone ringing, she ran for it.

She dropped the phone from shock and didn’t pick up. As soon as she read the name “Tanaka-chi” on it, she became paralyzed.

Why are you still thinking of me?

When the phone stopped ringing, Maki sat on the floor, leaning against the bed. She took another moment to breath and think of a logical explanation for the call. “I wish I could read your mind.” I’ve always wished that.

Just when she thought she was able enough to get back to getting ready for bed, she checked her phone just out of curiosity.

“Hmm… I have a voice message. Wonder who it’s from…”

You know who it’s from, stupid. Don’t listen, go back to drying yourself.

Of course, she didn’t listen to the voice in her head.

“Hey Gotou-san, it’s just Tanaka. Nothing important, just dropping a line. How’s the Yakiniku in Korea?”

“It’s quite good actually. But you wouldn’t know that. Because you’re in Japan, where you belong. Away from me… At least you sound like you’re happy…”

I just need some rest, that’s all.
Maki fluffed her pillow and tucked her covers under her arms. An hour and a half passed and her covers were almost completely off her body. Well of course it would be; she was flopping around like a fish. Much like a person who can’t get anything off their mind and counting sheep was no use.

Her eyes were still shut tight, but she was no where near sound asleep.
She wasn’t even thinking of Reina. There was only one scene occurring in her head:

Maki was running in circles over and over again, in the same spot of her apartment. For some reason, she was sinking deeper and deeper down as she started to dig a hole in the shape of the circle she was running in. Deeper and deeper she sank as she ran away from the truth…

Maybe it is time to face the truth…

The title means "hello" in Korea. I've asked all my Korean friends/classmates, so I'm sure that’s how you spell it. Plus, I watch a LOT of Korean stuff to know myself anyway xD
Natsu Mayumi is H!P's dance coach. Thanks to Yuu for the name xD

Wouldn't you like to Know 5

OH MAH GAH! It's taken me forever. I started to write last night, since I've been wanting to write all week, and I had everything ready and thought out.  But once I sat on the computer and started to write my first few lines down, I was completely at a lost. This WHOLE week I've had some SERIOUS brain farts. So bad that I think I did really badly on three of my tests I had Friday. I didn’t know what to do! But after reading some fan fiction and getting some inspiration to write, I guess more ideas came to mind.
The worse part is, I REALLY didn’t like what I had in the beginning, and I almost completely nuked my first two and a half pages.

Anyway, I hope you liked the addition of these two new characters. Of course, I’m never completely satisfied with what I write, because I’m my hardest critic, but I’m happy that I think it’s not COMPLETELY trash, especially compared to what I had.
~ I never planned on putting Reina together with Gotou. Infact, it took some major convincing for me to do it. I had BoA in line for a long time, and for a short time before BoA, I had Se7en. Only because Gotou was supposed to be staying in Korea for a while.
~Gotou’s role in the story is to explain the little details in the story sometimes so I didn’t have to explain why things were this way when they happen to the main couple; well that’s what I wanted. Until I decided to “Why not pair her up with someone?” etc. etc.

And yes, what happened with Gotou and the number guessing game, REALLY did happen to me. Except it was a guy, and he has this thing for touching his girl friend’s breasts. But sometimes I cant help but notice that I’m in the lead :87a4e689:

For some reason, I feel like changing my  title to "In bed, I'm Perfect too".
haha, and no, this has not PTA relation to it at all. It's just that I notice that a lot of my opening scenes (or introductions of new people) are when they are in bed. And I dunno... it doesn't look too shabby anyway. What do you guys think?

« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 06:20:10 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2007, 05:49:29 AM »
Roffle, I said Mayumi, not Ayumi.

