@AI712, @sadrilim, @cisda83, @kazuko, @hackata48: Thank you!

Here is part 3
Part 3
In the eveningI go back home after a tiring day. I open the door of my house
“Why is it so quiet?” I thought to myself
“Acchan,” I call her but still silent
“Acchan, Acchan” I run to her room to look for her, but she isn’t there
“Acchan, where are you?” I run around the house to look for her.
Suddenly something flashes on my head
“How do you feel if one day she disappeared from your life?”I stun with that thought
In principal's room“Why did you call me to your father’s room” I ask Mario
“To talk.” Mario answers
“Where is uncle?” I ask
“He attends some meeting, so he didn’t come to school today” He said
“I see” I said and sit down
“How is Acchan doing??” Mario said
“She is fine. However, I don’t know why these days she looks somehow exhausted” Minami worriedly said
“I see. You seem to worry about her a lot” Mario said and smirks
I’m a little surprise with his words.
“Uhm….Well, she is in trouble, and since I’m the one that found her, I have to take care of her. Don’t you feel sorry about her? She lost all her memories” I said
“Oh,” Mario said but his tone is weird
“What with that sound?” I glare at him
“Nothing,” Mario smirks
“Liar, you sound like you doubt my words” I said and frowning
“Yep, I did.” He said and shrugs
“What do you mean?” I ask
“Takamina, don’t say that you don’t have any feeling for her, that you just want to help her. You take care of her more than a pity feeling” Mario said
“I...I don’t know what you are talking about” I said and stand up
“If you don’t have any business, I will go home now. Acchan must be hungry.” I said
“Hee!! Worry about your Acchan” Mario said and smirks
“S..shut up” I said
Before I close the door, Mario said to me
“Takamina, how do you feel if one day she disappeared from your life?”
End FlashbackI run around the house to the backyard to look for her again. I don’t know why my heart starts beating so fast. Suddenly, I hear the sound of the door open. I rush to the door. I see Acchan walks in. She is with Yuu and Nyan Nyan and smiles happily.
I walk toward them and angrily shout at her
“Where are you going? I told you that don’t go outside, didn’t I?”
“I’m sorry” she looks down and said
“Calm down, Takamina. I just took her to the store nearby. I wanted to treat her some food” Nyan Nyan walks in and said
“Sorry Minami, I will….”
“You don’t have to apologize, just do whatever you want. It is none of my business” cutting her words, I said and go back to my room
“Takamina, what's wrong with you?” I hear Yuu call me, but I ignore him and slam the door
In my room, I still can hear those two comforts Acchan
“It’s ok, Acchan. Maybe he is exhausted because of work.” Nyan Nyan said
“We will leave right now. Tomorrow, I will go and pick you up again” Yuu said
“What? She will be with them again. What are they doing?” I though
Then I hear the door closes. I guess they all leave now. Then I hear the footstep coming closer to my room. Then a knocking sound
“Minami, Tomorrow I will go with Nyan Nyan one more day.” Acchan said to me
“I don’t care” I coldly said
Then I didn’t hear anything outside.
After awhile“Maybe she goes back to her room now.” I thought
I open my door and come out. The house is dark and fills with silent. I shake my head and come back to my room.
In the morningI’m woken up because of my doorbell. I guess that they come to pick Acchan up. I don’t want to come out. After awhile the house is silent again. I guess that they already left.
Today is the weekend, also my birthday. I want to celebrate with her, but she goes out. I lazily lie on the bed while thinking what she is doing right now. It is very frustrated. I sit up and scratch my head. I look at the clock. It is already 1:00 o’clock.
I open the door. When I’m about to go out, I kick on something. I look down
“A present?” I thought
I pick it up. Then I see a small piece of paper
“Happy birthday Minami” It said
“Acchan?” I thought in surprise
FlashbackAcchan is sitting and watching TV. Then she sees people in the show singing and celebrating. She turns to Minami and asks
“Minami, what are they doing?”
Minami is working on his paperwork.
“They celebrate his birthday” Minami looks up and said
“Celebrating birthday?” Acchan looks at Minami
“That is the day someone was born. Friend or relative of that person will secretly prepare the party to make that person surprise. That way the birthday person will be very happy.” Minami explains
Acchan sits back and thinks. Then she asks Minami
“What is your birthday Minami?”
