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Author Topic: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.  (Read 398889 times)

Offline Rei-chan

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #280 on: July 22, 2009, 12:39:22 AM »
And on a personal note, I've been conflicted the past few days.  Obviously been down, and my mind's been wandering along the same path (Jab) when I'm not doing anything.  Or actually, even when I'm doing things.  I started to tear up while jogging a few days ago.  Trying to fall asleep is toughest.  I've been able to smile, laugh, and listen to happy music this weekend, but soon after, I feel guilty.  I know that people here are gonna say (and have been saying) that it's ok to feel what you're feeling, and that it's a confusing time right now.  I understand that in theory, but it's just hard to put it into practice.  I'm not searching for forgiveness because I know I haven't done anything wrong.  I guess I just want to share that, and maybe it can comfort anyone else who is feeling the same thing.  I haven't had to deal with much death in my life, and maybe some of you out there are like me in that respect.  I'll try to laugh and smile and not feel bad about it, because that's the Jab thing to do, and it's the best way to honour him.

I really can identify with what you expressed. I have only really dealt with one death before, and ironically one of the friends who helped me through it most was Jab... These last few days I've been doing stuff to get distracted and positive, but then when something makes me feel happy I feel guilty. But I dunno, somehow I also get a feeling of peace, like something reminds me strongly that he'd be glad if I feel happy... So yeah, it's confusing, but in the end he'd surely want us all to remember him with happiness, so that's what I'm trying to do. Trying to smile every time I think of him, trying to imagine that he's around and that I can talk to him whenever... who knows how this works anyway? Maybe he is around watching everyone who's missing him. That's what I choose to believe...

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Re: The Jabronisaur Tribute ~Plan Project Thread~
« Reply #281 on: July 22, 2009, 03:19:17 AM »

Thank you for your kindness and consideration and passion, Jabby!

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #282 on: July 22, 2009, 05:40:11 AM »
This was one of the highlights of the AX Trip, we're rushing back to the hotel to send Flyp off. When I was like! WAIT! Pose in front of the Westin where MM stayed! Then we were like WAIT! Do the CLASSIC....

* Flyp jabs Jab!
* Jab flips Flyp!
..IRC poses. They did it in one take. TOO GOOD.
Without a doubt, that's the stuff of JPH!P legends right there. :jphip:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #283 on: July 22, 2009, 07:51:12 AM »
It's been a very long time since I felt this sad and am still very sad to this day.

A friend sent me a very comforting PM, but when I opened it, the last 4 or so messages were from Jab, re-reading them....just made me break down again. It was nice getting PMs from him every now and then, just asking how I was and being friendly.

No ones done that much, even on facebook, livejournal or anywhere :cry: :cry: :cry:, but he always did.

Offline TotallyUncool

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #284 on: July 22, 2009, 09:10:45 AM »
Commie, daigong, and everybody else who's spokent of feeling guilty:  I think it's something which comes up frequently when you're dealing with the emotional effects of the death of someone close to you.  You get the questions:  Could I have done more?  What if...?  Why was it him instead of me?  Do I deserve to be alive now?

And you get the guilt over being happy, or enjoying life:  How dare I feel happy when he's dead?  How dare I dishonor him by laughing?  If I relax and go on with my life, won't I be forgetting him?

That's not easy stuff to deal with.  In people with severe post-traumatic stress, those questions, and the emotions associated with them, can be almost overwhelming, and even life-threatening.  But even if you don't have full-blown post-traumatic stress, dealing with those feelings can be very difficult and painful.

The bottom line is that it's not only OK to live your life and enjoy living  --  it's necessary.  We mourn the dead and treat them with love, with honor, and with respect, but we cannot let death invade life and take it over.  It's as important to live, and to enjoy life, as it is to mourn the dead; I think that in many ways, we can't really honor the dead fully unless we do give ourselves over fully to life.

This past weekend, I went to a memorial service for my uncle, and for one of his late wife's cousins.  They were both quite old when they died, but they'd lived large, full lives, and up until the end, they were both very much a part of the lives of those around them.  They were also both veterans of WWII, and the ceremony included military honors  --  a National Guard color guard, and a 21-gun salute by the local VFW. 

At one point, just before the ceremony, I looked up, and the two (young) National Guardsmen were flirting with the (also young) female VFW commander. XD  I smiled when I saw that, because it seemed so right  --  and I knew that my uncle and his wife's cousin would have both smiled, as well.  And I think that the rest of us who noticed it felt the same way.

We honor the dead by living life to the fullest  --  so when you laugh, laugh like Jab would have laughed, and he's there with you.

Offline Rickker708

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #285 on: July 22, 2009, 09:18:25 AM »
uploading some of my AX pics to photobucket & found a couple of the Jabronisaur. He's not front and center but he's there with us.

have to check my laptop, I've got more pics there
Life is one time.

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #286 on: July 22, 2009, 01:13:21 PM »
I've been avoiding posting in this thread because I'm visiting my brother (which I only get to do once a year) and it doesn't seem like the right time to think of something so sad when I'm supposed to be enjoying my visit and looking after my bro's cat. But now that it's been a little while, I feel like I can finally say something.

Jab was definitely a great dude, doesn't matter that we never met because I talked to him more than I do to people that I meet in real life. People in the jphip chatroom are automatically a huge part of my life and Jab was often there talking to everyone.

What I noticed about Jab was that sometimes I would complain about something in chat and he would say totally the wrong things that didn't make me feel better at all. haha But I couldn't really get mad at him because I know that he meant well and that he was probably trying to cheer me up, even if he failed. :lol: He was a very friendly guy and easy to talk to, and it will definitely feel weird without his FULL CAPS greetings! I remember that he was a Manoeri supporter like me, and I'll miss his cute fanboying.