Reina x Maki is loooove <3

I definitely look forward to the future chapters <3

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« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2007, 11:40:06 PM »
*squeals for Korean usage*

The nightmare part was hilarious, but I'm sorry it happened to you in real life. ^^; Stupid Maki! Don't push Reina off! >.>

Oh, and don't hate me just because I'm an Amiyakist! :P

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« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2007, 04:08:44 AM »
I had to laugh at Maki and Reina having conversations with themselves.  It was also funny how long it took the girls to realize that their leader and subleader were missing.  Maybe it won't be so hard to hide Yossui's condition.  :P  

So does Maki's little "running in circles" dream hint that she's going to return to Japan?  Maybe it's time to stop fighting the current and just go with the flow, huh?  :lol:

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« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2007, 07:46:34 AM »
Nice installment :D as expected. I also like how the story is progressing with the 2 couples. The Maki X Reina scene had a typical korean drama feel.

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

Offline arina_shinh

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« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2007, 03:22:56 PM »
new reader here *waves*
This is really interesting fic, no, the most awesome fic i have read!! yomiki! but i love yogoto too... haha...
looking forward to read more!!

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« Reply #34 on: January 30, 2007, 06:39:32 AM »
Yuu, you know I'm the only one who would manage to screw something as tiny as that up :) either way, thanks for the comment

Velvet wooohoo, glad you liked it. There would have been so much more Korean usage with Gotou, but couplings have changed, as I've mentioned. So there won't be as much as when i originially planned. Hell yeah, I'm quite sorry it's happened to me too often. Quite recently AGAIN too. damn, I should have like a zapping bra or something... Hey, I dont hate, I just love my YoCharMi more...

Blizz (can I call you that? It sounds cool. then again, its like almost 1 am this might be crazy talk... STOP TALKING!!!!) haha thanks. I try, but not as hard as i shjould be XD *whips myself*
that "Running in circles" dream was so damn HALF ASSED its not even funny. And yeah, it had a hint/meaning *what that is? Well like an ass I am, you have figure it out yourself*. I think these early chaps are hints and meanings on many things for the future *keekee*.

ferrar, thanks for the comment~ I'm working on more situations for the couples, and possibly even more couples. But theres just so many ideas and situations that can fit for many or the majority of the couples that it's hard to determine what happens to which couple!

:tfr9a7wg: arina_shinh You really mean that? *cries* you've made all, well most *I'm REALLY hard on myself* of my doubts wither away~ YoGotou? Hmmmm... i dont know, is there really time to fit that in here? Who knows *really, I don't XD* thanks! And I'm looking forward to responding more!

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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Ch. 6
« Reply #35 on: January 30, 2007, 06:47:12 AM »
Mini-chapter 1:
(A) Moving Day

“So…” The confused one began, “is there a specific reason why we are living together but I never unpacked? What are all these boxes for?”

“Well, you see, since the incident happened, Tsunku is sort of, well, kicking us out of the main building. But don’t worry, it’s just the next building, so it won’t be as hectic as you think.” Miki did all she could to reassure Hitomi as much as she could. This was definitely going to take some getting used to.

Explaining something to the leader? It just so ...wierd

“Uh huh… So that means you’re mo- Sorry, I mean, we’re moving out?” There were too many pauses between Yossui’s questions. She tried to hide her mistakes this way. All the more for Miki to notice that she doesn’t completely trust her yet.

Although it pained her inside, she tried to stay away from the obvious. So like being infront of cameras, she put her fake smile on.

“Yep, I’ve got almost everything packed for you, you can check if you want. All we need really is to get some movers to get the drawers and bedpost out of here. Or you know, if we want to save some money and trouble, we can always get the new girls to do it. Better yet, I think Tsuji and Eri are eating too many of those sweets. Maybe I can just call them to move everything for us.”

Better yet, maybe we should just get rid of that stupid bed. It would help to forget more while I’m helping her remember.

Miki continued her rambling; “…anyway, I’ll get these boxes ready so we can leave as soon as possible. You’re welcome to look through your stuff to make sure you have everything-“ Miki caught herself short “I’m sorry, I for-“

“Oh wow, look! It’s my favorite tracksuit; I remember this. Hah, and look, it still has that stain of maple syrup. This was Tsuji’s fault. Damn her table manners...”

“Well at least you remembered something, just wish it wasn’t as trivial as that…”

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Hitomi really wasn’t paying attention anymore. She was too focused on her ‘long lost treasures’ inside the cardboard boxes.

