Great job, Slack!
Everyone, please look forward to the interview video! I'll post it as soon as we get the approval from Up-Front Works. You really gotta see it to get the extra awesomeness in some of Kikka's answers
For instance, when Slack told about his duet idea, "You and M.E.", you just have to see their reactions: they looked quite impressed with the idea, manager and staff enjoyed it a lot, and Kikka giving them this look like 'make this happen'
When Slack said he wants to see Kikka as an artist rather than idol because idols have a limited time and he wants Kikka to continue singing, Yaz LOVED that!! She was like "that's a GREAT point!".
Kikka was super adorable asking Slack who his 2nd favorite is and then made a funny face when he answered.
She's really energetic and approachable. And her eyes become really big when she's looking at you attentively
Look out for all that and more in the interview video!