I was already worried about him some time before AX, because he expressed worries about something related to his health. He visited a doctor and it turned out to be nothing, but still, when I heard that he was ill after AX, I had this feeling that maybe this time it was something more. I was really fearing to see the news of him passing, and unfortunately that's what happened. It really sucks and it's really sad.

Rest in peace, Jabsta!
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline QazYseult

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #287 on: July 22, 2009, 10:51:08 PM »
I was seriously considering NOT posting anything in this.  I can't say that I'm very active here and I really didn't know him at all.  I was afraid that "jumping on the bandwagon" would in some way dishonor his memory to those people that knew him the best.  That isn't my intent at all.  However, he was a fellow fan; in that way, we've all lost one of our own.

My sympathies to his friends and family.  Rest in peace.

Offline Rei-chan

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #288 on: July 23, 2009, 12:26:50 AM »
I just came home from work to find the best birthday gift ever, a giant birthday card signed by all the people at the LA AX meetup, including JAB!!! You can't imagine how much this means to me *tears up* :heart:   

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #289 on: July 23, 2009, 05:48:46 AM »
Posting a message from someone on another forum.


I'm really really sorry about your friend Jab. He seems like he was really loved at JPH!P and was a fun, warm person.

-mEri @ MMBBS

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #290 on: July 23, 2009, 08:26:23 PM »
And Jab documented the signage too, Rei...I shall upload that footage. shirenu :heart:

It's true. Thanx for da post Totally Uncool.  Cross borders this news. Jab's influence and legacy ripples down throughout. Doesn't matter if you barely post are a major postwhore.  ...but we will be stronger like my homie Masa says. Steve Irwin said it best, you never regain, lose a piece of you when ...irregardless - one never gets numb to losing someone in their lives. You just owe it to em, to live your life to the fullest. The Jab Way. I like that.

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #291 on: July 24, 2009, 08:49:20 AM »
i didn't get a chance to interact with jeb as much as everyone has, but i could tell he was a really kind person. i hope he's at peace wherever he is. :heart: i can't imagine what everyone's going through so i could only offer hugs, prayers, and a shoulder to cry on.

Offline Linus

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #292 on: July 25, 2009, 12:32:51 AM »
Very sad news. I haven't posted a lot lately but I remember him from "the beginning" and the chat and everything. My condolences.

Rest in peace, man.

Offline Rickker708

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #293 on: July 25, 2009, 11:22:20 PM »
found a couple more pix from bowling night @ AX on the lap top.
Life is one time.

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #294 on: July 26, 2009, 07:35:52 AM »
I didn't talk to Jab but I guess I was in a minority. I read all of your touching tributes and it wouldn't be right for me to look and not say anything about someone who had such a large influence.

RIP Jab you will be missed

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #295 on: July 27, 2009, 01:52:25 PM »
 :shocked   E ?? its joke ? :cry:
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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #296 on: July 27, 2009, 08:15:16 PM »
Still in Hiatus from JPH!P.. but this is a sad news... post and sign needed (respect is all..)

Rip Jab and still praise JunJun from the blu sky  :oops:

Yurina Kumai= ^00^= Sexy ---->

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #297 on: July 28, 2009, 04:50:27 AM »
I'm back for my second post in this thread.. This is just a tiny little salute on my part to Jabronisaur and everyone who's grieving for him. I did a podcast for my blog's 100th post, and I dedicated a few minutes to him in it. This isn't to pimp my blog here or anything, but just a little thing to show my support and let you guys know I'm thinking of you all who feel his absence everyday. I couldn't think of a better way to give my respect than on my H!P blog as I share my love of H!P with others - seeing as the love of H!P is what brings us all together. (It's around the 15 minute mark of the podcast)

Offline pesbs

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #298 on: July 29, 2009, 06:54:16 AM »
R.I.P. Jab...
I never had the chance to meet you, but I hope that you are in real peace, right now.
Pablo Rivera

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Re: JABRONISAUR, R.I.P. Forever Remembered.
« Reply #299 on: July 29, 2009, 08:31:46 PM »
I feel I'm coming in a bit late and coming over from H!O and all...hum.

I was one of the girls sitting to the left of Jab during the concert. There was the short girl who had to stand up in her chair to see (Holly), Leah in the middle, and me at the end of us.  When I came in Holly and Leah were talking to him and I sat down and we just started having a conversation about MM.  He asked us which was our favorite member and we went down the line and he told us his was JunJun. Leah was surprised that JunJun was a big favorite in America. He offered us some stickers and glowsticks and I think Holly helped him hand out a few to the people in front of us.

Anyway, Holly turned to me and asked me what color went with Takahashi and I told her yellow. I turned away for a moment hearing Leah and Holly telling him that I had magically memorized the colors for each girl and when I turned around he asked me to tell him all the colors and I went through the list and then we stopped when I got to LinLin and wondered why there were so many different variations on blue and why LinLin had to be the odd blue color that you could never find....

I remember looking over once because Holly kept running down the line of seats she was standing on to talk to some AX staffer to explain that she was short and he was desperately looking for his ticket and was led out and then some of the guys further down found it...

He looked like he was having a great time and from the chat we had before the concert he seemed like a real sweetheart. And I was certainly shocked when I found out it was him that had passed.

So, I just wanted to jump over here real quick and say a little something. I never got to thank him for giving me a glowstick after my orange one wouldn't work and I was freaking-out.

Rest in Peace.
"What's your last name? it's not something like "Von Death To Machines"...that would be no good...although, Sofia Von Death To Machines has a nice ring now that I think about it."

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