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Author Topic: Anata No Tame Ni - Chapter 13 + Epilogue - FINALE (25.03.2015)  (Read 27720 times)

Offline ametakarano

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  • Umeda Ayaka is my eternal Kami-Oshi! ♡
Anata No Tame Ni - Chapter 13 + Epilogue - FINALE (25.03.2015)
« on: January 06, 2015, 09:20:49 AM »

hey yo!  :wigglypanda:

this is my second fic...

it's quite weird... and it has some additional characters including Ali Project's vocalist: Takarano Arika and Yousei Teikoku's Itsuki Yui!

enjoy this short prologue!  :hee:

Anata no Tame ni
[UmeYuu, KojiYuu, MariHaru, SaeYaka]


There she was laid down on a hospital bed. She had been unconscious for two weeks now… and nobody knows when she’ll wake up.

I know I have to do something. I can’t let her be like that forever. I don’t want to see her like that – lifeless, lonely and fragile.

I miss her dimpled cheeks and squirrel-like smile.

That’s why… I’ve decided…

I’ll do anything for her sake – for her precious life.


The huge wooden door swung open and there appeared a slender woman – or is he a man?

“Yes?” The unidentified person looked at me with inquiry.

“I’m looking for Ms. Takarano Arika.”

“Oh… Arika-sama! Yes, she’s here. Come in…” I entered the house. It’s so huge and it possessed an elegant atmosphere. “I’m one of her assistants… You can call me Sayuri.”

“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu… I’m Ayaka.”

Sayuri and I walked down the wide hallways. There are so many paintings on the walls.

“By the way… what brought you here?”

“I need to talk to Takarano-san.”

Sayuri looked away and let out a sigh. “I hope she will help you…”

Her words echoed through my ears. Suddenly, I felt nervous. Then, she stopped walking.

“Here we are.” Sayuri smiled at me as she opened another door.

It was a really huge room. There were crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, porcelain vases full of roses and peonies everywhere, and other expensive-looking things… but more than those glimmering objects, their owner is shining the most.

“Arika-sama… There’s someone looking for you.” Sayuri bowed before her and so did I.

After that, the assistant went out of the room – leaving the two of us alone.

She’s beautiful, fine and reserved. It made me imagine that she’s like a queen sitting on her throne.

“Ohayo gozaimasu. I’m Umeda Ayaka.” But she just smiled at me. “I—I need your help.”

“I don’t think I can help you.” Her smile disappeared as she looked away.

“Pleeease!”I caught her attention once more. “I really need your help, Takarano-san… My best friend is still unconscious. She’s been lying on that hospital bed for two weeks now. I don’t want to see her like that – suffering the consequences of my actions. Please, help her…” I pleaded to her with my knees on the ground.

“Do you believe that I can really help you?” She said as she walked towards me. I answered her question with a nod.

“What are you willing to do for her sake?”

“Anything… I’ll do anything… Just help her – heal her.” She assisted me to stand up.

“Are you willing to sacrifice your own happiness… just to see her alive once more?”

“Yes… I want to see her lively and happy again.”

“Even though… she’ll never be able to remember you again… anymore?”

My eyes widened when I heard her question. My heart started beating abnormally fast – I’m extremely nervous. “What do you mean?”

“I think I can help her… but that means she’ll never remember you anymore. You’ll be forever diminished from her memory.”

Something pinched my heart… and it really hurts.

“Yes… it’s alright.

“Well then… Except for that morbid consequence, I’ll help you... in one condition…”

She smiled at me. Her smile gave me chills and sent shivers to my thin body…

To Be Continued.

so... what do you think?

will i continue this, or not?

 :mon huh:

thank you!

 :on gay: :byebye:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Continue!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline luvsidney

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continue pls!!! I already imagine that twintower will be a baka couple who do some baka assistance to someone hahaha

Offline mikiseki

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new fic! ^^ whoa this Takarano Arika-san is kinda creepy...
i hope you'll continue this story, i'll wait for your update~ :3

Offline sastio13

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new fic! yeay  :shakeit:
continue it! hehehe
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline ametakarano

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Anata No Tame Ni [UmeYuu, KojiYuu, MariHaru, SaeYaka] Chapter 1 (09.01.2015)
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2015, 08:20:29 AM »

thanks to everyone who left a comment!


