WARNING: More cursing!
Designed to Love Pt. 2
I swear to myself, I ain't gonna have any cup of coffee forever.
"Do I sign here and here?"
"Yes, mam."
I groaned for the nth time and signed the paper.
Guess where am I.
In the fucking inventory office.
I'm paying for everything that I've ruined because of that coffee spill. So far, I've ruined Rena-san's desktop computer, tons of important papers and her Samsung Galaxy S4.
"That would be a total of 78,000 yen."
The clerk nodded and I sighed. I checked my wallet and whined. I have no money left. I have to go to the ATM but the guards won't let me out till I pay everything.
"Can't you just deduct this to my last salary?"
The clerk pouted and checked her computer. After a few moments, she nodded and I felt relieved. This is the worse day ever. I got fired and paid everything I've ruined. Rena-san also said that I'm going to be banned to enter the company.
This is such a great love story, isn't it? It's kind of a love-hate relationship. But I'm still so sorry about what happened. Hey, I tried to say sorry but she was so mad that she threw her heels at me.
Oh. Wait, I forgot my sketch! Ugh whatever anyway. I'm just gonna start anew and forget everything about today.
Fuck this.
My thoughts were interrupted when the guards behind me patted my shoulder and said,
"Get your things now, Matsui-san."
I rolled my eyes and ignored them. I got my things from my desk and put them into a box. My action figures of Thor and Iron Man, the pictures of my parents and Airi and I, my 2 cute gummy bear figures and a bobble head puppy were some of my things. My collegues watched me pack my things and one of them said,
"Good luck, Jurina. There are just some women who want to see the world burn."
I chuckled and said my goodbyes to them. Although I'm not close to everyone, I'm at least acquainted with them.
I carried my box and headed out of the office. The guards went by my side as I got to the elevator. It was so awkward in the elevator. I'm with bunch of muscular guys. It's like I'm a perp for a huge crime or a head of the yakuza. One of them spoke with a huge voice.
"Matsui-san, I guess you know that you're banned--"
"Yeah yeah yeah."
I gripped on my box tighter as I felt irritated. I have no job now, I got actually banned and I paid so much. What could get worse? What should I do now? Ugh. To be honest, I need a more stress-free life.
"You may go now, Matsui-san. And, good luck."
Geez, lots of people are wishing me luck. But I guess I'll be needing them.
I went home, planning to rest and sleep the whole day. It took me so many hours to finish the sketch and I just got fired because I spilled her my coffee. Well, it was a reasonable reason but if she just took time to look at my sketch, maybe I wouldn't have been fired. But you know, time's a trade off, it can't be returned. I brushed off the thought and just sighed. I guess I'll be on a job hunt once again.
I arrived at our apartment finding the couple at home. Churi was sleeping on Airi's lap on the couch while Airi was doing sketches on her tablet.
Airi looked at me and carefully stood up. She kissed Akane's forehead and did a couple of stretches. She took my box from my hands and looked at me.
"This box.."
"You got fired, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did. And I got banned too from entering the company too."
Airi half sighed, half chuckled. But I swear I heard her snort. I didn't know if she was happy that I got fired so someone will be cleaning the apartment everyday or she was sad that I will have no salary to feed myself and to pay my part on the rent.
She put the box at the dining table and got the gummy bear figure. She tossed it to me without me expecting it. I nearly dropped the figure. Gummy bears are precious. I would mourn if this figure gets destroyed.
"So, gummy bear, what are your plans now?"
Oh right. I didn't even think of it till Airi asked me. I guess I was too preoccupied when I was at the bus. I was too busy thinking about Matsui-san and how I got completely banned from the company. My mind went into haywire when I remembered that there are only few companies in Japan who need designers like us. Our job wasn't in demand here that's why I wanted to work abroad in the first place.
Perhaps, Airi saw the confused and problematic emotions on my face that's why she went to me and gave me a hug. I needed a hug badly to be honest. Hugs and good lucks may make me feel better about my self.
"You'll find a job soon Jurina. Don't worry."
I sighed and hugged her back. I don't want to cry. Crying is synonymous to weakness, according to my stubborn self. I don't want to show my weakness to other people, even if it's Airi. Eventually, she'll tease me about it. So why even bother?
I broke the hug and thanked her. She patted my shoulder and gave me a sincere smile. I nodded and said,
"Hey, I'll take a nap first okay?"
"Hmm. Go ahead. I'll be leaving in 2 hours. I won't wake you up. I'll just leave some foods in the fridge. And I'm going to bring Churi home."
"Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm going to meet Churi's mom."
