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Author Topic: Randomness - Takagaki Love  (Read 10943 times)

Offline Fenrir

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Randomness - Takagaki Love
« on: October 16, 2007, 10:14:12 AM »
Boredom hits at work again and this is what I end up with; with the help of Commie. XD You may need a dictionary while reading. I did with all these random words she gave...

Oh, and because I love OTN's stories so much, I had to reference them. Thanks OTN!  :heart:

It all started with the word, frolicsome.

Oh Commie, with all that running, you are so frolicsome.

Which then ended up with her giving me another word, ululated.
During the GAM concert, Commie ululated, “How could you go for that messy haired, big mouthed, vulgar comedian, when you are perfectionist, narcissistic Ayaya right beside you, Miki-sama?!”

And continuing to throw random words at me, thus, begins the story.

After being heckled by the media and henpecked by never ending talker, Ayaya, churlish Miki decided to gallivant around the city to relax.

Miki soon ended up in a park, where there was a politician, who was surrounded by beefy bodyguards, droning on about some mumbo-jumbo social security, when she spotted a cornucopia filled with popcorn.

Miki picked up the cornucopia only to find it was quite mucilaginous and then promptly dropped it spilling the popcorn everywhere, as a slovenly homeless man, who is currently in a cuckoldry after finding out his wife got all her money from an ikemen comedian and kicked him out, walked by and picked up the dropped food, while giving Miki a look like when you are scolding a hellion child, making Miki glad that she lives in a more salubrious area.

With a smidgen of cruelty, churlish Miki snorted at the man, causing the man to pull out a cudgel to beat Miki over the head with, thus, making Miki, using her Gatas prowess, to run away, knowing that if she got into trouble again, the Machiavellian Tsar of H.P., Tsunku, who Miki thinks is starting to get superannuated for this line of work, will get angry at her.

After all that running, Miki, sitting under a tree, soon became hungry and took out a Tupperware bento that Ayaya, who is actually caring despite being narcissistic, gave her and excitedly opened it to find rotten and mildew covered kumquats, leaving Miki quite dejected and wanting some savory, finger-licking good frankfurts, she went off to find the nearest convenience store.

Walking into a 7/11, Miki spotted the oh-so-wanted frankfurts in the display that has a sticker, saying checked for freshness through radiocarbon dating, on the outside and called for the store clerk, Kuniko, who was talking on the phone about her boyfriend that she gadflies to get things from, Tsuyoshi, who works as a pageboy at a ritzy hotel and often overhears the debauchery of celebrities’ harems that leaves him in quagmire, to help her.

Realizing that she forgot to put some paprika on her frankfurts and to buy a drink after walking out of the store, Miki walked back into the 7/11 store, which was now playing some xylophone background music, towards the dairy section, where looking upon the milk cartons, Miki fondly remembered a memory some years ago of Nacchi drinking too much alcoholic drinks made from wormwood at a party, who then started to change into her sheep pajamas while gabbling about her days on a farm as a dairymaid making Nacchimilk.

Being completely satisfied in getting her lunch from the convenience store, Miki does the taboo thing in Japan, which is eating while walking, and walks by a movie theater with a poster on the wall depicting a Bollywood movie with the theme of a Greek tragedy that takes place in Kiev, where a disgruntled Hero angry at the King for marrying the person he loves, poisons the King’s antipasti dinner full of Ecstasy, which kills the King, and causes the Hero to have a heart attack and needing a quadruple bypass heart surgery after realizing he just killed his long lost father in cold blood; however, to his ironic death, there is no doctor around to help him.

Gobbling up the last of her food, Miki stared at the poster, which reminded her of the stories of Kafka in how each of the main characters in his stories were all at the nadir of their lives and ends up dying, like the Hero of the Bollywood movie, and thought of going to watch; however, her great wanderlust urged her to continue and following those instincts she continued down the road where she walked by a Jacuzzi store, when the salesman, who is full of panache that gets him to into fancy parties at a ritzy hotel where he tips the pageboy there quite handsomely, hands her a tissue pack for the store.