@Ruka Kikuchi: hai hai hai hai~!  :on GJ: arigato ne~~

@luvsidney: baka?  :lol: tehehe i like that  :on asmo: thanks for reading~

@mikiseki: tehehe. yeah, arika-sama is quite creepy~  XD yeah, i'll continue this... and i'll finish this.  :on drink:

@sastio13: yeah i will! thanks for reading!  :on slopkiss:

minna-sama! you're replies made me so happy~~ and it really inspires me to write more!

arigato gozaimasu~

you're the best!

 :on GJ:
 :on asmo:

sorry for the long wait~


at last...

here's chapter 1~


Chapter 1

For many people, it was just an ordinary morning. The sunlight filtering through the trees illuminates the sidewalk. But for me, this day is more than ordinary.

I was hiding somewhere near the entrance of the hospital, just checking if Yuko’s awake by now. Well, she must be awake now; it was what Arika-sama told me.

“Oi! Umechan? What are you doing there?! Come on, let’s go inside! Yuko’s now awake!” I was startled when Sae appeared behind me. She was with Sayaka.

“Eh… demo—“ but she cut off all my excuses by dragging me inside the hospital. It was no use to complain, so I submitted myself to their suggestion.

“You should’ve gone to her room as soon as you received the news.” Sayaka said. I don’t know what to react.

It was weird – what I’m feeling. A mix of happiness, loneliness, and nervousness. The beating of my heart increased constantly as we walked out of the elevator… Step by step, we’re getting nearer and nearer to her room.

Room 048.

My heart almost stopped beating the moment Sayaka opened the door. I walked slowly – hiding myself between the shadows of the twin towers.

“Sayaka! Sae!”

When I heard Yuko’s cheerful voice, I almost cried because of happiness.

“Look at who we brought with us!” Sayaka said enthusiastically.

“Tada!” Sae went out of my way, which made Yuko see me.

I was looking at her eyes and it had a blank expression as soon as she saw me.

“Who is she?” She moved her eyes from me, then to Sae, then to Sayaka, and then back at me again. I’m fully aware of her oblivion but… I cannot make myself numb. I did my best to show a smile but it was too hard to pretend that I’m not hurt…

“What? Stop fooling around, Yuuko…” Sayaka said with a confused tone.

“But… I’m not kidding… I don’t know her… Who is she?” Sayaka glanced at me – her eyes full of concern.

I stepped forward, going closer to Yuko. I managed to smoothen back my already shaky voice. “Hello! I’m Umeda Ayaka! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.”

She reached for my hand and shook it. “Yoroshiku ne! I’m Oshima Yuko.” She showed me her signature smile. It made my heart melt.

Seeing her now and having the chance to hold her and feel her warmth made me really happy.

I wanted to stop time and just be with her forever – just like this moment…

If she will never remember our memories together in the past… maybe… we can make new memories in the near future…

My daydream was suddenly put to an end as the door swung open. Two tall women appeared – Haruna and the nurse.

“Nyan Nyaaan!” Yuko shouted as Haruna walked towards her. Their bodies wrapped themselves in a deep embrace. Somehow, it hurts me. I excused myself and went out of the room.

A sigh left my dry lips as I leaned on the cold wall.

“Umechan…” Hearing Sayaka’s concerned tone suddenly made me want to cry.

“Why doesn’t she remember you – only you?” Her question almost made my heart explode and my tears burst.

“I—I don’t know…” I lied. It’s better if no one will know of my pact with Arika-sama. It will just add to everyone’s confusion.

Sayaka hugged me like she’s a sister, comforting me. “She’ll be alright soon. She’ll remember you soon…”

Her words triggered my warm tears to fall down. “I hope so… but I doubt that…”

I ran away from her, away from Yuko, away from everything that’s important to me.