"I'm? You're the only one who's gonna meet her mom?"
She nodded and grinned,
"Yeah, I'll tell Churi I'm going to the office and pick up some things. She must not know that I'll talk with her mom. Dang Jurina, have I never told you about this?"
I immediately knew what she was talking about. What a stupid ass I am not to figure it out. She's been thinking about this for months. She's been so happy with Akane and she told me before that she's never been this happy. She wants to live with her forever.
She's going to ask Akane to marry her.
I guess 3 years of being together will already prove how much Airi loves Akane. Both of them are young and have stable jobs so probably it's best to finally settle down, aye?
I feel happy for Airi. Finally she had the guts to make big decisions. When she made her first, I forced her. But now, she's all grown up, making her own decisions. I'm happy for her that I felt myself tearing up a little. It's like Airi has grown into a beautiful butterfly from an ugly and coward caterpillar. Fuck the metaphor. You probably get what I mean.
I finally went to my room and jumped on my bed. I'm so tired. Not just physically but also mentally. Besides, it's just 10am.
I grabbed a pillow and drifted away, forgetting all the problems I have.
*ring ring*
My phone's ringing.
But I'm too lazy to pick it up.
*ring ring*
I only opened one eye as I grabbed my phone by my side. Whatever this may be, I hope it will be important.
I sat up from my sleeping position and scratched my head. I didn't know who was calling so I looked at my phone for a second and I saw it was my dad who was calling.
"Dad? What's up?"
"Look, I have good news and bad news."
Geez. More bad news to come? I hope it's not that bad.
"Uhm. I also have news. But only bad. No good."
"Oh. Is that so? Well I would like to hear yours first."
I've never been really close with my dad. He was always away when I was still a kid. He works in Hokkaido as an electrical engineer and just goes home for holidays and occasion.
"Uhh. I got fired."
"Look dad, I'll explain soon. Okay? So what's your news?"
Talking to my dad makes me miss home. I miss my mom's cooking and my 2 cute puppies at home. I have 2 baby labradors at home, namely Yukiko and Yankumi. They are so adorable and cuddly that's why I love them dearly.
"Okay Jurina. Good news first or bad news?"
"Bad news, I guess?"
I stood up and reached for my eyeglasses. I went outside the room finding no one. Well, Airi did say that she's leaving so I went to the fridge, finding a cold sandwich. I kept my phone close to my ear and listened to what my dad has to say before I put the sandwich in the microwave. I might burn myself if I knew about the bad news first.
"Don't be surprised."
"I won't."
"Don't faint."
"I won't, dad."
"Yukiko and Yankumi are dead."
Oh my God.
Can this day get any worse?!
"H-how? .. W-why?"
I gasped silently and put my hand on my mouth. My baby dogs are dead..
"They were ran over by a drunk driver when your mother accidentally let go of their leeshes. It was an accident Jurina."
It's impossible to get mad at my mom. She was a kind woman that did everything to make me happy.
I sighed and responded,
"I won't. Don't worry. I can't get mad at mom either way. So, enlighten me with the good news please."
I practically begged. Today's such a bad day and I can't afford to have more bad lucks. I need something to make me smile at least.
"Well, the good news is that your mom and I are moving back to Nagoya. My request for transfer to move to Nagoya has been granted so..yeah."
Ever since I started living with Airi, no one has been living at our house in uptown Nagoya. My mom and dad moved to Hokkaido because my dad works there. When I was a kid, we all lived in our family house. Then when I graduated, I moved in with Airi and mom moved in with dad in Hokkaido. So pretty much, our house is abandoned.
"Oh. Goodie. Maybe if Airi kicks me outta here because I can't get a job sooner, I'll live with you guys."
My father gave a hearthy laugh.
"Oh Jurina, you can always come home to us. But Airi will never kick you out."
I chuckled and slightly nodded my head.
"Oh pops, I'll visit you soon. Bye."
"Bye Jurina. See you soon, my child."
I smiled as he hung up the phone. We're not close but I miss my old man too.
I chuckled and placed the cold sandwich into the microwave and waited. While I was waiting for my sandwich, I kind of wondered of how Airi's meeting with Churi's mom went. She's always been in good terms with Churi's parents and so was Churi with her parents. So, I guess it won't be a problem for both of them. She wants to get Akane's mother's approval before proposing to Akane so everything will go smoothly after she proposes. Airi's pretty confident that Akane will say yes.
Oh. The sandwich's done. Yay.
After a few days of being jobless and being the apartment's house maid, I finally got a part-time job,
As a dog sitter.