Minami looks at Acchan and said
“April 8”
End flashbackI go back to my room and sit on my bed. I open the box. It is a new pair of shoe. While I still thinking my phone rings
(Yo, Bakamina)
"Yuu" I uninteresting said
(Hey, what with that attitude?)
"What do you want?" I sigh
(Why did you get mad at Acchan, yesterday?) Yuu asks me
“How do you feel when one day she disappeared from your life?” The question rings on my head again(Do you afraid that she will disappear?) Yuu continues
My heart sudden beats faster when hearing that
“Shut up. Who care about that” I said
(I see. Hey, did you see that?) Yuu asks me
"Does he mean the shoes?" I thought
"See what?" I said
(Uhm...Hey, you know that Acchan went out with us this early morning, right?)
"So what"
(I thought that I will be a generous person to tell you where she is. However, since you said you don’t care, maybe I will hang up)
"Hey, wait. Where is she?" I blurt it out
I can feel his smirk
(Hee!! So you want to know?) Yuu said in teasing voice
“Yes” I admit
(What will I get if I spill that information out?)
“What do you want?” I ask him
(Treat me coffee and cake)
“What? Your wife is a coffee shop owner. You can eat whatever you want. Why did you ask me that?” I ask him
(Stop complaining, Yes or No)
“Ok, ok, whatever you want” I said
(Deal, I will pick you up and we will go to that coffee shop.) Yuu said
“Hey, how about Acchan?” I ask him
(Don't rush, I will tell you when we get there)
“Hey” doesn’t let me finish, he already hangs up.
I sigh and go to my room to prepare and wait for Yuu. Then he takes me to
“The coffee shop opposite Nyan Nyan shop” I shout in my mind
“Hey Yuu, are you lost your mind. Do you know where this is?” I ask him
“Yes, opposite Nyan Nyan's shop” He answers
“Why did you come here not there?” I ask him
“I got her permission” Yuu said and winks
“Why?” I ask
“Look” He said
I look at the direction that his finger point.
“Acchan?” I said in surprise
She is wearing waitress uniform
“What is she doing there?” I ask Yuu
“Last week, she called Haruna. She said that she wants to earn some money. Therefore Nyan Nyan let her work there" Yuu said
"She needs money? For what? If she wants something, she can tell me I will buy for her. Why did she have to go to work? Why don’t you tell me before? You know about her condition, right?" I worriedly said
"She said she want to buy for you a birthday present. She told us about what she asked you, and said that she want to see you happy.” Yuu said.
"She works there from yesterday?" I ask Yuu
"No, she works there for a week. However, because you have to work at school that why you did not notice. That pair of shoes is all her money." Yuu said
"Acchan!" I thought
"What about today?" I ask Yuu
"She wants to buy a cake for you. Nyan Nyan said that she will give her one. However, she said that she want to buy the cake by herself for you. That way you will be happier" Yuu said
"She works there the whole week. No wonder, this week she looked exhausted." I thought
I look at her. She is trying very hard for my sake while yesterday, I shouted at her, made her sad. I’m such an idiot.
Then I see something strange. She looks scared. That man holds her hand. I stand up and rush out of the shop.
End Minami’s POV
Haruna’s shopWhen Minami get there, he sees that man is about to hit Acchan. Minami rushes there and pulls her into his arm. Then he raises his hand to catch his
“What are you doing?” Minami raises his voice at him
“This is none of your business” He said
“Her business is my business” Minami shouts back at him
“She spilled coffee on my shirt” He said
“That doesn’t mean you can do any inappropriate action to her” Minami shouts
People around the shop stand up and look at Minami and the man. He looks around and steps back
“Today, I will let it go like this. Next time thing will not easy like this” He said and leaves the shop.
“Sorry everyone, it is just some small problem. We are sorry. Please enjoy your time.” Yuu and Haruna said and smile to them
Then Minami looks back at Acchan. She is silent and looks down.
“Sorry Nyan Nyan, but her shift is over now. She will go back with me.” Minami said and pulls her with him
“Ok” Haruna said
“But the...” Acchan said
“The cake right, I will buy it for us. Yuu can you give me a chocolate cake." He said and looks at Yuu
“Ok” He goes into the kitchen and takes the cake
Then Minami takes Acchan back to the house.
At Minami’s house
Minami’s POVWhen we get home, I take the cake to the kitchen and open it. I feel very happy about this special day. When I look up, I see her stands there and looks down. I come to her and lift her face up
"What's wrong Acchan?" I gently ask her
"I'm sorry Minami" she said and sobs
"For what, Acchan?' I ask her
"I leave the house without asking you. I made you mad. Minami, I promise from now on I will never do that again. Please don't hate me. Don't ignore me" She said and cries hard.