Then, I remembered what Arika-sama said yesterday…


“Well then… Except for that morbid consequence, I’ll help you... in one condition…”

“W—what condition?”

“I want you to help me too – help me find someone…”


“My sister.” She smiled bitterly as she said that.

“How can I find her? Do you have a picture of her? What’s her name?”

She sat back on her seat. “I don’t know what she looks like. She’s still an infant when I last saw her… and then, she was gone…”

Oh no… This will be difficult… “But… what’s her name?”

“Alice… She’s about twenty two years old now, I suppose…”

“B—but this is impossible! How can we find someone we don’t even know what she looks like?”

“I need to find her… She’ll be my heiress.”

“What if she’s already dead?”

“I know that she isn’t… I sense that she’s still alive.”

“Oh… well okay! I accept your offer.”

She made me follow her to a creepy looking rom. He wounded me and gathered a few drops of my blood. Asking me to keep silent, she lightened the candles and murmured something… It must be secret ritual.

After an hour of murmuring some mysterious chants, we left that room alone.

“Tomorrow she’ll be awakening anew… but she won’t be able to remember you.”


I kept on running away. I was nearing the hospital exit when I saw a black limousine parked at a distance.

The window by the driver’s seat was slowly opened and a familiar face peered outside.


She waved her hand to me, signaling me to come closer to her.

I walked towards the expensive car.

“Hop in!” Sayuri said.

To Be Continued.

sorry if it's short...

man, i've been quite busy with school works.  :gyaaah:

thanks for reading!


Offline luvsidney

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Oh the story getting funny!!! I have a great curious abt arika's sister will she be the key for yuko remember umechan again? ^^

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Is Akira a witch? XD

Crap, Yuko doesn't remember her... :shocked

Now what? Now, FREAKING, what?! :panic:

Please update soon! :bow:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline mikiseki

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an update yeay~ big sister sayaka~
but ume-chan :( and who's this alice...
as always, i'll wait for your update! :3

Offline ametakarano

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Anata No Tame Ni [UmeYuu, KojiYuu, MariHaru, SaeYaka] Chapter 2 (11.01.2015)
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2015, 04:24:28 AM »
nee, minna-sama! HELLO!  :cathappy:

@luvsidney: tehehe. i'm not sure though... we'll find out luvsidney-san!  :on GJ: thanks for reading!  :twothumbs

@Ruka Kikuchi: yes, i think she is.  :sweatdrop: thanks for reading!  :on slopkiss:

@mikiseki: yeah.  :lol: the identity of ALICE will be revealed on the next chapters... just wait.  :nervous thanks for reading!  :on slopkiss:

hello there to all silent readers:on drink:

nee jaa...

minna-sama, here's Chapter 2~!

sorry for the wait.  :err:



Chapter 2

I got inside the limousine. There was Arika-sama and three other women? Or are they men? Oh, they must be transsexuals… just like Sayuri.

“Oh, by the way… She’s Yukari, and Minori, and Shiori over there…” Arika-sama said as she pointed them one at a time.

“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, Umeda-chan!” The gays said in a high-pitched voice.

I smiled at them. “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.”

How come did they know my name? When in fact it’s the first time we’ve met.

“Arika-sama told us about you… She said you have a special mission for her… but she didn’t tell us what that is—“

“Shiori.” Arika said, cutting off Shiori’s words.

It’s weird, can they read my mind? It’s funny though, how a little lady here can have power over these four tall transsexuals.

“I want to apologize for bothering you today, Umeda-san… but I need to investigate on someone… I think she knows something about my sister.” – Arika

“What do you want me to do?”

“Just observe her…”

Whoa! I’m like a secret agent.

The car stopped somewhere near a huge building.

Lantis Productions, Inc. was written in bold letters by the entrance of the building.

Another car stopped by the main gate, somewhere far from where Sayuri parked the limo. The car door opened and a girl got off the car. She held the car door open for the other one to exit.

The two of them must ne who I’m looking for. I pretended to read a something on my phone when she passed by me. Then, I followed them inside the building.

They went to the lounge. I found a seat not so far from them; I can almost overhear their conversation.