I found out that our neighbor, Yui, has a Labrador named Bisu. I remember when I first saw Bisu, I cried a little inside because I remembered Yankumi and Yukiko. Geez, tell me I'm overreacting but those dogs mean the world to me. I was the one who raised them when they were still puppies until I entered the university. So, Yui works as a flight attendant in an airline with the name I already forgot. And whenever she's gone, I dogsit her dog. She pays me around 2000 yen per hour so it's kind of a good deal. Bisu's a good dog anyway. He doesn't bite me at all.
But you know, nothing lasts forever so after Yui got a sick leave because of her flu, she stopped hiring me as her dogsitter. And I came back to being the apartment's housemaid.
If you are actually wondering about how Airi's proposal is doing, well Churi's mom agreed and so did her parents. The only thing left now is the marriage proposal itself. I swear, if I were Airi's girlfriend, the upcoming proposal will totally be obvious. But Churi doesn't even has a single clue.
I was wearing a flower apron when Airi barged in the apartment one Sunday morning carrying a lot of flowers.
"Uhm. What are these?" I said while pointing at the flowers.
"Proposal plan."
She dropped all the flowers and went out again. The moment she came in, she was with birds in cages. She brought down every cage and breathed heavily.
"And I want you to help me with this."
I looked at her weirdly and scrunched my nose. I've never had an experience with love..so why me? Airi grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth.
"Jurina, I really need your help."
I picked up one flower stem and smelled the bud.
"Why all of a sudden?"
"Well, our anniversary's coming up in 3 days. It's the most perfect day. I almost forgot it too."
4th anniversary in 3 days? Wow. It would be sure the best day to propose. I placed the flower in the table and asked,
"What can I be of help, Furukawa-san?"
She laughed and dragged me to her room to discuss what she's planning.
"Okay Jurina. Just pick up the ring I ordered and uh..here's the receipt. Tell the cashier I asked you to pick it up instead. And please please! Be careful with it, okay?"
Panic has striken Airi's face as she told me what to do. Unfortunately, Airi had forgot to pick up the most important thing in a proposal,
The Ring.
"Jurina, be sure to be back in 2 hours. Okay?"
I chuckled at Airi. She looks extremely vulnerable when she's nervous. I last saw her like this when she asked Churi out. And now it seems like history's repeating itself. I don't know how in the world she forgot the ring. She arranged the flowers, the birdy set-up and the speech but she forgot the ring.
I grabbed Airi shoulders and said,
"Calm down. Everything will go exactly as we plan. Okay? Just sit there and relax."
She nodded and sat down the couch. Airi massaged her temples and silently convinced herself that everything will go smoothly. She got the car keys from her pockets and tossed it to me.
"Use the car anyway. And make it fast!"
I got my cap from the table and went to Airi's car. Airi's car isn't that all expensive. She said that it doesn't matter if it's expensive or cheap, what matters is that it will last long. I got in and quickly drove my way to the mall.
While I was driving, I was occasionally thinking about Airi's plan. Today's the 24th and is also Airi and Churi's 4th anniversary. Airi is also planning to ask Churi's hand today. And so here's what Airi plans to happen.
First, Airi asked Churi to have dinner with her yesterday. They will be dining in a restaurant that is owned by her high school friend, Oya Masana. She talked to Masana about her plan and got the whole restaurant reserved just for the two of them. Then, Airi will surprise Churi with a new bird and the ring will be on the bird's foot. It's kinda simple but romantic. I helped her decorate the whole place up with flowers and plan for what they're going to eat. And now, I'm gonna pick up the engagement ring.
I hurriedly parked and ran to the jewelry shop where Airi ordered the engagement ring. But while I was running, I saw someone unexpected..
I quickly hid behind a stall and looked at her. I adjusted my glasses to make sure that it was her. But I'm sure it's her because my heart was beating very fast. My heart's like a Rena sensor. Whenever Rena's around, it will beat fast. I observed her and she seems to be waiting for someone. She kept looking at her phone and kept swaying around. Rena was wearing her usual business attire and her hair was neatly tied in a ponytail. It's been 2 weeks since I last saw Rena. I have to admit, but I do miss her screaming at me.
Then, after a minute, her face was plastered with a smile. She waved at someone from far away. I looked at the direction of where she was waving and saw a guy.
I haven't seen this guy before. He was also dressed in a business suit and is far by, good looking. He smiled at Rena and Rena ran towards him then hugged him.
I don't know but my heart felt like it was being hammered again and again.
I heard her say. The guy was chuckling and he held her hand. Oh boy. I don't want to see this anymore. And I have to get the ring. It's the reason why I'm here. Come on Jurina. Focus!