I feel so sad. I make her cry again. Immediately, I pull her into my embrace. I stroke her back and pat her head
"It's ok, Acchan. I'm not mad at you. I just worried about you. I’m worried that you will get lost. I'm sorry that I yelled at you the other day. I'm sorry for ignoring you." I said
“You wasn’t mad at me” She asks
“Uh” I said and stroke her back
"So, you don't have to apologize to me. The one have to do that is me. You tried your best for this whole week just for my sake. I'm very happy right now, Acchan" I said to her
She looks at me with those beautiful eyes
"Really? You are really happy?" She innocently asks me
"Uh, I'm very happy right now. This is my best birthday ever." I said and smile to her
Finally she smiles at me.
"What do you want to eat before the cake, Acchan?" I ask her
"I want that rice again" She happily said
"Ok" I smile at her.
After finished cooking, I sit and watch her happily eat the food.
"Acchan, thank you for the shoes" I said to her
"Do you like it?" she asks
"Yes, I like it a lot. Since you are the one bought this for me, this is my most favorite shoes from now on. I will use it everyday” I said and smile
She looks up and smiles at me her brightest smile
End Minami's POV
At night After Minami finished his work, he goes back to his room. When he passes by Acchan’s room, he sees her blanket fell on the floor. He comes in to put the blanket on her again. He sits on the edge of her bed and looks at her sleeping face. He moves the hairs that cover her face.
“If you disappear from my life, my heart will also disappear.” Minami whispers
Unconsciously he slowly bends down closer to her. When his face is an inch away from her lips, Acchan moves her head, and their lips touch each other. After a few seconds, Minami realizes that he is kissing her. He widens his eyes in surprise and sits up.
“W….w..what am I doing?” Minami thought in panic.
His face is getting hot. He quickly stands up and goes back to his room. He lies on his bed. He raises his hand to touches his lips.
Monday morning
In schoolMinami is walking on the hall way. He is humming a song while walking. He is very happy
“Hi Minami, happy be lated birthday” Mii-chan and Mario said
“Hi guys” Minami cheerfully greets them
“Wow, Minami, you look happy today.” Mario said and strokes his chin
“Am I?” Minami said
“Something definitely happened” Mario said
“Yesterday is my birthday, so I’m still happy” Minami said
“I’m pretty sure that it is obviously not because of your birthday” Mii-chan said
“What is it? You look suspicious” Mario said
“Aha, you wear a new pair of shoe” Mii-chan shouts
“Hey, don’t be too loud” Minami said
“Where is your old one?” Mii-chan asks in surprise
“I threw it away” Minami said
“You what? You throw your shoes away?” Mario said
“Are you sick, Takamina?” Mii-chan asks
“What? Why?” Minami asks in surprise
“You never throw anything in your house. Your house just like an antique store.” Mii-chan said
“The old one, I told you a thousand times to throw it away, but you ignore me. Why did you throw it now?” Mario said
Mario fake spills the coffee in his hand near the shoes
“Hey, be careful.” Minami steps back and said
“So I guess the reason is this thing. You seem treasure it a lot” Mario said
Mii-chan and Mario approach him. Minami steps back
“Is this Acchan’s birthday gift” Mario said and smirks
Minami blushes
“Bingo” Mii-chan said
“Tell us about that” Mario said
“Ok,” Minami said
“They will never let me go if I’m not telling them about that.” Minami thought
Then Minami tells them everything about that
“So, she went to work at Nyan Nyan's shop to buy you a gift huh?” Mario said, and Minami nods
“It is a nice shoe huh?” Mii-chan said
"Uh" Minami nods and smiles
“I don’t know why somehow just looking at the shoes makes me very happy.” Minami looks at the shoes and smiles
Seeing that the two stand there and giggle
“What?” Minami asks
“Do you want to look at your face moment ago? It is really funny” Mario asks
“Huh?” Minami look at him with confused look
“The happy face” Mii-chan said and laughs out loud
“Shut up” Minami shouts
“T….t..the bell already rings. I will go to my class now.” he said and leaves quickly
“It is really funny to tease him” Mii-chan said and giggles
“I know right” Mario laughs
Far away from them, there is someone watching them
TBCHope you guys enjoy reading this