“Neechan, you still have appointments for Mellow Head for today…”

“Have you found out her schedule?”

“Yeah… She should be going to Mellow Head later this afternoon.”

“Oh, I see. Then, tell Mellow Head I’ll meet them later.”

From my position, I can observe them clearly. They must be sisters because the younger-looking girl calls her neechan.

The younger girl looks like she’s just 16 while the other one must be in her late twenties or early thirties, I’m not sure of that though.

I was startled because the older one caught me staring at her. Oh no, I’m a dead meat! I immediately divert my gaze to the flyer on the table.

“Hey there, lady.”

Oh my goodness. The girl went to my table. I tried to smile at her.

“Can I ask you something?”

I nodded.

“By the way, I’m Yui… Are you a model? Will you be interested in joining me for a music video shoot?”

I was surprised by her question, but I managed to keep my composure. “I’m not a model, Yui-san.”

“But you’re pretty. I need someone with a face like yours…”

“Well… maybe I can try.” This will be a better way to observe her and find Arika-sama’s sister.

She shook my hand. “Thank you. By the way, what’s your name?”

“Umeda Ayaka.”

She handed me a piece of paper. “I’m Itsuki Yui. Here’s my business card. Can we meet tomorrow?”

She then discussed to me where and how to go to our meeting place tomorrow.

Then, she left me and told me she still have a meeting with the Lantis group.

I decided to get out of the building and went towards the limousine.

“So, how’s it?” Arika-sama asked me.

“Itsuki Yui?”

Arika nodded.

“She offered me to join her in a shooting tomorrow. I accepted the offer because I think it’s a better way to know your sister’s whereabouts.”


Her expression surprised me. I thought she’ll find it a good idea, too.

“But… it isn’t good?”

“Definitely no.”

“B—but why?”

“She’s far more dangerous than how she looks like. That’s what I feel whenever our gazes meet. But since that’s what you have already decided then you must take responsibility. But she must not see us together.”

“I understand.”

Suddenly, her expression changed again. This lady here is really weird. “By the way… how’s your friend now?”

The thought of Yuko made me feel hurt but happy at the same time. “She’s okay now… Thanks to you. But just like what you said, she doesn’t remember me.”

“Yeah, that’s because of the ritual. Every magic has its limitations, you know.”

“Are you a witch?” Out of the blue, I asked her that question.

“I don’t know either. Our family is known for being witches but we aren’t immortals. It’s weird though… and lonely. Being like this, other people doesn’t want to get near me.”


“But it’s also fun.”

She smiled at me. We had a more friendly conversation as Sayuri drove to my home. I began to know a little more about her. She’s 51 years old! I didn’t notice that. She looks somewhere like thirty.

But her sister is 22? Whoa! A large age difference. Well. It’s still possible though.

That small talk slightly diverted my attention. But when I reached home and entered my room, my warm tears started flowing out. It seems like it won’t stop. I didn’t notice that I have already slept and it’s past 8PM now.

I checked my phone. There’s a text message from Sayaka.

   From: Sayaka

      Nee, Umechan! Are you free tonight at 9PM? We’ll be going to the hospital again to surprise Yuko. Meetan, Nonti, and the other girls will be coming with us. See you!

I wanted to go to but once the other girls knew about Yuko’s oblivion about me, they’ll be asking tons of questions. I replied to Sayaka.

   To: Sayaka

      Sayaka… I can’t make it tonight. Sorry. Enjoy…

I received a reply from her shortly.

   From: Sayaka

      Oh, too bad. Okay, see you next time. Good night!

I was about to go to sleep again… but my heart pounds so loud.

I wanted to see her badly.

I grabbed a jacket and headed to the door.

To Be Continued.

so, how's it minna-san?  :dunno:

i would be so happy if you would leave comments. tehehe. thanks!  :wigglypanda:

thanks for reading!


