@kuro_808: I hope it's not only the start which will get your interest

well, here's the next chapter guys

Chapter 2: Flutter
"Reinyan..." The girl whispered to her ears. Being this close to her idol made Haruka's heart thump so loud. She smell the sweet fragrance of her hair and even the expensive perfume she has sprinkled on her clothes.
"Ii yo. I like it." Reina said with a smile. Her smile is shining like the sun, it looks so beautiful to the other girl.
It was then that Haruka realized that she still has some important thing to do in a little while. She immediately checked her watch and saw that it was almost time.
"Nee, Reinyan. I've got to go now... I have something to attend to." Haruka said with a sad face. But Reina still smiled at her.
"I understand. Anyway, thank you for this, really!"
"Thank you for this, too!" She said, pertaining to the token she gave her. She put it inside her bag and stood up. "See you next time?"
Reina nodded as she waved her hand. Haruka ran away to the bus station, leaving her alone at the shrine.
The sequence of events that has happened today did shock Haruka a bit. She met her idol, Fujie Reina. And she even got called by an endearment by her. But will they see each other again? That was the thought which bugged her mind as she rode the bus...
The journey hardly took twenty minutes and right at the bus stop, her friend, Tano Yuka, was waiting for her.
Yuka waved her hand at Haruka who ran towards her immediately as she got off of the bus. Just how eager the girl was to tell her about today's happenings.
"Yuka!! I can't believe it! There's something I need to tell you!"
Yuka loved seeing how excited Haruka is. She smiled at her and pinched her cheek lightly. "About your new comic book series? Or a newly-released anime?"
The girl shook her head. "I met Fujie Reina!"
The younger girls eyes widened. "Are you kidding me?"
Haruka shook her head violently. "She even brought a whole series of my books."
"That's quite a news! So did you exchange phone numbers and such?"
She shook her head again. "I got it out of my mind... Anyways, where will we be going today?"
Yuka smiled brightly as she grabbed her wrist and dragged her along as she walked. "Tomu-chan, is coming home today from America. I want you to come with me at the airport. She has brought some friend over. Tomu said that her name is Hillary."
"A foreigner?"
"Half-Japanese, though."
The two walked a bit more before reaching a car parked in a distance.
"Who's car is this?" Asked Haruka as they both entered the car.
"Komari let me borrow it for today. Might as well tour the other two in town." Said Yuka before driving the car away.
Few minutes after. At the airport..."Tomuuu!" Yuka hugged Tomu as soon as she saw her. They were childhood friends and they did maintain their friendship up until now. "I miss you!"
"I miss you too, Yuka." Said Tomu before planting a kiss on Yuka's cheek. "You too, Haruka-chan."
"Anyway, I thought you're with someone?"
"Yes, just went to the restroom. I think she'll be here soon."
As the three girls waited, they started exchanging stories. Tomu excitedly told them about America and how it felt to be there and study. People passed over their sides and the swirl of noices felt new to the girl walking by the distance. Her heels clacked as she walked towards the group of three. She was about a feet away when Tomu noticed her.
"Ah~ Hirari!"
Haruka and Yuka both looked at her. The girl slowly removed her sunglasses and a pair of shining irises welcomed their gazes. She greeted them with a warm smile, a smile that made their hearts flutter.
"Hi, Hirata Rina is my name but people usually call me Hillary." Introduced Hillary to the newly met girls. The two almost gawked in sight upon seeing an exotic beauty right before their eyes. Yuka shook Hillary's hand as she introduced both herself and Haruka.
"Nice to meet you, Hillary." Said both Yuka and Haruka. The two girls helped the other two with their suitcases and managed to get it into the car.
Yuka still is in charge of the driving while it was now Hillary sitting on the passenger's seat. The back seat belonged to the other two, the left being took by Haruka and Tomu on the right side.
Hillary intently watched the scenery outside the glass. It has been quite a while since she last went to Japan. The surroundings looked new to her but the feelings were still as nostalgic as ever.
"Summer is going to start soon. Maybe we should all go to the beach sometime." Suggested Yuka as she kept her focus on the road.
"That would be great!!" Said Tomu excitedly. "Right, Hillary?"
"Yeah, it would be." Smiled Hillary at Tomu. Then she continued on looking out of the window. Haruka was doing the same, though...
And it was when she saw a large billboard where there is an enormous picture of Fujie Reina, endorsing a clothing brand.
Tall, beautiful, elegant and refined, that is Reina. It was far from how people see Haruka. Reina is even kinder in person than in what people assume when they see her in TV shows. She's the perfect idol Haruka secretly admired since before...
And their meeting yesterday just made Haruka look up to Reina more...
"What could Reinyan be doing right now?" Haruka thought to herself as she let her mind drift off to somewhere else.
They toured the whole town and their last destination is the shrine. It was almost 1pm. After driving to the shrine, they could grab something for lunch.
Haruka didn't expect to see Reina still sitting at the bench on the shrine. She asked Yuka to stop the car and she swiftly got off, running towards Reina with a fast speed.
"Reinyan!!" Called Haruka. Reina looked at her waved her hand. She removed the face mask covering her face.
"Why are you still here?" Asked Haruka.
"Well, since it's my day off today, I just wanted to breathe some air. Besides, I forgot something." Reina pulled out her phone and handed it to Haruka.
"What about this?"
"Maybe we should exchange numbers? So that, we could hang out sometimes..." Reina's cheeks slightly turned pink. The other girl typed her number and saved it. She pulled out her phone, too, and Reina did the same.
"Hey, you haven't had lunch yet, right? Do you want to go with us?" Offered Haruka.
"I think I'll pass this time." Answered Reina. "Not that I don't want to go with you, it's just that the fans..."
"It's alright. Maybe next time?"
"Of course! As long as my schedule's free!" Said Reina cheerfully.
"Guess I'll be going now!" Haruka said. "Bye bye, Reinyan!"
She ran back to the car as Reina pulled her mask up.
"Let's go?"
Sorry for the short update

Thanks for reading!!