I calmed myself by breathing heavily. I fanned myself and walked to the jewelry store. The scene I just witnessed made me uncomfortable.
"So, Rena has a boyfriend?"
I kept asking this question to myself but I know I can never answer it. Except if I have the guts to chase Rena and ask her myself. Ugh. Jurina! Don't trouble yourself anymore. Rena is someone you can never get. Don't get your hopes too high.
I have to stop thinking about her.
I have to forget her.
I wandered around for a while and gathered myself together. I finally decided to walk towars the store. I arrived to the jewelry shop. A girl greeted me and I gave her the receipt.
"Uhm, I'm Furukawa Airi's friend. She asked me to get the ring."
The girl nodded and went inside their storage room. After a few minutes, she came back with a small ring box and gave it to me. I thanked and smiled at her then exited the shop. I kept myself from thinking about Rena.
The moment I entered Airi's car, I received a text message.
From: Airin
Subject: hurry up!
Dude where the hell are you?! Hurry up!!
Geez. If only she knew what happened..
I brushed off all my thoughts and finally drove back home.
As I got home, Airi was already in her dress. For a moment there, Airi looked superbly hot. She was wearing a white dress and her hair was gorgeously done.
"Wow. You look hot."
Airi looked at me weirdly.
"Ew Jurina."
I laughed and gave her the box. I didn't check the ring though. She opened the ring box and looked at the ring. The ring had an engraving in it.
"Hey, what does the engravement says?"
Airi smiled and looked closer. She explained,
"It's a chinese engraving. But it means, 'forever's not enough for me to love you'."
I smiled for a moment there because I felt Airi's love for Akane. Airi brought the ring back to its box and placed it on her purse.
"I have to get going. I have to pick her up. I'll see you there, aight?"
I nodded and gave her the keys. She quickly left and I was all alone in the apartment.
I arrived at the restaurant right before Airi popped the big question. Masana was watching from the store's kitchen. She noticed me and greeted me. The store's kitchen is soundproof and we can't hear anything from the outside. So she told me how it went so far and they were doing good. The moment Masana ended her short story, Airi was already kneeling.
Since we were outside, I can't hear what she was saying. But I can see in Akane's expression that she was so happy. She was covering her mouth and she was crying. Airi's crying too. When she finally asked her, Akane jumped on her and screamed a loud "YES!".
Masana and I were the only ones who saw the proposal. I felt happy for them. I've watched their relationship grow and get stronger everyday. I feel like a proud mama looking at my kids.
Akane hugged Airi real tight. Airi saw me by the kitchen's window and showed me a thumb up. I replied her with a thumb up too and smiled at her.
The now engaged couple, gave me a ride home. Airi and Akane will be staying at a hotel. Good thing they are because they will be making babies the whole night. I don't want the neighbors to think we're all perverts.
Airi dropped me off in front of the apartment and she got out of the car too. She hugged me and said thank you. Then she brought out a brochure from her back.
"Hey Jurina, as a sign of thanks, here."
She gave it to me. I read the cover and it said, 'Paris Package Tour'. I gave her a confused look and she smiled.
"I know you've been dying to go Paris. Since we were in college, you've been talking about going to Paris and working there. But because of me, you stayed here in Japan..so, I bought you an all-expenses paid tour in Paris."
I was practically jumping inside of me! My dream's coming true!
I was so speechless. The Paris Tour is so expensive. I can't even afford it, more now that I don't have any job.
"You'll be leaving tomorrow night."
Airi was grinning the whole time.
"Well..Churi and I need some alone time after tonight. So..enjoy your tour tomorrow."
Airi winked at me and got inside the car. Her wink was somehow perverted. Well she's always been like this. A perverted designer. Akane then waved at me and Airi drove off. I waved at them as they left.
Damn, I have to start packing.
Cuz I'll be on Paris tomorrow, baby.
Airi and Akane drove me to the airport the next evening. I'll be leaving from Japan to Paris at 11pm. Ever since last night, I've been so anxious to arrive at Paris already. I can't wait!
Actually, the reason I wanted to go to Paris is because I want to see the architectural and engineering trademarks that Paris has to offer. I've always admired their designs and the artistic structures built in Paris during the Renaissance period. French engineers and architects are genuises.
My thoughts were interrupted when the car halted.
"Let's get going Jurina."
I quickly got off the car and got my baggages from the trunk. This is it! Finally!
Airi and Akane helped me with them. Akane gave me a hug. She said,
"I'm so going to miss you. Even if it's just a week."
"Aw Churi."
I smiled at her and congratulated for what has happened yesterday. And now it's Airi's turn.