Offline mikiseki

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ume-chan will join a shooting! go go ume-chan!!! idol ume-chan!!
is there any way to get yuko's's so sad to see ume-chan being forgotten :(

thank you for the update! i'll wait for the next chapter~ :3

Offline luvsidney

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when I saw the name yui, i suppose yokoyama yui XDDDD turn out no XDDDDD
umechan seems put herself into a great hidden danger.....

i am looking forward to next chapter~~ ^^

Offline ametakarano

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Anata No Tame Ni [UmeYuu, KojiYuu, MariHaru, SaeYaka] Chapter 3 (13.01.2015)
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2015, 07:27:28 AM »
@mikiseki: tehehe. i was so inspired by umechan~~ she's sooooo pretty!  :luvluv1: i think there is a way to get Yuko's memory back... we'll find out soon~  :bingo: thanks for reading and for commenting!  :hee:

@luvsidney: tehehe... it's Itsuki Yui... Yousei Teikoku's vocalist. :onioncheer: i'm really a fan of J-Rock before being into AKB. that's why i decided to add them up on this story.  :hehehe: tehehe... i don't want to put my Umechan in danger... but well see...  XD just kidding. thanks for reading!  :hee:

hello to all silent readers out there!  :on woohoo:

well minna-sama!

an update! tada!


Chapter 3

Upon reaching for the door knob, I hesitated… but I know I really wanted to see her…

I went back to my room, tied my hair in a ponytail and wore my shades and cap. I think this little disguise may help.

Then, I headed off to the hospital where she is.

It’s a cold night but somewhere inside my heart there’s warmth from the thought of seeing her tonight. I’m so excited to see her even though I won’t directly go to her room… I’ll just observe what happens from somewhere not so far away. I don’t really have a plan but… I’ll be ready to risk anything to see her.

I reached her room. What luck for me, the door is slightly opened. I can peer inside not catching their attention. Our friends were there already… and they’re really having a good time. Too bad I can’t join them inside and have fun too. Besides, how can I have fun when Yuko doesn’t remember me?


I almost screamed after someone caught me by surprise. It was the nurse. Glad I had my mouth covered before I could let any suspecting noise be heard.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be inside?” The nurse asked me.

“Oh… I can’t join them today…” I said sadly.

“But why?”

I didn’t answer her question. I just smiled at her.

“Oh, something personal… Okay, I respect your privacy… By the way, I’m Shinoda Mariko.”

“I’m Umeda Ayaka.” We shook each other’s hand.

I gently peered again towards her room’s door… Oh no! Someone’s coming.

I turned to face the nurse again, hiding my face to the approaching person.

“Excuse me, Ms. Nurse…” Without looking at the girl, I knew it was KojiHaru’s voice.


“May I borrow your pen? I’ll just write something…”

“Okay.” The nurse said as she handed her pen.

I heard KojiHaru’s footsteps fading away. The nurse and I let out a sigh, almost synchronized. We stared at each other and burst into laughter.

“That was close.”

For some time, the nurse and I talked about random things while I was peering through the door. Somehow, it helped to cover up my actions. For the second time, KojiHaru was walking towards our direction. I didn’t notice her going out of Yuko’s room, but maybe I’m just mistaken.

“Here’s your pen. Thank you very much!” KojiHaru showed her most beautiful smile to Mariko as she handed her the pen. Mariko reached for the object and tried to write on a piece of paper…

But the pen doesn’t leave any mark.

“What did you do to my pen?”

“Well… maybe it’s out of ink…” KojiHaru looked away.

Mariko glared at Haruna. “Or something else happened?”

Haruna cannot take the intensity of Mariko’s deadly stare; it forced her to come out in the open.

“Well…” Haruna looked at the ground. “I’m sorry. It fell out of the window… so I rushed down to get it outside. Maybe that’s the reason why it doesn’t work now.” Haruna pouted. “I—I’m sorry, okay?”

Oh, that’s why I didn’t notice her come out of Yuko’s room. Mariko slightly smiled. “It’s alright.”

“Okay.” Haruna, bewildered, went away.

Mariko let out a sigh again. “That girl really is quite an airhead. How come it fell out of the window… unless she tossed it in the air or somewhere near there?” But she was smiling.

“Do you like her?”

“What?! No!” She keeps on denying but she blushed right away after I asked that question.