“No, nothing, nothing at all. Uh, yeah, that track suit. I think Ayaka gave you that as a present. But that was long before we went out.”

“Hah, wow, I should thank her.” All this seemed to fascinate Miki. Her lover remembers something so long ago; yet, something that happened a week ago has totally slipped her mind. “Man! Look at these boxers! Did I really wear these when I first joined ? Do I still wear them?”

“Actually, no. You sorta, gave them to me to wear as sleeping gear when we decide to wear clothes…” Miki wasn’t looking towards Hitomi anymore. Instead she tried to focus her eyes on the boxes in the corner. She didn’t want her to see the blood rushing in her cheeks.


“Did you hear about Fujimoto-san and Yoshizawa-san?” Risa was lying her stomach, skimming a magazine. Ever since she turned eighteen, she never let a beauty tip fly by.

Parallel to Risa, but lying on her back against the bedpost was Ai. “Yeah, I think I was the only one that noticed them missing, but I didn’t want to mention anything. I seriously thought they were playing hookie to do the dirty.” Takahashi let out a giggle and the reaction she was waiting for from her friend finally came.

Risa turned her head sharply, short after Ai’s statement. “ EW! You’re so perverted Ai-chan…”

“Waahhhtttt? Miki has one friend, and that’s Aya. And they claim to be JUST friends, yet they do things that not-so-naughty girls do. I just think the fact that Yossui and Mikitty happened to be missing together, AT the same time, is a little bit too suspicious, don’t you think? There HAS to be something going on between them. Don't be so niave.”

Risa returned to her glam magazine and managed to answer back, changing the subject slightly. “Well if you noticed, why didn’t you say anything when Tanakachi asked about it?”

Ai answered with sarcasm,“Yeah, right. And show just how much I was celebrating from having control over the others since I was the eldest?”

“Is that really how you feel?” Risa's acclaimed eyebrows furrowed together into an almost perfec unibrow from her quizzical face.

“Yeah! I should have been leader! Every chance I get before Yossui graduates is a chance to show I can prove myself worthy so Tsunku doesn’t try another lame excuse to choose someone else as leader over me.”

Risa couldn’t help but like where this was going. It was similar to the time when Ai was upset about Miki becoming sub-leader when Ai had more seniority over Miki for being in the group longer.

“You mean… someone like… Me!” Risa’s grin grew even bigger when she finished her statement.

“Yes! Someone like you. Even in small groups, where even I’M included in, you are the leader!” On reflex, Ai smacked Risa where she doesn’t let the sun shine, not even when Risa did her photobook .

“Ow ow ow ow ow, ow!” Risa made sure to emphasize each ‘ow’ while rubbing her bottom.

“Yeah yeah, whatever, you’re lucky I love you. Now let’s go and eat some brunch.”

I Love you?…   


“Kyahh! It’s Yo-chan!” Yui made extra sure to hug the new comer tight into her cleavage. “Oh yeah, how rude of me. I. am. Yui. Nice. to. meet. you.” As big as her breast was, her brain was smaller in comparison. She talked audibly as if talking to someone legally deaf.

“Yeah, she can hear you just fine, Okada-san. She’s not deaf, just a little forgetful. Where's Ri-” Miki was cut off when Yossui started talking again.

“No, I remember you somewhat… well now that you gave me a big-bear-hug, I remember... those…” Yossui was emphasizing on Yui’s breast of course.

“I missed you stupid! You never called after BiYuDen stopped being guests on Hello! Morning.” Yui did what she did best, pout and twiddle her fingers.

“Here, Fujimoto-san. These are the last of them, can I have my cup cakes now?” Eri asked excitedly, as Tsuji didn’t do anything at all and waited in the car. Tsuji managed to sneak in a few snacks during the trips between the buildings. Which meant that Eri did all the work while Tsuji did what she did best. Absolutely nothing but eat.

“Yeah yeah, it's there. They’re in the kitchen with your name all over it. Get it before Tsuji does.”