Quickly escaping the salesman, who has a carnivorous appetite for those harems at the ritzy hotel, Miki, who found herself back at the same park she was in before with the same politician still making some highfalutin statements when the scrawny, slovenly man covered with mucilaginous popcorn rushed towards the politician still holding the same cudgel that was going to be stuck in Miki's head had she not run away, yelling and screaming about giving back his wife, who is a hick from Hokkaido that often embroiders a snowy image of a hill with sheep and ice cream on pajamas in her free time, in which the comedian-turned politician replied to the old man to stop his tomfoolery and it was not his fault that the wife couldn't tolerate his foibles as his beefy bodyguards easily held back the scrawny man, realized that all this time she was just being shilly-shally about whether to call Ayaya, whose odd shibboleths often make her seem much older than she really looks, and apologize for running out on her after all her henpecking, so Miki finally decides to dial her number to ask for forgiveness, which Ayaya gladly does as she is such a caring person, and with a great whoopee, Miki finally heads back home. THE END
« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 07:41:53 PM by Fenrir »

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Re: In all started with frolicsome
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 11:18:42 AM »
Let me be the first to say: HAHAHA!

Checking freshness by way of radiocarbon dating is brilliant!

Good work, Fenrir.  I look forward to reading your Bollywood Greek Tragedy in Kiev film script one day.

(I'm happy my characters ended up getting some post-Lx2 work.)

Offline JFC

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Re: It all started with frolicsome
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 05:02:25 AM »
OMGASS it's COMFEN!!! :wriggly:

During the GAM concert, Commie ululated, “How could you go for that messy haired, big mouthed, vulgar comedian, when you are perfectionist, narcissistic Ayaya right beside you, Miki-sama?!”
Is it weird that I actually understood that word and could picture the described scene? ;D


* JFC reads


OMGASS I RECOGNIZE THIS!!! This is so similar to an exercise used in English classes where kids are given a story where the basic events are given, but it has no nouns or adjectives!!! It's a VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR/CREATIVE WRITING exercise! :wahaha:

Also...KUNI-CHAN!  :heart:

Loved this, yes I did. :yep:
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 05:03:25 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Fenrir

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Re: It all started with frolicsome
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2007, 06:06:43 AM »
OMGASS I RECOGNIZE THIS!!! This is so similar to an exercise used in English classes where kids are given a story where the basic events are given, but it has no nouns or adjectives!!! It's a VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR/CREATIVE WRITING exercise! :wahaha:

Also...KUNI-CHAN!  :heart:

Loved this, yes I did. :yep:

It's also called "something to do while bored at work" exercise! XD :lol:

Glad you enjoyed it. It started to get hard at the end when Commie kept giving me more and more words.  ;)

I think I like the checked for freshness by radiocarbon dating the best. :lol:

Offline ChiruChaCha

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Re: It all started with frolicsome
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2007, 02:06:51 AM »
I thought you were making the words up at first xD

Very good, indeed  :) One more weird word and my translator would have exploded though xD

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Randomness
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2008, 06:24:06 PM »
Talk about digging up an old thread. I thought I post here too since I blame all those 4 komas and fanfics for making me do this. :P


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Re: Randomness
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2008, 06:28:44 PM »
^One word: AWESOME!

Ohhh Miki-sama, still present in spirit despite departing in grand fashion from MM. XD

Oh Miki-sama you're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Miki, hey hey hey Miki!

....I did not just do that. :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline JFC

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Re: Randomness
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2008, 06:57:46 PM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Randomness - Takagaki Love
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2008, 01:22:38 AM »
The magnificent Fenrir reads my 4komas? -dies and goes to heaven blissfully with tears in my eyes- ;_____;

But anywho ROFFLE at the caption. Gotta love Miki!!! <3

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Randomness - Takagaki Love
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2008, 02:26:05 AM »
o.O Why do people go  :shock: when they find out I read their fanfics or 4 komas??

Yes, Miki always make an appearance in my random musings. Her presence is just that big.

She left Momusu,
But her magical butt touch :heart:
lives on forever.

Offline JFC

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Re: Randomness - Takagaki Love
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2008, 07:07:03 AM »
o.O Why do people go  :shock: when they find out I read their fanfics or 4 komas??
It's a sign that you need to comment more. ;D

She left Momusu,
But her magical butt touch :heart:
lives on forever.
* JFC makes mental note to start looking through saved Miki pics in the morning.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 04:57:33 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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