It was 11PM when they left Yuko alone. I’m still there; somewhere near but Nurse Mariko is not with me anymore.

After 30 minutes, I decided to go to Yuko’s room. I gently opened her door and found her sleeping on her bed. I went closer. Seeing her sleeping face somehow gave me happiness. She’s so beautiful even she’s asleep… I can’t take it anymore. I moved my face closer to her and stole a kiss from her warm lips.

The next morning…

I went to where Yui-san and I will meet. It was a creepy looking house with gothic architecture.

“Umeda-san, you came.” Yui said as she and her sister walked towards me. I smiled at her.

“By the way… this girl over here is my sister. She is known as Ichikawa Miori.”

“Miorin desu.”

“Why don’t you have same surnames?”

“You know… I hate it when a person asks me questions…” Yui said with a serious face. It made me gulp.

“Oh… I—I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to—“

“But since I like your personality… I don’t even know why I do like you… I’ll answer your question.”

Oh, she likes me as a person? That’s weird. We’ve only met yesterday. But it made me feel relieved.

“We’re only half-sisters. We have a different mother. I decided to use my mother’s surname… instead of our father’s.” She smiled at me.

Maybe Arika-sama is just mistaken; she looks nicer than what she seems.

To Be Continued.

i--i'm sorry for the short update!

waaaaa! too many school works!


thanks for reading!


Offline Hikachi_Jayne

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hello author-san..
ume-can was so cool to give anything for yuuko..  still i don't know about UmeYuu past. . and i had a little problem to read it. but i hope soon i'll udnderstand it.. KEEP IT Up.!1 *i like it*

Offline luvsidney

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Marichan and umechan will be good corporate partner hehe and marichan has attracted by kojiharu already ^^ will u send someone to help umechan? eg that baka couple XDDDD

Offline mikiseki

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maritroll as a nurse!! yeay~
and miorin appeared~

thanks for the update! :3

Offline ametakarano

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Anata No Tame Ni [UmeYuu, KojiYuu, MariHaru, SaeYaka] Chapter 4 (18.01.2015)
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2015, 02:58:54 AM »
@Hikachi_Jayne: tehehe. here's a bit of umechan and yuuko's past on the update below XD sorry if it's bad~~ thanks for reading!  :on slopkiss:

@luvsidney: yes i need that baka couple to help umechan!  :ding: and i want them to do baka stuffs  :on shady: thanks for reading!  :nya:

@mikiseki: yeah, i want to count in miorin because she's so cute~~ and loves lolita fashion like yui-dono and arika-sama! she'd fit in perfectly in the story!  :bingo: thanks for reading!  :luvluv1:

hello silent readers!  :heart:


i'm sorry if it took a long time before i finally post an update!  :fainted:

i've been really busy with school works...

 :on cloudeye:

finally... here's an update!

sorry if it's bad.  :depressed:



Chapter 4

The shooting has been so exhausting… and honestly, I haven’t found anything about Arika-sama’s sister yet. Maybe, just maybe, Yui-dono doesn’t have anything to do with it.

I’m on my way now to Arika-sama’s house. She summoned me to ask for any proceedings of my “mission”.

I arrived there shortly.

“Arika-sama, I haven’t found anything yet… Maybe Yui-dono doesn’t have to do with your sister’s whereabouts.”

She silently sipped her tea. “Yesterday, I met her in one of my meetings… with Mellow Head Productions.” She bitterly said.

Mellow Head?

It sounds familiar. Have I heard it somewhere?

Then I suddenly remembered when I was eavesdropping Miorin and Yui-dono’s conversation yesterday…

“Have you found out her schedule?”

“Yeah… She should be going to Mellow Head later this afternoon.”

“Oh, I see. Then, tell Mellow Head I’ll meet them later.”

Is she tracking up Arika-sama’s schedule? But why is she doing that?

“Ano… What happened then?”

“Nothing. We just exchanged those cold stares again…” She poured in some tea on my now emptied cup.

“Are you enemies?”

She brought her cup to her lips and was about to sip tea… when she paused.