On her way in, Tsuji waved her hand to someone coming from the corner stair case (doesn’t anyone use elevators in these buildings??). “Wrika-shan! Ong ime oo see!”

Rika ignored Tsuji who she told many times, even when they started out in Morning Musume, to never talk with her mouth full. Her mouth was full of Eri’s cup cakes of course.

“A room is ready for you on the second floor. Ayaka, Ayumi, Boss, Ootani, and Megumi have the third floor. And the soloists, on the fourth.” With those three quick sentences, Rika did a speed scan around her and left for her daily trip to the local grocery store. It was a good thing the Hello! Project buildings were located in the part of Tokyo where many other celebrities lived so there were many secluded shopping facilities.

“That must… be Rika?” Yossui asked turning to Miki whose eyes followed the exiting woman like a trance.

“Yeah… tell me, how do you remember her?”

Wouldn't you like to Know 6

Well atleast I don't have to worry about you guys realizing italics = thoughts.

Ugh, so freaking tired. Story may not seem so amusing. MY moods have been changing like cheap mood rings in different temperatures lately. And I started writing this chapter when I was a bit pissy. So don’t hate it >.>

I tried to make this funny. Not sure if it worked. Some of this may not make sense either. But it does help to remember some of the names and situations that were present in this chapter, so its not completely useless :D

I’ve been really bad lately and not writing down my ideas that I have for future ideas. I had like 10 of them today. This will bite me back in the ass when I get a writers block like I did for the Gotou x Reina one. OH WELL. Because I just finished this, my mood switched to “I don’t care”. Just like my Spanish II test tomorrow ~

I’m probably gonna regret not editing this…. AGAIN xD I'm outy~

Song : Lee Hyori - Def
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 11:10:32 PM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2007, 07:43:18 AM »
On reflex, Ai smacked Risa where she doesn’t let the sun shine, not even when Risa did her photobook .

“Ow ow ow ow ow, ow!” Risa made sure to emphasize each ‘ow’ while rubbing her bottom.

“Yeah yeah, whatever, you’re lucky I love you. Now let’s go and eat some brunch.”
Damn that's sweet...and cute...and funny. :lol:

“Here, Fujimoto-san. These are the last of them, can I have my cup cakes now?” Eri asked, as Tsuji didn’t do anything at all. Tsuji managed to sneak in a few snacks during the trips between the buildings. Which meant that Eri did all the work while Tsuji did what she did best.

“Yeah yeah, here, they’re in the kitchen with your name all over it. Get it before Tsuji does.”

On her way in, Tsuji waved her hand to someone coming from the corner stair case (doesn’t anyone use elevators in these buildings??). “Wrika-shan! Ong ime oo see!”

Rika ignored Tsuji who she told many times, even when they started out in Morning Musume, to never talk with her mouth full. Her mouth was full of Eri’s cup cakes of course.
Ah poor Eri. XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2007, 06:55:19 PM »
I really don't think Yui's as dumb as she looks or acts. Poor Yui.

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« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2007, 05:41:29 AM »
Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;297108
“Man! Look at these boxers! Did I really wear these when I first joined ? Do I still wear them?”

“Actually, no. You sorta, gave them to me to wear as sleeping gear when we decide to wear clothes…”

Aw. :ONshy1:  That's so sweet, in a round about way.  

Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;297108
“Oh yeah, how rude of me. I. am. Yui. Nice. to. meet. you.”

I find it hilarious how people talk to someone with a head injury like they're  deaf or stupid or both (as long as it's not me they're doing it to).  I used to do that to one of my friends anytime she got the slightest injury.  Drove her nuts, but never failed to amuse me!

Anyways, I can't wait to see what direction you take this (there are so many possibilities)!  I'll definately be staying tuned to channel 85! :ONding:  Keep up the great work!

Oh, and I don't mind one bit if you (or anyone for that matter) call me Blizz. :D

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« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2007, 06:09:44 AM »
Yui:ONxD:  She's just like I have always think she would be XD

This is getting so interesting. Can't wait to read more:yay:

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