Airi patted my head and said,
"You don't have to worry about your English. Someone Yuihan knows will help you there. They'll be picking you up at the airport when you arrive there. Happy touring and..don't forget to bring a lot of French breads."
I hugged her tightly. Airi's one hell of a good friend.
"Thank you. Really."
She smiled and answered,
"It's nothing. It's just a friggin tour. While you, you helped me with the best decision I've ever made."
She looked at Akane lovingly and kissed her forehead. Geez, these two.
"Okay okay. Stop the cheesy part. I'll be seeing you guys after a week!"
*Flight 148, Nagoya to Paris is now boarding. Please proceed to the entry gate.*
I waved goodbye at the two and proceeded to the boarding area. Airi shouted.
"Go Matsui!"
"Please fasten your seatbelts. We are minutes away from landing on Paris International Airport. Thank you for choosing Delta Airlines. Bonjour!"
Yatta! Finally, something good has happened to me. Ah, I wanna step on French soil already! I already read the whole brochure while I was on board. Hell, I didn't even sleep. I guess the jetlag will get to me when I get to my hotel.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have landed. Enjoy your stay here in Paris."
As soon as the plane stopped, I stood up to get my bags on the compartment. Actually, I was the first one to get off the plane. Ah. French air!
I wiped my glasses to get a better view of the airport. Everyone was smiling and laughing, all full of joys and excitement. I smiled too, not caring how people will think I'm like a paranoid. I'm so friggin happy. I got my luggage and as I walked out of the arrival area, I looked for the person who will be welcoming me. Ehhhh.
I was looking around and saw a lot of people welcoming their families and friends. Some are with cardboards with names and some even have tarpaulins. I kept walking then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a man. He looked handsome by the way.
"You're Matsui Jurina right?"
The man spoke in japanese so I nodded then he grabbed my luggages. He was smiling and I can already see his gums from his wide smile.
"I'm Nakanishi Yuka. I'm going to be one of your tour guides."
I gasped and covered my mouth. I checked her out again but I still can't believe she's a woman.
"Eh?! You're a girl?"
Yuka laughed and started walking.
"Yeah I get that a lot."
"I'm so sorry."
She nodded and smiled again. I swear, she really looks like a guy. A handsome guy!
"It's okay. By the way, you're the only tour member that arrived today. Others arrived yesterday so I'm the only one who's picking you up. The tour already started, but fear not, you're still gonna catch up. We'll just make you visit the places that they visited today on your last day."
I nodded. I must have been a latecomer. Maybe Airi bought the ticket late. We kept walking till we arrived at her car. She got my baggages and put them on the trunk. She opened the door for me to get in. I thanked her again and she got in the car too. She started the engines and drove.
"Hey, don't be too stiff."
Yuka joked. Well I was actually sitting like a rock. So, she must have noticed me not moving.
"Are you the one Yui knows?"
I asked her, making the atmosphere a lot friendlier.
"Oh. It's Mizuki, the other tour guide."
I nodded and didn't talk again.
"The hotel's near. Aaaannd we're here."
I chuckled at what she said. The hotel is really near to the airport. She just drove for about 5 minutes and bam, we're here. It's not really fancy. It actually looks like a dormitory. Both of us got out and got my luggage on the trunk. We went to the lobby and checked me in.
"Jurina, here's your key. You will have a room mate. Is that okay with you? Well, the hotel's full and everyone has a roommate anyway."
"Of course."
Of course it's okay with me. I'm fine with sharing things.
"And, we'll just bring your things up later. So, get going and rest. Your room's on the fifth floor."
I quickly ran to the elevator. I want to rest already. Remember? I didn't sleep last night and I can feel the jetlag already.
Fortunately, I found my room quick. So I lazily opened the door and got into the bed. Someone was showering but I didn't care. Yuka said that I will have a room mate so, it must be her. I plumped myself to the bed and almost drifted off. But I heard the shower sounds stop and a loud high pitched scream...
I immediately got up and saw a woman only clad in towel. I looked from her legs, up to her body and then finally her face.
Well, that escalated quickly...

Sorry for the gramatical errors and little amount of WMatsui in this chapter. This chapter's supposed to focus on Jurina's life. So, I'm so sorry.
OH! And, I'm planning to write a one shot. But I don't have a pairing..mind giving me one? Because I love you guys..
I'm letting you choose the next pairing to be posted!! 
Just comment the pairing you want and the most commented pairing will be chosen. 
And, for those who are waiting for the TanoTomu fic..if there are any.. *cricket sounds* I'll be posting it soon. I promise.

See you soon!!