“I don’t know… Maybe?”

“What? So, what is your relationship with one another?” These two really confuses me.

“I’m not really sure… but it fancies me how much our schedules coincide… I see her often when I have meetings with Tokuma Japan, the Lantis Group, and even with Mellow Head…”

“Ano… Arika-sama… Maybe she’s stalking you…” I told her the things I’ve heard yesterday at the lounge… Her eyes widened as I revealed it to her.

“Oh… I see… But why would that girl do that? I don’t personally know her… I haven’t even talked to her before. I was just intrigued because of her cold stares at me…”

The tea was starting to cool down… I said good bye to her because I really need some rest.

I rode a cab and instructed the driver to take me to the hospital. I wanted to see her so badly…

During the long drive, I can’t help but to doze off…

Even though my body was almost numb because of fatigue, my subconscious mind is still active…

Then, a dream came into a mind…

It was a cold afternoon under the sheets of grey clouds – that certain afternoon that I won’t ever forget.

Everything was still clear to my memory… I can even retell the sequence of events that happened that day…

Yuuko and I were strolling downtown, going nowhere in particular…

The wind was blowing a cold breeze, giving us a chilly feeling…

She stopped walking and faced me. It was so sudden, I didn’t expect it.

“Doushite?” She was looking at me with an extremely serious gaze.


“Yes? I’m listening.”

She was acting really weird that day. After inhaling deeply, she have gathered up all her courage…

“I—I think I’m in love with you!”

Hearing those words made my heartbeat extremely faster and caused my cheeks to redden…

Oh, Yuuko… If you only knew how much those words made me happy… If only I could let you know that I love you too…

But that didn’t happen. It was the most stupid thing I did in my entire life – really stupid that I deserve this punishment.

“Are you serious? M—Maybe you’re just mistaken, Yuuko… W—we’re both girls! How can that even be possible?”

She looked at me awestricken by my reaction. It was so hard to pretend but I need to. I’m a coward – afraid of what other people are going to say if ever I accepted her love.

Tears accumulated in the corner of her eyes… Seeing Yuko bit her lip to control her tears from falling made me hate myself.

It made me want to take back everything that I said…

But it was too late to regret…

Yuuko ran away from me. She was running so fast, I can’t catch up on her.

Suddenly, when she was crossing the road, there was a car approaching her!

I was so far from her. My heartbeat was so loud. “Yuuko!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

But it was too late for her to notice.


And there on the cold ground, Yuko’s body laid. It was awfully smeared with blood.

The moment I got near, I immediately carried her body. The driver of the car helped and took responsibility of his carelessness.

We rushed Yuko to the nearest hospital…

“Miss! Miss! Wake up. We’re almost there.”

I heard the driver calling out to me. Realizing it was just a dream, I gently opened my eyes.

I will never forget what happened that day.

I went up to Room 048.

“Nurse Mariko!”

“Oi, Umeda-san… You’ll visit Oshima-san? Nice timing, she’s alone but I think she’s already asleep.”

I nodded. She continued on attending to her duties.

I slowly opened Yuuko’s room. She was peacefully sleeping on her bed.

Just like last night, I intently watched her as she slept.

Can I possibly kiss her again? But what if she wakes up, what would I do?

Again, I moved my face closer to hers and kissed her lips.


What’s that? Did Yuko just moan? Or was it only a delusion?

Suddenly, I feared that Yuko is roused from sleep because of my kiss. I was about to go when…

I felt her warm hand gripped my wrist.

“Wait.” She said.

I stood there frozen.

To Be Continued.

so, how's it?

i hope you enjoyed!  :on_pick:

thanks for reading!


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Yuko~ you gonna do somethin' now?

Umechan!!! >w< :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline arawche079

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  • I'm watching Yuu!!! Hiatus!!!!
HooAW! Yuko wakes up!!

Offline luvsidney

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Oh~~~~ sth will happen right!!!! Yuko get up~~~~~~~ when umechan was there~~~~~

Pls pls pls let the baka couple do some baka things haha baka couple + yuko = baka trio XDDDD

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